Warhammer (3E) Siege

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ALTURN START Fire oll for al fie damage (ower ineriors only sce WEB, p13”) Roll 6 forall ba ing machines (see p84) ‘Dice rol esa [Encioxed |hachines| 1 2 | Te fie goes ou 25 | 35. | there gl buen; m6 other eet 6 | 6 | Memhine i destroyed pela B. MOVEMENT PHASE 1. ACCESS LIMITS (p17) Tak No Models 5 = 2 lade 4 (max. 2hection) sta A max. 2hection) 2. OCCUPATION LIMITS Rampart: 4 models (p17) per side TowecBatlement: 8 models per side 5. FLYING CREATURES (pt) eighticvel | Clears building level Is stake +20 610 +30 nas, 340 1620 4. LARGE HUMANOIDS (p50) Creature Sie railo_] ‘Ogre 2 Minoeaue 2 Tioglodyte 2 “Toll 2 ‘reeman 4 Giant ‘ 6, CASTING DOWN LADDERS & GRAPPLIS (pp42-43) Unattended ladders - automatic Attended ladders - 6 on D6 (+1 for each additional model making attempt -max. 03) ‘Unattended grapples» automatic tended grapples ~ 4.6.09 D6 (+1 for edged ‘weapon, only Imodel may make attempt) 7. MOVING BRAZIERS (p48) Roll DS for each Brazier moved, on a 6 roll aan: 1-3. Brazier extinguished 46 Brazier dropped & extinguished caries take 1D3 8.4 hits ‘8, EXPOSED/CONCEALED DEFENDERS (p15) Remember to remove from, or place on the tabletop any defenders who have become ‘exposed or concealed during the movement phase ———-—— © SHOOTING PHASE 1. RANGE (p28) ‘Add +4" per level to horizontal distance if ‘ange higher than fier 2. OFRIABLE MISSILE THROWERS (p63) Maximum Range [|__ May fire Prom wnder 8° "bletop only 38°96 eady Zone 96 or mote Eneamped Zone 3. TO HIT MODIFIERS (pp29,61) Target i Provected by parapet: -2 Protected by arowsits: 2 (Over Ye range: Exposed large humanoid: +1 “Machine: (min 87 co damage) +1 (Crew of open machine: “1 (Crew of enclosed machine: -2 4. PROCEDURE Nominate target sectionevel nd randomise hls among all exposed model ', MISSILE THROWERS I arget i section/level Gt hits strike gate on 16 tol of F3, and stonework on 4-6 EF AN ING: D. COMBAT PHASE, 1, DROPPED MISSILES (pis) See Dropped Missle Table t foot of page 2,70 HIT MODIFIERS (p24) ‘Advantage of ground (being charged from lower Tevely: H1 (Ist round only) Winning: +1 Using Halberd vs troops on ladder: +1 Blocking (See p38) +1 (always atack ist) Embattled (defending across parapet): +1 Fighting Machine Crew: 1 3. BREAKING DOWN GATES & DOORS (55) su Damage modifiers vx. Gates are +18 using 2-handed axe or halbeed basic $ sing Z-handed macestub, or handed axe 18 using any other weapon Damage modifiers vs. Doors ae +25 uslog 2shanded axe oF halberd +18 sing 2-handed macetub, of handed axe basic $_ using any other weapon [No more thin 2 models may attack a door at [Boor Type Bam Fe] Toner © couryand 6] 4 Toner o pmpure el 4 oye wo val ‘| 3 4. ROUTS (p25) Routing troops move at end of combat phase, away from enemy loops 45. RETREATS (p25) Losing sid as (86 p24), may rect alter To hold ground, losers must make Ud test faire means they rout ete neater enon DROPPED MISSILE TABLE (0. compar PHASE) Notes: Treemen count as 4 in courtyara, rampart, and batllement sections, otherwise they count 2 8 Giants count asa numbérof models equa to hele 8 score (4). 5. LADDERS, GRAPPLES, & LOG RAMS P3948), leet Ladder Grapple tog Kam frye | tome] Models | | ettecs Needed focks | Ato | tormowe | No.of | Hvallin aca modes povtdes | ns | 2outder | 7 | 103 wounds on 1 target (0 Sve) Lime | Auto | 2Rach | 2 | satin are (no save, 3 onal iol forrest of day Hot coals | Auto | 2hemer | 4 | nisl nares Gates wood structures on 6 om D6) Hocsand | auto | atch | 3 | tsa nares (90 sve, -1 on it os for res of tar Hot waee | Auto | 2tach | 3 | us ll in aea (no save 2 on hit ofr res of tam ray aps Movot —| Auto | 2muech | 4 | Hist in area sve), 3 on i ols or rex of tn may splat Moiten Lead auto | 2bun | 3 | (or models on ground - normal sv allowed) 6 | Wormodelsontadden eno ave, Son it al for est of tun é ea a ee EL MAGIC PHAGE HiSUPRLIES (p75) i MINES (978) ‘Check or acces by rolling D6 whenever the 1. SPELLS & THE MAGICAL BOUNDARY ATTACKER Eis progress roll Gee pI bn ae pase ang Re cstacrossthe boundary Supply points cost 2 points ea, 1 allminers killed andthe mine and minchesd ie now useless 4 Xo effect, Expend double magic pois, Expenditure 2 2Dominersareklled. and hewwnnel sore 2 Noctfect pend nage pln 5 morn ~ is reduced by the same amount. 10.4 3 Noetfectthisturn: Roll agin next magic [UGESEE ipa trina 0 phe : 3. Av above Bot tl D6 instead of 206, 4. Spe costs treble normal magic poines | ap 1020 \ 2 gees ae ved vn the tone Score the caster has insuficemt points, the spel | 2140 2 yeaa fallsandinecastersremaningmagic porns | 460 5 5 Progress halted the tne! core dacs not are waste), - Cihngetods, Donen ds he mine 5 Spetlcost doubt normal magiepoints ec. | Characicrs thay conte normally. 1-3 must be 6 The spell works 58 normal ‘wit unt ° ee wom 1 6 TheminetsNoodedanddestroyed. Roll 2. SUPERNATURAL CREATURES 240 2 Seam Domince deve, [ah eae Rolla Do whenever any Undesd. Etheveal, | tnarme Demonig of Hememtal model atemptsto cross | sle Tower Grows mas ? Mise Trower ‘er este gaat 1 Thecreaures may not pass. ther 2D6are ota automata destroyed units only) ot 2D6 Wounds arelost(ndividnsonty mo avg 2 The creatures may not pass. DG are romatieally destroyed alts only), or DS Tounds ae ost nividuslsonly nosaving throw) 3 The creatures may not pass, but are sunharme 4. Creatures may pass but may aot fight thas turn Any hes om them this. ten ‘aitomatialy cause damage 5 Creatures may pase, but lose | Atzack this, turn only Any hits.on them this turn auiomatealy cause damage, 6 Creatures may pass, but lose 1 Attack for this tien only RALLYING (p27) Routing troops may’ ally (make Ha test) i they didn’t move during the lst movement phase, ana they eannot see, nora ausare (see p15) of any enemy troops tn an adjoining, connected secioncvel The testis modified as follows: +1 to Ld if section/level contains same umber of (or gteater) friendly models, If models from more chan one unit are routing in sume scetionievel, text om owes Ea tex G_ STRATEGIC TIME (959) Attacker may declare switch to Strategie Time ‘whenever no attacking models are on the bietop. 1. STRATEGIC FIRE (p64) Each missle thrower can tie 12 volleys per day (6 shots per voley, 1 volley for every crewmember 1 Tor etch missing crewmember Roll D6 for each volley to determine number of hits, and calculate structural damage hhormaliy" (see p30, (096, thehitserkes Dé exposed defenders (ifany), result of 6 means the hit ison 2 fharacter model (reeoll nome present). 2, STRATEGIC COUNTERFIRE (p64) Only Ready zonemay befieed on Her declares whether Bring a troops or machines Firing on Troops Roll D6 foreach alley: 1-5 means Démembers ‘ofa that many units ae it A further cans 2 character model is hit ising on Machines Roll D6 foreach wolley: 1-5 means that machines are hit Only’ 7 (or greater hits ean affect machines. A Gon Doreans the machine is destroyed, Halflings consume twice these amounts; [Laqethurasioide (not Tolls} consume supplies ava rate equal 10 their size rato Lack of Supplies Make aU test for exch unit lacking supplies, failure means D6 models desert. But Halfling, Ore, and Goblin units lose 206, Trolls eat DG members of n Characters never desert. 2. DEFENDER Starting supply = 2b6x10 1 poi wed exch day Lack of Supply Tae Saeagae Mou Kon ww 20 1h per day 2440 206 per day a6 30 per ay Halfing, Ore, and Goblin units tose ewice sorta Tolls ea? D6 members of eandom uni 5. FORAGING (p60) Attacker may gain DS supply points for each ‘rategie move unitspendsin dhe Remoee zone LEONSTRUCTION (p77) A minimum tat of 5 i required Large humanoids not toils) use theirsize aos when consteuctings Dwarfs count as double actual number, Haldings consume 8 times normal supplies when constructing, Gnomes count as double their number when mining or alsin eacthworks, Skaven count as 3 times dete number when mining. Race] DO Saving Thea ‘Gnome 6 wat +6 sven & COLLAPSE (p79) ‘When the player wishes to coapre the mine {ltmust have atunaelscore of 20), hechooses target section and ollea BG, 1-5. Target section undermined 4° Wallhower scetion partially undermine. 5 Section immediately to let of target section (i any) is undermine: 6 Section immediately to tight of target section (it any) is undermiied Undermined sections ausomaically lose any ‘euaining defence points fom the oto level (WL TI 6c GD, and wakes DS points of erica damage Partially undermined sections take 206 defence points of damage in ts groind level (WI, TH or Gt) L. EQUIPPING FORCES 1. SPECIAL EQUIPMENT The following tems maybe Bough from the points allocated 10 rank and fite (et Warhammer Armies), prior 1o the game: tem Points Cost Brae 35 ry 0 ace Grapple and tne er tper bach) Oil per bach) Lame tper batch) Sand (per atch) Rocks (pe bat Boulder (each) ead (per batch) 2. SIEGE MACHINES eh player may spend up wo one thi ofthe {ota poinis eost othe arm on Stee Machines ‘Grew contsmustiededted fromthe akan Goblinoid, Undead, Chaotic, and Dark BI Seniesa alloeae no mor than one ido the polats spent om siege machines t0 the purchase ofgunpowder weapons Points costs {an be Found on pages 66.90, and 7 CONSTRUCTION TABLE Coser [THIN Models | Were eae] Tanwoak WN 10 ine inne vcs wisy Gromer DNA 0 1 Ne rower uy gperemy | 3 percnw Engine of Aut ia 2 perc 2 perce Seren tip I prs i perce Encl open machine i U perce ier

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