Plate Heat Exchangers Series FP, FPDW, FPG, FPSF
Plate Heat Exchangers Series FP, FPDW, FPG, FPSF
Plate Heat Exchangers Series FP, FPDW, FPG, FPSF
Connection positions
11 03
“Off-Set”- embossing
For example, plates with different
allows for asymmetrical “Off-Set” profile
plate corrugation angles (in relation to
flow gaps
the flow direction) can be used.
At first glance, the plate heat ex-
changers of the different providers Obtuse corrugation angles result in
seem to be very similar. However, the longer thermal paths and higher heat Standard-“Sinus”-wave
secret of an efficient heat transfer is transfer rates which in turn lead to a
inside the plate pack whose perfor- high pressure drop.
mance depends on a whole range
of factors apart from plate size and Acute corrugation angles are chosen
number. Ultimately, these factors if the required pressure drop is lower.
determine the size of the device and Varieties of flow gaps
the operating costs.
Not only do FUNKE plate heat ex- The advantage is that the cross-
changers make it possible to sectional areas of the “warm” and
combine different plate corrugations. the “cold” side of the PHE may be
The “off-set” profile also allows for approximately one third larger or
the formation of asymmetrical flow smaller (see figure below and adja-
gaps. cent graphics).
Series FPG
Welded seams
“Sinus” profile “Off-Set” profile
Welded cassettes
For Funke, the “off-set” profile repre- Whether symmetrical or asymmetrical, Welded cassettes (welded plate
04 sents an additional control element the configuration of the plate pack is pairs) are used for special me-
for cost-effective PHE solutions. always calculated by state-of-the-art dia, such as ammonia, in cooling
An oil cooler, for example, is signifi- design software. The first priority is systems.
cantly smaller and cheaper if the always to find the most cost-effective
volume flow on the cooling water solution for the customer. The conventional seals are used
side can be increased. Compared to for sealing on the “water side“
symmetrical plates, up to 17 percent (between the cassettes).
less exchange surface is required.
Short overview of
plate and gasket:
4 5
FUNKE heat transfer plates are always produced in 1.4401/ All gaskets are installed twice in the entry and exit area,
AISI 316L as this material is generally more corrosion-resis- creating a safety room which is open to the outside.
tant and more resistant to chloride damage than 1.4301/AISI It prevents the two media from mixing if the gasket leaks.
304. Depending on the design, titanium is also available in Depending on the design and the type, adhesive or
serial production. non-adhesive (Clip-System) gaskets may be used.
As sealing materials, we use well-known and tried and
As an option, the following additional materials may be used: tested materials such as
• 1.4301/AISI 304 (cost-effective in the case of uncritical media)
• 1.4539/AISI 904L (with high nickel content against stress • NBR (nitrile-butadiene rubber): Universal use for aque-
corrosion cracking, good price/performance ratio in the ous and unctuous media e. g. water/oil applications
case of media with a low acid and chloride content) • EPDM (ethylene-propylene rubber): Wide range of
• 1.4529/254 SMO (higher chloride and acid-resistance than applications for many chemical compounds which do
1.4401/AISI 316L) not contain mineral oil and grease, and for water- and
• Hastelloy (highly resistant against acids and chlorides, e.g. steam application
for concentrated sulphuric acid) • Fluororubber (Viton): Extremely resistant to chemicals
• Titanium ASTM B 265 and organic solvents as well as sulphuric acid and
• Titanium-Palladium (highest material quality, suitable e.g. vegetable oils at high temperatures.
for chlorides at higher temperatures)
FUNKE plate heat exchangers can be supplied Threaded Moulded Metal lining Connection with Flange
with all of the usual connections for all fields of connection rubber part loose flange connection
FP 41/60/80 – · · · ·
FP 405 – 130 – · · – –
FP 81 – 190 – · · – –
Ranges of appl.
FP 200-300 – – · – –
max. design pressure 25 bar
max. design temperature: 180 °C · = available, – = not available
Other connections or bolts on request
FP 14-10/16 200 0.14 837 310 590 135 132 250-1000 pcs.x 2.4 2“ 28
FP 20-10/16 200 0.20 1066 310 819 135 132 250-1000 pcs.x 2.4 2“ 40
FP 10-10/16 200 0.10 735 310 494 126 131 250-1000 pcs.x 2.9 DN 50 20
FP 16-10/16 200 0.15 940 310 694 126 131 250-1000 pcs.x 2.9 DN 50 30
FP 22-10/16 200 0.22 1135 310 894 126 131 250-1000 pcs.x 2.9 DN 50 45
FP 19-6/10/16/25 500 0.20 1080 440 650 202 200 500-3000 pcs.x 3.1 DN 80 100
FP 205-10/16/25 500 0.21 1160 480 719 225 204 500-2500 pcs.x 3.1 DN 100 105
FP 31-6/10/16/25 500 0.30 1332 480 894 225 204 500-3000 pcs.x 3.1 DN 100 150
FP 40-6/10/16/25 500 0.40 1579 480 1141 225 204 500-3000 pcs.x 3.1 DN 100 200
FP 50-6/10/16/25 500 0.50 1826 480 1388 225 204 500-3000 pcs.x 3.1 DN 100 250
FP 71-6/10/16/25 500 0.71 2320 480 1882 225 204 500-3000 pcs.x 3.1 DN 100 355
FP 41/42-6/10/16/25 700/750 0.40 1470 620 941.4 290 225 500-4000 pcs.x 3.5/3.1 DN 150 280/315
FP 60/62-6/10/16/25 700/750 0.60 1835 620 1306.2 290 225 500-4000 pcs.x 3.5/3.1 DN 150 420/450
FP 80/82-6/10/16/25 700/750 0.80 2200 620 1671 290 225 500-4000 pcs.x 3.5/3.1 DN 150 560/600
FP 112-6/10/16/25 750 1.12 2687 620 2157.4 290 225 500-4000 pcs.x 3.1 DN 150 840
FP 405-6/10/16/25 700 0.41 1380 760 770 395 285 500-4000 pcs.x 3.1 DN 200 300
FP 70-6/10/16/25 700 0.68 1740 760 1130 395 285 500-4000 pcs.x 3.1 DN 200 455
FP 100-6/10/16/25 700 1.00 2100 760 1490 395 285 500-4000 pcs.x 3.1 DN 200 700
FP 130-6/10/16/25 700 1.30 2460 760 1850 395 285 500-4000 pcs.x 3.1 DN 200 910
FP 81-6/10/16/25 700 0.80 1930 980 1100 480 365 1280-3780 pcs.x 3.8 DN 300 585
FP 120-6/10/16/25 700 1.20 2320 980 1490 480 365 1280-3780 pcs.x 3.8 DN 300 875
FP 160-6/10/16/25 700 1.60 2710 980 1879 480 365 1280-3780 pcs.x 3.8 DN 300 1120 07
FP 190-6/10/16/25 700 1.90 3100 980 2267 480 365 1280-3780 pcs.x 3.8 DN 300 1330
FP 200-6/10/16 700 2.00 2855 1370 1822 672 480 1280-3780 pcs.x 4.1 DN 500 1400
FP 250-6/10/16 700 2.50 3211 1370 2178 672 480 1280-3780 pcs.x 4.1 DN 500 1750
FP 300-6/10/16 700 3.00 3567 1370 2534 672 480 1280-3780 pcs.x 4.1 DN 500 2100
more types and sizes on request Technical changes reserved pcs. = number of plates
FUNKE customers value reliability
Plate heat exchanger for vacuum
Plate heat exchanger as double oil cooler with transflow valves and
temperature control.
Fully automated press line with a clamping force of 15,000 tons for the production of
very large heat exchange plates or for use with multiple moulds.
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