The Razgriz Returns

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The Razgriz Returns

Events Following “Ace Combat 5, The Unsung War”

Chapter One, Wardog

Amidst the eternal waves of time

From a ripple of change shall the storm rise

Out of the abyss peer the eyes of a demon

Behold the Razgriz, its wings of black sheath…

Pairs of F-14s flies through the sky dogfighting Grey man fighters, one F-14 is hit.

“Don’t give up, Chopper! Keep trying! Chopper!” said AWACS Thunderhead.

“Heh heh… I’m gonna miss that voice.” said Chopper.

An F-14A Tomcat crashes into the City Stadium, in November City, Osea.

“CHOPPER!” said Thunderhead, “…Dammit…”

-24 hours later-

Captain Davenport, callsign: Chopper, is in critical condition at the November Hospital. Doctors

rush him into the emergency room, the Captain has suffered 2 nd degree burns all over his body,

bruises, cuts, internal bleeding, etc. However, thanks to some new technology, most of the Captain’s

injuries could be healed, but it would take time.

Lieutenant Colonel Nagase & Lieutenant Colonel Thunderhead, AWACS for Wardog Squadron, visit

Captain Davenport at the November Hospital. The Captain is awake.

“Hey Chopper, how you feeling?” asked Nagase.

Chopper coughs before he speaks, “Better than earlier. I thought I would have died from that crash.”

“You should have, it’s a miracle that you’re still alive,” said Thunderhead, “Next time, eject the

second you’re shot and can’t fly straight.”

Chopper cough laughs, “I’ll be back before you know it, and I won’t get hit again,” Chopper smiles,

”Well, I’mma get some rest. I’ll see y’all back at base when I get out of here.”

“See you soon Captain.” said Nagase & Thunderhead.

-Sand Island Air Force Base; Osean Air Defense Force (OADF); 5th Fighter Wing-

A couple years since the Circum-Pacific War.

Colonel Blaze, flight leader of Wardog squadron, and Lt. Colonel Nagase meet with the base


“Good afternoon sir,” started Blaze.

“Afternoon Colonels,” replied the Commander, “Well, seeing what happened during the November

City accident, I would like to increase our numbers in our peacekeeping force. Colonel Blaze, I want

you to bring in seven new members to Wardog squadron. This will bring us up to twelve members

of Wardog, then we will have more numbers and not have another incident as we did with


“Yes sir. I take it you want both Colonel Nagase and I too look for new members,” said Blaze.

“That is correct, I trust you two to find members to represent Wardog and to maintain our status, as

the Razgriz Squadron,” responded the Commander.

“Roger that sir,” said Blaze.

“You two are dismissed,” said the Commander.

Colonel Blaze & Nagase leave the room and goes to the main computer room to begin their

search for new members. In their search, they find several candidates, but they were able to narrow

it down to the seven they needed; Captain Trigger of Strider Squadron, Captain Knocker of Golem

Squadron, First Lieutenant Talisman of Garuda Team, Grim Reaper (also known as Mobius One) of

Mobius Squadron, First Lieutenant Cipher of Galm Team, Second Lieutenant Count of Strider

Squadron, and Second Lieutenant Tabloid of Spare Squadron.

With these new members, Wardog Squadron is now up to twelve members with remarkable

pilots. Each one of these new members holds a very high status with the OADF. However, Second

Lieutenant Tabloid had to be pulled from the penal unit and into the OADF to fully be part of

Wardog, but thanks to his status with the Penal Unit and to the fact that he helped Captain Trigger

fend off the Experimental Squadron during the Lighthouse War, he was given the opportunity to

join Wardog.

A couple months later, after Colonel Blaze & Nagase brought the seven new members to

Sand Island Air Force Base, Captain Chopper walks in the front door of the base and the original

Wardog members greets him. The Base Commander and Colonel Blaze promotes Chopper to the

rank of Lieutenant Colonel giving Chopper a high status in Wardog and in the Osean Air Defense

Chapter Two, A New War

Four years since the Lighthouse War. Erusea teams up with Yuktobania to eliminate

another world power, Osea. Yuktobania & Erusea unites under the name, Erubania. Erubania holds

a very powerful Air Force & Army, but they have a very small amount of fifth-generation aircraft,

unlike Osea. However, Erusea has been working on their fifth-generation program since 2008. Their

research is stolen from the country Belka, unfortunately, Belka fell before completing their research

on fifth-generation aircraft.

Sand Island Air Force Base, August 6th, 2023; the beginning of the X-Ray War.

The 1st Fighter Wing of Erubania is sent to eliminate Osea’s powerhouse Wardog Squadron.

Radio Static, “Commander! Fifty-Four Erusean and Yuktobanian fighters are on course for Sand

Island base! 80 nautical miles out!” Radioed the head of radar search.

Over the PA System at the Sand Island Base, “This is base commander, Razgriz SCRAMBLE


12 pilots rush outside to their hangers, holding F-22A Raptors, fifth generation fighters, and take-off

to intercept the 1st Fighter Wing of Erubania.

“ATC, Commander Blaze taking off with Lieutenant Nagase.”

“Roger Commander, climb to angels ten, heading two seven zero face west.”

“Nagase, stay with me, the rest of Razgriz will catch up sooner or later,” said Blaze.

“Roger that Colonel, I’m on your wing,” responded Nagase.

Two Raptors take off from Sand Island Air Force and are on course for the incoming fighters.

[Osean Airspace at 10,000 feet above ground level (AGL)]

Jets roar through the skies traveling at speeds that exceed Mach Two. The civilians below

watch as the mighty fighters soar in the majestic night sky illuminated by a beautiful Blood Moon.

The Osean jets are seen opening their weapon bay doors launching several long-range missiles due
West. The civilians have no idea what’s happening until the enemy fighters are seen crossing into

the area. At least twelve fighters were destroyed on the opposing side, which brought the enemy

force down to forty-two and this also bought time for the rest of Wardog squadron to catch up with

Colonels Blaze & Nagase. The squadron of F-22s engaged the enemy fighters.

“Nagase take the fighters at point North!” radioed Blaze.

“WILCO! FOX 2 FOX 2!” responded Nagase who fired two heat-seeking missiles (AIM-9X

Sidewinders) at two enemy fighters splashing them, “Splash Four! You guys better catch up to my

victory streak.”

“Splash Three!” radioed Chopper, “I’m on your tail for that streak Nagase!”

“Trigger and Reaper, we’ve got several enemy fighters coming in from the South, engage them!”

radioed AWACS Thunderhead immediately after taking off.

Both Trigger and Reaper bank right to heading one eight zero to face and shoot down the six enemy

fighters that are incoming from that direction.

A faint voice radios “Splash six...”, the voice came from Trigger, a man who rarely speaks during


“Damn,” said Chopper, “Already beat your streak Nagase.”

“Good thing I picked him to join Wardog.” responded Nagase.

Another faint voice speaks over the radio, “Splash ten... twelve.”

“Holy scrap, Reaper is going at it.” said Nagase.

“Focus on defending the city below Chopper and Nagase, forget your streaks and shoot down as

many as you can!” commanded AWACS Thunderhead.

That night, Wardog squadron came out as Demons, shooting down fifty-four enemy aircraft that

invaded Osean Airspace, marking the start of a new war.

Chapter Three, The Hunt for Wardogs
The Demon soars through dark skies

Fear and death trail its shadow beneath

Until men united wield a hallowed sabre

In final reckoning, the beast is slain...

Sand Island Air Force Base, August 7th, 2023; 1200 Hours.

The Razgriz Squadron is enjoying a nice lunch after the battle from last night.
“Think this means war with Erusea and Yuktobania?” asked Chopper.
“I think it does, considering the amount of fighters they brought in, just to eliminate Razgriz from
their next war.” stated Nagase.
Colonel Blaze walks into the cafeteria.
“Well, you guys don’t have to guess anymore. I just got off the phone with the Joint Chief of Staff of
the Osean Air Defense Force, we’re going to war with Erubania. An alliance between Erusea and
Yuktobania.” said Blaze informing all of Wardog.

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