Belt Take Up Arrangement PDF
Belt Take Up Arrangement PDF
Belt Take Up Arrangement PDF
Mechanical Engineering
This blog provides brief but effective information on various topics related to the study of mechanical engineering.
1. To ensure adequate tension of the belt leaving the drive pulley so us to avoid any slippage of the belt.
2. To ensure proper belt tension at the loading and other points along the conveyor.
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These are:
Belt conveyors can be designed for practically any desired path of travel. It should be noted that transfer Thermit welding steps (1
between conveyors should be avoided where possible due to additional wear on the belts at the loading points. TURBINE (1)
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Belt Conveyor
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A belt conveyor system consists of an endless belt of resilient material connected between two flat pulleys and
moved by rotating one of the pulleys by electric motor. Normally material is fed on the belt near the other end
pulley. The moving belt carrying the material towards the driver pulley is likely to sag between the two end
pulleys due to its self weight and pay load. That is why the belt is supported both on the carrying side and the
return side by a number of rollers, called the idlers. As the belt is always under tension, it is prone to elongation
resulting in slackness over the pulleys and loss of tension and power. That is why some kind of device for
tensioning the belt is incorporated in the system. This tensioning device is known as take up arrangement. The
system is inherently very simple.
Belt conveyors have attained a dominant position in transporting bulk materials due to a number of inherent
advantages like the economy and safety of operation, reliability and practically numerous processing functions
while supporting a continuous flow of material between operations. Low labour and low energy requirements are
fundamental with belt conveyors as compared with other means of transportation. The reliability of belt
conveyors has been proved over decades and in every industry. Belt conveyors are environmentally more
acceptable than other means of transport. They neither neither pollutes the air nor deafens the ears. Conveying
of a wide variety of materials is possible with belt conveyor, and belt conveyors are capable of transporting at a
hourly rate much in excess of any practical requirement. Belt conveyors can deliver materials at a great distance
from the loading point covering all odd terrain.
Belt conveyors consists of a driving pulley at the head end, and take up pulley at the tail end, both being
accommodated in a steel frame. An endless belt connects the two pulleys on both runs and supported by
suitable roller type supports, called the idlers. At the upper side of the conveyor also called the carrying side,
because the pay load is carried on this side, the belt is supported by idler. At the other side also called the
return side because usually there is no pay load, the belt is supported by idlers. In some designs the belt is
supported by a stationery runway instead of idlers. In some special installations both the upper and lower sides
transport loads (usually unit load) simultaneously in opposite directions. The driving pulley receives its rotation
from drive unit. (Saurabhmechanical.blogspot)
The material to be conveyed is loaded on the belt by one or more feed hoppers mounted over the conveyor belt
line normally placed at the tail end side. The load conveyed by the moving belt is discharged over the driving
pulley into discharge spout. However discharge can be arranged at any point along the conveying run by means
of special discharge devices. At the tail end side a device called the take up arrangement is attached with the
take up pulley to keep the belt under a minimum tension so that the belt does not slip over the pulleys due to
extension of its length. Belt cleaner removes material adhering to the outer belt face. It is usually located near
the driving pulley.
Belt conveyors are employed to convey a great variety of bulk materials and also unit loads along a horizontal or
gently inclined paths. Such duties can be performed within the factory shed or in outdoor work. Within the
factory shed belt conveyors are also employed to carry articles of light weight in line production from one
operation to another. Belt conveyors are used to mechanize material handling operations in foundries to
distribute moulding sand, mould cores and cast articles. Belt conveyors are used for carrying coal, ores, and
minerals in power plants, mining industries, and metallurgical process plants. For handling food grains and
building materials belt conveyors are frequently employed.
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