Sample 2

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 Answer it in an A4 paper. You may print the question but the answer must be handwritten. Use
color black ballpen to have a uniform color with the pen. The date of submission will be on the
returning of classes. Compile it in a folder with the cover page (same as the cover page of the
NG Cover Page). Stay Safe and God Bless. Don’t leave on your respective home.

1. Explain and Illustrate the Hydrologic Cycle.

2. Cite the difference between Hydraulics and Hydrology.
3. How does Hydrologic Cycle affect human life?
4. Explain the process of delineation of watershed.
5. Explain and Illustrate the atmosphere and its composition.
6. Explain the nucleation and particle growth of the clouds.
7. Define the thermal circulation and Earth’s rotation
8. Enumerate the steps in putting a rain gauge in an area.
9. How can humidity affect the weather?
10. Explain the double mass analysis.
11. Cite the difference between surface and subsurface run-off.
12. What is Flood Prediction.
13. What are the factors that affect the level of groundwater?
14. What are the instruments to be used in determining the streamflow?
15. Why do river meanders?
16. What are the agencies involved in the collection of hydrologic data?
17. State the problems of watershed management and watershed protection.

Problem Solving.

1. . Given the data below, Determine the average precipitation using Arithmetic Method.
STATION Precipitation(mm)
1 12.36
2 13.54
3 15.25
4 15.55
5 16.75
2. . Given the data below, Determine the average precipation using Thiessen Polygon
STATION AREA (m2) Precipitation
1 1236.58 26.30
2 5287.56 27.58
3 3684.25 26.54
4 4853.77 29.08
5 4622.58 28.45
3. Determine the event rainfall of Station A. Use Normal Ratio Method.
STATION Normal Event Rainfall
A 331.3 ???
B 290.8 98.9
C 325.9 120.5
D 360.5 110.0
4. Find the missing data (rainfall at A) using modified normal ratio method.

STATION Distance from A (km) Rainfall (cm) Normal Rainfall (cm)

A - ??? 102
B 1.5 2.5 114
C 1.21 3.4 122
D 0.85 1.5 95
E 1.3 2.2 106
F 2.11 1.8 104

5. Estimate the evaporation for a month for a lake of 500 hectares surface area. The mean
discharge from the lake is estimated to be 1m3/s. The monthly rainfall is about 10cm. A
stream flows into the lake with an average discharge of 2m3/s. The water level in the lake
dropped about 5cm during the month. The seepage losses are negligible.

6. Find the parameters of K and X of the river using Muskingum Method. Also find the
translation and attenuation of the hydrograph and Graph the hydrograph of the river.

Time(hr) 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22
Inflow(m3/s) 5 20 50 50 32 22 15 10 7 5 5 5
Outflow(m3/s) 5 6 12 29 38 35 29 23 17 13 9 7

7. The inflow hydrograph to a river reach has K=7 hr, x=0.20 and delta t= 6 hr. Determine the outflow,
translation and attenuation using Muskingum Method. Also, sketch the hydrograph.

Time (hr) 0 6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48 54 60 66
Inflow(m3/s) 5 20 50 75 32 22 15 10 7 5 5 5

8. A stormwater has a storage and elevation. Crest elevation is 5.5m. Q=1.86H 1.5 dt=30mins. Determine
the outflow and find the translation and attenuation using Modified Puls Method. Also, sketch the

Elevation 0 5.5 6 6.5 7 7.5 8

Storage 0 694 1525 2507 3652 4973 6484

Time (mins) 0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270

Inflow(m3/s) 0 2.4 5.6 3.4 2.8 2.4 2.2 1.8 1.4 1.2

9. The design life of a dam is 100 years. Determine the probability of occurrence of a 1000 year return
period flood during the design life of the dam.

10. Create a unit hydrograph given the observe 6 hr rainfall duration on a stream with a catchment area
of 500 km2.
Time(hr) 0 6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48 54 60 66
Discharg 0 200 500 400 300 150 110 75 50 35 10 0
e (m3/s)

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