V2 Readme

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Terminator is a SP & COOP, WW2~post-war skirmish mod

MOD version: 2.0

Released data: November 20th,2017, last fixed on July 12nd,2018.
For: Men of War Assault Squad 2 3.260
Warning: this mod is not a random mod that you can easily handle it without
needing a detailly guide, instead, this is one of the most revolutionary mod in MOW

history! So you must read this readme carefully! Otherwise you can't

handle this mod for certain! And you will screaming "Oh! bugs!" "Oh! how to use this
function? " "Oh! how to use that function?"......
This readme contains 5 parts:
1, Summary of Terminator mod.
2, How to use this mod?
3, some minor bugs and how to fix loading save crush.
4, V2's changlog.
5, Credits.
Note: If you are a experienced V1.85 player, you may only need to search for " (V1.85-V2
changes)" parts.

1, Summary of Terminator mod

There are a lot of good Multiplayer mods for Men of War Assault Squad 2, like GSM,
Valour, RobZ Realism, etc. They may have hundreds of new and nice vehicles, but you
can't find or use most of them in a Single player campaign. Do you want to have a
Brummbar or Maus tank in outskirts of Caen? Sorry, no way.
Do you want to switch sides? Like play <UK + USA> VS <Russia + German> in outskirts of
Caen? Still no way.
Do you want to play a customizable skirmish? Like you want all sides (you, your ally,
and your enemys) to have a very low resource or very high resource? And battle with
infantry only or maximum medium tanks or maybe all vehicles are available? In a
specific era like 1943 you choosed? Of course you are dreaming.
So I made Terminator mod, meant to be the best MOW SP (single player) and COOP
(Cooperative players) mod, meant to be an answer to all these requests above, and
even better.
This mod contains but not limited with:
1, Terminator has simply the biggest number of new vehicles(tanks/cannons/cars) than
most other mods, maybe over 500 new vehicles totaly, I lost the count long ago.
Terminator also has 4 new factions: China, Hungary, Finland and Italy.
2,Fully customizable skirmish that you can customize the size/type/ear of the battle,
factions of each sides in new mod maps, and limited use in official campaigns*.
These customizable settings include:
Big/ medium/ small size of the battle ( do you want 10s of tanks fighting each other or
not? ).
Infantry only/ Maximum light tanks and light artillerys/ Maximum medium tanks and
medium artillerys/ Maximum heavy tanks and heavy artillerys, and you can also kick
out paper project tanks if you want.
Early-war/ mid-war/ later-war/ post-war, you can set the start era and the end era,
like <early~later> or <mid~post> or <early to early>, etc.
Player/ player's AI ally/ Enemy/ Enemy's ally, you can set all of their factions to anyone
you like, < USA VS German> is fine, < German+German VS German+German> is also
available, it's up to your choice.
*in official campaigns, you can only customize the factions of each sides, you can't
customize the size/type/era of the battle.
3, New added veteran inheritance system which will store all your vehicles
(tanks/cannons/cars and their crews & passengers) at the end of the skirmish and send
them to next map so you may call them up again in next battle (the exactly same units
with battle kills saved too, like a Tiger tank and its veteran crews with 50 enemy tank
kills), then next map after the next map, etc. You can enable this system (or not) at
the beginning of the battle.
4, A game management menu which contains sub menus for a lot of useful functions
like collect ammo from corpses and distribute ammo to your infantry(it’s a very useful
function yet a lot of players seems doesn’t know it!) , change weather, turn off
airstrike, delete vehicle wreckage(or sell your own empty tank) , turn on/off medic
auto save fallen, upgrade tank, towing disabled tank, borrow mp, switch to ally's
reinforcements, turn on/off infantry AI, turn on/off Flak AI, etc.
5,Other game changes, AI and functions that automatically happen in game, like now a
tank can crash other tanks if its speed is enough: a heavy tank can crash a light tank
with a slow speed, a light tank may also disable heavy tank's engine if it is fast enough;
truck can no longer broke a cannon when impact, etc.
6,Fully customizable fps-tank-battle.

2,How to use this mod?

In order to efficiently play with Terminator mod, there are 4 things you
must know:
1, customizable skirmish’s basic settings;
2, dozens of useful functions under game management menu;
3, other important functions;
4, some important tactics advice.
1, Fully customizable skirmish’s basic settings,
If you install the mod correctly, then the first noticeably change should be the
different background music, and when you open Singleplayer/Select mission, you'll see
a new highlighted Customizable skirmish maps, as the screenshots below:
All the new SP/COOP maps( about 40 maps totaly, mostly original MP maps now use as
SP/COOP maps) are located in Customizable skirmish maps, as the screenshot below:
Customizable skirmish system works for both official campaigns and new SP/COOP
maps. It’s fully functional with new SP/COOP maps so that’s what I suggest you should
at least have a try. It’s much limited functional with official campaigns.Which means:
Customize the size/type/ear of the battle, these systems works for new SP/COOP maps
Customize the factions of each sides, this system is fully functional with new SP/COOP
maps and standard official skirmish (each faction’s 2nd, 4th, 6th map, like Caen,
Sthilaire and Market-Garden of German campaign), in these maps ,you can customize
the whole 4 sides' factions; it’s limited functional with other official campaigns(like
Gazala, Pomerania of German campaign) that you can customize maybe just 2 or 3 of
them, for example, in each faction’s 1st map(like Gazala of German campaign),you can
customize player and ally’s faction, but can't customize the enemy and enemy’s ally.
Now, let's start the battle. The screenshot below shows Ice village, the 2nd map of Mod
maps, you'll see a hint and a timer that shows the data information of mod's current
version (seen here as 20180704).
Seconds later, the 1st section: Enable veteran inheritance system or not?

Veteran inheritance system, if been enabled, it will try to load one of your stored units
from last skirmish and send it to your base immediately like the screenshot below, as
you can see this truck from last skirmish is fully loaded with my veteran infantrys (note
the starts on the truck icon) and towing a cannon:

In the mean time, it will also load all the setting informations from last skirmish too,
like what’s your faction, what’s your current era, etc. If you have nothing to load from
last skirmish (like this is already the first map so it doesn’t have a “last skirmish”
anyway, or you haven’t enable the veteran inheritance system in last skirmish), then
you’ll see a hint says “No avaliable veterans to load. But the system is still working so
your veteran troops will be stored when this skirmish ends.” Or if you choosed No, then
of course none of the things above would happen.

Anyway, we’ll talk about more details of veteran inheritance system later. Now let’s
carry on our sections. Next one: Choose the mode of the battle, Defence or Skirmish?

This section is used to choose from skirmish or FPS tank battle in old versions, but in
current versions the tank battle is unworkable, instead there is new mode called
Defence mode which only work for some specific maps (like Ice village here), and only
in these specific maps you can see this battle mode section, otherwise the system will
set to skirmish automatically.
Defence mode means you’ll hold most of the flags at beginning of the battle, you are
the defender. And after 10 minutes of prepare time the enemy will start to attack you
wave by wave, like the pictures below:
You have to survive from 4 major enemy attack waves, then push back and win.

After the battle mode section (or in most maps the system has done it automatically
already), then you have to choose size of the battle(V1.85-V2 changes):

(V1.85-V2 changes)In
Big mode, you will face about 1000 enemy infantry per hour, and also
big number of tanks as well. Medium mode means about 50% of the previously
numbers, as well as your MP increase speed (like you may get 100 MP of resource in big
mode, but only 40 MP in medium mode). Small mode means about 25%. The enemy
super heavy weapons (like bombers, and 203mm+ artillery) will also be removed if you
choose small mode. For players who got this mod the first time, I suggest you choose
small or medium mode, it will be much easier to handle with: less units to control, less
enemy to fight.
Next, (V1.85-V2 changes) choose the mode of the battle. Include:
Infantry: Almost pure infantry battle except for a few jeeps, machinegun armored
vehicles (like Pz.I, BA-64, etc), and basic light supports (mortar, machine gun and
ammo truck) for you and AI(ally and enemy).
Light: Infantry(and its supports mentioned above) plus maximum light armored vehicles
(like Pz.II, Pz.38t, BA-10, T-26, etc), light artillerys (like 75mm/76mm artillerys).
Medium: Light plus maximum medium tanks (like Pz.III, Pz.IV, Sherman, T-34, Stug.III,
Su-85, etc), medium artillerys (like 105mm howitzers, 88mm/90mm/94mm heavy AA
guns, etc).
Heavy: Medium plus maximum heavy tanks (like Tiger, IS-2, M26, etc), heavy artillerys
(like 150mm + howitzers).
Historical means there won't be any paper projects or prototype only tanks (like Maus,
E100, T95, IS-7); Needless to say, All means there won't be any limits to paper
projects/ prototype only tanks. However, to these factions who doesn't have too many
kinds of tanks, like Hungary, they don't have too much choice beyond paper projects or
prototype only tanks, so they will keep these tanks even in Historical mode.

Next, choose the era of the battle.

Normal: The setting most close to AS2 official skirmish, 1941~1945, in the begging of
the game, while you only have 1 flag (player's base), the time is 1941, the vehicle for
your reinforcements and enemy are 1941 era's stuff, like German Pz.III short barrels,
Pz.IV short barrels, Russian T-28, etc. After you capture more flags, the era goes on, so
you will see more vehicles like Russian KV-1S of 1942, German Panther D of 1943, US
76mm gun Sherman of 1944, etc, till 1945.
Early war: 1941 first half~1942 first half.
Middle war: 1942 second half~1943 second half.
Later war: 1944 first half~1945 first half.
Post war: 1945 first half~1959.
If you choose start ear as Normal or Post-war, then the era setting is complete, as
Normal already defined the start and end time together. Post war, however, nothing is
later than post war, so it would both be the start and the end line.

If you choose early/middle/later war as start era, then you will also have to choose the
end era. An early to early era setting means 1941~1942 battle, an early to middle era
setting means 1941~1943 battle, an middle to later era setting means 1942~1945
battle, etc.
So, 1st you need to choose the start time( or modes like Normal mode which will
directly end this era setting part), 2nd the end time. Then the vehicles for you and
enemy will be limit to this start~end era only.
Each flag you captured will plus the era 0.5 year, like if the start time is 1941 first half
(which will be showed as 194101 in screen), then capture 1 flag means it will be 1941
second half (which will be showed as 194107 in screen), capture 2 flags means 1942
first half (showed as 194201 in screen), etc, maximum the end time you setted. But, if
you're playing mod maps with veteran inheritance system enabled, then the era will be
plus by how many maps you have been through, instead of the flags, like if you setted
1942 as start time, then in 1st map you'll be 194201 all the time no matter how many
flags you captured, and in 2nd map you'll be 194207 all the time no matter how many
flags you captured, the 3rd map 194301, etc.

After size/type/ear part ends, then it is customize the factions of each sides(or in
official campaigns there is no size/type/ear part so the system will directly jump to
the customize of factions),1st one: Choose player’s faction:
In official campaigns,if you don’t choose one in 15s,then nothing happens. You will
remain what you are as original, same goes your reinforcements. Only after you
changed player’s faction(even change to the same faction as original, like in German
campaign, you change player to German),then your troops will be reset and the new
reinforcements will show up. For example: in Caen, you were German, you have 8
armor reinforcements(Sdkfz222~Jagdpanther); if you don’t change player’s faction,
then you’re still German, and all you get is still that 8 armor reinforcements, nothing
new. But if you changed player’s faction, even changed to German, then all your
original troops will be removed and the new troops and reinforcements will show up,
now you have even Kingtiger and Maus as reinforcement.
In new mod maps, there is nothing on the map except flags when the game begins. So
there is no original faction or troops, therefore if you don’t set player’s faction by
yourself, then the system must do it for you: it will randomly pick up a faction as
player’s faction.
After you choosed(or the system choosed) player’s faction, you will get a hint info to
confirm your option. Like ”You choosed USSR”. Your base will also be randomly
choosed at the same moment, pay attention to the mini map and search for player’s
entering start units (green points , see the picture below, marked with red square),
they shows where your base located. Since the base is randomly choosed, so it can be
anywhere except the flags in the middle area.
2nd one (picture above): Choose player’ally. If you don’t choose one, then you won’t
have any ally, it's up to you.
Then the enemy. Like player’s part, in official campaigns, if you don’t choose one in
15s, then nothing happens to the enemy. But in new mod maps, if you don’t choose
one, the system will randomly pick up one for you.
Once the enemy has been setted, they will change their flags, deployment the new
troops, etc.

After enemy ended their deployment, the final customize option: choose enemy’s ally.
If you don't choose one in 15s, then the enemy won’t have any ally. So, that’s all for
the customize options.
Then the battle begins, and you'll see the reinforcements menus show up. (V1.85-V2
changes)In most case, you will see only infantry and support menus show up at the

begging of the battle, you need to capture more flag to see more reinforcement menus
(BTR, medium armor, SPG, heavy armor). And also, with more flags captured, you will
see more heavier artillerys show up in your support menu, like you will see 105mm
howitzer after you captured 4 flags, 150~155mm howitzer after you captured 6 flags,
Or, you can stay and wait for longer time, each 10 minutes equals to 1 flag's effect on
the reinforcement menus. Like if you do nothing but simply wait for 10 minutes, you
will see BTR menus as well; wait for 20 minutes, you will see Medium armor and SPG
menus, etc.
You may also notice there is a "Current timer" shows the current era of the game like
the screenshot shows above: this is the key to what you have in the reinforcements
menus (like Tiger tank will show up after 194207), the same to the AI (your ally,
enemy, and enemy's ally). Each flag you captured will plus 0.5 year (unless veteran
inheritance system been enabled, or the time has already reached the maximum limit).

OK, let's get back to the veteran inheritance system, once you enable the veteran
inheritance system, there're 3 important changes will happen to your game:
1, Heavy armor menu won’t show up unless you have less than 2 heavy tanks (which
means 0 or 1 HT, HT here means heavy tank) and captured 4 flags minimum, 2
conditions together. Which means at the beginning of the battle yon won’t see heavy
armor menu anyway (except the defence mode), and even after you captured 4 flags,
if you have 2 or 2+ HTs (no matter they're bought or captured or even crewless but
intact) the heavy armor menu will still remain hidden. The definition of "heavy tank"
here means a vehicle heavier than 45 ton, so Karl 600mm gun (124 ton) is "heavy tank"
to the system though it's even not a battle tank, yet a KV-1 type 1940 (43.5 ton) isn't
"heavy tank" because it's lighter than 45ton, same goes the M26 (41.5 ton) too, but a
Panther II which usually been called as "medium tank" will be counted as "heavy tank"
to the system as it's actually a 53 ton tank , etc. If you want the heavy armor menu
back, you can delete(sell) the superfluous HTs in order to lower your HT number, once
your HT number is below 2 (and you have at least 4 captured flags), the heavy armor
menu will be back automatically.
2, We’re all very familiar with MP increase on time mode, like 1 MP/second, so
technically your MP is boundless if you waited long enough. But in mod maps, if you
enabled the veteran inheritance system, then MP won't increase on time anymore. You
will got about 2000~4000 MP(depending on the settings and difficulty) at the beginning
of the battle, and some money after captured flags. That's all.
3, Once you won the battle (like captured all the flags), you will have 20 minutes to
get ready before the game ends. You'll see a new red flag marked with "V" as seen in
the screenshot below, this is the victory point, once the timer ends (or once you
clicked Yes on the right menu), veteran inheritance system will store 20 of your
vehicles and their crews which nearest to this victory point and send them to next

Be advise :
1st, 20 vehicles(and their crews) only, which means anything other than these 20
vehicles(and their crews) won't be stored, like any infantry which is not in a vehicle, or
if you have 22 vehicles then the farest 2 vehicles, etc;
2nd, a truck (or any other tractor, like a half-track) and its trailed cannon would be
count as 1 vehicle, not 2; yet a truck without towing anything, and a untrailed cannon
will be count as 2 vehicles. So obviously trailed the cannon to a truck before leave is a
better choice. But sometimes, tailed cannon's crew could be missing in the transfer
process, so I suggest you get them out and let them board another vehicle.
3rd, the vehicles which used as scenery in the map (not the ones joined the battle from
your side or the enemy, but the crewless ones in the map at the beginning of the
game, like the planes and oil tank truck in the picture above, map Frag Town) like
trains, cars, planes, etc. DO NOT USE THEM AS TRANSPORT! The system can't store and
transfer these vehicles to next map, so if you use them as transport, the soldiers in
them would missing.

4th, you can use “stored vehicle” (seen in the picture above marked with red square)
to call in your stored troops from last battle one vehicle by one vehicle, but it’s not for
free, you'll need 500 MP to call in a stored 80 ton+ vehicle (most super heavy tanks like
KV-5, T95 and Maus) in next battle, 300 MP for a 60~79 ton vehicle (a very heavy tank
like Kingtiger or IS-7), 200 MP for a 40~59 ton vehicle (most heavy tanks like M26, IS-2
or Tiger), 100 MP for a 20~39 ton vehicle (most medium tanks like Pz.IV, M4 and T-34),
50 MP for a 10~19 ton vehicle(mots light tanks like M24, Pz.II), and 25 MP for a vehicle
less than 9ton (most BTR, car, cannon, etc). As you can see the “stored vehicle” menu
itself is marked as 500 MP, the price difference will be pay back to you after the
vehicle entered the map, like if you call in a T-34, then you’ll be pay back with 400MP.
There is 2 limit for how many stored vehicles you can call in:
(V1.85-V2 changes)1, each flag you captured (include your start base) will plus 3 to the

quota, so 1 flag=3, 2 flags=6, etc. Unarmed vehicles are not included, so if you call in a
truck, 2 tanks, that's 2 for the system.
After you captured 4 flags, the limit will be removed so you can call in all the rest
2, heavy tanks(45 ton+ vehicles as introduced before) won't show up until you captured
4 flags.
(V1.85-V2 changes)For example, you stored 2 trucks, 7 medium tanks and 2 HTs in last

battle, at the beginning of the battle, when you just have 1 flag (player's start base),
you can call in <2 trucks + 3 medium tanks>. Then the “stored vehicle” menu will be
After you captured the 2nd flag, the “stored vehicle” menu will show up again, and you
can call in another <3 medium tanks>. Then the “stored vehicle” menu will be hidden
The 3rd flag, the “stored vehicle” menu show up and you can call in the last <1
medium tank>. Now all your rest stored tanks are HTs, the menu again goes into dark.
The 4th flag, OK, now you can call in the last <2 HTs>.
So, choose your vehicle wisely, anything not so worthwhile should be abandoned at the
end of the battle, and you’d better store some useful medium tanks too as your
vanguard in next battle.
5, You can only load stored units from last map, not any one before it, like if you are
playing the 5th map and enabled the system, then all the system got is the stored units
from 4th map, if you don’t have any stored units in 4 th map, then nothing. No matter
how many units you have in 3rd or 2nd map, they means nothing to the 5th map. For
example: if you’re playing Sthilaire (the 4th map) of German offical campaign and
enabled the system, the system will then try to load the stored units from Pomerania
(the 3rd map), if you haven’t activated the system in Pomerania before, then the
system will get nothing. By the way, as it’s too hard to merge my system with the
official special ops maps (Each faction’s 5th and 8th map, like Namur of German
campaign), so you’ll simply won the battle once you call out all your stored units in
these maps, skipped all the winning conditions like assassinate the target officer, etc.
If you want to remove the stored units(and other informations with it like the faction
you setted) you have, or you want to skip some maps (like you are playing the 5 th map
and have nothing in 4th map, yet you have a stored army from 2 nd map). You’ll need to
open “My Documents\my games\men of war - assault squad 2\profiles\xxxxx (xxxxx here
means a unique ID number)\carryover\single\01_usa-skirmish” folder (or if your target
is one of the German official map then it should be single\02_ger-skirmish, etc), seen
here as a saved file of Carentan (3 rd map of USA campaign), this is the file of your
stored units from Carentan.

The next map to Carentan is Bastogne, so usually this is the only map who can load this
file and get the stored units. But if you want to skip Bastogne and play Ardennes or
Philippines with your stored troops, then what you need to do is change this file ’s
name to the map just before the target map, which means if you want to play the 5 th
map, then you need to change this file’s name to the 4th one’s; or to “02b_usa-
bastogne” if you want to play Ardennes (like the screenshot below); or to “03_usa-
ardennes” if you want to play Philippines, etc. You can find all the maps’ names in
mods\Terminator V2\ localization.pak\mission\single.

If you want to remove it, then simply delete it. Or, if you want to play Carentan again
with the stored troops just came from there, then what you need to do is change the
file's name to " 01b_usa-bocage " (the map before Carentan).
That should be all for customize skirmish settings.

2, dozens of useful functions under Game Management menu,

sometimes I call it flag menu for short. This menu contains a dozen of sub menus for a
lot of useful functions.
Change Weather: Randomly reset the weather. Pay attention, there will be no airstrike
in bad weather or night.

No Airstrike: Turn off airstrike of both sides(yours and your enemys), you may turn it on
again by change weather(if you get a good weather).

(V1.85-V2 changes)Stop
indirect fire / Restore indirect fire: in mod V2, most heavy tanks,
most SPG/TD, a few medium tanks have a secondary gun for indirect fire, names as
"Indirect Fire" or "HE Burst Fire", see in the pictures below:
In direct fire mode(the normal fire mode), your shell flys in a basically straight line,
like the picture below, most gun's maximum direct fire range is 110~150 meters in

In "Indirect Fire" or "HE Burst Fire", your shell will fly a much curved line, like the
picture below, and most gun's maximum <"Indirect Fire" / "HE Burst Fire"> range is over
200 meters (on 45 degrees, but most tank's maximum elevation is much much lesser
than 45 degrees, so you will need a hill to achieve 45 degree, to achieve the maximum
range. SPGs, however, mostly already have a big elevation, therefore doesn't need hill's
help), but the accuracy will also be much worse.
The difference between <"Indirect Fire" & "HE Burst Fire"> is "Indirect Fire" is a single
shell, after fired 1 shell, you will stop and reload. Yet "HE Burst Fire" is mostly 3 HE
shells together, fire 1st shell, you don't need to wait for the reload time, you can
choose a 2nd target (or the same target as 1st one) and fire immediately, then the 3rd
shell. After all 3 HE shells are emptied, then a long reloading time.
Big guns (122 mm guns and above) can fire AP shell in "Indirect Fire" mode, but if it is a
smaller gun (like 75 mm gun), then HE shell only. "HE Burst Fire" can fire HE shell only (
for a few guns like American 155 mm howitzers, they can fire smoke shell as well).
Be advise: "Direct Fire" and "Indirect Fire" (or "HE Burst Fire") will stop each other to
work for 30 seconds. For example: you fired a shell in "Direct Fire" mode, then the
"Indirect Fire" will be freeze for 30 seconds; you can continue to fire shells in "Direct
Fire" in this 30 seconds, but you can't move the gun or fire it in "Indirect Fire" in this 30
And, somehow some players like this new function, but some players don't. If you don't
like it, all you need to do is simply click on the "Stop indirect fire" menu here, then
most guns' indirect fire mode will be stopped (exclude howitzers like Hummel or M2A1,
they will keep their indirect fire mode). If you want to restore it, click on "Restore
indirect fire".

Delete this vehicle:Use this funtion to delete an empty vehicle,whatever empty vehicle
as long as it is not inhabited. You can also use this function to sell your own empty
workable tanks if veteran inheritance system is enabled, no matter the tank is bought
or captured, but it must be workable, you can’t sell a broken tank (a broken tank will
simply be deleted without pay you anything). It’s a very important economic source in
veteran inheritance mode.
In the screenshot below as you can see one of my tankman just repaired a enemy’s M4

Then board it, you must board the captured tank in order to make it become your
property, remember: the system only pay you while you’re selling your own tank, not a
empty enemy tank.
Empty the tank, I current have 410 MP.

Select “Delete this vehicle” and click on the tank, now I have 610MP which means the
system has payed me 200MP for this M4.
3 seconds later, the tank is removed by the system, over.

Infantry ammo resupply: Very very important funtion! You can use this function to
collect supplies(ammo, grenade, bandage, morphine, etc) from corpses to an nearby
vehicle, then distribute supplies(no matter these supplies are original stored in this
vehicle or just collected from corpses) to your lack supplied infantrys near the vehicle.
You no longer need to collect supplies from enemy corpses one by one
on your own!
1, a player’s inhabited vehicle is required as warehouse, whatever vehicle: cannon,
truck, tank, both acceptable.
2, it would be better if this vehicle has enough inventory space, otherwise some of the
supplies collected may lost in the process.
3, it only supply soldiers who is short of supplies, for example, by its rule, a soldier
with rifle weapon should have 150 rifle ammos. If your rifle solider has >= 150 rifle
ammo, then the system will ignore him of course; (V1.85-V2 changes)or if he doesn't have
enough inventory space, then the system will supply him accordingly, like he has only
50 rifle ammos and only 1 spare cell, therefore the system will give him only 25 rifle
ammos. And also, it won’t give morphine to a mgun/rocketlauch soldier.
For example, look at the picture below: I have a cannon here, and a lot of corpses
(enemy dead soldiers) around.

Click on the truck icon, seconds later, after the collection ended, now the cannon has
2350 machinegun ammos, 2 morphine and some others stuffs in its inventory:

The enemy dead soldiers have been emptyed except for their helmet and sandbag
(these single machinegun ammo, single rifle ammo, single pistol ammo, etc are part of
the function result, you can ignore them):
Here are 2 soldiers who would need supplies: 1 is an officer with a machinegun but 0
ammo, 0 bandage, 0 AT or frag grenade; 1 is a radio operator with a submachine gun,
200 pistol ammos, 3 bandages, 0 AT or frag grenade:
Now click on the truck icon to distribute supplies (it can collect and distribute supplies
in a singe run, but here in readme, in order to make everything easier to understand, I
show collect and distribute in 2 runs):

Before and after, the different is: -1 morphine, -4 bandages, -500 machine gun ammos,
-500 pistol ammos, -6 frag grenades, -2 incendiary mixtures (it's identified as AT
grenade to the system):
The officer got +500 machine ammos for his machine gun, +3 frag grenades, +1
incendiary mixtures, 2 bandages (be advise: this function won’t give morphine to a
mgun/rocketlauch soldier):

The radio operator got +300 pistol ammos for his submachine gun, +3 frag grenades, +1
incendiary mixtures, 2 bandages, and +1 morphine:
(V1.85-V2 changes)And,unlike earlier versions, V2's heavily improved infantry ammo
resupply function won't distribute supplies to soldier who is already full of stuff, won't
waste anymore supplies in this process. Like in the picture below, there is a bazooka
soldier with space only enough to accept 2 more bazooka ammos:

And a cannon with 100 bazooka ammos:

After the distribution, the bazooka soldier got 2 more bazooka ammos (obviously he
can't accept any more bazooka ammo):

And the cannon, 98 bazooka ammos (-2 ammos), hasn't waste any ammo other than
Turn on/off Medic: if you see “turn off” that means auto medic function is on; or if you
see “turn on”, that means auto medic function is off. If on, player's medic would
automatically save player's fallen soldiers nearby. This may put your medic under
enemy fire. So if you don't like it, you may turn it off.

Upgrade tank A/B/C, these 3 menus only show up when you have a upgradeable empty
tank in playerbase’s zone. 3 Points: upgradeable, empty tank, in playerbase’s zone.
Upgradeable means player's current faction do can upgrade this tank, or if player's
faction can't, then the system will check your ally's faction. In most case, a tank can
only be upgrade by its mother faction after certain time. For example, Tiger is a
German tank, German is able to upgrade 88mm L/56 gun Tiger heavy tank to 88mm
L/71 gun version after 1944, yet all other factions can't upgrade Tiger at all. So Tiger
isn't a upgradeable tank before 1944 to all factions; after 1944, if player's faction is
German, you can upgrade Tiger of course; but if player's faction isn't German, then the
system will check if you setted your ally as German, if yes, you can still upgrade it, if
not, then Tiger is not a upgradeable tank to player.
Empty tank means a tank not inhabited (doesn't have any crew inside), no matter if it’s
intact or destroyed, they are both acceptable for upgrade use. Also, a inhabited tank,
no matter if it is upgradeable or not, the menus won’t show up.
Playerbase’s zone means your start flag. This condition is not required in some official
campaigns which player don’t have a flag at the beginning, like each faction’s 5th and
8th map(for example: Namur and Kharkov of German); or playerbase would move in
the process, like each faction’s 1st map(for example: Gazala of German).
Upgrade tank A/B: these 2 menus tells the system your choice between different
upgrade results, like Pz.IV.E can be upgrade to (A) Anti-air tank (Ostwind or
Wirbelwind) or (B) Pz.IV.G after 1943 (see in the picture below), if you choose (A), that
means you want Anti-air tank, if you choose (B), that means you want Pz.IV.G.

And if there is only one possible upgrade result for current game time, then no matter
you choose (A) or (B), obviously the result is the same. Like this Pz.IV.E in the picture
above, if the current game time is 1942, then no matter you choose (A) or (B), you
both get Pz.IV.F2.
Different factions may have different upgrade results for a same tank, like Sherman, if
player's faction is USA, you may upgrade it to a Jumbo; But if player's faction is UK, you
won't see Jumbo, instead you will see Firefly; And for German, German can't upgrade
Sherman to heavier armor nor better gun, therefore if player's faction is German,
unless you also setted USA or UK as you ally (if USA as ally, you will see Jumbo like
USA; if UK as ally, you will see Firefly like UK, etc), otherwise you won't see Upgrade
tank A/B at all.
(V1.85-V2 changes)Upgrade tank C: this new menu only show up when you have a tank that

can be upgrade to a flame-thrower tank. Like M4 Sherman can be upgrade to M4A3R2

Croc flame-thrower tank, yet M3 Grant can't be upgrade to any kind of flame-thrower
tank. So if you have a empty M4 Sherman in playerbase’s zone, Upgrade tank C will
show up, but if you only have a M3 Grant, then you won't see Upgrade tank C.
This "upgrade tank to its flame-thrower variant" function is working for all factions, no
matter if player's faction and the tank/the result tank's original faction are the same or
not. So, though M4 Sherman and M4A3R2 Croc are USA tanks, but all other factions like
German/Soviet/China are still able to upgrade M4 Sherman to M4A3R2 Croc. Also,
though T-34 tank and OT-34 (KhT-34) flame-thrower tank are Soviet tanks, all other
factions are still able to upgrade T-34 to OT-34 as well, etc.
In the pictures below( Player's faction is Finland), you can see the whole process:
For KV-1, German can upgrade it with a 75mm L/43 gun, Soviet can upgrade it with a
76mm L/50 gun, Finland can upgrade it with a 75mm L/62 gun (75mm K/44), and most
other factions(like USA) can't upgrade it with whatever new gun.
All factions can upgrade KV-1 to KV-8 flame-thrower tank.
When I placement a empty KV-1 in player's base, first show up " Upgrade tank A/B ":

Seconds later, Upgrade tank C:

The current time is 194507, so if I choose A or B, it would be "[1944.01~End, (A or
B)=KV-1E(75mm K/44)(cost 120 MP)]", if I choose C, I get "[(C)=Flame-tank KV-8(cost 50
I chose B, so I got a new KV-1E(75mm K/44), and the old tank is removed.

You may check the upgrade list at resource\map\U-47\tank_upgrade.lng2.

Towing tank: First, you must have a heavy trailer which is inhabited, moveable, and
without any towing mission(like it’s already towing a artillery). You can find out a
heavy trailer by it has a green "Heavy Trailer" title in its name, like the picture below:

All factions have a "Heavy Tractor" in its BTR menu, located at its top, below "random
light vehicle". See in the picture below. This "Heavy Tractor" is heavy trailer. And some
of your artillery tractors are also heavy trailers.

If you haven't see the towing menu, that means else you don’t have a tractor yet, or
your tractor is already towing something, or it’s not moveable, or it’s not inhabited,
etc. Anyway, you must have a suitable heavy trailer first if you want to use this
The target tank must be an empty tank (unmanned, doesn't have any crew) or player’s
not movable tank(unmanned, or its track/engine is broken). So of course you can’t
towing an enemy’s inhabited tank; or your own completely moveable tank.
Now, move your heavy trailer to about 20 meters close to the target tank, then click on
the menu, choose somewhere between the trailer and the tank, see in the picture

The tank is now attached to the trailer:

Now you can move them to anywhere you want. And, you may unlink the tank by click
on "Detach", see in the picture below with red mark:
Borrow 500MP: Borrow 500MP, you must repay it in 30 minutes, or the system would
automatically collect the debt.
Repay the debt: Only show up when you borrowed MP. You can use this menu to repay
the 500MP you borrowed before.

Ally Reinforcements: Switch to ally's reinforcements menus for 30 seconds, for

example, player’s faction is USA, if you set your ally as German, then after you used
this function, your USA menus will change to German menus, you’ll see Tiger, Kingtiger
and Panther in your menus instead of Sherman, Sherman and Sherman. So you can buy
your ally's vehicles(artillery, tanks, etc. but exclude infantry and ammo truck). After
30 seconds, your reinforcements menus will be set back to your original faction.
The icon shows your current ally(also the target faction you’ll switch to), if your ally is
USA, then it shows USA’ flag, or if your ally is Soviet, then it shows Soviet flag, etc. If
you haven't set a ally or your ally is the same faction as player(for example: player is
UK, and player’s ally is also UK), then there will be a default ally for each faction:
China’s default ally is Soviet;
Finland's default ally is Germany;
German’s default ally is Japan;
Italy's default ally is Germany;
Japan’s default ally is Germany;
Hungary’s default ally is Germany;
USA’s default ally is UK;
All the other faction’s default ally is USA.
So, for example: you setted player's faction as Germany, and setted your ally as USA,
then you will see USA's icon; Or, if you setted player's faction and ally both as
Germany, then you’ll see Japan’s icon(instead of Germany).
Turn on/off the AI: This function will turn off part of my mod's infantry AI (not all the
AI, only these who cost too much computing, the name “turn off AI” is just for short).
If you see "Turn on AI" menu, that means the AI is current off; if you see "Turn off AI",
that means the AI is current on.
Infantry AI's default setting is turned off in mod's current versions, so unless you felt
your computer is strong enough and want to want some fun, otherwise it won't trouble
you. If, if you turn it on, the game maybe not so stable after about 40 minutes, I don't
know why.
If you’re playing COOP battle with friends, then you mustn't turn it on!
Turn on/off Flak AI: Flak AI is a automatically function to control your anti-air guns
(mostly 20~40mm auto cannons like Flak38, Bofors, etc; and some big-caliber AA guns
like 88mm Flak18/36/37, 75mm Type4, etc) to engage enemy aircraft in long range,
and it works much faster and accurate than human player. But “control” also means it
will ignore your order while engage the plane, like if you want it to move or choose
other target. So if somehow you don’t like it, you can turn it off, then this AI won’t
control your AA vehicle anymore.
The last part of Managements are attack here and defend here. These 2 menus only
show up when you have a ally. These menus are use to order your ally forces to attack
or defend a location. The difference between "attack" and "defend" is that "attack" will
give ally units a much bigger radius of action than defend which is almost “stay there
and don’t move”.

There are also 4 special menus: random light vehicle, random medium vehicle, random
heavy vehicle, random monster tank. Usually these menus are showing in
BTR/Armor/Heavy category. But in official campaign, there is no BTR thing, so the
random light vehicle will showing in Support category. Or,in some maps,there even
didn’t have a Armor category,etc,then these random vehicle menus will showing in

Anyway,you’ll find them somewhere.They provide you with random tanks.If you’re
lucky,you may get a Maus with only 1500MP through random heavy vehicle,or on the
other hand,you may get a KV-1 with 1500MP.It’s your call.
Be advise:
1, all paper projects like KV-3/4/5,and most postwar tanks like IS8(I always call these
powerful tanks as monster tanks for short),will not show in the reinforcement
menus.They can only be bought through random monster tank or random heavy
vehicle.The different is random heavy vehicle will give you a heavy tank that could be
monster tank like Maus but also could be normal heavy tank like Tiger, but monster
tank which cost twice its prince will give you a monster tank for sure.It’s your choice
whether you’ll simply cost 3000MP to buy a monster tank for sure or just cost 1500MP
and pray you’re lucky.
2, the destination you clicked would decide what kind of tank you get.If there is an
enemy cannon/car near the destination,then the system would probably provide you
with a CS (close-support howitzer) tank like Stuh42(randow medium) or KV2(randow
heavy).Or if there is an enemy tank near the destination,then AT tank or tank
destroyer like StugIII G(randow medium) or Tiger(randow heavy).In case you didn’t give
any course,like nothing or maybe just your own troops near the destination,then the
system would make the call randomly its self:25% possibility CS,75% possibility AT.

3, other important functions;

4, some important tactics advice.
3,Some other important passive functions,there are 4 of them which are directly
related to player's operation:Ammo Truck reuse;Primary ammo supply/Light arms
supply;Airstrike the smoke marked target;Your ally’s reapir AI.
Ammo truck reuse/Primary ammo supply/Light arms supply,they all based on the ammo
supply truck.When you call out a ammo supply truck,the mod would first check the
destination you clicked.If there is a player’s tank or cannon(except mgun) near the
destination,then the system would switch to primary ammo supply function;otherwise
it would switch to light arms supply function.Anyway there would be just 1 of them
work at the same time,and almost for sure 1 of them would work anyway instead of
Then the mod would check whether you have a inhabited ammo truck on the
battlefield already or not,if you do,then the supplies would be loaded to your old truck
instead of send you a new truck to avoid from more and more trucks hanging there,and
payback 50mp for don’t give you a new truck and driver.Of course if you don’t have a
inhabited ammo truck,then you’ll get a new truck.So,if you don’t like this ammo truck
reuse function,if you want more trucks,then you may emit your old truck’s driver
before you call for new one.
Primary ammo supply function means the truck will load with additional ammos of your
target tank/cannon.For example,if the one nearest to the destination is your Tiger
tank,then the truck would loaded with additional 125 88mm APs,125 88mm HEs and 15
88mm APCRs.Or if that’s a PZ III J,then the truck would loaded with additional 200
50mm APs,200 50mm HEs and 20 50mm APCRs.Obviously this function makes you no
longer need a dozen supply trucks to feed one primary tank.
Light arms supply function means judging from the infantry or enemy vehicle nearest
to your destination,the truck will load with additional light arms.The whole list is:
If the one nearest to the destination is an enemy vehicle,then the truck would loaded
with additional AT weapons,exactly means 1 rocketlauch,1 at-rifle.
A mgun soldier(no matter he is yours or enemy’s) would bring you with 2 best mgun of
your faction.
A smg soldier would bring you with 5 best smg.
A rifle soldier would bring you with 5 best rifle.
A vehicle but not your tank/cannon or enemy’s,like your own mgun-cannon,would bring
you with 1 hmgun weapon(M2/DSHK),or if you faction doesn’t have hmgun(like
Japan),then:A,if you have a ally who has hmgun(like USSR or USA),then the system
would provide you with their hmgun;B,the default set is to send you with 2 light mgun.
The system would also provide you a great number ammos of that light arm.
So,for example,your faction is USSR,you clicked on an enemy mgun soldier,then you
will see your truck loaded with additional 2 DS-39 and 10000 mgun ammos.
Here are examples for these 3 truck system:
In the picture below,you can see a Centurion MK.I as supply target,which is armed with
76mm gun,20mm gun and Hmgun.So the truck is loaded with additional 150 76mm
APs,150 76mm HEs,15 76mm APCR,2000 20mm rounds,and hmgun ammos.
Be advise that AS2 itself (not my mod) has removed all the ammos in truck since 3.102
b (or versions around it), you’re supposed to use auto-resupply function that AS2 new
versions added to feed your units.That’s why there is nothing in the truck except my
system’s additional light arms/ammos.

Same supply target,call for another truck.Since there is a inhabited ammo truck
already,so the new one won’t come out,instead,the old truck would be reloaded.So
now you can see the 76mm and 20mm ammos are doubled,also,basic supplies like light
ammos and some larger caliber HEs have been loaded to the truck too.

The 3rd time clicked on a SMG infantry,now it is light arms supply function.You can see
5 new Sten Mk.VI Silencer and basic supplies have been added to the truck.To these
who’re familiar with this game,you know this is one of the best SMG in game.
That’s all for the truck parts.
Airstrike the smoke marked target means when you throw out a smoke grenade,that
may lead to an airstrike with a few conditions.These conditions are:
1,not bad weather or night;
2,you have already changed player or ally(1 of them must happen);
3,your plane(else yours or your ally’s) has successfully spawned.
If all the conditions have been fulfilled,then you will see your plane show up and bomb
the enemy to pieces.For example,in the picture below,I met an enemy M103 on my
way,so I send a soldier with smoke grenade marked the target.

Our plane showed up.

And again.
After a sortie,you’ll need to wait for at least 90s untill you can call out another one.
Your ally would auto repair any vehicles they believe worthful,and board them after
the repair is complete.They will repair your abandoned tanks as well but won’t board
them.The point here is that if you want to seize a tank they’re repairing but not your
tank,for example,a broken high value enemy tank.What you need to do is send a
soldier stay close to the target tank,then the ally would understand you want to seize
this tank,so they won’t board it after the repair completed,so you can take it later.

-苏军怎样才能叫出用 SVT-40 狙击枪啊



3,Some minor bugs and how to fix loading save crush.

1, The mod isn’t a very stable mod, so turn off AI if you need to, specially while
playing COOP with friends.
2, Some new tanks from WOT may have small flaws, like T95’s damage gun barrel will
move crosswise after been repaired, seen in the screenshot below. But don’t worry, all
you need to do is fire the gun ( just fire it not matter what you shot at) and then the
barrel will go back to straight again.
There are also some other WOT’s tanks’s track will move crosswise while been
damaged, it will go back to straight again after been repaired. As I am not a 3d model
inputer so I cann’t fix these bugs, I’m sorry, but it seems we have no choice but accept
these flaws.
3, Some units’ icon will confuse with others who have a similar name in
reinforcements’ menus, like KV1 heavy tank always using a KV13’s icon in
reinforcements’ menus, or M5 AT-gun always uning M56 light tank-destroyer’s icon,
etc. It’s not because I used a wrong icon name in the file, but just the game itself
always confusing them, I don’t know why, it just happens.
4, Sometimes your game will crush while loading the save, generally there 2 kinds of
such crush, A, caused by a dying soilder who is loading his weapon; B, caused by some
kind of damaged map error. And they both can be fixed:
A, caused by a dying soilder who is loading his weapon. The key points of this crush is
“spawn human[xxx]”, as seen in the screentshot below:

If you met such crush, first of all, printscreen this error information immediately. The
number in “[]” is the whole point to solve this issue, seen here as 1435, this is the
target soilder’s MID; and the mp/usa/rifle2 is his unit type, however his unit type
doesn’t important at all, you just need to record or remember his MID.

I guess this kind of crush is because this guy was killed while reloading his weapon, and
this “reloading his weapon” things has also been record to the save file, so once you
loaded the save, the game will order him to do it, to “reloading his weapon”, but he is
dead, so of course he can’t do it, so crush. Of course this is just my theory.
The point is we do can get out this error with this theory, so what you need to do here
is remove his “reloading his weapon” parts, then he will just be a peaceful dead man
and you will be able to load the save without crush.
Open your game’s save folder located at “My Documents\my games\men of war -
assault squad 2\profiles\xxxxx(xxxxx here means a unique number that should be
different to different players)\save”, as the screenshot below:

Open the folder of your save’s name, like my save which crushed is named as “nt”,
, then open its mission.scn with notepad (like .txt file).

As you can see in the error information before,the target human’s MID is 1435. So
search for “MID 1435”, like the screenshot below (my windows is a Chinese one, so
sorry I can’t show you a English interface):
And remove his weaponry part.

After the removing:

Save the file, and now you should be able to load this save. Sometimes you may crush
again with another human, then remove his weaponry too. And by maybe 1% of chance,
even after you remved some guy’s weaponry part he is still reporting error and crush
(like this same MID 1435 guy jumped out again even after you removed his weaponry
part and cause another crush), then we have no choice but remove him completely,
seen in the screenshot below:
After that, save the file and try again.
B, caused by some kind of damaged map error. In this kind of crush, you won’t see
anything useful (like human MID which introduced in A part above) in the error
In order to solve it, you need a save of the same map that loadable, that you can load
it withou crush, no matter when you saved it.
Let’s assume the autosave1 in the screenshow below is a loadable save, and autosave2
is the one who crushed while loading.

Copy loadable one’s map.scn file (which means autosave1’s map.scn here), and use
this file to override the file with same name in crush one (means autosave2’s map.scn
here, copy autosave1’s map.scn to override autosave2’s map.scn ).

That should solve the question now.

V1.8 Changelog
1, Added more than 50 new vehicles (you can find their names in the credits part
marked with light blue like here).
2, Replacement all German soilders’ skins to aduwocou’s work. Like the pictures
3, Fixed all the knowing issues between my mod and AS2 3.200+ version.
4, Fixed the customize faction menus are out of screen height in offical campaign
under low screen resolutio, like the screenshot below, but, don’t click “Return to
menu” before customize faction parts end, it may cause some unexpected promblems.

5, Added a new battle mode called Defence mode, you can find its introduction in
“2,How to use this mod?” part above.
6, Added veteran inheritance system, you can enable/disable it at the begining of the
battle, you can find its introduction in “2,How to use this mod?” part above.
7, Added skin change system, which include skin change with weather/climate system
that will make all the units using snow skin in snow maps (as the screenshot below),
desert skin in desert maps, etc. Sometimes it may fail to change the skin because of
the unit itself doesn’t have a matchable texture or some other minor flaws.
And random camo skin system for normal maps (not winter or desert), like in the
screenshots below you can see 2 VK4502(P) and 2 Panther G with different camos. And
of course, it can do nothing to these tanks who doesn’t have a second camo skin.

And random human face system to new added German soilders’ skins only, which
means most German soilders will have randomly different faces. Of course this
“randomly different faces” is limited by the number of face textures we have, if there
are only 3~4 textures then there won’t be 5 same rifleman all with different faces, etc.
8, Added tank captured skin system, which means a captured (your tank been captured
by the enemy, or ally/enemy’s tank captured by you, etc) tank will change its original
skin to captured one, like in the screenshots below, I repaired and captured a enemy’s
Tiger tank (I am USSR), the 1st screentshot showed a disabled enemy tiger:

Then I repaired it and board it.

At the moment you start its engine, the captured tank will change its skin:
Some other tanks’ captured skins (left: T14’s German captured skin; right: IS-7’s
Chinese captured skin).

As before, this system can’t do anything to these tanks who don’t have a matchable
texture. And though I made a lot of new textures (winter skin, captured by different
factions’ skin) already, but there are still a lot of tanks havn’t been ready yet.
9, Added veteran uniform system which only works for German soilders that using
aduwocou’s new made skins, with this system a veteran soilder (this “veteran” here
means a soilder veterancy level 3 or 3+) will have a new special uniform, mostly
camouflage (as we know most Wehrmacht soilders wearing a stand uniform, only these
who is a veteran or sergeant may have a camouflage) or with iron cross medals, like
the screenshots below.
So, a squad like this means a supper elite squad, you can see only few of them are still
wearing normal uniform and most of them are in camouflage:

For soilders wearing camouflage original like panzergrenadier, their veteran special
uniform are mostly new camouflage different to their original ones. By the way, the
system can’t check tankcrews inside the vehicle so they can’t have a veteran special
9, Changed all the howitzers especially CS (close-support) ones’ ballistic to curved fire
ballistic, like ISU122/152, T92, E100-150, 75/76/105/122/150/152mm CS guns, 280mm
BR-5, etc. You’ll find these guns now having a great overcoming obstacles ability, like
in the screenshots below, I can easily aim and shot targets over obstacles on th way.
Most of these guns’ range and accuracy have also been modified with new standards.
11, Most Chinese and Japanese soilders now have excellent capability of stealthily, but
also most Chinese soilders’ capability of driving have been greatly reduced, which
makes most Chinese infantry good infantry but really bad tank/car crews, in order to
counteract this change now all the artillery tractors are driving by professional vehicle
supports instead of rifleman; And some Japanese soilders have been added with more
grenades so they can do the assault job more effective.
12, Heavily improved the airstrike system, now the planes become big threats to you
and the enmy, since it’s very reliable now so I also made the enemy bombing you much
often, so take care of it. You can find more details on it in the introductions above.
13, Heavily improved the vehicle start-waypoint system, now the new vehicles entering
the map hardy stuck in the fog anymore, it’s not a 100% guarantee but it is much
better than before.
14, Heavily improved the WOT tanks and Chinese soilders’ skin/equipments’ texture in
order to reduce the computing.
15, Fixed your ally always “overzealous” robbing your cannons, now if you have soilders
near your cannon, they won’t seizure it (but if you don’t have soilders near your
cannon, they will believe you have abandoned that cannon and therefore they will use
16, Heavily improved the vehicle spawn system, now it will spawn vehicles much more
accurately on the historical time. Like in the old versions of my mod you may bought a
IV G with 50mm front armor at 1944, now this is not going to be happen anymore,
instead you will get a 80mm front armor one for sure after 1943.
17, Heavily improved the cannon deployment system of enemy defence lines, make it
much more accurately on the historical time too like 16 th above (so you won’t see a T92
in the enemy line if the end time is just early-war or mid-war); and made it armed with
adjusted (based on your troop’s strength) CS weapons (like sIG33 and M4-105) and
heavy tank destroyers (like Elephant or Object704, obviously if your troop are very
strong then the enemy would too). Be adverse the enemy cannon deployment system is
working based on the end era (maximum time) of the battle, not the start time or the
current time, a lot of players are curious why they saw the enemy have a later-war or
even post-war tank like T95 or AMX 50 Foch (155) in their defence line at begining of
the battle while the current time maybe only 1941, that’s because you must setted the
end time as later-war or even post-war, it’s so obviously a 1941 AT-weapon (like Pak36
or Panzerjäger I) can’t do anything useful while facing your later-war or post-war tanks
(since you setted the end time as later-war or post-war, it’s just a matter of timer
before you get such tanks), that’s why the enemy last line must by armed with later-
war or post-war AT-weapons too.
18, Improved enemy vehicle’s AI, now they’ll attack your vehciles at much longer
range, especially the supper-guns like 170mm, 210mm, 240mm, etc.
19, Added some of the new tanks to the tank upgrade system, which include:
Object704(152mm ML20)=Object704(152mm BL10), ISU-122/152=ISU130, M6 (the USA
heavy tank)=M6A2E1 after 1944, M4 Sherman=M4 Revalorise(105mm high-power tank
gun) by French, T-28 (the USSR multi-turret tank)= T-28E(heavy armor type), IS-
3(122mm D25)=IS-3(100mm D10) or IS-3(122mm BL9), T-80(45mm M37, the USSR light
tank similar to T-70)= T-80(45mm VT42) or T-80(37mm autocannon), M46(90mm
M3A1)=M46(165mm AVRE), IS-5=IS-8 or Object268, IS-6(122mm D30)=IS-6(122mm M62).
20, Increased the possibility that enemy sending out a CS-tank (like Stuh42 or M4-105)
instead of AT-tank (like Stug III G or M4-75).
21, Replacement the medic in player’s infantry menu to officer squad (an offcier and a
radioman), and also replacement player’s start units (original 1 regular infantry squad
+ 1 assault infantry squad + 1 homeguards squad) to 3 random squads (could be regular
infantry squad or assault infantry squad or homeguards or elites, etc, so you may get 3
squads both regular infantry squad or 2 assault infantry squads + 1 homeguards squads,
etc) and an officer squad.
22, Now post-war time has divided into several specific era like 1950, 1955, 1960, etc,
they means nothing for now, it’s just a change for future cold-war upgrades.
23, German regular infantry squad get 1 less SMG man but 1 more mgun man (which
means 2 mgun-men for now); German assault infantry squad has become W-SS squad
with randomly several SS12 soilder (better equipmented than normal soilders),
meaning this squad is still 10-men squad anyway, but inculde indefinite number SS12
soilders that will replacement the stand soilders. And these 2 German squad’s price
both raised.
24, New made/added a lot of new textures for tanks, added Chinese soilders’ winter
25, Added a lot of new icons made by “happy world” for game management menu’s
functions. Added 2 new functions under game management menu, turn off/on AI (very
important function about stability) and turn off/on Flak AI, you can find more details
on them in the game management menu introduction part above.
26, Added 2 new maps “Russian Hutor” and “Seek and Destroy” for Bonus maps, you
can play new defence mode in “Russian Hutor” and “Ice village”.
27, Improved “Delete this vehicle” function under game management menu so it won’t
mistake delete a vehicle that far away from the position you clicked. And you can also
use function to sell your own empty tank now if you enabled the veteran inheritance
28, Fixed a lot of minor questions like Chinese LVT-4 based ZIS2/3 SPG won’t turn its
body while aim the target; Fixed Sdkfz234/3, Sdkfz234/4 and some other vehciles have
a incredible recoil blast that will kill the soilders near by and shock the vehicle itself;
Fixed a lot of error textures; Fixed 280mm railway-gun’s dislocation after firing; Made
some vehicles that doesn’t have a AA mgun in their inventory (like Panther D, StuIG33)
now have their coaxial mguns in inventory and replaceable, etc; Increased the range of
88mm flak guns.
29, Other fixs or improvments I can’t remember.

Thanks to Normand(Valour mod) for:
PzKpfw III Ausf.E
PzKpfw III Ausf.F
PzKpfw III Ausf.L
PzKpfw III Ausf.Flamer
PzKpfw IV Ausf.D/E
PzKpfw IV Ausf.F2
PzKpfw V Ausf.A Panther
KV-1 1940
KV-1 1941
A30 Challenger
T-26 1933
Marder I Sdkfz135
PaK 36(r)
PaK 44
SdKfz 8
SdKfz 234/1
SdKfz 234/3
SdKfz 234/4
SdKfz 4
SdKfz 251/1
SdKfz 251/10
SdKfz 251/17
Wurfrahmen 40
Lorraine 37L
Lorraine 38L
Chevrolet 30 cwt
Willys MB .50 HMG
Willys AT
Willys MB
Type95 Jeep
152mm ML-20
Hungarian soldiers’ skins
Type 1 Ho-Ki
Type 89
Panther D

Thanks to Zeke Wolf & ngvede(DCG mod) for:

Jagdpanzer IV(A)
Stug III B
Stug III F/8
Stug III G
Stuh 42
StuIG 33B
PzKpfw II Ausf.F
M3A1 Stuart US/UK
Cruiser Tank Mk I
Cruiser Tank Mk III
Matilda Mk.I
SdKfz 251/9
37mm Flak43 auf sWS
Ford F-GT

Thanks to DZL(你不要问我啊) for:

KV-13(85mm ZIS53)
Pz.Kpfw. IV Schmalturm
PzKpfw II Ausf.J
Object 268
WT Rhm.-Borsig Waffentrager(128mm L/66)
WT Rhm.-Borsig Waffentrager(150mm L/38)
M4A1 Revalorise
M46(165mm AVRE)
IS-3(100mm D10T)
IS-3(122mm BL9)
VK 45.03
IS-6(122mm D30)
IS-6(122mm M62)

Thanks to vlss97 for:

Jagdpanzer E100
PzKpfw V Panther II(75mm L/100)
PzKpfw V Panther II(88mm L/71)
Churchill MK.I
Churchill MK.IX
Centurion MK.I
Centurion MK.VII
Conqueror Gun Carriage

Thanks to zlatorog(Hungarian Pack) for:

PzKpfw VI Kingtiger(H)
PzKpfw VI Kingtiger(B)
M4 High Speed Tractor
155mm longtom
M3A1 scout cars
Botond trucks
39M Csaba
40M Csaba
Morris CS8
Zrinyi I
Zrinyi II
Turan I
Turan II
Turan III
Toldi I
Toldi II
SdKfz 301
Sdkfz8 Flak18

Thanks to Guardia Mod Team for:

Marder III Sdkfz138 Ausf M
Sdkfz138/1 Grille
Mk.X Valentine
Bison II
Armored trains
FT-75 BS
25mm SA-34
37mm Shneider
47mm SA-37
105mm M1913
Laffly S15 TOE
Panhard 178
French soldiers’ skins and voices
Staghound with rockets
Wasp flamer

Thanks to Beckett for:

T57 HT
PzKpfw VI Tiger(P)

Thanks to hiddenstrike for:

IS-4(122mm D25T)
IS-4(122mm M62T)
IS-4(100mm S-34)

Thanks to IL2M3(q5attacker on moddb) for:

Type63 AA
85mm Type56
107mm Type63 MRL
Type63 130mm SPMRL
Type70 130mm SPMRL
JieFang Tractor
Chinese soldiers’ skins and most of the Chinese parts’ work
Korean soldiers’ skins and voices

Thanks to skr for:

150mm sIG33
Flak38 20X4
155mm M1917
120mm M1938 mortar
A lot of small arms
155mm M1917A4
Thanks to SMF for:
M6(90mm M3)
M6(76mm M7)
Kugelblitz(55mm flak gun)
Kugelblitz(30mm flak gun)
Kugelblitz(20+30mm flak gun)

Thanks to aduwocou(大头终结者) for:

German soilders’ skin

Thanks to the authors made World of Tanks pack-Steel Beasts(sorry there isn’t a
name) for:
PzKpfw VI Kingtiger(1945)

Thanks to Karol for:

Vickers MK.VI
Vickers MK.VI AA
75mm M1897

Thanks to Jonvigo(Tanks of War MOD) for:

AMX 13 90

Thanks to ikarus-250-59(UFO MOD) for:

Type56 AA(ZPU-4)
Thanks to Engeneer Den for:

Thanks to kenlai93 for:

JieFang CA10 trucks

Thanks to 7027 for:


Thanks to Cagyar for:


Thanks to Cipher for:


Thanks to Cromtec for:


Thanks to Nebel for:

Foch (155)

Thanks to Dinsen & Albus for:

Panhard 178

Thanks to 艾德威斯尔 for:


Thanks to Jagdpanther for:

PanzerJager I

(Except the vehicles taken from MOW and Red Tide,like PZ II C and Karlthor.The rest
are made by myself,like Jagdpanzer IV(75mm L/48),KV1 (75mm L/43), etc)

Thanks to ss19880414(没被子的熊) and TBF,they made a lot of tank skins for my mod.I

also used 0o 尕小宝 o0’s M26 skin.

Thanks to VADupleix(缅因),we fixed a lot of tanks’ armor and volume bugs together.

Thanks to all the people who helped me with this mod.

Mod by Terminator MOD team: DZL(你不要问我啊), IL2M3, aduwocou(大头终结者), U-47

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