Pharmacognosy MCQ

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Latex vessels are present in phloem of which

Enzymes & proteins Source Activity 4. Which of the alkaloids are liquid and volatile
Papain--- Papaya latex --- Proteolytic in nature?
Diastase----- Barley ---------- Amylolytic Nicotine and coniine
Bromelin -----Pineapple ------ Blood 5. The degree of basicity of alkaloid mostly
clotting depends upon the influence caused due to
Ficin/Ficain ------- Ficus carica (figs) Latex Electrostatic status of nitrogen atom
------ Proteolytic, IgG antibody detection 6. Heroine is
Pepsin ----- Hog stomach ------- Proteolytic Diacetyl morphine
Pancreatin ------ Hog pancreas ------ 7. Which drug contain quinazoline alkaloid?
Digestive Lobelia
Hyaluronidase ----- Human testes ---- 8. Which of the following does not contain
Mucolytic steroidal alkaloids?
Urokinase --------- Human kidney & urine (b) Ephedra
--------- In pulmonary embolism (c) Kurchi (d) Veratrum
Streptokinase -------- Streptococci -------- 9. T-shaped trichomes are present in
Dissolve blood clot (a) Varbascum thapsus
Asparaginase------ E. coli (r DNA) ---- (b) Belladonna
Antileukemic (c) Tea
Somatotropin --- E. coli (r DNA) ---- In (d) Pyrethrum
Hypothyroidism 10. Wagner reagent contains
Penicillinase ------------- Bacillus cereus Iodine + KI water
(staphylococci) ----------- Treatment in 11. Mayer’s reagent contains
adverse reactions to Penicillin Mercuric chloride + KI in water
12. Dragendroff ’s contains
ALKLOIDS KI + Bismuth iodide
13. Murexide test is used to detect
1. Libermann–Burchard’s reagent is
14. Vitali morin reaction is for
Acetic anhydride + Conc. H2SO4
(a) Datura (b) Stramonium
2. Which compound undergoes aldol
(c) Duboisia (d) All of the above
condensation during its biosynthesis?
15. Match the following:
Alkaloids Chemical constitutes 20. Pilocarpine contain ____________ basic
(a) Cinchona - Quinine 1. moiety.
(b) Opium -- Morphine Imidazole
(c) Ergot -- Ergometrine 21. Which is the example of steroidal alkaloids?
(d) Rauwolfia --- Reserpine (a) Kurchi (b) Veratrum
(e) Nux vomica --- Strychnine (c) Ashwagandha (d) All of the above
16. Match the following: 22. Vinca comes under
Basic nucleus Herbal drugs Indole alkaloid
a. Tropane -- Cocaine 23. Which alkaloid is used to treat migraine?
b. Quinoline --- Quinine Ergot
c. Isoquinoline --- Emetine 24. Vasaka contains ____________ basic
d. Imidazole --- Pilocarpine moiety.
e. Purine --- Caffeine Quinazoline
17. Match the following: 25. Which of the following is not tropane
a. Cinchona --- . Rubiaceae alkaloids?
b. Opium ---- Papaveraceae (a) Coca (b) Datura
c. Ergot ---- Graminae (c) Duboisia (d) Berberis
d. Rauwolfia --- Apocynaceae 26. Which of the following is not indole
e. Nux vomica --- Loganiaceae alkaloids?
18. Starting material for biosynthesis of (a) Vinca (b) Rauwolfia
alkaloids (c) Nuxvomica (d) Areca
a. Tryptophan -- Indol alkaloids 27. Which is following is known as
b. Ornithine --- Tropane alkaloids “protoalkaloid”?
c. Tyrosine ---- Isoquinoline alkaloids (a) Ephedra (b) Colchicum
d. Lysine ---- Piperidine alkaloids (c) Aconite (d) All of the above
e. Anthranillic acid -- Quinoline alkaloids 28. Stratified cork is characteristic of
19. Match the following: Rauwolfia
Alkaloids Class 29. Pseudoparenchyma is found in
a. Acointe -- Diterpene Ergot
b. Ephedrine --- Amino alkaloids 30. Bundles of acicular crystal of calcium
c. Lobeline ----- Piperidine oxalate is identification characteristic of
d. Ergometrine ---- Indole alkaloids Urginea maritima
e. Hygrine ---- Pyrrolidine 31. Atropa belladonna contain ________ type of
calcium oxalate crystal
Microsphenoid Aconite
32. Rhombohedral crystals are characteristics of 45. Which of the following is steroidal
Kurchi bark glycoalkaloids?
33. All are tyrosine-derived alkaloids, except Solanum
(a) Ephedrine (b) Hordenine 46. Thalleoquin test is used to identify
(c) Mescaline (d) Hydrastine Cinchona
34. Anisocytic stomata are present in 47. Van Urk’s test is used to identify
(d) Belladona Ergot
35. Ma Hung is synonym of 48. Indole alkaloids are synthesized from
Ephedra Tryptophan
36. Diacytic stomata are present in 49. Quinoline alkaloids are synthesized from
(c) Vasaka Antranillic acid
37. Opium contains __________ of morphine. 50. Atropine is biosynthesized from ______
9% amino acids.
38. Nux vomica is biologically obtained from Ornithine, phenyl alanine, methionine
Seed of Strychnos Nux Vomica 51. Morphine is biogenetically derived from
39. Which of the following drug is not from __________
Liliaceae? Tyrosine
(a) Colchicum (b) Aloe 52. Ephedrine is derived from __________
(c) Scillia (d) Kurchi Phenylalanine
40. Which of the following drug is not from 53. Tropane alkaloids are biosynthesized from
Apocyanaceae? ________
(a) Nux vomica (b) Strophanthus Ornithine
(c) Vinca (d) Rauwolfia 54. Nicotine is biosynthesized from __________
41. p-dimethyl aminobenzaldehyde is a chemical Ornithine
composition of 55. Papaverine is biogenetically derived from
Van urk’s reagent _________
42. Picric acid is a chemical composition of Tyrosine
Hager’s reagent 56. Anomocytic or Ranunculaceous type of
43. Which of the following is a steroidal stomata are resent in
alkaloid? (a) Digitalis (b) Buchu
Solanidine (c) Lobelia (d) All the above
44. Which of the following is diterpene class 57. Lignified trichomes are identifying
alkaloid? characteristic of
Nux-vomica 70. Idioblasts of crystal layer of calcium oxalate
58. Cruciferous stomata are characteristic of is a diagnostic feature of
__________ Cinchona bark
Belladonna 71. Alkaloids in cinchona bark are determine by
59. Hygrine is biogenetically derived from Thalloiquine test
__________ 72. Strychnine act by
(d) Ornithine Depressing inhibitory centre in spinal
60. Caryophyllaceous stomata are present in cord
__________ 73. Which of the following alkaloids has
Vasaka steroidal structure?
61. Which of the following shows fibrous Connesine
fracture? 74. Cinchona alkaloids with Br2 water and dilute
Cinchona ammonia gives
62. Which alkaloids give positive murexide test? Emerald green colour
Purine alkaloids 75. Which one of the following is true for
63. Which of the following possess amino alkaloidal bases?
alkaloids? Water insolubility and organic solvent
Ephedra solubility
64. All are steroidal alkaloid except 76. Plasmodesma is present in
(a) Verartrum (b) Aconite Nux-vomica
(c) Kurchi (d) Diosgenin 77. Stratified cork and scattered sieve tissues are
65. Choose the right combination present in
Quinine, antimalarial, isoquinoline Rauwolfia
alkaloid 78. Anabasine is biogenetically derived from
66. In the life cycle of ergot ascospores are Lysine
Sexual spores 79. The best known chemical to cause
67. Which of the alkaloid is liquid in nature? polyploidy is
Nicotine Colchicine
68. The precursor for the biogenesis of tropane
alkaloid is GLYCOSIDES
69. Reserpine and deserpidine differs each other 1. Irridoid containing drug is

in respect of Valerian

Methoxy group at C-3 position 2. The biological source for dioscoria

Dioscoria deltoid 17. Which of the following is used as precursor
3. Yam is the synonym of the drug for the production of steroidal drugs like
Dioscoria corticosteroids and sex hormones?
4. Diosgenin is the hydrolytic product of Diosgenin
Saponin dioscin 18. The diuretic activity of Arjuna is due to the
5. Liquorice belongs to the family presence of
Leguminosae Arjunolic acid
6. Which of the following drug is not an 19. Cochineal contains C-glycosides which are
alkaloid? in the form of colouring matter:
(a) Opium (b) Dioscorea Carminic acid
(c) Tea (d) Vasaka 20. Which drug is under the chemical class of
7. Glycyrrhizinic acid on hydrolysis gives cyanogenic glycoside?
Glycyrrhetic acid Bitter almond
8. Rhitodoma is characteristic feature of 21. Prunasin is biosynthesized from
Quillaia Phenylalanine
9. Channeled bark is 22. Which drug is not under the class of
Ashoka glycosidal glycoside?
10. The shape of Arjuna bark is Solanum
Flat 23. Which drug is used as diuretic?
11. Shataverin-IV is the glycoside of Gokhru
Sarsapogenin 24. The family of Gokhru
12. Which of the following barks have flat Zygophyllaceae
shape? 25. In Klung’s isobarbaloin test, Curacao aloes
Quillaia show _________ colour.
13. Wolfsbain root is Wine red
Aconite 26. The substitute for aloes is
14. Virginian prune bark is known as (a) Cape aloes (b) Socotrine aloes
Wild cherry (c) Curacao aloes (d) Natal aloes
15. ________ test is used for identification of 27. Why the aqueous solution of aloes in
deoxy sugar. modified (Borntrager test) is treated with ferric
Killer kiliani chloride and hydrochloric acid?
16. Madhunashini is To bring out oxidation and hydrolysis
Gymnema of aloe emodin.
28. Scillaren A belongs to chemical class:
Bufadienolide Senna
29. Scillaroside is used as 43. Which of the following is O-glycoside?
Rat poisoning Senna, Rhubarb
30. Anthraquinone glycosides of cascara contain 44. The socotrine aloes mounted in lactophenol
C-glycosides and observed under microscope will show the
31. Tinnevelly senna is obtained from following characters
Cassia angustifolia Fragments composed of large prisms
32. Rutin is an example of grouped irregularly
Flavanoid glycoside 45. Which is the synonym of aconite?
33. The taste of glycoside of Gentinaceae is Monkshood, Vachhanag
Bitter 46. Sinigrin is an active constitute of
34. The most common sugar in glycoside is Mustard
β-D-glucose 47. Which of the following drug is not a
35. In O-glycoside the sugar is combined with a glycoside?
phenolic hydroxyl function as in Cocca
Digitoxin 48. Palmidine A has _______________ content.
36. Digitalis purpurea is a cardiotonic drug Aloe emodin + chrysophanol
belonging to the family 49. Which of the following is a flavonol-type
Scrophulariaceae glycoside?
37. Three molecules of digitoxose attached to Ginko
one molecule of glucose are present in the 50. Which of the following is a bitter glycoside?
cardioactive glycoside (a) Gentian (b) Quassia
Purpurea glycoside A (c) Chirata (d) All of the above
38. The calcium oxalate crystals present in wild 51. Bundles of acicular crystals of calcium
cherry possess the shapes of oxalate is present in
Prisms Squill
39. Bufadenolides are present in 52. Cynogenic glycoside present in wild cherry
Squill bark is
40. Anomocytic stomata are present in Prunasin
Digitalis 53. Which of the following test is not used to
41. Covering trichomes are is important detect glycoside?
characteristic of (a) Keller killiani (b) Legal test
Digitalis (c) Kedde test (d) Goldbeater skin test
42. Paracytic stomata are present in
54. The thick-walled warty trichomes are the Andrographolide
identifying character of 68. Purgative action is given by one of the
Senna following glycosides
55. Cascara bark has __________ shape. Aloe
Quill 69. Gokhru is used as ________________
56. Cymerose is the sugar moiety present in Diuretic agent
K-strophanthoside 70. Black mustard is obtained from biological
57. Flavanol glycoside are biogenetically source is
derived from Brassica nigra
Acetate–mevalonate pathway, 71. Synonym of rutin is
Shikimic acid pathway Vitamin P
58. Rhubarb contains _____________ type of 72. Psoralea is classified as a
glycoside Coumarine class of glycoside
O-Glycoside 73. Thevetia is derived from biological source is
59. Alexandrian senna is obtained from Thevetia nerifolia
biological source 74. Which part of quillaia is medicinally
Cassia acutifolia important?
60. Cascara drug belongs to the family Inner bark
Rhamnaceae 75. One of the following is not belonging to
61. Bitter almond is example of Liliaceac family
Cyanogenetic glycoside (a) Aloes (b) Shatavari
62. Example of isothiocyanate glycoside is (c) Bavachi (d) Indian squill
Mustard 76. Quassia is belonging to family
63. Example of N-type of glycoside is Scrophulariaceae
Nucleosides 77. Primveroside is derived from ________
64. One of the following belongs to Liliaceae glycoside drug
family: Senega
Aloe 78. Active chemical constitute of wild cherry
65. Spanish flies are known as bark is
Cantharides Sinigrin
66. Gentian is an example of 79. Digitalis adulterated with all of the following
Bitter glycoside except
67. Kalmegh contains this active chemical (a) Verbascun thapus (b) Comfrey leaves
constitutent: (c) Primrose leaves (d) Scilla leaves
80. In microscopical studies of rhubarb Cyanogenin
__________shape of calcium oxalate is present 92. Baljet test is used to identify
Rosette Digitallis
81. Kalmegh contains 93. Kalmegh is used as a
1.0% of andrographolides Hepatoprotective agent
82. Quassia contains __________ of Quassin 94. In Digitalis leaf ____________ of stomata
0.2% are present
83. Digitallis contains ___________ acid- Anomocytic
insoluble ash. 95. One of the following belongs to Ericaceae
Not more than 5% family:
84. Ginseng contains ___________ sulphated Bearberry
ash value. 96. Peeled liquorice contain ________ of
Not more than 12% alcohol-soluble extractive.
85. Gymnema silvestre is belonging to Less than 25%
_________ family 97. Medicinally important part of Shatavari is
Asclepiadaceae Root, Leaves
86. Hydrolytic product of verdocin is 98. Example of isothiocynate class of glycoside
Gitaloxigenin + Digitalose is
87. Medicinally important part of Stropanthus is Mustard
Seeds 99. Standard vein islet number of Alexandrian
88. Bearberry is a senna is
Phenol class of Glycoside 25 to 29.5
89. Palmidin A is synthesized from 100. Raymond’s test is used for identification of
(a) Aloe emodin Anthrone + Chrysophanol Cardiac glycoside
(b) Emodin Anthrone + Chrysophanol 101. Which flavonoid(s) is/are present in
(c) Aloe emodin Anthrone + Emodin mulethi?
Anthrone Liquiritin, Isoliquiritin
(d) Emodin Anthrone + Aloe emodin Anthrone 102. Which of the following is known as
+ Chrysophanol ‘Ginseng of India’?
90. Peruvoside contains ___________ aglycone Panax ginseng
portion. 103. The extraction of steroidal saponins on
Digoxigenin commercial scale is from
91. Thevetin A contains ___________ aglycone Dioscorea
104. Chikusetu saponin is present in Aloe-emodinanthrone +
Ginseng chrysophanolanthrone
105. Potassium myronate (sinigrin) after 115. Encordin is prepared from
hydrolysis in presence of myrosin yields Peruvoside
Allyl isothiocyanate 116. Which of following is known as Indian
106. “Kesar” is obtained from the Gentian?
Dried stigma of Crocus sativus Picrorrhiza kurroa
107. Which one is a phenol glycoside? 117. The cyanophoric glycoside present in
Arbutin linseed is
108. The α and β stereo isomers of glycosides Linamerin
are assigned on the basis of 118. Glycosides on enzymatic or acidic
Aglycone component hydrolysis are
109. Stropanthus does not respond to (a) One or more sugar moieties (glycone)
(a) Legal test (b) Non sugar moieties (aglycone)
(b) Van-urk’s reagent test (c) Both (a) and (b)
(c) Keller Killiani test 119. Cyanogenetic or cyanophoric glycosides on
(d) Baljet test hydrolysis yields
110. K-strophanthin present in stropanthus is a Hydrocyanic acid and benzaldehyde
mixture of 120. Socotrine aloe is obtained from
(a) Cymarin and cymarol Aloe perryi
(b) K-strophanthoside β 121. Chinese rhapontic rhubarb can be
(c) K-strophanthoside distinguished from Indian rhubarb by
(d) All of the above __________ florescence developed in UV light.
111. Does glycoside reduce Fehling’s solution Blue
directly? 122. Tribulus terrestrisis is the botanical name of
(a) Yes (b) No Chota gokhru
(c) Depends on hydrolysis of glycosides 123. The example of S-glycoside is
(d) Never reduces Fehling’s solution Sinigrin
112. Stas-Otto method is used for 124. Which of the following glycosides
Isolation of glycoside produces foam in aqueous solution’?
113. Kedde’s test is used for identification of Saponin glycosides
Cardiac glycoside 125. Cardenolides are
114. After hydrolysis of palmidin-B gives C23 glycosides and have five-
membered lactone ring
126. Rutin is an example of 139. Which of the following is C-glycoside?
Flavonoid glycosides Barbaloin
127. Warty trichomes are present in 140. Shinoda’s test is used for identification of
(a) Anise (b) Senna Tannins
(c) Both a and b 141. Plant is used in the treatment of leucoderma
128. The moisture content in digitalis leaves Bavchi
should not be more than 142. The main chemical constituent of senega is
5% Triterpenic glycoside
129. Purpurea glycoside A on hydrolysis give
Digitoxin + Glucose
130. Cascaroside is
C-Glycoside , O-Glycoside
131. Cardenolides contain the following ring
Unsaturated α,ß-lactones
132. Kulnge’s test or Cuproin test is for the
identification of
133. The type of stomata in digitalis leaves are
134. Prism type of calcium oxalate crystals are
present in
135. Adulterant of Indian senna is
Palthe senna, Casia obovata
136. Mesophyll of European squill contains
________ types of calcium oxalate crystals.
137. One of the following is also known as
138. Chrysopanic acid is the major constituent

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