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Design and Analysis of Micro Strip Antenna Using Hfss Software

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International Journal of Computer Science and Communication

Vol. 3, No. 1, January-June 2012, pp. 119-124


Sandeep Sunori1 and K.K Tripathi2

Deptt. of Electonics and Communication, Graphic Era Hill University, Bhimtal, Uttarakhand,
E-mail: [email protected]

Deptt. of Electronics and Communication, RKGIT Ghaziabad

A microstrip antenna consists of conducting patch on a ground plane separated by dielectric substrate. This concept
was undeveloped until the revolution in electronic circuit miniaturization and large-scale integration in 1970. After
that many authors have described the radiation from the ground plane by a dielectric substrate for different
configurations. |In this work, a probe fed microstrip antenna design for the implementation of two dimensional
arrays with individually fed radiating elements is presented. The performance of the antenna element, both isolated
and in a 4 4 fixed array topology, is analyzed HFSS simulation software. Prototypes of the antenna element and of
the array are manufactured and measured for the experimental validation of the design We obtained radiation
patterns, return loss, input impedance, E-field, H-field and current distributions that are simulated for this proposed
antenna with Ansoft-HFSSsoftware.
Keywords: microstrip antenna, HFSS software, two dimensional antenna arrays

In recent years demand of microstrip antennas are
increased due to its use in high frequency, high speed
data communication applications. Printed antennas are
economical and can be accommodated in the device
package. Microstrip antennas are best form of antennas
because they are light weight, low profile, low cost, ease
to analyze, fabricate and are compatible with the
integrated circuits [1].
Antenna arrays have been widely employed in a great
variety of applications, taking advantage of their
beamforming [1], conformation [2] and pattern nulling
[3] possibilities. Additionally, the behavior of the array
can be modified in real time by separately tuning the
feeding signals of the different individual radiators,
providing adaptive solutions [4, 5]. Microstrip technology
has become a widespread option for the implementation
of antenna arrays, owing to its well-known advantages,
conformability, ease of fabrication and low cost,
especially after the development of different enhancement
techniques, aimed at counteracting the traditional
drawbacks of this technology(limited bandwidth,
spurious radiation of the feeding lines,). In reconfigurable
implementations of antenna arrays, the feeding signals
of the radiating elements must be separately controlled,
which requires these signals to be individually conducted
from each of the tuning circuits to its corresponding
radiating element. Although this is straightforward in
linear arrays, by simply extending the feeding lines of
the antenna elements to the edge of the circuit board [6],
the transmission line layout process might become a

challenging task for two dimensional arrays, especially

for applications where a large number of elements is
required [7]. This is overcome in [8], with a topology based
on quasi Yagi antennas, in which the tuning circuits for
each row of the array are placed in a perpendicular plane.
Similarly, in microstrip technology, probe feeding
techniques are more appropriate.
Than others based on microstrip transmission lines
for these cases, as the connectors associated to the
individual patches can be installed in the ground plane,
where the necessary circuitry is connected (Figure 1).
Although probe fed microstrip antennas present inherently
reduced operating bandwidths in the order of 1{2% at low
frequencies [9], multiple works can be found in the literature,
focused on improving the impedance bandwidth of these
structures. Bandwidths around 4% can be obtained by
introducing short circuited parasitic elements [9] or with
an H-shaped radiating patch [10], providing circular
polarization. Further improvements can be achieved using
thick air substrates with L-shaped probes [11] (26.5%), Tshaped probes [12, 13] (33{40%) or with stacked patches on
thick dielectric layers [14] (up to 60%). However, besides
the usually reduced mechanical stability of designs with
air substrate layers, thick substrates generally give rise to
high coupling levels between patches, which make them
inappropriate for array designs.
The proposed antenna is designed for the Bluetooth/
WLAN-2.4 applications at 2.4 GHz. Liquid crystals are
having some unique combination of properties that make
them ideally suited for high density electronic substrate
applications [2] include.


International Journal of Computer Science and Communication (IJCSC)

1. They are having excellent electrical properties up to

millimeter wave frequencies.
2. Virtually impermeable to moisture, oxygen and other
gases and liquids.
3. Low coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE) 8 or 17
4. Very low moisture absorption, < 0.04% by weight.
5. Excellent dimensional stability (< 0.1%) [3].
Since most of the probe fed topologies available in the
literature operate at somewhat lower frequencies, the design
process, as explained in Section 2, relies on simulations
carried out using Agilent Advanced Design System (ADS)
and Ansoft HFSS (which provides a more complete 3D
model of the structure that might lead to more accurate.
Results at this frequency). In Section 3, the performance
of this design in dimensional array topology is studied,
assessing its properties in terms of mutual coupling and
radiation pattern. Finally, in Section 4, the simulation and
optimization are commented, and remainder of paper contains
results and conclusion in order both to evaluate and compare
the simulation methods and to validate the design.

Figure 1: Topology of the Two Dimensional Antenna Array with

Individually Fed Radiating Elements

Microstrip antennas are attractive due to their light

weight, conformability and low cost. These antennas can
be integrated with printed strip-line feed networks and
active devices. This is a relatively new area of antenna
engineering. The radiation properties of micro strip
structures have been known since the mid 1950s. The
application of this type of antennas started in early 1970's
when conformal antennas were required for missiles.
Rectangular and circular micro strip resonant patches
have been used extensively in a variety of array

configurations. A major contributing factor for recent

advances of microstrip antennas is the current revolution
in electronic circuit miniaturization brought about by
developments in large scale integration. As conventional
antennas are often bulky and costly part of an electronic
system, micro strip antennas based on photolithographic
technology are seen as an engineering breakthrough. A
micro strip antenna in its simplest form consists of a
sandwich of two parallel conducting layers separated by
a single thin dielectric substrate [1]. The lower conductor
functions as a ground plane and the upper conductor
functions as radiator. Among different shapes of micro
strip patch elements such as rectangular, square, dipole,
triangular, circular and elliptical for better radiation
characteristics we use rectangular micro strip patch
antenna [2].
To analyze micro strip patch antenna we have, (1)
Transmission model; (2) Cavity model and (3) Full wave
model. Transmission line model is simplest but less
accurate. Cavity model is more accurate but complex in
nature. Full wave model is very accurate, versatile, and
can treat single element, finite and infinite arrays, but are
most complex. Among this transmission line model is used
which provides better physical insight and provide
approximate relationships to calculate dimension of
patch. Feed line and matching networks are fabricated
along with antenna structure. If the substrate is flexible,
conformal antennas are possible. Etching is done with
the standard photolithographic processes [3]. The
accuracy of etching process also ensures uniformity of
different parts over a production run. The main reason
for using micro strip patches is the ability to construct
array antennas with the feed network and the radiating
elements on a single surface. This arrangement means
that the antennas are fed by a micro strip connected directly
to the patch [4].
The design also checks for maximum power transfer by
matching the feed line impedance to the impedance of the
patch antenna. The different feeding techniques used for
impedance matching are micro strip line, coaxial probe,
Proximity coupling and aperture coupling. Micro strip
line: In this Impedance matching is easier. And feed can
be fabricated on some substrate as single layer to provide
planner structure [9].But disadvantage is we must use
transformer to match impedance and it excites cross
polarization. Coaxial probe: Probe location is used for
impedance matching. Ease of insetting and low radiations
is advantages of probe feeding. Proximity coupling:
Proximity coupling offers some opportunity to reduce feed
line radiation while maintaining a relatively thick
substrate for the radiating patch. The input impedance of
antenna is affected by the overlap of the patch and the
feed line, and by the substrates. However due to multilayer
fabrication the antenna thickness increases [8]. Aperture

Desing and Analysis of Micro Strip Antenna using HFSS Software

coupling: No spurious radiation escapes to corrupt the

side lobes or polarization of the antenna. However due to
multilayer fabrication antenna, thickness increases.
Among this coaxial probe is used for impedance matching,
as it is ease of insetting and low radiation and also used
with plated for multi layer circuits[10]. Micro strip
antennas are versatile in the sense that they can be
designed to produce a wide variety of patterns and
polarizations, depending on the mode excited and the
particular shape of the patch used. The impedance
bandwidth of microstrip antennas is known to be larger
for higher values of the substrate thickness and for lower
permittivity. However, apart from its impact on the mutual
coupling, when the substrate thickness is increased in
simple probe fed topologies, the length of the probe is
extended accordingly, leading to high inductance values
that must be subsequently compensated. The proposed
topology, shown in Figure 2, uses a relatively thin
substrate layer through which the probe is connected to
the first patch, while the layer between the first and the
second can be moderately thickened to improve the
bandwidth. The coaxial connector is soldered to the bottom
layer of a 0.762mm thick ARLON 25N substrate (r = 3:38
and tan = 0:0025 at 10 GHz) and the probe is connected
to the specified point in the first patch, edged on the top
layer or this substrate. The second patch is placed on top
of a double layer of ARLON 25N (1.524 mm).


Basic electromagnetic field quantities and, for open

boundary problems, radiated near and far fields.
Characteristic port impedances and propagation
Generalized S-parameters and S-parameters
renormalized to specific port impedances.
The eigenmodes, or resonances, of a structure. To
draw the structure, specify material characteristics
for each object, and identify ports and special
surface characteristics. HFSS generates the
necessary field solutions and associated port
characteristics and S-parameters [8].

Figure 3: New Window with HFSS Interface


Figure 2: Proposed Microstrip Antenna Dimensions in


HFSS is an interactive software package for calculating
the electromagnetic behavior of a structure. The software
includes post-processing commands for analyzing this
behavior in detail.
Using HFSS, we can compute:

4.1 Simulation and Optimization

The performance of the proposed design has been studied
using the Agilent Advanced Design System Method of
Moments (Momentum) electromagnetic simulator. This
analysis software, in which the substrate layers are
considered infinite, does not support coaxial feeding and,
therefore, the simulations have been carried out using an
Internal Port, directly placed on the feeding point of the first
patch. At the same time, the complete design structure,
including the coaxial feeding and the finite substrate layers,
has been analyzed using the Ansoft HFSS finite element
simulator. Using the results of these two methods, the
dimensions of the design have been optimized to increase
its impedance bandwidth. The results obtained with both
simulation methods for the final design are compared in
Figure 4. The antenna presents a bandwidth (jS11j < 10 dB)
of approximately 1.15 GHz centered at 10 GHz (11.5%).
Despite the fact that the probe feeding is not modeled in the
ADS simulations, the results obtained with both methods
are reasonably similar, yielding analogous values for the
frequency of operation and for the impedance bandwidth.
The radiation patterns, evaluated at 10 GHz in the E-plane
(XZ plane in Figure 2) and in the H-plane (YZ plane in Figure
2), have been calculated using ADS and HFSS obtaining
gain values of 5.17 and 6.5 dB respectively. The normalized

International Journal of Computer Science and Communication (IJCSC)


values of the co-polar (CP) and cross-polar (XP) components

are compared in Figure 4, as a function of the spherical
coordinate . For the co-polar components, similar results
are obtained with both simulation methods, whereas, for
the cross-polar ones, noticeably higher values are observed
in the HFSS simulations. A very pure linear polarization is
found in the E-plane, with cross-polar levels under 30 dB
(under 50 according to the ADS simulation). However, in
the H-plane the cross-polar levels are low in the boresight
direction and increase with jj (although, in the ADS
simulation, the 30 dB level is never reached).

Figure 6: VSWR Reading

Figure 7: Input-impedance Plot

Figure 4: Simulation of the Antenna using HFSS (Finite Element

Method) and ADS Method

The major limitation in micro strip antenna is the narrow
bandwidth, which can be stated in terms of antennas
quality factor, Q. Micro strip antennas are high-Q devices
with Qs sometimes exceeding 100 for the thinner elements.
High-Q elements have small bandwidths. Also the higher
the Q of an element the lower is its efficiency. From Figure 5
and Figure 6 the return loss of 14.5 dB, 18.5 dB and
minimum VSWR value 1.36 and 1.45 is
Obtained at the two frequencies. And the rms value
and bandwidth obtained from Fig. 7 input impedance
plot is 0.7064 and 6.8789 GHz respectively.

Figure 5: Return Loss

Several prototypes have been manufactured for the

evaluation of the accuracy of the different simulation
methods that have been used in this work. In this section,
the measurements of the prototypes are compared to the
simulated results.
5.1 Microstrip Antenna Design
A prototype of the microstrip antenna design analyzed In
Section 2 has been manufactured for the experimental
validation of the simulated results. Plastic screws have
been used for the alignment of the complete multi-layer
structure. The S11 parameter of the prototype, measured
with a vector network analyzer, has been represented in
Figure 3, together with the simulated results. The isolated
antenna is matched to 50- in the band from 9.33 to 10.66
GHz (16%), which represents a significant improvement
with respect to the simulated results. The radiation
patterns of the antenna have been measured in the
anechoic chamber at 10 GHz. The co-polar and crosspolar components evaluated in the E- and H-planes are
compared to the simulations in Fig. 4. The simulated
co-polar components are in good agreement with the
corresponding measurements, although the HFSS
simulation is slightly different when approaching the
endfire directions ( = 90) in the E-plane. For the crosspolar component, on the other hand, while neither of the
simulation methods provides an accurate estimation, the
levels of the HFSS results are somewhat closer to the
measured values. The polarization purity of the antenna
is higher in the E-plane, in which the cross-polar

Desing and Analysis of Micro Strip Antenna using HFSS Software

component is under the 30 dB level in almost any

direction, whereas, in the H-plane, several oblique lobes
of about 25 dB can be found.
5.2 Antenna Array
The array topology with individually fed elements
designed and analyzed in Section 3 has been manufactured
and measured, obtaining approximately the same 16%
impedance bandwidth of the isolated element. In agreement
with the simulations, the isolation levels between elements
with the same kind of alignment are similar and, thus, only
one parameter for either alignment is represented in Figure 5.
Similar isolation levels, over 20 dB, have been found for
both Arrangements. In order to measure the radiation
pattern of the array, a simple fixed feeding network based
on 41 dividers (Figure 1), has been designed and
manufactured for the phase distribution studied in Section
3. The radiation pattern measured in the anechoic
chamber along the plane = 45 is shown in Figure 6. The
main beam is pointing at = 21, 4 degrees under the
value predicted by the simulations, with the SLL < 10 dB,
except when approaching the endfire directions.
5.3 Antenna Parameters and Maximum
Field Data Values
From antenna parameters the values of Peak Directivity,
Peak Gain, Peak Realized Gain, Radiated Power, Accepted
power, Incident power, Radiation Efficiency, Front to back
ratio, Power and Radiation Efficiency, Max U values are
obtained and tabulated in Table 1.
Table 1
Antenna Parameters

Antenna Parameters



Max U



Peak Directivity


Peak Gain
Peak realized gain


Radiated Power


Accepted Power


Incident Power


Radiation Efficiency


Front to Back Ratio


The infinite sphere radiation setup for antenna

parameters are computed and tabulated in the Table-1
A probe fed microstrip antenna design for the
implementation of two dimensional reconfigurable arrays
has been presented. The performance of the antenna


element both isolated and in a 44 array topology has

been analyzed using ADS Momentum and HFSS. Despite
the fact that coaxial feeding is not supported in ADS
Momentum and that it considers infinite dielectric layers,
the results obtained with both methods are not
substantially different in general. Prototypes of the
antenna element and the array with a fixed feeding
network have been manufactured and measured,
obtaining a 16% impedance bandwidth centered at 10
GHz. The isolation between the elements of the array was
found to be higher than 20 dB.
Finally, the optimum dimension of dual frequency
rectangular patch antenna has been investigated. The
performance properties are analyzed for the optimized
dimensions. In future, the same procedure could be applied
to design other planar antennas operating at other
frequency levels. The designed patch element could be
part of an array.

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