2013 Issue 8 Rossmoyne SHS News

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The newsletter discusses upcoming leadership changes with a new principal starting in term 4 and highlights of student and teacher achievements.

A new principal, Mr. Paul Leech, is being appointed to start in term 4 while the current principal is seconded to the Department of Education. The acting associate principal and head of science are commended for their work.

Teachers are collaborating in the 'Disciplined Collaboration in Professional Learning' project to improve classroom learning environments through student feedback. This involves presenting their work at a national education symposium.



An Independent Public School

Keith Road
Tel 9259 2100
Fax 9354 3945 Issue 8
WA 6148 www.rossmoyne.wa.edu.au August 2013

As my appointment to the position of
acting Principal at Rossmoyne was only
for a period of six months, the position
was advertised state-wide last term.
I am pleased to announce that Mr Paul
Leech has been appointed from
mid-Term 4, 2013 to the end of 2014
(while the substantive Principal,
Ms Leila Bothams, is seconded to a
position in the Department of Education).
Paul is an experienced Principal who
has been at Woodvale Senior High
School for eight years. I look forward
to working with Paul in my position as
Associate Principal and am sure that
you will join me in welcoming him to
the school. I thank Mr Denis Smith who
has been acting Associate Principal,
and Mr Steve Holyoake who has been
acting as Head of Science (backfilling
Mr Smith’s substantive position), both
of whom have done a terrific job in their Teachers engaged in “Disciplined Collaboration in Professional Learning” to improve classroom environments
leadership roles.
I wish to thank the three parents who have
nominated to fill the vacant parent position on
the School Board. As there is more than one
nomination for the one vacant position, an
election is being held. You will find the voting
material enclosed with this newsletter and I
encourage you to read the nominees’
biographies and cast your vote.
A great deal of evidence reinforces the
importance of teacher professional learning
to improve student outcomes. Our school’s We hosted four students from the Zhejiang be commended. Further details of the carnival
involvement in the ‘Disciplined Collaboration province, our sister state in China from 6-9 are reported elsewhere in this newsletter.
in Professional Learning’ project sponsored August. The students were the winners of the
Our Music students performed to an
by the Australian Institute for Teaching and 2013 Zhejiang High Schools English Language
exceptional standard at the recent 2013
School Leadership (AITSL) will see Dr David Competition, the prize for which was a trip to
Orchestra and Band Festivals. The Symphony
Henderson and Associate Principal, Angie Australia. The feedback from the students
and Wind (1-3) Orchestras’ achievement of
Thomas present our story at a national indicated that the key highlights were the time
‘Outstanding’ awards and the String
education Symposium in September. The spent with host families and the opportunity
Orchestra’s ‘Excellent’ award is evidence of
project involves our teachers collaborating on to attend a variety of classes at our school
the talent, hard work and dedication of
improving classroom learning environments with their host students. Tours such as these
students and staff involved in our music
through the use of student feedback. This support our priority of global citizenship.
program. Congratulations to the students and
form of high quality professional learning has I had the pleasure of viewing some of our Year the terrific leadership shown by Mr Neil Coy,
complemented other teacher development 8 students participating in the recent Year 8 Ms Katherine Pearce, Ms Anna Person and
initiatives such as traditional training Lightning Carnival. The enthusiasm, talent and Mr Steven Richards.
programmes. sportsmanship displayed by our students is to
continued to page 2…

There was an excellent response to our invitation to parents of Year 7s 2014 to come and
hear about our structures, curriculum and pastoral care policies and programs for their
children next year. More than 400 parents attended, taking the opportunity to meet the
…continued from page 1 newly-appointed Year Coordinator, Mr Neil Russell. Parents who were unable to attend can
Jagdishh involved in community service. access the Powerpoint on the school website: www.rossmoyne.wa.edu.au/NewsEvents/


We have recently conducted interviews for those students who have sat the centrally-
organised selective entry tests. Successful students will be invited to join our program in
Year 8 2015. If your child missed the testing, you are able to go on line and register an
expression of interest for the ‘top-up’ testing for programs in Years 8-10 2015. Lodge an
expression of interest at: www.det.wa.edu.au/curriculumsupport/giftedandtalented/

Mrs Pat Young

Associate Principal
Phone: 9259 2202

Lia placed third

Congratulations also to:

• Amanda Lee (Year 12) who was awarded
a Nacel French Scholarship providing
her the opportunity to travel to France The swimming pool being emptied in preparation for its new liner.
over the Christmas holidays;
• Lucas Grizzele, Tanmay Nigam, and
Harry Burns (Year 9s) who placed third
in the Aurecon Bridge Building
competition. See article inside; BUILDING AND
• Joo Kai Tay (Year 8) who was awarded
the title of Top Scorer in the Big Science
Competition, an international science
The School has continued to improve learning environments with new desks,
competition held in May. Joo Kai was
painting and soon to be completed new entrance to the hall. The hall will be used
one of 49 students to earn the coveted
for exams later in the year.
Top Scorer title out of a field of 45,500
students from over 580 secondary The pool is getting much needed repairs and a facelift with a new liner and
schools in Australia, New Zealand, surround. This project will be completed by the start of Term 4.
Singapore and other Asian nations. See We are well into our maintenance painting program with work completed on the
inside for other high achievers. Technology and Enterprise corridor including the old lockers and rooms 34, 37
• Lia Webb-McDougall (Year 8) who and 38, the Performing Arts Centre, the upper school girl’s toilets and the English-
recently placed third in the Mary-Ellen Languages Building.
Figure Skating Competition; and Preliminary work will commence this term on the building to accommodate the
• Jagdishh Dutt (Year 8) who has been addition of Year 7s to the school in 2015. The building is expected to be completed
involved in local community action by October 2014 and is adjacent to the English-Languages Building. It will
planting trees with the SERCUL group. comprise of a two story block with 14 classrooms.

Peter Klifunis Ms Angie Thomas

Principal Associate Principal
Phone 9259 2100 ext 201
Semester 1
Diligence and Subject Awards
Congratulations to all students who received awards at the Assembly held on 2 August.
(The Certificate of Excellence and High Achievement awardees were listed in the previous newsletter).

Diligence Coco Teng Supriya Mundakochi Aufa Moosa Ella Hartley

Awards Jennifer Youm Charlotte Muzuva Keziah Robinson Montelle Matatahi
Year 10 Chinese Charmayne Muzuva Lester Seet
(Background) Keghan Slijderink
Cameron Fahey
Clare O’Sullivan Kshitiz Singh
Year 9 Tammie Chu Lily Warren
Ewan Menpes Paige Powley Jack Sun
Ashwin Ho Spencer Williams
Year 8
Holly Stubberfield Yasmina Rahbarinejad Natalie Whittington
Millie Liew Jay Woodhill
Teesha Ramsamy Allyson Wong
Zi How Ng Science
Subject Joo Kai Tay
Aysha Stroobach Jay Woodhill
Phoebe Chan
Awards Allyson Wong
Veerapandian Thevar
Xuan Rui Yong
Shanaya Hafeel
Year 8 Jack Wong German (Background) Victoria Lam

Art and Craft Jinton Yew Lennard Booth Momoka Haddrell Isabel Longbottom
Computer Bianca Cruz Monique Miller- Clare O’Sullivan
Supriya Mundakochi Extension Sakaguchi
Business, Society & Robin Gartz Yasmina Rahbarinejad
Belinda Mar Mathematics
Shanaya Hafeel Akshara
Design and Lennard Booth
Jasmine Bao Sundarakrishnan
Joey Hartono
Farhan Bhada Phoebe Chan Joo Kai Tay
Isaac Triantopoulos
Bryony Hynes
Sharaf Fozdar Janice Chiu Lily Warren
Michael Joboy
Oliver Griffin Brendan Chua Wood Technology
George Softley
Shanaya Hafeel Kaetheeswaran Ashton Foo Shuhao Ge

Victoria Lam Bavithra Kannan Shanaya Hafeel

Nuha Azhar

Isabel Longbottom James Fry

Henry Lam Isabel Longbottom Year 9
Supriya Mundakochi Josiah McMeekin Vasishth Lukkhoo
Shanaya Hafeel Art and Craft
Paige Powley Praj Menon Roya Rohani
Monique Lao Linda Kim
Lily Warren Patrick Meyer Yoopa Sangharaju
Isabel Longbottom Business, Society &
Maaz Naveed Akshara Environment
Chinese Clare O’Sullivan Sundarakrishnan
Akshara Amsha Yogaraj
Phoebe Chan Aysha Stroobach Sundarakrishnan Yi Ling Tay
Arielle Lee
David Cho English as a Second Alissa Wong Geegaan
Language Veerapandian Thevar Charlie Sigston
Brendan Chua Geegaan Home Economics
Sophia Wu Florence Ly
Veerapandian Thevar
Lisa Ding Olivia Cullinan
Xuan Rui Yong Jade Wu
James Fry Isabel Longbottom
Metal Technology Prasanna Pothukuchi
Stacy Aksenova
Yu-Jin Ham Japanese
Claire Skipworth Roland Miller
Farhan Bhada
Daniel Kim Mia Arai
Music (General) Sophie Wong
Savani Daluwatta
Victoria Lam Kiu Cheung
Jasmine Bao Toby Arts
Bryony Hynes
Kimberley Lin Jenna Geelhoed
Music (Scholarship) Chinese
Victoria Lam
Darren Loh Trisha Gopal
Liimei Lim Antonia Veleva
Liimei Lim
Belinda Mar Oliver Griffin
Physical Education Arielle Lee
Isabel Longbottom
Chiyin Qin Shelyn Lek
Caneesyah Arvi Bruce How
Samiksha Mali
Malvina Rekhraj Liimei Lim
Sarah Goodgame Esther Cheng

continued to page 4…
continued from page 3…

Florence Ly French Mathematics Volleyball Classical Music

Hong Teng Cai Aarethi Gopisetty Aarethi Gopisetty Julian Dam
Jing Yi Foo
Jeffrey Chandra Amsha Yogaraj Andy Chan Victoria Wells Computer Gaming
Jeffrey Chua Charlie Sigston Angie Phyu Wood Technology Andrew Ha
Katherine Lai Gita Yanto Duji Jayabalan Harry Burns
Lisa Yang Ilias Delis Hannah Sheng Nicholas Yong
Monique Lau Jean Rosette Hazeem Adly Dance
Year 10 Alysha Black
Nick Goh Joseph Ng Jade Wu
Art Erin Barry
Omesh Wimalaratne Kabir Lukkhoo Jeesmon Varghese
Karakadayil Drama
Heneesha Deol
Rachel Yeo Katherine Bennett
Joseph Ng Business, Society & Glenn Wallis
Timothy Chang Krishnee Ramsamy Environment
Lisa Yang Drawing Design
Vincent Tian Mikhael Koshi Gabrielle Whittington
Lydia Ngoo Mindi Preece
Chinese Kavitha
Mohamad Kamsani
(Background) Pradeep Jones Gnanasambantham Electronics
Sherlyn Ng Kavitha
Jade Wu Vegini Krishnamoorthy James Jance
Sophie Wong English
Lisa Yang Media Naomi Cullinan
German Damsi Weerawardena
Lydia Ngoo Sophie Wong Nidhi Kadekodi
Aaro Raguragavan Music: Class and Heneesha Deol
Nancy Hong Olivia Coker
Akhil Vannemreddy (General) Saranya Devalpally Kelsey Harper
Nancy Shao
Amy Black Hazeem Adly Sonya Kyi Marizka Cremer
Sherlyn Ng
Duji Jayabalan Venkat Zelia Chu Olivia Coker
Ting Liu Krishnamoorthy
Ilias Delis Café Food Thilini Kotuwegoda
Vivian Fu Music: Class and
Instrumental Tracy Cai
Computer Irland Decottignies Heneesha Deol
Extension Kaveesha English as a Second
Roman Ulyanov Child Care
Munindradasa Language
Duji Jayabalan
Rhiannon O’Reilly Alan Xu
Maya Hertnon Outdoor Education
Computer Game
Software Chinese French
Rhea Roy Reece Male
Isaac Waugh Andrew Ha Binu Ekanaike
Ross Anestoudis Sabree Dorlandt
Creating with Ben Tan Catalina Lupulescu
Textiles Sabree Dorlandt Physical Education
Christy Ho Damsi Weerawardena
Doris Huang Shagun Narang Bryce Miller
Erskine Chu Naomi Cullinan
Dance Vegini Krishnamoorthy Carol George
Hannan Chen Nidhi Kadekodi
Grace Kim Venkat Chethani Nanayakkara
Krishnamoorthy Helena Lee Nirzari Dave
Samara Robson Henry Vinicombe
Victoria Wells Jaehee Kim Pranaveshwar
Digital Imaging Kanishka Wijesundera Vanmanthai
Japanese Jeimer Ng Ganeswaran
Roland Miller Peyton Hawkins
Angie Phyu Joyce Lin Rachel Hercock
English Ross Anestoudis
Angie Sunanwong Rachel Heng German
Charlie Sigston Zabin Khan Samantha D’Amore
Arvind Krishnamurthy Alex Nitsche
Chethani Nanayakkara Robotics:
Sarel Steinauer Home Workshop
Celine Choy Mechatronics/
Florence Ly Electronics Sihyun Choi Matt Whitaker
Gisoo Han
Jonas Acebo David Harrison Tracy Cai Japanese
Hazeem Adly
Pradeep Jones Science Zelia Chu Alan Xu
Ivan Capili
Rhea Roy Charlie Sigston Chinese Andrea Wong
Jonas Acebo (Background)
Vegini Krishnamoorthy Esther Cheng Annette Kim
Joy Liu Andrea Wong
Victoria Wells Florence Ly Chloe Yaw
Eddy Yan
Lauren Su
English as a Second Hazeem Adly Evelyn Chiew
Fangyuan Cheng
Language Lisa Yang
Joseph Ng Gabrielle Whittington
Lydia Ngoo Hannah Zhou
Reneta Reji
Lydia Ngoo Ho Bin Lee
Food and You Jessica Zhu
Sarah Kersey
Monique Lau Jade Bauer
Kaiyue Gao
Joceline Nugroho Shu Jia Ch’ng
Nick Goh Jessica Kang
Marcus Koh
Sophie Chen Kylie Ling
Yong Yong Kong
Timothy Chang Linda Lee
Sihyun Choi Wood Technology Integrated Science Certificate II in Health Studies 3A
1A/1B Sport Coaching
Sonya Kyi Sonya Kyi Chelsea Parnell
Matt Davenport Paige Hudson-Brown
Vamsi Manikyam History 3A/3B
Integrated Science Chemistry 3A/3B
Vikram Chigati 2A/2B
Steph Miles
Year 11 Sonam Morar
Michael Tang
Wina Yoman Human Biology
Japanese Accounting and Japanese 2A/2B 3A/3B
(Background) 3A/3B
(Background) Finance 2A/2B
Alan Lee
Nicole Wu James Sun
Rikito Haddrell Hazelina Chow
Integrated Science
Literature Chinese
Biology 2A/2B 1C/1D
Mathematics 1B/1C (Background) 3A/3B
Tanya Sim Harley Brown
Sophie Delane Cailin Dumma Kevin Li
Mathematics 1D/1E Integrated Science
Mathematics 2A/2B Certificate II in Chinese as a
Sport and Second Language
Beth Brennand 3A/3B
James Jance Recreation Megan Tan
Mathematics 2C/2D Rhianna Roberts Mathematics 2A/2B Winne Lai Japanese 3A/3B
Geoffrey Kamajaya Chemistry 2A/2B Christopher Bowden Computer Science
2A/2B Jessica Parami
Mathematics 3A/3B Annmaria Shaju Mathematics 2C/2D
Matthew Thompson Literature
Heneesha Deol Chinese Raymond Zhang
Dance Studies 1A Arjun Krishnan
(Background) 2A/2B
Media Studies Mathematics 3A/3B Materials Design
Raymond Zhang Julia Teng
Technology (Wood)
Saranya Devalpally Yan Yang
Chinese as a Dance Studies 3A 1C/1D
Metal Technology Second Language Mathematics 3C/3D Michael Caird
2A/2B Steph Miles
Corin Little Alexander Yap Mathematics 1D/1E
Joanne Chandra Design
Music (Class and Mathematics (Photography) 2A
Instrumental) Dance 2A Giorgia Dijkstra
Specialist 3A/3B Emma Rigelsford
Kathryn Teo Samantha Varghese Alexander Yap Mathematics 2A/2B
Drama 3A/3B
Outdoor Education Design Media Production Jessica Smith
(Photography) and Analysis 2A/2B Chelsea Parnell
Bianca Leek 1C/1D Mathematics 2C/2D
Mia Coen Economics 3A/3B
Grace Turner Annie Wells Celine Schirripa
Music 2A/2B Michael Tang
Marco Bugler Drama 2A/2B Mathematics 3A/3B
Chloe Ip Engineering Studies
Physical Education Sabrina Hafid 3A/3B Jon Hunt
Austin Hicks Education1A/1B Matin Eshraghi
Economics 2A/2B Mathematics 3C/3D
Christopher Chang Steven Cooper English 3A/3B
Hazelina Chow Daniel Zhang
Devin Liyanage Physical Education
Engineering Studies Nereesha Deol Mathematics
2A/2B Studies (Volleyball)
Dominique Pryor Specialist 3C/3D
2A/2B English Stage One
Melvyn Hiong Michael Tang
Ellie Graham Stephanie Christie
Juanita Troy
English 2A/2B Media Production &
Eunji Hong Physics 2A/2B Analysis 3A
English Stage Two
Jessica Parkhouse Alexander Yap
Jiawen Li Sarah Farrow
Sean Walker
English as an
Jojo Hoang Politics & Law 2A Music 3A/3B
Additional Food Studies 1A/1B
Nathan Geard Language or Dialect
Hirushi Pathirana Leon Chong
Gavin Suryatika Bethany Parkin
Shannon Batt Outdoor Education
Visual Arts 2A/2B
English Stage 1 Food Studies 2A/2B 1C/1D
Amy Ge
Amy Ferrari Kelsey Gibson Aaron O’Reilly
Jeimer Ng
Food Studies 3A/3B Physical Education
Science French 2A/2B Studies (Volleyball)
Hannan Chen Georgia Stevens
Year 12 Isabella Fitzpatrick 3A/3B

French Kelsey Gibson

Heneesha Deol Geography 2A/2B Accounting &
(Advantaged) 3A/3B
Finance 3A/3B Physical Education
Jade Bauer Katelyn Jamieson Sophie Arunasalom Studies 3A/3B
Andy Jeon
Matthew Pengelly Health Studies French 3A/3B Chris Janas
2A/2B Applied Information
Naomi Cullinan Technology 3A/3B Physics 3A/3B
Sarah Scrimshaw Steph Miles
Rory Zhang Emma Rigelsford
Geography 3A/3B Michael Tang
History 2A/2B
Sachini Poogoda Biology 3A/3B
Ella Kepic Politics & Law 3A
Ariel Wang
Volleyball Sabreen Zia
German 3A/3B Steph Miles
Human Biology
Greg Hunt 2A/2B Certificate II
Creative Industries Kelly Stephen Visual Art 3A/3B
Amy Ge
Anika Thomasson Ida Lee
society and environment
Students Michael, Nereesha, Michael and Andy at the Economic Forum
On Friday 9 August four of the Year 12 Economics
students attended the Chamber of Commerce and
Industry’s Student Economic Forum which was
sponsored by Curtin Business School and the
Economics Teachers Association WA.
The forum provided an opportunity for the students
to engage with other students in an interactive
exercise that challenged and stimulated their
understanding of economics. The forum also
provided an opportunity for students to hear a
presentation by Mr Steven Kemp, a chief marker of
the WACE exam, on the 2012 WACE paper and
current economic conditions. A copy of this
presentation is available to all the Year 12
Economics students via the school’s Moodle site.

Ms Narelle Matthews
Year 12 Economics teacher
Phone 9259 2100 ext 176

access 10 MUSIC
Results from the Orchestra and Band
TEAM Festivals in August 2013:

BUILDING AND String Orchestra #2 Excellent

Symphony Orchestra Outstanding
CAVING DAY Wind 4 Novice section/
no formal adjudication
On Monday 5 August students in Access 10
visited the Ern Halliday Recreation Camp at Wind 3 Outstanding
Wind 2 Outstanding
During the morning students participated in a
Wind 1 Outstanding
range of team building activities conducted by
their Access 10 teachers and the school Well done to all students and their dedicated
Chaplain, Paul Bestwick. Brad and Zhaorong ensemble directors!
cooked a delicious BBQ lunch and in the
afternoon students participated in a caving
challenge. The day was very positive and highly Senior Concert
successful. Thursday 12 September @ 7.00pm

The class have the following activities to look Junior Concert Series #1
forward to for the remainder of Term 3: Monday 16 September @ 7.00pm

26 and 27 August Junior Concert Series #2

MPA Skills Painting and Plumbing Try-a-trade Tuesday 17 September @ 7.00pm
at St. Norbert’s College. Year 12 Recital Night
28 August and 4, 11 and 18 September Friday 6 September
Access 10 girls will be attending Challenger Year 11-12 written exams
Rockingham to participate in an Introduction During Week 9
to Beauty and Retail taster program.
Year 11 Recital night
13 September Tuesday 22 October
Skills West Expo at Perth Exhibition and
Convention Centre. Valedictory (Wind orchestra #1)
Tuesday 29 October
Ms Kyra McGuinness Year 7-8 Music Orientation Night
Design & Technology and Access 10 Tuesday 12 November
[email protected]
Mr John Chatfield
Director of Music
Phone: 9259 2249

TOUR 2013
Each year a select group of talented Year 12 Dance
students are invited to participate in a week long
Dance Tour to Sydney. In the July school holidays
12 intrepid travellers proved that they have what it
takes to make it in the professional dance world.
Sometimes dancing over 10 hours a day, the
dancers were exposed to classes in Hip Hop, Jazz,
Musical Theatre, Physical Theatre, Tap, Acrobatics,
Contemporary, Lyrical, Salsa and Ballroom, also
learning a full dance routine from the musical
“Grease”. They back flipped, popped, crunched,
jived and hit the floor with some of Australia’s best
choreographers and performers.
During downtime they toured the opera house,
saw the tap musical “Hot Shoe Shuffle” and
proved that their talents extend beyond dance
with a session of the loudest karaoke I have ever
heard. Punishment for lateness included
renditions of Beiber in very public places and
some interesting interpretive dance performances.
The dancers continuously did Rossmoyne proud
with their commitment, strength, courage, good
humour, and technical ability, and some proved to
themselves what they are truly capable of. I am
sure we have some future stars in our midst. A
huge thankyou to the other chaperone Stephen
Jeffrey, and to the amazing students for an
inspiring, hilarious and utterly exhausting week.

Ms Mel Davies
Dance Teacher
Phone 9259 2100 ext 141
01 Winner of the
inaugural nacel
Nacel is a French company that specialises in
organising educational language exchanges.
In 2013, the Perth director, Nathan Colgan,
announced that for the first time they would
be offering a scholarship worth $2,500
through a competition arranged by The
Teachers of French Association (TOFA). It was
with great pleasure that we heard that
Rossmoyne Year 12 French student, Amanda
Lee, was the prize winner. The Chief executive,
Jean Verdin, came from France and visited
Rossmoyne to award Amanda her prize.
Amanda is looking forward to spending this
Christmas with her French host family. Other
students wishing to participate in a Nacel
exchange over the Christmas holidays can
find details on the display board in Room 16 in
the Languages Building.
Amanda Lee with Nathan Colgan WA Director of
Nacel, Mrs Griffin-Appadoo, Head of Languages
and the French Chief executive, Jean Verdin.

Year 8 Gifted and Talented French students
have been learning all about family
relationships in class. Many students created
beautiful and elaborate family trees. We
invited grandparents to join us for an
afternoon tea and we showed them our family
trees and shared tea and cake. The class sang
a variety of French songs to entertain the
visitors who really enjoyed seeing how much
progress the students have made so far in
Paige and Lily with their grandparents; and a French.
picture of the whole class singing to the visitors.
As part of the WA/La Réunion Student Exchange,
Year 10 students of French at Rossmoyne (pictured)
recently spent four weeks in Reunion Island with
students from many other government and private
schools, practising their French and learning more
about French culture. The students from Rossmoyne
were: Helena Tueger, Mavia Tan, Kelsey Harper,
Damsi Weerawardena, Naomi Cullinan, Paige
Newman, Lisa Saetang, Jean-Luc Praxmarer, Yuvin
de Silva, Binu Ekanaike, Sharon Babu Abisekaraj and
Erin Barry.
Yes, they did climb the volcano; yes, they did eat
frogs’ legs and lots of other delicious French food;
yes, they did get to see why La Réunion is now on the
UNESCO World Heritage Site list; and yes, they did 04
have a fabulous time. There are not many parts of
the world where you can be standing in the main
street outside a huge mosque, not far from a Catholic
church, watching a Chinese Dragon Festival, having FRENCH LANGUAGE IMMERSION DAY
just seen men preparing for a marche sur le feu and
all observing Bastille Day on the 14 July! Years 11 and 12 enjoyed an immersion day in French where they had the
opportunity to think, listen and speak in French all day. The day began with a
The WA/La Réunion Student Exchange Committee is
coach trip into the city centre enjoying a sing along in French all the way there
calling for participants for next year’s exchange so
to get us in the mood. Students watched two French films, one a documentary
talk to any of these Year 10s and find out more at
and the other a comedy featuring those much loved characters, Asterix and
www.walrse.org and lodge an expression of interest.
Obelix. There were opportunities to discuss the French films and speak in
French with each other and again we continued to sing in French all the way
Mrs Pat Young and Mr Robert MacMath
back to school. It was tiring but a lot of fun.
WALRSE Committee
Phone 9259 2100 ext 202
Mrs Nicola Griffin-Appadoo
Head of Languages
Phone 9259 2100 ext 155
health and physical education


The Year 8 Basketball students had a great day out competing in the
Lightning Carnival. The girls had an excellent day working well together
and demonstrating positive sporting behaviour. They were dominant
on the court, playing excellent defence and limiting each team to less
than four points per game. Their offence was impressive with each of
them scoring plenty of points. They won all of their matches and had a
thrilling 6-4 win in the Grand Final.
The boys were competitive in all their games and showed great
determination and spirit against all teams. They enjoyed the day to
finish a well-deserved fifth. Well done to both the boys and girls. I athletics
would like to thank them all, as well as Chris Chang and Andrew
Ferguson for an enjoyable day.

The Athletics program is up and running this term, with all lower
Mr Brett Riley
school PE classes taking part in various track and field events. The
Phone: 9259 2290
School Athletics Carnival (competitors only) will be held on Tuesday
Email: [email protected]
during Week 8, on 10 September at Ern Clark Athletics Centre.
Athletics training is open to any student who wishes to improve on
FOOTBALL their performances, and possibly gain a place at the upcoming
carnival. Students will be notified by their PE teachers or via daily
The rain stayed away for a great day at Santich Park for the Year 8 notices if they are selected to compete. All members of last year’s
Football team. Given a tough fixture for the day, Rossmoyne performed interschool team will be competing at the school carnival if possible.
exceptionally to be very competitive. With narrow losses of one and
two points to rival teams, a better draw and luck could have seen us Athletics training session times are as follows:
challenge for the flag. Unfortunately, it didn’t go our way this year but Tuesday 3.10pm - 4.30pm
we are keen to make amends at next year’s carnival.
Wednesday 3.10pm - 4.30pm
Many thanks to Mr and Mrs Wiltshire, Mr and Mrs Henderson, Mr Meotti
and Mr Hewson for their warm support by coming down and supporting Thursday 3.10pm - 4.30pm
the boys. Parent support is always valued and their contribution needs Year 12 students may take advantage of some extra coaching on
to be recognised. There may be some other parents present that I Monday Period 5, with Mrs Somer’s permission. Students are to
wasn’t aware of, if so, I thank you too. Special thanks must also go to meet at the oval straight after school for a training session run by
Rohit, Jet and Aaron (Year 10) who shared the duties of team runner, our coach, Mr Beecham and PE staff.
boundary and goal umpires. Also I’d like to thank Noah Strom and
Harley Brown (Year 12s) who umpired superbly all day. We encourage all last year’s Interschool Carnival competitors to
attend at least one training session a week. There will be prizes for
The team had a lot of players who do not regularly play football in the the best Attendance this year. We look forward to an exciting and
community so the day was a great learning experience for all of them. challenging athletics season with Rossmoyne Senior High School
Days like this are important experiences for students in our calendar students.
and we welcome continued support from our school community.
Thank you.
Mr Barry Paveling
Head, Health and Physical Education Mrs Janet Hocking
Phone: 9259 2230 Health & Physical Education
Phone 9259 2100 ext 288


AURICON In May almost a hundred Rossmoyne students

took part in the Big Science Competition

competing against 45 500 students from
across Australia, New Zealand Singapore and
other Asian countries.

BUILDING This competition provided students the

opportunity to test their critical thinking and

COMPETITION problem solving skills. Covering contemporary

topics including climate change, stem cell
research and wireless technology the
competition used everyday examples to test
our students’ science skills.
In Week 9 of Term 2 the Year 8 and 9 Science 3. We used the strong structural shape of a I am delighted to report that a Year 8 student,
Extension students set out on a challenge to tube to join the two halves of our bridge Joo Kai Tay, was awarded the title of Top
build the strongest bridge. The students were together to resist bending and Scorer. Joo Kai was one of 49 students to
supplied with simple materials, 16 pieces of compression. achieve this coveted title.
balsa wood and five metres of string and
Finally the day arrived. The three teams from Other exceptional achievements include
glue. With these materials, they set out to
Rossmoyne Senior High School arrived at those students who were awarded High
build a bridge that could hold the strongest
Fremantle Maritime Museum for the big Distinctions (95% to 100%) and Distinctions
load. After two weeks of building, the
competition. The first Year 8 group’s bridge 85% to 94%.
students had an in-school competition to see
held 11 kilograms of weight. The second
which three teams would represent
bridge held 27 kilograms of weight. Finally it
Rossmoyne Senior High School in the HIGH DISTINCTIONS
was our turn. Our bridge held a whopping 52
Aurecon Bridge Building competition. Two DISTINCTIONS
kilograms of weight! We had set the bar very Alex Brown
Year 8 and one Year 9 teams’ bridges reigned
high. Throughout the course of the day many Sharaf Fozdar Kiu Cheung
champions, holding a minimum of 10.5
teams attempted to beat our score but were Isabel Longbottom Zhipei Zheng
kilograms of weight without breaking.
unable to do so. Finally it came down to the Samiksha Mali Saranya Devalpally
The Aurecon organisation then supplied these last few bridges of the day. Two private Clare O’sullivan Aarethi Gopisetty
teams with the same amount of materials to schools with the same design of an arch Joo Kai Tay Tharaka
reconstruct the bridge for the State suspension bridge beat us. Their bridges held Hazeem Adly Kotuwegoda
competitions. The Year 9 team consisting of 54 and 59 kilograms of weight respectively. Aditi Chaturvedi Daniel Morrison
Lucas, Harry and I went to work to discover Unfortunately we had been beaten. However, Sai Vikram Chigati Sherlyn Ng
flaws in our bridge design and recreate a we received an honourable mention for Celine Choy Matthew Pengelly
stronger bridge. First we went over to the innovation and took out third prize, defeating Janice Dewan Madhura
workshop were we loaded the bridge until the 48 bridges from 18 different schools Tanmay Nigam Prabhudesai
point of destruction. We had a camera set up throughout Western Australia. We came Kamesh Ranatunga Myles Purtell
to record where the bridge had failed. So we home with a cheque of $500 dollars for the Hang Sheng Prakruti Sirigeri
set out to improve our design according to our school and $50 vouchers for each of us. The Hui Min Tay Seharsh Srivastava
observation. Our new design was based on money will be put towards the Science Puxuan Wu Jerusilla Sundar
three main features. Department to hopefully buy new materials to Shuyue Yang Antonia Veleva
enter the competition again in the future and Isaac Waugh
1. It was larger in the middle to resist a larger
perfect the design of our bridge. Esther Wong
2. We reinforced the points where the Tanmay Nigam
previous design had failed to resist tension Year 9 Mr Steve Holyoake
on the beams by being more efficient with Head of Physical Sciences
the amount or balsa and glue we used. Phone 9259 2100 ext 131
student services
CLEVERNESS YEAR 11 EXAMS: They need to be working on this now; not
leave it until next year. The results they gain in
A lunch time speech given to the Year 10 SEMESTER TWO, school subjects and the training Certificates
students who received six or more ‘A’ grades they gain at TAFE and school will mean they
in their half yearly school report:
TERM 3, WEEKS 9 AND 10 will be at the ‘top of the pack’ for TAFE entry.

“Once in a while there comes along a group of Be aware that the next set of exams that will I trust all these activities in this program for
humans with the right arrangement of brain complete Year 11 study will start on Monday both groups will assist the students to be
cells, this group is sitting in front of me right now. 16 September and continue until the end of more focused on the end goal after they leave
You are what I call clever. Your life will be about term. Students recently received their school.
how you are going to use this gift of cleverness. personal exam timetable, which should be
What choices will you make? Will you follow placed in a prominent place in the house (like STUDENT COUNCIL
dogma or be critical? Will you wilt under criticism the fridge) so exam dates will not be forgotten.
or will you follow your convictions? Will you help NOMINATIONS AND
the human race advance? RECREATION TIME ELECTIONS
My favourite clever people are: TERM 3 The vote for the 12 positions on the Student
Leonardo Da Vinci. He was centuries ahead of Council will happen on the 4 September.
his time. He was the first to research the This term, instead of Recreation, we have had
Applicants had to write a 300 word document
mechanics of the human anatomy. A genius in a Study and Tertiary Goal Program. The
on the topic - “I would like to be chosen as a
science, engineering and art. He is my students have been split into a university
member of the Year 12 Student Council
definition of a clever person - a genius. bound (ATAR) group and a TAFE and a
because…” This will be published for all
vocational group.
Marie Curie won two Nobel prizes for her students to read and to consider who is
accomplishments in science which was The ATAR group have been given their ATAR worthy of their vote. The Student Council will
dominated at the time by men. She is my predictions based on their Semester 1 results take over in Term 4 and start planning major
definition of a clever woman. and have also been shown what types of events like the School Ball and the Valedictory.
university courses these results would gain I wish all students good luck for these
There are 64 of you here today and I want to them entry. They have also had seminars on prestigious positions. Head Boy and Head Girl
congratulate you on your hard work their English course designed to improve their will be decided after the Year 12 Councillor
throughout the semester. exam and course results. Later they will have Camp in February 2014.
Nelson Mandela said that a good head and talks on stress management, exam
good heart are always a formidable preparation and will also gain access to Maths TERM 4
combination, but when you add to that a tutors bought into the school to help them
literate tongue or pen then you have with Maths exam preparation. The final START OF YEAR 12
seminar is from education tutoring experts,
something special. Build yourself great
choices which will lead to a great story for Elevate Education, with a seminar entitled, ROLLOVER – A REMINDER
yourself and Rossmoyne Senior High School.” “Ace Your Exams”. This combined with tute
With Year 11 effectively finishing at the end of
activities on goal setting for the future means
Over the next few weeks I will be sending Term 3, students will start Year 12 in Term 4.
that the students should be well focused on
letters home requesting an interview with This is referred to as ‘rollover’. In Week 1 of
their goals for 2014 and beyond.
parents to discuss what we can do to further Term 4 students will have Year 11 classes so
your child’s academic results. The TAFE and vocational group have had a that teachers can return exams and give
visit from a TAFE careers advisor from feedback; shortly after students will
I am very happy to discuss your child’s Challenger TAFE. The focus on the talk was for commence their Year 12 courses. This
progress at any time. students to set their targets on full time TAFE provides more time for Year 12 course
entry in 2014 or 2015. Students were informed coverage. After the Semester 2 exams, some
Mrs Ann Patrick of the requirements for highly competitive students may need to be re-counselled
Phone: 9259 2258 courses at TAFE and how they could best regarding their Year 12 subjects. This will take
Email: [email protected] place themselves to gain entry to these place in early Term 4. The last day for Year 11
courses. They will have seminars from the VET students this year will be Friday 29 November.
Coordinator, Mr Lucas, on how to apply online
for these courses. The crucial message for Mr Rick Withers
2014 FULLTIME these students is what they can do to make Year 11 Coordinator
them a highly successful candidate for TAFE. Rick. [email protected]
TAFE ENROLMENTS Phone: 9259 2265

TAFE enrolments for fulltime students

open on Monday, 2 September 2013.
Enrolments close Friday, 6 December
Applications can be lodged online at

Mr Shane Lucas
Vocational Education Coordinator
Phone 9259 2100 ext 254
Mock exams are from Monday 16 – Thursday
26 September. Due to the exams being
predominately in the hall, students will not be
allowed to access their lockers during this
time. Therefore, students are required to clear
out their lockers by the end of Week 8 this
term. I wish students all the best for their last
school based exams and remember:
• get an early night before your exam;
• don’t cram the night before;
• eat a healthy meal before the exam and
bring a bottle of water; and
• take some time out during the exam period
to exercise and get some fresh air.
Students who are not sitting exams may be
expected to attend school to complete work
or attend work experience.
Applications for universities are now open. All

students eligible to apply should have
received their TISC guide book and a letter
containing their WACE candidate number.
Students must not lose this sheet.
Non-Australian-resident students must apply
directly through the actual universities and
not through the TISC. Students wishing to Most Year 12s do not need a reference from Personal References
apply interstate need to do so via TISC and the school. For the majority, their statement
Some scholarship applications also require
then to each state’s authority. Closing date for of results and their portfolio containing all
personal references to be submitted with
TISC is Friday 27 September. It is a student’s awards won will be suffice as a record of
the application. Students are only entitled to
responsibility to apply before this date. their school achievements. For those rare
one personal reference from a school staff
circumstances where references are
Please note that due to WACE exams being member. Students may apply to Mrs Somers
required, the process is outlined below:
held on the Friday 25 October, the last day for who will ask the teacher on his/her behalf.
Year 12 students will now be Thursday 24 University Scholarships Students should not speak to the teacher
October. Parents and students will be directly. The same rule applies – at least two
Universities, local and interstate, have
informed closer to the date of procedures for weeks notice is required for the reference to
scholarships. While we will try to advise
the last day of school. be done.
about these, it is the student’s responsibility
I wish students the best of luck again for to research these scholarships and to apply University Applications
exams. I hope they put in the absolute most for them.
Some university courses also require forms
they can, so they can be proud of their School References to be completed by the school. Students
achievements. need to apply, using the appropriate form, to
School References are only done when there
Mr Withers in Student Services at least two
is a defined need. A school reference is not
weeks before the deadline. These may
Important Dates: completed for all Year 12 students. Some
require an estimate of your ATAR, statement
scholarships require a reference from the
Tuesday 10 September from the principal, etc. These may need to
school. Students need to apply, using the
Athletics Carnival (please make sure you be faxed off to the particular university. They
appropriate form, to Mr Withers in Student
have nominated before this date) may also require past reports. Students
Services at least two weeks before the
need to gather these reports themselves. If
Monday 16 - Thursday 26 September reference is required. This is so teachers
they need copies of these, it is their
Mock exams may be contacted to contribute material for
responsibility to find them or get copies
the reference and also for the reference to
Tuesday 22 October done by Administration Computing at
be written and proof read. Failure to do this
Award Assembly school.
will mean the reference request will be
Wednesday 23 October refused. Students also need to submit a If a comment on Community Service
Interschool Athletics Carnival copy of the scholarship for which they are involvement is required, students are to
applying. If the reference requires mention submit a dot point summary of service and
Thursday 24 October of community involvement or participation, evidence by way of documentation or
Last day of school for Year 12s students need to produce evidence of this contact phone number and name of referee.
Tuesday 29 October work. This may mean a letter from a charity
Students are advised not to leave any of
Valedictory or organisation. References will not simply
these processes to the last minute.
mention community involvement on student
Mrs Lisa Somers say so . Please see Mr Withers if there are
Mr Rick Withers
Year 12 Coordinator any queries about this.
Student Services Manager Years 10-12
Phone 9259 2100 ext 274 Phone 9259 2100 ext 265
student services
There are many different community organizations
that offer students opportunities to develop and
grow through leadership and training. These include
DEC Bushrangers offered at Rossmoyne Senior High
School, Scouts and other cadet units including the
article mentioned below on the Australian Navy
The Australian Navy Cadets is part of Cadets WA and
operates under the umbrella and support of the Royal Starting Week 4 of last term, a group of Year 10 boys from the Access 10 class have
Australian Navy. They are now recruiting for Training been participating in a program called “Drumbeat”. The program will be wrapping
Ship Cockburn (pronounced Co-burn) Navy Cadets. up this term in Week 6 with a performance for their fellow Access 10 students.
All staff and youth members 18 years and over are
“Drumbeat” promotes social understanding and connection through a team
required to hold a current Working with Children Card
drumming experience. It is fun, safe, creative, engaging and rewarding. Participants
whilst they are attached to the Unit.
lift their self-esteem, learn to work cooperatively and are exposed to the
Meeting Time: Every Friday, 6.30pm – 10.30pm during therapeutic and recreational benefits of music. This program explores topics such
the school term as: peer pressure, bullying, dealing with emotions, identity, social responsibility
and teamwork.
Location: Kent Street, Spearwood (old SES Volunteer
building) Thank you to the P&C who have supported this program and provided the funds to
buy the Djembe Drums in order to run this wonderful program.
Age: Males and Females aged 12.5 – 19 years old
Fees: $50 per term for fees (The Navy Cadets are Mr Paul Bestwick
registered with Kidsport WA which provides fee School Chaplain
assistance for eligible families) Phone 9259 2100 ext 217
Uniform: New recruits are issued with all uniforms
(inclusive of footwear) on loan (no charge) which are
returned when the member decides to leave.
WANTED - School Chaplain
Program may include: A vacancy has arisen for a School Chaplain at our school. It is a part-time (two or
three days a week) fixed-term position until the end of the school year, with the
• Boat maintenance skills possibility of extension. For more information, please contact Dawn French at
• Sailing and other maritime skills and the YouthCARE on 0406 662 705 or email at [email protected]
opportunity to obtain the ‘Recreational Skippers
Ticket and Getting Into Basic Sailing’ and a
current ‘Apply First Aid and Bronze Medallion’
qualifications at a reduced rate
• Weapon handling skills in a completely safe
• Leadership, ceremonial and representative
opportunities at events such as ANZAC Day and YEAR 10 PUBLIC SPEAKING COMPETITION
the Perth Royal Show
• A tour of a working Navy warship or submarine Did you know that in surveys done in the US and the UK, the fear of public speaking
• Other experiences as the opportunities arise outranks even the fear of death! Yet sadly some young people finish school
without advanced skills in this area. Our new global, technologically advanced
Contact: society pretty much mandates that public speaking is an essential requirement
Lieutenant Cathy Hickey, ANC for professionals in all walks of life; even for those that were once considered to
(Unit Development Officer) be quiet, introverted jobs. There are presentations to give, training to undergo,
briefings to deliver. Therefore public speaking is a key skill that we need to foster.
[email protected] or
phone (08) 9332 3929 or (Executive Officer) This is the second year of the competition and it will be again sponsored by local
Lieutenant Karen Thomson, RAN: Real Estate agency Pulse Riverside in Shelley. We thank them for their continued
[email protected] or support.
phone 0428 308 482. The qualifying for the competition will be in Weeks 7, 8 and 9 of this term. The final
will be at night on Tuesday 24 September. More details on this in later newsletters.
Mr Tony Wright
Manager of Student Services: Years 7-9. The qualifying for the competition will be held Period 2 Fridays in the elective
Phone: 9259 2218 entitled “More Than Just Talk.” Students who don’t do this elective will be able to
join the class on the day they compete. In qualifying, the students will give a
prepared 4-5 minute speech on one of the following topics:
It was wonderful to see so many parents at the Junior and Senior School
Assemblies celebrating the successes of their children. I would also like to
thank, on behalf of all the parents and students at the school, the parents
who have worked hard for the whole school community during this term.
This includes volunteers in the canteen and second hand uniform shop,
those who attended music camp, cooked the BBQ for the volleyball
fundraiser, sold snacks at the disco/socials and organised the Rossmingle
Social Event. I would also like to thank the Exec of the P&C, and the members
who contribute to P&C discussions either by attending the meetings or via
the email account. Every opinion offered and assistance given helps to
contribute to a more rounded and inclusive education for our children.
The P&C Treasurer, Cathy Mijat-Vose, has announced her intention to step
down from that role at the 2014 AGM due to her children leaving the school.
Cathy has worked hard in that role for the past four years streamlining our
financial processes and moving us into modern banking methods. The Exec
is keen to find another parent who has the skills and interest to take over that
role. We are notifying the parents at this point so that interested parents may
be able to discuss with Cathy what is involved and therefore ensure a smooth
change over next year. In general terms it would be good for the person to
have accountancy skills, some knowledge of collating a financial report for
audit, and be available to go into the school during school hours a couple of
times a term to contribute to the School Finance Committee meeting and
sort out other general accounts. If you are interested please contact Cathy SPINE CHECK
via the P&C email account [email protected]
The National Self detection Program for scoliosis (NSDP) –
The other important piece of information is the availability of second hand 2013 reminds us that July/August are the months when it is
books through the Sustainable School Shop website. The P&C has decided recommended that girls in Years 7 and 9 participate in the
to continue with this valuable process. Last year nearly 400 books changed NSDP by downloading the Self-Detection Brochure for
hands between RSHS students via this website. It is easy to use and gives Scoliosis. The brochure can be assessed directly via a link on
preference for matching your sales or ‘wanted’ ads to other Rossmoyne the Scoliosis Australia home page www.scoliosis-australia.org
families. Website: www.sustainableschoolshop.com.au or via the Latest Parents can download a scoliosis self-detection brochure
News link on the school website. from this link.
The service provides access to second-hand textbooks, calculators, Scoliosis (spinal curvature) is an important health problem
stationery, musical equipment, etc all year round. All enquiries should be for adolescent girls and 25 per thousand are at risk of
directed to the Sustainable School Shop on: 1300 683 337 or help is also developing a significant curve. Three girls per thousand
available through ‘Contact Us’ on their website. require active treatment (spinal brace or surgery). In the
If you need more information please contact us through the P&C email. early stages the condition is most often asymptomatic,
screening in the age range 11-13 years is a sound preventative
Mrs Penny Tuffin health measure.
P&C President
[email protected] VISION CHECK
Vision disorders can markedly affect academic performance,
especially in those children who are struggling to learn. It is
recommended that parents take their child to have their
eyes examined regularly during their school years,
particularly if they have learning difficulties.


1. The world is my oyster
The School Dental Service continues to provide free general
2. Discipline is not a dirty word and preventative care for all enrolled children up to Year 11.
If you are already enrolled, you can continue to go to the
3. It’s not easy being green
same centre attended in primary school or you can contact
4. Cruel and unusual punishment a new centre that is more convenient. Please advise the
5. The beauty of imperfection Dental Therapy Centre if you have changed your address so
you can be posted a recall appointment.
6. My generation
Willetton Dental Clinic reminds parents to rearrange their
Up to eight students will be selected to go through to the final where they dental appointments if their child is unwell. Contact: 9457
will present a prepared speech and an impromptu speech of two 4624 to re schedule an appointment. Willetton Dental
minutes. Therapy Centre is open Mon-Fri 8am -4pm
Students who want to take part should see Ms Langdale in English or Mr Medicare Teen Dental Plan vouchers are able to be used at
Withers in Student Services for an entry form. Notes to assist your the centre for students up to Year 11, if you have received
preparation of the talk can be obtained from Mr Withers. Last year’s one please bring it along with your medicare card to your
winner received a $180 itunes voucher and a trophy. We will have a next appointment.
similar prize this year. All students that make the final will receive a prize.
Mrs Deb Kitak
Mr Rick Withers Community Nurse
Student Services Manager: Years 10-12 Phone: 9259 2212
Phone 9259 2100 ext 265
rossmoyne SHS

Sunday - Tuesday 25-27 August Bush Rangers Camp
Wednesday - Friday 28-30 August Year 12 Outdoor Education: Kalbarri Excursion
Saturday 31 August WA Languages Perfect Challenge
Competition online
Monday 2 September P&C Training - Shelley Primary School, 6.30-9.30pm
Thursday 5 September Upper School Dance Choreography Night, PAC
Friday 6 September Year 12 Recital Night
Sunday 8 September Year 12 French Oral Exams
Wednesday 5-7 September WA School Volleyball Cup
Sunday 8 September Schools’ Choral Festival
Tuesday 10 September Athletics Carnival
Tuesday 10 September Volleyball Parents Support Group meeting
- Health & Wellbeing Centre, 7.00pm
Thursday 12 September Senior Music Concert Series, PAC, 7.00pm
Saturday 14 September Year 12 French Oral Exams
Monday - Tuesday 16-17 September Junior Music Concerts, PAC, 7.00pm
Friday - Friday 13-27 September Year 11 and 12 Exams
Wednesday 18 September P&C meeting - Function Room, 7.30pm
Sunday 22 September Year 12 French Oral Exams
Monday - Friday 23-27 September ALIVE Week
Wednesday 25 September Zone Athletics Carnival
Friday 27 September Last Day of Term 3

Monday 14 October School Development Day
Tuesday 15 October First Day of Term 4 for students
Tuesday 22 October Year 11 & 12 Formal assembly (with invited guests)
Tuesday 22 October Year 11 Recital Night
Thursday 24 October Year 12 Celebratory assembly and final day
Monday - Thursday 28-31 October Year 10 Exams
Tuesday 29 October Year 12 Valedictory
Saturday - Sunday 9-10 November Lower School Dance
Choreography Night, PAC

Please check the “News and Events” section on the school web site for any updates to the Calendar.

Keith Road Tel 9259 2100

An Independent Public School Rossmoyne Fax 9354 3945
WA 6148 www.rossmoyne.wa.edu.au

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