Finishing and Polishing of Direct Posterior (Morgan)

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Michael Morgan, DDS*


Direct composite resin materials have revolutionized the delivery of minimally inva-
sive treatment in the posterior region. Contemporary resin formulations provide
improved strength, wear resistance, and aesthetics. Microhybrid formulations have
also been associated with enhanced polishability. Development of an optimal surface
polish in turn reduces stain and plaque accumulation, minimizes wear, and enhances
the appearance of the definitive restoration. This article presents a simplified technique
and protocol for finishing and polishing composite resin materials following restora-
tion of the posterior region.

Learning Objectives:
This article discusses techniques and a protocol for finishing and polishing poste-
rior direct resin restorations. Upon reading this article, the reader should:
• Understand the clinical protocol necessary to create direct posterior resin
restorations that require minimal finishing.
• Be able to select appropriate instrumentation for direct posterior resin
finishing and polishing procedures.
• Understand the importance of correct finishing and polishing on plaque
accumulation, stain resistance, and wear resistance.

Key Words: ??????

*Private practice,
Michael Morgan, DDS, 638 N. Edgewood, La Grange Park, Illinois 60526
Tel: 708-246-3592 • Fax: 708-354-1938 • E-mail: [email protected]

Pract Proced Aesthet Dent 2004;16(3):211-216 211

Practical Procedures & AESTHETIC DENTISTRY

D irect posterior resin restorations continue to increase

in popularity as functional, aesthetic alternatives to
amalgam. This patient-driven change in posterior restora-
tions has led to the development of a new generation
of microhybrid composites that exhibit increased strength,
better handling characteristics, improved polishability,
and enhanced aesthetics. The decreased range and aver-
age particle size and their distribution in the resin matrix
have increased the polishability of composite restorations
without sacrificing strength. Clinicians using these Figure 1. Preoperative occlusal view of the pre-
materials can create predictable and aesthetic restora- existing, defective amalgam restoration.
tions in posterior stress-bearing areas that exhibit long-
term durability,1 as well as a high degree of surface
anatomy and luster. When properly manipulated and fin-
ished, microhybrid resins can achieve a level of pol-
ishability approaching the surface texture of natural
enamel substrate.2
Proper treatment planning for direct resin restoration
includes strict adherence to clinical technique as well as
proper armamentarium. The continued maintenance of
the restoration’s color and stain-free appearance, as well
as the health of the adjacent gingival tissue, should be
regarded as necessary objectives. The prevention of both
Figure 2. The compromised tooth structures were
stain and plaque accumulation requires proper design, prepared with a continuous cavosurface bevel
placement, and contouring of the composite restora- design.
tion. Resulting external resin surfaces must be hygieni-
cally accessible, smooth, and stain resistant. Residual
rough surfaces or inadequately finished margins will
accelerate the accumulation of plaque,3,4 increase stain-
ing,5,6 and elevate the risk of recurrent caries.
The ideal completed posterior direct resin restora-
tion requires minimal finishing and polishing. Margins
and contours should be biocompatible with the adjacent
dentition and soft tissues. The conservative and aesthetic
nature of direct resin often permits supragingival margins
not possible with other restorative materials, making the
margins accessible for proper hygiene and less prone Figure 3. Matrices were placed with the notch
to inflammation.7 Development of an optimal surface pol- cut to the height of the adjacent marginal ridge.
ish will also reduce stain and plaque accumulation, min-
imize wear, and enhance aesthetics.
The effects of inadequate or iatrogenic finishing
and polishing on the physical characteristics of poste-
rior direct resin restorations is pronounced. Even mini-
mal mechanical finishing causes trauma to the resin
surface. Incorrect or inadequate surface texture influ-
ences light reflection and refraction, causing alterations
in shade perception and matching.8 Vibration and heat
caused by finishing instruments can create microcracks
along the resin surface. Increased surface roughness
decreases long-term wear resistance of posterior direct Figure 4. The proximal wall was formed with an
resin restorations.9,10 enamel shade during the centripetal buildup.

212 Vol. 16, No. 3


Minimizing finishing and subsequent trauma to the

resin surface is critical. This can initially be addressed
by diligence during the restorative process itself. Attention
to detail and a meticulous technique minimize the need
for subsequent finishing. The ideal direct resin restora-
tion would require no finishing or polishing once
completed. Since most operative conditions are less
than ideal, minor finishing requirements must be
addressed. Various instruments (eg, diamond burs, car-
Figure 5. An initial dentinal increment was bide burs, polishing disks, diamond-impregnated
placed and the primary anatomy was sculpted. rubber points, polishing pastes) are available for sequen-
tial finishing and polishing.11-19 There is some disagree-
ment among clinicians and researchers as to the most
effective sequence and media to use in achieving the
ideal polished resin surface. This article discusses gen-
eral guidelines for sequentially finishing and polishing
both proximal and occlusal surfaces of posterior direct
resin restorations.

Clinical Protocol
A complete and thorough radiographic, photographic,
and clinical examination must precede discussion of the
patient’s treatment alternatives. The relative advantages
Figure 6. The lingual enamel increment was
placed following fossa characterization.
and disadvantages of posterior direct resin restorations
must be thoroughly discussed with the patient. Once
patient goals and expectations have been assessed, treat-
ment can be initiated.
Proper occlusal and proximal morphology of the
final resin restoration is paramount in minimizing finish-
ing and polishing. Creating a restoration that is in har-
mony with the existing dentition and occlusion eliminates
excessive postoperative finishing.
Overcontouring is one of the most common errors
in fabrication of direct resin restorations. As a result,
intricate anatomy and detailed color are compromised
during occlusal adjustment and reduction. Marginal and
Figure 7. Buccal enamel margins were smoothed surface integrity are jeopardized,20 and finishing is sig-
with an artist’s brush. nificantly increased as compared to resins built to con-
tour. To prevent overcontouring, three parameters of
occlusion must be observed. The occlusal surface and
anatomy of the existing restoration must be carefully
inspected, and the adjacent teeth must also be evalu-
ated. The patient’s opposing dentition and overall occlu-
sion should also be observed. These parameters provide
the clinician with guidelines for the final contours and
anatomy of the direct resin restorations.
Proper shade selection is necessary prior to isolation
in order to ensure aesthetic harmony (Figure 1). A
prefabricated or custom-fabricated shade guide may be
Figure 8. Glycerin gel was placed over com- used. Examining the cervical third of adjacent or contra-
pleted restoration prior to final light curing. lateral teeth will indicate the appropriate dentin shade.

PPAD 213
Practical Procedures & AESTHETIC DENTISTRY

Figure 9. A finishing disk was used to open the interproxi- Figure 10. The gingival margins were finished and excess
mal embrasures with the matrix remaining to protect the resin was removed with a 12B scalpel.
adjacent marginal ridge.

Careful inspection of the occlusal third will indicate enamel

shade, translucency, fossa color, and any maverick
colors or characterization. The selected shades may
be verified by placing a small unetched button of com-
posite on the buccal surface, light curing for 5 seconds,
then comparing it to the natural cervical and occlusal
hues. The composite buttons can then be removed with
an explorer tip.
Rubber dam isolation is critical to prevent moisture
interference or contamination with the intricate adhesive
process.21 Floss ligatures are placed circumferentially
Figure 11. A narrow (2-mm) fine-grit interproximal finish-
on teeth to be restored proximally in order to invert the ing strip was used to finish the apical convex areas.
rubber dam further apically. The existing amalgam restora-
tion can then be removed with a carbide bur or diamond
bur with copious water spray. Any existing decay should area is not ideally suited to restoration with standard
be removed with sequentially smaller slow-speed round matrices, various proximal contact formers may be used.
burs, beginning with #8. Cavosurface margins are sub- When using a matrix band, the marginal ridge
sequently be beveled with a fine diamond to optimize heights of the adjacent teeth must be observed.
etching of the enamel rods (Figure 2).22,23 Overcontouring of the marginal ridges will result in sub-
The Class II posterior direct resin restoration is the sequent overcontouring of the entire restoration. To ensure
most challenging due to the operative intricacy of the proper visibility, a notch may be cut in the matrix band
proximal precinct.24 The primary challenge is to create using a high-speed bur to approximate the height of the
a functional, predictable proximal contact that emulates adjacent marginal ridge (Figure 3).
the physiological ideal. The complex and multifactorial Once the matrix band is properly placed, the adhe-
structures to be restored must be performed within an sive process can be initiated and completed according
operative site that is difficult to access. Proper finishing to manufacturer’s specifications. Initiation of the incremental
and polishing of the final resin restoration is more chal- buildup begins with the application of a flowable resin
lenging due to the same limited access and visibility. The (Tetric Flow, Ivoclar Vivadent, Amherst, NY) to the base
restoration of proper physiological form is critical to long- of the preparation.26 An explorer tip should be used to
term restorative success. manipulate a thin layer evenly across the pulpal floor and
There are a variety of matrix systems available to proximal walls. Additionally, flowable resin can be drawn
assist in the restoration of physiological form in the prox- along the margins of the proximal box and light cured.
imal area. Metal matrices are generally preferred to The enamel shade of composite (Vit-l-escence Pearl
reduce the amount of excess resin material buildup at Frost, Ultradent Products, South Jordan, UT; Esthet-x, Dentsply
the restorative margins.25 In situations where the contact Caulk, Milford, DE) is placed along the proximal wall

214 Vol. 16, No. 3


Figure 12. A super-fine finishing diamond was used to Figure 14. A surface-penetrating sealant was placed once
remove excess resin on the occlusal surface. acid etching was completed.

The general anatomy and morphology of the

final restoration is reflected in the primary anatomy
of the dentinal resin (Figure 5). Any characterization,
tints, or fossa colors the patient desires can be added
after the dentin buildup. Microcannula tips can
be used to place color in precise amounts. Artist’s
brushes are used to remove color and accentuate cusp
ridge characterization.
The occlusal portion of the restoration is restored
with the same enamel resin shade as the proximal wall.
Resin is placed in increments equal to the number
Figure 13. A diamond-impregnated brush was used to
polish the occlusal surfaces. of primary cusps. For the maxillary second premolar,
the lingual increment is placed first (Figure 6). A com-
posite instrument (Compo Sculpt, Suter Dental
in a certripetal buildup technique (Figure 4).27 The resin Manufacturing, Chico, California) is used to shape the
is manipulated to the height of the cutout in the matrix resin and define anatomy. If necessary, a filled resin
band and soft-cured.28-30 The matrix ring is removed, and can be used as a wetting agent to aid in the place-
the band reflected back to protect the adjacent tooth dur- ment and manipulation of resin. Use of unfilled resin will
ing proximal finishing. The clinician now has essentially result in a loss of surface gloss in the final restoration.33
a Class I restoration to complete. A fine artist’s brush is used to feather each increment
The dentin shade of composite (Vit-l-escence Pearl across the cavosurface margin and remove excess resin.
Frost, Ultradent Products, South Jordan, UT; Esthet-x, The lingual increment is soft curved. The buccal incre-
Dentsply Caulk, Milford, DE) is manipulated and soft-cured ment is carefully placed and sculpted to form (Figure 7).
incrementally to within 1 mm of the cavosurface margin.31,32 A composite instrument (Mallifer #10 Micro-opener,
The resin layers are soft-cured to reduce stresses from Dentsply Caulk, Milford, DE) is used to separate the buc-
polymerization shrinkage. Excess stresses along the cavo- cal and lingual resin masses. A small amount of enamel
surface margins can induce the formation of microgaps, resin or flowable composite can then be used to fill
which manifest as “white lines” at the enamel-compos- any voids in the central fossa.
ite interface. Microgaps at the marginal interface can- Conversion of the air-inhibited layer to a smooth,
not be properly finished and can lead to microleakage. cured surface is achieved by placing a clear water-sol-
Care is taken during the restorative process not to directly uble gel over the resin surface (Figure 8). The gel must
connect the buccal and lingual cusps with one increment not interfere with the transmission of light and have no
of composite prior to polymerization. Polymerization adverse chemical effect on the surface of the compos-
shrinkage of such increments can induce additional stress ite.34 The restoration is then fully curved through the buc-
within the tooth. cal, occlusal, and lingual surfaces.

PPAD 215
Practical Procedures & AESTHETIC DENTISTRY

Final occlusal adjustments of excess resin can

be made with an egg-shaped fine diamond finishing
bur (eg, PoGo, Dentsply Caulk, Milford, DE; Neo
Diamond #3900VF, Microcopy, Kennesaw, GA) with
high water spray (Figure 12). Heating the resin surface
above 200° F may cause degradation of the resin sur-
face and jeopardize marginal integrity. Ideally, the bur
should be used at the low range of an electric high-
speed handpiece to maximize tactile sense. Diamond
finishing burs are suggested to enable the clinician to
selectively sculpt away excess resin without significantly
Figure 15. Postoperative appearance of the posterior affecting marginal integrity. Superfine egg-shaped car-
direct resin restoration exhibits replacement of natural
bide fluted burs with water spray should only be used
morphology and lustrous surface finish.
to adjust minute areas. Carbides have less tactile sense
than diamonds, are more difficult to control, and tend
to chatter the resin surface.
While an ideal restoration would require no post- Composite polishing cups and points are used to
operative finishing or polishing proximal refinements, polish the previously adjusted areas only, using light,
small occlusal adjustments are often necessary. A series intermittent touches to prevent loss of anatomy and sur-
of proximal finishing disks (Flexidises Cosmedent, face morphology. A diamond-impregnated polishing
Chicago, Illinois), can be used to contour the marginal brush (Jiffy Brush, Ultradent Products, South Jordan, UT)
ridge and polish the proximal areas (Figure 9). The is used to give a high luster to the occlusal surface.34 The
remaining metal matrix protects the adjacent marginal fine bristles can reach into concave surfaces and areas
ridge from iatrogenic finishing and adjustments. The where cups and points are too cumbersome to reach
slowly rotating curved disks impart a natural rounded fin- (Figure 13).
ish to the finished marginal ridge. Disks can be used Once the rubber dam is removed, occlusion can
without water at slow speeds with a light, intermittent be verified in centric and exclusive movements. Minor
touch to enhance visibility.33 The polishing side of the fin- occlusal adjustments can be made to any specific areas
ishing disk can be oriented to allow the clinician access with an egg-shaped carbide bur with high water spray,
from different angles. Medium and fine grits are used to followed by a diamond-impregnated polishing brush
contour and polish the interproximal embrasures and (Jiffy Brush, Ultradent Products, South Jordan, UT).
the marginal ridge. Controversy exists regarding the use of surface
A 12B scalpel should then be employed to remove sealants as the last step in polishing. Although long-term
any excess or unbonded resin from the proximal area studies are not currently available to discuss the efficacy
(Figure 10). Overcontoured resin is carefully removed of these materials and their effects on the resin surface,
from the facial and lingual interproximal embrasures. The short-term studies have shown that microcracks caused
curved tip of the blade is used to feather the gingival by the trauma of finishing procedures are resealed.35
cavosurface margin of the proximal box. The scalpel’s Given that microcracks, particularly at the cavosurface
fine tip is the ideal instrument in cases where the margin margins, can propagate over time, it is logical that the
of the proximal box extends into an area where the nat- use of surface sealants postoperatively may decrease
ural anatomy becomes concave. The natural morphol- the surface wear and increase the longevity of direct
ogy of the marginal ridge and proximal contact area are resin restorations. Traditional surface sealants (Fortify,
sculpted to ideal form. Bisco Dental Products, Schaumburg, IL; Permascal,
Any additional polishing can be performed with a Ultradent Products, South Jordan, UT) have an oxygen-
narrow fine diamond abrasive strip in the embrasure area inhibited layer remaining after light curing, which then
(Figure 11). The 2-mm-wide strip can be passed through must be cured or removed. A new acrylate-based, light-
the contact area apical to the gingival margin. Care cured surface sealant and glaze (BisCover, Bisco Dental
must be taken not to tear the rubber dam or roughen the Products, Schaumburg, IL) has been developed that does
adjacent root surface. Polishing strips will only function not produce an oxygen-inhibited layer.35 It can be placed
properly in areas where the surface to be finished is con- on the enamel layer of partially cured composite resin
vex or flat. to interact with the existing oxygen-inhibition layer and

216 Vol. 16, No. 3


14. Ozgunaltay G, Yazici AR, Gorucu J. Effect of finishing and pol-

prevent its formation. If the restoration has been fully ishing procedures on the surface roughness of new tooth-coloured
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15. Sen D, Goller G, Issever H. The effect of two polishing pastes on
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PPAD 217


To submit your CE Exercise answers, please use the answer sheet found within the CE Editorial Section of this issue and complete as follows:
1) Identify the article; 2) Place an X in the appropriate box for each question of each exercise; 3) Clip answer sheet from the page and mail
it to the CE Department at Montage Media Corporation. For further instructions, please refer to the CE Editorial Section.

The 10 multiple-choice questions for this Continuing Education (CE) exercise are based on the article “Finishing and polishing of direct
posterior resin restorations,” by Michael Morgan, DDS. This article is on Pages 211-216.

1. Rubber dam isolation is: 6. The use of a surface sealant as the last step of polishing:
a. Never required during direct restoration. a. Has demonstrated long-term efficacy on the resin surface.
b. Mandatory to achieve proper isolation. b. Reseals microcracks caused during finishing procedures.
c. Ineffective in moisture prevention. c. May decrease surface wear and increase the longevity
d. Required to facilitate placement of floss ligatures. of direct resin restorations.
d. Both b and c are correct.
2. Proper shade selection:
a. Is required prior to tooth isolation. 7. Occlusal and proximal morphology of the definitive resin
b. Can be performed using a prefabricated or custom restoration:
resin shade guide. a. Should be properly developed to minimize finishing and
c. Can be ensured by examining the cervical third of polishing.
adjacent or contralateral teeth. b. Eliminates excessive finishing after placement.
d. All of the above. c. Should not be overcontoured.
d. All of the above.
3. Incorrect surface polishing can result in:
8. Intricate anatomy and detailed color:
a. Reduced microcracks.
a. Can be compromised by overcontouring of the
b. Reduced surface roughness.
c. Decreased long-term wear resistance for posterior direct
b. Can be developed during occlusal adjustment and
resin restorations.
d. All of the above.
c. Can be enhanced by additional finishing to ensure
4. When restoring Class II defects in the posterior region: marginal and surface integrity.
d. None of the above.
a. The primary challenge is the creation of a functional,
predictable proximal contact. 9. Based on the procedures outlined in this article, place-
b. Restoration of the multifactorial structures to be restored ment of a matrix band should be:
is performed within an easily accessible operative site. a. Placed to ensure proper overcontouring of the marginal
c. Proper finishing and polishing is facilitated due to the ridge.
increased access and visibility within the operative field. b. Performed prior to the adhesive process.
d. None of the above. c. Without placement of a guide to approximate the
height of the adjacent marginal ridge.
5. The dentin shade of comoposite should be:
d. Following the placement of flowable resin along the
a. Soft-cured incrementally to within 1 mm of the cavosur- margins of the proximal box.
face margin.
b. Cured to eliminate excess stresses along the cavosur- 10. Ideal posterior direct resin restorations should:
face margins, thus limiting development of microgaps. a. Require minimal finishing and polishing.
c. Incrementally layered to eliminate white lines at the b. Never contain supragingival margins.
enamel-composite interface. c. Only be used as a provisional option.
d. All of the above. d. None of the above.

218 Vol. 16, No. 3

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