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The key takeaways are that God is still in control and we should put our trust in Him during times of trouble instead of worrying.

The main message of the sermon is that no matter what difficulties we face in the new year, we can have courage, joy and hope by putting our faith in God and letting Him handle our problems.

The command 'Be still' means to let go of our burdens and problems and trust God to take care of them instead of trying to handle everything ourselves through worrying and fretting.

Message for THE LORD'S DAY MORNING, January 3, 2016

Christian Hope Church of Christ, Plymouth, North Carolina

by Reggie A. Braziel, Minister

TOPIC: New Year's Message, God's Sovereignty

God Is Still In Control

Psalm 46 (NKJV)
(A New Year's Sermon)

Please open your Bibles to Psalm 46, and let's read all eleven

PSALM 46:1-11 (NKJV)

1 God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.

2 Therefore we will not fear, even though the earth be removed,

and though the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea;

3 Though its waters roar and be troubled, though the mountains shake with its
swelling. Selah

4 There is a river whose streams shall make glad the city of God, the holy place of the
tabernacle of the Most High.

5 God is in the midst of her, she shall not be moved; God shall help her, just at the
break of dawn.

6 The nations raged, the kingdoms were moved; He uttered His voice, the earth melted.
7 The LORD of hosts is with us; the God of Jacob is our refuge. Selah
8 Come, behold the works of the LORD, Who has made desolations in the earth.

9 He makes wars cease to the end of the earth; He breaks the bow and cuts the spear
in two; He burns the chariot in the fire.
10 Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations,
I will be exalted in the earth!
11 The LORD of hosts is with us; the God of Jacob is our refuge. Selah


I believe each year at this time all of us goes into the New Year
with somewhat mixed emotions.

On the one hand, we enter the New Year with a great

deal of ANTICIPATION. We wonder what blessings God
has in store for us and what opportunities may come
our way.

But on the other hand, I believe we also enter this New Year with
a degree of ANXIOUSNESS. Who will become our next President?
Will we face another terrorists attack here on our own soil?
What is going to happen to our economy? Will we continue to see
a rise in civil unrest towards law enforcement officers?

While none of us has a “crystal ball” to foresee what lies ahead,

we as Christians can enter this New Year with the confident
assurance that: GOD IS STILL IN CONTROL!

In this 46th Psalm David reminds us of three wonderful

truths you and I can rest upon as we move forward into
this New Year.
Truth #1: Because God Is Still In Control We Can Have
COURAGE In Our Times of Trouble (vs. 1-3)

1 God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.

2 Therefore we will not fear, even though the earth be removed,

and though the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea;

3 Though its waters roar and be troubled, though the mountains shake with its
swelling. Selah (Selah- “pause to reflect” or “pause to meditate”)

1. I want you to notice the Psalmist's bold declaration in

verse 1........

v.1 God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in


2. We are not given the exact circumstances under which

these words were written. But they were clearly
written in the context of troublesome times.

3. Some Bible scholars believe that troubles were on their

way, and the Psalmist made this bold declaration as a
word of encouragement and confidence in advance.

Other Bible scholars believe these words were written

shortly after the Jewish people had gone through a
time of trouble, and the Psalmist is making this bold
declaration to remind the people how God had once
again proven Himself faithful .
4. Regardless of whether the troubles were yet to come
or had already come, the point is this: whenever
trouble comes, you and I can have the confidence and the
courage that God is going to see us through it.

5. I love those two adjectives the Psalmist uses for God

in verse 1. First, he says, “God is our REFUGE.”
we think of “a refuge” we think of a place of safety or
a security. God is our place of safety or security we
can run to in the time of trouble. He is our shelter in
the time of storm. He is our secure fortress into which
we can run and be safe from the troubles of this

The Psalmist also says,, God is our STRENGTH.”

Christians you and I have a strength that is NOT our
own, a strength that the world does not know or
understand. You and I have the strength of God to
sustain us even when it seems the weight of the world
is on our shoulders.

6. In verses 2, 3 the Psalmist reminds us that because

God is our refuge and strength and a very present help
in trouble we have no need to fear regardless of what
troubles may come our way. In fact, he uses
earthquakes and floods to symbolize the worst
possible troubles we may face.
7. None of us has any way of knowing what troubles and
problems we may face in this coming year. This could
turn out to be one of the greatest years of your life,
or it could turn out to be one of the most difficult
years of your life. We just don't know.

8. But one thing we do know is that regardless of what

troubles may come our way, GOD WILL STILL BE IN
CONTROL, and He will still be our refuge and strength,
and therefore we can face this New Year with courage
rather than fear.

'Til The Storm Passes By

In the dark of the midnight,
Have I oft hid my face;
While the storm howls above me,
And there's no hiding place;
'Mid the crash of the thunder,
Precious Lord, hear my cry;
"Keep me safe 'til the storm passes by."

'Til the storm passes over,

'Til the thunder sounds no more;
'Til the clouds roll forever from the sky,
Hold me fast, let me stand,
In the hollow of Thy hand;
Keep me safe 'til the storm passes by.
Truth #2: Because God Is Still In Control We Can Have JOY
In The Midst of Change (vs. 4-7)

4 There is a river whose streams shall make glad the city of God, the holy place of the
tabernacle of the Most High.

5 God is in the midst of her, she shall not be moved; God shall help her, just at the
break of dawn.

6 The nations raged, the kingdoms were moved; He uttered His voice, the earth melted.
7 The LORD of hosts is with us; the God of Jacob is our refuge. Selah

1. Here the Psalmist uses the holy city of Jerusalem to

illustrate a wonderful spiritual truth.

2. Jerusalem is one of the few ancient cities that was not

built on a river. Ancient cities needed water close at
hand for their survival, especially in the event of a
seizure from an enemy.

3. When Sennacherib the King of Assyria attacked

Jerusalem in 700 B.C. he was sure their lack of water
would force the Jewish people to surrender quickly.

But unknown to Sennacherib, Jerusalem had a secret

water supply. Wise King Hezekiah had built an
underground tunnel which brought cool, refreshing
water from the spring of Gihon and filled the pool of
Siloam inside the walls of Jerusalem. That secret
stream supplied all their needs during the seige.
4. What a beautiful picture of the endless supply of joy
and refreshment you and I have in the Lord Himself.

Jesus told the woman at the well,”but but whoever drinks

of the water that I shall give him will never thirst. But the
water that I shall give him will become in him a fountain
of water springing up into everlasting life.” (John 4:14 NKJV)

In John 7:37b,38 (NKJV) Jesus said, “If anyone thirsts, let

him come to Me and drink. He who believes in Me, as the
Scripture has said, out of his heart will flow rivers of
living water.”

5. We live in a constantly changing world, and I have

no doubt you and I are going to see a whole lot of
dramatic changes take place this year as God
continues to set the stage for the dramatic climax of
history in preparation for the second coming of

And we all know these changes can be very

unnerving and unsettling. But let me remind you
that no matter what changes may come in our
personal lives or in the world around us God's Holy
Spirit is the ever-flowing stream within us that will fill
our hearts with an endless supply of joy and peace to
sustain us .
Because God Is Still In Control We Can Have COURAGE In Our Times of

Because God Is Still In Control We Can Have JOY In The Midst of


Truth #3: Because God Is Still In Control We Can Have

HOPE As We Face The Future (vs. 8-11)

8 Come, behold the works of the LORD, Who has made desolations in the

9 He makes wars cease to the end of the earth; He breaks the bow and
cuts the spear in two; He burns the chariot in the fire.
10 Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations,
I will be exalted in the earth!
11 The LORD of hosts is with us; the God of Jacob is our refuge. Selah

1. As you enter this New Year what worries and fears do you
have? What problems are you dealing with? What is
keeping you awake at night and torn up during the day?

Sometimes we carry the burdens from the old year into

the New Year without any hope of things ever getting
any better.

2. But in verse 10 the Psalmist gives you and me a command

from the Lord to obey. The Lord says, “Be still, and know
that I am God.”
3. That command, “be still” comes from the Hebrew word,
rapha, which means to “let go” or “to release.”

GOD is literally commanding us to “Let go, and let Him be

God.” Stop trying to carry your burdens all by yourself.
Stop trying to solve all your problems by yourself.
Stop fretting and worrying about your situation and

4. You see, no matter how hopeless or difficult your

circumstances may be in this coming year, there is
always HOPE if we will just put our faith and trust in
GOD and let Him do what He does best.

If God could simply speak a word and bring this world

into existence, don't you believe you can trust Him
with your greatest problems and heaviest burdens?


In his book, When God Was Taken Captive, author James Deloach writes
about an unforgettable picture he saw years ago.

It was a picture of an old burned-out mountain shack. All that

remained was the chimney, of what had been the family's sole
In front of the destroyed cabin stood an old grandfather dressed in
his long-johns with his small grandson standing beside him clutching
his pair of patched overalls. Tears were streaming down the little
boy's cheeks as he looked at the smoldering ruins of what once had
been his home.

And beneath the picture were these words spoken by the grandfather to
his little grandson, “Hush child, God ain't dead.” (WHEN GOD WAS TAKEN CAPTIVE, p. 24,
by James DeLoach, Mutnomah Press, Copyright 1989)

5. Sometimes we need to be reminded of that powerful

truth don't we? No matter how heavy our burdens may
be........no matter how hopeless our situation may seem,



Can you imagine what it is like for those billions of people who are entering
this New Year without God? Imagine the fear and anxiety people must feel
who have put all their hope and trust in money and the material things of
this world.

Today you and I can enter this New Year with the confident
assurance that GOD is going to be with us every moment of
every day and because GOD IS STILL IN CONTROL we can have

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