Cylchlythyr Haf 2023 Saesneg

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Ysgol y Moelwyn Summer term 2023

Prom 2023
Ysgol y Moelwyn's annual Prom was once again held at the end of the summer term. The pupils and staff were
busy decorating the hall and preparing a feast like no other. It was nice to see so many pupils of the year sup-
porting this fun evening. On the night the sun was shining and we couldn't ask for better weather! All the best
to year 11 pupils as they leave school to pursue careers in all sorts of different directions. As you succeed on
your personal paths remember to maintain your pride and respect for your community here in the Moelwyn ar-
ea! Good luck to you all.

Summer Activities
As the year draws to a close, all the school's pupils have been tak-
ing part in two weeks of activities. All the school's teachers have
been busy organizing exciting activities for the pupils to enjoy.
There has been a trip to London to visit the Harry Potter studio, a
trip to the Llangollen Eisteddfod, a trip to the Tate museum in Liv-
erpool, wellness activities, a Science and Maths workshop, white
water rafting, Alton Towers, Zip World and everything in between!
Thank you to the teachers for their time, and to parents for their
support as usual. Nice to see the pupils enjoying themselves so
Duke of Edinburgh Award
This year, the school has held the Duke of Ed-
inburgh award for year 10 pupils. A group of
them had the opportunity to walk up the
mountain, set up camp for the night and
cook food in the evening! A great experience
for the pupils and congratulations to them
all! Thanks to Ms. Alwen Williams for her
time with the pupils.
Thank you, farewell, and welcome!
Well what a term! We’ll start with a huge thank you to every member of staff for their dedication and hard work during the year. Thanks also to pupils and par-
ents for your support. It is the end of an era for some members of the school's staff and a new beginning for others as we welcome them to the Moelwyn team.
Firstly, we would like to acknowledge and thank members of staff who are leaving us at the end of this term. Mrs Wendy Jenkins, Head of Music and Drama is
leaving us after 18 years. In those years Mrs Jenkins has given all kinds of experiences to pupils within the area in the field of Music and Drama. Mrs Elin Sion,
Maths teacher is leaving us after 5 years. Mrs Erin Owen will return from maternity leave, and as a result Miss Glesni Evans, who taught during her maternity
leave for the year, will be leaving us.
As for the inclusion team, Miss Cerys Hughes, Miss Delyth Tanner and Mr Sion Hughes are progressing in their careers.
From the office, Mrs Bethan Haf Jones is retiring after 27 years of service.
We wish them all well and thank them very much for their contribution to the School.
September will be a very exciting time, where the Moelwyn will welcome a number of staff to our team. Mr Daniel Roberts will join SMT as an Assistant Head. As
part of his responsibilities he will teach Mathematics and STEM. Mr Rhys Davies will join the Mathematics department and Mr Gareth Davies will teach Physics.
Another exciting development is the appointment of Mrs Elin Williams as Head of Music and Mrs Erin Owen as Head of History. Mr Gai Tomos, will teach Drama
and Music to the younger years of the School. Best wishes to them and we look forward to hearing about their progression and contribution to the Moelwyn.
Best wishes to you all over the summer holidays, and we are looking forward to returning in September.

Cerddor y Moelwyn
This year, many pupils took part in the Cerddor y
Moelwyn competition. What a privilege it was to have
the concert back after covid! It was nice to see so
many pupils enjoying performing, and it was a delight
to invite parents to come and support them! Thanks
to Leri Roberts for her time judging, and thanks to
Mrs Wendy Jenkins for organizing. Congratulations to
all the pupils who took part.

Summer Fair

It was nice to see the Hall packed during the hustle and bustle
of the Summer Fair this term. As usual, the weather in Blaenau
Ffestiniog was not ideal so there were lots of indoor activities!
With food, activities, face painting and stalls it was worth see-
ing and nice to see so much of the community in the area sup-
porting. Thanks to Mrs Carys Thomas for organising. The fair
managed to raise £200, with the money being shared between
year 7 and 8 activities.


Well what a season for sports! Congratulations to the Moelwyn

football, rugby, hockey and netball teams on a very successful
year. Congratulations also to Erin Lauder in her success playing
squash, to Murain Roberts for competing nationally in gymnas-
tics and Cadi Griffiths in football. We have some extremely tal-
ented pupils here!
Work Experience Canolfan Annog
Year 10 have had the opportunity to do a week's work It is so important to work together in getting to grips
experience before closing for the summer again this with concerns such as peer, school work and social me-
year. Experiences like this are extremely valuable for the
dia pressures. Working together to improve the capaci-
pupils and foster vital life skills for their future. Sincere
ty, the resilience and the welfare of our youngsters is im-
thanks to all the local companies in the area for being so
ready to support the pupils. portant to us all.
Many thanks for the work of the school nurture centre,
Air Ambulance Stwlan and Rhosydd. Let’s remind ourselves of its main
aim to support and help youngsters to develop more
Congratulations to Mrs Carys Thomas and a group of pu-
confidence and resilience. Please remember the external
pils who have raised £510 for the Air Ambulance charity,
by holding a Christmas Fair again this year. Thank you to support links:
her, and the group of pupils for being so willing with Childline: 0800 1111. Linc - Childline
their time and commitment towards such a good cause.
Young minds: Linc - Young Minds
Mind: Linc - Mind
Please get in touch with your child’s head of progress or
inclusion team if you have any concerns or anything that
you wish to discuss. We are here to provide support! The
teaching, welfare and inclusion teams are here to ensure
your child’s happiness, welfare and educational success
here at Ysgol y Moelwyn

Eisteddfod yr Urdd

Huge congratulations to Nel Jones from Traws-

Wear it Pink Day
fynydd for winning a poetry writing prize for year
10 and 11 pupils at the Urdd Eisteddfod. Congratu- Once again, the school took part in Wear it Pink Day, a
lations also to Mabon Griffiths who competed in campaign to raise money for breast cancer research. Every-
the Cogurdd! We are very proud of your success! one from the school had the opportunity to wear pink
clothes and to buy delicious cakes during the day! The
school managed to raise £280. Thank you to Mrs Carys
Thomas for her time.

Cymru v Armenia Seniors’ Lunch

Pupils had a fantastic It is a privilege to in-

opportunity to travel vite the elderly back
to watch Wales vs Ar- to school every
menia in the Europe- month to enjoy lunch.
an Qualifiers. Shame Last month, entertain-
about the score! ment was provided by
Joseff Rice on the
trumpet. Great!

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