Beach Lifeguard: Manual

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Beach Lifeguard



About this manual

The primary aim of the Beach Lifeguard Manual is to help save lives by providing a resource
that contains essential skills, knowledge and guidance for lifeguards and lifesavers.
The resource is designed for organisations based in low-resource areas with limited access
to equipment.
This manual has been designed as a guidance document and can be adapted to suit the
local environment.
This manual will be reviewed after 3 years. Please send any comments and feedback to:
[email protected]

November 2017
Piloted and developed by:

Supported by:
Royal National Lifeboat Institution
West Quay Road
BH15 1HZ

Telephone: +44 (0) 1202 663000

Email: [email protected]

Royal National Lifeboat Institution (RNLI), a charity registered

in England and Wales (209603) and Scotland (SC037736).
Registered charity number 20003326 in the Republic of Ireland.

This document may be reproduced without the prior consent

of the RNLI. The RNLI takes no responsibility for any outcomes Disclaimer
as a result of this manual. The content of this manual is for general guidance only.
It represents best practice as at the date of publication and
Photos: Various contributors for the RNLI, Shutterstock and should not be considered as legal advice. Those using this manual
Nile Swimmers. should seek professional advice as and when necessary. The RNLI
does not accept responsibility for any errors in this document.

Introduction 1

Unit 1: The drowning problem 2

1.1 What is drowning? 3
1.2 Why people drown 4
1.3 People at risk of drowning 5

Unit 2: The lifeguard 6

2.1 What is a lifeguard? 7
2.2 What does a lifeguard do? 7
2.3 What makes a good lifeguard? 9
2.4 Lifeguard uniform and personal equipment 9
2.5 Lifeguard environment 10
2.6 Lifeguard fitness 12

Unit 3: Beach environment 13

3.1 Types of beach 14
3.2 Water depth 16
3.4 Waves 18
3.5 Rip currents 19
3.6 Tides 21

Unit 4: Zoning and observation 22

4.1 Lifeguard patrols 23
4.2 How to scan the beach and water 26
4.3 How to identify a casualty 28

Unit 5: Communications 30
5.1 Communication skills for lifeguarding 31
5.2 Whistle signals 32
5.3 Hand signals 33


Unit 6: Preparing for rescue 35

6.1 Stop, Think, Act, Review 36
6.2 Risk versus benefit 37
6.3 Rescue equipment 38

Unit 7: Rescues 40
7.1 Rescue options 41
7.2 Land-based rescues 42
7.3 Wade rescue 45
7.4 Board rescues 46
7.4 Board rescues 48
7.5 Swimming rescues 50

Unit 8: Moving and handling casualties 59

8.1 Removing a casualty from the water 60
8.2 Moving a walking casualty 61
8.3 Moving a casualty who is unable to walk 61

Unit 9: Documentation 65
9.1 Keeping records 66
9.2 Post incident de-briefing 67


Drowning is a major but under-recognised Organisations and individuals are free to copy
public health problem in the developing parts of the manual for teaching and learning
world. It is a leading cause of death in purposes. We hope that by sharing knowledge
many countries. and understanding of the beach environment
New and developing lifesaving organisations and lifesaving skills we can help save more lives
can struggle to introduce effective coastal from drowning worldwide.
drowning prevention strategies due to limited The IDRC-B is a leading research organisation
training and resources. focused on reducing drowning by developing
Together, the International Drowning Research appropriate and fit-for-purpose solutions.
Centre – Bangladesh (IDRC-B) and the Royal The RNLI is a charity that saves lives at sea
National Lifeboat Institution (RNLI) have by operating a lifeboat and lifeguard service
developed a beach lifeguard course, specifically around the UK and Republic of Ireland. It trains
designed for use in areas where specialist more than 1,000 lifeguards each year, who
equipment and facilities are unavailable. patrol more than 220 beaches.

Unit 1: The drowning problem

Learning outcomes
1.1 Know what drowning is.
1.2 Understand why people drown.
1.3 Know who is at risk of drowning.

Unit 1: The drowning problem

1.1 What is drowning?

For any human being to stay alive the following Without one of these, a person will not survive.
three things are needed:
The definition of drowning, adopted from the
World Congress on Drowning (2002) is:
Oxygen (Air)
‘The process of experiencing respiratory
If a casualty is lacking oxygen a rescuer needs impairment from submersion/immersion
to think about their breathing. in liquid.’
Blood Drowning occurs when a person is unable
If a casualty is bleeding it needs to be to breathe oxygen because their airways are
controlled. under water.

Pump (Heart)
If a casualty’s pump (heart) stops, the rescuer
may need to pump for them.

Unit 1: The drowning problem

1.2 Why people drown

The reasons people drown can be shown by
the drowning chain. Each link in the chain can
result in drowning, or can lead to the next link.

1 2 3 4

1. Lack of knowledge, 2. Uninformed or 3. Lack of 4. Inability to

disregard for unrestricted access supervision or cope once in
or misunderstanding to the hazard surveillance difficulty
of the hazard

• Unable to identify • People are able to use • Swimming in • Being unable to

the dangers. dangerous areas of areas where swim to safety.
water, such as areas there is no one

• Not understanding
the dangers and with strong currents. to provide
how they could rescue.
cause harm.
• To spot the dangers • To provide a safe area • To provide • To provide a
Role of the lifeguard

on the beach. of water for people safety rescue service

• To tell people what to use and advise supervision. for people
the dangers are. against swimming in who get into
dangerous areas. difficulty.
• To offer advice about
the dangers in and • To work with local
around the beach. authorities to restrict
access to dangerous areas.

To prevent a person from drowning, all links

in the drowning chain should be considered.
It is important to break the chain as soon
as possible before a rescue is needed.

Unit 1: The drowning problem

1.3 People at risk of drowning

Anybody can drown but certain people may
be at a higher risk.
High-risk groups may include:
• children
• fishermen
• visitors
• non-swimmers
• elderly people
• drunk people.
As a lifeguard it is important for us to know
that anyone can drown or get into difficulty
in the water.

Unit 2: The lifeguard

Learning outcomes

2.1 Know what a lifeguard is.

2.2 Understand the role of a lifeguard.
2.3 Understand what makes a good lifeguard.
2.4 Understand the lifeguard uniform and personal equipment.
2.5 Understand how a lifeguard can be affected by the weather.
2.6 Understand the importance of personal fitness.
Be able to demonstrate the required level of fitness.

Unit 2: The lifeguard

2.1 What is a lifeguard? Community education

In addition to providing supervision and rescue,
A lifeguard is a person who is responsible for
lifeguards will also help to educate people
maintaining the safety of people using the
about the dangers of the water while
beach and the water.
at the beach.
Lifeguards take responsibility for a defined area
It is important that beach users are aware of:
or activity to make sure that it is safe to use.
• dangers on the beach
• the meaning of flags and information signs
• the role of a lifeguard
• where it is safe to swim or surf.
Community education begins by targeting
those most at risk of drowning.
These might be local people, or people
travelling to the beach from another area.
There are many different ways to communicate
with beach users. This may include school and
community talks, media campaigns, posters,
leaflets or simply talking with beach users.

2.2 What does a lifeguard do? Talking

It is the duty of the lifeguard to: Talk to people about the dangers on the beach
and how they can keep themselves safe.
• prevent incidents from occurring
This can be done on the beach, in a local
• respond to developing incidents school or at a community centre.
• respond to emergency incidents by providing
rescue and emergency care skills.
Conducting a rescue is dangerous for both the
casualty and the lifeguard. The drowning chain
(see page 4) highlights the steps required to
reduce the chance of a person getting into
difficulty in the water.

Unit 2: The lifeguard

Posters The media

Posters are an easy way to communicate to a Get the local newspaper, radio and television
large number of people and they do not require stations to broadcast your beach safety
many resources. Posters with pictures are also message to the public. This is a great way
a good way of communicating with people to reach a large audience.
who are unable to read.
Think about holding a poster competition
in your local school.

Signs are an important way of telling people
about the dangers on the beach when
they arrive.
Warning signs direct people away from
dangerous areas. Information signs tell people
about local weather and surf conditions.

Unit 2: The lifeguard

2.3 What makes a good 2.4 Lifeguard uniform and

lifeguard? personal equipment
A good lifeguard must be able to interact well A uniform makes a lifeguard more visible and
with members of the public and other services easily identified by beach users and other
to prevent incidents from happening. lifeguards. It also makes the lifeguard service
look professional.
Some key skills of a good lifeguard are:
The colours red and yellow are internationally
• able to communicate well accepted lifeguard colours. They are bright and
• reliable and trustworthy can be seen over long distances.
• observant – quick to notice things It is recommended that T-shirts are yellow and
and respond shorts are red.
• knowing the local dangers ‘LIFEGUARD’ can be written on clothing and
equipment for people who are unfamiliar with
• good water skills and fitness levels
lifeguard colours. This also helps people who
• training regularly. are colour-blind.


Unit 2: The lifeguard

Lifeguard personal equipment 2.5 Lifeguard environment

The following items are recommended for a
It is important that the lifeguard is suitably
lifeguard to have and use.
protected from different weather conditions.
Whistle To operate safely and effectively, it is
important to protect yourself against these
A whistle is used to attract the attention
and not get too hot or too cold.
of bathers and other lifeguards. There are a
number of different types of whistle available.
Try to make sure that a whistle used for
lifeguard duty works well even when wet.

Lifeguards may need footwear that can protect
their feet from dangerous items
on the beach, such as glass or sharp shells.

Personal first aid kit

It is good to carry a small first aid kit so
you can help people and give first aid.
A resuscitation mask can also be carried.

A hand-held radio or mobile phone can be
used to communicate with other lifeguards
in an emergency.

Always wear your lifeguard uniform when
patrolling. If available, wear sunglasses and
a hat. Apply sunscreen if needed.
Find some shade and try to stay in the shade
at the hottest time of the day.
Stay cool and hydrated by drinking lots
of water.
Give advice on sun safety to beach users.

Unit 2: The lifeguard

Electrical storms can be dangerous for
lifeguards and beach users. Seek safe shelter
and give safety advice to beach users.

Wind Fog can quickly limit a lifeguard’s visibility. If in
It can be tiring working in windy conditions. the water, return to shore quickly and wait for
It can also make communicating with it to clear. Advise beach users to exit the water.
others harder.

If it rains, seek shelter. Your body temperature
will drop faster if you are wet.

Sea temperature
Sea temperatures vary seasonally and
sometimes daily. The body will cool down
rapidly in water.

Always look out for other beach users

who may be at risk and give advice
when necessary.

Unit 2: The lifeguard

2.6 Lifeguard fitness

Maintaining a high level of fitness is essential
to provide an effective lifeguard service.
Lifeguards must be able to respond quickly
to an emergency, which can be physically

A good lifeguard must be able to:

• run – to an incident, and for

further assistance.
• swim – to a casualty in difficulty
in the water.
• tread water – to support a casualty
in the water.
• tow – to bring the casualty back to shore.

Unit 3: Beach environment

Learning outcomes
3.1 Know the different types of beach.
Understand the hazards associated with the different types of beach.
3.2 Understand how the beach profile affects water depth.
3.3 Understand how wind can affect beach users.
3.4 Know the different types of waves.
Understand how different types of waves can affect the safety of beach users.
3.5 Know what rip currents are and how they are formed.
Know what a rip current looks like.
Understand how to escape from a rip current.
Understand how a lifeguard can use a rip current.
3.6 Understand how tides can affect beach users.

Unit 3: Beach environment

3.1 Types of beach • identify all hazards on the beach

• understand how they could be dangerous
There are many different types of beach, to beach users
each with their own unique hazards.
• develop plans to limit the danger
Lifeguard services should:
• ensure lifeguards have local knowledge.

River mouth
Rocks create dangerous entry and exit points
to the water and may be slippery. Be aware of Strong currents can occur where rivers meet
underwater rocks. the sea. Swimming is not recommended here.

Stones Sand
Stony beaches often have a steep slope. Sandy beaches are often very popular.
These can be dangerous for swimmers and These can be good places to patrol. However,
paddlers who are unaware of the change in sand does create a dynamic environment that
water depth. can change quickly.

Unit 3: Beach environment

Beach locations
Harbour beaches Rural/remote beaches
Motorised boats and other water activities are Quiet or remote beaches can cause lifeguards
common here. The water can be very deep. problems if additional support is required.
Swimming is not recommended here. They may cover a large area.

Town/city beaches Inland beaches

These beaches can be very crowded. They Inland beaches can be popular with inland
can provide a large variety of incidents that communities. They can have the same type
lifeguards may have to respond to. Pollution of hazards as coastal beaches. These can
can also be a hazard. also be remote.

Unit 3: Beach environment

3.2 Water depth Steep sloping

A beach with a steep slope can be dangerous
For weak and non-swimmers, a change in
for weak and non-swimmers as they can easily
water depth is the most dangerous feature of
slip into water out of their depth.
a beach. Waves can cause the slope of a beach
to change very quickly. Children can also find themselves out of their
A lifeguard should be aware of the changing depth very quickly due to the sudden drop-off.
depth of water on the beach that they are
working on. They should try to make sure
that areas for swimming do not contain
depth changes that could be a danger to
weak and non-swimmers.

Shallow sloping
A shallow sloping beach is best for weak
swimmers and small children.

Wave action may also create ‘holes’ in the
sand close to shore. These are particularly
dangerous for small children playing or
bathing in shallow water.

Unit 3: Beach environment

3.3 Wind
The strength and direction of the wind are
important to consider when assessing the
safety of beach users. The size and formation
of waves is strongly influenced by the wind.
Offshore winds
Wind that is blowing from the shore to the sea
is known as an offshore wind. Offshore winds are
particularly dangerous for people using inflatable
equipment, such as rubber tyres, as they can be
blown away from the shore easily.
Inflatables should not be used during a strong
offshore wind.

Onshore winds
Wind that is blowing from the sea to the shore
is known as an onshore wind. Onshore winds
break up the surface of the wave and create
choppy surf conditions.

You can tell the direction of the wind easily by

looking at the direction the flags are blowing.

Unit 3: Beach environment

3.4 Waves
Waves are formed by the wind. The size of the waves will depend on how long and hard the wind
blows for. As waves move closer to shore into shallower water, they will break.
There are three main types of wave:

Spilling waves occur when
the top of the wave tumbles
down the front of the wave.
They usually form on a gently
sloping beach.
Spilling waves are the
safest to swim in.

Plunging or dumping waves
occur when the top of the
wave curls forward and
collapses with great force.
They usually form on a
steeply sloping beach.
A person can be knocked over
or injured by a plunging wave.

Surging waves never break as
they approach the beach. They
usually occur in deep water.
Surging waves can knock
people off their feet and carry
them back into deep water.
For this reason they can be
very dangerous, especially
around rocks.

Unit 3: Beach environment

3.5 Rip currents What does a rip current look like?

Rip currents can be very difficult for the
What is a rip current?
average beach visitor. There are, however,
A rip is a current of water moving out to sea or a number of features of rip currents that a
parallel with the beach. lifeguard can use to identify them:

As waves break on the shore, the water being • a channel of darker, choppy water
pushed towards the shore must return to the • an area where the water colour is different
sea. This can create a strong current and this
• a line of foam, seaweed or rubbish moving
flow of water is known as a rip current.
steadily out to sea
Rip currents can be found on any beach
• a break in the incoming wave pattern.
with breaking waves and can be unpredictable.
Some rip currents stay in fixed positions for
long periods of time or can occur quickly
without warning.
Rip currents are one of the main reasons
for lifeguard rescues.

Dark areas caused by a Other indicators include:

A rippled patch
lack of waves breaking • Foam on the water’s surface
of sea, when the
in the deeper channels. • Debris floating out to sea
water around is
Rip currents flow in • Discoloured, brown water caused
generally calm
these channels by moving sands

Unit 3: Beach environment

Escaping from a rip current Managing rip currents

Rip currents pull people away from Experienced lifeguards can use the flow of rip
the shoreline. currents to reach a casualty quickly, avoiding
large breaking waves.
People will instinctively try to swim back
to the shore against the current, which can Always inform the public about the location
be very difficult due to the strength of the flow of a rip current. Move your swimming areas
of water. This can quickly make the person very to keep swimmers away from rip currents.
tired and in some cases cause them to drown.
Sometimes the only sign of a rip current
The easiest way to escape from a rip current is may be the casualty moving out to sea.
to stay calm and float or swim parallel to the
beach. Swimming in to shore with the breaking
waves can help a person return to land. If you
have something that floats, always stay with it.

Unit 3: Beach environment

3.6 Tides Tidal information

Tidal information can be obtained from
A tide can be defined as ‘the movement of
a number of sources:
a body of water’.
• tide tables
This movement of water results in a regular
and repeated rise and fall of the sea. • newspapers
• The rise of the sea (tide coming in) is called a • internet
flood tide. At its maximum level, it reaches a • local people.
period known as high water.
Types of tide
• The fall of the sea (tide going out) is called
an ebb tide. At its minimum level, it reaches Tides are caused by the gravitational effect of
a point known as low water. the sun and the moon on the earth.
Many beach users will be unaware of when
high and low tide will occur. Rising sea levels Spring tides
can quickly surround a previously safe area of
the beach, cutting off the safe entry and exit When the sun, moon and earth are in line,
points. we get a spring tide. With spring tides we get
higher high waters and lower low waters.
As the tides rise and fall and the water moves,
currents may be created around rocks and
structures, such as jetties and piers, and Neap tides
through channels in the sand. Dangerous
When the sun and moon are at right angles
objects, which were previously visible, may also
to the earth we get neap tides. With neap
be covered by the water and become invisible.
tides we get lower high waters and higher
low waters.

High tide – may conceal hidden dangers Low tide

Unit 4: Zoning and observation

Learning outcomes
4.1 Know where to set up a patrol zone.
Understand the meaning of different types of flags.
Understand when lifeguards should patrol.
Understand the factors that affect the structure of the patrol zones.
4.2 Understand how to observe and scan beach and water users.
4.3 Understand how to identify different types of casualties.

Unit 4: Zoning and observation

4.1 Lifeguard patrols Red and yellow flags

A patrol zone is the area of the beach where An area between two red and yellow flags
the lifeguard is responsible for keeping beach indicates the safest place on the beach for
users safe. people to swim, bodyboard or use inflatable
The lifeguard should make the patrol zone objects such as rubber tyres.
visible so that beach users know the safest A lifeguard should make sure that the red and
place to use the water. Lifeguards must also yellow flagged swimming area:
talk to beach users and give advice on why the • does not contain any strong rip currents or
area has been selected. This may change day hidden holes
to day or hour to hour according to conditions.
• does not contain any dangerous objects, such
An international flag system has been as large underwater rocks or sewage pipes
developed, and is used around the world.
• is not positioned too close to a boat/jet ski
The flags should only be used if a lifeguard launching or operating area
is on duty. When the red and yellow flags are in position,
the lifeguard must be confident that they can
conduct a rescue successfully in the patrol zone.

Unit 4: Zoning and observation

Red flag A red flag may be used when:

• there is stormy weather
A red flag indicates danger.
• persistent strong currents occur
Weather and wave conditions may influence
the ability of a lifeguard to conduct a rescue. • there are large waves
A lifeguard should put a red flag on the beach if • there is pollution in the water
they feel the condition of the water
is too dangerous for people to swim in. • a dangerous animal (such as a shark
or jellyfish) has been seen in the water.
If the lifeguard is not confident that they can
perform a rescue, a red flag should be used. A red flag can also be used when there
is anything else that lifeguards consider
dangerous and when they believe that
people’s safety will be put at risk.

Unit 4: Zoning and observation

Other flags In many hot countries, people use the beach

early in the morning and late in the evening
Black and white flags can be used to create when it’s less hot.
a zone for hard craft such as surfboards and
A lifeguard service should decide the best times
other craft.
to patrol its area. It should make sure that the
Beach users should check the local signs to maximum number of beach users
establish the exact meaning of the black and is being supervised by the lifeguards.
white flags, as this can vary from beach to
beach. Lifeguard patrols should be at regular times so
that beach users know when a lifeguard is on
duty and when it is safe to use the water.
Lifeguards should rotate regularly to
stay alert.

An orange windsock can also be used to tell

beach users that the wind is blowing offshore
and inflatables should not be used.

What makes up a patrol?

The structure of the patrol will depend on the:
• number of lifeguards available
• skill and experience of the lifeguards
• equipment that is available
• dangers
• size and type of beach.
All areas of the patrol zone should be visible to
the lifeguard. If an area cannot be seen then it
When should lifeguards patrol? should not be in the patrol zone.
The lifeguard service should identify the There should always be at least one lifeguard
busy times of day and consider the dangers observing each flagged area, and another
on the beach. lifeguard to provide assistance in the event of
an emergency.

Unit 4: Zoning and observation

4.2 How to scan the beach When scanning the water, a lifeguard needs
to have a rough idea of how many people
and water there are in the water and their abilities. The
Being a lifeguard requires great concentration, lifeguard should pay special attention to weak
often supervising hundreds or thousands of swimmers, without forgetting the other
people on the beach or in the water. It is not water users.
possible to watch everyone at the same time. In the picture below, the lifeguard on the
A crucial part of a lifeguard’s job is to scan the high chair is able to scan the whole zone,
beach and water regularly to look for anyone due to their elevated position. The lifeguards
who is likely to get into trouble in the water. on the beach have a smaller, more specific
To make sure that an incident is not missed, zone to scan more high-risk beach users, or
scanning an area should be done quickly users near specific hazards.
and regularly.

Unit 4: Zoning and observation

There are several ways that lifeguards can 4. Lifeguards can scan from the water either by
scan the beach and water. These include wading out or keeping watch from craft such
the following: as a rescue board or surfboard.
1. On busy days lifeguards can share the 5. Binoculars can be used to help observe
responsibility of watching water users – people far from the shore or
a long way down the beach.
• one lifeguard can watch the left side of
the zone When scanning a beach it is important to
observe changing weather and sea conditions.
• one lifeguard can watch the centre of
These often indicate that new dangers, such as
the zone
rip currents, may form on the beach.
• one lifeguard can watch the right side
It is important that lifeguards are able to
of the zone.
supervise the beach without suffering from
2. Lifeguards can work together and watch a tiredness or lack of concentration. To reduce
specific hazard in the patrol zone that may the feeling of tiredness, regular rotation of
be attractive to swimmers/bathers. lifeguards into different positions (and keeping
3. Water users can sometimes be hidden from a them hydrated) will help
lifeguard’s view. Using a high chair, lifeguard to keep them alert.
tower or other elevated position will provide The optimum time to spend supervising
the lifeguard with better visibility. one area is 20 minutes.

20 20


Unit 4: Zoning and observation

4.3 How to identify a casualty Non-swimmer

It is important that a lifeguard can recognise A non-swimmer is a person who is unable to
a person who needs assistance in the water, use basic swimming strokes to keep their head
although people react differently when they above the water. This may be because they:
are in distress. Below are a number of signs • are physically exhausted
that a lifeguard should watch out for. • are panicked
• don’t know how to swim.
Weak swimmer
Signs of a non-swimmer may include:
A weak swimmer is a person that uses only
basic swimming strokes and struggles to keep • unable to call for help
their head above the water. This may • being vertical in the water
be because they:
• non-effective leg kick
• have limited swimming skills
• vigorous arm movements and splashing.
• are tired
• have a minor injury.
Signs of a weak swimmer include:
• shouting for help
• weak swimming stroke
• look of panic.

Unit 4: Zoning and observation

A weak or non-swimmer may submerge Rescue techniques should be adapted to:

in the water very quickly and silently. • reduce the risk of making the injury worse
A lifeguard may have less than 20 seconds during the rescue
to assist.
• to ensure the comfort of the casualty.
Weak swimmers may listen to commands
from lifeguards and reach for nearby rescue A lifeguard may need additional help from
equipment. other lifeguards to assist the casualty from
Non-swimmers, although conscious, the water.
will probably not respond to commands Unconscious casualty
or reach for nearby rescue equipment,
There are many reasons a person may become
since their main priority is keeping their
unconscious, for example:
head above water to breathe.
• bang to the head, perhaps from a surfboard,
Injured casualty boat or submerged object
Many different injuries can occur in the sea,
• medical emergency, such as a heart attack,
including muscle cramps, cuts, bruises and
stroke or drunkenness
broken bones.
• unaided, a non-swimmer will soon
Signs of an injured casualty include:
become unconscious.
• shouting for help
An unconscious person may float face down
• staying still in the water on the surface or sink underwater.
• holding the injured part of the body
If an unconscious person is face down in
• look of pain. the water, breathing will stop and must
be started again as soon as possible if the
casualty is to survive.

Unit 5: Communications

Learning outcomes
5.1 Understand communication skills for lifeguarding
5.2 Understand the meaning of different whistle blasts.
5.3 Understand when to use lifeguard hand signals.
Be able to use hand signals correctly in an operational environment.

Unit 5: Communications

5.1 Communication skills for When speaking to other lifeguards it is

important to:
• Keep messages clear and brief
Good communication is very important
• Use standard words, especially if using
for lifeguarding. As a lifeguard you must
a radio.
communicate with:
• Other lifeguards Although it is rare, sometimes you may
experience conflict with a beach user. If this
• People on the beach happens you must remember:
• People in the water • Stay calm
• Other rescue services e.g. police. • Respect their opinion
Keeping people safe on the beach and • Do not become aggressive towards them
in the water often requires lifeguards to
• Keep a safe distance from them
communicate messages clearly and effectively.
• Notify another lifeguard of you position
When speaking to members of the public it is
important to: • If you feel the situation is in any way
dangerous, then leave it.
• Maintain eye contact – remove your
sunglasses in order to do this. Lifeguards on patrol must be able to
• Have open body language – do not cross communicate with other lifeguards and beach
your arms users, often over long distances.

• Be calm and respectful at all times Whistle blasts and hand signals are used
to attract the attention of other lifeguards
• Explain things to people clearly and beach users, and to pass on important
• Use words which they will understand. information.

Unit 5: Communications

5.2 Whistle signals

Whistles should be carried by a lifeguard when
on patrol. They can be heard over relatively
long distances.
It is important to remember that if a whistle
is used too often then its significance will
decrease and people will take no notice when
it is used.

1 whistle blast
Attract the attention of beach users

2 whistle blasts
Attract the attention of another lifeguard

3 whistle blasts
Lifeguard taking emergency action

Unit 5: Communications

5.3 Hand signals

Hand signals can be used to pass on information
to beach users and other lifeguards. It is
important that lifeguards understand the hand I don’t understand –
signals to avoid confusion during an emergency. please repeat
The following hand signals should be used by
a lifeguard on the shore to communicate with
another lifeguard in the water:

Return to beach Message understood

Go out to sea Move that direction

Stay there Move that direction

Unit 5: Communications

The following signal should be used by

a lifeguard in the water to a lifeguard on
the shore:

Check an object
in the water

Send help

Pick up swimmers
(spin upper arm and
point in direction of

All clear/OK

Submerged patient

Unit 6: Preparing for rescue

Learning outcomes
6.1 Understand ‘Stop, Think, Act, Review’.
6.2 Understand risk versus benefit.
6.3 Know the types of rescue equipment and when they should be used.
Understand the advantages and disadvantages of each type of rescue equipment.

Unit 6: Preparing for rescue

6.1 Stop, Think, Act, Review Stop

Preventative actions will not stop all incidents • Where is the casualty?
from occurring. Incidents usually occur in • What is wrong with the casualty?
busy environments. • Call for the help of another lifeguard or
A lifeguard must be prepared to take member of the public.
emergency action to assist people in the water • Look for suitable rescue aids.
and on the shore.
A lifeguard may have to make a quick –
and possibly lifesaving – decision under • How will you get to the casualty
great stress. and what equipment will you need?
It is important that a lifeguard takes time • What are the dangers to yourself
to make a good assessment of what is and to the casualty?
happening and consider all possible • How will you rescue the casualty
options before providing assistance. and where will you bring them to?
Important lessons can be learned from • How will you treat the casualty?
reviewing the rescue. This can be done in a
four-stage process – Stop, Think, Act, Review. • Will you need further assistance?
• Carry out the rescue.
• Provide appropriate medical treatment.
• Go for further assistance if necessary.
• Record the incident.
• How could you prevent the incident from
happening again?
• Could anything have been done differently?
–– Was the rescue equipment used
–– Was the correct medical treatment given?

Unit 6: Preparing for rescue

6.2 Risk versus benefit

Before risking their own safety, lifeguards must The rescuer should:
decide how successful their rescue attempt
• take account of the hazards and potential
is likely to be. When rescuing a casualty, your
risks when considering a rescue
priorities are:
• develop a plan that minimises the risk
1. You
to both rescuers and casualties.
2. Your team
The chart below should be used as a mental
3. The casualty guide before a rescue, and re-evaluated during
4. The casualty’s equipment. the rescue.





Unit 6: Preparing for rescue

6.3 Rescue equipment

There is a range of equipment that may be
used to conduct a rescue.

Rescue tube
A buoyant and flexible object made
Description of foam. A long strap is attached
at one end.
• Lightweight and easy to carry.
• Can support an unconscious
• Can support multiple casualties.
• Metal clip may cause injury
Disadvantages if thrown.
• Unavailable in many countries.

Rescue board/surfboard
Rescue board
A long stable surfboard with
multiple handles for a casualty
Description and rescuer to hold onto.
Often found at tourist beaches
around the world.
• Extremely buoyant.
• Quick to reach a casualty
Advantages and return to shore.
• Effective in surf.
• Can support multiple casualties.
• Can be difficult to manoeuvre
in large surf.
• Needs significant skill and practice.
Disadvantages • Easily damaged and difficult
to transport.
• Relatively expensive.
• Unavailable in many countries.

Unit 6: Preparing for rescue

Water container
Similar equipment can be produced locally using
low-cost materials, such as a water container
or a comparable item that floats.

Standard liquid container,

ideally 5-litre capacity or above.
The container should be able to
support a casualty.

• Widely available
• Durable
Advantages • Can attach a rope to the handle
to give the lifeguard distance
from the casualty.

• Can be difficult to hold when wet

• Possibility of leakage.

Unit 7: Rescues

Learning outcomes
7.1 Know the level of risk associated with different types of rescue.
7.2 Be able to do a shout and signal rescue.
 Be able to do a reach rescue.
Be able to do a throw rescue.
7.3 Be able to do a wade rescue.
7.4 Be able to rescue a conscious casualty using a board.
Be able to rescue an unconscious casualty using a board.
7.5 Be able to enter the water and approach a casualty safely.
Be able to rescue a conscious casualty using a rescue aid.
Be able to rescue an unconscious casualty using a rescue aid.
Understand which lifesaving tow should be used for different types of casualties.
Be able to rescue a casualty without a rescue aid.

Unit 7: Rescues

7.1 Rescue options

Conducting a rescue
It is important to let another member of the
lifeguard team know that you are conducting
a rescue. They can then provide assistance with
the rescue or go for further help if necessary.
To signal that you are taking emergency action,
shout for help and blow your whistle three times.
Rescuing a drowning casualty is dangerous and
many people drown each year while trying to
help someone else in the water. A number of
different rescue options may be available to
a lifeguard. It is important that a lifeguard is
competent in all of them.
Conducting a rescue from land is the safest
type of rescue for a lifeguard. This does not
require entry into dangerous water or direct
contact with a drowning casualty.
When deciding which type of rescue to use,
consider each method and decide which one
is the most appropriate.

Shout and signal Lowest risk




Row or paddle

Swim with an aid

Swim and tow Highest risk

Unit 7: Rescues

7.2 Land-based rescues

Shout and signal rescue
• When the person in trouble is close to shore.
• It requires no equipment and the rescuer stays out of danger.
• Follow steps 1 and 2 below.

Keep your head

above the water.

Swim to
Kick your legs!
the shore.

Step 1 Step 2
• Get the attention of the person in the water. • Use your voice and hand signals to
encourage the person to swim to the shore.

Unit 7: Rescues

Reach rescue
• When the casualty is close to shore.
• It is the safest type of rescue.
• Follow steps 1 and 2 below.

Step 1 Step 2
• Reach the person using a long rigid object, • Pull the person to the shore.
such as a stick, pole or rescue tube.
• Stay low on the ground so that the person
cannot pull you into the water.

Unit 7: Rescues

Throw rescue
• If the casualty is close to shore but too far away to conduct a reach rescue.
• Reduces the risk to the rescuer – no need to swim.
• Follow steps 1, 2, 3 and 4 below.

Step 1 Step 2
• Attract the attention of the casualty. • Throw a floating object to the casualty such
as a water container or rescue tube.

Step 3 Step 4
• Tell the casualty to kick their legs and swim • Help the casualty out of the water.
in to the shore.

Unit 7: Rescues

7.3 Wade rescue

• If the casualty is close to shore and in shallow water. The casualty may have stepped
into a ‘hole’.
• Reduces risk to rescuer – no need to swim.
• Does not require a rescue aid.
• Follow steps 1, 2, 3 and 4 below.

Step 1 Step 2
• Attract the attention of the casualty. • Enter the water carefully, taking a stick/pole
with you if possible to test the water depth
and for the casualty to hold onto.

Step 3 Step 4
• Pass one end of a stick/pole to the casualty. • Help the casualty out of the water.

Unit 7: Rescues

7.4 Board rescues

When using a board there are some simple rules to follow to ensure good technique.

Moving through shallow water When lying flat while paddling

• Place your hands on the sides of the board • Lift your shoulders and chest up from the
(the rails) and push down, lifting your legs to board while paddling in a front crawl motion.
hop through the water. • Ensure your weight is positioned on the
• When you are at waist depth pull yourself board so that the front is not going under
onto the board into a lying position. the water or sticking up in the air too much.

Paddling through small waves Paddling through large waves

• Paddle hard and fast up to the wave. • Paddle hard and fast up to the wave.
• Place your hands on the side on the board, • Place your hands on the side on the board,
pushing it down. Lift your chest to allow the pushing it down. Lift your chest to allow the
water to pass between you and the board. water to pass between you and the board.

Unit 7: Rescues

When kneeling while paddling

• Reach both arms forward together and dig
down into the water, pulling your arms back
to your hips.
• Keep your bottom up in the air so that the
water level is in line with your elbows when
you are pulling.
• Ensure your weight is positioned on the
board so that the front is not going under
the water or sticking up in the air too much.

Catching a wave (one person) Catching a wave (with a casualty)

• Keep the board pointing straight into • Keep the board pointing straight into the
the shore. shore.
• Paddle until you feel the wave at your feet. • Slide to the back of the board to prevent the
casualty from going under the water as the
• Slide backwards on the board so that the board catches the wave.
front stays above the water.
• Paddle until you feel the wave at your feet.
• Hold onto the sides of the board.
Adjust your weight and use your feet to • Hold onto the sides of the board. Adjust your
steer. weight and use your feet to steer.

Unit 7: Rescues

7.4 Board rescues

With a conscious casualty
• If a board is available.
• Fast response to reach the casualty and quick return to shore.
• Effective in surf and can support more than one casualty.
• Follow steps 1, 2, 3 and 4 below.

Step 1 Step 2
• Enter the water with the board and paddle • Move to the back of the board and assist the
to the casualty. Approach on the shoreside casualty onto the middle of the board.
of the casualty. Keep checking their position.

Step 3 Step 4
• Paddle the casualty to shore and assist • Provide appropriate aftercare.
off the board.

Unit 7: Rescues

Board rescue – with an unconscious casualty

• If a surfboard or rescue board is available.
• Fast response to reach casualty and quick return to shore.
• Allows for rescue breathing in the water.
• Follow steps 1, 2, 3 and 4 below.

Step 1 Step 2
• E nter the water and approach the casualty. • Support the casualty. Check breathing
When at the casualty, turn the board upside for 10 seconds. If not breathing, cover the
down and lean over the board. Keep the mouth and give five rescue breaths through
board facing into the wind/waves. the nose.

Step 3 Step 4
• Turn the casualty onto the board. • Move the casualty fully onto the board.
Paddle the casualty to the beach.

Unit 7: Rescues

7.5 Swimming rescues Entering the water

Before entering the water, find where the
Rescues that require the lifeguard to swim
casualty is.
are more dangerous than rescues from the
land because: Choose the shortest and safest way to get to
the casualty. This may involve moving along
• of the dangers of the water
the beach before getting into the water.
• the casualty may panic and grab the rescuer. Think about currents and tidal movements.

A swimming rescue should only be attempted If the depth of water is unknown, or there may
if there is no option of a land-based rescue. be submerged objects, run or wade up to
chest depth before starting to swim.
Where possible, rescue equipment that floats
should be used to assist with the rescue If the depth is known then a shallow dive
of a conscious casualty. If rescue equipment is can be used.
not available, or the casualty is unconscious, Large waves
then a lifeguard must be able to do a contact
• Dive through the base of the wave with
tow to bring the casualty back to shore.
hands in front to protect your head.
• Dig your fingers in the sand.
• Pull yourself forwards to surface the
other side of the wave.

Unit 7: Rescues

Swimming to a casualty Defending yourself

When swimming to a casualty, the lifeguard A distressed casualty may try to grab the
should swim on their front and bring their lifeguard if they get too close. To prevent
head out of the water regularly to look at this, the lifeguard should raise their legs
the casualty. towards the casualty and kick them away,
The lifeguard should shout to the casualty or submerge themselves to escape.
so that they know help is coming.

Saving energy
Although a lifeguard should try to get
to a casualty as quickly as possible, it is
important that they save enough energy
for the return journey. Lifeguards should
If the lifeguard has no rescue aid then they
practise their swimming technique to
must get into a position where they can avoid
make sure it is efficient in the water.
being grabbed by the casualty. The lifeguard
should swim behind the casualty and provide
Approaching a conscious casualty words of reassurance to calm them down.
A distressed casualty may try to grab the They can then provide instructions on what
lifeguard if they get too close. The lifeguard actions they should take to help the lifeguard
should keep a safe distance away from the tow them to shore.
casualty (3 metres) so they can try and calm Communicating with a casualty
the casualty down by talking to them.
If the lifeguard has a buoyant rescue aid then
this should be passed to the casualty from I’m a lifeguard,
a safe distance. I’m going to
help you.
You are
going to be OK.

Kick your

Unit 7: Rescues

Approaching an unconscious casualty Towing using a rescue aid

If the casualty is unconscious they need to be When a floating object, such as a rescue tube,
taken back to the beach as quickly as possible. is used for a rescue, the lifeguard can hold the
If they are face down they should be secured object rather than the casualty. The lifeguard
into a rescue aid and turned onto their back. holds the object with one hand and tows the
This will help to keep them level in the water, casualty on their side using a sidestroke.
making it easier for the lifeguard to tow them
back to the shore.

A long strap is often attached to the rescue

Swimming strokes when towing equipment. This gives the lifeguard greater
distance from the casualty when towing and
When towing a casualty back to shore, normal is therefore safer for the lifeguard.
swimming strokes may not work. The lifeguard
must learn a swimming stroke that enables If a strap is available then:
them to support a casualty while still moving • the lifeguard can hold the strap and tow the
through the water. There are different types casualty on their side using a sidestroke
of strokes that may be used. The lifeguard
• put the strap over their shoulder and
must decide which stroke to use, based on the
across their chest. With both hands free,
condition of the casualty and the type of rescue.
the lifeguard can use a front crawl stroke
to tow the casualty back to shore.
A lifeguard can tow a casualty with or without
a rescue aid using this stroke. They should swim
on their side using one arm to move through
the water by reaching forward and pulling the
water towards the hips. The other hand secures
the casualty, while the legs are kicked in a
scissor action.

Unit 7: Rescues

Swim rescue using a rescue tube – conscious casualty

• If the casualty is conscious and too far away from shore to throw a rescue tube.
• Does not put the lifeguard in direct contact with the casualty.
• Choose the most suitable method below.

Method 1 Method 2
Single casualty holding rescue tube Single casualty secured into rescue tube
• Can be used for a weak or injured casualty • Can be used for a weak or injured casualty
who is able to hold on. who is unable to hold on.
• Should only be used in flat water or over • Must be used for a non-swimmer.
short distances.
• Must be used to secure a casualty in surf.
• Should not be used for non-swimmers.

Method 3
Multiple casualties holding rescue tube
• Can be used to support multiple casualties
who are able to hold on.

Unit 7: Rescues

Swim rescue using a rescue tube – unconscious casualty

• If the casualty is unconscious and too far away from shore to throw a rescue aid or wade.
• Does not put the lifeguard in direct contact with the casualty.
Ho w?
• Follow steps 1, 2, 3 and 4 below.

Step 1 Step 2
• Enter the water with a rescue tube, swim • Use the rescue tube to support the casualty.
to the casualty and keep checking their

Step 3 Step 4
• Turn the casualty onto their back. If • Tow the casualty to shore and
possible, secure the floating object or hold provide aftercare.
in a position that supports the casualty.
Their face must be out of the water. Check
for breathing. If they are not breathing,
and if they are able to (depending on
the lifeguard’s ability, equipment and
environment), give five rescue breaths.

Unit 7: Rescues

Towing without a rescue aid Extended chin tow

If there is no floating object or rescue tube The extended chin tow is usually used for
available, a lifeguard must have direct contact an unconscious or cooperative casualty.
with the casualty to tow them back. It is suitable for towing over long distances
There are a number of different ways to and is the most efficient tow.
secure a casualty when towing: • Leaning backwards, the lifeguard reaches
over the shoulder of the casualty and cups
Cross-chest tow the casualty’s chin in the palm of their hand.
The cross-chest tow allows the lifeguard to • The lifeguard swims with their free arm
have good control of the casualty and is best and legs, moving the casualty into a
for towing a panicking casualty. horizontal position.
This tow gives the casualty a feeling of security • The lifeguard can then tow the casualty
as their head is out of the water and they stay to shore.
in close contact with the lifeguard.
• The lifeguard reaches over the shoulder and
across the chest, and holds the casualty just
below the armpit.
• The lifeguard then tucks the casualty’s
shoulder securely into their own armpit.
• The lifeguard turns onto their side so that
their hip is directly beneath the lower
section of the casualty’s back.

Unit 7: Rescues

Close-chin tow Returning a casualty through waves

The close-chin tow is used to give extra When returning to shore with a casualty the
support to the casualty. It allows the lifeguard lifeguard must make sure that the casualty’s
to talk to and look at the casualty when airway remains clear and is not submerged
bringing them to shore. This gives the casualty under water.
a greater feeling of security, and greater
A broken wave may submerge the casualty
control to the lifeguard.
under water. While towing back to shore
• Leaning backwards, the lifeguard should the lifeguard should look out for waves.
reach over the shoulder of the casualty
If a large wave is spotted then the lifeguard
and cup the casualty’s chin in the palm
should move behind the casualty and pull
of their hand.
them in close to their body to protect them
• The lifeguard places the other hand from the force of the wave.
under the casualty’s armpit.
The lifeguard will also need to protect
• The lifeguard swims with their free arm themselves from being injured by the
and legs, moving the casualty into a casualty’s head.
horizontal position.
Always remember that if the lifeguard is
• The lifeguard moves the head of the casualty injured during a rescue, both the lifeguard and
onto their shoulder (the same side as the casualty become at risk.
hand used to hold the chin with).
Be ready to defend yourself if the casualty
• The lifeguard can tow the casualty to shore. becomes scared and tries to grab you.

Unit 7: Rescues

Swim rescue without using a rescue aid – conscious casualty

• If the casualty is conscious and no rescue aids are available.
• Allows the lifeguard to conduct a rescue without a rescue aid.
• Follow steps 1, 2, 3 and 4 below.

Step 1 Step 2
• Enter the water and swim to the casualty. • On approaching the casualty, keep a safe
Keep checking the position of the casualty. distance. Reassure the casualty.

Step 3 Step 4
• Ask the casualty to turn around, or swim • Tow the casualty to shore and provide
behind the casualty. appropriate aftercare.

Unit 7: Rescues

Swim rescue without using a rescue aid – unconscious casualty

• If the casualty is unconscious and no rescue aid is available to use.
• Allows the lifeguard to rescue a casualty who is unconscious in the water.
• Follow steps 1, 2, 3 and 4 below.

Step 1 Step 2
• Enter the water and swim to the casualty. • Turn the casualty onto their back.
Keep checking the position of the casualty.

Step 3 Step 4
• Keep their face out of the water. • Tow the casualty to shore and
provide aftercare.

Unit 8: Moving and handling casualties

Learning outcomes
8.1 Understand the factors that affect the removal of a casualty from the water.
8.2 Understand how to support a casualty who can walk.
8.3 Be able to move a casualty who is unable to walk, using a single-person drag.
Be able to move a casualty who is unable to walk, using a two-person carry.

Unit 8: Moving and handling casualties

8.1 Removing a casualty from Conducting a rescue can be exhausting for the
rescuer and casualty. When a lifeguard nears
the water
the shore, other lifeguards should come to
A casualty should be removed from the water help as soon as it is safe to do so. The lifeguard
as quickly as possible so that necessary first aid should raise a hand in the air when they are
can be given. able to stand.
Lifeguards should work as a team to find If the lifeguard has to wait for assistance then
a safe place to exit the water. This can be they should secure the casualty by putting
communicated using hand signals and their arms under the casualty’s shoulders and
whistle blasts. holding their wrists.
The removal of a casualty from the water may The casualty should be lifted so their head
be affected by the: is out of the water and clear of any waves.
If the casualty is unconscious the lifeguard
• size of the casualty and the number of
should tilt the casualty’s chin backwards to
lifeguards available
keep the airway open.
• type of beach (sand, stones, mud)
• injuries to the casualty
• tide, currents and waves.

Unit 8: Moving and handling casualties

8.2 Moving a walking casualty 8.3 Moving a casualty who

If a casualty is able to walk, the lifeguard may
is unable to walk
support them while they wade out of the water When lifting any casualty, remember to:
and up the beach.
• keep the casualty close to your body
To support the casualty, the rescuer should pin
the casualty’s arms by their side and steady their • get a firm grip
movements to prevent them from falling. • lift with your legs, not your back
• keep your back straight
• get someone else to help you.
Single-person drag
A casualty who is unconscious, injured or
exhausted may be unable to exit the water
without help. Removing a person from the
water is easier if more people help. A lifeguard
may have to ask for help from members of the
public if there are no other lifeguards available.
A number of simple techniques have been
developed to carry a person from the water if
the lifeguard is alone.

Unit 8: Moving and handling casualties

Single-person drag
• If a casualty is unconscious, injured or exhausted.
• If no other assistance is available/if the lifeguard is alone.
• Removal of casualty from the water for treatment.
• Follow steps 1, 2, 3 and 4 below.

Step 1 Step 2
• Lifeguard secures the casualty by putting • Lifeguard lifts the casualty up and out of
their arms under the casualty’s shoulders the water.
and holding their wrists.

Step 3 Step 4
• Lifeguard walks backwards up the beach • Lifeguard brings the casualty up the beach
and out of the water. to a point of safety and lowers the casualty
to the ground carefully, minimising
movement of the head.

Unit 8: Moving and handling casualties

Two-person carry
• If a casualty is unconscious, injured or exhausted. If another lifeguard or member of the public
is available to assist.
• Fast removal of the casualty from the water for treatment.
• Follow steps 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 below.

Step 1 Step 2
• Call or signal for assistance before securing • Instruct the second person to lift the legs
the casualty underneath the armpits. If from above the knees. The rescuing lifeguard
you have a rescue aid around the casualty, should give the command to lift.
ensure that any part of it does not drag on
the ground to avoid falling over it.

Step 3 Step 4
• Lift the casualty together and walk backwards • Once far enough away from the water, the
up the beach. The person lifting the legs should casualty should be turned sideways to the
provide directions to the rescuer (who may be shore and lowered to the ground into a
unable to see where they are going, so fall sitting position. The rescuer should support
or trip). their upper body while the other person
removes the rescue aid (if present).

Unit 8: Moving and handling casualties

Identifying a point of safety

Beware of a rising tide
If the casualty is unconscious and requires
cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), they may
have to stay in the same position for some time.
Make sure the casualty is moved far enough up
the beach so that the tide will not reach your
working area.
Step 5
Keep members of the public away from the
• The second person should hold the casualty and lifeguard.
casualty’s wrists and lower them to the
ground. The rescuing lifeguard should
support the head and give the command
to lower.

Unit 9: Documentation

Learning outcomes
9.1 Understand why recording information is necessary.
Know what information needs to be recorded.
9.2 Understand the importance of a post-incident de-brief.

Unit 9: Documentation

9.1 Keeping records How to document

Documentation should be made at regular
Why keep records?
intervals throughout the whole day. It should be
Recording incidents and beach activity is checked by lifeguards at the end of each day and
important to measure and record success. It also stored in a safe place.
helps improve the lifeguard service and identify
It is important to maintain the privacy of
any patterns of people getting into difficulty.
casualty records and not release the names
Some of the information you may be asked to of casualties to the media.
gather may include:
You should use the forms provided to you
• name and age of casualty by the lifeguard service operator.
• what the incident was
• where the incident was
• what the lifeguard did
• what treatment was given
• if any other lifeguard was involved
• if any lifeguard was injured during
the rescue.

Lifeguard Service Daily Report

Lifeguard Incident Report Form
Day (Circle): Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday/ Saturday/ Sunday
General Information
Date: Day / Month / Year Beach Name: ………………………………………………………..
Day (Circle): Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday / Saturday / Sunday
High Tide: ………………………….. Low Tide: ………………………Special Holiday: Yes/No …………….
Date: Day / Month / Year Time: ………………… Beach name: ……………………………..
Senior Lifeguard Start Time Finish Time Paid / Volunteer (Circle) Special Holiday: Yes / No If yes, which?……………. Name of Lifeguard: ………………………
Paid/Volunteer Nature of Incident Location Distance from lifeguarded area
Lifeguards on Duty ☐ First Aid ☐ On the beach ☐ 0 – 100 metres
☐ Water Rescue ☐ In water inside red & yellow ☐ 100 – 500 metres
☐ In water outside red & yellow ☐ 500 + metres
Paid/Volunteer Alerted to incident by ☐ Lifeguard ☐ Public ☐ Police ☐ Other,……………………..
Paid/Volunteer Activity of casualty ☐ Swimming ☐ Inflatable ☐ Surfing/Body ☐ Fishing
Paid/Volunteer ☐ Other,…………………………. boarding

Number of People Assistance

In water Environmental cause ☐ Rip currents ☐ Tidal cut off ☐ Onshore wind ☐ Offshore wind
Wave Preventative
Time Weather On (Above First ☐ Other currents
Height Actions Rescue
beach waist Aid
depth) Behavioural cause ☐ Exhausted ☐ Suicide ☐ Violence ☐ Unable to swim
Pre- 7am Cloud/Rain/Storm/Sun ☐ Not applicable
7-8am Cloud/Rain/Storm/Sun
8-9am Cloud/Rain/Storm/Sun Method of rescue ☐ First aid ☐ Wade ☐ Swim with equipment
9-10am Cloud/Rain/Storm/Sun ☐ Board rescue ☐ Swim no equipment
10-11am Cloud/Rain/Storm/Sun
11-12am Cloud/Rain/Storm/Sun Casualty Details: (Complete for each casualty – use a new form if necessary)
12am-1pm Cloud/Rain/Storm/Sun
1-2pm Cloud/Rain/Storm/Sun Number of casualties: ……..
2-3pm Cloud/Rain/Storm/Sun
Casualty name: ……………………………………….. Gender: ☐ Male ☐ Female
3-4pm Cloud/Rain/Storm/Sun
4-5pm Cloud/Rain/Storm/Sun Home town: ……………………………………….. Age:…… ☐ Local ☐ Holiday
5-6pm Cloud/Rain/Storm/Sun
6-7pm Cloud/Rain/Storm/Sun Level of ☐ Conscious Was CPR given? ☐ Yes
Post 7pm Cloud/Rain/Storm/Sun consciousness on ☐ Unconscious ☐ No
Senior LG daily comments

If first aid was given,

explain treatment

Manager/Supervisor visit:
Name: Time Comments Signature

Outcome: ☐ Conscious hospital ☐ Unconscious hospital

☐ Conscious walking ☐ Dead at scene

Unit 9: Documentation

9.2 Post incident de-briefing

After a serious incident has occurred, such as
a drowning or a major injury, it is important to
conduct a de-brief with your lifeguard team.
Being involved in a serious incident can be
upsetting for people and cause them feelings
of stress, such as difficulty sleeping and
flashbacks of the event. Experiencing these
feelings for a short time is normal. Discussing
the incident, soon after it has happened, can
help people deal with these feelings of stress.
A de-brief is a conversation between the
lifeguards involved in an incident to discuss
what happened and how they feel about it.
Normally this would be led by a senior or
supervisor and be held away from the beach
if possible. The lifeguards should be offered
continued support by the senior or supervisor
after the de-brief.
If a lifeguard is still experiencing feelings of
stress three weeks after an incident, then the
lifeguard manager should be informed so that
further support can be given.

Produced by RNLI Learning Resources

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