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International Journal of Infectious Diseases 81 (2019) 215–220

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Epidemiological analyses of regional and age differences of HIV/

AIDS prevalence in China, 2004–2016
Yong-chao Qiaoa,1, Yan Xub,1, Dong-xiang Jianga , Xiao Wanga , Feng Wanga , Jun Yanga,* ,
Ye-sheng Weia,*
Department of Clinical Laboratory, Affiliated Hospital of Guilin Medical University, Guilin 541001, Guangxi, China
Department of Clinical Laboratory, Hunan Aerospace Hospital, Changsha 410205, Hunan, China


Article history: Objectives: To describe the prevalence of HIV/AIDS in China from 2004 to 2016 and to assess whether
Received 8 January 2019 regional and age differences exist with HIV/AIDS infection.
Received in revised form 13 February 2019 Methods: We searched the Chinese Public Health Science Data Center by the keywords of “HIV” or “AIDS”,
Accepted 14 February 2019
and collected the data referred to HIV/AIDS morbidity, mortality, and new HIV infection rate, 2004 to
Corresponding Editor: Eskild Petersen, Aar-
hus, Denmark
Results: The HIV/AIDS morbidity, mortality, and new HIV infection rate continually increased per year in
China from 2004 to 2016 (0.235, 0.057 and 1.020 in 2004; 3.990, 1.034 and 6.442 in 2016 respectively) (all
p < 0.001). The middle-aged HIV/AIDS populations showed the highest infection and regional difference
HIV infection significantly existed in the geographical distribution of HIV/AIDS prevalence.
Epidemiology Conclusions: Our analyses of HIV/AIDS prevalence during more than a decade indicate that HIV/AIDS
prevalence is getting more and more serious and the rapid spread of HIV exists with the characteristics of
regional and age differences.
© 2019 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of International Society for Infectious Diseases.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (

Introduction the country. The rapid economic growth, large ethnic diversity,
geographic expanse and the institutional transition have all shaped
The prevalence of Human immunodeficiency virus/Acquired the epidemiological characteristics of HIV/AIDS in China (Sheng
Immune Deficiency Syndrome (HIV/AIDS), especially in developing and Cao, 2008). Moreover, sexual behaviors, condom use, male
countries, is still a tremendous challenge to public health circumcision, antiretroviral therapy and sharing syringes among
authorities (Campbell et al., 2017; Paraskevis et al., 2011; Bonovas drug users all have different impacts on HIV/AIDS prevalence
and Nikolopoulos, 2012). According to the report of the Joint (Zhang et al., 2008; Nikolopoulos and Bonovas, 2017; Kelly et al.
United Nations Programme on AIDS (UNAIDS), there were nearly 2017). A series of studies on HIV/AIDS prevalence in the United
36,900,000 people living with HIV, 940,000 AIDS-related deaths States (Rios-Gonzalez and Flores-Enriquez, 2018), China (Yuan
and 1,800,000 new HIV infections worldwide in 2017 (UNAIDS, et al., 2018; Yang et al., 2017; Lu et al., 2017; Tang et al., 2016; Pan
2018). As one of the chronic diseases, AIDS seriously affects public et al., 2016), Africa (Scriven et al., 2016), Germany (Stecher et al.,
health around the world. And the mortality caused by AIDS is 2018) and Ukraine (Vasylyeva et al., 2018) have been published, but
significantly higher than other sexually transmitted disease (STD) rare national studies were reported about the impacts of regional
(Li et al., 2014). and age differences on clinical epidemiology of HIV/AIDS.
China faces more challenges in reducing the incidence of new Considerable changes of related policies have been provided
HIV infection, and the cases of HIV infection are increasing around including the implementation of innovative strategies and a
comprehensive anti-HIV program over the last 20 years in China.
However, due to the lack of data about the epidemiology of HIV/
* Corresponding authors at: Department of Clinical Laboratory, Affiliated AIDS, more efficient HIV/AIDS prevention and control are still big
Hospital of Guilin Medical University, Le Qun Road 15, Guilin 541001, Guangxi, challenges.
The aims of this study are to explore the HIV/AIDS morbidity,
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (J. Yang), [email protected]
(Y.-s. Wei). mortality and new infection rates in China from 2004 to 2016, and
Yong-chao Qiao and Yan Xu contribute equally. to analyze the characteristics of regional and age differences of
1201-9712/© 2019 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of International Society for Infectious Diseases. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND
license (
216 Y.- Qiao et al. / International Journal of Infectious Diseases 81 (2019) 215–220

HIV/AIDS patients for providing additional guidance for the

government to raise awareness about HIV/AIDS prevention and
control in China.


AIDS represents Acquired Immune Deficiency (AID)-induced

clinical Syndrome (AIDS) characterized by Kaposi’s sarcoma (KS)
and Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia (PCP) associated with
compromised innate immunity and decreased CD4 T lymphocyte
count, and progressive failure of the immune system in AIDS
patients allows life-threatening opportunistic infections and
disease to thrive. New HIV infections are defined as newly
acquired blood HIV antibody as shown positive by ELISA and
Western blot, and detected with a large viral load by PCR. AIDS- Figure 1. The incidence of AIDS cases (1/100,000), AIDS-related death (1/100) and
related deaths are defined as all deaths from AIDS-induced clinical new HIV infection (1/100,000) in Chinese populations, 2004–2016.
diseases such as KS, PCP, and other optimistic infections. The data
referred to HIV/AIDS morbidity, mortality and new HIV infection
Table 1
rate in this study was searched from the Chinese Public Health
The data of AIDS cases, AIDS-related death and new HIV infection in China, 2004 to
Science Data Center (CPHSD) by the keywords of “HIV” or “AIDS”; 2016.
2004 to 2016. The data of new HIV infections; AIDS cases and AIDS-
Year AIDS cases AIDS-related death New HIV infection
related death number was retrieved from 31 regions in China;
except Taiwan; Hong Kong and Macao. Morbidity; mortality and Number Morbidity (1/ Number Mortality Number Incidence
new HIV infection rate of HIV/AIDS reported by CPHSD were equal 100,000) (1/100) (1/100,000)

to the number of cases of infectious diseases/population 2004 3054 0.2349 741 0.0570 13258 1.0199
 100,000; the number of deaths/population  100,000; and the 2005 5621 0.4324 1316 0.1012 25266 1.9437
2006 6671 0.5102 1331 0.1018 31591 2.4160
number of deaths/number of cases  100%; respectively (Li et al.,
2007 9727 0.7400 3904 0.2970 32906 2.5034
2014). According to the stratified age and region; subgroup analysis 2008 10059 0.7613 5389 0.4079 41466 3.1383
was to explore the difference of HIV/AIDS prevalence. This study 2009 13281 1.0001 6596 0.4967 44192 3.3277
was approved by the ethics committee of Guilin Medical University 2010 15982 1.1974 7743 0.5801 45640 3.4194
2011 20450 1.5251 9224 0.6879 52746 3.9336
Affiliated Hospital (GLMC191211HL).
2012 41929 3.1120 11575 0.8591 58399 4.3344
The corresponding data were expressed as mean  standard 2013 42286 3.1230 11437 0.8447 63498 4.6895
deviation (SD), mean  standard error (SE) or percentages in this 2014 45145 3.3313 12030 0.8877 74048 5.4641
study as appropriate. For continuous variables in normal distribu- 2015 50330 3.6940 12755 0.9362 81696 5.9962
tion, student’s t-test and one-way ANCOVA were performed to 2016 54360 3.9898 14091 1.0342 87764 6.4416

analyze the differences. The p value < 0.05 was considered as

statistically significant difference. GraphPad Prism 5 and the SPSS
program (SPSS version 15, SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL) were used to for
statistical analyses, and Microsoft PowerPoint 2007 and Adobe of the number of AIDS cases, AIDS-related deaths and new HIV
Illustrator CS5 were used to draw the geographical distribution infections, Henan, Yunnan, Guangxi and Xinjiang provinces are
map of China. among the high risk regions (Figure 2A–C).
In the capital, Beijing, the AIDS morbidity (1/100,000), AIDS
Results mortality (1/100) and new HIV infection rate (1/100,000) have
increased from 0.479, 0.014 and 1.384 in 2004 to 3.651, 0.149 and
HIV/AIDS in China 11.39 in 2016, respectively (all P < 0.001). Growing rates also
existed in the regions with the highest HIV/AIDS morbidity rates
This study retrospectively analyzed the data about HIV/AIDS such as Henan Province, Guangxi Province and Yunnan Province
reported publicly by the Chinese government, and found the AIDS (all P < 0.001).
morbidity (1/100,000), AIDS mortality (1/100) and new HIV
infection rate (1/100,000) continually increased per year: 0.235, Age differences of HIV/AIDS prevalence
0.057 and 1.020 in 2004; 0.761, 0.408 and 3.138 in 2008; 3.112,
0.859 and 4.334 in 2012; and 3.990, 1.034 and 6.442 in 2016 To explore the age differences of HIV/AIDS prevalence, we divided
respectively (Figure 1) (Table 1). The results of linear regression the cases into three groups: 0–20 years old, 20–50 years old and >50
analysis indicated good concordances (all r2 > 0.850, all P < 0.001). years old. This showed the number of AIDS cases, AIDS-related
In addition, it is shown that about 318,895 AIDS cases (Mean  SD: deaths and new HIV infections in 20–50 years old group were
24,530  19,107), 98,132 AIDS-related deaths (7,549  4,716) and significantly higher than other groups (all P < 0.05) (Figure 3).
652,470 new HIV infections (50,190  22,337) happened in 2004 to Moreover, the cases in 20–50 years old group were sectionalized by
2016. every 10 years. The results indicated that the cases in the 20–30 years
old group showed the highest incidence (Figure 4).
Regional difference of HIV/AIDS prevalence
A total of 31 regions were included in this study. The number of
AIDS cases, AIDS-related deaths and new HIV infection continually Our analyses of more than a decade of data indicated that HIV/
increased per year in China from 2004 to 2016 (all P < 0.001). The AIDS morbidity, mortality, and new HIV infection rate continually
geographical distribution map of China was drawn to show the increased per year in China, and regional and age significant
regional difference of HIV/AIDS prevalence. According to the data differences of HIV/AIDS prevalence exist, which implied the
Y.- Qiao et al. / International Journal of Infectious Diseases 81 (2019) 215–220 217

Figure 2. The average number (year) by regional distribution of AIDS cases (A), AIDS-related death (B) and new HIV infection (C) in Chinese populations, 2004–2016.
218 Y.- Qiao et al. / International Journal of Infectious Diseases 81 (2019) 215–220

Figure 3. The averaged number (year) by age difference of AIDS cases (A), AIDS-related death (B), new HIV infection (C) and percent distribution (D) in Chinese populations,

challenge of controlling the rapid spread of HIV/AIDS was always show higher risk behaviors and lower health outcomes. The
tremendous and more effective prevention strategies should be lack of comprehensive knowledge and good sexual health
implemented to reduce the incidence. regarding HIV/AIDS might have exacerbated the prevalence. The
The prevalence of HIV/AIDS, especially in developing countries, injecting drug users, homosexual, sex workers, and blood donors
is still a tremendous challenge to public health authorities in the with HIV virus in rural China during the mid-1990s all accelerated
world (Campbell et al., 2017; Paraskevis et al., 2011; Bonovas and the prevalence of HIV/AIDS (Sheng and Cao, 2008; Zhang et al.,
Nikolopoulos 2012; Rubinstein et al., 2014; Maartens et al., 2014; 2008). Ethnic affiliation may be a powerful influence for the
Oster et al., 2018). In this study, the results showed that the age and prevalence of HIV infection in China, which is a multinational
regional differences of HIV/AIDS patients may provide more country with 56 ethnicities (Marti-Pastor et al., 2015).
credible evidence for the Chinese government to make consider- Additionally, our results showed that higher risk existed in the
able changes of policies for controlling the spread of HIV. Though young and middle-aged populations, especially in 30- to 40-year-
the goal of UNAIDS to end to the HIV epidemic by 2030 seems to be old people. Likewise, the previous study indicated that in the
very ambitious, it is really attainable (Nikolopoulos and Bonovas, population aged 20 to 29, the rate of HIV incidence was
2017). Up to now, there are neither thorough cure of HIV/AIDS nor significantly higher than others in the USA (Warner et al., 1993),
an effective and safe vaccine (Alchin, 2014), and some adverse and other research showed that men aged 21 to 29 had the highest
effects exist even in antiretroviral treatments, but great progress incidence which displayed a similar trend (Hakre et al., 2015).
has been made in prevention and cure of HIV/AIDS and the Johnson, A.S. et al. also reported that in the USA, the incidence rate
morbidity, mortality, and new HIV infection rate continually of HIV (1/100,000) among males aged 13 to 24 increased from 12.5
decreased per year all over the world. in 2002 to 17.3 in 2011, and among men the number of new HIV
As the largest developing country with 1.4 billion people, China infections also increased, especially in the men who have sex with
faces an enormous challenge in combating the prevalence of HIV/ men (MSM) transmission category (Johnson et al., 2014). Marti-
AIDS (Sheng and Cao, 2008). In our study, the fact that the Pastor, M., et al. also found that in the groups aged 25–34 years the
morbidity, mortality, and new HIV infection rate continually populations with HIV were significantly higher than others (Marti-
increased per year in China aggravates the challenge for prevention Pastor et al., 2015). The young and middle-age population was
and treatment. The number of new HIV infections in each of several located in active sexual life, and high risky behaviors were the
provinces had exceeded 30,000, such as Yunnan, Guangxi, Sichuan, reasons for the increasing incidence rate of HIV. Surveillance
Guangdong and Xinjiang Provinces. The highest three regions of systems, evaluation systems, policies and laws should be
AIDS-related death in the past 12 years are Yunnan, Guangxi and implemented to control this STD.
Sichuan Province. The number of AIDS-related deaths was highest The Chinese government has implemented more strategies to
mainly in Yunnan and Guangxi Province. One of the most possible prevent and cure HIV/AIDS cases. When the early cases of HIV/AIDS
reasons is that in these undeveloped provinces, the financial and patients appeared in China, the response of government was to
economic level of development lags behind the national level. stop and prevent HIV crossing the border, but it is not effective.
Populations with lower educational level and cognitive ability Along with the spread of HIV throughout China, more active
Y.- Qiao et al. / International Journal of Infectious Diseases 81 (2019) 215–220 219

Figure 4. The averaged number (year) by age difference of AIDS cases (A), AIDS-related death (B) and new HIV infection (C) in Chinese populations, 2004–2016.
220 Y.- Qiao et al. / International Journal of Infectious Diseases 81 (2019) 215–220

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