Direct and Indirect Restorations For Endodontically Treated Teeth - A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis, IAAD 2017 Consensus Conference Paper.
Direct and Indirect Restorations For Endodontically Treated Teeth - A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis, IAAD 2017 Consensus Conference Paper.
Direct and Indirect Restorations For Endodontically Treated Teeth - A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis, IAAD 2017 Consensus Conference Paper.
Purpose: The primary objective of this systematic review was to compare treatment outcomes of direct and indirect
permanent restorations in endodontically treated teeth, and provide clinical suggestions for restoring teeth after
endodontic treatment.
Materials and Methods: Electronic databases (Medline, EMBASE, CENTRAL) and gray literature were screened for
articles in English that reported on prospective and retrospective clinical studies of direct or indirect restorations
after endodontic treatment with an observation period of at least 3 years. Primary outcomes were determined to be
short-term (≤ 5 years) and medium-term (> 5 and ≤ 10 years) survival. Secondary outcomes included restorative
and endodontic success of restored teeth. The quality of included studies and risk of bias were assessed using
Cochrane Collaboration’s tool for RCTs (randomized controlled trials), the Newcastle-Ottawa Scale for cohort stud-
ies, and the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) methodology checklist for cross-sectional studies.
The GRADE system was used for assessing collective strength of the overall body of evidence.
Results: Of 2547 screened articles, only 9 (2 RCTs, 3 retrospective cohort studies, 3 cross-sectional studies) met
the inclusion criteria, and 8 studies were used in the meta-analysis. In general, indirect restorations (mostly full
crowns) showed higher 5-year survival (OR 0.28, 95% CI 0.19-0.43, p < 0.00001) and 10-year survival (OR 0.20,
95% CI 0.12-0.31, p < 0.00001) than direct restorations. However, there was no statistical difference in short-
term (≤ 5-years) restorative success (OR 0.32, 95% CI 0.05-2.12, p = 0.24) and endodontic success (OR 0.88,
95% CI 0.72-1.08, p = 0.22).
Conclusions: Based on current evidence, there is a weak recommendation for indirect restorations to restore end-
odontically treated teeth, especially for teeth with extensive coronal damage. Indirect restorations using mostly
crowns have higher short-term (5-year) and medium-term (10-year) survival than do direct restorations using com-
posite or amalgam (GRADE quality of evidence: low to moderate), but no difference in short-term (≤ 5 years) restor-
ative success (low quality) and endodontic success (very low quality). There is a need for high-quality clinical trials,
especially well-designed RCTs.
Keywords: endodontic treatment, direct restorations, indirect restorations, survival rates, success rates, apical
J Adhes Dent 2018; 20: 183–194. Submitted for publication: 09.09.17; accepted for publication: 28.03.18
doi: ##.####/j.jad.a#####
a Master’s Student, Department of Prosthodontics, Guanghua School of Stoma- e Staff Dentist, Department of Prosthodontics, Guanghua School of Stomatology,
tology, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou, China. Performed the literature Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou, China. Co-corresponding author, proof-
search, data extraction and statistical analysis, wrote the manuscript. read the manuscript, contributed substantially to discussion.
b Staff Dentist, The 3rd Dental Center, Peking University School of Stomatology, f Professor, Department of Prosthodontics, Guanghua School of Stomatology,
Beijing, China. Co-first author, performed the literature search, data extraction Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou, China. Idea, consulted on statistical evalu-
and statistical analysis. ation, proofread the manuscript, contributed substantially to discussion.
c Professor, Department of Preventive and Restorative Sciences, University of
Pennsylvania School of Dental Medicine, Philadelphia, PA, USA. Idea, proof- Correspondence: Ke Zhao, Hospital of Stomatology, School of Stomatology,
read the manuscript, contributed substantially to discussion. Sun Yat-sen University, 54 Ling-yuan West Street, Guangzhou, China 510055.
Tel: +86-20-8380-2805; e-mail: [email protected].
d Professor, Department of Clinical Dental Sciences, Faculty of Dentistry, Dal- Co-corresponding author: Xiao-dong Wang, Prosthodontics Department, Guang-
housie University, Halifax, NS, Canada. Proofread the manuscript, contributed hua School of Stomatology, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou, China. e-mail:
substantially to discussion. [email protected]
tion, study design, participants, follow-up time, sample size judgements about quality of evidence and strength of rec-
of each group, type, material and brand (if available) of the ommendations.
restoration as well as the post (if used), and the outcomes All studies, regardless of the risk of bias and method-
of each study. ological quality, were included in the quantitative synthesis.
When collecting the survival rate data, information pro-
vided in the publication was used directly. For outcomes ex- Statistical Analysis and Heterogeneity
pressed as Kaplan-Meier survival curves, data were extracted Pooled data of all the outcomes were subjected to meta-
using the freeware software Engauge Digitizer (ver. 5.1 analysis to estimate the odds ratio (OR) and 95% confi- The En- dence intervals (CI) using the Cochrane Collaboration Re-
gauge Digitizer software accepts image files (eg, PNG, JPEG, view Manager (Ver. 5.3). To test the reliability of evidence,
and TIFF) containing graphs, and recovers the data points outcomes of fixed-effect models and random-effect models
from those graphs. For consistent studies, the extracted data were compared, but considering the unexplained heteroge-
were deemed precise enough to be included in the meta- neity between studies, only random-effect estimates were
analysis, while for inconsistent studies with no reply from the reported, to be more conservative.
author, data were excluded from quantitative analysis. Other Cochran’s Q test was applied for analyzing the hetero-
initial data were obtained by contacting the authors. geneity between included studies, and no heterogeneity
Due to national differences and writing styles, the termi- was determined if the p-value was higher than 0.1. Other-
nology used in included studies varies. For standardization, wise, the I2 statistic was used to quantify the statistical
confirmatory e-mails were sent to the authors to ascertain heterogeneity, and the threshold was determined as Co-
the restoration types and materials; further, descriptions chrane recommended, ie, 0% to 40%: might not be impor-
were adjusted accordingly in the data extraction table. For tant; 30% to 60%: may represent moderate heterogeneity;
authors who did not reply, the original text was used. 50% to 90%: may represent substantial heterogeneity;
75% to 100%: considerable heterogeneity. For outcomes
Risk of Bias with substantial or considerable heterogeneity, sensitivity
Two reviewers independently evaluated the methodological analysis was carried out by comparing the fixed and ran-
qualities of included studies according to the guidance pro- dom-effect estimates, considering subgroup analysis, and
vided by the Journal of Evidence-based Medicine.79 testing for excess of studies with significant results.
Cochrane Collaboration’s tool (http://handbook-5-1. was used to assess the risk of bias of
RCTs. The domains of sequence generation, allocation con- RESULTS
cealment, and selective outcome reporting were addressed
in the tool. The initial electronic search yielded 3497 records (1358 in
The Newcastle-Ottawa Scale ( Medline, 1379 in OVID, 758 in Central, and 2 from hand-
programs/clinical_epidemiology/oxford.asp) was applied searching and gray literature), and 2547 records were
for assessing cohort studies. Using the tool, each study found after removing the duplicates. From these 2547 re-
was judged on 8 items, categorized into 3 groups: the cords, 49 potentially pertinent records were selected after
selection, comparability, and outcome of exposed and screening the titles and abstracts. Full-text articles were
non-exposed cohort. Stars were awarded for each study retrieved for eligibility assessment, and 40 articles were
(up to 9 stars) for quick visual assessment. Studies excluded with reasons (different definition of survival rates:
awarded with 6 or more stars were regarded as high-qual- n = 1;13 insufficient follow-up time: n = 2;44,78 only indirect
ity studies. restorations were used: n = 19;8,9,14,21,22,25,39,40,42,51-
For cross-sectional studies, the Agency for Healthcare 53,57,58,62,68,69,74,80 only direct restorations were used:
Research and Quality (AHRQ) methodology checklist n = 182-4,11,20,26,29,34,35,38,45,47,50,55,63,64,75,81).
( was Ultimately, only 9 articles met the inclusion criteria, and
applied. This is a methodological quality assessment tool all included studies had a parallel design. Some of the in-
using an 11-item checklist, and the AHRQ recommends it cluded studies provided specific data in their publications,
for assessment of cross-sectional studies. An item would including the studies by: Aquilino et al7 and Pratt et al56 in
be scored “0” if it was answered “NO” or “UNCLEAR”; if it short-term (5 years) survival analyses, Aquilino et al7 and
was answered “YES”, then the item was give a score of Dammaschke et al16 in medium-term (10 years) analyses,
“1”. Article quality was assessed as follows: low qual- Skupien et al70 and Mannocci et al46 in short-term (≤ 5
ity = 0–3; moderate quality = 4–7; high quality = 8–11. years) restorative success assessments, Frisk et al,28
For every outcome of meta-analysis, the quality of the Hommes et al,36 and Dawson et al18 in endodontic success
evidence was assessed using the GRADE (Grading of Rec- assessments. Their information was used directly. For stud-
ommendations, Assessment, Development and Evalua- ies with Kaplan-Meier survival curves,56,73 data extracted
tions) approach by GRADEprofiler (Ver 3.6). The GRADE ap- from Engauge Digitizer were compared with the available
proach was used for collective grading of the overall body of information in the text to test the precision of the figure. For
evidence in this review, as the study designs vary; more- consistent studies,56 the extracted data were deemed pre-
over, it is also a systematic and explicit approach to making cise enough to be included in the meta-analysis; while for
Author (year) Study Follow-up Age in Teeth Indirect restorations Direct restorations Outcomes
design years (n*) (n*)
Skupien70 RCT 5 years 42.2 ± Endodontically Porcelain-fused-to- Composite fillings with Cumulative success
(2016) 11.5 treated teeth with metal crowns bonded fiber posts (n = 30) and survival (Kaplan-
extensive coronal with composite Meier survival and
damage cement, with fiber success curve); clinical
posts (n = 27) performance**
Mannocci46 RCT 3 years 35–55, Endodontically Porcelain-fused-to- Composite fillings with 1-, 2-, 3-year failure
(2002) mean 48 treated premolars metal crowns bonded fiber posts (n = 60) rates
with class II lesions with Zinc phosphate
cement, with fiber
posts (n = 57)
Pratt56 (2016) Retrospective 8 years Mean 46 Endodontically Crowns (n = 441) Amalgam or composite Cumulative survival
cohort treated posterior teeth fillings (n = 198) (Kaplan-Meier survival
Dammaschke16 Retrospective 10 years 18–76 Endodontically Crowns or partial Amalgam or composite Cumulative survival
(2012) cohort treated posterior teeth crowns (n = 441) fillings (n = 135) (Kaplan-Meier survival
curve); 10-year survival
Tickle73 (2008) Retrospective 7.7 years 20–60, Endodontically Crowns (n = 67) Composite fillings (n = Cumulative survival
cohort 49.2±10.3 treated mandibular first 107) (Kaplan-Meier survival
molar curve)
Aquilino7 Retrospective 10 years 54.1±15.2 Endodontically Crowns (n = 129) Amalgam or composite Failure number; 5,
(2002) cohort treated teeth fillings (n = 74) 10-year survival rate
Dawson18 Cross- / 20–89 Endodontically Crowns with posts Amalgam or composite Periapical status
(2016) sectional treated teeth (n = 275) fillings with posts (n =
Frisk28 (2015) Cross- / 20–70 Endodontically Crowns or inlays Amalgam or composite Periapical status
sectional treated teeth (n = 1475) resin fillings (n = 1159)
Hommes36 Cross- / Not Endodontically Crowns (n = 305) Amalgam or composite Periapical status
(2002) sectional mentioned treated teeth fillings (n = 413)
*n: number of teeth. **Clinical performance refers to assessment of each restoration’s esthetic, functional and biological properties, according to FDI criteria.
inconsistent studies with no reply from the author,73 data vided 5-year survival results. Meta-analysis showed that in-
were excluded from quantitative analysis. direct restorations have a higher survival rate than do direct
Therefore, 8 studies were included in the meta-analyses. restorations (OR 0.28, 95% CI 0.19–0.43, p < 0.00001).
Three retrospective cohort studies were selected for analy- No heterogeneity was detected between the studies
sis of short-term and medium-term survival, 2 RCTs were (p = 0.55, I2 = 0%).
included for evaluation of restorative success, and 3 cross-
sectional studies were subjected to endodontic success Ten-year Survival (Fig 4)
assessment. The process of searching and study selection In respect to medium-term (> 5 and ≤ 10 year survival),
is outlined in Fig 1. The characteristics of included studies the 8-year survival results of Pratt et al56 were originally
are detailed in Table 1. included in the meta-analysis, but it significantly increased
Risk of bias and quality assessments are presented in the heterogeneity because of different follow-up times (Aq-
Fig 2 (RCTs), Table 2 (cohort studies), and Table 3 (cross- uilino et al7 and Dammaschke et al16 were both 10 years),
sectional studies). For RCTs, the risk of performance bias and was therefore ultimately excluded from meta-analysis.
and detection bias was high. The Newcastle-Ottawa scores Higher survival rates for indirect restorations were ob-
of cohort studies ranged from 5 to 7 asterisks with half of served in 10-year assessment (OR 0.20, 95% CI 0.12-
the studies showing high-quality. The methodological quali- 0.31, p < 0.00001), and no heterogeneity was detected
ties of included cross-sectional studies showed only 1 study (p = 0.94, I2 = 0%).
had high quality.
Restorative Success (Fig 5)
Survival of Tooth-Restoration Complex Two RCTs reported the ≤ 5-year success rates, and meta-
Five-year survival (Fig 3) analysis indicated that direct and indirect restorations do
Two retrospective studies7,56 were included in the assess- not differ significantly in success rates (OR 0.32, 95% CI
ment of short-term (≤ 5-year) survival, both of which pro- 0.05-2.12, p = 0.24). Moderate to substantial heterogene-
ity was detected between the 2 studies, but this was not Meta-analysis showed no difference in the incidence of
statistically significant (p = 0.15, I2 = 52%). The main rea- apical periodontitis (AP) for direct or indirect restorations
sons for failure were restoration fractures, secondary caries (OR 0.88, 95% CI 0.72-1.08, p = 0.22) with statistically
in direct groups, and post debonding; marginal gaps were nonsignificant moderate heterogeneity (p = 0.21, I2 = 36%).
revealed by radiographs in both groups. The results for periapical status of ETT with composite or
amalgam fillings are different. Hommes et al36 found the
Endodontic Success (Fig 6) rate of AP to be significantly higher (p < 0.01) in composite
Three cross-sectional studies investigated the periapical (40.5%) than amalgam (28.4%) restorations, as supported
status (endodontic success) of directly vs indirectly re- by Frisk et al,28 who found that composite restorations were
stored teeth and composite vs amalgam restorations. associated with the occurrence of AP. However, Dawson et
al18 reported no difference in the frequency of AP between As for ETT without extensive coronal destruction, direct
teeth restored with composite and amalgam fillings. composite restorations are mainly indicated for teeth with
minimal or moderate tooth structure loss.10 Some evidence
GRADE Assessment suggested that for similar cuspal coverage, direct and indi-
The SoF (summary of findings) table created by GRADEpro- rect methods showed similar outcomes, and decided that
filer is presented in Figs 7–9. Among the 4 outcomes ana- preference should be given to direct over indirect restora-
lyzed in this review, survival (short-term and medium-term) tions because they are more time effective and less
and restorative success of restored teeth showed low to costly.6,19,24 However, the accuracy and skills of the practi-
moderate quality, compared with very low quality of end- tioners could significantly influence decision to repair or
odontic success. replace direct restoration.45 For example, direct restora-
tions are technique sensitive with greater risks of polymer-
ization shrinkage, marginal discrepancies, microleakage,
DISCUSSION undesirable proximal contacts, and secondary caries.5,12
On the other hand, indirect restorations (inlay/onlay) have
The present systematic review and meta-analysis suggested a reduced composite shrinkage volume, limited to the resin
that indirect restorations (mainly crowns) would provide in- luting layer, and therefore increase the marginal adaptation
creased short-term (5-year) and medium-term (10-year) sur- of restorations.37
vival for endodontically treated teeth compared with direct Failure of restorative treatment may be influenced by the
restorations (mainly composite and amalgam fillings). Indi- position of the tooth. In a long-term study of ETT, mandibu-
rect restorations also showed better esthetic, functional, lar premolars and maxillary and mandibular anterior teeth
and biological properties, but no difference in short-term were reported to have longer survival times than other tooth
(≤ 5 years) restorative success or endodontic success. types, and molars demonstrated the worst survival out-
The search strategies for this systematic review covered comes, possibly because of difficulties in endodontic treat-
both published studies and gray literature, but abstracts ment and the subsequent restoration.13 A large practice-
and articles published in languages other than English were based study analyzing direct restoration longevity showed a
not searched. Publication bias could not be assessed due higher annual failure rate (AFR) of 5.2% in molars compared
to the limited number of studies. All of the outcomes to anterior teeth (4.4%) and premolars (4.0%).45
showed satisfactory reliability. Another controversial issue is whether to place a post
Reasons for extraction of ETT are mainly nonrestorable after endodontic treatment. In vitro studies showed that
carious destruction, endodontic issues, and tooth frac- placement of fiber post could significantly improve the frac-
ture.16,78 Crowns are expected to provide a better coronal ture resistance of ETT.1 A long-term clinical investigation (at
seal to prevent bacterial recontamination of residual tooth least 5 years) found that the survival rate of teeth with a
tissue.13 Studies showed that 85% of extracted ETT were fiber post amounted to 94.3%, and for teeth without a post,
not crowned, due to the presence of more nonrestorable it was 76.3% (p < 0.001).31 However, other investigators
caries compared with crowned teeth.78 Crowns may also believe that preparation of a post space might increase the
serve to protect the tooth from the risk of fracture,13 as chance of root fracture,30 so that posts should only be
crowned ETT demonstrated a significantly lower fracture used when other options were not available to retain a
rate than teeth provided with a filling.16 core.23
Traditionally, most clinicians prefer to use posts followed In this review, indirect restorations (mainly crowns) had
by crown restorations for ETT;14 however, full-coverage better outcomes in tooth-restoration complex survival, pos-
crowns may not be necessary. A retrospective study inves- sibly because crowns could provide better protection in
tigated 189 posterior ETT restored with indirect composite such a study pool of teeth with substantial tooth structure
onlays, and suggested this method can be a viable option loss in areas of high masticatory forces. In addition, indi-
for the restoration of posterior ETT (tooth survival 100%, rect restorations might serve as a more stable restoration
restoration survival 96.8%, with median follow-up time of 37 technique in the long run, as the effect of 10-year results
months).14 Another study also showed that gold partial (OR 0.20) was larger than that of 5-year results (OR 0.28).
crowns displayed a comparable fracture rate compared with Meta-analysis of restorative success showed no statisti-
full-coverage crowns for ETT.16 However, the decision on cal difference between the two restorations, probably be-
whether to place a crown or a partial-coverage restoration cause of limited sample size and observation time. How-
should also depend on functional requirements and the ever, a comparison of the two included studies showed
amount of remaining tooth structure.10,17,54 According to that with the increase in observation time (from 3 years to
some studies in vital teeth, the risk of failure has been 5 years), indirect restorations exhibited more favorable
showed to increase by 30% to 40% for every extra missing results.
wall.54 An occlusal cavity preparation could reduce tooth In terms of endodontic success, results differed among
stiffness by 20%, compared to 63% for a MOD (mesial-oc- studies, especially when comparing amalgam and compos-
clusal-distal) cavity.14 Therefore, crowns are still crucial to ite fillings. Studies published in different years exhibited
provide enough coronal protection, if ETT have been exten- opposing outcomes, probably because the quality of com-
sively damaged by caries or endodontic treatment.32,78 posites was better in more recent studies as a result of
Initial electronic search results:
Medline via Pubmed: n = 1358
EMBASE via OVID: n = 1379
CENTRAL via OVID: n = 758
Handsearching and gray literature searching: n = 2
Records after duplicates removed:
n = 2547
Articles included in
meta-analysis: n = 8
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A. MEDLINE via Pubmed search strategy (24th Mar, B. EMBASE via OVID search strategy (24th Mar,
2017) 2017)
((endodontic*[Title/Abstract]) OR nonvital[Title/Abstract]) 1 *endodontics/
OR pulpless[Title/Abstract] 2 (endodontic* or nonvital or pulpless).ab.
endodontics[MeSH Terms] 3 exp “root canal therapy”/
((root canal therapy[MeSH Terms]) OR root canal[Title/Ab- 4 (“root canal” or root-filled).ab.
stract]) OR root-filled[Title/Abstract] 5 (root adj6 (therap$ or fill$ or treat$ or resect$)).
((fill*[Title/Abstract]) OR therap*[Title/Abstract]) OR ab.
treat*[Title/Abstract] 6 (direct* or indirect*).ab.
#4 AND root[Title/Abstract] 7 *tooth prosthesis/
#1 OR #2 OR #3 OR #5 8 (restoration* or restored or restorative).ab.
(direct*[Title/Abstract]) OR indirect*[Title/Abstract] 9 7 or 8
((((dental restorations, permanent[MeSH Terms]) OR dental 10 6 and 9
prosthesis[MeSH Terms]) OR restoration*[Title/Abstract]) 11 *resin/
OR restored[Title/Abstract]) OR restorative[Title/Abstract] 12 (“composite resin” or composite or resin or amal-
#7 AND #8 gam).ab.
(((composite[Title/Abstract]) OR resin*[Title/Abstract]) OR 13 (crown* or endocrown* or inlay* or onlay* or over-
composite resins[MeSH Terms]) OR amalgam[Title/Ab- lay* or veneer*).ab.
stract] 14 (partial and crown*).ab.
((((((((crowns[MeSH Terms]) OR crown[Title/Abstract]) OR 15 10 or 11 or 12 or 13 or 14
endocrown*[Title/Abstract]) OR partial crown*[Title/Ab- 16 (randomized or randomised or randomly or con-
stract]) OR inlays[MeSH Terms]) OR inlay[Title/Abstract]) trolled).ab.
OR onlay*[Title/Abstract]) OR overlay*[Title/Abstract]) OR 17 ((clinical and trial) or prospective or retrospective
veneer*[Title/Abstract] or pilot or longitudinal or cohort or “case series” or
#9 OR #10 OR #11 case-control*).ab.
((randomized[Title/Abstract]) OR randomised[Title/Ab- 18 16 or 17
stract]) OR randomly[Title/Abstract] 19 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 or 5
(((((((controlled[Title/Abstract]) OR clinical trial[Title/Ab- 20 15 and 18 and 19
stract]) OR prospective[Title/Abstract]) OR
retrospective[Title/Abstract]) OR pilot[Title/Abstract]) OR C. CENTRAL (Cochrane Central Register of
longitudinal[Title/Abstract]) OR cohort[Title/Abstract]) OR Controlled Trials) via OVID (25th Mar, 2017)
case series[Title/Abstract]) OR case-control*[Title/Abstract] 1 exp Endodontics/
#13 OR #14 2 (endodontic* or nonvital or pulpless).af.
#6 AND #12 AND #15 3 (root and canal).af.
(“in vitro”[Title]) OR “ex vivo”[Title] 4
#16 NOT #17 5 (root adj6 (therap$ or fill$ or treat$ or resect$)).af.
6 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 or 5
Filter: English 7 (direct* or indirect*).af.
8 dental or exp Dental Prosthesis/
9 (restoration* or restored or restorative).af.
10 exp Composite Resins/
11 (composite resin or composite or resin or amal-
12 exp Dental Restoration, Permanent/
13 8 or 9 or 12
14 7 and 13
15 exp Crowns/
16 (crown* or endocrown* or inlay* or onlay* or over-
lay* or veneer*).af.
17 exp Inlays/
18 (partial and crown*).af.
19 10 or 11 or 14 or 15 or 16 or 17 or 18
20 6 and 19