Probe-Fed Semi Circular Microstrip Antenna Vis-À-Vis Circular Microstrip Antenna: A Necessary Revisit
Probe-Fed Semi Circular Microstrip Antenna Vis-À-Vis Circular Microstrip Antenna: A Necessary Revisit
Probe-Fed Semi Circular Microstrip Antenna Vis-À-Vis Circular Microstrip Antenna: A Necessary Revisit
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Robert Olejnik, Jiri Matyas, Petr Slobodian
et al.
Abstract. Microstrip patch antenna of semicircular geometry has been investigated in view of
miniaturization of conventional circular geometry. The precise operating frequency of the
semicircular microstrip patch antenna is the most significant parameter to be determined in
order to design such antenna system to achieve the optimum performance. In the present
investigation an improved formulation is presented for accurate determination of the resonant
frequency of semicircular patch. Also, the radiation property of such patch is thoroughly
investigated. Through comparisons are documented amongst the circular and semicircular
patches. It is revealed that, the semicircular patch offers more better radiation performance
compared to circular.
1. Introduction
The circular geometry of the microstrip antenna is the most common geometry which has been
studied, analyzed and implemented for over last three decades[1]-[4]. In the present era, the scientists
and engineers are looking for tiny devices, which can be implemented in miniaturized wireless
communication equipment without hampering the performance. In that scenario, semicircular patch
antenna is a good choice which can produce such typical qualities like tininess, light weight and
compatibility with MMIC along with acceptable radiation performance. In fact, semicircular patch is
very advantageous where the space is the key factor to organize a patch with conventional geometry.
In fact, 50% of patch area reduction can be achieved using semicircular patch for a particular resonant
frequency compared to conventional circular patch geometry. Hence, the accurate determination of
mode as well as its radiation performance of a semicircular patch is very important in this scenario.
The electric field beneath the patch and eigen functions of circular sector antennas were presented in
[5]. Generalized transmission line modeling of sector antenna has been found in [6]. But all these
papers indicated above fail to predict resonant frequencies of sector antenna accurately. In fact, in all
of those investigations, the concept of fringing is not
considered. Nevertheless the issue of fringing can not be avoided for accurate computation of
dominant mode and its resonant frequency. The effect of fringing has been considered in [7]-[8] for
computation of resonant frequency of sector antenna. Still they fail to predict the accurate resonant
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3rd International Conference on Communication Systems (ICCS-2017) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 331 (2018) 012026 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/331/1/012026
frequency. In fact, in these reports, the dominant mode of the sector antenna is not determined
Dielectric Substrate
The radiation characteristic of semicircular patch is also an important issue and it is least
investigated topic in last two decades. On the contrary, the radiation property of circular patch is
widely investigated. Plenty of works [9]-[10] have been reported to improve the radiation pattern of a
conventional circular patch. In that scenario, hardly some investigation has been reported on radiation
characteristic of semicircular patch.
Lo et. al.[11], and Richards et. al. [5] have analyzed the radiation characteristics of semicircular patch
for the first time. However, in these reports, clear understanding of the radiation pattern of
semicircular patch at its lowest order dominant mode is not apparent. In fact, in the article [5], the
radiation patterns for two different modes are portrayed and comparison between them is discussed in
terms of their radiation pattern. One very recent report [12] shows the modal analysis of circular sector
patch. However, from [12], it is not apparent that whether the semicircular patch can be a best
alternative of circular patch. Moreover, the investigation [12] does not deal with the radiation
characteristics of the circular sector patch for the dominant mode.
In order to improve the shortcomings of the earlier studies, and also to offer the readers a clear
understanding of the dominant mode of semicircular patch, its frequency and its radiation
characteristic at its lowest order dominant mode, we have investigated both the circular and
semicircular patches thoroughly. The mathematical derivations to determine the accurate dominant
mode frequency are based on modified cavity model along with the accurate estimation of the fringing
electric fields and resulting effective antenna dimension. Better radiation performance is revealed for
semicircular patch compared to that of circular patch. Therefore, it is concluded that a patch of
semicircular geometry with 50% reduced patch area becomes the most efficient and suitable
alternative to a patch of conventional circular geometry
2. Theory
A coaxially fed CSMA having radial dimension a, printed on a PTFE substrate (εr) with thickness h1
is shown in Fig. 1. The antenna is fed at ρc from centre as shown in the figure using a coaxial probe.
In this present model, the top sectorial patch and ground plane act as PEC while three side walls are
PMC. Hence, we may write the vanishing boundary condition of magnetic fields at PMC walls.
Thus, ρ component of magnetic field,
H 0 at a for 0 to and z 0 to h
H 0 at 0 and for 0 to a and z 0 to h
3rd International Conference on Communication Systems (ICCS-2017) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 331 (2018) 012026 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/331/1/012026
2 2
1 p
2 a h
Figure 2. Magnitude of electric field on patch surface to explain the number of field variation in radial
and circumferential direction
3rd International Conference on Communication Systems (ICCS-2017) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 331 (2018) 012026 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/331/1/012026
Hence, the zeroth order resonance frequency fr is f mn 1.84c where c is the free space
2a r 2a r
Now to compute the resonant frequency accurately, one must incorporate the concept of effective
dielectric constant and the effective dimension. Therefore, the final equation becomes
2aeff reff
The computed results using the present theory are compared with simulations and have been
presented in Table-I. Comparison has been made between the lowest order dominant mode resonant
frequency of circular and semicircular patches for wide variety of parameters. Computed results are in
good agreement with the simulation results. The table shows that, the resonant frequencies are
identical for both the circular and semicircular patches for a wide variety of parameters in each case.
Comparison of lowest order dominant mode frequency of circular and semicircular patch in terms
of simulation and present theory.
Patch radius a εr h1 in
in mm mm Lowest order TM11 mode frequency at GHz
3rd International Conference on Communication Systems (ICCS-2017) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 331 (2018) 012026 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/331/1/012026
resonate at same frequency i.e 1.82 GHz and their profiles are also identical. Nevertheless,
semicircular patch offers better matching at its resonance compared to circular patch as is evident from
-10 S11 Semicircular
S11 Circular
S11 in dB -20
1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 2.0
Frequency in GHz
Gain (dBi)
-25 Cross pol
-40 Cross pol
-150 -100 -50 0 50 100 150 -150 -100 -50 0 50 100 150
Angle in degree Angle in degree
(a) (b)
Figure 4. H and E plane radiation patterns for circular and semicircular patches at dominant mode
frequency. (a) H plane, (b) E plane.
the figure. Fig. 4. show the comparison between radiation properties of circular and semicircular patch
separately in E and H planes. It is found that the gain of both the patches is around 6.4 dBi. However,
it may be noted that, the cross polarization level is less for semicircular patch compared to circular
patch in their H plane. The isolation between co-polarization to cross polarization radiation for
semicircular patch is 32 dB while the same for circular patch is 26 dB. Furthermore, the H plane co-
polarized radiation beam is broader in case of semicircular patch compared to that of circular patch.
The 3 dB beam width of semicircular patch is around 1070 in its H plane while the same for circular
patch is only 800. Therefore, around 34% of improvement in broadening the H plane beam width is
evident from semicircular patch compared to that of circular patch. On the contrary, the cross
polarization radiation is less in E plane for circular patch compared to semicircular patch. Around 32
dB of Co-Cross polarization isolation is revealed for circular patch in E plane while the same for
3rd International Conference on Communication Systems (ICCS-2017) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 331 (2018) 012026 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/331/1/012026
semicircular patch is 26 dB. However, the beam of semicircular patch is slightly broader for
semicircular patch than circular patch in its E plane.
Therefore, it may be concluded that, the semicircular patch produces same radiation profile in its
dominant mode in comparison to circular patch. But it may be noted that, the semicircular patch have
more better radiation performance particularly in H plane and partially in E plane compared to the
circular patch as discussed above. Nevertheless, as it has 50% reduced physical area, this semicircular
patch can be mounted on tiny device. Therefore, the semicircular patch is the most suitable alternative
of circular patch for the scientific community looking for tiny antenna with improved radiation
4. Conclusions
Semicircular patch is proposed to be an efficient and most suitable alternative of circular sectorial
microstrip antenna for miniaturization and to obtain more improved radiation performance. This is
obviously be required in the modern wireless era where, every devices are budding towards tininess
and multi-functionality. Therefore, the present investigation is surely be helpful for scientist and
practicing engineers to use such semicircular microstrip antenna on tiny wireless equipment.
5. Acknowledgement
Authors would like to thank Prof. Debatosh Guha of Calcutta University, India for his support.
S. Chakraborty would like to thank Director, CSIR-CEERI, Pilani and Dr. S. K. Ghosh, Principal
Scientist, CSIR-CEERI, Pilani for always supporting research endeavors.
All of the co-authors express a deep sense of gratitude and thanks to the corresponding institutes for
their kind supports and encouragement.
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