ST-PMC1 Single-Axis Motion Controller Operating Manual

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ST-PMC1 single-axis motion controller operating manual

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Ⅰ.Features .............................................................................................................................. 3

Ⅱ.Front panel diagram............................................................................................................ 3

Ⅲ. Back panel diagram and signal descriptions....................................................................... 4

Ⅳ. The controller connection diagram: ................................................................................... 5

Ⅴ. The operation flow chart ................................................................................................... 5

Ⅵ. parameter setting: ............................................................................................................ 7

Ⅶ. program editing and Detailed instructions: ...................................................................... 8

Ⅷ.The manual operation mode: ........................................................................................... 10

Ⅸ. Automatic operation mode ............................................................................................. 10

Ⅹ. Installation dimensions .................................................................................................... 11

Ⅺ. Editing and application examples: ................................................................................... 12

Ⅻ. directive search form ....................................................................................................... 14

ⅩⅢ. Parameters search form............................................................................................... 15

ⅩⅣ. Button search form ...................................................................................................... 16

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• Number of controlled axis: Single axis; can achieve a variety of complex operation: positioning
control and non-positioning control;
• The maximum output frequency: 40KHZ;
• Output frequency resolution: 1Hz;
• Programmable maximum number of rows: 99;
• Signal input: 6 (optical isolation);
• Signal output: 3 (optical isolation);
• A continuous displacement range: -7,999,999 ~ 7,999,999;
• Operating state: Auto-run mode, manual operation, the program edit mode, parameter setting
• Lifting speed curve: 2 (optimization);
•Display digits: 8 digital display, manual / automatic status display, run / stop status display, the
number of steps / counts / procedures display, edit the program, parameter display, input /
output status display, pulse and direction display ;
• Auto-run feature: You can edit, you can control the start and stop operation ect. automatically
through the panel buttons and adding switches that connected to the back of the terminals;
• Manual operation functions: position adjustment (manual jog speed and jog the number of
steps can be set);
• Parameter setting function: Starting frequency, acceleration and deceleration curve, reverse
clearance, manually run length, manual speed, back to zero speed and interrupt jump the line
all can be set;
• Program editing functions: You can insert, delete, modify the program. The controller can
identify the error Instruction;
• Return to Zero features: It can return to zero from the positive and negative directions
•The number of programming instructions: 14;
•External operating functions: interrupt operation through parameter setting and add switches
that connected to the terminals A and B;
• Power supply:DC 24V;
Ⅱ.Front panel diagram
1. 8 digital led Segment displays;
2. 6 input status indicator;
3. 3 output status indicator;
4. CP pulse signal indicator;
5. CW direction signal indicator;
6 Keys: 10 keys total, and most of the composite keys,
they represent different functions in different states,
the following description, we just take one of the
functions represents a key. Figure I: operation panel

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Ⅲ. Back panel diagram and signal descriptions
1. CP, CW, OPTO for stepper motor drive signal ;
CP: pulse signal
CW: direction signal
0PT0: Public male end before the two signals
2. RUN: Start running the program, The same function as
“Run” of the operation panel;
3. STOP: Pause program is run automatically, The same
function as “Pause” of the operation panel, After starting
again, the program continues to run;
4. A: A operation
B: B operation
Figure II: Back panel diagram
“A operation” and “B operation” this is a major feature of the controller:
For stepper motors, we generally quantitative positioning control, such as controlling the
displacement of the motor must be running at a constant speed ,In this way it is easy to solve,
just put the amount and speed of displacement of the programming can be.
But there are quite a lot of control is not positioning in advance, such as controlling the
stepper motor in one direction from the starting point to start running until he hit a switch after
stroke stop, then reverse direction back to the starting point. Another example requires the
stepper motor running back and forth between the two limit switch several times, and so on. In
these operations, we do not know in advance the specific value of the stepper motor
displacement, and how they should be programmed it? The controller uses: to interrupt the
operation, which we call "A Operation" and "B operation” ,for example," A operations", workers
workflow is: when the program is running. If "A operation" signal input, motor decelerates to
stop, Program interruption, the controller remembers interrupted coordinate values, the program
jumps to the "A operation" entry address specified programs run the program;
5. IN1 and IN2 Switching signal input terminal
6.OUT1, OUT2 and OUT3 Switching signal output terminal,
7.COM +, COM- : the power supply of external input and output devices, this power supply is
DC24V, COM + is the positive terminal of the power supply,COM- negative side;
8. +24V: The positive power supply ,GND: Negative power supply;
The signal RUN, STOP, A , B , IN1, IN2 called the input signal, they have the same input interface
circuit. OUT1, OUT2,0UT3 called the output signal. They have the same output interface circuit.
Both input and output optical isolation circuit to ensure that the internal and external controllers
do not interfere with each other;
The state of the input signal and output signal, corresponding indicator on the panel. For input,
input low (switch is closed) Indicator light; For output signal, the output 0 is low, the light is off,
the opposite will light.

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Figure Ⅲ switch input circuit
When the switch is turned on, Input level is low, on the front panel indicator lights, the program
is defined as 0.

Figure Ⅳ switch output circuit

Output of low output, load conduction, front panel indicator lights, the program is defined as 1.
Ⅳ. The controller connection diagram:
Power supply:DC24V

Input devices: External
Start button、Limit switch 、 ST-PMC1 stepper motor drive
Photoelectric switch
Stepper Motor Controller r

Output signal control relay、 stepper motor

indicator light

Figure Ⅴ controller connection diagram

Ⅴ. The operation flow chart
Controller always operate in one of four states: automatic mode, manual mode, the program edit
mode, parameter setting state. Power or press the Reset, Controller to be run in automatic mode,
the cursor coordinates 0, then you can start the program to run automatically or switch to
manual mode, program editing state and parameter setting status can only switch in manual
mode. Editing completed or parameter setting procedure is completed, press the Quit to return
to manual mode (the program will be saved) ,in manual mode, if you switch to program edit
mode, simply press the Edit button, if you switch to the parameter setting state, press Set more
than 2 seconds.
(Note: The above mentioned Edit, Set, Quit, is the same button, we introduce a feature, the
button's name only choose one, the same below)

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press ∧ ∨ to set another
Press Edit/Quit CP ------
Power on or Rest more than 2 seconds
Parameter setting status
A:After power on or Rest, Coordinates Jf ------
to reset, As the coordinate zero, In Press Edit/Quit
standby mode;
B: Memory is not cleared, the data
transferred to the last stored Press Enter edit
memory(Please refer to the "Program parameter
Edit") Jf 00400

Press ﹤ or ﹥ Select the

Auto ModeL 000000
This step is step number
Jf 00400
display, You can switch
Press Manual mode press ∧ ∨ edit
the display mode for the
count or program Auto/Jog -11- 000000
Jf 01400

Press Enter save parameter

Press RUN Press < or > Return to previous menu

Automatically run the program Motor run in accordance

and displays the current status: with the appropriate amount Press Edit/Quit
the coordinate values, count or of displacement in the more than 2 seconds
program lines direction and speed of

Press STOP Press STOP Program edit state

00 speed
Program pauses Pause manually run

Press ﹥Move the cursor

Press Home Press RUN Press Home 00 speed

Motor back to zero Press Enter enter data

in accordance with Motor back to zero in accordance editing
a pre-set speed with a pre-set speed 00400

A operation or
B operation press∧∨edit number

Motor interrupt the current operation,

for deceleration stop, remember the
Press Enter Go to the next
current coordinate value, then the
line editing
program pointer operations into A or B
operation specified by the entrance to 01 end
the program.
Press Insert the new
program line

Until all programs are modified

or completed entry

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Ⅵ. parameter setting:
Out of the way of parameter setting status is: In manual mode, press Edit and hold the
button for 2 seconds or more , enter the parameter setting state. After parameter setting is
complete, press the Quit button to return to manual mode (parameters will be saved).
Parameters displayed in two rows, the first row shows the name of the parameter, the second
line shows the parameter data.
Parameter changes: After entering the parameter setting state, the first line of the display:
jf------. Former two parameter name in flashing: press∧∨, Will display the next or previous
parameter name, press Enter, Will enter the edit state (next row) parameter data, when the first
bit of data flashing display, press∧∨, data will be changed. press <>, Will move to the next
one to be modified, after the data modification, press Enter Save changes, press Cancel discard
changes and exit.
N Name parameter Data range Parameter Description
O display form (unit)
1 Off frequency JF- - - - - - 400-3999 If the set value is less than 400Hz, the system will alarm;
JF X X X X X X (Hz) Users can set different off frequencies according to their actual situation

2 Rising and rS- - - - - - L、 H The controller has two internal optimization rising and falling speed curve,L is
falling curve rS X (stripe) a slow curve; H to a faster curve, to select a different rate of rise and fall curve
based on the actual load situation.
3 Backlash CC- - - - - - 0-9999 Mainly used to compensate the rotation mechanism(such as a
compensation CC XXXX (pulses screw, gear, etc.) The amount of displacement caused by the backlash
compensation is not displayed on the controller.

4 Manual HL- - - - - - 1-999999 In manual mode, the manual operation is a displacement of the
increment HL X X X X (pulses stepper motor; If the set value is equal to 0, the system will alarm.
XX number)
5 Manual speed HF- - - - - - 1-39999 In manual mode, manual operation is running speed stepper motor; If the set
HF X X X X X (Hz) value is equal to 0, the system will alarm.
6 Back to zero bF- - - - - - 1-39999 When zeroing operation, stepper motor speed; If the set value is equal to 0, the
speed bF X X X X X X (Hz) system will alarm

7 A Operation" Na- - - - - - 00-99 When the program is running, if the "A Operation" signal input port, the motor
entry address NA XX (Line number) for the deceleration stop the program at this interruption, the application
remembers interrupted coordinate values, the program will jump to this line
number specified
by the program at run the program.

8 B Operation" nB- - - - - - 00-99 When the program is running, such as Gao "B Operation" end signal input, the
entry address nB XX (Line number) motor will slow down to stop the program at this interruption, the application
remembers interrupted coordinate values, the program will jump to this line
number specified by the program run the program.

9 Pulse mode CP- - - - - - 0、1 CP = O represented as a single pulse output, CP-side rear panel output step
CP X pulse, CW-ended output direction level; CP = I expressed as a single pulse
output, CP-ended output on the rear panel forward step pulse, CW-ended
output inversion step pulse.

In short, the set parameters through ∧∨<> "Enter", "Cancel" six buttons to complete the six:
by moving left and right keys to move the cursor to the appropriate position, then the digital
display will beat, and then through the upper and lower keys to change the value: use the Enter
key to enter the data modification status, after the data modification is completed, confirm with
the Enter key to exit or discard the changes with Cancel button. Please refer to the "List of
operational processes."

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Ⅶ. program editing and Detailed instructions:
Out of the way the program editor is: In manual mode, press the "Edit" button. To enter the
program edit state. After the program editing is complete, press the "Quit" button back to
manual mode (parameters are automatically saved)
Program area of the controller can edit up to 99 instructions, each instruction in the program
there is a line number, line number for automatic numbering starts from OO arranged in order,
you can insert or delete a row in the program, but the line number will be reassigned.
The program format is: Each program is divided into two-line display (except no parameter
program), the first line displays the line number and command name, and the second line shows
the instruction data. The last instruction of the program is fixed to "END",
In short, modify the program by "∧” “V" "<” “>" “insert” “delete” "Enter" "Cancel" eight
buttons to complete: by moving left and right keys to move the cursor to the appropriate position,
then beat the digital display will then change the value via the arrow keys: Use the Enter key
enter data modification status, after the data modification is completed, confirm with the Enter
key to exit or discard the changes with Cancel button. Please refer to the operation flow chart.

Program editing instructions

P rogram edit Operate procedure
Enter edit mode In manual mode, press the “Edit” button
Exit edit mode Under the state program editing line numbers flashing state, press the “Quit” key
to return to the manual mode, the program will automatically save

Clear the When the program editing line numbers flashing, press and hold " Clear "button
program for 2 seconds or more, until the first 00-line instructions for END time.

First clear the program area, then only one program, 00 row END command,
and then press the "Insert" button, Directive 00 line program into a PAUSE, and
flashing display; press the "∧" "∨"command name was changed; until you find
the desired command, and then press the" Enter "to enter the command data
area (no parameters for command, enter the program after the completion of this
entry a new section entry), press ∧∨<>to modify, After the changes are complete press
program the "Enter" button, enter this line program is completed, you can see the next line
becomes END command, then press the "Insert" key entry program with the
same way until all program entry is completed.
Special Note: When you enter a new program obviously is the correct procedure,
but the alarm controller error, this happens in a branch instruction: like JUMP
instruction, J-BIT directive, J -CNT if these three directive Skip the line number
where this instruction is greater than the current line number, due to the jump
target has not been entered, the controller will misjudge entry line number is
wrong, in order to avoid this, we require a new program at the time of entry, these
three instructions Jump in the line number that appears temporarily replaced with
00, after the program is completed entry, Change the line number 00 to the
correct line number.

Modify program Reference above, " entry a new program " approach, modify the current program

Insert program When the program edit state line number is flashing, press the "Insert" button to
insert a new row above the current program, the program modification operations.

Delete program When the flashing line number in the program editor, press the "Delete" key, the
program is deleted, the following program automatically move up.

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Browse When the program editor line numbers flashing, press "∧" "∨", you can browse
program command name of each line of the program, but you want a quick look at the
instruction parameters, how to do it, you just click the "<" key, the parameters will
flashing a second.

Detailed instructions for directive(HH- line number, XXXXXX-- data)

No. Directive Directive to display Description
Name the form
Pause HH 一 PAUSE Program pause and wait for the panel start button or terminal
1 directive No arguments operation start signal or A, B operation signal.

2 HH_G-LEN When executing this directive, the controller will be conferred the
Displacement ±XXXXXX latest SPEED assignment, displacement volume parameter
directive settings specified in this directive set off frequency, acceleration
and deceleration curve, backlash compensation, and control the
motor running; If this instruction is not SPEED assignment, place
start frequency for running speed; Parameters of the first one is
the sign bit, 0 for positive displacement, - for negative
displacement; Parameters: -7999999 - +7999999 Unit: pulse
number if the argument is 0, it will alarm

3 Speed HH_SPEED All run this program following this directive will set the speed to
assignment XXXXX run until the next occurrence rate assignment directive;
directive Range of parameters: I a 39,999 unit: pulses / sec (Hz)
If the parameter is 0, it will alarm.

4 Delay HH_DELAY Delay time; parameters: I a 7,999,999 Unit: milliseconds; such as

directive XXXXXXX Gao parameter set to 0, the system will alarm.

5 Uncondition HH 一 JUMP Unconditional jump directive, parameter XX represents the

jump directive XX program to jump to the line number; XX line numbers when more
than END directive line numbers, alert prompts.

6 Cycle HH 一 LOOP From the current line to the specified line through the loop; first
directive XXXXXXX two digits of the line number (requires less than the current line),
after five of cycles (0 defined as infinite). When the line number
than the current line number, the system will alarm.

7 Move to HH_G0T0 Run to the specified location, in practical applications, this

a position ±xxxxxxx general location as a reference point in the system; first
parameter is the sign bit, a positive number indicates that the
zero point lies in the positive direction, negative, negative
direction indicates that this point is zero;
If the parameter value = 0, which returns zero;
Parameter Range: -7,999,999 + 7999999 Unit: pulse number

8 Output HH 一 OUT The first three parameters from left to right correspond to the
directive XXXX output terminals 0UT1-0UT3; while the corresponding front panel
LEDs 1-3 every three output has three options: O, I, N:.
0- corresponding output terminal is high, the load is not
conducting, panel lights off.
I- corresponding output terminal is low, the load is turned on, the
panel lights.
N- Maintain previous working state
The last one parameter, control buzzer
When 0- execute this command, a short buzzer sound; (Note: in
order to execute the program after the end of the next sound)
When 1- execute this command, a long buzzer sound; Note: in
order to execute the program after the end of the next sound)
When N- execute this command, the buzzer does not sound.

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9 Positioning HH_J-BIT The first two jumps for the line number indicating the position, the
Jump XX XX fifth bit input port IN1-IN2 is one of them; eighth to jump condition
(0 or 1); measured when the input port is set Jump to the
directive line when the state number, otherwise, the order of
execution. END command line number line number is exceeded,
will alarm.

10 Counting HH_J-CNT counter directive, The first two digits is the line number, specify
Jump XX XXXXX the location of the jump program; after five of the set value. When
the counter counts to or greater than the set value, then jump to
a specific line number, otherwise the order of execution. END
command line number line number is exceeded, it will clarm.

11 Variable HH_60-AB This directive is the displacement instruction, run mode like
displacement ±x HH-G-LEN±X XX XXX X , different is running displacement can't
know ahead of time, this is a variable displacement, generated
by the interrupt operation, the controller receives an interrupt
signal, the motor slows down to stop, at this point coordinates, is
the variable

12 Counter HH 一 CNT-1 This directive counter instruction, the internal controller has a
is No arguments counter unit with a capacity of 999,999, the counter value can
incremented 1 display real-time status display counter; counter values are not
directive automatically saved when power is off, unless you manually click
counter storage key “﹥”. After power on, it will automatically be
transferred to the stored value of the latest counter, this counter
incremented1 by this directive.

13 counter clear HH_CNT-0 This instruction to counter reset; This directive can also be
directive No arguments invoked with the button (in automatic mode),press: “V”to clear

14 Coordinate HH-CLR Execute this directive, the current coordinates and display are
cleared cleared, The controller redefines this coordinates of the new
coordinate zero ..
15 End HH 一 END End the program , When the program is running this directive,
of directive No arguments the controller automatically run ends
The directive, can’t be edited, and always at the last line of the

Ⅷ.The manual operation mode:

In automatic mode, press "Auto / Manual" will enter the manual mode, the former two-bit

digital tube will be displayed as to ,indicate that the manual states. Press“<” or “>”, the
motor will run manually in different directions, Speed and displacement of the running, as
determined by HF and HL of the parameters set, please refer to "Figure 6: Controller operation
flow chart “.
Ⅸ. Automatic operation mode
Power on the controller or press the reset button, automatically makes the coordinates cleared,
and redefines this coordinates of the new coordinate zero, reads the counter value, the controller
is in standby mode, press "Run "button or enter a start signal from the terminal, the controller
from the first row 00 program starts to run until the run to the last program END, then
automatically run ended, the controller returns to standby mode. Please refer to "Figure 6:
Controller Operation Flowchart"
In automatic mode, there are three kinds of different sub-states:
1. Standby mode: indicates that the controller is ready to run the program, simply press the Run
button or the input signal to start the program,after the run, also in this state.
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2. Autorun program status: indicating that the controller is running the program.
3. The automatic operation stop state: the controller is running the program is the stop button or
input from the terminal stop signal interruption .Run the program will wait to be started again at
the breakpoint.
In autorun program status:there are three different ways :( display by pressing the same key
“step” “count” “∧” to shift)
1. Step number display: controller displays the current coordinate values, unit: pulse number:
2. Count display mode: The controller displays the counter value of the counter unit:a single
current number:
3. Program display: controller displays the current program line and in which the program name.
To be able to distinguish between a good three sub-state automaton states and three display
mode on the display, we use a different display mode to display the difference between the first
two :( see table below)
Display Corresponding state Description
Step number (coordinates) When the actual coordinate values
display, displayed over six digits (including the
To be run in automatic mode sign bit), only Show the last six

Counter display, When the value of the counter more

To be run in automatic mode than six digits, only
Show the last six digits

Program display, The last six digits of the display, in

To be run in automatic mode order to express simple current
program with six-figure line, we used
3,4-bit display the current line
number: Bit 5 Empty: The first
instruction is referred to as 6,7,8-bit
display (refer to " directive search
form " directive abbreviation)
Steps number, counting, When the three display mode in the
program three display mode automatic operation display the first
automatic operation two are the same, scilicet
means the program under way.

Steps number, counting, When the current two digits flashing,

program three display mode
Automatic stop state it means that the program is
interrupted, the breakpoint is

Ⅹ. Installation dimensions
The controller uses the embedded instrument shell, small size and light weight (500g), recite the
front panel is 71mm*71mm, length of 105mm, specific dimensions shown below:

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Figure Ⅶ:installation dimensions
Ⅺ. Editing and application examples:
Example 1:
Parameter requirements: off frequency 2. 5KHz, lifting speed faster, backlash compensation is 0;
Operational requirements: to speed 2. 9KHz run 98,765 steps, then run 8765 steps in the
opposite direction at a speed of 15KHz, stop.
Parameter list:( Enter the parameter list parameter setting status changes) JF = 02500, rS = H, CC
Program Listing:00 SPEED 02900 ; assignment to run below the speed 2. 9KHz
01 G-LEN 0009876 ; motor running 98,765 steps forward
02 SPEED 15000 ; assignment to run below the speed of 15KHz
03 G-LEN -0008765 ; 8765 step motor is running in the opposite direction
04 END ; End of program;

Example 2:
Parameter requirements: When the starting frequency is 2.5KHz,the Lifting speed is Slow and
Backlash compensation is 12;
Operating Requirements:When running,Require for that after the buzzer tweet for a short
time,run 1234567 step as the speed of 39KHZ, Making three outputs for 101 state, after delaying
the time for 55.9 seconds, let the last two outputs state is 11, Program pause here, Until run
again, let the motor return to the starting point at the same rate on the other side that is
the 888 step positions, After reaching a predetermined position, the buzzer will tweet for a long
time, then the program ends!
Parameter List:(Enter the parameter setting mode to modify) JF = 02500, rS = L, CC = 0012.
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Program Listing :( enter the program edit state)
00 OUT nnn0 ; Let the buzzer tweet for a short time
01 SPEED 39000 ; Assign the speed as 39KHz
02 G-LEN 01234567 ; Motor runs forward 1234567 step
03 OUT 101n ; Making three outputs for 101 state
04 DELAY 0055900 ; delaying the time for 55.9 seconds
05 OUT n11n ; let the last two outputs state is 11
06 PAUSE ; Program pause here
07 GOTO -0000888 ; let the motor return to the starting point on the other side that is the 888
step positions
08 OUT nnn1 ; Let the buzzer tweet for a long time
09 END ; the program ends!

Example 3:
Operating Requirements: (Ignore the parameter setting) One object, from zero that run for
2.9KHz speed to run forward 100 step (this point as the reference point of the object); After the
reference point stopped, the output is 010; Detect the input, if INI = 0, the motor will return to
zero at the same speed. If INI ≠ 0, the motor will run forward 10,000 steps at a speed of 15KHz
and let buzzer alarm for a short time; And then will return to the reference point at a speed of
35KHz. If INI = 0, then return to zero, Otherwise, continue to follow the way of the first to
run.After return to zero ,The buzzer will alarm for a long time.
Program Listing :( enter the program edit state)
00 SPEED 02900 ;Assign the speed as 2.9KHz
01 G-LEN 00000100 ;Motor runs forward 100 steps
02 OUT 010n ; Let output state is 010
03 J-BIT 11 1 0 ;
04 SPEED 15000 ; IN1 ≠ 0, then assign the new speed as 15KHz
05 G-LEN 00010000 ; Motor runs forward 10000 steps again
06 OUT nnn0 ; Let buzzer alarm for a short time
07 SPEED 35000 ; Assign the speed as 35KHz, For setting the speed of returning to the
reference point
08 GOTO 00000100 ; Motor return to the reference point at the speed of 15KHz
09 LOOP 03 00000 ; Motor will run for an infinite loop ,until IN1 = 0, it will return to zero
10 SPEED 02900 ; Assign the speed of returning to zero as 2.9KHz
11 GOTO 00000000 ; Motor returns to zero at the of speed 2.9KHz
12 OUT nnn1 ; After return to zero ,The buzzer will alarm for a long time
13 END ; the program ends!

Example 4:
Operating Requirements: (Ignore the parameter setting) One object, from zero that run for a
high speed to run forward Until it came to the front of the limit switch, Then return to zero at the
same rate, the program ends. (Assume the system beginning frequency is 500Hz, the distance

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from the zero to proximity switch is greater than 100 000 steps, less than 100010 steps). Design
analysis: the variable displacement of this movement does not know its precise value, but only
know it's a general range (belong to a unknown variable). We use a method for interrupting
operation to solve this problem. We connect the limit switch to the A operating port, Due the
interrupt operation,the motor will slow down to stop, If run to the limit switch as a high-speed
directly,will produce overshoot, In order to avoid the overshoot, we use this method that the first
run as a high-speed ,then run as a low-speed (low-speed is below the starting frequency).
Parameter List:(Enter the parameter setting mode to modify) Setting A Operator address nA = 04,
other parameters are ignored.
Program Listing :( enter the program edit state)
00 SPEED 39000 ; assign the speed as 39KHz
01 G-LEN 0099000 ; First, high-speed close to, but can’t hit the limit switch
02 SPEED 00400 ; low-speed frequency must below the starting frequency
03 G-LEN 07999999 ; The amount of displacement is set to the maximum, to reach the limit
04 SPEED 39000 ; A Operator, assign the return to zero speed as 39KHz
05 GO-AB -A ; In the opposite direction, running the same amount of displacement,back to zero
06 END; the program ends!

Ⅻ. directive search form

N Directive Example Instructions, data range, unit Directive Directive
O. Name full name abbreviati
1 pause 00 PAUSE Program pauses, waiting for the start signal PAUSE PAU
2 displacemen 01 G-LEN According to the latest SPEED assignment speed, reverse G-LEN G-L
t directive -1234567 mobile 1234567 step; pulses number

3 Speed 02 SPEED Run this directive following assignment speed; 12345Hz SPEED SPD
assignment 12345 1-39999, pulses / sec (Hz)
4 Delay 03 DELAY Delay time: 1234567 ms 1-7999999, ms DELAY OLY
directive 1234567

5 Uncondition 04 JUMP Unconditional jump to the line XII program runs JUMP JMP
al jump 12 00-99, line number

6 Cycle 05 LOOP Jump from the current line to the (05) to 03 lines LOP
directive 03 12345 for 12,345 cycles 1-99999 (0 defined as infinite), LOOP
Times (only forward loop)

7 Move to 06 GOTO Control the motor running to coordinate the GOTO GOT
a position -1234567 position of -7999999- + is -1,234,567 7,999,999,
the number of pulses (0 equivalent return to zero)

8 Output 07 OUT Switch output is: 0UT = (K 0UT2 = 1,0UT3 OUT OUT
directive 03 01 N 0 unchanged internal buzzer a short sound (a =
long beep, N = no sound)

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9 Positioning 08 J-BiT If IN2 = 0, then 1.2 = Line number which jumps J-BIT J-B
Jump 19 20 to line 19 execution data,
5 = input port, 8 = Jump status

10 Counting 09 J-CNT 20 If the counter value> 12345, then jump to 20-line J-CNT J-C
Jump 12345 program execution 0-59999, natural number

11 Variable 09 GO-AB If the motor is running: the absolute value of the Go-rb GRB
displacemen -A displacement amount of A, A opposite to the
t direction and the soil A, ± B, the number of
pulses (Note: A, B itself as a symbol number)

12 Counter 11 GNT-1 Value of the counter is incremented by 1 (Max CNE-I CNI

Is count up to 999999)
13 Counter 12 GNT-O Counter is cleared CNE-O CNO
is cleared

14 Coordinate 13 CLR Current coordinates and displays are cleared, the CLR CLR
cleared motor this location as a new zero

15 End of 13 END End of program lines, the directive can’t be END END
directive edited, it always located at the last line.

ⅩⅢ. Parameters search form

N Name example Data unit Parameter Description
O. range
1 Off JF12345 400-3999 Hz According to motor size and load JF
frequency 9 inertia, etc. to choose parameters
2 Rising and rS H L,H Strip L slower; H faster (optimized design) RS
falling curve
3 Backlash CC1234 0 -9999 Pluse Backlash compensation transmission CC
compensatio number mechanism
4 n
Manual HH 23456 1-999999 Pluse When the manual mode, the amount of HL
increment number displacement of the stepper motor
5 Manual HF12345 1-39999 Hz When the manual mode, the stepper HF
speed motor speed
6 Back to zero bF12345 1-39999 Hz When return to zero BF
speed operation ,running speed of the
stepping motor

7 "A nA 18 00-99 Line A operation is interrupted, the program's NA

Operation" number entry address
8 "B nB 18 00-99 Line B operation is interrupted, the program's NB
Operation" number entry address
9 Pulse mode CP 0 0、 1 CP = O single pulse, CP = I double pulse CP

15 / 17
ⅩⅣ. Button search form
Button Function Instruction Use of state Use
run Start the program runs; Auto waiting to run status; Click
startup program continues run automatically stopped state;
to run When executing directive pause

enter Confirm the modification of Parameter setting state; Click

the parameters are valid; program edit state
Confirm the changes or
enter the program effective

Pause Pause program is run Automatic operation; manual Click

automatically; pause the operation status
program is being run

cancel Cancel modified Parameter setting state; program edit Click

parameters; Cancel modify status
or entry process

home let motor return to zero Auto waiting to run status; The Click
(position when power is automatic operation stop status;

Clear Clear all entered Program edit status; Click for 2

program; seconds or
delete Delete the current line Program edit status; Click

Auto Converted to automatic manual status; Click


Jog Converted to manual automatic status; Click

Insert Position in the program Program edit status; Click
above the current row
insert a new row program
Step Displays the status Auto waiting to run status Click
switches to coordinate
(steps) display

count Displays the status switch Auto waiting to run status Click
to count display mode

Program Displays the status switch Auto waiting to run status Click
to program display mode

edit Enter the program edit manual status; Click


set Enter the parameter setting manual status; Click for 2

status seconds or
quit From the program edit Program edit status; parameter Click
state or parameter setting setting status
state return to manual
mode, and save the file to
save the modified program
or parameters
Move Current position move to the Program edit status; parameter Click
cursor left setting status
to left
Quick Return after browsing Program edit status Click
View program, only the line
number and program
name, as this program to
see the data, click this
Move Current position move down Program edit status; parameter Click
cursor to one line setting status

16 / 17
is cleared

The current counter value is Auto waiting to run status


Move Current position move to the Program edit status; parameter Click
cursor to right setting status
Counter Save the current counter Auto waiting to run status Click
save value
reset Reset Controller Click

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