Flipped-Class 2 - Basic Concepts in Analytic Geometry

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Flipped Class 2

Basic Concepts in Analytic Geometry


Y P2(x2, y2)
P(x, y)

P1(x1, y1)

Q2(x2, 0) X
O Q1(x1, 0) Q(x, 0)

  Let P(x, y) be the point of division of the line segment P1P2 such that
P1 P r 1
PP2 r 2

where r1 and r2 are any two real numbers different from zero.

Objective: To find the coordinates of P(x, y)

In the figure above,

r 1 P1 P Q 1 Q
= =
r 2 PP2 QQ 2

Q1 Q x −x1
QQ 2 x 2 −x

x −x1 r1
x 2 −x r2

Solving for x:
r2 x1 + r1 x2
x= r1 + r2 ≠ 0
r1 + r2 Point of division

Similarly, by drawing perpendiculars to the Y axis, we can obtain

r2 y1 + r1 y 2
y= r1 + r2 ≠ 0
r1 + r2 Point of division

We derived these formulas for P between P 1 and P2, but we would obtain the
same formulas for x and y with P 1 between P and P2 or with P2 between P and
P1. In these two cases r1 and r2 have opposite signs, that is, r1/r2 < 0.

If r1 = r2, we obtain the mid-point formula. Thus

Flipped Class 2
Basic Concepts in Analytic Geometry

x1 + x2 y1 + y2
x= y=
2 and 2 Mid-point formulas

are the coordinates of the mid-point of the segment that connects P1 and P2.

For the following quadrilaterals, their diagonals intersect at their midpoints:

parallelogram, square, rectangle and rhombus.

Sample Problems:
1. Find the coordinates of P(x, y) such that P1P/PP2 = r1/r2.
a. P1(-4, 1), P2(6, -9), r1 = 2, r2 = 3
b. P1(4, -3), P2(10, 5), r1 = 2, r2 = -1
c. P1(5, 6), P2(7, -1), r1 = -2, r2 = 3
2. Find the midpoints of the segment that connects the two points.
a. (3, 4), (7, 0) b. (5, -2), (-3, 4) c. (2, 3), (5, -1)
3. Find the coordinates of the points that divide the segment between
P1(-6, -3) and P2(3, 0) into three equal parts.
4. The line segment joining A(1, 3) and B(-2, -1) is extended through each
end by a distance equal to its original length. Find the coordinates of
the new endpoints.
5. A line passes through A(-2, -1) and B(3, 4). Find
a. the point P on AB extended through B so that P is three times as
far from A as from B
b. the point, if P is on AB extended through A so that P is three
times as far from B as from A

Alternate formula for division of a line segment:

P1 P
Let P1 P 2

P1 P x−x 1 P1 P y− y 1
= =r = =r
P1 P2 x 2−x 1 and P1 P 2 y 2− y 1

Solving for x and y:

x = x 1 + r ( x 2 − x 1) y = y1 + r ( y 2 − y1 )

Sample Problems:
1. A 30-lb child is sitting at A(2, 3) and a 50-lb child is at B(12, 7), where
units are feet. Find the point P between A and B which could be used
as the fulcrum of a teeterboard putting the two children in
2. A 60-lb child is sitting on teeterboard at (1, 4) and the fulcrum is at (6,
5), where units are in feet. At what point should a 40-lb child sit to be
in equilibrium.
3. A person 6 ft tall is standing near a street light so that he is 4/10 of
the distance from the pole to the tip of his shadow. How high above

Flipped Class 2
Basic Concepts in Analytic Geometry

the ground is the light bulb? If the person’s head is exactly 5 ft from
the light bulb, how far is the person from the pole, and how long is the
4. A backpacker 6 ft tall sees the peak of a mountain reflected in a small
calm pool. The pool is 2 miles from the peak, according to a map. If
the backpacker is 30 ft from the point of reflection in the pool, how
high is the peak above the level of the pool?
Exercises 2:
1. Find the coordinates of the points which divides the line segment from (-
2, 1) and (2, -3) in the ratio 3 to 4.
2. The line segment joining P1(1, 3) and P2(-2, -4) is extended through each
end by a distance equal to thrice its original length. Find the coordinates
of the new endpoints.
3. Find the point of the line passing through P1(3, 3) and P2(-2, -2) which is
a. Twice as far from P1 as from P2. (two cases)
b. Three times as far from P2 as from P1. (two cases)
4. Divide the segment joining (5, 1) and (-4, 3) into four equal parts and find
the points of division.
5. A point P(x, y) is on the line passing through P 1(1, 4) and P2(-3, 0). Find
the coordinates P given that P1P2 is extended through P2 to P so that P is
three times as far from P1 as from P2.
6. The segment joining (-3, 2) and (4, -3) is extended each way at a distance
equal to one-fourth its own length. Find the coordinates of the terminal
7. Three vertices of a parallelogram are (3, 0), (3, 4), (-3, 1). Find the fourth
8. Three consecutive vertices of a parallelogram are (-1, 4), (-5, 2) and (1,
-4). Find the coordinates of the fourth vertex.
9. A median of a triangle is a line segment joining the vertex of a triangle to
the midpoint of the opposite side. Find the point on its median that is
two-thirds of the distance from the vertex to the midpoint of the opposite
side of the triangle whose vertices are (4, 2), (-4, 3) and (-2, -3).
10. A man 1.676 meters tall has been walking towards the streetlight.
When he is 5 meters from the pole, he stops, so that he is 2/3 of the
distance from the top of the pole to the tip of his shadow. How high
above the ground is the streetlight.


Definition 1:
The inclination of a line that intersects the X-axis is the smallest angle,
greater than or equal to 00, that the line makes with the positive
direction of the X axis. The inclination of a horizontal line is zero.
Definition 2:
The slope of a line is the tangent of the inclination.

y y
P2(x2, y2)
P2(x2, y2)
P1(x1, y1) M
P1(x1, y1)

Flipped Class 2
Basic Concepts in Analytic Geometry

By definition, using the figure above, the slope of a line is given by

MP 2 y2 − y1
tan α = =
P1 M x2 − x1 x2  x1


y2 − y1
m = tan α =
x2 − x1 Slope of a line


Definition 1:
Two lines are parallel if, and only if, their angle of inclinations are equal;
hence, tan 1 = tan 2. Conversely, if the slopes are equal, then 1 = 2
and the lines are parallel.

Definition 2:
Two lines with slopes m1 and m2 are mutually perpendicular if and only

m1 =−
m2 or m1 m2 = −1


If  is an angle, measured counterclockwise, between two lines, then
m 2 − m1
tan φ =
1 + m1 m2

where m2 is the slope of the terminal side and m1 is the slope of the initial


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Flipped Class 2
Basic Concepts in Analytic Geometry

 + 1 = 2 or  = 2 – 1

tan θ2 − tan θ 1
tan φ = tan ( θ2 − θ1 ) =
1 + tanθ 1 tan θ2

If we let m2 = tan 2 and m1 = tan 1, then we have

m 2 − m1
tan φ =
1 + m1 m2

Sample Problems:
1. What is the slope of a line if its inclination is 600? 1350?
2. Find the inclination of line it its slope is a) − 3 and b) 3/3 .
√ √
3. Find the slope of the line through the given points:
a. (2, 3), (5, -1) b. (4, -2), (3, 0) c. (-3, 6), (2, 1)
4. Find the slope of the line perpendicular to one with slope 3.
5. If a line has slope -2/5, what is the slope of a line perpendicular to it?
6. Show that (-2, -3), (4, 6), (5, 1) and (3, -2) are the vertices of an isosceles
7. Find the angle from the line through A and B to the one through C and D.
a. A(2, 1), B(4, -2), C(3, 8), D(-1, 4)
b. A(0, 6), B(5, -3), C(-2, 4), D(7, 0)
8. Find the smallest angle of the triangle with vertices at P, Q, and R.
a. P(2, 9), Q(4, 1), R(-3, -2)
b. P(3, 6), Q(2, -1), R(-4, 5)
9. A television camera is 30 ft from the sideline of a basketball court 94 ft
long. The camera is located 7 ft from the midcourt. Through what angle
must it sweep in order to cover all action on the court?
10. A cross section of a cottage, 18 ft wide, is an isosceles triangle. If
the slope of a side is 1.75 and there is a second floor 8 ft above the
ground floor, what is the width of the second floor?

Exercises 3:
1. Find the angles of the parallelogram whose vertices are (4, 1), (1, 2), (-5,
-1) and (-2, -2).
2. The points P1(3, 1), P2(-2, -2) and P3(-7, -5) all lie on a line. Calculate the
slopes of the line, using three different pairs of points, and verify that the
results are the same.

Flipped Class 2
Basic Concepts in Analytic Geometry

3. Find the slopes of the two diagonals of the quadrilateral whose vertices
are (3, 1), (-1, 2), (-3, -1) and (1, -2). Identify the quadrilateral.
4. Find a second point on the line whose x-coordinate is 1 and if the line
passes through the point (4, 2) with slope 2/3. Draw the line.
5. The slope of the line passing through (2, 2) and (1, y) is ¼. Find y.
6. Prove that the triangle whose vertices are (-4, -3), (-33, 43) and (4, 3) is
equilateral and it is also equiangular.
7. A rhombus is a parallelogram with all sides equal in length. Prove that
the points (-2, 9), (-4, -2), (1, -12) and (3, -1) are vertices of a rhombus.
Show that the diagonals are perpendicular.
8. The vertices of a triangle inscribe in a triangle, whose vertices are (4, 5),
(-6, 3) and (-1, -2), coincides with the midpoints of the given triangle.
Find the slopes and the angles of the inscribe triangle.
9. A triangle is inscribed in a rectangle, whose vertices are (3, 2), (-3, 2), (-
3, -2) and (3, -2). Two vertices of the triangle coincide with the midpoints
of the sides of the rectangle and the third vertex of the triangle coincides
with one of the vertices of the rectangle. Draw the figure and find the
a. Slopes of the sides of the triangle
b. Angles of the vertices of the triangle
10. An equilateral triangle is inscribed in a trapezoid whose vertices
are (4, 0), (1, 3), (-3, 1) and (2, -4). If the trapezoid has altitude equal to
square root of ten, find
a. The slopes of the sides of the triangle
b. The angles of the vertices of the triangle
c. The area of the triangle (A = ½ bh)
d. The area of the trapezoid (A = ½ h(b1 + b2)


The word “locus” comes from a Latin word meaning “location” or “place.” In
geometry, a locus is a set of all points that satisfies a given condition or a set of
conditions – we could think of a locus as a set of locations that satisfies a given
condition or a set of conditions. We can describe locations verbally (in words)
and algebraically (with coordinates or an equation). In order to determine the
locus of points, the sample space must be known. Answers vary according to
the sample space used. Model the locus first so that you have a firm idea of
what you are trying to describe.

When attempting to solve a locus problem, there are certain steps that should
be followed.

These are the steps to solving a locus problem.

1) Where is it? Is the locus on the number line, on a plane, or in space?
Note: The answers will be different for each environment.
2) Model the given information.

Flipped Class 2
Basic Concepts in Analytic Geometry

3) Model the locus condition(s).

4) Describe the locus verbally.
5) Describe the locus algebraically if required.

Example 1
a) Describe verbally the locus of points that are 7 cm. from a point P.
b) Describe algebraically the locus of points that are 7 cm. from a
point P

Case I - on the number line (in cm.)

● ●
A(a – 7) B(a + 7)
a) Solution is two points A and B each seven units from P
b) If P(a), then solution is two points A(a – 7) and B(a + 7).

Case II - on the plane

a) Solution is a circle with center P and radius 7 cm.

b) If P(a, b), then solution is (x – a)2 + (y – b)2 = 49


Case III - in space

a) Solution is a sphere with center P and radius 7 cm.
b) If P(a, b, c), then solution is (x – a)2 + (y – b)2 + (z – c)2 = 49


Example 2
Describe verbally the locus of points x = 5.

Flipped Class 2
Basic Concepts in Analytic Geometry

Case I - On the number line.

● ● ●
P(0) A(5)
Solution is the point A(5).

Case II – On the plane

Solution is a line perpendicular to the x-axis at (5, 0) or, worded another
way, solution is a line parallel to the y-axis that intersects the x-axis at (5,

1 x

Case III – In Space

Solution is a plane perpendicular to the x-axis at (5, 0, 0) or, worded
another way, solution is a plane parallel to the yz-plane that intersects
the x-axis at (5, 0, 0).


Note: A 2-dimensional drawing of a 3-dimensional solution is not always very

clear. Because of this, we will not require drawing the locus of points in space.

Example 3
a) Describe verbally the locus of points 3 units from x = 5.
b) Describe algebraically the locus of points 3 units from x = 5.

Case I – On the number line

a) Two points 3 units on either side of P(5).
b) Two points A(2) and B(8)

Flipped Class 2
Basic Concepts in Analytic Geometry

Case II – On the plane

a) Two lines parallel to and 3 units on either side of the line x = 5
b) Two lines with equations x = 2 and x = 8.

Case III – In space

a) Two planes parallel to and 3 units on either side of the plane x = 5.
b) Two planes with equations x = 2 and x = 8

Example 4
a) Describe verbally the locus of points 5 units from the y-axis.
b) Describe algebraically the locus of points 5 units from the y-axis.

Case I – on the number line

This problem has no meaning on the number line.

Case II – on the plane

a) Two lines parallel to the y-axis and 5 units on either side of it
b) Two lines x = 5 and x = -5

Case III – in space

a) A baseless cylinder with axis being the y-axis and radius 5.
b) A baseless cylinder x2 + z2 = 25

Example 5
a) Describe verbally the locus of points equidistant from points A and B
b) Describe algebraically the locus of points equidistant from points A and

Case I – on the number line

a) Solution is the midpoint of AB .
b) If A(2) and B(10), then M, the midpoint of AB , is M(6).

Case II – on the plane

a) The perpendicular bisector of AB .
b) If A(2, -1) and B(10, 5), then the midpoint is (6, 2) and the slope of AB
is 6/8 or ¾. Slope of  bisector is -4/3.
y2  (x  6)
Solution is 3
Case III – in space
a) Solution is the plane perpendicular to AB at its midpoint
b) If A(2, -1, 0) and B(10, 5, 0), then the solution is the plane with
y2  (x  6)
equation 3 .

Example 6

Flipped Class 2
Basic Concepts in Analytic Geometry

Draw and describe verbally the locus of points that are 5 units from a given AB

Case I – on the number line

The problem has no meaning.

Case II – on the plane

 Solution is the union of two segments parallel to the original segment
and five units away on either side with two semicircles of radius five and
centers at the endpoints of the given segment

Case III – in space

 Solution is the union of a baseless cylinder with axis the given segment,
radius of 5, and height = given segment’s length and two hemispheres
with radius five and centers at the endpoints of the given segment.

Example 7
A dog is tied to a clothesline with a 13-foot leash so that the leash can move
along the clothesline, but stops at each end. If the clothesline is 39 feet long
and is 5 feet above the dog’s collar, find the locus of the boundary of the dog’s
running area.

Top View End View

Dog leash (13

Height of Clothes
Distance on
line(5 feet)
(12 feet)
Solution is the union of a rectangle that is 24 feet by 39 feet and two
semicircles that have centers directly below the endpoints of the clothesline
and radii of 12 feet and the interiors of each.

Example 8:

Problem In a Plane In Space

The locus of points Two circles with Two baseless
that are 4 units from center (0, 0) radii 1 cylinders with axis
the set of points and 9 and described being the z-axis and
described by x2 + y2 = by radii of 1 and 9 and
25 x2 + y2 = 1 and x2 + y2 described by
= 81 x2 + y2 = 1 and x2 + y2
= 81.
The locus of points One circle described One baseless cylinder
that are 6 units from by with axis the z-axis
the set of points x2 + y2 = 121 and radius 11 and

Flipped Class 2
Basic Concepts in Analytic Geometry

described by x2 + y2 = described by x2 + y2 =
25 121
The locus of points A circle described by The z-axis and a
that are 5 units from x2 + y2 = 100 and the baseless cylinder with
the set of points point (0, 0) z-axis as its axis and
described by x2 + y2 = radius 10 and
25 described by x2 + y2 =
100 and the point (0,
The locus of points The circle described The baseless cylinder
that are described by by with axis the z-axis
x2 + y2  25 x2 + y2 = 25 and its and radius 5 and its
interior interior
The locus of points No meaning A sphere described by
that are 5 units from described by
the set of points x2 + y2 + z2 = 100 and
described by x2 + y2 + the point (0, 0, 0)
z2 = 25
The locus of points No meaning The sphere described
that are 6 units from by
the set of points x2 + y2 + z2 = 25 and
described by x2 + y2 + its interior.
z2  25

There are five basic locus theorems (rules). 

 Each theorem will be explained in detail in the following sections under this
topic.  Even though the theorems found confusing, the concepts are easy to

Locus Theorem 1:
 The locus of points at a fixed distance, d, from point P is a circle with the
given point P as its center and d as its radius.

1. What is the locus of point 3 inches from point B?
a. a line b. a circle c. a triangle
2. What is the equation of the locus of points 4 units from the origin?
a. x2 + y2 = 0 b. x2 + y2 = 4 c. x2 + y2 = 16
3. The student radio station has a broadcasting range of 24 miles. 
Describe the locus of points which represents the outer edge of the
broadcasting range.

Flipped Class 2
Basic Concepts in Analytic Geometry

4. A hospital is located at the coordinates (2, 4) on a coordinate grid.  The

hospital's ambulance for 30 miles.   Write the equation of the locus which
represents the outer edge of the ambulance service area.

Locus Theorem 2:
 The locus of points at a fixed distance, d, from a line, l, is a pair of
parallel lines d distance from l and on either side of l.

1. The locus of points at a given distance from a straight line is
a. one straight line b. a circle c. two parallel lines d. two
intersecting lines
2. What is the equation of the locus of points 5 units away from the y-axis?
a. y = 5 b. x = 5 or x = -5 c. y = 5 or y = -5
3. Describe the locus of points 2 units from the line y = -1.
4. A straight driveway is 25 feet long and 8 feet wide.  A gardener is
planning to plant flowers 6 feet from the center of the driveway. 
Describe where the flowers will be planted.
5. True or False:  The locus of points equidistant from the line x = 2 could
be two lines whose equations are x = 0 and x = 5.

Locus Theorem 3:
 The locus of points equidistant from two points, P and Q, is the
perpendicular bisector of the line segment determined by the two points.

1. The locus of points equidistant from two fixed points is
a. one circle b. one straight line c. two circles d. two straight
2. What is the equation of the locus of points equidistant from the points (4,
2) and (-2, 2)?
a. y = 1 b. x = 1 c. x = -1
3. There are two buoys in a lake.  A scuba diver swims so that he is always
equidistant from both buoys. Describe his path.
4. Two houses are 180 feet apart.  The underground electrical cable used to
service the houses is such that the distance from any point on the cable

Flipped Class 2
Basic Concepts in Analytic Geometry

to each home is always the same distance.  Describe where the cable
should be placed.
5. True or False:  The locus of points equidistant from the points (-1,-3) and
(-1,4) is a line whose equation is y = 1/2.

Locus Theorem 4:
 The locus of points equidistant from two parallel lines, l1 and l2 , is a line
parallel to both l1 and  l2 and midway between them.

1. The locus of points equidistant from two parallel lines is 
a. one circle b. one straight line c. two circles d. two straight
2. What is the equation of the locus of points equidistant from the lines
 y = -2 and y = 3? A. y = 0 b. y = ½ c. x = 1
3. Describe the locus of a car that is driven down a straight road equidistant
from the two opposite parallel curbs on the side of the road?
4. Describe the locus of the center of the wheel of a train that is moving
along a straight, level track.
5. True or False:  The locus of points equidistant from the lines x = -1.5 and
x = 1.5 is the x-axis.

Locus Theorem 5:
 The locus of points equidistant from two intersecting lines, l1 and l2, is a
pair of bisectors that bisect the angles formed by l1 and l2 .

1. The locus of points equidistant from two intersecting lines is
a. one circle b. two parallel lines c. two circles d. a pair of
angle bisectors
2. What is the equation of the locus of points equidistant from the x-axis and
the y-axis?
a. y = x and y = -x b. y = 2 and y = -2 c. x = 1 and x = -1
3. Ben skis through a park that is bounded on two sides by straight
intersecting streets. Ben skis so that he is always the same distance from
each street.  Describe Ben's path.

Flipped Class 2
Basic Concepts in Analytic Geometry

4. True or False:  The locus of points equidistant from the sides of an angle
is the angle bisector.

The epicenter of an earthquake is the point on the Earth's surface that is

directly above the earthquake's origin. A seismograph measures ground
motion during an earthquake. The seismograph measures the distance to the
epicenter, but not the direction to the epicenter. To locate the epicenter,
readings from three seismographs in different locations are needed.

You are given readings from three seismographs.
 At A(5, 5), the epicenter is 4 miles away.
 At B(4, 3.5), the epicenter is 5 miles away.
 At C(1, 1.5), the epicenter is 7 miles away.

Where is the epicenter?

There are many other interesting loci, for example the cycloid. The cycloid is
the locus of a point on a circle as the circle rolls in a straight line along a flat
surface. The cycloid is the path that a falling body takes on a windy day in
order to reach the ground in the shortest possible time.

Compound Locus of a Point Problems

1. What is the number of points in a plane two units from a given line and
three units from a given point on the line?
a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. 4

The answer will be 4 points.  Notice where the two loci intersect marked with
"X".  The red lines are the first locus condition and the blue circle is the second
locus condition.

2. Two points A and B are 6 units apart.  How many points are there that are
equidistant from both A and B and also 5 units from A?

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Basic Concepts in Analytic Geometry

a. 0 b. 1 c. 2 d. 3

The answer will be 2 points.  Notice where the two loci intersect marked with
"X".  The red line is first locus condition and the blue circle is the second locus

3. Parallel lines r and s are 8 meters apart, and A is a point on line s.  How
many points are equidistant from r and s and also 4 meters from A?
a. 0 b. 1 c. 2 d. 3

The answer will be 1 point, where the circle is tangent to the line.  Notice
where the two loci intersect marked with "X".  The red line is first locus
condition and the blue circle is the second locus condition.

4. A given point P is 10 units from a given line.  How many points are 3 units
from the line and 5 units from point P?
a. 0 b. 1 c. 2 d. 3

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Basic Concepts in Analytic Geometry

The answer will be 0 points as the loci do not intersect.  The red lines are the
first locus condition and the blue circle is the second locus condition.

5. Two points A and B are 7 units apart.  How many points is there that are 12
units from A and also 4 inches from B?
a. 0 b. 1 c. 2 d. 3

The answer will be 0 points - the loci do not intersect.  The circle with center B
is not large enough to "reach" the circle with center A.

6. a. Draw the locus of points equidistant from the points (4, 1) and (4, 5) and
write the equation for this locus.
b. Draw the locus of points equidistant from the points (3, 2) and (-4, 2) and
write the equation for this locus.
c. Find the number of points that satisfy both conditions stated in a and b. 
Give the coordinates of each point found.

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Basic Concepts in Analytic Geometry

Both part a and part b require a perpendicular bisector of the segment joining
the two points as the locus.  In part a, the equation is y = 3 and in part b, the
equation is x = - 1/2.  The two loci intersect in one point whose coordinates are

7. a. Draw the locus of points 3 units from the y-axis and write the equation for
this locus.
b. Draw the locus of points 4 units from the origin and write the equation for
this locus.
c. How many points that satisfy both conditions stated in parts a and b?

The answer to part a will be two straight lines each at a distance of 3 units
from the y-axis and parallel to the y-axis.  Their equations are x = 3 and x = -3. 

Flipped Class 2
Basic Concepts in Analytic Geometry

The answer to part b is a circle whose center is the origin and whose radius is
4.  Its equation is x2 + y2 = 16.

The number of points which satisfy both parts a and b is 4.   These points are
marked with a green dot.
8. Determine the point(s) in the plane that are equidistant from the points A(2,
6), B(4, 4) and C(8, 6).

The locus equidistant from 2 points is the perpendicular bisector of the

segment joining the points.  There is ONE point equidistant from all three
points, as seen on the graph

9. Write the equation of the locus of points equidistant between (-5,-3) and (7,

The locus equidistant from 2 points is the perpendicular bisector of the

segment joining the points.  The slope of AB is 2/3, making the slope of the
locus – 2/3.  Using the midpoint formula, the midpoint of the segment is (1, 1).

Flipped Class 2
Basic Concepts in Analytic Geometry

The equation of the locus is y – y1 = m(x – x1)

y−1=− ( x−1 )
2 y=−3 x+5
Exercise 4:
1. A dog is on a 20-ft leash. The leash is o
attached to a pipe at the midpoint of the 20g
back wall of a 30 ft-by-30 ft. house, as ft.
shown in the diagram. Sketch and use 15
shading to indicate the region in which the ft
dog can play while attached to the leash. 30
Include measurements to describe the ft.

2. You are playing a game of tag. Two of your friends are hiding behind
bushes that are 10 feet apart. Where could you possibly stand so that
your distance to each friend is exactly the same distance?
3. What is the equation of the curve that is the locus of all points
equidistant from the two points (5, 3) and (2, 1)?
4. Find the equation of the curve that is the locus of all points equidistant
from the line x = -3 and the point (3, 0).
5. Determine the equation of the locus of a point that moves so that it is
three times as far from point A(1, 1) and from point B(3, 4)
6. How many points are equidistant from two intersecting lines and also 5
units away from the point of intersection?
7. How many points are equidistant from 2 parallel lines and also
equidistant from two points on one of the lines?
8. How many points are 3 units from a given line and 3 units from a point
on the line?
9. Two points A and B are 7 units apart. How many points are there that are
6 units from A and also 4 inches from B?
10. How many points are 2 units from the line x = 1 and 4 units from
the point P(0, 3)?
11. a. Draw the locus of points 3 units from the x-axis and write the
equation for this locus.
b. Draw the locus of points 4 units from the origin and write the equation
for this locus.
c. How many points satisfy both conditions stated in parts a and b?
d. Determine a distance in (b) where no points will satisfy both conditions
a and b.
12. You are given seismograph readings from three locations.
 At A(5, 6), the epicenter is 13 miles away.
 At B(6, 2), the epicenter is 10 miles away.
 At O(0, 0), the epicenter is 6 miles away.

Flipped Class 2
Basic Concepts in Analytic Geometry

a. For each seismograph, graph the locus of all possible locations for the
b. Where is the epicenter?
c. People could feel the earthquake up to 14 miles away. If your friend
lives at (3, 20), could your friend feel the earthquake? Explain your
11. What is the locus of the outer end of the hour hand of a clock
during a 12-hour period?
12. What is the locus of the center of a train wheel that is moving along
a straight, level track?
13. What is the locus of a car that is being driven down a street
equidistant from the two opposite parallel curbs?
14. A dog is tied to a stake by a rope 6 meters long. Discover the
boundary of the surface over which he may move.
15. A boy walks through an open field that is bounded on 2 sides by
straight, intersecting roads. He walks so that he is always equidistant
from the 2 intersecting roads. Describe his path. Determine her path.
16. A dime is rolled along a horizontal line so that the dime always
touches the line. What is the locus of the center of the dime?
17. What is the locus of points that is 10 centimeters from a given
18. What is the locus of points equidistant from 2 points, A and B,
which are 8 meters apart?
19. What is the locus of points equidistant from 2 parallel lines 6 feet
20. What is the locus of points 4 inches away from line AB?
21. What is the locus of points equidistant from 2 parallel lines that are
6 inches apart?
22. Point P is in the interior of ABC. What is the locus of points in the
interior of ABC that are equidistant from both sides of ABC and 2
inches from P? How does the location of P within ABC affect the locus?
Miscellaneous Problems on Loci
1. How many points are equidistant from two intersecting lines and also 5
units away from the point of intersection?
2. How many points are equidistant from 2 parallel lines and also
equidistant from two points on one of the lines?
3. How many points are 3 units from a given line and 3 units from a point
on the line?
4. Two points A and B are 7 units apart. How many points are there that are
6 units from A and also 4 inches from B?
5. How many points are 2 units from the line x = 1 and 4 units from the
point P(0, 3)?
6. a. Draw the locus of points 3 units from the x-axis and write the equation
for this locus.
b. Draw the locus of points 4 units from the origin and write the equation
for this locus.
c. How many points satisfy both conditions stated in parts a and b?

Flipped Class 2
Basic Concepts in Analytic Geometry

d. Determine a distance in (b) where no points will satisfy both conditions

a and b.
7. What is the total number of points equidistant from two intersecting lines
and 5 inches away from their point of intersection?
8. What is the total number of points that are both 3 units from the y-axis
and 3 units from the origin?
9. Points A and B are 8 units apart. What is the total number of points
equidistant from A and B and also 4 units from the straight line passing
through A and B?
10. What is the total number of points that are equidistant from two
parallel lines and also equidistant from two points on one of the lines?


In general, the area of a polygon with consecutive vertices P 1(x1, y2), P2(x2, y2),
…, Pn(xn, yn) taken in counterclockwise direction and no points of which
overlaps is given by

1 x x … xn x1
An = | 1 2 |
2 y1 y2 … yn y1

For a triangle of vertices P1(x1, y2), P2(x2, y2), and P3(x3, y3) taken in a
counterclockwise direction, the area can be obtained directly using the
determinant formula

x y 1
1 1 1
A = |x2 y 2 1 |
x3 y 3 1


1. Show that the triangle with vertices (-1, 2), (-4, -1) and (3, -2) is a right
2. Show that the triangle with vertices (-10, 7), (-6, -2), and (3, 2) is
3. Show that the triangle with vertices (4, 3), (5, 0), and (6, 3) is
4. Show that the triangle with vertices (6, 9), (1, 1), and (9, -4) is an
isosceles right triangle.
5. Show that the quadrilateral with vertices (-3, -3), (5, -1), (7, 7), and (-1, 5)
is a rhombus.
6. Show that the points (5, 4), (-5, 8), (-7, 3) and (3, -1) are the vertices of a
7. Show that the triangle with vertices at (2, 2), (4, -2) and (-4, 6) is a right

Flipped Class 2
Basic Concepts in Analytic Geometry

8. Show that the triangle with vertices at A(1, 1), B(9, -7) and C(0, -8) is
9. Show that (-2, -3), (4, 6), (5, 1) and (3, -2) are the vertices of an isosceles
10.A rhombus is a parallelogram with all sides equal in length. Prove that
the points (-2, 9), (-4, -2), (1, -12) and (3, -1) are vertices of a rhombus.
Show that the diagonals are perpendicular.
11.Prove that the triangle whose vertices are (-4, -3), (-33, 43) and (4, 3) is
equilateral and it is also equiangular.


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