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Almost half of the world we are living is composed of water which connects

different oceans, seas, lakes, and rivers together. In fact, it is considered as one of the

natural resources not only in the Philippines but also in other countries. It serves as the

basic source in order for a person to live. Without water, man will not be able to survive.

This research paper focuses on the state of Marilao river and the living condition

of selected families nearby the river bank here in the Philippines. As time passes by,

Filipinos do not have concern in taking care of the natural resources that they are even

using. Before, rivers are as clear as the water we are drinking and a person can even take

a bath there. But now, rivers are as dark as black and became polluted also because of the

trash of the residents near the vicinity of the river. Another factor is that, factory now a

days has an illegal disposal of waste which affects the river. Not only the river is being

affected by the water pollution but also the fishes living in it and the like.

Marilao river became polluted for almost several years and is becoming worse as

of the moment. Residents of the said place are already complaining because of the issue.

With this research paper, the residents will be able to know the factors that may affect

their way of living. Through this study, the concern ones can start doing action about this


Theoretical Framework

Contamination of water reserves by biological, chemical, and radiologic agents

affects the health of millions of individuals across the globe each year. Understanding

water quality and the impact of pollution on water resources is vital to worldwide public

health because access to potable water and modernized sanitation increases the lifespan

and improves the health of world citizens more than any other advancement in the field

of medicine. The global public health impact of water contamination is major for many

reasons: (1) safe drinking water is vital for human survival to prevent dehydration; (2)

water is essential for basic hygiene and modern sanitation methods including wastewater

treatment; (3) water use is key to every sector of an industrialized, transitional, and

developing economy as an essential component for the production of many goods and

services; and (4) uncontaminated water is crucial to food production and livestock health.

According to the United Nations, 1.1 billion people, or 17 percent of the global

population, lack access to improved water sources (an improved water source is one that

is likely to provide safe water). Approximately 10 percent of the world’s total disease

burden is attributable to unsafe drinking water and lack of appropriate sanitation,

resulting in millions of preventable deaths each year. Contamination of water can lead to

devastating medical, public health, and economic consequences for an affected

community. Contaminated water is an “equal opportunity” public health crisis as water

pollution is a growing problem for developing nations, transitional economies, and

developed countries. The topic of water quality and water-related disease is complex and

diverse in nature. The following summaries are presented as a starting point for rigorous

study and are intended to act as definitive peer-reviewed and authoritative references for

addressing the subject areas of water quality and water-related disease.

Conceptual Framework

Conceptual Framework is a theoretical structure of assumptions, principles and

rules that holds together the ideas comprising a broad concept.

Through this, the insights gained from the relevant literatures and studies revised

for purposes of clarifying the focus and direction of this study led to the

conceptualization of theoretical model for viewing the factors related to the state of

Marilao river and the living condition of selected families nearby the river bank.

Dependent Variables
Independent Variables
Factors being affected:

- Health  Condition of selected

- Source of income families
- Day to day living

Figure 1. Paradigm of the study


This model depicts the hypothesized relationship between two sets of variables

categorized as independent and dependent variables. The independent variables are

factors being affected of this study such as health, source of income, environment and the

day to day living of the residents. The dependent variable is the effect of Marilao river

pollution. The line connecting the variables denotes the hypothesized relationship

existing between these variables.

Statement of the problem

The aim of this study is to determine the state of Marilao river which can provide

a reliable interpretation of how and what can be the actions to be done to lessen the waste

of the said river.

This study intended to answer the following questions:

1. What are the ways to lessen the garbage in Marilao river?

2. Who are the person being affected in the polluted river?

3. What are the actions that can be done by the municipality of Marilao suggested by the

selected families?

4. Who can be the person involve in maintaining the cleanliness of the river?


Through conducting this study, the researchers will be able to know and take an

action in helping the residence of Marilao in maintaining the cleanliness for health

purposes. At the end of this study, researchers can already encourage the residents to help

one another in cleaning the river with the help of the municipality and different

baranggay officials in Marilao. From time to time, there will be a schedule of the person

assigned in cleaning the river, providing of signages, and implementing of penalties so

that whoever caught throwing garbage near the vicinity of the river will have

corresponding punishment.

Scope and limitations

The research study focused mainly on the state of Marilao river and the living

condition of selected families nearby the river bank. It includes fifty (50) respondents out

of  5,970 inhabitants of Barangay Tabing-Ilog according to the 2010 NSOcensus living in

Marilao, Bulacan.

This study limits its coverage on the selected families living nearby the river bank

having its main purpose of knowing the state of Marilao river in the residents. With this,

researchers will be able to know the insights of the residents and take an action at once.

This study considers every aspect of the respondents personal information that has

an impact on the whole research with regards to their age and gender.

Significance of the study

The study regarding the state of Marilao river and the living condition of selected

families nearby the river bank can be the start for the residents to take an action in

maintaining the cleanliness of their own river. Also, for them to be sensitive so that those

concern individuals will not suffer in others fault.

THE STUDENTS •Through this research, the students will be able to know the

importance of helping other people, develop their skill in conducting such research and

be mindful of what is going on in their surroundings.

THE RESIDENTS •They will be benefited in a way that they will be able to improve

their bayanihan skill and have a concern to the river.

THE MUNICIPALITY •Through this research, the leaders of the said place will have an

idea of what action can be done to resolve the problem, help the residents, as well as to

avoid having different kinds of illness because of the polluted river.


Definition of terms

 microflora-the community of microorganisms, including algae, fungi, and bacteria

that live in or on another living organism or in a particular habitat

 microfauna-small, often microscopic animals, especially those inhabiting the soil,

an organ, or other localized habitat. Single-celled protozoans, small nematodes,

small unsegmented worms, and tardigrades (eight-legged arthropods) are the most

common components of microfauna. Many inhabit water films or pore spaces in

leaf litter and in the soil, feeding on smaller microorganisms that decompose

organic material.

 chronic- a chronic condition is one that lasts 3 months or more. Chronic diseases

are in contrast to those that are acute (abrupt, sharp, and brief) or subacute (within

the interval between acute and chronic).

 cholera- is an infectious disease that causes severe watery diarrhea, which can

lead to dehydration and even death if untreated. It is caused by eating food or

drinking water contaminated with a bacterium called Vibrio cholerae.

 typhoid- an infectious bacterial fever with an eruption of red spots on the chest

and abdomen and severe intestinal irritation.

 schistosomiasis- infestation with or disease caused by schistosomes; specifically: 

a severe endemic disease of humans in Africa and parts of Asia and South

America that is contracted when cercariae released into freshwaters (as rivers) by

a snail intermediate host penetrate the skin and that is marked especially by blood

loss and tissue damage —called also snail fever


Review of related literature and studies

Water is essential for the survival of humans, animals and plants. Water is also

home to a very wide range of microflora and microfauna, creating a fascinating

environment of extreme biological importance, but which attracts too little attention.

Fresh water is emerging as one of the most critical natural resource issues facing

humanity. Water is, literally, the source of life on earth. The human body is 70% water.

Human beings can survive for only a few days without fresh water.

It is estimated that 31 countries, accounting for under 8% of the world population,

face chronic fresh water shortages. By the year 2025, however, 48 countries are expected

to face shortages, affecting more than 2.8 billion people -35% of world's projected

population. Among countries likely to run short of water in the next 25 years are

Ethiopia, India, Kenya, Nigeria, and Peru. Parts of other large countries, such as China,

already face chronic water problems (WHO, 1997).

In most parts of the world polluted water, improper waste disposal, and poor

water management cause serious public health problems. Such water-related diseases as

cholera, typhoid, and schistosomiasis harm or kill millions of people every year. Overuse

and pollution of water supplies also are taking a heavy toll on the natural environment

and pose increasing risks for many species of life.




Research Design

The study used descriptive research design because it is the way to describe and

interpret the problems that arise from the state of Marilao river and the living condition of

selected families nearby the river bank. This method is more appropriate for the

interpretation and tabulation of data that can describe the significance of the study.

The descriptive method of research employed in a questionnaire survey to

determine the state of Marilao river. It revealed the effects of the polluted river to the

residents as well as their insights about the study.

Research Locale

The study focuses on the polluted river of Marilao. Thus, the researchers

conducted the study in the vicinity of Marilao Bulacan specifically the barangay of

Tabing-ilog. From the rivers around Bulacan, Marilao river was said to be the worst river

because of pollution. With this, the researchers are curious of what is the present status of

the river that made them conduct this study.


Research Participants

As of 2010, the barangay Tabing-Ilog of Marilao, Bulacan has 5,970 inhabitants.

The researchers decided to have random sampling of the respondents and they come up

of using selected families. They decided to have 50 respondents out of 5, 970 inhabitants.

They will be answering the survey forms that will be distributed by the researchers.

Research Instrument

Questionnaire is a method of gathering information from the respondents through

administration of questions in a pencil and paper format. There are two kinds of

questionnaire: open-ended and close-ended questionnaire.

The instrument, the researchers used to gather information in this study was a

close-ended questionnaire also called fixed-alternative question. Close-ended questions

are ones in which response alternative are pre-specified by the researchers. Respondents

are asked to respond in the same orders and they are given the same set of opinions for

their responses. The alternatives may range from simple yes or no to complex expressions

or opinions. People prefer to complete answering questions in close-ended form than in

an open-ended form in a short given given amount of time. For purposes of using

questions with fixed alternatives is to ensure comparability responses and to facilitate


Validity refers to the degree or extent to which a questionnaire, interview or observation

schedule and other method of data collection studies or measure that phenomenon of

investigation. Validity is an important criterion for evaluating the instrument. In this

research, the researchers sought the advice of Professor Esperanza Nunez for the

instrument. Our instrument were approved and used for data collection for the purpose of

the study.

Data Gathering Procedure

In gathering data, the researchers distributed the questionnaire survey form to the

respondents. Before distributing the questionnaire, permission from the mayor of Marilao

and baranggay officials were sought to conduct the study. The questionnaires were

distributed personally by the researchers after the permission has been approved. The

result was then tabulated and tallied.

Statistical Treatment of Data

The respondent who are included in this study are the selected families of

Marilao. The total population of barangay tabing-iloginMarilao, Bulacan is5,970. The

population of the study is fifty (50) respondents out of 5,970. The first fifty (50)

respondents is equally divided to the selected families of barangay tabing-ilog.


Slovin's formula was used in determining the sample size.

n= N


Where: N= population size

e= margin of error

n= sample size

The margin of error denotes the allowed probability of committing an error in selecting a

small representative of the population. This margin of error could range between one

percent and ten percent depending on the desire or intention of the reader. However, the

researcher should be aware of the Law of Range Numbers which states that, "the larger

the size of the sample, the more certain it can be sure that the sample mean will be a good

estimate of the population mean." The larger the size of the sample, the closer its

characteristics would be the characteristics of the entire population.

Random sampling, the most common used sampling techniques in which member

in the population is given an equal chance of being selected in the sample, was used in

determining respondents. The random sampling technique is also called the lottery or

fishbowl sampling.



This chapter presents the respondents of the study andsampling procedure. It also

presents the analysis and interpretation derived from the questionnaire relevant to the

specific problem of the study. The analysis is designed to answer the research question of

this study. This chapter is thus sectioned and organized according to the sequence the

specific question are stated.


Respondents Frequency Percentage

Male 28 56%

Female 22 44%

Total 50 100%

Table 1- Distribution of respondents according to gender


Question: In your own point of view, do you think that the status of Marilao river already

Responses Frequency Percentage
Strongly disagree 0 0%
Disagree 1 2%
Undecided 2 4%
Agree 6 12%
Strongly Agree 41 82%
TOTAL: 50 100%

Table 2


As shown in table 2, out of fifty (50) respondents,zero (0) resident

equivalent to 0% of the respondents said that they strongly disagree that the river is

polluted, one (1) resident equivalent to 2% disagreed, two (2) of the residents equivalent

to 4% were undecided, six (6) of the residents equivalent to 12% agreed, and forty-one

(41) residents equivalent to 82% strongly agreed that the river is already polluted.

Question: Are you being affected in the pollution of the river?

Responses Frequency Percentage
Strongly disagree 0 0%
Disagree 2 4%
Undecided 1 2%
Agree 4 8%
Strongly Agree 43 86%

TOTAL: 50 100%

Table 3


As shown in table 3, out of fifty (50) respondents,zero (0) resident

equivalent to 0% of the respondents said that they strongly disagree that they are being

affected in the pollution of the river, two (2) residents equivalent to 4% disagreed, one (1)

of the resident equivalent to 2% were undecided, four (8) of the residents equivalent to

8% agreed, and forty-three (43) residents equivalent to 86% strongly agreed that they are

being affected in the pollution of the river.

Question: Is the health of the selected families being affected due to the pollution caused

by the river?
Responses Frequency Percentage
Strongly disagree 2 4%
Disagree 3 6%
Undecided 1 2%
Agree 2 4%
Strongly Agree 42 84%
TOTAL: 50 100%

Table 4


As shown in table 4, out of fifty (50) respondents, two (2) residents

equivalent to 4% of the respondents said that their health is being affected due to the

pollution caused by the river, three (3) residents equivalent to 6% disagreed, one (1) of

the resident equivalent to 2% was undecided, two (2) of the residents equivalent to 4%

agreed, and forty-two (42) residents equivalent to 84% strongly agreed that their health is

being affected due to the pollution caused by the river.

Question: Is the source of income of the selected families being affected due to the

pollution caused by the river?

Responses Frequency Percentage
Strongly disagree 2 4%
Disagree 3 6%
Undecided 4 8%
Agree 12 24%
Strongly Agree 29 58%
TOTAL: 50 100%

Table 5


As shown in table 6, out of fifty (50) respondents, two (2) residents

equivalent to 4% of the respondents said that they strongly disagree that their source of

income is being affected due to the pollution caused by the river, three (3) residents

equivalent to 6% disagreed, four (4) of the residents equivalent to 8% were undecided,


twelve (12) of the residents equivalent to 24% agreed, and twenty-nine (29) residents

equivalent to 58% strongly agreed that their source of income is being affected due to the

pollution caused by the river.

Question: Is the day to day living of the selected families being affected due to the

pollution caused by the river?

Responses Frequency Percentage
Strongly disagree 2 4%
Disagree 4 8%
Undecided 3 6%
Agree 14 28%
Strongly Agree 27 54%
TOTAL: 50 100%

Table 6


As shown in table 6, out of fifty (50) respondents, two (2) residents

equivalent to 4% of the respondents said that they strongly disagree that their day to day

living is being affected due to the pollution caused by the river, four (4) residents

equivalent to 8% disagreed, three (3) of the residents equivalent to 6% were undecided,

fourteen (14) of the residents equivalent to 28% agreed, and twenty-seven (27) residents

equivalent to 54% strongly agreed that their day to day living is being affected due to the

pollution caused by the river.


Question: Should the residents be responsible in maintaining the cleanliness of the river?
Responses Frequency Percentage
Strongly disagree 11 22%
Disagree 7 14%
Undecided 3 6%
Agree 5 10%
Strongly Agree 24 48%
TOTAL: 50 100%

Table 7


As shown in table 5, out of fifty (50) respondents, eleven (11)

residents equivalent to 22% of the respondents said that they strongly disagree of being

the one responsible in maintaining the cleanliness of the river, seven (7) residents

equivalent to 14% disagreed, three (3) of the residents equivalent to 6% were undecided,

five (5) of the residents equivalent to 10% agreed, and twenty-four(24) residents

equivalent to 48% strongly agreed of being the one responsible in maintaining the

cleanliness of the river.

QUESTION S F % D F % U F % A F % S F %

Question # 1 0 0% 1 2% 2 4% 6 12% 4 82%

Question # 2 0 0% 2 4% 1 1% 4 8% 4 86%

Question # 3 2 4% 3 6% 1 2% 2 4% 4 84%

Question # 4 2 4% 3 6% 4 8% 12 24% 2 58%

Question # 5 2 4% 4 8% 3 6% 14 28% 2 54%

Question # 6 11 22% 7 14% 3 6% 5 10% 2 48%

TOTAL 50 100 5 100 5 100 50 100 5 100%

% 0 % 0 % % 0




This chapter presented the findings of the whole thesis for that matter in

summarized form. It reviewed briefly the problem of the study, the research method and

techniques in gathering and analyzing data. Conclusions were drawn and

recommendations presented.


This study entitled, “The state of Marilao river and the living condition of selected

families nearby the river bank” aimed to know the factors affecting the lifestyle of the

residents of Tabing-ilog Marilao, Bulacan in terms of health, source of income, day to

day living, and education of the residents near the river. The coverage of the study

includes the randomly selected residents of baranggay Tabing-ilog of Marilao, Bulacan.

This does not include all the residents of baranggay Tabing-ilog, the researchers, just got

fifty (50) respondents out of five thousand nine hundred seventy (5,970) residents living

in the baranggay of Tabing-ilog for its sample size. Since, the study used descriptive

research design, the researchers distributed survey forms to the respondents. The result

was then tabulated and tallied.

The following are the summary of result of the conducted survey:

1. 0% of the respondents strongly disagreed that the status of Marilao river was

already polluted

2% of the respondents disagreed that the status of Marilao river was already


4% of the respondents were undecided that the status of Marilao river was already


12% of the respondents agreed that the status of Marilao river was already


82% of the respondents strongly agreed that the status of Marilao river was

already polluted

2. 0% of the respondents strongly disagreed that they are being affected in the

pollution of the river

4% of the respondents disagreed that they are being affected in the pollution of

the river

2% of the respondents were undecided that they are being affected in the pollution

of the river

8% of the respondents agreed that they are being affected in the pollution of the


86% of the respondents strongly agreed that they are being affected in the

pollution of the river

3. 4% of the respondents strongly disagreed that the health of the selected families

are being affected due to the pollution caused by the river


6% of the respondents disagreed that the health of the selected families are being

affected due to the pollution caused by the river

2% of the respondents were undecided that the health of the selected families are

being affected due to the pollution caused by the river

4% of the respondents agreed that the health of the selected families are being

affected due to the pollution caused by the river

84% of the respondents strongly agreed that the health of the selected families are

being affected due to the pollution caused by the river

4. 4% of the respondents strongly disagreed that the source of income of the selected

families are being affected due to the pollution caused by the river

6% of the respondents disagreed that the source of income of the selected families

are being affected due to the pollution caused by the river

8% of the respondents were undecided that the source of income of the selected

families are being affected due to the pollution caused by the river

24% of the respondents agreed that the source of income of the selected families

are being affected due to the pollution caused by the river

58% of the respondents strongly agreed that the source of income of the selected

families are being affected due to the pollution caused by the river

5. 4% of the respondents strongly disagreed that the day to day living of the selected

families are being affected due to the pollution caused by the river

6% of the respondents disagreed that the day to day living of the selected families

are being affected due to the pollution caused by the river

8% of the respondents were undecided that the day to day living of the selected

families are being affected due to the pollution caused by the river

28% of the respondents agreed that the day to day living of the selected families

are being affected due to the pollution caused by the river

54% of the respondents strongly agreed that the day to day living of the selected

families are being affected due to the pollution caused by the river

6. 22% of the respondents strongly disagreed that the residents should be responsible

in maintaining the cleanliness of the river

14% of the respondents disagreed that the residents should be responsible in

maintaining the cleanliness of the river

6% of the respondents were undecided that the residents should be responsible in

maintaining the cleanliness of the river

10% of the respondents agreed that the residents should be responsible in

maintaining the cleanliness of the river

48% of the respondents strongly agreed that the residents should be responsible in

maintaining the cleanliness of the river


As a whole, this research paper performs as a fairly comprehensive study

on the state of Marilao river and the living condition of selected families nearby

the river bank specifically the baranggay of Tabing-ilog. Through exhaustive

analysis and discussion of data collected from the survey forms, finding

concerning the research questions were revealed as follows:

 The status of Marilao river is totally polluted as of today.

 Almost all of the residents are being affected because of the polluted river.

 The data showed that health is the factor that is most being affected due to

the pollution caused by the river.

 Half of the residents agreed that they should also be responsible in

maintaining the cleanliness of the river.


Based on the findings and conclusions arrived in this study, the

researchers have some suggestions for the next researchers (if there is any) on this topic.

Firstly, the next researchers can expand the scope of this study. For example, they can

focus more on finding the solution to help the officials of Marilao to overcome, lessen

and stop the pollution of Marilao river. Next, they can clarify to the residents that they are

also responsible in maintaining the cleanliness of the Marilao river in different ways.

Some of these are by not throwing garbage in the vicinity of the river, helping one

another in cleaning the river, putting signage, ordinance which may help to stop the

pollution of the river and also having penalties for those who will be caught throwing

garbage in the river. Besides, they should pay attention to make use of the data collecting

methods. Specifically, they can balance the using of questionnaire, interview and o

Dr.Yanga’s Colleges Inc.

Wakas, Bocaue, Bulacan

College of Maritime Education

February 23, 2015

Capt. Carlos M. Valencia Jr., MBA


Thru: Dr. Esperanza S. Nuñez

Prof., Research and Thesis Writing

Our group “Patriot” respectfully submits to your good office our

research proposal entitled “The state of Marilao river and the living condition of
selected families nearby the river bank” for your approval.

Very truly yours,


Bernabe Jr., Ronald M. – Leader

Calusin, Jessan
Dela Rama, Arvin DG.
Guanzing, Jessie M.
San Pedro Jr., Alejandro T.

Noted by:

Dr. Esperanza S. Nuñez


Approved by:

Capt. Carlos M. Valencia Jr., MBA

Dean – CME

Dr.Yanga’s Colleges Inc.

Wakas, Bocaue, Bulacan

College of Maritime Education

We, students of Dr.Yanga’s Colleges, Inc. are having a research entitled “The state of
Marilao river and the living condition of selected families nearby the river bank”. We are
humblyasking for your cooperation to please answer the following questions below for us to have
the right information needed for our research. We will ensure that your answers will be kept with
full confidentiality. Thank you and God bless!

Length of stay:

Instruction: Circle one response for each of the following items.

Strongly Disagree Undecided Agree Strongly

disagree (4) (3) (2) Agree
(5) (1)
1. In your own
point of view,
do you think
that the status
of Marilao
river already
2. Are you
being affected
in the
pollution of
the river?
3. Is the
health of the
families being
affected due to
the pollution
caused by the
4. Is the
source of
income of the
families being
affected due to
the pollution
caused by the

5. Is the day
to day living
of the selected
families being
affected due to
the pollution
caused by the
6. Should the
residents be
responsible in
the cleanliness
of the river?

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