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Gæðaskjal (GSK) GSK-1590

Date of issue: 15.3.2016 Revision no.:1.0

Responsible: Einar Friðgeir Björnsson
Editor: Rafn Magnús Jónsson

Surface Treatment and Painting

Doc. no.: NA-03-STS001

This standard technical specification is subject to change without prior notice. The most current issue will
at all times be located on the Nordural web site, www.nordural.is.
Surface Treatment and Painting Doc.no. NA-03-STS001
Revision no.: 1.0

Table of contents
Responsibility .................................................................................................... 3
Scope and Field of Application ........................................................................ 3
Scope Definition ................................................................................................... 3
Document Conflicts.............................................................................................. 3
References and Definitions .............................................................................. 3
References ............................................................................................................ 3
Corrosion considerations ................................................................................. 5
Corrosion Environment........................................................................................ 5
General design considerations to enhance corrosion protection .................... 5
Warranty ............................................................................................................. 6
Cleaning and Painting of the Work .................................................................. 6
General .................................................................................................................. 6
Cleaning of surfaces ............................................................................................ 7
Application of paint .............................................................................................. 8
Metallizing by thermal spraying with zinc........................................................... 9
Hot-dip galvanizing .............................................................................................. 9
Powder coating................................................................................................... 10
Paint schedules ............................................................................................... 11
Maintenance and Touch Up of Corrosion-Protection Coatings .................. 12
Cleaning of surfaces .......................................................................................... 12
Application of paint ............................................................................................ 13
Bright parts coating ........................................................................................ 13
Appendix 1 ....................................................................................................... 14
Norðurál Color Codes ........................................................................................ 14
Norðurál Coating Systems................................................................................. 15
10.2.1 Chemical Curing Coating Systems ............................................................. 15
10.2.2 Physical Curing Coating Systems (Topcoat dissolves in xylene) ................ 16

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Revision no.: 1.0

This Standard Technical Specification (STS) is the responsibility of the owner. The revision and
date of issue are on the front page.
All deviations from the specifications must be approved in writing by the Owner.

Scope and Field of Application

Scope Definition
This Standard Technical Specification details the minimum technical requirements including but
not limited to, the design, material quality and workmanship, applications, testing, inspection for
surface treatment and coating of steel parts and steelwork.

Document Conflicts
Eventual conflicts between the referenced documents shall be reported, without delay, to the
Owner in writing for resolution.

References and Definitions

All materials, workmanship, design calculation and tests shall be performed in compliance and
read in conjunction with the NA-00-STS001 General Technical Standard and other relevant
The relevance order of standards shall be according to NA-00-STS001.
All materials intended for use at Norðurál shall be approved by the Owner.
The following referenced documents should be considered for the application of this document.
For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For all references, dated and undated, the
latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.

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Table 3.1- References / Standards

Standard Nr. Subject/Name

Paints and varnishes -- Corrosion protection of steel structures by

EN ISO 12944
protective paint systems

Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related

EN ISO 11124
products -- Specifications for metallic blast-cleaning abrasives

Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related

EN ISO 11126-1 products -- Specifications for non-metallic blast-cleaning abrasives -- Part
1: General introduction and classification

Hot dip galvanized coatings on fabricated iron and steel articles --

EN ISO 1461
Specifications and test methods

Protection against corrosion of iron and steel in structures -- Zinc and

EN ISO 14713
aluminum coatings -- Guidelines

Internal and/or external protective coatings for steel tubes. Specification

EN 10240
for hot dip galvanized coatings applied in automatic plants

EN ISO 10684 Fasteners -- Hot dip galvanized coatings

Paints and varnishes -- Evaluation of degradation of coatings --

EN ISO 4628-2 Designation of quantity and size of defects, and of intensity of uniform
changes in appearance -- Part 2: Assessment of degree of blistering

Paints and varnishes -- Evaluation of degradation of coatings --

EN ISO 4628-3 Designation of quantity and size of defects, and of intensity of uniform
changes in appearance -- Part 3: Assessment of degree of rusting

Thermal spraying -- Metallic and other inorganic coatings -- Zinc,

EN ISO 2063
aluminum and their alloys
Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related
EN ISO 8501
products -- Visual assessment of surface cleanliness
Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related
EN ISO 8503 products -- Surface roughness characteristics of blast-cleaned steel

Standard Test Methods for Field Measurement of Surface Profile of Blast

ASTM D4417
Cleaned Steel

Standard Test Method for Pull-Off Strength of Coatings Using Portable

ASTM D 4541
Adhesion Testers

Standard Practice for Measuring MEK Resistance of Ethyl Silicate

ASTM D4752–10
(Inorganic) Zinc-Rich Primers by Solvent Rub

Paints and varnishes – Corrosion protection of steel structures by

ISO 19840:2012 protective paint systems – Measurement, and acceptance criteria for the
thickness of dry films on rough surfaces.

EN ISO 2808:2007 Paints and varnishes – Determination of film thickness.

Standard Test Method for Pull-Off Strength of Coatings Using Portable

ASTM D4541
Adhesion Testers
Preparation of steel substrates before application of paint and related
products - Tests for the assessment of surface cleanliness - Part 3:
EN ISO 8502-3
Assessment of dust on steel surfaces prepared for painting (pressure-
sensitive tape method)

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Preparation of steel substrates before application of paint and related

products - Tests for the assessment of surface cleanliness - Part 4:
EN ISO 8502-4
Guidance on the estimation of the probability of condensation prior to

EN ISO 2409 Paints and varnishes: Cross-Cut test. (<200 microns)

EN ISO 4624 Paints and varnishes: Pull-Off test adhesion

RAL COLOR SYSTEM http://www.ralcolor.com

NCS NATURAL COLOR SYSTEM http://www.ncscolor.com

00/03/TS002 Structural steel

00/03/TS003 Cladding

SSPC SP 1 Solvent Cleaning

Corrosion considerations
Corrosion Environment
The Site weather conditions are characterized by frequently windy conditions, high humidity and
low temperatures. The wind combined with briny air and debris, as well as high levels of SO2
pollution require that steelwork be given a high degree of protection, and the treatment described
in this specification has proven to be successful if correctly carried out.
The atmospheric-corrosivity category outdoors is assumed to be C5-M (very high) Marine
according to EN ISO 12944-5.
Indoor environment varies throughout the factory. The potroom is characterized by high levels of
dust and corrosive indoor pollutants (SO2, HF), and low humidity. Other locations have higher
humidity but lower levels of pollutants.
The atmospheric environment in indoor locations is therefore assumed to be C3 at minimum.

General design considerations to enhance corrosion protection

Access to all surfaces to provide both the initial surface treatment and subsequent maintenance
painting is essential. Narrow gaps, difficult to reach corners, and hidden surfaces should be
avoided wherever possible. Similarly, clearance between connecting members at junctions, and
the degree of internal angles at skewed web stiffeners should allow access for coating and
Avoidance of moisture and debris traps
Details that could potentially trap moisture and debris should be avoided where possible.
Measures that can be taken include:
• Grind flush weld on horizontal surfaces.
• Curtail transverse web stiffeners short of the bottom flange.
• Avoid using channels with toes upward.
• Arrange angles with the vertical leg below the horizontal.
• Avoid the use of ‘T’ section bearing stiffeners.
• Avoid the creation of cavities and crevices etc.
• Seal rolled hollow sections except when they are to be hot-dip galvanized.
Crevices attract and retain water through capillary action, leading to accelerated 'crevice
corrosion', so details such as lap joints should be avoided or sealed where possible.

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Drainage and ventilation

Provision should be made for adequate drainage and ventilation to enable the steel surfaces to
dry out, e.g. minimize the ‘time of wetness’. Measures to be considered include the provision of
drainage holes where necessary and the provision of free circulation of air around the structure.
For bridges, closely spaced girders should be avoided and deck run-off should be directed away
from steel surfaces. In addition, the use of wide cantilevers with suitable drip details should be
Contact with other materials
• Connections between dissimilar metals should be avoided where practical
otherwise there is a risk of accelerated bimetallic corrosion. If this cannot be
avoided, then the contact surfaces should be insulated.
• Adequate depth of cover, and the correct quality of concrete should be specified
where structural steelwork is to be encased in concrete.
• Structural steel should be separated from timber by the use of coatings or sheet
plastics to avoid dampness on the steel surface.

The Contractor shall obtain a warranty in favor of both the Owner and the Contractor on a joint
and several basis from an authorized representative of either the paint manufacturer or the
applicator who shall have been approved by the manufacturer guaranteeing that the conditions
of the outdoor painted surfaces shall be no worse than condition Ri 1, as defined in EN ISO 4628-
3, after two years and not more blisters than defined as smaller and less dense than 1 and size
1 according to ISO 4628-2. No flaking of the paint layers is allowed for a period of two (2) years
from the completion of the work. The guarantee shall contain an undertaking to carry out any
treatment necessary to restore the paintwork at no cost to the Owner should the paintwork
condition be worse than specified at any time during the two (2) year period.

Cleaning and Painting of the Work

(a) Immediately following the Letter of Award or a service request, the Contractor shall submit
a quality assurance program for approval by the Owner.

(b) All paints for the outdoor equipment in the Contract shall be provided by one manufacturer
and preferably manufactured in one country to ensure compatibility.
The supplier shall provide technical datasheets containing information on pre-
treatment requirements, wet/dry film thickness, overpainting intervals, application
recommendations/requirements and safety data sheet.
All paint products and solvents shall be stored in their original packaging and shall
bear the supplier’s guidelines. The manufacturing number and use-by date shall be
shown on all containers.

(c) Contractor shall strife to select a paint system and cleaning detergents that do not
endanger the health and safety of the workforce or others and to minimize the effects they
have on the environment.

(d) All health and safety regulations shall be observed by the contractor, regarding use of
solvents and epoxy and polyurethane products. Regulations dealing with pollution of the
environment by used blast-cleaning abrasives and dust, solvents and paint shall be
observed by the contractor. All activities shall minimize dust formation from dry spray and
abrasive blasting. The abrasive shall not decompose to dangerous particles that can
cause harm to people.

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(e) The painting of the Works shall be carried out in accordance with the appropriate standard in
this Specification. The work is generally covered by the standards, but where particular items
are not referred to specifically, such items shall be treated in a manner similar to other
comparable items as agreed with the Owner.

(f) The standards of surface preparations and painting are intended to give a minimum life of
fifteen years in a coastal environment, with need for only minor remedial work in that period.
The coating systems shall tolerate minimum 5 MPa in Pull-Off test according to EN ISO 4624
or ASTM D4541. As this test is destructive, test plates of similar surfaces are allowed when
processed with the coating system.

(g) The standards differentiate between "Treatment at Maker's Works" and "Treatment at Site
after Completion of Erection" but the locations at which different stages of the treatments are
carried out may be modified, always provided that each change is specifically agreed to by
the Owner, and the painting is finished or made good at the Site to the Owner's satisfaction.

(h) The standards also refer to "Indoor" and "Outdoor" locations. In this context all "Indoor" rooms
and buildings without air conditioning, heating or forced ventilation shall be treated as

Cleaning of surfaces
(a) All planished and bright parts shall be coated with grease, oil or other approved rust
preventative before dispatch and during erection. This protective coating shall be
cleaned off and the parts polished before being handed over to the Owner.

(b) Steel sections and plates shall be free from surface flaws and laminations prior to
cleaning. Sharp edges from the fabrication process should be rounded or chamfered
and burrs around holes and along cut edges should be removed.

(c) Prior to blast cleaning all salt, greasy or oil contaminated surfaces must be degreased
/ washed with appropriate detergent and fulfilling SSPC SP 1. Critical areas or areas
that were heavily contaminated with oil or grease shall be tested with black light to
confirm that the cleaning procedure is sufficient. Salt concentration shall be measured
by the Bresle method as described in ISO 8502-6 and ISO 8502-9 standards. The
conductivity shall be at maximum 5.3 mS/m at 20°C or 11.2 µg NaCl/cm2.

(d) Blast cleaning shall be according to EN ISO 8501-1:2007. Surface roughness shall
be within limits of the coating manufacture specification in product data sheets. The
roughness shall be measured according to ISO 8503 or ASTM D 4417. Abrasive
materials shall be in accordance with EN ISO 11124 and EN ISO 11126. The blasting
abrasive shall be chosen so that the specified roughness and cleanness is obtained.
The abrasive material shall not include or decompose to harmful particles.
Compressed air used for blasting shall be without any contaminants as water and oil.
The system shall include traps to capture oil and moisture. Surfaces shall be tested
for dust according to EN ISO 8502-4.

(e) Where lapped or butted joints form part of an assembly which is assembled or partly
assembled before final painting, the jointed surfaces shall be cleaned, free from all
scales, loose rust, dirt, salts and grease, and given one brush-applied coat of zinc
phosphate primer before assembly.

(f) All surfaces to be painted shall be free from dirt, grease, dust, salts, etc. and shall be
cleaned prior to application of an additional paint layer. The surface or old coating
must have a faultless binding to the under layer, which shall not be affected by the
additional layer. The entire surface must be prepared by hand using appropriate

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Prior to application of any new coating, the surface shall be cleaned in accordance
with the most current instructions of the coating material manufacturer. If instructions
are not provided, the surfaces shall be cleaned by hand and washed with hot water
at a temperature of approximately 50°C, which is applied at a pressure of 100-150
It may be necessary to revise these figures according to the coating system used or
the conditions of application. In all cases it is necessary to consult the instructions of
the coating material manufacturer.

(g) Hot-dip galvanized surfaces that are to be painted or powder coated shall be
degreased/washed and blast cleaned very lightly with fine sand (0,2-0,5 mm) and
loose particles removed.

(h) Friction surfaces in slip-resistant connections with high strength friction grip bolts shall
either be sandblasted to Sa 2.5 just before assembly or sandblasted to Sa 3.0 and
metallized by thermal spraying with pure aluminum if assembly is delayed. The
thickness of the metal coating shall be 50 m to 80 m. Friction surfaces in assembly
connections shall be protected (wrapped up) during transport and storage.

Application of paint
(a) All painting systems are subject to approval by the Owner.

(b) Paint shall not be applied to surfaces, which are superficially or structurally damp, and
condensation must be absent before the application of each coat.

(c) Painting shall not be carried out under adverse weather conditions, such as low
temperatures (below 4°C), or above 85% relative humidity, during rain or fog, or when
the surface temperature is less than 3°C above the dew point. Special care should
also be taken when working late on a hot day, as the relative humidity will rise fast as the
temperature begins to drop in the evening.

(d) Before priming coats of paint are applied the Owner shall be notified. He has the right to
inspect the cleaned surfaces before application of priming coats of paint.

(e) All paints shall be applied by brush or spray in accordance with the paint schedule, except
for priming coats for steel floors, galleries, and stairways where dipping is permitted.

(f) One or two stripe coats shall be applied to sharp edges, corners, crevices, holes, bolts,
nuts, dents, and other areas difficult to reach with a spray gun and where there is danger
of reduced paint film thickness. All visible holidays need to be covered before full
application of the coat.

(g) Where paint is to be applied by spraying, the applicator shall demonstrate that the spray
technique employed does not produce paint films containing vacuoles or shadows where
the paint is thin.

(h) Porous surfaces like concrete, inorganic zinc, thermal sprayed zinc or aluminum need to
be flash coated to minimize the risk of air trapping or popping. In case of pinholes, the
affected surface needs to be reworked or sanded down to ensure full integrity of the
coating system.

(i) All paint film thicknesses specified refer to the dry film condition as defined in ISO
The method and procedure for checking the thicknesses of dry films on rough
surfaces shall be in accordance with ISO 19840, and for smooth and galvanized
surfaces in accordance with ISO 2808.
The following acceptance criteria, as stated in ISO 19840, shall apply

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 The arithmetic mean of all the individual dry film thicknesses shall be equal to
or greater than the nominal dry film thickness (NDFT)
 All individual dry film thicknesses shall be equal to or above 80% of the NDFT
 Individual dry film thicknesses between 80% of the NDFT and the NDFT are
acceptable provided that the number of these measurements is less than 20%
of the total number of individual measurements taken.
 All individual dry film thicknesses shall be less than or equal to the specified
maximum dry film thickness, which is recommended to be no more than three
times the nominal dry film thickness. This may vary depending on paint
manufacturers’ recommendations.

(j) All thicknesses shall be determined by the correct use of approved commercial paint film
thickness gauge. The gauge shall be calibrated every four hours in the thickness range in
question. Depending on the calibration method, thickness correction values may need to
be added, as is required by ISO 19840. (This corresponds to 25 µm for a substrate with
“medium” roughness grade according to EN ISO 8503-1).

(k) On sheltered or unventilated horizontal surfaces on which dew may linger, more protection
is needed. To achieve this, an additional top coat of paint shall be applied that is equal in
thickness and finish to the previous coat.

(l) No consecutive coats of paint, except in the case of top coat, should be the same shade.

(m) The Contractor shall provide finished colors in accordance with Norðurál´s color codes in
Appendix 1. For repainting and repairs the finished color should match, as near as is
practical, the colors of similar items in the existing installation.

(n) All outdoor and indoor painting shall be inspected in accordance with Chapter 5:

Metallizing by thermal spraying with zinc

(a) Blast cleaning under metallizing shall be to Sa 3.0 according to EN ISO 8501-1.
Roughness shall be Medium G, according to EN ISO 8503-1.

(b) All thermal spraying shall proceed in accordance with EN ISO 2063:2005. Unless
otherwise indicated in the special specifications, a minimum thickness of 100 µm is
required. The metal layer shall be applied with the most even thickness possible. The
thermal spraying shall proceed no later than 4 hours after blast cleaning.

(c) For the specified film thicknesses of metallized coatings the same procedures apply
as for paint coatings.

Hot-dip galvanizing
(a) All galvanizing shall be carried out by the hot dip process and unless otherwise
specified shall conform in all respects to EN ISO 1461, EN ISO 14713 and EN

(b) All surface defects in the steel including cracks, surface laminations, laps and folds,
shall be removed. All drilling, cutting, welding, forming and final fabrications of unit
members and assemblies shall be completed before the structures are galvanized.
The surface of the steelwork to be galvanized shall be free from all welding slag, paint,
oil, grease and similar contaminants.

(c) Adequate provisions for filling, venting and draining shall be made for assemblies
fabricated from hollow sections. Vent holes shall be suitably plugged after

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(d) Zinc thicknesses shall be in compliance with Table 6.1 below :

Table 6.1- Zinc thickness

Product and thickness (t) Local coating thickness Average coating thickness
[mm] [µm] (minimum) [µm] (minimum)

Steel t ≥ 6 100 115

Steel 3 < t 6 85 95
Steel 1 < t ≤ 3 60 70

(e) On removal from the galvanizing bath, the resultant coating shall be smooth,
continuous, free from gross surface imperfections such as bare spots, lumps, blisters,
inclusions of flux, ash or dross.

(f) Bolts, nuts and washers, including general grade high strength friction grip bolts shall
be hot dip galvanized and subsequently centrifuged in accordance with EN ISO
10684:2004, to a coating thickness according to Table 1. Nuts shall be tapped up to
0.4 mm oversize after galvanizing and the threads shall be oiled to permit the nuts to
be finger turned on the bolt for the full depth of the nut.

(g) No lubricant, applied to the projecting threads of a galvanized high strength friction
grip bolt after the bolt has been inserted through the steelwork, shall come into contact
with the adjoining surfaces.

(h) During off-loading and erection the use of nylon slings shall be employed. Galvanized
work that is to be stored during manufacture or on the Site shall be stacked so as to
provide adequate ventilation to all surfaces and to avoid wet storage staining (white

(i) Small areas of the galvanized coating damaged in any way shall be restored by the
following method as approved by the Owner.

Clean the area of any weld slag and thoroughly wire brushing to give a clean surface.
Wire brush damaged areas to surface quality St3 to EN ISO 8501-1.
Apply repair zinc rich paint, containing not less than 92% zinc; by weight in dry film,
when not overpainted. The paint dry film thickness should be at least 50% more than
the surrounding coating, but not greater than 100 µm. This should be verified with

Powder coating
The powder coating system, whether constituting a total or a part of a paint system,
shall be according to corrosively category C3 (high) for indoor locations and C5-M
(high) for outdoor locations as specified in respective parts 7 and 8. As powder coats
only offer “barrier” corrosion protection, additional corrosion protection will be needed
for outdoor locations, which may be done through hot dip galvanizing or use of
appropriate corrosion protective primer.

(a) Polyester or epoxy powder coating shall be used unless otherwise indicated. Powder
coating can constitute the total or a part of a paint system. The finished colors shall
be in accordance with Norðurál´s color codes in Appendix 1.

(b) Where powder coating constitutes the finishing layers on hot-dip galvanizing the hot-
dip galvanizing and powder coating shall be carried out on the same premises without
transportation or interim storage out of doors or in humid conditions. Before powder
coating takes place, the hot-dip galvanizing layer shall be inspected for occurrences
of white rust (zinc oxide and zinc hydroxide). Prior to powder coating light blast
cleaning shall be applied.

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(c) The individual work operations in the application process shall be carried out within
the time frame recommended by the coating supplier.

Paint schedules
The paint schedule shall be as specified in the following table. Final color and paint systems are
specified in tables A.1, A.2 and A.3 in appendix 1.
Table 7.1 Norðurál Paint Schedule.

No Item Special considerations Paint system

0 General Indoor
Paint systems NA-1-Ch-In or
Paint system NA-1-Ch-Out
or NA-2-Ch-Out
1 Instrument panels, control Indoor
panels, junction boxes and Paint system NA-1-Ch-In
switchgear enclosures.
2 Cable ladders Galvanized only
3 Structural steel Indoor
Paint systems NA-1-Ch-In or
Paint system NA-1-Ch-Out
or NA-2-Ch-Out
4 Purlins and rails Cleaned according to Part Indoor
6.2 (g) and any damaged Galvanized according to
areas repaired as Part 6.5. and painted
specified in 6.5. according to Paint system
Galvanized according to
Part 6.5 and painted
according to Paint system
5 Galvanized pipes Indoor
Galvanized according to
Part 6.5 and painted
according to Paint system
Galvanized according to
Part 6.5 and painted
according to Paint system
6 Mechanical equipment Indoor
Paint system NA-1-Ch-In
Paint system NA-1-Ch-Out
or Thermally sprayed
according to part 6.4 and
then painted according to

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7 Alumina storage silos New steel shop primed Areas under high abrasion
according to Paint system - Paint system NA-1-Ch-Im
NA-1-Ch-Shop. The Other areas - Paint systems
surface needs to be NA-1-Ch-Out or NA-2-Ch-
sweep blasted if Out
deteriorated beyond Ri 2
(EN ISO 4628-3)
8 Flooring and Hand railing Cleaned according to Part Outdoor
6.2 (g) and any damaged Galvanized according to
areas repaired as Part 6.5 and painted
specified in 6.5. according to Paint system
9 Carbon steel pipe flanges Outdoor
Paint system NA-1-Ch-Out
or NA-2-Ch-Out
10 Galvanized pipe work Cleaned according to Part Indoor
6.2 (g) and any damaged Paint system NA-3-Ch-In
areas repaired as Outdoor
specified in 6.5. Paint system NA-3-Ch-Out
11 Galvanized items Cleaned according to Part Indoor
6.2 (g) and any damaged Paint system NA-3-Ch-In
areas repaired as Outdoor
specified in 6.5. Paint system NA-3-Ch-Out
12 Fixings Connections between After fixing, bolt heads,
galvanized surfaces and washers and nuts shall
copper, copper alloy or receive two coats of zinc
aluminum surfaces shall rich paint.
be protected by suitable
tape wrapping subject to
approval by the Owner
13 Hot surfaces: 120°C Subject to approval by Hot surfaces inside
continuous temperature and owner. Paint system NA-1-Ch-Hot
135°C peak temperature When coating live Hot surfaces outside
 Potroom ductwork equipment considerations Paint system NA-2-Ch-Hot
 Filter compartments must be taken to
 Ductwork between temperature of the coated
Filters and Stack surfaces which may be up
 Main Exhaust Fans to 140°C when coated.
 Stack

Maintenance and Touch Up of Corrosion-Protection Coatings

Cleaning of surfaces
(a) In general for cleaning of surfaces, reference is made to Part 6.2 in this Standard.

(b) All surfaces to be painted shall be free from dirt, grease, dust, salts, etc. and shall be
cleaned prior to application of an additional paint layer. The old coating must have a
faultless binding to the under layer, which shall not be affected by the additional layer.
The entire surface must be prepared by hand using appropriate detergents and
rinsed with clean water. The surface shall fulfill SSPC SP 1.

(c) Where minor damages to paint are to be repaired the surfaces shall be cleaned of all
corrosion products and loose and flaking paint with mechanical devises. Mechanical
cleaning shall be carried out with spark free devices to St 3 according to EN ISO
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(d) Spot blasting which can be carried out shall be according to Sa 2.5 according to EN
ISO 8501. Coatings near repairs shall be smoothen down.

(e) All types of pre-treatment of remaining corrosion-protection coats that are to be

overpainted shall be carried out cautiously to avoid damage. Transitions between
bare steel and intact corrosion protection shall be gradual, and the edges must be
sanded down and the area cleaned before it is re-painted with the number of coats
that have been damaged.

(f) For total repainting of structural elements blast cleaning may be used if appropriate.
Blast cleaning shall be according to EN ISO 8501-1. Abrasive materials shall be in
accordance with EN ISO 11124 and EN ISO 11126. The blasting abrasive shall be
chosen so that the specified roughness and cleanness is obtained.

(g) Prior to selecting paint system, the generic type of the existing coat should be tested
by rubbing the surface with a cloth wet from xylene. If the existing paint is easily
dissolved, the existing system is physically drying, if the cloth becomes only slightly
discolored, the existing paint system is chemically hardening. Chemical curing
coating cannot be applied on top of physically drying coating. In case of chemically
hardening the subsequent paint systems should also be chosen from table A.2 in
appendix 1; in case of physically drying system, the subsequent paint systems should
be chosen from table A.3.

Application of paint
(a) In general for application of paint, reference is made to Part 6.3 in this Standard.

(b) Recommended painting system for painted surfaces shall in general be in

accordance with table 7.1 in this standard. If the existing coat is tested to be
physically curing (section 8.1(g)) then the equivalent physically curing coating system
should be chosen according to table A.3 in appendix 1.

(c) Recommended painting system for galvanized surfaces (not to be over coated) shall
be according to Part 6.5 (i).

(d) Final color shall match the original color of the undamaged surfaces of the steelwork.
For larger areas the color shall be in accordance with Appendix 1.

Bright parts coating

(a) Treatment at Maker's Works: Coat with a mixture of oil, grease or approved
proprietary inhibitor.

(b) Treatment at Site after Completion of Erection: Clean and polish.

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Appendix 1
Norðurál Color Codes
Table A.1- Norðurál Color Codes

Item Location Color Abbr. Ral Color Code

Compressed air Na Grey CA RAL 7001
Fluidizing Air Na Light blue FA RAL 5012
Air Slide Na Blue green SA RAL 5021
Potable Water Na Blue PW RAL 5017
Process/Cooling Water Na Green IW RAL 6029
Diesel Fuel Na Grey RAL 7001
LPG Fuel Na Orange GF RAL 2008
Hydraulic Na Brown HY RAL 8002
Virgin Alumina Na White VA RAL 9003
White w/Yellow RAL 9003
Reacted Alumina Na RA
Backslashes RAL 1018
Alumina Fluoride Na White AF RAL 9003
Crushed Bath Na Blue Green CB RAL 5021
Carbon Dust Na Violet DC RAL 4001
Carbon Classified Na Purple CC RAL 4006
Fire Hydrant and Equipment Na Red FI RAL 3020
Yellow RAL 1023
Orange RAL 2009
Pot Tending Machine Potroom PTM
Blue RAL 5017
Green RAL 6032
RAL 1023
Crane indoor Yellow/Red
RAL 2009
Alumina Storage Silos Outdoor Blue NCS 4050 B10G
Structural steelwork Indoor Mid-Grey RAL 7032
Structural steelwork Outdoor Blue NCS 4050 B10G
Cladding of roof, walls and roof
External Blue NCS 4030 B30G
Cladding of roof, walls and roof
Internal Blue NCS 0603 G39Y
Flashings External Blue NCS 4030 B30G
Flashings Internal Blue NCS 0603 G39Y
Gutters Blue NCS 4050 B10G
Both Sides
Galvanized Steel Doors Blue NCS 4050 B10G
Sectional Overhead Doors Blue NCS 4050 B10G
Escape Doors Yellow RAL 1018
Flooring and Hand railing Outdoor Yellow RAL 1018
Steelwork, Fume Treatment Plant
Mid-Grey RAL 7032
Hot surfaces Na
Instrument panels Indoor Mid-Grey RAL 7032
Relay panels Indoor Mid-Grey RAL 7032
Control panels Indoor Mid-Grey RAL 7032
Junction boxes Indoor Mid-Grey RAL 7032
Switchgear enclosures Indoor Mid-Grey RAL 7032
Holding furnace Cast house Grey HF RAL 9006
Casting line Cast house Grey CL RAL 9006
Trough System Cast house Grey TS RAL 9006
Platforms/ hand rails Cast house Yellow AP RAL 1023
Casting line structure Cast house Blue C RAL 5013
Gear motors Cast house Blue GM RAL 5013
Strapping machine Cast house Yellow SM RAL 1023
Robot Cast house Yellow RM RAL 1004
Vehicles Rodding shop Yellow RAL 1023
Machinery Rodding shop Grey RAL 7038
Lower Walls Rodding shop Yellow RAL 1023
Upper walls Rodding shop Grey RAL9018
Access doors Rodding shop Blue RAL 5015

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Surface Treatment and Painting Doc.no. NA-03-STS001
Revision no.: 1.0

Yellow RAL 1023

Safety colors Rodding shop Green RAL 6018
Red RAL 3026

Norðurál Coating Systems

These tables show physical drying and chemical curing coatings systems for the different
corrosivity categories C3 indoor and C5-M outdoor. All systems have the expected lifetime above
15 years for the given indoor and outdoor exposure. All systems require initial cleaning to fulfil
SP 1. Standards referenced in tables are EN ISO 8501-1 (Cleanness) and EN ISO 8503-1

10.2.1 Chemical Curing Coating Systems

Table A.2: Chemical Curing Coating System (Topcoat dissolves not in xylene thinner)
Type of Surface ISO 12944 Expected Coating type (dry film
Nr Substrate
cleaning preparation Category Lifetime thickness range)
Steel Spot Cleanness C3 >15 years 2-3 x Surface Tolerant High
repairs / St 3 (spot A3.09 build epoxy (125-150 µm)
Full only) / 1-2 x Polyurethane (50-75
NA-1-Ch-In blasting Abrasive Sa µm). Total dft 200 µm
2.5 minimum.
Medium (G)
Steel Spot Cleanness C3 >15 years 1 x Epoxy zinc (50-70 µm)
repairs / Sa 2.5 A3.11 1 – 2 x High build epoxy
Full Roughness (75-100 µm)
blasting Medium (G) 1-2 x Polyurethane (50-75
µm). Total dft 160 µm
Hot Decreasing Cleanness C3 >15 years 1 x Surface Tolerant High
dipped Mechanical A7.10 build epoxy (50-70 µm)
NA-3-Ch-In galvanize or light 1-2 x Polyurethane (50-75
d steel sweeping µm). Total dft 120 µm
Steel Spot Cleanness C5-M >15 years 2 – 3 x Surface Tolerant
repairs / St 3 (spot A5M.02 High build epoxy (245-300
Full only) / Sa 2.5 µm)
blasting Roughness 1-2 x Polyurethane (50-75
Medium (G) µm). Total dft 320 µm
Steel Spot Cleanness C5-M >15 years 1 x Epoxy zinc (50-70 µm)
repairs / Sa 2.5 A5M.06 2 – 3 x High build epoxy
Full Roughness (125-175 µm)
blasting Medium (G) 1-2 x Polyurethane (50-75
µm). Total dft 320 µm
Hot Decreasing Cleanness C5 >15 years 1-2 x Surface Tolerant High
dipped Mechanical A7.13 build epoxy (250-270 µm)
NA-3-Ch-Out galvanize or light 1-2 x Polyurethane (50-75
d steel sweeping µm). Total dft 320 µm
Zinc/alumi Decreasing Cleanness C5-M >15 years 2-3 x Surface Tolerant High
num Mechanical A8.02 build epoxy (165-190 µm)
or light

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Surface Treatment and Painting Doc.no. NA-03-STS001
Revision no.: 1.0

1-2 x Polyurethane (50-75

µm). Total dft 240 µm
Steel Full Cleanness Im >15 years 1 x Epoxy primer (50-70
blasting Sa 2.5-3 A6.04(H) µm)
Roughness 2 -3 x Epoxy glass flake
NA-1-Ch-Im Rough (430-450 µm)
Medium (G) 1-2 x Polyurethane (50-75
Total dft 560 µm minimum.
Steel Full Cleanness C3 >15 years As per suggestion subject
blasting Sa 2.5-3 A3.11 by approval by owner
NA-1-Ch-Hot Roughness
Medium (G)
Steel Full Cleanness C5 >15 years As per suggestion subject
blasting Sa 2.5 A5M.06 by approval by owner
NA-2-Ch-Hot Roughness
Medium (G)
Steel Full Cleanness C5 >12 1 x Zinc ethyl silicate shop
blasting Sa 2.5 N/A months primer (15-30 µm).
Roughness Total dft 15-30 µm.
Medium (G)

10.2.2 Physical Curing Coating Systems (Topcoat dissolves in xylene)

These specifications are only for maintenance of existing coatings that are physically drying and
dissolve in xylene. Adhesion and compatibility tests need to be done to ensure full integration.

Table A.3: Physically curing coating system used in maintenance program

Type of Surface Expected Coating type (dry film
Nr. Substrate 12944
cleaning preparation Lifetime thickness range)
NA-1-Ph-In Steel Spot Cleanness C3 >15 years 2 x Surface Tolerant High
repairs Sa 2.5 or A3.03 build epoxy or acrylics
mechanical St 3 (130-165 µm)
1-2 x Acrylics (40-70 µm).
Total dft 200 µm
NA-2-Ph-In Steel Spot Cleanness C3 >15 years 1 x epoxy zinc (50-70 µm)
repairs Sa 2.5 A3.12 1 – 2 x High build epoxy
or acrylics (65-85 µm)
1-2 x Acrylics (40-70 µm).
Total dft 160 µm
NA-3-Ph-In Hot Decreasing Cleanness C3 >15 years 1 x Surface Tolerant High
dipped and Spot Mechanical St 3 A7.07 build epoxy or acrylics
galvanize repairs (90-120 µm)
d steel 1-2 x Acrylics (40-70 µm).
Total dft 160 µm

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Surface Treatment and Painting Doc.no. NA-03-STS001
Revision no.: 1.0

NA-1-Ph-Out Steel Spot Cleanness C5-M >15 years 3– 4 x Surface Tolerant

repairs Sa 2.5 or A5M.02 High build epoxy (320
mechanical St 3 µm)
1-2 x Acrylics (40-70 µm).
Total dft 360 µm
NA-2-Ph-Out Steel Spot Cleanness C5-M >15 years 1 x epoxy zinc (50-70 µm)
repairs Sa 2.5 A5M.06 2 – 3 x High build epoxy
(250-270 µm)
1-2 x Acrylics (40-70 µm).
Total dft 360 µm
NA-4-Ph-Out Zinc/alumi Decreasing Cleanness C5-M >15 years 2-3 x Surface Tolerant
num and Spot Mechanic St 3 A8.02 High build epoxy (240
repairs µm)
1-2 x Acrylics (40-70 µm).
Total dft 280 µm

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