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Subject: General English June 2011

Time: 2 hr MM : 125 Instructions

1. Read all the twenty questions and their sub parts thoroughly before answering.

2. Write the answers on the sheet provided separately. Do not write answer on the question paper.

3. Write only the answers suitably numbered as per the question paper.

4. Attempt all questions. Neatness has a suitable award.

5. The paper consists of three sections

(a) Reading 20 Marks (b) Writing 30 Marks (c) Grammar 75 Marks

Section 'A' Reading

1. Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow. (10 Marks)
Once a famous tennis player was scheduled to play in a championship game with her most formidable
rival. At the last minute, she gave the excuse of not feeling well and refused to play. Her reputation was
ruined. Until the day of her death, she was regarded as a 'poor sport' afraid of defeat. Why is such a high
value put on good sportsmanship in the field of sports ? The games themselves are not so important. No,
but the traits a person shows in playing a game, reveals a person's character and breeding. The qualities
needed in games are the same needed for decent living, fairness, honour, self control, willingness to
abide by the rules, just tempered by restraint and ability to win or lose with good spirit.
If you cannot muster up any interest in a game, you had better stay out of it. A half-hearted player who
does not keep his mind on the game, is for ever asking, "Oh, is it my turn?" and plainly does not care how
things turn out and is an annoyance. The ideal player plays for the fun of playing. He tries to win; yet he
is not so eager that he jumps in ahead of his turn or claims victory before the game is over .

(A) On the basis of your reading of the passage, answer the questions briefly.
(i) How was the reputation of the famous tennis player ruined ? (01 Mark)
(ii) How do games reveal a person's character ? (01 Mark)
(iii) What is on the mind of the ideal player ? (01 Mark)
(iv) Why should a disinterested player stay out of the game ? (01 Mark)
(v) Which qualities of decent leaving are also needed in games ? (01 Mark)
(B) Give the meanings of the words below. One word answer or short phrases will be accepted.

Each one, Teach one,

Let this be our slogan
Let us spread the light
The gift of knowledge, they say
It is loevliest gift of all
Let us offer this gift.
To those whose needs are small.
To those who never learnt
How to write or read
Instead of making noises
Let’s get on with the dead.
Let out country awaken
Form the slumber of centuries
Let us make a pledge
To vanish illiteracy.

CAREER POINT : 128, Shakti Nagar, Kota-324009 (Raj.), Ph: 0744-2503892 Page # 1
Complete the summary
The poet wants everyone to
(1) ____________ from the
(2) ____________ of centuries and remove the curse of illiteracy. He says that ‘Each one, Teach one’
should be our.
(3) ____________ we have to spread the light of
(4) ____________ across the nation. The loveliest gift of all is the gift of
(5) ____________ and we have to
(6) ____________ this gift to those who never learnt to write or read. We all have to take a
(7) ____________ to
(8) ____________ illiteracy.

Write the rhyming words

All (2 Marks)
Read -

Section ‘B’ Writing

3. Write an essay on any one of the following . (Word limit 20 words) (10 Marks)
(a) Honesty is the Best Policy
(b) Effects of TV Advertisements on Children
(c) One is known by the company one keeps
4. Write a letter to your friend recounting the experiences of a train or bus journey you recently undertook.
(Word limit 150 Words) (10 Marks)
5. Write a notice in about 50 words, informing the students of your School that an inter-house speech
competition on the topic 'If ever become a scientist' is going to be held on 10th July at 12 : 30 pm in the
assembly hall. (10 Marks)

Section 'C' Grammar

6. Rewrite the sentences as directed in the brackets without changing the meaning of the sentences.
(10 Marks)
(a) I expect that they will arrive before sunset. (Being with : I expect them ..... )
(b) Those words do not exist in English. (Use: 'Used')
(c) As soon as he entered the house, he began to shout. (Begin with : No Sooner )
(d) The rubbish bins are emptied every week. (Use an adverb instead if 'every week')
(e) Have you a question? Would you like to bring it up? (Join the two sentences using 'that')
(f) Tansen was the best singer in Akbar's court. (Use: 'better').
(g) Where did you keep that file? (Begin with: Where was )
(h) She claimed that she had said nothing about it. (Use: 'Denied')
(I) If you don't hurry, you will miss your bus. (Change this 'If sentence into 'or' sentence)
(j) He went to the library and to the bank. (Begin with: Not only)
7. Fill in the blanks with the most suitable adverb given below. (05 Marks)
Briefly, Deeply, Seldom, Decidedly, Suddenly
(a) He ___________visits his parents.
(b) It happened so ___________ that we all got a surprise.
(c) He ___________narrated the incident to me.
(d) She is ___________the best teacher in our school.
(e) He was ___________offended.

CAREER POINT : 128, Shakti Nagar, Kota-324009 (Raj.), Ph: 0744-2503892 Page # 2
8. Fill in the blanks with the correct preposition. (05 Marks)
(a) He was unwilling to take ___________the challenge.
(b) I have been waiting for you ___________four o'clock.
(c) The students came ___________the classroom.
(d) This is the picture that she always talks ___________
(e) We must refrain ___________resorting to violence.

9. Write the antonyms of -

(a) Bless (b) Demolish (c) Active
(d) Barren (e) Eternal

10. Write the synonyms of - (05 Marks)

(a) Mutual (b) Panic (c) Advice
(d) Crush (e) Stem

11. Complete the given sentences with the correct form of the words given in brackets. (05 Marks)
(a) He ___________held up due to the barricade. (get)
(b) Deepak realized that he ___________the wrong road. (take)
(c) The faithful dog ___________his blind master. (lead)
(d) It has ___________the test of time. (stand)
(e) I ___________to find work but I could not. (try)

12. Complete the given sentences with the correct from the brackets. (05 Marks)
(a) Poets are very _____________to criticism (sensible, sensitive)
(b) Have you _____________milk in the house? (any, some)
(c) _____________makes a man perfect. (Practise, Practice)
(d) Is this the correct _____________to work? (weigh, way)
(e) It is my _____________to be honest in business dealings (principal, principle)

13. Complete the following similes. (05 Marks)

(a) As fit as a_____________
(b) As white as_____________
(c) As tight as a _____________
(d) As _____________ as a lark.
(e) As busy as a _____________

14. Fill in the blanks with a suitable word. (05 Marks)

(a) Nobody is exempt_____________ paying his taxes.
(b) The men were covered _____________mud and filth.
(c) The committee _____________issue its report.
(d) There is no truth _____________the news.
(e) He is more agile _____________I am.

15. Add a question tag after of the following statements. (05 Marks)
(a) That was an interesting programme _____________ ?
(b) Squirrels eat nuts, _____________ ?
(c) The mirror cracked from side to side, _____________?
(d) You have all got your own copies _____________ ?
(e) The flowers look lovely on the table _____________?

CAREER POINT : 128, Shakti Nagar, Kota-324009 (Raj.), Ph: 0744-2503892 Page # 3
16. Change the following into indirect speech. (05 Marks)
(a) "I have't brushed my teeth", said Raman.
(b) "Is it warm or cold outside ?" asked the patient.
(c) "The train leaves in five minutes", I told them.
(d) "Has the horse been fed this morning?" asked the rider.
(e) The farmer said, "The cows have eaten all the turnip".

17. Frame questions for the following answers. (05 Marks)

(a) Someone stole my pen
(b) The train left at 4 o'clock
(c) He has bought the blue shirt
(d) She came by bus
(e) He visited his uncle yesterday

18. Fill in the blanks with the suitable conjunctions. (05 Marks)
(a) This is the house _____________ Anil built
(b) I would have come, _____________ I was busy that day.
(c) Ram will go _____________ Hari goes.
(d) He fled _____________ he was afraid.

19. Complete the idioms in the following sentences. (05 Marks)

(a) Sohan was at his _____________ end to find that his friends had fallen from a bicycle.
(b) He is determined to obtain first division in his class by _____________ or by crook.
(c) What happens once in a while, happens in a blue _____________
(d) When something happens suddenly and unexpectedly, it comes like a bolt from the _____________
(e) A person boasting about his own achievements, blows his _____________own .

20. Rearrange the words and phrases given to make meaningful sentences. (05 Marks)
(a) to her/well known/are/you.
(b) are you/looked after/whom/by ?
(c) let / be / posted / this letter / by her.
(d) by/ are you /whom/ Hindi/taught?

CAREER POINT : 128, Shakti Nagar, Kota-324009 (Raj.), Ph: 0744-2503892 Page # 4
(e) by him 1 I was 1 five rupees 1 given.

Time: 1 hr 30 min MM : 200
1. Attempt all 30 questions. Write all your answer separately on the answer sheet provided at the Exam
2. Part 'A' contains 20 questions and each question in this part carries five marks.
3. Part 'B' contains 10 questions and each question in this part carries ten marks.
4. Use of Calculator is Prohibited.
Part 'A'
1. Solve
(x –3)/5 +(x –4)/7 = 6-(2x –1)/35
2. Add
(3x2 –(x/5)–7/3) + (( –x2 /4) + (x/3)–1/6) + (–2x2 –(x/2) + 5)
3. If 2/5th qunital of rice costs Rs. 180, what will be the cost of 4/6 th quintal of rice?
4. By selling a shirt for Rs. 900, a man loses 25% of the cost price. How much should he sell it for to make
a profit of 10% on the cost price ?
5. Simplify (6–1–8–1) + (2–(3–1)2)
6. Find the value of x if (2/5)4x+3 = (5/2)4
7. The weights of some people are given below in kgs 75, 73, 73, 72, 72,45, 92, 70, 70, 68, 68, 68, 68, 51.
Find the mean weight.
8. Find the angle Xº in the given figure. Line AB is parallel to line CD.

9. Find the largest 4 digit number which is exactly divisible by 47 ?

10. The age of Abhinav and Rakesh are in the ratio of 5 : 7. After 5 yr, the ratio of their ages will be 5 : 6. Find
their present age.
11. Find the area of the shaded portion in the given figure.

14 m


24 m

12. Sum of the interior angles of a regular polygon is 1620°. How many sides does this polygon has?
13. If the side of a rhombus is 6.5 cm and its altitude is 4 cm then find its area.
14. If 5 men can do a piece of work in 14 days, in how many days can 7 men do the same work?

CAREER POINT : 128, Shakti Nagar, Kota-324009 (Raj.), Ph: 0744-2503892 Page # 5
15. At what rate of simple interest, will a sum of money double in 8 yr ?
16. If 23% of a number is 69, then find the number.
17. A wooden cuboidal beam 5m long and 40 cm wide contains 0.6 cubic metres of wood. How thick is the
beam ?
18. Construct a triangle ABC in which AB = 5cm, AC = 4.3 cm and angle A = 60°. Draw the perpendicular
bisector of BC as well ?
19. The perimeter of a football ground 120 m long is 400 m. Find the area of the football ground.
20. A bag contains 50 paise, 25 paise and 10 paise coins in the ratio of 5 : 9 : 4. The total money in the bag
is 206. Find the number of coins of each type.

Part 'B'
21. A man covers first 120 km of his journey at 40 km/h, next 145 km at 58 km/h and last 35 km in half an
hour. Find his average speed during the whole journey.

22. A circular hall has an inner diameter of 28 m. If its height is 9 m find the cost of painting the inside walls
of the hall if the rate is Rs. 20 per sq.m. Also find the volume of the hall in cubic metres.

23. The length of each of the two equal sides of an isosceles triangle is 4 m less than twice the length of the
third side. Find the area of the triangle if its perimeter is 32 m.

24. Draw a pie chart for the following data of monthly expenditure of a family. Mention the angle in degrees of
each of the sectors.

Items Re nt Clothing Education Food Electricity SAavings

Amount (Rs) 3200 1800 1200 2400 400 2000

25. Divide Rs.12000 into two parts such that simple interest on the first part for 2 yr at 6% per annum is equal
to the simple interest on the second part for 3 yr at 8% per annum.

26. A race tracks is in the form of a ring whose inner circumference is 264 m and the outer circumference is 308
m. Find the cost of planting grass on the race track if the cost of planting the grass is Rs. 30 per sq m.

27. A hall is 36 m long and 24 m wide. It has one door which is 5 m in height and 2 m in width and 6 windows
which are 1.5 m in width and 2 m in height. If the cost of wall papering the inside of the hall, at the. rate
of Rs. 8 per sq m is Rs. 7424. Find the height of the hall.

28. Two years ago a man was 6 times as old as his son. In 18 yr time he will be twice as old as his son. What
will be the present age of father and son ?
29. Vivek can do a piece of work in 20 days and Parth can do it in 25 days. They began together and worked
for 5 days. Parth fell ill and left the work. In how many days Vivek alone can finish the remaining work?

30. In the given figure ABCD is a rectangle with the length AC = 36 m and breadth CD = 24 m. In the triangle
ABG, FG is perpendicular to AB and FG = 15 m. CED is a semicircle with CD as its diameter. Calculate
the area of the shaded region.




CAREER POINT : 128, Shakti Nagar, Kota-324009 (Raj.), Ph: 0744-2503892 Page # 6
2011 June
Subject: General Knowledge
Time: 1 hr MM : 75
1. There are a total of75 questions, carrying one mark each. There is no negative marking for wrong
2. Avoid overwriting/dual answers - it shall not fetch you any marks.

Section 'A'
Fill in the blanks
1. ________________is the fourth planet from the sun.
2. Gobi desert is spread over __________and __________countries.
3. __________ is the name ofIsraeli Secret Service.
4. __________ company produces the computer operating system windows.
5. __________ is the largest country areawise, in the European Union.
6. The National song 'Vande Matram' was originally composed in__________ language.
7. __________country is known as the land of opera houses.
8. The symbol of World Wildlife Fund is__________
9 __________blood group is a universal recipient.
10. __________metal is in liquid state at room temperature.
11. Independence day, Republic Day and __________are three national holidays in India.
12. Decrease in barometer reading shows decrease in __________
13. Osama bin Laden was killed by US forces in the town of __________in Pakistan.
14. __________is the first bowler to take 800 wickets in test cricket.
15. __________is the chief justice ofIndia.
16. __________is the imaginary line passing round the earth midway between North and South poles.
17. __________was awarded the man of series in ICC World Cup 2011.
18. __________Nuclear plant 2011 was affected because of the great East Japan earthquake 2011.
19. Two additions in the list of teams in IPL-4 are __________ and __________ teams.
20. The term 'tee' is used in the game __________
Section 'B' Tick (,.I') the correct answer
21. The headquarters of SAARC is located in
(A) New Delhi (B) Dhaka (C) Islamabad (D) Kathmandu
22. On which river bank Goa is located ?
(A) Manduvi (B) Ganga (C) Gomti (D) Sabarmati
23. Who was the first-internal affairs (Home) Minister ofIndia ?
(A) Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel (B) Lal Bahadur Shastri
(C) Jawahar Lal Nehru (D) V Krishna Menon
24. Which of the following states imposed a blanket ban on plastic bags?
(A) Delhi (B) Haryana (C) Himachal Pradesh (D) Tamil Nadu
25. India's youngest grand Master (Chess) is
(A) Saurav Ghosal (B) SP Sethuraman (C) ParimaIjan Negi (D) K Hampi

CAREER POINT : 128, Shakti Nagar, Kota-324009 (Raj.), Ph: 0744-2503892 Page # 7
26. 34th National Games 2011 was held in
(A) Bihar (B) Delhi (C) Jharkhand (D) Madhya Pradesh

27. The founder of popular social networking site face book is

(A) Mark Zukarberg (B) Steve Jobs (C) Larry Page (D) Bill Gates

28. The Times Magzine person ofthe year 2010 has been awarded to
(A) Nitish Kumar (B) Barack Obama (C) Wen Jiabao (D) Mark Zukarberg

29. World's tallest building is

(A) Qutub Minar, New Delhi (B) Eiffel Tower, Paris
(C) Burj Khalifa, Dubai (D) Petronas Twin Towers, Kualalumpur

30. The highest sports award of India is

(A) AIjuna (B) Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna
(C) Dronacharya (D) Padmashree

31. The largest country in the world area wise is

(A) USA (B) Canada (C) Brazil (D) None of these

32. The largest state of India area wise is

(A) Uttar Pradesh (B) Maharashtra (C) Madhya Pradesh (D) Rajasthan

33. Mascot ofFIFA 2010 World Cup was

(A) Zakumi (B) Le Yangyang (C) Stumpy (D) Stylo

34. Which of the following Indian states does not share border with Bangladesh?
(A) Asom (B) Manipur (C) Mizoram (D) Tripura

35. Besides India, Pakistan and Sri Lanka which other Asian country has the rupee as the name of its
(A) Bhutan (B) Nepal (C) Myanmar (D) Indonesia

36. The study of heavenly bodies is called

(A) Astronomy (B) Astronautics (C) Astroplanets (D) Astronomitics

37. The lowest place on the earth dead sea is located in

(A) South Korea (B) Canada (C) Israel (D) Paraguay

38. Cacti are classic examples of

(A) Mesophytes (B) Xerophytes (C) Helophytes (D) Hydrophytes

39. Common wealth games 2014 will be held at

(A) London (B) Rio De Janerio (C) Melbourne (D) Glasgow

40. The mirror used used by a dentist is a

(A) cylindrical mirror (B) concave mirror (C) convex mirror (D) plane mirror

41. The distance between the rails incase of a broad gauge is

(A) 1.00 m (B) 3 m (C) 1.67 m (D) 2.67 m

42. Gramophone was invented by

(A) Elmer-A-Sperry (B) Thomas Edison (C) Tom Hanks (D) Anrido Formi

43. The insignia of RIMC is -

(A) Three Peacock Feathers (B) Three Ostrich Feathers
(C) Lion (D) Lotus

CAREER POINT : 128, Shakti Nagar, Kota-324009 (Raj.), Ph: 0744-2503892 Page # 8
44. Dry ice is -
(A) liquid nitrogen (B) water ice (C) solid carbon dioxide (D) frozen ethanol

45. Anode rays was discovered by

(A) Goldstein (B) J Stenely (C) Ruther Ford (D) Thomson

46. Which of the following causes the rusting ofIron ?

(A) Oxidation (B) Reduction
(C) Chemical reaction with sulphur (D) Chemical reaction with carbon dioxide

47. Army day is celebrated on

(A) 15 January (B) 15 March (C) 15 August (D) 15 November

48. In the context of Indian wild life, the flying fox is a

(A) bat (B) kite (C) stork (D) vulture

49. Muscle fatigue in human occurs due to the accumulation of

(A) lactic acid (B) pyruvic acid (C) oxalic acid (D) uric acid

50. All the following diseases are caused by virus except

(A) jaundice (B) influenza (C) mumps (D) typhoid

51. Which one of the following movement started with the Dandi March?
(A) Home rule movement (B) Non-eo-operation movement
(C) Civil disobedience movement (D) Quit India movement

52. Among-the following dynasties, which dynasty ruled the country for the longest period ?
(A) Khilji Dynasty (B) Lodi Dynasty (C) Slave Dynasty (D) Tughlaq Dynasty

53. Which Urdu newspaper was started by Lajpat Rai from Lahore in 1920?
(A) Bande Mataram (B) People (C) Tribune (D) Vir Arjun

54. Full form of CWG is

(A) Commando War Group (B) Common Wealth Games
(C) Central Welfare Gadget (D) Common Wealthy Group

55. Which one of the following rivers does not originate in India?
(A) Beas (B) Chenab (C) Ravi (D) Sutlej

56. The death valley ofthe USA lies in the state of

(A) Alaska (B) California (C) Miami (D) Atlanta

57. The leading producer of tin in India is -

(A) Andhra Pradesh (B) Thomas Edison
(C) Jharkhand (D) Odisha

58. Which one of the following countries does not share a border with China?
(A) Myanmar (B) Mghanistan (C) Thailand (D) Kazakhstan

59. Name Australia's first women Prime Minister who was sworn in on 14 September, 2010 ?
(A) Julia Gillard (B) Diyna Rouseps (C) Nikki Haley (D) Simonetta Sommaruya

60. The security council of UN consists of 5 permanent members and the remaining 10 members are elected
by the general assembly for a term of
(A) 1 year (B) 2 yeas (C) 3 years (D) 5 years

61. The movie which swept golden globe awards 2011 is -

(A) The Black Swan (B) The King's speech (C) The Social Network (D) The Fighter
CAREER POINT : 128, Shakti Nagar, Kota-324009 (Raj.), Ph: 0744-2503892 Page # 9
62. The winner of Asia cup (Football) for the year 2011 is
(A) North Korea (B) South Korea (C) Japan (D) Indonesia

63. The winner of Australian Open Tennis Championship (Men's singles title) 2011 is
(A) Roger Federer (B) Novak Jovic (C) Rafel Nadel (D) Andy Rodick

64. Which movie got the best film award in the 56th film fare awards in January 2011 ?
(A) Dabang (B) Three Idiots (C) Dhobi Ghat (D) My Name is Khan

65. Where is the Thyroid Gland in the body situated ?

.(A) In stomach (B) In chest (C) In head (D) In neck

66. Which of the following gases is essential for iron to rust ?

(A) Oxygen (B) Hydrogen (C) Nitrogen (D) Ammonia

67. Which of the following is not correct ?

(A) Mercury floats in water (B) Iron floats in mercury
(C) Iron sinks in water (D) Wood floats in water

68. Which of the following is mainly caused by contaminated food?

(A) Tuberculosis (B) Typhoid (C) Chicken-Pox (D) Malaria

69. Which of the following element is common to all acids?

(A) Oxygen (B) Carbon (C) Sulphur (D) Hydrogen

70. Computer-chips are usually made up of -

(A) lead (B) silicon (C) chromium (D) gold

71. Which ofthe following is the unit of measuring energy?

(A) Ampere (B) Watts (C) Calorie (D) Hertz

72. The combined mass of protons and neutrons in the nucleus is called as
(A) atomic number (B) atomic mass (C) molecular mass (D) molecular number

73. The element used to purify water is

(A) iodine (B) fluorine (C) bromine (D) chlorine

74. Which of the following atomic power plants is being set up in Maharashtra?
(A) Kaiga (B) Jaitapur (C) Narora (D) Kota

75. Who of the following is a famous Yoga Guru ?

(A) Sri Ravi Shankar (B) Baba Ramdev (C) Mr Karan Thapar (D) Mr Harshal Bhogle

Ques. 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Ans. D A A A C C A B C B
Ques. 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
Ans. D D A B B A C B D B
Ques. 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50
Ans. C B A C A A A A A D
Ques. 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60
Ans. C C A B D B D B A B
Ques. 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70
Ans. C C B D D A B B D B
Ques. 71 72 73 74 75
Ans. C B D B B

CAREER POINT : 128, Shakti Nagar, Kota-324009 (Raj.), Ph: 0744-2503892 Page # 10
Time : 2 Hr. Maximum Marks : 210


1. This booklet is your Question Paper.

2. The question paper contains 35 questions.

3. Blank papers, clip boards, log tables, slide rule, calculators, mobile or any other electronic gadgets
in any form are not allowed to be used.

4. Write your Name & Application Form Number in the space provided in the bottom of this booklet.

5. No rough sheets will be provided by the invigilators. All the rough work is to be done in the blank
space provided in the question paper.

6. Marking scheme
Question 1 to 30 are objective type : +5 for correct answer and –2 for wrong answer.
Question 31 to 42 are subjective type : +5 for correct answer and no negative marking.

Name : _________________________________ Application Form Number :

Member 1 __________________

Member 2 __________________

CAREER POINT : 128, Shakti Nagar, Kota-324009 (Raj.), Ph: 0744-2503892 Page # 11

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