Op V6 Manual en V11
Op V6 Manual en V11
Op V6 Manual en V11
User Manual
1. Brief Introduction of Digital Operator....................................................................................... 2
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Leds on the top of the operator display controller current state simply and directly. The
definition and display function of each LED, as shown in chart 1.
Name Function
DRV When the controller is in operation, the led light.
FWD When the controller is in forward running operation, the led light.
REV When the controller is in reversal running operation, the led light.
COM When the controller communication is normal, the led light.
ERR When the controller is in fault, the led light.
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Controller enters the main interface after power on. The main interface is shown in Figure 2.
The main interface displays the main information of the elevator in present status, including
floor number, elevator speed, running direction, door lock status, running mode, fault code and
else. On the main interface, the above information is live updated.
Elevator Control
State 1 AUTO ER : 10 Current Fault
FLOOR 1 0.00 m/s Speed Feed
Elavator State 2
The instructions for the information shown in the Digital operator LCD display interface are as
5. Present error:
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The connection for the digital operator of the opening controller is as follows: remove the front
cover of the controller, connect one side of the special communication cable to digital operator,
and connect the other side to the USB1 connection on the main board. Make sure the
connection is securely; install the front cover of the controller.
1. The installation, dismantle, insert and remove of the digital operator can be
carried out when the controller is power-on. That is to say, hot plug is accepted by
the digital controller.
2. Please install, dismantle, insert and remove the digital operator carefully to avoid
unwanted damage of the digital operator.
3. Please save the removed digital operator and communication cable well, DO NOT
press, damage the operator or put it in extreme environment.
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The structure and interface switch process of the digital operator, as shown in Figure 3.
Elevator Control
FLOOR13A 1.00m/s
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4. Parameter Setting
Floor Data(F0)
Set Indication06
F0-10: 6
In the interface of parameter menu: Press [ENTER] key to enter the interface. (First, it should
input the correct user password in the environment setting menu, otherwise, pressing the
[ENTER] key will enter the interface of user password setting. So please pay attention to
distinguish the factory password and user password. If you want to input the factory password,
please press the [ESC] key, returning to previous menu, then press the [DOWN] key to change
the prompt to “input the factory password”, after that press the [ENTER] key, entering to the
interface of the inputting factory password). Press the [UP] or [DOWN] key to check all the
parameters. Please press the [ENTER] key to enter the interface of parameter menu. Please press
[LEFT] or [RIGHT] key to move the arrow to left or right. Press the [UP] or [DOWN] to increase or
decrease the value that the arrow point at. After setting the value, please press the [ENTER] key
to save the parameter.
Some parameter values are combination values of the status. Their setting cannot follow the
above flowchart directly and should follow the ToolTip in the parameter changing interface.
Press [RES] key to enter the bit parameter setting interface to set the status value as per the bit.
After enter the bit parameter setting interface, press [UP] or [DOWN] key to check the status of
the present bit. When the status of the present bit need to be changed, press [ENTER] key to
enter the status change interface. In the status change interface, press [UP] or [DOWN] key to
check the status of the present bit, press the [ENTER] key to save the status of the present bit,
press [ESC] key to return the Previous Menu
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Input Type
5. Commissioning Parameters
In commissioning interface: Move the arrow by pressing [UP] key or [DOWN] key to carry out the
operation, press [ENTER] to enter the selected interface.
In floor selection interface: Press [UP] key or [DOWN] key to check the car call status in present
floor. If need to set car call on current floor, press [ENTER] key in the interface to save the car call
information. In the interface, the information follow “F:” is the present floor the elevator car at.
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In the interface of door control: Press [LEFT] key in the interface to carry out the command
“opening front door”. Press [RIGHT] key to carry out the command “close front door”. Press [UP]
key to carry out the command “open rear door”. Press [DOWN] key to carry out the command
“close rear door”, Press [RES] key to cancel all the commands.
Modified(D) [ENTER]
Door Ctrl(D1)
Floor Sel(D0) Open A[ ] B[ ]
Door Ctrl(D1) [ESC] Close A[ ] B[ ]
Motor Ctrl(D2) [RES] to cancel
In Motor Control interface: Press [UP]/ [DOWN] key to select the running mode is continuous
running or JOG. In continuous running mode, press [RUN] key to start motor first, press [UP]/
[DOWN] key to increase/decrease the motor given speed. The motor given speed can be
negative (negative speed means motor reverse run), press [ENTER] key to save the given speed.
Press [STOP] key to stop the motor. In the mode of JOG, press [UP]/ [DOWN] key to
increase/decrease the JOG operation frequency, after press the [ENTER] to save the setting, and
then press the [RUN] key to start, and press the [STOP] to stop the operation.
The process of operator to control the motor running is shown below in the Figure 8.
In interface of call testing: Press [UP]/ [DOWN] key to check the connections for all floors.
Normally, it displays running success, otherwise it shows fails. Press [ESC] key to return to the
Previous Menu.
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Modified(D) [ENTER]
Call Test(D3)
Door Ctrl(D1) 01 call test
Motor Ctrl(D2) [ESC] D3-00:Success
Call Test(D3)
[ ]
[ ]
Call Test(D3)
02 call test
[ ]
[ ]
[ ]
[ ]
Call Test(D3)
06 call test
Comm Test(D4)
Car: OK OK Group Communication
Sys: OK OK Duplex Communication
Car Communication
System Communication
OK Communication normal
ER Controller receiving data error (please check communication connection & car control
board), when there appears a numerical value, it refers to the times of error on car control board
OK communication good
ET the controller sending data error (please check landing call communication connection),
when there appears a figure, it refers to the times of error on system communication.
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ET/ER Duplex control system communication abnormal (When choose this option)
6. Save Parameter
In the interface of saving parameter, press the [ENTER] to save all the parameters in the F menu.
During saving process, LCD will display “Waiting”; after saving, it will display “Success” or
“Failure”. The flowchart of saving parameter is shown in the Figure 11.
7. Hoistway Learning
In hoistway learning interface: when status display “To Down limit”, the hoistway learning
cannot start directly. The elevator should manual run to the down limit position first, and “To
Down limit” status disappear, the screen will display “[ENTER] to start”, press the [ENTER] key to
start hoistway learning. During the learning process, the interface will display the current
learning floor and display the status of “Waiting”, when the hoistway learning is completed, the
status will display “Success”, when there are errors during the hoistway learning, the status will
display “ERR” and display error code. Press [ESC] key to return the Previous Menu.
8. Motor Auto-tuning
Motor Auto-tuning includes two parts: Motor angle tuning and motor parameter tuning. In the
interface of Motor Tune: Press [UP] or [DOWN] key to move the arrow to select related tuning
information; Press [ENTER] key to enter the pointed tuning interface.
In the interface of Motor Angle Tuning and Motor Parameter Tuning, press [ENTER] to start
turning. During tuning, the operator display “waiting”; after tuning, it will display “success”.
During tuning, if there is error, the tuning process will be terminated, and LCD will display “Tune
End”, and the status is “error”, with error code followed.
Before auto-tuning process, make sure to set the parameters in the F5 & F8 menu
Make sure motor has no load, first carry out motor parameter tuning, then carry out the motor
angle tuning. Press [ESC] key to return to the previous menu. The flowchart of the motor learning
is shown in Figure 13.
Motor Tune [ENTER] Angle Tune(X0) Angle Tune(X0) Angle Tune(X0) Angle Tune(X1)
Angle Tune(X0) Tune start? [ENTER] Tune start Tune End Tune End
Para Tune(X1) [ESC] Waiting Success ERR RF1
[ENTER] to start
[ ]
[ ]
Motor Load Tuning also includes two parts: Light loaded tuning and Full-loaded tuning.
In the interface of load tuning: Press [UP] or [DOWN] move the arrow to select related tuning
information; press [ENTER] key to enter the pointed tuning interface.
In light-loaded tuning or full-loaded tuning interface: Press [ENTER] to start tuning process, the
operator display the present status. Press [ESC] key to return to the Previous Menu.
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Load Tune
[ENTER] to start
In the interface of time setting, the last two digit of “Year”, “month”, “day”, “hour”, “Minute”
and “second” are editable, press [LEFT] or [RIGHT] to move the arrow to the right place. Press
[UP] or [DOWN] key to change the pointed value. After setting: Press the [ENTER] key to save.
Press [ESC] key to return the Previous Menu.
[ ] [ ]
Set Time
In the interface of Fault Record: Press [UP] or [DOWN] key to check the elevator and controller
fault record. Press [ENTER] to enter the selected fault record, press [UP] or [DOWN] key to check
the latest 30 fault history record.
Each elevator fault record includes error code, time, elevator status at fault (Floor number,
running direction, running speed, I/O state), and related information. This helps to find the root
cause of the elevator fault and guide the elevator maintenance.
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Each controller fault record includes error code, time, elevator status at fault and other
important data (Running speed, line/BUS voltage and current).This helps to find the root cause of
the controller fault and guide the elevator maintenance.
The flowchart of the fault record check is shown in the Figure 16.
[ ]
[ ]
[ ]
[ ]
Fault Reaport [ENTER]
Elevator Fault [ESC]
In environment initialization interface, the display language, the parameter visit grade, input
password and the shortcut menu of the operator can be set.
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Initialization [ENTER]
Language Sel Language Sel ……
A0-00:CHN [ESC] A0-00:CHN
[ ]
[ ]
Initialization [ENTER]
User Password User Password ……
A0-01:00000000 [ESC] A0-01:00000000
[ ]
[ ]
Initialization [ENTER]
Factory Password Factory password ……
A0-02:00000000 [ESC] A0-02:00000000
[ ]
[ ]
Initialization [ENTER]
Contrast Contrast ……
A0-04:5 [ESC] A0-04:5
The flowchart for the language selection is shown in the Figure 18.
Initialization [ ] Initialization
Language Sel Language Sel
A0-00:CHN [ ] A0-00:ENG
Press [UP] or [DOWN] to select language, and press [ENTER] key to save the selection.
In the interface of password, press the [LEFT] or [RIGHT] key to move the arrow to the pointed
position, press [UP] or [DOWN] key to increase or decrease the pointed value, press the [ENTER]
key to input the password. When password input is incorrect, “invalid password” will be
displayed, and the password cannot be changed at this time. When the password input is correct,
“Password OK” will be displayed, next press [ENTER] first then press [RES] key to enter the
password setting interface and reset the password. Resetting password is similar to input
password. Finally press the [ENTER] key to save the new password.
The flowchart of the password input and change is shown in the Figure 19.
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The process of the factory level password input and setting refers to the user level password
input and setting.
Set the LCD display gray scale. Press [RES] key to change the display grayscale.
The function parameter copy is to simplify the parameter setting and commissioning process,
especially for multiple elevators with same configurations. After finishing the parameter setting
and commissioning of one elevator, this function can copy all the parameters (Saved in the digital
operator memory), take the digital operator and connect to other elevators, copy all the
parameters to the controller, check parameters, and the elevator can run normally.
In the interface of parameter copy: Press [UP] or [DOWN] key to move the arrow to carry on the
necessary operation, press the [ENTER] key to start operation.
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If necessary, the controller can be restored to the factory (default) setting. Press the [ENTER] key
to restore the factory setting, the interface will display the status and the result.
The flowchart of restore the factory setting is shown in the Figure 22.
The interface of the Blue-Light machine input is showing in Figure 23(a). The input content has
three parts, separated by “.”. The first part is the model number (separated in 4 digits), the
middle part is encoder resolution information, the last part is the PG model. The detail
information is showing in Figure 23(b).
Use [UP] or [DOWN] key to set the content of the pointed area, then press the [ENTER] key to
confirm. The cursor is then moved to next bit. If the pointed area is not set, the cursor will not
move even you press the [ENTER] key (Except the 4th number of the machine model, e.g. S1.0D-
as the last number is empty, you can press the [ENTER] key directly to set the next bit).
The flow chart of the Blue-Light machine input is shown below in Figure 24 (S0.75D as an
SL Motor Type
S0.75 D-.2.0
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