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The passage discusses various excerpts from diaries and their importance. It also talks about facing difficulties during heavy rainfall.

The passage discusses excerpts from Samuel Phillip's diary and Anne Frank's diary. It mentions how diaries are considered private and used to record daily lives and thoughts. The passage also discusses facing hardships even with love and needing a loyal friend's support during testing times.

Diaries are considered private as one can write personal thoughts and feelings in it. They are used to keep track of daily lives. The passage mentions how Anne Frank shared her thoughts with her diary.

2009 Dec


Section 'A' Reading

Ans.1. (a) A diary is considered as a private book because one writes in one's thoughts, feelings, ideas and
events for one's own pers pleasure.

(b) A diary is used for keeping track of one's daily life.

(c) 'His diary was brought to a sudden conclusion ..... .' means that had to stop writing suddenly because
of the weak state of his eyes.

(d) Samual Phillip's writings were found on the shelf of the Magdale college library.

(e) Phillip used a kind of writing known as Shelton Shorthand to his writings secret.

(f) 'The diary of Anne Frank has also become public reading' tells that Anne's diary has been widely read.
(g) 'Confide in' is the phrasal verb which tells us that Anne shared her personal thoughts and feelings with

(h) (i) Conclusion (ii) Confinement

(i) 'Transcribe' means to record thoughts or data in a different wri form from the original.

Bequeathed' means to leave the results of your work for people to use.

Ans.2. (a) The presence of a friend gives us support and strength to face pass through all our troubles.
(b) In this line the poet means that there are some difficult times in when even love cannot provide peace
of mind and cannot one to bear the discomforts.
(c) A friend shows that he cares for us by supporting till the end in times of difficulties and by showing
sympathy during our p . and unpleasant experiences even if he can't do anything about it.
(d) The 'It' in line 13 signifies a friend's warm handclasp ie suppon . presence of a friend.
(e) One wishses for a loyal friend that God might bless him who s by one's testing times.

Section 'B' Writing

Ans. 3. As you sow, so shall you reap
One is rewarded or punished in one's life according to what one Your actions do return to you. The theory
of Karma is spoken a many of the sacred texts of all the religions in the world and is imp' the Golden Rule:
Do unto others as you would have them do unto The implication : as you treat others, so you will be
treated. karma is
inescapable. Your actions will return in some way or the other. Youth is a period to cultivate good habits
so as to reap good rewards later on. This world consists of both good and evil, noble and ignoble,
constructive and destructive powers. If God is there to guide noble souls, the devil is not for behind to
encourage the evil spirits.
It is helpful to look at Karma as a sort of credit card. Each time we do something in our life motivated by
love, we are 'paying off some of the karmic debt we have built up over time. Each time we act in a selfish
way, we are charging something else to our credit card. The goal is not to have a credit due to us because
in doing so it would mean that someone, some where still owed some debt. The goal is to get our balance
to zero.
We must do good to others to enjoy the benefits of our deeds at the later stage of our life. It is a hard fact
of life that one cannot escape the consequences of his actions good or bad.

Ans.4 I live in Shahpur, a small village near Haridwar. It rained very heavily this year. It was the month of July. It
continued raining for seven days. The river Ganga crossed the danger-mark. The water over flowed the
shores. The rain water from the hills made the situation worse. There was water all around. The crops
were damaged completely as the strong current of the river hit them hard. The current was so strong that
it took many people and cattle with it. Many houses fell down to the ground. People were seen sailing on
the straw-thatches in the current. Houses, shops, schools, fields everything drowned into the water.
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People were seen on the roofs of their houses. The administration came to the rescue the victims of flood.
Helicopters took flights from the aerodrome of Air Force and dropped bags of sugar, tea, milk, water etc.
When the situation subsided, the people were given gas cylinder and kerosene oil for cooking. The flood
left behind the rotten corpses of cattle. Bad smells choked the nose and throat of the people. There was
a huge loss of lives and property.

Ans.5. It was the Annual Day of our school. Like many other students, I too had prepared an item for this day.
The teachers and students had been working hard for a fortnight. There were all kinds of items like tap-
dance, skit, mime etc. Everyone was ready to give his best and perform gracefully. The proceedings were
to start at 8 am. I left my house at 6:30 am on my bicycle. My school was just half-an-hour away. I left
early so that I can prepare myself for the show. When I had come ba1f-way, I met with an accident as I
was taking a turn. An old man was hit by me. Both of us fell down. I got a few scratches and my bicyle
was also slightly damaged. But the old man seemed to be hurt badly as he was groaning loudly. I took
him to a doctor, get him treated and then took him to his house. I apologised to him and wished him quick
recovery. Then I rushed to school. When I reached there, the show had started and the time of my item
had also passed. I told the teachers about the incident and requested to let me perform. The teachers
took me to . pricnipal who praised me for my kindness and performing a good de He also allowed me to
perform my item. After some time I performed stage and in the end won the best performance award.

Ans.6. (a) Suman has worked diligently at school.
(b) Move your bicycle or somebody will trip over it.
(c) Was she not very upset when she heard the news ?
(d) The pastor preached to an attentive congregation.
(e) It was a funny idea.
(f) These apartments are often broken into by thieves.
(g) I am giving you this medicine to take at bed time.
(h) How many people can be accommodated in this audtitorium ?
(i) She is too clever for anyone to fool her.
(j) The manager skilfully handled the situation.

Ans.7 (a) The sky was clouded.

(b) The King was dethroned.
(c) I can recall my childhood days.
(d) They patched up.
(e) Shares in this company have fallen.
(f) I can recommend her as a good typist.

Ans.8. (a) Scarcity

(b) Repulsive/Unattractive
(c) Curse
(d) Freedom
(e) Strong

Ans.9. (a) Severe pain

(b) Stop
(c) Renowned
(d) Consider
(e) Reduced
Ans.10. (a) The room is cleaned everyday.

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(b) Chandrakat Spoke to me everyday for a whole week.
(c) This hosue was built a hundred years ago.
(d) I wish my parents were here.
(e) She thanked me for what I did/had done.

Ans.11. (a) The tourist lost his way in the new city.
(b) Raghav often volunteers to work for social causes.
(c) he has been exiled.
(d) Mayur has always been pessimist by nature.
(e) Juhi screamed when she saw the intruder.
(f) This phenomenon is witnessed once in a century.
(g) The speaker’s voice was not audible.
(h) The polyglot impressed everyone at the gathering.
(i) All the spectators cheered loudly.
(j) Rajan’s hand-writting is illegible.

Ans.12 (a) I went for swimming thoughit was cold.

(b) You cannot be a lawyer unless you have a law degree.
(c) You will be able to hear what I am saying if you keep quiet.
(d) Let us wait here until the rain stops.
(e) He was not allowed to enter the club because he was not a member.

Ans.13 (a) We should practise the game everyday.

(b) During the rainy season lightning struck him.
(c) He gave his assent to our proposal.
(d) Our school will be built on this site.
(e) The defeat in the match has an adverse effect on him.

Ans.14 (a) Meat is to butcher as fish is to fisherman.

(b) Furniture is to carpenter as book is to author/writer.
(c) Leather is to cobbler as clay is to potter.
(d) Pipe is to plumber as wire is to electrician.

Ans15. (a) He is aware of his responsibilities.

(b) Looking at the crowd, he dived into the pool.
(c) All believe in his honesty
(d) One must not look down on poor people.
(e) She thanked me for what I had done.
(f) What was te answer to the puzzle ?
(g) I am not good at dancing.
(h) Your apartment is quite diferent from ours.
(i) You will need some oars to row the boad out.
(j) Is there a good reason for all this noise ?

Ans.16. (a) If you had enough money to go anywhere in the world, where would you go ?

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(b) I am glad we had a map. I am sure we would have get los if we not had one.
(c) My bag has disappeared. It must have been stolen.
(d) We did n’t leave early enough. We should have left earlier.
(e) A new bridge has been built across the river.
(f) Work started last year and the bridge is expected to open next year.

Ans.17 (a) Veenu asked his mother to cheer up and said that he would go and work some where.
(b) The girl exclamimed with surprise that the paper was very tough.
(c) I asked the guard when the next flight came in.
(d) He suggested/proposed to me that we should have some tea.
(e) The teacher ordered the three boys to go out of the classroom.
(f) He said that it was a find day.

Ans.18 (a) He was expected to arrive at ten.

(b) The field was grown over with grass.
(c) Character is made by manners.
(d) The houses is being built by the mason.
(e) they were refused admission by us.
(f) The wagon is being loaded by three men.

Ans.19 (a) We have no time to lose. Hurry up !

(b) Phone the garage. The car has broken down.
(c) What do you want to be when you grow up ?
(d) We are going to play football. Would you like to join in ?
(e) Are all the passegers aboard ? The plane is ready to take off .
(f) Watch out ! there’s is a car coming.
(g) Do shut up ! I am trying ton work.
(h) They get along very well.
(i) We known you are a clever girl there’s no need to show off.
(j) I don’t know the answer to the riddle. I give up.

Ans.20 (i) (b) An honour or a distinction

(ii) (a) An unreasonable request
(iii) (b) To be one who disheartens others.
(iv) (c) A useless venture
(v) (a) An important day

General knowledge

1. Anthracite 2. Earth 3. Caffine

4. CFC (Cloro) 5. 24 6. He (Helium)
Fluroro carbon)
7. Three 8. Chark 9. Assom rifles
10. The Hague 11. Leander paes 12. Camellia sinenesis
13. Ascorbic acid 14. Shakti Sthal 15. Major somnath sharma
16. Lion 17. Chicago 18. Addis Ababa
19. Lion 20. Thailand

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Section ‘B’

21. Tripura 22. Termite 23. Red cross

24. FC Kochi 25. Amristsar 26. AIDS
27. Maple 28. Vitaminn ‘C’ 29. Caustic soda
30. China 31. Pacific ocean 32. Mount Everest
33. Vitamin ‘B’ 34. Amri 35. Samudragupta
36. Mysore 37. Lakshadweep 38. Kerala
39. Added 40. sAntidote 41. Leaves
42. Blue 43. Frequency 44. Sulphuric acid
45. Plane mirror 46. Aluminium 47. 2-5 g
48. Ms Agatha Sangma 49. Fraklin Roosevelt 50. Income tax
51. Prime Minister at the advice of Union cabinet 52. Truamve
53. Kanchivaram 54. INS Arihant 55. England
56. 24 hours 57. Ustad Amzad Ali Khan 58. Graphite
59. Surface tension 60. Blue 61. Pyrometer
62. Scattering 63. Movie projector 64. Frequency
65. Convex lens 66. Butane 67. Frequency
68. Tungesten 69. Violet colour 70. Helium
71. 5L 72. Leprosy 73. Four chambered
74. 29 75. A grammarian

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Maths :

1. Let the length of a rectangle be l unit. Then, length × breadth = area of rectangle
 l × 2xy = 6x2y + 4y2x

6x2y  4y2x
 l=

2xy(3x  2y )
 l=

 l = (3x + 2y) unit

Hence, perimeter of a rectangle = 2 (length + breadth)

= 2(3x + 2y + 2xy)
= (6x + 4y + 4xy) unit

1990 1991
 1  1
2.   –   = 2x
 2  2

2–1990 – 2–1991 = 2x
 21991–1990 = 2x
 21 = 2x
x = 1

3. 11 × 707 = 7777
Hence , 707 is the largest three digit number.

4. Let the number be.s

x = 200% = 90

Then, x ×  90

100  90
 x = 45

Hence, 80% of this number = 45 ×
= 36

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1 1
5. Given, x = =
x 2
on squaring both sides,

2 2
 1  1
 x –  =  
 x 2

1 1 1
 x2 + –2× x× =
x2 x 4

1 1
 x2 + 2 –2=
x 4

1 9
 x2 + 2 =
x 4

4  2 1 
Hence, 4x2 + 2 = 4x  2 
x  x 

=4× {On putting value from eq. (i)}

(17 – 3 y ) ( 4 y  2) (7 y  14)
6. – = 5 – 6y +
5 3 13

3(17 – 3 y ) – 5( 4 y  2) 65 – 78 y  (7 y  14)
 =
15 13

41 – 29 y 79 – 71y
 
15 13
1185 – 1065y = 533 – 377 y
–1065y – 377y = 533 – 1185
688y = 652

y =

y =

3 –5  10 –5  125 3 –5  (2  5)–5  53
7. =
5 –7  6–5 5 – 7  ( 2  3) – 5

3 –5  2 –5  5 –5  53
5– 7  2–5  3– 5
= 5–5 × 53 × 57
= 5–5 ×510
= 55 = 3125

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2y 1 5 y 2
9  8  3
8.   ×   =  
4  27   2

2( 2 y 1) 35 y 2

3  2 3
   ×   =  
 2 3  2

4y 2 –15 y2
3 3 3
   ×   =  
 2  2  2

4 y  2 –15 y2
3 3
   =  
 2  2

 4y + 2 – 15 = y + 2
 3y = 15
 y = 5

9. Suppose, first part = x

and second part (34 – x)

4 2
Then, x × = (34 –x) ×
7 5

4 x 68 – 2x
 
7 5
20x = 476 – 14x
34x = 476

x = = 14

10. Distance = 12 km/h × h
= 4 km

dis tan ce
Hence, required speed =

4 4
=  60  60
15 15
= 16 km/h

11. Suppose, 20 workers will earn Rs. x in 8 days.


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So, 15 : 20 : : 900 : x
 15 × 5 × x = 20 × 8 × 900

20  8  9000
15  5
 x = Rs. 1920s

12. At 5% discount, cost price of the cycle

(100 – 5)
= 4600 ×

= 4600 ×
= Rs. 4370
At 10% VAT, purchase price of the cycle

= 4370 
Rs. 4807

13. Area of the square = 14 × 14

= 196 cm2

 Radius of unshaded half circle = = 7 cm

1 2
Then, area of unshaded half circle = 2 ×  2 r 
 

1 22
=2× × ×7×7
2 7
= 154 cm2
Hence, area of shaded region = (196 – 154) cm2
= 42 cm2


OB || DC
OAD = ADC = xº = 60º
 C = 18º
 DCA = 180º – 110º = 70º

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Again, OB||DC
 z = 70º
 A = 60º + yº + zº = 180º
 yº = 180º – 60º –70º
 yº = 50º

15. Given, a + b +c = 6 and ab + bc + ca = 11

we known that,
(a + b + c)2 = a2 + b2 + c2 + (ab + bc + ca)
 (6)2 = a2 + b2 + c2 + 2 × 11
 36 = a2 + b2 + c2 + 22
 a2 + b2 + c2 = 36 – 22 = 14

16. Population decrease rate of interest

= 20% per annum
Hence, population of the country in the

 20 
year 2006 = 50000 × 1 – 
 100 

4 4
= 50000 × × = 32000
5 5

17. Area of triangle = × base × height

 50 cm2 = × base × 8 cm

50  2
 Base = cm
 Base = 12.5 cm

18. Last time for thick candle = 6 h

Last time for thin candle = (6 – 2)h = 4 h
HCF of 6 and 4 is 2.

19. Ascending order are

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2 5 4 1
–5, 0 , (0,6,7), (0.62), (0.57), (0.50)
3 8 7 2

Hence, required longest pole (BD) = 10 2  82

= 100  64

= 100  64 = 164 = 41 4 = 2 41 m.

Part B -


Hence, (–150x + 80) will be subtracted from

8x4 + 14x3 – 2x3 + 7x – 8

 1 1  1
22. Tap A, B and C 1 h work =   –
 12 16  8

( 4  3) – 6 7 – 6 1
= = =
48 48 48
Hence , empty tank will be filled in 48 min.

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23. Let the length of the room = x m and the breadth of the room = x m
Area of the room = x m

Area of the room = m = 54 m
We know that length × breadth = Area of the room

 × x = 54 m

 = 54 m

2  54
 x2 = = 36 m

x= 36 = 6 m

3x 36
Hence, length = = =9m
2 2
and Breadth = x = 6 m

1 1 2 3 3 4 4 5 5
24. (a) Seven rational number between and are , , , , , ,
3 2 5 7 8 9 11 11 13
(b) (0.39 + 0.750 + 2.15 + (–1.0001)

= 2.2899 =

25. Volume of the cuboid = length × breadth × height

= 9 × 3.5 × 4 = 1236 cm3
Surface area of the cuboid = 2 (lb + bh + hl)
= 2(9 ×3.5 + 3.5 × 4 + 4 × 9)
= (22.5 + 14 + 36) = 2(72.5) 145 cm2

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2x3 + 5x2 + 2x – 7
3x2+ 5 6x5 + 15x4 + 16x3 + 4x2 + 10x – 35
6x5 + 10x3
– –
15x4 + 6x3 + 4x2
15x4 + 25x2
– –
6x3 – 21x2 + 10x
26. 6x3 + 10x
– –
–21x2 – 35
–21x2 – 35
+ +
× ×

27. Let the side of two regular polygons be m and n respectively.

m 1
Then, =
n 2

We known that interior angle of x sides regular

nx – 2x
Polygon =

m – 2
m 3
Hence , n – 2 =

n(m – 2) 3
 =
m(n – 2) 4

n(m – 2) 3
 
m(n – 2) 4

n 
n – 2 
2 3
 n
(n – 2) 4

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n–4 3
 
n–2 4
 4n – 16 = 3n – 6
 n = –6 + 16 = 10

n 10
so, m= = =5
2 2

28. Volume of bricks = 22 × 10 × 7 cm3

Volume of wall = 33 × 100 × 3.5 × 100 × 40 cm3 while 1/10th part of

wall occupy be cement and sand = × 33 × 100 × 3.5 × 100 × 40 cm3
hence , required number of bricks

 33  100  3.5  100  40
10 = 3000
22  10  7

29. (a) x4 – (y + z)4 = (x2)2 – {(y + z)2}2

= (x2 – y – z) (x2 + y + z)
(b) ap2 + bp2 + 6q2 + aq2 = p2(a + b) + a2(b + a)
= (p2 + q2) (a + b)
(c) (a – 5a ) – 36 = (a2 – 5a2)2 – 62
2 2 2

= (a2 – 5a2 – 6) (a2 – 5a2 + 6)

(d) 9(a – 2b)2 + 6(2b – a2)
= 9(a2 + 4b2 – 4ab) + 6(a2 + 4b2 – 4ab)
= 9a2 + 36b2 – 36ab + 6a2 + 24b2 – 24ab
= 15a2 + 60b2 – 60ab = 15(a2 + 4b2 –4ab)
= 15(a – 2b)2

30. Two Kanyadoon expess trains crosses Rahul from the opposite direction.
First time, thus will cross to each other on mid position.
Second time, they will cross to each other when the first train, reaching nearly the second station.

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