Water: Influence of Pre-Hydrolysis On Sewage Treatment in An Up-Flow Anaerobic Sludge BLANKET (UASB) Reactor: A Review

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Influence of Pre-Hydrolysis on Sewage Treatment
in an Up-Flow Anaerobic Sludge BLANKET (UASB)
Reactor: A Review
Rajinikanth Rajagopal 1, *, Mahbuboor Rahman Choudhury 2 , Nawrin Anwar 2 ,
Bernard Goyette 1 and Md. Saifur Rahaman 2
1 Sherbrooke Research and Development Center, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, 2000 College Street,
Sherbrooke, QC J1M 0C8, Canada; [email protected]
2 Department of Building, Civil, and Environmental Engineering, Concordia University,
1515 Saint-Catherine St W, Montreal, QC H3G 2W1, Canada; [email protected] (M.R.C.);
[email protected] (N.A.); [email protected] (M.S.R.)
* Correspondence: [email protected]; Tel.: +1-819-780-7132

Received: 18 December 2018; Accepted: 15 February 2019; Published: 21 February 2019 

Abstract: The up-flow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) process has emerged as a promising high-rate
anaerobic digestion technology for the treatment of low- to high-strength soluble and complex
wastewaters. Sewage, a complex wastewater, contains 30–70% particulate chemical oxygen demand
(CODP ). These particulate organics degrade at a slower rate than the soluble organics found in
sewage. Accumulation of non-degraded suspended solids can lead to a reduction of active biomass
in the reactor and hence a deterioration in its performance in terms of acid accumulation and poor
biogas production. Hydrolysis of the CODP in sewage prior to UASB reactor will ensure an increased
organic loading rate and better UASB performance. While single-stage UASB reactors have been
studied extensively, the two-phase full-scale treatment approach (i.e., a hydrolysis unit followed by
an UASB reactor) has still not yet been commercialized worldwide. The concept of treating sewage
containing particulate organics via a two-phase approach involves first hydrolyzing and acidifying
the volatile suspended solids without losing carbon (as methane) in the first reactor and then treating
the soluble sewage in the UASB reactor. This work reviews the available literature to outline critical
findings related to the treatment of sewage with and without hydrolysis before the UASB reactor.

Keywords: anaerobic digestion; hydrolysis; methanogens; sewage; up-flow anaerobic sludge blanket
reactor; volatile fatty acids

1. Introduction
Domestic sewage is considered a complex wastewater, as it contains both particulate and dissolved
organics. About 30–70% of the particulate chemical oxygen demand (CODP ) of domestic sewage is
found in the form of organic polymers such as carbohydrates, lipids, and proteins. These particulate
organics, which have slow degradation kinetics, can diminish the performance of treatment processes.
Treatment of sewage by conventional approaches, including primary sedimentation and secondary
aerobic biological treatment, is very effective. However, this efficiency comes at high capital
and operational costs, as well as advanced technology requirements [1,2]. High-rate anaerobic digestion
biotechnology has proven to be an excellent process and is considered by many authors to be the core
of sustainable waste management techniques [1,3–7].
The up-flow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) digester is one such high-rate anaerobic system
that has been extensively studied and adopted all over the world in laboratory, pilot-scale,
and full-scale implementations [8]. Compared to aerobic processes, high-rate anaerobic sewage treatment

Water 2019, 11, 372; doi:10.3390/w11020372 www.mdpi.com/journal/water

Water 2019, 11, 372 2 of 27

processes offer: (a) high removal efficiency in the system, even at high organic loading rates (OLR)
and short hydraulic retention times (HRT); (b) simpler reactor construction and operation; (c) flexibility in
terms of design scale; (d) a net-positive energy producing process through the production of high quality
renewable fuel in the form of biogas; (e) lower sludge production rates with well stabilized sludge
production for final disposal with good dewatering characteristics (due to the slow growth rate of
anaerobic microorganisms); and (f) low nutrient and chemical requirements [3,5,6,9,10]. While these
comparisons show the positive aspects of anaerobic process, it should be kept in mind that comparison
of aerobic and anaerobic processes should be based on the type of wastewater. Anaerobic treatment
processes have been found to be advantageous for very high strength sewage treatment. Despite all these
advantages, there exist some drawbacks to the application of high-rate anaerobic treatment processes.
These limitations include: long solids retention time in the reactors, long start up time requirement,
impure biogas generation possibly leading to bad odors, incomplete or insufficient removal of organic
matter, pathogens and nutrients in the final effluent, and necessity of further post-treatment to meet
discharge or reuse standards [3,5,6,9,10].
Anaerobic digestion of complex wastewater is a multistep process involving microorganisms
and occurring in the absence of oxygen. The interactions between the microbial community takes
place in a series and parallel reactions that degrade complex polymers like carbohydrates, proteins,
nucleic acids, and lipids, into methane (CH4 ) and carbon dioxide (CO2 ) [11]. At a molecular level, these
steps occur in sequence; however, in a reactor they appear to progress simultaneously. Several groups
of microorganisms present in reactors catalyze reactions occurring in the anaerobic digestion process.
These are fermentative bacteria, hydrogen producing acetogenic microorganisms, hydrogen-consuming
acetogenic microorganisms, CO2 reducing methanogens, and aceticlastic methanogens. A schematic of
the processes of anaerobic digestion is presented in Figure 1, which shows the reaction pathways in
anaerobic digestion along with the catalytic microorganisms.

Figure 1. Anaerobic digestion of organic polymeric materials indicating sub-processes and involved
bacterial groups (Figure adapted from Seghezzo, 2004 [11]).
Water 2019, 11, 372 3 of 27

Due to the limitations of anaerobic treatment and UASB technology in the treatment of sewage,
researchers are continuously working to enhance the performance of anaerobic digesters by changing
reactor configurations [1,6,12]; enhancing start-up and granulation processes in the reactors by using
multivalent cations [13–16], natural polymers [17,18], or synthetic polymers [19,20]; and incorporating
complementary post-treatment schemes such as activated sludge [21,22] or sequencing batch
reactors [23,24] to treat the effluent produced by UASB. Various studies have shown that accumulation
of suspended solids in sewage adversely affects the anaerobic digestion process [3,11,25–27].
These solids decrease sludge activity due to adsorption and entrapment, limit substrate transfer,
lead to the formation of a “scum” layer, inhibit granulation, and increase sludge volume, which in turn
requires frequent emptying of the reactor [1]. The relatively slow digestion of organic solids results
in high accumulation in the reactors, especially at lower temperatures (<20 ◦ C, i.e., psychrophilic
range). As a result, the solid retention time is decreased and the performance of UASB reactors is
also reduced [4,27–30]. Both gas production rate and chemical oxygen demand (COD) removal drop
significantly when the temperature drops to the psychrophilic range [31]. Several reactor modification
strategies have been adopted to incorporate pre-hydrolysis of wastewater prior to UASB, which should
increase the digester OLR and improve the performance of UASB. Such reactor modifications involve
applying a two-stage anaerobic process, which results in the entrapment of particulate organic
matter and its partial hydrolysis into soluble compounds in the first stage and these pre-hydrolyzed
organics are then digested in the second stage. The removal efficiency of suspended solids in the first
reactor will be higher than that of organic matter and excess sludge needs to be discharged regularly.
As a result, of that, the sludge age remains relatively low in this reactor, hindering the development of
the slow-growing methanogens and reducing methanogenesis to a minimum. Two examples of such
first-stage reactors include Hydrolysis Up-flow Sludge Blanket (HUSB) reactors and Up-flow Anaerobic
Solids Removal (UASR) reactors. Incorporation of HUSB reactor achieved over 50% hydrolysis of
the removed suspended solids at higher ambient temperatures (exceeding 19 ◦ C) [32]. The HUSB
reactor can be considered as a relatively highly loaded UASB system for the removal and hydrolysis of
suspended COD. The hydraulic retention time in the HUSB reactor is very similar to that applied in
primary sedimentation tanks, but the removal efficiencies of COD, BOD, and suspended solids are
considerably higher [32]. In UASR, only suspended solids removal is obtained, as in normal settling
tanks [33], while in HUSB reactors, hydrolysis also takes place. Therefore, more sludge has to be
discharged from UASR than from HUSB reactors [5].
The objective of this study was to review the effect of pre-hydrolysis on the treatment of complex
sewage in an UASB reactor. The review reports in the performance of UASB reactors (with and without
pre-hydrolysis) from the literature and makes a comparison between the treatment efficiencies of
the anaerobic digestion systems in terms of solids reduction, removal of various COD fractions,
and sludge production. Finally, the review provides some perspectives for future research requirements
regarding complex wastewater treatment in a two-phase hydrolysis-UASB approach.

2. Sewage Treatment in High-Rate Anaerobic Systems

High-rate anaerobic processes for treatment of complex wastewater affects sludge retention
time (SRT) and hydraulic retention time (HRT) in the system [34]. As more biomass concentration
accumulates in the system, the wastewater treatment process allows for relatively low hydraulic
retention times. The bulk liquid phase invariably flows through the system with little impedance.
In this case, the SRT/HRT ratio is greater than that of conventional anaerobic treatment technologies.
The value of SRT/HRT depends on how well the system is able to retain biomass. The success of
the high-rate anaerobic treatment system is, in part, due to the application of a relatively high loading
rate, maintaining long SRTs at relatively short HRTs due to sludge immobilization [35,36].
As mentioned earlier, anaerobic digestion of complex wastewater involves a series of
reactions catalyzed by several groups of microorganisms in the absence of oxygen (Figure 1).
The principal reaction sequences have been classified into the following groups: (a) Hydrolysis,
Water 2019, 11, 372 4 of 27

(b) Fermentation, (c) Acidogenesis, (d) Acetogenesis/Dehydrogenation, and (e) Methanogenesis [37–40].
In an initial exoenzyme-catalyzed reaction, composite biopolymers are hydrolyzed to soluble mono, di,
or oligomers [41]. The complex particulate materials are converted into carbohydrates, proteins,
and lipids, and later these complex organic compounds are transformed into corresponding monomers
(like amino acids, sugars, and long chain fatty acids, etc.). This step, commonly referred to as ‘hydrolysis’,
is the rate-limiting step in the overall anaerobic treatment processes for wastes containing lipids and/or
substantial amount of particulate matter [42,43]. Intracellular enzymes in acidogenic microorganisms
induce fermentation of these soluble fractions to reduced organic compounds like short chain fatty
acids, alcohols, and lactate in a process known as acidogenesis [38]. The hydrolyzed amino acids,
sugars, and long chain fatty acids are taken up by the acidogenic microorganisms and fermented,
resulting in the production of formate, propionate, butyrate, lactate, etc. If fatty acid isomers are
produced, they are mainly derived as a result of hydrolysis of lipids and amino acids, which are
produced as a result of protein hydrolysis. Acetogenic microorganisms further oxidize fatty acids
and the resulting cleavage products (CO2 /H2 formed by hydrogen-forming microorganisms or acetate
formed by acetate-forming microorganisms) can be taken up by methanogens and be converted
to CH4 and CO2 . Lactate is oxidized to pyruvate, which is decarboxylated to yield acetate, CO2 ,
and H2 . If ethanol is present, it is oxidized to acetate and hydrogen, and the hydrogen is used for CO2
reduction [41]. Acetate can also be formed via the CO2 /H2 pathway in a step called homoacetogenesis.
The methanogens are able to directly use substrates like H2 , acetate, formate and methanol to produce
CH4 [38]. To optimize the overall anaerobic digestion process, the rate-limiting hydrolysis process
must be improved. To accommodate the rate-limiting hydrolysis of particulates in complex wastewater,
a longer SRT is required depending on the applied process temperature [34]. The increased SRT
ensures retention of slowly growing organisms even at relatively shorter HRTs, which ensures high
OLR [1]. Different high-rate anaerobic systems have been developed, including the anaerobic filter [44],
the up-flow anaerobic sludge blanket [45], the fluidized and expanded bed reactors [46], the down flow
stationary fixed film reactor [47], and the anaerobic baffled reactors [48].
Several researchers have introduced and investigated optimized versions of the UASB system.
These modified systems include the expanded granular sludge bed (EGSB) reactor [49], the UASB-septic
tank reactor [50], the hydrolysis up-flow sludge bed (HUSB) reactor [32], the thermophilic up-flow
staged sludge bed (USSB) reactor [51], the up-flow anaerobic solids removal (UASR) reactor [33],
the hybrid EGSB-fixed bed reactor [52], the anaerobic bioreactor with a fixed-structure bed
(ABFSB) [53], and the two-stage anaerobic filter/anaerobic hybrid (AF/AH) system [54]. While UASB
and EGSB reactors have been identified as the most effective anaerobic treatment system for low
strength wastewater [5], the modified anaerobic baffled reactor has also shown improved treatment
performance [55].

3. Sewage Treatment in a UASB Reactor

The UASB process has been successfully implemented as a high-rate anaerobic technology for
the treatment of low to high strength soluble wastewaters as well as complex wastewaters [56,57].
The up-flow anaerobic sludge blanket reactor (UASBR) schematic diagram, shown in Figure 2,
indicates two parts in the reactor: (a) a vertical column, and (b) a gas-liquid-solid phase separator,
which is placed in the upper section and divides the reactor into a lower (digestion zone)
and an upper section (the settling zone) [58,59]. The sewage, introduced uniformly from the bottom
of the reactor, passes through the sludge bed and enters into the settling zone via openings
between the phase separator elements. One of the characteristic features of UASB is sludge granulation.
During the process, anaerobic microorganisms agglomerate to form biogranules by the process of
impulsive aggregation and form dense, compact granules with good settling characteristics [1,60].
The sludge granules form after a certain period (usually 2–8 months), depending on the operating
conditions, wastewater characteristics, and seed sludge. Elmitwalli (2000) reported this long startup
period as one of the main drawbacks of anaerobic treatment of domestic sewage in high-rate systems
Water 2019, 11, 372 5 of 27

when seed sludge is not available due to low growth rate of methanogenic microorganisms [61].
Generally, UASBRs are inoculated with a suitable seed source to shorten the startup time [62].

Figure 2. Schematic showing different components and zones of a UASBR system. (Figure reproduced
following van Haandel and Lettinga 1994, [63]).

A dense sludge bed, having high settling properties, develops either with granular or flocculent
features. In the case of sewage, which is a low- to medium-strength wastewater, flocculent sludge
forms in the reactor. Above the dense sludge bed, a sludge blanket zone develops with a diffuse
growth pattern and lower particle settling velocities [1]. Biological reactions take place in the sludge
bed and sludge blanket region. As the wastewater passes through the biomass in the dense sludge
bed and the sludge blanket region, the dissolved substrate is digested and the particulate organic
matter is retained and digested to form biogas [61,64]. The produced biogas (which consists mostly
CH4 and CO2 ) in the digestion section is captured by the phase separator setup so the gas bubbles
cannot interfere with the solid settling. An air/gas pocket is located under the phase separator element
to prevent solids from escaping through the gas outlet. As a result, sludge particles on the phase
separator fall back into the digestion zone, and a large sludge mass is retained in the reactor [56,58].
Finally, an effluent with less suspended solids is discharged from the settling zone.
In comparison with other high-rate anaerobic digesters, UASB processes have the advantage of
not requiring any support media for biomass attached growth or immobilization yet achieve high
removal of COD through utilization of available granular or flocculent sludge [6,65]. The biomass of
good settling properties is not prone to washout from the system under practical reactor conditions.
The natural turbulence caused by influent up-flow and gas production helps to maintain adequate
contact between biomass and wastewater. Like all other modern high-rate reactors, the UASBR is able
to separate SRT/HRT through the use of the sludge blanket that develops as a result of granulation [66].

3.1. Sewage Treatment in a Single-Stage UASBR without Hydrolysis

3.1.1. Laboratory and Pilot-Scale Treatment

Application of basic UASB reactors for sewage treatment at low operational temperatures has
been studied in the Netherlands since 1976 [67]. Since the early 1980s, considerable research
and development has been carried out with respect to anaerobic municipal wastewater treatment
systems and, specifically, UASB reactors [68]. Several studies have observed the application of
Water 2019, 11, 372 6 of 27

single-stage UASB process for sewage treatment in different laboratory- and pilot-scale settings.
The pilot-scale UASB plant built in Cali, Columbia in 1982–1983 with support from the Netherlands was
claimed to be the first of its kind in the world [69]. A 64-m3 reactor was operated at an average sewage
temperature of 25 ◦ C. Diluted digested cow manure was used as inoculum, and the plant was fully
operational after 6 months at an HRT of 8 h. COD and BOD removal efficiencies higher than 75% were
observed while SS removal was about 70%. Tables 1 and 2 outline selected key operating parameters
and performance of laboratory-scale (reactor size range 2–35 liters) and pilot-scale (reactor size range
55–2000 liters) UASB systems as studied by different researchers.

3.1.2. Full-Scale Treatment

Following the successful installation and operation of the first 64 m3 pilot-scale municipal UASB
in Cali, Columbia [10,70,71], there has been a rapid rise in the application of full-scale UASB plants for
municipal sewage treatment, especially in tropical countries like Brazil, Mexico, and India. The results
of the 64m3 demonstration scale UASBR were so promising that the Ganga Project Directorate requested
the demonstration of the UASB technology under Indian conditions in Kanpur. Based upon the results
of this demonstration plant, full-scale plants would be constructed in Kanpur and Mirzapur [72].
This demonstration plant has been in operation since April 1989 in Kanpur. The UASBR has a volume
of 1200 m3 and the plant has a design capacity to treat 5000 m3 of raw sewage per day. The startup
period was about 10 weeks. COD, BOD and TSS removals of 74%, 75%, and 75%, were achieved,
respectively, at a nominal HRT of 6 h.
Due to the Kanpur results, a full-scale UASB plant, followed by pond treatment, was implemented
in Mirzapur, India, constructed as part of the Indo-Dutch Environmental and Sanitary Engineering
Project under the Ganga Action Plan. This plant has been in full operation since April 1994 [72].
The overall removal efficiency of the Mirzapur wastewater treatment plant for COD, BOD and TSS
was about 81, 86 and 89%, respectively [73,74].
Recently, a large number of full-scale UASBRs have entered operation in Europe, US and Japan,
with more than 100 recently constructed plants found in in Japan, Brazil and India. Heffernan et al.
(2011) identified over 45 municipal UASB plants in India designed for an average daily flow
of 10,000 m3 or more, and 15 such plants were identified in Brazil [75]. About 10 UASB-based
sewage treatment plants have been commissioned within a distance of 50–300 km from Roorkee, India,
with all the plants having the same sequence (i.e., screening, grit removal, UASB and post treatment
by polishing ponds). HRT for each UASB reactors varies from 8.0–9.4 h. Average BOD and TSS
removal has been found to vary from 78–89% and 78–93%, respectively [76]. Results of municipal
sewage treatment in full-scale UASB reactors under different working conditions are presented in
Table 3.
The various processes involved in the anaerobic degradation of sewage in a single-stage UASBR
include: (a) Hydrolysis, (b) Fermentation, (c) Acidogenesis, (d) Acetogenesis/ dehydrogenation,
and (e) Methanogenesis (as described previously). For sewage containing high amounts of particulate
matter or lipids, the hydrolysis step is the rate-limiting step in the overall anaerobic treatment
processes [42,43]. Some researchers have reported the methanogenesis step to be the rate-limiting
step in the overall conversion of organic matter to CH4 when treating domestic sewage in a one-stage
UASBR [4]. Mahmoud et al. [4] reported that better methanogenic conditions in the reactor
enhances the hydrolysis step by improving contact between the substrate and the hydrolytic enzymes
due to biogas production and therefore the methanogenesis step becomes the rate-limiting step.
The methanogenesis step is observed to be rate-limiting in cases where the digester influent is soluble
in nature.
The performance of the UASBR depends on several factors such as: (a) characteristics of suspended
solids, (b) reactor temperature, (c) organic loading rates, (d) hydraulic and solids retention times
adopted in the reactor, and (e) feeding rate or up-flow velocity [5,77,78]. High suspended solids
in the influent can lead to problems like frequent required desludging of the reactor, reduction in
Water 2019, 11, 372 7 of 27

viable sludge in the reactor due to reduced SRT, reduction in sludge activity due to accumulation
of non-viable solids, sludge lifting and sludge washout, and required disposal of non-viable sludge
from filter beds. There exist few, if any, differences between flocculent and granular sludge bed
UASB reactors with respect to the applicable OLRs, when a high total suspended solids (TSS) removal
efficiency should be accomplished [58]. Lower OLR is recommended for high TSS removal efficiency,
as it aids stabilization of the accumulated solid substrate ingredients, particularly in low ambient
temperature conditions [58]. Prasanth et al. [79] showed that presence of CODP in synthetic wastewater
minimizes the biodegradability rate constant, substrate biodegradability, anaerobic degradability,
substrate activity, and sludge activity.
Water 2019, 11, 372 8 of 27

Table 1. Selected key operating parameters and performance of laboratory-scale (reactor size range 2–35 L) UASB systems studied by different researchers.
Influent Characteristics OLR (kg HRT Temperature % Removed Methane
Inocula (CH4 ) Collection Remarks References
CODT CODS COD/m3 day) (h) (◦ C) CODT SS (L/g COD Removed)

• Diluted municipal wastewater was used.

• Sulphate reduction: 70 to 80%.
Digested sludge 350–500 150–300 — 48–10 20 60–75 86 0.21–0.26 [80]
• Lower CH4 recovery (30 to 40%) as 30–40% of
the CODT was consumed in sulphate reduction.

Inoculum mix obtained

85 89
from anaerobic digesters • CH4 recovered in the biogas ranged from 25% to 30%
(at 24h HRT) (at 24h HRT)
treating primary and activated 693 322 Increased to 3 24–5 — — of the influent COD, increasing slightly with [81]
53 63
sludge, fish canning and sugar the operational time.
(at 5h HRT) (at 5h HRT)

• An amount of 390 g mixed liquor suspended solids

Granular Sludge 312 ± 73.2 114 ± 30.4 1.6 4.7 13–25 69.4 — 0.16–0.26 (MLSS) with 91% of volatile matter was seeded to [78]
the reactor.

• Treatment of raw sewage with small sludge granules

under low up-flow velocity and low temperature was
Granular sludge 456 ± 129 112 ± 34 — 8 13 67 ± 18 — 0.25 ± 0.04 not practical due to the sludge bed flotation. [61]
• Conversion of removed COD to CH4 = 72 ± 12%.

310 — — 12 15 48 44 —
• Low biogas production could not serve for
Anaerobically digested an effective mixing of sludge. Mechanical stirrer
municipal sludge installed in the reactor for sludge-wastewater contact [82]
310 — — 12 9 37 38 — did not lead to an improvement in removal efficiency.

• Synthetic wastewater was used.

Granular sludge 600 ± 50 170 ± 40 1–2 4.8–10 33 84 — 0.29 [25]
• CH4 content of the biogas = ~ 96%.

15 76 ± 10
Flocculent sludge 10 79 ± 4
from municipal anaerobic — 8 83 ± 7 — — • Reactor was inoculated with 13.5 g VSS/L of
digester 6 92 ± 5 flocculent or granular sludge.
50–70% of 4 89 ± 4 • Synthetic domestic wastewater (made from a mixture
700–1000 25 ± 1 of dog food, clay, sucrose, and peptone) was used. [60]
15 81 ± 11
• The composition of these materials was chosen to
10 84 ± 14
Granular sludge from UASBR maintain the ratio of organic constituents in
— 8 86 ± 8 — —
treating brewery wastewater the sewage (protein 50%, carbohydrates 40%, fat 10%).
6 91 ± 4
4 87 ± 3

• Raw sewage used in this study presented a weak

character, which was due to seawater addition into
Granular sludge treating
165–270 — 0.7 7.5 13 ± 2 24–54 — — the sewerage system to prevent purification and for [83]
alcohol distillery wastewater
cleaning the pipes during the sampling period
in summer.

Note: (1) “—” = Information not provided. (2) All values are in mg/L unless otherwise mentioned.
Water 2019, 11, 372 9 of 27

Table 2. Selected key operating parameters and performance of laboratory-scale (reactor size range 55–6000 L) UASB systems studied by different researchers.
Influent OLR Methane (CH4 )
Temperature % Removed
Inocula Characteristics (kg-COD/m3 HRT (h) Collection (L/g COD Remarks References
(◦ C)
CODT CODS day) CODT SS Removed)

• Specific activity of the seed sludge: 0.8–1.0 kg

COD/kgVSS/day at 30 ◦ C.
Sugar beet cultivated sludge 117–1253 69–666 — — 9–19.5 65–89 — 0.085–0.32 • Under dry weather conditions, a higher COD [84]
reduction was achieved compared to wet weather
conditions for a given temperature
and hydraulic loading.

Granular Sludge 100–900 — — 9–16 10–18 46–60 — — • Reactor volume: 6000 L. [85]

• Removal efficiencies obtained in winter and summer

periods were about the same. The average ambient
temperature was 17 ◦ C in the winter period and 22 ◦ C
Flocculent Sludge 406–424 — — 4 20–23 60–65 69 0.10–0.12 in the summer period, the average temperature inside [70]
the reactor being 20 ◦ C in winter and 23 ◦ C
in summer.

500 3 4
• BOD reductions = 90–92%.
(For 200 day)
Digested sludge from an anaerobic — 4 3 20–35 83–88 — 0.141 • Due to the presence of a high concentration of active
300 [86]
digester treating sewage 2 6 granular sludge in the lower portion of the reactor,
(For 60 day)
an 80% reduction in COD occurred within the bed
1.2 6 level itself.

• The sludge re-circulation in the UASBR improved

2.88 ± 0.69 both the physical removal of solids
721 6
Flocculent sludge from a pilot scale (one-stage 15 44 ± 9 and the conversion as it increased the methanogenesis
UASBR treating domestic sewage. UASBR) (UASBR) (UASBR) from 20% in the one-stage UASB to 47% in
460 — 21.2 ± 1.5 — — [4]
Digested primary sludge 1.84 ± 0.49 35 66 ± 6 the UASBR.
(UASB-digester days
from a wastewater treatment plant. (two-stage (CSTR) (UASBR) • Excess sludge production from the UASBR was
system) (CSTR)
UASBR) dewaterable and also well stabilized.

816 566 3.3 57 — 0.472

555 420 2.2 60.1 — 0.347
298 216 1.2 6 64 — 0.201
Anaerobic sludge discharged 195 120 0.8 53.3 — 0.107 • Maximum COD removal was achieved with an HRT
27 ± 1 longer than 4 h, and influent COD [87]
from a UASBR 92 55 0.4 50.4 — 0.48
770 450 4.6 4 45.5 — 0.351 concentration higher than 300 mg/L.
787 512 9.4 2 44.1 — 0.312
716 486 17.6 1 36.6 — —
1159–1701 548–1176 3.35 ± 0.32 as hot 43–69 27.8 ± 3 —
Without inoculum 10 • The low temperature during winter and the high [88]
strength and solids content limited the performance
Designated of the investigated one-stage UASB.
770–1525 875–1244 2.73 ± 0.45 as cold 5–57 — —

32 • A two-stage UASB-AF system was studied,

(UASBR) which allowed for a total volume reduction of 17%
2.7 15
35 compared to a single stage anaerobic reactor.
Sludge from a pilot scale UASBR 1465 ± 60 783 ± 100 23.5 ± 0.5 (AF) — — • Start-up period = 7 months. [89]
3.7 4
55 • Discharged sludge from the AF was recycled back to
(AF) (AF)
(Total the UASBR.

Note: (1) “—” = Information not provided. (2) All values are in mg/L unless otherwise mentioned.
Water 2019, 11, 372 10 of 27

Table 3. Selected key operating parameters and performance of pilot to full-scale (reactor size range 20–30,000 m3 ) UASB systems studied by different researchers.
Influent Methane (CH4 )
Temperature % Removed
Inocula Characteristics OLR (kg-COD/m3 day) HRT (h) Collection (L/g COD Remarks References
(◦ C)
• VSS/TSS ratio: 50.
Digested cow manure 267 95 — 6-8 25 75–82 70–80 — • Start-up period: 6 months. [90]

400 ± 64 171 ± 34 14.5 19 ± 3 64 — 0.09

403 ± 68 156 ± 37 11 18 ± 3 63 75 0.09
407 ± 61 151 ± 20 8.8 21 ± 3 65 75 0.11 • BOD removal: 60–72%.
459 ± 84 160 ± 17 7.2 22 ± 3 55 66 0.12 • CODS removal: 74–84%.
— 374 ± 31 139 ± 10 — 7.0 22 ± 2 59 76 0.12 • Presence of sulphate and sulphide in wastewater [91]
194 ± 65 96 ± 31 7.5 25 ± 2 54 62 0.25 caused sulphate-reducing bacteria to inhibit
188 ± 37 96 ± 21 6.1 28 ± 1 56 64 0.15 the activity of the methanogenic bacteria competing
258 ± 50 115 ± 29 6.2 25 ± 2 60 67 0.15 for the same substrate (acetate and hydrogen).
307 ± 63 120 ± 28 5.1 21 ± 3 62 67 0.13

• Start-up of the UASBR was successfully achieved

within 10 weeks.
• Produced excess sludge had excellent dewatering
Without inoculum 563 — — 6 20–30 74 75 0.05–0.10 and drying characteristics and was well stabilized. [72]
• During winter, the treatment efficiency and process
stability remained good.

Granular sludge grown on paper • 54 L of seed material was used with standard
mill wastewater from full scale 391 164 — 2–7 ≥13 16–34 — — acetotrophic methanogenic activity 0.17 g [57]
UASB CH4 -COD/g VSS.d at 30◦ C.

• UASB provided a cost-effective and efficient solution

Without inoculum 380 — 2.0 (maximum) 5–19 — 66–72 — — in treatment of sewage in tropical climates. [71]

(Winter • Total BOD removal: 80%.
average) • The plant operated at a low inlet flow, which is only
Digested sludge added 10% (V/V) 436 402 — 7 74 87 — 17% of the design flow. [92]
(Summer • No requirement of any excess sludge discharge.

• A homogenization tank was used as a pre-treatment

unit before UASB treatment.
— 500 2.0 6 20 75 — — • Slow filtration was used as a post-treatment before [93]
reusing the water for watering purpose.

• Pre-treatment units before UASB: screen, grit

chamber, and grease inceptor.
— 300 — 1.2 6 20 70 — — • Post-treatment unit after UASB: secondary [93]
settler, chlorination.

• Pre-treatment units before UASB: screening.

• Post-treatment unit after UASB: Aerobic submerged
— 500 — 1 12 20–25 70–80 — — filter, secondary settler, and chlorination. [93]
• Biogas production: 23–25 m3 /day.
Water 2019, 11, 372 11 of 27

Table 3. Cont.
Influent Methane (CH4 )
Temperature % Removed
Inocula Characteristics OLR (kg-COD/m3 day) HRT (h) Collection (L/g COD Remarks References
(◦ C)
3.6–5.0 & 2.9–4.6 kg
COD/m3 d for stage I
and stage II,
respectively • Single stage UASBR operated at OLR of 1.5–1.8 kg
8–10 62 60 COD/m3 day (average HRT = 24 h) resulted in
(during 1st year).
(I stage) (summer) (summer) 0.439 87–93% COD removal. [94]
Without inoculum 1419–1650 — Only stage I was 18–25
5–6 51 55 0.249 • CH4 content was 75% and 65% during summer
(II stage) (winter) (winter) and winter, respectively.
as a single-stage
UASBR at half of
the previous loading
rate (during 2nd yr).
375 ± 97.6 246 ± 50 9.9 27 ± 6 ~46.7 ~44.4
403 ± 66.2 179 ± 62 9.6 28 ± 6 ~45.4 ~42.5 • Performance of five full-scale UASB-based STP were
— 390 ± 64 157 ± 54 — 9.8 29 ± 6 ~38.5 ~35.7 — [95]
performed with the reactors size ranging
443 ± 101.9 213 ± 58 10.3 29 ± 6 ~41.3 ~48.4 from 11,200–30,000 m3 .
318 ± 101.9 213 ± 58 9.4 24 ± 6 ~62.3 ~34.0

• Plant capacity 164,000 m3 /day.

440 8 60 49 • reactors each with a volume of 2286 m3 .
• Up-flow velocity 0.57 m/h.

— — — — — [75]
• Plant capacity 90,000 m3 /day.
549 8 67 70 • reactors each with a volume of 2705 m3 .
• Up-flow velocity 0.44 m/h.

544 — 58 53 • Plant capacity 48,000 m3 /day.

• Plant capacity 38,000 m3 /day.

519 7.5 49 50 • reactors each with a volume of 2029 m3 .
• Up-flow velocity 0.60 m/h.

1293 — 77 56 • Plant capacity 30,000 m3 /day.

• Plant capacity 120,000 m3 /day.

602 7.8 44 45 • reactors each with a volume of 1960 m3 .
• Up-flow velocity 0.62 m/h.

• Plant capacity 43,000 m3 /day.

459 7.7 49 51 • reactors each with a volume of 2304 m3 .
• Up-flow velocity 0.62 m/h.

• Plant capacity 49,000 m3 /day.

697 10.3 52 84 • reactors each with a volume of 2645 m3.
• Up-flow velocity 0.48 m/h.

Note: (1) “—” = Information not provided. (2) All values are in mg/L unless otherwise mentioned.
Water 2019, 11, 372 12 of 27

Therefore, several researchers have investigated the feasibility of installing a hydrolysis unit
prior to UASB to reduce the loading of CODP on the reactor. The following section includes a review
of studies carried out on a two-phase UASB with pre-hydrolysis units.

3.2. Sewage Treatment in a Two-Phase UASBR with Hydrolysis

Van Haandel and Lettinga [63] proposed the two-phase anaerobic treatment of sewage,
which involves the separation of the non-methanogenic and the methanogenic digestion phases
into separate reactors [96–98]. The first step of a two-phase UASB treatment system is mainly aimed
at the removal of suspended solids and partial hydrolysis and acidification. Its effluent is subsequently
treated in a second step methanogenic UASBR, which is devoted to the removal of soluble organic
matter [32,99]. The removal efficiency of suspended solids in the hydrolysis reactor is higher than
that of organic matter and excess sludge is to be discharged regularly. As a result, the sludge age
remains relatively low in this reactor, hindering the development of the slow-growing methanogens,
reducing methanogenesis to a minimum. Moreover, the development of acid fermentation may tend to
reduce the pH to a value below the optimal range for methanogenic microorganisms [5]. The effluent
from the first reactor predominantly contains organic matter in a dissolved state.
Methanogenesis governs the kinetics of anaerobic treatment of soluble wastewater.
However, hydrolysis of solids has been reported to be the rate-limiting step for the treatment
of wastewater containing CODP [79]. The concept of separating non-methanogenic to methanogenic
digestion steps needs to be shifted to first phase hydrolysis and subsequent anaerobic biotransformation
in a UASBR. The separation between non-methanogenic and methanogenic phases has been applied to
the treatment of soluble wastewater. The term soluble wastewater refers to the municipal wastewater
or sewage that has majority of its total COD as soluble COD (CODS ). In such a case, the first phase
is fast and the second, methanogenesis, is slow. For the treatment of complex sewage, containing
cellulose, soluble starch, and glucose, hydrolysis of cellulose has been reported to be the rate-limiting
step in the overall anaerobic digestion process [100]. Considering this, hydrolysis should, in principle,
be carried out at a higher HRT/SRT ratio than methanogenesis. In addition to this, UASBRs perform
better at higher OLRs. It is necessary to curb the methanogenesis in the hydrolysis reactor. In the first
phase of the two-phase hydrolysis–UASB systems, hydrolysis should be maximized and methanogenesis
should be minimized.
Pretreatment of complex wastewaters is often required to (i) lower the elevated percentage
of particulates, (ii) increase the biodegradability of the remaining COD, (iii) favor the subsequent
biological elimination of nutrients, (iv) stabilize the sludge, totally or partially; and (v) reduce
the bulking in the activated sludge process. Pretreatment processes have achieved reductions of 63–83%
of suspended solids and 25–43% total COD (CODT ) [32,101,102]. There are several pretreatment
options, namely completely stirred tank (CSTR) reactor [76,103], UASR reactor [33,99] and HUSB
reactor [32,104,105]. The type of pretreatment depends on the nature of complexity in the wastewater.
Hydrolysis is generally a preferred option for a wastewater containing CODP as a complexity.
The CSTR pretreatment option involved inclusion of a CSTR acid-phase digester before an up-flow
methane-phase digester [87]. To provide optimal contact conditions and recycle liberated indigenous
enzymes or cell biomass fractions, continuous recycling of the effluent sludge to the sludge bed of
the reactor was used. The two-phase digestion process performs better than conventional one-phase
up-flow anaerobic digester. The TVS reduction of the two-phase system was 53%, which was higher
than the one-phase system [87]. The pretreatment of complex wastewater containing a high fraction of
suspended solids in a UASR reactor involves a two-phase system with a high loaded UASB reactor
as first stage [83]. The applied high loading rate in the first stage reactor will result in little if any gas
production, and therefore a high suspended solids removal was achieved [83]. The HUSB reactor is
another pretreatment option where removal of SS is carried out resulting in accomplishing a certain
sludge stabilization and raising the biodegradability of the remaining COD of the sewage [49].
Water 2019, 11, 372 13 of 27

Among the main components of primary sludge (e.g., carbohydrates, lipids and proteins),
carbohydrates are known to be easily and rapidly converted to simple sugars via hydrolysis
and subsequently fermented to volatile fatty acids (VFA). Protein is hydrolyzed to amino acids
and further degraded to VFA either through anaerobic oxidation linked to hydrogen production or
via fermentation. The former is dependent on the presence of hydrogen-scavengers while the latter is
independent of the methanogenic activity in the reactor. Among the lipids, triglycerides are hydrolyzed
to long chain fatty acids and further oxidized via β-oxidation to acetate or propionate [106].
In a primary fermentation unit, COD removal of about 25% was observed in almost all cases,
even though with HRTs of 2.8 and 3.3 h, suspended solid removal was about 70% [101]. This imbalance
between suspended solid and COD removal is due to the solubilization of a segment of the particulate
organic matter in the wastewater. The reduction in COD, due to the lowering of CODP concentration,
is offset by an increase in soluble COD (CODS ) concentrations. No production of dissolved COD
was observed with an HRT of 1.1 h and it increased gradually with an HRT between 2.1 and 2.8 h.
A maximum produced dissolved COD of around 30 mg/L was observed for HRT between 2.1 and 2.8 h.
At HRT > 2.8 h, the concentration of the filtered COD decreased, due to the action of methanogenic
microorganisms. At a HRT of 4.3 h, dissolved COD concentration was on the order of 19 mg/L [101].
The hydrolysis of lipids and carbohydrates increases with increasing SRT, whereas protein hydrolysis
only occurs under methanogenic conditions [106]. This study employed five completely mixed stirred tank
reactors (CSTRs) with an effective volume of 5 L and operated them to maintain SRTs of 3, 5, 8, 10, and 15
days. The process temperature was controlled at 25 ± 1 ◦ C by recirculation of temperature-controlled
water through the double walls of the reactors. The reactors were inoculated with diluted digested
primary sludge (20 gTS/L), i.e., settled solids of domestic sewage from a wastewater treatment plant.
The feed included diluted primary sludge from the same wastewater treatment plant. A certain volume
of digested sludge was withdrawn from the reactor and an equal volume of primary sludge was pumped
into each reactor. The reactors operated at 3 and 5 d SRTs were fed two times a day to avoid shock
loading [91]. The study revealed a decrease in protein hydrolysis and acidification under acidogenic
conditions. The low values obtained for protein hydrolysis and acidification have been partially explained
by the relatively high ammonium-nitrogen concentration in the influent, which suggests that easy
degradable protein was already hydrolyzed before the sludge was used in the CSTRs. Also, low pH
and high lipid concentrations could affect the hydrolysis and precipitation of ammonium as struvite
may contribute to the decrease of the ammonium-nitrogen levels, which might have contributed to
a lower calculated hydrolysis [91]. Also, the hydrolysis rate of entrapped organics has been reported to
be significantly affected by temperature, that is, 58% of entrapped particulate organics liquefy at 25 ◦ C,
which decreases to 33% at 13 ◦ C [78]. Maximum solubilization occurs only when CH4 production is
effectively suppressed. Little, if any, methanogenesis will develop in the hydrolytic reactor, because the pH
is depressed by acid fermentation. Only a part of the entrapped matter will be hydrolyzed and excess
sludge will have to be discharged from the reactor at a relatively high frequency. This means that
the sludge age will be too low for the slow growing methanogens. The effluent from the hydrolytic reactor
will be mainly dissolved compounds, so that it can be conveniently treated in second phase reactor [63].
The results of pre-hydrolysis of domestic wastewater in bench and pilot-scale solubilization reactors
under different working conditions are presented in Table 4. Studies on the hydrolysis of particulates
in sewage under anaerobic conditions have, so far, been carried out on bench scale reactors [76]. In all
the cases, hydrolysis is accompanied by reduction in COD (Table 4). The range of COD reductions is
about 25–59%. The reduction of CODS , in most cases, indicates a conversion of soluble fractions into
CH4 gas. This indicates that methanogenesis has taken place, in addition to hydrolysis. The reasons for
methanogenesis in hydrolysis reactor or pretreatment unit may be due to good amount of seed sludge
or a low food to microorganism ratio (F/M < 1) and other microenvironment parameters. Efforts are
required to check methanogenesis in hydrolysis unit.
Water 2019, 11, 372 14 of 27

Table 4. Hydrolysis performance on bench-scale and pilot-scale solubilization reactors for the treatment of domestic wastewater.

Treatment Used Type of Performance of Hydrolysis Reactor CODs

HRT, h (OLR, g
before Methane wastewater Influent VFA (Effluent)/CODs Remarks Reference
COD/L-day) Influent CODT Influent CODS Influent SS mg/L Influent VSS mg/L
Fermenter (Temperature, ◦ C) mg/L (Effluent (Influent)
mg/L (% Removal) mg/L (% Removal) (% Removal) (% Removal)
VFA mg/L)

Domestic Sewage 697 197 237 — 59*

(17) 3 (38%) (−2.6%) (83%) (—) (107*)
(—) - Low hydrolysis and acidification rates at lower
HUSB Domestic temperature resulted in production of less soluble
(37 L) 318 100 171 — 13 matter as compared to higher temperature.
Sewagea 0.927
(11%) (7.3%) (77%) (—) (34*)
Domestic Sewage 507 116 154 — 40*
(12) (37%) (16.1%) (75%) (—) (73*)
Up-flow Sludge
Domestic Sewage 1.1–4.3 462.3 213 167.3 — 44
Blanket Fermenter 1.070 - Maximum solubilisation occurred at HRT of 3.3 h [101]
(20 ± 1) (—) (27.5%) (–7.04%) (60.4%) (—) (88)
(0.79 m3 )

- Pretreatment of raw sewage was mainly through

UASR Domestic Sewage 3 697 138 — — —
0.704 removal of suspended solids and acidification of [99]
(7.5 L) (14–21) (5.6) (38.0%) (31.2%) (—) (—) (—)
readily available dissolved COD

- Hydrolysis of lipids and carbohydrates increased

with increasing SRT, whereas protein hydrolysis only
CSTR Domestic Sewage — 30851 ± 210 — — — — — occurred under methanogenic conditions. [106]
(5 L) (25) (—) (—) (—) (—) (—) (—) (—)
- SRT < 8 day resulted in acidogenic conditions,
- SRT > 8 day resulted in methanogenic conditions

Hydrolytic Up-flow
Urban Wastewater 2.2–4.5 525–710 257–344 186–268 153–232 6–29 - The methanogenic activity of the inoculum used was
Digester 0.69–0.89 [107]
(20) (4.42) (33%–47%) (13%–30%) (55%–68%) (52%–63%) (25–107) 0.18 g CODCH4 /g VSS·d at 20 ◦ C
(2 L)

- Sludge granulation was observed after 150-day of

operation, at an HRT of 3.4 h
- Granules had a weak structure and low density, with
HUSB Urban Wastewater 2.2–26.7 645 302 239 197 21 the specific methanogenic activity of the sludge being
0.86 [108]
(485 mL) (20) (0.9–7.3) (33%) (14.2%) (60.7%) (57.4%) (101) about 0.24 g CH4 - COD/gVSS·day.
- CODT and CODs removal of 57% and 76%,
respectively at an HRT of 3.4 h and an OLR of 5.6
kgCOD/m3 ·day.

Prefermenter - SRT of 5 day and 10 day were tested and the best
Domestic Sewage 1.3 399 126 305 5.1
Reactor — 0.90 results were obtained in a covered pre-fermenter [109]
(17–20.5) (7.36) (25%) (9.5%) (61%) (14)
(3.3 L) with a 5 d SRT.

- The AF reactor represented an efficient pre-treatment

process for domestic sewage at 13 ◦ C.
AF Domestic Sewage 2–4 425–533 130–172 33–55
— — 0.32–0.36 - Average CODSS removal efficiencies amounted to [54]
(60 L) (13 ◦ C) (—) (58.6–70.6) (53.6–55.2) (77.9–97)
81%, 57% and 58% at an HRT of 4, 3
and 2 h, respectively.
Water 2019, 11, 372 15 of 27

Table 4. Cont.

Treatment Used Type of Performance of Hydrolysis Reactor CODs

HRT, h (OLR, g
before Methane wastewater Influent VFA (Effluent)/CODs Remarks Reference
COD/L-day) Influent CODT Influent CODS Influent SS mg/L Influent VSS mg/L
Fermenter (Temperature, ◦ C) mg/L (Effluent (Influent)
mg/L (% Removal) mg/L (% Removal) (% Removal) (% Removal)
VFA mg/L)
1–6 582 314 229 183.5 0 - Synthetic wastewater was used in this study replicate
CSTR Wastewater 0.45 [76]
(2.32–13.96) (38.3) (7.96) (52) (50) (69) municipal wastewater
(30 ± 2)

Domestic - SRT in the system varied from 10.4–50.5 days.

2.9–7.1 361–469 115–121 188–373 169–283 6–9
HUSB Wastewater 1.289–1.525 - Biogas with a CH4 content of 55 to 70% was [105]
(1.22–3.88) (45.8~58.9%) (−28.9~−52.5%) (81.7~84.9%) (78.7~85.2%) (68–87)
(17.5–20.5) recovered but with low CH4 generation rate.

Municipal - OLR = 0.5–4 gBOD/L-day

HUSB 3–7 699–739 568–634
Wastewater — — — — [104]
(0.69 m3 ) (—) (33–51%) (76–89%) - Average BOD5 removal was 48%.
Water 2019, 11, 372 16 of 27

3.3. Kinetics of Anaerobic Digestion

In anaerobic digestion, the rate-limiting step of the overall process is related to the nature of
the substrate, process configuration, temperature, and loading rate [110]. Hydrolysis, a pretreatment
process, is used to degrade complex polymeric materials such as polysaccharides, proteins,
and lipids (fat and grease) to simple soluble products by extracellular enzymes, secreted by
microorganisms, so as to facilitate their transport or diffusion across the cell membrane [111]. Aerobic,
anaerobic and facultative microorganisms can catalyze hydrolysis of polymers. Biopolymers are
mostly insoluble, except for some small protein molecules, dextran, and they form fibers (cellulose),
grains (starch) or globules (casein after enzymatic precipitation) or can be melted or emulsified (fat).
While aerobes oxidize acetate in the tricarboxylic acid cycle and respire the reducing equivalents
as oxygen, the anaerobes (e.g., Ruminococcus sp., Clostridium sp., or Eubacterium sp.) either releases
molecular hydrogen or transforms pyruvate or acetate to highly reduced metabolites, such as lactate,
succinate, ethanol, propionate, or n-butyrate. These reduced metabolites are further oxidized within
the anaerobic food chain anaerobically by acetogenic microorganisms [41].
Both freely soluble exo-enzymes, diluted in bulk mass of liquid and enzymes excreted by
the neighboring microorganism colonies growing on the surface of the particles, catalyze the hydrolysis
process. The ratio of surface area to particle size of the sludge has been reported as an important
aspect for the hydrolysis of particulate organic matter. In the case of glucose, starch, carboxymethyl
cellulose, casein, and food residues from a restaurant, hydrolysis proceeded faster than methanogenesis,
whereas hydrolysis was the rate-limiting step for newspapers and leaves [41]. Cellulose and lignin are
the most abundant biopolymers.
Cellulose fibers are implanted in a matrix of hemicelluloses, pectin, or lignin. To make cellulose
fibers available to microorganisms, the hemicellulose, pectin, or lignin matrix must be degraded
either by microbial action or chemical solubilization. The enzyme glycosyl hydrolases are involved
in the degradation of cellulose and hemicellulose by cleaving the glycosidic bonds between different
carbohydrates and between carbohydrates and non-carbohydrates. Cellulosomes, stable enzyme
complexes formed in microorganisms, are active in degrading crystalline cellulose. Hydrolysis of
biological structural components such as cellulose and lignin polymers is difficult. In comparison
with the slow hydrolysis of celluloses, starch can be easily hydrolyzed, which is mainly facilitated
by the branching, helical structure of starch. While the cellulose forms fibers with a large surface
covered with lignin, the starch forms grains with an unfavorable surface-to-volume ratio for enzymatic
cleavage. Thus, the hydrolysis rate is limited by inadequate access of the enzymes to the substrate.
Whereas cellulose and starch are biodegradable, other carbohydrate-derived cellular compounds are
not biodegradable and—after reaction with proteins—form humic acid-like residues [41].
Oxidation of dead biomass proceeds anoxically or anaerobically through the reduction of electron
acceptors such as nitrate and nitrite or the reduction of sulfate, Fe3+ , Mn4+ , or CO2 , respectively.
Biopolymers of leaves or the plants decompose by extracellular enzymatic hydrolysis. The monomers
are fermented, and the fermentation products may be degraded further to biogas by acetogenic
and methanogenic microorganisms. Single cultures of strictly anaerobic microorganisms are not capable
of complete degradation of biopolymers to CH4 and CO2 . Under anaerobic conditions, biopolymers must
be degraded by a food chain via depolymerization (hydrolysis), fermentation (acidogenesis), oxidation of
fatty acids (acetogenesis), and biogas formation (methanogenesis) as the last step [112]. Henze et al. (1997)
reported values of hydrolysis constants kh for dissolved organic polymers to be 3–20 day−1 under aerobic
conditions and 2–20 day−1 under anaerobic conditions [113]. The values of the hydrolysis constant kh for
particulate solids were reported to be 0.6–1.4 day−1 under aerobic conditions and 0.3–0.7 day−1 under
anaerobic conditions [113].
The kinetic description of anaerobic degradation of complex organic matter has generally been
accomplished through the rate-limiting hydrolysis step approach. Monod, zero and first-order kinetic
models have been used to represent the biodegradation of domestic sewage in a combined treatment
system. Of these, the first-order model is the only one that adequately represents biodegradation
Water 2019, 11, 372 17 of 27

in both aerobic and anaerobic parts of the system. In the anaerobic unit, the first order kinetic
constant is 0.31 h−1 in summer temperatures (~19 ◦ C) and 0.20 h−1 in winter temperatures (~12.5 ◦ C),
whereas in aerobic units, the values are higher (~2.0 h−1 ) [114]. Table 5 gives the characteristic values
of maximum growth rate constants of biomass and first-order hydrolysis constants used in METHANE
model [115,116]. The hydrolysis step of complex organic matter has been identified as the rate-limiting
in anaerobic digestion [115,117]. Acetogenesis or methanogenesis might be the rate-limiting stages in
complex waste. For complex waste, stimulation of hydrolysis (mechanically, chemically or biologically)
could lead to a further inhibition of acetogenesis or methanogenesis stages (these stages could be rate
limiting for complex waste), which ultimately affects hydrolysis as well [117].

Table 5. The characteristic values of maximum growth rate constants (day 1) of biomass
and first-order hydrolysis constants used in METHANE model. [115].

Process Source of
Feed, Temperature
Hydrolysis Acidogenesis Acetogenesis Methanogenesis Experimental Data
5.6 (B1),
Cellulose, 35 ◦ C 0.1 0.56 0.56 (H) [100]
4.1 (B2)
5.0 (B1),
Sewage Sludge, 5 ◦ C 0.25 0.8 0.5 (A), 2.0 (H) [118]
5.0 (B2)
Note: B1 = acetate-producing acidogens, B2 = propionate-producing acidogens, A = acetate-utilizing methanogens,
H = hydrogen-utilizing methanogens.

The International Water Association (IWA) developed a structured generic model for anaerobic
digestion titled “Anaerobic Digestion Model No 1 (ADM1)”, which included multiple steps to
describe the biochemical as well as physico-chemical processes during anaerobic digestion [119].
The biochemical processes were divided into: (a) disintegration of dead biomass to particulate
constituents, (b) enzymatic extracellular hydrolysis of these particulates to their soluble monomers,
(c) intercellular degradation of soluble materials (resulting in biomass growth and subsequent
decay) [119]. Meanwhile, the physico-chemical processes were not biologically mediated and included
ion association/dissociation, and gas-liquid transfer [119]. This model assumed a disintegration step
of complex particulate waste to carbohydrate, protein, and lipid particulate substrate and particulate
and soluble inert material to facilitate modeling of waste-activated sludge digestion. The disintegration
step was included to precede more complex hydrolytic steps and this step makes the complex
polymeric material more bioavailable for subsequent hydrolysis. This disintegration step includes
an array of processes such as lysis, non-enzymatic decay, phase separation, and physical breakdown
(e.g., shearing). ADM1 is a powerful tool for predicting steady-state behavior of anaerobic digesters
treating sewage sludges [120]. Determination of the fraction of the biodegradable versus the total solids
in the feed sludge is critical while using the ADM1 model. A first-order disintegration process was
employed to describe the complex composite particulate waste breakdown to particulate substrates
of carbohydrate, protein, and lipid along with inert materials. When the disintegration step was
considered, before the hydrolytic steps in ADM1, it was found to be the rate-limiting step compared to
the hydrolysis step and hence it affected the final modeling results.
The use of the ADM1, with the first-order rate constant assigned for disintegration (Kdis )
and hydrolysis (Khyd ) as 0.5 day−1 and 10 day−1 , respectively, reflected the steady-state full-scale
anaerobic digestion data collected from two different sized wastewater treatment plants with
satisfactory level of accuracy [120]. The ADM1 is used extensively for modeling anaerobic digestion of
solid wastes and has been studied and modified to reflect different physico-chemical and biochemical
processes in the anaerobic digestion process [121–124]. The ADM1 models the disintegration
and hydrolysis steps in anaerobic digestion following a first-order kinetics and assuming that their rates
do not depend on disintegration/hydrolytic biomass concentration. However, for complex substrates,
the first-order kinetics can be modified to account for slowly degradable material [117,125]. It has
been demonstrated that when hydrolysis is coupled with the growth of hydrolytic microorganisms,
then the model prediction is enhanced at high or fluctuant organic loading [117]. Ramirez et al. [125]
Water 2019, 11, 372 18 of 27

developed a slightly modified ADM1 model to simulate thermophilic anaerobic digestion of thermally
pretreated waste activated sludge by using the Contois model for disintegration and hydrolysis steps
instead of first-order kinetics and the Hill function to model for ammonia inhibition of aceticlastic
methanogens instead of a non-competitive function.
The modified ADM1 was calibrated and validated using batch experimental data sets and the model
parameters involve three disintegration biochemical parameters, nine hydrolytic biochemical parameters
and four stoichiometric parameter values. The model was capable of predicting the data measured
under different pretreatment conditions and was able to explain the dynamics of acetate accumulation in
batch experiments [125]. ADM1 was also calibrated and validated (using 360 days operation data)
to satisfactorily model the dynamic performance of a full-scale anaerobic digester treating mixed
(primary and secondary) sludge in a wastewater treatment plant under mesophilic condition [126].
The calibration of the ADM1 parameters requires a deep understanding of the interaction between each
process, functional microorganism and environmental conditions. Thus, only the most important
parameters should be calibrated to improve the compatibility between measured data and model outputs.
A minimum set of parameters (disintegration rate of particulates, fractionation of particulate organics
and kinetics of acetate, propionate and hydrogen utilizers), which were reported as the most sensitive
parameters in the simulation results, were manually calibrated [126].

4. Comparison of UASBRs with and without Pre-Hydrolysis Units

The following sections provide comparisons between treatment efficiency of the single-stage
UASB and two-phase hydrolysis-UASB systems in terms of solids reduction, removal of various COD
fractions, and sludge production.

4.1. Suspended Solids Reduction

One of the main purposes of adopting a two-phase hydrolysis-UASB system is to remove
and digest the suspended solids in the hydrolysis step, which might otherwise accumulate and reduce
methanogenic activity in the anaerobic digestion process. Accumulation of solids might also lead
to increase in sludge bed height, resulting in heavy wash-out of sludge particles [58]. From Table 3,
it can be observed that the one-stage UASB process was able to remove 34–84% of suspended solids
from domestic wastewater. On the other hand, the hydrolysis unit of the two-phase process was
able to remove 52–89% of suspended solids (Table 4). Studies observing overall performance of
a two-phase system reported an overall removal efficiency of suspended solids of 76–93% (Table 6).
Lin and Ouyang (1993) [103] demonstrated that the ratio of total volatile solids and total solids (TVS:TS)
in the two-phase system was lower than that of the one-stage system. The TVS reduction was 43–53%
in the two-phase system, which was higher than that of the one-stage system [103].

Table 6. Overall domestic sewage treatment performances in two-phase hydrolysis-UASB processes.

System Configuration OLR in First Phase HRT, h Influent Influent Influent SS,
(Hydrolysis Unit → ◦C and Second Phase, (First Phase + CODT , mg/L CODS , mg/L mg/L References
Anaerobic Digestion Unit) kg COD/m3 -day Second Phase, h) (% Removal) (% Removal) (% Removal)
— (first phase)
5 318–697 100–197 154–237 [32]
HUSB → UASB 12,17 2.4–5.0
(3+2) (51–71%) (41–51%) (76–83%)
(second phase)
45–55% of
(first phase) 10~6 200–700 90–385
UASB → UASB 18–20 CODT [127]
1.70–6.20 (8~4+2) (74–82%) (86–93%)
(second phase)
5.3 (first phase) 5 650 187 217
HUSB → UASB 17 [128]
4.0 (second phase) (3+2) (69%) (79%) (83%)
6–12 425–533 130–172 —
AF → AH 13 — [54]
(2+4, 3+6, 4+8) (58.6–70.6%) (53.6–55.2%) (—)

4.2. Removal of COD

It has been reported that average CODT removal efficiency for one-stage and two-phase UASB
systems is 74% and 80%, respectively [5]. Table 3 indicates CODT removal efficiencies between 51 and 82%
Water 2019, 11, 372 19 of 27

in one-stage UASB systems. On the other hand, the hydrolysis stage of the two-phase process indicated
CODT removal efficiencies of 11–59% (Table 4). Table 6 demonstrates the overall CODT and CODS
removal performance of a two-phase system. The overall CODT removal efficiency of a two-phase
process has been reported to be between 51–82%. It is to be noted that CODT removal efficiency depends
on issues like temperature and HRT. For similar temperatures, the two-phase process exhibited better
COD removal than the one-stage UASB process [32]. Removal efficiency of CODT increases considerably
with the decrease of the HRT, as a treatment efficiency of 76% was achieved at HRT = 10 h (8 h for Phase I
and 2 h for Phase II), while the treatment efficiency was 82% at HRT = 6 h (4 h for Phase I and 2 h for
Phase II) [127]. The two-step AF→AH system, operated at an HRT of 4 + 8 h and a temperature of 13 ◦ C,
provided high removal efficiencies for all fractions of COD. The CODT removal efficiency was as high
as 71%, similar to that in one-step UASBRs in tropical countries. Application of the AF→AH system
results in high values for hydrolysis, acidification, and methanogenesis. No significant difference was
observed at different HRTs. At the imposed HRTs of 2 + 4 to 4 + 8 hours in the AF→AH system, 60–74% of
the removed CODT was converted to CH4 [54]. These ranges are significantly higher than those reported
by Uemura and Harada (2000) [78], who observed that 35% of the removed CODT was converted to CH4
while treating domestic sewage in a one-stage UASBR (at HRT = 4.7 h and temperature = 13 ◦ C).

4.3. Sludge Quality

The high solid accumulation in the first reactor, which occurs with low hydrolysis rates, as in
the case of low temperatures, can be a drawback of the two-phase system. When a one-stage UASB is
employed, the excess sludge produced is rather well stabilized, whereas, when a two-phase UASB
is applied, the excess sludge needs post-digestion possibly in combination with other solid wastes
(e.g., vegetables, fruits, etc.) in a separate CSTR [3]. In a two-phase system, the SRT may become too low
to achieve a good stabilization of the excess sludge. However, it is still possible to achieve acceptable
excess sludge quality by applying the sludge stabilization in a separate heated digester [59,129].
The choice for the number of phases in a UASB system mainly depends on the required SRT
and, therefore depends on the ambient temperature, temperature fluctuations and concentration,
and removal and hydrolysis of suspended solids in the sewage. For treatment of total sewage
under low temperature conditions, a two-phase system is surely preferable in comparison with
one-stage system, whereas at high temperatures, a one-stage is more attractive [3]. For treating
low-strength wastewater at medium to high ambient temperatures, two-phase UASB would be the best
choice with reference to enhanced treatment efficiencies. Elmitwalli et al. [54] reported that a major
portion of the excess sludge in a two-step AF→AH was produced in the first stage (i.e., AF reactor).
While the settlability and dewaterability of this sludge are good, they require post stabilization.
The excess sludge from the AH reactor was found to be well stabilized. At increasing loadings
of suspended solids, the sludge in the AH reactor led to deterioration of the maximum specific
methanogenic activity, which confirms the importance of separation of suspended solids in a first step
prior to the treatment of domestic sewage in a methanogenic reactor.

5. Future Research Needs and Concluding Remarks

A two-phase UASB is expected to perform better than the one-stage UASB. Prashant et al.
(2006) demonstrated, in batch experiments, the impedance caused by suspended solids or CODP on
biotransformation of organics to CH4 [79]. Studies regarding the impact of hydrolysis, as a pretreatment
of complex wastewater, in the performance of UASB for treating other CODP , such as proteins
and lipids, are lacking in the literature.
Also, COD reductions in the hydrolytic reactors were observed in the range
of 11–59% (refer Table 4). COD in such systems can be lost by substrate methanogenesis.
Methanogenesis in hydrolysis reactor or pretreatment unit may be due to the presence of a good
amount of seed sludge (40–50%) or a low F/M (F/M < 1) and other micro-environmental parameters.
The impact of hydrolysis as pretreatment of complex wastewater is expected to be not only in
Water 2019, 11, 372 20 of 27

the performance of UASB, but also on subsequent post-treatment and sludge disposal. Considering
the literature on (i) hydrolysis, (ii) the performance of the full scale UASB process, and (iii) bench-scale
two-phase treatment of sewage, a need to investigate hydrolysis of CODP without losing carbon
as CH4 was observed. Therefore, efforts are required to limit methanogenesis in the hydrolysis unit.
To achieve this, it is suggested to startup the hydrolytic reactor and to recover CH4 from the reactor. It is
also suggested that the F/M ratio in the system should be varied and pH value also monitored to reach
an optimum condition where methanogens will not be encouraged in the first-phase hydrolytic reactor.
Few researchers have investigated optimum mixing strategies for increasing efficiency
of hydrolysis and subsequent acidification stage of AD. Ma et al. [130] performed the characterization
of dissolved organic matter and key microorganisms to understand the effect of mixing for Sewage
Sludge (SS) treatment. They reported that a mixing speed of 90 rpm provides the highest efficiency
for hydrolysis and acidification phase (HAP). However, the efficacy of the mixing intensity is yet to be
revealed properly for the maximization between methanogenesis and HAP.
Temperature is another parameter that can play a crucial role in the acidification process in AD.
Ambient temperature can have a deteriorating effect on the hydrolysis thereby significant decrease
in acidification as well. Studies showed that operating AD under thermophilic condition (55 ◦ C)
can improve short chain fatty acid formation. Liu et al. [131] investigated HAP enhancement for
elevated temperatures such as mesophilic (35 ◦ C), thermophilic (55 ◦ C) and extreme thermophilic
(70 ◦ C) conditions. They reported that the optimum temperature for acidification is the thermophilic
zone, which shows 115% and 12% more efficiency than mesophilic, and extreme thermophilic zone
respectively. Later, Zhang et al. [132] found similar results of increased acidification of about 15.7% due
to higher temperature (55 ◦ C) in semi-continuous reactors compared with 35 ◦ C operating temperature.
Although the AD process has a potential to attract world-wide attention due to the production
of net positive energy and other valuable byproducts such as VFA, organic fertilizer,
and bioproducts [133], there is very limited research on full-scale study for the understanding of one of
the key aspects of VFA production during anaerobic digestion process. However, some researchers have
worked on the full-scale applications to produce VFA using chemical routes [134], but production
of VFA through biological pathways from SS, municipal sludge and industrial organic wastes has
yet to be investigated at commercial scale. Recently, one paper was published by Liu et al. [135]
describing full-scale operation to produce VFAs. They reported the hydrolysis rate in pretreatment
and the VFA yield in fermentation to be 68.7% and 261.32 mg COD/g VSS, respectively, for sewage
sludge. However, for more comprehensive understanding, further research is required to explore
the influence of HAP/VFAs productions and their downstream applications, such as enhancing biogas
production and/or for the biological nutrient-removal process in WWTPs [135].
The application of culture-independent methods to anaerobic digesters, together with crucial
complementary techniques such as imaging, isotope labeling, and chemical analyses, has provided us
with understanding of microbial community composition and the function of dominant populations [136].
Metagenomics, the sequencing of bulk DNA extracted from samples, provides direct access to the metabolic
potential of a microbial community [137]. Improvements in sequence throughput and bioinformatics
tools have contributed to a more widespread application of metagenomics to study natural and engineered
systems [136]. Application of metagenomics to understand anaerobic digestion process have enabled
better perspective on the representative microbial communities, the shift in communities during
the entire digestion process, and the relationship between reactor performance and microbial community
shifts [137–139]. Throughout the entire single-stage anaerobic digestion of high-strength food wastewater,
the abundance of phylum Chloroflexi decreased significantly, and the methanogenic microorganisms
shifted from aceticlastic to hydrogenotrophic methanogens with high increase in the proportion of
syntrophic bacterial communities [138]. Application of metagenomics has opened up a new direction
to appraise the complex interconnected processes performed by microbial communities, and to
understand how microbial community dynamics, interactions and functionality influence digester
efficiency and stability [136–140]. Use of culture-independent metagenomics might add useful information
Water 2019, 11, 372 21 of 27

on how pre-hydrolysis affects the dynamics of acidogenic-acetogenic-methanogenic microorganisms

communities during anaerobic digestion of sewage.

Author Contributions: Conceptualization R.R.; Writing-Original Draft Preparation R.R. and M.R.C.; Methodology,
Investigation and Resources N.A. and M.R.C.; Supervision, Writing—Review & Editing and funding acquisition
B.G. and M.S.R.
Funding: This research was funded by Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) of Canada
[Grant No. 505734-16].
Acknowledgments: The authors gratefully acknowledge the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council
(NSERC) of Canada for providing funding supports for this project.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.

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