"Sanctified Be Your Name" Did Sus " (Hovah) - Salvation" Know God'S Name? H-W-H (H-Û-Â)
"Sanctified Be Your Name" Did Sus " (Hovah) - Salvation" Know God'S Name? H-W-H (H-Û-Â)
"Sanctified Be Your Name" Did Sus " (Hovah) - Salvation" Know God'S Name? H-W-H (H-Û-Â)
PhD candidate in Classical Archaeology and Ancient History, Université Lyon2
Member of the International Association for Assyriology
Table of contents:
was praying publicly to God, he was God’s solid foundation stone is still in
heard to say: Father, glorify your name! position, and this is the inscription on it:
And God himself answered: I have The Lord knows those who are his own,
glorified it, and I will glorify it again (John and: All who call on the name of the Lord
12:28, The Jerusalem Bible). must avoid sin (1 Timothy 2:19).
The evening before Jesus died, However the early Christians who
he was praying to God in the hearing were of Jewish origin were extremely
of his disciples, and once again they puzzled that now (first century CE)
heard him highlight the importance pagans could invoke God's name.
of God’s name. He said: I have made That’s why James4 explained to the
your name known to the men you took from apostles: When they had finished it was
the world to give me (...) Holy Father, keep James who spoke. My brothers, he said,
those you have given me true to your name. listen to me. Simeon (Peter) has described
Later he repeated: I have made known to how God first arranged to enlist a people for
them and will continue to make it known, his name out of the pagans. This is entirely
so that the love with which you loved me may in harmony with the words of the prophets,
be in them (John 17:6,11,26). since the scriptures say: After that I shall
After Jesus' death God's name return and rebuild the fallen House of
remained a central theme among his David; I shall rebuild it from its ruins and
disciples. For example, the apostle restore it. Then the rest of mankind, all the
Paul, who was educated at the feet of pagans who are consecrated to my name, will
Gamaliel3 (Acts 22:3), wrote to his look for the Lord, says the Lord who made
fellow Hebrew Christians: As it was this known so long ago (Acts 15:13-18).
his purpose to bring a great many of his sons Even though the New
into glory, it was appropriate that God, for International Dictionary of New Testament
whom everything exists and through whom Theology (Volume 2, page 649) says:
everything exists, should make perfect, One of the most fundamental and essential
through suffering, the leader who would take features of the biblical revelation is the fact
them to their salvation. For the one who that God is not without a name: he has a
sanctifies, and the ones who are sanctified, personal name, by which he can, and is to
are of the same stock; that is why he openly be, invoked, in 2001, the Vatican's
calls them brothers in the text: I shall Congregation for Divine Worship
announce your name to my brothers, praise and the Discipline of the Sacraments
you in full assembly (Hebrews 2:10-12). (the agency in charge of liturgical
He also wrote to the Romans: For in matters) put forth an “Instruction”
Scripture he says to Pharaoh; It was for this known as Liturgiam Authenticam which
I raised you up, to use you as a means of included the following directive: In
showing my power and to make my name accordance with immemorial tradition ... the
known throughout the world (Romans name of almighty God expressed by the
9:17). He warned Christians: However, Hebrew tetragrammaton (YHWH) and
3 4
Gamaliel, a well-known Pharisee, was a Law James was a son of Joseph and Mary, and half
teacher esteemed by all the people (Acts 5:34). brother of Jesus (Mark 6:3; Galatians 1:19).
rendered in Latin by the word Dominus, is own Bible is now under the ban (!)
to be rendered into any given vernacular by a because it uses the forbidden name
word equivalent in meaning. In 2008 this Yahweh, and if he obeys his Church
rule was then reinforced by a “Letter he disobeys God who condemns the
to the Bishops Conferences on The prophets of the “Lord” (Baal). On
Name of God”: In the light of what has the other hand it was written in his
been expounded, the following directives are former Bible (Crampon 1904): Then
to be observed: 1. In liturgical celebrations, those who feared Jehovah talked to one
in songs and prayers the name of God in the another about this, and Jehovah took note
form of the tetragrammaton YHWH is and listened; and a book of remembrance
neither to be used nor pronounced. 2. For was written in his presence recording those
the translation of the biblical text in modern who feared him and kept his name in mind.
languages, destined for the liturgical usage of On the day when I act, says Jehovah of
the church, what is already prescribed by armies, they will be my most prized
No. 41 of the instruction Liturgiam possession, and I shall spare them in the
Authenticam is to be followed; that is, the way a man spares the son who serves him
divine tetragrammaton is to be rendered (Malachi 3:16-17).
by the equivalent of Adonai/Kyrios: Since the Bible of Abbot
Lord, Signore, Seigneur, Herr, Señor, etc. Crampon became the official Bible of
3. In translating in the liturgical context, Catholicism in 1904, the Latin title
texts in which are present, one after the Dominus “Lord” in the Vulgate5 has
other, either the Hebrew term Adonai or been systematically replaced by
the tetragrammaton YHWH, Adonai is Jehovah, however, when this name
to be translated Lord and the form God is appears for the first time in the text
to be used for the tetragrammaton of Genesis 2:4 a footnote explains: Its
YHWH, similar to what happens in the real pronunciation was Yahveh; the form
Greek translation of the Septuagint and in Jehovah comes from the Masoretes, who
the Latin translation of the Vulgate. attributed to this word the vowels of
For a sincere Catholic the Adonaï, another name for God, which
present situation must be very means Lord. When the Bible was
uncomfortable, because he can read revised in 1923, the main revision was
in his official Bible (Jerusalem Bible): 5
The Vulgate is a late 4th-century Latin translation
They are doing their best, by means of the of the Bible that became, during the 16th century,
dreams that they keep telling each other, to the Catholic Church's officially promulgated Latin
version of the Bible. The translation was largely
make my people forget my name, just as the work of Jerome, who, in 382, was
their ancestors forgot my name in favour of commissioned by Pope Damasus I to revise the
Baal ("Lord"). Let the prophet who has Vetus Latina ("Old Latin") collection of biblical
texts in Latin then in use by the Church. Once
had a dream tell it for a dream! And let published (405), it was widely adopted and
him who receives a word from me, deliver my eventually eclipsed the Vetus Latina and, by the
word accurately! 'What have straw and 13th century, was known as the "versio vulgata" (the
"version commonly-used") or, more simply, in
wheat in common? Yahweh demands Latin as vulgata. The Catholic Church made it its
(Jeremiah 23:27-28). Paradoxically his official Latin Bible as a consequence of the
Council of Trent (1545-63).
commanded me. At once they sentenced him who were attending the Temple
to be burnt, his wife to be slain, and his priests because people generally only
daughter to be consigned to a brothel. The spoke Aramaic: This became known to
punishment of being burnt came upon him all the inhabitants of Jerusalem, so that the
because he pronounced the Name according field was called in their language
to its letters. But how could he do so? Have Akeldama11, that is, “Field of Blood”
we not learnt: The following have no portion (Acts 1:19). If one had asked Pilatus:
in the world to come: He who says that the what is the name of the god worshiped in the
Torah is not from Heaven, or that the temple of Jerusalem?, he would have
resurrection of the dead is not taught in the answered as Livy, a Roman historian,
Torah. Abba Saul says: Also he who when he commented around 10 BCE
pronounces the Name according to its on the taking of Jerusalem by general
letters? He did it in the course of practising, Pompey in 63 BCE: They (the Jews) do
as we have learnt: Thou shalt not learn to not mention to which deity pertains the
do after the abominations of those nations, Temple at Jerusalem (History of Rome
but thou mayest learn [about them] in order CII)12. Finally if one had asked the
to understand and to teach. Why then was apostle Paul what he knew regarding
he punished? —Because he was God's name he would have answered
pronouncing the Name in public (...) The that the name of God was written
Executioner then jumped and threw himself YHWH and because he knew
into the fire. And a bathkol10 exclaimed: Hebrew13 he was able to say how this
R. Hanina b. Teradion and the name was pronounced in Hebrew.
Executioner have been assigned to the world Paradoxically the main cause of
to come (Abodah Zarah 17b-18a). the disappearance of God's name in
How was the tetragram the Christian world was not the
pronounced in the New Testament, ignorance of Hebrew (indeed, a very
given that during the 1st century CE, few Christian scholars still knew it),
the Jews believed that the privilege to but the influence of Greek
pronounce God's name was reserved philosophy. For example, Justin (100-
only to the Temple and that it should 165), a Christian philosopher, often
not be disclosed to (Greek) commented in his works that it was
foreigners. The answer to this impossible for man to name God
question depends on several factors: (Apologies I:10:1; I:61:11; I:63:1;
was the informant Jewish or not (like 11
The word ḥaqel-dema’ is Aramaic because in
Pilatus), did he know Hebrew or only Hebrew this word was sadeh-hadam, as well the
Greek (like Cornelius), did he know word sabaqtani (Matthew 27:46) is Aramaic
any priests who were officiating in because in Hebrew we read: azabtani (Psalm 22:1).
P. SCHÄFER – Judeophobia: Attitudes Toward
the Temple of Jerusalem (like the Jews in the Ancient World (Harvard
Josephus)? At that time, the Hebrew University Press, 2009), pp. 36-39.
language was known mainly by those Hebrew was the official language of the Temple:
Many Jews read this inscription, because the place where
Jesus was crucified was near the city. It was written in
A bathqol (“daughter of voice”) is a voice Hebrew, Latin, and Greek (John 19:20, International
descending from heaven according to Daniel 4:21. Standard Version).
II:12:4), and his main argument came In the same way the apostle
from Timaios, a work of Plato Paul wrote to the Christians staying in
(Apologies II:6:1). Some anomalies Rome a letter written in Greek (c. 56
are found in his quotes, like the CE): For I say that Christ actually became
passage of Mika 4:1-7 in his Dialogue a minister of those who are circumcised in
with Tryphon (§109), which enables us behalf of God’s truthfulness, so as to verify
to conclude that he knew the writing the promises He made to their forefathers,
of God's name. His quotes did not and that the nations might glorify God for
correspond exactly with the his mercy [Ps 18:49]. Just as it is written:
Septuagint, or with the Masoretic That is why I will openly acknowledge you
text, but only with the texts found at among the nations and to your name I will
Qumran. In spite of the tetragram make melody [Dt 32:43]. And again he
clearly appearing in paleo-Hebrew in says: Be glad, you nations, with his people.
this Greek text14, Justin did not And again: Praise YHWH, all you
understand it as a proper name. nations, and let all the peoples praise him
Perhaps he thought that it was an [Ps 117:1]. And again Isaiah says [Is
archaic procedure for writing the 11:10]: There will be the root of Jesse, and
word “Lord”. At this time, even there will be one arising to rule nations; on
Irenaeus of Lyons (130-202) believed him nations will rest their hope (Romans
that the word Iaô meant “Lord” in 15:8-12). Paul had to write YHWH in
primitive Hebrew (Against Heresies his quote of Psalms 117:1, not the
II:24:2). Because they did not “Lord”, because God's name was
understand Hebrew, as all Gentile written in all the copies of the
Christians, Justin and Irenaeus of Septuagint at that time. In addition,
Lyons believed that God's name was because he explained clearly that God
Jesus (Dialogue with Trypho LXXV)! had planned in the past to be openly
acknowledged among the nations
making melody for his name, it would
have been incomprehensible that
Paul used the title “Lord”, usually
assigned to Roman gods, instead of
the personal name of God.
Similarly the apostle John wrote
to the Christians staying in Greece a
booklet written in Greek (c. 98 CE): I
am the Alpha and the Omega, says
YHWH God, the One who is and who
was and who is coming, the Almighty (...) I
Mika 4:1 (picture line 1):
YHWH ΤΩΝ ΔΥΝΑΜΕΩΝ instead of will write upon him the name of my God
YHWH ΠΑΝΤΟΣΡΑΤΟΡΟΣ (LXX) (...) saying: We thank you, YHWH God,
D. BARTHÉLEMY - Les devanciers d'Aquila in: the Almighty, the One who is and who was,
Vetus Testamentum, Supplements vol. X (Leiden because you have taken your great power
1963), pp. 203-212.
and begun ruling as king. But the nations the name Abaddon proves that he
became wrathful, and your own wrath came, knew Hebrew15: They have over them a
and the appointed time for the dead to be king, the angel of the abyss. In Hebrew his
judged, and to give [their] reward to your name is Abaddon, but in Greek he has the
slaves the prophets and to the holy ones and name Apollyon (Revelation 9:11). He
to those fearing your name, the small and did not replace YHWH by “Lord”
the great (...) And it opened its mouth in for another reason. Indeed he used
blasphemies against God, to blaspheme his several times the well-known
name and his residence (...) And I saw, expression Allelu-ia, which means
and, look! the Lamb standing upon the “Praise Yah” in Hebrew, he did not
Mount Zion, and with him 144,000 use the expression Allelu-el “Praise
having his name and the name of his Father God”, nor Allelu-adonai “Praise the
written on their foreheads (...) Who will not Lord”. The name Jah16 was a shorten
really fear you, YHWH, and glorify your form of YHWH (Psalms 68:4).
name, because you alone are loyal? For all After the Birkat ha-Minim
the nations will come and worship before you “Blessing on the heretics” (c. 90 CE),
(...) the men were scorched with great heat, Christian Jews have been considered
but they blasphemed the name of God (...) by other Jews as heretics. Rabbi
After these things I heard what was as a Tarphon (c. 90-130 CE), related the
loud voice of a great crowd in heaven. They problem of the destruction of Jewish
said: Praise Jah, you people! The salvation Christian texts which contained the
and the glory and the power belong to our tetragram17 (Shabbat 116a). Probably
God (...) And right away for the second from 100 CE the name YHWH was
time they said: Praise Jah, you people! And replaced, among Christians, by some
the smoke from her goes on ascending forever “sacred names18” like “L[or]d (ΚΣ)” or
and ever. And the 24 elders and the 4 living “G[o]d (ΘΣ)”. Question: how have
creatures fell down and worshiped God Christian Jews pronounced the name
seated upon the throne, and said: Amen! of God YHWH?
Praise Jah, you people! Also, a voice issued 15
The Hebrew word ’adaddon appears in Psalms
forth from the throne and said: Be praising 88:11, the Greek word apoliean in Matthew 7:13
our God, all you his slaves, who fear him, and the Aramaic word ’abdan in Esther 8:6. John
mentions armageddon “mountain of Megiddo” as a
the small ones and the great. And I heard Hebrew place (Revelation 16:16). In addition,
what was as a voice of a great crowd and as John had to know Hebrew because he was known
a sound of many waters and as a sound of to the high priest (John 18:15).
Behold, God is my salvation: I will trust, and not be
heavy thunders. They said: Praise Jah, you afraid; for Jah, Jehovah, is my strength and song, and he is
people, because YHWH our God, the become my salvation (...) Confide ye in Jehovah for ever; for
Almighty, has begun to rule as king in Jah, Jehovah, is the rock of ages (Isaiah 12:2; 26:4)
Darby Bible Translation).
(Revelation 1:8; 3:12; 11:17-18; 13:6; 17
D. JAFFÉ - Les Sages du Talmud et l’Évangile
14:1; 15:4; 16:9; 19:1-6). selon Matthieu in: Revue de l’histoire des religions
John had to have written Tome 226:4 (2009), p. 583-611.
G.D. KILPATRICK -The Principles and Practise
YHWH in his book for the same of New Testament Textual Criticismin: Bibliotheca
reasons Paul did. His comment about ephemeridum theologicarum lovaniensium XCVI, pp.
God’s name —Its pronunciation
Did Jesus know God's name? of worship to me. Then Jesus said to him:
The answer is obvious but what is Go away, Satan! For it is written: It is
controversial is: How did Jesus YHWH your God you must worship, and
pronounce it? We can suppose that it is to him alone you must render sacred
he was pronouncing God's name in service (Dt 5:9; 6:13) (Matthew 4:3-10).
the same way that the high priest was The discussion between Jesus
uttering it in the Temple before its and Satan highlights two crucial
destruction in 70 CE. points: Jesus read aloud God's name
Despite the fact that the New in Hebrew and he systematically used
Testament is written in Greek, the it, which Satan never did because one
numerous controversies Jesus met notices that he preferred using the
regarding doctrinal points of the Old word GOD (Elohim). This choice was
Testament had to be conducted in not made by chance because Jesus
Hebrew given that the text of the quoted the text of Deuteronomy
Bible was written in Hebrew. For 6:13, which says: YHWH your God you
example when Jesus discussed with should fear, and him you should serve, and
Satan after his baptism, they both by his name you should swear, whereas
quoted precisely some parts of the Satan quoted the word GOD as he
Old Testament written by Moses: The already had done with Eve (Genesis
Tempter came and said to him: If you are a 3:1-5), rather than the name YHWH
son of GOD, tell these stones to become which Eve used (Genesis 4:1).
loaves of bread. But in reply he said: It is Similarly, Jesus had to quote the
written: Man must live, not on bread alone, text in Hebrew, not in Greek, when
but on every utterance coming forth through he quoted the Bible in his discussions
YHWH’s mouth (Dt 8:3). Then the Devil with the Pharisees: And one of them
took him along into the holy city, and he versed in the Law, asked, testing him (...)
stationed him upon the battlement of the Now while the Pharisees were gathered
temple and said to him: If you are a son of together Jesus asked them: What do you
GOD, hurl yourself down; for it is written: think about the Christ? Whose son is he?
He will give his angels a charge concerning They said to him: David’s. He said to them:
you, and they will carry you on their hands, How, then, is it that David by inspiration
that you may at no time strike your foot calls him ‘Lord’, saying: YHWH said to
against a stone (Ps 91:11-12). Jesus said to my Lord: Sit at my right hand until I put
him: Again it is written: You must not put your enemies beneath your feet? If, therefore,
YHWH your GOD to the test (Dt 6:16). David calls him ‘Lord’, how is he his son?
Again the Devil took him along to an And nobody was able to say a word in reply
unusually high mountain, and showed him to him, nor did anyone dare from that day
all the kingdoms of the world and their on to question him any further (Matthew
glory, and he said to him: All these things I 22:35,41-45). Some scholars claim
will give you if you fall down and do an act that Jesus had observed the rabbinic
But above
this is far fromall being
name Iaôtheappears
Confessedly, inof athe
original rendering
Tetragrammaton in the Old Greek Bible (i.e. the reconstructed original LXX) is “a heavily
debated subject.”of Was the Septuagint
the theonym
(a) replaced by a surrogate dated
like “Lord” and “God,”
(b) rendered phonetically, or rather (c) kept reverentially untranslated in Hebrew script?
c. 100 BCE found in Qumran.
Messiah as well as the links between men. Since, therefore, the name of the Son
the “Lord God” of the Old belongs to the Father, and since in the
Testament and the new “god Lord omnipotent God the Church makes
(Jesus)” worshipped by Christians. offerings through Jesus Christ, He says well
However, when the Jews prohibited on both these grounds, And in every place
pronouncing God’s name, around incense is offered to My name, and a pure
130 CE, some Gnostic groups sacrifice (Against Heresies IV:17:6).
appeared both among Christians and Among the Jews the situation
Jews, who pretended to keep the true was quite different. Because they
name of God. For example among were not allowed to pronounce God's
Christians: name, they began speculations about
! Justin Martyr wrote (c. 150 CE): the substitute Yahû (YHW) they had
Moreover, in the book of Exodus we have used in the past, which was now
also perceived that the name of God considered as a secret name. This
Himself which, He says, was not revealed name played a great role in Jewish
to Abraham or to Jacob, was Jesus, and esotericism as one can see in a book
was declared mysteriously through Moses written around 80 CE: Go, Jaoel, and
(Dialogue with Trypho LXXV). by means of my ineffable Name raise me
! Christian gnostic (c. 150-170 CE): yonder man, and strengthen him (so that he
The Son is his name. He did not, therefore, recover) from his trembling. And the angel
keep it secretly hidden, but the son came came, whom He had sent to me, in the
into existence. He himself gave a name to likeness of a man, and grasped me by my
him. The name, then, is that of the Father, right hand, and set me up upon my feet, and
just as the name of the Father is the Son said to me: “Stand up, [Abraham,] Friend
(The Gospel of Truth). of God who loves thee; let not the trembling
! Irenaeus of Lyons (c. 170 CE): But of man seize thee! For, lo! I have been sent
what other name is there which is glorified to thee to strengthen thee and bless thee in
among the Gentiles than that of our Lord, the name of God —who loves thee— the
by whom the Father is glorified, and man Creator of the celestial and terrestrial. Be
also? And because it is [the name] of His fearless and hasten to Him. I am called
own Son, who was made man by Him, He Jaoel by Him who moves that which exists
calls it His own. Just as a king, if he with me on the 7th expanse upon the
himself paints a likeness of his son, is right firmament, a power in virtue of the ineffable
in calling this likeness his own, for both Name that is dwelling in me (The
these reasons, because it is [the likeness] of Apocalypse of Abraham X:3-7). The
his son, and because it is his own name of Jaoel is represented as a
production; so also does the Father confess being possessed of the power of the
the name of Jesus Christ, which is ineffable name, a function assigned in
throughout all the world glorified in the the Rabbinical writings to Metatron,
Church, to be His own, both because it is whose name is like unto that of God
that of His Son, and because He who thus Himself (Sanhedrin 38b). The name
describes it gave Him for the salvation of Yahoel “Yahô is God” is evidently a
substitute for the ineffable name. A
cryptic story in the Babylonian
Talmud states that: On the eve of every
Shabbat, Judah HaNasi's pupils, Rab
Hanina and Rab Hoshaiah, who devoted
themselves especially to cosmogony, used to
create a delicious calf by means of the Sefer
Yetzirah, and ate it on the Sabbath
(Sanhedrin 65b, 67b). The Sefer
Yetzirah (c. 150 CE), the earliest As one can see among these
extant book on Jewish esotericism, samples, numerous amulets of this
reads27: With three of the simple letters seal time, written in Greek, contain the
"above". Choose three and place them in name Iaô, occasionally written
His great Name: YHW. With them seal backwards29. Sometimes other names
the six extremities. Face upward and seal it like: Ia, Sabaot/Sabao, Adonai, etc.,
with YHW (Sefer Yetzirah I:15). The are found, but the most frequently
great Name used in Jewish magic was found in these Greek amulets is Iaô30.
therefore YHW (Yahû) instead of Origen who was the greatest textual
YHWH (Yehowah). The comparison critic of the early Christian Church
(below) between the Jewish amulets wrote (c. 250 CE): and from the Hebrew
written (from 150 to 400 CE) in Scriptures him who is termed in Hebrew Iaô
Hebrew28 and Greek confirms the or Jah, and Sabaoth, and Adonaeus, and
equivalence between YHW (Yahû) Eloaeus. Now the names taken from the
and Iaô as well as YH (Yah) and Ia. Scriptures are names of one and the same
God (Against Celsus VI:32). For Iaô
means etymologically lifting up, elation.
Now the Word comes to men who formerly
could not receive the advent of the Son of
God who is the Word (Commentary on
John II:1). His comment shows31 that
he was well aware of substitutes for
God's name but, despite the fact he
K. PREISENDANZ -Papyri Graecae Magicae I
A.P. HAYMAN - Sefer Yesira: Edition, 1928; II Berlin 1931 Stuttgart 1974 XVIIa 1-2.
Translation and Text-critical Commentary. M. PHILONENKO -L'anguipède alectorocéphale
Tuebingen 2004, Ed. Mohr Siebeck, pp. 89-90. et le dieu Iaô in: C.R.A.I.L. Paris 1979 Ed.
J. NAVEH - A Recently Discovered Palestinian Klincksieck pp. 297-304.
Jewish Aramaic Amulet in: Arameans, Aramaic He directed the production of the massive
and the Aramaic literary tradition (Tel-Aviv 1983, Hexapla ("Sixfold"), an Old Testament in six
Bar-Ilan University Press), pp. 81-88. columns: Hebrew, Hebrew in Greek characters,
J. NAVEH, S. SHAKED - Amulets and magic bowls the Septuagint, and the Greek versions of
Jerusalem 1985 Ed. Magnes Press pp. 40-61. Theodotion, Aquila of Sinope, and Symmachus.
J.A. MONTGOMERY -Aramaic Incantation Texts He was one of the greatest biblical scholars of the
from Nippur. Philadelphia 1913 Ed. University early Church, having written commentaries on
Museum, pp. 145-146,165,209-210. most of the books of the Bible.
was the most skilled Christian scholar reasoning: the God of the
of his time, he did not know the philosophers did not require worship
genuine pronunciation of the only polite acknowledgement of his
tetragram and he believed that Iaô existence, since it would be
meant etymologically: “lifting up, impossible to establish relations with
elation” (instead of “Yah himself”). a nameless God (Elohim). Then he
Rapidly the Jews were not proved that the tetragram YHWH is
interested anymore in the the personal name of God, that is to
pronunciation of God's name, but say the name distinctly read (Shem ha-
some small mystic groups continued mephorash), which is different from all
to speculate about the symbolic the other names such as: Adonay,
meaning or esoteric understanding of Shadday, Elohim (which are only divine
the letters of God's name that they titles having an etymology), because
were writing YY, YYY or YWY. This the tetragram has no etymology.
method is called Kabbalah. However, Maimonides knew
According to adherents of Kabbalah, well the problem of the
its origin begins with secrets that God pronunciation of God’s name
revealed to Adam. One of the central prohibited by Jewish tradition. On
doctrines concerns the 72-letter name the other hand, he also knew that
of God used for meditation some Jews believed in the almost
purposes32. For example, Abraham magical influence of the letters or the
ibn Ezra wrote a book (c. 1154) precise pronunciation of divine
entitled the Book of the Name (Sefer ha- names, but he warned his readers
Shem) in which he establishes links against such practices as being pure
between digital and also zodiacal invention or foolishness. The
values from the letters of the remarkable aspect of his
tetragram. Because Philosophy, argumentation lies in the fact that he
Gnosticism and mystical, even managed to avoid controversy on
astrological beliefs, had became such a sensitive subject. He asserted
increasingly influential, Maimonides a that in fact it was only true worship
Jewish scholar and famous Talmudist, which had been lost, and not the
in order to contend with such authentic pronunciation of the
influences, put forward a whole new tetragram, since this was still possible
definition of Judaism. His reasoning according to its letters. To support
centred on the Name of God, the this basic idea (true worship is more
tetragram, which was explained in his important than correct
book entitled The Guide of the Perplexed pronunciation), he quoted Sotah 38a
(Book I §64), written in 1190. There to prove that the name is the essence
he exposed the following powerful of God and that is the reason it
should not be misused, then he
This concept is derived from the Hebrew verbal
utterance Moses spoke in the presence of an quoted the text of Zechariah 14:9 to
angel, while the Sea of Reeds parted, allowing the prove the oneness of this name, also
Hebrews to escape their approaching attackers.
Sifre Numbers 6:23-27 to show that the verb “to be (hayah)” expressed above
priests were obliged to bless by this all a religious etymology, that is a
name only. Then, to prove that the teaching about God, who can be
pronunciation of the Name did not defined theologically as: the Being who
pose any problem in the past, and is the being or the necessary being. It is
that it had no magical aspect, he interesting to note that Judah Halevi,
quoted Kiddushin 71a, which said that another Jewish scholar, put forward
this name was passed on by certain almost the same arguments in his
rabbis to their sons. Also, according book The Kuzari published in 1140.
to Yoma 39b, this pronunciation was He wrote that the main difference
widely used before the priesthood of between the God of Abraham and
Simon the Just, which proved the the God of Aristotle was the
insignificance of a magical concept, tetragram (Kuzari IV:16). He proved
because at this time, the Name was also that this name was the personal
used for its spiritual not supernatural name of God (IV:1) and that it meant
aspect. Maimonides insisted on the according to the Bible: He will be with
fact that what was necessary to find you. To show once again that it was
was the spirituality connected to this the meaning of this name which was
Name, and not the exact important and not the pronunciation,
pronunciation. In order to he quoted Exodus 5:2 where Pharaoh
demonstrate this important idea of asked to know the Name: not the
understanding the sense and not the pronunciation which he used, but the
sound conveyed by this name, he authority of this Name (IV:15). He
quoted a relevant example. Exodus pointed out that the letters of the
6:3 indicates that before Moses the tetragram have the remarkable
Name was not known. Naturally this property of being “mother of reading”,
refers to the exact meaning of the that is the vowels associated with
Name, and not its pronunciation, other consonants, such as the spirit is
because it would be unreasonable to associated with the body and makes it
believe that a correct pronunciation live: Although its meaning is hidden, the
would have suddenly been able to letters of which it is composed speak. For it
incite the Israelites to action, unless is the letters alef, hē (H), wāv (W) and yōd
the pronunciation had magical power, (Y) which cause all consonants to be
a supposition disproved by sounded, as no letter can be pronounced as
subsequent events. To conclude his long as it is not supported by one of these
demonstration, Maimonides quoted four, viz. â by alef, and hē, û by wāv, and î
Exodus 3:14 to show that the by yōd. They form, so to speak, the spirit in
expression ehyeh asher ehyeh, which can the bodies of the consonants. The name Oh
be translated as: I shall be who I shall be, is like the tetragrammaton (Ex III:14). As
was above all a spiritual teaching. to EH’YEH, it can be derived from the
Because the tetragram had no latter name, or from the root hāyāh “to be”
linguistic etymology, this link with the (The Kuzari IV:3).
that ( יַהֲ וֹהYahawoh) is the true felt that the divine name should be
pronunciation (...) others as Reland (...) restored when they translate the New
following the Samaritans, suppose that יַהְ וֶה Testament. For example, many
(Yaheweh) was anciently the true African, American, Asian, and
pronunciation (...) Also those who consider Pacific-island language versions of
( יְהוָֹהYehowah) was the actual the New Testament use the divine
pronunciation are not altogether without name liberally. Some of these
ground on which to defend their opinion. In translations have appeared recently,
this way can be abbreviated syllables יְהוֹ such as the Rotuman Bible (1999),
(Yehô) and ( יוֹYô), with which many proper which uses the name Jihova 51 times
names begin, be more satisfactorily in 48 verses of the New Testament,
explained41. Consequently, several and the Batak-Toba version (1989)
Jewish translators systematically used from Indonesia, which uses the name
the name Jehovah in their translation Jahowa 110 times in the New
of the Hebrew like the Bible of Rabbi Testament. The divine name has
Lazarus Goldschmidt42: appeared, too, in French, German,
and Spanish translations. For
instance, Pablo Besson translated the
New Testament into Spanish in the
early 20th century. His translation uses
or Joseph Magil43 (Deut 6:4): Jehová at Jude 14, and nearly 100
footnotes suggest the divine name as
a likely rendering. Below are some
examples of English translations that
have used God’s name in the New
All these Jewish translators, Testament:
who knew Hebrew as well as the ban ! A Literal Translation of the New
on pronouncing God's name, used Testament ... From the Text of the
the name Jehovah in their writings Vatican Manuscript, by Herman
(obviously they did not encourage Heinfetter (1863).
anyone to pronounce it). How many ! The Emphatic Diaglott, by Benjamin
used the name Yahweh: absolutely Wilson (1864).
none of them. ! The Epistles of Paul in Modern English,
Based upon the previous by George Barker Stevens (1898).
evidence, many Bible translators have ! St. Paul’s Epistle to the Romans, by W.
H.W.F. GENESIUS –Gesenius’ Hebrew-Chaldee
G. Rutherford (1900).
Lexicon to the Old Testament. Grand Rapid, ! The Christian’s Bible—New Testament,
Michigan 1979, Ed. Baker Book House, p. 337. by George N. LeFevre (1928).
L. GOLDSCHMIDT –Die heiligen Bücher des
alten Bundes übertragen durch Vol. 1. The Holy ! The New Testament Letters, by J.W.C.
Books of the Old Covenant, translated by Berlin, Wand, Bishop of London (1946).
Ed. Rosenthal & Co. 1925. Some critics argue that these
J. MAGIL –Magil’s Linear School Bible (1910
reprint) 1899 New York, Ed. J. Magil’s Publishing. Christian translators were not aware
that the name of God was not entitled: The Hebraic Tongue Restored:
Jehovah but Yahweh because those And the True Meaning of the Hebrew
who knew Hebrew well had preferred Words Re-Established and Proved by their
using Yahweh! For example, Levi Radical Analysis, in which he46 explains
Herzfeld, a German rabbi and there is no need of vowel-points to
historian, was the first scholar who understand Hebrew, because this
chose to replace systematically language can be vocalized through
Jehovah by Jahweh in his comments vowel letters. He applied this method,
on the Old Testament44 (1855). In of reading the words according to
fact, this rabbi did not know Hebrew their letters, in his translation of the
very well. In contrast, Johann Babor, Book of Genesis (1823) in which he
Doctor of Theology and historian, systematically used IHÔAH (Gn
professor of hermeneutics of the Old 8:20-21, below):
and New Testament and Director of
theological studies at the University
of Olomouc, used the name Ihoua
(Luke 4:18 below) in his translation
of the New Testament45 (1805).
will be”, appears frequently in those of heaven, the Most High, the heavens
letters. Second, the Bible provides a (Daniel 2:28,29,37,44; 4:17,24,26,32).
very simple explanation of the In the same way Ezra and Nehemiah
disappearance of the tetragram, used the tetragram with the Jews
outside the Bible, which occurred (Ezra 3:10,11 8:28,29; Nehemiah 4:14
when the Jews had to flee from 8:9) but they used substitutes with
Jerusalem after her fall in 587 BCE. non-Jews: God, the great God, God of the
When Pharaoh Necho defeated heavens, God of the heavens and the earth
King Josiah then established Eliakim (Ezra 5:8,11,12,17; Nehemiah 2:4,20).
“God will raise up” as vassal and Furthermore, these non-Jews no
perhaps as provocation, changed his longer used the tetragram in their
name to Jehoiakim “Yehô will raise answers to the prophets. Cyrus was
up”. This proves that Necho knew probably the last who used the name
the great name of the God of the Jehovah (Ezra 1:2). In the book of
Hebrews (2 Kings 23:34). Some years Esther there is no tetragram, but the
later, in a similar way and in the same last book (Malachi) written for the
context, the Babylonian king Jews, contains it many times.
Nebuchadnezzar would establish as In the first century, God's name
vassal King Mattanyah “gift of Yah” was still pronounced Yehowah (in
and change his name to Zedekiah Hebrew) by the high priest in the
“rightness of Yah”. This proves that Temple, but Adonai “my Lord” or
Nebuchadnezzar knew the divine Elohim “God” in synagogues.
name, but only the more familiar However most of the Jews who
form Yah, and not the form of the spoke Aramaic used either the
great name (2 Kings 24:17). It is easy Aramaic substitute Yaw (pronounced
to understand the chain of events Yaoo and transcribed Iaô into Greek,
after the destruction of the Temple. but pronounced Yawe by the
For the Jews it was a terrible Samaritans of that time) or the other
humiliation to be defeated by pagans. Aramaic substitute Shema’ “the
Likely at this time they took good Name” (used in the Talmud).
care in the use of the holy name in Therefore if you had asked to
order not to profane it (Ezekiel the early Christians how the name
36:20,21; Malachi 1:6) and they surely YHWH was pronounced, they would
remembered previous warnings on have answered: “the Lord” for those
the subject (Isaiah 52:5; Amos 6:10). who spoke Greek, Yahô for those
It is noteworthy that after the return who spoke Aramaic, Yawe for those
from exile even the prophets avoided who spoke Samaritan and Yehowah78
using the Name with non-Jews. For for those who spoke Hebrew (mainly
example, Daniel used the Tetragram the priests working in the Temple).
(Daniel 1:2; 9:2-20) but he used
several substitutes with non-Jews: 78
Given that the name YHWDH was transcribed
God in the heavens, Revealer of secrets, God Iouda into Greek, similarly YHWH could have
been transcribed Iou(d)a or Iôa (Iooa).
God’s name —Its meaning
Did Jesus know the meaning of Impressed by all these scholars
God's name? Yes, obviously, because you probably did not dare to search
he told the apostle John: Grace to you the answer by yourself, but you were
and peace, from him who is and who was wrong because Jesus said: I thank
and who is to come; and from the seven thee, O Father, Lord of heaven and earth,
Spirits that are before his throne and from because thou hast hid these things from the
Jesus Christ, who is the faithful witness wise and prudent, and hast revealed them
(Revelation 1:4, American Standard unto babes (Matthew 11:25). To find
Version). However most theologians, the answer, simply take the famous
as well as linguists, do not agree with King James Bible and read Exodus
Jesus because his explanation is 3:13-14: And Moses said unto God,
slightly different from that one given Behold, when I come unto the children of
by God to Moses in Exodus 3:14. Israel, and shall say unto them, The God of
The verse of Exodus 3:14 is your fathers hath sent me unto you; and
certainly the most controversial verse they shall say to me, What is his name?
of the entire Bible. Because of those what shall I say unto them? And God said
endless controversies, which started unto Moses, I AM THAT I AM: and he
with the first translation of the said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children
Hebrew Bible into Greek (around of Israel, I AM hath sent me unto you.
280 BCE), most people today believe What did you understand? If
that the pronunciation of God's you are a “normal mind”, almost
name has been lost and its meaning nothing because God's answer is
must be unattainable. If you ask a really weird and Moses' question
rabbi how God's name must be read, even more strange. First step to
he will probably answer that God understand these verses, read the
gave his name to Moses in Exodus endnote79: To the question ‘what is his
3:15 not: “to time indefinite (le‘olam)” name?’, God says to Moses ‘I will be what
but “to be hidden (le‘elam)”, and a I will be’. The reading of the phrase ‘I will
Catholic theologian will probably be’ sends Moses to Egypt where he will
answer that the pronunciation of encounter whatever it is YHWH may be.
God’s name is uncertain and the best The AV favours a different translation of
is to use “the Lord”. If you ask a the evasive phrase and settles for the more
Jewish linguist what is the meaning misleading ‘I AM THAT I AM’, thereby
of Yehowah he will probably answer sacrificing the future aspect of YHWH’s
that this name means: “He was, he is, presence in the exodus story. First key to
he will be (haya, howeh, yihyeh)”. A unlock the mystery, you know now
Catholic linguist will probably that the translation ‘I am that I am
answer: “He is (yihyeh)”, a Protestant (there is no need to use capital letters)’ is
linguist: “He will form (yehaweh)” or 79
“He causes to be (yahweh)”. THE BIBLE. AUTHORIZED KING JAMES
VERSION (Oxford University Press, 1997), p. 331.
the name Baal-hamon (The Song of Joseph, saying: Jehovah is adding another
Songs 8:11) means “Lord of a crowd”, son to me (Genesis 30:23-24). The
but the name Raham does not exist name Joseph (Yôseph) means both
and worse does not mean anything in “He will take away (yê’soph)” and “He
Hebrew. Why did God change the will add (yôsiph). According to Jewish
name Ab-ram into Ab-raham, tradition the name Jerusalem means
instead of Ab-hamon, according to “Foundation of a double peace (yeru-
Hebrew linguistics? The explanation šalayim)” but according to Genesis
is found in the New Testament: but 14:18, Jerusalem was the “city of
also to that which adheres to the faith of Šalem”, which meant at that time “city
Abraham. He is the father of us all, just as of peace” (Hebrews 7:2), which can be
it is written: I have appointed you a father translated into Akkadian89: uru šalim.
of many nations (Romans 4:16-17). The conclusion, when all has
Abraham means in reality “Father of been heard, is: there is no need to
many nations” or “Father of a great crowd know Hebrew to understand the
(rab hamon)”. Consequently the full biblical etymologies because they are
significance of Abraham in Hebrew not based on Hebrew linguistic but
is Abrab-hamon “Father of a great on common wordplays implying a
crowd” and that name has been prophetic fulfilment for those who
merged phonetically (by wordplay) had received these names.
into Abraham. Consequently when God explained
Many biblical etymologies are to Moses that Yehowah meant “He
often in accord with Hebrew will prove to be [what he will prove to be]”,
linguistics, despite there not being he did not give him a lesson of
based on it. For example: My husband Hebrew linguistic90, but a spiritual
will join himself to me, because I have borne teaching91 in order to strengthen his
him three sons. His name was therefore faith because “He will prove to be” with
called Levi. And she became pregnant once him [Moses] to free the Israelites.
more and brought a son to birth and then That prophecy was in fact a small
said: This time I shall laud Jehovah. She fulfilment of what he will do in the
therefore called his name Judah (Genesis future when “He will prove to be
29:34-35). The name Levi “being with his servants to free them from
joined” is not quite identical to its death”, as Jesus reminded his
biblical etymology “He will be joined”, listeners (Matthew 22:32).
similarly the name Judah “He will be
laud (yehûdah)” is slightly different 89
In the Execration texts, dated around 1950
from its biblical definition “He will BCE; the name of Jerusalem is Urušalimum
which means “city of peace” in Old Babylonian.
laud (yehôdêh)”. Sometimes, the 90
Egyptians and Babylonians also believed that
biblical etymologies are multiple: the words, which own close sounds had also
And she became pregnant and brought a close meanings.
The spiritual meaning of God’s name (in
son to birth. Then she said: God has taken Hebrew) is “He will prove to be [what he will prove to
away my reproach! So she called his name be]”, which can be understood as “He will prove to
be [what he chooses to be]”.
The Divine Name Through the Ages
We know that Adam and Eve In the tablets of Ebla written in
were familiar with God’s name cuneiform (dated around 2300 BCE)
because after Eve gave birth to Cain appear several names with the
she said: I have acquired a man with the constituent ia or ia-u inside the name.
help of Jehovah (Genesis 4:1). Later we However, the word ia means “mine”,
read that Noah said: Blessed be Jehovah, implying “mine [of god]”. Thus the
Shem’s God (Genesis 9:26). However name Mi-ka-ia must be translated by
God's name was not used in worship “who [is] like mine [of god]” because
except by a few people: then a there was no worship of Yah at Ebla.
beginning was made of calling in the name Similarly the name Ia-ra-mu must be
of Jehovah (Genesis 4:26, Young's translated by “mine [of god is] exalted”,
Literal Translation). Furthermore, one not by “Yah is exalted” as well as Šu-
can note there are no theophoric mi-a-u “son of mine [of god]”, not “Son
names before the time of Moses, of Yahû”.
except: Mahalael “Praise of God” According to the Bible, the
(Genesis 5:12) and Jocheded “Yô is Pharaoh who opposed Moses knew
glory” (Exodus 6:20). Even among God’s name and was able to
pagan nations, the earliest theophoric pronounce it: After this, Moses and
names appeared only from 2450 Aaron went to Pharaoh and said to him:
BCE among the kings of Egypt, for This is what YHWH, God of Israel, says
example: Djedef-râ and Khâf-râ (râ “Let my people go, so that they can hold a
means “Sun” as god), and from 2350 feast in my honour in the desert”. Who is
BCE among the kings of Mari: Ikun- YHWH, Pharaoh replied, for me to obey
Šamaš and Iblul-Il (Šamaš means what he says and let Israel go? I know
“Sun” as god and Il means “God”). nothing of YHWH, and I will not let
Is there any evidence of God’s Israel go (Ex 5:1-2). According to the
name among extra-biblical Bible of Abbot Crampon (official
documents? According to the Bible, Bible of Catholicism in 1904),
before the time of Moses (c. 1500 Pharaoh would have said: Who is
BCE) there was only some private Jehovah (...) I know nothing of Jehovah,
adoration of Yehowah, in addition, however, according to the revision of
God decided to make his name 1923, he would have rather said: Who
known only from that time: But, is Yahweh (...) I know nothing of Yahweh.
indeed, for this reason I have allowed you According to the Jerusalem Bible
(Pharaoh Seqenen-râ) to remain, in order (official Bible of Catholicism since
to show you My power and in order to 1955) he would have finally said
proclaim My name through all the earth Yahve! There is something lost in
(Exodus 9:16). Consequently, translation, but the Pharaoh did not
evidence of the name Yehowah have to consult some skilled
before 1500 BCE is unlikely. Hebraists to know how to
Yahû to Yaw
The destruction of the first
Temple had significant consequences
for worship and later the
pronunciation of the Name. As
1) To my lord Yoash May archaeology confirms, before this
2) Yhwh make my lord hear to a news of peace 111
Notice that these names are sometimes
3) in this very day, in this very day. Who is your preceded by the Hebraic particle L which means
servant, “to, for” implying that these objects were
4) a dog, in order for my lord to remember his intended for the Temple, perhaps as tithes. In a
servant? few cases the name YHW, during the period of
5) May Yhwh allow my lord ... the second temple, is surmounted by a Hebrew
symbol which means “shekel”, that is the
collection for the sanctuary (Exodus 30:13).
This inscription agrees with the events which During this period some parallel inscriptions are
were described in Jeremiah 34:6-7. written LMLK which means “to the king”.
slaves for Christ in this way is acceptable to of writing God's name in Hebrew
God and has approval with men. It is was no longer necessary to observe.
noteworthy that there was a ban on Probably from 100 CE the Christian
pronouncing God's name at Qumran leaders of Alexandria decided to
(before 70 CE), consequently the replace the name יהוהwritten in
form Iaô (Ιαω) which appears in one Hebrew by some nomina sacra “sacred
copy of the Septuagint must be a names” like “L[or]d (ΚΣ)” or “G[o]d
(authorized) substitute, like Adonai (ΘΣ)” written in Greek. How were
(Άδωναΐ) the usual substitute for these names L-d and G-d
God’s name which equally appears in pronounced? It is noteworthy that
some copies of the Septuagint, current religious Jews still use this
including the Codex Alexandrinus (in system, the word L-d is read “Lord”
1 Kings 1:11 for example). but if you know Hebrew you could
When the letters of Paul were say “Yehowah”. For example,
read, how did early Christians Samuel Cahen, who was the first
pronounce God's name? The answer Jewish Bible translator in French
depended on the public: when it was (1831-1851) systematically used the
a pagan the reading could be theos name Iehovah instead of the
“God”, when it was a Greek believer substitute Lord (Adonay) or Eternal.
the reading could be kurios “Lord”, After 100 CE, most Christians
when it was a Jewish believer who were Gentile Christians living in
spoke Hebrew the reading could be Greece (Revelation 1:4) who, from
Yehowah, but there was no absolute 150 CE, made a strong connection
rule, the Talmud only says that the between the Lord god (Jesus) and
usual substitute was adonai “my the god Lord (Jehovah). The two
Lord” in Hebrew. lords were completely merged after
After 90 CE, the majority of 300 CE (beginning of the Trinity).
Jews were affiliated to the Jewish For these Christians (Roman
Council (the rabbinate) founded at Catholics), God’s name was either
Yabneh by Johanan ben Zakai, KS “L-d” or IHS “J-E-S”).
whose main objective was to keep When Hebrew was no longer
the synagogue worship and preserve spoken after 200 CE, the oral
the oral teaching from the Pharisees teaching called Mishnah was put in
and because Christian Jews were writing (Talmud of Jerusalem). There
considered by other Jews as heretics, was no controversy among Jews on
they introduced the Birkat ha-Minim how to pronounce God's name,
“Blessing on the heretics” in order to because after 130 CE its
stop contact with them. Because of pronunciation was forbidden, but
that cursing (called “blessing”), what was really the genuine name of
discussions with Jews were no longer God, the “hidden name”? Some
possible, consequently the Jewish mystics began to teach that
compliance with the Jewish custom God has many names beside the
great name YHW (Sefer Yetzirah called the Masoretes “Tradition
I:15). In time, Kabbalists “Those Keepers119”. We do not know what
who have received [the knowledge]” happened exactly to the Sadducees
would look at each of the 72 triads and Essenes after the Bar Kokhba
and consider them as one of the 72 revolt (132-135), but we know that
Names of God, others would teach the Karaites who appeared around
that God’s name is the Torah 700 CE were the successors of the
itself118. Sopherim (Sadducean scribes).
The name YHW (Yahô) played
a great role in Jewish esotericism as The ben Asher family of Masoretes was largely
responsible for the preservation and production
one can see in a book written around of the Masoretic Text, although an alternate
80 CE: Go, Jaoel, and by means of my Masoretic text of the ben Naphtali Masoretes,
ineffable Name raise me yonder man, and which differs slightly from the ben Asher text,
existed. The halakhic authority Maimonides
strengthen him (so that he recover) from his (1138-1204) endorsed the ben Asher as superior,
trembling (...) I am called Jaoel by Him although the Egyptian Jewish scholar, Saadya
who moves that which exists with me on the Gaon al-Fayyumi (882-942), had preferred the
ben Naphtali system. The ben Asher family and
7th expanse upon the firmament, a power in the majority of the Masoretes have been Karaites.
virtue of the ineffable Name that is dwelling Karaite Judaism “Readers [of the Hebrew
in me (The Apocalypse of Abraham Scriptures]” is a Jewish movement characterized
by the recognition of the Tanakh alone as its
X:3-7). The name of Jaoel is supreme legal authority in Jewish religious law
represented as a being possessed of and theology. It is distinct from mainstream
the power of the ineffable name, a Rabbinic Judaism, which considers the Oral
Torah, as codified in the Talmud and subsequent
function assigned in the Rabbinical works to be authoritative interpretations of the
writings to Metatron, whose name is Torah. Karaites maintain that all of the divine
like unto that of God Himself (Sanhedrin commandments handed down to Moses by God
were recorded in the written Torah without
38b). The name Yahoel “Yahô is additional Oral Law or explanation. As a result,
God” was evidently a substitute for Karaite Jews do not accept as binding the written
the ineffable name Yehowah. collections of the oral tradition in the Midrash or
Talmud. According to Rabbi Abraham ben
Similarly for the same reasons, the David, in his Sefer HaQabbalah, the Karaite
name Iaô (Yahô) played a great role movement crystallized in Baghdad in the Gaonic
in Christian Gnosticism. period (c. 600-1050), under the Abbasid
Caliphate in what is present-day Iraq. The
After 135 CE, a minority of Geonim played a prominent and decisive role in
Jews (Sadducees, Essenians, etc.) the transmission and teaching of Torah and
continued to copy the Bible without Jewish law. Anan Ben David (c. 715-795) is
considered to be a major founder of the Karaite
being affiliated to any religious movement. Karaites were already living in Egypt
organizations. We know that the in the first half of the 7th century, the evidence
groups of Jewish scribe-scholars who consisting of a legal document that the Karaite
community in Egypt had in its possession until
worked to copy the Torah between the end of the 19th century, which was said to be
the 6th and 10th centuries CE, were stamped by the palm of ’Amr ibn al-’As, the first
Islamic governor of Egypt, in which he ordered
When Arabic began replacing Aramaic, the the leaders of the Rabbanite community not to
Babylonian rabbis decided to fix the Talmud (c. interfere in the way of life of the Karaites nor
500 CE), which became the reference with the way they celebrate their holidays. This
(Babylonian Talmud). document was reported to be dated 641 CE.
The Hebrew title of this booklet is Gale Razeya
(Cod. Vat. Lat. 4582, fol. 4r–24v).
The Cabalists despise the simplistic meaning
yihweh “He will prove to be” found in the Bible.
Michel Servetus was a Spanish theologian,
PAULUS DE HEREDIA - Epistola Neumia filii physician, and Renaissance humanist, was
Haccanae de Secretia (1488, Bibliothèque renowned for his scholarly study of the Bible in
Nationale Française, Res D-67975) fol. 1-5. its original languages.
173 177
Or “He will constitute”. The Qal verbal form S. MUNSTERUM - Chaldaica grammatical,
yihweh (in Ec 11:3) means “He will prove to be”. Basileae, 1527, p. 16.
The same year, Martin Luther Greek text. From 1523 to 1532 he
wrote in a sermon178 on Jeremiah published in several volumes a literal
23:1-8: This name Iehouah, Lord, belongs translation and commentary on the
exclusively to the true God. A few years Bible183. His emphasis on the search
later Münster used the name Iehova for the literal meaning of the text
in Exodus 6:3 when he published his places him at the origins of the
own translation of the Bible179, modern Catholic exegetical tradition.
despite the fact that he thought this Thanks to his knowledge of Hebrew
name came from “Iouis pater”. he improved the Latin translation of
the Bible, for example: The Book of
Iosue became The Book of Iehosuæ and
in his comments on the books of
Moses184, published in 1531, he used
William Tyndale, with his the name Iehouah frequently.
burning desire to make the Bible Many competent Hebrew
known to the people made a new scholars having been convinced by
translation. The Name first appeared the arguments of Galatino did not
in an English Bible in 1530, when he dare using the name Iehoua, except
published a translation of the first in private, in their Hebrew grammars
five books of the Bible. He included or in their translation of the Bible.
the name of God, usually spelled For example, Santes Pagnino185 was
Iehouah, in several verses180, and he the first Hebrew scholar after Jerome
wrote in a note in this edition: Iehovah to translate the Bible directly from
is God's name (...) Morever as oft as thou the Hebrew text alone. He was the
seist LORD in great letters (except there be 183
any error in the printing) it is in Hebrew Including a large part of the Old Testament
and almost all of the New Testament with the
Iehovah181. Thomas Cajetan182, He exception of the Apocalypse of John.
compensated his ignorance of 184
T. DE VIO CAJETAN -In quinque libros Mosis
Hebrew by consulting rabbis and juxta sensum lit. commentarii (1531, Antonium
through his familiarity with the 185
Pagnino was born 1470 at Lucca, in Tuscany,
central Italy. At sixteen he took the religious habit
M. LUTHER - Ain Epiftel aufz dem Prophete at San Domenico in Fiesole, where he studied
Jeremia. Wittemberg 1527. under the direction of Savonarola and other
S. MUNSTERI - En tibi lector Hebraica Latina. eminent professors. In acquiring the Oriental
Basileae 1534 pp. 56v, 57. languages, then cultivated at Florence, he
Genesis 15:2; Exodus 6:3 15:3 17:16 23:17 displayed unwonted quick sightedness, ease and
33:19 34:23; Deuteronomy 3:24. penetration. His genius, industry and erudition
Most English translations of this time won him influential friends, among them the
mentioned the name of God, very often in Cardinals de Medici, subsequently popes Leo X
Exodus 6:3, except for the Coverdale translation and Clement VII. He was the first to divide the
(1535). Matthew's Bible (1537) explained about text into chapters and verses. Ever since, his
Exodus 6:3: Iehouah is the name of God, and none division of the Old Testament has become
creature has been named like it, it means: this one who is standard. The merit of his Bible translation lies in
himself and who depends of no thing. its literal adherence to the Hebrew, which won
He was an Italian philosopher, theologian, for it the preference of contemporary rabbis and
cardinal and the Master of the Order of induced Leo X to assume the expenses of
Preachers, also stands as exegete. publication until his death.
the Y and W are semi-consonants (or (Yahaweh or Yahweh). The Divine name
semi-vowels: I and U) and the final was considered too sacred to be pronounced;
H is pronounced â (A) otherwise the so the consonants of this word were written
letter is inaudible. Similarly, the name in the text (Kethibh), but the word read
YHWH is spelled Y, H, W, H and is (Qere) was ( אֲ דֹנָיmeaning 'Lord'). The
pronounced, according to its letters: consonants of the (Kethibh) יהוהwere given
IHUA, which is close to Yehowah. the vowels of the (Qere) אֲ דֹנָיnamely ◌ָ ֹ ◌ְ
God's name is really an producing the impossible form יְהוָֹה
amazing paradox, because despite it (Yehōwâ). Since, however, the Divine name
being one of the easiest names to occurs so often in the Bible, the printed
read, since it is pronounced as it is editions do not put the reading required
written, theologians with the help of (Qere) in the margin or footnote; the reader
grammarians succeeded in is expected to substitute the Qere for
convincing ordinary people that the Kethibh, without having his attention
pronunciation had been lost and that drawn to it every time it occurs. For this
through their great knowledge they reason it has been called Qere
had managed to find again the Perpetuum, i.e. permanent Qere195. The
probable pronunciation of God's scientific explanation is repeated ad
name: Yahweh (based on a late nauseum by all Hebrew scholars
Samaritan testimony in Ιαβε) or worthy of the name. However, if one
Yahwoh (from a Greek papyrus of makes the effort to check this
the Septuagint with Ιαω at Qumran). sweeping statement (“the reader is
Although the study of the expected to be familiar”) it is easy to
Hebrew language has made immense see that this is a concentration of
progress, academic books continue nonsense. First, the printed editions
to spread the gross errors from the do not put the reading required
theologians of the 16th century. For (Qere) in the margin or footnote, the
example one reads: The uncorrected qere perpetuum (Latin words always
word in the text is the Kethîbh (כְּ תִ יב, 'it is impress more), it is for the simple
written'). The corrected reading in the reason: the qere perpetuum does not
margin or footnote is the Qerê (ק ְֵרי, 'to be exist! The only information from the
read'). NOTE: In the unpointed scrolls Masoretes about this important topic
read in the Synagogues, the Kethibh (i.e. the appears in their note on Genesis
uncorrected form) is similarly retained in the 18:3, which refers to the Great
text, but no Qere (corrected form) is given Masora listing the 134 places where
in the margin or footnote. The reader is the Sopherim (precursors of
expected to be familiar with the text and to Masoretes) had noted that the
know when a word is to be corrected, i.e. to tetragram was replaced by Adonay,
read the Qere instead of the (written) the traditional substitute. It is
Kethibh (...) Another type of deliberate therefore not a permanent Qere
change in reading due, in this case, to 195
J. WEINGREEN -A Practical Grammar for
reverence, is the Divine name יַהֲ וֶהou יַהְ וֶה Classical Hebrew (1959, Ed. Oxford University
Press), pp. 22-23.
since it only covered 134 reading qamats) but only e, a, as can easily be
corrections, in addition, when the seen in the Biblia Hebraica
divine name was associated with the Stuttgartensia (Hebrew text for
word Adonay, it was read Elohim modern Bibles) which excludes
instead of Adonay, proving again grammatical reasons because it
that this qere was not permanent but becomes impossible to explain the
only traditional. If we look more disappearance of the vowel o in this
closely at the explanations in this qere way, unless re-invoking a magical
perpetuum, we enter into wonderland. process. A final comment on this
First, we read: The consonants of the magical explanation of permanent
(Kethibh) יהוהwere given the vowels of the qere, the author states: producing the
(Qere) אֲ דֹנָיnamely ◌ָ ֹ ◌ְ , which is impossible form ( יְהוָֹהYehōwâ) and adds
obviously false since the word ֲאדֹנָיis in a footnote of the page: The English
punctuated by ָ◌ ֹ ֲ◌, not ָ◌ ֹ ְ◌. To Jehovah! to mock naïve ones who
reassure the reader, a footnote adds: know nothing in Hebrew. Naive
The composite shewa which was under the ones have not to worry, all
guttural אin the word ֲאדֹנָיbecomes a theophoric names are always
simple shewa under the יof the Kethibh vocalized, without exception,
יְהוָֹה. It's absolutely illogical. Indeed, according to the so-called impossible
this scholarly explanation is triply form -( י ְהוֹYehō-) and none begins
absurd as already noted (in 1844) with Yahaw-, or Yah-, the supposedly
Paul Drach196 a former rabbi and authentic form of the divine name
eminent Hebrew scholar of the (naive ones are perhaps not those
Vatican. First, it is already untrue in one believed). If the name was
the case of YêHoWiH ( )י ֱהוִֹהread Jahweh, why is there absolutely no
’êLoHiM (הִים% ) ֱאbecause, as can be theophoric name with Jau- or Ja- in
seen in many codex (cf. Codex of the Septuagint, but always with Jô-?
Petrograd dated 916 CE), the vowel The invention of qere perpetuum
ê (hatef segol) of the qere was not raises several questions: why do
modified into e (shewa) in order to highly competent Hebraists
give YeHoWiH ()י ְהוִֹה. Second, when propagate a patently false
the Masoretes indicate a qere, explanation about God's name? For
different from ketib, that is precisely example, The Anchor Bible Dictionary
not to confuse the two words (so it reads: The pronunciation of yhwh as
would be absurd to read the vowels Yahweh is a scholarly guess. Hebrew
of the qere with the consonants of the biblical mss were principally consonantal in
ketib, unless one is completely spelling until well into the current era. The
ignorant). Third, before the 12th pronunciation of words was transmitted in
century, the divine name YHWH a separate oral tradition. The
was not vocalized e, o, a (shewa, holem, Tetragrammaton was not pronounced at all,
P.L.B. DRACH – De l'harmonie entre l'Église et the word ˒ădonāy, “my Lord,” being
la synagogue (1978. Socii Sancti Michaelis), pp. pronounced in its place; ˒elōhîm, “God,”
could be read Ieho[ah] in Latin, but In the Bible, names are never
finally, he chose diplomatically to use translated. Replacing a name by a
the word Dominus “Lord” in Latin. title “Lord/ God/ Almighty”, or a
Because of Jerome's choice, symbol like the word “Heaven”, is a
most Christians today pray to the crime. When somebody was entering
“Lord” instead of Jehovah. Similarly, a concentration camp, the first act
because of Muhammad's choice made by Nazi officers was to replace
(when he dictated the Quran), most names by figures in order to deny the
Muslims pray to Allah instead of existence of these anonymous
Yâhuwa (YHWH), despite the name victims. The only character in the
Zakarîyâ “He has remembered Yâ” whole Bible who knows God and
being mentioned in the Quran214 refuses to pronounce his name is
(Surah VI:85). Muhammad's choice Satan, even when he discusses with
was not made by chance, because Jesus (Matthew 4:1-10).
when he realized that the Jews would Knowing God’s name would
never accept his Quran he decided to have to concern Christians because
modify the messianic lineage of Yasu the New Testament reads: Symeon has
(Jesus) changing his Jewish origin related thoroughly how God for the first
from Israel to an Arabic origin, Yasu time turned his attention to the nations to
“Yâ[huwa] is salvation” became ‘Isa, take out of them a people for his name
an Arabic vocalization of ‘Esau215 (Acts 15:14). Knowing God’s name
“Hairy”. Accordingly, God’s name would have to concern Jews because
Yâhuwa became Yâ huwa “Oh He”. the Old Testament reads: At that time
those in fear of YHWH spoke with one
GOD’S NAME, SO WHAT another, each one with his companion, and
The conclusion of the matter, YHWH kept paying attention and
everything having been heard, there listening. And a book of remembrance
is only one God, the God of began to be written up before him for those
Abraham, Isaac and Jacob whose in fear of YHWH and for those thinking
name is written YHWH in Hebrew, upon his name (Malachi 3:16).
more than 6000 times in the Old Knowing God’s name would have to
Testament. In the Lord's Prayer, concern everyone because one reads:
Jesus, whose name means “Je[hovah] For all the peoples, for their part, will walk
is salvation” said: Let your name each one in the name of its god (Adonai,
(YHWH) be sanctified (Matthew 6:9), the Lord, Allah, Jesus, Brahma, Love,
not Let my name be sanctified as well as: Peace); but we, for our part, shall walk in
I shall proclaim your name (YHWH) to the name of YHWH our God to time
my brothers, praise you in full assembly indefinite, even forever (Micah 4:5). If
(Hebrews 2:12). you still prefer pronouncing God's
name "Jahve", instead of "Jehovah",
Two other theophoric names are mentioned:
Yahyâ (John) and Ilyas (Elijah). you must know that Jahve is closer
Encyclopédie de l’Islam Tome IV (1978, E.J. to Jove (Jupiter) than to Jehovah.
Brill), pp. 85-90.
Common objections regarding God’s name
! Knowing the name of God is useless. are no Jewish documents specifying
Knowing the name of God is vital that the pronunciation of God's
for a religious Jew because it is name was lost in Hebrew. In
written: And it shall come to pass [that] contrast, some Cabbalists claim that
whosoever shall call on the name of the “true pronunciation (?)” of the 4-
YHWH shall be saved (Joel 2:32). It is letter name could give you direct
also vital for a religious Christian access to God, but this mystical
because the text of Joel is quoted in teaching contradicts the Bible (as
the New Testament (Acts 2:21; well as logic because Satan himself
Romans 10:13). Joel’s text has knows God's name).
become obscure today because the ! We cannot be dogmatic, the vocalization
name YHWH was replaced by KS in Jehovah is not certain.
Greek, from 130 to 400 CE, then by Generally, those who claim not to be
KURIOS (“LORD”). The last stage dogmatic are paradoxically extremely
was to replace “the name of LORD” dogmatic in their doubt. In addition,
by “the name of the LORD”. it is true that the pronunciation
! In the Old Testament, God’s name is not Jehovah is not absolutely certain, but
Jehovah but YHWH. like all the other names in the Bible,
Jehovah is the English vocalization no more no less. One supposes for
of the transcription Yehowah, which example that Jesus, the English
is written YHWH in Hebrew. pronunciation of the Greek name
Accordingly Jehovah is the usual “Iesus”, comes from the Aramaic
vocalization of YHWH in the same name Yeshu which comes itself from
way that Jesus (Yehôshûa) is the the Hebrew name Yehoshua‘, but
usual vocalization of YHWŠW‘. obviously nothing is certain,
! We don’t know the pronunciation of God’s including uncertainties.
name because it has been lost. ! The true pronunciation of God’s name is
According to the Talmud: Rabbah bar Yahwoh (Iaô) according to a copy of the
Chanah said in the name of Rabbi Septuagint found in Qumran.
Yochanan: The 4-letter Name of God is Given that it was forbidden to
transmitted by the Sages to their students- pronounce God's name in Qumran,
once every seven years. And some say twice under penalty of excommunication,
every seven years (Kiddushin 71a). consequently the form Iaô which
Maimonides wrote in his Mishna was a Greek vocalization of the
Thora-Hilchot Tefillah 14:10: Outside Hebrew substitute Yahû (YHW),
the Temple, the 4-letter Name “Yud Heh already used (6th century BCE) by the
Vav Heh” is pronounced “A-do-nai”. Jewish scribes of Elephantine, was
Inside the Temple, when the priests gave the not the complete name YHWH.
Priestly Blessing, they pronounced it (“I-eh- Given that the name Jesus means
u-a”) as it is written (“Y-h-w-h”). There “Je[hovah is] salvation” in Hebrew
Executioner have been assigned to the world god YHWH”, in the Septuagint (Jg
to come (Abodah Zarah 17b-18a). 7:1). On a shield from Soleb (Nubia)
Rabbi Tarphon, related the problem dated around 1350 BCE we read:
(90-130 CE) of the destruction of Land of Shasu (Israelites) those of Yehua.
Christian texts which contained the The name Y-h-w3, which is read
tetragram (Shabbat 116a). According Yehua (from conventional reading of
to Flavius Josephus (c. 95 CE): The Egyptian hieroglyphs), is still very
high priest had his head dressed with a close to Yehowah (in Hebrew).
tiara of fine linen embroidered with a purple ! The vocalization Yehowah comes from a
border, and surrounded by another crown in mix between the letters of God's name
gold which had in relief the sacred letters; (YHWH) and the vowels of Adonay.
these ones are 4 vowels (The Jewish War The vowels of “Adonay” are a,o,a,
V:235). According to Philo of not e,o,a, and up to 1300 CE the
Alexandria (c. 40 CE): there was a gold vowels of God’s name were only e,a
plaque shaped in a ring and bearing 4 (YeHWaH) originating from the
engraved characters of a name which had Aramaic word shema “The Name”.
the right to hear and to pronounce in the ! Yehovah is better than Yehowah.
holy place those ones whose ears and tongue Yehovah is God’s name in modern
have been purified by wisdom, and nobody Hebrew and it originates from
else and absolutely nowhere else. And this ‘Yehowah217’ in 1st century spoken
holy prophet Moses calls the name, a name Hebrew. Jesus was able to know and
of 4 letters, making them perhaps symbols pronounce God's name (Hebrews
of the primary numbers (De vita Mosis 2:12) because, before 70 CE, the
II:115,132). Philo of Byblos, a Punic high priest knew God’s name and,
writer of grammatical and historical above all, he had to pronounce it in
works, wrote (c. 100-120 CE): Of the the Temple of Jerusalem (Numbers
affairs of the Jews the truest history, because 6:24-27). Given that in the 1st century
the most in accordance with their places and we know that all theophorus names
names, is that of Sanchuniathon of Beirut, began with Yehô- (or Yehow-) in
who received the records from Hierombal the Hebrew, consequently YHW-H was
priest of the god Ieüô (Ιευω); he dedicated to be pronounced Yehow-ah (Iôa in
his history to Abibaal king of Beirut, and Greek) not Yahow-ah or Yahû (Iaô
was approved by him and by the in Greek).
investigators of truth in his time. Now the ! Yehovah is better than Jehovah.
times of these men fall even before the date Yehovah is God’s name in Israeli
of the Trojan war (1184 BCE), and rendered as Jehovah in English.
approach nearly to the times of Moses, as is ! Ihouah is better than Jehovah.
shown by the successions of the kings of Maybe, but all theophoric names
Phoenicia (Phoenician History IV). begin with Yehô- not Ihô-.
The character Hierombal (1300-1260 217
Until 130 CE, the Hebrew letter “W” (Û) was
BCE), priest of Ieüô (Yehowah), was always pronounced Waw (ουαυ) in the Septuagint
called “Hierobaal [Gideon], Judge of the not Vav “V” (βαβ), see: Lamentations 1:6; 2:6;
3:15,16; Psalms 118(119):41.
! I have kept for the end the most formidable objection: if the pronunciation of
the name of God in Hebrew was really Yehowah in the 1st century, Yehovah today, why is
there still no linguist of the Semitic languages (absolutely none indeed) who endorses this choice?
After reading this booklet the reader will have understood that the specialists
who discredit Yehowah’s vocalization are essentially theologians. Indeed, the
Old Testament asserts on many occasions that “the nations will have to know that I
am Jehovah (Ezekiel 37:28)”, and the New Testament confirms that God will
preserve “a people for His name (Acts 15:14)”. Consequently, God asserts
unambiguously that he will preserve his word and especially his great name. The
question of Moses about the name of God in Exodus 3:13-14 did not concern
its pronunciation since his mother was called Yochebed “Yehow[ah] is glory” but
its prophetic meaning “I shall [prove to] be what I shall [prove to] be” (and not its
linguistic meaning since Moses knew Hebrew). Very early the rabbis assumed
that the Hebrew pronunciation of God's name actually derived from the
amalgam of three verbal forms Yihyeh, howeh, hayah “He will be, (He) being, He
was”. Catholic and Protestant theologians have definitely obscured the name of
God by proposing new meanings as “he is/he will be (yihweh)” in the Septuagint,
then “he causes to be (yehaweh)” or “he causes to become (yahaweh)”. Evidently the
linguists of the Semitic languages (who are not theologians) rely solely on
linguistic and historical facts in order to recover the historical pronunciation of
ancient words or names. One might think that these specialists could have been
more objective than theologians but in fact this is unfortunately not the case
because the name of God is above all a religious subject that strongly interferes
with the religious beliefs of these specialists (atheism is also a strong belief).
In order to understand why professors of Ancient Languages are
systematically “silent” concerning God's name I recently sent an email to an
eminent Professor of Hebrew and Hamito-Semitic in which I said: Since you know
Emmanuel Tov I would like to ask you a question that I hope you will not judge impertinent.
Indeed, I do not understand why the academics in general continue to endorse the Omerta on
the pronunciation of God’s name (Yehovah in modern Hebrew). Indeed, I have observed many
times that this was an open secret (even among the rabbis) but that it should not be revealed to
the general public for reasons that I find indefensible. For example, I have a friend who is
finishing his thesis on the Greek transcriptions of the tetragrammaton in medieval manuscripts
and who has discussed several times with Emmanuel Tov. Although this eminent scholar never
vocalizes the name of God in his works, he confided to my friend, without difficulty, that this
name is actually pronounced Yehovah in Hebrew, but as he published in journals financed
mainly by religious institutions (mainly Jewish) he did not want to offend his readers. It is
because of this kind of behaviour that I admire the approach of Nehemia Gordon (who
worked extensively with Emmanuel Tov) when he denounces this “conspiracy of silence” in his
book Shattering the Conspiracy of Silence: The Hebrew Power Of the Priestly
Blessing Unleashed (2012). I also find that his attitude is also more honest than that of
other academics because he does not mislead his readers by making them believe that the
tetragrammaton cannot be pronounced or that its pronunciation is unknown. I know that you
mention several times in your thesis on the Hebrew of Baruch Spinoza that this Jewish
grammarian used the word Jehova several times, but you do not give any negative or positive
criticism of this controversial linguistic choice. So my question is quite simple: do you think that
this pronunciation Jehovah (Yehovah in modern Hebrew) is the right one? The first time I
asked this question was to Jean Margain (my Hebrew teacher at the beginning of my research).
He kindly replied in his letter dated February 22, 1998: « I cannot tell you that your
conclusions are false. Everything connected with the designation of a divinity is not merely
logical. Your work is to be placed on the subject of this delicate question in which beliefs of a
religious or emotional nature, taboos, pagan influences and superstitious practices are mingled
with the belief. I congratulate you for having carried out such an inquiry and I wish you to
continue your research successfully ». Henri Cazelles, after having also congratulated me,
registered my thesis in 1995 at the library of the Institut Catholique de Institute (T594GER)
but without further action. I also asked Jean Leclant, who at the time was professor of
Egyptology at the Collège de France, why he preferred to use Yahweh rather than Jehovah in
his transcript of the tetragrammaton appearing in the shield found at Soleb and dated the 14th
century BCE. He replied in his letter dated February 20, 1998: « It is very difficult to answer
your question and it is best to stick to the conventional transcription system (yhw3) ». Professor
Leclant obviously knew that the conventional transcription yhw3 was to be vocalized yehua
according to this conventional system, as confirmed to me and patiently explained Jean-Claude
Goyon, a research master at the CNRS and Professor Emeritus of Egyptology at the
University of Lyon II. I received many answers to my question and some even explained why
they were using Yahweh knowing it was wrong. For example, Alfred Kuen, a translator of the
Living Bible and a professor at the Bible Institute, wrote to me in his letter of January 11,
2011: « I confess that I did not research as thoroughly as you did on the name of God.
Personally, I do not like the name Yahweh (which sounds like the name of a foreign god), but
its use has spread so widely —erroneously as you say— it is hard to escape from it. The
reluctance to use the name of Jehovah doubtless comes, as you say, from the fear of being
confused with the Jehovah’s Witnesses. I carefully keep your letter with all this information to
use when the time comes (which I do not see yet) ». After reading this letter I wondered whether
the final remark was humour or involuntary mockery. As you see the subject is disturbing, but
thank you for having read me to the end. One day later, immediate reply by the
Professor (email written in French): « The reply of Jean Margain, [private information],
is the best answer that can be given. There is, therefore, no conspiracy and, for me, everyone is
free to utter the tetragrammaton as he sees fit, since academics have no elements to clarify their
reading. Yours sincerely ». Readers will judge.
As can be seen, the main objections to my conclusions are always the
same: 1) There is no conspiracy against the Name (given that Satan does not exist), 2)
everyone is free to utter the tetragrammaton as he sees fit (because of the right of free
speech), 3) since academics have no elements to clarify their reading (because there is no
absolute truth). These fallacious objections had already arisen when I published
my book: The Name of God Y.eH.oW.aH Which is Pronounced as it is Written
I_Eh_oU_Ah (University Press of America, 2002). As one can understand, the
main conclusion of my work is summarized in the title, which clearly contradicts
the three previous objections. When my book was accepted for publication, my
editor asked several peer review committees to give their opinion in order to
promote my academic work. Paradoxically, he received 2 contradictory opinions:
one short positive review (which he kept on his website, obviously) and another
long review, but very negative (which was largely promoted by those who did
not like my book, obviously).
! The first review was published in the Religious Studies Review218 (July 2003
Vol. 29:3 page 285) by Professor Won W. Lee, Calvin College, who wrote: This
detailed treatment of the Name is useful for those who are interested in the history of its
translation of the centuries. As can be seen the support was low (not to say
minimum) but it has been positive.
! In contrast the second review, which was published in the Review of Biblical
Literature (6/6/2004) by Professor John Laurence Gee, a Mormon apologist,
and Egyptologist at Brigham Young University, known for his writings in
support of the Book of Abraham, who wrote: Certain issues need to be examined at
least once a generation, if only to remind ourselves why the current consensus is what it is. The
pronunciation of the Tetragrammaton is one of those issues. In the book under review, Gérard
Gertoux, a French engineer, takes issue with the current consensus and contends that it is
incorrect. With excruciating detail and tortured logic, Gertoux passionately argues his point.
This work is a revision in English of the author’s thesis at the Institut Catholique de Paris.
The French stamp on the work is apparent not only in the extensive use of French sources but
in the transliterations throughout the work, which are into French rather than English. This
proves one of the more frustrating aspects of the work, as too many times the French-style
transliteration obscures rather than clarifies the argument, and in the case of the Egyptian
evidence it leads Gertoux to erroneous conclusions (...) A decent editor could have fixed some of
the book is obvious flaws. Errors of fact abound, and it would be pointless to attempt to correct
them all. One wishes that less effort had been put into the Paleo-Hebrew fonts and more into
fixing the transliterations used throughout the book. The book raises serious doubts about
whether Gertoux controls any of the languages necessary for his study. Assertions such as
“Hebraic language ... favors a vocalic reading of proper names instead of a consonantal reading
(Aramaic)” (42) and errors in his transliteration chart (230) do nothing to assuage our
doubts. Most of the relevant Egyptian evidence was passed over in silence, and what was used
was often misconstrued; his appendix on the subject should be ignored. The Akkadian
evidence was also underutilized. One wonders about his grasp of Greek phonetics when he
asserts that “iotacism ... led mainly to the confusion of the sounds” iota, epsilon, eta, and
alpha-iota (40). Examples could be multiplied ad nauseum, but possibly the best example of
Gertoux’s failure to master his languages is his advocacy of what he calls his letters method.
Gertoux’s letters method assumes that there is only one way to vocalize any particular
consonantal skeleton, which is not the case. Thus his method is fundamentally flawed.
RSR is published by the Council of Societies for the Study of Religion (Valparaiso University).
The first criticism of Gee gives the key to understand what lies behind the
curtain: With excruciating detail and tortured logic, Gertoux passionately argues his point.
Did he mean that my arguments were satanic? In addition why was it so
important to mention that I was a French engineer (from 1979 to 1983 to be
precise)? In any case, the main objections were as follows: A decent editor could
have fixed some of the book is obvious flaws. Errors of fact abound, and it would be pointless
to attempt to correct them all (...) Examples could be multiplied ad nauseum, but possibly the
best example of Gertoux’s failure to master his languages is his advocacy of what he calls his
letters method. Gertoux’s letters method assumes that there is only one way to vocalize any
particular consonantal skeleton, which is not the case. Thus his method is fundamentally
flawed. A child can understand that according to “my letters method” the name
Y-H-W-H can be read as I-H-U-A or I-eH-U-A, which is close to Yehowah, but
where in my book did I assume that there is only way to vocalize any particular
consonantal skeleton (in fact, I wrote the opposite). If you read again Gee’s
review you will see that the examples he gave are not samples of my “abundant
mistakes” but only samples of his prejudices about my understanding of
technical details, as: the French-style transliteration obscures rather than clarifies the
argument, and in the case of the Egyptian evidence it leads Gertoux to erroneous conclusions
(which ones?), most of the relevant Egyptian evidence was passed over in silence (which
ones?) and the Akkadian evidence was also underutilized (this last example proves that
he did not read my book correctly because I used a lot). My opinion on Gee's
review is that my book gave him nausea, but once again readers will judge.
Paradoxically the review of John Laurence Gee, who is not a Bible
scholar219, is quoted very often but the one of Won W. Lee, who is a skilled
Bible scholar220, is completely ignored (you can imagine why). Ironically, Gee,
who is a Mormon apologist and mocks my work, especially my conclusion that
Jehovah is the genuine name of God (rather than Yahweh), believes more in the
book of Mormon (by Joseph Smith) in which the name Jehovah appears twice
(2 Ne. 22:2; Moro. 10:34). Moreover Joseph Smith explained in his book entitled
the “Times and Seasons” Vol. 3 p. 358 (15th Nov. 1841): We believe in God the
Father, who is the Great Jehovah and head of all things, and that Christ is the Son of God,
co-eternal with the Father. If I dare say: Gee is more Catholic than the Pope.
Iehovah will [prove to] be King over all the earth; in that day Iehovah
will [prove to] be one, and his name one (Zechariah 14:9, Rabbinic Bible of
Samuel Cahen, 1843).
Copyright © 2017 by Gerard Gertoux
Gee earned his Ph.D. in Egyptology at Yale University in 1998, completing his dissertation on ancient
Egyptian ritual purity. He is a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church),
which believes Joseph Smith divinely translated the Book of Abraham from Egyptian papyrus in the 19th
century. Because of his expertise in Near Eastern studies and Egyptology, Gee is highly visible in the
debate over the authenticity of the Book of Abraham.
Professor Lee specializes in biblical exegesis, theology, and hermeneutics of the Old Testament. Since
2000, he organizes the biannual Calvin Seminar on Higher Education in Korea which involves 4-5 Calvin
faculty and 125-150 faculty members from various Korean Universities.