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Soal Multiple Choice Nusa Caraka Wonogiri

A: Joshua, have you finished your assignment?

B: I finished my assignment last night
Dialogue: A: I tried to solve it, but I still can’t
B: I have given you the material book
A: I read the book yesterday and there is nothing I can learn

1. Shela: hi mela, what did you do last 6. Tuti : Where did you go yesterday,
night? Rani?
Mela: ………………. Rani: I ……. to Bandung with my
a. I am watching drama series on VIU mother.
last night Tuti : How did you go there?
b. I watch drama series on VIU last     Rani: By bus.     
night a. go       
c. I watched drama series on VIU last b. went     
night c. have gone         
d. I watches drama series on VIU last d. am going
night 7. X: Did Roni …… Tom and
2. I’m sure I ……. him two years ago.      Jerry  show last night?
a. am seeing          Y: Yes, he did.   
b. have seen        a. watched     
c. have been seeing        b. watch     
d. saw c. watches       
3. One day last year, his bike    d. watching
a. falls      8. Lina : Did the boys study after class?
b. fell          Rudi : No.
c. has been falling          Lina : What did they do?
d. is falling     Rudi : They…
4. Which sentence is correct for simple a. play     
past tense?    b. plays     
a. Is she write a letter to him?    c. played       
b. Does she writing a letter to him?    d. will play
c. Did she writing a letter to him?    9. Budi : What did you buy last night on
d. Did she write a letter to him? a big sale?
5. Yesterday, the students……… the     Jojo : ……………….
map of Indonesia.    a. I buy a jacket.     
a. learn    b. I will buy a jacket.   
b. are learning      c. I bought a jacket.     
c. learns        d. I am buying a jacket.
d. learned  
10. Pio : Where did you go last night? 15. Everyone ... this job well for several
      Jes : ……………………………. weeks.
      a.  I do not go anywhere. I stay at a. have done
home. b. has do                                 
      b. I will not go anywhere. I’ll stay at c. has did
home. d. has done
      c. I’m not going anywhere. I’m 16. For several days, she ... to school
staying at home. because of sick.
      d. I did not go anywhere. I stayed at a. has gone
home. b. hasn't gone                             
11. We have just ... our homework well. c. have gone
a. finished d. haven't gone
b. finish                                   17. They ... a permission since they
c. finishing were punished.
d. finishes a. haven't make
12. Many countries ... rapid population b. haven't makes                     
growth since the last 5 years. c. has made
a. experienced d. haven't made
b. have experienced                       18. ... you finished the math's test
c. has experienced recently ?
d. experience a. Have
13. The gold value ... recently. b.Has                                                 
a. is increased c. Are
b. have increased                  d. Did
c. has increased 19. She wants to know ... since she was
d. increased here.
14. Since the tragedy, his family ... with a. where have you been.
the neighbor. b. where you have been.
a. has engaged             c. where has you been
b. has engaging d. where you have be.
c. have engaged           20. How ... these books here for only
d. have engage  some minutes ?
a. has all of you brought.
b. all of you have brought
c. have all of you brought
d. all of you has brought

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