Mechanical Drawing of A Distillation Column

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Europaisches Patentamt | | | | | 1 1| | | | | | | ||| || | | || | | | | | | | |

(19) J European Patent Office

Office europeen des brevets (11) EP 0 583 91 4 B 1


(45) Date of publication

ation and mention
mention (51) |nt. CI.6: B01 D 3/22, B01 D 3 / 3 2
of the grant of the patent:
29.10.1997 Bulletin 1997/44

(21) Application number: 93306144.2

(22) Date of filing: 04.08.1993

(54) Catalyst-downcomer-tray for chemical process tower

Katalysatortragender Kolonnenboden mit Ablaufstutzen fur chemische Prozesskolonne
Plateau recouvert de catalyseur avec un tuyau d'ecoulement pour une colonne a procede chimique

(84) Designated Contracting States: • Binkley, Michael J.

BE DE ES FR GB IT Desoto, Texas 75123 (US)

(30) Priority: 10.08.1992 US 927749 (74) Representative: Rackham, Anthony Charles

Lloyd Wise, Tregear & Co.,
(43) Date of publication of application: Commonwealth House,
23.02.1994 Bulletin 1994/08 1-1 9 New Oxford Street
London WC1 A 1LW(GB)
(73) Proprietor: GLITSCH, INC.
Dallas Texas 75212 (US) (56) References cited:
EP-A- 0 381 388 EP-A- 0 547 939
(72) Inventors: US-A- 3 629 478
• Gentry, Joe
Dallas, Texas 75248 (US) • CHEMICAL ENGINEERING, 5 March 1984, New
York, US; G.K. CHEN: "Packed column internals"


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a written reasoned statement. It shall not be deemed to have been filed until the opposition fee has been paid. (Art.
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1 EP0 583 914 B1 2

Description handling capacity of the tray generally increases with an

increase in the active or Bubbling Area. There is, how-
The present invention pertains to gas-liquid con- ever, a limit as to how far one can slope the down-
tacting trays of chemical process towers and, more par- corners) in order to increase the Bubbling Area,
ticularly, to an improved downcomer-tray assembly s otherwise the channel will become too small. This can
therefor. restrict the flow of the liquid and/or restrict the disen-
Distillation columns are utilized to separate gagement of vapors retained in the liquid or generated
selected components from a multicomponent stream. in the downcomers, cause liquid to back up in the down-
Generally, such gas-liquid contact columns utilize either comer, and thus prematurely limit the normal maximum
trays, packing or combinations thereof. In recent years 10 vapor/liquid handling capacity of the tray. The present
the trend has been to replace the so-called "bubble invention specifically addresses the problem of
caps" by sieve and valve trays in most tray column restricted disengagement of vapor retained in the liquid,
designs, and the popularity of packed columns, either or vapors generated within the downcomer or intro-
random (dumped) or structured packing have been uti- duced into the downcomer.
lized in combination with the trays in order to effect is A variation for increasing the Bubbling Area and
improved separation of the components in the stream. hence vapor/liquid handling capacity is a Multiple
Successful fractionation in the column is dependent Downcomer (MD) tray. There is usually a plurality of box
upon intimate contact between liquid and vapor phases. shaped vertical channels installed in a symmetrical pat-
Some vapor and liquid contact devices, such as trays, tern across the tray to direct liquid onto and off of the
are characterized by relatively high pressure drop and 20 tray. The downcomers do not extend all the way to the
relatively high liquid hold-up. Another type of vapor and tray below but stop short of the tray by a predetermined
liquid contact apparatus, namely structured high effi- distance which is limited by a sufficient space to permit
ciency packing, has also become popular for certain disengagement of any vapor retained in the liquid enter-
applications. Such packing is energy efficient because it ing the Exit Downcomer. The downcomer pattern is
has low pressure drop and low liquid hold-up. However, 25 rotated 90 degrees between successive trays. The bot-
these very properties at times make columns equipped tom of the boxes is solid except for slots that direct the
with structured packing difficult to operate in a stable, liquid onto the Bubbling Area of the tray below, in
consistent manner. Moreover, many applications simply between the outlet downcomers of said tray. The MD
require the use of trays. tray falls into the category of Multipass Trays and is usu-
Fractionation column trays come in two configura- 30 ally used for high liquid rates. The specifics of the
tions: cross-flow and counter flow. The trays generally present invention where catalyst media is employed in
consist of a solid tray or deck having a plurality of aper- the downcomers to promote a chemical reaction is also
tures and are installed on support rings within the tower. applicable to MD trays.
In cross-flow trays, vapor ascends through the aper- It is well known that the concentration-difference
tures and contacts the liquid moving across the tray; 35 between the vapor and the liquid is the driving force to
through the "active" area thereof; in this area liquid and effect mass transfer. Said concentration-difference can
vapor mix and fractionation occurs. The liquid is be effected in many ways; some reducing efficiency. For
directed onto the tray by means of a vertical channel example, as operating pressure increases, descending
from the tray above. This channel is referred to as the liquid begins to absorb vapor as it moves across a tray.
Inlet Downcomer. The liquid moves across the tray and 40 This is above that normally associated as dissolved gas
exits through a similar channel referred to as the Exit as governed by Henry's Law and represents much
Downcomer. Such downcomers are located where larger amounts of vapor bubbles that are commingled or
there is a sufficient volume of liquid to effect a liquid- "entrained" with the liquid. This vapor is not firmly held
phase, chemical reaction, in the case of catalytic distil- and is released within the downcomer, and, in fact, the
lation. The location of the downcomers determine the 45 majority of said vapor must be released, otherwise the
flow pattern of the liquid. If there are two Inlet Down- downcomer can not accommodate the liquid/vapor mix-
comers and the liquid is split into two streams over each ture and will flood thus preventing successful tower
tray, it is called a two pass tray. If there is only one Inlet operation.
and one Outlet Downcomer on opposite sides of the This phenomena is generally deemed to occur
tray, it is called a single pass tray. For two or more so when operating pressure is such as to produce a vapor
passes, the tray is often referred to as a Multipass Tray. density above about 16.0 kg/m (1 .0 Ibs/cu. ft.) and typi-
The number of passes generally increases as the cally amounts to about 10 to 20% of the vapor by vol-
required (design) liquid rate increases. It is the active ume.
area of the tray, however, which is of critical concern. Similarly, an exothermic reaction in the downcomer
Not all areas of a tray are active for vapor-liquid 55 will generate vapors from the equilibrium mixture, which
contact. For example, the area under the Inlet Down- must be released. For conventional trays, the released
comer is generally a solid region. To attempt to gain vapor must oppose the descending frothy vapor/liquid
more area of the tray for vapor/liquid contact, the down- mixture flowing over the weir into the downcomer. In
comers are often sloped. The maximum vapor/liquid many cases, such opposition leads to poor tower oper-

3 EP0 583 914 B1 4

ation and premature flooding. Yet another reference is seen in US-A-3, 41 0,540
Another serious problem which manifests itself in issued to W. Bruckert in 1968. A downcomer outlet baf-
such operational applications is entrainment of liquid fle is therein shown to control the discharge of liquid
droplets in the ascending vapor. This phenomenon, therefrom. The baffle may include either a static seal or
which is virtually the opposite of the above vapor 5 dynamic seal. In this regard the openings from the
entrainment, can prevent effective vapor liquid contact. downcomer are sufficiently small to control discharge
Liquid entrainment is, in one sense, a dynamic flow con- and may be larger than the tray perforations and of cir-
dition. High velocity vapor flow can suspend descending cular or rectangular shape. The transient forces which
liquid droplets and prevent their effective passage may disrupt the operation of a downcomer are also
through the underlying froth mixture zone. It is particu- 10 more fully elaborated therein. These forces and related
larly difficult to prevent this problem when the tower vapor-liquid flow problems must be considered for each
applications require high volume vapor flow in a direc- application in which a downcomer feeds an underlying
tion virtually opposite to that of high volume, descending tray.
liquid flow. A more recent use of distillation columns is for
The technology of gas-liquid contact addresses 15 simultaneous or stagewise fractionation in conjunction
many performance issues. Examples are seen in sev- with a chemical reaction. According to Le Chatelier's
eral prior art patents, which include US-A-3, 959,41 9, Principle well known in the chemical industry, the kinet-
4,604,247, EP-A-381388 and 4,597,916, each assigned ics of a chemical reaction can be improved by changing
to the assignee of the present invention and US-A- the equilibrium of the reactants with the products. For
4,603,022 issued to Mitsubishi Jukogyo Kabushiki Kai- 20 example, the mechanical designs seen in US-A-
sha of Tokyo, Japan. Another reference is seen in US-A- 3,629,478 and 3,634,534 illustrate distillation column
4,499,035 assigned to Union Carbide Corporation that reactors with catalyst in the downcomers. In the case of
teaches a gas-liquid contacting tray with improved inlet an exothermic reaction with gaseous product being
bubbling means. A cross-flow tray of the type described generated, the vapor disengaging space at the entrance
above is therein shown with improved means for initiat- 25 to the downcomer could become grossly overloaded
ing bubble activity at the tray inlet comprising spaced causing the entire tower to fail in its intended distillation
apart, imperforate wall members extending substantially function. One operational consideration is thus venting
vertically upwardly and transverse to the liquid flow of the gases generated within the downcomer, as well
path. The structural configuration is said to promote as those entrained from the tray deck. Such considera-
activity over a larger tray surface than that afforded by 30 tions must be addressed when maximizing tower oper-
simple perforated tray assemblies. This is accomplished ational efficiency.
in part by providing a raised region adjacent the down- The present invention is directed at a downcomer-
comer area for facilitating vapor ascension there- tray assembly for a process column in which a down-
through. ward flow of liquid interacts with an upward flow of
US-A-4,550,000 assigned to Shell Oil Company 35 vapour, the assembly having a first downcomer for car-
teaches apparatus for contacting a liquid with a gas in a rying liquid to one side of a first column tray with a cen-
relationship between vertically stacked trays in a tower. tral section allowing the upward flow of vapour
The apertures in a given tray are provided for the pas- therethrough and a second downcomer on the other
sage of gas in a manner less hampered by liquid com- side of the tray for carrying liquid therefrom to a second
ing from a discharge means of the next upper tray. This 40 column tray and thence to a third downcomer disposed
is provided by perforated housings secured to the tray beneath the first downcomer. The arrangement enables
deck beneath the downcomers for breaking up the liquid to flow across the trays while interacting with
descending liquid flow. Such advances improve tray effi- vapour flowing upwardly therethrough. According to the
ciency within the confines of prior art structures. Like- invention, the first tray has an active inlet section
wise, US-A-4,543,219 assigned to Nippon Kayaku 45 beneath the first downcomer which is raised relative to
Kabushiki Kaisha of Tokyo, Japan teaches a baffle tray the central section thereof, which section has openings
tower. The operational parameters of high gas-liquid for directing vapour into engagement with liquid from the
contact efficiency and the need for low pressure loss downcomer oriented to control the direction of vapour
are set forth. Such references are useful in illustrating and liquid flow therefrom across the central section.
the need for high efficiency vapor liquid contact in tray so Means are provided in the third downcomer for support-
process towers. US-A-4,504,426 issued to Carl T. ing a catalyst media whereby vapour from such media is
Chuang et al. and assigned to Atomic Energy of Can- vented to the active inlet section of the first tray and
ada Limited is yet another example of gas-liquid con- directed into engagement with liquid discharged from
tacting apparatus. This reference likewise teaches the the first downcomer. The catalyst media may be present
multitude of advantages in improving efficiency in frac- 55 in bundles or in another alternative, retained in a cage.
tionation and modifications in downcomer-tray designs. The invention thus enables vapour from the catalyst
The perforated area of the tray is extended beneath the media to perform the additional function of affording a
downcomer with between 0 to 25% less perforation horizontal flow vector to the descending liquid upon
area. engagement therewith.

5 EP0 583 914 B1 6

In most embodiments of the invention, the down- FIG. 9 is an alternative embodiment of the down-
comers will be constructed for providing a dynamic seal comer of FIG. 8;
against ascending vapour flow produced from catalyst FIG. 10 is an enlarged, fragmentary perspective
media in the third downcomer, and they may have a fluid view of the active inlet area of FIG. 4;
discharge region that is spaced above the active inlet 5 FIG. 11 is a perspective view of the active inlet
region for establishing a fluid reservoir and uniform dis- panel of FIG. 4;
charge thereon. In one embodiment, such discharge FIG. 12a is an enlarged side elevational view show-
region comprises a plurality of apertures formed therea- ing a downcomer-tray assembly constructed with
cross and disposed above the active inlet section in catalyst media disposed therein; and
generally parallel spaced relationship thereto. In w FIG. 12b is an enlarged side elevational view show-
another, it comprises a tapered Venturi area formed the- ing an alternative embodiment of the downcomer-
reacross and disposed above the active inlet section in tray assembly of FIG. 12a utilizing an external
generally parallel spaced relationship thereto. The taper vapor source in association with catalyst media dis-
can provide a surface against which a substantially hor- posed therein.
izontal vapor-flow characteristic is formed. 75
In some embodiments of the invention the down- Referring first to FIG. 1, there is shown a fragmen-
comer in the tray assembly is constructed with an angu- tary, perspective view of an illustrative packed exchange
lated body for engaging the ascending vapor flow and tower or column with various sections cut away for
enhancing horizontal flow characteristics therefrom. In showing a variety of tower internals and the utilization of
one embodiment, the downcomer is constructed with a 20 one embodiment of the improved catalyst-downcomer-
body portion angulated toward the raised, active inlet tray assembly of the present invention. The exchange
region for establishing a vapor flow having substantial column 10 of FIG. 1 comprises a cylindrical tower 12
horizontal flow characteristics. having a plurality of packing bed layers 14 and trays dis-
The invention also includes the use of an assembly posed therein. A plurality of manways 16 are likewise
as mentioned above for mixing vapour with liquid dis- 25 constructed for facilitating access to the internal region
charged from the downcomer of a process column onto of the tower 12. Also provided are side stream draw off
an underlying tray of the type wherein descending liquid line 20, liquid side feed line 18, and side stream vapor
mixes with ascending vapour flow through said tray. feed line or reboiler return line 32. A reflux return line 34
Embodiments of the invention will now be is provided atop the tower 10.
described by way of example, and with reference to the 30 In operation, liquid 13 is fed into the tower 10
accompanying drawings in which: through reflux return line 34 and side stream feed input
feed line 18. The liquid 13 flows downwardly through the
FIG. 1 is a perspective view of a packed column tower and ultimately leaves the tower either at side
with various sections cut away for illustrating a vari- stream draw off 20, or at bottom stream draw off line 30.
ety of tower internals and one embodiment of a 35 In its downward flow, the liquid 13 is depleted of some
downcomer-tray assembly constructed in accord- material which evaporates from it as it passes through
ance with the principles of the present invention dis- the trays and packing beds, and is enriched or added to
posed therein; by material which condenses into it out of the vapor
FIG. 2 is a diagrammatic, side-elevational, cross- stream.
sectional view of the improved downcomer-tray 40 Still referring to FIG. 1, the exchange column 10 is
assembly of the present invention secured within a diagrammatically cut in half for purposes of clarity. In
process tower and illustrating the flow of liquid and this illustration, the column 10 includes a vapor outlet in
vapor thereacross; overhead line 26 disposed atop the tower 12 and a
FIG. 3 is a top-plan, diagrammatic view of a prior art lower skirt 28 disposed in the lower region of the tower
sieve plate illustrating the liquid flow thereacross; 45 around bottom stream takeoff line 30 coupled to a
FIG. 4 is a perspective view of a downcomer-tray reboiler (not shown). Reboiler return conduit 32 is
assembly with portions thereof cut away for pur- shown disposed above the skirt 28 for recycling vapor
poses of clarity; therein upwardly through the trays and/or packing layers
FIG. 5 is an enlarged, side elevational, cross sec- 14. Reflux from condensers is provided in the upper
tional view of an active tray area taken along lines so tower region 23 through entry conduit 34 wherein reflux
5-5 of FIG. 4; is distributed throughout a liquid distributor 36 across
FIG. 6 is an enlarged, top plan view of the tray upper packing bed 38. It may be seen that the upper
assembly of FIG. 4; packing bed 38 is of the structured packing variety. The
FIG. 7 is a diagrammatic, side elevational view of regions of the exchange column 10 beneath the upper
the downcomer-tray assembly of FIG. 6; ss packing bed 38 are shown for the purpose of illustration
FIG. 8 is an enlarged, side elevational, fragmentary and include a liquid collector 40 disposed beneath a
view of a downcomer-tray area of FIG. 4 in a dia- support grid 41 in support of the upper structured pack-
grammatical representation of the vapor venting of ing 38. A liquid distributor 42, adapted for redistributing
the present invention; liquid 13, is likewise disposed there-beneath. A second

7 EP0 583 914 B1 8

type of distributor 42A is shown below the cut-line 43 lower tray 49 is also of generally planar construction
and disposed above bed 14. The column 10 is pre- across its central active area 52. Liquid 13 travels from
sented with cut-line 43 for illustrating the fact that the tray 48 disposed thereabove down downcomer 53,
tower internals arrangement is diagrammatical only and through catalyst 400 and out bottom section 54. Vapor
is provided for referencing various component arrays 5 15 is often generated or trapped in the liquid 13, as indi-
therein. cated by vapor bubbles 15A emitted from catalyst bed
Referring still to FIG. 1, an assembly of a pair of 402 shown in the downcomers 69. The tapered sections
trays is also shown for purposes of illustration. In many 54 of the downcomers provide clearance angles for
instances, process columns contain only packing, only vapor flow from the active inlet areas, which clearance
trays, or combinations of packing and trays. The present 10 angles afford horizontal flow vectors to the vapor vented
illustration is, however, a combination for purposes of through raised panels 51 and 71 . The liquid 13 engages
discussion of the overall tower and its operation. A the vented vapor 15 discharged from the raised active
trayed column usually contains a plurality of trays 48 of panel area 51 beneath the downcomer 53. The venting
the type shown herein. In many instances, the trays 48 region therebeneath is so labeled. Catalyst generated
are valve or sieve trays. Such trays comprise plates 15 or entrained gas escaping from the lower downcomer
which are perforated or slotted in construction. The and catalyst media 404 disposed therein and below the
vapor and the liquid engage at or along the tray and, in venting region is able to ascend directly into and
some assemblies, are permitted to flow through the through the panel area 51 . Without the raised panel 51 ,
same openings in a counter-current flow arrangement. there would be no preferential vapor flow of the gas
Optimally, the vapor and liquid flows reach a level of sta- 20 escaping from the downcomer and it would tend to rise
bility. With the utilization of downcomers, to be through the conventional active region 52. This engage-
described in more detail below, this stability may be ment controls the direction of vented vapor and liquid
achieved with a relatively low flow rate permitting the flow across the central active region 52 of tray 49; the
ascending vapor to mix with the descending liquid. In taper of the mitered section 54 imparting a horizontal
some embodiments no downcomers are used and the 25 flow characteristic. The raised panel 51 permits any
vapor and the liquid use the same openings, alternating excess vapor pressure to be vented through the panel
as the respective pressures change. But such is not the and into a flow configuration which facilitates proper
case herein. tower operation rather than creating more problems. For
In the present embodiment, cross-flow trays 48 and example, as described below, entraining liquid 13A is
49 and downcomers 53 and 69 are illustrated. Tray 48 is 30 induced to drop out due to the flow configuration. The
of conventional design manifesting a conventional per- remaining ascending vapor 15 passing through the plu-
forated, or slotted, surface 50. Tray 49, however, rality of perforations 59 of said active region 52 may rise
includes a raised inlet section 51 beneath downcomer vertically to create a froth 61 . The froth or "foam" is a
53, which downcomer is constructed for securing cata- region of aeration in which the phase of the liquid 13 is
lyst media therein. The catalyst media 400 cannot, how- 35 continuous. When the froth 61 does not exist or
ever, be seen in this view of downcomer 53, but can be becomes discontinuous, an inversion to a gas-continu-
diagrammatically illustrated in downcomer 69. The ous regime can result in a "spray" of gas upwardly
downcomer 53 is also tapered downwardly, as will be therethrough. With the downcomer-tray assembly of the
described below. The apertures in the inlet section 51 present invention, the likelihood of this gas continuous
can be simple perforations or directional flow vanes, as 40 regime is greatly reduced.
will be described below, and are the result of a myriad of Still referring to FIG. 2, the froth 61 extends with a
critical design considerations including liquid/vapor relatively uniform height, shown in phantom by line 63
ratios, liquid cooling, liquid flow/back-mixing, froth across the width of the tray 49 to the opposite end 65
height and uniformity, the presence of solids or slurries where a weir 67 is established for maintaining the froth
therein and the requisite need to vent excess pressure 45 height 63. The accumulated froth at this point flows over
in the underlying tray. Corrosion is likewise a considera- the top of the weir 67 into associated downcomer 69
tion of the various elements in the packed towers and that carries the froth downwardly into a mitered region
the selection of the material, design, and the fabrication 70 where the liquid accumulates and disperses upon
of the tower internal is, in many instances, the result of active inlet region 71 therebeneath. Again active inlet
such considerations. The anatomy of process columns so region 71 is shown herein diagrammatically for pur-
as shown in FIG. 1 is likewise described in more detail poses of illustration only. As stated herein, the area of
in an article by Gilbert Chen, entitled "Packed Column holes and perforations for a single cross-flow plate
Internals" appearing in the March 5, 1984 edition of establish the active length of the plate and the zone in
Chemical Engineering, incorporated herein by refer- which the froth 61 is established. It should be noted that
ence. 55 the present invention would also be applicable to multi-
Referring now to FIG. 2, there is shown a side-ele- ple downcomer configurations, wherein the downcom-
vational, cross-sectional, diagrammatic view of several ers and raised, active inlet areas may be positioned in
aspects of the present invention. An upper tray 48 com- intermediate areas of the trays. By increasing the total
prises a planar panel that is perforated, as shown. The active area by active inlet areas 51 and 71 greater

9 EP0 583 914 B1 10

capacity and efficiency is achieved. It is also the manner dropping out of liquid droplets entrained in the vapor
of flow of the liquid 13 across the tray 49 which, in the flow 105. Such entrainment is common in towers with
present embodiment, is critical to tray efficiency. A flow ascending vapor flow, but it is exacerbated with the
diagram of a conventional sieve plate will be discussed venting flow arising from the inlet panel 104.
below for purposes of illustrating the efficiency afforded 5 Referring now to FIG. 5, an enlarged, cross section
by the present invention. of the tray assembly 49 is diagrammatically shown. In
Referring now to FIG. 3, there is shown a flow dia- this embodiment, a sieve type tray is constructed with
gram across a conventional sieve plate. The prior art trapezoidal, or V-shaped, wires 55. It is incorporated
sieve plate 72 is illustrated herein as a round tray having into a SCREEN TRAY type sieve tray embodiment.
a first conventional downcomer for feeding liquid upon a 10 SCREEN TRAY is a trademark of the assignee of the
solid, underlying panel 73 and then to the tray 74. A sec- present invention and represents the central active area
ond downcomer 74A carries liquid away from the tray. A of tray 49 constructed with the array of V-shaped wires
plurality of arrows 75 illustrate the non-uniform flow of 55 disposed in generally parallel spaced relationship.
liquid 13 across a conventional plate. Recirculation cells The adjacent V-shaped wires 55 are secured by cross
76 are shown to be formed on both sides of the plate lat- 15 members 58 and form a "Venturi" shaped slit 87
eral to the direction of flow. The formation of these retro- between each of the wires resulting in very low energy
grade flow areas, or recirculation cells, decreases the loss. The relative size of the mesh 51 and tray 49 are
efficiency of the tray. These recirculation cells are the not to scale and are presented by illustrating the tray
result of retrograde flow near the walls of the process assembly. Each wire 55 has a trapezoidal outer perime-
column and this backflow problem becomes more pro- 20 ter surface 56 forming the above defined tapered slit 87.
nounced as the diameter of the column increases. With Such a tray operates in the froth regime at maximum
the increase in retrograde flow and the resultant stagna- efficiency over a wide range of conditions. Gas 15 is
tion effect from the recirculation cells, concentration-dif- thus shown rising to engage liquid 13 flowing orthogo-
ference driving force for mass transfer between the nal thereto from the downcomer 102 of FIG. 4. The
counter-flowing streams is reduced. The reduction in 25 result is a turbulent pattern of gas and liquid engage-
concentration-difference driving force will result in more ment effecting efficient mass transfer. Likewise, froth
contact or height requirement for a given separation in height is maximized, entrainment is minimized and low
the column. Although back mixing is but a single aspect pressure drop results in reduced downcomer backup.
of plate efficiency, the reduction thereof is provided con- The directionalized flow from the raised, active inlet
currently with the other advantages hereof. Reference is 30 panel 104 provides an enhancement in tray efficiency,
again made to the plate efficiency discussion set forth in with minimum height. It should also be noted that any
above referenced, co-pending patent application serial style of apertures could be incorporated into the active
no. 07/304,942. area of tray 49. Although V-shaped wires are shown,
Referring now to FIG. 4, there is shown an bubble cap trays, other slotted openings, perforations,
enlarged, fragmentary perspective view of a down- 35 valves (both fixed and moveable) could be used with the
comer-tray assembly 100 illustrating various flow char- present invention.
acteristics. The tray 49 as shown herein is constructed Referring now to FIG. 6, there is shown an enlarged
for placement in the tower 12 whereby a feeding down- top plan view of the tray 49 of FIG. 4 illustrating addi-
comer 102 having an inclined face 103, can be disposed tional flow aspects thereof. The tray 49 is constructed
over an inlet region 104 for providing liquid 13 to tray 49. 40 with a plurality of panel sections. These sections are not
A weir 82 is disposed on the opposite side of tray 49 shown with aperture detail for purposes of clarity. Sec-
whereby a second downcomer is disposed for carrying tion 120 comprises an outer panel having an arcuate
froth 61 and liquid 13 away from the tray 49. Liquid 13 side wall 121. Panel 122 is secured adjacent panel 120
spills down upon active inlet panel 104 and over and is comprised of generally rectangular configuration.
upstanding edge 106 onto the tray 49. The liquid 13 45 Panel 124 is likewise secured adjacent panel 122 and
flows across the tray in the direction of arrows 83 and likewise comprises a generally rectangular configura-
84. If the panel 104 is constructed with flow vanes, the tion. Each of the panels 120, 122 and 124 are con-
flow directions will be induced by vapor flow from panel structed of the appropriate tray material such as the
104 and will be substantially uniform in accordance with sieve tray construction shown in FIG. 5. It may be seen
the principles of the present invention and without the so that upstanding edge 106 is shown separating the trays
backflow problems discussed above. Arrows 105 reflect 122 and 124 from the raised inlet panel 104.
the horizontal flow characteristic of the vapor vented Still referring to FIG. 6, the relative proportion of
from the underlying tray, which flow characteristic is pro- sizes between active inlet panel 104 and the central
duced by the panel 104 and the inclined face 103. In this active area of tray 49 can be seen. Panel 104, in this
manner, two distinct advantages may be recognized. 55 particular embodiment, is comprised of first and second
The absence of back mixing will increase the concentra- panel sections 110 and 112 which are welded together
tion-difference driving force for mass transfer between across abutting joint 113 in abutting seam 113. Each
the counter-flowing streams. The horizontal vapor flow panel 110 and 112 is constructed with louvers 114 fac-
aspect represented by arrows 105 will facilitate the ing in selected directions. Louvers 114 of panel 110 are

11 EP0 583 914 B1 12

angled to vector vapor flow in the direction of arrow 116. raised above the tray deck 49 and is open to the under-
Likewise, louvers 114 and panel 112 are angled to vec- lying tray and downcomer for venting vapor 15 directly
tor vapor flow in the direction of arrow 118. The select therefrom. In this particular configuration a dynamic
vapor and liquid flow then occurs across the panels 120, seal is thus created in the downcomer 102 by maintain-
122 and 124 to the opposite downcomer. A downcomer 5 ing a liquid head 148 above the discharge slots 130.
panel 126 is shown sloped downwardly to a bottom dis- These features will be discussed in more detail below.
charge plate 128 in which rectangular apertures 130 are Referring now to FIG. 9, there is shown an alterna-
formed in the outermost section thereof. In this manner, tive embodiment of the downcomer panel assembly in
the flow path of discharge liquid is maximized across FIG. 8. The downcomer mitered section 134 is con-
the tray. Maximizing the length of travel of the liquid 10 structed with a sloped section 150 terminating in a Ven-
maximizes the tray efficiency, which aspect is labeled turi flange 152. The entire downcomer region adjacent
beneath the drawing of FIG. 6. Venturi flange 152 may remain open for purposes of
Referring now to FIG. 7, there is shown a side ele- vectoring liquid therefrom, creating a lower pressure
vational, cross sectional view of the tray 49 of FIG. 6. area therein, and venting vapor 15 into the area above
The weir 82 is shown to be constructed of a generally L- 15 tray 49 with a horizontal flow characteristic as shown by
shaped member adjacent the downcomer 102. The arrow 105.
downcomer 102 on the left side of FIG. 7 is constructed Referring now to FIG. 10, there is shown an
with first sloping wall 126 which engages a second enlarged, fragmentary perspective view of a section of
angulated sloping wall region 132. The angulated wall the panel of the plate 144 of FIG. 8. In this particular
region 132 has a mitered section 134 which permits 20 configuration a pre-expanded type of metal plate is
egress of ascending vapor from the raised panel there- used having a plurality of twisted lands 162 forming slot-
beneath with a horizontal flow vector. An angulated ted apertures 164 therein. Any number of louver
downcomer may be provided in this vicinity for effecting designs could be used. Vapor passes therethrough in
vapor passage from the raised inlet panel. The raised the direction of arrow 166 due to the angular relation-
inlet panel 104 on the right side of FIG. 7 illustrates the 25 ship between the twisted lands 162 and the slitted aper-
orientation of this preferential vapor flow area immedi- tures 164. This panel section 160 comprises but one
ately above the downcomer disposed therebelow. Gas embodiment of the present invention for affording select
entrained in liquid which flows into the downcomer and vapor passage from the raised inlet panel of the present
is released must find a region of escape. The same is invention.
true for vapor generated from catalyst media secured in 30 Referring now to FIG. 11, it may be seen that a plu-
such downcomers, as discussed in more detail below. rality of panels 260, 262, 264 may be incorporated in
The escaping vapor is illustrated rising up to and raised section 104. These panels utilize directional flow
through the panel 104 where it is preferentially vented. vanes and the central panel 262 vectors vapor directly
A support beam 136 is shown to form a chamber across the plate 49 while outer panels 260 and 264
beneath the panel 104. Apertures 137 are formed 35 direct vapor flow outwardly thereof to reduce retrograde
through the side wall of beam 136 to serve as vapor flow flow thereacross. In this manner, the downcomer 102
equalization holes. If excessive vapor fills the chamber may be provided with increased efficiency and
beneath panel 104 it can escape outwardly through flow enhanced vapor liquid interaction. The raised, active
equalization holes 137. inlet area 104 increases the total active area of the par-
Referring now to FIG. 8, there is shown an 40 ticular plate to which it is affixed and the directional flow
enlarged, side elevational cross sectional view of the vanes maximize vapor liquid contact as liquid is dis-
downcomer 102 and raised inlet panel 104 of FIG. 4. charged directly from the downcomer. It should be
The downcomer 102 is seen to incorporate the select noted that this entire panel section could be inclined
tapered wall region 103 which may be used to increase within the meaning of substantially uniformly raised as
vapor flow efficiency as discussed above. The slots 130 45 used herein. Utilization of a static seal in the down-
are formed in the lower region thereof for discharging comer further simplifies the construction and maximizes
liquid 13 directly onto panel 104 into engagement with the efficiency of operation. The directional vanes are
ascending vapor 15. The inlet panel 104 of this particu- provided in the active inlet panels in the requisite direc-
lar embodiment, is seen to be formed with a plurality of tions for accommodating proper flow and maintaining
directional flow vanes 140 providing directionalized so flow equilibrium. This prevents retrograde flow prior to
vapor flow in the direction of arrows 105, 142, and 146. the liquid engaging the opposite downcomer 82 across
The vanes 140 may be formed in a plate section 144 the plate 49. These factors increase the efficiency of the
which may be comprised of louvered metal such as pre- plate. All of these effects enhance mass transfer effi-
expanded metal or the like. The vanes 140, when uti- ciency while maintaining high capacity and they repre-
lized, facilitate directionalizing the vapor flow. When ss sent a marked improvement over the prior art.
vanes 140 are used with a slanted downcomer wall 103, Referring again to FIG. 8, the present invention
the horizontal vector imparted to the vented vapor flow affords the benefit of venting between trays. The venting
can be quite pronounced, as discussed in more detail occurs in the raised inlet region 140, disposed above an
below. As is shown in the present drawing, the panel is underlying downcomer, which permits the passage of

13 EP0 583 914 B1 14

vapor from the underlying catalyst-downcomer and/or the principles of the present invention. The actual con-
tray in a non-deleterious manner. The passage of struction of the downcomer-tray and tower assembly
excess vapor through the raised inlet 104 eliminates the has been shown and discussed in detail above. In
need for such excess vapor to pass through the active accordance with the principles of the present invention,
tray area 49, which could create flow balance problems. 5 catalyst media 400 is secured within downcomer 401
Moreover, the vapor 15 passing through raised inlet 104 disposed within a tower 402. The catalyst media may
may be vectored in a direction 105 having a horizontal comprise a heterogeneous catalyst, or the like, which is
flow component. An X-Y diagram has been superim- secured within a grating material or screen 406 having a
posed over the active tray 49 to illustrate that a substan- high percentage open area and configured in the form
tial amount of vapor flow from the raised inlet area 104 w of a cage to retain bales of catalyst therein. The utiliza-
will have some horizontal flow component X relative to tion of catalysts in process towers, and even in down-
its vertical flow component Y. Arrow 146 illustrates comers, is conventional in the prior art. (See
vapor 15 rising adjacent the angulated downcomer face Background of Invention reference to US-A-3, 634,534.)
103. Its X component of flow is less than that shown for In the present invention, individual catalyst bales 406
arrows 105, but more than that shown for ascending 15 are separated one from the other to allow downcomer
vapor 15 passing through the active area of tray 49. liquid to freely flow past the catalyst and to freely
With a horizontal flow component, liquid droplets 13A escape any gases generated therein for passage
entrained in the flow will have a much better chance of upwardly in the downcomer. It may further be seen that
dropping out for mass/heat transfer in the tray area 49, the supportive structure includes an upper structural
a series of droplets 13A are diagrammatically shown for 20 member 410 and an underlying structure member 412
purposes of illustration of this point. Moreover, the which secures the catalyst bales 406 therein. Separat-
velocity of vapor flow is much higher when region 104 is ing partitions 41 4 and 41 6 may likewise be used to keep
venting and relieving the tray pressure Py below that adjacent bales 406 disposed one from the other. Vapor
tray 49 that is much greater than tray pressure Px, bubbles 420 produced from the catalyst media are illus-
above tray 49. Higher pressure Py can arise within the 25 trated to be issuing therefrom, as is typical in the utiliza-
chamber described in the discussion of FIG. 7 from dis- tion of catalyst media in downcomer assemblies. In this
entrained or catalytically generated vapors from the particular configuration however the vapor bubbles 420
downcomer therebelow. The vented vapor engages and are permitted to egress upwardly in the direction of
aerates the descending liquid 13, thus causing liquid arrows 422 as illustrated adjacent upper tray 424 and
entrainment in the vapor. With the aforesaid horizontal 30 lower tray 426. A downcomer (not shown) is disposed
vapor flow characteristics the Y-flow component may be beneath tray 426 as described above. The raised active
sufficiently low to permit the liquid droplets to fall out. inlet area 430 of tray 426 is thus illustrate the venting of
Such an operational condition is more likely to occur vapor bubbles 420 rising upwardly therethrough. This
with higher pressure tower applications. In the manner catalytic vapor bubble venting is preferential venting due
described above, both entrained liquid-in-vapor and 35 to the raised active inlet area 430 as discussed above.
entrained vapor-in-liquid are allowed to disperse without Referring now to RIG. 12b there is shown an alter-
affecting the stability of the vapor-liquid flow between native embodiment of the catalyst media assembly of
trays. Stabilized flow requires the proper balance FIG. 12a. In this particular configuration, a separate
between liquid flow down and vapor flowing up. Liquid vapor feedline 450 is illustrated to be disposed within
may be entrained in the vapor, with high velocity, vertical 40 the downcomer 401 . The vapor feedline 450 is assem-
vapor flow through liquid. Likewise, vapor may be bled with a plurality of orifices 452 permitting the dis-
entrained in the liquid as a byproduct of the commin- charge of additional vapor into the liquid disposed within
gling of the gas and liquid, particularly in high pressure the downcomer 401 of tray 424. Likewise tray 426
applications. The entrained vapor is thus carried down- includes a raised active inlet area 430 disposed
wardly in the descending downcomer described in the 45 beneath the downcomer 401 and gas bubbles 420 are
Background of the Invention. The present invention per- shown issuing therefrom and rising upwardly in the
mits the venting of the vapor released from the liquid in direction of arrows 422 as described above. The utiliza-
the underlying downcomer. The vented vapor is tion of a separate vapour discharge line 450 may be
released through the raised, active inlet area therea- preferable to facilitate various operational parameters,
bove and then vectored across the upper tray with a 50 and these operational parameters may be greatly facili-
select flow characteristic which may be horizontal for tated by the utilization of the raised active inlet areas
facilitating release of liquid entrained in the vapor as a disposed above such downcomers for preferential
result of its engagement with the downcomer discharge vapour venting therethrough. Again, the raised active
and resulting aeration. This dual function entrainment inlet area permits preferential vapour flow of the gas dis-
release serves to stabilize the vapor-liquid flow in an 55 charged from the catalyst media 406 or vapour line 450
efficient manner. discharging vapour in the downcomers 401 .
Referring now to FIG. 12a there is shown a side- According to various preferred embodiments of the
elevational, diagrammatic view of a catalyst-down- invention:
comer-tray assembly constructed in accordance with

15 EP0 583 914 B1 16

the cage for the catalyst support means can be therethrough, CHARACTERISED IN THAT the first
constructed with means separating said catalyst to tray (49) has an active inlet section (51) beneath the
allow liquid to flow therebetween, first downcomer (53) which is raised relative to the
the inlet panel of the raised active area can com- central section (52) thereof, which section (51) has
prise first and second substantially planar, aper- s openings for directing vapour into engagement with
tured regions, said first apertured region having liquid from the downcomer (53) oriented to control
flow vanes disposed at an angle relative to flow the direction of vapour and liquid flow therefrom
vanes of said second apertured region, across the central section (52), means being pro-
the flow vanes of the first and second aperture vided in the third downcomer for supporting a cata-
regions can be oriented generally orthogonal one to 10 lyst media (404) whereby vapour from such media
the other for imparting vapour flow in different direc- is vented to the active inlet section (51) of the first
tions therefrom, tray (49) and directed into engagement with liquid
the inlet panel of the raised active area can com- discharged from the first downcomer (53).
prise first, second and third apertured regions, said
first apertured region disposed intermediate of said is 2. An assembly according to Claim 1 wherein the
second and third regions for imparting directional- downcomers (53) are constructed for providing a
ized flow across an intermediate section of said tray dynamic seal against ascending vapour flow pro-
with said second and third regions directing flow duced from catalyst media in the third downcomer.
outwardly thereof for reducing retrograde flow the-
reacross, 20 3. An assembly according to Claim 2 wherein said
the inlet panel can comprise at least one pre- downcomers (53) are constructed with a fluid dis-
expanded metal section having twisted lands and charge region (54) that is spaced above said active
slotted apertures forming louvers thereacross, inlet region for establishing a fluid reservoir and uni-
an external vapour source can be secured within at form discharge thereon.
least one of said downcomers for discharging 25
vapour therein to be vented upwardly therefrom, 4. An assembly according to Claim 3 wherein the dis-
the catalyst can be provided in bales and said cata- charge region (54) comprises a plurality of aper-
lyst media support means is constructed with tures (130) formed thereacross and disposed
means for separating set bales one from the other above the active inlet section (51) in generally par-
in the downcomer to allow liquid to flow downwardly 30 allel spaced relationship thereto.
the step of imparting a select flow characteristic can 5. An assembly according to Claim 3 wherein said dis-
include imparting a horizontal flow vector to said charge region (54) comprises a tapered Venturi
vented vapour, area formed thereacross and disposed above the
the method can further include the step of providing 35 active inlet section (51) in generally parallel spaced
an external vapour source and disposed said relationship thereto.
vapour source within said downcomer for the dis-
charge of external vapour therein and upwardly 6. An assembly according to any preceding Claim
venting therefrom, wherein said catalyst media supporting means
the step of securing the catalyst media within said 40 comprises a cage (406) adapted to retain catalyst
downcomer support includes the steps of packag- media therein.
ing said catalyst in bundles and separating said
bundles one from the other in said downcomer to 7. An assembly according to any preceding Claim
allow liquid to flow downwardly therebetween. wherein said raised active area comprises an inlet
45 panel constructed with a plurality of vanes (140)
Claims formed therethrough for imparting directional flow
to vapour discharged therefrom.
1. A downcomer-tray assembly for a process column
in which a downward flow of liquid interacts with an 8. The use of an assembly according to any preceding
upward flow of vapour, the assembly having a first so 50 Claim for mixing vapour with liquid discharged from
downcomer (53) for carrying liquid to one side of a the downcomer of a process column onto an under-
first column tray (49) with a central section (52) lying tray of the type wherein descending liquid
allowing the upward flow of vapour therethrough mixes with ascending vapour flow through said tray.
and a second downcomer (69) on the other side of
the tray (49) for carrying liquid therefrom to a sec- 55 Patentanspruche
ond column tray and thence to a third downcomer
disposed beneath the first downcomer (53), the 1. Ablaufstutzen/Boden-Baugruppe fur eine ProzeB-
arrangement enabling liquid to flow across the trays kolonne, in der eine nach unten gerichtete Flussig-
(49) while interacting with vapour flowing upwardly keitsstromung mit einer nach oben gerichteten

17 EP0 583 914 B1 18

Dampfstromung in Wechselwirkung steht, wobei 6. Baugruppe gemaB einem der vorhergehenden

die Baugruppe einen ersten Ablaufstutzen (53) zum Anspriiche, wobei das Mittel zum Haltern des Kata-
Transport von Flussigkeit auf eine Seite eines lysatormediums einen Kaf ig (406) umfaBt, der dazu
ersten Kolonnenbodens (49), der einen mittigen eingerichtet ist, in sich das Katalysatormedium zu
Abschnitt (52) aufweist, der die nach oben gerich- 5 halten.
tete Stromung von Dampf durch ihn hindurch
erlaubt, und einen zweiten Ablaufstutzen (69) auf 7. Baugruppe gemaB einem der vorhergehenden
der anderen Seite des Bodens (49) zum Transport Anspriiche, wobei der erhohte aktive Bereich eine
von Flussigkeit von dort aus zu einem zweiten Zulaufplatte enthalt, die mit einer Anzahl von durch
Kolonnenboden und von da zu einem dritten 10 sie hindurch ausgebildeten Lamellen (140) verse-
Ablaufstutzen, der unterhalb des ersten Ablaufstut- hen ist, urn dem von ihr abgegebenen Dampf eine
zens (53) angeordnet ist, besitzt und die gesamte gerichtete Stromung zu erteilen.
Anordnung Flussigkeit in die Lage versetzt, quer
uber die Boden (49) zu stromen und dabei mit 8. Verwendung einer Baugruppe gemaB einem der
durch sie hindurch nach oben stromendem Dampf 15 vorhergehenden Anspriiche zum Vermischen von
in Wechselwirkung zu treten, Dampf mit Flussigkeit, die von dem Ablaufstutzen
dadurch gekennzeichnet, einer ProzeBkolonne auf einen unter ihm befindli-
daB der erste Boden (49) einen aktiven Zulaufab- chen Boden des Typs abgegeben wird, bei dem
schnitt (51) unterhalb des ersten Ablaufstutzens sich absteigende Flussigkeit mit einer durch den
(53) aufweist, der in Bezug auf den mittigen 20 Boden hindurchtretenden aufsteigenden Dampf-
Abschnitt (52) erhoht ist und Offnungen zum Len- stromung vermischt.
ken von Dampf in Wechselwirkung mit Flussigkeit
von dem Fallkanal (53) aufweist, die so gerichtet Revendications
sind, daB sie die Stromungsrichtung von Dampf
und Flussigkeit von ihnen quer uber den mittigen 25 1. Ensemble a plateaux et dispositifs de descente
Abschnitt (52) steuern, wobei im dritten Ablaufstut- pour colonne de traitement dans laquelle un ecou-
zen Mittel vorgesehen sind, die ein Katalysatorme- lement de liquide descendant agit reciproquement
dium (404) haltern, wodurch Dampf von diesem avec un ecoulement de vapeur ascendant, I'ensem-
Medium in den aktiven Zulaufabschnitt (51) des ble ayant un premier dispositif de descente (53)
ersten Bodens (49) transportiert und in Wechsel- 30 pour vehiculer le liquide vers I'un des cotes d'un
wirkung mit Flussigkeit gelenkt wird, die von dem premier plateau de colonne (49) comportant une
ersten Ablaufstutzen (53) abgegeben wird. partie centrale (52) permettant I'ecoulement de
vapeur ascendant a travers elle, et un second dis-
2. Baugruppe gemaB Anspruch 1, wobei die Ablaufs- positif de descente (69) de I'autre cote du plateau
tutzen (53) derart gebaut sind, daB sie eine dyna- 35 (49) pour vehiculer le liquide de celui-ci vers un
mische Abdichtung gegeniiber der Stromung von second plateau de colonne et, de la, vers un troi-
aufsteigendem Dampf darstellen, der von dem sieme dispositif de descente dispose sous le pre-
Katalysatormedium im dritten Ablaufstutzen mier dispositif de descente (53), la disposition
erzeugt worden ist. permettant au liquide de s'ecouler a travers les pla-
40 teaux (49) tout en agissant reciproquement avec la
3. Baugruppe gemaB Anspruch 2, wobei die Ablaufs- vapeur qui circule vers le haut a travers ceux-ci,
tutzen (53) mit einem Fluidabgabebereich (54) auf- CARACTERISE EN CE QUE le premier plateau
gebaut sind, der im Abstand oberhalb des aktiven (49) comporte une partie d'entree active (51) sous
Zulaufabschnittes angeordnet ist, urn einen Fluid- le premier dispositif de descente (53), qui est sure-
vorrat und eine gleichmaBige Abgabe dahin einzu- 45 levee par rapport a sa partie centrale (52), laquelle
richten. partie (51) comporte des ouvertures destinees a
diriger la vapeur de fagon a la mettre en contact
4. Baugruppe gemaB Anspruch 3, wobei der Abgabe- avec le liquide provenant du dispositif de descente
bereich (54) eine Anzahl von Offnungen (130) (53) et orientees pour controler la direction de
umfaBt, die durch ihn hindurch und oberhalb des so I'ecoulement de vapeur et de liquide a travers la
aktiven Zulaufabschnittes (51) im allgemeinen par- partie centrale (52), un moyen etant prevu dans le
allel im Abstand von diesem gebildet sind. troisieme dispositif de descente pour supporter un
agent catalytique (404), pour ainsi laisser s'echap-
5. Baugruppe gemaB Anspruch 3, wobei der Abgabe- per la vapeur provenant de cet agent vers la partie
bereich (54) eine sich verjiingende Venturizone 55 d'entree active (51) du premier plateau (49) et la
umfaBt, die durch ihn hindurch und oberhalb des diriger pour la mettre en contact avec le liquide eva-
aktiven Zulaufabschnittes (51) im allgemeinen par- cue du premier dispositif de descente (53).
allel im Abstand davon gebildet ist.
2. Ensemble selon la revendication 1, dans lequel les

19 EP0 583 914 B1

dispositifs de descente (53) sont congus pour creer

un joint d'etancheite dynamique vis-a-vis de I'ecou-
lement de vapeur ascendant produit a partir de
I'agent catalytique situe dans le troisieme dispositif
de descente. 5

Ensemble selon la revendication 2, dans lequel les-

dits dispositifs de descente (53) comportent une
zone d'evacuation de fluide (54) situee a une cer-
taine distance au-dessus de ladite zone d'entree 10
active pour etablir un reservoir de fluide et une eva-
cuation uniforme sur celle-ci.

Ensemble selon la revendication 3, dans lequel la

zone d'evacuation (54) comprend plusieurs ouver- 15
tures (130) formees a travers elle et disposees au-
dessus de la partie d'entree active (51) dans une
relation espacee globalement parallele a celle-ci.

Ensemble selon la revendication 3, dans lequel 20

ladite zone d'evacuation (54) comprend une zone
formant Venturi allant en s'amincissant, formee a
travers elle et disposee au-dessus de la partie
d'entree active (51) dans une relation espacee glo-
balement parallele a celle-ci. 25

Ensemble selon I'une quelconque des revendica-

tions precedentes, dans lequel ledit moyen suppor-
tant I'agent catalytique comprend une cage (406)
adaptee pour contenir ce dernier. 30

Ensemble selon I'une quelconque des revendica-

tions precedentes, dans lequel ladite zone active
surelevee comprend un panneau d'entree a travers
lequel sont formees plusieurs ailettes (140) pour 35
impartir un ecoulement directionnel a la vapeur
evacuee a partir de celles-ci.

Utilisation d'un ensemble selon I'une quelconque

des revendications precedentes pour melanger de 40
la vapeur avec un liquide s'ecoulant du dispositif de
descente d'une colonne de traitement sur un pla-
teau sous-jacent du type dans lequel le liquide des-
cendant se melange avec I'ecoulement de vapeur
ascendant a travers ledit plateau. 45


EP0 583 914 B1
EP0 583 914 B1
EP0 583 914 B1

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EP0 583 914 B1

EP0 583 914 B1

FIG. 12 A

FIG. 12B

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