GAD Plan

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C.Y. 2020


Province: ILOILO
City/Municipality: SAN MIGUEL

Gender Issue GAD Objective Relevant LGU GAD Activity Performance Indicator and Target GAD BUDGET Lead or
(1) (2) Program or Project (4) (5) (6) Responsible
(3) Office
(a) (b) (c)
Lack of involvement among To increase participation and Municipal-Wide Organize a quarterly 100% of the selected participants is 80,000.00
BDRRMC and LDRRMC in to create awareness among Training/Drill/Orientation Enhancement Training fitted to expected able to grasp necessary ideas on
the Municipality Disaster Volunteers and Local Activities on DRRM upgrade skills on Disaster Disaster Response Activities
Responders towards a Response activities
successful Rescue Operations
Absence of Municipal-Wide To supply vital information on Health Emergency *Conduct Advocacy Programs *100% of participants is anticipated to 100,000.00
information dissemination Health Emergency Disaster Preparedness and Lectures on Prevention and display knowledge and comprehension on
Program regarding Health Preparedness to our *Advocacy Prevention Mitigation of Endemic and the conducted Lectures
Emergency Disaster constituents especially to and Control of Emerging Pandemic Diseases.
Preparedness those who are void of and Re-emerging Disease *Conduct Rigid Dengue
knowledge *Reproduction of IEC Awareness Campaign through *100% of the total population of this
Materials Municipal-Wide Orientation municipality will be able to receive
*Purchase of Larvicides and Distribution of related Information Materials (e.g.leaflets on
and Insecticides Informational materials Dengue Awareness) and will be highly
oriented on Dengue Prevention.
Lack of Funds for To provide funds to cover up Seminar/Training/Travel Granting of Equal Privilege to 100% of MDRRMO Personnel will be able 70,000.00
Seminar/Training Travel the Training/Travel Expenses Expenses of MDRRMO all MDRRMC Personnel to to avail Seminar/Training/Travel Expenses.
Expenses for the MDRRMC of all MDRRMC Personnel Personnel on MDDRMC avail Seminar/Training and
Personnel on MDRRMC Travel Allowance
Lack of Proper Training To equip our BDRRMC with Enhancement Program for Gather the BDRRMC through 100% of the BDRRMC is foreseen to be 80,000.00
significant to Rescue Relevant Knowledge on Brgy. Disaster Risk Quarterly Trainings which are more adept in Rescue Activities and will be
Operations Disaster Management Reduction and relevant to increase the able to identify their significant roles as
Management Committee adeptness in Rescue Operations Disaster Response Entities.

Gender Issue GAD Objective Relevant LGU GAD Activity Performance Indicator and Target GAD BUDGET Lead or
(1) (2) Program or Project (4) (5) (6) Responsible
(3) Office
(a) (b) (c)
To arm our Disaster Enhancement Program Conduct Quarterly 100% of Disaster Volunteers and Local 80,000.00
Lack of First Aid Trainings for Volunteers and Local for Disaster Volunteers Enrichment Trainings (e.g. Responders are envisioned to be more
Disaster Volunteers and Local Responders with expertise and Local Responders Basic Life Support) to competent as First Aiders and Disaster
Responders needed to become a more upgrade existing skills on Volunteers.
determined and confident First Aid Applications.
Rescue Personnel
To have a committee which is Reorganization of Schedule a Forum/Assembly 100% of the Members of the MDRRMC is 20,000.00
Absence of a committee non-discriminatory bounded MDRRMC to gather members expected to pledge their commitment as
coming from the private sectors to take responsibility for MDRRMC to strengthen and partners in Disaster Response Activities
that would extend aids during planning preparing and to unify the group.
emergencies extending necessary aids
needed by victims of
To encourage participation Advocacy Program on *Clean up Drive and Tree * 100% Of the Target participants will be 30,000.00
To explain further that among our youth on the Climate Change Planting Activity involving involved on Clean up Drive and Tree Planting
knowledge on Climate Change Advocacy Program on youth of both genders Activity. Also, all each party will be educated
should be imparted liberally. Climate Change and allowing *Conducting Lectures on on issues of Climate Change.
them to take their part on Climate Change
Climate Change Mitigation
To provide warnings to our *Procurement and *Installation of Early 100% of the Flood Prone Areas will be
Unavailability of Precautionary constituents by providing Installation of Early Warning Systems (for flood stationed with Early Warning System. Also, 80,000.00
measures to avoid danger Signs and Informational Warning System for prone areas) and Other Informational Material be distributed for
Materials to secure their Floods ant its Related Informational Public awareness
safety and comfort. Accessories Material
And other Related
Informational Material
*Activation of Text * Text Blasts for High Risk 100% of the Population on High Risk Areas
Blasts for High Risk Areas Early Warning System should be receiving alert messages to keep
Areas Early Warning should be activated updated of the ongoing hazards.

Absence of housing that is To provide shelter to the Construction of Construct a sturdy structure 100 % of the affected party will be
gender sensitive to victims of calamities and Evacuation Center that will provide shelter and accommodated by providing shelter until such 500,000.00
accommodate victims of other hazards comfort to the victims of disaster /Calamity ends
disasters catastrophes.

Gender Issue GAD Objective Relevant LGU GAD Activity Performance Indicator and Target GAD BUDGET Lead or
(1) (2) Program or Project (4) (5) (6) Responsible
(3) Office
(a) (b) (c)
To upgrade infrastructures Rehabilitation of Rigid Assessment/Inspection 100% of the inspected damaged structures 200,000.00
Restoration of Ravaged that were destroyed by Infrastructure and and Rehabilitation of will be restored
Infrastructures after Disaster disasters Projects after Disaster devastated structures after
To provide financial Financial Support to Assessment of affected areas 100% of the Barangays declared under the 1,549,394.09
Insufficient Financial Aids to assistance to Brgy. declared Brgy. declared under the and Extending of Financial state of Calamity will be receiving financial
support affected Barangays under state of calamity State of Calamity support to those Brgy. aids to cover up their losses and damages
Declared under the state of
TOTAL 2,789,394.09

Prepared By: Approved By:


Admin Aide III Municipal Mayor
MDRRMO Designate Municipality of San Miguel

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