Digital Documentation Panel
Digital Documentation Panel
Digital Documentation Panel
Our discoveries about
things that make sound:
She also covered the sound hole on her guitar so the children
could see how it was important to help make the sound louder,
which in turn changed the way our musical instruments were
being made at the Innovation Station.
This was used at the basis for our planning and our next
1. communicate with others in a variety of ways, for a variety of purposes, and in a variety on contexts
4. demonstrate an ability to use problem-solving skills in a variety of contexts, including social contexts
30. demonstrate an awareness of themselves as dramatists, actors, dancers, artists, and musicians through engagement in the arts
1/2. demonstrate independence, self regulation, and a willingness to take responsibility in learning and other endeavours
1/10. demonstrate literacy behaviours that enable beginning writers to communicate with others
13. use the processes and skills of an inquiry stance (i.e., questioning, planning, predicting, observing, and communicating)
24. use problem-solving strategies, on their own and with others, in the process of creating and designing (i.e., questioning,
planning, constructing, analysing, redesigning, and communicating)
Communication for Learning Comments for this Inquiry
Belonging and Contributing
*** interacts with her peers in considerate and creative ways. She helped her friend design a musical instrument at the Innovation Station by
first helping her draw the creation and then by demonstrating how to put the materials together. When they discovered challenges, *** was able
to problem solve and offer solutions. *** was also able to resolve classroom conflicts during this time, by offering advice on how to share
materials. *** took great pleasure in helping to plan a class concert and performed as a musician in front of the SK class with pride. We will
encourage *** to reflect on her thinking and her innovations during this inquiry project , and to share with the class her findings which will
contribute further to our class learning.
*** relates well to her classmates and was able to recognise when her friend was feeling unsure of how to make her instrument and understood
through non-verbal cues that her friend needed help. She used kind and considerate language to help her friend solve problems in creating her
instrument. *** was also able to ask her teachers for new materials to help her creations come to fruition and relished the opportunity to
experiment with new materials and persisted when her creations were unsuccessful.
*** was able to explore rhythm and sound by shaking her instrument on every syllable of her friend’s names. Whilst helping her friends to do
the same, *** used constructive comments to help them. *** was very eager to write sentences describing her instrument in the writing centre.
She used her knowledge of phonics and sight words to construct these sentences independently. Additionally, *** asked the teachers the names
and spelling of different parts of real instruments so she could draw and label her pictures in the art centre.
*** is inquisitive and enjoyed creating theories and testing them out during this inquiry project. She was able to make predictions about
whether a design would work once actualised and was able to find solutions to designs that did not work effectively. *** communicated her own
findings with her peers in order to aid their design process. We will continue to encourage ***’s innovation skills by providing new provocations
at the Innovation Station in our classroom and through using *** as a classroom expert so she can continue to share her skills with her friends.
Comments and Reflections: Ideas for Sharing with Community:
This project had provided a lot of opportunity for learning I shared this inquiry day by day via Seesaw with our parents
across all four frames. so that they could see the inquiry unfold. Additionally,
children could be recorded explaining their own learning and
The thinking and learning that was visible throughout the this could be added to Seesaw to truly make learning visible.
project was rich, but after writing the communication for
learning comment, I realised I could have found more ways As an extension of the Seesaw documentation, I created an
to incorporate math concepts into the inquiry. inquiry board that was simple and easy to digest for the
children, which was displayed at the Innovation Station at
On reflection I would also liked to have extended the project eye level so the children were made aware of their own
to also cover drama. We did read picture books thats were learning and progress.
related to music and musical instruments, but it would have
been beneficial to extend this further and dramatise one of I would like in future to create a board describing this inquiry
the stories whilst using our made musical instruments. project outside the classroom to showcase our leaning with
the rest of the school.