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Microteaching is a miniature classroom teaching. The time selects for teaching a particular unit is
reduced to 5-10 minutes. The size of the class reduced 5-10 pupils. The content is reduced to 1 unit.
Only 1 skill is taken up at one time. The idea of microteaching originated for the first time in
Stanford University, USA.

Microteaching is a scaled down teaching encounter in class size and class time.

Allen DW

Microteaching is a training technique which requires student teacher to teach a single concept using
specified teaching skill to a number of pupils in a short duration of time.

Passi BK and lalita MS.

1. Duration of teaching as well as number of students are less.
2. Content is divided into smaller units.
3. Only one teaching skill is considered at a time. Provision of immediate feedback.
4. It is a highly individualized training device.
5. It is a training device to prepare effective teachers.

1. Plan
2. Teach
3. Feedback
4. Re plan
5. Re teach
6. Re feedback
1. Plan: This involves selection of a topic and related content. The topic is analysed into
different activities of the teacher and the students. The activities are planned in logical
2. Teach: This involves the attempts of the teacher trainee to use the components of the skill in
suitable situations in the process of teaching-learning as per the role or the planning activities.
If the situation is not different and not as visualized in the planning of the activities, the
teacher should modify his or her behaviour as per the demand of the situation of the class.
The teacher should have the courage and confidence to handle the situations arising in the
class effectively.
3. Feedback: Refers to the giving information to the teacher trainee about his performance.
4. Re plan: the teacher trainee re-plans his lesson incorporating the points of strength and
removing the points not skilfully handled during teaching in the previous attempt either on the
same topic or on other topic.
5. Re teach: this involves the teaching the same group of student if the topic is chanced or a
different group of students if the topic is same. The teacher trainee teaches the class with
renewed courage and confidence to perform better than the previous attempt.
6. Re feedback: this is the most important component of microteaching for behaviour
modification of the teacher trainee in the desired direction in each and every skill practice.


There are three phases of the Microteaching procedure they are:

1. Knowledge Acquisition Phase: In this phase the teacher trainee learns about the skill and its
components through discussion, illustrations and demonstration of the skill given by the expert. He
learns about the purpose of the skill and the condition under which it proves useful in the teaching-
learning process. His/ Her analysis of the skill into components leading to various types of
behaviours which is to be practised. The teacher trainee tries to gain a lot about the skill from the
demonstration given by the expert. He discusses and clarifies each and every aspect of the skill.

2. Skill Acquisition Phase: On the basis of the demonstration presented by the expert, the teacher
trainee plans a micro-lesson, lesson for practising the demonstrated skill. He practices the teaching
skill through the Microteaching cycle and continues his efforts till he attains mastery level. The feed-
back component of Microteaching contributes significantly towards the mastery level acquisition of
the skill. On the basis of the performance of teacher trainee in teaching, the feedback is provided for
the purpose of change in behaviour of the teacher trainee in the desired direction.

3. Transfer Phase: After attaining mastery level and command over each of the skills, the teacher
trainee integrates all these skills and transfer to actual classroom teaching is done during this transfer

 It focus on sharpening and developing specific teaching skills and eliminating errors.
 It enables understanding of behaviours important in class-room teaching.
 It increases the confidence of the learner teacher.
 It is a vehicle of continous training for both beginners and for senior teachers.
 It provides experts supervision and constructive feedback.


 It requires competent and suitable trained teacher educators.

 It is time consuming.
 Application of microteaching to new teaching practice is limited.
 It trends to reduce the creativity of the teachers.
 It can be carried out successfully in a controlled environment only.
Self activity as the basic principle of learning is universal in its application. An individual can learn
only through her own reactions to situations. There can be no learning where there has been no self
activity. This principle of self activity may be stated simply. A student learns through her own


Self directed learning as a” process in which individuals take initiative, with or without the help of
others. In diagnosing their own learning needs, formulating goals, identify human and material
resources for learning, choosing and implementing appropriate learning strategies and evaluating
learning outcomes.”

Malcolm Knowles

Self directed learning views learners as responsible owners and managers of their own learning
process. Self directed learning integrates self management (management of context, including the
social setting, resources and action) with self monitoring (the process whereby the learners monitor,
evaluate and regulate their cognitive learning stratagies).

Bolhuis & Garrison


 To plan and participate in one’s own learning activities.

 To develop the capacity of learning and thinking of learner.
 To develop the sense of independence by enhancing emancipator learning.
 To develop the problem solving approaches.
 To develop time management skills.
 To develop decision making skill

1. Self motivation
2. Self management
3. Self monitoring
4. Self modification

1. Self motivation: Motivation affects the learning strategies and cognitive process an
individual employs. It increases the likelihood that people will pay attention to something,
study and practice it, and try to learn it in a meaningful fashion. It also increases the
likelihood that they will seek help when they encounter difficulty. Motivation directs an
individual toward certain goals and fullfill their objectives.

2. Self management:
 Establish clear goals.
 Thoroughly gathers information.
 Persistently stays with a task.
 Uses a systematic approach to problem solving. Organizational planning and decision
 Uses articulate, thoughtful communication.
 Continuous process.

3. Self – monitoring:
 Consideration of the ramifications of thoughts, plans decisions and actions.
 Met cognition- the process of consciously monitoring one’s own thinking.
 Self reflection- process of reflecting one’s own thinking patterns, plans, decisions and actions.
 Self- evaluation.

4. Self –modification: revise strategies and implies a great effort to maximize his/her
effectiveness based on feedback.
Changes in one’s behaviour based on the data gathered during self-monitoring and on feed
back received from others.

 SDL allows the learners to be more effective learners.
 SDL helps the learners to develop a sense of responsibility.
 SDL encourages the learners to develop their own rules and leadership patterns.
 SDL helps the learners to be motivated and persistent, independent, self disciplined, self
confident and goal oriented.

 Research has proved that some adults are unable to engage in self directed learning because
they lack independence, confidence or resources.
 Learners can be easily distracted by their own needs, assumptions, values and misperceptions.
 SDL needs to be combined with other learning methods for content to be fully learned.
Microteaching is a procedure in which a student teacher practices teaching with a reduced number of
pupils in a short period of time, with emphasis on a narrow and specific teaching skill. Microteaching
is a miniature classroom teaching. Self directed learning is any knowledge, skill, accomplishment, or
personal development that an individual selects and brings about by his or her own efforts using any
method in any circumstances at any time.

Micro teaching can be and is trust effective in imparting effective teaching skills in student teacher.
With effective use of educational technology this method helps the student teacher gains confidence
to teach. Thus it helps to make good teachers and there by conveying the information to the students
R. Sudha., Nursing education principles and concepts, 3rd edition New Delhi; Jaypee publisher, 2014

Elakkuvana Bhaskar raj, Nima Bhaskar. Textbook of nursing education, Bangalore, Emmess medical
publisher, 2nd 2015 page no. 161-167.

B.T. Basavanthappa,” Nursing Education, 2nd edition, 2009, Jaypee Brothers, Medical publishers,
New Dehli









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