Digital Marketing by Jayakrishnan S (DM) PDF

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Course title : Digital Marketing

Batch : 2018-2020

Term :V

Credits : 2 credits

Faculty : Jayakrishnan.S

Email ID: [email protected] Mobile: 919886287474

About the Course:

Emergence of digital media has brought dramatic changes in the marketing environment
of companies across the globe. Digital marketing course focus on new media like Internet,
Social media, Search engines, mobile applications and their role and impact on business.
The course will also provide insights for students about key aspects organisations need to
consider for developing an effective digital strategy with a marketing perspective.

Course Objectives:

The course intends to: -

1. To provide students basic knowledge about the key concepts in Digital Marketing.
2. To acquaint students with new media, its emergence, relevance and impacts on business.
3. To understand the key aspects of digital marketing strategy and how to implement it.

Business Leadership: Marketing is one of the key functions in an organisation that

determines success of the organisation. With the emergence of new media, digital
marketing has acquired a strategic status. Students need to understand the importance and
aspects of digital marketing which can equip them to provide direction for digital strategy
for their organisations. The course contents focus on digital marketing, role of it and how
to utilise new media effectively.

Dealing with change: Current marketing environment is dynamic in nature. New media
is extensively used by companies for visibility and reach. The course provides insight about
digital marketing practices which may enable students to deal with changes in digital
marketing environment.

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Value Creation: Marketing is one of the vital functions that creates value in terms of
revenue, market visibility and market reach. The learning’s of this course will focus on
creating organisational and societal value using an effective digital strategy.

Course PEO 1 PEO 2 PEO 3 PEO 4 PEO 5

Digital Marketing Medium High High Medium High

Pedagogy: The course will be primarily delivered with article discussions and case
analysis. It will be supplemented with lectures regarding few topics. So, class preparation
is required for the course. Lecturers will focus on topics like concept of new media, digital
business models, search engine optimisation and social media etc.

Course Evaluation

Component marks
Class participation 15

Project 20

Case study/Article Presentation 25

Final Exam 40

Total 100

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Session Plan

Session Nos. Topics

1 Concept of New media, Transforming from Traditional to Digital values

Article- The Multi-Faceted Impact of Digital Media

E- Business Models
Case - Chai Point: Disrupting Chai, Uber – Pricing strategies and
Marketing communications*

Web designing and Traffic building, Essential elements – Effective Online

4,5 presence.
Article- How to acquire customers on the Web

6 Email Marketing
Article - Email is the best way to reach Millennials (Self-study)

Online and Interactive advertising

Case - confronts Click through competition*. Rocket Fuel* –
Measuring the effectiveness of online advertising

8 Search Engine Marketing & Optimisation- Defining SEO and SEM

Case- Air France- Internet Marketing *

Social Media marketing, Social Media analytics, Online Branding

9 Case - Volkswagen India- Das Auto, digitally. *, Baby centre –Creating a
social brand? *, Tech Talk- Creating a social media strategy
Article - Social Media analytics for enterprises

Mobile Engagement
10 Article- For Mobiles: Think apps not ads. Case - Flipkart’s App only
strategy: A game changer? *, In Mobi: Reimaging Mobile Advertising*
11-12 Online PR & Online Reputation Management
Case - Rebuilding the Trust: Maggi Way
13 Viral Marketing
Case- Mekanism: Engineering Viral Marketing *

Managing Digital strategy

14 Case - Online marketing at Big skinny *, Squatty Potty – Assessing digital
marketing campaign data*

Note: Cases * need to be presented by students which will be evaluated.

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Assessment Rubrics and Evaluation components
Evaluation component/Vision Class Descriptive Exams Project Case study/Article
and Mission elements participation presentation
Business Leadership Yes Yes Yes Yes

Dealing with Change Yes Yes Yes Yes

Value creation Yes Yes Yes Yes

Class Participation
Exceptional Excellent Accomplished Unacceptable
Common Attributes High involvement, Enthusiasm and Limited Lethargic and
energy with clear active participation participation disinterested
understanding and ability and acceptable level behaviour.
to convey it. Proactive of understanding
participation and high and interest.
interest level and ability
to comprehend the
Business Clear understanding Understanding Partial Lacks
Leadership about the digital strategy about the digital understanding understanding about
and ability to connect strategy and fair about the digital digital strategy and
with industry scenario. idea about it strategy inability to relate it
industry scenario concepts. with industry.
Value creation Providing insights about Providing insights Ability to Unable to provide
strategies and actions that about strategies and identify some any means of value
can create organisational actions that can action plan creation.
value. Providing new create which may
directions and means to organisational value create value
create value. to certain extent

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Descriptive Exams
Exceptional Excellent Accomplished Unacceptabl
Common Attributes Clarity about concepts and Clarity about Minimal clarity Inability to
ability to convey it. Precise concepts and about concepts and convey about
style/way of answering or ability to convey it ability to convey it the concepts.
analysing the question or in an effective in an acceptable
case with adequate analysis manner. manner
and inference.
Business Leadership Ability to look at issues and Ability to look at Partial Lacks idea
provide solutions through issues and provide understanding about issues
innovative and creative acceptable about issues and and solution
manner. Providing best solutions limited solution providing
solutions providing ability. ability
Dealing with Change Ability to identify situations Ability to identify Ability to identify Unable to
and suggest strategies to situations and situations and identify any
address change take into suggest strategies suggest strategies change and
account organisational which can address which is suggest
constraints. change to certain satisfactory strategies
Value creation Ability to suggest Ability to suggest Ability to suggest Unable to
approaches which can create approaches which approaches but not suggest
value to the organisation can create value to in a refined approaches
taking into account the the organisation manner. for value
organisational resources. which is acceptable creation.

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Exceptional Excellent Accomplished Unacceptabl
Common Attributes Clarity about concepts and More than adequate Satisfactory Poor Contents
ability to convey it. Precise Contents, contents, and no
style/way of answering or Adherence to Adherence to adherence to
analysing the question or submission submission submission
case with adequate analysis guidelines. guidelines. guidelines.
and inference.
Business Leadership Identifying and Identifying and Partial Lacks
understanding the skills and understanding the understanding understanding
strategies that can lead to skills and strategies skills and skills and
digital leadership. Ability to that can lead to strategies that can strategies that
convey it in an effective and digital leadership. lead to digital can lead to
refined manner. leadership. digital
Dealing with Change Ability to identify change in Ability to identify Ability to identify Unable to
an organisation and try to and understand change identify any
understand it in developing change in an change
skills to deal change. organisation.
Value creation Gaining insights about Gaining insights Ability to identify Unable to
strategies and actions that about strategies and insights about gain insights
can create organisational actions that can strategies and about
value. Developing a clear create actions which can strategies and
understanding about means organisational create value actions that
of value creation. value to certain can create
extent organisational

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Case study and Article presentation
Exceptional Excellent Accomplished Unacceptabl
Common Analysing issues in the Analysing issues in the Analysing issues in Analysing
Attributes case/article in the best case /article in a good the case /article in an issues in the
way, Adherence to manner, Adherence to acceptable manner, case /article
presentation guidelines presentation guidelines Adherence to in a poor
and ability to convey the and ability to convey the presentation manner
solution or analysis in an analysis and solution in a guidelines and without
interesting and effective manner which is good ability to convey the proper
manner which is and well above the solution and analysis analysis or
outstanding. acceptable manner. in a satisfactory solutions.
Business Ability to identify, Ability to identify Partly able to Unable to
Leadership understand instance to instance of digital identify instance of identify
demonstrate digital strategy and demonstrate digital strategy. instance of
strategy and looking it in a satisfactory manner. digital
with a different . strategy.
Dealing with Ability to identify Ability to identify Ability to identify Unable to
Change situations and facts which situations and facts and situations and facts identify
can be effectively utilised using to deal change in a situations
to address change. satisfactory manner and facts to
Students can provide deal with
effective and creative change.
solutions to address the

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Value creation Adding a different Adding a common Adding a common Unable to
perspective to the situation perspective to the perspective and provide any
and suggest means to situation and suggest suggesting usual perspective
create value take into means to create value means to create for value
account organisation and which can be improved. value which is creation.
industry. satisfactory

Digital Marketing Project Guidelines

Students need to create a fictional brand (Product /Service). They need to create a digital
marketing effort for the products or service. The project report should focus on website
contents, media planning and design aspects not on the software.

1) Website and Search engine optimization.

2) Integrated media strategy.
3) Future Digital initiatives or strategies– 1-2 page.
4) Scope for Mobile application development.
5) Your Key learning’s and Conclusion
Case study presentation Guidelines
1) Identify the facts or the core aspects in the given material.
2) Key problems and issues need to be identified.
3) Do the analysis based on the facts and within the framework of the topic.
4) Provide your suggestions and perceptive about the topic.
5) Conclusion.
6) Time limit for presentation – 20 minutes, Q&A /Discussion: 5 minutes

1. Chaffey, D., & Smith, P. R. (2013). Emarketing Excellence: Planning and Optimizing
your Digital Marketing (4th edition- Special Indian edition) - Routledge (Taylor and
Francis group)
2. Kaufman, I., & Horton, C. (2014) - Digital Marketing: Integrating Strategy and Tactics
with Values, A Guidebook for Executives, Managers, and Students- Routledge (Taylor and
Francis group) - Primary General Reference.

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3. Seema Gupta (2018), Digital Marketing, McGraw Hill publications (1st edition).
4.Moutusy Maity (2017), Internet Marketing- Oxford University Press (1st edition).
5. Ahuja, V (2015). Digital Marketing – Oxford University Press.


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