Material Property Handbook On EUROFER97 2MT9X8 v1 0

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Report IDM reference No.

EFDA_D-2MRP77_ Version: see IDM

Final Report
on Deliverable
Material Property Handbook pilot project on EUROFER97 (MTA EK, KIT)

Deliverable-ID1 EDDI-1.2.1-D2
Work Package WPMAT Date 30 December 2016
Project Leader Michel Rieth
TS Title Material Property Handbook on EUROFER97 (2016-MTA)
TS Ref. No. MAT-1.2.1-T006-D002 TS IDM-link 2N2C3C
Task Owner Attila Kovács

Report Review & Approval

IDM role Name(s)
Author Ferenc Gillemot
Co-author(s) Ermile Gaganidze, Ildikó Szenthe
Reviewer(s) Mike Gorley
PMU Reviewer Eberhard Diegele
Approver Michael Rieth

x Study / Assessment Procurement / Commissioning of Hardware Industry

Use of Facility Other {please specify}

Executive Summary

Comments (shortcomings, deviations, etc.)

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Eurofer Material Property Handbook

1. Content

1. CONTENT.................................................................................................................................................. 2


3. GENERAL INFORMATION ON EUROFER97.................................................................................................. 6

4. CHEMICAL COMPOSITION......................................................................................................................... 9

5. DENSITY.................................................................................................................................................. 10

6. YIELD STRENGTH..................................................................................................................................... 12

7. TENSILE STRENGTH................................................................................................................................. 20

8. ELONGATION.......................................................................................................................................... 26

9. REDUCTION OF AREA.............................................................................................................................. 31

10. YOUNG’S MODULUS............................................................................................................................... 33

11. POISSON’S RATIO.................................................................................................................................... 35

12. CHARPY IMPACT ENERGY........................................................................................................................ 36

13. FRACTURE TOUGHNESS.......................................................................................................................... 41

14. FATIGUE-CRACK-GROWTH RATE............................................................................................................. 46

15. FATIGUE................................................................................................................................................. 49

16. CREEP..................................................................................................................................................... 54

17. SWELLING............................................................................................................................................... 57

18. RATCHETTING......................................................................................................................................... 58

19. LINEAR THERMAL EXPANSION................................................................................................................. 59

20. THERMAL CONDUCTIVITY....................................................................................................................... 61

21. THERMAL DIFFUSIVITY............................................................................................................................ 64

22. SPECIFIC HEAT........................................................................................................................................ 66

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Eurofer Material Property Handbook

23. MELTING TEMPERATURE........................................................................................................................ 68

24. ELECTRICAL RESISTIVITY.......................................................................................................................... 69

25. MAGNETIC SATURATION......................................................................................................................... 71

26. REMNANT MAGNETIZATION................................................................................................................... 73

27. Coercive field.....................................................................................................................................................75

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2. Short Introduction and Objectives of Work, changes
from the last issue
The results of the scientific researches generally can’t be used directly at design. Designer has great
many tasks, to understand the reports and select the relevant data is a very time consuming job. The
data in different reports are sometimes deviating, and the consideration of the effect of the
environmental factors requires special knowledge of material testing and material sciences. The
purpose of the MPH to provide engineering trend curves satisfying the requirements of the different
safety codes (RCCM-MR, ASME KTA etc.)

The results of the different research tasks are collected in the form of a database. Data acquisition
templates have been elaborated and uploaded to the IDM website. The data started to be collected
into the Eurofusion IDM Material Database.

The purpose of the PPPT Material Properties Handbook is to summarize the database content, and the
available literature information in a user friendly format (trend curves) for the designers of the DEMO.

The DEMO MPH based on the ITER MPH structure and format, to keep the line, but in several feature
the DEMO MPH became simplified and more user friendly. Data points are not included since some of
them are confidential, they are stored in the DEMO database and can be re-analysed in case of new
information collection.

Every data has been carefully checked and analysed during the preparation of this Handbook. In most
cases the analyses have been performed parallel at KIT and MTA EK to ensure the required quality of
the MPH. The resulted curves compared with the literature.

This chapter on EUROFER97 is the common work of CEA, KIT, and MTA EK.

Engineering safety codes requires to correct the mechanical properties with safety factors. The safety
factor corrected material properties are called design allowance. Design allowances can be different in
the different codes (ASME, RCC-MRx, KTA, PNAE, etc.) sometimes even the new volumes of the design
codes deviate from the previous ones. In this volume of the EUROFER97 MPH the design allowances
are given according to the 2012 AFCEN RCC-MRx code. In case of using another code or RCC-MRx
issued in another year the validity of the design allowances should be checked before use!

Changes since last issue

Change Reverent section(s) effected

Rearrange the content by theme 1.Content
Change the referenced table of chemical composition from 4.Chemical composition
Moeslang's paper which closer to RCC-MRx specification than
the table from paper of Tavassoli.

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Eurofer Material Property Handbook

New figure 6.2. The effect of the irradiation temperature on 6.Yield strength
yield strength of EUROFER97 irradiated with 0.2-0.5 dpa fast
Divide figure 6.3. and 6.4., put high irradiation temperature 6.Yield strength
trend curve in a separate diagram, summarised the relevant
equation in table 6.2. and 6.3.
Expand figure 6.4. The average and minimum yield strength 6.Yield strength
with the allowances strength curves, summarised the relevant
equation in table 6.4.
Table 6.1 and 6.3 updated 6.Yield strength
Divide figure 7.2. and 7.3. The effect of the irradiation fluence 7.Tensile strength
on tensile strength, put high irradiation temperature trend
curve in a separate diagram, summarised the relevant equation
in table 7.3. and 7.4.
Table 7.2. and 7.5. updated 7.Tensile strength
Divide in figure 8.2. Values of total elongation measured on 8.Elongation
differentially irradiated EUROFER97 in the function of the
testing temperature the <3 dpa, <350 °C and 4-78 dpa, <350 °C
trend curves, summarised the relevant equation in table 8.2.
Calculate the average and minimum uniform elongation 8.Elongation
according to the 2012 AFCEN RCC-MRx methodology, modify
the relevant figure 8.3. Uniform mean elongation of as-received
Expand the chapter with figure 9.1. Average and minimum 9.Reduction of area
curves of unirradiated EUROFER97, figure 9.2. Average curves
of differently irradiated EUROFER97, summarised the relevant
equation in table 9.1.
Expand the chapter with figure 14.1. da/dN vs. ∆K behaviour at 14.Fatigue crack growth rate
different temperatures in comparison for R=0.1 , figure 14.2.
da/dN vs. ∆K behaviour at different temperatures in
comparison for R=0.5, summarised the threshold ∆Kth values
and parameters for fatigue crack propagation calculation in
table 14.1.
Add Figure 15.4. Comparison of low-cycle fatigue test results 15.Fatigue
obtained on unirradiated and irradiated EUROFER97
Update the negligible creep diagram in Figure 16.3 on the base 16.Creep
of modified Sm values.

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3. General information on EUROFER97

General informati on
EUROFER97 is a ferritic martensitic heat resisting steel with good irradiation resistance. It is a modified
version of 8-12%CrMoVNb steels, used widely in the power and chemical industry. EUROFER97 is not a
fully standardized quality, only some research heats have been produced until now by industry, and it
is only the plate forms which are included into the Probationary Phase of RCC-MRx-12.

EUROFER97 is so called RAFM steel (Reduced Activity Ferrite-Martensitic) developed to avoid long term
radioactive decay time and to reduce the cost and difficulties of long term safe storage of radioactive
materials. Figure 3.1. shows an example of surface -dose rate vs. decay times. The irradiation fluence
affects the activation level and the time to reach the recycling limit or the level of free use.

Figure 3.1. Long decay time elements in EUROFER97 and the total activity in the function of years after
neutron irradiation (fluence 2.5*1020 n/m2)

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Eurofer Material Property Handbook

To reduce of the quantity of the long-term decay time polluting element EUROFER97 is produced from
clean raw materials. It increases both the cost, and the radiation stability too. The use of EUROFER97 is
economical only at some part of fusion or other nuclear devices where the requirement is high neutron
radiation toughness and low activation.

This draft covers only EUROFER97 properties obtained on plate and forging. A small volume test heat
also produced by powder metallurgy (HIP =High Isostatic Pressing), but no testing data are reported
until now. Other production technologies may also be used to produce EUROFER97.

Heat treatment of EUROFER97: it is available in normalized and quenched state, treated at about 980°C
for 9 to 50 minutes depending on thickness, quenched in air and tempered at 760°C for 60-145

EUROFER97 is not available from the metal market, produced only by a few foundries on special order.

Design allowables given in the current version of MPH (version 2.1 ) are calculated on the base of the
results obtained on different product forms of the first and second batches of EUROFER97. Since only
two heats are considered the scatter of the material properties based on different heats couldn’t be
determined, but a description of each property and mean or lower bound curves provided.

1. Nadine Baluc:”Reduced Activation Materials”, Presentation
2. R. Lindau, A. Möslang, M. Rieth, M. Klimenkou, E. Materna-Morris, A. Alamo, F. Tavassoli, C.
Cayron, A.-M. Lancha, P. Fernandez, N. Baluc, R- Schäublin, E. Diegele, G. Filacchioni, J.W.
Rensman, B.v.d. Schaaf, E. Lucon, W. Dietz: "Present development status of EUROFER and ODS-
EUROFER for application in blanket concepts" Fus. Eng. Design 75-79 (2005) 989-996.
3. F. Tavassoli: “Comparison of 316L(N) -IG and Eurofer for Early DEMO”. EFDA-WP13-MAT-02-01
4. N.V. Luzginova, J.-W. Rensman, M. Jong, P. ten Pierick, T. Bakker, H. Nolle: “An Overview of 10
Years of Irradiation Experiments on Eurofer97 Steel at High Flux Reactor in Petten” Journal of
Nuclear Materials Volume 455, Issues 1–3, Pages 1-73 (December 2014)
5. F. Tavassoli, B. Fournier, M. Sauzay, “High Temperature Creep-Fatigue Design”, in Transactions
of The Indian Institute of Metals, April 2010, Vol. 63, issue 2-3, pp. 235-244.
6. F. Tavassoli, “Eurofer Steel, Development to Full Code Qualification”, in 6th International
Conference on Creep, Fatigue and Creep-Fatigue Interaction [CF-6], Procedia Engineering 55
(2013) 300-308
7. J-L. Séran, A. Alamo, A. Maillard, H. Touron, P. Dubuisson, and O. Rabouille: “Post- irradiation
mechanical properties of ferritic-martensitic steels for fusion”
8. F. Tavassoli, E. Diegele, R. Lindau, N. Luzginova, H. Tanigawa:” Current status and recent
research achievements in ferritic/martensitic steels” Journal of Nuclear Materials Volume 455,
Issues 1–3, p. 269-276
9. J. Henry, X. Averty, A. Alamo, “Mechanical properties of Reduced Activation steels irradiated in
BOR-60 at 325°C up to 78 dpa”, Dec. 2008, Final Report – TW5-TTMS-001-D03
10. P. Aubert, F. Tavassoli, M. Rieth, E. Diegele, Y. Poitevin, “Low activation steels welding with
PWHT and coating for ITER test blanket modules and DEMO”, in Journal of Nuclear Materials
409 (2011) 156–162

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Eurofer Material Property Handbook

11. E. Lucon, Rachid Chaouadi, Marc Decréton: “Mechanical properties of the European reference
RAFM steel (EUROFER97) before and after irradiation at 300 °C” in Journal of Nuclear
Materials, vol. 329–333, Part B, 1 August 2004, Pages 1078–1082

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4. Chemical composition
Standard nominal compositi on
EUROFER97 presently is a research material under development for use in nuclear and fusion facilities.
The composition of the presently tested heat is given in table 4.1. [1] This analyses may slightly differ
from the present and future composition given by the nuclear codes. In case of documents preparation
for the authority please check the relevant code.

Table 4.1. The chemical composition of EUROFER97 in wt %

C% S% P% Si% Mn% Ni% Cr% Mo% W%

min 0.09 - - - 0.20 - 8.5 - 1.00
max 0.12 0.005 0.005 0.050 0.60 0.005 9.5 0.005 1.20
Ta% V% Nb% Cu% B% Al% Co% N2% Fe%-
min 0.10 0.15 - - - - - 0.015 Balance
max 0.14 0.25 0.001 0.005 0.001 0.01 0.005 0.045 Balance-

1. F. A. Moeslang, E.Diegele, M. Klimankov, R. Laesser, R. Lindau, E. Lukon, et al Nuclear Fusion 45
(2005) 649-655

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5. Density
The density, or more precisely, the volumetric mass density [kg/m 3 or g/cm3], of a substance is its mass
per unit volume. The symbol most often used for density is ρ (the lower case Greek letter „rho”).
Mathematically, density is defined as mass divided by volume:

where ρ is the density, m is the mass, and V is the volume

The density values of EUROFER97 are calculated from the room temperature value using the heat
expansion coefficient to determine the volume at elevated temperature. The nominal values are given
in figure 5.1 and in table 5.1.

Figure 5.1. The density of EUROFER97 in the function of the temperature

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Table 5.1. Density of as-received EUROFER97 in the function of the temperature

Temperature Density
°C kg/m3
20 7744
50 7750
100 7740
200 7723
300 7691
400 7657
500 7625
600 7592
700 7559

Irradiati on eff ect

High dose irradiation may cause swelling and consequently changes in the density. The corresponding
data are given in the sheet swelling.

1. F. Tavassoli: “Comparison of 316L(N) -IG and EUROFER97 for Early DEMO”. EFDA-WP13-MAT-

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6. Yield strength
The yield strength, Rp02, YS or Sy [MPa] is the engineering stress at which, by convention, it is
considered that plastic deformation of the material has commenced.

The following types of yield strengths, which correspond to the approaches listed above may be

Specified offset yield strength, (usually an offset strain of 0.2 % is specified)—the engineering stress at
which the material has been plastically strained by an amount equal to the specified offset strain. This
stress is reached at the point where the stress-strain curve intersects a line having a slope equal to the
modulus of elasticity and constructed such that it is offset from the linear portion of the stress-strain
curve by an amount equal to the specified strain.

Upper or lower yield strengths. The upper (first maximum) or the lower (minimum, ignoring transient
effects) engineering stress measured during discontinuous yielding occurring at or near the onset of
plastic deformation. Figure 6.1. shows the average yield strength in as received state determined from
all available measured data.

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Figure 6.1. Average yield strength of as-received EUROFER97.

Table 6.1. Yield strength values determined on as-received EUROFER97

Temperature Rp02 average

°C MPa

-200 1093
-150 843
-100 685
-50 593
0 543
20 531
50 519
100 508
150 503
200 497
250 487
300 473
350 454
400 430
450 403
500 371
550 332
600 282
700 118

Aged values

Service environmental effects (like irradiation and thermal ageing) affects the strength of the metallic
materials. Figure 6.2 shows the effect of the 0.2-0.5 dpa irradiation with different irradiation
temperature on EUROFER97. In the temperature range of room temperature up to 400°C the lower
irradiation temperature results higher hardening.

The yield strength increases with the irradiation fluence. The increase of hardening is saturating at high
fluence values. Figure 6.3 shows the yield strengths results on EUROFER97 irradiated with different
fluences up to 78 dpa.

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Eurofer Material Property Handbook

Figure 6.2. The effect of the irradiation temperature on yield strength of EUROFER97 irradiated with
0.2-0.5 dpa fast neutrons.

Figure 6.3. The effect of the irradiation on yield strength of EUROFER97, below 350°C

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Eurofer Material Property Handbook

Figure 6.4. The effect of the irradiation on yield strength of EUROFER97 at 350-450°C, 16-18 dpa

Trend curves describing yield strength of the differently irradiated EUROFER97 below 350 °C are given
in the table 6.2. These trend curves are fitted on the limited available data. Since the available data
covers wide range of fluence, irradiation and testing temperature, and were irradiated in different
reactors (fluence, spectra etc.) they have to be artificially grouped, consequently these trend curves
describes only the best available information.

Most of the irradiations are done at around 300°C. Few data exist at temperatures higher than 350°C,
see figure 6.4. At 350 °C hardening is substantially reduced in comparison to 300 °C irradiation. At
temperatures of 400 °C and over hardening is nearly vanished.

Table 6.2. Yield Strength trend curves of irradiated EUROFER97. Irradiation temperature <350°C
Testing conditions Trend curve

<3 dpa, <350 °C 800.0-0.94T+0.0025T2-4.128E-6T3

7-15 dpa, <350 °C 1076.7-0.87T
30-42 dpa, <350 °C 1157.9-0.644T
70-78 dpa, <350 °C 1240.3-0.72T

Table 6.3. Yield Strength trend curves of irradiated EUROFER97. Irradiation temperature ≥350°C
Testing conditions Trend curve
16-18 dpa, 350°C 1651.1-2.884T

Thermal ageing

Presently information on the properties of thermal aged EUROFER97 is still very limited. It was shown
that the aging at 400, 500 and 600 °C for 10 000 h do not cause degradation of the tensile properties.

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Eurofer Material Property Handbook

Design allowance
EUROFER97 yield strength design allowance curve according to 2012 AFCEN RCC-MRx methodology

The Rp02 min (RCC-MRx) can be calculated from the Rp02 average values:

Rp02 min (RCC-MRx) (T)= Rp02 average(T)*( Rp02 min (RT)/ Rp02 average (RT))

where T is the temperature.

The room temperature minimum yield strength value is provisionally defined to be equal to 500 MPa in
the RCC-MRx. In the handbook the existing testing values are given.

Safety codes (e.g. ASME, RCC-MRx etc.) require the use of safety factors at design of safety related
structures. The value of the safety factor depends on the type of the structure and on the operating

The following design allowances (minimum value of the strengths multiplied by a safety factor) are
recommended by the 2012 AFCEN RCC-MRx (see table 6.2):

Table 6.2. Calculation rules of strength design allowances according to 2012 AFCEN RCC MRx.

Design allowance
The smallest value of
S 2/3* Rp02 min(20°C), 2/3* Rp02 min(θ),1/4* Rm min(20°C), 1/3.6* Rm min(θ)
Sm 2/3* Rp02 min(20°C), 2/3* Rp02 min(θ),1/3* Rm min(20°C), 1/2.7* Rm min(θ)
SmB 1/3* Rp02 min(20°C), 1/3* Rp02 min(θ)

According to 2012 AFCEN RCC-MRx R p02average and Rp02min values compared with the allowable stress
values (S, Sm, SmB) of the as received EUROFER97 are given in table 6.3.

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Table 6.3. The average and minimum yield strength values for as-received EUROFER97, and the
allowable stress values.
Temperature Rp02 average Rp02 min Sm S SmB
°C Mpa Mpa MPa MPa MPa
-200 1093 990
-150 843 764
-100 685 621
-50 593 537
0 543 492
20 531 481 206 155 160
50 519 470 206 155 157
100 508 460 206 155 153
150 503 455 206 155 152
200 497 450 203 152 150
250 487 441 198 148 147
300 473 428 191 143 143
350 454 411 182 137 137
400 430 390 172 129 130
450 403 365 158 119 122
500 371 336 142 107 112
550 332 300 124 93 100
600 282 255 102 77 85
700 118 107 - - -

Figure 6.4. The average and minimum yield strength values for as-received EUROFER97

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Table 6.4. Design strength allowances trend curves

Design allowance Polynom for calculation

Average yield strength 542.69-0.692*T+0.00512*T2-1.926E-5*T3+2.96E-8*T4-1.755E-11*T5
Minimum yield strength 491.5-0.627*T+0.00464*T2-1.744E-5*T3+2.68E-8*T4-1.59E-11*T5
Sm 203.3+0.087*T-4.2E-4*T2
S 152.45+0.065*T-3.16E-4*T2
SmB 156+0.022*T-2.26E-4*T2

where T is the design temperature. At nominal temperatures listed in Table 6.3 we recommend to use
the tabulated values of S m, S and SmB parameters as they are directly determined according to Table 6.2
and thus more precise. The fitting formulas for S m, S and SmB parameters given in Table 6.4, however
can be used for estimation of these parameters at intermediate temperatures.


1. ASTM E-6-03 “Standard Terminology Relating to Methods of Mechanical Testing”

2. ISO-6892:1998. Metallic Materials-Tensile testing
3. ASTME8/8M Standard Test Methods for Tension Testing of Metallic Materials
4. E. Gaganidze: “Final report on PPPT Material Property Handbook on Eurofer” (KIT, 2015)
5. F. Tavassoli: “Comparison of 316L(N) -IG and Eurofer for Early DEMO”. EFDA-WP13-MAT-02-01
6. N.V. Luzginova, J.-W. Rensman, M. Jong, P. ten Pierick, T. Bakker, H. Nolle: “An Overview of 10
Years of Irradiation Experiments on EUROFER97 Steel at High Flux Reactor in Petten” Journal of
Nuclear Materials Volume 455, Issues 1–3, Pages 1-73 (December 2014)
7. F. Tavassoli, “Eurofer Steel, Development to Full Code Qualification”, in 6th International
Conference on Creep, Fatigue and Creep-Fatigue Interaction [CF-6],Procedia Engineering 55
(2013) 300-308
8. F. Tavassoli, E. Diegele, R. Lindau, N. Luzginova, H. Tanigawa:” Current status and recent
research achievements in ferritic/martensitic steels” Journal of Nuclear Materials Volume 455,
Issues 1–3, p. 269-276
9. J. Henry, X. Averty, A. Alamo, “Mechanical properties of Reduced Activation steels irradiated in
BOR-60 at 325°C up to 78 dpa”, Dec. 2008, Final Report – TW5-TTMS-001-D03
10. E. Lucon, Rachid Chaouadi, Marc Decréton: “Mechanical properties of the European reference
RAFM steel (EUROFER97) before and after irradiation at 300 °C” in Journal of Nuclear
Materials, vol. 329–333, Part B, 1 August 2004, Pages 1078–1082
11. E. Materna-Morris, A. Möslang, H.-C. Schneider: "Tensile and low cycle fatigue properties of
EUROFER97-steel after 16.3 dpa neutron irradiation at 523, 623 and 723 K", Journal of Nuclear
Materials, 442 (2013) S62-S66.
12. C. Petersen: "Post irradiation examination of RAF/M steels after fast reactor irradiation up to
33 dpa and < 340°C (ARBOR 1)". Karlsruher Institut für Technologie. 2010. FZKA 7517.

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Eurofer Material Property Handbook

13. E. Gaganidze, C. Petersen: "Post irradiation examination of RAFM steels after fast reactor
irradiation up to 71 dpa and <340 °C (ARBOR 2)". Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, KIT
Scientific Report 7596. 2011.
14. N.V. Luzginova, J.-W. Rensman, M. Jong, P. ten Pierick, T. Bakker, H. Nolles: "Overview of 10
years of irradiation projects on EUROFER97 steel at High Flux Reactor in Petten", Journal of
Nuclear Materials 455 (2014) 21–25 Mechanical properties of the European reference RAFM
15. P. Fernandez, M. Garcıa-Mazarıo, A.M. Lancha, J. Lapena: "Grain boundary microchemistry and
metallurgical characterization of EUROFER’97 after simulated service conditions", Journal of
Nuclear Materials 329-333 (2004) 273-277

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7. Tensile strength

The maximum tensile stress (Rm, Su) [MPa] which a material is capable of sustaining. Tensile strength is
calculated from the maximum force during a tension test carried to rupture and the original cross-
sectional area of the specimen. The tensile strength of a material is also commonly referred to as the
ultimate tensile strength or UTS.

Figure 7.1. show the average ultimate tensile strength in as received state.

Figure 7.1. Ultimate tensile strength of EUROFER97.

The room temperature minimum tensile strength value is provisionally defined to be equal to 600 MPa
in the RCC-MRx. In the handbook the existing testing values are given.

Table 7.1. Average ultimate tensile strength trend curve

Material property Polynom for calculation
Average ultimate tensile strength 670.1-0.904*T+0.00401*T2-1.091E-5 *T3+1.115E-8*T4-4.75E-12*T5

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Table 7.2. The average values of as received EUROFER97 ultimate tensile strength

Temperature Rm average
°C MPa
-200 1118
-150 939
-100 813
-50 727
0 670
20 654
50 634
100 610
150 593
200 579
250 563
300 544
350 519
400 489
450 451
500 405
550 352
600 291
700 140

Aged values

Service environmental effects (like irradiation and thermal ageing) affects the strength of the metallic
materials. In the temperature range of room temperature up to 400°C the lower irradiation
temperature results higher hardening.

The tensile strengths increase with the irradiation fluence. The increase of hardening is saturating at
high fluence values. Figure 7.2. shows the tensile results on EUROFER97 irradiated with different
fluences up to 78 dpa. This curve belongs to results obtained at irradiation temperature below 350 °C.
Figure 7.3 shows the existing limited number of data at irradiation temperature over 350 °C.

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Figure 7.2. The effect of the irradiation fluence on tensile strength of EUROFER97, below 350°C.

Figure 7.3. The effect of the irradiation on tensile strength of EUROFER97 at 350-450°C, 16-18 dpa

Table 7.3. Tensile strength trend curves of irradiated EUROFER97, iIrradiation temperature <350°C

Ageing conditions Polynom to calculate the tensile strength (MPa)

<3 dpa, <350 °C 845.4-1.033*T+0.0021*T2-2.5217E-6*T3
7-15 dpa, <350 °C 1071.1-0.987*T+0.00119*T2
30-42 dpa, <350 °C 1170.5-0.675*T
70-78 dpa, <350 °C 1251-0.7332*T

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Table 7.4. Tensile strength trend curves of irradiated EUROFER97, irradiation temperature ≥350°C

Ageing conditions Polynom to calculate the tensile strength (MPa)

16-18 dpa, 350 °C 1478.2-2.373*T
where T is the temperature in °C.

Thermal ageing

Presently information on the properties of thermal aged EUROFER97 is still very limited. It was shown
that the aging at 400, 500 and 600 °C for 10 000 h do not cause degradation of the tensile properties.

Design allowance
Ultimate tensile strengths design curve according to AFCEN 2012 RCC-MRx methodology

The Rm min(RCC-MRx) can be calculated from the Rm, average (T) values:

Rm min(RCC-MRx) = Rm average*(Rm min (RT)/Rm average (RT))

where T is the temperature. See figure 7.4.

Figure 7.4. Ultimate tensile strengths curve according to AFCEN 2012 RCC-MRx methodology

The calculated values are given in table7.5.

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Table 7.5. The measured average and the calculated minimum values of the ultimate tensile strength
according to the RCC-MRx code.

Temperature Rm average Rm min

°C MPa MPa
-200 1118 1060
-150 939 890
-100 813 770
-50 727 689
0 670 635
20 654 619
50 634 601
100 610 578
150 593 562
200 579 549
250 563 534
300 544 516
350 519 492
400 489 463
450 451 427
500 405 384
550 352 334
600 291 276
700 140 132

The design allowances S, Sm, SmB are given at the chapter 6.

1. ASTM E-6-03 “Standard Terminology Relating to Methods of Mechanical Testing”
16. ISO-6892:1998. Metallic Materials-Tensile testing
17. ASTME8/8M Standard Test Methods for Tension Testing of Metallic Materials
18. E. Gagarnidze: “Final report on PPPT Material Property Handbook on Eurofer” (KIT, 2015)
19. F. Tavassoli: “Comparison of 316L(N) -IG and Eurofer for Early DEMO”. EFDA-WP13-MAT-02-01
20. N.V. Luzginova, J.-W. Rensman, M. Jong, P. ten Pierick, T. Bakker, H. Nolle: “An Overview of 10
Years of Irradiation Experiments on EUROFER97 Steel at High Flux Reactor in Petten” Journal of
Nuclear Materials Volume 455, Issues 1–3, Pages 1-73 (December 2014)
21. F. Tavassoli, “Eurofer Steel, Development to Full Code Qualification”, in 6th International
Conference on Creep, Fatigue and Creep-Fatigue Interaction [CF-6],Procedia Engineering 55
(2013) 300-308
22. F. Tavassoli, E. Diegele, R. Lindau, N. Luzginova, H. Tanigawa: ”Current status and recent
research achievements in ferritic/martensitic steels” Journal of Nuclear Materials Volume 455,
Issues 1–3, p. 269-276
23. J. Henry, X. Averty, A. Alamo, “Mechanical properties of Reduced Activation steels irradiated in
BOR-60 at 325°C up to 78 dpa”, Dec. 2008, Final Report – TW5-TTMS-001-D03
24. E. Lucon, Rachid Chaouadi, Marc Decréton: “Mechanical properties of the European reference
RAFM steel (EUROFER97) before and after irradiation at 300 °C” in Journal of Nuclear
Materials, vol. 329–333, Part B, 1 August 2004, Pages 1078–1082

Page 24 of 76
Eurofer Material Property Handbook

25. E. Materna-Morris, A. Möslang, H.-C. Schneider: "Tensile and low cycle fatigue properties of
EUROFER97-steel after 16.3 dpa neutron irradiation at 523, 623 and 723 K", Journal of Nuclear
Materials, 442 (2013) S62-S66.
26. C. Petersen: "Post irradiation examination of RAF/M steels after fast reactor irradiation up to
33 dpa and < 340°C (ARBOR 1)". Karlsruher Institut für Technologie. 2010. FZKA 7517.
27. E. Gaganidze, C. Petersen: "Post irradiation examination of RAFM steels after fast reactor
irradiation up to 71 dpa and <340 °C (ARBOR 2)". Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, KIT
Scientific Report 7596. 2011.
28. N. Ilchuk, P. Spätig, G.R. Odette: "Fracture toughness characterization in the lower transition of
neutron irradiated EUROFER97 steel", Journal of Nuclear Materials 442 (2013) S58–S61

Page 25 of 76

8. Elongation
The uniform elongation (El) [%] determined at the maximum force sustained by the test piece just
prior to necking or fracture, or both. Uniform elongation includes both elastic and plastic elongation.

Total elongation (TE) is the percentage by which the material can be stretched before it breaks; a
rough indicator of formability, usually expressed as a percentage over a fixed gauge. The ASTM E8/8M
standard uses 4 D gauge length, while the European standards use 5 D length [ISO-6892:1998],
consequently values measured according to the ISO standards are 10-15% less than the ASTM
standard. In the past 10 D gauge lengths were also widely used in Europe.

Standard values
The total and the uniform elongation of the unirradiated EUROFER97 are shown on figure 8.1.

Figure 8.1. Total and uniform mean elongation of unirradiated EUROFER97.

The values are summarized in table 8.1.

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Eurofer Material Property Handbook

Table 8.1. The total and uniform elongation trend curve values of unirradiated EUROFER97 in the
function of the temperature

Temperature TEaverage UEaverage

°C % %
-200 26.5 10.7
-150 25.9 9.6
-100 25.0 8.5
-50 23.9 7.6
0 22.8 6.7
50 21.6 5.9
100 20.5 5.1
150 19.5 4.5
200 18.7 3.9
250 18.2 3.3
300 18.1 2.9
350 18.4 2.5
400 19.2 2.2
450 20.5 1.9
500 22.6 1.8
600 28.9 1.5
700 38.6 1.7

Aged values

Irradiation (and thermal ageing) decreases the elongation values. The effect is highly dependent on the
irradiation temperature and irradiation fluence. The low temperature irradiation causes more decrease
than the high temperature irradiation. The data are very much scattered, according to the irradiation
and testing conditions. Figure 8.2 shows a lower bound curve of total elongation of irradiated
EUROFER97. Evaluating the available data, the minimum value of total elongation is about 5% up to 70
dpa neutron irradiation at different temperatures. The scatter measured on irradiated specimens is
much bigger than on the unirradiated specimens. The reason is that small size specimens used for
irradiation effect studies, and the measurement should be remote controlled. The higher fluence
generally causes larger reduction of the elongation values.

The measurement of the uniform elongation on irradiated specimens are quite difficult, especially after
high level irradiation, and very few data exists, not enough to make an acceptable curve.

Thermal ageing

Presently information on the properties of thermal aged EUROFER97 is still not available.

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Eurofer Material Property Handbook

Figure 8.2. Values of total elongation measured on differentially irradiated EUROFER97 in the function
of the testing temperature

Table 8.2. Total elongation curves of irradiated EUROFER97

Ageing conditions Polynom to calculate the total elongation Etot (%)
<3 dpa, <350 °C 14.4—0,022*T+3,8E-5*T2+5,4E-8*T3
4-78 dpa 11.3-0.0023*T

Design allowance
The application of the 2012 AFCEN RCC-MRx methodology for calculation of the minimum uniform
elongation curve requires the knowledge of minimum value of UE at RT. As this value is not specified
for EUROFER97 it is calculated by statistical procedure according with


The minimum value can be calculated according to the 2012 AFCEN RCC-MRx methodology:

The resulted acceptable minimum values can be seen on figure 8.3.

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Eurofer Material Property Handbook

Figure 8.3. Uniform mean elongation of as-received EUROFER97. The dashed lines are the minimum
elongation values.

1. ASTM E-6-03 “Standard Terminology Relating to Methods of Mechanical Testing”
2. ISO-6892:1998. Metallic Materials-Tensile testing
3. ASTME8/8M Standard Test Methods for Tension Testing of Metallic Materials
4. E. Gaganidze: “Final report on PPPT Material Property Handbook on Eurofer” (KIT, 2015)
5. F. Tavassoli: “Comparison of 316L(N) -IG and Eurofer for Early DEMO”. EFDA-WP13-MAT-02-01
6. N.V. Luzginova, J.-W. Rensman, M. Jong, P. ten Pierick, T. Bakker, H. Nolle: “An Overview of 10
Years of Irradiation Experiments on EUROFER97 Steel at High Flux Reactor in Petten” Journal of
Nuclear Materials Volume 455, Issues 1–3, Pages 1-73 (December 2014)
7. F. Tavassoli, “Eurofer Steel, Development to Full Code Qualification”, in 6th International
Conference on Creep, Fatigue and Creep-Fatigue Interaction [CF-6], Procedia Engineering 55
(2013) 300-308
8. F. Tavassoli, E. Diegele, R. Lindau, N. Luzginova, H. Tanigawa: ”Current status and recent
research achievements in ferritic/martensitic steels” Journal of Nuclear Materials Volume 455,
Issues 1–3, p. 269-276
9. J. Henry, X. Averty, A. Alamo, “Mechanical properties of Reduced Activation steels irradiated in
BOR-60 at 325°C up to 78 dpa”, Dec. 2008, Final Report – TW5-TTMS-001-D03
10. E. Lucon, Rachid Chaouadi, Marc Decréton: “Mechanical properties of the European reference
RAFM steel (EUROFER97) before and after irradiation at 300 °C” in Journal of Nuclear
Materials, vol. 329–333, Part B, 1 August 2004, Pages 1078–1082
11. E. Materna-Morris, A. Möslang, H.-C. Schneider: "Tensile and low cycle fatigue properties of
EUROFER97-steel after 16.3 dpa neutron irradiation at 523, 623 and 723 K", Journal of Nuclear
Materials, 442 (2013) S62-S66.

Page 29 of 76
Eurofer Material Property Handbook

12. C. Petersen: "Post irradiation examination of RAF/M steels after fast reactor irradiation up to
33 dpa and < 340°C (ARBOR 1)". Karlsruher Institut für Technologie. 2010. FZKA 7517.
13. E. Gaganidze, C. Petersen: "Post irradiation examination of RAFM steels after fast reactor
irradiation up to 71 dpa and <340 °C (ARBOR 2)". Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, KIT
Scientific Report 7596. 2011.

Page 30 of 76


9. Reduction of area

Reduction of area (Ra) [%] is the difference between the original cross-sectional area of a tension test
specimen and the area of its smallest cross section. The reduction of area is usually expressed as a
percentage of the original cross-sectional area of the specimen. The smallest cross section may be
measured at or after fracture as specified for the material under test. The term reduction of area when
applied to metals generally means measurement after fracture; when applied to plastics and
elastomers, measurement at fracture. Such interpretation is usually applicable to values for reduction
of area reported in the literature when no further qualification is given.

As received values

Figure 9.1. Average and minimum curves of unirradiated EUROFER97

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Eurofer Material Property Handbook

Aged values
The effect of irradiation is shown on figure 9.2

Figure 9.2. Average curves of differently irradiated EUROFER97

Table 9.1. Total elongation curves of reduction of area for irradiated EUROFER97

Ageing conditions Polynom to calculate the reduction of area Z (%)

<3 dpa, <350 °C 76.9+0,008*T
4-15 dpa, <350 °C 70.7-0.0066*T
30-78 dpa , <350 °C 62.6-0.013*T

Thermal ageing

Presently information on the properties of thermal aged EUROFER97 is still not available.

1. ASTM E-6-03 “Standard Terminology Relating to Methods of Mechanical Testing”
29. ISO-6892:1998. Metallic Materials-Tensile testing
30. ASTME8/8M Standard Test Methods for Tension Testing of Metallic Materials

Page 32 of 76

10. Young’s modulus

Young’s modulus (E) [MPa] is the ratio of tensile or compressive stress to corresponding strain below
the proportional limit (see Figure 10.1).

Figure 10.1. Young’s modulus between P below proportional limit and R or preload

Young’s modulus is a basic design coefficient therefore it is given in figure (Figure 10.2.) and in table
(Table 10.1.) format too. No values in the function of irradiation fluence are available presently. In
engineering calculations this effect mostly isn’t considered.

Young’s modulus of EUROFER97

The database of Young’s modulus of EUROFER97 is still limited. Until the proper amount data is
measured the values obtained on FH82 may be used as a good approach. Table 10.1 and figure 10.2
shows the Young’s modulus values determined on FH82.

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Eurofer Material Property Handbook

Table 10.1. Values of the Young’s modulus of as-received FH82 in the function of the temperature.

Temperature Modulus of Elasticity E

°C GPa
20 217
50 215
100 212
200 207
300 202
400 196
500 190
600 170
700 162

Figure 10.2. The Young’s modulus of FH82 in the function of the temperature (in the absence of the
accurate E modulus of EUROFER97 values of F82H steel may be used).

Aged values
Presently values measured on aged EUROFER97 is not available.

1. ASTM E-6-03 “Standard Terminology Relating to Methods of Mechanical Testing”
2. ISO-6892:1998. Metallic Materials-Tensile testing
3. ASTME8/8M Standard Test Methods for Tension Testing of Metallic Materials
4. E111-04(2010) Standard Test Method for Young's Modulus, Tangent Modulus, and Chord
5. F. Tavassoli: “Comparison of 316L(N) -IG and Eurofer for Early DEMO”. EFDA-WP13-MAT-02-01

Page 34 of 76


11. Poisson’s ratio

Poisson’s ratio[υ] is the negative of the ratio of transverse strain to the corresponding axial strain
resulting from an axial stress below the proportional limit of the material.

No exact measurement of the Poisson’s ratio on EUROFER97 exists. As a good approach value 0.3 can
be used. This value is valid for most of the metals.

1. ASTM E-6-03 “Standard Terminology Relating to Methods of Mechanical Testing”
31. ISO-6892:1998. Metallic Materials-Tensile testing
32. ASTME8/8M Standard Test Methods for Tension Testing of Metallic Materials
33. ASTM E132-04(2010) Standard Test Method for Poisson's Ratio at Room Temperature
34. F. Tavassoli: “Comparison of 316L(N) -IG and Eurofer for Early DEMO”. EFDA-WP13-MAT-02-01

Page 35 of 76

12. CHARPY impact energy

The Charpy impact energy (J) is the energy loss of a standard pendulum during the fracture of a
standard specimen. The tup of the ASTM and ISO pendulum is slightly different, causing limited
deviation in the upper shelf energy value in case of relatively ductile specimens. In case of steels 41 J
value used as criteria in ASME and in other nuclear and boiler codes. Upper shelf energy, lateral
expansion and the ratio of ductile-brittle fracture surface are also used to characterize the material

Charpy impact energy (including mini Charpy- KLST) is only relevant for metallic materials, mainly for
ferritic and martensitic low alloyed steels that have brittle/ductile transition temperatures. In a few
cases (ceramics, plastics) similar impact testing is also used, but Charpy is not relevant for most of the
functional materials.

In nuclear engineering the Charpy values are usually measured as a function of the temperature. At
least tests at 12 different temperatures are recommended to be performed, and a tangent hyperbolic
function should be fitted on the results. At 41 J criteria the curve gives a temperature value called as
Charpy transition temperature and signed as TTKV (transition temperature obtained on standard
Charpy V specimen) or using the 50% of upper shelf energy criteria called DBTT (Ductile-brittle
transition temperature). DBTT is used at evaluation of KLST (mini) impact specimens.

KLST results also can be evaluated using the energy per unit surface values. This values are comparable
in case of KLST and standard impact specimens. This case the 50J/cm 2 criteria is used (on standard
Charpy V specimens it considered to be to 41 J impact energy).

As received values
The Charpy DBTT or TTKV temperatures obtained using either on standard Charpy V or on KLST
specimens using any criterion is below -50°C. The scatter is large, some data as low as -130 °C.

The low ductile-brittle transition temperature means that any pressure retaining components made
from EUROFER97 and operated at room temperature or above is safe against brittle fracture.

Eff ect of ageing


The Charpy transition temperature using any type criterion is increased by low and medium
temperature (below 350°C) irradiation. After 10 dpa strong saturation is observed, but slow increase
remained in the range of the available fluence values (up to 78 dpa). At high temperature irradiation
(450°C or higher) few data are available, but the experience on other steels suggest that the irradiation

Page 36 of 76
Eurofer Material Property Handbook

effect is strongly reduced and thermal ageing will be the major degrading mechanism. Further data
should be obtained. No data exists for low temperature high fluence irradiation.

Figure 12.1. DBTT values on KLST specimens as the function of fluence based on sample irradiated at
250°C  Tirr <340°C. The solid line is obtained by fitting the data with a function of type

. The best fit is obtained with A= -100.96 °C, B=236.4°C and

=12.76 dpa. For comparison DBTT obtained on specimens irradiated at 400-450°C with 16 dpa is shown
in blue.

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Eurofer Material Property Handbook

Figure 12.2. TT values obtained on KLST and ISO CV specimens using 50J/cm 2 criteria. The best fitted
mean power law type curve is TT50J/cm2=-50+80*w0.22
Figure 12.1. show the mean DBTT values obtained on KLST specimens. Figure 12.2 shows the
evaluation of the transition temperature according to 50J/cm 2energy criteria. The values are slightly
different at the lower and high fluence range. The reason is that the databases are limited.

Table 12.1 compares the DBTT and TT shift in the function of the irradiation. ( ∆DBTT and ∆TT50J/cm2) and
table 12.2 summarizes the DBTT and TT values.

The upper shelf energy drops also characterize the embrittlement. The upper shelf energy of the ISO V
and the KLST specimens can’t be compared. No code criteria exist even for the minimum upper shelf
energy on ISO V specimens, but most authority consider the 80J value as a minimum accepted value.
Presently similar safety authority practice doesn’t exist for the KLST specimens, but the slope of the
upper shelf decrease characterises the embrittlement trend. The upper shelf drop evaluated on KLST
specimens is shown on figure 12.3.

Table 12.1. Comparison of DBTT and TT irradiation shift on EUROFER97

Fluence ∆TT ∆DBTT

dpa °C
shift °C
0 0 0
2 93 90
4 109 123
6 119 145
8 126 161
10 133 174
15 145 197
20 155 210
30 169 225
40 180 231
50 189 234
60 197 235
70 204 236

Table 12.2. DBTT and TT irradiation temperature of EUROFER97

Fluence TT DBTT
dpa °C
shift °C
0 -50 -100
2 43 -10
4 58 22
6 68 44
8 76 60
10 83 73
15 95 96
20 105 109
30 119 124
40 130 130
50 139 133

Page 38 of 76
Eurofer Material Property Handbook

60 146 135
70 154 136

Figure 12.3. The KLST upper shelf energy drop as function of the fluence

Thermal ageing

Presently information on the properties of thermal aged EUROFER97 is still not available.

1. ASTM E-23-12c Standard Test Methods for Notched Bar Impact Testing of Metallic Materials
2. ASTM E 2248-13 Standard Test Method for Impact Testing of Miniaturized Charpy V-Notch
3. ASTM E-2298-13 Standard Test Method for Instrumented Impact Testing of Metallic Materials
4. F. Tavassoli: “Comparison of 316L(N) -IG and Eurofer for Early DEMO”. EFDA-WP13-MAT-02-01
5. N.V. Luzginova, J.-W. Rensman, M. Jong, P. ten Pierick, T. Bakker, H. Nolle: “An Overview of 10
Years of Irradiation Experiments on EUROFER97 Steel at High Flux Reactor in Petten” Journal of
Nuclear Materials Volume 455, Issues 1–3, Pages 1-73 (December 2014)
6. F. Tavassoli, B. Fournier, M. Sauzay, “High Temperature Creep-Fatigue Design”, in Transactions
of The Indian Institute of Metals, April 2010, Vol. 63, issue 2-3, pp. 235-244.
7. F. Tavassoli, “Eurofer Steel, Development to Full Code Qualification”, in 6 th International
Conference on Creep, Fatigue and Creep-Fatigue Interaction [CF-6], Procedia Engineering 55
(2013) 300-308
8. J-L. Séran, A. Alamo, A. Maillard, H. Touron, P. Dubuisson, and O. Rabouille: “Post- irradiation
mechanical properties of ferritic-martensitic steels for fusion”

Page 39 of 76
Eurofer Material Property Handbook

9. F. Tavassoli, E. Diegele, R. Lindau, N. Luzginova, H. Tanigawa: ”Current status and recent

research achievements in ferritic/martensitic steels” Journal of Nuclear Materials Volume 455,
Issues 1–3, p. 269-276
10. J. Henry, X. Averty, A. Alamo, “Mechanical properties of Reduced Activation steels irradiated in
BOR-60 at 325°C up to 78 dpa”, Dec. 2008, Final Report – TW5-TTMS-001-D03
11. P. Aubert, F. Tavassoli, M. Rieth, E. Diegele, Y. Poitevin, “Low activation steels welding with
PWHT and coating for ITER test blanket modules and DEMO”, in Journal of Nuclear Materials
409 (2011) 156–162
12. E. Lucon, Rachid Chaouadi, Marc Decréton: “Mechanical properties of the European reference
RAFM steel (EUROFER97) before and after irradiation at 300 °C” in Journal of Nuclear Materials,
vol. 329–333, Part B, 1 August 2004, Pages 1078–1082
13. J. Rensman, J. Rensman: "NRG irradiation testing: Report on 300°C and 60°C irradiated RAFM.
Nuclear Research and consultancy Group (NRG). The Netherlands : s.n., 2005.
14. E. Gaganidze, B. Dafferner, H. Ries, R. Rolli, H.-C. Schneider, J. Aktaa: "Irradiation Programme
HFR Phase IIb (SPICE), Impact Testing on up to 16.3 dpa Irradiated RAFM Steels",
Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe, FZKA 7371, April 2008.
15. C. Petersen: "Post irradiation examination of RAF/M steels after fast reactor irradiation up to
33 dpa and < 340°C (ARBOR 1)". Karlsruher Institut für Technologie. 2010. FZKA 7517.
16. E. Gaganidze, C. Petersen: "Post irradiation examination of RAFM steels after fast reactor
irradiation up to 71 dpa and <340 °C (ARBOR 2)". Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, KIT
Scientific Report 7596. 2011.

Page 40 of 76

13. Fracture toughness

Fracture toughness (K1c or J1c) [MPa*m ] is a generic term for measures of resistance to extension of a
crack. The term is sometimes restricted to results of fracture mechanics tests, which are directly
applicable in fracture control. However, the term commonly includes results from tests of notched or
pre-cracked specimens which do not involve fracture mechanics analysis. Results from tests of the
latter type are often useful for fracture control, based upon either service experience or empirical
correlations with tests analysed using fracture mechanics.

The stress intensity factor, „K” is used in fracture mechanics to predict the stress state ("stress
intensity") near the tip of a crack caused by a remote load or residual stresses. It characterizes the ratio
of the average stress far from the crack tip and the peak stress at the crack tip. K usually applied to a
homogeneous, linear elastic material and is useful for providing a failure criterion for brittle materials.
In the engineering practice it is also be applied to materials that exhibit small-scale yielding at a crack
tip. (The limit is declared in ASTM-E399 standard). The magnitude depends on sample geometry, the
size and location of the crack, and the magnitude and the modal distribution of loads on the material.
The dimension of K is: MPa*m1/2 since it is a vector type value. The value of K at a load where a crack
starts to propagate (stable or unstable propagation) without the plastic deformation et the crack tip
exceeding the limit is called critical value used as material property (fracture toughness) and denoted
as Kc. If the load is tensile it is denoted as K 1c or Kjc (the difference is the testing method, for design
purposes these two values are the same).

In the present MPH file fracture toughness means the critical value of the stress intensity factor K 1c
obtained directly or calculated from J 1c. Fracture toughness is an important characteristic for the brittle
and semi brittle or the limited ductile metallic materials, and sometimes can also be measured on
ceramics too. Fracture toughness is used to evaluate the safety of heavy structures (thick walled
devices), especially after service ageing (important for the calculation of safe operation lifetime).

Master curve
For ferritic steels used for nuclear reactors several formulas exists to describe the temperature
dependence of the fracture toughness. These formulas are mainly based on experimental data and one
of these semi empirical formulas is the Master Curve. If a reference temperature value is determined
from fracture toughness test results, than this formula gives the critical fracture toughness values in a
wide temperature range. The Master Curve evaluation allows the use of small specimens tested at low
temperature, and the obtained results can be converted for a specimen thickness of 1inch typically
referred as 1T specimen thickness. The testing technology is slightly more severe than in the case of
the normal K1c measurements – and this gives the reason for the need to evaluate master Curve results
separately from the other fracture toughness tests.

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Eurofer Material Property Handbook

The Master Curve testing method covers the determination of a reference temperature, T o, which
characterizes the fracture toughness of ferritic steels that experience onset of cleavage cracking at
elastic, or elastic-plastic KJc instabilities, or both. The specific types of ferritic and ferritic-martensitic
steels (9%Cr steels, e.g. EUROFER97) covered are those with yield strengths ranging from 275 to 825
MPa (40 to 120 ksi) and weld metals, after stress-relief annealing, that have 10 % or less strength
mismatch relative to that of the base metal.

Two methods are available to determine the fracture toughness design curves: using the Master Curve
methodology, or fit a curve on measured data. EUROFER97 in as received state is tough against brittle
fracture over room temperature, consequently large specimens should be used to measure critical
values. This is expensive and difficult. The remaining option is to use the Master Curve and testing the
T0 values

The mean curve

Kjc(mean 1T) = 30+70*exp[0.019*(T-T0)]

The upper and lower band curves can be calculated using the following equation for the cumulative
fracture probability levels (e.g. 1% fracture probability):

where 0.xx represents the cumulative probability level.

Figure 13.1. Master curves measured on as received EUROFER97

Page 42 of 76
Eurofer Material Property Handbook

As received values
Several tests in different laboratories on different heats performed. The summary of the available
results are shown on Figure 13.1. The scatter of the results are large: the T 0 values changing from -132
°C to -78 °C. Probably the use of small size and limited number of specimens results the larger scatter.
Even the upper bound T0 value (-78°C) is a good one and can be use as conservative design value.

Aged values

Irradiation increases the T0 values consequently the toughness curves are shifted to the higher
temperature range. Figure 13.2 compares the Master Curves obtained on as received and differently
irradiated EUROFER97. Unfortunately, most of the data available only up to 2 dpa, but data at 8.81 dpa
exists too.

Figure 13.3 shows the increase of the T0 values up to 8.81 dpa.

Figure 13.2. Master curves on as received and irradiated EUROFER97

Page 43 of 76
Eurofer Material Property Handbook

Figure 13.3. Increase of EUROFER97 T0 values in the function of the irradiation fluence. The solid red
curve is the average curve fitted on the existing values for Tirr=300°C. The dashed blue line is an
average power law curve fitted on the existing values generally used in the nuclear industry.

The fit formula for the average Master Curve Critical Temperature (T 0) in the function of the fluence
(see figure 13.3 solid red curve.

where the fluence ϕ (dose) is given in dpa.

The power law curve fit formula for the average Master Curve Critical Temperature in the function of
the fluence (see figure 13.3 dashed blue curve):


where the fluence (ϕ) is given in dpa.

Thermal ageing

Presently information on the properties of thermal aged EUROFER97 is still not available.

1. ASTM E399-12e3 Standard Test Method for Linear-Elastic Plane-Strain Fracture Toughness
KIc of Metallic Materials

Page 44 of 76
Eurofer Material Property Handbook

2. ASTM E1942-98(2010)e1 Standard Guide for Evaluating Data Acquisition Systems Used in
Cyclic Fatigue and Fracture Mechanics Testing
3. ASTM E1921-13 Standard Test Method for Determination of Reference Temperature, To,
for Ferritic Steels in the Transition Range
4. ASTM E1823-13 Standard Terminology Relating to Fatigue and Fracture Testing
5. ASTM E740/E740M Standard Practice for Fracture Testing with Surface-Crack Tension
6. ASTM E-1820 Standard Test Method for Measurement of Fracture Toughness
7. F. Tavassoli: “Comparison of 316L(N) -IG and Eurofer for Early DEMO”. EFDA-WP13-MAT-
8. N.V. Luzginova, J.-W. Rensman, M. Jong, P. ten Pierick, T. Bakker, H. Nolle: “An Overview of
10 Years of Irradiation Experiments on EUROFER97 Steel at High Flux Reactor in Petten”
Journal of Nuclear Materials Volume 455, Issues 1–3, Pages 1-73 (December 2014)
9. F. Tavassoli, “Eurofer Steel, Development to Full Code Qualification”, in 6th International
Conference on Creep, Fatigue and Creep-Fatigue Interaction [CF-6], Procedia Engineering
55 (2013) 300-308
10. J-L. Séran, A. Alamo, A. Maillard, H. Touron, P. Dubuisson, and O. Rabouille: “Post-
irradiation mechanical properties of ferritic-martensitic steels for fusion”
11. F. Tavassoli, E. Diegele, R. Lindau, N. Luzginova, H. Tanigawa: ”Current status and recent
research achievements in ferritic/martensitic steels” Journal of Nuclear Materials Volume
455, Issues 1–3, p. 269-276
12. J. Henry, X. Averty, A. Alamo, “Mechanical properties of Reduced Activation steels
irradiated in BOR-60 at 325°C up to 78 dpa”, Dec. 2008, Final Report – TW5-TTMS-001-D03
13. E. Lucon, Rachid Chaouadi, Marc Decréton: “Mechanical properties of the European
reference RAFM steel (EUROFER97) before and after irradiation at 300 °C” in Journal of
Nuclear Materials, vol. 329–333, Part B, 1 August 2004, Pages 1078–1082
14. J. Rensman, : "NRG irradiation testing: Report on 300°C and 60°C irradiated RAFM. Nuclear
Research and consultancy Group (NRG)". The Netherlands : s.n., 2005. 20023/05.68497/P.
15. E. Gaganidze: "Assessment of Fracture Mechanical Experiments on Irradiated EUROFER97
and F82H Specimens". Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe, Wissenschaftliche Berichte, FZKA
7310, 2007
16. N. Ilchuk, P. Spätig, G.R. Odette: "Fracture toughness characterization in the lower
transition of neutron irradiated EUROFER97 steel", Journal of Nuclear Materials 442 (2013)
17. P. Fernandez, A.M. Lancha, J. Lapena, M. Serrano, M. Hernandez-Mayoral: "Metallurgical
properties of reduced activation martensitic steel Eurofer in the as-received condition and
after thermal ageing", J. Nucl. Mater. 307-311 (2002) 495
18. P. Mueller, P. Spätig, R. Bonadé, G.R. Odette, D. Gragg: "Fracture toughness master-curve
analysis of the tempered martensitic steel Eurofer", J. Nucl. Mater. 386-388 (2009) 323-

Page 45 of 76




14. Fatigue-crack-growth rate

Fatigue-crack-growth rate, (da/dN), [L/cycle] is the rate of crack extension under fatigue loading,
expressed in terms of crack extension per cycle.

Fatigue-crack-growth threshold (∆Kth), is the asymptotic value of ∆K at which da/dN approaches zero.
For most materials an operational, though arbitrary, definition of ∆K th is given as that ∆K which
corresponds to a fatigue crack growth rate of 10 −10m/cycle. In engineering practice fatigue crack
propagation don’t considered below the threshold load cycles.

The stress intensity factor, K, is used in fracture mechanics to predict the stress state ("stress
intensity") near the tip of a crack caused by a remote load or residual stresses. It characterizes the ratio
of the average stress far from the crack tip and the peak stress at the crack tip. K usually applied to a
homogeneous, linear elastic material and is useful for providing a failure criterion for brittle materials.
In the engineering practice it is also be applied to materials that exhibit small-scale yielding at a crack
tip. (The limit is declared in ASTM-399)

The magnitude of K depends on sample geometry, the size and location of the crack, and the
magnitude and the modal distribution of loads on the material. The dimension of K is: MPa*m 1/2 since it
is a vector type value.

The fatigue crack growth depends on the cyclic change of the crack tip stresses, consequently it can be
described using ∆K.

The fatigue crack growth rate can be described by the Paris-Erdogan law:

Where “a” is the crack length and “N” is the number of load cycles. Thus, the term on the left side,
known as the crack growth rate, denotes the infinitesimal crack length growth per increasing number
of load cycles. On the right hand side, “A” (in literature also “C”) and “n” (in literature also “m” ) are
material constants, and ∆K is the range of the stress intensity factor, i.e., the difference between the
stress intensity factor at maximum and minimum loading. The fatigue stress can be characterised by
the cyclic stress change and by introducing a factor depending on (1-R) where R= min stress/max
stress. R=0.5 means that the tensile load is changing between 0 and max value. If R<0.5 means that the

Page 46 of 76
Eurofer Material Property Handbook

minimum and maximum load during the cycle is tensile stress. Compression load not propagates the

Figure 14.1. da/dN vs. ∆K behavior at different temperatures in comparison for R=0.1.

Figure 14.2. da/dN vs. ∆K behavior at different temperatures in comparison for R=0.5.

Values of fatigue crack threshold ∆K th and the parameters A and n determined in table 14.1.

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Eurofer Material Property Handbook

Table 14.1. Threshold ∆Kth values and parameters for fatigue crack propagation calculation in
EUROFER97 at different temperature and R value.

R-ratio Temperature (°C) ∆Kth (MPa * m0,5) A (mm/(cycle (MPa * m0,5)n)) N

0.1 RT 9.02 6.16 x 10-5 0.423
300 7.84 1.95 x 10-8 2.541
500 7.57 7.44 x 10-5 0.485
0.5 RT 4.73 2.86 x 10-8 2.445
300 5.23 8.42 x 10-8 2.211
500 5.15 3.67 x 10-3 7.97 x 10-3
550 4.59 5.21 x 10-1 1.413 x 10-4

Aged values
Parameters for fatigue crack propagation of aged EUROFER97 are presently not available. Generally the
irradiation or thermal ageing are not increase the fatigue crack propagation rate in metallic materials.


1. E647-13ae1 Standard Test Method for Measurement of Fatigue Crack Growth Rates
35. E399-12e3 Standard Test Method for Linear-Elastic Plane-Strain Fracture Toughness K Ic of
Metallic Materials
36. E1823-13 Standard Terminology Relating to Fatigue and Fracture Testing
37. E1942-98(2010)e1 Standard Guide for Evaluating Data Acquisition Systems Used in Cyclic
Fatigue and Fracture Mechanics Testing
38. E2760-10e2 Standard Test Method for Creep-Fatigue Crack Growth Testing
39. J. Aktaa , M. Lerch: "Near-threshold fatigue crack behaviour in EUROFER97 at different
temperatures", Journal of Nuclear Materials 353 (2006) 101–108
40. T. Kruml, J. Polák: "Fatigue cracks in EUROFER97 steel: Part I. Nucleation and small crack
growth kinetics", Journal of Nuclear Materials 412 (2011) 2-6
41. T. Kruml, P. Hutarˇ, L. Náhlík, S. Seitl, J. Polák: "Fatigue cracks in EUROFER97 steel: Part II.
Comparison of small and long fatigue crack growth", Journal of Nuclear Materials 412 (2011) 7-
42. N.V. Luzginova, J.-W. Rensman, M. Jong, P. ten Pierick, T. Bakker, H. Nolles: "Overview of 10
years of irradiation projects on EUROFER97 steel at High Flux Reactor in Petten", Journal of
Nuclear Materials 455 (2014) 21–25

Page 48 of 76


15. Fatigue
Fatigue is the process of progressive localized permanent structural change occurring in a material
subjected to conditions that produce fluctuating stresses and strains at some point or points and that
may culminate in cracks or complete fracture after a sufficient number of fluctuations.

The fatigue life (cyclic hardening or softening) characterizes all solid materials subject to cyclically
changing mechanical or thermal load. The cyclic life dependent on the cycle amplitudes and shape
(symmetric or asymmetric), on test temperature and on the geometry of the specimen (e.g. smooth
bar, or notched bar). The test can be performed by using load or strain or temperature cycles.

Low cycle fatigue is the case when each cycle causes some local plastic deformation. In practice Low-
cycle fatigue is the case when the failure occurs after minimum 1 load cycle, but within a few hundred
thousand cycles.

In ceramic technology, static tests of considerable duration are called “static fatigue” tests, a type of
test referred to as stress-rupture in metal testing.

Fluctuations may occur both in force and with time (frequency) as in the case of “random vibration .

As-received values
Several low-cycle fatigue (LCF) tests below 340°C have been performed on EUROFER97. The resulted
average curve (red curve) is shown on Figure 15.1. The Langer equation is fitted on the data.

High temperature changes the fatigue properties. Figure 15.2 shows the fatigue curve for unirradiated
EUROFER97 tested over 340°C.

Aged values
Irradiation increases the yield strengths, and decreases the plasticity. The increased yield strength
increases the low-cycle fatigue life, the plasticity decrease reduces it.

Figure 15.3 shows the fatigue results obtained on irradiated EUROFER97 tested over 340 °C.

Figure 15.4 compares low-cycle fatigue results obtained on irradiated with (15 dpa) and unirradiated
EUROFER97 tested at 250°C. The irradiated specimens lifetime are similar to the unirradiated ones at
0.5% and 1% strain cycles, and cyclic load of the belongs to the selected strain amplitude is increased
by the irradiation. For design it means, that up to 15 dpa the low-cycle fatigue data obtained on the
unirradiated EUROFER97 can be used as a safe approach of the fatigue properties of the irradiated one.

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Eurofer Material Property Handbook

Figure 15.1. Fatigue curve for as received EUROFER97 tested below 340°C

Figure 15.2. Fatigue curves for as-received EUROFER97 tested over 340°C

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Eurofer Material Property Handbook

Figure 15.3. Fatigue curve for unirradiated and irradiated EUROFER97 tested over 340°C

Figure 15.4. Comparison of low-cycle fatigue test results obtained on unirradiated and irradiated

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Eurofer Material Property Handbook

1. E739-10 Standard Practice for Statistical Analysis of Linear or Linearized Stress-Life (S-N) and
Strain-Life (ε-N) Fatigue Data
43. E606/E606M-12 Standard Test Method for Strain-Controlled Fatigue Testing
44. E1049-85(2011)e1 Standard Practices for Cycle Counting in Fatigue Analysis
45. E468-11 Standard Practice for Presentation of Constant Amplitude Fatigue Test Results for
Metallic Materials
46. E2368-10 Standard Practice for Strain Controlled Thermomechanical Fatigue Testing
47. E1823-13 Standard Terminology Relating to Fatigue and Fracture Testing
48. E1942-98(2010)e1 Standard Guide for Evaluating Data Acquisition Systems Used in Cyclic
Fatigue and Fracture Mechanics Testing
49. E466-07 Standard Practice for Conducting Force Controlled Constant Amplitude Axial Fatigue
Tests of Metallic Materials
50. E2789-10 Standard Guide for Fretting Fatigue Testing
51. E2948-14 Standard Test Method for Conducting Rotating Bending Fatigue Tests of Solid Round
Fine Wire
52. E2714-13 Standard Test Method for Creep-Fatigue Testing
53. E2760-10e2 Standard Test Method for Creep-Fatigue Crack Growth Testing
54. F. Tavassoli: “Comparison of 316L(N) -IG and Eurofer for Early DEMO”. EFDA-WP13-MAT-02-01
55. N.V. Luzginova, J.-W. Rensman, M. Jong, P. ten Pierick, T. Bakker, H. Nolle: “An Overview of 10
Years of Irradiation Experiments on EUROFER97 Steel at High Flux Reactor in Petten” Journal of
Nuclear Materials Volume 455, Issues 1–3, Pages 1-73 (December 2014)
56. F. Tavassoli, B. Fournier, M. Sauzay, “High Temperature Creep-Fatigue Design”, in Transactions
of The Indian Institute of Metals, April 2010, Vol. 63, issue 2-3, pp. 235-244.
57. F. Tavassoli, “Eurofer Steel, Development to Full Code Qualification”, in 6 th International
Conference on Creep, Fatigue and Creep-Fatigue Interaction [CF-6], Procedia Engineering 55
(2013) 300-308
58. J-L. Séran, A. Alamo, A. Maillard, H. Touron, P. Dubuisson, and O. Rabouille: “Post- irradiation
mechanical properties of ferritic-martensitic steels for fusion”
59. F. Tavassoli, E. Diegele, R. Lindau, N. Luzginova, H. Tanigawa: ” Current status and recent
research achievements in ferritic/martensitic steels” Journal of Nuclear Materials Volume 455,
Issues 1–3, p. 269-276
60. E. Materna-Morris, A. Möslang, H.-C. Schneider: "Tensile and low cycle fatigue properties of
EUROFER97-steel after 16.3 dpa neutron irradiation at 523, 623 and 723 K" Journal of Nuclear
Materials, 442 (2013) S62-S66.
61. C. Petersen: "Post irradiation examination of RAF/M steels after fast reactor irradiation up to
33 dpa and < 340°C (ARBOR 1)". Karlsruher Institut für Technologie. 2010. FZKA 7517.
62. E. Gaganidze, C. Petersen: "Post irradiation examination of RAFM steels after fast reactor
irradiation up to 71 dpa and <340 °C (ARBOR 2)". Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, KIT
Scientific Report 7596. 2011.
63. J. Aktaa, M. Weick, C. Petersen: "Reduced softening of EUROFER97 under thermomechanical
and multiaxial fatigue loading and its impact on the design rules" , Journal of Nuclear Materials
386–388 (2009) 911–914

Page 52 of 76
Eurofer Material Property Handbook

64. Pierre Marmy, Tomas Kruml: "Low cycle fatigue of EUROFER97", Journal of Nuclear Materials
377 (2008) 52–58

Page 53 of 76

16. Creep
Creep [%] is the time-dependent strain that occurs after the application of a force which is thereafter
maintained constant. Metals over a critical temperature and stress show continuous plastic
deformation. In engineering practice 1% strain is a usual limit for the lifetime of a device. Higher
temperature means lower allowed stress. Creep tests are usually made at constant force and
temperature. For test of metals the initial strain is not included.

As received values
Creep data are available exclusively for as-received state. The lower bound data are given in the
function of Larsen-Miller parameter (see figure 16.1.). The curve belongs to 1% total strain.

Figure 16.1. Larsen-Miller creep diagram for 1% strain limit

An exponential function with a base of 10 is used for description of the Larsen-Miller creep diagram for
1% strain limit on EUROFER97:


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Eurofer Material Property Handbook

where LM= Tk*[(30+log(t1%)]*10-3

Aged values
Creep database on irradiated EUROFER97 is limited.

Design allowance curve for creep.

RCC-MRx code requires to use creep design values S t(T, t). The St(T, t) values are governed by 2/3 of the
minimum rupture time Sr(T, t). Due to absence of sufficient statistics the minimum value Sr(T, t) is
defined as 0.8 times the average value of rupture time (i.e. creep rupture time determined in

Figure 16.2. Creep design values according to RCC-MRx

In nuclear codes the negligible creep domain refers to the temperature time domain where creep can
be ignored. Different reference stresses and creep strain limits are applied depending on the nuclear
code and material. For EUROFER97 negligible thermal creep calculation was based on the 0.05% creep
strain limit under applied stress of 1.5∙Sm (See Sm in yield strength paragraph). The diagram (Figure
16.3) is made only from 4 measured points and should be applied with care.

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Eurofer Material Property Handbook

Figure 16.3. Negligible creep curve obtained with a reference stress of 1.5 Sm and a strain limit of 0.05%.

Aged values
No irradiated values are available for creep of EUROFER97. On metallic materials high flux irradiation
increases the creep rate (irradiation accelerated creep).

1. ASTM-E-139 Standard Test Methods for Conducting Creep, Creep-Rupture, and Stress-Rupture
Tests of Metallic Materials
65. E2714-13 Standard Test Method for Creep-Fatigue Testing
66. E2760-10e2 Standard Test Method for Creep-Fatigue Crack Growth Testing
67. E1457-13 Standard Test Method for Measurement of Creep Crack Growth Times and Rates in
68. M. Rieth, M. Schirra, A. Falkenstein, P. Graf, S. Heger, H. Kempe, R. Lindau, H. Zimmermann.
"EUROFER97, Tensile, Charpy, Creep and Structural Tests". Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe.
2003. Wissenschaftliche Berichte. FZKA 6911.
69. E. Materna-Morris, Ch. Adelhelm, S. Baumgärtner, B. Dafferner, A. Falkenstein, S. Heger, R.
Lindau, P. Graf, C. Petersen, M. Rieth, R. Ziegler, H. Zimmermann: " Structural Material
EUROFER97-2, Characterization of 100 mm Rod Material: Structural, Tensile, Charpy, and Creep
Properties". Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe. 2006. Report on EFDA Task TW4-TTMS- 005 D2.
Interner Bericht 31.40.04, Fusion No. 265.
70. M. Rieth, S. Hegger: "Creep Properties of EUROFER97" [Hrsg.] KIT. private communication.

Page 56 of 76

17. Swelling

High dose irradiation may causes swelling and consequently changes in the density.

In most cases 1% elongation (~3% increase of volume) considered as allowable swelling limit.

At low temperature EUROFER97 shows a very long incubation time, namely the swelling starts over 70
dpa irradiation. Effects of higher He / dpa ratio in the fusion environment may change it, and swelling
should be considered at lower fluence too.

1. F. Tavassoli: “Comparison of 316L(N) -IG and Eurofer for Early DEMO”. EFDA-WP13-MAT-02-01

2. F. Tavassoli, GRT-410, “A3-19AS_09En_Eurofer” report (available from F4E).

3. L. Séran, V. Lévy, P. Dubuisson, D. Gilbon, M. P. Hugon, A. Maillard, A. Fissolo, H.Touron, R.

Cauvin, A. Chalony, and E. Le Bouilbin: "Behavior under Neutron Irradiation of the 15-15Ti and
EM10 Steels Used as Standard Materials of the Phénix Fuel Subassembly" in Effect of Radiation
on Materials: 15th International Symposium, ASTM STP 1125, R. E. Stoller, A. S. Kumar, D. S.
Gelles, Eds, Am. Soc. for Testing Materials, Philadelphia, 1992, 1209-1233.

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DEMO Material Properties Handbook


18. Ratchetting

The increase of the surface roughness caused by cyclic loading before the fatigue failure. The rate
of the ratcheting is highly dependent on the strain hardening properties of the tested material.
Presently no ratchetting data exists on EUROFER97.


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DEMO Material Properties Handbook


19. Linear thermal expansion

Linear thermal expansion (α) [%] is the change in length per unit length resulting from a temperature

The mean linear thermal expansion is symbolically represented by

α =(1/L0)(∆L/∆T),

where ∆L is the observed change in length ∆L=L 2–L1, ∆T=T2–T1 and L0, L1, and L2 are the lengths of the
specimen at reference temperatureT 0 and test temperatures T1 and T2.

There are two different ways to determine the thermal expansion coefficient: the mean or average
values are used in analogy to engineering calculations. The mean value is a measure of the thermal
strain generated due a change in temperature from a specific reference temperature to the current

The instantaneous thermal expansion represents the thermal strain generated due to an infinitesimal
change in temperature around the current temperature. It should be used in Finite element

Thermal expansion of as-received EUROFER97

Thermal expansion values measured on EUROFER97 presently doesn’t exists. The

values for 9Cr-1Mo steels, taken as equivalent to Eurofer, is an acceptable
approach. They are given in Figure 19.1 and Table 19.1.

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Eurofer Material Property Handbook

Figure 19.1. Mean and instantaneous linear thermal expansion coefficients (values of 9Cr-1Mo steel).
The reference temperature is the room temperature.

Table 19.1. The values of the mean and instantaneous linear thermal expansion coefficients in function
of the temperature (values measured on 9Cr-1Mo steel)

Temperature Mean value Instantaneous value

Reference is the room
(°C) (10-6/K) (10-6/K)
20 10.3 10.3
50 10.5 10.6
100 10.7 11.1
200 11.2 11.9
300 11.6 12.6
400 11.9 13.2
500 12.2 13.5

1. ASTM E-1142 Standard Terminology Relating to Thermophysical Properties

2. ASTM E-228 Standard Test Method for Linear Thermal Expansion of Solid Materials With a
Push-Rod Dilatometer

3. J. Koslosky: “Using Coeffi cients of Thermal Expansion in a Finite Element Model ”

htt ps:// cients-thermal-expansion-fi nite-element-model

4. F. Tavassoli: “Comparison of 316L(N) -IG and Eurofer for Early DEMO”. EFDA-WP13-MAT-02-01

Page 60 of 76


20. Thermal conductivity

The thermal conductivity (λ, or k); is the heat flow rate, per unit of area, and


is the general expression giving value at each point


for substantially uniform and steady-state heat flow through a homogeneous medium of thickness L,
with plane parallel faces of area A and a constant temperature difference ∆t applied to the face
thermal conductivity is a measurement of the rate of heat flow through a material for a given
temperature gradient. It is normalized for thickness and cross-sectional area to give a material specific

The SI units for thermal conductivity are (W/m*K).

As with other thermal properties, thermal conductivity changes with temperature, so that a thermal
conductivity value for a material must be associated with a specific test temperature.

Thermal conductivity is a basic design coefficient therefore it is given in figure (Figure 20.1.) and in
table (Table 20.1.) format too.

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Eurofer Material Property Handbook

Figure 20.1. Measured curve of thermal conductivity of EUROFER97 in the function of the temperature.

Table 20.1. Thermal conductivity of EUROFER97

Temperature Thermal conductivity

°C W/m*K
20 28.08
50 28.86
100 29.78
200 30.38
300 30.01
400 29.47
500 29.58
600 31.12

For practical applications the thermal conductivity least squares fitted empirical equations for
k = T*(0,190706-4,3053E-4*T+3,817E-7*T 2-1,158E-10T3)

Thermal conductivity values on aged EUROFER97 are not available.

1. ASTM-C-108 Standard Symbols for Heat Transmission

4. ASTM E-1142 Standard Terminology Relating to Thermophysical Properties

Page 62 of 76
Eurofer Material Property Handbook

5. F. Tavassoli: “Comparison of 316L(N) -IG and Eurofer for Early DEMO”. EFDA-WP13-MAT-02-01

6. K. Mergia, N. Boukos: "Structural, thermal, electrical and magnetic properties of Eurofer97

steel", J. Nucl. Mater. 373 (2008) 1-8

Page 63 of 76

21. Thermal diffusivity

Thermal diffusivity, (m /s]is the property given by the thermal conductivity divided by the product
of the bulk density and heat capacity per unit mass.

Thermal diffusivity can be calculated using the following formula:

 = λ/ (Cp*)

where λ – thermal conductivity, Cp – specific heat,  – density.

The thermal diffusivity of the unirradiated EUROFER97 is given on figure 21.1 and in table 1.

Figure 21.1. The thermal diffusivity of EUROFER97

The thermal diffusivity of the EUROFER97 can be described by the following formulae:


where α in cm2/s and T in °K.

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Eurofer Material Property Handbook

Table 21.1. Thermal diffusitivity of the unirradiated EUROFER97 in the function of the temperature

Temperature Thermal diffusitivity

[°C] [10-6 m2/s]
20 8.12
50 8.04
100 7.89
200 7.52
300 7.05
400 6.48
500 5.80
600 5.02

Aged values
Effect of ageing (thermal ageing, irradiation etc.) on thermal diffusitivity of EUROFER97 is not studied

1. ASTM-E-1461 Standard Test Method for Thermal Diffusivity by the Flash Method
7. ASTM E-1142 Standard Terminology Relating to Thermophysical Properties
8. F. Tavassoli: “Comparison of 316L(N) -IG and Eurofer for Early DEMO”. EFDA-WP13-MAT-02-01
9. K. Mergia, N. Boukos: "Structural, thermal, electrical and magnetic properties of Eurofer97
steel", J. Nucl. Mater. 373 (2008) 1-8

Page 65 of 76

22. Specific heat

2 –2 –1
Specific heat (specific heat capacity), C=(L T θ ) [J/(kg*K)] is the quantity of heat required to provide a
unit temperature increase to a unit mass of material.

Specific heat capacity is the amount of energy required to increase the temperature by one unit for a
unit mass of material. It is a fundamental thermal property for engineers and scientists in determining
the temperature response of materials to changes in heat flux and thermal conditions. The SI units for
specific heat capacity are (Joule/(g*K)). Since the specific heat capacity changes with temperature, a
specific heat capacity value must always be associated with a specific test temperature or temperature

The specific heat of solid materials at constant pressure (C p) and at constant volume (Cv) are nearly
identical, therefore no distinction is made in the data tabulation.

The specific heat values of EUROFER97 are given in Figure 22.1.

Figure 22.1. The specific heat values of EUROFER97 in function of the temperature

The specific heat of the EUROFER97 can be described by the following formulae:


where cp in J/kg*K and T in °K

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Eurofer Material Property Handbook

Table 22.1. The specific heat values of as received EUROFER97 in function of the temperature

Temperature Specific heat

°C J/kg*K
20 439
50 462
100 490
200 523
300 546
400 584
500 660
600 800

Aged values

Specific heat values on aged EUROFER97 are not available.

1. ASTM E-1142 Standard Terminology Relating to Thermophysical Properties
2. F. Tavassoli: “Comparison of 316L(N) -IG and Eurofer for Early DEMO”. EFDA-WP13-MAT-02-01
3. K. Mergia, N. Boukos: "Structural, thermal, electrical and magnetic properties of Eurofer97
steel", J. Nucl. Mater. 373 (2008) 1-8

Page 67 of 76

23. Melting temperature


Page 68 of 76

24. Electrical resistivity

Electrical resistivity (R) [ohm⋅meter (Ω⋅m)] (also known as resistivity, specific electrical resistance, or
volume resistivity is an intrinsic property that quantifies how strongly a given material opposes the
flow of electric current. A low resistivity indicates a material that readily allows the movement of
electric charge. Resistivity is commonly represented by the Greek letter “ρ” (rho). The SI unit of
electrical resistivity is the ohm⋅meter (Ω⋅m) although other units like ohm⋅centimeter (Ω⋅cm) are also
in use.

The electrical resistivity values of EUROFER97 is given on Figure 24.1.

Figure 24.1. Electrical resistivity of EUROFER97

The specific electrical resistivity of the EUROFER97 can be guessed by the following formulae:


where ρ in 10-8 Ωm and T in °K.

The data given in table form too (table 24.1).

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Eurofer Material Property Handbook

Table 24.1. Values of electrical resistivity of unirradited EUROFER97

Temperature Electrical
°C 10-8Ω m
0 46.93
20 49.58
50 53.51
100 59.94
150 66.23
200 72.38
250 78.38
300 84.24
350 89.97
400 95.55
450 100.98
500 106.28
550 111.43
600 116.44
650 121.31
Aged values

Electrical resistivity of data on irradiated or thermally aged EUROFER97 doesn’t exists.

1. ASTM B193-02(2014) Standard Test Method for Resistivity of Electrical Conductor Materials
2. ASTM A712-14 Standard Test Method for Electrical Resistivity of Soft Magnetic Alloys
3. F. Tavassoli: “Comparison of 316L(N) -IG and Eurofer for Early DEMO”. EFDA-WP13-MAT-02-01
4. K. Mergia, N. Boukos: "Structural, thermal, electrical and magnetic properties of Eurofer97
steel", J. Nucl. Mater. 373 (2008) 1-8

Page 70 of 76

25. Magnetic saturation

Seen in some magnetic materials, saturation is the state reached when an increase in applied external
magnetic field H cannot increase the magnetization of the material further.

The magnetic saturation values of EUROFER97 in function of the temperature is shown on figure 25.1
and summarized in table 25.1.

Figure 25.1. The magnetic saturation mean values of EUROFER97 in the function of the temperature

The magnetic saturation of the EUROFER97 can be guessed by the following formulae:


where Ms in (Am2/kg), T in °K and Tc=1030°K

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Eurofer Material Property Handbook

Table 25.1. The magnetic saturation mean values of EUROFER97 in the function of the temperature

Temperature Saturation
°C A*m2*kg
20 184.1
50 183.6
100 182.5
150 180.7
200 178.4
250 175.4
300 171.8
350 167.7
400 167.5
450 162.9
500 151.7
550 145.2

Aged values
Aged values on EUROFER97 are not available.

1. ASTM A-773 Standard. Test Method for Direct Current Magnetic Properties of Low Coercivity
Magnetic Materials Using Hysteresisgraphs
2. ASTM A 894 Standard. Test Method for Saturation Magnetization or Induction of Nonmetallic
Magnetic Materials
3. F. Tavassoli: “Comparison of 316L(N) -IG and Eurofer for Early DEMO”. EFDA-WP13-MAT-02-01
4. K. Mergia, N. Boukos: "Structural, thermal, electrical and magnetic properties of Eurofer97
steel", J. Nucl. Mater. 373 (2008) 1-8

Page 72 of 76

26. Remnant magnetization

The remnant or viscous remnant magnetization (Abbreviated VRM), also known as viscous
magnetization, is remanence that is acquired by ferromagnetic materials by sitting in a magnetic field
for some time. 

The remnant magnetization values of EUROFER97 in function of the temperature is shown on Figure

Figure 26.1. The remnant magnetization values of EUROFER97 in function of the temperature

The magnetic saturation of the EUROFER97 can be guessed by the following formulae:


where MƬ in (Am2/kg), T in °K and Tc=1030°K

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Eurofer Material Property Handbook

Table 26.1. The remnant magnetization values of EUROFER97 in function of the temperature

Temperature Remnant
°C A*m2/kg
20 4.04
50 3.96
100 3.83
150 3.70
200 3.57
250 3.43
300 3.28
350 3.13
400 2.98
450 2.83
500 2.67
550 2.50

Aged values
Aged values of remnant magnetization of EUROFER97 are not available.

1. F. Tavassoli: “Comparison of 316L(N) -IG and Eurofer for Early DEMO”. EFDA-WP13-MAT-02-01
2. K. Mergia, N. Boukos: " Structural, thermal, electrical and magnetic properties of Eurofer97
steel", J. Nucl. Mater. 373 (2008) 1-8

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27. Coercive field

In electrical engineering and materials science, the coercivity, also called the magnetic coercivity,
coercive field or coercive force, is a measure of the ability of a ferromagnetic material to withstand an
external magnetic field without becoming demagnetized. Coercivity is usually measured in „Oersted”
or “ampere/meter” units and is denoted HC.

Coercive fi eld values of as-received EUROFER97

The coercive field values of as received EUROFER97 in function of the temperature is shown on Figure

Figure 27.1. The coercive field mean values of as-received EUROFER97 in function of the temperature.

The coercive field of the EUROFER97 can be guessed by the following formulae:


where Hc in (A/m), T in °K and Tc=1030°K

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Eurofer Material Property Handbook

Table 27.1. The coercive field mean values of as-received EUROFER97 in function of the temperature

Temperature Coercive
°C A/m
20 843
50 827
100 797
150 766
200 731
250 695
300 656
350 615
400 572
450 526
500 478
550 428

Aged values on EUROFER97 are not available.

1. ASTM A-773 Standard Test Method for Direct Current Magnetic Properties of Low Coercivity
Magnetic Materials Using Hysteresisgraphs
2. F. Tavassoli: “Comparison of 316L(N) -IG and Eurofer for Early DEMO”. EFDA-WP13-MAT-02-
3. K. Mergia, N. Boukos: " Structural, thermal, electrical and magnetic properties of Eurofer97
steel" , J. Nucl. Mater. 373 (2008) 1-8

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