GT4 GSI Overview

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Globus Toolkit Version 4 Grid Security Infrastructure:

A Standards Perspective
The Globus Security Team1
Version 4 updated September 12, 2005

This document provides an overview of the Grid Security Infrastructure
(GSI) contained in Web Services-based components of version 4 of the
Globus Toolkit (GT4). Particular attention is paid to the relationship
between GT4 GSI components and security standards from GGF, IETF,
W3C, and OASIS.

1 Introduction
“Grids” [9] have emerged as a common approach to constructing dynamic, inter-domain,
distributed computing and data collaborations. The open source Globus Toolkit® [8]
middleware has been developed to support these environments, and is used in Grid
deployments worldwide. The Grid Security Infrastructure (GSI) [3, 10] is the portion of
the Globus Toolkit that provides the fundamental security services needed to support
This document describes how GT GSI implements standards from different standards
bodies to perform its functions. GT4 contains both Web Service and pre-Web Service
Grid components. This document discusses solely the Web Service components. The pre-
Web Service components use the same authentication mechanisms as the Web Services
components described here, but implement application-specific protocols and message
protection schemes that are beyond the scope of this document.
This document does not discuss either the Globus Toolkit GSI components or the
standards in detail, only their relationship. Readers interested in more details should read
the documents indicated in the references.

2 Transport-level and Message-level Security

GT4.0 supports both message-level and transport-level security, and will continue to
support both for the foreseeable future.
By "message-level security" we mean support for the WS-Security standard and the WS-
SecureConversation specification to provide message protection for SOAP messages.
By "transport-level security" we mean authentication via TLS[5] with support for X.509
proxy certificates.

Document editor: Von Welch <[email protected]>

July 29, 2005 GT4 GSI from a Standards perspective 1

GT4.0's support for message-level security is important as it allows us to comply with the
WS-Interoperability Basic Security Profile. However, because current message-level
security implementations have relatively poor performance, GT4.0 services use transport-
level security by default. This choice is driven by user performance demands.
The poor performance of message-level security implementations seems to be partly an
implementation issue and partly a specification issues, and it is not clear when it will
If and when the performance of message-level security does improve, GT can be
expected to move to using message-level security as a default. Eventually, transport-level
support could be deprecated. However, this would only be after a transition period and
will not occur any time soon.

3 GSI Functional Layers

As shown in Figure 1, GSI may be thought of as being composed of four distinct
functions: message protection, authentication, delegation, and authorization.
Implementations of different standards are used to provide each of these functions:
• TLS (transport-level) or WS-Security and WS-SecureConversation (message-
level) are used as message protection mechanisms in combination with SOAP.
• X.509 End Entity Certificates or Username and Password are used as
authentication credentials
• X.509 Proxy Certificates and WS-Trust are used for delegation
• SAML assertions are used for authorization

Figure 1: Overview of the GT4 Grid Security Infrastructure and standards used for
different functions. The left two figures show message-level security, with X.509
credentials and username/password authentication. The figure on the right shows
transport-level security with X.509 credentials.

July 29, 2005 GT4 GSI from a Standards perspective 2

The remainder of this document reviews both the GT implementations of each of these
functions and the standards that are used in these implementations. Section 8 discusses
the relationship of GSI to WS-I.

4 Message Protection
The Web Services portions of GT4 use SOAP [1] as their message protocol for
communication. Message protection can be provided either by transporting SOAP
messages over TLS, known as Transport-level security, or by signing and/or encrypting
portions of the SOAP message using the WS-Security standard, known as Message-level
Security. In this section we describe these two methods.

4.1 Transport-level Security

Transport-level security entails SOAP messages conveyed over a network connection
protected by TLS. TLS provides for both integrity protection and privacy (via
Transport-level security is supported today as a higher-performance alternative to the
more standards driven message-level security. If and when message-level security
improves in performance, driven by a combination of implementation and specification
factors, we expect a gradual deprecation of transport-level security.
Transport-level security is normally used in conjunction with X.509 credentials for
authentication, but can also be used without such credentials to provide message
protection without authentication, often referred to as “anonymous transport-level
security.” In this mode of operation, authentication may be done on a different level, e.g.
via username and password in a SOAP message, or communications may be truly

4.2 Message-level Security

The SOAP specification allows for the abstraction of the application-specific portion of
the payload from any security (e.g., digital signature, integrity protection, or encryption)
applied to that payload, allowing GSI security to be applied in a consistent manner across
SOAP messages for any GT4 Web Service-based application or component.
GSI implements the WS-Security standard and the WS-SecureConversation specification
to provide message protection for SOAP messages. (We use the term specification to
denote a scheme that has been well documented but has not passed through a public
standards body.) The WS-Security standard [15] from OASIS defines a framework for
applying security to individual SOAP messages; GSI conforms to this standard. GSI uses
these mechanisms to provide security on a per-message basis, i.e., to an individual
message without any preexisting context between the send and receiver (outside sharing
some set of trust roots).
WS-SecureConversation [13] is a proposed standard from IBM and Microsoft that allows
for an initial exchange of message to establish a security context which can then be used
to protect subsequent messages in a manner that requires less computational overhead
(i.e., it allows the trade-off of initial overhead for setting up the session for lower

July 29, 2005 GT4 GSI from a Standards perspective 3

overhead for messages). Note that SecureConversation is only offered with GSI when
using X.509 credentials as described in the subsequent section on authentication.
Both WS-Security and WS-SecureConversation are intentionally neutral to the specific
types of credentials used to implement this security. GSI, as described further in the
subsequent section on authentication, allows for both X.509 public key credentials and
the combination of username and password for this purpose.
GSI used with either username/password or X.509 credentials uses the WS-Security
standard to allow for authentication; that is a receiver can verify the identity of the
communication initiator. When used with X.509 credentials GSI uses WS-Security and
WS-SecureConversation to allow for the following additional protection mechanisms
(which can be combined):
• Integrity protection: a receiver can verify messages were not altered in transit
from the sender.
• Encryption: messages can be protected to provide confidentiality.
• Replay prevention: a receiver can verify that it has not received the same message
The specific manner in which these protections are provided varies between WS-Security
and WS-SecureConversation. In the case of WS-Security, the keys associated with the
sender and receiver’s X.509 credentials are used. In the case of WS-SecureConversation,
the X.509 credentials are used to establish a session key that is used to provide the
message protection.

5 Authentication and Delegation

GSI has traditionally supported authentication and delegation through the use of X.509
Certificates and public keys. As a new feature in GT4, GSI also supports authentication
through plain username and passwords as a deployment option. We discuss both methods
in this section.

5.1 X.509 Credentials

GSI uses X.509 end entity certificates (EECs) [17] to identify persistent entities such as
users and services. X.509 EECs provide each entity with a unique identifier (i.e., a
distinguished name) and a method to assert that identifier to another party through the use
of an asymmetric key pair bound to the identifier by the certificate. The X.509 EECs used
by GSI are conformant to the relevant standards and conventions. Grid deployments
around the world have established their own certification authorities based on third party
software to issue X.509 EECs for use with GSI and the Globus Toolkit.
GSI also supports delegation and single sign-on through the use of standard X.509 Proxy
Certificates [17]. Proxy certificates allow bearers of X.509 EECs to delegate their
privileges temporarily to another entity. For the purposes of authentication and
authorization, GSI treats EECs and Proxy Certificates equivalently.

July 29, 2005 GT4 GSI from a Standards perspective 4

Authentication with X.509 Credentials can be accomplished either via TLS, in the case of
transport-level security, or via signature as specified by WS-Security, in the case of
message-level security.

5.1.1 X.509 Proxy Certificate Types

The Globus Toolkit supports three different forms of Proxy Certificates:
• Old: These are the legacy proxy certificates used prior to the drafting of RFC
3820. These are created by invoking ‘grid-proxy-init –old’ and are recognizable if
examined closely by their use of CommonName components with values of
“proxy” and “limited proxy”. Their use is deprecated and should only be used
when necessary to interact with legacy Globus installations.
• GT4 Default: These proxies follow the format of RFC 3820, except they use a
proprietary OID ( for the ProxyCertInfo extension. These
are created by GT4 grid-proxy-init by default, but will be deprecated in a future
version of the Globus Toolkit2.
• Fully RFC 3820 compliant: These proxies are fully compliant with RFC 3820 and
can be created by ‘grid-proxy-init –rfc’. They are expected to be the default in the
Note that other variants of proxy certificates have existed in the past (most notably during
the time when RFC 3820 was still in draft and changing regularly), however they are no
longer supported and not believed to be in use.
All forms of Proxy Certificates support a “limited” variant that can be created by ‘grid-
proxy-init –limited’. Such limited proxies cannot be used to initiate a computation (e.g.
they can be used for GridFTP but not GRAM)3.

5.1.2 Delegation
GT4 supports a delegation service that provides an interface to allow clients to delegate
(and renew) X.509 proxy certificates to a service. The interface to this service is based on
the WS-Trust[14] specification (the specification is not well-defined enough to allow
claim of compliance).
Note that when delegating from a Proxy Certificate, the type of the delegated proxy (as
described in section 5.1.1) will always be the same type as the initial proxy.

The existence of these proxy certificates was accidental but was not noticed in time
before significant GT4 deployment had occurred.
Note that this behavior differs from unforwardable Kerberos credentials.

July 29, 2005 GT4 GSI from a Standards perspective 5

5.2 Username and Password Authentication
GSI may use WS-Security with textual Usernames and Passwords as described in the
WS-Security standard. This mechanism provides a means to support more rudimentary
Web Services applications while conforming to WS-I as described in section 8.
Note that when using usernames and passwords as opposed to X.509 credentials, GSI
only provides authentication and not advanced security features such as delegation,
confidentiality, integrity, and replay prevention. However we do note that one can use
usernames and passwords with anonymous transport-level security, i.e. unauthenticated
TLS as described in Section 4.1, to allow provide privacy of the password.

6 Authorization
In addition the grid-mapfile found in earlier versions of the Globus Toolkit, which
provides access control based on a list of acceptable user identifiers, GT4 GSI uses the
SAML standard [2] from OASIS. SAML defines formats for a number of types of
security assertions and a protocol for retrieving those assertions. GSI uses SAML
AuthorizationDecision assertions in two ways:
• The Community Authorization Service (CAS) [16] issues SAML
AuthorizationDecision assertions as its means of communicating the rights of
CAS clients to services.
• GSI uses a callout based on the SAML AuthorizationDecision protocol being
defined in GGF [18] to allow the use of a third party authorization decision
service, such as PERMIS[4], for access control requests to GT4-based services.

7 Future Plans
Role-based authorization is clearly an emerging direction in Grid computing. Services
such as PERMIS and the Virtual Organization Membership Service (VOMS) [6] use
assertions that bind attributes to users for the purposes of authorization decision making
as opposed the typical identity-based authorization done today. Work has also been
funded to integrate the Shibboleth service with the Globus Toolkit, providing another
avenue of attribute-based authorization.
The large challenge facing attribute-based authorization today is that there is currently no
standard for how attributes are communicated from the attribute authority to the relying
services and no standards for expressing policy regarding those attributes.
Work is commencing on a system that leverages the ability of the WS-Security standard
to allow for the transport of arbitrary credentials from a client to a service. Mechanisms
in GT4 will allow for the canonicalization of those attributes and communication to an
authorization decision point as well as an authorization system to enforce simple policies
based on those attributes. While the goal is that this work will be generic as to the
mechanism of how attributes are expressed, the specific attribute mechanisms that will be
targeted for implementation are X.509 Attribute Certificates [7] and SAML Attribute

July 29, 2005 GT4 GSI from a Standards perspective 6

8 Relationship with WS-I
The goal of GSI is to adhere to the guidelines established in the WS-I Basic Security
Profile 1.0 [19] where applicable. Using GSI with username and password authentication
is intended to be WS-I compliant. Using GSI with X.509 credentials is intended to be
WS-I compliant apart from the use of those credentials.

9 Conclusion
We have described how the GT4 Grid Security Infrastructure is an implementation of
existing and emerging standards, many of which are being largely adopted by the broader
Web Services community. We also describe GSI’s intended compliance with the WS-I
Basic Security Profile outside of its use of X.509 credentials.
For more information about Globus Toolkit security, please visit the Globus Toolkit
Security web pages [11] and the Globus Technical Papers web page[12].

10 Acknowledgements
Work on GT4 GSI has been funded by DOE, NSF, and IBM. Worked described in
“Future plans” is being funded by the DOE SciDAC program and the NSF NMI program.
A number of individuals have made contributions to GT4 security including: Rachana
Ananthakrishnan, Karl Czajkowski, Ian Foster, Jarek Gawor, Carl Kesselman, Sam
Meder, Laura Pearlman, Frank Siebenlist, Steven Tuecke, and Von Welch.

11 Document Change Log

Septmeber 12, 2005 version:
• Added section 5.1.1 on different Proxy Certificate formats.
July 29, 2005 version:
• Editorial typo in 5.2
January 2, 2005 version:
• Fixed caption for Figure 1 to refer to all three figures.
December 8, 2004 version:
• Added description of GT4 adoption of Transport-level security throughout
• Added PERMIS references in Sections 6 and 7.
September 22, 2004 version: Original version

12 References
1. Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) 1.1,
2. Security Association Markup Language (SAML) Specification v.1.0,

July 29, 2005 GT4 GSI from a Standards perspective 7

3. Butler, R., et al., A National-Scale Authentication Infrastructure. IEEE Computer,
2000. 33(12): p. 60-66.
4. Chadwick, D.W. and A. Otenko. The PERMIS X.509 Role Based Privilege
Management Infrastructure. in 7th ACM Symposium on Access Control Models
and Technologies. 2002.
5. Dierks, T. and C. Allen, The TLS Protocol Version 1.0,
6. EU DataGrid, VOMS Architecture v1.1,
7. Farrell, S. and R. Housley, An Internet Attribute Certificate Profile for
8. Foster, I. and C. Kesselman, Globus: A Metacomputing Infrastructure Toolkit.
International Journal of Supercomputer Applications, 1998. 11(2): p. 115-129.
9. Foster, I. and C. Kesselman, eds. The Grid: Blueprint for a New Computing
Infrastructure (2nd Edition). 2004, Morgan Kaufmann.
10. Foster, I., et al. A Security Architecture for Computational Grids. in 5th ACM
Conference on Computer and Communications Security. 1998.
11. Globus Project, Grid Security Infrastructure (GSI),
12. Globus Project, Globus Project Technical Papers,
13. IBM, et al., Web Services Secure Conversation Language (WS-
SecureConversation) Version 1.0, December 18.
14. IBM, et al., Web Services Trust Language (WS-Trust),
15. IBM, Microsoft, and VeriSign, Web Services Security Language (WS-Security),
16. Pearlman, L., et al. A Community Authorization Service for Group Collaboration.
in IEEE 3rd International Workshop on Policies for Distributed Systems and
Networks. 2002.
17. Welch, V., et al., X.509 Proxy Certificates for Dynamic Delegation,
18. Welch, V., et al., Use of SAML for OGSA Authorization,
19. WS-I, Web Services Ineroperability (WS-I) Interoperability Profile 1.0a.

July 29, 2005 GT4 GSI from a Standards perspective 8

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