Blooming Bomber Jacket in Paintbox Yarns NDownloadable PDF - 2 PDF
Blooming Bomber Jacket in Paintbox Yarns NDownloadable PDF - 2 PDF
Blooming Bomber Jacket in Paintbox Yarns NDownloadable PDF - 2 PDF
62 [66] cm
24½ [26] in
BLOOMING BOMBER JACKET. Visit for more patterns or to buy yarn online! 2
©This pattern is copyright. All rights reserved. It is for individual personal use only and must not be made for resale or any commercial purposes.
No part of this pattern (including its photography) may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means without the prior permission in writing from LoveCrafts Collective Limited.
BODY For M/L Only
round 18 work as round 3. (44 tr (dc) in each section.)
SIDE (MAKE 2) round 19 Repeat the last round once more. Break off A.
Always working in between each st sp. (47 tr (dc) in each section.)
foundation using 5mm (UK 6 - US H8) crochet hook and A, For All Sizes
10 ch, ss to join. round 18 [20] joining C, work as round 4. Break off C.
round 1 3 ch, 2 tr (dc), (3 ch, 3 tr (dc)) 5 times, 3 ch, ss into (44 [50] tr (dc) in each section.)
3rd ch. (6 clusters). round 19 [21] joining A, work as round 5. Break off A.
round 2 1 dc (sc) between ch and tr (dc) from previous round, (45 [51] dc (sc) in each section.)
2 ch (this all count as 1 tr (dc)), 1 tr (dc) between st sp, ((2 tr round 20 [22] joining F, work as round 6. Break off F.
(dc), 3 ch, 2 tr (dc)) into corner ch sp, 1 tr (dc) between each (48 [54] htr (hdc) in each section.)
of next 2 tr (dc)) 5 times, (2 tr (dc), 3 ch, 2 tr (dc)) into corner
ch sp, ss into 2nd ch. (6 tr (dc) in each section.) Join
round 3 1 dc (sc) between ch and tr (dc) from previous round, L FOLD - follow page 6 for diagram instruction. Fold the
2 ch (this all count as 1 tr (dc)), 1 tr (dc) between next 2 st sp, hexagon onto its right side, so the wrong side is facing out.
((2 tr (dc), 3 ch, 2 tr (dc)) into corner ch sp, 1 tr (dc) between Using 5mm (UK 6 - US H8) crochet hook and A, dc (sc) join
each of next 6 tr (dc)) 5 times, (2 tr (dc), 3 ch, 2 tr (dc)) into along the sleeve edge between tr (dc) st sp.
corner ch sp, 1 tr (dc) between each of next 3 tr (dc), ss into round 21 [23] joining D into corner sp from the bottom of the
2nd ch. Break off A. (9 tr (dc) in each section.) back of the side and dc (sc), 2 ch (this all count as 1 tr (dc)),
round 4 joining B into corner sp and dc (sc), 2 ch (this all (1 tr (dc), 3 ch, 2 tr (dc)) into same corner ch sp, 1 tr (dc)
count as 1 tr (dc)), (1 tr (dc), 3 ch, 2 tr (dc)) into same corner between each of next htr (hdc), 1 tr (dc) into each ch sp over
ch sp, 1 tr (dc) between each of next 9 tr (dc), (2 tr (dc), 3 ch, shoulder join, 1 tr (dc) between each of next htr (hdc),(2 tr (dc),
2 tr (dc)) into corner ch sp) 5 times, 1 tr (dc) between each of 3 ch, 2 tr (dc)) into corner ch sp, 1 tr (dc) between each of
next tr (dc), ss into second ch. Break off B. (12 tr (dc) in each next htr (hdc), ss into second ch. Break off D.
section.) round 22 [24] joining A, work as round 21 (23).
round 5 joining C into corner sp and dc (sc), (3 ch, 1 dc (sc)) round 23 [25] work as previous round. Break off A.
into same corner ch sp, 1 dc (sc) between each of next 12 tr round 24 [26] joining E, work as round 21 (23). Break off E.
(dc), (1 dc (sc), 3 ch, 1 dc (sc)) into corner ch sp) 5 times, 1 dc round 25 [27] joining H into corner sp from the bottom of the
(sc) between each of next tr (dc), ss into first dc (sc). Break off back of the side and dc (sc), (3 ch, 1 dc (sc)) into same corner
C. (13 dc (sc) in each section.) ch sp, *1 dc (sc) between each of next tr (dc), repeat from *
round 6 joining D into corner sp and dc (sc), 1 ch (this all until end, ss into first dc (sc). Break off H.
count as 1 htr (hdc)), (1 htr (hdc), 3 ch, 2 htr (hdc)) into same round 26 [28] joining I, work as round 25 (27). Break off I.
corner ch sp, 1 htr (hdc) between each of next 13 dc (sc),
(2 htr (hdc), 3 ch, 2 htr (hdc)) into corner ch sp) 5 times, 1 htr BACK INFILL
(hdc) between each of next dc (sc), ss into first ch. Break For both sides place a st marker in to mark the start of the
off D. (16 htr (hdc) in each section.) front/back. To find this placement follow along from your
round 7 joining A, work as round 5. Break off A. (17 dc (sc) in shoulder joint line to the outer edge and place here.
each section.)
round 8 joining E, work as round 4. Break off E. (20 dc (sc) in Side 1, Right side Panel
each section.) row 1 using 5mm (UK 6 - US H8) crochet hook and A, 1 dc
round 9 joining F, work as round 6. Break off F. (23 htr (hdc) in (sc) into the bottom corner on WS, ch 2 (this all count as 1 tr
each section.) (dc)), 1 tr (dc) into the same corner sp, 1 tr (dc) along the row
round 10 joining A, work as round 4. (26 tr (dc) in each section.) between each of next st sp until st marker. Break off A.
round 11 joining A, work as round 4. Break off A. (29 tr (dc) in row 2 joining G in the bottom corner on WS and dc (sc), ch
each section.) 2 (this all count as 1 tr (dc)), 1 tr (dc) along the row between
round 12 joining G, work as round 5. Break off G. (30 dc (sc) in each of next st sp until st marker. Break off G.
each section.) row 3 joining I in the bottom corner on WS and dc (sc),
round 13 joining B, work as round 6. Break off B. (33 htr (hdc) ch 1 (this all count as 1 htr (hdc)), 1 htr (hdc) along the row
in each section.) between each of next st sp until st marker. Break off I.
round 14 joining H, work as round 5. Break off H. (34 dc (sc) in
each section.)
round 15 joining A, work as round 4. Break off A. (37 tr (dc) in
each section.)
round 16 joining I, work as round 5. Break off I. (38 dc (sc) in
each section.)
round 17 joining A, work as round 6. Size S/M Break off I.
(41 htr (hdc) in each section.)
BLOOMING BOMBER JACKET. Visit for more patterns or to buy yarn online! 3
Side 2, Left side Panel round 8 joining C, 1 dc (sc) into any ch sp, *5 tr (dc) in
row 1 using 5mm (UK 6 - US H8) crochet hook and A, 1 dc (sc) between cl, 1 dc (sc) into next ch sp, repeat from * around, ss
into the bottom corner on RS, ch 2 (this all count as 1 tr (dc)), into first dc (sc). Break off C. 66 [72] sts.
1 tr (dc) into the same corner sp, 1 tr (dc) along the row round 9 joining F, 1 dc (sc) into 3rd tr (dc) of any fan st from
between each of next st sp until st marker. Break off A. previous round, (2 ch, 2 tr (dc)) into the same st, *(3 tr (dc)
row 2 joining C in the bottom corner on RS and dc (sc), ch into the 3rd tr (dc) of each of next fan st, 1 ch, repeat from *
2 (this all count as 1 tr (dc)), 1 tr (dc) along the row between until end, ss into 3rd ch. Break off F. 44 [48] sts.
each of next st sp until st marker. Break off C. round 10 joining A, 1 dc (sc) into underarm st, 1 dc (sc) into
row 3 joining H in the bottom corner on RS and dc (sc), each of next st sp until end, ss into first dc (sc). Break off A.
ch 1 (this all count as 1 htr (hdc)), 1 htr (hdc) along the row round 11 joining H into any cl gap from round 9, (3 ch, 2 tr (dc))
between each of next st sp until st marker. Break off H. into same gap, 3 tr (dc) into each of next gap, ss into 3rd ch.
Break off H. 33 (36) sts.
Join round 12 joining D into any cl gap, (3 ch, 2 tr (dc)) into same
using 5mm (UK 6 - US H8) crochet hook and A, dc (sc) join gap, 3 tr (dc) into each of next cl gap, ss into 3rd ch. Break off D.
along the back infill from the WS between tr (dc) st sp. round 13 joining B, work as round 10.
round 14 work as round 10. 33 [36] sts.
Cuff round 15 (using tapestry crochet technique for colour
round 1 using 5mm (UK 6 - US H8) crochet hook and A, dc bobbles) 1 ch, 1 dc (sc) over E, *dtr (tr) 5tog into same st
(sc) into the center underside of sleeve, ch 2 (this all count as closing cl with B, 3 [4] dc (sc) with B over E, repeat from *
1 tr (dc)), 1 tr (dc) into each of next st sp until last 2 sts, tr (dc) until final bobble, 2 [3] dc (sc), ss into first ch. Break off E.
2tog, ss into second ch. 45 [51] sts. round 16 - 18 cont in B, work as round 10. Break off B.
round 2 1 dc (sc) in between 2 tr (dc) sp, ch 2 (this all count
as 1 tr (dc)), 1 tr (dc) into each of next st sp until end, ss into EDGING
second ch. Break off A. round 1 using 5mm (UK 6 - US H8) crochet hook and A, 1 dc
round 3 joining E, work as round 1. Break off E. 44 [50] sts. (sc) into the center of back neck joint seam, *1 dc (sc) over htr
round 4 joining D, 1 dc (sc) in between 2 tr (dc) sp, ch 1 (this (hdc) post, 1 dc (sc) over each of next 2 tr (dc) posts, 1 dc (sc)
all count as 1 htr (hdc)). into corner ch sp, 1 dc (sc) into each st, (1 dc (sc), 1 ch, 1 dc (sc))
For S/M size 1 htr (hdc) into each of next st sp until end, ss into corner ch sp, 1 dc (sc) into each st, 1 dc (sc) over each
into first ch. of next 2 tr (dc) posts, 1 dc (sc) over htr (hdc) post, 1 dc (sc)
For M/L size 1 htr (hdc) into each of next st sp until last 2 sts, over joint seam, repeat from * until the top of center back join
htr (hdc) 2tog, ss into first ch. st, ss into first dc. Break off A.
Break off D. 44 [49] sts. round 2 joining G into the center of back neck, (3 ch, 2 tr (dc))
round 5 joining A, 1 dc (sc) in between 2 htr (hdc) sp. into same st, *miss 2 sts, 3 tr (dc), repeat evenly along the
For S/M size 1 dc (sc) into each of next st sp until end, ss into edges, (3 tr (dc), 3 ch, 3 tr (dc)) into the corner ch sp, ss into
first dc (sc). 3rd ch. Break off G.
For M/L size 1 dc (sc) into each of next st sp until last 2 sts, dc round 3 joining B into the center of back neck, 1 dc (sc) along
(sc) 2 tog, ss into first dc (sc). the edges, (1 dc (sc), 2 ch, 1 dc (sc)) into corner ch sp, ss into
Break off A. 44 [48] sts. first dc (sc). Break off B.
round 6 joining G, (3 ch, 3 tr (dc)) into same st, *miss 3 sts,
4 tr (dc) into next st, repeat from * until end, ss into 3rd ch.
Break off G.
round 7 joining I, 1 dc (sc) into any cl gap, (2 ch, 1 tr (dc), 1 ch,
2 tr (dc)) into same gap, (2 tr (dc), 1 ch, 2 tr (dc)) into each of
next cl gap around, ss into 3rd ch. Break off I. 55 [60] sts.
BLOOMING BOMBER JACKET. Visit for more patterns or to buy yarn online! 4
foundation using 5mm (UK 6 - US H8) crochet hook and C,
5 ch, ss to join.
round 1 3 ch, 7 tr (dc) into center. Break off C.
round 2 joining F into gap, 2 ch, tr (dc) 2tog, 3 ch, (tr (dc)
3 tog, 3 ch) 7 times, ss to join into top of cl. Break off F.
round 3 (first petal) joining I into gap, (1 dc (sc), 1 htr (hdc),
2 tr (dc), 1 htr (hdc), 1 dc (sc) into ch sp) 8 times. Break off I.
round 4 (ws) working into round 2, joining G with dc (sc) over
top side of cl, 4 ch, *1 dc (sc) over top of next cl, 4 ch, repeat
from * until first dc (sc) of round, ss to join.
round 5 (petal - rs) ss into ch sp, (1 dc (sc), 2 htr (hdc), 2 tr
(dc), 2 htr (hdc), 1 dc (sc)) 8 times, ss to first dc (sc).
round 6 1 front post dc (sc) into the space between the first
and last dc (sc) of round 4, *5 ch, 1 front post dc (sc) into dc
(sc) of round 4*, repeat until beg of round, ss to first dc (sc).
Break off G.
round 7 joining D into ch sp, 4 tr (dc), (5 tr (dc) into next ch
sp) 7 times, ss to third chain. Break off D.
round 8 joining C between tr (dc) gap, (2 ch, tr (dc) 3tog)
into same st, *4 dc (sc), tr (dc) 4tog*, repeat from * until end,
ss into top of bobble. Break off C.
round 9 joining H into 2nd dc (sc) from previous round
between bobbles, (1 ch, 1 dc (sc)) into same st, (4 dc (sc),
2 dc (sc) into same st) 7 times, 4 dc (sc), ss into first st.
Break off H.
round 10 joining B, 1 dc (sc) into the middle of dc (sc)
increase of last round, (miss 2 dc (sc), 8 dtr (tr) into the next
dc (sc), miss 1 dc (sc), 1 dc (sc) into next dc (sc) increase)
8 times, ss into first dc (sc). Break off B.
round 11 (ws) joining H, (1 back post dc (sc) into dc (sc) in
round 10, 3 ch, 1 dc (sc) into each of 4th and 5th dtr (tr), 3 ch)
8 times, ss into first dc (sc).
round 12 (rs) ss into ch sp, (3 ch, 2 tr (dc), 3 ch, 3 tr (dc)) into
same ch sp, *3 tr (dc) into next ch sp, 3 htr (hdc) into next ch
sp, 3 tr (dc) into next ch sp, (3 tr (dc), 3 ch, 3 tr (dc)) into next
ch sp, repeat from * until end, ss into 3rd ch. Break off H.
round 13 joining F into any corner space, *(1 dc (sc), 1 ch, 1 dc
(sc)) into corner space, 1 dc (sc) into next 15 st, repeat from *
until end, ss into first dc (sc). Break off F.
round 14 joining A into corner ch sp of round 13, (3 ch, 2 tr
(dc), 3 ch, 3 tr (dc)) into same ch sp, (miss 4 dc (sc), 3 tr (dc)
between dc, (miss 3 dc (sc), 3 tr (dc) between dc) 3 times,
miss 4 dc (sc), (3 tr (dc), 3 ch, 3 tr (dc) into ch sp) 4 times,
ending before working into last ch sp, ss into 3rd ch.
round 15 *(1 dc (sc), 1 ch, 1 dc (sc)) into corner sp, 1 dc (sc)
into next 18 dc (sc), repeat from * until end, ss into first dc
(sc). Break off A. (This round is not shown on the chart.)
Sew pockets onto Front and add button onto the body
panel, which secures through gap in crochet to stop pocket
drooping. Sew in all ends.
BLOOMING BOMBER JACKET. Visit for more patterns or to buy yarn online! 5
(Does not show round 15)
13 14
4 3
chain = ch
slip stitch = ss
BLOOMING BOMBER JACKET. Visit for more patterns or to buy yarn online! 6
Not a bold enough look
for you? Try adding some
pompoms or tassels to
the edging!