Lecture 5 PDF
Lecture 5 PDF
Lecture 5 PDF
Joule Thomson expansion.
A gas at initial temperature and pressure Ti , pi
is expanded at constant pressure through a
small valve or what is called a porous plug
under adiabatic condition [system insulated so
that no heat can go in or out]. For this process
we can show that the enthalpy remains
INITIAL: Push piston in and the gas volume goes from Vi to 0 but the pressure stays
constant as the gas escapes through the small porous plug or throttling valve. Thus
the work done on the gas is:
Wi = -pi ( 0 – Vi ) = pi Vi
FINAL: The RHS piston is pushed out by the gas at a lower constant pressure and the gas
volume goes from 0 to Vf. Thus the work done by the gas is:
Wf = - pf (Vf – 0 ) = - pf Vf
The overall physical result of the gas expansion through the valve is that when
the pressure changes from pi to pf there is a temperature change in the gas from
Ti to Tf. The temperature and pressure changes are easy to measure and the
H (T , p)
For ideal gas, H = f(T) only
∂H ∂H
dH = dT + dp
∂T p ∂p T ∂H
= 0
∂p T
0 = C p dT + dp for real gas
∂p T
∂T 1 ∂H ∂H
= − ≠ 0
∂p H Cp ∂p T ∂p T
= µ JT
∂p H
In almost all cases the JT coefficient is positive in value. This means that when a
gas expands and pressure drops δp < 0 via a JT process, δT <0 and the gas cools.
This is the principle behind the cooling and liquefaction of gases that is used
in refrigeration.
Properties of the Joule Thompson coefficient
μJT = fn(T,p) of each gas and so its value changes
with temperature and pressure at which the
expansion occurs.
μJT > 0 for most T and p conditions but under
certain conditions it can be negative. Then the
gas will heat up instead of cooling when the
expansion occurs. The temperature at which μJT =
0 is called the inversion temperature.
Gas Liquefaction:
The diagram shows how a gas can be liquefied by
repeated circulation of a gas undergoing JT cooling.
First, the gas is compressed. This heats up the
gas but it is cooled down partially through a heat
exchanger (cooling vanes) to the ambient
The gas passes expands through a valve
and undergoes JT cooling. It is then made
to re-circulate and cool the incoming gas.
Principle of Operation: The freon is compressed by the
motor (bottom, back of the fridge). This heats the freon
but it is cooled back to near ambient temperature by the
heat exchanger (metal grid at back of fridge which feel
warm). The compressed freon enters the expansion coils
in the freezer compartment where it cools down. Then it
undergoes JT expansion and condenses. The fan
circulates the air between the main compartment and
the freezer. The warmer air from the main compartment
provides the heat of vaporization used to evaporate the
freon which returns as a gas to the compressor. Thus the
fridge air cools. This is the cold air which re-circulates to
cool the freezer and the main compartment.
For freon μJT = 1.2 K atm-1. Thus for a pressure drop of 40 atm
in the fridge the temperature drop of the freon is δT = μJT δp
= -48 K which is more than enough to get the freezer
compartment to about -15 °C required to keep ice cream
quite solid. 7
Carnot Heat engine
Heat engine is defined as a device that converts heat energy into mechanical
energy through a cyclic process OR more exactly a system which operates
continuously and only heat and work may pass across its boundaries.
The engine consists of an idealized cylinder with a piston that can slide without
friction and can do work on the surroundings or have the surrounding do work on
the gas.
∆Ucy = 0 = ( q1 + q2 )+(W1+W2+W3+W4)
-Wcy = qcy = ( q1 + q2 )
∴ Wcy = q1 − q2
Thus, the work Wcy done by the engine in a cycle is equal to the
difference between the heat in q1 and the heat out q .
In practice, the low-temperature reservoir of a heat engine is often
the atmosphere so that the economic cost of producing work in
the surroundings is mainly that of supplying q1.
Efficiency ε of a heat engine:
It is the ratio of the work done on the surrounding to the heat input at the
higher temperature.
− Wcy Wcy q2
ε= = = 1−
q1 q1 q1
0 <ε < 1
It is clear that to increase the value of ε of a Carnot heat engine, one would
like to reduce heat rejected to the cold reservoir q2, which is impossible to be
Application in engines
Description of the Carnot Cycle: The cycle is performed through a sequence of four stages that
system return to its initial state at the end.
∴ W cy = W 1 + W 2 + W 3 + W 4
V2 V3
T2 T1
W cy = − nRT 1 ln
V dT − nRT 1 ln
V dT
V2 V4
Wcy = −nRT1 ln − nRT2 ln
V1 V3
V2 V3
Wcy = −nRT1 ln + nRT2 ln
V1 V4
From the adiabatic process: from V2 to V3 and from T1to T2
α −1
T2 V2 C
= α = p ∴T1 ( V2 )α −1 = T2 ( V1 )α −1
T1 V3 CV
α −1
T1 V4
T2 V1 ∴T1 ( V1 )α −1 = T2 ( V4 )α −1
V2 V3
∴ = 18
V1 V4
V2 V3
∴ =
V1 V4
Substitute in Wcy equation
Wcy = − nR( T1 − T2 ) ln
and q1 = −Wcy = nRT1 ln 2
Substitute in in the efficiency equation
Wcy T1 − T2 T2
ε= = = 1 −
q1 T1 T1
Thus, high efficiencies are obtained if the ratio T2/T1 is small.
Second Law of thermodynamics
Kelvin’s statement “It is impossible to produce work in the surrounding
using a cyclic process connected to a single heat engine reservoir”
Clausius’ statement “It is impossible to carry out a cyclic process using an engine
connected to two heat reservoirs that will have as its only effect the transfer of a
quantity of heat from the low-temperature reservoir to the high-temperature reservoir”
WcyT1 − T2 T2
ε= = = 1 − For any fluid
q1 T1 T1
Types of possible processes:
(a) SPONTANEOUS(irreversible):
these occur naturally without any effort on our part:
mixing of two gases
heat flow from a hot to cold body
forgetting the second law
spending money
today becomes tomorrow
things never are as they were
these only occur with energy or work input on our part separating
gases in a mixture:
heat flow from a cold to hot body
learning the second law
earning money
(c) EQUILIBRIUM(reversible):
these show no overall change and are easily reversed
balanced budget
knowledge of thermodynamics two minutes after the final exam
evaporation « condensation of water in a closed bottle.
Second Law of Thermodynamics
From the efficiency of a reversible Carnot engine
q2 T2 q2 T2
ε = 1 + = 1 − ∴ + =0
q1 T1 q1 T1
q1 q2 q1
X ∴ + =0
T2 T2 T1
where dq
dS =
This is the change in entropy and it is a state function.
∴ ∆ S cy = ∆ S 1 + ∆ S 2 + ∆ S 3 + ∆ S 4
q1 q2
∴ ∆ S cy = +0 + +0
T1 T2
Where for adiabatic steps: ∆S 2 = ∆S 4 = zero
Because there is no change in entropy
∫ T =0
∴ ∫ dS = 0
Chemical thermodynamics Second
•The thermodynamic temperature scale is defined so that during a reversible
cycle among states that returns to the original state, the integral of dq/T is zero.
Hence there exists another variable of state S, the entropy, whose change is
given by:
dS =
•If at any time our closed cycle deviates from reversibility and undergoes a
spontaneous change, we find that the integral of dq/T is always positive.
The Clausius Theorem
According to Carnot theory “ No engine operating between two heat reservoirs
can be more efficient than a reversible Carnot engine operating between the
same two reservoirs”
i.e. ε ≤ ε rev
For any arbitrary engine Carnot reversible engine
q2 q 2 ( rev ) − q2 − q 2 ( rev T2
∴1+ ≤ 1+ ∴ ≥
q1 q 1 ( rev ) q1 q 1 ( rev ) T1
Where q2 and q2(rev) have negative sign
− q2 T2 − q2 q1 q2 q
∴ ≥ OR ∴ ≥ OR 0 ≥ + 1
q1 T1 T2 T1 T2 T1
This equation were derived before in the case of reversible Carnot engine, and for the four
steps of the cycle:
∑ Ti
≤ 0 27
This apply for any engine operating in a cyclic with many heat reservoirs.
As in general:
∫ T
≤ 0
It concluded that:
• If any part of the cyclic process is irreversible (natural), the inequality (<) applies
and the cyclic integral is negative.
Note that the temp. that appears in the cyclic integral in the above equation is that of the
heat reservoir or surr. When the process is reversible, Tsurr =Tsys.
The second Law in Practical Applications
State 1 irreversib
→ State 2 reversible
→ State 1
− ∫ dS
< 0
2 2
• Thus dq irrev
∴ ∆ S = ∫ dS > ∫
1 1
• OR dq irrev
dS > ∫
The full definition of entropy
dS ≥ ∫ irrev
dS > Spontaneous and irreversible process
dS = Reversible process
dq Impossible process
dS <
For closed system dq = zero for finite change
∆S = 0 Reversible process
Entropy changes in reversible processes
Relation between entropy change and enthalpy
Ex: n-hexane boils at 58.7 oC at 1 atm and its ∆Hvap,m is 28.85 kJ mol-1at
this temperature. What is ∆Svap of n-hexane when it vaporized at the
boiling point?
∆H vap ,m 28850J / mole
∆Svap ,m = = = 84.41J /( K .mole )
T ( 278.1 + 58.7 )K 32
∆S( liquid ) > ∆S( solid ) At equilibrium
Note: the molecules of gas are more disorder than those of liquid and the
molecules of liquid are more disorder than those of solid .
The general equation for change in entropy for reversible processes:
(e) Isochoric V = constant
This equation for an ideal gas is extremely useful because it applies to any process and
only requires a knowledge of the initial and final state i.e. any two of temperature,
pressure and volume. It can be used instead of some of those equations derived earlier
since it reduces to those previously derived.
∆S for Irreversible Processes:
Consider a system going from an initial to a final state by a reversible path and an
irreversible path.
Find the value of ∆S of the system, surroundings and universe when 2 mol of
N2 at 300 K doubles in volume from 4 to 8 L for various processes. Assume
that the gas is ideal and that Cv,m = 20.8 J K-1 mol-1.
1. Reversible, isothermal:
Isothermal expansion so entropy of system should increase ∆Ssys > 0
Process is reversible so by the second law ∆Suniv = 0
Since ∆Suniv = ∆Ssys + ∆ssurr ∆Ssurr = - ∆ssys
Since gas is ideal gas we only need to know the initial and final states to find the
change in the system entropy via the general equation.
General equation for ideal gas
2. Irreversible, isothermal expansion against constant external pressure of 1 atm (until
volume reaches 8 L). The initial and final states are as before.
To get ∆Ssurr need to get the heat transferred to the system to keep the gas temperature
constant when the gas expands. For ideal gas, isothermal process
3. Reversible, Adiabatic Expansion to final volume of 8 L
All entropy changes already calculated by simple analysis but we should calculate Tf and pf.
4. Irreversible Adiabatic Expansion to 8 L against a constant external pressure of 1 atm.
The statement:
The entropy of a perfect crystal is zero at 0 K
This is because a perfect crystal one in which all the atoms are
perfectly ordered in their lattice positions.
The equation:
In going from 0 K to some temperature T we need to account for the
possibility that the compound passes through all its physical states of
solid, liquid and gas. At each temperature where a phase transition
occurs there will be an entropy jump given by
There are two types of randomness in crystals at absolute zero are
ignored in calculating entropies for chemical purpose only:
Recall that θ stands for the standard pressure of 1 atm (or 1 barr). As before
the temperature is taken as 298 K and Sθ(298) values are given in
Tables of thermodynamic data.
α-D glucose] to give alcohol
Example: Fermentation of sugar [α
Value is > 0 since there are more products than reactants and
especially because of the gaseous product
How to calculate Sθ values at any temperature?
Example: Calculate Sθm for silver at 500 K given that Cp,m = 3R and
available Sθ(298) = 42.68 J K-1 mol-1