Nanomedicine Lecture 2007

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Nanotechnology in medical research:

where, when and why?

Marc Baumann
Protein Chemistry/Proteomics Unit
and the Neuroscience Program
Biomedicum Helsinki
E-Mail: [email protected]

Nanoscience IV
Five lectures:

- Nanomedicine prospectives

- Nanoscience and lipids

- Nanoscale enegy production

- Nanoscience and immunology

- Nanoscience and virology


Marc Baumann, Biomedicum Helsinki,

P.O.Box 63, 00014 UH
([email protected])

What are the major biological macromolecules in


What are the major biological macromolecules in


Philosophical question with no answer!!

Every biomolecule is in nanoscale and all they are equally important…

Nanomedicine, what is all about?
Nanomedicine, what is all about?

Our dream!

(J. Lertola)

Like primitive engineers faced with advanced technology,

medicine must `catch up' with the technology level of the
human body before it can become really effective. What is
the technology level? Since the human body is basically an
extremely complex system of interacting molecules (i.e., a
molecular machine), the technology required to truly
understand and repair the body is the molecular machine
technology -- nanotechnology. A natural consequence of this
level of technology will be the ability to analyze and repair
the human body as completely and effectively as we can
repair any conventional machine today."
"Surgeons have advanced from stitching wounds and amputating limbs to
repairing hearts and reattaching limbs. Using microscopes and fine tools,
they join delicate blood vessels and nerves. Yet even the best
microsurgeon cannot cut and stitch finer tissue structures. Modern
scalpels and sutures are simply too coarse for repairing capillaries, cells,
and molecules. Consider `delicate' surgery from a cell's perspective. A
huge blade sweeps down, chopping blindly past and through the
molecular machinery of a crowd of cells, slaughtering thousands. Later, a
great obelisk plunges through the divided crowd, dragging a cable as
wide as a freight train behind it to rope the crowd together again. From a
cell's perspective, even the most delicate surgery, performed with
exquisite knives and great skill, is still a butcher job. Only the ability of
cells to abandon their dead, regroup, and multiply makes healing

K.E. Drexler Engines of Creation (1950’s): The Coming Era of Nanotechnology, Anchor
Press/Doubleday, New York, 1986.
Medical microchips' massive potential


Robotic techniques could revolutionize heart surgery


Nanomedicine may be defined as the monitoring, repair, construction

and control of human biological systems at the molecular level, using
engineered nanodevices and nanostructures.

Nanotechnology Thorough, inexpensive control of the structure of

matter based on molecule-by-molecule control of products and
byproducts; the products and processes of molecular manufacturing,
including molecular machinery.
Nanomedicine cont…

Nanosurgery A generic term including molecular repair and cell surgery.

Nanodentistry The maintenance of comprehensive oral health by employing

nanomaterials, biotechnology including tissue engineering and dental nanorobotics.

Bio-nanomaterial science Materials which are in direct contact with biological fluids
or living tissue, with minimal adverse reaction or rejection by the body.

Nanomachine An artificial molecular machine of the sort made by molecular


(Nano-: A prefix meaning one billionth (1/1,000,000,000).)

For what do you think medicine
could use nanotechnology?
What do you think medicine could
use nanotechnology for?

Immune system
Viral and bacterial attack
Drug delivery
1) orthopedic prostheses such as total knee and hip joint replacements, spinal implants, bone
fixators, and tendon and ligament prostheses;

2) cardiovascular implants such as artificial heart valves, vascular grafts and stents, pacemakers,
and implantable defibrillators;

3) neural implants (e.g., cochlear implants) and cerebrospinal fluid drainage systems (e.g.,
hydrocephalus shunts);

4) plastic and reconstructive implants such as breast augmentation or reconstruction,

maxillofacial reconstruction, artificial larynx, penile implants, and injectable collagen for soft
tissue augmentation;

5) dental implants to replace teeth/root systems and bony tissue in the oral cavity;

6) ophthalmic systems including contact and intraocular lenses;

7) catheters and bladder stimulators;

8) drug-dispensing implants such as insulin pumps;

9) general surgical systems such as sutures, staples, adhesives, and blood substitutes.
Stent and Catheter Developments
• Biodegradeable, Drug-Eluting Stents (DES)
• BioMEMS sensor stents and catheters

Stentenna – transmits blood flow and pressure data

Courtesy U. of Michigan

BioMEMS Catheter Technology

Heart Valve biomaterials

Two types of materials (hard man-made and soft bioprosthetic) are commonly used
for artificial heart valves, though a third type – polymer valves – were also being
Investigated (Graphite/diamond coated with pyrolytic carbon, 2.1 billion cycles,
52 years; denatured Porcine aortic valves, 5-15 years; bovine or autologous pericardium,
human homografts).

>> The principal problems with mechanical heart valves are thrombosis or
Hemorrhaging (life long antithrombosis treatment required), and with biomaterials
their short lifespan.
Bioactive materials

1) Chemically inert materials (e.g. Titanium, tantalum, polyethylene, alumina)

>> Are not inert but get a fiborous tissue capsule around them

2) Bioresorbable materials (e.g. tricalcium phosphate, polylacti-polyclycolic acid


>> Used as drug delivery applications, biodegradable implants (sutures, stents,

screws etc.)

Here we will see the nanofibres come up!! (Star Inc. Electrospun nanofibers;
eSpin Tech. Nanofibers of organic and biological polymers)(150nm fibers).

3) Bioactive materials (e.g. Glass, ceramics, glass-ceramics, plasma-sprayed

Hydroxyapatide, oxidized silicon, sodium, calcium, phosphorus etc.)
Bioactive materials cont...

The goals is to alter the surface material by changing the atomic structure and chemistry
e.g. Ceramic is not very bioactive but when treated with Ion beam surface modification
it become bioactive.

Cells align themselves to nano-scale features on a titanium surface, and the size and
shape of features can control the behavior of different cells.

For instance, fibroblasts (responsible for new collagen fiber deposition during wound
healing) migrate along the nano-sized grooves, while macrophages (white blood
cells responsible for digesting foreign matter) can become trapped within these
features. Biomaterial scientists can exploit such topographical controls to provide
new ways to guide regeneration and healing.
Orthopedic biomaterials
Artificial joints consist of a plastic cup made of ultrahigh molecular weight
polyethylene, placed in the joint socket, and a metal (titanium or cobalt chromium
alloy) or ceramic (aluminum oxide or zirconium oxide) ball affixed to a metal stem.

Billion of tiny polymer particles are shed into the surrounding synovial fluid and
tissues during the life time of the AJ (8-12 Years).

>> Inflammatory cells lack receptors for ultrahigh-density polyethylene or fragments

thereof, yet are able to recognize these utterly foreign objects as such and attack them.

Left: intervertebral disc, 12 months after treatment

with autologous disc chondrocytes

Right: untreated intervertebral disc

Regenerated discs mimic native disc morphology;
autologous treatment promotes tissue regeneration.
Fibroblast cell on a nanostructured surface

Note: that in many nanomedical applications, tissue integration with the

implant is desirable!! For other applications such as hemodynamic systems,
a nonadhesive inert nanodevice surface is desirable!!
Nanotechnology in medical research:
where, when and why?
The European way:

European Technology
Platform on NanoMedicine Nanomedicine
Nanotechnology for Health NanotechnologyforHealth

Vision Paper
and Basis for a Strategic Research Agenda
for NanoMedicine

September 2005

November 2006

European Technology
Platform on NanoMedicine
Nanotechnology for Health
Vision Paper
and Basis for a Strategic Research Agenda
for NanoMedicine

September 2005
European Technology
Platform on NanoMedicine
Nanotechnology for Health
Vision Paper
and Basis for a Strategic Research Agenda
for NanoMedicine

September 2005

Nanomedical developments range from

nanoparticles for molecular diagnostics, imaging
and therapy to integrated medical nanosystems,
which may perform complex repair actions at the
cellular level inside the body in the future.

The field of ‘Nanomedicine’ is the science and

technology of diagnosing, treating and
preventing disease and traumatic injury, of
relieving pain, and of preserving and improving
human health, using molecular tools and Nanomedicine
molecular knowledge of the human body. It was
perceived as embracing five main sub-disciplines
that in many ways are overlapping and
underpinned by the following common
technical issues.

Analytical Tools
• Nanoimaging November 2006

• Nanomaterials and Nanodevices

• Novel Therapeutics and Drug Delivery Systems
• Clinical, Regulatory and Toxicological Issues

DNA chips lab on chip nanotubes electrochemical detection

protein-chips pill on chip nanowires optical detection

glyco-chips nanofluidics nanoparticles mechanical detection
cell-chips nanostructured surfaces electrical detection - by
scanning probes - by mass
spectrometry - by
biosensors for single nanodevices and
and multiple analytes nanoelectronics

• Fast Minimise consultation time (<1 minute)

• Simple Lay person (nurse’s aid) can use
• Portable Take the test to the patient
• Storage Room temperature for consumables
• Painless Minimally invasive blood sampling

DNA chips lab on chip nanotubes electrochemical detection

protein-chips pill on chip nanowires optical detection

glyco-chips nanofluidics nanoparticles mechanical detection
cell-chips nanostructured surfaces electrical detection - by
scanning probes - by mass
spectrometry - by
biosensors for single nanodevices and
and multiple analytes nanoelectronics

What do we have

• Fast Minimise consultation time (<1 minute)

• Simple Lay person (nurse’s aid) can use
• Portable Take the test to the patient
What do we want
• Storage Room temperature for consumables
• Painless Minimally invasive blood sampling
Genetic DNA
disposition Mutations



• Specific • Molecular • Mini-invasive • MI, MDx

markers imaging: surgery • Non-invasive,
(MDx) quantitative, • Local/target- Quantitative
whole-body ed drug imaging
• CA Diagnosis delivery &
• Tissue analy-
sis (MDx)
Drug delivery and Pharmaceutical development
- Supramolecular chemistry-Self assembling drug carriers and gene delivery systems
- Nanoparticles and nanocapsules
- Antibody technologies
- Polymer-drug conjugates
- Polymer-protein and antibody conjugates
- Nano-precipitation, nanocrystals
- Emulsification technologies
- Liposome technology
- In situ polymerisation
- Tissue engineering and repair
- Dendrimer technologies
- Molecular imprinting
Nanopharmaceuticals Cancer
in current use or Antiviral agents
Entering routine use Arteriosclerosis
in the short-term Chronic lung diseases
future (within 5 years) Diabetes

Nanopharmaceuticals Gene therapy

with potential clinical Tissue engineering
applications in the longer Tissue/cell repair
term future (10 years)

Nanodevices Delivery of diagnostic

and therapeutic agents
At the Doctors Office
Examination and Diagnosis of a Patient

The first step in any treatment process is the examination of the patient,
including the individual's medical history, personal functional and
structural baseline, and current complaints.

Advancing technology has also brought a plethora of tests that contribute

to accurate diagnosis, including auscultation, microscopy and clinical
bacteriology in the 19th century, and radiological scanning, clinical
biochemistry, genetic testing, and minimally invasive exploratory
surgery in the 20th century.

In the 21st century, new tools for nanomedical testing and observation
will include clinical in vivo cytography; real-time whole-body
microbiotic surveys; immediate access to laboratory-quality data on
the patient.
An Example
A patient presents in the clinic with mild fever, nasal congestion,
discomfort, and cough. A swab of his throat is taken.

What do we do now?

The sample is analyzed by recombinant DNA techniques.

The cotton throat swab is mixed with a cocktail of DNA probes.
(In approx. 24 hours we will have the first answers for the pathogen!)
What do we do in the future?

The physician faces the patient and pulls from his pocket a lightweight
handheld device resembling a pocket calculator…

MD (Molecular Diagnostics) Chip for Preventive & Personalized Medicine

Nature Biotechnology 22, 6 - 7 (2004)

Disposable Diagnostic Biochip

Biomedical analysis & Prof. Luke P. Lee, Berkely
communication system

Info Bio Nano

In-vivo IR
detection Confocal
Cell trapping window nSERS μCIAs

Cell lysing nSERS

1mm Junction
Cell sorting
Lab Automation: Sample Prep, SMM, & SMD
Microfluidic Pumps Microfluidic interface protein
Protein Microarray Chip structures

Development of Integrated Nanoliter Analysis

Devices (DDTC-Viikki, Microtechnology Center-
HUT, Biomedicum Helsinki)
Hydrophobic trap

Cells B DE


Inlet channel A 1 Hydrophilic H Outlet channel

Hydrophilic trap

B: Inlet/outlet channel with hydrophobic trap Nanopillars

C: Inlet/outlet channel with hydrophilic trap
D-G: Inlet/outlet channels for liquid transfer and wash

The physician faces the patient and pulls from his pocket a
lightweight handheld device resembling a pocket calculator…
Self-sterilizing cordless pencil-sized probe
Acoustic echolocation transceivers

Probe tip result Screen

Result in a few seconds

Probe tip contains billions of nanoscale molecular assay receptors

Solid State Ultrasound


Capacitive micro-fabricated
ultrasonic transducers

• Enabling Technologies
• Integration
– MEMS transducer and
electronics in the same • Benefits
miniature circuit • Portable applications
• Miniaturization • Flexible sheet-like “probe”
– Highest density, performance • Low-cost manufacturing
interconnect & packaging
The diagnosis is completed in a few seconds, the infectious agent is
Promptly Exterminated and a resurvey with the probe several minutes
afterwards reveals no evidence of the pathogen.

Key words:

- Diagnostic
- Treatment
Quantum Dot Applications in Cancer Management

Quantum dots Protein binding &

Laboratory diagnostics

Quantum dot labelling Sentinel node visualization

of mouse colon cancer for breast cancer
through 1 cm of tissue
Intra-Operative Imaging
Sentinal lymph node evaluation and tumour extent


Zentralklinikum Augsburg, Nuklearmedizin

Quantum Dot
Nanomedicine will offer in the doctors office…

- in-office comprehensive genotyping

- real-time whole-body scans for particular bacterial coat markers, tumor

cell antigens, mineral deposits, suspected toxins, hormone imbalances
of genetic or lifestyle origin, and other specified molecules

- producing three-dimensional maps of desired targets with

submillimeter spatial resolution.

- Treatment of various symptoms at the spot

Microfluidics in a Chip with nanosurfaces

Biochip-IMB, Ltd.
A Dermal Display
A set of thousands of Mass
Spectrometers in one chip
Nanotechnology and Biosensors
• Nanotechnology will contribute to a wide range of
diagnostic applications through the development
– Implantable Diagnostic Devices
– Internal Diagnostics
– Intracellular Diagnostics
– Pathogen Detection
Bio-Sensors & Actuators
In-vivo Sensor
–Organic sensor
–With telemetry
–100 microns
New Applications of Biosensors
• Stent Monitor
– Restenosis
– Pressure gradients
– Plaque build-up
– Artery thickening

• Smart Catheter
– Fibrillation Detection

• Post-operative Patient Monitoring

Pill Imager

• Drug Delivery

• Radiation Therapy
– Dynamic Dose Control,
– Micro-Targeting
– Reconstruction Aid (angular uncertainty)
Technology drivers for remote sensing

• MEMS devices
• Sensors and electronic circuitry on same chip
• Low power wireless transmitting devices(100 μWatt)
• Millimetre scale batteries
• Micro-sensor networks using 2.5mm3 motes
• Transmitter range 20m between motes
• Wireless portable display devices
• Hardware encryption
• Local decision support software
Nano BioSensors in the ER

GE Global Research (2002)

• Enabling Technologies • Benefits

– Nanotubes & nanowires – Real time, in situ reading of
– Quantum dots biochemical activity
– Hybrid organics/inorganic – Cellular level optical imaging
– Sensor guided precision surgical
Nano BioSensors in the Doctor`s Office

100 nm

Self Assembled Block Copolymer Thin Films (GE

Global Research, 2002)

• Enabling Technologies • Benefits

– Molecular recognition – Total blood analysis in minutes
– Rapid, accurate disease diagnosis
– High density nano-arrays
– Patient specific disease treatment
Nano BioSensors at Home

Organic Light Emitting Diode Integrated Hall Effect

(GE Global Research, 2002) Sensor (GE Global
Research, 1998)

• Enabling Technologies • Benefits

–Simple patient administered
– Wireless communications diagnostic tests
– Self powered devices –Automatic transmission of
– High resolution displays outpatient data from home to
the doctor
Percutaneous Monitoring with
Miniature Sensors
• Digital plaster device checks
vital signs such as:
– Temperature
– Blood pressure
– Glucose levels
• Results via modem or PDA to a
• Out of range readings give alarm
• Based on hybrid analogue/digital
CMOS semiconductors

Device 3x5mm

Toumaz Technology
Systems Integration is Key to Success
Point of Decision Application
• In Vitro Analysis
• Protein targeting fluorescent
nanoparticles, Microfluidics
Lab on a Chip,Nanowire &
Nanocantilever sensors
• Medical Imaging
• MEMS, Nano Systems
• Communication Satellites
• 3D, Thin, Low Power
• Mobile Communications
• Miniature, High Performance MEMS based pocket ultrasound
Systems system replacing stethoscope
Future Developments of Nanotechnology
in Healthcare
• AFM as a nano-scalpel to dissect DNA from regions of a
• Nanoscale devices on catheter tips
• Single cell diagnosis
• Insertion of molecules into single cell using MEMS
• Drug delivery and monitoring devices
• Biomedical lab testing at the point of care
• Synthetic organs

(Special thanks to Leonard Fass Ph.D. GE Healthcare)

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