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A Research Paper
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Arroyo, Angel D.
12 curriculum. Fresh graduates coming from the junior high tend to choose a strand that
matches their abilities, skills, or even their personal desires. Within the said program,
one of the requirements of entering as a Senior High student is to pick a desired strand
or track to enroll to. One of the tracks available within the nation’s curriculum is the
Academic Tracks. Within it, there are 4 strands, namely: STEM (Science, Technology,
(Humanities and Social Sciences), and GAS (General Academic Strand). However,
there will be students who choose a strand that doesn’t match with their abilities and/or
skills. Within the ABM strand, there are students who are not that business-inclined nor
mathematically-inclined. Yet, they still manage to pick that strand. Students like them
find it more difficult to deal with their chosen strand due to the fact that there are
noticed that these accounting students tend to have a negative attitude at the very
beginning and assume that accounting is an extremely difficult subject (Tailab, 2013). In
that particular place, negative assumptions have been created by the accounting students
of Libya in which it bears such consequences that might affect their perception about
accountancy in the midst of learning it. Moreover, there are certain courses in that
College that is related to the competencies, specifically the specialized subjects, in the
ABM strand in the Philippine curriculum. He stated that these courses are required for a
variety of majors (accounting, management, economic, and data analysis), and many of
the students who enrolled in these courses have never studied accounting before. By
this, it caused personal chaos among students and eventually received failing remarks in
which it obliged them to repeat in their failed course just to gain a passing grade. He
also stated that the College’s instructors agreed that academic achievement in these
basic accounting courses was very low. The struggle made them not go beyond the
passing remarks.
Since the senior high school program in the Philippines is still in its infancy
stage, the schools offering the ABM strand would face a lot of challenges as they are
still inexperienced on how to satisfy and cope with the demands of this program
(Abella, 2019). He also stated regarding to the problem of Grade 11 and Grade 12 ABM
Philippines; to cope with the challenges, the students need to develop time management
skills and properly set priorities on where to allocate their available finances. Owing to
the prior statements, it emphasized that the problems of ABM students coming from
Simala National High School are all about the typical difficulties including time
management, lack of finances and resources, lack of skills and experiences in tuned to
wisdom, and such. He also said that these students must be trained through work
many of these rumors include the fact that the strand’s specialized subjects are relatively
easy to grasp but are, at the same time, useful for those who want to get involved in
business-related affairs (Tan, 2017). In this case, the ABM students could understand
some of the specialized subjects easily but could not relate to such real-life experiences
most schools these days is very theoretical rather than experiential where students are
not personally involved in business experiences (McHann and Frost, 2010). So, the
idealism behind this made them infused with such inaccuracies and are subjected to
more realistic in a way that will enhance their wisdom is not that evident and effective
Within the school of Maryknoll College of Panabo, Inc. (MCPI) is the focal
point of this research in which ABM students from Grade 12 experience struggles. That
information will help in formulating the results and discussion of this piece. The
uncertainty and struggle of most ABM students have led them to be more perplexed. In
this case, there will be numerous reasons that might have put them in a place wrapped in
struggles. Within this realm full of possibilities and uncertainties, this type of
phenomenon can certainly happen to the senior high students, specifically, ABM
The researchers have not come across a study that specifically discusses the
struggle of the ABM students within Maryknoll College of Panabo, Inc. Furthermore,
this study will provide relevant concepts that would possibly create certain coping
and uncertainties of ABM students. This research aims to find possible reasons and
themes concerning to their struggle of the ABM students. In that way, we will provide
numerous information regarding to what have thoroughly discussed within this piece.
At this stage in the research, the ABM students’ struggle within their strand is
definitely an issue and a phenomenon that is currently existing within the realm of
academe, specifically, within Maryknoll College of Panabo, Inc. due to the fact that their
phase is when they distinguish their skills and knowledge and look beyond their
potentials in terms of accounting, business, and management; which may lead to having
the capability of choosing ABM-related courses in college. The ABM students tend to be
filled with numerous activities related to their strand in which it is the basis of knowing
such information related to their chose strand. Within these circumstances, they may form
a new set of problem that might linger throughout the years inside to an academic
institution. By that, in any means, it is part of the everyday norms that an ABM student
will face but its popularity and heaviness cannot be tolerated. In this case, a prominent
solution and discussion must be presented in order for it to be essential and significant for
massive within a certain institution. Also, this study would also enable us to add a body
of eruditions towards ABM students who are struggling in their strand. Through this
study, we would be able to attach the most prominent information possible that would
help an ABM student fathom about the concept and purpose of their chose strand. This
particular investigation also aims to voice out those unheard voices of those ABM
students who want to be voiced out, since we assume that many of the respondents are
not confident enough to speak out their opinions or even coming out from their shell.
Moreover, this research piece visualizes a documentation of numerous
respondents on the ABM students to acknowledge their opinions, sides, and experiences
in regards to this prevalent issue. Both positive and negative answers are highly expected
to be uttered in the midst of an interviewing session made by the researchers of this piece.
Additionally, this study has the intent to ask a group of ABM students, listen to what they
will speak, deeply understand their side, and have an absolute discussion and analyzation
Research Questions
1. What are the experiences encountered by the struggling ABM students in their
designated strand?
Theoretical Lens
In this study’s main problem, there will be specific theories to present based on
There will be only two theories to be stated on this research in which it involves
the reason of choosing ABM strand of a certain student, which is the behavioral decision
theory and the mindset theory. In this theory, it is generally all about perception,
descriptive. The normative theory is concerned with prescribing courses of action that
conform most closely to the decision maker’s beliefs and values. Describing these beliefs
and values and the manner in which individuals incorporate them into their decisions is
the aim of descriptive decision theory (Fischhoff, 1977). In this case, the normative
theory, the first facet, is generally about one’s beliefs and values.
The Normative Theory under the theory of behavioral decision states that one’s
beliefs and values serve as the ultimate basis of what he or she will be going to decide to.
Perhaps they have made a decision based on their beliefs, resulting to experience the
emphasize his or her perception and point of view towards something. In that way, the
decision maker tends to be more rational and logical when it comes to making an
irrevocable decision.
The second facet of the Behavioral Decision Theory will be the descriptive
decision theory. Within this theory, one is more likely to produce decision if he or she
will base on their imagination. They will imagine or describe the characteristics of their
this, their judgment or imagination towards something will be their foundation in making
a permanent decision. Just like normative theory, perhaps their imagination is the basis of
making a decision in which they will experience the consequences that will eventually
follow. In that way, in suffering the consequence, it creates a sudden stigma to both of the
subcomponents stated.
The second theory that will be elucidated will be the mindset theory. This theory
is divided into two, which are the fixed mindset and growth mindset. They are somehow
related to the main problem of this piece due to the fact that one’s mindset could be the
People who have a fixed mindset have a "certain amount of intelligence, a certain
personality, and a certain moral character" they are these people who always have a
rejected?” (Dweck, 2006). To connect the main problem towards fixed mindset, one
student will probably have to choose a single strand according to their raised standards
and perception. Within fixed mindset, people who have it always aims for perfection. In
relation to this, they are aiming for the best and it is in their total need to be at the top.
Perhaps that might be the reason why ABM students tend to struggle due to being
competitive at times and aiming for perfection. But, there are some instances that they are
experiencing difficulty yet they are pushing themselves just to be on the top.
Within growth mindset, students to overcome their fears and starts working on
essential things that could benefit in their way of living. In growth mindset, students
understand that their talents and abilities can be developed through effort, good teaching
and persistence. They don't necessarily think everyone's the same or anyone can be
Einstein, but they believe everyone can get smarter if they work at it. (Dweck, 2006). In
this case, relating to the point of this research piece, ABM students tend to choose any
strand whether if it is hard or easy in their perception as long as they have the will to
persevere and commit such things that could boost their intellect. Perhaps they chose
ABM strand just to learn something new despite of the difficulties they are facing. They
usually nurture growth and change whether in their academic and in reality-based
So, in this case, generally, the stated theories and its subcomponents are somehow
connected to the struggle of the ABM students of MCPI in which it will later be
The researchers of this qualitative investigation are sanguine and confident at the
same time in having a thorough conduct of study of the ABM students within Maryknoll
College of Panabo, Inc. We are hopeful and confident enough that this phenomenological
study would help many ABM students and the aspiring ABM students to ease the tension
and pressure in their chosen strand. Also, this study would add significance and give
ABM students
- In this research piece, they are the focal point of this study due to the fact that
they are the ones who are struggling in their own designated strand. Most of them
are not mathematically-inclined and yet they choose the ABM strand. This study
will provide information for the ABM students on what will be the possible
- They can also perceive this as significant and beneficial as they assess their
possible strengths and weaknesses if they will choose ABM as their strand to
pursue. In this case, they will be enlightened about the concept of the ABM
- Teachers can also benefit in this research as they will have the capability to
deeply observe and analyze their ABM students on what will be their
weaknesses in a specific discipline and how they will manage to make things
School Administrators
- The school administrators can also benefit in this study as they will fathom
about the struggling ABM students and how they will give enlightenment and
- They can also benefit in this study as they will have enlightenment and
awareness to choose a strand that is related to their matured skills and desires.
They can also benefit to this study as they will have the cue to empower and
Future Researchers
They can also have benefits to this study as they will be enlightened and rais
their awareness to any kind of problems similar to the main problem of this
theories, explanations, and possible factors concerning about the main issue about the
aforementioned topic on this research piece. Also, we are able to construct information
that might ease such circumstances, and probably produce outcomes as it will be
Furthermore, the information that will be distinguished throughout this piece will
way, the students will have the possibility in exhibiting such given solutions that will be
disseminated in the latter part of this study. The creators behind this piece has the full
investigation also emphasizes the improvement of the Grade 12 ABM students. To our
Grade 12 schoolmates who have experienced the main predicament of this study, it is
rest-assured that they have the heart of pouring such wisdom and information in to this
piece since they have undergone that particular phase in their academic life.
Moreover, the researchers in the future who have the intention to conduct a study
similar to the general problem of this piece, this will serve as a guide or assistance for it
Definition of Terms
• ABM – one of the strands within the Academic Track which basically means
• Management - an act act of managing or directing something in order to make a
• Student - an individual who attends school to learn and engage academic and
non-academic activities.
mechanisms, and their side of the story. Our group will interview some selected Grade 12
ABM students in Maryknoll College of Panabo, Inc. Furthermore, this qualitative study
hinders to achieve the expected prevalence of this qualitative research piece. With the
pick a small group of students since not all of them have experienced the problem within
their strand, and to also keep the limitation in making of this piece. So, in this case, their
claims will be supported as much but it cannot be achieved with a perfect validation. The
such stated information because their claims in tuned to their memory and thoughts are
school in Panabo City. This part also presents a short explanation about the education in
the Philippines. International, national, and local coverage are presented in this part.
Moreover, it is where we state such questions for the chosen participants to answer to dig
deep and elaborate more in terms of the outcome of this qualitative investigation. In that
Chapter 2 deals with varied studies and findings about the Senior High academic
strands, facts about the ABM strand, the purpose of ABM strand, the struggle of ABM
students who are not mathematically-inclined, the uncertainties of an ABM student, and
other related studies for this information will contribute on distinguishing such solutions
Chapter 3 presents the design of the study, the role of every researcher in the
making of this piece, and the participants or respondents involved. Also, data collection
and analysis are necessarily included. The study’s trustworthiness and credibility and
Chapter 4 explains the results of the study from the supportability of the
Chapter 5 discusses the foundation of the study’s findings and its deviation of the
stated theories given by such sources and distinguished authors. Furthermore, it also
shows the elucidation of its implication in the practice and further research, the discussion
Chapter 2
Review of Related Literature
This part of the research presents various related literature and studies in relation
to the main predicament of this study. This will enhance the understanding of a particular
topic related to this study. Also, this part will present three different section within its
scope, such as: struggles experienced by ABM students, effects of being an ABM student,
Being an ABM student has many competencies to achieve and skills or abilities to
possess and improve. The ABM strand in its most fundamental sense refers to the
management, as well as each and every factor that revolves around those central fields
(Antonio, 2018). From the name of the strand itself "Accountancy, Business,
Management", those three must be thoroughly discussed and requires immersion to fully
relate oneself towards the real world of business and finances. Behind the progress of an
ABM student is where struggles lie; difficulty in terms of decision making, solving
One of the many challenges in ABM is the decision-making that students have to
face. In order to become a successful entrepreneur, one must know how to make
intelligent decisions (Biliran, 2018). Since the students within ABM strand must possess
and managers; it is indeed a must that they need to make an intellectual decision. In this
way, it will broaden their mindset and would make them more aware of what is likely to
be an individual immersing within the business world. You can learn a decision-making
process that allows you to quickly assess the best choice and make it based on data that
supports the objectives and goals you’ve been tasked to achieve (Ray, 2018).
The process of decision making is indeed keen for a certain individual to possess
due to the fact that it strengthens the probability to make such things happen in reality.
The process does not only involve one person yet two or more persons can be involved,
especially when they are in a big business. In relation to this, this would train the students
to boost their intuition and intellect concerning that particular process, which is the
decision making. Simply put, the way life unfolds—with its twists and turns, starts and
stops—requires us to make choices and decisions every step of the way (Brenner, 2015).
mathematically-inclined strand. But the difference is that ABM focuses more on With the
ABM Strand track, your reasoning skills are going to get sharpened to their fullest
potential. (Antonio, 2018). Also, the ABM strand does not need algebra, trigonometry,
geometry, calculus, and such; thus it only entails with basic mathematical operations. Its
purpose would make such ABM students raise their awareness of the things that are
circling around the business world. Accountancy, Business and Management strand does
not fall in the spectrum of Mathematics alone and it is not about for the students who are
excellent in Mathematics (Arceo et al, 2018). In this case, mathematics is still used yet
analyzation is considered to be the major component in the ABM strand. Analytical skills
is indeed an essential skill for a student to have. This is one of the most necessary skill
sets that you are going to master while studying the fields of business, finance, and
accounting (Antonio, 2018). The students' perception towards the ABM strand induced
difficulties or struggles in which its outcome could be detrimental for their own sake due
to the fact that perceiving a certain thing negatively would likely disturb them mentally.
This allows us to make snap judgments and decisions, but it can also lead to biased or
stereotyped perceptions of other people (Cherry, 2019). In this case, their general
overview in knowing the ABM strand through forming assumptions and judgment on its
The mindsets people adopt have everything to do with their judgment of anything
(Oppong, 2017).
Furthermore, within the angle of the ABM strand, management and business-
related actions are quite necessary for a student to deeply learn and manifest. You will
have a knowledge on what business are you going to start with and how will you run your
business (Antonio, 2018). The implications of a student who has a background of running
or assisting a particular business or having such eruditions about business would give
them the benefit of learning within the ABM strand smoothly and easily. The greater your
expertise in that domain, the more requisite knowledge you have on the ready to consider
knowledge of accountancy, business, and management. Given by the fact that some chose
that strand with the objectivity and intent to learn and comprehend, give them courage to
distinguish through the unknown, and enhancing their knowledge or depleting their
ignorance. Calling them as novice students or learners, they are the ones who are
embraced by the uncertainties thus leading to having difficulties. Even with all the
necessary prerequisites met, students commonly begin courses with inadequate prior
knowledge or, more problematically, with prior knowledge that is confused and that
includes misunderstandings, flawed thinking, and misplaced assumptions (Hudson,
2016). Even if students have prior knowledge, there are some instances that their already
formulated thoughts are distorted or inaccurate and by this, it can be identified through
Moreover, being a Senior high student, especially an ABM student, has numerous
workloads to deal with. In this way, time management is often needed to deal with such
things in a short amount of time. In this case, they often feel the pressure and struggles in
fulfilling such tasks. Because of this, they cannot seem to properly enact time
management since they are still progressing. Students have always been perceived as
stressed individuals due to the amount of academic workload they bear (Aishah et al,
2016). Likewise, academic stress involves mental distress regarding anticipated academic
challenges or failure or even the fear of the possibility of academic failure (Thakkar,
this, they cannot perfectly fight or control stress, instead, stress controls them. Excessive
stress may leave us feeling "tied up in knots" (Ceniza, et al, 2017). Owing to the prior
statements, the students are trainees of stress management, in which it is part of the
academic process. With the aid of stress management, they have the urge to fight the
pursuing ABM-related courses. While taking the ABM strand track, you are going to
learn how to communicate with different types of people (Antonio, 2018). Also, public
speaking is a great way of building personal development on many levels, since
improving communication skills is helpful in almost every area of life (Barnard, 2017).
The concept of ABM is all about engaging to different people through the use of finances
encounter varied speech problems that evidently hinder their communication and
eventually negatively affect their general proficiency and academic performance (Azagra,
2017). Due to this, there are senior high students, especially ABM students who are timid
to showcase their communication skills. In other words, some of them have glossophobia
requirements that an ABM student must put into manifestation. With reason of this, skill
in oral communication is demanded globally because all the careers offered by the global
village like banking, commerce, business, tourism, education, engineering, medicine, etc.
The ABM strand is designed to teach the aspiring students to dive deep about the
concept of accountancy, business, and management in real world. This particular track is
meticulous, advanced, and logical. Understanding its effects, accountancy, business and
management (ABM) will definitely boost the skills and competencies of Senior High
School students aspiring to take Accountancy, Business Administration and Management
Choosing the ABM strand and going to school as an ABM student would make a
step closer to their desirability or passion of pursuing ABM-related courses, in that way,
they will have the capability to fully engage with the give subjects by the time they are in
college. The implications of it could benefit them big time knowing that in the part of
this, Subjects in the Accountancy, Business and Management (ABM) strand will help the
successful in the corporate world (Batu et al, 2018). This strand serves as the bridge
towards absorbing the beauty of the world of finances, corporation, and negotiation.
closer to him or her. Numerous ABM-related courses are ahead of them and they are free
to choose whatever they have in desire. There are college courses under accounting (e.g.
comprehended by Fortun (2018). Those are some of the courses that an ABM student
have the capability and encouragement to pursue in their college to get a particular
Benefits of being an ABM student
The ABM strand introduces and equip students for the corporate and business
world. This strand have subjects like Business Math, Applied Economics, Organization
and Management and many more. These skills will help them become entrepreneurs or
individuals who run or manage a company (Biliran, 2018). The mentioned subjects will
With the ABM strand, basically, it is all about managing, engaging in businesses,
and handling and computing money. This strand is best for students who would like to be
(Constantino, 2016). Likewise, Being in the ABM strand can lead you to become a
2016). Each competencies the ABM strand have serves as the basis of one’s knowledge
ABMrelated jobs. So, owing to the prior statements, their leadership and numerical skills
will be enhanced to be fully equipped with such eruditions to the future. By this, they will
formulate such characteristics like being strategic, wise, smart, open-minded, and other
The ABM strand can take you on a direct path to careers in accounting and
project officer, accounting clerk, internal auditor, and many more (Biliran, 2018). By this,
the ABM strand provides competencies that are related to business, financing, and
accounting; in a nutshell, certain things such as money and documents are the major
things that they will face and experience to the extent that it is bound to their
Moreover, the ABM strand curriculum opens doors for aspiring students to have
more knowledge and wisdom about appreciating and dive deeper about the intricate
elements and concepts about the accounting, business, and management realm. This
strand also uses basic mathematics and great analytical skills to systemize the given
equations for their solutions. Though in this strand, one must be mathematically-inclined
but it would not dive deeper about mathematical complexities in such mathematical fields
like geometry, algebra, trigonometry, and others. With subjects like Applied Economics,
Marketing, you are trained to think big. Those who complete this strand will play an
By taking the ABM strand you will be trained to analyze assets, understand
everything involved with financial positions, interpret various profitability, and prepare
audit accounts (Biliran, 2018). The subjects that are involved in the ABM strand are the
tools designed and crafted for the aspiring students to distinguish and develop their skills
in order for them to utilize it throughout their journey within the business and corporate
world. In this strand, subjects that are inclined to such finances and management are very
much expected. Managerial and organizational context are disseminated to every ABM
students for the sake of having the access to get in professional white-collar or blue-collar
jobs. Likewise, the ABM strand can take you on a direct path to careers in accounting and
project officer, accounting clerk, internal auditor, and many more (Antonio, 2018).
Aside from analytical or critical, finance, and mathematical skills; time
between workers are also practiced in the midst of learning within ABM strand. Within
individual to be able to not be ostracized within that realm; or in other words, having the
capability to reach their standards and expectations and conserving ethics to continue the
systematic flow of business, corporation, finances and such. Thus, having certain
etiquettes to live with. Likewise, good business etiquette allows a business to put its best
foot forward and stand out from the rest (Grant, 2016).
Time management is very important and it may actually affect individual's overall
performance and achievements (Khan & Nasrullah, 2015). One thing for sure is that
ABM students are practiced to be more efficient in time to manage their doings in an
organized manner. Proper decision making will also bear during the practice of time
management. Adeyemi-Balogun and Fejoh (2018) also implied that time management has
has the capability to allocate time, prevent procrastination. and wisely manage their
personal finances. Though this requires amount of work to be done, but eventually, it will
be worth it by means of closely perfecting the skill. In relation to this, each and every
student should have time management ability which includes setting goals & priorities,
using time management mechanism and being organized in using time (Khan &
Nasrullah, 2015).
(Antonio, 2019). Being an ABM student does not only require being good in analyzation
and in mathematics, he or she must also learn and adapt the ethics of a good public
persons. Whether you communicate via email, phone conversations, in-person meetings
or presentations, relaying information clearly and concisely goes a long way toward
supporting your credibility (Half, 2018). The similarities of the requirements needed in
explaining and interpreting such thoughts towards a person to boost one's credibility and
reliability. So, with the help of the strand ABM, a student will assess their weaknesses
communication" is a core subject in all Senior high strands. By this, oral communication
towards others, and these traits would hold students in good stead in their professional
to the fact that it induces professionalism, respect, and camaraderie towards an another
person. Put simply, greater diversity means greater business vibrancy, and you must
ensure you stress the importance of respect in the workplace to reflect this (Martinelli,
2018). Well, in this case, there is a difference between business relationship and
while friendship is fully wrapped in intimacy and is indeed personal. Friends are those
people that we socialise with outside of work and are characterised by significant and
somewhat intimate interactions (Acuff, 2017). Through the specialized subjects within
ABM strand like Work Immersion, Organization and Management, and Business Ethics
and Social Responsibility; ABM students will know such information concerning the
principles and ethics of socializing, handling businesses, managing units, and cooperating
within a business. However, it’s important that your employees understand that, while
discussion is important, you must be respectful, professional and pleasant while at work
(Martinelli, 2018).
themselves in the field through practical experience and immersions in various sectors
and corporate industries (Yu, 2018). In this case, to fully immerse oneself to the real
strand; immersion and culminating activities would benefit them in a way that efficiency
and effectiveness is never an understatement nor a mere possibility. It would enrich their
skills and abilities to engage such activities in real life. The intricacies behind the
systematic beauty of ABM strand lies in one’s knowledge and wisdom, thus sharing it to
raise eruditions for the ones who have desires about getting in to the business and
financing world. One of the key benefits of studying ABM is that it offers students the
Through ABM strand, critical thinking and a thorough problem solving is highly needed
to immerse yourself in to the particularity of that world, making them equipped with a
Research Design
students and their coping mechanisms, we utilized a certain research method to be able to
Phenomenology is an approach to qualitative research that focuses on the
commonality of a lived experience within a particular group. The fundamental goal of the
(Creswell, 2013). By the means of this, this study focused on the experiences of a certain
group or person. The respondents typically have knowledge about such events and
the basis of our study due to the fact that this research uses the participants’ experiences
and insights regarding to the main problem of this piece. Phenomenology is a form of
qualitative research that focuses on the study of an individual’s lived experiences within
the world (Neubauer, 2019). From the word “phenomenology” itself, it refers to a
By the means of this, this study is dependent to the insights, experiences, and
opinions since the formation and attachment of such information is based on the uttered
extract the most pure, untainted data and in some interpretations of the approach,
bracketing is used by the researcher to document personal experiences with the subject to
help remove him or herself from the process. One method of bracketing is memoing
experiences based on a certain phenomenon. The participant will utter such words that
might be the basis of the success if the complete formulation of the research piece.
phenomenological study in which it will be followed in this study. The first step in this
study is to find a problem and find a suitable research approach to fully analyze the
So, in this phenomenological study, the main problem of this research will be the struggle
the main problem of this research piece. There are 3 main questions with 5 sub-questions
in every question to gain such information and better understanding pertinent to the
participants’ experiences, coping mechanisms, insights or views. Besides, the goals of the
interview were deeply exploring the respondent’s point of view, feelings and perspectives
(Gempes, 2008).
The third step is to transcript the collected data coming from interviewing the
accordance to the main questions and ensure that the participants will utter their
experiences, insights, and coping mechanisms pertaining to the research problem. The
information that will be gathered will undergo in the process of transcription. As stated
by Creswell (2007), to fully describe how participants view the phenomenon, researchers
must bracket out, as much as possible, their own experiences. By the means of this, the
The fourth step is the establishment of themes in-lined with the organization of
patterns or themes within qualitative data (Delahunt and Maguire, 2017). After the
transcription process, categorization and clustering is indeed vital and necessary. The
Lastly, the formulation of findings and results in the research piece. The results
section should state the findings of the research arranged in a logical sequence without
bias or interpretation (Labaree, 2009). By the means of this, the researchers will come to
study seeks exploration and thorough analyzation of the experiences, insights, and coping
determine, and grasp the meaning behind the texts given by the participants. Additionally,
interviews are an appropriate method when there is a need to collect indepth information
the possible solution of the main problem of this piece, since its content will be the
opinions and sides of the corresponding participants. Moreover, the interview does
focuses on the ABM students’ struggle in their strand, particularly the main predicament
of this piece.
Role of the Researchers
access the thoughts and feelings of study participants (Austin and Sutton, 2015). In this
particular study, the researchers are highly qualified and are having intellectual curiosity
to pursue this type of investigation due to the fact that the researchers are ABM students
and have encountered a lot of ABM students struggling in their own designated strand.
The ABM students’ experiences, insights, and opinions are relatable to the researchers;
essence, this research needs data, thus allowing the researchers to collect data. Moreover,
the researchers possessed the abilities of writing such information, thoroughly analyzing
the participants’ experiences, insights, and opinions, having a keen observation about the
recent phenomenon concerning the struggle of the ABM students, and helping those
distressed and struggling ABM students to overcome their revolving predicament within
themselves and their fellow peers and allowing them to have a healthy living mentally
and emotionally. Although we have some biases in this study, especially to the
researchers who are also subjects to human error and inaccuracies in terms of their
manifested feelings and emotions about this piece, but the theories and related studies
With regards to the basic roles of the researchers in this piece, to make it
systematically organized, the researchers or considered as data collectors played the role
of an interviewer, translator, transcriber, analyst, and encoder. In this way, this research
will be well-constructed and comprehended. Kvale (1996) describe the researcher’s role
However, the splitting of roles for the researchers in the process of making this
research is not made to imply that the researchers are obligated to work in a
systematically progressive way wherein fact this is impossible for sustaining the
collects data and implements analysis (Creswell, 2007). The researchers in this study will
gather those data and organize it through the process of categorization in tuned with such
possible themes. The researchers have the full responsibility to deeply analyze and
understand the gathered data made from the informants in this piece. It is vital to wholly
comprehend the answers and have intellectual honesty to form such detailed information.
Thus, through conducting this qualitative piece, sustaining accuracy and credibility is
phenomenological approach for the sake of this piece’s credibility is one way to settle a
they are experiencing struggles or difficulties in the ABM strand in Senior High.
Research Participants
ABM students are the chosen participants in this research piece due to the fact that they
have experienced struggles in their strand. The ABM students are the main key
informants in the interview or documentation for the gathering of data concerning to their
experiences, coping mechanisms, and insights about their difficulties and uncertainties.
attributes needed: (a) a senior high student currently enrolled in Maryknoll College of
Panabo, Inc., (b) an ABM student, (c) a Grade 12 student, (d) male or female, (e) 15-19
years old, (f) experiencing difficulties in the ABM strand, (g) honor student or not, (h)
willing to participate in this empirical study. However, there were only 11 participants in
this investigation due to the fact that this phenomenological study is reliant to the
a qualitative study. To be specific six for the in-depth interviews and five for the focus
group discussion. Additionally, qualitative samples are purposive, that is, selected by
suggestion by which it varies depending on the topic that will be pursued. It also varies
on the given time and materials, thus creating a certain capacity. Since this study is
Aside from all of this, the research questions will serve as the guide for the
informants to be able to share and describe their experiences, coping mechanisms, and
insights of their own struggle of the ABM strand. Through this process, some facets of
from a variety of sources to get a complete and accurate picture of an area of interest
(Rouse, 2016). So, by the means of this, the researchers undergone a series of thorough
investigation through conducting an interview among the Grade 12 students who have
took ABM as their strand. The interviews were divided into two, which are: in-depth
interview and focus group discussion. The difference between both is that in-depth
interviews are likely to interview one-by-one while focus group discussion interviews a
The interviewing process is the best way to collect data. Behind its process, the
researchers have decided with regards to its sample size. In this case, the in-depth
interview is composed of six Grade 12 male students while the focus group discussion is
composed of five Grade 12 female students. Thus, leaving with the total interviewees of
eleven, and their answers are the basis of attaching such prominent information and the
Afterwards the collecting of data, the next step is the categorization of data. The
uttered answer of the participants will be transcribed and will undergo through a thorough
analyzation using thematic analysis. The goal of a thematic analysis is to identify themes,
i.e. patterns in the data that are important or interesting, and use these themes to address
the research or say something about an issue (Delahunt and Maguire, 2017). The purpose
of the thematic analysis is to analyze and classify different notion or answers to determine
transforming data to extract useful information from it (Chapman, 2018). Through the
very clear and understandable in the individuals’ perception. Data analysis also
emphasizes the most essential and important information. Additionally, data analysis in
the interview transcripts, observation notes, or other non-textual materials that the
Bogdan, 1997).
After the data is being collected and analyzed, the explanation and interpretation
and it will be organized. Moreover, the approach created by Clarke and Braun (2006) will
be followed and used by familiarizing the data, generating initial codes, searching for
themes, reviewing themes, defining and naming themes, and producing the report about
analyzing the collected data. Thematic analysis is a way of categorizing the collected data
to establish essential themes and thematic statements. It suits in this piece since the
questions that are few in number and intended to elicit views and opinions from the
participants (Creswell, 2014). The interviewing process will undergo through audio
recordings to record the respondents’ response. After the audio recording process, it will
be listened numerous times for the sake of getting the exact uttered words for
transcription and translation, and it will be translated into English verbatim. Likewise,
familiarization with the data internalizes through transcription and translation of the
interviews (Creswell, 1994). Then, the answers will be analyzed, grouped, and establish
Moreover, the representation of both main and collected data will be shown or
displayed through matrices and table charts. Data matrices can be used as a tool for
making qualitative data analysis more manageable (Holt and Thorpe, 2008). Also, tables
assist comprehension and thinking (Fisher et al, 2008). In this way, both tables and
On the other hand, data reduction is also applied in analyzing the data to simplify
and revising such unnecessary information into useful and helpful ones so that the readers
could easily grasp the transcribed information. Data reduction refers to the process of
selecting, focusing, simplifying, abstracting, and transforming the data that appear in
terms outside of the parameters that are typically applied in quantitative research (Given,
To establish trustworthiness and credibility within the study, moral standards
between the researchers and informants must be purely exhibited to widen the
towards the informants’ answers during the interview. The answers uttered by the
participants are meticulously analyzed and is put into justification. The importance of the
gathered data its themes are both checked and rechecked in terms of their transcription to
Trustworthiness is the only way researchers can persuade themselves and readers
that their research findings are worthy of attention (Lincoln & Guba, 1985). In essence,
the emphasis of credibility or validity could make a difference for the readers’ attention
and allotted time due to the fact that reliability bears persuasion and fascination.
conformability, as what Lincoln and Guba (1985) have proposed. In this way, it will
make the research piece more trustworthy and inclined to moral standards.
“credible” conceptual interpretation of the data drawn from the participant’s original data
(Lincoln & Guba, 1985). To fully establish the concept of credibility, the researchers will
experiences and fully grasp the given facts inclined to the phenomenon experienced by
the participants.
Second, in devising or designing the research procedure, a focus group discussion
is conducted in which numerous thoughts and opinions are extracted about the study of
the struggle of Grade 11 and Grade 12 ABM students in Maryknoll College of Panabo,
Third, the informants are directly asked about how the ABM students cope with
their struggles or difficulties in their own designated strand. In this way, the researchers
have the capability to deeply understand the given facts by the informants. Also, their
experiences, coping mechanisms, and insights regarding to their difficulties in the ABM
means of this, transferability means that the results and findings a particular research
To establish transferability, the researchers have put sources and citations in the
references or appendix portion of this research piece and have provided numerous
information regarding to the main problem of this piece. By this, the corresponding
context can be applied and deeply comprehended by the other researchers who have the
Conformability refers to the objectivity, that is, the potential for congruence
between two or more independent people about the data’s accuracy, relevance, or
meaning (Elo et al, 2014). Conformability means that the qualitative researches must
correspond with the answers of the informants in order to proceed with the producing of
themes and classifying them. In that way, the response made by the participants are the
basis of pursuing the results and findings of the main problem of this piece, avoiding
process, the participants’ responses to the research questions will be recorded. In terms of
Also, their responses are saved into a particular contraption and will consider to relisten
their responses to accurately transcribe and translate it. After that, the transcribed
responses must be given back to the informants for authentication and signing a
verification form.
inlined with the data collecting procedures for the reiteration and rechecking of the
collected data. Inspection of data collection and its analytic procedures is indeed
and the degree to which research procedures are documented, allowing someone outside
the research to follow, audit, and critique the research process (Sandelowski 1986, Polit et
al. 2006, Streubert 2007). To add that point, it means that the quality and reliability of
such information—which are the collected data and the explanation of such phenomena
refers to the stability of data over time and under different conditions (Elo et al, 2014).
Ethical Considerations
In ensuring the students’ full protection and safety so that the researchers will not
break their trust, such ethical standards must be established. The consideration of ethics
in research, and in general business for that matter, is of growing importance (Polonski,
To constitute ethical considerations, the researchers followed the ethical principles
or steps created and suggested by Boyatzis (1998) in which the following are respect for
To establish respect for persons, the researchers informed the targeted school,
specifically in Maryknoll College of Panabo, Inc., ABM students or the participants, and
their designated advisers so that they will be aware of the purpose of conducting this
research. Also, the participants undergone a permitted interviewing session and their
responses are used for the findings of this study with their consent. The willingness of the
participants to answer are humbly respected for they have contributed enough to this
research conduct. This was done to emphasize respect for the participants involved in this
study. Respect for persons is the overriding universal principle, in that the other major
To establish justice, this principle requires that researchers are always fair to the
participants in their research and that the needs of research participants should always
come before the objectives of the study (Gelling, 2015). For its application, the
contributions of the involved participants are equally acknowledged and are part of the
success of this research piece because they are very important in this study. They are
given due credits because of their contribution to this study through answering with pure
honesty and willingness. Also, they were not able to spend any amount during the process
of interview. Instead, the researchers have provided snacks for the participants to make
schedules to settle in a convenient time and choice of place that they are comfortable with
to prepare themselves and freely express their emotions and answers in responding to the
research questions which are mainly about their experiences, coping mechanisms, and
defined as an act of charity, mercy, and kindness with a strong connotation of doing good
to others including moral obligation (Kinsinger, 2009). In this case, kindness and charity
To establish confidentiality, the researchers reassured that the real names of the
participants were concealed through naming them with pseudonyms. Also, their personal
information is kept in private. After using the data collected such as video tapes, recorded
transcripts, notes, and other materials that are part of this study, destroyed by the
researcher to ensure that there was no opportunity for people to be identified even though
the participants to make them aware and informed of the purpose of conducting this
research. After their approval, they are participating the in-depth interviews and focus
group discussions. Obtaining consent involves informing the subject about his or her
rights, the purpose of the study, procedures to be undertaken, potential risks and benefits
identification and demographic data, so that the participation of subjects in the study is
This chapter presents the experiences, coping mechanisms, and insights of thr
struggling Grade 12 Accounting, Business, and Management students collected from the
in-depth interview and focus group discussion. The following are the main questions in
1. What are the experiences encountered by the struggling ABM students in their
designated strand?
This chapter is divided into three parts: Part 1 is the participants’ information
is the exhibition of thematic analysis along with its details in terms of the categorization
of the emergent themes from the results made in the questions of the in-depth interview
(IDI) and focus group discussion (FGD) under each main research questions. Lastly, part
Within this portion, it includes the themes that were surfaced through the
coping mechanism, and insights in their designated strand. We gathered their congruities
The participants were chosen as the respondents of our study who are the Grade
12 students under the strand of Accounting, Business, and Management in the school year
2019 – 2020 and were categorized within in-depth interview. They are the senior high
students within the school of Maryknoll College of Panabo, Inc., the main scope of our
study. Most of them are in their legal age and their biological sex is male.
By the use of purposive sampling, some are pinpointed and some have the will to
answer honestly with regards to the questions that the researchers sought to ask. They
have shared their unforgettable experiences in terms of their highs and lows, progressive
coping mechanisms, and realizations or insights within the Accounting, Business, and
The participants were chosen as the respondents, with the use of snowball
technique, of our study who are the Grade 12 students under the strand of Accounting,
Business, and Management in the school year 2019 – 2020 and were categorized within
focus group discussion. They were the same department as mentioned in the information
within table 1, but the difference is that within focus group discussion, all participants’
The second step is to present such data in an organized way with the use of
categorization using essential themes in tables 3, 4, and 5. The essential information that
emerged from the transcripts and comments were identified as thematic statements. They
Research Question No. 1: What are the experiences encountered by the struggling
ABM students in their designated strand?
Vague Education
One of the experiences that the Grade 12 ABM students have experienced is the
vagueness of the teaching style of their teachers, especially to their specialized subject
teachers. By this, it is the cause of their struggle within their own strand. As it is the
response of the most interviewees, it is considered as one of their major problems within
their strand, leaving frustrations, perplexities, and disappointment within their realm.
Another experience that the struggling Grade 12 ABM students have encountered
is their compliance towards academic tasks even if they are struggling. They often do
work in their given projects and tasks and attain learning in any angles within their
academic life because it is solely necessary for the sake of their own grades. Sometimes,
they find it difficult in complying with such academic conditions and sometimes, they
found it enjoyable.
Participant H stated that:
Academic Challenge
The respondents shared their experiences with regards to their challenges within
academic life. Behind every problem that they have faced, they are attaining
determination, perseverance, and commitment despite of all the difficulties they have
experienced. Through this, they only depend on their selves to survive their Senior High
“As an ABM jud, ahh… ABM students is isa jud sa akung mga
challenges, labaw na sa Grade 11, kay katung math namo kay
ako dili man jud ko, personally dili jud ko hawud ug math di..
lisud jud kaayo siya kay as ABM students so kaylangan jud nimo
mag deals ug numbers, solving , mga equation, nya ako kay dili
man jud ko hanas diraa so... na challenge jud ko ana, so as an
ABM student na challenge pud ko, sa akoang... social speaking,
kanang mag report kanang mag storya sa atubangan, kay dili pud
kay ko hawud ana kanang nay times nga makulbaan , nay times
nga maratul…ing ana kanang lisud jud kaayo, ma challenge jud
kaayo na saakoa dali rajud ko makulbaan, ulawun pud kaayo ko.”
“Sa akoa kay ang mga deadline kay… kay usahay ma late na nakog
buhat ang mga..mga projects mgaaaa assignments kay daghan lagi
ang.. usahay mag sabay sabay mana sila tanan nya mag lisod nag...
maglisod ko ug bu-buhat ug sabay ato tanan mao ng deadline jud
ang pinaka kuan jud. Sa pag speak guro ug english kay sa pag
solving kay gamay nalang man gamay gamay nalang gud ang
solving pero lisod! Lisod sya pero ug paningkamotan nimo makaya
man ug hawd lang ka ug pagsabot nimo sa mga problems.”
(For me, it is the deadlines because there are times that I am late
in doing my projects and assignment due to the fact there are so
many academic workloads. It is difficult for me to do such tasks
at one time, that is why the deadline is one my hardships.
(The ABM strand is a big challenge. For me, the ABM strand, it
is very challenging especially when it comes to our specialized
subject, when we solve problems on how to handle or manage the
business and what to do with your business in order for you to be
successful in life.)
“So challenges nako sa ABM sa akong strand is daghan jud sya pero
mas main jud nako is kanang…. Kanang,…. More on sa solving jud
sya and sa mga topic gamay kay daghan man gud na dili kayo nako
kanang ma kanang dili pamilyar sa akoa nga words ug dili kanang
dili pa kaayo nako kaya ang mga solving.” (Archive####P6)
they respond the research question no. 2: “How do they cope with their struggle in taking
ABM strand?”
Teachers’ Impact
Almost of the participants shared their struggles in terms of the assigned teachers
to them. Most of the participants have uttered that their specialized subject teachers teach
wearily and vaguely in which it affects their overall academic standing. Moreover,
instead of exerting their utmost efforts to achieve their desires, their teachers still persist
their high standards towards them, giving such low grades. Behind the theme itself, it is
the introductory phase of the problem. It serves as a starting point towards determining
the main predicament and move directly towards the students’ coping mechanisms.
In terms of the participants’ coping mechanisms, they seem to possess the value
wellmanifested, as stated by the participants. In this case, they only got themselves for the
(For me, just like what we have said, you really need
to self-study if you did not understand the topic.
You should not get help to your friends because they
are also struggling in understanding the topic. You
are the one who depends on yourself. It all depends
on the student. So, you should study hard so that you
will graduate and achieve what you wanted, like
(Same with her, always study hard. Just like us, we are
adapting in self-studying because even though the
teacher discusses, it is just the same because there are a
lot of PPTs and when our exam arrives, we won't be
able to finish it. That is why we always do self-study
that's all.)
(The one who will help you is just yourself. But also, if
you cannot handle it well, you can ask for help to
someone like your teacher…)
Devotion of Endeavors
Some of the participants have shared their way of coping with such problems in
enacted by the struggling Grade 12 ABM students to reach their goals and objectives.
(For me, like what our teacher have said to us, we must find
a positive way to solve our problems, then one of our
teachers said that if you will say stress, it is not just the word
“stress”, but it has a deeper meaning behind it. It is not
about you are struggling, you can easily say that you are
stressed out. Well, you will just find some possible solutions
in that problem so that you cannot say like: "this is why I'm
stress", "I have a lot of things to do". So, you must find
some way to solve those problems and with that, you can
solve it.)
(In being an ABM student, you really need to strive hard so that
you can achieve your desires in the near future after you finish
school. You can use it and you can handle that within yourself
especially in building a business. Also, you need to strive hard and
study hard.)
they respond the research question no. 3: “What are their insights about choosing the
ABM strand?"
Accompaniment of Religious Beliefs
experiencing certain predicaments within their academic life. Since they are molded with
moral standards, they often accompany their situations with religious beliefs.
(Also, what I can say is that you must always pray because
all in all, God is the one who helps you.)
(Also, for me, just pray to God. Study hard and enjoy your life
because they always say that we only live once. You need to
enjoy yourself because in the future or when we go to college,
some uttered that it is for our survival. That is why we need to
enjoy it because if you enjoy yourself, you will learn a lot.
Also, pray to God and study hard.)
One of the many reasons why students comply to such academic work is their
ambition or aim. Many of the respondents claim that they need to strive hard and solve
their academic problems due to the fact that they have a vision in which they need to
attain it for their future. Because of this, they have the desire to reach their objectivity and
“Bisag lisod sya pero… bisag lisod sya daghan man pud
kog opportunities ang kuan sa in line sa business nga world
kay.. sa karon nga panahon kay daghan man jud ug mga
business industry sa atoang sa atoang kuan sa atoang
syudad tas murag isa pud na sya sa mag pa taas ug… magpa
taas sa income sa atoang community kay sa mga business
kay naa man jud na silay tax nya mabutang gyud na sa
government mao nang mo taas ang hahah ang kwarta
satong community…. Like kanang mag decision sa mga
decision making dapat andam gyud ka mo risk gyud kay as
an entrepreneur daw kay dapat willing jud dawka mo risk sa
imong decision kay wala man jud daw kasiguraduhan
tanan.” (Archive####P4)
Most of the respondents have shared their balancing of priorities in terms of their
academic and enjoyment and their necessities and desires. They need to balance in order
for them to balance their academic life and their personal life. By the means of this, they
are not letting themselves dragged by their own frustrations in their academics, they also
possess their positivity to nurture their own enjoyment for the sake of their own mental
(Just enjoy things and just like what she has said, you
need to know in setting such priorities.)
and yes, enjoy yourself and a scientific calculator that has a fraction
is also important.)
ACCOMPANIMENT OF RELIGIOUS Whenever they encounter problems
BELIEFS or difficulties, they always trigger
their religious aspect.
When she said the praying and
trusting Him would alleviate their
struggles in their academics.
Enjoyment accompanied with
religious views, as what she have
When he said that their challenges
and struggles can be used as
Chapter 5
This chapter presents the discussion of the results, implication for educational
practices, recommendations for future research, and the conclusion in which they are
inclined and anchored on the emerged themes drawn from the research questions.
Mainly, the purpose of this study is to deeply explore and put into analyzation the
experiences, coping mechanisms, and insights of the struggling Grade 12 ABM students
within Maryknoll College of Panabo, Inc. as we have the intention to seek such
information on what is behind the Grade 12 ABM students’ struggles and to find out what
are the constructs may be derived from the results and findings.
and complete description of human experiences and its intricate meanings that was aimed
through thoroughly identifying a phenomenon that is related to this study’s research
questions, the collection of data from in-depth interviews (IDI) and focus group
discussion (FGD), thoroughly analyzing the gathered data to create and develop clusters
for in-depth interview and five for the focus group discussion, were picked through the
use of purposive sampling and snowball technique to share and utter their opinion and
thoughts with regards to their experiences, coping mechanisms, and insights about their
struggles within the Accounting, Business, and Management strand as Grade 12 students.
Furthermore, the participants of this study were the students with same grade level from
Maryknoll College of Panabo, Inc, Prk. Atis, Brgy. Sto. Niño, Panabo City, Davao del
The researchers of this piece will discuss some important factors or the essential
themes that deals with the experiences, coping mechanisms, and insights of the struggling
Grade 12 students who are taking the ABM strand. With regards to the experiences, they
are Vague Education, Compliance to Academic Tasks and Conditions, and Academic
Within the coping mechanisms of the Grade 12 students who are currently
enrolled in the ABM strand, they are Teachers' Impact, Self-reliance, and Devotion of
Lastly, their insights of their struggle in taking ABM as their chosen strand are
As the researchers have conducted the in-depth interview and focus group
discussion, it is clear that there are various themes in our study. The following are the
essential themes that the researchers have developed that were drawn from the research
Vague Education
Most of the Grade 12 ABM students have pointed out their struggles and
experiences within their own designated strand, and one of them is vague education.
Within this portion, they said that their teachers often teach vaguely, causing such
Within this portion, it is about teachers who do not give enough academic support
(Great Schools Partnership, 2013). By the means of this, any of it are vague to support
Among the factors that make a teacher incompetent in teaching are experience and
passion (Alami, 2016). Likewise, for example, inexperienced teacher or a teacher with no
passion for teaching is unable to help students to get comprehensive idea of the subject
matter (Alami, 2016). In this case, perhaps the Grade 12 teachers within the ABM strand
are either not that experienced or do not have the ability to give comprehensible ideas.
With this, we can consider that teachers’ teaching abilities would make an impact
towards the students within their academic standing. So, a teacher’s skill in presenting
assignments contributes to the deep comprehension of the given topic (Alami, 2016).
As what they have said, they do not teach properly, leaving them very perplexed
of the discusses lessons. In this case, the teachers must change their teaching approaches
towards the students in order for them to comprehend such complexities and its basics
within the discussed topic. Likewise, do vary your teaching strategies to keep students
interested (Goodwin, 2018). Perhaps changing a more detailed teaching approach would
make them engage more in such disseminated knowledges. In that way, the students will
do not have troubles in applying the the said objectives within each subject in themselves.
Additionally, teachers are the basis of education. They reflect on what they think.
supervising and grading examinations, and, at the end of the semester or year, grading
Therefore, the only solution towards their vague teaching is to modify their own
teaching approaches. It could benefit them and to the students, leaving an intricate and
Most of the Grade 12 ABM students shared their effortful energy in terms of
complying to the give requirements that are needed to be fulfilled. Despite of their
difficulties and struggles, they still manage to comply with those given tasks for the sake
cultivate their academic standing. They are motivated to get things done due to the fact
that they academically obligated to comply such academic workloads for them to persist
their standing. In this case, the nature of motivation and learning strategy use is vital to
improving student learning outcomes (Gbollie and Keamu, 2017). By the means of this,
the classroom (Ministry of Education, Guyana, 2019). So, the students do really need to
fulfill the needed requirements to exert work and cultivate their own academic standing.
The process might be stressful and frustrating, but knowing its beneficial outcomes, it
Behind the compliance of academic tasks and conditions, there is analyzation and
conformity of the rules of the teachers. Analyzation is an important key factor of the
students for they will not deviate from the context that they have recently perceived. The
deemed necessary. It will substantiate your own form of work. By the means of this,
analytical skills might sound a bit technical, but we all use them on a daily basis while
available (Counsellingx, 2019). By this, the Grade 12 ABM students are being molded to
be responsible students someday with their careers inclined within the ABM strand. Since
education is all about conforming to facts and moral standards, as what Martin (2018)
Therefore, students usually have the intrinsic ability to pursue their academic
obligations due to the fact that it is indeed necessary. The ramifications of fulfilling their
own duties and responsibilities is indeed inevitable for a student. That is the sole reason
Academic Challenges
Usually, most of the Grade 12 ABM students shared their challenges in terms of
their academic life, specifically within their strand. From incompetent teachers to
competitive classmates, such factors that is attached within realm was perceived as their
challenge. By this, they are fully academically challenge, and have insisted commitment,
One of the challenges their challenges is the high expectation of their teachers.
One of the best ways to help students meet rigorous academic expectations is to first set
high expectations for behavior (Hathaway, 2020). By this, their teachers perhaps the
intention to heighten their expectations to making their designated students reach their
own academic excellence. Teachers’ expectations of their students’ learning may be more
important in influencing student progress than pupils’ abilities (The Education Hub,
2018). Because of this, they are pressured, frustrated, and anxious about it.
Without strong math, reading and writing skills, students struggle to grow through
continually challenging classes that require calculations, text readings and paper
assignments (Kokemuller, 2020). Majority of the Grade 12 ABM students mentioned that
they usually struggle in terms of their specialized subject, which has a lot of
numerous students.
makes it easy for students to get distracted by the social scene, thus neglecting disciplined
study (Kokemuller, 2020). Due to the fact that there are numerous workloads in terms of
their academics, they are struggling in terms of their time management. They are not fond
in doing such things in a short period of time, but they are trying to fulfill them all to not
between classmates is something that is seen far too often within the confinements of the
classroom (Amato, 2017). Likewise, though everyone should want to compete for the
better grades and internships, it’s all too often it turns into a competition between friends
Coping Mechanisms of Grade 12 Students who are Taking the ABM Strand
Teachers’ Impact
Most of the Grade 12 ABM students are frank about their teachers. They said that
they often struggle because of their high expectations, giving low grades despite of their
exerted effort, and not appreciating their effortful works. By this, they are very open and
confident enough to say their problems with regards to their teachers through the use of
particular problem or a challenge. Within this portion, the participants have shared their
apprehensions and concerns, and it serve as the initial phase of their coping.
‘High expectation teachers’ believe that students will learn faster and will
improve their level of achievement (The Education Hub, 2018). Likewise, In the quest for
excellence in education, all parties want the same results: high-achieving, well-rounded
students who rise to their full potential, ready for college and primed to take on whatever
the world can throw at them (Thomas, 2018). Because of this, their vague teaching and
their high expectations what made them struggle within their own strand. They said that
the teachers are the foundation of their own knowledge in which they have the
Therefore, the teachers might have reasons why they are imposing their own
desire in leveling the expectations, and its effect among students is indeed detrimental,
but somehow, they could still manage it since they are complying to such academic tasks
and conditions for the sake of getting high grades and achieving such goals.
Because of their difficulties, the Grade 12 ABM students manage to enact their
responsibilities and obligations as a student through depending to their own self. Most of
the interviewees are being reliant because of the disassociation and frustrations that have
had happened within real. Because of this circumstance, they often found it as a
challenging phase for them and possess their self-reliance within their academic life.
Due to experiencing some struggles like vague education and other academic
challenges, they are left with the choice of being self-reliant within the angles of their
academic life. Being self-reliant is presented to be the ability to take control over your
life, being motivated from within, and being able to take care of oneself (Frederick,
2016). So, being self-reliant is beneficial especially for students because it trains them to
be resilient and independent in reality. They will have the capability to do things in their
abilities and ways, whatever makes them satisfied due to the to their calculated desires.
Self-reliance is rooted in a fundamental belief that you can change your circumstances
(Casalina, 2017). By the means of this, they are able to change their own situations by
knowing its possibilities and what could benefit them. In terms of academics, connected
to the participants’ answers, may of the instances include, adjusting their responsibilities
to induce time management, taking risks for the sake of their own desires, has the motive
teachers despite of their vague teachings. In that way, the students have shown exemplary
Therefore, the way that teachers handle them induce self-reliance within them. In
every tasks and projects that they make, they have the capability to do it in their own.
Likewise, gradually hand them tasks to complete making it known that they have the
Most of the Grade 12 ABM students are committed enough to do such things that
could benefit their personal and academic standing. By this, they have a positive and
personally. They often work hard with their hardships just to earn benefits in the future. It
is also for the purpose of training in engaging to both college life and reality in their later
With their devotion of endeavor, academic excellence is an aim for them. Since
they are doing things for their own benefit, the utilization of devotion to their own
the positive outcomes of the students after graduating (UK Essays, 2018). So, by the
means of this, academic excellence would give the students much benefit and
Other term for devotion of endeavors will be “self-determined student”. So, to put
intrinsic motivation rather than relying on external rewards (Seattle Pi Education, 2020).
In this case, their hardwork has a great cause in which they want to learn from it and
apply it. They are being determined to do such things and analyze each options in their
academic portion like having a positive outlook in solving such predicaments, assessing
the problems in a clear and concise manner, relying in finding such facts, and striving
hard just to achieve their goals. In relation to this, a self-determined student takes action
Education, 2020).
Insights of the Grade 12 Students of Choosing ABM as their Strand
Most of the Grade 12 ABM students shared their religious aspect. Whenever they
encounter such predicaments, they often trigger their religious beliefs. Since they are
morally obligated, they are very inclined to worship their religion. Their religion is the
basis of their own faith and strength in conquering such adversities in life. By this, they
The beneficial effects of religious practice on education are transmitted to the individual
student through various pathways within the family of origin and through peers, the
church community, and the extended community (Marripedia, 2020). By the means of
this, students are molded to be religious and are abiding to their own religion. In this case,
they often accompany their academics with religious beliefs, thus creating an impact
Religion has played an important part in the development of education ever since
the beginning, even before the creation of schools (Bartleby, 2019). So, in this case, it is
proven that religion can be associated to schools especially in such places who are very
inclined to any religious activities. Schools that are really into religion does have students
who have the will to prioritize their own religious aspects within any angles of their
academic life.
Desiring to Objectivity
The interviewees have a vision to their future. So, by the means of this, they are
often having the desire to such things happen in accordance to their own imagination.
They have the desire of fulfilling the objectivity just to enlarge their vision and become
capable in the near future that is ahead of them. Its basis will be their commitment,
Learning objectives ideally describe a direction for the student acquiring new
knowledge, skills, and attitudes (Weill Cornell Medicine, 2020). By the means of this,
Most of the students have shared their answers in terms of knowing their full
capacity and capability, knowing their vision in the near future, tasking risks even it
everything is uncertain, and settling for improvement. In all of that, that is some of the
students’ specific objectives in order for them to survive in school and have that vision
showing us how focusing on the wrong thing can lead to pointless projects and serving
merely as a waste of time (Professional Learning Board, 2019). Objectives are inevitable
within the academe real. It is one of the necessities for the students to fully engage in
such work.
Balancing of Priorities
The Grade 12 ABM students have shared their sides with regards to their
enjoyment and their priorities. So, they manage to balance their priorities in order for
them to grow as a student and as a person. What they balance is their own enjoyment and
their academics. Enjoyment in terms of planning trips with friends and other stuff
inclined to such positivity and academics for their knowledgeabilities and obligations.
various roles one plays (Johns Hopkins Student Assistance Program, 2019). Knowing that
we are also inclined to life, it is very necessary to balance our studies and our personal
life in order for us to be wrapped in productivity. Because of this, being a student also
have multifaceted responsibilities. Likewise, a student often wears many different hats:
Program, 2019).
Striving toward a school-life balance is a healthy coping mechanism for students
seeking to better manage their stress (Keim, 2018). In this case, the students often have
this kind of coping mechanism to reduce stress and anxiety levels. So, it is very intrinsic
for a person to know his or her priorities, and it is indeed applicable for students who are
The themes generated from the experiences of the struggling Grade 12 ABM
students include Vague Education, Compliance to Academic Tasks and Conditions, and
Academic Challenges. All of these attached themes signify that the struggling Grade 12
ABM students have experienced a standard academic phenomenon within their academic
Based from the results of this study, the researchers want to emphasize the
students who are currently enrolled to other strands. They will know that we all have
different problems that we face every day, and in order for it to be depleted, they must
possess the value of growth. Academic problems are not just mere problems. Problems
are problems, they are needed to be solved and form a substantial solution. In terms of
their teachers, they must learn to appreciate the smallest things. Even if they are not that
inclined in teaching the details, they must respect them because it is necessary and
morally accepted. Also, they will bear it in their minds that they be positive in any angles
in their life to have growth and positivity within their life. Also, this study proves the
religious beliefs, for they will serve as the basis of their own growth as a student.
Moreover, this research also suggests that the teachers must know their teaching
style. They must know if it is effective or not. The acquisition of effective teaching is a
total need for the students in order for them to comprehend and understand the stated
topics clearly. Also, they must value appreciation even in the tiniest effort of a particular
student. Small efforts are still efforts, it has the intention to be appreciated no matter what
its size. They would also come up with a great idea on entertaining their students to
decrease their weary or boring teaching. This study proves that the teachers’ impact does
really make an impact among students, as it is the basis of their own struggles or
difficulties and also, their vague education wherein they teach students with very vague
For the aspiring ABM students, this will serve as a lesson for them, for it will be the
fundamental basis of their own academic growth and the decision-making process. The
utilization of such lessons will be accompanied with the experiences experienced by the
struggling ABM students in Grade 12. In this way, they have the opportunity to know the
mechanisms, and insights of the six participants for in-depth interview and five
participants for the focused group discussion. This could not be generalized to all
distinguish also their perspective and perception in taking ABM as the chosen strand for
Senior High.
The researchers would like to recommend that Junior High school students who
have the desire to enroll in Senior High as ABM students will discover and distinguish
the factors of being an ABM student or choosing the ABM strand as a personal or
academic choice as well as how it could affect, influence, and promote the concept of
ABM towards the society. The researchers would also like to recommend possible factors
or reasons that could help out some struggling ABM students in finding out such
solutions or coping mechanisms. Also, the researchers would like to recommend for the
teachers or aspiring teachers to find out a way of teaching that could make your topics or
teaching is truly manifested, and it is indeed a helpful deed for both teachers and the
Moreover, the researchers would also recommend the future researchers to either
have a research piece about Grade 11 students who are struggling within the ABM strand
or other strands or a research piece that is about homosexuals who are struggling within
the ABM strand or any other strands due to the fact that the researchers are only focused
study and investigate about the differences between the predicaments of the academic
tracks and non-academic tracks. Additionally, the future researchers could also
distinguish the reason why these two tracks or the other strands often have diverse
struggles or difficulties.
Concluding Remarks
This phenomenological study would hopefully open the minds of the Senior High
students struggling in their academics, teachers who are the basis of disseminating
knowledge, the school’s administrators, and aspiring ABM students with regards to the
different experiences of the struggling Grade 12 ABM students and as well as their
This research will also serve as a reminder that the problems of a particular strand
students in general. Also, all of us have different levels of tolerance and coping
mechanism in stress and pressure, so that is why your own self could only depend on it.
Prevention of criticizing, belittling, and judging such students by the own problems must
be clearly manifested to have academic harmony. It is hard being a student, but one must
do something about its hardness or difficulty so that one has the ability to cover up such
problems using constructed tangible or intangible solutions. Behind every difficulty, there
is a future ahead of them, waiting to reach in that phase. So, the utilization of courage,
determination, and commitment could mean that he or she is trying to be one of the
Aside from the students, the teacher must also get credited for the students’
growth and determination in not just academics, but also in reality. Teachers may have
different teaching approaches, but their entitlement is still linked to their objectivity,
which is to educate students. They are still deserved to be treated with kindness and
respect due to the fact that their journey is very rocky. Also, being a teacher is not that
easy, it takes a ton of students to mold them as better individuals. By the means of this, a
teacher has a lot of roles, so it is tiring for them to mold and develop every single person
within the academe world. They may be diverse, but at least they have tried their best as
the role models of the students. Thus, making the teachers as the most important element
The researchers of this piece have witnessed the struggles and challenges faced by
the struggling Grade 12 students who are taking ABM as their chosen strand. The
information and lessons that they have shared to us during the in-depth interview and
focus group discussion had made us realized that within every struggle, there is a
newfound grace of solutions that might come in the way. One’s struggle is indeed
inevitable within the realm that we are living in. Every challenge has a fruitful outcome,
and this is applicable to both in academics and in reality. We have also learned how
teachers are the essential part of the academe world due to the fact that they bear and
disseminate knowledge and place it into our minds to nurture it and use it in the near
future. By this, they have the goal to completely develop us in a way that we are the
Most important of all, the aims to share on how the Grade 12 ABM students have
faced their struggles and overcome their problems were confidently mentioned and
revealed during the in-depth interview and focus group discussion. To emphasize, the
concept of academics has been deemed imperfect, but it is greatly significant and
purposive in the perception of many people due to the fact that education is the basis of
our living.
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