Tugas Bahasa Inggris Kelas X

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Name :

Class :X
Subject : Bahasa Inggris

1. What is difference between past tense and present perfect tense?

2. Write a sentence using past tense, present perfect, past continous and past perfect tense with
the following verb;
a) Study
b) (not) visit
3. From kind of recount text, give an explanation of;
a) Personal recount
personal recount is one of recount text that retelling an activity that the writer has been
personally involved in and may be used to build the relationship between the writer and the
reader e.g. anecdote, diary journal, personal letter. 
b) Historical recount
Historical recount text is a type of recount text that discusses the history of both historical
sites and historical objects.
c) Biography
A biography is a type of recount text which tells a story or information about a person's
life. A biography is more complex than just a curriculum vitae and work data of a person,
biography also tells about the feelings involved in experiencing these events. In the
biography explained in full the life of a character from childhood to old age, even to

4. Give an explanation of the generic structure of recount text with your own words!

5. Write your own recount text based on your experience! (choose theme : embarrassing
moment, sad experience or best memories)
one day in my high school, it was 12 o'clock on Thursday during the second break time. All
students left the classroom to go to buy food. at that time I invited my friend named Bella to buy
some food in the canteen. it was located a bit far from my class. We had to go through the
volleyball court to go forward.

so my friend and I walked down the stairs to get to the volleyball court. on the edge of the stairs
was still crowded by class x ipa 2 who was just exercising. when my friend and I passed the
crowded stairs, I walked rather quickly because I was a little embarrassed when I passed some
people. After I walked on the last step I suddenly tripped by my own feet, maybe because my
skirt was too long. at that time I immediately fell on the floor of the volleyball court. both my
knees seemed to be dragged so that my knees were hurting. after I fell, the students of class x ipa
2 immediately saw me and laughed at me. many people saw that embarrassed moment of me. my
friend also laughed at me but she helped me to stand up. I stood up quickly and immediately ran
forward while holding a shame.

After we arrived at the canteen, I felt my knees were aching and my skirt was dirty. I quickly
bought food with my friend and went straight to class with a different path, we did not go back
through the volleyball court. after that, in the class I checked my knees, and thank God my knee
was only slightly injured not bleeding a lot. The pain was not too tough but I was very
embarrassed by them. That day was a shameful day for me.

*Note : Submit the tasks on March, 20th 2020 to email address : adeyunitha146@gmail.com

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