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Pereira, Jose I Martins, Micael.


Goa and its Music. No. 5.


Boletim do Instituto Menezes Bragan9a, No. 155, pp. 41-72. Panaji, Goa.
Jose Pereira
~Jicael ~Jartins

(Continuation from N. c 154)



f"ince this book was first written ( 1963 ), one of us has had the oppor-
~ tunity of traversing the terrain where Konkani is spoken - a stretch
of about 500 miles- from Vijaydurg to Cape Comorin. Here survive
forms of Konkani Song extinct in Goa or modified there by European music.
We are thus able to study the development of Konkani Song from the
sixteenth century to our own day. Few displaced communities elsewhere in
India have preserved, in a similar fashion, forms of music now obsolete or
transformed in their habitat ; the only other example known to us are the
songs of the Oriyas established in the lands of the Andbras.
Two factors account for. this fortunate state of events: (a) the emigrations
of the Hindus from Goa of the sixteenth century for fear of the Inquisition
and 1rom that of the eighteenth century of Christians terrified of famines and'
Maratha depredations: (b) the culturally heterogeneous character of the newly
occupied lands. While the emigrants were of Aryan speech and culture, the
lands they migrated to were Dravidian. The Indian way of life and i[s
tolerance of pluralism encouraged them to preserve their icdividualiry, and, as
most of their energies were spent in the effort of preservation, there was little
desire to innovate. The old forms therefore persisted, more or less in the
state in which they had been carried away from their homeland.

A study of these traditions makes it clear beyond doubt that Konkani

Song passed through three phases: first, that of monophonous song as exis-
ting before, the impact of European plainchant and polyphony; second, as
transformed by the new forms, but with imperfect assimilation ; third, as
further modified by the newer forms of opera and dan::e music. The first
is found io its pure state among the Hindus in Kerala and to some extent
among those in the Kanaras, the second among the Christiam in the. latter
regions, and the third in Goa.
Of the songs extinct or transformed in Goa are the Pugrhis (or Pugrhas__,
as they are known in Kerala ), of which there is a large number ; their melo-
dies and metre are found in Go an Kunnbi songs, in fells and in some dulpods ;
the diffusion of their tunes and rhythm lead> m to believe that they consti-
tute the basic stratum of Konkani Song. Another form obsolete in Goa is
the God-dde, which is nothing else but a folk Ramayana in Fugrhi style, sung
all night in t~irteen sessions at the foot of sacred trees to the beat of drums.
A Goan variant of this Ramayana is still sung in Vel-lli ( Velim) in
Saxtty, but is disappearing. It survived the Christianization of S axtty by
being disguised as a fell to be sung during the C1rnival. Related to the
Goddde are Hindu sacred songs, art and folk. These are not e::tsily distingui-
shed, and the dates of their numbers are uncertain; but some are at least as
old as the eighteenth century. This tradition of religious song had a fresh out-
burst in the last years of the nineteenth century in the work of Kerala's grea-
test poetess and song-composer, Amulakka Shennai. A modern represen-
tative of this tradition i.s the poet R. C. Sharma ( 1898- ). Also found
in Kerala are a few boat songs. It is difficult to say whether they are innova.
tions or represent a type (to our knowledge) extinct in Goa. The only clear
innovation, to our knowledge, is the Xobhane or Wedding Song, which treats
of subjects like the ten incarnations of Vishnu and lhe deeds of Krishna;
a xobhane author is Shrinivasa Prabhu, a nineteenth century poet of South
From the impact of European music more new forms evolved. Those
preserved by the Christians of the Kanaras, thus confirming the types, anti-
quity, are the sacred Christian songs, art and folk, and the Fell. But ::nost
of the new forms subsequent to the eighteenth century (not mu::h knowri to
the North Kanara Christians of the older generation) are found in Go:1:
the Dulpod, the D~knni, the Teatr song, Popular Art Son~, the Mando -
Dulpod, and, la:>t, the ?>11ndo, culmination of the who!e Konkmi tradition.
From 1962 there have been festivals of the 1.fando, where all types of Goan
Song are sung. One hopes that there will soon be a Pan-Konkan Song
festival, where one will be able to savour a tradition that extends oyer five
hundred miles and over ten centuries.



1 Manuscript
2 Printed

a Books
b Journals and loose publications


1 Manuscript

1893 AB Avertino Barreto of Rai ( 15 February 1893) in the possession

,of Jo~e Filipe Hilario Barreto of 1\forhgoum.
last decade AN Antonio Noronha, o w n e d by Vitor Noronha of
19th century
Tievotti, Lotlli.
1932 ANGJ Antonio Nicolau Gomes ( & Jesuina) of Lotlli (I January
1932 ), in our possession. ·
1922 ARG Antonio Rosario Gomes of Lot/li ( 9 September 1922 ), in our

1905 ASJf.\1 1\ugusto S:Jntam i\1ilitaJ Moniz nr Ra' ( !3 D~c=mb::r l S05)

lent to us by Seb:~<:tiao Moniz.
1st quarter CB Caetaninbo Baracho of Morhgoum, owned by
20th century
Antonio Miranda of Morhgoum.
1919 CFC C. F. CarvJ.lho ( 9 September 1919) lent to us by Irineu Costa
of Kurhtori.

1924 CFF Caetano Francisco Faleiro of Kurhtori ( 1 Agosto 1924 ).

? CRF Clotildes Rodrigues Ferreira of Barhdes (?)
1932 FRC Francisco Rosario Cola<;o of Kurhtori ( 1 January 1932)
1st quarter FXV Francisco Xavier Vaz of Kurhtori, lent to us by
20th century
the compiler, now dead.
? JAMC Jose Antonio Manuel da Costa
1894 JMCC Jacinto Maria Constimcio Cota ( 15 May 1894 ), owned
by Vitor Noronha of Devotti, Lotlli.
? JVCMM Jose Vicente Constancio Dos Milagres Menezes of Rai.
J.929 LFMC Luis Filipe Manuel Costa of Kurhtori ( 1914, 1924, 1929 ),.
owned by Aleixo & Jose Costa, of Ponnji.
? METNC Maria E. T. Noronha e Costa of Kurhtori.
? MFM Maria Figueiredo e Mesquita of Lot/li.
1889- 1893 MGC Manual Godinho Cola<;o of Morhgoum ( 1 October 1889;
lent to us by Prazeres Pinto of Morhgoum.
1955 MMA Micael Martins of 0/-lli vol. I on Art Song ( 1955 ),
in our possession.
PBCMC Pedro Bernardo Carlita Manuel Costa of Kurhtori in the
possession of the owner.
lsi half PBFN Pascoal Francisco Barbosa Noronha of ~1orhgoum.-
20th century
1933 PCRA Paulo Caetano do Rosario Abreu of Kurhtori in the possession
of owner of PBCMC.
1954 RR Rangel-Ribeiro of Barhdes.
1954 SCCD Semeao Costa & Caetano Diniz of Kurhtori ( 1954)
IS90 VARJJD Vicente Anuncia<;ao do Rosario Maria Diniz
of Kurhtori
( 1890, 1892), owned by Jose Diniz of Morhgourn.
<J VM Vicentinho Menezes of Rai, in our possession.
? VPGF Vicente Paulo Gracias Flor of Lotlli, owned by the compiler~

2nd quarter WC Walberga Costa of Kurhtori, owned by the compiler.

20th century
2 Printed
a Books

(Authors' names spelt as in authors' time ; the Lusitanized versions of Konkani

place-ndmes are retained )
1855 Miguel Vicente D' Abreu Stabat Afater e outras orar;oes em concani
publicadas pela primeira vez em Goa ( Pangim): Imprensa Nacional.
1859 Miguel Vicente D' Abreu Cantigas pias ou orar;0 es em verso da
Virgem Afaria Nossa Senhora e de Senhora Sant' Anna em lingua concani
Portugueza e latina, Nova Goa: Imprensa Nacional,

1862 Camilo Piedade Christovao Cardozo Cantigas ou orar;oens em

verso dedicadas a Senhora S. Anna, Senhora da Piedade: & c., MargaJ,
Tip. India Portugueza.
1866-1870.. Urn Curiozo (Miguel Vicente D'Abreu) Ramalhetinho de algurzs
hymnos e canr;oes profanas em portuguez e concani offerecidas a mocida:ie
gomw de ambos os sexos, Nova Goa: Imprensa Nacional. Fasc. 1 ( 1866 ),
fasc. 2 ( 15 May 1870).
1873 Benedicto M. Mascarenhas & Nicolao F. Espinheiro Devocioncirio
em concanim (2nd ed. ), Bombay.

1874 Benedicta M. Mascarenhas Devocionario em· concanim ( 3rd ed. ),

Bombay : Livraria Furtado.

1885 Anonymous 1'vfanual da boa morte, Bomb;ty: B. X. Furtado e Irmao.

1890 Maria Anninha da SUva Coelho Leaflet of Mandos (no title),
Margao, December 1890.
1892 Anonymous Xembor Cantigo ( 1st ed.), Mangalore: Co dial bail Press (?)
(The title of this book is here assumed to be the same as that of the
subsequent editions. We have not seen any edition but that of 1953;
Kanarese script ? )

1896 ? C. 1. Francis Cantigas esco/hidas de Goa. Thoddim Goenclzim

podam anim modinham soljanim xaple!im poilech pautt amche modem
(mol I. anno ), Bombay: Indian Printing Press (mentioned in A. C. J. Fran-
cisco Battcara, Bombay Printing Press, 1897 ).

I 897 Ludovico da C1ridade Ferrao ( Presbytero) Livrinho de Jzymnos.

c!imicos, terr;os, ladainhas e outras devor;oes, Mangalore: Codialbail Press.
1897 Anonymous Xembor Cantigo ',2nd ed.), Mangalore : Codialbail Press (?)
( Kanarese script ? )
1898 Floriano Barreto Phalenas ( Mandos traduzidos, pp. 13-20 )•
Bastora ( Goa ) : Tip. Rangel.
Valeriano Fahiro Colecc;ao de cantigas guanas, Bastora :Tip. Rangel.
J 901 Eduardo (Jose Bruno) de Sou::a i\.fonti Saibinnichim ani sabar dusrim
gaenam, Bombay. Piedade Saibinnichim ani :;abar dusrim gaenam, Bombay.
1902 Eduardo (Jose Bruno) de Sou::a Cantigas de Nossa senhora do monte
( pt. 1 ), Bombay: Typ. Mariana.
Carlos Eugenio Ferreira Dolente (Manda) Danr;a goaneza com variac;5es
para piano, Lisbon (2nd ed. Bastora : Tip. Rangel). (This is an unacknow-
ledged publication of Arnalda de Menezes' Chintunfurhar Deva muzo)
1904 Eduardo (Jose Bruno) de Souza Cantigas de Nossa Senhora do
Monte (pt. 2 ), Bombay: Typ. Mariana.
Anonymous Xembor Cantigo ( A Hundred Konkani Hymns) 3rd ed.,
Mangalore: Codialbail Press.
1905 V. J. Janin Rangel & Oscar Rangel-Ribeiro 0 trovador luso-indiano
( Colt cc;Zio de mzisicas sortidas para canto e piano), Bast ora: Tip. Rangel.
1912 Marcos Antonio Francisco Jorge Gomes (Padre) Vade-Mecum do
cristiio, Goa.
1914 A. J. de Souza (Rev.) Konkani Proverbs, Riddles and Popular Songs
( Konkani gadi, uminneo ani tsaltim gayanam), Mangalore: Codialbail Press.
19!6 B M. Mascarenhas Devociondrio em concani ( Nova edic;iio),
Bombay: L. M. Fmtado & Co.
1917 ? I. D. Sequeira 0 cantor indiana, Bombay : 0 Goano.
192:5 D;2go Avelino Cardoso ( Pa.dre.) & L.A. Luis Di:1s Livrin!w
contn::1.; :cdas as arac;oes, hines, iadainhas, dinticos, psaZ.nos etc. etc. que se
costumam cantar nas igrejas, cape/as e oratorios particu!m·es, Rib1ndar :
Tip. l\1ahassagar.
Luzitano Rodrigues Chon:irimancha uzvaddantu Tuca decli zonelantu.
Indiana. 1'\fando novo. Composto e harmonizado par L. R. para du;;s vozes
e piano forte, Bastora: Tip. Rangel.

1926 Carlos Eugenio Fereirra Les ballets du Concan (La sup;lique et l'arri-
vee ) . One-step et tango danses c!zaracteristiques (sur les motifs et chan sOilS
indiennes). Op. 8, 9, Bastoni: Tip. Rangel.
1929 Carlos Eugenio ( 1930) Ferreira Custoba's Song ( Crmto de Custoba),
Op. 12, Bast ora : Tip. Range I.
1931 Ermelinda Stuarts Gomes Eusso re gonnam. Song published in
E. G. Gomes' article "Cbandr,lpur nao sera Chando~" m BIJ!eti 11 do
Instituto Vasco da Gama, Pangim, 10 ( 1931 ), 21-22.
1935 Joao Filipe Roque Correia Livro de orat;i5es ( ccinticos navos para
serem adicionados ), Margao: Tip. Progresso.
Joseph J. Rego Tsaltim padam, or Sing-a-Song. A Collection of Popular
· Songs in Konkani and other Languages ( 1st ed ), Mangalore : Simon & Co.
( Kanarese script ).
1938 Joseph J. Rego Op. cit. (2nd ed.), also in Kanarese script.
1940 Joao Filipe Roque Correia Livro de orac;i5es, Contendo hinos, lada{n/zas,
terc;os, dinticos, ant[fonas, etc. etc., que se solenizam nas igrejas, caoelas e
oratorios de Goa, Margao : Tip. Progresso.
A. B. de Braganc;a Pereira A etnografia da India Portuguesa, Bastora :
Tip. Rangel, vol. 2, pp. 256-260.
1948 Jo,eph J. Rego Op. cit. ( 3rd ed. ).
1949 Floriano Augusto Jacques Songs from the Mando. A Collection of
32 Goan Folk Songs with Music, Bombay: Konkan Institute of Arts and
Sciences (no date shown in the book).
1951 F. J. S. Miranda Hosanna, Bombay : Examiner Press.
1953 Anonymous (probable Joseph Saldanha) Xembor cantigo (in Kana-
rese script), lOth ed., Mangalore: Codialbail Pres:<.
J. A. A. Fernandes Album cantarancho ( Goan Folk-lore Song> ) \{an-
plore: Codialbail Press.
1954 Rodrigues Galan co rat De\'ac, G0a: Tin. 'J )'ll B)':'>.
1956 Nita Lupi Af:isictz e alma da India portu:;ucsa, L:s')on : A'-'~ncia
Geral do
1958 Joseph J. Rego Op. cit. (4th ed. ). (Four deknnis) I. Prm'
paineonnam. 2. }vfu::o fulancho poddu. 3. Saiba raia11i•n. 4. Bczrik
nac!zi (leaflet), Bombay: Konkani Sanskrutic Akade:ny, Mahi:n ( h:lU-
guralleaf!et, 30 April1961 ).

No date Luzitano Rodrigues Cantos do povo. Fasc. I & 2, Nova Goa (?)
Carlos Eugenio Ferreira Serenata indiana (Manda com variat; 0 es). Op. 6.
( Zaito tempu zal're moga Sopnnant y anvem dekileari tuka).

b Journals

( The names are of the composers, except when indicated otherwise )

1901 J. V. Barreto Miranda ( ed.) Papianchi xeratini. Aceitadora dos

desgrat;ados (loose sheet with Barreto's hymn). Outubro de 1901.
1910 Salvesquinbo (text & music) Fuddem coulem nam re mogtJ Oxem
bhogtolem munnum maca, Indispensavel, 10 July 1910, p. 228.

1911 ( Sebastiao Costa-Fernandes) Novo tratu mum re amcho Mugea

callzac pettola uzo, Ibid. 15 August 1911.
1912 "Amador" & "Jardineira" Kedinch chintunc nam go mannca Mogo
tuzo zait munn maca, Ibid., 1 February 1912.
Anonymous Uzvaid tum neketracho Mugean sanddunc tuca nozo,
Ibid., 15 August 1912.
1913 (Arnaldo de Menezes) Tuca deconamfuddem anvem jfojem ca!liz
dadox' zalem, Ibid., 23 April1913, p. 144.
Anonymous Triste decloloi tea dissa Conhe~im::nt naslolo go maca,
Ibid., 28 May 1913.
Anonymous He chandoneanche ratri Sodam visit' maritam tuca,
Ibid., 25 June 1913.
( Sebastiao Co!ita-Fernandes) Bolcanvari go bossotam Amdzem cantar
aum coritam. Ibid., 9 July 1913.
~ A. A. L. X. L. Souza (text) Ai ! desgracado sorti amchi Bobatt
poddli go locachi, Ibid., 6 August 1913.
Joao Francisco Nunes & Augusto Antonio Luis Xavier L. Sou:::a (text)
& ::vi. J[artins (music) Amor nEljea tu'n c:zlizacho Tujea bogor zaunc!zeac
nam cazaro, Ibid., 20 Al<gust 1913.

Joseph.in1 Dias Das Chagas Gom<:s e Fernandes (text) & J. 0.1. Leopol-
dino F. Fi!rn::udes ( mu;;ic) Choudam orsam re p:~ssun:~m R:wlim a:nz
ancuarponn sonsunum Ibid., 27 August 1913.

S. M. Pintochim Sodanch tuca sum polletam lvfogach' ulas sodditam,

ibid., 10 September 1913.
M. F. X. R. Ecnnis vorsanch' aum astanam Papan cazar maca kelo,
Ibid., 29 October 1913.
1914 Anonymous Amizad kitul' godd utor Gem ecttaita don munxam,
Ibid., 15 August 1914. Thoddeaclz tempachea mojea anjea Callizacho gonddo
ditam tuca, Ibid. 15 September 1914. Agi boball re cossolo Deulo uzvaddo
.sorguincho, Ibid., 15 November 1914.
( Arnaldo de Afenezes f Gizelino Rebelo) Cossolem disgras mure amchem
( At'm y anvy'm konnanko sanguchem ), Ibid., 15 December 1914
1915 Lima Gomes Ah mogach' _u!as aum sodtam Te ulas tucach go bettoi-
' .tam, Ibid., 22 January 1915. p. 212.
Anonymous Vid mojea bettoi!o!ea anjea Dusrim ingrat tum zawn naca,
Ibid., 15 May 1915. Cosli amizade noire amchi Amizad sorgincheam anjan-
chi, Ibid., 15 May 1915.
J. \V. N. R. (text) D.1dosponnom boglem maca Itlem sobit puilwri tuca,
Ibid., 15 June 1915.
1954 Micael Martim & Jose Pereira (editors) " Representative Examples,
of the Classical Vocal Music of G;:>a ". Marg, December 1954, Text,
pp. 64-85.
Damian Fernandes Kensanchi panti Ekech nodren amizadi zali,
The Goa Times Annual, Bombay ( 1955 ), p. 85.
Micael Martins & Jose Pereira (editors) 1. "The Mando. Torquato
de Figueiredo. Aji dissu aitaracho ", Goan Tribune, Bombay, 9 September
1956, p. 8. '' Goan Folk song Series. 1. Francisco de Menezes. Dogueo
tegueo beatinnim, "Ibid., 7 October 1956, p. 9. ''Classical Goan Song Series.
2. Hymn. Raimundo Barreto, Sam Francisco Xaviera'' Ibid, 2 December
1956, p. 9.
1955 Ibid. '' Cl:lssi:::ll Gnn Song Seri~s. ~ .. ! E_JJtlJn.
l. Lnttc:t , ..
Francisco .\:_7\'it'ra" llit~ograph:d sb~et ), pp. 2·3, s:::>re :t'1J text.
S. V. V. Vala!tlikar Gopika gavllamz. S::zllik, B:>mbay, O:tober 1955,
p. 33.
1957 i\1icael Martins & Jose Pereira ·' Ci:tssi:al Goan So::1g Series.
3. Mando. Arnalda de .Menezes, The Adolfini:m Trilogy, 1. Tu::o mogo
maca nnmnum," Ibid., 10 February 1957, p 8.

1963 Jose Pereira "Mandos de Arnaldo de Menezes'', A Vida, 30 June,

21 July, 18 August and 1 November.


1846 Felippe Neri Xavier 0 Gabinete Littel·ario das Fontainlzas, Nova Goa:
Imprensa Nacional, vol. I, p. 126.
1858 Joaquim H~liodoro da Cunha Rivara Ensaio hist6rir.o da l£ngua con-
cani, Nova Goa: Imprensa Nacional, 1857.
187-t. Tomas Ribeiro Jornadas Segunda Parte: Entre PalmP.iras (2nd e_d. ),
Nova Goa: Imprensa Nacional, 1932.
1883 James M. Campbell ( ed) (materials for ch. 3 furnished by
P. F. De Souza and P. Fernandez). Gazetteer of the Bombay Presidency,.
vol. XV, ch. 3, pp, 219, 386 & 389.
1886 A Lopes Mendes A India Portugueza, Lisbon, Imprensa Nacional,
2 vols. ( vol. 2 p. 42 ).
1889 Frederico Diniz D'Ayalla Goa Antiga e Moderna, (Lisbon,
1889 ), pp. 34-39.
1905 Fernando Leal " Glossario portuguez oriental " 0 Heraldo,
Panjim, no. 1570 ( 10 June 1905). p. 2, cols. 3 & 4.
1906 Floriano Barreto Livro Posthumo, Nova Goa: Casa Luso-
-Franceza, especially "0 Culto da Musica ", pp. 135-147; "0 Mando ",
pp. 243- 260.
1908 Anonymous "Epistolas de Polycarpo ", Hera/do, 6 August,
1906, p. ·2.
1914 Justiniano de Albuquerque Int'ressante Konkanim ", Lu::: do
Orimre, O::tober 1914, pp. 36 4-369.

1915 Chris6logo BtJrges Silhuetas, Marga o : Minerva Central.

Mariano Saldanha " um hi no de Santana em Concani ",_
Hera/do, 29 July 1915.
1927 Anonymous ".Mr. Carlos Eugenio Ferreira", Goan World,
vol. 4, n. 12. (December 1927 ), p. 17. Carlos Eugenio Ferreira. A sua
,obra. Uma homenagem, Bastora; Tip. RangeL

1929 Mahadev Vinayak Dongre " Konknni ganni " ( not a 1! in

Konkani ), lvfaharashrra Sahitya Potrika ( 1929), pp. 21-42 and 232-235.
Carlos Eugenio Ferreira Palestras Musicais, fasc. 1, (Nova
Goa : Artur e Viega3.
1930 Francisco Correia-Afonso "Our National Dance ", Goan
World, December 1930, pp. 11-14.
Carbs Eugenio Ferreira Palestras ,\fusicais, fasc. 2, Nova
Goa: Artur e Viegas.
Arman do .\Iene::es "A Peep at our Parnassus " Goan
World, December 1930, pp. 26-29 and 39-43, especially p. 28.
Robert De Souza A Glance through the Goan Folklore,
{Nova Goa: Minerva Indi:ma ).
1931 Carlos Eugenio Ferreira Palestras Musicais, fasc. 3,
Nova Goa: Artur e Viegas.
Armando Menezes "The Spirit of tbe folk", Goan World,
December 1931, pp. 25-30, especially p. 29.
1933 Propercia Correia-Afonso de Figueiredo A mulher na India
Portuguesa, Nova Goa: Tip. Bragan9a e Cia., 8, 10 & 11.
1940 A. B. De Bragan9a-Pereira A Etnografia da India Portu-
guesa. Bastora : Tip. Rangel, vol. 2, pp. 252- 263.

Propercia Correia-Afonso de Figueiredo, Xencora Naique& Balcrisna

B. Borcar "A magia do folclore na vida da crian9a indo-portuguesa" ,
0 Oriente Portugues, nos. 19, 20, 21 : pp. 329·369; no. 28 : pp. 448-486.
1942 Yarde Va!au/ikar ( Xannai Goimbab) adyakxalem ulaup,
Bombay: Gomantak Press.
1948 Joao Baptista Amancio Gracias "Aspectos do folclor:: goes :
Manda ( Can9ao regional) ·•, Hera/do (Goa), 12, 19, 26 August and 2, 9
September l9..f3.
Antonio }.Jascarenhas "Manda", Goan Life, Bombay, Anniver-
sary no. ( 1948·), pp. 13-15, 47 and 54.
Lucio Rodrigues "Tbe Folksongs of Goa", Music Rcvie11·,
Bombay: St. Xavier's High School, 15 February 1948, pp. 16-17. "Kon-
kani Folksong", The Journal of the Alltlzropological Society of Bombay,
vol. 2, no. 2, pp. 1-9.

1949 Leo Lawrance "The Konkani Stage", Goan Life, 2-8,

( April1949 ), pp. 6-7.
Roberto de Souza ''A Glance through Goan Folklore",..
Goa (Goa), April ( p. 5 ), May ( pp. 5, 20 ), June ( p. 5 ), July ( p. 5 ),
August ( p. 5 ), September ( p. 5 ), December ( p. 8 ). Further issues were
not available to us.
1949-50 G. M.A. Review of F. A. Jaques's Songs from the
]'.fando (published in 1949 ), Boletim Eclesicistico da Arquidiocese de Goa,
( 1949- 1950 ), pp, 86-87.
1953 Lucio Rodrigues "Where the Twain J\,feet ", Score,
Bombay (Bombay Madrigal Singers Organization (BMSO ), for private
circulation only), March 1953, unnumbered pp. 4-5. Ko11kani Folk Songs
(leaflet), Bombay: BMSO, 10 April 1953.
1954 Antsher (Antonio Xavier) Lobo "The History and
Evolution of Goan Music .., Marg, December 1954, pp. 59-61.
Micael Martins "The Mando: A Note on some of its
Musical Characteristics", Ibid., pp, 62 • 63.
Micael Martins & Jose Pereira "Representative Examples
of the Classical Vocal Music of Goa. Notes", Ibid., pp. 88-89.
Jose Pereira "The Significance and Originality of Goan
Art", Ibid., pp. 5-12.
Lucio Rodrigues "Konkani Folksongs of Goa. 1. Mando,.
Song of Love", Journal of the University of Bombay (January 1954 ), pp.
65-88. "Konkani Folksongs of Goa", The Free Press Bulletin, Bombay,
24 July 1954, p. 7. "Towards a New Art Form", The Sunday Standard.
Bombay, 25 July 1954. "The Love Song of Goa", Marg, num. cit., PP~
53- 55.
1955 Lucio Rodrigues " Konkani Folk Songs of Goa. 2.
Dacni, The Song of the Dancing Girl ", Journal of the Uni>w siry of B'Jmbay
( hnuary 1955 ), pp. 65- 75. "Th:: Christian Element in the :!\fando ",_
Udentechem Neketr, Bombay, 21 December 1955.
f..Jicael Martins & Jose Pereira ClassiCJl Goan song series
1. Critical Edition Sam Francisco Xaviera (lithographed sheet), p. 4. Notes.
J 956 Nita Lupi lvbhica e alma da India portuguesa, Lisbon ;_
Agencia Geral do Ultramar.

Mariano Saldanha "A cultura da musica europeia em Goa",

Estudos Ultramarinos, Lisbon, vol. 6 ( 1956 ), pp. 1-16.
Manuel Rodrigues "Dances of Goa ", The Illustrated
Weekly of India (Bombay), Goan Cultural Supplement ( 1 January 1956)
pp. 21-22.
Seme ao Costa "Alguns aspectos hist6ricos da actividade cultural
e da assistencia medica da freguesia de Curtorim ", Diario de Goa, ~fargao.
1 February 1956, pp. 3, 8, 10-11.
Micael Afartins & Jose Pereira " Classical Goan Song Series.
1. The Mando. Torquato de Figueiredo, Aji dissu aitaraclw ", Goan Tribune,
Bombay ( 9 September 1956 ), p. 8. "Goan Folksong Series, 1. Francisco
de Menezes, Dogues tegueo beatinnim," Ibid, ( 7 October 1956 ), p. 9.
" Classical Goan Song Series, 2. Hymn, Raimundo Barreto, Sam Fransisco
Xaviera," Ibid. (2 December 1956 ), p. 9.
Augusto Rodrigues "Aldeia de Curtorim " Diario de Goa,
num. cit., pp. 5, 6 & 9.
Jose Maria Rodrigues "Filhos ilustres da freguesia de
Curtorim ", Ibid., 7 & 12.
1957 Micael Martins & Jose Pereira ''Classical Goan Song
Series, 3. Manda, Arnalda de Menezes, The Adolfinian Trilogy, I. Tuzo
mogo maca munnum ", Goan Tribune ( 10 February 1957 ). p. 8.
Manuel Rodrigues "Folk Songs of Goa", Ibid., 6 October
1957, p. 9.
1958 Antonio Mascarenlzas Goan Life and Outlook, Lisboa:
Edi~oes Paulistas, vol. 1, ch. 9 ("The Mando "), pp. 64-71.
1959 Antonio Mascarenhas Dulpodam ( Folclore de Goa.
Primeira Parte), Lisbon: Centro Cultural Goes.
Lt1cio Rodrigues "An Idyll of Love" Cocktaii, Bom::,ay,
6 June 1959, p. 49. "Konkani Folk Songs of Goa., 3. Durpod The Song
of Joy'', Journal of the University of Bombay (January 1959 ), pp. 26-4).
1960 Anonymous "0 folclore de Goa tern caracteristicas de
excepcional beleza ", 0 Seculo Lisbon, 9 December 1960. Suplemento espe~
cia! dedicado ao Estado Portugues da India, p. 12, cols. 2-3. " A musica
na fndia revelou muitos e not£weis artistas, alguns dos quais conquistaram

fama internacional ", Ibid., cols. 3-4. "A poesia na India portuguesa -
temas infinitos, mas que pertencem ao drama corrente da vida", Ibid,
colr. 6-7.
Lambert Mascarenhas " The Konkani • Tcatro' ", Goan
Tribune, 10 January 1960, pp. 5 & 12.

Jose Pereira "A literatura e a musica de Goa", A Vida,

Margao (Goa), 7 September 1960, pp. 1 & 4. (Printed, censored and with-
drawn from publication).

Maria Santos & Jesuino Noronha (Introduction by Antonio Mas-

carenhas) Poesias do povo goes, Lisbon: Centro Cultural Goes, February 1960.
1961 Alfred Braganza ''The Love Theme in Konkani Folksongs-",
Goan Tribune, 19 March 1961.
L\1cio Rodrigues "Konkani Folksongs of Goa, Durpod:
The Song of Joy", Folklore, Calcutta, March-April 1961, pp. 114-127;
May June 1961, pp. 178-182.

1962 Kamal Vagh "Konknni lokgitem" (in Marathi) Sarojioi-

Babar ( ed. ), Balraj, Poona: Maharashtra Rajya Loksahitya Samiti,
pp. 57-68.
Antsher Lobo "The Konkani Heritage of i'vfusic ", " The Illus-
trated Weekly of India (Goa issue), 18 February 1962, pp. 54-55.
iviicael Martins "0 folclore de Goa", Luta, Panjim (Goa),
3 February 1962.
Jose Pereira "The Folk Song ( Goan Song)", The Illustrated
H' eek!y of India. num. cit. , pp. 63 & 65. " A literatura e a musica de
Goc.", A Vida, 18 & 19 September 1962.

Jose Pereira "Arnaldo de Menezes, 16 June 1863- 17,

December 1917, The Poet-Musician of Goa," Ibid., l, 2, 8, 15 & 16 June
' The ?\Iando- Art Song and Genuinely Goan," Ibid., 30 August 1963.
Lucio Rodrigues "The Dakni - 'The Song of the Dancing
Girl'," Folklore, Vol. 4-11 (November 1963 ), pp. 361-8
Vasudev Kamti-vag '' Amcha nattkanchi parampaxa,"
Navem Goim, Margao 15 April 1963, pp. 3 5 & 7.

1964 Gopal Krishna Bhobe Asa aile mazha Gomantak

(in Marathi ), Bombay: Mauz Printing press, Ch. 9 (" Sangit anni sadhna "),
pp. 111-122.
Baki B. Borkar "Lokanlo nattyaved," Navem Goim,
I December 1964, pp. 4, 5, 6 & 15 (reprinted from a number of Parjetso avaz ).
Vasudha Mane Govyantil dhalo. Uteavagitanclzem tk sanka/an
(in Marathi ), Bombay: Makarand Sahitya.
Prabhakar Shridhar Neurekar "Konknni lokgitant!e i\fama-
-Mami", Dainik Maratha (in Marathi ), 6 September 1964
1965 Felicio Cardoso "Konknni sorospo ", Sot, Margao, 3 July 1965.
"Manddeaucho Utsov '',Ibid., 13 August 1965.

Other Articles by Antsher Lobo

1. In Goan World, Bombay, c. 1941.

2. In a review which did not go beyond a few numbers on the influence of
Raja~thani music on the folk musi..::: on the folk music of the area of
Sat- tar ( Satari ), Goa, c 1947.
3, In 0 Hera/do, Panjim, c. 1949.
4. In Anglo-Lusitano, Bombay, c. 1952.
5. Paper presented to the Ministry of Defence on western Influences on
Goa, 1955.
6. In Golden Jubilee number of the Goan Institute, Bycul!a, Bombay ( ed.
Philip Furtado).

This information was given to us by Mr. Lobo himself. We have not been
able to make it more precise or verify it.


( The spellings of the names of Portuguese authors have been

modernized) but not the quotations and titles of their books.


1. "Parece agora razao darmos uma breve noticia da cidade, e Ilha de

Goa, por ser a principal praya de armas desta espiritual Conquista, o centro
desta circumferencia, o cora)'aO deste vastissimo corp;), dJnde a cada passo
veremos sair os Ministros do Evangelho, uns para o Norte, outros para o
Sui, a desterrar corn a clarissima luz do Fe as escuras trevas da ido!atria; a
Ia var nas aguas do santo Baptismo inumeraveis povos, muito diferentes nas
linguas, e muito diversos nos costumes; a sujeitar ao su1ve jugo da Igreja
Romana Reis e Principes poderosos; a levantar no mais remontado paga-
nismo templos do verdadeiro culto e religiao; e a fundar a Jesu crucificado
urn novo e dilatado Imperio". Francisco de Sousa, S. J., Oriente con-
quistado a Jesus Cristo pelos padres da Companhia de Jesus da provincia
de Goa (2nd edition, Bombay 1881 ), Pdmeira Parte, conquista 1, divisao I,
num. 16, p. 12.
2. Fall of Constantinople 1453. Capture of Goa 1510.
· 3. As Gilberta Freyre says, Goa is a '' harmonisa~ao d:J. Europa latina
com os tr6picos ". Aventura e Rotina (Lisbon: Livros da Brasil Ltda,
1953 ), p. 12. And on p. 28 he declares: "Goa nao e subeuropeia: acres-
centa a Europa ao Oriente''.
4 See chapter II, section I, below.
5. As. for imt:.mce, the devotions to St. Anne, a popular ;::int in the Middle
Ages. The Mystery Plays or "Image " Passion Plays are the passas of
Holy Week. See also chapter I, note 42, below.
6. As, for example, the motet, the most imp:Jrtant form of mediaeval
comp:Jsition, which was very popular in the Counter-Reform:~tion age, but
suffered an eclip3e in Europe iu the nineteenth century. A fa\·ourite instru~

ment of the Renaissance musicians, the viol, maintained its popularity in

Goa apparently till the end of the nineteenth century.

7. See chapter VIII below.

8. See chapter VI below.
9. See Excursus V, Bibliography of Goan Song, beiow.
10. Some of the libraries in Europe are as follows :

Lisbon ,(a) Biblioteca Nacional.

(b) Arquivo Nacional da Torre do Tombo.
(c) Biblioteca de Ajuda.
Evora Biblioteca Publica.
Braga Biblioteca Publica.
Rome (a) Archivum Romanum Societatis Jysu.
(b) Vatican Library.
(c) Biblioteca N az.ional e Vittorio Emmanuele.
London (a ) Library of the School of Oriental and African
(b) British Museum Library.
(c) India Office Library.
(d) Library of the Baptist Missionary Society,
Prague Knihovna Narodniho Musea (Library of the
National Museum ) .

Vienna Oesterreichische National Bibliotek.

11. Found mostly in the Central Library, Ponnji, and in various private
collections in Goa.
12. Francisco Joao da Costa (or "Gip" ) , Jacob e Dulce (2nd ed.) ,
Nova-Goa ( Ponnji): Typographia da "Casa Luso-Franceza", 1907.
13. The name of our informants are found in Excursus IV, below.
14. GOANNESS OF THE MAN DO" l\1and6s, em que tanto abunda a
nossa terra, e que constituem a musica de predilecto encanto da sociedade goa-

neza ". Maria Aninha da Silva Coelho, leaflet of Mandos, Morhgoum 1890,
introductory page. "Konkani poetry, especially in the form of the Manda, has
been so far the only extinsively successful vehicle for the spontaneous overflow
of our powerful feelings .... No poetry can so surely set the heartstrings Gf a
Goan a-quiver ... as the poetry of a Afando ". Armando Menezes, ''A Peep
at our Parnassus ", The Gaan World, December 1930, p. 28. " ..• the mando
became ... the most intense expression of the p~rsonality of the individual
and the character of the race... On the silken string of the rhythm of the
],Janda are strung, like coloured beads, our na:ional traditions ... " Fran·
cisco Correia-Afonso, "Our National Dance", The Go:m World, num. cit.,

pp. 13-14. One of the founders of the study of the Mando, Floriano Barreto.
says! of it: "A alma da terra mater ahi estua e refl~cte-se." Livra posthumo
(Nova Goa: Caza Luso-Franceza, 1906 ), '' 0 culto da musica," p. 138.

15. For the "Konl<ani Composite" of melancholy and star fixation see
chapter VII.
16. The war on Konkani is well described by the language's first historian,
Joaquim Heliodoro da Cunha Rivara in his 0 ensaia historico da lingua con-
cani, which is one of the two prefaces to his Grammatica da lingua cancani
composta pelo padre Thomaz Estevao e ascrescentada par outros padres da
Companhia de Jesus. Nova Goa: Imprensa Nacional, 1857.


1. "Goa is all that land that lies between the Western Ghats and the
Arabian sea, between 14 degrees, 53' ·and !5 degrees, 48' Lat. North; and
73 degrees, 45,' and 74 degrees 34' Long. East of Greenwich". C. F. Saldanha,
S. J., A Short History of Goa (Bombay: Anglo-Lusit:mo, 1952 ), Intro-
duction, P. 1.

2. Frei Paulo da Trindade compares the city of Goa to a tapestry:

"Nesta ilba esta situada a formossissima cidade de Goa, a qual e tao fresca
e aprazivel a vista por estar toda entr esachada de arvoredo, que parece
um pano de armar ". Conq!Jista espirituaf do Oriente ( eJ. Felix Lopes
0. F. Ivl., Lisbon: Centro de Estudos Ultramarinos, 1962 ), ch. 17, p. 89.

3. This is h ow a Goan jungle in the Ghats struck a Portuguese writer of

the eighteenth century: "tudo cheyo de Arvores tam grossas, tam unidas,
e tam antigas, que parece se conservam desde o principia do Mundo naque·
11e sitio ... He regado este vale de copiozas aguas ... 0 que faz as arvores tam
humidas, que nam pega nellas o fogo, eo terrene tam visozo, que produz
por toda a parte silvas, rotas, huma especie de canas, a que chamam na
India Bambus ... que embayando-se nas arvores, fazem huma horroroza, e
impenetravel brenha. Entre as mais arvores, que ali produziu a Natureza
ha umas, a que chamam commumente naque!e PJ.ys arvores dos Banianes ..
Tern estas a propriedadc de lan~ar grande;; ramos, que declin;:,ndo para a
terra, cri am nell:1 raizcs, que produzem outras arvores, cujos ramos ch2g2ndo
ao ch~nn deitam outras raizes; de maneira, que multiplicando-se formam
burna especie de muralha, que com grande difficuldade se pode desfazer, e
he arvore destas, que so elle forma hum bosque". Jose Freire Monterroyo
Mascarenhas, Epanaplzora Indica, parte 4 (Lisbon 1748 ), no. 141, pp. 79- 80.

4. Walter A, Fairservis, Jr., " The Harappan Civilization - New

Evidence and More Theory", American Museum Novitates, New York.-
17 November 1961, p. 17.
5. Ibid., pp. 26-7.
6. See K. de B. Codrington's for the coming The Study of India'! Art~

ch. 4. Varanasi ( Benares ) : The Chowkhamba Vidya Bhawan.

7. Irawati Karve, "The Cultural Process India", Man, October 1951,
article 232, p. 135.
8. Some examples are the Nagas of ancient India, and the Gujars,
Marathas, Sikhs and Orissans of the modern. Ibid., pp. 137.138.
9. Ibid., p. 138.

10. R. E. Mortimer Wheeler, "The Civilization of a Sub-Continent",.

in S. Piggott ( ed. ), The Dawn of Civilization (London : Thames and Hudson~

1962 ), p. 252.
11. Niharranjan Ray, Maurya and Sunga Art (University of Calcutta,.
1945 ), chapter II, pp. 8-10.
12. Fairservis, op. cit., pp. 3 0-31.
13. The Fora! of Afonso Mexia, published by Cunha Rivara in the
Archivo portuguez oriental, Ponnji, fasc. V ( 1865), parte 1, n. 58, pp. 118-133.
14. Saldanha, op. cit., ch. 2, pp. 9-10, attributes the Goan's social spirit
and local individualism to the Gaumponn.
15. Mortimer Wheeler, op. et toe. cit.
16. Fairservis, op. cit. , pp. 12-14.
17. Ibid. , pp. 18 and 20.
18. Ibid. , p. 26.
19. Mortimer Wheeler, op. et lac. cit.
20. Ibid.
21. Ibid.
22. Ibid.

23. PERIODS OF GOAN HISTORY. The division of Goan

history into periods is based on the suggestions of Dr. George Mark Moraes,
who, in a personal discussion with us, recommended the following scheme
of epochs:
(a) Pre-Ashoka
(b) Maurya
(c) Chalukya

(d) Kadamba

(e) Yadava

(f) Bahmani
(g) Vijayanagara

(h) Bijapur

ci) Portuguese Goa

The events of the last period, he said, could be best classified according
to who the adversaries of the Portuguese were at a given time. Thus in the
years between 1510 and 1650, the main enemies were the Bijapur dynasts;
from 1650 to 1739 the Marathas; from the latter date to 1800 Hyder Ali,
Tippu Sultan, the Nizam and the Marathas; and from 1800 to 1947 the
For other schemes of Goan history see Frederico Dinis de Aiala, Goa
antiga e moderna (Lisbon, 1889) p. 30; J. A. Saldanha, "The Origins and
Growth of Konkani ", The Mangalore Magazine, Vol. 2-8 (Christmas 1902 ),
p. 236 ; and also Joao Manuel Pacheco de Figueiredo," Goa Preportuguesa ",
Studia, Lisbon, no. 12 (July 1963 ), pp. 139-259 and nos. 13-1-+ (January-
-July 196-+ ), pp. 105-225. This latter w0rk is so far p::rhaps the fullest
treatment of Goan history before the Portuguese conquest.

24. Jagdish. Chandra Jain, Life in Ancient India as Depicte in the Jain
Canons (Bombay: New Book Company, 1947 ), ch. 4, p. 299.

25. Xennai Goimbab ( Varde Valaulikar ), Valipat-tanatso Sod. Bombay:

Gomantak Press, 1962.

26. The material for this and the following section (as well as for some-
-of the previous and latter ones) is taken from the Bbaratiya Vidya Bhavan's
History and Culture of the Indian People ( HCIP) -Vol. I, The Vedic Age
{London: -George Allen and Unwin, i95 t); vol. li, The Age of Imperial
Unity (Bombay : Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, 1951 ) ; vol. III, The Classical
Age (Idem, 195-1-) ; vol. IV, The Age of Impuial Kanauj ( Id., 1955); vol.
V, Th': struggle for Empire (Id., 1957) ; vol. VI, The Dc:l!ri Sulranaete ( Id .•
1960); vols. IX & X, British Paramounty and Indian R;maissance ( Id., 1963
& 1965) - e>specially fro.n v.)\s. IV and V. The ditors are: R. C.
Majumdar & A. D. Pusalker, of vols. I-V; R. C. Majumdar, A.D. Pusalkar
& A. K. Majumdar, of vol. VI; and R. C. Majumdar, A. D. Majum?ar,
& D. K. Ghose, ofvols. IX & X.
27. See George :..1ark Moraes, The Kadamba Kula. A History of Ancient
and Mediaval Karnataka. B::>mbay: B. X. Furta::!::> & Sons, 1931.

28. The Jain Canons, fixed by Devardhigani around the si:<th century
A.D., say that 1he Konkan WJ.s n::Jn-Aryan, as for ex:am;>le Jinad1sagani,
Uttaradhyayana Curni ( Rutlam 1933), p. 115, quoted by Jagdish Chandra
Jain, op. cit., pp. 299-300.
29. " .• , esta gentc trabalhadora, pacifica, e verdadeira na sua :,implicidade
como nenhuma outra em terras de Goa ... estes homens ... tern a coragem
rara no paiz de dizer a verdade em quaesquer circumstancias... Sao os
mais fortes, e ao mesmo tempo os mais doceis manducares ... " Antonio
Emilio d' Almeida Azevedo, As communidades de Goa (Lisbon 1890), cap.
I, pp. 18·19.
30. Xennai Goimbab, Coman to panixat (Bombay: Gomantak Pres s,
1933), 1 kadd, 4 arannyak, p. 35.
31. See: The Delhi Sultanate ( HCIP vo!. VI), ch. XU.

32. G.}. r. :0.Ior:Jes, "A Forgotten Chapter in the History of the Konkan" ,
Bharat Kaumudi (Studies in lndology in Honour of Dr. Radha Kumud
:Mookerji, Allahabad 1945), pt. l, pp. 441·475.
33. See Jorge Dias, Os elementos fundamentais da cultura portuguesa,
Lisbon: Agencia Geral do Ultramar, 1960.
34. Battle of Diu: 3 February 1509.

35. The notions of consecrational or sacral and secular Christendoms are

elaborated by Charles Journet in The Church of the WordJncarnate (translation
by A.H.C. Downes of L' Eglise du Verbe incarre) (London and New York :
Sheed and Ward, 1955), ch. VI, sees. HI and IV, pp. 214-324.
36. "Ex his jam apertam et perspicuum est:_ unam Archiepiscopi Go an,
Metropolitani jurisdictionem majori terrarum regionumque tractu proter::di,
ac Jongius latiusque patere, quam o~nium Patriarcharum ac Episcoporum
simul sumptorum totius Europae." Paulinm aS. B:utholom1eo, O.C.D. ~
India orientalis christiana (Rome 1794 ), p. 38, see a 1 s o introduction.
note 1.
37. Maurice Collis, The Land of the Great Image (London : Faber and'
Faber, 1953 ), IIL 1, p. 25, and Tlze Grand Peregrination (Idem, 1949)'
ch. 1, p. 12.

38. "Goa was at that period a city with an estimated population of t\VO
hundred and twenty five thousand,l which would rank it with London and'
Antwerp as one of the largest cities of that time." Boies Penrose, Goa -Queen
of the East (Lisbon, 1960 ), p. 55. "Le sue f&bbriche so no bellissime, alte,
nobili, fatte al modo d'Europa, solo piu frequenti di finestre... Li con vente
de' Regolari sono singalarmente maestosi, tanto che sto in dubbio se in Europa
si possino trovare de piu belli." F. Vincenzo Maria di S. Caterina da Siena
II viaggio alle Indie Orienta!i (Rome 1672 ), lib. 5, cap. 4, p. 424.

39. " ... todas as noites infallivelmente as hora3 destinadas a e:>te sancto
exercicio tod-a a cidade de Goa parecia hum coro da musica ... " Francisco
de Sousa, op. cit., conquista I, div. II, num. 19, p. 74.
40. "Alii dorme, apezar do marquez de Pombal, no seu leito de prata, e
na terra que tanto amou, o maior conquistador do Oriente'' Tomas Ribeiro,..
Jornadas, Segunda parte, ·Entre Palmeiras (2nd ed. Nova Goa: Imprensa
Nacional, 1932 ), :xxxvrn, p. 198.

41. Paul Claude!, "Saint Francois Xavier," in Corona beniznitatis anni

' ~
Dei (Paris : Nouvell Revue Fran~aise, 1915 ), IV, 6, pp. 178-l Sl. "L'immen-
se Asie tout entiere est cernee par ce petit homme." p. 180.
42. The most important of these importers of culture was perhap> the
Dutchman Gaspar Barzeu (died 1553 ). Of him Felipe Neri Xavier says that
he "instituio uma Procissao de disciplinantes, que reunidos em todas as sextas-
·feiras na referida Igreja depois de differentes praticas estabelecidas. se

.disciplinavam. Em seguida estatuio as Prega96es, Representar;oes de Passos de

Christo - e Procissoes nas sextas-feiras da Quaresma- As encomenda96es
noctumas em alta voz, das Almas do Purgatorio, e dos que andavam em peccado
mortal, ( chamadas Devotas)- os Mestres da Capella- As missas cantadas
a canto de orgao- as Procissoes de meninos com capellas de flo res etc. etc.-
Tal he a fonte donde dimanaram diversos actos religiosos qne ainda hoje se
observam nas Igrejas deste Estado, e nas das Missoes." Resumo hist6rico da
maravilhosa vida de S. Francisco Xavier (2nd edition Nova Goa: Imprensa
Nacional, 1861 ), footnote n. 131, pp. 122-123.
43. See C. R. Boxer, The Christian Century in Japan 1549-1650, Berkel,~y.
Los Angeles: University of California Press; London: Cambridge University
Press, 1951.
44. '' Asian influences are readily discernible in old Portuguese art...
Portuguese influences in Asian art were relatively less important". C.R.
Boxer. "The Portuguese in tbe East" , in H.V. Livermore. Portugal and
Brazil. An Introduction (Oxford : The Clarendon Press, 1953 ), IX, p. 243.

45. Mario Tavares Chico, ''Aspects of the Religious Art of Portuguese

India. Architecture and Gilt Woodwork". Afarg, Bombay, vol. VIII-I
(Dec. 1954 ), p. 20 (translation of Chico's article published in the Boletim
Geral do Ultramar, December 1951 ).
46. Or in Vieira's phrase on Holland, the "frio e alagado inferno"
Sermao pelo born successo das armas de Portugal, sect. III, end.

47. "The legitimate heritage of the baroque period must not be the
absolutizing of what is human in church State, but the awareness of the
absolute character of the divine ; it must be a celebration not of present
triumphalism, but of eternal triumph". Hermann Tnchle, "Baroque Chris-
tianity: Root of Triumphalism ", Concilium, Hilversum, vol. VII-I (Sept.
1965), p. 76.
~S. Chico op. cit., pp. 20-24.

49. The church of Nossa Senhora da Divina Providencia ( S. Caetano)

in Velha Goa, 1656-1661.

50. " ... solo Bramante, Michelangelo e Bernini seppero esprimere ]3

trionfante universa1ita della Chiesa Romana ''. Antodio Ivlurroz, S. Piefr)
in Vaticano (Rome: Libreria .Mantegazza, no date ( 1924?) ), p. 24.

51. The width of St. Paul's nave is 41 feet, while that of Espirito Santo-
, { S. Francisco de Assis) in Velha Goa is a littls over 54 feet. Of course,
St Paul's has aisles, which the Espirito Santo bas not.

52. THE GOAN ORATORIANS. On Jose Vaz, S. G. Perera, S. J., says:

"Joseph ... the model of a priest, the greatest product of the Catholic Faith
in the East". Life of the Venerable Father Joseph Vaz, Apostle of Ceylon
(2nd ed. Galle : Loyola House, 1953 ), ch. I, p. 2. "Two priests stand out
preeminent in the history of the Catholic faith in this island; one as the
Founder of the modern church, the other as its architect and builder. ~ The
former is the Venerable Father Joseph Vaz, the Apostle of Ceylon; the
latter his disciple, companion and eventually his successor, Father Jacome
Con9alvez ". Ibid, Life of Father Jacome Goncalvez (Madura: De Nobili
Press, 1942 ), Foreword, p. I. Both these books have extensive bibliographies.
See also Ibid., Historical Sketches (Ceylon Church History), Jaffna, St.
Joseph's Catholic Press, 1938.

53. Ibid.,pp.llS-129.

54. Francisco de Sousa, op. cit., conq. 4, div. 1, n n. 106-108, pp. 398-402.

55. " Peregrinou Xavier em corpo e alma por immensos mares e remotis-
simas Proviticias : desceu em forma de Peregrina do ceu a terra : e ate o seu
corpo ja morto e sem alma andou peregrinando de Sancboao a Malaca,
-de Ivialaca a Goa, de uma sepultura em outra, mudando tumulos e ataudes,
cubicn!os, salas e capellas. E porque ainda se suspeita que bade peregrinar
mais ao longe, ( o que Deus nao permitta por sua Divina Misericordia)
jaz ao presente em um tumulo interior de rodas para se poder tirar mais
facilmente do mausoleu de prata no Oriente. I\'las eu espero ern seu mila-
groso patrocinio que se lhe hao de servir as rodas para se mover com maior
promptidao e velocidade ao socorro da India, porque pedem remedio mui
apressado tao lastimosas ruinas ". Ibid., conq. 4, div. 2, n. 4, p. 415.

56. See, for instance, the sonnets of Be>cage ( 1765-1805) in his period
of expatriation { 1788-1790 ).

57. ''Durante o reinado deste principe (D. Joao V ), as entranhas

da America pareciam converter-se em ouro, e a terra brotar diamantes para
enriquecerem o tesouro portugues ". Alexandre Herculano, Panorama
( J 843 ), p. 189, quoted by Jose de Oliveira Boleo in ''A incorpora9ao das
'Novas Conquistas' no Estado da india", Studia, no. 8 (July 1961 ),
pp. 336-337.

58. Chico, op. cit., p. 25.

59. Jacinto Caetano de Barreto Miranda, Quariros historicos de Goa,

terceira caderneta, 1864, quadro 25, p, 82: "sobre cujas ruinas ergueu-se
jucunda a homerica figura do marquez de Pombal."

60. See C. R. Boxer, Race Relations in the Portuguese Colonial Empire

(Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1963 ), chapter II, pp. 69-75.


"Os autores do primeiro (sistema) fundando-se na legitimidade do poder
dominante, querem salvar do labeo de traidores e rebeldes a conterraneos seus,
parect:ndo-lhes que aquelle Ia beo reftectira de algum modo sabre elles
proprios, na o se lembrando que o crime, ou erro de alguns nao infama um
povo inteiro. Os auctores do segundo, partindo da legitim! dade da resistencia
a occupa9ao do paiz por uma rac;a estrangeira, acham gloriosa e heroica a
tentativa de reb'lliao, posto que mallograda, esquecendo-se de qne nao he
heroicidade nenhuma em tropec;ar de illusao em illusao, em nao saber pro-
porcionar os meios aos fins, em desconhecer que quando m uito sorrisse a
fortuna no primeiro momenta a phantasiad:1 republica goana, ou a invasao
do Tip(~, quer s6, quer associado aos Francezes, ja entao mui decaidos na
India, nao t:udariu muito tempo a reacc;ao dos Portuguezes, empenh:lJos
assim n'um:1 Jucta da vida ou de morte; e se estes nao podessem resti-
tuir-se do perdido, Ia estava a Inglaterra, ardendo em desejos de alargar os
seus dominios indianos, que nao deixaria perder o lance para se apoderar do
tao apetecido porto de Goa". A conjura~ao de 1787 em Goa (Nova Goa:
Jmprensa l\acional, 1875 ), cap. X, p. 117.


e m:'ds terras ultramarinas de cuyo governo se trata neste conselho, ni:to sao
distinctas nem separadas deste Reyno nem ainda lhe pertcncem por modo
de uniao, mas sao membros do mesmo Reino, como he o do Algarve equal-
quer das provincias de Alentejo e Entre Douro e Minho, porque se gover-
·na:o com as mesmas leis e magistrados e gosao dos mesmos privilegios que
os do mesmo Reino e assy tao portuguez he o que nasce e vive em Goa ou
no Brasil on em Angola, como o que vive e nasce em Lisboa ... " From the
" Relacao sobre a precedencia que se deve dar ao Conselbo da India entre os
mais Conselhos e Tribunais do Rei no", published by Francisco Mendes da Luz
from a MS. of around 1606 in Garcia de Orta, vol. III, no. I ( 1955 ), p. 569.

63. "droves of apparently sheep-like natives, submitting with the same

docility to being fleeced without attempting to turn and bite their shearers".
Arnold J. Toynbee, The Present-Day Experiment in Western Civili::ation

(London: Oxford University Press, 1962 ), I, p. 12.

64. "disse outr'ora da [ndia portugu~za o je>uita p1dre Manocl G)dinho:

Se foi gigante e ja pigmeu ;

Se foi imperio, pereceo ;
Se foi vasto, esta limitado
Se foi muito, nao e ja nada ".
Miguel Vicente de Abreu, 0 governo do Vice-Rei Conde do Rio Pardo
no Estado da India Portugueza desde 1816 ate 1821 (Nova Goa: Imprensa
Nacional, 1869), p. 195.
65. In-:tituted by Gregory XV on 6 Janmry 1622.

66. Cunha Rivara wrote Brados a ((!vor das com;;?:u;U~iJ:s dos aldeias
do E~tado da India (Nova Goa: Imprensa Nacional, 1870 '· and Fi!ipe
Neri Xavier, the D?fensa dos dfreitos das gcio-cari:Js, gao-c:1res e dos seus
privilegios, contra a oroposta da sua dissolw;ao, e divisao das suas terras ( No\·a
Goa: Imprensa Nacional, 1856 ).

67. The first telegraphic line m Goa ( Belgaum-Goa ) was set up in

November 1857.
68. The contract for the railway in Goa was signed in 1881, and its first line
inaugurated in October 1882.
69. The Liceu was founded on 9 November 1854.
70. The Biblioteca Publica (now the Central Library ) or rather, the
Institute Vasco da Gama of which the Biblioteca formed a part, was founded
by Tomas Ribeiro on 22 November 1871 on the 373rd anniversary of. the
rounding of the Cape of Good Hope. The name of the Institute was changed
after 1961 to Institute Menezes Braganza.
71. The first journal published in Goa was the Gazeta de Goa (first issue.

22 December 1821 ). The editor was the unfortunate Captain Luis Prates.

72. See chapter V, p.

73. The use of Western clothes must have been very rare among the Indians
of Goa before 1736; on 14 April that year, the Inquisition forbade them
the use of the dhoti. By the mid-nineteenth century Christian men had grown
used to wearing Western style dress in church, and have today adopted it
generally. Most women, however, still wear Indian costumes, though many
Christians have taken to dresses. For the dress among Christians around
1846 see Filipe Neri Xavier, Gabinete litterario das Fontain!zas {Nova Goa:
Imprensa Nacional, no. 1, 1846), pp.100·106.

74. "As elei¥oes tern causado na India portugueza ... mais mal que
q:i:mtas pragas lwuve no Egypto ".Miguel Vicente de Abreu op. cit., p. 66.


nrahmins of Goa found tbe non-violent form of strife - the elections -
much to their liking. Of them Frederico de Aiala says: "Estas duas for9as
sociaes, a imprensa e o clero, teem na villa de _Margao, centro do brah·

manismo politico, a At!zenas na sabedoria e Paris na civi!isarao, urn baluarte

irreductivel, com as baterias de chicanas assestadas contra Ribandar,
o antigo solar dos fidalgos. Urn busto de Bernardo Peres da Silva, o
Washington de Goa, uma es.pecie de orago politico, relembra-lhes o seu pro-
gramma patriotico : abaixo os portuguezes ". op. cit., p. 38.

76. See ibid., pp. 65-66 for a description of Garces's death.

77. This mando is the Luizinh moje Luizinh. There is another mand o•
(little known) on this event, the Divarhykaranim ekttaim keleaim S:Jreachirrr

78. Recorded in publications like Jose Inacio de Loiola's As petas geneo-

logico-hist6ricas do Sr. J. B. Catao de Costa, 01-11 ; { Orlim ), no date (it is.
a reply to a book published in 1873 ).

79. Vasco Guedi uspita fonddo

Morhgoum kon-num ragtachem konddo

Chorus of the 2nd verse of the mando

Niti nam fori Gonyantum Justis nam Saiba Saxttintum.

80. For a bibliography of the risings of Satari see the Bole tim do Governo,_
Ponnji 1852, pp. 71, 76, 100 and 250. Frederico de Aiala, a great admirer
of the rannos, has a picturesque description of their robbing methods in_
op. cit., pp. 15-16.

S1 Kuxttoba
.i.'rfiraxi lndietso
Terroru Goint.w
Conflit povatso
Inimig bottatso!

from the deknni which begins with these lines.


82. The mando on this revolt is Soglea sonsara foboro Pakleam' geunum-

yetai mwma vaporo.

83. See Gomes da Costa's A revclta de Goa e a campan!za de 1895(1896,

edited by his son Carlos Gomes da Costa, Lisbon 1939.

84. J. B. Amancio Gracias, "Inglescs em Goa", Boletim do Instituto

Vasco da Gama, Ponnji, no. 22 (1934), pp. l-60, no. 23 (1934), pp. 1-29.

and no. 24 (1934), pp. l-22.

85. Arthur Bryant, The Story of England, I, The Makers of the Realm

(London: Collins, 1953), ch. 10, p. 270.

86 See Constancio Roque da Costa, 0 tratado anglo-portuguez de

26 de Dezembro ( Morhgoum: Typographia do "Ultra mar", 1879 ), and

Frederico de Aiala, op. cit., p. 28.

'07. "These places on earth have been impregnated with man's intell-
igence and toil. It is through history that the union of Nature and man
-is a2complished. As a result Nature radiates with signs and significance,
which makes her beauty blossom forth". Jacques Maritain, Creative Intui-

tion in Art and Poetry (London: Harvill Press 1953 ), ch. 1, p. 9.

88. "Goa parece te-los amaciado n:1s arvores quase !iturgicamente

cat6licas que se tornaram tanto na India portuguesa como no Brasil e na

Africa lu~itana. Coqueiros e igrejas cat6licas parecem hoje completar-se na

composi~ao d.: paisagens genuinamente luso-tropic::tis ". Gilberta Freyre,

op. cit, p. 291.

89. ''A villa de Margao abraya este monte, em cujo top:J esia a Virgem

Sancta, como a cobril-a com o manto da sua piedade ". Tomas Ribeiro,

op. cit., 11, p. 21.


90. Siason tujem sorgari

Santissima Trindadicha mazari
Tunvem ason kelam dograri
Amam papiam fatiri.

v. 10 of Barreto's hymn, Papianclzi xeratinni.

From the edition ( on a sheet) of J. V. Barreto Miranda, Morhgonm, 190 l
( orthography modified).

91. Floriano Barreto, op. cit., pp. 136 and 230. See chapter III, note 33,
92. Some of these poets are Nascimento Mendon9a, Paulino Dias, Ma-
riano Gracias and Floriano Barreto. See Joseph Furtado, Principais poetas
goanos, Bastorii : Tip. Rangel, 1927, and Ethel M. Pope, lndia in Portuguese
Literature, Bastorii: Tip, Rangel, 1937.
93. See Introduction, note 16.

94. Filipe Neri Xavier, 17 March 1801-26 May 1875.

95. Jaci!1to Caetano de Barreto Miranda, 1 January 1842- 10 July 1879.
96. Miguel de Abreu, 1827-1884.
97. Casimiro de Nazare, 1830-1928. Some other scholars of the time
were Frederico Diniz de Aiala, Jose Antonio Ismael Gracias ( 1857-1919 ).
Joao Baptista Amancio Gracias ( 1872-1950) JUlio Francisco Antonio Adeo-
dato Barreto ( 1905-1937) and Francisco Luis Gome3 ( 1829-1869 ).

98. See article by Joao Agostinho Fernandes ( 1871-1947 ), the chief of

the Teatr writers, on his own work in Ave Maria (Bombay), 28 November
1942, where he outlines the Teatr's early history. See also Xennai GJimbab,
Yeukar adyakxalem ula:tp ( Bomb:1y : Gom:tntak: Press, !945), pp. 20-22.

99. See P. V. de Souza, The Goan Abroad. A Graphic Record of the

Early Goan Emigration into British India, Bombay : Goa Times Press 19-!2 .

100. British Paramountcy and Indian Renaissance, part I ( HCIP, vol. IX),
ch. XIX, pp. 591·602.

101. Ibid., p. Xnii.

102. Ibid., ch. XXVIII, pp. 828-837.

103. " Foreign conquerors have treated the natives with violence, and
-often with great crcaulty, but none b:1s treated them with so much scorn as
we; none have stignutizcd the whole people as unworthy of trust, as
incapable of honc~ty, and as fit to be employed only when we cannot
do without them. It seems to be not only ungenerous, but impolitic, to
debase the character of a people fallen under our dominion.:.
The consequence, therefore, of the conquest of India by the British arms
would be in place of raising, to debase the whole people. There is perhaps
no example of any conquest in which the Natives have been so completely
excluded from all share of the government of their country as in British India".
Thomas Munro (Minutes) to the Governor-General, 12 November 1818,
quoted from Gleig, Life of Sir Thomas Munro, pp. 269-270, by Edward
'Thompson and G. T. G:trratt, Rise and Fulfilmt7nt of British Rule in India
(London: Macmillan, 1934 ), p. 657.
104. Toynbee, op. cit., p. 73.

( To be continued).

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