UTN Preparation Materials: A. B. C. D. E

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UTN Preparation Materials

1. Language proficiency includes the following aspects of language knowledge EXCEPT knowing how
to ....
A. produce and understand different text types
B. maintain communication despite limitations
C. use language for different functions
D. use different kinds of strategies
E. vary our use of language

2. Young children, especially those up to the ages of nine or ten, learn differently from older children
in the following ways EXCEPT ….
A. they respond to meaning
B. they can engage with abstract thought
C. they display an enthusiasm for learning
D. they often learn indirectly rather than directly
E. their understanding comes from what they see and hear

3. The principles of the Direct Method in language learning include the following propositions
A. only everyday vocabulary and sentences are taught
B. both speech and listening comprehension are taught
C. grammar is carefully taught in deductive manner
D. correct pronunciation and grammar are emphasized
E. new teaching points are introduced orally

4. The term "Notions" used in the area of notional-functional curriculum is referred both to abstract
concepts such as existence, space, time, and quality and ....
A. contexts or situations
B. natural circumstances
C. various different functions
D. communicative competence
E. travel, health, and education

5. A syllabus should identify the following aspects of language use in order to be able to develop the
learner’s communicative competence EXCEPT ....
A. the purposes for which the learner wishes
B. the setting in which they will want to use the target language
C. the communicative events in which the learners will participate
D. the functional characteristics involved in various linguistic events
E. the socially defined role the learners will assume in the target language

6. An objective stating that “students will learn ‘passive voice’” is not testable because we do not know
whether ....
A. students are exposed to real or simulated situations in expressing it
B. students should be able to understand them in spoken or written language
C. both teachers and students are capable of providing communicative tasks
D. teachers are encouraged to supply their students with varied examples
E. students are able to find out appropriate situations to apply it

7. An innovative teacher may apply a peer assessment scheme to test students in speaking skill.
Employing this scheme, he/she expects that the students are sincere and ….
a. use the scheme as a means of obtaining higher grades
b. compete against their colleagues to obtain the best scores
c. are not motivated to achieve high scores in the subject
d. apply the scheme to enhance their oral proficiency
e. are able to measure their potential in speaking

8. The warm-up session mentioned in a lesson plan of should include the following activities EXCEPT
A. questions and answers you have written
B. a revision of the previous lesson linked to the new lesson
C. questions to elicit conversation using the new structures and functions
D. examples of what your students will learn in this particular lesson
E. a specifically designed game to trigger the students’ interest

9. In order to define your lesson's objectives, consider asking yourself the following questions
A. what will the students accomplish during this lesson?
B. to what specific level will the students perform a given task?
C. how will the students show that they understood and learned the goals?
D. does the lesson's objective fit in with your state educational standards ?
E. will you ensure that you are making the most of your teaching time?

10. The presentation activities of a lesson plan focus on the learning objectives for the lesson. This is
the teacher guided section of the lesson in which we might do the following examples EXCEPT …
A. explaining grammar at the white board
B. identifying the learners’ attitude towards the lesson
C. showing a short video to introduce a topic of discussion
D. presenting new vocabulary making sure to provide lots of context
E. presenting written work for a class discussion of structure

11. Which learning resource is most suitable to teach a group of haptic students the focus of the
learning objective of which is describing a kite?
A. Outdoor activities in which the group has the chance to fly a kite
B. Worksheets with questions guiding the group to describe a kite
C. Inclass activities with a real kite on which the group can touch
D. A video recording showing the group pictures of kites to describe
E. Role play requiring the group members to share ideas of kite making

12. Ms. Ana wants her students to write an autobiography of a national figure. She wants her students
to get the data from not just written, spoken, but also pictographic materials. For the purpose, the
learning sources she can make use for her students to get the information needed would involve
them to….
A. browse the Internet
B. interview a historian
C. read historical books
D. do small library research
E. exchange ideas with classmates

13. Controlled yet contextual use of vocabulary items of a written descriptive text may be best practiced
through which of the following?
A. Minimal pairs
B. Cloze exercises
C. Simulated Dialogs
D. Substitution drills
E. Matching tasks

14. To get the most out of the potentials of extroverted students, Mr. Marzuki will set up learning
activities that allow them to do a lot of….
A. listening and reading
B. speaking and listening
C. reading and writing
D. writing and speaking
E. speaking and reading

15. In a reading class, Janet is at loss when Mr. Rohanda asks her a question about the topic of the
passage they are dealing with. The appropriate empathetic communication strategy Mr. Rohanda
should hold is….
A. ask her classmate next to her to help her answer the question
B. repeat the question to help her answer the question correctly
C. make her read the whole passage once again more carefully
D. ask her questions for not being able to answer his question
E. tell her to pay attention to him more seriously in his class

16. At the pre-reading phase, Mr. Mahmud raises a leading question about the theme of the day’s
discussion. Sarah answers the question incorrectly. Mr. Mahmud’s empathetic communication
response should be….
A. “Why is that your answer? Please let us know!”
B. “You answer wrongly Sarah. Please try again!”
C. “That’s not the answer Sarah. Listen to me”
D. “Sarah, you do not answer my question.”
E. “Anyone, is it the correct answer?”

17. By being criterion-based, assessment means that….

A. students can be compared to other students
B. students’ achievement is based on materials
C. assessing students’ learning is required
D. students’ learning is assessed on standards
E. learning should be followed by assessment

18. With reference to the condition element in the indicator, the authentic assessment type that is
appropriate to measure the indicator that follows:
Based on two contexts: online sources and observations, students make a
report on an extended account explaining reasons for a kite to fly in the sky.
has the basic format that is called….
A. extended response
B. performance
C. interview
D. portfolio
E. project

19. Ms. Nastiti observed that her class was below the mastery learning criterion in writing on how to do
things. The reason is not due to language problems, but is more on generating ideas to be written.
To solve the problem, she designs an innovative strategy through classroom action research the
steps of which have the elements of….
A. think-pair-share
B. mind mapping
C. jigsaw

20. A research title for classroom action research encompasses these components: focus, locus, and
modus as suggested in which of the following?
A. Effectiveness of mind mapping to improve descriptive writing of first graders of SMPN 5
B. Mind mapping for improving teaching descriptive texts of first graders of SMPN 5
C. Using mind mapping to improve descriptive writing of first graders of SMPN 5
D. The effect of mind mapping on descriptive writing of first graders of SMPN 5
E. Mind mapping as a strategy for descriptive writing of first graders of SMPN 5

1. Among several sociocultural variables, which are most crucial in terms of achieving language
proficiency, is social contextual factors which includes the following EXCEPT ….
A. the participants’ age
B. the participants’ status
C. the participants’ gender
D. the participants’ social distance
E. the participants’ genres and registers.

2. Different from young learners, adult learners are notable for a number of special characteristics like
the following EXCEPT ….
A. they have expectations about the learning process
B. they have a whole range of life experiences to draw on
C. they come into classrooms with a rich range of experiences
D. they often have a clear understanding of why they are learning
E. they have a need for individual attention and approval from the teacher

3. Communicative approach which is based on the theory that children acquire language rules by
using language involves ….
A. creating situations where the students have a need to say something
B. setting a task for students to do that involves the use of language
C. involveving the students’ attention or interest to drills and practices
D. noting down errors but not correcting them during the activity
E. showing pictures of people in various situations to the learners

4. Curriculum refers to activities in which children engage under the auspices of the school including
the following EXCEPT ….
A. what pupils learn
B. how they learn it
C. how teachers help them learn
D. what supporting materials to learn
E. which system is in the study program

5. One important difference between first-language acquisition and second-language acquisition is

that the process of second-language acquisition is influenced by ….
A. languages that the learner already knows
B. learning styles that the learners’ apply
C. motivation coming from different environments
D. the learner’s attitude towards the target language
E. different levels of anxiety within the learners’ mind

6. When asked to determine the practicality level of a written test, the teacher usually asks the
following questions EXCEPT ….
A. whether the test can be administered smoothly
B. whether the scoring system is feasible in the teacher’s time frame
C. whether the administrative details are clearly established prior to the test
D. whether the learners can complete the test within the set time frame
E. whether the test fulfills the teacher’s and the students’ interest

7. When employing the peer assessment scheme to assess the students’ writing ability the teacher
hopes that the students will be capable of ….
A. assessing themselves at about the same level as their tutors
B. interpreting the criteria of success or failure in the same way
C. eliminating the tendency to become demotivated to write
D. measuring their colleagues’ achievement in writing
E. detecting their strengths and weaknesses in writing

8. The following are four main activities in the PPP format of an EFL learning lesson plan EXCEPT
A. teacher produces a situation and presents L2 in context
B. students practice L2 items using accurate techniques
C. students use L2 and make sentences of their own
D. students discuss what they have learned during the lesson
E. teacher and students a game using the target language

9. When determining your methods of Direct Instruction in your lesson plan, consider the following
questions EXCEPT ….
A. How can I best tap into the various learning modalities?
B. What materials are available to me for this lesson?
C. What relevant vocabulary do I need to present to my students?
D. How can my students engage in discussion and participation beyond classes?
E. What will my students need to learn to complete the lesson plans objectives?

10. The Controlled practice activities allow for close observation that the learning objectives are
understood. In these activities the learners may do the following activities EXCEPT ….
A. Language function practice such as apologizing, negotiating, and thanking
B. Completing the sentence exercises to encourage specific written formulas
C. finding chances to learn a concept through various means
D. Reading and listening comprehension activities
E. Gap filling exercises on tense conjugation

11. Which learning resource is most suitable to teach a group of students who are visual in nature in
their learning style the learning objective of which focus is describing stages of a volcano eruption?
A. Outdoor activities in which the group has the chance to observe a volcano
B. A audio recording telling the group stages of a volcano to be about to erupt
C. Inclass activities with a picture series of an erupting volcano for the group to observe
D. Discussions requiring the group members to share ideas of volcano eruptions
E. Worksheets with questions guiding the group to the stages in a volcano eruption

12. To write an explanation on what a kangaroo lives on by assigning the students to explore not just
written, spoken, but also pictographic information, a teacher can most appropriately make use of….
A. the Internet sources
B. historical books
C. video recordings
D. audio recordings
E. historical films

13. To introduce functional words like sentence connectors and conjunctions in written narrative texts in
controlled yet contextual use exercises may be best achieved through….
A. cloze procedures
B. substitution drills
C. transformation tasks
D. sentence completion
E. simulated conversations

14. Ms. Hyunt finds several students of his English class introverted. To actualize their potentials in
learning English, the learning activities she chooses that suit her students most would be the ones
that allow them to do a lot of….
A. listening and reading
B. speaking and listening
C. reading and writing
D. writing and speaking
E. speaking and reading

15. Rohanda does not pay attention to Ms. Janet. He is talking to her classmate next to him when Ms.
Janet is modeling the report text on cats. To make Rohanda focus on her, she can….
A. remind him mildly
B. ask him a question directly
C. question him utterly for talking
D. punish him harshly to sing a song
E. tell him to leave the class immediately

16. The class was chaotic in laughter when a student made a pronunciation mistake. To put the class
back in its learning course, Ms. Dewanti should have warned the class empathetically by saying….
A. “Hi class, I want all of you to be quiet please.”
B. “Class, can we be back to our topic, please?”
C. “Please do not laugh at your classmate!”
D. “Please appreciate your classmate.”
E. “Shut up, please! Listen to me.”

17. By being systematic in assessment, it means that….

A. a teacher should follow stages to develop a set of assessment tools
B. students’ learning achievement is assessed based on a system
C. assessing students’ learning is a scientific conduct
D. teachers must be professional to assess students’ learning
E. students’ learning is assessed on formal and specific regulations

18. With reference to the condition element in indicator, the test that is appropriate to measure the
indicator that follows:
Given a descriptive passage with every 7th word mutilated, students select
the word from the alternatives that best fills in the blank spaces in the
passage correctly.
has the basic format that is the so-called….
A. fill-in type
B. cloze test type
C. short answer type
D. multiple-choice type
E. selected response type

19. Based on Mr. Jatmiko’s observation, his class was below the mastery learning criterion in 7 out of
nine micro skills of reading stipulated in graduate competence standards. To solve the problem, he
designs an innovative strategy through classroom action research the steps of which have the
elements of….
C. jigsaw
D. mind mapping
E. genre-based approach

20. An example of formulating problems in classroom action research dealing with issues pertaining to
writing descriptive texts using ‘topic-based synthesis-analysis strategy’ would be….
A. How can ‘topic-based synthesis-analysis strategy’ improve students’ writing descriptive texts?
B. Can ‘topic-based synthesis-analysis strategy’ improve students’ writing descriptive texts?
C. Is ‘topic-based synthesis-analysis strategy’ effective to improve students’ writing descriptive
D. How effective is ‘topic-based synthesis-analysis strategy’ in improving students’ writing
descriptive texts?
E. Is there any difference in students’ writing descriptive texts before and after teaching using
‘topic-based synthesis-analysis strategy’?

1. There are four important sub-areas of discourse competence with regard to the current model of
communication. They include the following EXCEPT ….
A. cohesion
B. deixis
C. coherence
D. generic structure
E. formulaic competence

2. When entering any English classroom, students have already been equipped with attitudes to
language learning which include the following questions EXCEPT ….
A. Is the language learning part of the curriculum of high or low status?
B. Are the cultural images associated with English positive or negative?
C. How important is the learning of English considered to be in the society?
D. Faced with the choice of two language sto learn, which one would they choose?
E. Which classroom do they have to enter in order for learning to be effective?

3. In a task-based lesson, the teacher sets a task for students to do that involves ….
A. the use of language not yet studied in class or studied previously
B. activities from the course book intended to assess their achievement
C. activities from supplementary sources to be done beyond classes
D. the involvement of the whole person in the learning experience
A. the provision of a stimulus to which students respond optimally

4. A curriculum provides information on the following aspects EXCEPT ….

A. the goals of education
B. the subjects to be taught
C. the extracurricular activities
D. the methods and materials
E. the assessment of students

5. Language transfer is a complex phenomenon resulting from the following EXCEPT ….

A. the learners’ cognitive processes
B. interaction between learners’ prior linguistic knowledge
C. the target-language input encountered by the learners
D. the learner’s mastery of their native language
E. the particular domain of the students’ language

6. In order to achieve test reliability the teacher should make sure that the following items are
available EXCEPT ….
A. video input is equally visible to all of the students
B. every student has a cleanly photocopied test sheet
C. location of the test administration is easily accessible
D. sound amplification is clearly audible to everyone in the room
E. lighting, temperature, and other classroom conditions are equal for all
7. Applying Portfolio assessments, innovative English teachers expect that they may strengthen
student learning in the following ways EXCEPT that they ….
A. rate portfolios on a regular basis throughout the school year
B. capitalize on work that would normally be done in the classroom
C. motivate students because they present meaningful activities
D. focus learners’ attention on learning processes
E. facilitate practice and revision processes

8. In the Presentation Stage of the PPP format of an lesson plan the teacher should do the following
A. note the target language to be taught
B. mention the ways they will teach the target language
C. note they way they will stimulate the students' interest in the language
D. point out how they might elicit the language they are planning to teach
E. require a repeated response (choral response) from the students

9. In writing the Independence Practice section of the Lesson Plan, consider the following questions
A. What activities will my students be able to complete on their own?
B. How can I provide a new context in which the students can practice new skills?
C. How can I offer practices on a repeating schedule so that the learning is not forgotten?
D. How can I integrate the learning objectives into future projects?
E. How can I use the information to plan the future teaching?

10. Free practice in an effective lesson plan allows students to "take control" of their own language
learning. The following are activities which encourage the learners to explore language EXCEPT
A. class debates
B. role-plays for others
C. games on communication skills
D. essay writing
E. drills and exercises

11. When reflecting on the day’s topic, the class gave no response to the teacher’s reflective question.
Ms. Dianika – the teacher – could have remarked the situation by saying….
A. “Class, are listening to me?”
B. “Everyone, don’t you understand me?”
C. “Hi class, what’s gone wrong with you?”
D. “Class, is there anything bothering you?”
E. “Is my question not clear to you all class?”

12. Assessing students’ learning is comprehensive which means that….

A. assessment covers all essential areas intended to be assessed
B. assessment results provide stakeholders with true information
C. scores gained from assessment are indicative of competences
D. procedures in assessment are to reveal main intended abilities
E. professionalism is the basis for everyone to perform assessment
13. Based on the indicator that follows: “Students present a monolog based on a series of photographs
depicting a metamorphosis of an animal using appropriate language and idea organization”, the
appropriate assessment procedure for the purpose is….
A. project
B. product
C. observation
D. performance
E. extended response

14. Ms. Iwuk observes that her students’ achievement in listening comprehension on dialog sections is
low based on the result of the tryout on the National Examination. An innovative strategy she may
take through classroom action research to solve the problem would be….
A. dictation-based
B. dicto-gloss-based
C. dicto-comp-based
D. communicative dictation
E. running dictation

15. In planning the innovative instructional strategy to solve practical problems in classroom action
research, the teacher researcher needs to be more specific in….
A. basic competences to be addressed
B. instructional materials to teach
C. instructional delivery stages
D. setting up criteria of success
E. data collection instruments

1. The ability to use language is supported by linguistic competence which includes four types of the
following knowledge EXCEPT ….
A. phonological knowledge
B. morphological knowledge
C. syntactic knowledge
D. collocation knowledge
E. lexical knowledge

2. Apart from the culture of the world, the students’ attitude to language learning will be greatly
affected by the influence of the following EXCEPT ….
A. parents and older siblings
B. people who are close to them
C. their responsibility beyond the subject
D. the way they think about the subject
E. peer’s attitude towards the subject

3. In a task-based activity, the teacher pays attention to the students’ performance with the target
language and ….
A. set up an plan which involves students participation
B. note down errors but not correct them during the activity
C. note the learners’ use of certain grammatical features
D. decide whether to conduct practice or revise it briefly
E. compare performance particularly on the final task

4. An effective lesson plan should fulfill the following requirements EXCEPT that….
A. it should provide an accessible framework of the knowledge and skills
B. it should offer a sense of continuity and direction in the learners’ work
C. it should represent a retrospective account of what has been achieved
D. it should provide a basis on which learner progress may be evaluated
E. it should be described in terms of statements of the whole subjects

5. Error analysis studies the types and causes of language errors which are classified, among other
things according to the following EXCEPT ….
A. modality (i.e. proficiency in speaking, writing, reading, listening)
B. linguistic levels (i.e. pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, style)
C. aims (e.g. instrumental, external, internal)
D. form (e.g. omission, insertion, substitution)
E. cause (e.g. interference, interlanguage)

6. In order make sure that a test fulfills its face validity, the teacher should give an assessment
procedure that is “biased for best” which includes the following EXCEPT ….
A. structure the test so that the best students will be modestly challenged
B. encourage the weaker students so that they will not be overwhelmed
C. offer students appropriate review and preparation for the test
D. suggest strategies that will be beneficial to the students
E. forget how challenging the test is for the whole students

7. Applying Portfolio assessments, an innovative English teacher expects that he/she may strengthen
student learning in the following ways EXCEPT that they ….
A. increase students’ involvement in the learning processes
B. foster student-teacher and student-student collaboration
C. interpret the portfolios in a way that is fair to all students
D. encourage students to learn the metalanguage to talk about language growth
E. provide means for establishing minimum standards for classroom progress

8. A well-developed lesson plan reflects the interests and needs of students. It incorporates best
practices for the educational field. The writing of a good lesson plan should consider the following
criteria EXCEPT ….
A. provide a new learning experience
B. needs, capabilities, and interest of the learner
C. obtain the attention of the learner and stakeholders
D. related to social and physical environment of the learner.
E. development of learner's personality.

9. To write an effective lesson plan, you must define the Anticipatory Set. The following are its
purposes EXCEPT ….
A. to involve the learners in formulating lesson's objectives
B. to provide continuity from previous lessons, if applicable
C. to allude to familiar concepts and vocabulary as a refresher
D. to tell the students briefly what the lesson will be about
E. to activate the students' existing knowledge base

10. During the free practice section, the teacher can use feedback to help everyone. The following are
lesson plan formats that is popular EXCEPT that ….
A. the students have a number of chances to learn a concept
B. the facilities are well prepared for effective learning
C. the standard lesson plan format provides structure
D. the students have plenty of time to practice
E. the teacher can give detailed instruction,

11. Which learning resource is most suitable to teach a group of auditory learners the learning objective
of which focus is describing the physical appearance of a bedroom?
A. Classroom activities involving a still picture of a bedroom for the group to describe
B. Outdoor activities in which the group has the chance to observe a real bedroom
C. Worksheets with questions guiding the group to describe parts of a bedroom
D. A audio recording describing the parts of a bedroom to the group to listen
E. Discussions requiring the group members to share ideas of a bedroom

12. For the students to get the data from not just written, spoken, but also pictographic materials for
them as a basis to explain in a written text on why cats purr when sleeping, a teacher can most
appropriately make use of ….
A. video recordings
B. audio recordings
C. journal articles
D. online sources
E. text books

13. Mr. Andi plans to teach his students lexical items in written report texts. He wishes to have them
practice the items in controlled yet contextual exercises. For the purpose, he can utilize….
A. gap-fill exercises
B. simulated dialogs
C. substitution drills
D. transformation tasks
E. dicto-gloss exercises

14. Andika is an extrovert. To set up an environment most preferable to him, Ms. Takeko would set up
a room that suits him for studying English that….
A. is colorful
B. is totally quiet
C. holds a lot of books
D. has background music
E. allows much light to get in

15. To motivate students before dealing with the day’s reading class on healthy life styles, the
empathetic communication strategy Ms. Erwina can have is to….
A. show a video on unhealthy life styles
B. tell the students to pay more attention
C. raise several background knowledge questions
D. ask the students to consider danger of the styles
E. tell the students the meaning of healthy life styles

1. As the counterbalance to linguistic competence, formulaic competence refers to chunks of
language that speakers use heavily in everyday interactions. It includes the following EXCEPT ….
A. idioms
B. routines
C. turn-taking
D. collocations
E. lexical frames

2. Among the areas where our behavior can directly influence our students’ motivation to continue
participation in EFL classes is determining short-term goals which include the following EXCEPT
A. the successful writing of an essay
B. the ability to partake in a discussion
C. the possibility of a better job in the future
D. the learning of a small amount of new language
E. the passing of the progress test at the end of the week

3. Applying the humanistic approach, the teacher should encourage supportive atmosphere in the
classroom by means of the following acts EXCEPT ….
A. listening to the students
B. encouraging them to share their feelings
C. accepting their comments without judgment
D. fixing the aims for the course or for one lesson
E. oblige students to do what they plan to do that day

4. In designing a curriculum, a designer is concerned not just with lists of what will be taught and in
what order, but also with the following EXCEPT ….
A. the planning
B. the implementation
C. the management
D. the supervision
E. the evaluation

5. Communication strategies are strategies that learners use to overcome communication problems in
order to convey their intended meaning. They include the following EXCEPT ….
A. paraphrasing
B. substitution
C. coining new words
D. asking for clarification
E. switching to other languages

6. An effective test should point the way to beneficial washback; when test items represent the various
objectives of a unit and/or focus on major topics of the unit, then the classroom tests ….
A. can raise the washback potential
B. can serve in a diagnostic capacity
C. may be the determinant of success
D. may contribute to the students’ failure
E. can be used as a guide to setting goals

7. Applying Portfolio assessments, innovative English teachers expect that they may improve testing
processes in the following ways EXCEPT that they ….
A. enhance student and teacher involvement in assessment
B. provide opportunities for teachers to observe students in various contexts
C. permit the assessment of the multiple dimensions of language learning
D. provide opportunities for both students and teachers to work together
E. reflect on what to do to assess students’ language mastery

8. A well-developed lesson plan should be completed with assignments to guide the instructor’s
choice of assessment measures by providing information about student and class comprehension
of the material. The following are among the questions to consider EXCEPT ….
A. What level of learning do the students need to attain?
B. How does the lesson plan fit particular instructional principles?
C. What is the amount of time the instructor wants the students to use?
D. How does the assignment fit with the rest of the lesson plan?
E. What is the purpose of the assignment?

9. The closure step of a lesson plan is a chance to determine whether the students need additional
practice or to go over the lesson again. The following are examples of closure in an effective
lesson plan EXCEPT ….
A. summarizing the characteristics of the lesson
B. discussing new things that the students learned about the lesson
C. giving them a couple of minutes to read or present the lesson to the class
D. asking what information from the lesson the students will find important
E. asking the students to summarize the lesson for students missing the class.

10. The presentation phase of a lesson plan can take a variety of forms. The following are suggestions
on how to present new materials to class EXCEPT ….
A. teacher centered explanation
B. student presentation
C. reading selection
D. listening selection
E. guided exercises

11. Ms. Francesca is going to facilitate a class, one group of which consists of kinesthetic learners, to
design a smart classroom with particular room features provided in the form of pictures. For the
purpose, the most suitable learning resource for her to facilitate the group to learn would be….
A. outdoor activities in which the group has the chance to observe a real smart room
B. an audio recording describing the parts of a smart classroom to the group to listen
C. worksheets with questions guiding the group to describe parts of a smart classroom
D. discussions requiring the group members to share ideas to design a smart classroom
E. inclass activities involving a still picture of a smart classroom for the group to describe
12. A teacher who wants to have distance learning involving not only spoken but also pictographic
images which enable them to have face-to-face idea exchanges can most appropriately utilize….
A. skype
B. instagram
C. laboratory
D. teleconference
E. google messenger

13. To facilitate students to have sufficient practice in guessing the content of a reading passage, a
teacher can make the best use of activities in which the students….
A. relate the accompanying pictures with the content
B. use a flowchart mapping the content of the passage
C. answer several comprehension questions provided
D. complete a table containing the passage outline
E. rearrange jumbled paragraphs of the passage

14. Handoyo is a type of a field-dependent learner who tends to be good at interpersonal relationships.
To optimize his learning of English, Ms. Yuli can set up learning environments for him which
provides him with an ample opportunity to…..
A. work on individually
B. finalize tasks in details
C. compete in doing tasks
D. perform under pressure
E. accomplish tasks in teams

15. None of the students is willing to act out a brief monolog on the danger of mobile phone use in the
classroom when Ms. Ramiga asks anyone to come forward. The empathetic communication
strategy she may use to make students secure is to….
A. tell the class it is OK to make pronunciation mistakes
B. remind the class to practice again before acting out
C. warrant the class mispronunciation is unavoidable
D. ask the class not to be afraid to be laughed at
E. advise the class not to be shy to practice

16. Consider the following between a teacher and a student in a writing class:
T: “Next week, please do task 5 in groups of 3, OK?”
S: ”Mam, do you will have no class again?”
In response to the student’s answer, the teacher should have responded by saying….
A. “Class, is Don’s English correct?”
B. “What did you say, Don? Say it again.”
C. “Your answer is grammatically wrong.”
D. “No. Say please – will you have no class.”
E. “No for sure. But, did you say – do you will?”

17. Integratedness in assessment means that….

A. assessment is aligned to not just teaching but also planning, and objectives
B. eliciting is essentially a holistic process as competences differ in nature
C. assessment is directed not only to language components but also skills
D. instruments used to reveal competences should be varied in formats
E. any assessment should include not just tests but also non-tests
UTN Preparation Materials

18. Based on the indicator that follows: “Students act out a dialog to express meanings on a series of
photographs depicting a metamorphosis of an animal using appropriate language and idea
development”, the most appropriate scoring criteria relevant to the assessment procedure
A. content, organization, language, and interactiveness*
B. language, intelligibility, naturalness, and expression
C. information, organization, naturalness, and content
D. grammar, pronunciation, accuracy, and diction
E. clarity, information, accuracy, and vocabulary

19. The problem in Ms. Kewuk’s class is that her students tend to compete excessively in reading
classes. They do not have much experience working in task groups, and she believes that they
need to have more opportunities to do so as their attitude in competing leads to an unhealthy class
atmosphere. To solve the problem, she designs an innovative instructional strategy through
classroom action research the steps of which will need to have the elements of….
C. jigsaw
D. mind mapping
E. click and clunk

20. A pretest may be needed in classroom action research, the function of which is….
A. to confirm that the problem observed initially is real*
B. to know students’ initial ability to be compared later
C. to trace possible causes of the practical problems
D. to determine the appropriate teaching strategy
E. to identify the presence of practical problems

1. As part of interactional competence, conversational competence which is inherent to the turn-taking
system in conversation includes the following dialogic genres EXCEPT ….
A. how to get, hold, and relinquish the floor
B. how to apply aspects of metacognition
C. how to open and close conversations
D. how to establish and change topics
E. how to collaborate and backchannel

2. As individuals attempt to use learning approaches, they may tend to develop strengths in one
experience-grasping approach and one experience-transforming approach which lead them to
prefer one of the following four learning styles EXCEPT ….
A. assimilator = abstract conceptualization + reflective observation
B. accommodator = concrete experience + active experiment
C. converger = abstract conceptualization + active experiment
D. diverger = concrete experience + reflective observation
E. inductor = inductive reasoning + creation of theories

3. Audio-lingual method involves providing a stimulus to which students respond; if the response is
correct, they are praised in order to ….
A. know the words exposed by the teacherto their studnts
B. reinforce the correct use of language and learning
C. repeat exercises and ask the students to say it again
D. continues with the next exercises with or without stimulus
UTN Preparation Materials

E. continue doing exercies until all forms have been practised

4. When putting syllabuses together, an EFL curriculum designer has to consider each item for
inclusion in the syllabuses on the basis of the following criteria EXCEPT ….
A. learnability
B. usefullness
C. frequency
D. coverage
E. grading

5. A theory about a cluster of four abilities was developed and factored into language learning aptitude
which was used as the basis for a language aptitude assessment for adults. The four abilities
include the following EXCEPT ….
A. phonetic coding ability
B. grammatical sensitivity
C. rote learning ability
D. hypothetical ability
E. inductive learning ability
6. A rubric is a tool used in writing assessment that can be used in several writing contexts. It is
compiled from a series of raters whose comments are categorized and condensed into a five-factor
rubric, four of which are the following EXCEPT ….
A. Form: organization and analysis
B. Ideas: relevance, clarity, quantity, development
C. Genre: descriptive, narrative, recount, procedure, etc.
D. Mechanics: specific errors in punctuation, grammar, etc.
E. Wording: choice and arrangement of words

7. The teachers’ objection about applying Portfolio assessment is due to the disadvantages of such
assessment which includes the following questions EXCEPT ….
A. who will determine grading criteria
B. how grading criteria will be established
C. who will determine what the portfolios will contain
D. how to increase time and resources needed to support the teacher
E. how much of daily authentic classroom activities are included in them

8. The presentation/development step of a lesson plan should involve activities on the part of the
students. It should be carried out by keeping in mind the following principles EXCEPT ….
A. principle of selection
B. principle of division
C. principle of absorption
D. principle of categorization
E. principle of successive sequence

9. When assigning the learners in the closure section of the lesson plan, remember that students
need to be able to preform their skills on their own. So, keep the following things in mind EXCEPT
A. make a clear connection between the lesson and the homework
B. make sure to assign the homework directly after the lesson
C. clearly explain the assignment to be given to the learners
D. ask the model students to share their tasks to their classmates
E. make sure to check for students understating before sending them off

10. Free practice designed for an effective lesson plan integrates the focus structure / vocabulary /
functional language into students' overall language use. It often encourages students to use the
target language structures in the following EXCEPT ….
A. games and puzzles
B. small group discussions
C. quizzes and formative tests
D. written work (paragraphs and essays)
E. longer listening comprehension practice

11. Rina is a solitary type of a student. The most suitable learning resource for the teacher to facilitate
Rina in reading comprehension would be….
A. pictured workbooks
B. e-learning modules
C. reading passages
D. audio recordings
E. worksheets
12. Which of the following can satisfy the need of a teacher who wants to have real class
communication with students in which they can not only talk directly but also see each other
A. facebook
B. instagram
C. laboratory
D. teleconference
E. google messenger

13. Mr. Nastiti is about to activate students’ formal schemata of lexical items used in a report text. For
the purpose, she can involve her students….
A. to identify words in jumbled letters
B. to label pictures with appropriate words
C. to guess word meanings from the context
D. to find the meaning of words in a dictionary
E. to find the synonym or the antonym of words

14. To cater for the learning style of his students who are field independent, when teaching reading, Mr.
Hanafi will require his students to….
A. plot in-depth ideas in each paragraph
B. identify the main points of passages
C. imply the meaning in the passages
D. retell details of all paragraphs
E. seek for specific information

15. Learning a new topic can be challenging for students. To motivate them to learn with enthusiasm, a
teacher may use empathetic communication strategy by….
A. telling the class that all beginning is difficult
B. informing the class to always be motivated
C. reminding the importance of learning English
D. explaining the disadvantage of not learning the topic
E. stating that the topic is interesting and they will like it

16. A student was texting Ms. Cruella as follows: “Excuse me, Mam. When can you meet me to discuss
my report? I have a question to ask. Thank you.”
How should Ms. Cruella have responded to her student by texting back not to make her
A. “What about tomorrow? But, should I see you or should you see me?”
B. “Who do you think you are? I am your teacher. You must see me.”
C. “Is your language polite enough, Sandra? Check your English.”
D. “Sandra, be polite please, can’t you? Should I meet you?”
E. “You are really not polite, Sandra. Keep your manner.”

17. What follows are NOT among the principles of assessment:

A. valid, objective, accountable, meaningful, and comprehensive
B. accountable, meaningful, systematic, fair, and criterion-based
C. objective, accountable, systematic, fair, and meaningful
D. ongoing, integrated, systematic, fair, and accountable
E. judgmental, valid, objective, fair, and accountable
18. Based on the indicator that follows: “Given three brief paragraphs of different themes on which
every second half of every 2nd word is mutilated, students fill in the blank spaces in the
mutilated words of the paragraphs correctly”, the most appropriate scoring scheme relevant to
the assessment procedure is….
A. scoring with a penalty
B. dichotomous scoring
C. primary-trait scoring
D. polytomous scoring
E. weighted scoring

19. A teacher is using a dictogloss technique combined with brainstorming activities to solve a
problem in her class. The problem the students face in the teacher’s class is most probably
associated with….
A. listening and writing
B. speaking and reading
C. reading and writing
D. writing and speaking
E. reading and speaking

20. Observations by a collaborator during the conduct of classroom action research are
mainly focused on....
A. both the teacher’s teaching and more importantly students’ learning behavior
B. detailed descriptions of class progress from minute to minute
C. class atmosphere during the implementation of the strategy
D. student-student and teacher-student class interactions
E. collection of data to provide evidence of change

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