Unitrol 6080 Excitation Systems: Proven Flexible Solutions

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7/16/2019 ABB Unitrol 6080 Excitation System

Proven flexible excitation systems

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7/16/2019 ABB Unitrol 6080 Excitation System

Setting the standard

 ABB is the world leading volume supplier of UNITROL automatic
voltage regulators (AVR) and static excitation systems (SES) for any
type and size of power plant - known to provide a high return on
investment since many years.

UNITROL 6080 AVR/SES are designed for small to me- Key benefits
dium power applications and brings a new benchmark in
flexibility, reliability and connectivity.
+ Ultimate control performance keeps
generator within safe limits
High performance control platform AC 800PEC
Tailor-made syste m
UNITROL 6080 uses well-proven prefabricated functional + Easy system operation, monitoring and
modules. With single / double channel configuratio n (addi tional maintenance
backup channel on request) and a wide selection of thyris- User-friendly excitation control terminal (ECT)
tor bridge modules, t he system can be configured to meet all
field data and availability requireme nts. + Short delivery time
Uses well-proven prefabricated functional modules
Main features
+  Selectable redundancy for control, power module, cooling, + Optimized contribution to network 
I/O, communication and auxiliary power
+   64 bit floating point CPU
Integrated power system stabilizer (PSS) options
+   No restrictions regarding data scaling and range
+   Fast and precise measurements and control scheme
+   Compliant with international and local standards
+ Compact design, space saving
+   Complete range of functionality to cover any grid codes installation
+   IEC 61131 application software programming with ABB No rear access required – can be positioned close to a
Control Builder M wall or back-to-back 
+   Fully compatible with ABB’s Extended Automation
System 800xA  + Offline tuning with closed loop real
time generator simulator
Selected applications Offline system tuning and testing of severe system
+   Pump storage power plant, Ifn 760 A  conditions (integrated or external option)
+   Nuclear power plant AVR, Ifn 180 A, 400 Hz supply
+   Engineered solutions + Efficient product life cycle management
+   Pole changing for dual speed machines Extended life time of assets with minimum costs
+   Online supply transfer
+   Electric braking + Technical support always within
+   Sheet metal partitions between channel and control
your reach
 ABB’s gl oba l excit ati on ser vic e networ k 

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Engineering concept

UNITROL 6080 systems can be built with up to three contro l /  power interface (PIN) and gate driver interface (GDI) provide
converter channels: Two fully featured channels and one backup potential barriers inside the power converter. At system level,
channel for emergency generator control. Each channel is able combined input/output (CIO) devices are used to interface
to handle the maximum field current and provides diagnostic with internal and external analog and digital I/O signals.
and maintenance functions including transient recorder. The  These dev ice s a re f ull y re dun da nt, if req uir ed.

Product family UNITROL® product portfolio

UNL 14300

UNL 13300
UNITROL 6800 50/60 Hz
D5 SES, Thyristor type

UNL 13300
50/60 Hz
SES, Thyristor type
D2, D3, D4 converter

16 2/3 ... 50/60 ... 400 Hz

UNITROL 6080 D1, D2, D3, D4 conve rter
 AVR, Th yris tor type

UN1020 PM40 DC, AC: 16 2/3 .. . 50/60 ... 400 Hz

UNITROL 1000  AVR, IG BT ty pe

3 10 15 40 100 400 800 1000 2000 4000 10000

Excitation current I EN [ADC]


Closed-loop Single channel Yes Yes
control Double channel Yes Yes
Backup channel Yes 1)  Yes
Converter D1…D5 D5
module type UNL 13300 2) UNL 13300
UNL 14300
Converter 1+1  Yes  Yes
redundancy n-1 / max. modules No  Yes / 8
In put d at a Ma x. AC vol tage 690 V  1,500 V 
Rated frequency 50 / 60 – 480 Hz 3) 50 / 60 Hz
Max. output Cont. DC current 1,600 A  10,000 A 
data Ceiling voltage 850 V  1,900 V 
1) With third converter module for max. continuous DC current ≤ 800 A 
2) Engineered solution on request
3) >50 / 60 Hz for AVRs only; single phase supply for AVRs also available
Hardware concept of UNITROL 6080

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UNITROL 6080 AVR / SES are engineered to meet individual
operational and environmental conditions as well as international
and local standards. All systems undergo a 100 percent functional
test before leaving the factory.

Left: UNITROL 6080 Field suppression

 The rma l po wer pla nt, 121 MVA /10.5 kV, SES Field breaker, discharge resistor and
crowbar for fast de-excitation also in
Right: UNITROL 6080 fault condition
 The rma l po wer pla nt, 47.75 MVA /10.5 kV, AVR

Local excitation control terminal

–  Basic service control panel
–  Easy to use excitation control terminal

Flexible I/O ports and communication

–  High number of I/O ports, fully redundant
on request
– Ethernet network 
–  Selection of fieldbus protocols

 AC inpu t Field flashing

Power and control cable Enables voltage build-up in case
entry from bottom or top of low residual generator voltage

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Excitation transformer 
 A c ast- coi l d ry ty pe exci tat ion trans-
former is recommended. It has proven
its suitability in many installations and
has advantages over other types of 


Front access
 All par ts can be ser vic ed thr ough the
front doors. This enables space saving
cabinet location close to a wall.

Cubicle protection degree

Control electronics Standard up to IP52, IP54 on request
Compact control electronics / 

power converters

Cooling air flow

Natural or forced air cooling
with front air inlet and front
or top air outlet

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Control functions
 The well-structured standard firmware includes all regulation,
protection and monitoring functions required for the secure
operation of the AVR / SES. It can be, however, adapted to
specific customer requirements by extending the number of I/O
signals or adding optional software functions.

Closed-loop control Data and event recording

–  Voltage regulator with PID filter (AUTO operating mode)  The inte rna l ev ent rec ord er function c an han dle a nd sto re u p
–  Field current regulator with PI filter (MAN operating mode) to 2,000 events, each provided with a real-time stamp. The
–  Reactive and / or active current droop compensation data recorder contains a preconfigured part that can record
–  Limiter circuits for 30 signal s / 1,500 data points each, and a freely conf igurable

–  Maximum and minimum field current part for 8 signals / 1,500 data point s each.
–  Maximum stator current, dependent on machine cooling
media temperature  The disp lay and ana lys is of t he rec ord ed dat a is d one by
–  P/Q under-excitation means of the excitation control terminal software.
–  Vo lt / H er tz
–  Manua l r estr ic t If t he AVR / SES i s equipped with an excitation control terminal,
–  Power factor / reactive load control the recorded data are downloaded into its memory to be
–  Power system stabilizer available independently of the main controller.

Protection and monitoring functions System time synchronization

Monitoring and protection functions can be freely configured  The sy ste m c loc k of a ll the con trolle rs can be syn chr onize d
on three different action levels: with a time source by SNTP (simple network time protocol)

–  Ala rm signal only with an accuracy bet ter than 1 ms.

–  Changeover of redundant circuits
–  Instantaneous excitation trip for protection purposes  The time sig nal can be sou rce d inte rna lly (fr om the exci tation
control terminal) or externally from the plant LAN (Ethernet).
Major available functions
–  Overcurrent protection (instantaneous / inverse time) With an optional receiver, GPS (global positioning system),
–  Volt / Hertz protection DCF77 (Europe) or IREG-B (Asia, the USA) signals can be
–  Loss of field protection used as well.
–  Rotor temperature
–  Thyristor conduction monitoring
–  Actual value monitoring
–  Field flashing time limit

Sample of fast trending record for closed-loop AVR test

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Power system stabilizer (PSS) maintenance and operation personnel. Commissioning time can
For many years, ABB has been involved in the development be further reduced by tuning control parameter sets in advance,
and application of power system stabilizers. The PSS func- using the simulator and a UNITROL 6080 control device.
tion improves the stability of the generator and the trans-
mission system as a whole by using the excitation to damp Grid codes
power oscillations. UNITROL 6080 control functionality is prepared to support
any grid code. The extensive pre-set testing functions and
PSS types optionally available for UNITROL 6080: powerful data recorders of the excitation control terminal (ECT)
–  According to IEEE standard 421.5-2005 PSS2A / 2B serve to test, tune and prove the performance of control, sta-
–  According to IEEE standard 421.5-2005 PSS4B bilizer and limiter functions. System frequency response can
multiband PSS (on request) be analyzed quickly and accurately using the built-in white
–  Adaptive PSS (APSS) developed by ABB in Switzerland noise generator. This method allows minimum testing time
and grid disturbance.
Synchronous machine transient simulator – real time
(SMTS-RT 6000) Data records are stored in the ECT’s dedicated memory and
 The new S MTS -RT 60 00 sim ula tes a gene rato r / motor, its can be easily copied and integrated into electronic document s.
turbine / load and the g rid. The simu lator is connected to the

excitation system for closed-loop tests to analyze its stationary In combination with SMTS-RT 6000 it is possible to simulate
and transient behavior. A bidirectional fiber optic cable is the the most critical plant or grid situations, which are typically
only connection needed to link the simulator to the UNITROL impossible to test with a real generator.
6080 system. SMTS-RT 6000 can reduce the testing time of 
your machine, save costs and serve as a perfect training tool for

SMTS-RT 6000 device SMTS operate, the human machine interface of SMTS-RT 6000

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Hardware components
 The system is based on the AC 800PEC high performance proces-
sor family. It is an extension of ABB’s 800xA control platform, devel-

oped to meet the fast control requirements of power electronics.

Control Power converter 

 A m emb er of t he AC 8 00PEC contro l p lat for m is i nte gra ted in  The powe r c onver ter of eac h c han nel is sel ected to m eet the
the UC D240 control, communication and measurement board system requirements with respect to maximum field current
(CCM). It excels in high processing speed, providing: and voltage. Stringent availability requirements are fulfilled
–  Fast analog and digital process I/Os with a typical cycle with up to three redundant channels and provisions for online

time of 400 µs maintenance (optional). ABB has developed a range of thyris-

–  Fast closed-loop control and regular process logic tor power converters dedicated to AVR / SES, for exam ple D1
implemented in a single controller to D5 and UNL 13300.
–  Low-speed I/Os with a typical cycle time of 10 ms
–  Very fast programmable logic for converter pulse control Main features
and optical co mmunication wi th cycle time down to 25 ns –  Single or three phase AC supply voltage up to 1,080 V 
– Rated supply frequency from 50 to 480 Hz (16 2/3 Hz
on request)
–  Low noise level of cooling fans ≤70 dB(A)
–  Compact, fully integrated converter, control and panel
units (D1 to D4)

UC D240 CCM board

Converter modules D1 to D4 with integrated UC D240 CCM board

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Communication features
 The communication features of UNITROL 6080 systems ensure
simple and user-friendly human machine interaction, whether

it comes to system commissioning or integration into the plant

control system.

Excitation control terminal (ECT)

 The EC T is a use r-fri end ly hum an mac hin e inte rface, whi ch
enables operation, monitoring and maintenance of the system.
It is a powerful industrial grade touch screen PC that runs
independently of the system’s controller. Events and system

data can be recorded over a long period of time. The LCD

touch screen provides the operator with a range of selectable
screens showing information on the actual status of the sys-
tem in graphical and numerical form.

Integration into the plant control system

Ethernet and fieldbus protocols Modbus-RTU, Modbus-TCP
and Profibus DP-V0 are the main choices for communication
with the plant control system. Emergency control signals can
be hardwired directly to the control board.

Remote services
Remote services and troubleshooting help to reduce costs
associated with mean time to repair and service. UNITROL 6080
is prepared to support remote access. Thus the local mainte-
nance staff can get all necessary support from ABB ser vice

Front view of the ECT, “power chart” screen

ECT software, “operation” screen

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Software tools
Dedicated software tools simplify the everyday use of the system
and allow additional programming if required.

Excitation control terminal (ECT) software Control Builder M

 The ECT software is a valuable tool that enables commissioning, Control Build er M is an IEC 61131 compliant tool to m anage
operation, monitoring and maintenance of the system. It can and customize AC 800PEC application software. It is part
be either loaded on the excitation control terminal or installed of ABB’s Extended Automation System 800xA and runs on
on any PC operating under Windows. Windows PC’s.

 The softwa re h as built- in use r docu me nta tio n in va rious lan -

guages that simplifies the troubleshooting procedure. Using
the events screen the system operator can directly access
the events description and get troubleshooting instructions.

ECT software, “events” screen showing troubleshooting instructions ECT software, “slow trending” screen

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Service and support

For life cycle management or technical support, the worldwide
network of UNITROL specialists is at your service.

Installation and commissioning Life cycle management

 The profe ssion ali sm, extensiv e ex pe rie nce and mul til ing ual  ABB’s exc itation systems l ife cyc le man age men t m ode l help s
skills of ABB’s engineers ensure a satisfactory installation the customers to extend and maximize the life cycle of their
and commissioning. assets at minimum costs. Depending on the product’s life
cycle phase, the service specialists recommend necessary
Training actions and approach the clients pro-actively to inform them
 ABB uni ver sit y offers sta ndard and cus tomize d t rai nin g on all maintenance, service and upgrade necessities.
courses for UNITROL 6080 excitation systems. On-site training
options are also available. For detailed training programs, Examples of life cycle services:
visit www.abb.com/abbuniversity. –  Technical support for optimized reliability

–  Remote ser vic es

–  Maintenance and repairs
–  Extension, upgrades and retrofits

For urgent technical assistance, please

call the hotline:
+41 (0)844 845 845
(365 days / 24 hours)
or contact ABB by e-mail:
[email protected]

 ABB life cycl e mana gem ent mod el

Complete life cycle services are guar anteed for the active and classic phases . As soon as the system enters the limited phase, it is recommended to
upgrade, retrofit or replace the equipment with the latest technology available in the active phase.

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Contact us

 ABB Switze rland Ltd © Copyright 2011 ABB. All rig hts    1
Static Excitation Systems, Voltage reserved. Sp ecifications subject to  ,
Regulators and Synchronizing Equipment  change without notice.    l
CH-5300 Turgi   w
Phone: +41 (0)58 589 24 86   n
Fax: +41 (0)58 589 23 33    t
E-Mail: [email protected]    P
www.abb.com/unitrol    2

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