June 1985

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30 June 1985
15 January 1968



This specification is approved for use by all

Departments and Agencies of the Department of


1.1 Scope. This specification covers the requ rements for three types and
two classes of electrolvticallv formed anodic coat ngs on aluminum and
aluminum alloys for non~archit~ctural applications

1.2 Classification. Anodic coatings for aluminum and alumtnum alloys

shall be of the following types and classes, as specified (see 6.2.1):

1.2.1 Types

Type 1A - Conventional coatings produced from chromic acid bath (see

Type 18 - Low voltage chromic acid arodizing (20V)
Type II - Conventional coatings produced from sulfuric acid bath (see
Type 111 - Uniform Anodic Coatings (see 3.4.3)

1.2.2 Classes.

Class 1 - Non-dyed (natural, including bichromate sealing).

Class 2 - Dyed.


2.1 Government documents.

2.1.1 Specifications, standards, and handbooks. Unless otherwise

specified, the following specifications, standards, and handbooks of the issue
listed in the issue of the Department of Defense Index of Specifications and
Standards (OODISS) specified in the solicitation, form a part of this
specification to the extent specified herein.

Beneficia? comments (recommendations, additions, deletions) and any pertinent data

which may be of use in improving this document should be addressed to: Systems
Engineering and Standardization Department (Code 93), Naval Air Engineering
Center, Lakehurst. NJ 08733-S100, by using the self-addressed Standardization
Oocument Improvement Proposai (DO Form 1426) appear!ng at the end of this document
0“ or by letter.


DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A, Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.
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MIL-C-5541 Chemical Conversion Coatings On Aluminum

and Aluminum Alloys.
MIL-C-81706 Chemical Conversion Materials fo~ Coating Aluminum
and Aluminum Alloys.



FED-STD-141 Paint, Varnish, Lacquer, and Related Materials:

Method For Sampling and Testing.
FED-STD-151 Metals; Test Methods.
FED-STD-595 Color.


MIL-STD-105 Sampling Procedures and Tables for Inspection

by Attributes.

(Copies of specifications, standards, handbooks, drawings, and publications

required by manufacturers in connection with specific acquisition functions
should be obtained from the acquiring activity or as directed by the
contracting officer. )
2.2 Other publications. The following documents form a part of this
specification to the extent sDecified herein. The issues of the documents
which are indicated as DoD adopted shall be the issue listed in the current
DoDISS and the supplement thereto, if applicable.


ASTM B 117 Method of Salt Spray (Fog) Testing.

ANSI/ASTM B 137 - Weight of Coating on Anodically Coated Aluminum,
Measurement of.
ASTM B 244 Thickness of Anodic Coatings on Aluminum and of
Other Nonconductive Coatings on Nonmagnetic Basis
Metals with Eddy Current Instruments, Measurement
ASTM D 822 Light and Water Exposure Apparatus (Carbon-Arc Type)
for Testing Paint, Varnish, Lacquer and Related
Products, Recommended Practice for Operating.
ASTM D 2244 - Color Differences of Opaque Materials, Instrument
ASTM G 23 Standard Practice for Operating Light Exposure
ADDaratus (Carbon-arc TvPe) with and without water
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I 141L-A-86250

(Industry association specifications and standards are generally available

for reference from libraries. They are also distributed among technical groups
and using Federal agencies.)
2.3 Order of precedence. In the event of a conflict between the text of
this specification and the references cited herein, the text of this specifi-
cation shall take precedence.


3.1 Materials. The materials used shall be such as to produce coatings

which meet the requirements of this specification.

3.1.1 8ase metal. ‘Thebase metal shall be sufficiently free from surface
defects, caused by machining, cutting, scratching, polishing, buffing, roughen-
ing, bending, stretching, deforming, rolling, sandblasting, vaporb]asting,
etching, heat treatment condition, alloy chemistry imbalance and inclusions,
that will cause test panels or parts not to meet all applicable requirements
for the type and class of anodize required. It shall be subjected to such
cleaning, etching, anodizing and sealing procedures as necessary to yield
coatings meeting all requirements of this specification (see 3.9).

3.2 Equipment and processes. The equipment and processes employed shall
be such as to uroduce coatinqs which meet the requirements of this specific-
ation. Unless” otherwise spe~ified in the contract, order or applicable drawing
(see 6.2.1), process operating conditions shall be at the option of the
supplier, subject to approval of the acquiring activity.

3.3 General.

3.3.1 Anodizing of parts and assemblies. Unless otherwise specified in

the contract, order or applicable drawing, parts and assemblies shall be
anodized after all heat treatment, machining, welding, forming and perforating
have been completed. Assemblies which contain non-aluminum parts such as
steel, brass or organic substances, which would be attacked by chemical or
electrolytic brightening (chemical or electropolishing) or anodizing solutions
or would prevent the uniform formation of the anodic coatings on the aluminum
surfaces or cause attack of the aluminum alloy, shall not be anodized as
assemblies, un?ess the non-aluminum surfaces are masked or electrically
insulated in a manner which produces satisfactory anodized parts.

3.3.2 Handling and cleaning. Parts shall be so handled during all

pretreatment, anodizing and post treatments that mechanical damage or
contamination will be a~oided~ The base metal shall be thoroughly cleaned
prior to anodizing. Abrasives containing iron, such as steel wool, iron oxide
rouge and steel wire, which may become embedded in the metal and accelerate
corrosion of aluminum and aluminum alloys, are prohibited as a means of
mechanical cleaning, prior to anodizing (see 6.2.1).
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flux. Parts shall have oxide and other interfering films removed by the use
of proper cleaning procedures so as to be clean and have water break free
surfaces. Unless otherwise specified in the contract, order or applicable
drawing, anodic coatings shall not be applied to assemblies which will entrap
the electrolyte in joints or recesses. Anodic coatings shall not be used for
assemblies where the electrolyte cannot be removed. When authorized by the
contract, order or applicable drawings, edges shall be masked to prevent
electrolyte entry. Spot welded assemblies are examples of assemblies
requiring edge masking. Residual electrolytes, especially sulfuric acid from
Type II baths, will engender corrosion of aluminum. Where coating of
assemblies is not authorized, parts of assemblies shall be anodic coated
before assembling. Post cleaning of anodized surfaces of these parts of
assemblies shall be accomplished with slightly acidic or deionized water in
order to allow for proper anodic seal.

3.3.5 Rework. Unless otherwise specified by the acquiring activity,

mechanically damaged areas from which the anodic coating has been removed may
be repaired, using chemical film materials meeting the requirements of
MIL-C-5541, Class 1A, brush application (MIL-C-81706, Method B). The reworked
area shall not exceed 1/2 inch in the longest dimension; or 5% of total
surface area, whichever is less.

3.4 Coatings. Conventional anodic coatings as specified in the contract,

order or applicable drawings, shall be prepared by any process or operation to
produce the specified coating on aluminum and aluminum alloys. The applied
anodic coating shall be uniform in appearance, free from breaks, scratches and
other defects which will reduce the serviceability of anodized parts or
assemblies (see 3.13).

3.4.1 Type I coatinqs. Type I coatings shall be the result of treating

aluminum and aluminum alloys electrolytically in a bath containing chromic
acid to produce a uniform anodic coating on the metal surface. Unless
otherwise specified in the contract, order or applicable drawing, Type IA
coating shall not be applied to aluminum alloys with a nominal copper content
in excess of 5.0 percent; nominal silicon contents in excess of 7.0 percent;
or when the total allowable contents of nominal alloying elements exceed 7.5
percent. For 7000 series alloys, Type IB coat’ hgs should be used. Heat
treatable alloys which are to receive a Type I coating should be in a temper
obtained by heat treatment, such as -T4 or -T6 prior to anodizing. Parts
having complex shapes in which solution may be entrapped shall be processed by
Type I process.

3.4.2 Type 11 coatinqs. Type 11 coatings shall be the result of treating

aluminum and aluminum alloys electrolytically in a bath containing sulfuric
acid to produce a uniform anodic coating on the metal surface.

3.4.3 Type 111 coating. Type III coatings shall be the result of treating
aluminum and aluminum alloys electrolytically to produce a uniform anodic
coating on the metal surface. Coatings conforming to Type III classifi-
cation, as specified in accordance with the contract, order or applicable
drawing, shall be prepared by any process operation to produce a heavy dense
coating of specified thickness on aluminum alloys (see 3.5). Type 111 coating
processes may be used to produce Type 11 coatings.

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3.5 Thickness. Thickness of Type III coatings shall be as specified in

a the contract, order, or applicable drawing. itardcoatings may vary in thick-

ness from 0.0005 inch (0.5 roil) to more than 0.004 inch (4 roils). If a
definite thickness is not specified in the contract, order or applicable

drawing, the nominal thickness of the coating shall be !).002 inch (2 roils).
Unless otherwise specified, the thickness of the coating shall not vary by
more than plus or minus ten percent (see 6.14.4).

3.6. Nominal content. Unless otherwise specified in the contract, order

or applicable drawing, Type I coatings produced from the anodizing baths shall
not be applied to aluminum alloys with a nominal copper content in excess
of 5.0 percent or a nominal silicon content in excess of 8.0 percent. Alloys
with a higher nominal silicon content than 8.0 percent may be anodized subject
to approval of the acquiring activity, provided data is submitted by the sup-
plier which shows that such coatings are equivalent to those obtained on alloys
of lower silicon contents.

3.7 Class 1 coatings. Class 1 anodic coatings of Types 1, 11 and 111

shall not be dyed or pigmented. Any natural coloration resulting from anodic
treatment with the various alloy compositions shall not be considered color-
ation. The characteristic color imparted by the bichromate sealing technique
shall also be considered as non-dyed coatings.

3.8 Class 2 coatings. Class 2 anodic coatings of Types 1, 11, and 111
shall be uniformly dyed or pigmented by exposure to a solution of a suitable
type dye or stain. The color on wrought alloys shall be uniform. Cast alloys
may exhibit dye bleed-out or lack of color associated with the inherent
porosity of the casting. The various dyes and pigments shall not be damaging
to the anodic coatings.

3.8.1 Co!or. When dyed or pigmented coatings are required, the color shall
be as speclf}ed by the contract, order or applicable drawing (see 6.2.1).

3.8.2 Casting alloys. Dyed casting alloys may shows slight lack of
uniformity. The degree of non-uniformity that is acceptable shall be
established by the procuring activity (see 6.2.1).

3.9 Defects. If variations in color pi tterns, pitting, brazing or other

defects are revealed as a result ofanodiz ng, this condition must be brought
to the attention of the acquiring activity

3.10 Detail requirements.

3.10.1 Types I and 11 coatings.

3.10. 1.1 Weight of coating. After sealing, Types I and 11 coatings shall
conform to the minimum weight requirements of Table I when tested in accordance
with 4.3,3 (see 6.11.6). When Type 11, Class 2, coatings are specified for
identification purposes on parts such as rivets to be mechanically deformed,
the minimum coating weight for Type II, Class i, coatings shall apply.

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3.10. I.2 Corrosion resistance. Sealed anodic coatings shall protect the
substrate metal when specimens or items are subject to the corrosion
resistance test specified in 4.5.3. When examining the specimen panels for
corrosion resistance, the specimen panels shall show no more than a few pits
visible without magnification. The specimen panels or finished products shal
show no more than a total of 15 isolated spots or pits, none larger than 1/32
inch in diameter, in a total of 150 square inches of test area grouped from
five or more test pieces; nor more than 5 isolated spots or pits, none larger
than 1/32 inch in diameter, in a total of 30 square inches from one or more
test pieces; except those areas within 1/16 inch from identification markings,
edges and electrode contact marks remaining after processing.

3. 10.1.3 Liqht fastness resistance. Items or separate specimens with

Class 2 dyed anodic coatings shall show no more fading or discoloration than
would be equivalent to a color difference of 3 units when subjected to the
light fastness resistance test specified in 4.5.4. Nhen specified in the
contract, order or applicable drawing, light fastness resistance shall be
determined (see 6.2.1).

3. 10.1.4 Thickness. The requirements for thickness for Type I and Type II
castings are specified in Tables III, IV, and V.

3.10.2 Type III coatings. Thickness of coatinq. Type 111 coatings shall conform to the

specified thickness requirements when tested in accordance with 4.5.1 (see
3.7.1). Type III coating thickness range is specified in Table IV.
3.10.2. 1.1 Weight”of coating. The weight of coatina mav be determined in
lieu of the thickness of coating (see at the-opt;on of the acquiring
activity. For Type III unsealed coatings, 4320 milligrams per square foot is
equivalent to 0.001 inch thickness when tested n accordance with 4.5.2 (see

3. 10.2.2 Abrasion resistance. The anodized coatings, applied by any

process for unsealed Type III coating, shall ha\e a hard abrasion resistance
finish. The items or separate specimens shall be subject to the abrasion test
specified in 4.5.5. For 2024 aluminum alloy and other copper bearing alloys,
the anodic coating loss shall not exceed 40 milligrams. Anodic coating loss
of all other aluminum alloys shall not exceed 20 milligrams when subject to
the abrasion test.

3.11 Sealing.

3.11.1 Types I and II. All Types I and II anodic coatings shall becom-
pletely sealed, unless otherwise specified in the contract, order or applic-
able drawing, by oxide hydration or absorption of metallic salt inhibitors.
If wetting agents are used they must be of the non-ionic type. (see 6.2.1).

3.11 .1.1 Class 1. Sealing shall be accomplished by immersion in a sealing

medium such as a 5 percent aqueous solution of sodium bichromate (pH 5.0 to
6.5) for 15 minutes at 90”C to 98°C (200° to 210°F), boiling deionized water,
or other suitable chemical solutions. If not otherwise specified, sealing
shall be in a water solution of the sodium bichromate heated at 90”C to 98°C
(200° to 210°F) for enhancing corrosion resistance of the anodic coating.

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3.11 .1.2 Class 2. Sealing shall be accomplished after dyeing by immersion

9 in a sealing medium, such as a hot aqueous solution containing 0.5 percent
nickel or cobalt acetate, (pH 5.5 to 5.8) boiling deionized water, duplex
sealing with hot aqueous solutions of nickel acetate and sodium bichromate or
other suitable chemical solutions (see 6.12).

3.11.2 Type 111. Type 111 coat~ngs shall not be seaJed where the main
function of application is to obtain the maximum degree of abrasion or wear
resistance. Where Type 111 coatings are used for exterior non-maintained
applications requiring corrosion resistance but permitting reduced abrasion
resistance, the coatings shall be sealed. Sealing for such Type 111 coatings
shall be accomplished by immersion in a medium, such as boiling deionized
water, in hot aqueous 5 percent sodium bichromate, in a hot aqueous solution
containing nickel or cobalt acetate or other suitable chemical solutions {see
6.2.]). Unless otherwise specified in the contract, order or applicable
dra~ing, Type 111 anodic coatings shall be furnished unsealed as Class 1
only. When unsealed, parts shall be thoroughly rinsed in cold, deionized
clean water and dried after anodizing.

3.12 Dimensions of coated articles. Articles or parts sha]l comply with

the dimensional requirements of the applicable drawings after application of
the anodic coating. (For interference in close fits of parts or assemblies
see 6.11.5).

3.13 Workmanship. The anodic coating shall be continuous, smooth, ad-

herent, uniform in appearance and shall be free from powdery areas, loose
‘films, discontinuities SUCh as breaks and scratches or other damage. The
size and number of contact marks shall be at a minimum consistent with gcd
practice. The location of contact marks shall be in areas of minimum exposure
to serv$ce environmental conditions when important to the function of the part.

3.14 Toxicity. The coatings and electrical/chemical processes used to

develop these anodic coatings shall have no adverse effect on the health of
personnel when used for its intended purpose and within the realm of kno~n
industrial practices. Questions pertinent to this effect shall be referred by
the contracting activity to the appropriate departmental medical serv?ce who
will act as an advisor to the contracting agency.

3.15 Paintinq. Primary painting operations should be performed on fresh,

uncontaminated, anodized parts within 48 hours of the anodizing process.

3.16 Oyeing or coloring. Anodic coatings for Class 2 application should

not be allowed to dry before dyeing or coloring. Anodic coatings to be dyed
or colored should be preferably coated by the Type 11 anodizing treatment.
Dyed or colored coatings should not be allowed to remain in rinse waters for
more than 5 minutes before sealing.


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4.1 Responsibility for inspection. Unless otherwise specified in the

contract or purchase order, the contractor is responsible for the performance
of all inspection requirements as specified herein. Except as otherwise
specified in the contract or purchase order, the contractor may use his own or
any other facilities suitable for the performance of the inspection require-
ments specified herein, unless disapproved by the Government. The Government
reserves the right to perform any of the inspections set forth in the specifi-
cation where such inspections are deemed necessary to assure supplies and
services conform to prescribed requirements.

4.2 Classification of inspection. The inspection requirements specified

herein are classified as quality conformance inspections and shall consist of
the following:

a. Process control inspection (see 4.3).

b. Lot sampling inspection (see 4.4).

4.3 Process control inspection.

4.3.1 Control records. The processor shall maintain a record of the

history of’each processing bath, showing all chemicals or treatment solutions
added to the unit, the results of all chemical analyses performed and the
quantity of parts coated during operation. Upon request of the acquisition
activity, such records, as well as reports of the test results, shall be made
available. These records shall be maintained for not less than one year after
completion of the contract or purchase order.

4.3.2 Analytical inspection. Analytical inspections of the process shall

be conducted and documented as may be appropriate (but not less than weekly)
for the processing method to assure that the equipment, procedures, and
operations employed by the processor shall be capable of producing high
quality anodic coatings on aluminum and aluminum alloys as specified in this

4.3.3 Process control tests. Frequency of tests. To assure continuous control of the process,

specimens shall be prepared and tested in accordance with Table II and 4.3.3.
The test specimens shall be prepared in accordance with through, as applicable. The tested specimens shall conform to the
requirements of this specification. These tests shall be conducted at least
once a month or more frequently if required by the procuring activity. These
tests are conducted to determine conformance of the anodic coatings with the
requirements of this specification and are acceptable as evidence of the
properties being obtained with the equipment and procedures employed. Test specimens. The test specimens for the process control
inspection shall be prepared in accordance with 1 through,
as applicable, for the anodic coating weight, corrosion resistance, light
resistance and abrasion resistance. If more than one a’uminum alloy is being
processed at the same time, the alloy representing the argest part of current
production shall be used for process control inspection specimens, that
is, all tests may be conducted with specimens made from that alloy. It is not
necessary to test specimens of every alloy being processed at one time.

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MIL-A-8625D Specimens for thickness and anodic coating weight. Random items
(if the surface area is measurable) or separate specimen panels, prepared as
specified herein, shall be selected at least once a Meek for determination of
coating weight. If separate specimens are required, they shall be aluminum
ailoy panels not less than 3 inches in length and width, 0.032 inch nominal
thickness, and of the same composition and temper as the production work and
anodized concurrently. The selected items or prepared specimen panels shall
be tested for artodlc coating weight either in accordance with ANSI/ASTFIB 137,
Height of Coating on Anodical!y Coated Aluminum, or the method specified in, at the option of the contractor, to determine conformance to the
requirements of, for the specified minimum weight of the Type I or
Type 11 coatings. The item or separatq specimen panel shall be considered
defective if the coating weight fails to meet the specified minimum weight and
no further work shall be processed untii adjustments have been made to bring
the coating weight up to the required minimum. However, if production in
accordance with this specification is not performed for a period of one week
01” longer, these tests shall be conducted at the beginning of production
start-up. specimens for corrosion resistance and Iiqht fastness tests.

If separate spec~mens for corrosion resistance and light fastness tests are
required, they shall be aluminum alloy panels not less than 10 inches in
length and 3 inches in width. Specimens shall be of an alloy of the same
composition and temper as the production work and anodized concurrently. Specimens for abrasion resistance test. If separate specimens

for abrasion reslst,ance test are required, they shall be aluminum alloy panels
4 inches by 4 inches, similar ~n composition and temper to the production work
and anodized concurrently.

4.4 Lot sampling inspection.

4.4.1 Lot. A lot shall consist of all articles, items, parts or components
with anodi~oatings of the same type and class, approximately the same size,
shape, thickness and color submitted for inspection at one time. The lot size
shall not exceed the number of parts, articles, items or components resulting
from one eight-hour production period.

4.4.2 Coated articles. Samp?es selected in accordance with shall

be inspected and visually examined for compliance with 3.13 after anodizing
and sealing.

4:4.3 Dimensional examination. Samples selected in accordance with shall be inspected for dimensional requirements for compliance with
3.12, unless otherwise specified by the acqui~ing activity (see” 6.11.5).

4.4.4 Sampling. Unless otherwise specified, sampling plans and procedures

in the determination of the acceptability of coated parts and articles sub-
mitted by a supplier shall be in accordance with the”provisions set forth in
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MIL-A-8625D Visual examination and dimensions of coated articles. Samples for

visual examination and dimensions of coated articles shall be selected from
each lot of coated parts and articles in accordance with the provisions of
MIL-STD-105, Inspection Level II with an Acceptable Quality Level (AQL) of 1.5
percent defective.

4.5 Tests.

4.5.1 Anodic coating thickness. The separate items or prepared specimen

panels shall be tested for anodic coating thickness in accordance with ASTM B
244, Measuring Thickness of Anodic Coatings on Aluminum with Eddy Current
Instrument, Method 520 or Method 520.1 of FED-STD-151, at the option of the
contractor, to determine conformance to”the requirement of If either
ASTM B 244 or Method 520 of FED-STD-151 is used, the thickness shall be
computed as the average of not less than eight measurements. If one or more
of the items or panels fails to meet the specified thickness range for the
Type 111 coatings (see 3.5) the lot represented shall be rejected. In case
of dispute, anodic coating thickness shall be determined by measurement of a
perpendicular cross section of the anodized specimen using a metallographic
microscope with a calibrated eyepiece.

4.5.2 Anodic coatinq weight. If the surface area is measurable, random

items or separate specimen panels, prepared in accordance with,
shall be selected. The selected items or prepared specimen panels shall be
tested for anodic coating weight either in accordance with ANSI/ASTM B 137,
Weight of Coating on Anodically Coated Aluminum, or the method specified in, at the option of the supplier, to determine conformance to the
requirements of, for the specified minimum weight of the Type I or
Type II coatings. The item or separate specimen panel shall be considered
defective if the coating weight fails to meet the specified minimum weight and
no further work shall be processed until adjustments have been made to bring
the coating weight up to the required minimum. Method. Anodic-coating weight determinations shall be

accomplished in the following manner:

a. The test panel or specimen of material to be tested shall be

weighed following the anodizing treatment. An analytical
balance or other instrument sensitive at least to 10 percent of
the net anodic-coating weight on the panel or specimen of
material shall be used. Specimens shall be cleaned and dried
for 30 minutes at 93°C (200”F) and allowed to cool to room
temperature before weighing.

b. Immediately following weighing, the test panel or specimen of

material shall be stripped by immersion in a phosphoric-chromic
acid soiution for 5 minutes at 100”C (212”F). The solution
shall consist of the following:

Phosphoric acid, 85 percent 35 milliliters

Chromic acid (Cr03) 20 grams
Water to make 1,000 milliliters

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The panel or specimen shall be removed from the solution, washed

in distilled water, dried, and weighed. The S-minute @xPOs~re
shall be repeated until the coating is completely removed, which
is indicated by the panel or specimen’s weight remaining
constant. The $trlpping solution shall be discarded after 1
liter of the solution has dissolved 5 grams of the anodic

c. After final weighing, the total surface area of the test

specimen shall be accurately determined.

d. The unit film weight shall be determined by subtracting the

weight in milligrams of the stripped panel or specimen from its
weight in milligrams prior to stripping and dividing by the
surface area expressed in square feet.

4.5.3 Corrosion resistance. When processed parts are such that they may
be conveniently adaDted for the corrosion resistant test, the actual parts may
be selected fo~ test in lieu of separate test panels prepared in accordance
with The selected items or specimen test panels shall be tested
for corrosion resistance in accordance with the method specified in Method. Specimens shall be washed iridistilled or deionized water,

dried with a soft cloth and then subjected to a 5 percent salt spray test in
accordance with Method 811.1 of FED-STD-151 or ASTM B 117, Method of Salt Spray
(Fog) Testing, except that the significant surface shall be inclined approxi-
mately 6 degrees from the vertical. Specimens with Types I and 11 coatings
shall be exposed for 336 hours. After exposure, specimens shall be examined
and, compared with unexposed specimens for the effects of corrosion to determine
compliance with

4.5.4 Light fastness resistance. (Class 2 only). Nhen processed parts

are such that they may be conveniently adapted for the radiation test, the
I actual part may be selected for test in lieu of separate test panels prepared
in accordance with,2,. The selected items or prepared specimen test
panels shall be tested for light fastness resistance by exposure to
ultra-violet radiation in accordance with either ASTM G 23 or ASTM D 822, for
a period of 200 hours, except that the specimens will be exposed continuously
to light without water spray. After exposure, the tested specimens shall be
compared with duplicate specimens not exposed to a light source for the same
period of time to determine compliance with If there is any visual
indication of appreciable fading or discoloration of the semimetalllc luster
or when determined by ASTM O 2244, Method for Instrumental Evaluation of Color
Differences of Opaque Materials, as compared with the unexposed specimens, the
dyed anodic films shall be considered unsatisfactory and the lot represented
by the specimens shall be rejected (see 6.7.)

4.5.5 Abrasion resistance. 14hen processed parts are such that they may be
conveniently adapted for the abrasion test, the actual part may be selected
for test in-lieu-of separate test panels prepared in accordanc~ with The selected items or specimen test panels shall be tested In
accordance with Method 6192 of FED-STO-141 using IX-17 wheels with 1000 gram
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load. The wheels shall revolve onthe anodic coating at a speed of 70

revolutions per minute (RPM) for 10,000 cycles. After abrading, the specimens
shal? be weighed to the nearest milligram and the weight loss obtained to
determine compliance with the requirements of If the amount of the
coating abraded is more than specified, the coating shall be considered

5.’ PACKAGING (Not applicable to this specification)


6.1 Intended use.

6.1.1 Types I and II. The conventional Types I and II anodic coatings
are intended to improve surface corrosion protection under severe service
conditions or as a base for paint systems. Anodic coatings can be colored
with a large variety of dyes and pigments. Types I and II coatings provide
better corrosion protection at higher cost than the chromate chemical
conversion systems (MIL-C-5541). Repair of mechanically damaged areas by the
use of materials conforming to MIL-C-5541 (see 3.3.5) will not restore abrasion
resistance but provide an effective means of reestablishing corrosion

6.1.2 Type III. Type 111 coatings are intended to provide wear and
abrasion resistant surfaces with improved corrosion protection due to greater
thickness and weight than the conventional anodic coatings. Sealing
of Type III coatings is not recommended unless corrosion resistance is also a
factor. Hear resistance is reduced by sealing. Anodic coatings form an
excellent base for most types of paint systems, adhesives and dry film
lubricants. Hard coatings may reduce fatigue strength. These factors should
be considered in proposed use of parts subjected to cyclic loads. Generally,
these hard coat,ings should not be used on parts or portions of parts which
normally during rework would require restoring of dimensional tolerances
because of wear of hard coated surfaces. Applications. Type 111 coatings are used in such applications as

valves, sliding parts, hinge mechanisms, cams, gears, swivel joints, pistons,
rocket nozzles, insulation plates, blast shields, etc.

6.2 Ordering data.

6.2.1 Acquisition requirements. Acquisition documents should specify the


a. Title, number and date of this specification.

b. Type of anodic coating (see 1.2.1, 3.5, 3.4.2, and 3.4.3).

c. Class of anodic coating (see 1.2.2, 3.7., and 3.8.1).

d. Special process operating conditions, if applicable (see 3.2).

e. Special cleaning and fabrication requirements (see 3.3.1, 3.3.2,

3.3.3 and 3.3.4).

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f. Type 111 coating thickness, if applicable (see 3.5).

9. Color of Class 2 coating, if applicable (see 3.8.1 and 3.13).

h. Color requirement for small parts identification, if app’ icab’ e


i. Light fastness resistance, if applicable (see 3.10.1,.3).

j. Coating weight for thickness, Type 111, if substituted


k. Special sealing requirements (see 3.11).

1. Special sampling plans (see 4.4.4).

m. Corrosion resistance (see

n. Oegree of non-uniformity of dyed casting alloys (see 3.8.2).

6.2.2 Exceptions to drawings. When either Type or Class of anodic coating

or both, are not specified on drawings, except for hard coatings, then either
Type I or Type 11, Class 1 or Class 2, anodic coating may be furnished at the
option of the contractor within the limits of this specification.

6.3 Painting. When anodized coatings are required to be painted, the

parts should be dried and painted as promptly as possible, during which time,
exposure to contamination should be kept to a minimum. Prior to painting,
anodized or sealed parts, wiping, buffing or mechanical operations should be
kept toa minimum. This may damage the relatively soft outside layer of the
anodic coating and make the coat susceptible to subsequent paint adhesion

6.4 Electrolytic action. Severe attack by the electrolyte on castings or

welds may be occasioned either by unsound castings, improper welding practice,
difference in composition between the weld and the base metal or, particularly
in the case of the sulfuric acid process, the retention of the solution in
cracks, crevices, or irregular surfaces. Severe attack by the electrolyte may
also be caused by contaminants in the electrolyte, particularly chlorides or by
improper racking of the parts.

6.5 Anodizing rate. Aluminum and aluminum alloys may be conveniently

grouped by anodizing rate, especially in the case of the chromic acid process
(Type 1) for conventional coatings. However, either the chromic (Type 1) or
the sulfuric acid process (Type 11) will anodize mixed loads satisfactorily,
depending upon local processing preference. Suppliers are cautioned that,
especially in the sulfuric acid process, the anodizing time will have to be
sufficiently long tc assure that the slower anodizing alloys have at least a
minimum coating thickness. In some cases, this may result In \mproper
coatings on the fast anodizing alloys.

6.6 Color match. FEO-STO-595 may be used as a guide for specifying color
of anodic coatings. The color standards in FED-STO-595 are intended for paint
finishes and should be used for approximate comparison only with the anodic
coatings. (see 6.2.?).

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6.7 Light-fastness. The black dye has been found satisfactory by the
Department of the Army in post-anodic processing of Type II coating to meet
the requirements of light-fastness (see when tested in accordance
with 4.5.4.

6.8 Lapping. The Type III anodic coatings generally have increased

surface roughness as well as having the property of being softer on the top
surface thafldown in the core of the coating toward the base metal. Such
coatings may be processed oversized and then lapped or honed down to the final
desired dimension.

6.9 Coating baths. For information, it should be noted that processes

providing .other coating electrolytes for the conventional coatings may be
aqueous solutions containing oxalic acid, boric acid plus ammonium borate and
nitrides. There are proprietary processes requiring coating electrolytes,
other than sulfuric acid, for the Type 111 coatings; for example, the various
Alumilites, the Martin Hard Coat, the Sanford, the Hardas and others. One of
the Alumilite processes requires an aqueous solution containing both sulfuric
and oxalic acids for the bath. Other baths used less frequently and for
special purposes employ sulfosalicylic, sulfamic or sulfophthalic acid

6.10 Chemical brightening and polishing. Chemical brightening can be

beneficial by improving the appearance and corrosion resistance, in smoothing
the metallic surface by removing certain contaminants and in enhancing the
continuity of the anodic coatings on aluminum alloys (see 3.3.3).

6.11 Design information. 0

6.11.1 Surface dimension of parts. On specifying the thickness of coat-
ings, especially for the Type III coatings, allowance must be made for {
dimensional increase. Both a machining dimension and a coated dimension should
be placed on applicable drawings. An increase in dimension, equal to one half
of the thickness of the applied coating, can be expected for each surface coat-
ed due to surface growth. For example, for a 0.004 inch (4 roils) coating on
close tolerance parts, a pre-machining allowance of 0.002 inch (2 roils) per
surface must be made prior to hard coating. If close fits are specified in
design drawings, buildup in thickness caused by anodic coatings. especially
Type 111, may result in interference on assembly.

6.11 .1.1 Holes. In the case of small holes and tapped holes, coating
thickness can vary from no film to a full normal coating. Holes, both tapped
and not tapped, over 1/4 inch shall be anodized. Parts with Type II coatings,
external or internal, with a total tolerance of 0.0004 inch or less, if lapped,
honed or stoned to size after anodizing, must be subsequently treated in ac-
cordance with MIL-C-5541 to provide surface protection. Discoloration on the
surface that has been sized is acceptable (see 6.8). The designer is
cautioned to require adequate thread and hole sealing operations in subsequent
assemblies as may be required to produce the necessary corrosion resistance.

6.11.2 Thread dimensions. All anodic coatings will affect thread

dimensions for external and internal threads; the major and minor diameter
will be increased 2 times the amount of growth (see 6.11.1). The pitch
diameter for threads having an included angle of 60° will increase 4 times the

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amount of growth. For threads having an included angle, other than 60°, the
pitch diameter will increase 2 ttmes the anwntofgrowth (see 6.11.1) divided
by the sine of 1/2 the included angle.

6.11.3 Fabrication. Successful use ofanodic coatings, especially the

hard Type 111, depends on proper product design. 3ecause of the manner Of
formation, anodic coatings will develop voids at sharp corners and edges.
Sharp edges and corners are difficult to anodize satisfactorily and in general
should be avoided. All edges and inside corners should be radiused prior to
anodizing. Chamfering should not be used unless resulting sharp edges are
radiused. In general, to avoid any uncoated edges or lns~de. corners, the
piercing and blanking operations should comply with the radii of curvature for
nominal coating thicknesses as in Table 111.

6.11.4 Coating thickness. Thickness of the heavy Type 111 coating can be
controlled to extremely close tolerances. Anodized coating can be obtained
with tolerances of as little as + 0.0001 inch (0.1 roil). With all anodizing
processes used primarily for eng~neering rather than for decorative purposes,
a number of highly specialized techniques are used for operation control. One
method that may be employed is to carefully measure the coated part whtle
still wet and replace It in the bath for a fixed period of treatment.
Calculations based upon a calculated rate of coating per uriitof process~ng
time may be used as the basis for determining the exact duration of processing
required for the specific alloy being coated.

6.11.5 Coating dimensions. Table IV gives thickness ranges of anodic

coatings that can be a~plied on aluminum and aluminum alloys. All anodic
coatin~s are harder than the substrate material. If inter~erence is required
for assembly, and is accomplished by force fitting, Type I and some Type II
coatings are too thin, too soft and too brittle to withstand abrasive damage
during such assembly. With Type 111 coatings, however, assemblyman be
accomplished by grinding, lapping or otherwise removing the surplus coating.
Coatings of all types are brittle and may crack and span due to force

6.11.6 Coating weight - thickness relationship.

6.11 .6.1 Thickness. Table V gives typical minimum thickness in inches of

anodic coat ngs Formed on some wrought and cast alloys that could comply with
the minimum weight for coating requirements in accordance with Table I for
Types I and II, Class 1.

6.11 .6.2 L!lE_U. For exterior surfaces processed from sulfuric acid
electrolyte! (Type 11) that are cleaned regularly, a thickness of at least
0.0004 inch (approximately 2450 milligrams per square foot) will assure high
resistance to weathering. For exterior parts that are handled frequently or
kept without maintenance, a minimum thickness of 0.0007 inch (approximately
38%mi?l igrams per square toot) should be required. For ordinary applica-
tions for interior service, coatings 0.0004 inch thick are ample. b$here
abrasive resistance is not a factor and parts are not normally handled, thick-
ness of 0.00013 to o.000z5 inch (900 to 1700 milligrams per square foot) may M

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. .

6.11.7 Effect on fatigue. The fatigue properties of aluminum alloys can be

severely reduced by anodic coatings. The amount of reduction varies with the
process. As a general rule, the thicker the coating the greater the effect
will be.

6.12 Duplex sealing. The corrosion resistance of dyed parts, especially

those anodized in a sulfuric acid bath, Type II, may be enhanced by treatment
in a sodium bichromate solution either during or after conventional sealing
with nickel acetate. This treatment can cause slight changes in the color of
the dye. Paint systems adhere very satisfactorily to duplex sealed dyed coat-
ings. However, where any objection with such duplex sealing application is
warranted because of a firmly desired coloration, the dual process for sealin9
should not be used.

6.13 Changes from previous issue. Asterisks are not used in this revision
to identify changes with respect to the previous issue due to the extensiveness
of the changes.

Custodian: Preparing activity:

Army - MR Navy - AS
Navy - AS (Project no. MFFP-0265)
Air Force - 20

Review activities:
Army - AR, AV, MI, MU
Navy - EC, OS, SH
Air Force - 70,71, 80, 82, 99

User activities:
Army - AT, EL, GL, ME

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TABLE I. Types I and II anodic coating Wei9hts.

Milligrams per square foot (minimum)
Type class 1 Class 2

I 200 500

11 600 2500 ~/

~1 For wrought alloys of the 2000 series (such as 201], 2014, 2017,
2219, 2024, etc.) where copper is the major alloying element and
for casting a?loys with a nominal copper content of 1.0 percent
or greater (such as 213.0. 222.0, 242.0, 296.0, 333.0 and 852.0)
etc. , the the minimum coating weights shall be 1400 milligrams
per square foot.

TABLE 11. Process control tests and specimens.

Applicable Specimen
Test type size Requirement Preparation

o Coating Weight 1, 11

Corrosion resistance 1, 11

Light fastness ~1 I, 11

Abrasion resistance 111

—. .. .

~/ Production part or specimen of same alloy.

{/ Ligi!t fastness te~~ is Iequl[ecl only wher; specified in the contract, order
or applicable drawing. If mme than one alloy is being processed in
production, test speclwens shall be used for the alloy with the largest

TABLE 111. Radii of curvature for nominal coating thickness.

!lominal coating Radius of curvature on

thickness, inch edge and inside corner

0.001 approximately 1/32 tnch

0 0.002 approximately 1/16 inch
0.003 approximately 3/32 inch
0.004 approximately 1/8 inch

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,.. .


TABLE IV. Th ckness ranges of anodic coatings on al Iminum and aluminum ——al w

Coating type Thickness range, inch

0.00002 to 0.0003
1! 0.00007 to 0.0010
III 0.0005 to 0.0045

TABLE V. Minimum thickness (typical) in inch of anodic coatings.

Thickness of coating, inch

Alloy designation
Type I Type 11

1100 0.000029 0.000093

2024-T4 0.000125
2024-T6 0.000044
3003 0.000035 0.000103
5052 0.000033 0.000098
5056 0.000021
6061-T6 0.000034 0.006099
7075-T6 0.000040
Alclad 2014-T6 0.000045
Alclad 7075-T6 0.000041
295-T6 0.000107
356-T6 0.000102
514 0.000086
-“” Downloaded from http://www.everyspec.com on 2011-04-16T12:39:06.
. -.


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