Densimetric Table

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• Particles separation depending on their density.

• Set composed by a vibrating table, two fans and a


• High efficiency due to the air impulsion principle.

• Air flow, tray inclination and vibration amplitude

can be regulated.

• Volatiles collection through filter or cyclone.



The densimetric table separation is based on the difference in density between the different products.
That means that it has nothing to do with a size classification.

It has to be considered that, in order to handle correctly the separation, the two products density
quotient must be higher than 1.25.

The product to be handled is fed by the upper part, distributed in the whole width, either with a belt
conveyor or a vibrating feeder, to the inclined tray

The tray is driven by 2 URBAR

unbalanced motors and is equipped
with a perforated plate, allowing the air
circulation, impelled from the lower

One aspiring fan and one impelling fan

complete the installation.

The product separation is then

obtained. 2004.03

Separation is made in three different steps:

• The heaviest materials settle on the

densimetric tables and tend to move upwards
on the slightly ascending tables, due to the

• Under an ascending air flow the lighter

fractions come to the surface and flows

• The volatiles are collected by a cyclone,

avoiding any environment pollution.

The equipment can be adapted to the needs, depending on the material to be classified, modifying the
following parameters:

ƒ The air flow and pressure impelled and aspired by the two fans.

ƒ The tray inclination, supported by pneumatic mountings.

ƒ The vibration amplitude, modifying the unbalanced motors centrifugal force.

ƒ The air distribution through the tray. 2004.03

Construction details.

The vibrating tray is isolated from the frame, through a pneumatic suspension, in order to modify its
inclination, when necessary, obtaining an excellent vibration isolation.

The table is driven by two URBAR electric unbalanced motors, installed in the tray lower part.
In both outlets, the product overflowing can be regulated, depending on its real behaviour on the site.

The impelling fan produces the requested air current, through the vibrating tray perforated plate,
allowing the heaviest particles to settle on the tray, whereas the lighter fractions come to the surface.

The aspiring fan produces the adequate air current to collect the volatile materials, through the union
conducts to the cyclone or the filter.

Both fans are centrifugal and are equipped with manual valves to control the air volume. 2004.03

The cyclone is made by a cylindrical part, where the air gets in, from the aspiration conduct and a
truncated cone, coupled to the cylinder.

In its lower part, the cyclone is equipped with a rotating valve for emptying the decanted material.
Other dust collection devices can be used, such as filters.

Under the vibrating table, there is a fines (from the heaviest particles) colleting hopper equipped with
a valve for emptying, manually driven. 2004.03

Standard dimensions depending on the vibrating tray dimensions:

TYPE MD50 MD75 MD100 MD120 MD150 MD 220 2xMD120

Width (mm) 500 750 1000 1200 1500 2200 2400
Surface (m2) 0,75 1,15 1,50 1,80 2,25 3,30 3,60

The most usual applications for the densimetric tables are the separation of:

ƒ Inert (glass, sand…) from compost or rubbish in Solid

Waste Recycling Plants.

ƒ Plastic and paper from glass in glass factories.

ƒ Products with different densities and similar sizes:

aluminium from scrap, brass-copper from plastics; coal
depuration; chips from wood… Mixed products Separated product

At URBAR we have a densimetric table for testing purposes, in order to guarantee the required results.

Polígono Industrial Asteasu Tel. (+34) 943 691 500

Zona B, Nº 44 Fax (+34) 943 692 667
Apdo. 247 [email protected]
E – 20159 Asteasu 2004.03

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