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eo No.

Government of India
Ministry of Road Transport & Highways
Transport Bhavan,No.1, ParliamentStreet, NewDelhi-110001

Dated: August 27, 2018


1. The Chairman, National Highways Authority of India, G-5 & 6, Sector-10, Dwarka,
New Delhi-110 075.
2. The ManagingDirector, NHIDCL,PTI Building, New Delhi-110001
3. All CE-ROsof the Ministry

Subject: Use of fly ash in road/ f1yover embankments construction.

The use of fly-ash in road construction is permitted as per the Standards &
Specifications evolved by the Indian Road Congress/ Ministry. The physical and chemical
properties of fly ash and the design methodology to be adopted for embankment
construction has been specified in IRC:SP:58:2001"Guidelines for use of fly-ash in road
construction". Section 305 i.e. "Embankment Construction" of MoRT&HSpecifications for
Road and Bridge works lays down the specifications for use of fly-ash in embankment

2. There is a huge generation of fly ash in the country and substantial portion of it
remains unutilized which is an environmental concern, creating health hazards apart from
occupation of large areas of precious land for its storage/disposal. Disposal and utilization
of ash generated at the thermal power plants has become a pressing and urgent task. Bulk
utilization of the fly-ash is possible in the field of civil engineering applications, especially
construction of road embankments.

3. Ministry of Environment Forests and Climate Change (MoEF&CC)has issued various

notifications for fly ash utilization. The principal notification was issued on 14-9-1999,which
was subsequently amended vide notifications dated 27-8-2003, 3-11-2009 and 25-1-2016. As
per the notification of MoEF&CC,it is mandatory to use fly-ash in the construction of road or
flyover embankments within a radius of 300 km of a thermal power plant. Further, the
relevant content of the notification dated 25-1-2016 of MoEF&CCregarding road/ flyover
embankment construction are as under:-

Para 10: The cost of transportation of ash for road construction projects or for
manufacturing of ash based products or use as soil conditioner in agriculture
activity within a radius of hundred kilometers from a coal or lignite based
thermal power plant shall be borne by such coal or lignite basedthermal power
plant and the cost of transportation beyondthe radius of hundredkilometers and
up to three hundredkilometers shall be sharedequally between the userand the
coal or lignite basedthermal power plant.

Para 14: The coal or lignite basedthermal power plants shall within a radiusof
three hundredkilometers bear the entire cost of transportation of ashto the site
of road construction projects under PradhanMantri Gramin SadakYojana and
asset creation programmes of the Government involving construction of
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e. No. 24028/14/2018-H
Government of India
Ministry of Road Transport & Highways
Transport Bhavan,No.1, ParliamentStreet, New Delhi-110001

buildings, road, damsand embankments.

4. The issue of lesser off-take of fly-ash in road construction activities of the Ministry
of Road Transport & Highways and its executing agencies (NHAI, State PWDs,NHIDCL)has
been reviewed at the level of the Ministry. It was pointed out that the Thermal Power Plants
have been found to be reluctant to bear the Transportation Costs in accordance with the
latest Notification issued by the MoEF&CCon the subject. Accordingly, Secretary, MoRTH
took up the matter with the Secretary, Ministry of Power and the CMDI NTPC. The CMD,
NTPCclarified that they had already issued instructions in this behalf to the officers-in-
charge of all the NTPC Plants. The availability of fly ash at various stations of National
Thermal Power Corporation (NTPC)is available at NTPCofficial web site
under the Tab "Ash Availability". The names of responsible persons along with telephone
numberI mobile numberI E-mail address to communicate for issues of Pond ash is
mentioned herein. The same is also available in the App "ASHTRACK'launched by the
Ministry of Power.

5. A list of Thermal Power Stations and the available quantity of fly ash as on 30-6-
2018, as received from the Ministry of Urban Development is enclosed at Annexure-A.

6. The notification dated 25-1-2016 of the MoEF&CCfurther stipulates that an MoU or

any other agreement for using fly ash is to be made between the Thermal Power Station and
construction agencyI Contractor. A sample MoU finalized between the NTPCand officials of
NHAIis enclosed as Annexure-B.

7. It is, therefore, requested to assessthe quantity of fly ash that can be utilized in
each on-going project within a radius of 300 km from the thermal power plant. The details
of the assessedquantities of fly ash may be provided in the following proforma to the
Ministry urgently:

A. On-going Projects (bid before 25-1-2016)

Sr. Name of the Available Name of Length of Quantity of fly Average
No. nearby thermal quantity in ProjecU the Project ash that can lead of the
power plant plant in Tonne NH No. be utilized in project from
Tonne plant
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

B. On-going Projects (bid after 25-1-2016)

Sr. Name of the Available Name of Length of Quantity of fly Average
No. nearby thermal quantity in ProjecU the ash that can lead of the
power plant plant in Tonne NH No. Project be utilized in project from
Tonne plant
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

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• No. 24028/14/2018-H
Government of India
Ministryof Road Transport & Highways
Transport Bhavan,No.1, ParliamentStreet, New Delhi-110001

8. It is requested to provide the details in the proforma prescribed under para 7 above
within 10 days to the Ministry. It may be mentioned that a meeting shall be held by the
Secretary (RT&H)on this issue in the first week of September, 2018.

Yours faithfully,

V ~aj Kumar)
Assistant Executive Engineer (SaR) (paB)
For Director General (Road Development) ass

Copy to:

1. All ADGsin the Ministry of RoadTransport a Highways

2. All CEsin the Ministry of RoadTransport a Highways

Page3 of 3
Asn Avauacmty I N I I-'L,;

Ash Availability

Stock of each type of ash available at NTPC Stations as on 30.06.2018

1. Singrauli Uttar June 2018 600 70.20 Debasis Sen, 05446 -

Pradesh GGM 232441

2. Korba Chhattisgarh June 2018 700 48.52 Niraj Kumar 07759-

Sinha, ED 237234

3, Rarnaqundam Telanqana June 2018 4969 0 70.84 Ravindra. 08728 -

CGNl 272125

4. Farakka West Bengal June 2018 2700 39.92 Kunal Gupta, 03485-
GGM 224241

5. Vindhyachal Madhya June 2018 4000 64.86 A.K Tiwari, 07805 -

Pradesh GGM 247710

6. Rihand Uttar June 2018 3000 32.88 Ashes 05446 -

Pradesh Kumar 242001

r, Kahalqaon Bihar June 2018 3700 737000 65.93 K Sreedhar. 06429 -
GGM 226333

8, Dadri uttar June 2018 18500 0.12 A.K Das, 0120 -

Pradesh CGM 2671300

9. Talcher Orissa June .2018 1770 74.45 Ram Kuber, 06760 -

Kaniha ED 243252

10. Feroze Uttar June 2018 2000 8.58 R.K Sinha, 05311 -
Gandhi, Pradesh GCM 278010

11. Talcher Orissa June 2018 200 2.48 Mithlesh 06760 -

Thermal Singh. HOP 249101

12, Slmhadrl Andhra June 2018 5100 0 2.49 A Maiti,GGM 08924 -

Pradesh 243001

13. Tanda Uttar June 20iS 1450 6.14 !<.S R21jiv , ED 05273 -
Pradesh 281198 1/2
AShAvailability I NTPC

, .14.·· . Badarpur Delhi


. 2018 3500 0.16 Chandan
011 -

15. Sipat Chhattisgarh June 2018 5200 30.88 AK 07752 -

Samanta. 246501

16. Mauda Maharashta June 2018 4000 784157 0.83 Rajkumar. 07115 -
GGM 281170

17. Barh Bihar June 2018 875 5.04 Asit Kumar 06132-
Mukherjee, 240001

18. Bongaigaon Assam June 2018 0.58 Dipankar 03661-

Bose, GGM 282754

19. Solapur Maharastra June 2018 500 0.14 Nav Kumar 0217 -
Sinha. GGM 2252578

20. Kudgi Karnataka June 2018 1250 0.48 Sanjiv 08426 -

Kishore, ED 280371

Remarks: •• Available on ash mound

Procedure for supply of ash from NTPCThermal power plants Click here... 2/2
.' Draft MOU




The Memorandum of Understanding (MOUin short) is made on ------- day of ---------- (name

of month)-------- (year) by and between NTPClimited, a wholly owned Government of India

Enterprise, incorporated under the company Act, 1956 and having its Registered Office at

NTPCBhawan, Core -7, ScopeComplex, 7 Institutional area, Lodhi road, New Delhi- 110003

and having one of its coal based thermal power station namely -------------------------- (name

of power plant with full address) herein referred to "NTPC" (which expression shall unless

repugnant to the context or meaning there of "NTPC" includes its successorsand assigns)

on first part.


National Highway Authority of India (NHAI) having its registered office at ---------------- (full

address of registered office) referred as "-----"(short name) (which expression shall unless

repugnant to the context or meaning of includes its successorsand assigns)on second part.

WHEREAS------- (short name of power plant) has amongst other, a thermal power station at

--------- (name of place where power plant situated) known as NTPC--------.

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AND WHEREASin the operation of said------ (name of power plant) ---------- tonne of ash

per day is generated and ------- (name of power plant) intends to bear cost for loading,

transportation and unloading pond ash/ bottom ash mound ash for use in construction of

road embankment at --------- (location of site) for its utilization in compliance of MoEF&CC

gazette notification dated 03-1-2009and its amendment 25-01-2016.

AND WHEREAS-------- (name of power plant) had approached ------- NHAI for use of pond

ash/bottom ash/ mound ash in construction of road embankment of the ------ road project

as per the stipulation of said gazette notification and compliance of the same.

AND WHEREAS--------- NHAIhas agreed to utilize pond ash/ bottom ash/ mound ash in said

road construction projects as per the design/ specification approved by the government

agency or their consultant or as per the guidelines or specifications issued by the Indian

Road Congress(IRC) as contained in IRCspecification No. SP: 58 of 2001 as amended from

time to time.

ANDWHEREAS-------(name of power plant) has agreed to permit for excavation and loading

of pond/ash/bottom ash/ mound ash from identified Ash Pond/ mound ash of -------- (name

of ash pond and location) to transport ash to road construction site as per the requirement

given by the construction agencies of NHA!. ---- to take up the road project work in line

with specification / drawings.


That in consideration of mutual agreement and with intent to achieve above objective of

NTPC----------- and --------- NHAImutually agreed as under:

2 of 9
1. NTPCshall allow excavation, loading and transportation of pond ash/ bottom ash/

mound ash in the covered trucks., dumpers as per the approved guidelines of CPCBto

the construction site of road project (name of road site) to authorized transporter/

contractor of NHAI/ road construction department of Government! Union Territory in

compliance of MoEFfrCCgazette notification on ash utilization dated 03-11-2009 and


2. NTPCshall issue pond ash/bottom ash/ mound ash on "as is where is basis and free of

cost" to authorized transporter/contractor of NHAIfor road construction projects.

3. The --------- NHAIshall inform to NTPC------ for their (i) total requirement of pond ash/

bottom ash/bottom ash/ mound ash for the project (ii) schedule of construction plan

along with location and (iii) monthly requirement of pond ash / bottom ash / mound

ash at that site so that necessaryarrangement will be made by NTPC---·--- at Ash pond/

mound for issue of ash.

4. The authorized representative of .... -.-.-- NHAI shall certify the quantity of ash

received from NTPC----····-- (name of station). In order to have better communication

and management, number of trucks of ash received at construction site will be

inforrned to ·NfPC""""-""00 dailybasis;·However;quantitywitt bereconcttedwtttrtmat

measurement of the embankment/ fill site where ash has been used. For this, Project

Director, NHAI ... ----.- will coordinate this activity and take care of day to day issues

and share with NTPC-'-"'-'--.

5. The Rate for transportation of Fly Ash will be as per the prevailing schedule of rates of

the respective state and where such rates are not available, the same will be decided

mutually by NHAIand NTPC.

3 of 9
• 6. The role of NTPC shall be limited to bear the cost of excavation, loading,

transportation and unloading of pond ash/ bottom ash/ mound ash in line with

MoEFaCC gazette notification dated 25-01-2016. The excavation, loading,

transportation in an environment friendly manner to construction site, spreading,

compactionetc. shall be the responsibility of authorized agencyor contractor of NHAI.

7. "As per MoEF a CC gazette notification dated 03-11-2009 use of fly ash in road

embankmentconstruction within 100 km of any thermal power plant was mandatory.

Accordingly, provision for use of ash was incorporated in DPR/ tender document /

awardof work. In line with provision of latest gazette notification dated 25th January,

2016,NTPCshall bear the cost of transportation of ashwithin a radius of 100 km from

thermal power plant and share equally with NHAIbeyondthe radius of 100 km and up

to 300 km*. NHAIshall take necessarycare in the contract awardedafter 3rd Nov2009

and before 25th January 2016 wherein provision for mandatory use of ash within 100

km of power plant already made and contractor hasduly considered,no double benefit

is passedon to the contractor due to bearingof transportation cost of ashby NTPC-----.

With regard to the contract awarded by NHAI, the concessionaire/ contractor wilt

transport the fly ashfrom respective NTPCthermal power at their own resources.NHAI

will submit the bill/invoice for reimbursementof transportation cost of fly ash based

on the quantity of fly ash lifted and used in road embankment work and the rate

agreed as per polhfh6. 5 NTPC .;'; wil( reimburse lhefrarisporfiiff()11 ··cosfof fly· ash to
NHAIafter due verification within 6 weeks' time".

* The decision on bearing the cost of Transportation will have to be implemented

basedon the clarification to be received from MOEFace.

4 of 6
8. "In order to ensure compliance of environment / safety norms while excavating,

loading transportation, unloading and placing of ash, suitable provisions will be made in

the contract of authorized agency / contractor by NHAI for making him solely

responsible for compliance".

9. NTPC······ shall not be responsible for any violation of quality / construction norms set

by NHAIfor embankment construction by the ...•....... (name of agency) due to use of

pond ash/ bottom ash/ mound ash....•....... NHAI shall ensure that Govt. rules Ii

regulation, local bye- laws, environment norms/ stipulations etc. for construction of

road project are adhered to.

10. To ensure that pond ash/ bottom ash/ mound ash issued from by NTPC ... thermal

power plant has been utilized for road embankment construction by the contractor of

NHAIshall link the payment of (name of contractor) for the construction work of

........ (name of road project for which pond ash/ bottom ash/ mound ash is supplied)

with the certification of ash supply by NTPC·········.

11. NTPC·shall not be responsible for any defects in the quality, construction/failure of

road project, if any, due to use of ash and not liable to pay any compensation whatever

reason may be.

12.NTPC - shall not be responsible for any accident or injury to person engaged or

otherwise affected in the process of construction of road embankment due to use of


5 of 9
• 13. NTPCshall not be responsible for ash dumped on construction site and not utilized by

the contractor on default and NHAI shall take all precautions to prevent loss or

damages or to minimize loss damages or to minimize loss or damage to the extent

possible and shall be liable to make good any loss or damages incurred due to

negligence on their part or work under MOU.

14. Dispute Resolution

In case of any dispute, confusion or difference between the NTPC --------- and NHAI

hereto, the Head of the NHAI/ road construction department of Government! Union

Territory and the NTPC HQ shall confer together and arrive at a mutually agreeable

solution amicably, which shall henceforth be binding upon both the parties.

15. Arbitration

In the event the dispute or difference or claim, as the case may be, is not resolved, as

evidenced by the signing of the written terms of settlement by the Parties, within

thirty (30) days of reference for amicable settlement and/or settlement with assistance

of Expert, as the case may be, the same shall be finally settled by binding arbitration

under the Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 as amended from time to time. As the

claims, if any, shall arise only for petty reasons and petty values not more than a few

Lakh Rupees, the case may be referred for a local consolation at Regional Office level

or a sole Arbitrator at Regional Office level.

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16. Place of Arbitration

The place of arbitration shall be at the HQ of local Regional Office, NHAI. But by

agreement of the Parties, the arbitration hearings, if required, can be held elsewhere

from time to time.

17. Validity

This MOUshall come into force for all purpose and intent from the date of its signing

and shall remain valid and operative for --------- months which may be extended or

curtailed on mutual consent depending on the requirement.

18. Governing Law and Jurisdiction

This MOUshall be governed by Indian laws and the Courts of Delhi hall have exclusive

jurisdiction in all maters under these Presents.

19. Severability

In the event that any clause or provision of this MOU or any part thereof shall be

declared invalid, void, or unenforceable by any court having jurisdiction, such invalidity

shall not affect the validity or enforceability of the remaining portions of this MOU

unlessthe result would be manifestly inequitable or unconscionable.

20. Amendments & Scope of modification

The MOUterms can be reviewed on mutual agreement in writing between NTPC- and --

-- NHAIwhenever required owing to new conditions.

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21. Force Majeure

That notwithstanding anything contained herein the obligation of NTPCand NHAIunder

this agreement shall remain suspended and neither of them shall be entitled to claim

any compensation from each other for any loss or damage caused by such suspension,

whether total or partial during the force majeure events such as but not limited to

flood, earthquake, strike, war, terrorist attack etc. It shall be obligatory on the part

of all the two parties to communicate in writing to each other of the happening of

force majeure events and its cessation within 10 (ten) days of its happening or on date

of cessation as the case may be. All the parties shall mutually discuss and decide the

future course of action on the happening of force majeure events if it continues for

more than 30 days. (Force Majeure is hereby defined as any cause which is beyond the

control of the NTPC- AND - NHAIas the case may be which they could not foresee or

with a reasonable amount of diligence could not foresee and which substantially affect

the performance of agreement such as (a). Natural Phenomena including but not

limited to floods, draughts, earthquakes and epidemics and (b), Acts of any

government, domestic or foreign including but not limited to war declared or

undeclared, priorities, quarantines and embargoes.

22. Notices

Any notice thatmavbe required under.this agreement shall. he given in writing by any

of the party either by personal delivery against acknowledgement or Registered Ads,

Mail or Facsimile and shall be deemed to have been duly served upon receipt thereon.

The addressesfor the notices or correspondence shall be as under.

8 of 9

NTP( Station

In witness whereof the parties through their authorized representative put their

respective signatures of the Memorandum of Understanding on the day, month and year

first above written.

(Authorised Signatory of NTP() (Authorised Signatory of NHAI)


1 ---------- 1 ---------

1--------- 2 ----------

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.. ,



New Delhi, the 3rd November,2009
S.O. 2804(E).-WHERE.A.S, by notification of the Government of India in the
Ministry of Environment and Forests number S.O. 763(E), dated the 14th September, 1999
(hereu~fter referred ~o as the 'said notification) issued u~der sqo~section (1), <flause(v~ of sub-
section (2) of section. 3 and section 5 of the Environment (protection) Act, 1986 (29 of 1986),
the Central Government; issued directions for restricting the excavation of top soil for
.manufacture of bricks ~nd promoting the utilisation of fly ash in the manufacture of building
materials and in construction activity within a specified radius of one hundred kilometers from
coal or lignite based thermal power plants; ,

AND WHEREAS; the term "fly ash'l.mcans and includes all categories or ~oups of coal
- .. . .... ~ .-
or lignite ash generated at the thermal power plant and collected by Electrosta~ yrecipitator
(ESP) or bag filters or other similar suitable equipments; bottom ash is -the ash collected
separately at the bottom of the boiler; pond ash is the mixture of ESP Fly ash and bottom ash,
but, for the purpose of this notification, the term "fly ash"'nleans and includes all ash generated
su~h as Electrostatic Precipitator (ESP) ash, dry fly ash, bottom ash, pond ash. and mound ash as
the objective is to utilise all the ashes;

AND WHEREAS, there is a need for restricting the excavation of top soil for
manufacture of bricks and for other works which involve use of top soil and promoting
. .
utilisation of fly ash produced 'by co~ or lignite based thermal power plants indnding captive
power plants andco-generation plants in the manufacture of building materials and construction

AND WHEREAS~ it was observed that there was a gr~dual increase in the use of fly ash
in the manufacture of fly ash bricks or products from about 1.5 million.tonne in 2002-2003 to
3.19 million tonne in 2006-2007 which needs to be further encouraged for achieving the ultimate
objective of conservation .of top soil and minimise .environmental pollution caused due to fly ash;

(. 'iif(f H-~ J(ii) ]

AND WHEREAS, it is observed that' construction agencies are yet to achieve their
targets of utilization of fly ash based products even after the 31M August, 2007. the date
prescribed for 100% utilisation of fly ash based products in the said notification of 1999 is
also observed that many thermal power sta?ons ~r plants are also yet to achieve the targets
drawn up in their actio~.plans;

AND WHERE4S, the representations -of the brick kiln owners were considered with
regard to transporting of fly ash over a long distance and also the logistics involved including the
energy cost;

AND, WHEREAS, the issue
has been examined by the Government of India in the

Ministry of Environment and Forests; .....•

,~ -
AND WHEREAS, the Central Government is of the opinion that the said notification
should be amended;

AND WHEREAS, clause (a) of sub-rule (3) of rule 5 of the Environment (Protection)
Rules, 1986 provides that whenever the Central Government considers that prohibition' or
restrictions of any industry or cattying on any processes or operation in any area should be
. imposed, it shall give notice of its intention to do so;

AND WHEREAS? a drift of amendment to the Government of India, Ministry of
Enviroamene- and -Feeests -notificarionnu;- S:0::7u:l{E); dated' me- t4t:li "Sepremo-er; 1"999 a-i?Ii .
amended vide .~~~Cation No. S.D. 979 (E), dated the 27m August, 2003 (hereinafter referred to
as the said notification) which the Central Government P!~Pos~.!.to_rp.ak~_~~~~.~Ps~~l?:8.'?:~ill
clause (v) of sub-section (2) of section 3 of the Environment -(prot~ction)..Act,
1986 (29 of 1986).
.-., -.--

read with clanse (d) of ~Ilb-rule (3) of rule 5 of the Environment (protection) RUles, 1986, were
I • . • •

published in the Gazette of In~, Extraordinary, Part II,.Section 3, Sub-section (n)' dated the 6th
November,.200S Vide S.O. 2~23 (E), inviting objections and suggestions from all persons likdy to
be affected thereby b~fore. the expiry of sixty days from the .date on whicli 'copies of the Gazette
containing the said draft amendments were made available to the public ..

AND ~EREAS, copies of the said Gazette. were made available to the public' on .the
day of 6th November 200S;. .' .
AND WHEREAS, the objections and suggestions received
from various persons or

agencies likely to be affected thereby in respect of the said draft notification have been duly
considered by the Central Government in the Ministry of Environment and Forests;

Now; th~refore, in exercise of the powers conferrt:J by sub-section (1) and clause (~) of
sub- section (2) hf section 3 of the Environment '(protection) Act, 1986.(29 of 1986) read with
clause (d) of sub-rule (3) of rule 5 of the Environment (protection) Rules, 1986, the. Central
Government hereby makes the following amendments to the said notification, namely: -

1, Throughout the said notification, save as otherwise expressly provided and unless the context
otherwise requires, for the word "ash" wherever it. occurs, the.;words '''fly ash" shall be -.

2. In the said notification, in paragraph 1,"':"""

(a) for sub-paragraph (1), the following shall be substituted, namely:-

. "(i) use of fly ash based products in construction activities";
(b) for sub-paragraphs (IA) and (lB), the following sub-paragraphs shall respectively be
substituted, namely.-

"(IA) Every construction agency engaged J.n; the construction of buildings within a radius of
... hundJ:ed.kii.oinete.rsJrom..a"c.oal.Qt,ligni~<!tithe-tmal-peWefpktnl:-sbalttise·"()nlr-fly-ashbased
products for construction, such as: cement or concrete, fly ash bricks or blocb 'or tiles or clay fly
, ash' bricks, blocks or tiles or cement fly ash bricks or bricks, or blocks or similar products or a
_ -
..............- -'-"'- - -.. .. ' ~.-.----- -..-- ..--- -- .. - ..-~-..- ..' - ---.. - ,., ..
-.' ~:--
combinationor aggregate of them, in every construction project

(IB}The provisions ofsub-paragraph .(IA) shall be applicable to all construction agencies of

Ceo tral or' S~te or Local Government and private or .public sector and 'it shall be the
responsibilityof the agencies either und~king conso:uction or approving the design or both to
ensure compliance of the provisions of sub-paragraph. (1A) and to submit annualreturns to the
concerned State Pollutio?- Control Board or Pollution Control Cotnmittee, asapplicable"; ,

(c) after sub-paragraph (1 B), the following sub-paragraph shan be inserted, namelyc-c-
[ \lIT( U-'t9US 3(ii}]

«(1<.:)Minimum fly ash content for building materials or products to qualify as "fly ash based
products" category shall be' as given in the Table I below:

Table I

Serial Buildin,{Matenals or Products ., ~o

; Minimum % of £y ~h by
Nilmber weight
(1) , (2) (3)
1. Fly ash bricks, blocks, tiles, etc. made with fly 50% of total input materials
ash, lime, gypsum, sand, stone dust etc, (without
clay). , , '
2, Paving blocks, paving tiles, checker tiles, mosaic
Usage of PPC (18-1489: Part-I)
tiles, roofing sheets. pre-cast elements, etc. or PSC (IS-455) or 15~/o of
wherein cement is used as binder. OPC (1S-269/8112/12269)
3, -. Cement >
15%.of total raw materials
4: - ~_,.~

Ciay based building materials such 'as' bricks, 25% of total raw materials.
..". ~ ,

blocks, tiles, etc.

5. o Concrete, mortar and plaster. Usage of PPC (IS-1489: Part-I)
or PSC (IS-455) or 151% of
OPC (1S-269/8112/12269)
l content.

(d) in sub-paragraph (2), for the brackets and number "(1)". the brackets, number and letter,
"(1 C)" shall be substituted and the number of sub-paragraph (2) shall be substituted by 1(0);

(e) in paragraph (2A), the paragraph l(A) shall be substituted by l(A) and 1(B) and the
amended paragraph 2(A) is to be numbered as 1(E);

(f) .for sub-paragraphs (3) and (3A), the following sub-paragraphs shall respectively be
substituted, namelys--,
"''':''''_'''- _._--. "~- -_ - ~ - - •• - - ---..;. .. - .---- .---;' _- - '_._ '-"'-'_"_':" __ ••• o "! .. _

'. .....

CC(3) In case of non-availability of fly ash from

thermal power
plants in sufficient quantities as ",

certified by the said powerplants, within 100 km of the site, the stipulation under sub-paragraph
, ,

C1A)shall be suitably modified (waived'or relaxed) by the concerned State Government or Union
territory Govemment levelmonitoring·coriunittee mentionedelsewhere in this notification,

(3A) A decision on thespplicstiou for manufacture offly ash bricks, blocks and tiles and similar 0

other fly ash based products taken Within thirty days from the date of receipt of the
'", . .. . ... .. ' .' . '. -

by the' concerned
. .
. .
Pollution Co~trol Board or Pollution
Control Cotnmitte~.""'.

~1)r;;; slll::~parag(arhs(4) and (5), the following sub-paragraphs shall be substituted, n;l~l~I}':-

"(4) Each coal or lignite based thermal power plant shall constitute a dispute settlement
committee which shall include the General,l'vlanager of the thermal power plant and a
, 4 ."
representative of t(:: relevant Construction and11y ash Brick Manufacturing Industry Association
or Body. as the case may be and such a Committee shall ensure unhindered loading and
transport of fly ash in an environmentally sound manner without any undue loss of time. Any
unresolved dispute shall be dealt with by the concerned State or Union territory Government
level monitoring committee mentioned elsewhere in this notification,

(5) No agcnc~. person or.orga~ation shall, within a radius of hundred kilometers of a thermal
. , . ."
power plant .undertake constrtietion or aEprove design for construction of roads or flyover
embankments with top soil; ~~ guidelines or specifications issued by the Indian Road Congress
ORC) as contained in IRe specification No. SP; 58' of 2001 as amended from time to time,
regarding use of fly ash shail be followed and aay deviation from this direction .can only be
. .
agreed to on technical reasons if the same is approved by Chief Engineer (Design) or Engineer-
in-Chief of the concerned agency or organisation or on production of a certificate o{"fly ash not
" .
available" from the thermal power pIant(s) (TPPs) located within hundred kilometers of the site
of construction and this certificate shall be provided by the TPP within two working days from
the date _ot receipt of a request for fly ash; if fly ash is not available";

(i) in sub-paragraph (6), for the words "Voids created due to soil borrow; area shall be filled
, up with ash Wl'thpr6pef"coffipactloo" and '"covered- wit1i-t6psolrkepfs~parateIyas'-aoove and" thIs
" ,

be done as'. an integral part' of embankment project .'within the time schedule of the

..~:~~or~.~_~~?!~~_.~~~~,~_.atso.!!.bQ_~q~.~~ shall he filled up with fly ash with p!Oper
,compaction and covered with topsoil kept __ as
s~p~ara:tely above and this would be done as an
integral part of embankment project" shall be substituted;

G) for sub:'paragraph' (1), the following sub-paragraphs shall be substituted, namely:-

"(7) No agency, person or organisation shill within a radius of hundred kilometers of a coal or '
lignite. based thermal power plant undertake or approve or allow reclamation and; compaction of
low..lying areas with soil; only fly ash shall be used for-compaction and reclamation and they shall
'also ensure' that such reclamation and compactionis done in accordance with the specifications
.l 'q]lT U-Wl'S 3(ii)J 17

(8)(i) No person or age~q,. shall within-fifty kilon';~t;rs"~l~~'~()ad) fro~~c~~i"or lignite l;a~J

thermal power plants, undertake or apprmre stowing of mine without using at least 25°'0 of fir
ash on weight to weight basis, of the total stowing materials used and this shall be done un~r
the guid~nce of th~Director G~ner~~ Min~sSafety (DGr"IS); .."

Provided that such thermal powcr stations shall facilitate the availability of required
quality and quantity of fly ash 'as may be decided by the expert committee referred in sub-
paragraph (10) for this purpose.

(ii) No person or ag~ncy shall within fift), kilometers (by road) from coal or"lignite based thermal
power plants, undertake ot. ~pproye without uS!ngat least 25% of fly ash on volume to volume
basis of the total materialsused for external dump of overburden and same percentage in upper
benches of back filling of opencast mines and this shall be done- under the .guidance of the
Director General of Mines Safety (DGMS);

Provided that such thermal power stations. shall facilitate the availability of required
quality and quantity of' fly ash as may be decided by the expert committee referred in sub-
paragraph (10) for this purpose.

(9) The provisions contained in clauses' (1) and (ii) ~f sub-paragraph (8).shall be applicable to all
" '

. mine agencies under Government, public and' private sector and to, mines of all minerals or
metals or .items..andit~sha]lhethe- r5~ns:ibility-of'agen_cies'either~e"fmking'of··appi'oVllfgthe
external dump of overburden, backfilling o~ stowing of mine or all these activities, to ensure
, ' ,

compliance of.provisioas ..~ntained-in"'Glaus€S-{i}-aOO-{ll},~f-sub-pa£agr-aph ..aBd-t-o-suooiit: ...,'.."
annual returns to the concerned State Pollution Control Board or Pollution Control Committee
as applicable.'

(10) The Ministry of Coal for this purpose shall constitute an, expert committee comprising of
_-!'epresentatives from Fly Ash Unit, 'Department of Science and Technology, Ministry of Science
. . :. .
and Technology, Director General' of Mlnes Safety (DGMS), Central Mine Planning anC:f Design
In;titute Limited (CMPDIL)~ Ministry of Environment and Forests, MinisU; of PQw~r. Micistry
of Mines 'and the Central Insti~te of Mining a~d Fuel Research '(CIMFR), Dh~nbad; the
Committee shall,also 0111, idejind advise the back cn:_ " "
0- UllUlg"or stOW1!lgin accordance with the
, .
. ".-


(11) The concerned State Government or Union territory Gov r ernment shall be the enforcing
and monitoring authority for ensuring compliance ?f the provisions of sub-paragraphs (8) (i) and
(H) (ii) ".

:..), in rhe said notification, .r.I:par~graph-2,-

(a) for sub-paragraphs (1), (2) and (3), the following sub-paragraphs shall be substituted,

..(I) _\11 coal or lignite based thermal power stations would be free to -sell fly ash to the. user
.:igencics subject to the following conditions, namely:-

. ~ ..(1) the pond ash 'should be made available free ofany charge on "as is where is
basis" to manufacturers of bricks; blocks o.r tiles including clay fly ash product
manufacturing unites), farmers, the Central and the State road construction agencies,
Public Works Department, and to Ilg~a.~¢,
engag.~din backfilling or stowing of mines,

(ii) at least 20% of dry ESP If a~-"~~ 1hide available free of charge to units
manufacturing fly ash or clay-fIy'ash~; blOCks and tiles on a priority basis over other
users and if the demand from such a~Gi,es .fa.ils short of 20% of quantity, the. balance
quantity can be sold or disposed of by. dJ,e¥ow~rstation as may be possible;

..PtQri_g~(LthaLtbeJlya~Qb.ta.ined.~,t:he .thetmal poweJ;~tatioonsoould.-be.utilizoo-only-_··

for the purpose for which it was obtained .fto~,.:th~· power station or plant failing which,b.a.ltb~_mjl..d~,availaQle
to'tb~ defa14lti#.i,:~~..

(2) All coal a~d~-~dignite based W.~~l~~I.f::§tli~1il; a:na~o~e~ansion uni_ts in operation

bcf rrc the date of this notification are tQ;.~~.v~<&\e~~ge.t of fly ash utilization as per the Table
11 given 'below:

,-'-- : ','_' '.~

! Serial Percentage UtiJi.zation"O;f'PiY ~ft Tai:getDate
:r -lumber
(1) (2) (3).
At least 50%of fiy ash generation One year from the date .of issue'
of this notification.
At least 60% of p.y ash generation Two yeats from the date. of
r 4 1 -; 4 ~'r.. "
[\i{fl1' H-~ 3(ii)]

At least 90% of flyash generation . Four years from the date of

r .

. ;"
100% fly ash generation

t,~ . -
issue of this notification.
Five years from the date of
mue of this notification.

'~ ~
TIle unutilised fl~ash in relation to the target during a year, if any. shall be htilized within
next two years in addition to the targets stipulated for those years and the balance unutilized fly
ash accumulated during first five years (the difference between the generation and the utilization
target) shall be utilized progressively over next five years In addition to 100% utilization of
current generation of fly ash.

(3) New coal and, or lignite based thermal power stations and, _~rexpansion units commissioned

~. - after this notification to achieve the target of fly ash utilization as per Table IIi given below:
Table III

Serial Fly ash utilization level Target date

,-- Jl) (2) (3)
1. At least 50% of fly ash generation One year from the date of
r--- commissioning.
2. At least 70% of fly ash generation Two years from the date of
3. 90% bf fly ash generation Three years from the date of
4. 100% of fly ash generation Fow: years from the date of

The untitilisedflyasn ill iilation to t:l'l.e-t'atgetduring a year, any, shall be utilized within
nexr two years-in addition to the tar~ets stipulated for these years and the balance unutilized fly
~~h";~~~~cl;t~d·:durirtg:-fust·-fo~- ~~ '-(th~-d1"ff~rence-'be"twe~n-the
'gene~ation, and utilization

targ'!t). shall be utilized progressivelyover next five years in addition to 100% utilization of
.. .
current generation of fly ash."; . .,
in sub-paragraph (4), for the words ','six months", the words "four
months" shall be

~c)for sub-paragraph (6), the following sub-paragraphs shall be substituted, namely:-·

"(6) The amount collected from sale o(.fly. ash and fly ash 'based' p~6ducts by coal a,nd/or .
ligf1..i te ,based thermal power statioris, or theiJ.::subsidiary or sis~e.r concern unit,' 'as applicable

( '1lPT Il-~ 3(ii)]


'H(2B) All agencies undertaking construction of roa~fs or fl)r-()~r~r'bridges and'rcciaillauon and

compaction of low lying areas, including Department of Road Transport and Highways I

(DORTH), National Highways Authority of India (NHAD, Central Public \\lorks Department
(CPWD), StatePublic Works Dt~en~ and other State Government Agencies, shall w~hin a
period of four moaths from the ~blication of this notification:- '
.. \

(a) make provisions in their tender documents, schedules of approved materials and rates as
well as technical documents for implementation of this notification, including those
relating to soil borrow area or pit as per sub-paragraph (6) of paragraph 1; and,

(b) make necessuy specifications or guidelines for road or fly over embankments that are,
, ,

not covered by the specifications laid down by the.Indian Road Gongress (IRC).

(3} All local authorities .shall specify in their respective tender documents, building bye-laws and
regulations, the use of fly ash and fly ash-based products and construction techniques in building'
materials, roads embankments or for any usage with immediateeffect,

(4)The Central Electricity Authority and other approving agencies ,may permit the land area for
emergency ash pondor fly ash 'storage area up to 50 hectares for a 500 MW unit, based on 45%
ash content coal, or .in the same proportion for
. .
units in ..other capacities taking into account the
ash content in coal or lignite to be used.

in,their loart or grant document for compliance of the provisions, of this notification.

(6) A Monitoring coinmi~e~, shall be constituted by the CentraJ Government with Members
, '. .
from Ministry of Coal, MiOistey of Mines, Ministry of Power, Central Pollution Control Board,
Cen'tral Electricity Authority, Head Fly Ash Unit of Department of Science and Technology and
Building Material Technology Promotion Council to monitor the <implementation of the,
provisions of the notification and submit-its recommendations or observations at leas-t once in-
every six monthsto the Secretary, Ministry of Environment and Forests. Concerned Advisor or
Joint Secretary in, the' Ministry of Environment and Forests will be the convener of this '
(7) h)( the:. purpose of monitoring the implementation of the provisions of this nlJl:ificati~-n·,./.,'.:
:~tat'~C;on·rnments or Union territory Govermucnt shall consrirutc a t\Ionitori!lg Commirre,
within three months from the date of issue of this notification under the Chairmanship of
Secretary, Dcpartmec~ cf Env-irotl~eat with representatives from Dcpar1~cnl of Power:
Departrner; of I'IfinJlg. Road and -Building Construction Depart.ncnr an~·St;lit: Pullutioll
Control Board and this Committee would deal with al}Yunresolved issue by Dispute Scuiernent
Committee as prescribed in sub-paragraph (4) of paragraph 1, in ~ddition to monitoring and
facilitating implementation of this notification at the respec~ve Stare Government or Union
territory level and this Committee would also be empowered to suitably modify (waive or relax)
the stipularion· under sub-paragraph (1) in case of non-availability of fly ash in sufficient
quantities from thermal.power plant as certified by d1C said power plants and the Committee will
.meet at.least once in every quarter.

(F. No. 9~?/2005~HSMD]

G. V. SUBRAHMANYAM, Scientist 'G'
oot Note :- The principal notification was published in the Gazette of India, Part II, Section 3, Sub-section (ii) vide
notification number S.O. 763(E), dated the 14th September, 1999 and was amended vide notification number
S.O,979(E),datedthe27thAugust,2003: ' , ,

Printed by the Manager. Government of India Press, Ring Road, Mayapuri, New Delhi-1.10064

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