Circuit - Breaker - System - HEK-1-6 - CH-HS 1176 87 - 002 PDF

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Instructions for Erection, SF6 Circuit Breakers

Operation and Maintenance

Type HEK 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6

Circuit breaker system

Publication No. CH-HS 1176 87 E

Supersedes CH-A 574 296 E Rev. C


1 General
2 Construction
3 Function
4 Erection
5 Commissioning
6 Troubleshooting
7 Maintenance
8 Spare parts
11 Appendix

ABB Switzerland Ltd

The operation, i.e. the manipulation and maintenance of
an SF6 gas-insulated high-voltage circuit breaker must be
performed by certified specialized personnel and in ob-
servation of the regulations applicable for high-voltage
switchgear installations and equipment. ABB stipulates
the availability of appropriate specialized personnel and
the prerequisite knowledge of the regulations.
The operating instructions describes only one compo-
nent of the high-voltage circuit breaker and provide
information on the operation and maintenance thereof.
They do not substitute either for appropriate specialized
personnel nor the applicable regulations.
The operator of the high-voltage circuit breaker is respon-
sible for the employment of adequately trained special-
ized personnel, as well as for the adherence to all
applicable regulations.

Without our written consent the disclosure, reprinting,
copying and reproduction of this publication, whether in
full or in part, are prohibited.

Printed in Switzerland (9903-100-1) Rev. C

Classification No. 040403
Contents Page Page

1 General 2 7.2 Tools and working materials 11

1.1 Validity 2 7.2.1 Tools to be made available 11
1.2 Type designation 2 7.2.2 Special tools, jigs and fixtures 11
1.3 Specifications 2 7.2.3 Working materials 11
1.4 Mass 2 7.3 Important notes 11
1.5 Storage instructions 2 7.4 Handling of the SF6 gas 11
1.6 Pertaining operating instructions 2 7.4.1 Extraction of SF6 gas 12
7.4.2 Replenishment of SF6 gas without
2 Construction 3 evacuation 12
2.1 General 3 7.4.3 Filling of SF6 gas following evacuation 12
2.2 Enclosure 3 7.5 Disassembly 12
2.3 Circuit breakers 3 7.5.1 Enclosure cover 12
2.4 SF6 gas lines 3 7.5.2 SF6 gas line compl. 12
2.5 Circuit breaker operating mechanism 3 7.5.3 Operating linkage to circuit breaker 13
2.6 Compressed air supply unit, com- 7.5.4 Circuit breaker operating mechanism 13
pressed air receiver 3 7.5.5 Capacitors - circuit breaker and isolator
2.7 Isolator 3 side 13
2.8 Maintenance earthing switch 3 7.5.6 Circuit breaker 14
2.9 Current transformer 3 7.5.7 Isolator 14
2.10 Control cubicle 3 7.5.8 Density monitor 14
2.11 Circuit breaker control cubicle 4 7.6 Assembly 14
2.12 Density monitor 4 7.6.1 Circuit breaker 14
2.13 Capacitors 4 7.6.2 SF6 gas line compl. and density monitor 14
3 Function 4 7.6.3 Circuit breaker perating linkage 15
3.1 Note 4 7.6.4 Circuit breaker operating mechanism 15
3.2 Control: The major components 4 7.6.5 Adjustment of coupling element 16
3.2.1 Circuit breaker control cubicle S 4 7.6.6 Adjustment of auxiliary switch 17
3.2.2 Control cubicle S0 4 7.6.7 Replace rubber plates to compressed
3.2.3 Density monitor F6 4 air fittings 17
3.2.4 Pressure switches F1, F2, F3, F4 5 7.6.8 Isolator 17
3.2.5 Motor, motor protection and power 7.6.9 Maintenance earthing switch 17
contactors 5 7.6.10 Curent transformer 17
3.2.6 Operating elements, position indication 5 7.6.11 Capacitors - circuit breaker and isolator
3.2.7 Auxiliary devices 5 side 18
3.2.8 Various devices 5 7.6.12 Circuit breaker control cubicle 19
7.6.13 Final check 19
3.3 Conditions for switching operations 6
7.6.14 Flexible connection 19
3.3.1 Circuit breaker 6
7.6.15 Enclosure cover 19
3.3.2 Isolator 6
3.3.3 Maintenance earthing switch 6 8 Spare parts 21
3.3.4 Compressor control 6 8.1 General 21
3.3.5 Operation of motor drives with hand crank 6 8.1.1 Spare parts to circuit breaker system 21
3.4 SF6 gas space 6 8.1.2 Spare parts to assemblies 21
3.4.1 Characteristics of the SF6 gas 6 8.1.3 Ordering of the spare parts 21
3.4.2 SF6 gas pressures 7 8.1.4 Important notes 21
4 Erection 7 8.2 Definition of spare parts 21
8.2.1 Reserve parts set A 21
5 Commissioning 8 8.2.2 Reserve parts set B 21
5.1 Commissioning after initial erection 8 8.2.3 Reserve assemblies 21
5.1.1 General 8 8.2.4 Overhaul part sets 21
5.1.2 Circuit breakers 8 8.3 Spare parts list 22
5.1.3 Isolator, maintenance earthing switch, 8.3.1 Reserve parts set A 22
motor drives 9 8.3.2 Reserve parts set B 22
5.1.4 Final check and assembly 9 8.3.3 Reserve assemblies 23
5.2 Taking into service after overhaul 9 8.3.4 Overhaul parts sets 23

6 Troubleshooting 10 11 Appendix 23
11.1 Figures 23
7 Maintenance (Overhaul) 10
7.1 Maintenance concept 10
7.1.1 Checks
7.1.2 Admissible loadings 10

CH-HS 1176 87 E 1
1 General If installed:
- Isolator
- Maintenance earthing switch
The circuit breaker system type HEK is a 3-pole metal- - Motor drive to isolator and maintenance earthing switch.
enclosed circuit breaker mounted together with operating
mechanism and control on a common support frame.
The circuit breaker system type HEK can optionally be
equipped with isolator, maintenance earthing switch, cur-
rent transformer and capacitors.

1.1 Validity
These operating instructions are applicable for the cir-
cuit breaker system with enclosure type HEK 1 ... 6 in the
con-figuration described in chapter 2.

1.2 Type designation

Type designation

1.3 Specifications
The pertaining technical documentation for a circuit
breaker system are to be obtained from the order docu-
mentation or the attendant rating plate.
If capacitors are required (see order documentation or
attendant rating plate), the following factors must be taken
into account.
- Required capacity
- Location (generator/transformer side)
- Connection (voltage or ground side)
See also section 2.13.
In these operating instructions the pressures are given in
absolute values and in kPa. To convert the pressure data
to gauge pressure, deduct 100 kPa from the pressure
value given.
The following applies for pressure values:
100 kPa = 1 bar ( = 14.5 lbf/in2).
The reference temperature is 20 °C ( = 68 °F).

1.4 Mass
The mass (kg) of the circuit breaker system can be
obtained from the order documentation (dimension draw-

1.5 Storage instructions

See Treatment and Storage Instructions, chapters 21, 22,

1.6 Pertaining operating instructions

- Circuit breaker
- Circuit breaker operating mechanism
- Compressed air supply unit
- Density monitor
- Treatment and Storage Instructions.

2 CH-HS 1176 87 E
2 Construction (Fig. 2/1) 2.4 SF6 gas line (Fig. 2/2)
The three circuit breakers 10000 (poles) and density
monitor 10110 (Fig. 2/1) are interconnected via SF6 gas line
compl. 12570.
2.1 General (Fig. 2/1) The SF6 gas line compl. is fitted with DILO unions.

The circuit breaker system consists essentially of the

components and equipment listed below. The entire unit 2.5 Circuit breaker operating mechanism
is mounted on a common support frame. Depending on (Fig. 2/1, 7/3)
the order, individual components listed here may not be The pneumatic operating mechanism 10760 of the three
included. circuit breakers is mounted in operating mechanism sup-
- Circuit breaker 10000 port 10820. Operating mechanism support 10820 is fas-
- SF6 gas line compl. 12570 and density monitor 10110 tened to pole frame 10700.
- Isolator 12100
- Maintenance earthing switch 12544 (circuit breaker
2.6 Compressed air supply unit, compressed air
receiver (Fig. 2/1, 2/4)
- Maintenance earthing switch 12545 (isolator side)
- Operating mechanism 10760 and circuit breaker moun- The compressed air supply unit 25001 produces com-
ting bracket 10820 pressed air that via compressed air receiver compl. 10710
- Compressed air supply unit 25001 supplies the pneumatic circuit breaker operating mecha-
- Compressed air receiver compl. 10710 and compres- nism 10760. The compressed air receiver compl. 10710 is
sed air fittings 12528 fastened to pole frame 10700 with fixing bracket 12760
- Motor drive 10692 to isolator and plate 12533.
- Motor drive 10693/2 to maintenance earthing switch
(circuit breaker side)
2.7 Isolator (Fig. 2/1)
- Motor drive 10693/1 to maintenance earthing switch
(isolator side) Isolators 12100 can be installed connected in series with
- Control cubicle 12780 to circuit breaker operating me- the circuit breakers. All three isolators 12100 are actuated
chanism by a separate motor drive 10692.
- Circuit breaker control cubicle 12721
- Current transformer 12406, 12407 2.8 Maintenance earthing switch (Fig. 2/1)
- Capacitors 12595
- Enclosure 12870, 12880, 12885 Maintenance earthing switches 12544 (circuit breaker
- Pole frame 10700 with supports as the supporting unit. side) and/or 12545 (isolator side) can be installed. In the
closed condition the maintenance earthing switches con-
stitute short circuit-proof connections between the inter-
2.2 Enclosure (Fig. 2/1)
nal conductors and the enclosures. Each maintenance
The enclosure 12870, 12880, 12885 is constructed insu- earthing switch is actuated by a motor drive 10693/1 or
lated from pole frame 10700 and separately earthed: 10693/2 (isolator or circuit breaker side). With the corre-
- Via the feeder that is earthed at a defined point, or sponding key interlock status the motor drives of the
- Directly on the enclosure at the existing connection isolators and earthing switches can also be actuated by
(see dimension drawing). hand with a hand crank (see operating instructions to
- The pole frame 10700 is earthed separately. motor drive).
In the case of circuit breaker systems with mainte-
nance earthing switches the enclosure earthing is to 2.9 Current transformer (Fig. 2/1)
be of short circuit-proof design.
Hence, the entire circuit breaker system type HEK is For monitoring and measurement, current transformers
contact-safe. 12406, 12407 can be installed on one or both sides of the
If a slight overpressure is maintained in the outgoing circuit breaker system (generator/transformer side).
feeder, or if it is ventilated for the purpose of cooling, the
entire enclosure is furnished with appropriate seals. 2.10 Control cubicle (Fig. 2/1, 2/4, 2/6)
Earth connections may neither be released nor re-
moved. The electrical control of the circuit breaker operating
mechanism and the compressed air supply unit (see
pertaining control diagram), together with the auxiliary
2.3 Circuit breakers switch 12540 and the mechanical position indicator
The circuit breakers 10000 are filled with SF6 gas as an arc 12548, are installed in control cubicle 12780. The control
extinguishing medium. The main contacts are separate cubicle 12780 is fastened on fixing bracket 12760.
from the arcing contacts. The contacts are actuated by If control cubicle 12780 or auxiliary switch 12540 was
pneumatic operating mechanism 10760, all three circuit dismounted, see section 7.6.6.
breakers (poles) being mechanically coupled with one

CH-HS 1176 87 E 3
2.11 Circuit breaker control cubicle (Fig. 2/1, 2/1b) 3 Function (Fig. 3/1, 2/1)
The circuit breaker system control is accommodated in
the circuit breaker control cubicle 12721.
If requested, and also in the case of a very complex control, 3.1 Note
the circuit breaker control cubicle 12721 can be erected The functions of the individual components and equipment
separate from the circuit breaker system. items are described in the pertaining operating in-struc-
tions. The scope of these operating instructions is limited
2.12 Density monitor (Fig. 2/1) to information pertaining to the circuit breaker system as
a whole.
The density monitor 10110 is mounted on the enclosure of The description of the control in sections 3.2 and 3.3 is
the first breaker pole. based on the pertaining standard control diagram. Special
It is connected with the three circuit breakers (poles) via care has been taken to use the same designations found
SF6 gas line compl. 12570 and monitors the SF6 gas in the standard control diagram.
density. The specific control version provided can be seen in the
For additional data on the density monitor see the pertain- customer-specific control diagram (see order documenta-
ing, separate operating instructions. tion).

2.13 Capacitors (Fig. 2/1, 7/4, 7/5, 7/6) 3.2 Control: the major components
Depending on installation conditions and breaker type, the
installation of capacitors on the generator and/or trans- 3.2.1 Circuit breaker control cubicle S
former side can be necessary. Normally, the circuit breaker system is controlled from the
The position of the capacitors is shown in Fig. 2/1. control room (remote control). Alternatively, the compo-
Specifications of the capacitors can be seen in the order nents can also be actuated from the circuit breaker control
documentation. See also section 1.3. cubicle S (12721) (local control).
Touching the capacitor connections will result in All functions of
electrical shock. - Operating mechanism 10760 to circuit breaker Q0
Accident hazard! (10000)
Before touching, ground with an earthing rod (dis- - Isolator Q9 (12100)
charge capacitor). - Maintenance earthing switches Q81 and Q82 (12544
- The capacitors are supplied separately with the neces- and 12545)
sary installation parts, and on initial erection of the cir- - Control cubicle S0 (12780)
cuit breaker system are to be installed according to the are incorporated, then united and interlocked in circuit
accompanying separate erection instructions (see or- breaker control cubicle S (12721) (see also section 3.3).
der documentation and chapter 4). The circuit breaker system mimic diagram can be seen on
- Installation of capacitors after overhauls of the circuit the associated control panel.
breaker system, see section 7.6.11. With the version without isolator and maintenance earthing
switch the entire control is accommodated in control
cubicle S0 (12780).
The definitive structuring and distribution of functions of
circuit breaker control cubicle S (12721) and control
cubicle S0 (12780) can be seen in the pertaining control

3.2.2 Control cubicle S0

The standard version of control cubicle S0 (12780) contains
the components for controlling the operating mechanism
10760 to circuit breakers Q0 (10000), as well as the
compressed air supply unit 25001.
Especially the auxiliary switch S0 (12540) and the me-
chanical position indicator 12548 are accommodated in
control cubicle S0 (12780) in any case.

3.2.3 Density monitor F6

The density monitor F6 (10110) is a temperature-compen-
sating pressure monitor. It serves to monitor the SF6 gas
density of all three circuit breakers (poles) Q0. With
pressure gauge 10731, it is possible to monitor the gas
pressure visually. If the gas pressure drops below a certain
value, the density monitor F6 issues the signal “RE-
PLENISH GAS”. If the SF6 gas pressure continues to drop,
4 CH-HS 1176 87 E
any switching operations that may be initiated are blocked ching commands can only be issued from the
by two microswitches that are independent of one another. control room (remote control); in the LOCAL posi-
The circuit breakers can no longer be switched. tion only from the circuit breaker control cubicle S
The setting values for the density monitor F6 are given in (local control).
the pertaining control diagram and the SF6 gas density S3.1 Control switch CLOSE-N-OPEN of circuit breakers
curves. S3.9 Control switch CLOSE-N-OPEN of isolators
S3.81 Control switch CLOSE-N-OPEN of maintenance
3.2.4 Pressure monitors F1, F2, F3, F4 earthing switches (breaker side)
The compressed air fittings 12528 monitor the com- S3.82 Control switch CLOSE-N-OPEN of maintenance
pressed air required for operating mechanism 10760 of earthing switches (isolator side)
circuit breakers Q0 (see also Fig. 2/5). Switching commands can be issued with the
The pressure controller F4 controls the compressor aforementioned control switches insofar as selec-
25100 of the compressed air supply unit 25001 (section tor switch S2 is at LOCAL and all other technical
3.3.4). and operational conditions are fulfilled (section
When the air pressure in the compressed air receiver 3.3).
10722 drops excessively, at the adjusted pressure value H1 Electrical position indicator of circuit breaker
pressure switch F1 disables the closing of circuit breaker H9 Electrical position indicator of isolator
Q0, and at the same time a signal is given (signal contact). H81 Electrical position indicator of maintenance eart-
If the compressed air pressure continues to drop, at the hing switch (breaker side)
adjusted pressure value pressure switches F2 and F3 H82 Electrical position indicator of maintenance eart-
disable the opening of circuit breaker Q0. hing switch (isolator side)
In addition to the electrical position indicators H, which are
The compressed air can be monitored visually with pres-
a part of the mimic diagram in circuit breaker control
sure gauge 10716 (Fig. 2/5). Check pressure monitors F1,
cubicle S, a mechanically coupled position indicator is fit-
F2, F3, F4:
ted on all drives of the components (12541/1, 12541/2,
- The valid adjusted pressure values are to be obtained
12529, 12548).
from the pertaining control diagram (pressure scale).
10716 Pressure gauge - compressed air
- Pressure gauge 10716 is not a precision pressure
10731 Pressure gauge - SF6 gas
gauge; minor deviations in pressure are admissible.
10732 Gas coupling (grooved coupling part) - Dilo DN
Connect precision pressure gauge (by customer) to
8 mm.
ball valve 10718 of compressed air receiver 10722.
- By slowly releasing compressed air from or filling it into
3.2.7 Auxiliary devices
compressed air receiver 10722 the trip pressures of
pressure monitors F1, F2, F3 and F4 can be checked S0 Auxiliary switch - circuit breaker (12540)
on the connected precision pressure gauge. S9 Auxiliary switch - isolator
- Correct deviations of trip pressures from the pertaining S81 Auxiliary switch - maintenance earthing switch
control diagram (pressure scale) with the respective (breaker side)
adjusting screws “E” on the pressure monitors (Fig. 2/ S82 Auxiliary switch - maintenance earthing switch
5). (isolator side)
- Secure adjusting screws “E” and then recheck trip These auxiliary switches are mechanically coupled to the
pressures. drives of the components and indicate the positions into
which they are switched. All position-related control com-
3.2.5 Motors, motor protection switches and power mands and signals are transmitted by the auxiliary switch-
contactors es.
K1...4 Auxiliary contactors
Motor Drive for Electro- Associated Associated K5 Time-delay relay (compressor running time moni-
coupling motor power toring)
protection contactor
switch 3.2.8 Various devices
M9 Isolator Y9 Q900 K21, K22 F10 Miniature circuit breaker
M10 Compressor Q10 K4 The miniature circuit breaker is a part of the
M81 Maintenance Y81 Q810 K11, K12 compressor motor control circuit.
earthing switch P1 Pulse counter
M82 Maintenance Y82 Q820 K31, K32 The pulse counter counts the command pulses of
earthing switch the circuit breaker CLOSE switching operations.
P2 Service hours meter
The motors are turned on and off by the power contactors. The service hours meter registers the number of
service hours of the compressor motor M10.
3.2.6 Operating elements, position indication S99 Hand crank interlock contact to isolator Q9
S2 Selector switch LOCAL-REMOTE S811 Hand crank interlock contact to maintenance eart-
The operating mode can be selected with the hing switch Q81 (breaker side)
selector switch S2. In the REMOTE position swit- S821 Hand crank interlock contact to maintenance eart-
hing switch Q82 (isolator side).
CH-HS 1176 87 E 5
These interlock contacts prevent motor-driven switching 3.3.4 Compressor control
operations while the hand crank is inserted.
The pressure switch F4 controls the compressor 25100.
When the pressure setpoints are reached, the compres-
3.3 Conditions for switching operations sor motor M10 is turned on or off respectively (pressure
data to be obtained from the pertaining control diagram).
3.3.1 Circuit breaker Refilling after normal service operations takes only a few
Open circuit breaker Q0: minutes (see test record). The running time monitoring
- Conditions to be met by the plant operator (customer’s system (time-delay relay K5) ensures that the compres-
control system) sor motor M10 is in operation for 20 minutes at the most.
- Circuit breaker Q0 in position CLOSED Long running times signify a leakage in the compressed
- SF6 gas pressure adequate (density monitor F6) air system or that the compressor delivers too little com-
- Compressed air pressure for pneumatic operating pressed air.
mechanism 10760 adequate (pressure data to be ob- On commissioning, the refilling or initial filling of the entire
tained from the pertaining control diagram) system takes 30...50 minutes depending on circuit break-
er type. For this reason, after the opening commanded by
Close circuit breaker Q0: the supervision of running time (after 20 minutes) the
- Conditions to be met by plant operator (customer’s compressor motor must be turned back on manually with
control system) miniature circuit breaker F10. Open and then reclose
- Circuit breaker Q0 in position OPEN miniature circuit breaker F10.
- SF6 gas pressure adequate (density monitor F6) This action will reset the time-delay relay (K5). Do not
- Compressed air pressure for pneumatic operating change time-delay relay setting (20 minutes).
mechanism 10760 adequate (pressure data to be ob-
tained from the pertaining control diagram) 3.3.5 Operation of motor drives with hand crank
- Isolator Q9 closed
The motor drives of the maintenance earthing switches,
- Maintenance earthing switch Q81 open (breaker side)
as well as those of the isolators, can be operated with the
- Maintenance earthing switch Q82 open (isolator side).
hand crank. For this purpose the key interlock must be
3.3.2 Isolator turned to the appropriate position.
Close isolator Q9 (with electric motor)
When the key interlocks are unlocked, the conditions
- Conditions to be met by plant operator (customer’s for switching operations are not assured.
control system) Improper operation poses an accident hazard, as well
- Circuit breaker Q0 in position OPEN as the risk of extensive damage to equipment.
- Maintenance earthing switch Q81 open (breaker side) For the actuation of the motor drives (disconnectors,
- Maintenance earthing switch Q82 open (isolator side). earthing switches, start-up disconnectors, short-cir-
- Hand crank not inserted cuit connection) with the hand crank the user (power
- Key interlock at position MOTOR (see section 3.3.5). plant operator) is responsible for the conditions de-
Open isolator Q9 (with electric motor) scribed under section 3.3.2 and/or 3.3.3 being appro-
- Conditions to be met by plant operator (customer’s priately adhered to.
control system) The detailed function of the key interlock is described in
- Circuit breaker Q0 in position OPEN the operating instructions “Motor drive to isolators and
- Hand crank not inserted earthing switches”.
- Key interlock at position MOTOR (see section 3.3.5).
3.4 SF6 gas space
3.3.3 Maintenance earthing switch
Close maintenance earthing switches Q81 and Q82 3.4.1 Characteristics of the SF6 gas
(with electric motor) In the circuit breakers the pressurized SF6 gas serves as
- Conditions to be met by plant operator (customer’s the extinguishing medium.
control system) Chemically pure SF6 gas cannot be detected by the
- Isolator Q9 open sensory organs. Biologically, its behavior can be equated
- There may not be voltage on active parts (busbars) on to that of nitrogen. Hence, only the change in the oxygen
generator side (breaker side) or transformer side (isola- content of breathing air need be taken into account. It is
tor side). noted that gas masks do not provide protection against
- Hand crank not inserted oxygen deficiency.
- Key interlock at position MOTOR (see section 3.3.5). Since SF6 gas is substantially heavier than air, the dis-
Open maintenance earthing switches Q81 and Q82 placement of oxygen must be heeded more where the gas
(with electric motor) cannot escape from the lower part of the room (basements,
- Conditions to be met by the plant operator (customer’s containers open only at the top etc.). In case of doubt, flood
control system) the affected room (by blowing out or extracting air).
- Hand crank not inserted Under the effects of electrical discharges, e.g. very high arc
- Key interlock at position MOTOR (see section 3.3.5). temperatures, gas decomposition products can occur.
Electrically, these products are non-conductive, but they
6 CH-HS 1176 87 E
irritate mucous membranes, respiratory tracts and unpro- 4 Erection (Fig. 2/1, 4/1)
tected skin surfaces. When coming into contact with gas
decomposition products it is therefore advisable to wear
appropriate protective clothing. In addition to a protective - Additional data for erection are contained in the pertai-
suit, protective glasses, gloves and breathing masks ning dimension drawing and in the installation rec-
constitute the most effective comprehensive accident- ommendations. They constitute an integral part of the
prevention measures. order documents.
- On installation care must be taken that the breaker axes
3.4.2 SF6 gas pressures are accurately aligned. The axis height must be adjusted
precisely by means of shim washers and shim plates.
See pressure scale in pertaining control diagram and SF6 - The circuit breaker system is assembled and transpor-
gas density characteristics, Fig. 2/3. ted as a complete unit.
The accompanying lifting beam 01020, the 2 rope slings
5, the 4 belt slings (1, 2, 3, 4) and shackles “S” (Fig. 4/
1) are definitely to be used for lifting the circuit breaker
system. These elements are designed especially for the
respective breaker type and matched to the center of
gravity of the circuit breaker system. Each of the two
front plates of the pole frame 10700 contains 2 holes for
fastening shackles “S”. The holes and the associated
belt slings are numbered 1 to 4. Also numbered are the
two ends of lifting beam 01020 on the surfaces between
the collar pairs marked with yellow (1, 2 and 3,4). The
belt slings 1, 2, 3 and 4 are to be fastened to pole frame
10700 with shackles “S”.
Make sure that the number of the belt slings matches
that of the hole.
Carefully place lifting beam 01020 on the parts of the
circuit breaker system (enclosure 12580), which are to
be padded. Make sure that the numbers on the lifting
beam 01020 match those on the pole frame 10700 and
the belt slings (1, 2, 3, 4). Place the belt slings between
the two collar pairs welded to both ends of lifting beam
01020. Attach the two rope slings 5 for the crane hook
outside the two clamps fastened to transport beam
01020. The center of gravity of the circuit breaker is
between these clamps. Before the belt slings 1, 2, 3 and
4 tauten on lifting, make sure that no damage will occur
on the operating side “B”.
- Transporting the circuit breaker system without a crane
When using fork lift trucks, rollers or similar transport
devices the circuit breakers may only be lifted by the L-
or Z-shaped front plates of pole frame 10700 to exclude
damage to the operating linkage. Especially make sure
that a lifting device does not attack on the bracket
supporting the earthing switch (inadmissible stressing
of earthing switch mounting). The breaker enclosures
may also not be used for attaching lifting devices.
- Placing the circuit breaker system on the ground.
As long as supports compl. 10806 are fitted, the circuit
breaker system can be placed down on level ground.
With supports compl. 10806 removed, the pole frame
10700 must rest on support blocks. Fasten the supports
at the locations at which the supports compl. 10805
would normally be fastened. 60 mm ( = 2.36 in) thick
square wooden blocks are normally used as supports.
Make sure that after having been lowered the circuit
breaker system is resting on these blocks only.
- Fasten support compl. 10806 with bracket 10807 to pole
frame 10700.
Tighten fasteners 12737, 10809, 10810 and fasteners
12737, 10790, 10822 (Fig. 4/1, view A) (observe torque).
The enclosure 12870, 12880, 12885 of the circuit

CH-HS 1176 87 E 7
breaker system type HEK is normally welded to the 5 Commissioning
outgoing feeder (see installation recommenda-
tions). In this case, after the enclosure is welded the
brackets 10807 must be removed to permit com- 5.1 Commissioning after initial erection
pensation of any longitudinal expansions of the
outgoing feeder enclosure. 5.1.1 General
If the enclosure 12870, 12880, 12875 of the circuit
breaker system is not welded to the outgoing - The circuit breaker system must be commissioned by
feeder, the brackets 10807 must remain fastened to commissioning the individual components. The measu-
support the circuit breaker system. res necessary for this purpose are contained in the
individual pertaining operating instructions.
- After the circuit breaker system is aligned, fasten
- The circuit breakers 10000 may not be switched
supports 10806 and, as per the foregoing text, with the
without adequate SF6 gas pressure (SF6 gas pres-
enclosure free also brackets 10807 to the ground.
sure according to pressure scale in pertaining
- Then earth enclosure 12870, 12880, 12885 and pole
control diagram).
frame 10700 according to section 2.2.
- The circuit breaker system must be erected according
- Detach enclosure covers 12871, 12881, 12886 from
to chapter 4 and subjected to inspection.
enclosure 12870,12880, 12885 (Fig. 2/1a).
- All data that are checked or measured should agree with
- Before the enclosure covers are removed we recom-
the manufacturer’s final test record and be entered in the
mend that they be marked to readily enable the same
commissioning record and kept for purposes of com-
enclosure cover to be fitted on the respective enclos-
parison at a later time. The commissioning record for
type HE can be ordered from ABB.
- Suspend enclosure cover on crane by eyebolts 12863
- All electrical connections must be made according to
with ropes and hooks. Release fasteners 10339,
the pertaining control diagram.
- Compare all position indicators with the actual position
- Carefully lift enclosure cover off enclosure.
of the individual components.
- Only fit enclosure covers 12871, 12881, 12886 after
commissioning, chapter 5. 5.1.2 Circuit breakers
- Any required capacitors are supplied loose with the
installation material (see section 2.13) and must be - Isolator 12100 in position CLOSED.
installed on initial erection according to the accompa- - Maintenance earthing switches 12544 and 12545 OPEN.
nying separate erection instructions (see also sec- - On delivery from the factory the circuit breaker system
tion 7.6.11). is already evacuated and filled with SF6 gas to a low
- Especially make sure that all high-voltage and earth- pressure (transport pressure), see *), chapters 22 and
side contact surfaces are free of oxide and paint re- 23.
sidues. If the circuit breaker still contains transport pressure, it
These surfaces, as well as all other screws and nuts of need not be evacuated.
the capacitor fixation, must be tightened and locked - If the transport pressure is no longer present (e.g. SF6
according to section 7.6.11. gas line ruptured on transport), moisture will form in the
- If the voltage of the capacitors is to be monitored, a circuit breaker switching compartments. For drying,
flexible connection "X" is to be connected on the connec- evacuation and refilling of the circuit breakers with SF6
tion (Fig. 7/4, 7/5, 7/6, section D-D). gas, consult the manufacturer.
The cable of the flexible connection "X" is led into the - Increase SF6 gas pressure of circuit breakers 10000 up
enclosure through cable gland 12626. In the event of the to nominal pressure related to 20°C ( = 63 °F) according
outgoing feeder being pressurized, the cable must be to section 7.4.2. and SF6 gas density curves.
appropriately sealed in the cable gland 12626. - To establish whether any transport damages have been
Treat nuts 10376 and 10294 with locking agent accor- incurred, we recommend that before the first pneumatic
ding to *), section 4.1.2. The contact surfaces for the switching operation circuit breakers 10000 be moved
flexible connection "X" must remain clean. with emergency operating lever 01007 (Fig. 7/1c) once
Screw nuts 10294 onto the installed studbolt. Maintain into position CLOSED and position OPEN by hand.
clearance of min. 1 mm ( = 0.04 in) from the nut on the For this purpose, for reasons of safety the supply of
capacitor. Assemble flexible connection "X" with washer compressed air to the operating mechanism 10760 of
12618, spring lockwasher 12629 and nut 10376 (observe circuit breakers 10000 must be blocked (compressed
torque). air receiver compl. 10710 empty, control voltage inter-
When tightening, hold nut 10294 from turning with open- rupted).
end wrench "G" WS 13 (Fig. 7/4, 7/5, 7/6, section D-D). WARNING
In the event of the outgoing feeder being pressurized, If the emergency operating lever is left engaged,
when the capacitor cover 12611 is fitted it must be it will swing out when the circuit breaker operating
ensured that the cover is tight. mechanism actuates.
- As long as the enclosure cover 12871, 12881, 12886 is This circumstance poses a serious accident ha-
opened, exposed contact surfaces (isolator tube, con- zard.
tact fingers etc.) must be carefully covered up (pro-
tection against contamination). *) Treatment and Storage Instructions
8 CH-HS 1176 87 E
Immediately remove emergency operating lever - Fit enclosure cover 12871, 12881, 12886 on enclosure
01100 after each use. 12870, 12880, 12885 (Fig. 2/1a).
- After the control current circuits have been turned on, To facilitate assembly make sure that the enclosure
check whether the high-voltage parts of the circuit covers are fitted on the respective enclosures accor-
breaker system (outgoing feeder: generator or transfor- ding to the markings.
mer side) is without voltage. - Enclosure without silver plating
- Check commissioning record of compressed air supply Type HEK 1/2, HEK 3 and HEK 5
unit 25001 according to the pertaining operating instruc- Brush electrical contact surfaces between enclosure
tions (see also section 3.3.4). cover and enclosure in area of brackets 1 ... 6
- Check pressures of SF6 gas and compressed air of (12861, section D-D) with a wire brush in all direc-
operating mechanism 10760. tions until the oxide coating is removed and then treat
- Test function of density monitor 10110 (Fig. 2/1). For with contact paste according to *), section 2.12.
this purpose reduce the SF6 gas pressure and then - Silver-plated enclosure
increase back up to nominal pressure. Type HEK4 and HEK6
- Test function of pressure monitors F1, F2, F3 and F4 Attention! The electrical contact surfaces between
(Fig. 2/5, 3/1) according to section 3.2.4. enclosure cover and enclosure in the area of brak-
- Measure switching times C, O, CO at nominal pressure kets 1 ... 6 (12861, section D-D) are silver-plated.
(switching time at compressor start pressure). Treat silver-plated electrical contact surfaces accor-
- Measure pressure drop on switching operations C, O, ding to *) section 2.2.
CO. - Silver-plated enclosure with branch for air cooling
- Check tightness of circuit breakers 10000 and of SF6 Type HEK 3 ... 6 with KAHE
gas line unions with SF6 leak detector. Attention! The electrical contact surfaces between
- Check tightness of entire compressed air system with enclosure cover and enclosure in the area of brak-
pressure gauge 10716 (Fig. 2/5). Admissible pressure kets 1 ... 6 (12861, section D-D) are silver-plated.
drop in 24 hours = 60 kPa ( = 0.6 bar = 8.7 lbf/in2). Treat silver-plated electrical contact surfaces accor-
ding to *) section 2.2.
5.1.3 Isolator, maintenance earthing switch, motor Carefully lift enclosure cover by eyebolts 12863 with
drives crane, rope, slings and hooks and place down on
enclosure. Temporarily fit all brackets 12861 and
- To detect any transport damages we recommend that
washers with fasteners 10339, 12641 (section D-D) (if
before the first operation of the isolators and earthing
necessary move enclosure cover until all screws screw
switches with the motors they be checked for freedom
in easily).
of movement by hand (hand crank on motor drive).
Tighten screws 10339 (section D-D) on both sides to the
- Then perform commissioning according to the pertai-
specified torque as follows:
ning operating instructions.
First bracket 1, then bracket 2, bracket 3 etc., starting
- Isolators
at the highest point.
- Maintenance earthing switch
Then tighten down the screws on the sides with spring
- Motor drive to Isolators/Earthing switches.
washers 12641 and washers 12862 (section B-B) (ob-
- Especially check the electrical shutdown of the control.
serve torque).
On an electrical CLOSE or OPEN switching operation
- Check tightness of enclosure.
the motor drive must stop min. 3/4 to max. 2.5 rotations
Only necessary if the outgoing feeder is slightly pressu-
of the hand crank before the limit stop in the motor drive
rized (see section 2.2).
is reached.

5.1.4 Final check and assembly 5.2 Taking into service after overhaul
- Check all signalizations and annunciations. For taking the circuit breaker system back into service
- Check current transformer 12406, 12407 (if installed) for after an overhaul of the operating mechanism and/or of
tight seating in the enclosure 12870, 12880, 12885. the circuit breakers the manufacturer is to be consulted.
Important: see section 7.6.10
- Connect flexible current connections 12534 (Fig. 2/1).
Clean silver-plated contact surfaces on circuit breakers
10000 or isolators 12100, on mating contacts and on
flexible connections 12534 and apply coat of grease
according to *), section 2.2.
Assemble washers 12094 and spring washers 10750
(making sure that they are positioned correctly) with
screws 10784 and tighten (observe torque).
During this assembly insert support 12527, 12597.
- Thoroughly clean components inside the enclosure, as
well as the enclosure interior.
- If necessary, relubricate contact and sliding surfaces of
isolator and earthing switch according to *), section 2.3.
- General visual inspection. *) Treatment and Storage Instructions

CH-HS 1176 87 E 9
6 Troubleshooting 7 Maintenance (Overhaul)

- If the pressure of the SF6 gas should drop to the alarm 7.1 Maintenance concept
pressure level (annunciation “Replenish SF6 gas”), the
Before starting an overhaul it is essential to contact the
leak must be found and repaired immediately. Proceed
manufacturer well in advance. Our consultation and infor-
according to *), chapter 6.
mation will help you to accomplish a fast and smooth
Then fill enclosure with SF6 gas and check for leaks with
SF6 leak detector.
With normal leakage (tolerance according to test record)
For statistical reasons and for the planning of the checks
refilling after approx. 4 - 5 years is normal.
in the maintenance concept registration of the following
- If the running time of the compressor should exceed 20
fata and reporting to the manufacturer are requested:
minutes, the control automatically shuts down the
- All interruptions of load currents"that occur over a year
compressor motor and a signal is given. The cause must
as a summated current
be assumed to leakage or an insufficient delivery of
- Clearing or connection of a short-circuit current.
compressed air by the compressor. The cause must be
established and eliminated (exception: initial filling, see 7.1.1 Checks
section 3.3.4).
- Pressure monitor F1, F2 or F3 (Fig. 3/1) blocking On routine rounds or normal outages the following occa-
breaker control; possible cause: sional checks are to be performed at "least" once per year:
a) Compressed air supply unit 25001 no longer operatio- When performing these checks observe the safety
nal. regulations according to section 7.3, as well as the
b) Leak in compressed air system that must be locali- admissible loadings according to section 7.1.2.
zed and repaired. Check of compressor refilling time:
c) Pressure monitor defective. - Release compressed air until the compressor starts.
In an instruction manual it is impossible to account for every - After max. 3 minutes the nominal pressure must be
eventuality that can occur in the use of technical objects. reinstated and the compressor must shut down.
We therefore request that you consult ABB or our respon- Visual inspection for condition of:
sible representative on all occurrences, and for such cases - External screw fasteners
that are not governed in detail by these instructions. - Operating linkage to circuit breaker 10000
- Operating linkage to isolator 12100
- Operating linkage to maintenance earthing switch
- External connections
- Check for corrosion.
Visual and manual check of condition of all wirings.
Various checks:
- Read compressor operating hours meter P2 (Fig. 3/1).
- Read cycle counter P1 of 3-pole circuit breaker Q0 (Fig.
- On normal rounds watch for unexplainable noises and
- Drain any condensed water in air receiver 10722 with
drain valve 12763 (Fig. 2/4).
- Regularly check SF6 gas pressure of circuit breakers
and compressed air pressure of operating mechanism
10760 (see section 3.2.4). The pressure gauges 10731
(Fig. 2/1) and 10716 (Fig. 2/5) serve only for visual
monitoring of these pressures.

7.1.2 Admissible loadings

As a general rule overhauls should be planned and
executed according to the pertaining operating instruc-
tions (section 1.6).
- Circuit breaker
Overhaul recommended:
a) 10 years after the factory test, or
b) after 5,000 CO switching operations, or

*) Treatment and Storage Instructions

10 CH-HS 1176 87 E
c) when the load current summation in kA 7.3 Important notes
(see pertaining curve) (maintenance) has been rea-
- Screw lockings
ched, or
The tightening torque of the screw connections is given
d) after max. 5 nominal short-circuit switching operati-
in the figures.
However, for safety reasons it is imperative to additional-
- Isolator ly treat individual screws with locking agent according to
Overhaul due: *), chapter 4. On which screw connections this treat-
a) 10 years after the factory test, or ment is necessary is shown in the text section on the
b) after 10,000 CO switching operations (mechanical). individual assembly operations and marked with (U) in
- Maintenance earthing switch the figure section.
Overhaul due:
- Lubrication
a) 10 years after the factory test, or
The surfaces (sliding contact and sealing surfaces) to
b) after 2,000 CO switching operations (mechanical).
be lubricated (treated with lubricant) are marked in the
- Circuit breaker operating mechanism text section with (B).
Overhaul due:
a) 10 years after the factory test, or - On disassembly replace all cotter pins, pins, spring
b) after 5,000 CO switching operations. washers and securing elements.
- Motor drive to isolator, incl. operating linkage - Before the maintenance work is started the data in the
Overhaul due: pertaining operating instructions (section 1.6) are to be
a) 10 years after the factory test, or observed. They constitute an integral part of these
b) after 10,000 CO switching operations. instructions.
- Motor drive to maintenance earthing switch, inclu- - When performing maintenance work observe the local
ding operating linkage safety regulations. On major overhauls circuit breaker
Overhaul due: 10000 and isolator 12100 must be in the OPEN position
a) 10 years after the factory test, or and earthed.
b) after 10,000 CO switching operations.
- Circuit breaker operating linkage Touching the capacitor connections or the circuit
Overhaul due: breaker/disconnector with capacitor connection
a) 10 years after the factory test, or will result in electrical shock.
b) after 5,000 CO switching operations. Accident hazard!
- Compressed air supply unit Before touching, ground with an earthing rod (di-
See pertaining operating instructions. scharge capacitor).
- Capacitors - The electrical control of the circuit breaker system must
Check any installed capacitors 12595 and their fixation be turned off.
and connection relating to the circuit breaker.
- During overhaul work all switching operations of any
kind must be disabled. In particular, the compressed air
7.2 Tools and working materials
to operating mechanism 10760 must be released, for
which purpose drain valve 12763 (Fig. 2/4) on the
7.2.1 Tools to be made available
compressed air receiver 10722 must be opened.
Crane, normal working tools, torque wrenches. Attention: condensate water.

7.2.2 Special tools, jigs and fixtures - As a general rule, during overhaul work observe utmost
cleanliness. This applies for all parts of the circuit
- Emergency operating lever 01007 for circuit breaker breaker system, as well as for spare parts, tools and
operating mechanism (Fig. 7/1c) operating equipment.
- Lifting beam 01020 with rope slings 5, belt slings 1 to 4
and shackles “S” (Fig. 4/1).
7.4 Handling of the SF6 gas
- Hand crank to isolator and maintenance earthing switch
motor drive. - For specifications of the SF6 gas see *), section 11.2.
- Brace compl. 01110 for coupling element 10794, 10811 - For the handling of the SF6 gas important information is
(Fig. 7/2c) and contained in the pertaining Treatment and Storage
- Open-end wrench (M35) 01116 (Fig. 7/2c) for slotted nut Instructions. This refers to the following sections and
(M35) 10489. points:
Tools, jigs and fixtures for maintenance of the components - Cleanness: see *), section 1.2
are listed in the pertaining operating instructions. - Extraction of SF6 gas: see *), section 1.4
- Cleaning of parts from the gas space and the gas
7.2.3 Working materials space itself: see *), section 1.5.1
Working materials see *), chapter 11.1. - Gas tightness checks: see *), chapter 6.
- Observe operating instructions for the SF6 gas servicing
*) Treatment and Storage Instructions
CH-HS 1176 87 E 11
7.4.1 Extraction of SF6 gas - Evacuate to pabs = 500 Pa ( = 5 mbar = 0.0725 lbf/in2)
related to 20 °C ( = 68 °F).
- See *), section 1.4.
- Close vacuum valve and without releasing the connec-
- All three circuit breakers (poles) have a common gas
ting hose check whether a pressure increase is measu-
connection (DILO gas coupling DN 8 mm 10732, Fig. 2/
rable within 4 hours (tightness test).
- Open vacuum valve and allow vacuum pump to run for
- DILO gas coupling DN 8 mm 10732 is equipped with a
a further 2 hours.
non-return valve.
- Turn pressure reducing valve on SF6 gas tank to "O".
On faulty manipulations no SF6 gas can therefore
- Open shutoff valve on SF6 gas tank.
- Adjust pressure reducing valve to nominal pressure
7.4.2 Replenishment of SF6 gas without evacuation (see pertaining control diagram) related to 20 °C ( = 68
°F) SF6 gas temperature.
This is only admissible if it has been assured that the - At higher SF6 gas temperature fill
entire circuit breaker system was already evacuated - according to SF6 gas pressure diagram (Figure 2/3) or
and is pressurized with SF 6 gas, e.g.: - approx. 2 kPa ( = 0.02 bar = 0.29 lbf/in2) per 1 °C
- On delivery ex ABB factory (SF6 transport pressure ( = 1.8 °F) higher.
pabs = 150 kPa [ = 1.5 bar, = 21.75 lbf/in2]) - With lower temperatures correspondingly lower.
- After repair of minor gas leaks - The SF6 gas temperature only corresponds to ambient
- After overhaul and erection of the 3 circuit breakers temperature if the circuit breaker is not in service or has
(poles) 10000, if this was done according to sections cooled down to an ambient temperature.
7.4.3, 7.6.1 and 7.6.2. - Allow SF 6 gas to flow into the circuit breaker.
Procedures: - Leave circuit breaker connected to SF6 gas tank approx.
- Remove protective cap 10733 (Fig. 2/2). 10 minutes (SF6 gas must equalize with ambient tempe-
- Flush SF6 gas service truck connection hose with SF6 rature).
gas and connect with DILO gas coupling DN 8 mm - Check pressure on pressure gauge of SF 6 gas service
10732 (Fig. 2/1). truck.
- Observe operating instructions for the SF6 gas reple- - Close shutoff valve on SF6 gas tank.
nishment device. - Detach coupling hose.
- Turn pressure reducing valve on SF6 gas tank to "O". - When filling the entire breaker system close DILO gas
- Open shutoff valve on SF6 gas tank. coupling DN 8 mm 10732 (grooved coupling part with
- Adjust pressure reducing valve to nominal pressure (see non-return valve) with protective cap 10733 (observe
pertaining control diagram) related to 20 °C ( = 68 °F) torque) (Fig. 2/1, 2/2).
SF6 gas temperature. - For transport and storage see *), chapters 21, 22, 23.
- At higher SF6 gas temperature fill - For transport to the erection site the SF6 gas pressure
- according to SF6 gas-pressure diagram (Fig. 2/3), or is to be reduced to pabs = 150 kPa ( = 1.5 bar, = 21.75
- approx. lbf/in2) related to 20 °C ( = 68 °F) and reinstated at the
2 kPa ( = 0.02 bar, = 0.29 lbf/in2) per 1 °C ( = 1.8 erection site according to section 7.4.2.
- With lower temperatures correspondingly lower. 7.5 Disassembly
- The SF6 gas temperature only corresponds to ambient
temperature if the circuit breaker is not in service or has 7.5.1 Enclosure cover (Fig. 2/1a)
cooled down to ambient temperature.
- Remove enclosure covers 12871, 12881, 12886 from
- Allow SF 6 gas to flow into circuit breaker.
enclosure 12870, 12880, 12885.
- Leave circuit breaker connected with SF6 gas tank
- Before removal of enclosure covers we recommend
approx. 10 minutes (SF6 gas must equalize with ambi-
that they be marked to facilitate refitting of the same
ent temperature).
enclosure covers at a later time.
- Read pressure on pressure gauge of SF 6 gas service
- Suspend enclosure covers on crane by eyebolts
12863 with rope and hooks. Release fasteners 10339,
- Close shutoff valve on SF6 gas tank.
- Detach connection hose.
- Carefully lift enclosure cover off enclosure.
- Close DILO gas coupling DN 8 mm 10732 (grooved
- After 10 years replace sealing cord 10727.
coupling part of non-return valve) with protective cap
- If necessary replace inspection windows 12711, 12712.
10733 (observe torque) (Fig. 2/1, 2/2).
Release fasteners 12448, 10293, 12449, 12714, disas-
semble inspection windows 12711, 12712 and sealing
7.4.3 Filling of SF6 gas following evacuation
ring 12713.
- After the breakers (poles) are overhauled they are to be
individually evacuated and refilled with SF6 gas. 7.5.2 SF6 gas line compl. (Fig. 2/2)
After closing of circuit breakers 10000 this must be
- Extract SF6 gas according to section 7.4.1.
done in as short a time as possible (observe opera-
- Release screws S and release SF6 gas line compl.
ting instructions to circuit breaker HE..).
12560, 12570 from the 3 circuit breakers 10000.
Immediately evacuate circuit breakers (poles) 10000
individually, fill with SF6 gas and check for leakage. *) Treatment and Storage Instructions
12 CH-HS 1176 87 E
- Lower SF6 gas line compl. 12570 and temporarily fasten 7.5.4 Circuit breaker operating mechanism (Fig. 7/3)
to pole frame with cord or wire.
Before the operating mechanism 10760 is dismounted it
Attention: If a single circuit breaker (pole) is to be ex-
must be ensured that coupling element 10794, 10811 is
changed for another (overhauled) breaker (pole), under
uncoupled from the operating linkage (Fig. 7/1), and that
the following prerequisites subsequent evacuation can
the compressed air has been released out of compressed
be foregone.
air receiver 10722 (Fig. 2/4).
- Extract SF6 gas according to section 7.4.1 only to pabs
Attention: when releasing nuts 10799 (Fig. 7/1a) cou-
= 150 kPa ( = 1.5 bar, = 21.75 lbf/in2).
pling element 10794, 10811 must be held against
- Evacuate circuit breaker (pole) to be newly erected
according to 7.4.3 and fill with SF6 gas up to transport
A rotational movement (force) may not be applied to
pressure pabs = 150 kPa ( = 1.5 bar, = 21.75 lbf/in2).
control tube 25693 of operating mechanism 10760
If after this replacement there is still a slight SF6 pressure
(see pertaining operating instructions) and to the
in all circuit breakers, filling can be done according to
slotted nut 10489 of position rod 10441 secured with
section 7.4.2.
locking plate 10490.
In the event of uncertainties evacuate and refill according
- Detach flexible connection 10836.
to section 7.4.3.
- Detach cover 10817.
- Release electrical cables of the 3 control valves (connec-
7.5.3 Operating linkage to circuit breaker (Fig. 7/1)
- The circuit breakers must be in the CLOSED position. - Place a wedge “K” between operating mechanism 10760
If in the disassembly of the operating linkage 10897 and bracket compl. 10812. The purpose of the wedge is
individual connections can only be released with diffi- to prevent the operating mechanism 10760 from falling
culty, apply emergency operating level 01007 at pins of out of its mounting on dismounting.
push plate 10873 (Fig. 7/1c) and move operating linka- - Detach threaded rod 10816.
ge 10897 slightly. - Unscrew screws 10819, remove bearing bush 10813 and
WARNING ring 10814.
If the emergency operating lever is left engaged, it - Remove receiver cover 10745 (Fig. 2/4).
will swing out when the circuit breaker operating On overhauls before 10 years have elapsed (section 7.1.2)
mechanism actuates. pressure hose 10892 is left fitted to operating mecha-
This circumstance poses a serious accident ha- nism 10760 (the pressure hose and protective tubing
zard. 12892 can only be removed by cutting open). Release
Immediately remove emergency operating lever screws 10736 of receiver cover 10745 and withdraw out
01100 after each use. of compressed air receiver 10722.
- Before dismantling the linkage from the 3 circuit brea- - Replace or clean bag 10747 (Fig. 2/4).
kers uncouple auxiliary linkage compl. 12549 from the Remove hose clamp 10748, detach strainer tube 10746
operating linkage (Fig. 2/6). and replace or clean bag 10747.
Remove cotter pins 12564 and washers 10326 and - On overhauls after 10 years (see section 7.1.2) pressure
dismantle linkage 12551, 12552. hose 10892 and hose clamps 10896 must be replaced
- Remove spring pin 10801/1. Pin 10795 can now pulled (Fig. 2/4).
upward. Release hose clamps 10896 and push aside protection
- To separate coupling element 10794, 10811 from con- tubing 12892.
nector 10793 of operating linkage 10897 the 3 circuit Cut open and remove pressure hose 10892.
breakers (poles) must be moved in the direction OPEN - Lower operating mechanism 10760 slightly and carefully
with the emergency operating lever 01007. withdraw out of mounting bracket compl. 10812.
On the operating mechanism side coupling element - Note number of shim washers 12546, 12547 installed
10794, 10811 is connected solidly with piston rod above and below for subsequent assembly.
10441 of operating mechanism 10760 (dismantling is - Overhaul operating mechanism 10760 according to the
not necessary). pertaining operating instructions.
If the emergency operating lever is left engaged, it 7.5.5 Capacitors - circuit breaker and isolator side
will swing out when the circuit breaker operating (Fig. 2/1, 7/4, 7/5, 7/6)
mechanism actuates.
Capacitors 12595 can be installed depending on installa-
This circumstance poses a serious accident ha-
tion conditions and breaker type (section 2.13).
Immediately remove emergency operating lever
Touching the capacitor connections will result in
01100 after each use.
an electrical current shock.
- Support operating linkage.
Accident hazard!
Remove spring pin 10802 and adjusting ring 10798 on all
Before touching, ground with an earthing rod (dis-
three circuit breakers (poles).
charge capacitor).
The linkage (10791, 10792, 10793) with washer 10797
- On circuit breaker side (Fig. 7/5, 7/6) release fasteners
can now be carefully pulled downward.
12617, 12025 and disassemble flexible connection 12631,

CH-HS 1176 87 E 13
- On the isolator side (Fig. 7/4) release fasteners 12617, 7.5.8 Density monitor (Fig. 2/1, 2/2a)
12025 and disassemble flexible connection 12622,
Remove density monitor 13080 if necessary.
- Turn off control voltage.
- Release fasteners 10684, 10788, 12623 of all capaci-
- Unscrew screw fasteners 10430, 10788 and remove
tors 12595 and remove capacitor cover 12611.
cover 12382.
- Detach measurement connection “X” if installed (Fig. 7/
- Unscrew screw fasteners 12684, 10788, pull density
4, 7/5, 7/6 section D-D), see also chapter 4.
monitor 13080 off coupling 13230 and remove.
- Detach enclosure-side flexible connection 12605 on
Attention! Make sure not to damage sealing surfaces
capacitor 12595 by releasing fasteners 12617, 12025.
of coupling 13230 and density monitor 13080, or protect
- Release the upper and lower hex screws 12613 by
them from damage by covering them.
unscrewing hex nuts 10417. Note mass "s ± 1 mm" of the
- For data on the density monitor 13080 see the pertaining
two lower hex screws 12613 (support screws for moun-
operating instructions.
ting the capacitors) for subsequent installation.
- In connection with the overhauls of the circuit breaker
Screw fasteners 12613, 10417 completely into the
system it is advisable to check the fixation of support
12381 to enclosure compl. 12870, 12880.
- Release nut 10417 (detail E) until studbolt 12610 (detail
- Individually release insulating sleeves 10135 and
F) of capacitor 12595 can be withdrawn out of the circuit
insulating washers 10134, clean dry or replace if
breaker or isolator.
- After 10 years replace spring washers 12619 (detail F)
- Install insulating sleeves 10135 and insulating was-
of studbolt 12610.
hers 10134 with screw fasteners 12430, 10091,
- Withdraw capacitors 12595 out of enclosure 12870,
11531 (observe torque and make sure that all parts
12880, 12885. Secure capacitor 12595 with rope accor-
are correctly positioned).
ding to Fig. 7/4b, release fasteners 10418/10789/12733
and very carefully lift capacitor 12595 out of the
enclosure. 7.6 Assembly
- Remove released fixation plate 12608 by removing nuts
10417. After 10 years replace spring washers 12630 7.6.1 Circuit breaker (Fig. 2/1, 7/1, 7/2)
(detail E). - After 10 years replace seal 12606 and support ring
- On circuit breaker side, HEK 1 ... 4, (Fig. 7/5) release 12607 and insert in enclosure 12870, 12880, 12885 (Fig.
screws 10784, spring washers 10750 and connector 7/1b).
12429, 12620, 12621, 12688. - Suspend circuit breaker 10000 on crane (Fig. 7/2d) and
carefully insert in enclosure 12870, 12880, 12885.
7.5.6 Circuit breaker (Fig. 2/1, 7/1, 7/2) - Install circuit breaker with screws 10834, spring was-
Any installed capacitors 12595 must be removed accord- hers 10810 (making sure that they are positioned
ing to section 7.5.5 in advance. correctly) and washers 10823.
Dismantle SF6 gas line compl. 12570, see section 7.5.2. Screws 10834 are seated almost entirely without clea-
- To lift circuit breaker 10000 out of the enclosure 12870, rance in the bores of pole frame 10700 and are to be
12880, 12885 detach flexible connections 12534 on one locked according to *), section 4.1.2 (observe torque).
side. Release screws 10784, remove spring washers - Any installed capacitors 12595 must be fitted according
10750 and washers 12094. Place support 12527, 12597 to section 7.6.11.
aside. - In connection with the overhauls of the circuit breaker
- Suspend circuit breaker on crane. For this purpose system it is advisable to check the fixation of the
place a rope sling around both sides of the breaker (Fig. enclosure 12870, 12880, 12885 to the pole frame 10700
7/2d). Lift crane hooks until the rope slings are taut. (Fig. 7/1b, detail A).
- Disassemble fasteners 10834, 10810, 10823 (Fig. 7/ Release insulating tubes 12726 and insulating washers
1b). 12604 individually, clean dry or replace as necessary.
- The circuit breaker can now be lifted off vertically and Refit insulating tubes 12726 and insulating washers
overhauled according to the pertaining operating in- 12604 according to Fig. 7/1b (detail A) with fasteners
structions. 12679/10750/12094 (making sure that they are positio-
ned correctly and the correct tightening torque is used).
7.5.7 Isolator (Fig. 2/1)
7.6.2 SF6 gas line compl. (Fig. 2/2)
Any installed capacitors must be removed according to
section 7.5.5 in advance. - Place SF6 gas line 12570 in clamps 12505, temporarily
- To lift isolator 12100 out of enclosure 12870, 12880, tighten down screws S (detail B).
12885 disassemble flexible connections 12534 on one - The new or overhauled circuit breakers (poles) are filled
side. Release screws 10784, remove spring washers with SF6 gas (to slight pressure above atmosphere, see
10750 and washers 12094. Place support 12527, 12597 section 7.4.3).
aside. - SF6 gas line 12570 :
- Maintenance and disassembly of isolators 12100 ac- Screw on SF6 gas line and flush SF6 gas line with
cording to the pertaining operating instructions. outflowing SF6 gas. Connect breakers one after the
other and tighten DILO unions.
*) Treatment and Storage Instructions
14 CH-HS 1176 87 E
- Definitively tighten screws S (detail B) of clamps 12505. 10873. Secure adjusting rings 10798 with new spring
- Before commissioning, fill 3-pole circuit breaker with pins 10802.
SF6 gas to nominal pressure according to section 7.4.2 - Tighten down slotted nuts 10800 (with open-end wrench
or 7.4.3. M35 01116 , if available) secure according to *), section
- Install density monitor 13080 if removed. 4.1.2 (observe torque).
Cover 12382 is removed. - Using emergency operating lever 01007 switch opera-
- Clean coupling DN 8 mm 13230, grease new sealing ting linkage 10897 into position OPEN.
ring 13231 according to *), section 2.6, and install in
sealing groove of coupling 13230. 7.6.4 Circuit breaker operating mechanism (Fig. 7/3)
- Grease new sealing ring 13081 according to *),
- The circuit breaker (pole) operating mechanism 10760
section 2.6, and install in sealing groove of density
should only be mounted after the operating linkage has
monitor 13080.
been adjusted.
Place density monitor 13080 over coupling 13230
- Piston rod 10441 of operating mechanism 10760 must
(making sure that it is positioned correctly) and
be in the CLOSED position.
fasten with screw fasteners 12684, 10788 (observe
- Lubricate the two bearing journals of operating mecha-
nism 10760 according to *), section 2.11.1.
- Connect electrical control cable according to pertai-
Lubricate bores in mounting bracket compl. 10812 and
ning control diagram.
in bearing bush 10813 according to *), section 2.11.1.
- If removed, install coupling DN 8 mm 13230, connection
- The total clearance "S1" between operating mecha-
10169 or gas coupling 10732.
nism 10760 and mounting bracket compl. 10812 may
- Treat coupling DN 8 mm 13230 with locking agent
be max. 0.2 mm ( = 0.008 in).
according to *), section 4.2.2. Screw in coupling
Adjust clearance "S1" by installing shim washers 12546
13230 (observe torque).
and 12547.
Attention! Make sure not to damage sealing sur-
For the initial adjustment, the shim washers installed
faces of coupling 13230.
above and below were noted on disassembly, see
- Treat connection 10169 with locking agent according
section 7.5.4. Lubricate shim washers 12546 and 12547
to *), section 4.2.2. Screw in connection 10169
according to *), section 2.11.1.
(observe torque).
- Carefully insert bearing bush 10813, ring 10814 and
- Treat gas coupling 10732 with locking agent accor-
operating mechanism 10760 into mounting bracket
ding to *), section 4.1.2. Screw gas coupling 10732
compl. 10812.
into connection 10169 (observe torque).
Assemble fasteners 10750, 10819 (observe torque).
- Fit threaded rod 10816, tighten down nuts (observe
7.6.3 Circuit breaker operating linkage (Fig. 7/1, 7/2)
- Before fitting operating linkage 10897 adjust to pole Check! Operating mechanism can easily be rotated in
spacing distance. At this opportunity replace the 4 bea- its mounting (bearing journal in bearing bush mounting
rings 10796 (Fig. 7/1a) and grease according to *), bracket compl. 10812 and bearing bush 10813).
section 2.8.1. - Check clearance "S1" again.
- The three circuit breakers (poles) 10000 must be in the - Check torque of locknut 10787.
CLOSED position. Using the emergency operating lever - Normally, the adjustment of operating mechanism sup-
01007 the position of the circuit breakers must be port is not changed.
adjusted such that the setting angle between the lever In the event of non-alignment of operating mechanism
compl. 10857 and the edge of the pole frame 2*) is and operating linkage:
61° 50' ±30'. - Exchange the present number of shim washers
- The pole spacing distances of the operating linkage 12546, 12547 top and bottom or
10897 can only be adjusted in increments of 1.5 mm - Release fasteners 12737, 12790, 10787 and read-
( = 0.06 in) (thread pitch). Adjust such that the setting just axis height (observe torque).
angle on the middle breaker is correct (do not change Check:
afterward) and the deviation from the theoretical value of - Move operating linkage 10897 (Fig. 7/1a) with emer-
the two outer breakers (poles) is less than 0.75 mm ( = gency operating lever 01007 in the direction of piston
0.03 in), see Fig. 7/2a. rod 10441 with coupling element 10794, 10811 (ope-
When adjusting the operating linkage turn the two outer rating mechanism 10760).
connectors 10791, 10793 in the thread until the lengths - Connector 10793 of the operating linkage must slide
are within the tolerances given in Fig. 7/2a. into coupling element 10794, 10811 without the need
Important: to use force.
- The two outer circuit breakers 10000 are also preset - On overhauls after 10 years (section 7.1.2) pressure
to a setting angle of 61° 50' ±30'. hose compl. 10853 (pressure hose 10892, hose clamps
- With the emergency operating lever 01007 adjust the 10896), sealing ring 10749 and bag 10747 must be
two outer circuit breakers minimally within the tole- replaced.
rances given in Fig. 7/2b. - Fit pressure hose 10892 (Fig. 2/4), protective tubing
- Place washer 10797 (Fig. 7/1a) together with linkage 12892 and hose clamps 10896 on operating mecha-
10791, 10792, 10793 on the pivot pin of push plate nism 10760 and fit receiver cover 10745 (observe
*) Treatment and Storage Instructions torque).

CH-HS 1176 87 E 15
Installation dimensions see Fig. 2/4, detail D and E. - Piston rod 10441 of operating mechanism 10760
- Place bag 10747, strainer tube 10746 and hose clamp must be locked in the CLOSED position.
10748 on receiver cover 10745. Tighten screw of hose - On the middle pole the angle between lever compl.
clamp 10748. 10857 and the edge of the pole frame 2*) must be
- Grease sealing ring 10749 according to *), section 61° 50' ±30' (Fig. 7/1c).
2.6, and install in the cleaned sealing groove of - Coupling element 10794, 10811 must be installed
receiver cover 10745. with a tolerance of less than 0.4 mm ( = 0.016 in) (Fig.
Clean sealing surface on compressed air receiver 7/2b).
10722, according to *), section. 1.5. Fit pin 10795 and secure with new spring pin
- Fit receiver cover 10745 with fasteners 10736, 12025 10801/1.
(observe torque). - Check catch of operating mechanism 10760. By
- On overhauls before 10 years (section 7.1.2) do not actuating operating linkage 10897 with emergency
replace pressure hose 10892, hose clamps 10896 and operating lever 01007 the operating mechanism 10760
bag 10747; see disassembly, section 7.5.4. can be brought into the end positions.
- On overhauls after 10 years open cover 10743 (section In the positions CLOSED and OPEN the operating
7.1.2) (Fig. 2/4). mechanism must snap in, and in the catch it must
Release screws 10736, remove cover 10743 and replace have a clearance of approx. 1.5 mm ( = 0.06 mm).
sealing ring 10749. Clean cover 10743 and its contact - Treat setscrew 10803 with locking agent according to
surface on compressed air receiver according to *), *), section 4.1.1 and install such that it is seated in the
section 1.5. groove of piston rod 10441 (observe torque).
Grease new sealing ring 10749, according to *), section - Treat nut 10799 with locking agent according to *),
2.6, and insert in sealing groove of cover 10743. Fasten section 4.1.2, and tighten to lock coupling element
cover 10743 with fasteners 10736, 12025 (observe tor- 10794, 10811 (observe torque).
que). Attention:
When tightening down nut 10799, coupling ele-
7.6.5 Adjustment of coupling element (Fig. 7/1, 7/2) ment 10794, 10811 must be held from turning
(observe torque). When tightening down, hold
- The coupling element 10794, 10811 can only be adju-
coupling element 10794, 10811 from turning with
sted after fitting and adjustment of the operating linkage
brace 01110, if available.
- The groove in piston rod 10441 that serves to accommo- Fitting of brace 01110 (Fig. 7/2c).
date setscrew 10803 must be up. – Place fork 01111 over rectangular part of coupling
If correction is necessary and slotted nut 10489 is element 10794, 10811 and hold with screw 01114.
tightened down and secured: – With short or long adjusting screw 01112, 01113
- Open locking plate 10490 and unscrew slotted nut (depending on the attendant pole frame) support
10489 while holding from turning with lever 25694. A brace compl 01110 against pole frame 10700.
rotational movement (force) may not be exerted on – After tightening down nuts 10799 detach and remove
control tube 25693 of operating mechanism 10760 brace 01110.
(see pertaining operating instructions). – A rotational movement (rotational force) may not
- Turn piston rod 10441 until the notch that accepts be exerted on the control tube 25693 of operating
setscrew 10803 is exactly at the top. mechanism 11760 (see pertaining operating in-
The piston rod 10441 of operating mechanism 10760 is structions.
retracted and locked in the CLOSED position (see Tighten down slotted nut 10489 with open-end wrench
pertaining operating instructions). M35 01116 (if available) while holding against turning by
lever 25694 and locking with locking plate 10490 (ob-
- Screw nut 10799 onto piston rod 10441 all the way up to
serve torque).
slotted nut 10489 which is not yet locked.
- Attach linkage 12551, 12552, fit washers 10326 and
- Screw coupling element 10794, 10811 on piston rod
cotter pins 12564 (Fig. 2/6).
10441. Turn coupling element 10794, 10811 until the
- After completed adjustment and assembly of operating
bores in connector 10793 and coupling element 10794,
linkage 10897 the adjustment of limit stop 10815 (Fig.
10811 align.
7/3) must be checked. With operating mechanism
With this adjustment bring operating linkage 10897 into
10760 in the limit positions CLOSED and OPEN the
the CLOSED position with emergency operating lever
clearance between operating mechanism 10760 and
01007 . On the middle pole the angle between lever
limit stop 10815 must be S2 = 0.05...0.3 mm ( =
compl. 10857 and the edge of the pole frame 2*) must be
0.002...0.012 in).
61° 50' ±30' (Fig. 7/1c).
Operating mechanism 10760 can be brought into the
- The pitch of the thread of coupling element 10794, 10811
positions CLOSED and OPEN with emergency opera-
is 1.5 mm ( = 0.06 in). Since there are two bores in the
ting lever 01007 via operating linkage 10897.
circumference of coupling element 10794, 10811 to
Secure nut 10818 according to *), section 4.1.2
accommodate setscrew 10803, the coupling element
(observe torque).
can be adjusted with a tolerance of less than 0.4 mm (=
0.016 in) (Fig. 7/2b).
- All conditions for the adjustment must be strictly adhe-
red to. *) Treatment and Storage Instructions
16 CH-HS 1176 87 E
- Fit flexible connection 10836 (operating mechanism 7.6.8 Isolator (Fig. 2/1)
earthing) according to detail A (Fig. 7/3) (observe tor-
- The maintenance and the installation of isolator 12100
are described in the pertaining operating instructions.
- Reattach electrical cable connection to the three control
- Any installed capacitors 12595 must be refitted accor-
ding to section 7.6.11.
- Fit cover 10817 with fasteners 10295, 10788, 10294
(observe torque). 7.6.9 Maintenance earthing switch (Fig. 2/1)
7.6.6 Adjustment of auxiliary switch (Fig. 2/6) The maintenance and the installation of the earthing
switch12544, 12545 are described in the pertaining oper-
If the auxiliary switch 12540 was removed, after reinstalla-
ating instructions.
tion check adjustment (see also “Auxiliary switch setting"
in the pertaining control diagram).
7.6.10 Current transformer (Fig. 2/1, 7/7)
In this case operating linkage 10897, linkage compl.
12551, 12552 and operating mechanism 10760 (Fig. 7/1) Attention!
are fitted and adjusted, and the circuit breaker with its Exercise caution when opening the secondary systems
operating mechanism are in the position CLOSED. while the circuit breaker system is in service. The second-
Install auxiliary switch 12540 with fasteners 12797, 12034, ary current circuit may never be open.
12798 (secure according to *), section 4.1.1). Linkage By the disappearance of the secondary loading the result-
12551/12552 is not adjustable. ant primary current has a magnetizing effect, with the
The appropriate length L of linkage 12551, 12552 is consequence that overvoltages which are hazardous to
selected in the factory from various lengths. persons occur on the secondary side.
Attention: Position CLOSED corresponds to cylinder Moreover, if the system is operated with an open second-
stroke 0 mm. ary winding the iron core would be damaged thermally.
- Using emergency operating lever 01007 slowly move the
operating mechanism 10760 in the OPEN direction. Before the secondary circuit is opened, i.e. disconnection
- Test with electrical tester: of the connected measuring device and e.g. connection of
- Auxiliary switch contact a measuring instrument, the connection pins must defi-
F-4 opens at stroke 24 +3/-6 mm ( = 0.94 +0.12/-0.24 in). nitely be short circuited with a copper wire.
- Auxiliary switch contact Normally, current transformers 12406, 12407 are not re-
C-2 closes at stroke 185 +6/-12 ( = 7.28 +0.24/-0.48 in). moved. In connection with the circuit breaker system
- Using emergency lever 01007 bring operating mecha- overhaul the following checks are to be carried out:
nism 10760 fully into OPEN position, check cylinder - Check electrical connection.
stroke 200 ±3 ( = 7.874 ±0.12 in). Release fasteners 12433, 12828 and remove cover
- Using emergency operating lever 01007 move operating 12637.
mechanism 10760 slowly in CLOSE direction. - If the enclosure is slightly pressurized, replace sealing
- Check with electrical tester: ring 12612 if necessary.
- Auxiliary switch contact - Check condition of current transformer and attendant
C-2 opens at stroke 176 ±8 mm ( = 6.93 ±0.3 in). fastening hardware (supporting insulator 12434, key
- Auxiliary switch contact 12435, locking plate 12437, clamping plates 12436),
F-4 closes at stroke 12 +6/-3 mm ( = 0.47 +0.24/-0.12 in). and especially all attendant fasteners.
The installed auxiliary switch 12540 must switch within the - Check current transformer 12406, 12402 for tight se-
indicated tolerances. taing in enclosure 12870, 12880, 12885.
New adjustment: Dismounting (if necessary):
- Release fasteners of control cabinet 12780 and auxiliary - Release electrical connections of current transformer.
switch 12540. - Remove camping plates 12436.
- Look for a new position. - Release the two upper keys 12435 with fastener 12639/
- Fasten control cabinet and auxiliary switch. 1.
- Recheck adjustments - Place two suitable rectangular wooden blocks in the
- If correct adjustment is not possible, order new linkage enclosure.
from the manufacturer with indication of required length - Carefully slide the current transformer onto the rectan-
L. gular blocks. Carefully lift the current transformer out of
the enclosure with a rope sling and crane.
7.6.7 Replace rubber plates to compressed air fittings - If necessary, disassemble fastening parts (supporting
(Fig. 2/5) insulator 12434, keys 12435, locking plates 12437,
- The cover plate 10753 that supports the compressed air clamping plates 12436).
fittings is fastened to compressed air receiver 10722 Mounting:
with rubber plates 10754. Replace rubber plates 10754 - On the two lower supporting insulators 12434 adjust
after 5,000 CO switching operations or 10 years. distance s = 2 mm ( = 0.08 in) with key 12435 and
- Release fasteners 10403, 12572, 12729 and remove locking plate 12437 and tighten down with fasteners
plate 10755 and rubber plates 10754. Replace rubber 12639/1, 12616, 12025 (observe torque).
plates 10754. Fit fasteners (observe torque).
*) Treatment and Storage Instructions
CH-HS 1176 87 E 17
- Loosely pre-assemble the two upper supporting insula- 12595 to the appropriate torque and treated with locking
tors 12434 together with key 12435 and locking plate agent according to *), section 4.1.2.
12437 by means of fasteners 12639/1, 12616 and - Adjust the two lower hex screws 12613 (support screws
12025. for mounting the capacitors) to the dimension "S ±1 mm
- Insert current transformer into the enclosure and care- ( = S±0.04 in)" noted on disassembly, treat with locking
fully place down on the prepared wooden blocks. agent according to *), section 4.1.2 and counter (lock)
- Carefully push the current transformer (making sure with hex nut 10417 (observe torque).
that the projections "N" are located correctly in the area Important: the locking agent must lock not only hex
of the connection box) until it comes to rest against the screw 12613 and nut 10417, but also seal the tapped
limit stop in the supporting insulators 12434. hole of hex screw 12613 air-tight in the event of enclo-
- Without using force knock in the two keys 12435 of the sure being slightly pressurized.
upper supporting insulator 12434 until the current trans- - Earthing connection to capacitor
former is positioned in the supporting insulators without The flexible connection 12605 of each hex screw 12613
radial clearance. Fasten locking plates 12437 and (Fig. 7/4, 7/5, 7/6) is fastened under nut 10417. The
therewith keys 12435 with fasteners 12639/1, 12616, contact surface should be clean, polished and free of
12025 (observe torque). oxide.
- Loosely pre-assemble the four clamping plates 12436 - Install screws 12615 in enclosure 12870, 12880, 12885.
with fasteners 12639/2, 12616, 12025, 10417. Knock With nut 10417 on the outermost end of screw 12615
the four clamping plates 12436 on the side until the temporarily fasten fixation plate 12608 using washer
current transformer is fastned without clearance. Tigh- 12732 and 4 new spring washers 12630 for each nut
ten down clamping plates 12436 with fasteners 12639/ (making sure that they are positioned correctly, detail
2, 12616, 12025, 10417 (observe torque). E)
- Conenct electrical connections of current transformer
c) Installation of capacitor
12406, 12407.
- Carefully install capacitors from above according to
- If the enclosure is slightly pressurized, replace sealing
Fig. 7/4b.
ring 12612 if necessary. Install sealing ring 12612 in
- Place 2 new spring washers 12619 on studbolt 12610
sealing groove of cover 12611. Fit cover 12611 with
(making sure that they are positioned correctly, detail
fasteners 12684, 10788, 12723 (observe torque).
Insert studbolts 12610 into the matching bore ø 12 mm
7.6.11 Capacitors - circuit breaker and isolator side
( = 0.47 in)
(Fig. 7/4, 7/5, 7/6)
- of conductive plate 12609 (isolator side, Fig. 7/4)
Any installed or required capacitors 12595 (see section - of adapter 12429 (HEK 1/2), 12620 (HEK 3), 12621
2.13) must be installed as follows. Especially important is (HEK 4), 12688 (HEK 1/2) (circuit breaker side, Fig.
the locking of all screw connections, as well as the 7/5).
adjustment of the spring assemblies for damping the - of connection housing 10234, 10235 (HEK 5/6)
breaker percussions (detail E and F). (circuit breaker side, Fig. 6/7)
and place outer flange of capacitor 12595 on the two
screw heads of the lower hex screws 12613.
Contact with the capacitor connections will result in
- Check:
an electrical current shock.
- By this process studbolt 12610 may not be held fast.
Accident hazard!
Before touching, ground with an earthing rod (dis- It must be possible to slightly move the studbolt
charge capacitor). axially in its bore. The bores in fixation plate 12608
for screws 10418 should align with capacitor 12595
a) Preparation of circuit breaker 10000 (HEK 1 ... 4)
and screws 12615.
- Place connector 12429 (HEK 1/2), 12620 (HEK 3),
- Possible correction:
12621 (HEK 4), 12688 (HEK 1/2) on flexible connection
Adjust lower two screws 12613 vertically.
12534 (Fig. 7/5, detail G) and fit with screws 10784 and
Make sure that hex screw 12613 and nut 10417
spring washers 10750 (making sure that they are posi-
(observe torque) are retreated with locking agent
tioned correctly) (observe torque).
according to *), section 4.1.2.
- Attention: If flexible connection 12534 (see also Fig. 2/
- Unscrew upper hex screws 12613 and hex nuts 10417
1) is thicker than 10 mm ( = 0.4 in), screw 10784 must
(on disassembly screwed into threaded hole) a little and
be dimensioned correspondingly longer.
treat with locking agent according to *), section 4.1.2.
b) Checks and preparation for assembly Then screw back hex screws 12613 and tighten down
- Check capacitors with hex nut 10417 (observe torque). The heads of the
The capacitors may not have any oil losses, nor may upper two screws 12613 may not contact the capacitor
they have wet surfaces or droplets on them. If the flange, see detail K.
capacitors are not completely dry, before reinstallation - Fasten fixation plate 12608 to capacitor. Treat screws
ABB (manufacturer) or our responsible representative 10418 with locking agent according to *), section 4.1.2,
is to be consulted. and tighten together with washer 12733 and spring
- Cover 12611 must be removed. lockwasher 10789 (observe torque).
- Studbolt 12610 (detail F) is tightened in capacitor
*) Treatment and Storage Instructions
18 CH-HS 1176 87 E
- Pretensioning of spring washers 12630. - General inspection of condition and of fastening of non-
First tighten each assembly clearance-free with only assembled components and devices.
one nut 10417, washer 10381 and 4 spring washers
12630 by hand (detail E). Then pretension spring 7.6.14 Flexible connection (Fig. 2/1)
washers 12630 each with 1.5 rotation of nuts 10417.
- Clean and coat with grease silver-plated contact sur-
Secure adjusted nuts (holding against turning) 10417
faces on circuit breaker 10000 or isolator 12100, as well
with locknut 10417. Treat nuts 10417 as well as the end
as on mating contact and on flexible connections 12534,
of screw 12615 with locking agent according to *),
according to *), section 2.2.
section 4.1.2 (observe torque).
- Fit washers 12094 and spring washers 10750 (making
- Fasten flexible connection 12605 (earthing connection
sure that they are positioned correctly) with screw 10784
to capacitor) with screw 12617 and spring lockwasher
and tighten (observe torque). During this assembly work
12025 to capacitor.
install support 12527, 12597.
Treat screw 12617 with locking agent according to *),
section 4.1.2 (observe torque). 7.6.15 Enclosure cover (Fig. 2/1a)
- On high voltage side fit flexible connection with faste-
ners 12617, 12025. To simplify assembly make sure that the enclosure cover
- Isolator side Fig. 7/4, flexible connection 12622 is fitted on the appropriate enclosure according to the
(HEK 3 ... 6) or 12682 (HEK 1/2). markings made on disassembly. In the case of a slightly
- Circuit breaker side Fig. 7/5, flexible connection pressurized enclosure (outgoing feeder) check sealing
12631 (HEK 1 ... 4) cord 10727.
- Circuit breaker side Fig. 7/6, flexible connection - After 10 years (or as necessary) replace sealing cord
12681 (HEK 5 ... 6). 10727 in enclosure 12870, 12880, 12885.
Treat screws 12617 with locking agent according to Cut sealing cord 10727 to the appropriate length. Glue
section 4.1.2 (observe torque). the two ends of sealing cord 10727 with glue 09142 (see
Important: The contact surfaces of the high-voltage *), section 3.1) and place in enclosure 12870, 12880,
and earthing connections must be clean, polished and 12885.
oxide-free. - After 10 years (or if necessary) replace seal 10742.
- In the event of a measurement connection “X” being Release fasteners 12448, 10293, 12449, 12714. Remo-
installed, reconnect to capacitor 12595 according to ve pane 12711, 12712 and sealing ring 12713.
chapter 4. Replace seal 10742. Replace panes 12711, 12712 that
- If the enclosure is slightly pressurized, replace sealing have become matt as required.
ring 12612 if necessary. Lubricate sealing ring 12612 Assembly according to Fig. 2/1a (observe torque).
according to *), section 2.6, and install in sealing groove - Fit enclosure cover 12871, 12881, 12886 on enclosure
of capacitor cover 12611. Fit capacitor cover 12611 12870, 12880, 12885 (Fig. 2/1a).
with washer 12623, spring lockwasher 10788 and For ease of assembly make sure that the enclosure
screw 12684 (observe torque). covers are fitted on the appropriate enclosures accor-
- If the enclosure is slightly pressurized, replace sealing ding to the markings made on disassembly.
ring 12612 if necessary. Install sealing ring 12612 in - Enclosure without silver plating
sealing groove of cover 12611. Fit cover 12611 with Type HEK 1/2, HEK 3 and HEK 5
fasteners 12684, 10788, 12723 (observe torque). Brush electrical contact surfaces between enclosure
and enclosure cover in the area of the brackets 1…6
7.6.12 Circuit breaker control cubicle (Fig. 2/1b) (12861, section D-D) in all directions until the oxide
coating is completely removed, and then treat with
In connection with the overhauls of the circuit breaker
contact paste according to *), section 2.12.
system check the mounting of the circuit breaker control
- Enclosure with silver plating
cubicle 12721:
Type HEK 4 and HEK 6
Especially the screw fasteners on:
Attention! The electrical contact surfaces between
- Circuit breaker control cubicle 12721
the enclosure cover and the enclosure in the area of
- Cubicle support members 12722 and 12723
brackets 1…6 (12861, section D-D) are silver plated.
- Support 12724
Treat silver-plated electrical contact surfaces accor-
- Pole frame 10700.
ding to *), section 2.2.
Check fixation of cables installed on the circuit breaker
Carefully place enclosure cover with crane, rope slings
and hooks at eyebolts 12863 on the enclosure.
First fit only loosely all brackets 12861 and washers
7.6.13 Final check
12862 with fasteners 10339, 12641 (if necessary move
For the commissioning of the circuit breaker system after enclosure cover around slightly until all screws can be
overhauls of the operating mechanism and/or circuit break- screwed in with ease).
er, consult the manufacturer. Tighten screws 10339 (section D-D) to appropriate
- Clean entire exterior. torque as follows:
- If necessary, relubricate contact and sliding surfaces of First bracket 1, then bracket 2, bracket 3 etc., starting
isolator 12100 and maintenance earthing switches 12544, from the highest point.
12545 according to *), section 2.3.
*) Treatment and Storage Instructions
CH-HS 1176 87 E 19
As the last step tighten screws 10339 at the side with
spring washers 12641 and washers 12862 (section B-
B) (observe torque).
- Test enclosure for leakage.
- Only necessary if the outgoing feeder is slightly pressu-
rized, see section 2.2

20 CH-HS 1176 87 E
8 Spare parts 8.2 Definition of spare parts

8.2.1 Reserve part set A

8.1 General Reserve part set A contains spare parts which are not
required for normal, periodic maintenance, the stocking of
8.1.1 Spare parts to circuit breaker system which is however recommended.
For the circuit breaker system, on request the following are
supplied by the manufacturer: 8.2.2 Reserve part set B
- Reserve part sets A and B Reserve part set B contains spare parts which are not
- Reserve assemblies required for a normal, periodic maintenance, the stocking
- Overhaul part sets for the respective overhaul criterion of which is however recommended for
(see section 7.1.2). - installations with several circuit breakers
Order overhaul part sets only immediately before the - installations with a large number of switching cycles and
overhaul criteria are reached (make allowance for procure- - installations with a long spare part procurement time.
ment time). Due to the plastic parts, storage of the overhaul
sets for periods extending several years is not recommend- 8.2.3 Reserve assemblies
ed (storage time see Treatment and Storage Instructions,
Reserve assemblies are not required for a normal, periodic
chapter 7).
maintenance. However, stocking these assemblies will
8.1.2 Spare parts to assemblies permit disassembly and assembly times to be shortened.

The operating instructions of the individual assemblies 8.2.4 Overhaul part sets
(components and equipment) according to section 1.6
Overhaul part sets for the individual overhaul criteria are
contain separate pertaining spare parts lists which are not
quoted and supplied by the manufacturer installation-
contained in the spare parts lists of these operating
specifically on request, see section 8.3.4.
When the overhaul criteria are reached (see section 7.1.2),
For the individual assemblies, on request the following are
replacement of the parts of the overhaul part sets is
supplied by the manufacturer:
mandatory in order to regain the operational capability.
- Reserve part sets according to sections 8.3.1 and 8.3.2.
- Overhaul part sets for the respective overhaul criterion Content of overhaul part sets for
(according to section 8.3.4).
- Overhaul criterion 5,000 C-O:
Wearing parts and seals.
8.1.3 Ordering of the spare parts
- Overhaul criterion summation current:
For ordering, the following data are essential:
Contact parts, plastic parts and seals.
- Order number 1-...... See order documentation
- Type designation See nameplate - Overhaul criterion 10 years:
- Serial number See nameplate Aging-related plastic parts and seals.
- Publication number See cover sheet
- Reserve part set number See operating instructions
- Overhaul part set number See operating instructions.

8.1.4 Important notes

The instructions on the treatment and storage of the spare
parts are definitely to be adhered to.
- Storage, see Treatment and Storage Instructions, chap-
ters 21, 22, 23
- Unpacking: shortly before use.

CH-HS 1176 87 E 21
8.3 Spare parts list

8.3.1 Reserve parts set A

Part No. Part Designation Quantity Fig.

10612 Switching element, gray (plug-in type) 2 2 2 2 2 2 3/1
10613 Switching element, blue (plug-in type) 2 2 2 2 2 2 3/1
10624 Switching element, gray (with roller) 2 2 2 2 2 2 3/1
10625 Switching element, blue (with roller) 2 2 2 2 2 2 3/1
10706 Pressure monitor F1 1 1 1 1 2/5, 3/1
10707 Pressure monitor F2 1 1 1 1 2/5, 3/1
10711 Pressure monitor F1 1 1 2/5, 3/1
10712 Pressure monitor F2 1 1 2/5, 3/1
10714 Pressure controller F4 1 1 2/5, 3/1
10715 Pressure controller F4 1 1 1 1 2/5, 3/1
10727 Sealing cord 1 1 1 1 1 1 2/1a
10731 Pressure gauge SF6 gas 1 1 1 1 1 1 2/1, 3/1
10853 Pressure hose compl. 550 mm 1 1 1 1 1 1 2/4

8.3.2 Reserve parts set B

Part No. Part Designation Quantity Fig.

10612 Switching element, gray (plug-in type) 2 2 2 2 2 2 3/1
10613 Switching element, blue (plug-in type) 2 2 2 2 2 2 3/1
10624 Switching element, gray (with roller) 2 2 2 2 2 2 3/1
10625 Switching element, blue (with roller) 2 2 2 2 2 2 3/1
10706 Pressure monitor F1 1 1 1 1 2/5, 3/1
10707 Pressure monitor F2 1 1 1 1 2/5, 3/1
10711 Pressure monitor F1 1 1 2/5, 3/1
10712 Pressure monitor F2 1 1 2/5, 3/1
10714 Pressure controller F4 1 1 2/5, 3/1
10715 Pressure controller F4 1 1 1 1 2/5, 3/1
10718 Ball valve 1 1 1 1 1 1 2/4, 3/1
10727 Sealing cord 1 1 1 1 1 1 2/1a
10731 Pressure gauge SF6 gas 1 1 1 1 1 1 2/4, 3/1
10732 Gas coupling DILO DN 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 2/1, 2/2
10733 Protective cap 1 1 1 1 1 1 2/2
10739 Protective cap M26x1,5 1 1 1 1 1 1 2/2
10747 Bag 1 1 1 1 1 1 2/4
10749 Sealing ring 2 2 2 2 2 2 2/4
10853 Pressure hose compl. 550 mm 1 1 1 1 1 1 2/4
11301 Power contactor (K11...) 2 2 2 2 2 2 3/1
11305 Auxiliary contactor (K1...) 2 2 2 2 2 2 3/1
11320 Motor protection switch (Q10...) 2 2 2 2 2 2 3/1
11330 Position indicator (Q0...) 1 1 1 1 1 1 3/1
11340 Miniature circuit breaker (F10...) 2 2 2 2 2 2 3/1
12540 Auxiliary switch 1 1 1 1 1 1 2/6, 3/1
12566 Spring pin 4.0x25 mm 1 1 1 1 1 1 2/6
12612 Sealing ring 1 1 1 1 1 1 7/4...7/7
13080 Density monitor 1 1 1 1 1 1 2/1a, 3/1

22 CH-HS 1176 87 E
8.3.3. Reserve assemblies 11 Appendix
Reserve assemblies
- Pneumatic operating mechanism compl.
- Compressed air supply unit compl. 11.1 Figures
- Circuit breaker compl.
Fig. Designation
- Isolator compl.
- Motor drive compl. 2/1 Circuit breaker system HEK
2/1a Enclosure cover
Reserve assemblies are adapted to the supplied version in
the circuit breaker system. 2/1b Circuit breaker control cubicle
2/2 DILO SF6 gas line union
8.3.4 Overhaul part sets 2/2a Density monitor
Overhaul part sets 2/3 SF6 gas density characteristics
- Overhaul part set no. 1 (circuit breakers)
5,000 C-O (mechanical)
2/4 Compressed air receiver
- Overhaul parts set no. 2
Summation current (electrical) 2/5 Compressed air fittings
- Overhaul parts set no. 3 2/6 Auxiliary switch, position indicator
10 years in service. (circuit breakers)
Combinations of overhaul parts sets 3/1 Circuit breaker system,
- Overhaul parts set no. 4 schematic representation
5,000 C-O + summation current
- Overhaul parts set no. 5 4/1 Circuit breaker system transport
10 years in service + summation current with lifting beam
- Overhaul parts set no. 6 7/0 Summation current curve HE 1 ... 6
10 years in service + 5,000 C-O 7/1a Operating linkage
- Overhaul parts set no. 7
10 years in service + summation current + 5,000 C-O. 7/1b Breaker/enclosure/pole frame fasteners
7/1c Angle adjustment,
The overhaul parts sets no. 4...7 are not the sum of overhaul
parts sets 1...3. circuit breaker in CLOSED position
7/2a Adjustment of operating linkage
7/2b Adjustment of coupling element
7/2c Operating linkage: mounting coupling element
and slotted nut with open-end wrench
7/2d Suspension of circuit breaker (pole) on crane
7/3 Circuit breaker operating mechanism
7/4a Capacitors, isolator side, HEK 1 ... 6
7/4b Insertion of capacitor in enclosure
7/5 Capacitor, circuit breaker side, HEK 1 ... 4
7/6 Capacitor, circuit breaker side HEK 5/6
7/7 Current transformer

CH-HS 1176 87 E 23
Legende zu Fig. 2/1 Legend to fig. 2/1
10000 Leistungsschalter (Pol) Circuit breaker (pole)
10363 Sechskantmutter M12 Hex nut M12
10370 Sechskantmutter 0,5d M12 Hex nut 0.5d M12
10692 Motorantrieb zu Trenner Isolator motor drive
10693 Motorantrieb zu Arbeitserder Maintenance earthing switch motor drive
10700 Polrahmen Pole frame
10710 Druckluftbehälter kpl. Compressed air receiver compl.
10731 Manometer SF6-Gas Pressure gauge SF6 gas
10732 Gaskupplung-DILO NW 8 Gas coupling-DILO DN 8
10733 Abdeckkappe Protective cap
10750 Spannscheibe 13/30 Spring washer 13/30 mm
10760 Antrieb Leistungsschalter Circuit breaker operating mechanism
10784 Sechskantschraube M12x40 Hex screw M12x40 mm
10820 Antriebsaufhängung Operating mechanism support
10892 Druckschlauch 550 mm Pressure hose 550 mm
12094 Unterlagscheibe 13/40 Washer 13/40 mm
12100 Trenner Isolator
12406 Stromwandler (Schalterseite) Current transformer (circuit breaker side)
12407 Stromwandler (Trennerseite) Current transformer (isolator side)
12527 Stütze HE 1/2 Support HE 1/2
12528 Druckluftarmaturen Compressed air fitting
12529 Stellungsanzeige Trenner Isolator position indicator
12534 Flexible Verbindung Flexible connection
12540 Hilfsschalter Auxiliary switch
12541 Stellungsanzeige Arbeitserder Maintenance earthing switch position indicator
12544 Arbeitserder (Schalterseite) Maintenance earthing switch (circuit breaker side)
12545 Arbeitserder (Trennerseite) Maintenance earthing switch (isolator side)
12548 Stellungsanzeige Leistungsschalter Circuit breaker position indicator
12570 SF6-Gasleitung kpl. DILO SF6 gas line compl. DILO
12595 Kondensator Capacitor
12597 Stütze HE 3…6 Support HE 3…6
12676 Gewindestange M12x280 Threaded rod M12x280
12677 Isolierscheibe Insulating washer
12678 Isolierrohr Insulating tube
12721 Gruppensteuerschrank Circuit breaker control cubicle
12780 Steuerkasten Control cabinet
12870 Kapselung kpl. HEK1/2 Enclosure compl. HEK1/2
12871 Kapselungsdeckel HEK1/2 Enclosure cover HEK1/2
12880 Kapselung kpl. HEK3/4 Enclosure compl. HEK3/4
12881 Kapselungsdeckel HEK3/4 Enclosure cover HEK3/4
12885 Kapselung kpl. HEK5/6 Enclosure compl. HEK5/6
12886 Kapselungsdeckel HEK5/6 Enclosure cover HEK5/6
12892 Schlauchschutz 550 mm Air hose protective tubing 550 mm
13080 Dichtewächter Density monitor
25001 Luftversorgungseinheit Compressed air supply unit
G Antriebsgestänge Leistungsschalter, Circuit breaker actuating linkage,
Trenner, Arbeitserder isolator, maintenance earthing switch
*) Gezeichnet Schaltersystem Typ HEK mit Circuit breaker system, type HEK with
Maximalbestückung maximum equipment
2*) Gezeichnet Schaltersystem Typ HEK, Circuit breaker system, type HEK without isolator,
ohne Trenner, mit Kapselungsabstützung with enclosure support
(B) Schmieren, siehe 7.3 Lubrication, see 7.3
MD Drehmoment Torque

Nm ft . lbf
45 33
72 53
78 58

CH-HS 1176 87 D, E
CH-HS 1176 87
12721 10710 12528 25001


12529 12541/2

13080 10700 10000 10760

10693/1 12541/1 10731 10732 10820

(B) 12534 10733
A 10750
M D= 78Nm
12871 12870
12527 12881 12880
(B) 12545 12597 12100 12407 12595 12886 12885

G 2*)

≥ 4 mm = ≥ 0.16 in 10750
(B) 12677 12094
12678 12094
MD= 45Nm

B 12676
Fig. 2/1

G 12094
(B) 12544 12527 12406 12595 10000 10363
12597 MD= 72Nm *) Fig. 2/1
Legende zu Fig. 2/1a,b Legend to Fig. 2/1a, b
10293 Spannscheibe 8,4/18 Spring washer 8.4/18 mm
10339 Sechskantschraube M10x30 Hex screw M10x30 mm
10418 Sechskantschraube M12x30 Hex screw M12x30 mm
10700 Polrahmen Pole frame
10727 Dichtungsschnur Sealing cord
10750 Spannscheibe 13/30 Spring washer 13/30 mm
10784 Sechskantschraube M12x40 Hex screw M12x40 mm
10786 Sicherungsmutter M12 Locknut M12
12448 Sechskantschraube M8x20 Hex screw M8x20 mm
12449 Unterlagscheibe 8,4/25 Washer 8.4/25 mm
12641 Spannscheibe 10,5/27 Spring washer 10.5/27 mm
12710 Einpressmutter M8 Compression nut M8
12711 Schauglas HEK 1/2 Pane HEK 1/2
12712 Schauglas HEK 3…6 Pane HEK 3…6
12713 Dichtring Sealing ring
12714 Unterlagscheibe 8,5/25 (Plastik) Washer 8.5/25 mm (plastic)
12721 Gruppensteuerschrank Circuit breaker control cubicle
12722 Träger rechts Support right
12723 Träger links Support left
12724 Abstützung Support
12733 Unterlagscheibe 13/24 Washer 13/24 mm
12861 Bügel Contact lever long
12862 Unterlagscheibe 10,5/40x4 Washer 10.5/40x4 mm
12863 Ringmutter M10 Ringnut M10
12864 Senkschraube M10x16 Countersunk screw M10x16mm
12870 Kapselung kpl. HEK1/2 Enclosure compl. HEK1/2
12871 Kapselungsdeckel HEK1/2 Enclosure cover HEK1/2
12880 Kapselung kpl. HEK3…6 Enclosure compl. HEK3…6
12881 Kapselungsdeckel HEK3…6 Enclosure cover HEK3…6
12885 Kapselung kpl. HEK5/6 Enclosure compl. HEK5/6
12886 Kapselungsdeckel HEK5/6 Enclosure cover HEK5/6
*) Anwendung von Klebstoff 09142 (siehe 7.6.15) Application of adhesive 09142 (see 7.6.15)
2*) Siehe 5.1.4 und 7.6.15 See 5.1.4 and 7.6.15
(B) Schmieren, siehe 7.3 Lubrication, see 7.3
(U) Kleben / sichern (LOCTITE), siehe 7.3 Adhesives / securing (LOCTITE), see 7.3
MD Drehmoment Torque

Nm ft . lbf
10 7.5
18 13.2
27 20.0
75 55.0

CH-HS 1176 87 D, E
CH-HS 1176 87

MD= 10Nm

12871 12712

10750 12713
MD= 75Nm

12723 (U) 12864

MD= 18Nm F
D-D 10339
12724 MD = 27Nm

10700 12641
2*) 12861
6 4 2 1 3 5
F 12871
D 12881 (B) (B)
12886 2*) 10727
D 12870
12861 12880

M D= 75Nm
A B-B 10339
A *)
MD = 27Nm
10418 10786 10784
MD = 75Nm 10727
12733 12733 B B 12862

12861 12871
Fig. 2/1b D 12881
Fig. 2/1a, b

D 12863

Fig. 2/1a 12885
Fig. 2/1a, b
Legende zu Fig. 2/2 Legend to fig. 2/2
10048 Verschraubung GE L 10 Union GE L 10
10731 Manometer SF6-Gas Pressure gauge SF6 gas
10732 Gaskupplung-DILO NW 8 Gas coupling-DILO DN 8
10733 Abdeckkappe Protective cap
10739 Abdeckkappe M26x1,5 Protective cap M26x1.5 mm
10788 Federring A8 Spring lockwasher A8
12079 Dichtscheibe G 3/8" Sealing washer G 3/8"
12505 Bride Clamp
12506 Sechskantschraube M8x20 Hex screw M8x20 mm
12508 Unterlagscheibe 4,3/9 Washer 4.3/9 mm
12509 Federring A4 Spring lockwasher A4
12515 Gasleitung DILO Gas line DILO
12516 Halteblock kpl. DILO DILO junction block compl.
12517 Rohr DILO Tube DILO
12521 T-Stück Tee
12522 Federteil Tongued coupling part
12523 Einschraubstutzen G 3/8" Adapter G 3/8"
12524 Mano-Verschraubung L 10, G 1/4" Mano adapter L 10, G 1/4"
12526 Halteblock DILO DILO junction block
12570 SF6-Gasleitung kpl. DILO SF6 gas line compl. DILO
12594 Dichteschalteranschluss Density monitor connection
12598 Zylinderkopfschraube M4x20 Socket head screw M4x20 mm
12826 Sicherungsmutter M4 Locknut M4
S Schraube Screw
*) Verbindungsschlauch (SF6-Gas-Nachfüllvorrichtung) Connection hose (SF6 gas replenishment device)
(U) Kleben / sichern (LOCTITE), siehe 7.3 Adhesives / securing (LOCTITE), see 7.3
MD Drehmoment Torque

Nm ft . lbf
3 2.2
10 7.4
20 15
80 59
110 81

CH-HS 1176 87 D, E



12509 12598 12505 S

12826 12508
M D= 3Nm


M D=80Nm
10733 10732 (U)
MD≥ 10Nm MD≥ 110Nm 12079 12594



M D=80Nm

*) 12506 (U) 10048 (U) 12524 12079 12079

10788 M D=80Nm 10731 10732 (U) 12523 (U)
M D=20Nm MD=110Nm MD=110Nm


CH-HS 1176 87 12570 - Fig. 2/2

Legende zu Fig. 2/2a Legend to fig. 2/2a
10091 Spannscheibe 6.4/18 Spring washer 6.4/18 mm
10124 Dichtungsschnur Sealing cord
10133 Kabelverschraubung Cable gland
10134 Isolierscheibe Insulating washer
10135 Isolierhülse Insulating sleeve
10169 Stutzen 1/4"A-3/8" Connection 1/4"A-3/8"
10732 Gaskupplung-DILO NW 8 Gas coupling DILO DN 8 mm
10788 Federring A8 Spring lockwasher A8
11531 Unterlagscheibe 6,4/18 Washer 6.4/18 mm
12079 Dichtscheibe G 3/8" Sealing washer G 3/8"
12340 Hebel kpl. Lever compl.
12379 Dichtewächter kpl. Density monitor compl.
12381 Halter Support
12382 Haube Hood
12430 Sechskantschraube M6x35 Hex screw M6x35 mm
12522 Federteil Tongued coupling part
12570 SF6-Gasleitung kpl. DILO SF6 gas line compl. DILO
12684 Zylinderkopfschraube M8x30 Socket head screw M8x30 mm
12870 Kapselung kpl. HEK1/2 Enclosure compl. HEK1/2
12880 Kapselung kpl. HEK3…6 Enclosure compl. HEK3…6
13080 Dichtewächter Density monitor
13081 Runddichtring 40x6 Sealing ring 40x6 mm
13230 Kupplung NW 8 Coupling DN 8 mm
13231 Runddichtring 31,3x3 Sealing ring 31.3x3 mm
S Schraube Screw
(B) Schmieren, siehe 7.3 Lubrication, see 7.3
(U) Kleben / sichern (LOCTITE), siehe 7.3 Adhesives / securing (LOCTITE), see 7.3
MD Drehmoment Torque

Nm ft . lbf
5 3.7
10 7.4
20 15.0
50 37.0
80 59.0
110 81.0

CH-HS 1176 87 D, E
M D= 5Nm 10133



13231 (B)
M D=20Nm
13230 (U)
M D=110Nm
13081 (B)





(U) 10169
M D = 50Nm 10134
12079 12430
(U) 10732 10091
M D = 80Nm 11531
M D=10Nm

M D = 80Nm

CH-HS 1176 87 12379 - Fig. 2/2a

Legende zu Fig. 2/3 Legend to fig. 2/3
pabs SF6-Gasdruck SF6 gas pressure
ρ SF6-Gasdichte SF6 gas density
B Blockierung EIN . AUS I & II Blocking CLOSE . TRIP I & II
F Nenndruck (Fülldruck) Rated pressure (filling)
T SF6-Gastemperartur SF6 Gas temperature

CH-HS 1176 87 D, E
pabs [bar] [g/dm3]



F 40



6,2 B




-20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
T [°C / SF6 ]

CH-HS 1176 87 Fig. 2/3

Legende zu Fig. 2/4 Legend to fig. 2/4
10363 Sechskantmutter M12 Hex nut M12
10417 Sechskantmutter M10 Hex nut M10
10700 Polrahmen Pole frame
10703 Sechskantschraube M12x35 Hex screw M12x35 mm
10718 Kugelhahn Ball valve
10720 Überdruckventil (HE 1/2) Pressure relief valve (HE 1/2)
10721 Überdruckventil (HE 3…6) Pressure relief valve (HE 3…6)
10722 Druckluftbehälter Air receiver
10728 Isolation Insulation
10736 Sechskantschraube M10x25 Hex screw M10x25 mm
10738 Verschraubung EGE L 8 Union EGE L 8
10743 Deckel Cover
10745 Behälterdeckel Receiver cover
10746 Gitterrohr Strainer tube
10747 Tüte Bag
10748 Schlauchschelle Hose clamp
10749 Runddichtring Sealing ring
10787 Sicherungsmutter M16 Locknut M16
10789 Federring A12 Spring lockwasher A12
10790 Federring A16 Spring lockwasher A16
10853 Druckschlauch kpl. 550 mm Pressure hose compl. 550 mm
10892 Druckschlauch 550 mm Pressure hose 550 mm
10896 Schlauchschelle Hose clamp
12025 Federring A10 Spring lockwasher A10
12528 Druckluftarmaturen Compressed air fitting
12533 Platte Plate
12538 Sechskantschraube M10x20 Hex screw M10x20 mm
12691 Verschlussstopfen G 1/4" Drain plug G 1/4"
12692 Verschraubung EGE L 8 Union EGE L 8
12693 Verschraubung EW L 8 Union EW L 8
12694 Verschraubung GAI L 8 Union GAI L 8
12744 Unterlagscheibe 17/30 Washer 17/30 mm
12745 Sechskantschraube M16x60 Hex screw M16x60 mm
12760 Befestigungsbügel Fixing bracket
12763 Ablassventil Drain valve
12764 Dichtring Sealing ring
12780 Steuerkasten Control cabinet
12892 Schlauchschutz 550 mm Air hose protective tubing 550 mm
25001 Luftversorgungseinheit Compressed air supply unit
(B) Schmieren, siehe 7.3 Lubrication, see 7.3
MD Drehmoment Torque

Nm ft . lbf
9 6.6
17 12.5
41 30.0
49 36.0
86 63.0
186 137.0

CH-HS 1176 87 D, E
CH-HS 1176 87
A-A 10722 12528 10738 10728 A 25001

10745 10703
10736 10789 10743
12025 10363
M D= 86Nm (B) 10749
MD = 49Nm
12691 12025
(B) 10749
MD = 41Nm M D= 49Nm
10896 12025
10853 12760
MD = 41Nm
M D= 17Nm
M D= 41Nm
12780 10700

12745 C
12744 B
10790 10720
10787 10721
MD = 186Nm M D= 17Nm 10728
3 ±1
mm (= 0.12 ±0.04
in) 12764 10738
12694 10718

4 ±1
mm (= 0.16 ±0.04
in) 12693
M D= 9Nm

10853 10892

Fig. 2/4

±1 ±0.04
M D= 9Nm 3 mm (= 0.12 in)
±1 ±0.04
4 mm (= 0.16 in)

8 ±1
mm (= 0.32 ±0.04
in) Fig. 2/4
Legende zu Fig. 2/5 Legend to fig. 2/5
10403 Sechskantschraube M8x30 Hex screw M8x30 mm
10664 Sechskantmutter M5 Hex nut M5
10706 Druckschalter F1 (HE 3…6) Pressure switch F1 (HE 3…6)
10707 Druckschalter F2 (HE 3…6) Pressure switch F2 (HE 3…6)
10708 Druckschalter F3 (HE 3…6) Pressure switch F3 (HE …6)
10711 Druckschalter F1 (HE 1/2) Pressure switch F1 (HE 1/2)
10712 Druckschalter F2 (HE 1/2) Pressure switch F2 (HE 1/2)
10713 Druckschalter F3 (HE 1/2) Pressure switch F3 (HE 1/2)
10714 Druckregler F4 (HE 1/2) Pressure controller F4 (HE 1/2)
10715 Druckregler F4 (HE 3…6) Pressure controller F4 (HE 3…6)
10716 Manometer Pressure gauge
10722 Druckluftbehälter Air receiver
10729 Leitung Line
10735 Distanzrohr Spacer tube
10753 Deckblech kpl. Cover plate compl.
10754 Gummiplatte Rubber plate
10755 Platte Plate
11118 Unterlagscheibe 5,3/10 Washer 5.3/10 mm
12034 Federring A5 Spring lockwasher A5
12509 Federring A4 Spring lockwasher A4
12528 Druckluftarmaturen Compressed air fitting
12567 Zylinderkopfschraube M4x16 Socket head screw M4x16 mm
12568 Zylinderkopfschraube M5x30 Socket head screw M5x30 mm
12569 Mutter M4 Nut M4
12572 Sicherungsmutter M8 Locknut M8
12573 Verschraubung Mano. G 1/4 Z Screw connection Mano. Union G 1/4"
12574 Verschraubung Mano. G 1/2 Z Screw connection Mano. Union G 1/2"
12575 Verschraubung GE L 6 Union GE L 6
12576 Tülle 20/28 x 1,5 Bushing 20/28 x 1.5 mm
12728 Unterlagscheibe 4,3/9 Washer 4.3/9 mm
12729 Unterlagscheibe 8,4/17 Washer 8.4/17 mm
"E" Einstellschraube Adjusting screw
MD Drehmoment Torque

Nm ft . lbf
2,9 2.0
3,0 2.2
6,0 4.4

CH-HS 1176 87 D, E
CH-HS 1176 87

10715 10706 10707 10708 12509
"E" 10714 "E" 10716 "E" 10711 10712 10713 MD= 2,9Nm 10753 "E"


F4 F2 10735

F3 10664
MD= 6Nm

12574 12576 12573


10403 A
12572 10729
MD= 3Nm
12528 -
Fig. 2/5

12528 - Fig. 2/5

Legende zu Fig. 2/6 Legend to fig. 2/6
10326 Unterlagscheibe 8,4/17 Washer 8.4/17 mm
10598 Schauglas Sight glass
10637 Sechskantschraube M5x16 Hex screw M5x16 mm
10793 Verbindungsteil Connector
12034 Federring A5 Spring lockwasher A5
12508 Unterlagscheibe 4,3/9 Washer 4.3/9 mm
12540 Hilfsschalter Auxiliary switch
12548 Stellungsanzeige Leistungsschalter Circuit breaker position indicator
12549 Hilfsgestänge kpl. Auxiliary linkage compl.
12551 Gestänge (HE 1/2) Linkage (HE 1/2)
12552 Gestänge (HE 3…6) Linkage (HE 3…6)
12553 Gestänge kpl. Linkage compl.
12554 Hebel Lever
12555 Hebel Lever
12556 Distanzrohr Spacer tube
12557 Distanzrohr Spacer tube
12558 Scheibe Washer
12559 Anzeiger Indicator
12561 Sechskantschraube M4x50 Hex screw M4x50 mm
12562 Ring Ring
12563 V-Ring V-ring
12564 Splint 3,2x16 Cotter pin 3.2x16 mm
12565 Schwerspannstift 2,5x16 Spring pin 2.5x16 mm
12566 Schwerspannstift 4,0x25 Spring pin 4.0x25 mm
12577 Dichtgummi Rubber seal
12578 Sichtscheibe Pane
12779 Kasten Enclosure
12780 Steuerkasten Control cabinet
12783 Scheibe 15/24 Washer 15/24 mm
12797 Sechskantschraube M5x14 Hex screw M5x14 mm
12798 Unterlagscheibe 5,3/15 Washer 5.3/15 mm
L Siehe 7.6.6 See 7.6.6
(U) Kleben / sichern (LOCTITE), siehe 7.3 Adhesives / securing (LOCTITE), see 7.3
MD Drehmoment Torque

Nm ft . lbf
2 1.5
6 4.4

CH-HS 1176 87 D, E
CH-HS 1176 87

12780 A
12578 12577 12779 12540 12798
A 12034


12562 L
MD= 2Nm


(U)10637 12564 10326 12553 12564 10326 12554

MD = 6Nm 12549
12783 12551
12552 10326 12564 10793


Fig. 2/6

Fig. 2/6
Legende zu Fig. 3/1 Legend to fig. 3/1
F1 Druckschalter Blockierung EIN Pressure switch blocking CLOSE
F2 Druckschalter Blockierung AUS I Pressure switch blocking OPEN I
F3 Druckschalter Blockierung AUS II Pressure switch blocking OPEN II
F4 Druckschalter für Kompressorsteuerung Pressure switch for compressor control
F6 SF6-Gas Dichtewächter (13080) SF6 gas density monitor (13080)
F10… Sicherungsautomat (11340) Miniature circuit breaker (11340)
H1 Stellungsanzeige Leistungsschalter (Q0) (11330) Position indicator, circuit breaker (Q0) (11330)
H9 Stellungsanzeige Trenner (Q9) (11330) Position indicator, isolator (Q9) (11330)
H81 Stellungsanzeige Arbeitserder (Q81) (11330) Position indicator, maintenance earthing
switch (Q81) (11330)
H82 Stellungsanzeige Arbeitserder (Q82) (11330) Position indicator, maintenance earthing
switch (Q82) (11330)
K1…4 Hilfsschütz (11305) Auxiliary contactor (11305)
K5 Zeitrelais (11310) Time-delay relay (11310)
K11… Leistungsschütz (11301) Power contactor (11301)
M9 Motor Trenner (Q9) Motor to isolator (Q9)
M10 Motor Kompressor Compressor motor
M81 Motor Arbeitserder (Q81) Motor to maintenance earthing switch (Q81)
M82 Motor Arbeitserder (Q82) Motor to maintenance earthing switch (Q82)
P1 Impulszähler (11322) Pulse counter (11322)
P2 Betriebsstundenzähler (11325) Service hours meter (11325)
Q0 Leistungsschalter (3polig) Circuit breaker (3-pole)
Q0G Gerüst (10710, 10760, 12528) Support (10710, 10760, 12528)
Q9 Trenner Isolator
Q10 Motorschutzschalter Kompressor-Motor (11320) Compressor motor protection switch (11320)
Q81 Arbeitserder (Schalterseite) Maintenance earthing switch, breaker side
Q82 Arbeitserder (Trennerseite) Maintenance earthing switch, isolator side
Q810 Motorschutzschalter zu Arbeitserder (Q81) Motor protection switch to maintenance earthing
(11320) switch(Q81) (11320)
Q820 Motorschutzschalter zu Arbeitserder (Q82) Motor protection switch to maintenance earthing
(11320) switch(Q82) (11320)
Q900 Motorschutzschalter zu Trenner (Q9) (11320) Motor protection switch to isolator (Q9) (11320)
S Gruppensteuerschrank (12721) Circuit breaker control cubicle (12721)
S0 Steuerkasten (12780), Hilfsschalter (12540) Control cubicle (12780), auxiliary swwitch (12540)
S2 Umschalter ORT-FERN (11311) Selector switch LOCAL-REMOTE (11311)
S3.1 Steuerschalter EIN-N-AUS (Q0) (11315) Control switch CLOSE-N-OPEN (Q0) (11315)
S3.9 Steuerschalter EIN-N-AUS (Q9) (11315) Control switch CLOSE-N-OPEN (Q9) (11315)
S3.81 Steuerschalter EIN-N-AUS (Q81) (11315) Control switch CLOSE-N-OPEN (Q81) (11315)
S3.82 Steuerschalter EIN-N-AUS (Q82) (11315) Control switch CLOSE-N-OPEN (Q82) (11315)
S9 Hilfsschalter (Q9) Auxiliary switch (Q9)
S81 Hilfsschalter (Q81) Auxiliary switch (Q81)
S82 Hilfsschalter (Q82) Auxiliary switch (Q82)
S99 Verriegelungskontakt Handkurbell (Q9) Interlock contact to hand crank (Q9)
S811 Verriegelungskontakt Handkurbel (Q81) Interlock contact to hand crank (Q81)
S821 Verriegelungskontakt Handkurbel (Q82) Interlock contact to hand crank (Q82)
T1 Stromwandler (Schalterseite) Current transformer, breaker side
T2 Stromwandler (Trennerseite) Current transformer, isolator side
Y1 Auslösespule EIN Trip coil CLOSE
Y2 Auslösespule AUS I Trip coil OPEN I
Y3 Auslösespule AUS II Trip coil OPEN II
Y9 Elektrokupplung (M9) Electrocoupling (M9)
Y10 Entleerungsventil Drain valve
Y81 Elektrokupplung (M81) Electrocoupling (M81)
Y82 Elektrokupplung (M82) Electrocoupling (M82)

CH-HS 1176 87 D, E
T2 12407 Q82 Q9 Q0 Q81 T1 12406



S821 M82 S99 M81 S811


M9 10525
Y82 Y1 Y81
S82 S9 10525
10540 Y2
X X 10525 X

12541/1 12529 Y3 12541/2

10693/1 10692 10760 Q0G 10693/2

10720 10710 Q0G
10718 10721
25100 M10

(F6) 10731 10732

Q0G 10722 25001

F1 F2 F3 F4

Q0G 12528

S 12721 S0 12780
S2 12549 X
12540 10612
H9 H1 10613
S3.9 S3.1 12540
H82 H81 P1 P2
S3.82 S3.81










CH-HS 1176 87 Fig. 3/1

Legende zu Fig. 3/1 (Fortsetzung) Legend to Fig. 3/1 (continued)
10000 Leistungsschalter (Pol) Circuit breaker (pole)
10525 Magnetventil Solenoid valve
10540 Spule zu Magnetventil Solenoid valve coil
10612 Schaltelement grau Switching element, gray
10613 Schaltelement blau Switching element, blue
10624 Schaltelement grau (mit Rolle) Switching element gray (with roller)
10625 Schaltelement blau (mit Rolle) Switching element blue (with roller)
10692 Motorantrieb zu Trenner Isolator motor drive
10693 Motorantrieb zu Arbeitserder Maintenance earthing switch motor drive
10710 Druckluftbehälter kpl. (Q0G) Compressed air receiver compl. (Q0G)
10716 Manometer Pressure gauge
10718 Kugelhahn Ball valve
10720 Überdruckventil (HE 1/2) Pressure relief valve (HE 1/2)
10721 Überdruckventil (HE 3…6) Pressure relief valve (HE 3…6)
10722 Druckluftbehälter Air receiver
10731 Manometer SF6-Gas Pressure gauge SF6 gas
10732 Gaskupplung-DILO NW 8 Gas coupling-DILO DN 8
10760 Antrieb Leistungsschalter (Q0G) Circuit breaker operating mechanism (Q0G)
10897 Antriebsgestänge Operating linkage
12406 Stromwandler (Schalterseite) Current transformer, breaker side
12407 Stromwandler (Trennerseite) Current transformer, isolator side
12528 Druckluftarmaturen (Q0G) Compressed air fitting (Q0G)
12529 Stellungsanzeige Trenner Isolator position indicator
12540 Hilfsschalter (S0) Auxiliary switch (S0)
12541 Stellungsanzeige Arbeitserder Maintenance earthing switch position indicator
12548 Stellungsanzeige Leistungsschalter Circuit breaker position indicator
12549 Hilfsgestänge kpl. Auxiliary linkage compl.
12721 Gruppensteuerschrank (S) Circuit breaker control cubicle (S)
12763 Ablassventil Drain valve
12780 Steuerkasten (S0) Control cabinet (S0)
13080 Dichtewächter Density monitor
25001 Luftversorgungseinheit Compressed air supply unit
25100 Kompressor Compressor

CH-HS 1176 87 D, E
T2 12407 Q82 Q9 Q0 Q81 T1 12406



S821 M82 S99 M81 S811


M9 10525
Y82 Y1 Y81
S82 S9 10525
10540 Y2
X X 10525 X

12541/1 12529 Y3 12541/2

10693/1 10692 10760 Q0G 10693/2

10720 10710 Q0G
10718 10721
25100 M10

(F6) 10731 10732

Q0G 10722 25001

F1 F2 F3 F4

Q0G 12528

S 12721 S0 12780
S2 12549 X
12540 10612
H9 H1 10613
S3.9 S3.1 12540
H82 H81 P1 P2
S3.82 S3.81










CH-HS 1176 87 Fig. 3/1

Legende zu Fig. 4/1 Legend to fig. 4/1
01020 Transportbalken Lifting beam
10700 Polrahmen Pole frame
10790 Federring A16 Spring lockwasher A16
10806 Stütze kpl. Support compl.
10807 Winkel Bracket
10809 Unterlagscheibe 17/30 Washer 17/30 mm
10810 Spannscheibe 17/32 Spring washer 17/32 mm
10822 Mutter M16 Nut M16
12737 Sechskantschraube M16x50 Hex screw M16x50 mm
12870 Kapselung kpl. HEK1/2 Enclosure compl. HEK1/2
12880 Kapselung kpl. HEK3…6 Enclosure compl. HEK3…6
12885 Kapselung kpl. HEK5/6 Enclosure compl. HEK5/6
1 Bandschlinge 1 Sling 1
2 Bandschlinge 2 Sling 2
3 Bandschlinge 3 Sling 3
4 Bandschlinge 4 Sling 4
5 Seilschlinge Rope sling
"B" Bedienungsseite Operating side
"S" Schäkel Shackle
*) Siehe Kap. 4 See chapter 4
MD Drehmoment Torque

Nm ft . lbf
100 74
160 118

CH-HS 1176 87 D, E
1 2 5 5 01020 3 4

12885 "S"



A 2 3
M D = 100Nm
10700 10810

10809 10810


12737 10822
M D = 160Nm
10806 10807

*) 1 4

CH-HS 1176 87 Fig. 4/1

Legende zu Fig. 7/0 Legend to fig. 7/0
n Anzahl CO - Schaltungen Number of CO - operations
I Laststrom Load current
Σ Summenstromkurve ermittelt im Dauerversuch Summation current determined in sustained testing

CH-HS 1176 87 D, E
CO 3000

400 S

2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 kA
CO 3000

500 S

2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 kA
CO 3000

600 S

2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 kA
CH-HS 1176 87 Fig. 7/0
Legende zu Fig. 7/1a, b, c Legend to fig. 7/1a, b, c
01007 Notantriebshebel Emergency operating lever
10000 Leistungsschalter (Pol) Circuit breaker (pole)
10326 Unterlagscheibe 8,4/17 Washer 8.4/17 mm
10441 Kolbenstange Piston rod
10700 Polrahmen Pole frame
10750 Spannscheibe 13/30 Spring washer 13/30 mm
10760 Antrieb Leistungsschalter Circuit breaker operating mechanism
10791 Verbindungsteil Connector
10792 Befestigungsteil Fastening element
10793 Verbindungsteil Connector
10794 Kupplungsstück L=96,5 (HE 1/2) Coupling element L=96.5 mm (HE1/2)
10795 Bolzen Pin
10796 Lager 25/28x20 Bearing 25/28x20 mm
10797 Scheibe 25,5/40 Washer 25.5/40 mm
10798 Stellring Adjusting ring
10800 Nutmutter Slotted nut
10801 Schwerspannstift 5x40 Spring pin 5x40 mm
10802 Schwerspannstift 6x40 Spring pin 6x40 mm
10810 Spannscheibe 17/32 Spring washer 17/32 mm
10811 Kupplungsstück L=208,5 (HE 3…6) Coupling element L=208.5 mm (HE 3…6)
10823 Scheibe 40/16,5x2 Washer 40/16.5x2
10834 Sechskantschraube M16x110 Hex screw M16x110 mm
10857 Hebel kpl. Lever compl.
10873 Antriebsplatte Push plate
10897 Antriebsgestänge Operating linkage
12070 Sockel Base
12094 Unterlagscheibe 13/40 Washer 13/40 mm
12551 Gestänge (HE 1/2) Linkage (HE 1/2)
12552 Gestänge (HE 3…6) Linkage (HE 3…6)
12564 Splint 3,2x16 Cotter pin 3.2x16 mm
12604 Isolierscheibe Insulating washer
12606 Dichtung Seal
12607 Lagerring Support ring
12679 Sechskantschraube M12x60 Hex screw M 12x60 mm
12726 Isolierhülse 17/12x24,5 Insulating sleeve 17/12x24.5 mm
12870 Kapselung kpl. HEK1/2 Enclosure compl. HEK1/2
12880 Kapselung kpl. HEK3/4 Enclosure compl. HEK3/4
12885 Kapselung kpl. HEK5/6 Enclosure compl. HEK5/6
25694 Hebel Lever
*) Ansicht von oben, Stellung EIN View from above, position CLOSED
2*) Polrahmenkante Edge of pole frame
(B) Schmieren, siehe 7.3 Lubrication, see 7.3
(U) Kleben / sichern (LOCTITE), siehe 7.3 Adhesives / securing (LOCTITE), see 7.3
MD Drehmoment Torque

Nm ft . lbf
46 34.0
120 88.0
180 133.0

CH-HS 1176 87 D, E
CH-HS 1176 87
10760 10794 10873 10873 10873

12551 10793 10800 (U) 10792 10800 (U) 10791

12552 M D= 120Nm M D= 120Nm

10441 10794 10796 (B) 10795 10801 A-A

10811 12551

10793 10873
10798 10796 (B)
Fig. 7/1a *) 10897


12606 10000
12604 12607
12726 12870
12880 2*)
12094 01007 61° 50' ±30'
Fig. 7/1a, b, c

12679 10873
M D= 46Nm
A Fig. 7/1c *)
10834 (U)
Fig. 7/1b MD= 180Nm
Fig. 7/1a, b, c
Legende zu Fig. 7/2a, b, c, d Legend to fig. 7/2a, b, c, d
01116 Maulschlüssel M35 Open-end wrench M35
01110 Gegenhalter kpl. Brace compl.
01111 Gabel Fork
01112 Stellschraube kurz Adjusting screw short
01113 Stellschraube lang Adjusting screw long
01114 Schraube zu Gabel Screw to fork
01116 Maulschlüssel M35 Open-end wrench M35
10000 Leistungsschalter (Pol) Circuit breaker (pole)
10441 Kolbenstange Piston rod
10489 Nutmutter M35x1,5 Slotted nut M35x1.5 mm
10490 Sicherungsblech Locking plate
10700 Polrahmen Pole frame
10760 Antrieb Leistungsschalter Circuit breaker operating mechanism
10791 Verbindungsteil Connector
10792 Befestigungsteil Fastening element
10793 Verbindungsteil Connector
10794 Kupplungsstück L=96,5 (HE 1/2) Coupling element L=96.5 mm (HE1/2)
10795 Bolzen Pin
10799 Mutter Nut
10801 Schwerspannstift 5x40 Spring pin 5x40 mm
10803 Gewindestift M6x8 Setscrew M6x8 mm
10811 Kupplungsstück L=208,5 (HE 3…6) Coupling element L=208.5 mm (HE 3…6)
10873 Antriebsplatte Push plate
10897 Antriebsgestänge Operating linkage
25693 Steuerrohr Control tube
25694 Hebel Lever
*) Kurzer Abstand zum Polrahmen Short distance from pole frame
2*) Langer Abstand zum Polrahmen Long distance from pole frame
3*) Mit Stellschraube leicht spannen Tighten lightly with adjusting screw
ONLY Nur Only
(U) Kleben / sichern (LOCTITE), siehe 7.3 Adhesives / securing (LOCTITE), see 7.3
MD Drehmoment Torque

Nm ft . lbf
5 3.7
150 110.0
250 183.0

CH-HS 1176 87 D, E
CH-HS 1176 87

10489 10799 (U) 10803 (U) 10794

01116 10441 10490 MD= 150Nm MD= 250Nm 10700 MD= 5Nm 10811 10801 10795 10873

<0,75 mm <0,75 mm
<0,75 mm <0,75 mm
M (= <0.03 in)
(= <0.03 in)
(= <0.03 in)
(= <0.03 in)

10792 10791

Fig. 7/2a

25693 25694 10803 (U) 10794 01110 10793 10873 10441 10801/1 10793
(10760) MD= 5Nm 10811

Fig. 7/2c - 10897 10794

10441 10811 10793
M - 01110 *)



<0,4 mm
01112 (= <0.016 in)
<0,4 mm
(= <0.016 in)

M - 01110 2*) 10000

Fig. 7/2a, b, c, d

01111 Fig. 7/2b Fig. 7/2d



Fig. 7/2a, b, c, d
Legende zu Fig. 7/3 Legend to fig. 7/3
10294 Sechskantmutter M8 Hex nut M8
10295 Sechskantschraube M8x25 Hex screw M8x25 mm
10441 Kolbenstange Piston rod
10700 Polrahmen Pole frame
10750 Spannscheibe 13/30 Spring washer 13/30 mm
10760 Antrieb Leistungsschalter Circuit breaker operating mechanism
10783 Gewindestift M8x30 Setscrew M8x30 mm
10787 Sicherungsmutter M16 Locknut M16
10788 Federring A8 Spring lockwasher A8
10790 Federring A16 Spring lockwasher A16
10812 Träger kpl. Mounting bracket compl.
10813 Lagerbüchse Bearing bush
10814 Ring Ring
10815 Anschlag Limit stop
10816 Gewindestange M16 Threaded rod M16
10817 Abdeckung Cover
10818 Mutter M20x1,5 Nut M20x1.5 mm
10819 Sechskantschraube M12x70 Hex screw M12x70 mm
10820 Antriebsaufhängung Operating mechanism support
10822 Mutter M16 Nut M16
10836 Flexible Verbindung Flexible connection
10892 Druckschlauch 550 mm Pressure hose 550 mm
10896 Schlauchschelle Hose clamp
12546 Passscheibe 32/44x0,5 Shim washer 32/44x0.5 mm
12547 Passscheibe 32/44x0,2 Shim washer 32/44x0.2 mm
12729 Unterlagscheibe 8,4/17 Washer 8.4/17 mm
12737 Sechskantschraube M16x50 Hex screw M16x50 mm
12892 Schlauchschutz 550 mm Air hose protective tubing 550 mm
"K" Keil (Demontagehilfe) Wedge (disassembly aid)
S1, S2 Spiele, siehe 7.6.4 + 7.6.5 Clearences, see 7.6.4 + 7.6.5
(B) Schmieren, siehe 7.3 Lubrication, see 7.3
(U) Kleben / sichern (LOCTITE), siehe 7.3 Adhesives / securing (LOCTITE), see 7.3
MD Drehmoment Torque

Nm ft . lbf
21 14.5
80 59.0
160 118.0
200 148.0

CH-HS 1176 87 D, E
CH-HS 1176 87

(B) 12892 10896 10812 10441 12737 10815
M D= 200Nm
M D= 160Nm

S1 ≤ 0,2 mm
(S1 ≤ 0.008 in)
(B) 12546
(B) 12547
(B) 12546
(B) 12547

S2 = 0,05. . .0,3mm
10750 10813 "K" 10760 10817 10700 10818 (U) (S2 = 0.002. . .0.012in) 10295 10817
10819 MD= 200Nm 10788
M D= 80Nm 10294
A MD= 21Nm

MD= 21Nm
MD= 21Nm


10820 - Fig.

10820 - Fig. 7/3

Legende zu Fig. 7/4a, b Legend to fig. 7/4a, b
10294 Sechskantmutter M8 Hex nut M8
10376 Sechskantmutter 0,5d M8 Hex nut 0.5d M8
10417 Sechskantmutter M10 Hex nut M10
10418 Sechskantschraube M12x30 Hex screw M12x30 mm
10788 Federring A8 Spring lockwasher A8
10789 Federring A12 Spring lockwasher A12
12025 Federring A10 Spring lockwasher A10
12100 Trenner Isolator
12595 Kondensator Capacitor
12605 Flexible Verbindung Flexible connection
12608 Platte Plate
12609 Platte Plate
12610 Gewinde-Bolzen Studbolt
12611 Deckel Cover
12612 Runddichtung Sealing ring
12613 Sechskantschraube M10x50 Hex screw M10x50 mm
12615 Sechskantschraube M10x80 Hex screw M10x80 mm
12617 Sechskantschraube M10x12 Hex screw M10x12 mm
12618 Unterlagscheibe 8,4/17 Washer 8.4/17 mm
12619 Tellerfeder A25 Dished spring A25
12622 Flexible Verbindung 400 mm (HEK3…6) Flexible connection 400 mm (HEK3…6)
12623 Unterlagscheibe 8,4/15 Washer 8.4/15 mm
12626 Kabelverschraubung Cable gland
12627 Sechskantmutter PG11 Hex nut PG11
12628 Scheibe Washer
12629 Spannscheibe 8,4/15 Lockwasher 8.4/15 mm
12630 Tellerfeder B20 Dished spring B20
12682 Flexible Verbindung 300 mm (HEK1/2) Flexible connection 300 mm (HEK1/2)
12683 Senkschraube M6x20 Countersunk screw M6x20
12684 Zylinderkopfschraube M8x30 Socket head screw M8x30 mm
12732 Unterlagscheibe 10,5/21 Washer 10.5/21 mm
12733 Unterlagscheibe 13/24 Washer 13/24 mm
12870 Kapselung kpl. HEK1/2 Enclosure compl. HEK1/2
12880 Kapselung kpl. HEK3/4 Enclosure compl. HEK3/4
12885 Kapselung kpl. HEK5/6 Enclosure compl. HEK5/6
G Gabelschlüssel SW13 Open-end wrench WS13
X Flexible Verbindung Flexible connection
(U) Kleben / sichern (LOCTITE), siehe 7.3 Adhesives / securing (LOCTITE), see 7.3
MD Drehmoment Torque

Nm ft . lbf
6 4.4
10 7.4
20 15.0
25 18.5
41 30.0

CH-HS 1176 87 D, E
CH-HS 1176 87
12617 (U) K
12025 A B-B
MD= 20Nm 12617 (U)
(U) 12683 12025 12622
MD= 6 Nm 12609 MD= 20Nm 12682 12609
B ≥ 2 mm (= ≥ 0.08 in)

K K 12623
M D= 10Nm
10417 (U) 12611
12613 (U)

12613 (U)
10418 (U)
10417 (U) 10789
MD=20Nm 12733
s MD= 25Nm
(U) 12617
12025 B
MD= 20Nm 12605 (U) 12626 (U) 12617 12608
(U) 12627 12025
12628 MD= 20Nm
Fig. 7/4a MD= 25Nm
12100 12617 (U) 12595 12870 12612
12025 12880
MD= 20Nm 12885

G X D-D 10376 (U) 12595

MD= ≤ 6Nm 12609
12618 F E
10294 (U)
MD= ≤ 6Nm

min. 1mm
(= 0.04 in) 12619 (U) 12610 12732 12630 10417 (U) 12615
MD= 25Nm MD= 41Nm
Fig. 7/4a, b


Fig. 7/4b Fig. 7/4a, b

Legende zu Fig. 7/5 Legend to fig. 7/5
10000 Leistungsschalter (Pol) Circuit breaker (pole)
10294 Sechskantmutter M8 Hex nut M8
10376 Sechskantmutter 0,5d M8 Hex nut 0.5d M8
10417 Sechskantmutter M10 Hex nut M10
10418 Sechskantschraube M12x30 Hex screw M12x30 mm
10750 Spannscheibe 13/30 Spring washer 13/30 mm
10784 Sechskantschraube M12x40 Hex screw M12x40 mm
10788 Federring A8 Spring lockwasher A8
10789 Federring A12 Spring lockwasher A12
12025 Federring A10 Spring lockwasher A10
12429 Zwischenstück HEK1/2 S Adapter HEK1/2 S
12534 Flexible Verbindung Flexible connection
12595 Kondensator Capacitor
12605 Flexible Verbindung Flexible connection
12608 Platte Plate
12610 Gewinde-Bolzen Studbolt
12611 Deckel Cover
12612 Runddichtung Sealing ring
12613 Sechskantschraube M10x50 Hex screw M10x50 mm
12615 Sechskantschraube M10x80 Hex screw M10x80 mm
12617 Sechskantschraube M10x12 Hex screw M10x12 mm
12618 Unterlagscheibe 8,4/17 Washer 8.4/17 mm
12619 Tellerfeder A25 Dished spring A25
12620 Zwischenstück HEK3 Adapter HEK3
12621 Zwischenstück HEK4 Adapter HEK4
12623 Unterlagscheibe 8,4/15 Washer 8.4/15 mm
12626 Kabelverschraubung Cable gland
12627 Sechskantmutter PG11 Hex nut PG11
12628 Scheibe Washer
12629 Spannscheibe 8,4/15 Lockwasher 8.4/15 mm
12630 Tellerfeder B20 Dished spring B20
12631 Flexible Verbindung HEK1…4 Flexible connection HEK1…4
12684 Zylinderkopfschraube M8x30 Socket head screw M8x30 mm
12688 Zwischenstück HEK1/2 S (T) Adapter HEK1/2 S (T)
12717 Zylinderkopfschraube M10x12 Socket head screw M10x12 mm
12732 Unterlagscheibe 10,5/21 Washer 10.5/21 mm
12733 Unterlagscheibe 13/24 Washer 13/24 mm
12870 Kapselung kpl. HEK1/2 Enclosure compl. HEK1/2
12880 Kapselung kpl. HEK3/4 Enclosure compl. HEK3/4
G Gabelschlüssel SW13 Open-end wrench WS13
X Flexible Verbindung Flexible connection
(U) Kleben / sichern (LOCTITE), siehe 7.3 Adhesives / securing (LOCTITE), see 7.3
MD Drehmoment Torque

Nm ft . lbf
6 4.4
10 7.4
20 15.0
25 18.5
41 30.0
78 57.5

CH-HS 1176 87 D, E
CH-HS 1176 87

B ≥ 2 mm (= ≥ 0.08 in) B-B

(U) 10417 K K C 10788
MD= 20Nm 12623
MD= 10Nm
(U) 12613

(U) 12617
12025 D D
MD= 20Nm
12613 (U) 10418 (U)
F 10789
10417(U) 12733
s MD= 20Nm MD= 25Nm
12608 12608
(U) 12626
(U) 12627 F
12628 B
MD= 25Nm 10000 12631 12617 (U) 12595
MD= 20Nm
12610 (U) 12870 12612
MD= 25Nm 12880
G X 10376 (U) 12619
MD= ≤ 6Nm
12618 E
10294 (U)
MD= ≤ 6Nm C 12717 (U)
min. 1mm MD= 41Nm G
(= 0.04 in) 12732 12630 10417 (U) 12615
12631 MD= 41Nm
G 10784 (U)
MD= 78Nm
Fig. 7/5

12534 Fig. 7/5
Legende zu Fig. 7/6 Legend to fig. 7/6
10000 Leistungsschalter (Pol) Circuit breaker (pole)
10234 Anschlussgehäuse HE5 Connection housing HE5
10235 Anschlussgehäuse HE6 Connection housing HE6
10294 Sechskantmutter M8 Hex nut M8
10376 Sechskantmutter 0,5d M8 Hex nut 0.5d M8
10417 Sechskantmutter M10 Hex nut M10
10418 Sechskantschraube M12x30 Hex screw M12x30 mm
10788 Federring A8 Spring lockwasher A8
10789 Federring A12 Spring lockwasher A12
12025 Federring A10 Spring lockwasher A10
12595 Kondensator Capacitor
12605 Flexible Verbindung Flexible connection
12608 Platte Plate
12610 Gewinde-Bolzen Studbolt
12611 Deckel Cover
12612 Runddichtung Sealing ring
12613 Sechskantschraube M10x50 Hex screw M10x50 mm
12615 Sechskantschraube M10x80 Hex screw M10x80 mm
12617 Sechskantschraube M10x12 Hex screw M10x12 mm
12618 Unterlagscheibe 8,4/17 Washer 8.4/17 mm
12619 Tellerfeder A25 Dished spring A25
12623 Unterlagscheibe 8,4/15 Washer 8.4/15 mm
12626 Kabelverschraubung Cable gland
12627 Sechskantmutter PG11 Hex nut PG11
12628 Scheibe Washer
12629 Spannscheibe 8,4/15 Lockwasher 8.4/15 mm
12630 Tellerfeder B20 Dished spring B20
12681 Flexible Verbindung 250 mm HEK5/6 Flexible connection 250 mm HEK5/6
12684 Zylinderkopfschraube M8x30 Socket head screw M8x30 mm
12732 Unterlagscheibe 10,5/21 Washer 10.5/21 mm
12733 Unterlagscheibe 13/24 Washer 13/24 mm
12885 Kapselung kpl. HEK5/6 Enclosure compl. HEK5/6
G Gabelschlüssel SW13 Open-end wrench WS13
X Flexible Verbindung Flexible connection
(U) Kleben / sichern (LOCTITE), siehe 7.3 Adhesives / securing (LOCTITE), see 7.3
MD Drehmoment Torque

Nm ft . lbf
6 4.4
10 7.4
20 15.0
25 18.5
41 30.0

CH-HS 1176 87 D, E
CH-HS 1176 87

A 12617 (U)
B 12025 B-B
≥ 2 mm (= ≥ 0.08 in) MD= 20Nm 12681

(U) 10417 K K C 10788
MD= 20Nm
MD= 10Nm
(U) 12613

(U) 12617
12025 F A
MD= 20Nm D D
12613 (U)
10418 (U)
(U) 10417 10789
MD= 20Nm 12733
MD= 25Nm
12608 12608
(U) 12626 12617 (U)
(U) 12627 12025
12628 B MD= 20Nm F
MD= 25Nm

10000 12595 12885 12612

G X 10376 (U)
MD= ≤ 6Nm
12619 12610 (U) E
12618 MD= 25Nm
10294 (U)
MD= ≤ 6Nm

min. 1mm 12732 12630 10417 (U) 12615

(= 0.04 in) MD= 41Nm

Fig. 7/6


Fig. 7/6
Legende zu Fig. 7/7 Legend to fig. 7/7
10417 Sechskantmutter M10 Hex nut M10
12025 Federring A10 Spring lockwasher A10
12406 Stromwandler (Schalterseite) Current transformer (circuit breaker side)
12407 Stromwandler (Trennerseite) Current transformer (isolator side)
12433 Sechskantschraube M6x25 Hex screw M6x25 mm
12434 Stützer Supporting insulator
12435 Keil Key
12436 Anpressplatte Clamping plate
12437 Sicherungsblech Locking plate
12612 Runddichtung Sealing ring
12616 Unterlagscheibe 10,5/30 Washer 10.5/30 mm
12637 Deckel Cover
12639 Sechskantschraube M10x40 Hex screw M10x40 mm
12828 Sicherungsmutter M6 Locknut M6
12870 Kapselung kpl. HEK1/2 Enclosure compl. HEK1/2
12880 Kapselung kpl. HEK3/4 Enclosure compl. HEK3/4
12885 Kapselung kpl. HEK5/6 Enclosure compl. HEK5/6
N Nase Projection
S Siehe 7.6.10 See 7.6.10
MD Drehmoment Torque

Nm ft . lbf
9 6.6
21 14.5

CH-HS 1176 87 D, E
CH-HS 1176 87



B 12637

12433 12406
12828 12407
MD= 9Nm

12639/2 12639/1 12639/2

B 12616 12616 12616
12025 C 12025 12025
12639/2 MD= 21Nm MD= 21Nm 12436 MD= 21Nm D
12025 12436
MD= 21Nm
12437 12407
12436 S = 2 mm
(S = 0.08 in)
10417 12639/1
12616 12437 12435
Fig. 7/7

12025 12434
MD= 21Nm
Fig. 7/7
ABB Switzerland Ltd
Division PTHG, High Current Systems
P.O. Box 5023
CH-8050 Zurich/Switzerland

24 Hour Call Center: +41/(0)844 845 845
HCS Service Fax: +41/(0)58 588 1822
HCS Service Mail: [email protected]

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