Social Dance

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Social dance is group dance or couple dance
done for social and usually recreational
purposes. "Ballroom dance" refers to
 traditional partnered dance
forms that are done by a couple, often in
the embrace of closed dance position
 ("ballroom dance position"). 
This genre of dance has its roots in early courtship dances.
Social dances are partner dances; they reflect our need to be
socially connected to others. Ballroom dance is one form of
social dance, as are contemporary partner dances like the tango
and the Lindy.
Tango-  a ballroom dance of Latin American origin in ²/ ₄ time
with a basic pattern of step-step-step-step-close and
characterized by long pauses and stylized body positions.
The origins of ballroom dance first appeared in 16th century
Europe—French philosopher, Michel de Montaigne,
wrote of a dance that he observed in 1580 in Augsburg,
Michel de Montaigne- Michel Eyquem, Sieur de
Montaigne also known as the Lord of Montaigne.
Basic steps:
• Step hop - For a step hop you step from one foot onto the other, shifting your weight,
and then hop on that foot.
• Triple step - In this step you take three steps in two counts. You step on the right foot,
then step on the ball of the left foot, and conclude with another step on the right foot.
This step is counted "1 and 2." A series of triple steps are often done together and in
various directions.
• Rock step - In this step you transfer weight from one foot to the other with a rocking
motion. You step backward on one foot with a full transfer of weight and complete it
by stepping forward on the other foot while again transferring your weight. The rock
step can also be done by rocking and stepping forward with the first foot and then
stepping back onto the second foot. Each step receives a full count.
• Box step - This six-count step makes a box, or square, pattern on the floor. The lead
starts with the left foot stepping forward. A step to the side with the right foot follows,
and then the left foot steps in to meet the right foot. The right foot then steps back, the
left foot steps side, and the right foot steps in to meet the left. The person following
begins with the right foot stepping backward and reverses the pattern.
Did you know that social dancing reduces stress and tension, adds romance,
strengthens your bones and muscles, improves
posture and flexibility, creates social connections, wards
off certain illnesses like dementia, builds confidence AND
makes you smarter?!
Additional knowledge
• You can trace the history of social dance back as far as primitive
cultures dancing to celebrate a birth or mourn a death. In later years,
social dance continued to develop and evolve, mingling the dances of
other cultures such as the Middle East, Africa, and Europe.
•  We also share that there are five quintessential components to social
dancing: leading and following, posture and dance frame, sense of
rhythm, multitasking, and floor craft.

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