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Application Guidelines

Overvoltage Protection

Dimensioning, testing and application

of metal oxide surge arresters in medium voltage systems

First published: November 1994
2nd revised edition: September 1995
3rd revised edition: May 1999
4th revised and expanded edition: February 2009

All rights reserved. Neither the complete brochure

nor parts of it are to be copied, reproduced, trans-
mitted in any way or translated into other languages
without the express written consent of
ABB Switzerland Ltd

© ABB Switzerland Ltd

Division Surge Arresters


The first edition of the application guidelines for the dimensioning,

testing and application of metal oxide surge arresters (MO arresters) in
medium voltage systems appeared in 1994 and was written by René
Rudolph. We were very pleased by the extremely positive reception, which
attested to our belief that competent consulting with regard to the applica-
tion of our products is as important as the quality of the products itself.

The technological progress and the many constructive remarks by our

customers now makes it necessary to provide a fourth revised and
expanded edition of this brochure. The concept of the brochure remains
the same. The dimensioning and the theoretical derivations for the
best possible use of the surge arresters have not changed and therefore
they were taken as such in the new edition, however some completions
were made when considered necessary. The printing mistakes were
corrected and the scientific phraseology was improved. The details of the
basics were strongly underlined. The state of technological development
today demands the use of metal oxyde surge arresters without spark-gaps
and with a housing made of synthetic material. That is why we will no
longer discuss the surge arresters with spark-gaps and porcelain housing
in the present brochure.

The latest state of standards in IEC and CENELEC is taken into consider-
ation. If considered necessary for improved understanding, other
standards and publication are also used. The quoted literature is listed,
thus offering the opportunity of thorough study.

Bernhard Richter, responsible for product management and quality assur-

ance in the Division Surge Arresters of ABB Switzerland Ltd, gladly took
on the task of the general revision of the brochure. He is an active member
in various working groups of IEC TC 37 surge arresters (MT 4 and MT 10),
CENELEC TC 37A and in the study committee SC A3 high voltage equip-
ment of Cigré, in which he leads the “Surge Arresters” working group.

We hope that you as a reader will be satisfied with our new edition
with its new appearance, and that you will find it useful for your purpose.
We welcome amendments and suggestions that help us to better meet
all possible customer needs.

ABB Switzerland Ltd

Wettingen, February 2009

ABB High Voltage Products 3



6.1 Systems with insulated star point 35
1 INTRODUCTION 7 6.2 Systems with earth fault compensation 35
6.3 Systems with low ohmic star point earthing 36


2.1 Arrester design 8 7 SELECTION OF THE ARRESTER 38
2.2 Metal oxide resistors as arrester elements 9 7.1 Determination of the continuous 38
2.3 Arrester housing made of silicone 12 operating voltage Uc
2.4 MO arresters produced by ABB 13 7.1.1 Systems with insulated neutral or 39
with earth fault compensation
7.1.2 Systems with high ohmic insulated neutral
3 TECHNICAL DATA AND FUNCTION 16 system and automatic earth fault clearing
OF MO ARRESTERS 7.1.3 Systems with low ohmic insulated 40
3.1 Currents and voltages 17 star point, or with solidly earthed star point
3.2 Energy absorption capability 22 (k ≤ 1.4), respectively
3.3 Cool-down time 23 7.1.4 Systems with low ohmic neutral transformer 40
3.4 Stability of a MO arrester 24 earthing that do not uniformly have k ≤ 1.4
3.4.1 Thermal stability 24 7.1.5 Systems with low ohmic neutral earthing 41
3.4.2 Long-term stability 24 and k > 1.4
3.5 Protection characteristic 25 7.1.6 Arresters between phases 41
3.6 Temporary overvoltages 26 6-arrester arrangement 41 Neptune design 41
7.1.7 Operating voltage with harmonic oscillation 41
4 SERVICE CONDITIONS 27 7.2 Selection of nominal discharge current and 42
4.1 Abnormal service conditions 27 line discharge class
4.2 Overload behavior 27 7.3 Selection of arrester housing 43
4.3 Mechanical stability 28
4.4 Elevated ambient temperature 28
4.5 Pollution and cleaning 28 8 PROTECTIVE DISTANCE 44
4.6 Altitude adjustment of arrester housing 28 OF THE ARRESTER
8.1 Traveling waves 44
8.2 Protective distance L 46
5 TESTS 29 8.3 Expected steepness S of lightning overvoltages 47
5.1 Type tests 29 in MV substations
5.2 Routine tests 32 8.4 Expected lightning currents in 49
5.3 Acceptance tests 33 medium voltage systems
5.4 Special tests 33 8.5 Influences on the protective distance 49
through electrical equipment, the arresters and
the arrangement of the arresters

4 ABB High Voltage Products

9.1 Overvoltage protection of cable sections 52 14.1 Connections 74
9.2 Cable sheath protection 53 14.2 Maintenance 75
9.3 Transformers at the end of a cable 54 14.3 Onsite measurements 75
9.4 Transformers connected to a lightning 55
endangered line on one side only
9.5 Arresters in metal enclosed 57 15 DISCONNECTORS 76
medium voltage substations
9.6 Generator connected to 57
a lightning endangered MV line 16 INDICATORS 77
9.7 Protection of motors 57
9.8 Arresters parallel to a capacitor bank 58
9.9 Line traps (parallel protection) 59 17 MONITORING OF MO ARRESTERS 78
9.10 Line arresters 59
9.11 High lightning arresters 60

12.1 Parallel connection to increase 63
the energy handling capability
12.2 Coordination of parallel connected MO arresters 64
12.3 MO arresters and arresters with gaps 65
in parallel


13.1 Nominal discharge current In and 67
line discharge class
13.2 Protection level 69
13.3 Examples 70
13.3.1 System with insulated star point 70
13.3.2 System with direct star point earthing 71
13.3.3 System with earth fault clearing 72
13.4 Economic considerations 73

ABB High Voltage Products 5

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Overvoltages in electrical supply systems result depend on the highest operating voltage of the
from the effects of lightning incidents and system Us. That is why the overvoltages, such as
switching actions and cannot be avoided. They those that are decisive for the choice of the
endanger the electrical equipment because for continuous operating voltage of the arrester, are
economic reasons the insulation cannot be related to the operating voltage of the system Us.
designed to withstand all possible cases. An The voltages, which are important for the insu-
economical and safe on-line system calls for lation co-ordination and the protection of the
extensive protection of the electrical equipment insulation of electrical equipment, are derived
against unacceptable overvoltage stresses. This from the highest voltage of the electrical equip-
applies generally to high voltage systems as well ment Um.
as to medium and low voltage systems. In [1] the differences between the temporary
Overvoltage protection can be basically achiev- and the transient overvoltages are shown in
ed in two ways: detail. For the following considerations it is
n Avoiding lightning overvoltage at the point meaningful to distinguish between three types
of origin, such as through earthed shielding of overvoltages:
wires in front of the substation that intercept
lightning. Temporary overvoltages occur, for example,
n Limit overvoltage near the electrical equip- during load rejection or because of faults with
ment, for instance through surge arresters in earth connection. The duration of these over-
the vicinity of the electrical equipment. voltages, mostly with power frequency, can be
In high voltage systems both methods of protec- between 0.1 seconds and several hours. Gener-
tion are common. The shielding wire protection ally, they are not higher than √3 p.u. and are
in medium voltage systems is generally not very usually not dangerous for the system operation
effective. Due to the small distance between the and the insulation of the equipment. However,
shielding wires and the line wires, a direct light- they are decisive for the dimensioning of the
ning stroke on the shielding wire leads to an arresters.
immediate flashover to the line wires as well. In
addition, induced overvoltages in the line wires Switching overvoltages (slow front overvoltages)
cannot be avoided by shielding wires. occur during switching actions and consist
mostly of heavily damped oscillations with fre-
The most effective protection against overvolt- quencies up to several kHz and a magnitude up
ages in medium voltage systems is therefore to 3 p.u. In the case of inductive switching, the
the use of surge arresters in the vicinity of the switching overvoltages can reach up to 4 p.u.
electrical equipment.
Lightning overvoltages (fast front overvoltages)
The magnitude of the overvoltage is given in originate in atmospheric discharges. They reach
p.u. (per unit), usually related to the peak value their peak value within a few microseconds and
of the highest permanent phase-to-earth voltage subsequently decay very rapidly. The magni-
that occurs. [1] tude of these unipolar overvoltages can reach
It is defined as 1 p.u. = √2 ·Us / √3. values well above 10 p.u. in medium voltage
Until now the overvoltages used to be related systems.
to the highest voltages of the electrical equip-
ment Um. This is incorrect because the overvolt-
ages in the system, such as the overvoltages that
occur as a consequence of earth faults, do not
depend on the electrical equipment, but they

ABB High Voltage Products 7



The so-called “conventional” surge arresters were that is not dangerous for the service. That
almost exclusively employed in medium voltage makes the development, the manufacture and
systems until the middle of the eighth decade of the quality control of the MO resistors a very
the last century. They consisted of a series con- important task to be fulfilled.
nection of SiC resistors with a low nonlinearity
and plate spark-gaps. A short circuit to the earth
emerges when the spark-gaps come into action 2.1 Arrester design
during the rising of the overvoltage. The SiC Generally, an MO surge arrester is made up of
resistors in series limit the follow current from two parts: the active part consisting of one or
the power supply and thereby enable the arc in more piled up MO resistors and an insulating
the gap to extinguish at the next current zero. housing, which guarantees both the insulation
In the final years of the last century, there were and the mechanical strength.
two fundamental improvements of surge ar- Fundamentally, there are three different possi-
resters used in medium voltage systems. On one bilities of construction [2]:
hand, the series connection of SiC resistors and n In a glass-fiber reinforced tube made of

plate spark-gaps were replaced with the metal synthetic material, which is covered with
oxide (MO) resistors of a very high nonlinearity an insulating material, the active part is
without series connection of plate spark-gaps, installed, similar to the insulators made of
while on the other hand, the housings of the porcelain. These so-called hollow insulators
surge arresters made of porcelain were replaced have the same disadvantages as the porce-
with housings made of polymer material (syn- lain insulators: they need a sealing and
thetic material). pressure relief system and they can have
A large number of conventional spark-gapped internal partial discharges.
arresters are still installed in medium voltage n The active part is wrapped with glass-fiber

systems. However, they are no longer pro- material and is soaked with resin, which
duced. turns the whole into a rigid body. The insu-
The disappearance of the spark-gaps, which lating polymeric housing is then slipped
were necessary for the SiC surge arresters, made over the resin block or shrunk on it. This
the design of the surge arresters much easier, construction has the disadvantage that it
especially for the medium voltage systems. forcibly breaks apart when the MO blocks
Some new designs were only possible due to are overloaded. Another disadvantage
the development of the MO resistors and the is the fact that there are different insulating
use of polymeric material for the housings. The materials, which also means that there
fundamental advantage is the fact that the surge are more boundary layers. Therefore, it is
arrester has now only one “active” element, necessary to take special measures for
which is the MO resistor or the so-called active sealing.
part, consisting of a column of MO resistors.
Certainly it goes without saying that the MO
resistors have to perform all the functions that
were earlier performed by different parts of the
SiC surge arresters. For instance, they have to be
non-ageing by applied continuous operating
voltage, they have to be able to absorb the
occurring energy during a discharge and after-
wards they have also to be able to reduce the
follow current (leakage current) to a small value

8 ABB High Voltage Products

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n The active part is held mechanically together the height of the MO resistors (or resistor stack)
with glass-fiber reinforced loops or bands. determines the voltage in continuous operation
The synthetic material (such as silicone) is and the volume of the blocks determines the
directly molded on to the MO resistors. energy handling capability. The diameter of
This direct molding has the advantage that the MO resistors correlates with the line dis-
no gas volume remains in the arrester. charge classes corresponding to IEC 60099-4,
Sealing problems and inner partial discharges as shown in Table 1. The current and energy
are thus out of the question. There are no values for the type tests arise directly from
interfaces among the polymeric materials in the line discharge classes and the nominal dis-
which humidity can penetrate. The danger of charge current.
an explosion or a shattering of the housing
is very small.

2.2 Metal oxide resistors

as arrester elements
MO resistors are made of different metal oxides
in powder form which are compressed and sin-
tered in the form of round blocks [3]. Figure 1
on the following page shows the principle of the
manufacturing process. The diameter of the MO
resistors produced by ABB Switzerland Ltd lie
between 38 mm and 108 mm. The height of the
blocks is typically between 23 mm and 46 mm.
For special applications, the MO resistors can be
sliced to a height as small as 0.8 mm. The dia-
meter of the MO resistors determines the current;

* Without line discharge class

Line discharge class IEC 60099-4 -/-* 1 2 2 3 4 5
** In IEC 60099-4 not specified
Nominal discharge current I n in kA 5 10 10 10 10 20 20
High current impulse I hc in kA 65 100 100 100 100 100 100
Switching impulse current I sw in A -/-** 125 / 500 125 / 500 125 / 500 250 / 1000 500 / 2000 500 / 2000
Operating duty test, performed with 1 × I hc 1 × I hc 2 × I ld 2 × I ld 2 × I ld 2 × I ld 2 × I ld
W’ in kJ/kVUc 2.6 3.0 5.2 5.5 9.0 13.3 21.0
W’hc in kJ/kVUc 2.1 3.6 3.5 3.4 3.3 3.2 3.0
Rectangular wave I rw, 2 ms in A 250 250 500 550 1000 1350 2700
Diameter of MO resistors in mm 38 38 42 47 62 75 108

Table 1: Correlation of diameters of the MO resistors made by ABB with the line discharge class and the nominal discharge current,
and the directly related parameters according to IEC 60099-4. The figures in the last four rows are manufacturer-dependent values.
The specific energy W’ refers to the operation duty test of the corresponding arrester (bold printed), i.e. it refers to the energy of
two long duration current impulses. See also Table 2. The specific energy W’hc is the energy that occurs when a predetermined current
is injected in the arrester, e.g. a high current impulse of 4/10 µs wave shape. This data is for informational purposes only. See also
Chapter 3.2 energy absorption capability.

ABB High Voltage Products 9


The time duration of the long duration current Metal oxide resistors have an extreme non-
impulse I ld for the different line discharge linear current voltage characteristic, which is
classes is given in IEC 60099-4. The height of described as
the current results from the calculated energy
that has to be injected. I = k × Uα
The contact areas of the MO resistors are metal-
ized up to the edge of the block with soft alu- α is variable between α ≤ 5 and α ≈ 50. An exact
minum, the surface of the housing is passivated value for α can only be provided for a very re-
with glass. In this way, the MO material of the stricted range of the current in the characteristic
MO resistors produced by ABB Switzerland Ltd curve.
is completely covered. Figure 2 shows a selec- The U-I characteristic of such an MO resistor is
tion of MO resistors. Figure 3 shows in an en- shown in figure 4. In is the nominal discharge
larged form the inner structure of the MO mate- current, Upl is the lightning impulse protection
rial. It is absolutely necessary to obtain a very level of the surge arrester. It is defined as the
homogeneous structure of the material in order maximum voltage between the terminals of the
to reach the high specific energy handling capa- surge arrester during the flow of In. Uc is the
bility of the MO resistor. maximum permissible continuous operating
The energy handling capability of a MO resistor voltage with the power frequency of the surge
and of a MO arrester respectively, depends arrester, and is given as an rms value; in
on the volume of the active part and on the IEEE/ANSI standards also called MCOV (Maxi-
design (heat transfer) and the electrical dimen- mum Continuous Operating Voltage).

Figure 1: Manufacturing
process of MO resistors.
1 Mixing of the metal-oxide
2 Spray drying of the powder
3 Pressing of the MO resistors
4 Sintering
5 Metallization of the contact areas
6 Coating of the surface 1 2 3 4 5/6 7 8
7 Final tests of the MO resistors
8 MO resistors ready to be installed
in the arrester

10 ABB High Voltage Products

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Figure 2: MO resistors
(choice), produced by
ABB Switzerland Ltd

α #5 I = k x U α with α ≈ 50 α#5


log I

Figure 4: Non-linear voltage-current-characteristic of a MO resistor

a. Capacitive linear area, current ≤ 1 mA
b. Knee point of the characteristic curve, transition from the almost
insulating to the conducting condition
c. Strongly non-linear area
d. Ohmic, linear area, high current area
Figure 3: Surface electron microscope image of the MO structure. A. Area of continuous operating voltage Uc
Fracture surface, 2,000 times enlarged. The MO grains and B. Residual voltage Ures, protection area
the boundaries between the single grains can clearly be seen.

ABB High Voltage Products 11


2.3 Arrester housing made of silicone This means that the hydrophobicity is also
Silicone rubber (usually simply referred to as transmitted into the pollution layer on the sur-
“silicone”) is an excellent insulating material for face. All this provides excellent performance
high-voltage insulators. In high-voltage tech- properties for high voltage equipment insulated
nologies, silicone has been successfully used with silicone.
since about 40 years for long rod insulators and The hydrophobicity of the silicone can be dimin-
bushings, for example. The first MO arresters ished under the influence of a long period of
with the typical ABB direct molding were used humidity or electrical discharges on the surface;
in 1986. Millions of these arresters are since it is however completely restored in a short peri-
being used trouble free all over the world and od of time (from a couple of hours to a couple
under all climate conditions. of days). As much as we can say today this
The basic Si-O-Si-O matrix with the additional mechanism works for an unlimited duration.
CH3-groups (Methyl) is characteristic for sili-
cone. The filling materials and special additives
cause the arcs and creep resistance necessary
for use in high-voltage technology. The qualities
of silicone include very high elasticity and resis-
tance to tearing, high temperature stability, very
low combustibility (silicone is a self-extinguish-
ing material) and high dielectrical withstand
strength. Besides all these qualities the most re-
markable one is hydrophobicity: water simply
rolls off the silicone surface. The silicone insula-
tors are water-repellent even if they are polluted.

Figure 5: MO arrester Type POLIM-D

Left: active part before molding. Middle: schematic design.
Right: complete arrester.

12 ABB High Voltage Products

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2.4 MO arresters produced by ABB arrester of type POLIM-D manufactured accord-

All MO arresters produced by ABB Switzerland ing to this technique. It is shown before and
Ltd used in medium voltage systems are design- after being molded in silicone. The flexible
ed according to the same principle. This con- method of construction (modular concept)
struction concept of silicone direct molding, makes it possible to change the form of the ar-
which is patented by ABB, consists of two elec- rester to meet any necessity.
trodes connected together through two or more The demands on the arresters depend on the
glass-fiber reinforced elements. It results a hard operational conditions and the type of the elec-
cage or frame, which guarantees the mechanical trical equipment to be protected. ABB offers a
strength. The MO resistors are arranged within selection of different types of MO surge arrest-
this frame. Additional metal cylinders with the ers for medium voltage systems and for special
same diameter as the MO resistors fill the inside applications. Figure 6 shows, as an example,
completely, thus forming a uniformly round ac- three arresters with the same active part, but
tive part. The MO blocks are pressed together with different housings; figure 7 shows an ab-
with a bolt in the centre of the lower electrode; solutely touch-proof arrester to be used in sub-
the bolt is secured in the end position, thereby stations for protecting the cable systems.
providing each arrester with the same contact
pressure. The contact pressure with some small
sized arresters is achieved through spring ele-
ments. The active part is placed into a form and
completely sealed with silicone. As a result, the
surge arrester, which is completely sealed and
tight, has no void inside. Figure 5 shows an MO

Figure 6: MO arrester MWK and MWD Figure 7: MO arrester POLIM-D … PI

Left: MWK … K4 with alternating sheds and a long creepage path Pluggable, touch-proof arresters for use in cable installations.
for regions with strong pollution. For all existing switchgear with an inner-cone system,
Middle: MWK with standard housing. cone sizes 2 and 3.
Right: MWD for indoor applications. The MO active part is similar
in all three cases.

ABB High Voltage Products 13


Table 2 and Table 3 contain the primary techni- In Table 2 there are four MO arresters with
cal data for the surge arresters produced by ABB I n = 10 kA and line discharge class 2 for use in
for use in medium voltage systems. medium voltage systems. The other electrical
It is to be noted here that this present applica- data differ (except the line discharge class) from
tion guidelines does not take into consideration one arrester to another and therefore the surge
regular revisions. Therefore it is possible that arresters are for different applications.
there might be differences between the techni-
cal data given in the tables and the data on the
data sheets. Decisive are always the data sheets.

Table 2: Main electrical data

Arrester type LD* In I hc I rw W’ Uc Upl /Uc
for ABB surge arresters used to be used in 2 ms
in medium voltage systems medium voltage systems kA kA A kJ/kVUc kV
* Line discharge class according
POLIM-D…PI 1 10 65 250 2.6 4 to 42 3.58
to IEC 60099-4.
** A lightning current impulse POLIM-D 1 10 100 250 3.6 4 to 36 3.5
of 10 kA peak value results in POLIM-K 2 10 100 500 5.2 4 to 36 3.33
Ures /Uc = 2.9.
MWK/MWD 2 10 100 550 5.5 4 to 44 3.07
*** Also for d.c. applications.
Uc is given here for applications in POLIM-I…N 2 10 100 550 5.5 4 to 44 3.07
d.c. systems. POLIM-S…N 3 10 100 1000 9.0 4 to 44 3.0
POLIM-H…N 4 20 100 1350 13.3 4 to 44 3.19**

for special applications

POLIM-C…N 2 10 100 550 5.5 0.9 to 7.5 3.5
POLIM-C…LB 2 10 100 550 5.5 2.3 to 4.8 3.44
POLIM-C…ID*** 2 10 100 550 4.3 1.0 to 2.2 3.2
POLIM-R…-1/-2 N -/- 20 100/200 1350/2400 12/24 0.11 to 0.78 3.38/3.07

Table 3: Main mechanical data

Arrester type Admissible MPSL* Torsion Vertical Rated short
of the ABB surge arresters to be used in bending moment force circuit current
to be used in medium voltage medium voltage systems 1 min I s, rms
systems Nm N Nm N kA
* Maximum Permissible Service
POLIM-D…PI -/-** -/- -/- -/- 16
Load. The definition of MPSL is the
force that can be applied on the high- POLIM-D 200 400/690 50 625 20
est arrester of the same type for 60 s POLIM-K 200 400/690 50 1000 40
to 90 s without producing any perma-
MWK/MWD 500 280/850 68 1200 20
nent deflection >5 % of its height.
** The arresters without specification
POLIM-I…N 2500 3500 100 2000 40
of the mechanical data should not POLIM-S…N 4000 5700 100 3000 50
be stressed with larger mechanical POLIM-H…N 6000 8000 100 4000 63
forces. The information regarding
POLIM-C…N 200 690 50 1000 20
to the mechanical strength can be
obtained from the manufacturer.

14 ABB High Voltage Products

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POLIM-K: Is to be used for protecting overhead POLIM-C: The MO arresters of the type POLIM-C
lines, transformers in substations and as a line also have line discharge class 2. The application
arrester. It has a flexible housing concept for the lies in the lower voltage range for special appli-
arrester for optimal use in all the various pol- cations, such as the protection of cable sheath
luted locations. It is very suitable as a line ar- and the protection of motors.
rester due to its high short circuit resistance of With this ABB offers a wide range of MO ar-
40 kA. The POLIM-K is ideal for applications in resters for use in the technical demanding area
areas in which arresters of line discharge class 2 of class 2 arresters.
are to be used.

MWK/MWD: The classical arrester with the par-

ticularly favorable protection ratio of U pl /Uc =
3.07 and high energy handling capability. It is
especially suited for protecting SF6-gas insulated
switchgears, as well as for protecting cables and
substations. With insulated cable connections,
the indoor execution MWD is also suited for
installation in narrow switchgears. The MWK is
also suitable for protecting generators and mo-
tors, as a “riser pole” arrester, and also for pro-
tecting capacitors, because of its low residual

POLIM-I: Has the same favorable electrical data

as MWK/MWD, but its mechanical resistance is
much higher, which is why these arresters are
used in applications that require high mechani-
cal stability. Typical areas of application are use
in traction systems and as line arresters, if it is
necessary to have very high mechanical resis-

ABB High Voltage Products 15



The function of a surge arrester with an active The resistor stack of the surge arrester behaves
part consisting of a series connection of MO re- in an almost pure capacitive manner with ap-
sistors is very simple. In the event of a voltage plied continuous operating voltage Uc. The stray
increase at the arrester’s terminals, the current capacitance of each resistor against the earth
rises according to the characteristic curve – Fig- causes an uneven voltage distribution along the
ure 8 – continually and without delay, which arrester axis under applied Uc. This unevenness
means that there is no actual spark over, but increases with the length of the resistor stack
that the arrester skips over to the conducting and can be approximately calculated according
condition. After the overvoltage subsides the to [4]. High voltage MO arresters therefore need
current becomes smaller according to the char- grading elements, such as grading rings, which
acteristic curve. A subsequent current, such as mostly compensate the unfavorable influence of
those that arise with spark-gaps and spark- the stray capacitance. The resistor stack with
gapped arresters, does not exist; it flows only medium voltage arresters is, however, so short
the so-called almost pure capacitive leakage that the uneven voltage distribution can be ne-
current i c of about 1 mA. glected. Therefore, medium voltage arresters do
not require any grading elements. The following
paragraph shows and briefly explains typical
current and voltage waveforms in different areas
of the characteristic curve.

4/10 μs

1/9 μs
8/20 μs

30/60 μs

U ref

i ref I sw In
10-4 10-3 10-2 10-1 100 101 102 103 104 105

Figure 8: Voltage-current characteristic of an MO arrester with In = 10 kA, line

discharge class 2. The voltage is normalized to the residual voltage of the arrester
at In. The values are given as peak values for the voltage (linear scale) and the
current (logarithmic scale). Shown are typical values.

16 ABB High Voltage Products

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3.1 Currents and voltages Reference voltage Uref : Peak value of the power-
In [4] the following arrester related terms are frequency voltage divided by √2, which is
given: applied to the arrester to obtain the reference
Continuous operating voltage Uc: Designated
permissible rms value of power-frequency volt- Reference current (iref): Peak value (the higher
age that may be applied continuously between peak value of the two polarities if the current
the arrester terminals. is asymmetrical) of the resistive component of
a power-frequency current used to determine
Continuous current (ic): Current flowing through the reference voltage of an arrester.
the arrester when energized at the continuous The reference current is chosen by the manufac-
operating voltage. The MO arrester behaves in turer in such a way that it lies above the knee
an almost purely capacitive manner in the re- point of the voltage-current characteristic and
gion of the continuous operating voltage. The has a dominant ohmic component. Therefore,
current is around 1 mA and almost 90° electri- the influences of the stray capacitance of the ar-
cally shifted compared to the voltage. The rester at the measurement of the reference volt-
power losses in this region can be neglected. age are not to be taken into account. The refer-
The continuous current is also known as leak- ence voltages, which are measured at single MO
age current. resistors, can be added to give the reference
voltage of the entire arrester.
Rated voltage Ur: Maximum permissible rms
value of power-frequency voltage between the Reference voltage (U1mA) and reference current
arrester terminals at which it is designed to with d.c. voltage: A reference current and the
operate correctly under temporary overvoltage reference voltage for d.c. voltage belonging to it
conditions as established in the operating duty are often also demanded instead of a given ref-
tests. erence current for a.c. voltage. It is now com-
Briefly: the rated voltage Ur is the voltage value, mon practice to specify the d.c. voltage, which
which is applied for t = 10 s in the operating is applied with a direct current of 1 mA to the
duty test in order to simulate a temporary over- terminals, no matter what the diameters of the
voltage in the system. The relationship between MO resistors are. Both types of information, the
the rated voltage Ur and the continuous operat- reference current and the reference voltage for
ing voltage Uc is generally Ur /Uc = 1.25. This is a.c. voltage and for d.c. voltage, are in principle
understood as a given fact, but it is not defined equal. Both of these types information describe
anywhere. Other ratios can be chosen. The a point on the voltage-current characteristic of
rated voltage has no other importance although an arrester, where the influences of the stray
it is often used when choosing an arrester. capacitance can be ignored. All the tests per-

Diameter MO resistor in mm 38 42 47 62 75 108 Table 4: Reference current i ref

for different ABB MO arresters.
MWK/MWD * The POLIM-X is used as type
MO arrester POLIM-D POLIM-K POLIM-I POLIM-S POLIM-H POLIM-X* POLIM-X…ND only in d.c. traction
POLIM-C systems for the time being.
i ref in mA sw 1.4 1.6 2.2 3.6 5.0 10.0

ABB High Voltage Products 17


formed according to IEC are always based on Lightning impulse protective level Upl: Maximum
the reference current and the reference voltage permissible peak voltage on the terminals of
for a.c. voltage. Reference current and reference an arrester subjected to the nominal discharge
voltage with d.c. voltage are additional infor- current. Corresponds to the guaranteed residual
mation, which can be received from the manu- voltage Ures at In.
Switching impulse protective level Ups: Maximum
Residual voltage Ures: Peak value of voltage that permissible peak value on the terminals of an
appears between the arrester terminals during arrester subjected to switching impulses. The
the passage of a discharge current. higher switching impulse among those in the
The residual voltage of a MO resistor or MO ar- Table 1 is to be used.
rester is determined with surges having different
wave forms and current heights and it is given Lightning current impulse: Current impulse with
in tables or as a voltage-current characteristic on the wave shape 8/20 µs. The virtual front time
a curve. The measurements are generally per- is 8 µs and the time to half-value on the tail is
formed on MO resistors. As the measurement is 20 µs. The lightning current impulse reproduces
mostly performed in regions of the character- approximately the current impulse produced by
istic where the ohmic part of the current is a lightning stroke in a conductor after an insu-
dominant, the capacitive stray influences can be lator flashover. This current impulse travels as a
ignored. The residual voltages measured on transient wave along the line.
single MO resistors can be summed up as the
residual voltages of the whole arrester. Nominal discharge current of an arrester In: The
peak value of the lightning current impulse that
is used to classify an arrester. The nominal dis-
charge current combined with the line discharge
class of an arrester prescribe the test para-



ic i

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
t ms t ms

Figure 9: Continuous operating voltage Uc and leakage current ic Figure 10: Rated voltage U r and current i, which flows through the
of an MO arrester. The current has a sinusoidal waveform form MO arrester with this voltage. The current already begins to dis-
and is almost purely capacitive. The ohmic part of the current tort, an ohmic component in the area of the peak value can clearly
at du/dt = 0 at the peak value of the voltage is about 15 % to 20 % be seen. In this example, the rated voltage lies in the area of the
of the total current. knee point of the voltage-current characteristic of the MO arrester.

18 ABB High Voltage Products

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meters, see Table 1. Recommendations for the Switching current impulse (Isw): Peak value of
choice of the nominal discharge currents and discharge current with a virtual front time be-
the line discharge classes for different system tween 30 µs and 100 µs, and a virtual time to
voltages are to be found in IEC [4], [5]. half-value on the tail of roughly twice the virtual
front time. The switching current impulses are
High current impulse (Ihc): Peak value of dis- used to determine the voltage-current character-
charge current having a 4/10 µs impulse shape. istic, and in connection with the line discharge
The high current impulse should reproduce a class are also used to determine the energy
lightning stroke close to an arrester and it is which has to be absorbed by the surge arrester
used with medium voltage arresters of the line during the operating duty test. The current am-
discharge class 1 as a proof of thermal stability. plitudes lie between 125 A and 2 kA, and
It represents not only an energetic stress but roughly reproduce the load of an arrester pro-
also a dielectric one, taking into consideration duced by overvoltages, which were caused by
the high residual voltage that occurs with a high circuit breaker operation.
current impulse with a peak value of 100 kA.
However, it is necessary to strongly emphasize
that a high current impulse with an amplitude of
100 kA is not the same as a real lightning cur-
rent of the same amplitude. The real lightning
current of this amplitude measured during a
thunderstorm possibly lasts longer than several
100 µs. Such strong lightning currents and
impulse shapes are very rare and appear only
under special conditions, such as during winter
lightning in hilly coastal areas.

u [kV] i [kA]
18 12
U ref
15 10

12 8

i ref 9 6

6 4

3 2

0 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 0 10 20 30 40
t ms t µs

Figure 11: Reference current i ref and reference voltage U ref . Figure 12: Current and voltage of a nominal discharge current
The ohmic component of the current in the area of the peak value of I n = 10 kA (wave shape 8/20 µs) injected in a MO resistor.
of the voltage clearly dominates the total current. This means The residual voltage is U res = 15 kV.
that the current lies above the knee point and the capacitive stray
influences during the measurement can be disregarded.

ABB High Voltage Products 19


Steep current impulse: Current impulse with a Long-duration current impulse (Ild): Also called
virtual front time of 1 µs and a virtual time to rectangular wave (Irw) or square wave. A long-
half-value on the tail not longer than 20 µs. The duration current impulse is a rectangular im-
steep current impulses are used to determine pulse that rises rapidly to its peak value and
the voltage-current characteristic. They have remains constant for a specified period of time
amplitudes up to 20 kA and roughly reproduce before it falls rapidly to zero. The length of the
steep current impulses like those which may current pulse duration is correlated to the line
appear with disconnector operation, re-striking, discharge class of an arrester. Rectangular im-
back flashes, and vacuum circuit breakers. pulses are used in laboratories during the type
All the current impulses described above (ex- tests with long-duration current impulses, and
cept the high current impulse) are used to de- during the operating duty test of MO arresters
termine the voltage-current characteristic of a having line discharge classes 2 to 5, in order to
MO arrester. It is to be considered that only inject the energy in the arrester. The current am-
the virtual front time and the amplitude of the plitudes are up to 2 kA and reproduce the load
current impulses are decisive for the residual of an arrester when a charged transmission line
voltage and not the virtual time to half-value on discharges into the arrester in case of an over-
the tail. That is the reason why the tolerance for voltage occurrence.
the virtual front times is very tight, and contrast- It is now regarded as a matter of course to use
ingly, the tolerances for the virtual times to half- a rectangular wave of 2 ms duration to compare
value on the tail are very broad. different MO arresters, although there is no
norm established for doing so. Specified is either
the amplitude of the rectangular wave for a spe-
cific MO arrester or the energy transferred into
the arrester during the flow of the rectangular

u [kV] i [kA] u [kV] i [A]

24 120 15 600

20 100
12 480
16 80
9 360
12 60
6 240
8 40

4 20 3 120

0 0 0 0
0 5 10 15 20 0 50 100 150 200
t µs t µs

Figure 13: High current impulse of the wave shape 4/10 µs and Figure 14: Switching impulse current Isw = 500 A with the wave
a peak value of I hc = 100 kA. The residual voltage is in this case shape 38/87 µs. The residual voltage is U res = 11.6 kV.
U res = 23 kV. An exact measurement is difficult here because
of the extreme steepness of the current and the relative high field
strength. That is why the measuring of the residual voltage of
high current impulses is not generally demanded according to IEC.

20 ABB High Voltage Products

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Line discharge class: The line discharge class W = Ures × (UL – Ures ) × 1/Z × T
is the only possible way to specify the energy
absorption capability of an arrester provided in U res = Residual voltage of the switching current impulse.
Here, U res is the lowest value of the residual voltage
IEC 60099-4. The line discharge classes 1 to 5
measured at the test sample with the lower value
are defined with growing demands. They differ of the switching current impulse given in Table 1.
from one another due to the test parameters of U L = Charging voltage of the current impulse generator used
the line discharge tests. The energy W is calcu- in test labs for producing the long-duration current
lated from the line discharge class in connection impulse Ild
Z= Surge impedance of the current impulse generator
with the residual voltage of the switching cur-
T= Duration of the long-duration current impulse
rent impulse. This calculated energy has to be
injected with each discharge in a MO resistor
during the test with a long-duration current im-
pulse I ld (line discharge test). Two correspond-
ing line discharges are loaded in the arrester
during the operating duty test as a proof of ther-
mal stability.

u [kV] i [kA] u [kV] i [A]

18 12 14 700

15 10 12 600
10 500
12 8
8 400
9 6
6 300
6 4
4 200
3 2 2 100
0 0 0 0
0 5 10 15 20 0 0,5 1,0 1,5 2,0 2,5 3,0 3,5 4,0 4,5
t µs t µs

Figure 15: Steep current impulse of the wave shape 1/9 µs. Figure 16: Long-duration current impulse I ld = 506 A with
The peak current amounts to 10 kA and the residual voltage is a virtual duration of the current of t 90 % = 2.15 ms. The residual
U res = 16.2 kV. This current wave has a very steep rise time, which voltage is U res = 11.1 kV.
makes it necessary to compensate the measuring circuit induced
voltage U i = L × di/dt when evaluating the residual voltage.

ABB High Voltage Products 21


The parameter of the line discharge classes are 3.2 Energy absorption capability
derived from the stored energy of long transmis- The specified or required energy values that are
sion lines [5], [6], see Table 5. found in technical documentations sometimes
That is the reason why the line discharge classes lead to misunderstandings, especially when
have no direct importance in medium voltage more energy values are given. That is why it is
systems. They serve here only to distinguish the necessary to discuss here the energy absorption
energy handling capability of different arresters. capability of the MO resistors and arresters.
The energy absorption capability of MO resis-
In LD Us L ZL T tors respectively the MO surge arresters is espe-
kA kV km Ω ms cially important for the thermal stability of the
10 1 ≤ 245 300 450 2.0 arresters in the system. The energy absorption
10 2 ≤ 300 300 400 2.0 capability is tested with different current im-
10 3 ≤ 420 360 350 2.4 pulses during the type tests, such as the test
20 4 ≤ 525 420 325 2.8 with the long-duration current impulse for each
20 5 ≤ 765 480 300 3.2 MO resistor, the operating duty test and the
Table 5: Correlation between the line discharge class and the verification of the TOV-curve with complete
parameters of the transmission lines. The duration T of the long- arresters.
duration current impulse I ld is also given. This specification shows The energy absorption capability of the MO
how the duration must be adjusted for the operating duty test resistor is tested with a total of 18 long-duration
and the test with long-duration current impulse according to the
line discharge class in the laboratory.
current impulses during the line discharge test.
LD = Line discharge class This is a material test of the MO resistor. No
L = The approximate length of the transmission line power frequency voltage is applied to the test
ZL = The approximate surge impedance of the transmission line sample during this test. This means that there
is no testing of the thermal stability of the MO
Rated short circuit current Is: The rms value of resistors.
the highest symmetrical short circuit current, The shape of the current impulse with which
which can flow after an overload of the arrester the energy is injected into the arrester depends
through the arc short circuiting the MO resistors on the line discharge class during the operating
without violent shattering of the housing. The duty test. The energy is injected with a high
proof of the value specified by the manufacturer current impulse that has a wave shape 4/10 µs
is conducted in the short circuit test. to arresters of the line discharge class 1 (or ar-
The pressure relief class of an arrester, which in resters having no line discharge class).
the past was specified, as well as the pressure re-
lief test connected to it as found in IEC 60099-1,
is no longer applicable.

22 ABB High Voltage Products

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The energy is injected with two long-duration The energy, which leads to the destruction of
current impulses to the arresters of the line dis- a MO resistor or an arrester, is higher than the
charge class 2 or higher. The injected energy energy that is applied to an arrester as proof of
with the line discharge class 2 or higher follows the thermal stability during an operating duty
the line discharge class and has to be calculated test. Depending on the type of arrester, the
corresponding to IEC 60099-4. The higher the destroying energy is generally much higher than
line discharge classes the higher the energy. the guaranteed energy for testing the thermal
Provided in Table 1 is the energy for the same stability.
high current impulse (100 kA 4/10 µs) for differ-
ent arresters. This energy decreases when the
diameter of the MO resistors increase. If the 3.3 Cool-down time
peak value is the same, the current density and The arresters in the system can work reliably
accordingly also the residual voltage become and safe if their energy absorption capability is
lower. As a result, this leads to a lower energy greater than the energy strain expected in the
and accordingly also to a lower increase in tem- system operation. In case of multiple surges,
perature of the active part of the arrester. This one after another, the injected energy is cumu-
tendency is favorable because the lower the lated in the arrester and therefore an interme-
occurred energy is in the arrester, the safer and diary cool-down time can be ignored. But if the
the more thermal stable the arrester is in the energy reaches the guaranteed value, which is
system. applied in the operating duty test, the arrester
The energies that are listed in our technical doc- has to have enough time to cool-down. The
umentations represent no limiting or destructive necessary cool-down time for the arrester de-
values, but the energies that occur during the pends on the construction, the ambient temper-
different type tests respectively the occurred en- ature and the applied voltage. The cool-down
ergies with different current impulses. time typically lies between 45 and 60 minutes
Therefore, a differentiation is to be made be- depending on the arrester type and the ambient
tween: conditions.
n The occurring energy of a specified current

such as 100 kA 4/10 µs or a long-duration

current impulse of 2 ms. (These data serve
only as information.)
n The applied energy, which is used

as a proof of the thermal stability

of the arrester in a test or in the system
n The energy that destroys a MO resistor

or an arrester through cracking, puncture

or spark-over.

ABB High Voltage Products 23


3.4 Stability of a MO arrester If the power losses P stay under the critical
There are two situations to take into account: point, i.e. P < Q, it is possible to eliminate the
n The thermal stability of the MO arrester warmth faster than it is produced and the active
after adiabatic energy absorption (sometimes part cools down until it returns to the stable
known as short-time stability) working condition after the cool-down time.
n The long-time stability of the MO arrester This is the area of thermal stability.
in system operation. As long as the critical point is not exceeded, the
arrester can branch off the loaded energy as of-
ten as is necessary, which means that it can limit
3.4.1 Thermal stability the overvoltage just as often as it is required.
In Figure 17, P represents the power losses of It is possible to raise the critical point to such a
the MO resistors in an arrester when Uc is ap- level, that even if during the operation the high-
plied. It is evident that P exponentially increases est energies are likely to occur, this critical point
with the MO-temperature T, which also results cannot possibly be reached. This can be
in an increased heating of the active compo- achieved through suitably dimensioning of the
nent. The cooling-down of the MO resistors resistors and through design measures that en-
occur with the heat flow Q from the active part able the cooling-down of the blocks.
of the arrester to the exterior. P is greater than
Q at temperatures above the critical point. Here
the cooling is not sufficient to dissipate the heat 3.4.2 Long-term stability
produced by the power losses to the exterior. A MO arrester without spark-gaps in the system
The MO resistors would continue to heat up can operate absolutely reliably if the voltage-
and the arrester would be destroyed by over- current characteristics curve of the MO resistors
heating. This occurrence is called thermal run under applied continuous voltage do not
away or thermal instability. change. The continuous current ic should not

P,Q thermal runaway 1.1

W 1.0
thermal 0.9
limit 0.8
T Q 0.7
Q stable 0.6
operating point

0 200 400 600 800 1000
T °C t h

Figure 17: Power losses P of the MO resistors and the heat flow Figure 18: Example of an accelerating ageing test (type test
Q from the active part of an arrester to the exterior, as a function over 1,000 h). The test sample is in an oven with the constant
of temperature T of the MO resistors at continuous operating temperature of 115 °C and is stressed with increased a.c. voltage
voltage U c. compared to U c. The power losses P are recorded and should
decrease constantly or remain constant. A considerable increase
over a minimum that was already reached indicates instability and
is inacceptable. Test duration of 1,000 h at 115 °C corresponds to
an operating time of 110 years in the system at an environmental
temperature of 40 °C.

24 ABB High Voltage Products

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be allowed to shift to higher values to also pre- 3.5 Protection characteristic

vent the increasing of power losses. The protection characteristic of an arrester is
A change of the electrical characteristic curve given by the maximum voltage U res at the ter-
due to applied continuous voltage is not to be minals of an arrester during the flow of a
expected with MO resistors that are produced current surge. Generally, a lightning impulse
by leading international manufacturers consid- protective level of U pl ≤ 4 p.u. is considered.
ering the present state of technology. This is a value that is generally accepted for the
Under certain circumstances, a change (or more insulation coordination [7]. The real residual
precisely: deterioration) of the voltage-current voltage with nominal discharge current In (thus
characteristic curve can occur due to extreme U pl) can lie above or below that, depending on
stresses, such as very high or very steep current the type of arrester.
impulses. Another cause that can lead to a If U pl is set in a relationship with Uc of an ar-
change of the electrical characteristics close to rester, it is possible to get very good informa-
the rim may be different components of the ma- tion about the quality of the arrester per-
terials in which the MO resistors are embedded. formance with regard to the protective level.
This is the reason why the surface area of the The smaller the ratio Upl /Uc, the better the pro-
MO resistors is passivated, which means that tection.
they are coated with a gas-proof glass that is In addition to the residual voltage at I n, the
also highly robust. residual voltages at steep current impulse and at
All these reasons make it indispensable to per- switching current impulse are also important.
manently control the long-term behavior of the The residual voltage increases slightly with the
MO resistors during the manufacture. This is current, but also with the steepness of the cur-
achieved with the accelerating ageing test ac- rent impulse as can be seen from the data
cording to IEC. In addition the single type tests sheets of each arrester and also from the volt-
of over 1,000 hours; there are also accelerated age-current characteristic in Figure 8. Depend-
ageing tests according to internal manufacturer ing on the usage, the residual voltage at the
instructions to be conducted on each produc- steep current impulse and at switching current
tion batch. impulse must be taken into account besides the
It should be emphasized that the accelerating residual voltage at I n.
ageing test must be performed with the same
kind of voltage that is applied to the MO ar-
rester in the system. Thus, the MO resistors for
a.c. systems have to be tested with a.c. voltage
and the MO resistors for d.c. systems have to be
tested with d.c. voltage. Experience shows, how-
ever, that d.c. stable MO resistors are usually
also stable under a.c. load, yet on the other
hand, a.c. stable MO resistors are not neces-
sarily stable under d.c. load. That is why it is
particularly important to use d.c. stable MO re-
sistors with MO arresters in d.c. systems.

ABB High Voltage Products 25


3.6 Temporary overvoltages The following example should explain the use
Temporary (short-time) overvoltages U TOV are of TOV curves in Figure 19. An arrester with
power frequency overvoltages of limited dura- Uc = 24 kV is operated with Uc in a normally
tion. They appear during switching operations functioning, undisturbed system for a unlimited
or earth faults in the system and they can stay in period of time. At the time t = 0 the arrester is
medium voltage systems with insulated trans- stressed with an energy in relation to Uc of
former neutrals for several hours. Their height W’ = 5.5 kJ/kVUc. Immediately afterwards, the
depends on the system configuration and the temporary overvoltage U TOV = 28 kV appears.
treatment of the star point. The duration is given Therefore, it is T = U TOV /Uc = 28 kV / 24 kV = 1.17.
by the time which elapses until the registration For T= 1.17 results a time of t = 400 s according
and the switching off of the system failure. to curve b. That means that the arrester can
MO arresters are able to withstand an increased withstand an increased voltage for 400 s without
operating voltage for a certain period of time. becoming thermally instable. After 400 s the
The resistance T of the arrester against such tem- voltage must go back to Uc, so that the arrester
porary overvoltages is to be seen as an example will not become overloaded. If the arrester is not
in Figure 19. T = U TOV /Uc is the extent of the loaded with the energy W’ before the appear-
permissible height of U TOV. ance of the temporary overvoltage, it is the
curve a that counts and the arrester can with-
stand U TOV for 3,000 s. Therefore, the height and
the duration of the admissible temporary over-
voltage directly depend on the previous energy
load of the arrester.








1 10 100 1000 10000 t s

Figure 19: Resistance T = U TOV /Uc against temporary overvoltages depending on

the time t. The curve a is valid for an arrester without energy pre-stress, the curve
b with a pre-stress of the guaranteed energy W’. t is the duration of the overvoltage
at power frequency. The curves are valid for a MO arrester of the type MWK.

26 ABB High Voltage Products

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The service life of an arrester can be 30 years or n Voltage distortions or voltages with superim-
longer under normal operating conditions and if posed contents of high frequencies that are
it is correctly chosen according to the system caused by the system
voltages and to the expected electrical and me- The following paragraphs illustrate a few spe-
chanical loads. The normal service conditions cial cases. It is advisable to contact the manufac-
for an arrester are listed in [4]: turer should other abnormal conditions appear
n Ambient temperature –40 °C to +40 °C that are not mentioned here.
n Solar radiation 1.1 kW/m2

n Altitude up to 1,000 m above sea level

n Frequency of a.c. voltage between 48 Hz 4.2 Overload behavior

and 62 Hz Any arrester can be overloaded. The causes can
n Power frequency voltage at the arrester be extremely high lightning currents, lighting
terminals not higher than the continuous currents with a very large charge or a so-called
operating voltage Uc of the arrester. voltage-transition. This is to be understood as
n Wind speed ≤ 34 m/s a short circuit between two different voltage
n Vertical position levels. In all these situation there is in fact an
All ABB arresters meet or exceed these operat- energy overloading. In the case of an overload-
ing conditions. The mechanical requirements ing, the MO resistors either spark-over or break
and the artificial pollution requirements of MO down and tend to create a permanent short
arresters with polymer housing are still in discus- circuit. An arc results inside the arrester and the
sion in the international standardization bodies. current in this arc is defined by the short circuit
power of the system. With the ABB arresters
with silicone housing there is no danger of ex-
4.1 Abnormal service conditions plosion or shattering in case of an overload.
Some typical abnormal service conditions are: There is no air space between the active part of
n Ambient temperature above +40 °C or below the arrester and its silicone insulation, thus there
–40 °C is no space for the pressure to build up. The
n Service at altitudes above 1,000 m occurring arc (or sparks) escapes the silicon in-
n Gas or steam that can lead to damage to sulation as soon as it occurs and thus is freed.
the insulation surfaces or damage to the Because of their special construction, the arrest-
connections ers are protected from explosion up to the high-
n Heavy air pollution (smoke, dust, salt fog, est short circuit currents.
other dirt deposits)
n High humidity (condensation water, steam)

n Life line washing

n Areas with risks of explosion

n Unusual mechanical conditions

n Frequencies of the system voltage under

48 Hz or above 62 Hz

ABB High Voltage Products 27


4.3 Mechanical stability Neither the function nor the properties of the
ABB arresters are operationally reliable even in insulation of MO arresters with silicon housing
areas of high earthquake activity. The arresters are affected by using environmentally safe
may partially take on the support function, or as cleaning agents. The easiest way to clean silicon
line arresters, they may have the function of surfaces is the use of a soft cloth and clear
suspension insulators. The manufacturer should water.
be informed about such operational situations.
The values listed in the Table 3 are not to be ex-
ceeded. The arrester types, which are to be ap- 4.6 Altitude adjustment of
plied on rolling stock, are delivered with a rein- arrester housing
forced base plate and are tested under vibration ABB arresters can be used without any housing
and shock conditions. adjustment up to a height of 1,800 m above sea
level. At higher altitudes, the air density may be
so low that the withstand voltage of the arrester
4.4 Elevated ambient temperature housing (external flashover) is no longer suffi-
ABB arresters (a.c. and d.c. voltage) are guaran- cient. In this case, the unaltered active part of
teed to function flawlessly up to 40 °C ambient the arrester (same protection level) has to be
temperature. This also includes maximum solar placed in an elongated housing with a longer
radiation of 1.1 kW/m2 for outdoor arresters. flashover distance. As a reference value, one
If there are heat sources in the vicinity of the may consider that for every 1,000 m above
arrester, the increased ambient temperature has 1,800 m above sea level the flashover distance
to be taken into account, and the value of Uc in- has to be increased by 12 %. For example, at an
creased if necessary. If the ambient temperature altitude of 3,300 m above sea level the flashover
exceeds 40 °C, Uc should be increased by 2 %, distance of the housing has to be 18 % longer
for every 5 °C of temperature elevation. This than that of a standard arrester.
correction is possible up to maximum of 80 °C It is necessary to observe here that the flashover
ambient temperature. distances of surge arresters for lower voltage
levels are initially relatively large, exceeding the
minimum requirements of the withstand volt-
4.5 Pollution and cleaning age. Thus, in each individual case it should be
Silicone is the best insulating material in case of checked whether the standard housing pos-
pollution. This is mainly because the material is sesses the sufficient withstanding voltage for the
water-repellent (hydrophobic). Silicone arrest- application in higher altitudes.
ers behave more favorably under conditions of
heavy pollution than porcelain housed arresters
or other polymeric insulation materials.
Decisive for the long-term behavior under
pollution of an insulation made of a polymeric
material is the dynamic behavior of the hydro-
phobicity, which is originally always very good.
Depending on the material, a loss of hydropho-
bicity can be permanent or temporary. Silicone
in contrast to other polymeric materials is able
to regain its hydrophobicity after losing it tem-

28 ABB High Voltage Products

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Arresters manufactured by ABB Switzerland Ltd Residual voltage tests

are tested according to the current international These tests determine the voltage-current char-
IEC standards. The IEC 60099-4, edition 2.1, acteristic in the high current range. The residual
2006-07 [4] is applicable for the MO arresters voltage for steep current impulse, lightning
with polymer housing. current impulse and switching current impulse
of different amplitudes is determined and given
either in tables or in a curve form. The residual
5.1 Type tests voltage tests are generally performed on MO
The development of an arrester design ends resistors.
with type tests. They are the proof that the
arrester construction observes the applicable Long-duration current impulse withstand test
standards. These tests need be repeated only if This test should prove that the MO resistors
changes in the construction also cause changes withstand the specified energy stress without
to proved properties or characteristics. In such puncture or flashover. Therefore this is a mate-
cases, only the affected tests need be repeated. rial test. Each test with long-duration current im-
The type tests that are to be performed on the pulse has 18 impulses, which are divided into
MO arresters with polymer housing are briefly 6 groups of 3 impulses. The period of time
explained in the following paragraphs. among the impulses of a group is 50 s to 60 s;
among different groups the cooling down of the
Insulation withstand tests on the arrester housing MO resistors to room temperature is permitted.
The insulation withstand tests demonstrate the The test is generally performed at room temper-
voltage withstand capability of the external in- ature and on single MO resistors.
sulation of the arrester housing. The withstand The applied currents arise from the requests
values to be proved are calculated from the to the line discharge class test. The higher the
residual voltages of the arrester. The withstand line discharge class, the higher is the requested
values of the arresters having a rated voltage applied energy.
lower than 200 kV (this means all arresters used
in medium voltage systems) are tested with the Accelerated ageing procedure
lightning impulse voltage (wave shape 1.2/50 µs) This test determines the voltages Uc* and Ur* to
under dry conditions, and with a one minute be applied during the operating duty tests. In
a.c. voltage test. The a.c. voltage test is per- this way, it is possible to perform the operating
formed in a rainy environment for the arresters duty tests with new MO resistors.
that are intended for outdoor use. The arresters The test is performed on MO resistors in the
intended for indoor use are tested in a dry en- same environmental conditions as are the ser-
vironment with the a.c. voltage test. vice conditions of the arresters. Therefore, the
See also chapter 7.3 Selection of surge arrester MO resistors of the directly molded arresters
housing. have also to be molded with the same material
during the accelerated ageing test.

ABB High Voltage Products 29


The MO resistors have to withstand a voltage The operating duty test is performed on electri-
higher than Uc in an oven at a temperature of cal-thermal equivalent models of an arrester.
115 °C for a period of 1,000 h. To be recorded The operating duty test can also be performed
for this period is whether the power losses on complete arresters with the medium voltage
increase, and if so, by how much. The behavior arresters if the labs have the necessary equip-
of the power losses during the accelerating age- ment.
ing test can indicate the behavior of the power
losses of the MO resistors in the systems Verification of the power-frequency voltage-
throughout the entire service life. versus-time characteristic (TOV curve)
MO resistors manufactured by ABB Switzerland The last part of the relevant operating duty test
Ltd provide stable long-term behavior. That is to be repeated in order to experimentally
means that they do not show any change of the determine the TOV curve. An a.c. voltage U,
power losses, which would make it necessary to having a variable height and duration is applied
correct the applied test voltages of Uc* and Ur*. after the energy input and before the voltage Uc*
instead of the rated voltage Ur * . It is considered
Operating duty tests to be sufficient to verify three points on the TOV
The arresters have to withstand the combined curve experientially.
stresses during the service, as proved in the op-
erating duty test. These stresses should not lead Short-circuit tests
to any damage or thermal failures. Surge arresters are not allowed to explode in
The high current impulse operating duty test is case of overloading. This is to be proved with a
used for the 10 kA arresters of the line discharge short circuit test. The way the short circuit is ini-
class 1 (and for arresters without line discharge tiated in the arrester depends on its construc-
class). The thermal stress is thus applied tion. Directly molded medium voltage arresters
through a specified current impulse. are electrical pre-damaged, that is they are
The switching surge operation duty test with made low ohmic through applying an increased
long-duration current impulse is used for the voltage and afterwards they are connected to
10 kA arresters of the line discharge classes 2 the actual test so that the short circuit develops
and 3 and for the 20 kA arresters of the line itself inside the arrester. This is a form of an
discharge classes 4 and 5. The applied energy is overload, which looks very much alike the one
calculated according to the line discharge class taking place in the arrester under real condi-
for each arrester in turn. tions in service.
The arrester passed the test when thermal stabil- The admissible short circuit currents for arrest-
ity was achieved; the residual voltage measured ers are specified by the manufacturer.
before and after the test did not change by more
than 5 % and the examination of the test
samples did not reveal any evidence of punc-
ture, flashover, cracking or other significant
damage of the non-linear metal oxide resistors.

30 ABB High Voltage Products

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Internal partial discharge test Weather ageing test

The test shall be performed on the arrester’s This test demonstrates the ability of the arrester
longest electrical unit. Apart from possible inter- to withstand specific climatic conditions. There
nal partial discharges, it is mainly intended to are two described test series.
determine whether there is any contact noise in n The test series A require a test of 1,000 h

the directly molded arresters. under salt fog conditions. This test must be
performed on the highest electrical unit with
Test of the bending moment the minimum specific creepage distance.
This test demonstrates the ability of the arrester As a rule, the largest arrester is tested with the
to withstand the manufacture’s declared values medium voltage arresters.
for bending loads. As a rule, an arrester is not In case of severe environmental conditions, (in-
designed for torsional loading. If an arrester is tense solar radiation, heavy pollution, tempera-
subjected to torsional loads, a specific test may ture and humidity fluctuation, etc.) and upon
be necessary by agreement between the manu- agreement between the manufacturer and the
facturer and the user. user, a test of 5,000 h according to test series B
The manufacturer provides information about may be performed.
the admissible mechanical loads for the arrester. n Test series B consists of various stresses

in a cyclic manner:
Moisture ingress test – Solar radiation (UV stress)
This test demonstrates the ability of the arrester – Artificial rain
to resist ingress of moisture after being sub- – Dry heat
jected to specified mechanical stresses. – Damp heat (near saturation)
It is a tightness test for the complete arrester. It – High humidity at room temperature
consists of a thermo-mechanical precondition- – Salt fog
ing applied to the arrester; the arrester is A cycle lasts 24 hours; the total duration of the
stressed mechanically in different directions test is 5,000 h.
with different temperatures. Afterwards, the The tests are regarded as passed if no tracking
complete arrester is immersed in boiling water occurs, if erosions do not occur through the en-
for 42 hours. After this time, a verification test is tire thickness of the external coating up to the
performed and the measured values are com- next layer of material, if the sheds and core are
pared with the initial measurements. not punctured and if the electrical characteris-
tics did not fundamentally change.
The arresters with silicone housing have no
problem passing the 5,000 h cyclic test, because
of the dynamical hydrophobicity of the silicone

ABB High Voltage Products 31


5.2 Routine tests Tightness test (leakage check)

Routine tests are performed on each arrester or This test demonstrates that the construction of
parts of an arrester (for example, on MO resis- the arrester is tight. The manufacturer has to
tors). According to the IEC, there are at least the choose a procedure which is sensitive enough.
following tests to be performed: This test is not applicable for arresters that are
completely molded in silicone.
Measurement of reference voltage
The reference voltage is measured with the ref- Current distribution test
erence current specified by the manufacturer. The current distribution test is to be performed
The measured values should be within the range on MO arresters with parallel MO resistors or
specified by the manufacturer. At ABB this mea- parallel columns of MO resistors. Arresters with
surement is performed on each MO resistor and one column only are naturally not to be sub-
on each MO arrester. jected to such a test.

Residual voltage tests Apart from the routine tests considered as a

The residual voltage is measured on each MO minimum request by the IEC, ABB Switzerland
resistor at a current value of 10 kA with a current Ltd performs additional routine tests on MO re-
rise time of 8 µs, which is normally a lightning sistors and arresters to assure a high quality.
current impulse (or the nominal current). The This includes:
residual voltages of the MO resistors inside an n Measurement of the total leakage current on

arrester can be directly added up and they rep- each arrester at Uc

resent the total residual voltage of the arrester. n Regular measurement of the power losses

on the MO resistors and arresters

Internal partial discharge test n Examination of the energy handling capa-

This test is performed on each arrester unit. In bility of MO resistors with current impulses
case of medium voltage arresters, the test is n A reduced accelerating ageing test on some

normally performed on each complete arrester. MO resistors from each production lot.
This test is performed at 1.05 × Uc. The mea-
sured value of the internal partial discharges is
not allowed to exceed 10 pC according to the
IEC. ABB Switzerland Ltd’s internal guidelines
require a value less than 5 pC, which means vir-
tually no partial discharges. During this test the
arrester can be screened off from the external
partial discharges.

32 ABB High Voltage Products

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5.3 Acceptance tests 5.4 Special tests

Standard acceptance tests include: As part of the development of the arresters, ad-
n Measurement of the reference voltage ditional tests were performed in cooperation
on the arrester with users and research institutes. These tests
n Measurement of the residual voltage on the were performed to examine the behavior of MO
arrester or arrester unit arresters with silicone housings under special
n Test of the internal partial discharges conditions [2].
The acceptance tests are to be agreed upon
when the products are ordered. The tests are Temperature cycles
performed on the nearest lower whole number The construction and also the materials used for
to the cube root of the number of arresters to be the MO arresters manufactured by ABB Switzer-
supplied. land Ltd tolerate temperatures up to –60 °C and
The proof of the thermal stability of an arrester extreme changes in temperature between –40 °C
as part of the acceptance test requires additional and +40 °C without any changes to the mechan-
agreement between manufacturer and pur- ical and the electrical qualities. The construction
chaser and it is to be explicitly specified in the of the arrester and especially the surface of the
order. This is necessary, because the proof of silicon were not harmed in any way by ice dur-
thermal stability means that a part of the oper- ing cyclic freezing.
ating duty test has to be performed. This test is
expensive and can be performed only in labo- Humidity tests
ratories that have the necessary equipment and The electrical behavior of the directly with silicon
they have to be booked in advance. molded arresters are not influenced by humidity
during long duration tests, which lasted more
than 2 years and during which the arresters
were subjected to a relative air-humidity of more
than 90 % and also to regular rain.

Behavior in fire
Silicon is a self-extinguishing material. If silicon
catches fire as a result of a flame or an electric
arc and the cause of the fire is removed or
switched off, then the burning silicon extin-
guishes itself in about one minute. To be found
on the burnt patch is only non-toxic burnt sili-
con, which is in fact nothing else but fine quartz
sand. Smoke analyses show no toxic gases occur
as a result of fire.

ABB High Voltage Products 33



The manner in which the star point is treated A system is considered effectively earthed if the
has a fundamental influence on the height of earth fault factor k does not have a value higher
the current, which occurs in cases of failure than 1.4 anywhere in the system. This is the
with the earth connection, on temporary over- case in systems that are described as solid or
voltages with power frequency and transient directly earthed. If the earth fault factor is higher
overvoltages. Single-phase-to-earth faults (earth than 1.4 at any point in the system, then this is
fault, earth short circuit) are the most frequent considered as being ineffectively earthed. In
failures in medium and high voltage systems. such systems, the star point is insulated (also
Low currents at the failure point tend to be con- described as open) or compensated. In the fol-
nected with high and long existing temporary lowing chapters, different star point treatments
overvoltages of the sound phases. This is the are briefly explained and the important charac-
case with systems having an insulated star point teristic values for the choice of the MO arresters
or earth fault compensation. The single-phase are specified.
earth fault is registered and quickly switched off
by the system protection in systems with low
ohmic star point earthing. See also [12].

Figure 20: Basic circuit of

a medium voltage transformer
with a star connection with Trafo i
L1 L1
open star point (Mp). Specified L2
are the voltages and currents Mp U LL= U s
in case of symmetrical load,
i.e. in an undisturbed service L3
case. All voltages U LE are
equally high. The voltage of
the star point U Mp-E relative U LL
U Mp-E = 0 U LE
to the earth is zero. The volt-
age triangle is provided on
the right side for better under- L3

34 ABB High Voltage Products

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6.1 Systems with insulated star point 6.2 Systems with earth fault compensation
As a rule, these are systems of small extension, These are mostly overhead line systems with
auxiliary power systems for power stations or system voltages between 10 kV and 110 kV.
station services. A capacitive earth failure cur- One or more transformer star points in these
rent ICe of about 5 A to 30 A flows in case of systems are earthed with high ohmic Peterson
failure. coils. An earth fault residual current I Rest of ap-
The earth fault factor is: proximately 5 A to 60 A flows in case of a fault.
The earth fault factor is:
k ≈ √3
k ≈ (1.0 … 1.1) × √3
In case of intermittent earth faults, the earth
fault factor can reach values up to k = 1.9. The The earth fault factor can reach a value of 1.9
duration of the failure may last up to several in unfavorable situations, such as in the case of
hours. intermittent earth faults. As in the systems with an
insulated star point, the duration of the failure
may last up to several hours.

Figure 21: A single pole earth

fault occurs in the described
Trafo i system in Figure 20, i.e.
L1 L1 L2
the line L3 touches the earth.
Mp The voltage U L3-E moves
U L1-E U L2-E towards zero, the voltages
L3 U L1-E and U L2-E move to the
Ck U Mp-E value of the system voltage U s ,
U LL = U s as it is to be seen in the
U Mp-E = U LE I Ce U=0 U = U s = √3 × U LE I Ce voltage triangle (right). The
voltage of the star point of
transformer is U Mp-E = U s /√3.
L3 The earth fault current I Ce is
I Ce # 30A RE defined through the capacities
C k of the lines L1 and L2
towards the surrounding earth.

ABB High Voltage Products 35


6.3 Systems with low ohmic star point The fault current is in the range of 500 A to
earthing 2,000 A. The fault duration is in the range of a
A system with low ohmic star point earthing is few seconds maximum.
provided if the star point of one or more trans- A special case of the low ohmic star point earth-
formers are directly earthed or through current ing is the so-called direct or solid star point
limiting impedances. The system protection is earthing. This kind of star point earthing is prin-
set up so that even a single line-to-earth fault at cipally used for all the systems with system volt-
any place in the system causes an automatic ages of 220 kV and above, but it can also be
fault clearing. found in medium voltage systems.
These are typical cable systems in towns with The earth fault factor is:
system voltages between 10 kV and 110 kV. In
case of a failure, the earth short circuit current k = (0.75 …≤ 0.8) × √3, that is k ≤ 1.4
I k flows, which leads to an immediate auto-
matic clearing of the fault. As a rule, the dura- In medium voltage systems the short circuit cur-
tion of the failure is limited to Tk < 0.5 s. In un- rent can be as high as IK = 20 kA, and conse-
favorable situations, the duration of the failure quently the failure has to be cleared in less than
can last up to 3 s in medium voltage systems. 0.5 seconds.
The earth fault factor is:

k = (0.8 … 1.0) × √3

In case of low ohmic earthing, one has to dis-

tinguish between inductive earthing (neutral re-
actor) and resistive earthing (earthing resistor).
In case of single pole earth faults with resistive
current limitation earth fault factors of k = 2.0
can appear.

Figure 22: A system with

earth fault compensation is
Trafo i
described here. The star point L1
L1 L2
Mp of the transformer is
earthed high ohmic through a L2
U L1-E U L2-E
Peterson coil L. If a single pole
earth fault occurs, then this U Mp-E
results in the voltage relation-
L U LL = U s
ship shown in Figure 21.
IL I Rest U=0 U = Us Ic
The fault current can flow back
into the system in this case
through the inductance L. L3
The earth fault residual current RE RE
I Rest arises from the currents I Rest = I c – I L # 60A
I C and I L, which have opposite

36 ABB High Voltage Products

Figure 23: The star point of
the transformer is low ohmic
Trafo i
L1 L1 L2 earthed through an ohmic
earthing resistance. The earth
L2 short circuit current I k can
U L1-E U L2-E
flow directly into the system
U Mp-E through the ohmic resistance
R in case of an earth fault.
U LL = U s
Ik U=0 U = √3 × U LE

I k = 500… 2000A

Figure 24: Another option for

low ohmic earthing of the
Trafo i
L1 L1 L2 star point is the use of an
inductive neutral reactor. The
L2 fault current I k flows directly
U L1-E U L2-E
into the system through the
U Mp-E neutral reactor, similar to the
case described in Figure 23.
U LL = U s Neutral reactor coils can be
Ik U=0 U = √3 × U LE
loaded at most 3 s, which
is the reason why the system
L3 must be switched off after 3 s
RE in case of a low ohmic induc-
I k = 500… 2000A tive earthing.

Figure 25: If the star point of

the transformer is directly
Trafo i
L1 L1 L2 (or solid) earthed, a very high
short circuit current flows at
L2 once, in case of a short circuit,
U L1-E U L2-E
and the failure is immediately
U Mp-E switched off (t ≤ 0.5 s).

U LL = U s
IK IK U=0 U = √3 × U LE

I K # 20kA

ABB High Voltage Products 37



7.1 Determination of the continuous As a rule, in medium voltage systems the with-
operating voltage Uc stand voltage values of the insulation are rather
While choosing the continuous operating volt- high in relation to the system voltage; see Table
age Uc, it is necessary to ensure that under no 7. This means that the distance between the
circumstances can the arrester be overloaded lightning impulse withstand voltage LIWV and
due to the voltage with power frequency. In this the residual voltage Ures of a MO arrester is
way, the arrester meets the requirements of the always sufficient. On the other hand, the system
operating system. Therefore, the continuous op- conditions and the maximum system voltage Us
erating voltage Uc of the arrester is to be chosen are not always clearly known.
in such a way that the arrester cannot become That is why it always makes sense to set the
instable either through the continuous applied continuous operating voltage Uc of a MO arrest-
voltage coming from the system, or through er somewhat higher than the calculated minimal
temporary overvoltages that may occur. value that is required. This “safety margin” con-
In selecting the Uc of an arrester in a three- tributes to a secure and reliable operational sys-
phase system, the location of the arrester plays tem. A safety margin of 10 % or more is recom-
the deciding role: between conductor and earth, mended when choosing the Uc unless there are
between the transformer neutral and earth or explicit technical reasons for not doing so.
between two phases.
The maximum operating voltage at the arrester The thermal stability of the surge arrester in the
terminals can be calculated with the help of the system is always to be preferred over a fully opti-
maximum system voltage Us. mized protection level.
In medium voltage systems, special attention
must be paid to potential temporary overvolt- The examination of the residual voltage of the
ages U TOV. They occur during earth faults and chosen arrester and eventually the examination
they depend on the treatment of the star point of the resulting protection distance are neces-
of the transformers and the system manage- sary in any case.
Thus results generally the demand for the con-
tinuous operating voltage:

Uc ≥

38 ABB High Voltage Products

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7.1.1 Systems with insulated neutral or 7.1.2 Systems with high ohmic insulated
with earth fault compensation neutral system and
The voltage increases at the “healthy” phases to automatic earth fault clearing
a maximum of Us under earth-fault conditions. The same voltages occur as described in section
This results in 7.1.1 in case of an earth fault. However, an
immediate automatic fault clearing enables a
Uc ≥ Us reduction of Uc by the factor T. Naturally, it is
decisive to know the level of the possible tem-
for the arrester between phase and earth. porary overvoltage as well as the maximum
time for the clearing of the earth fault. Making
The voltage at transformer neutral can reach a use of the TOV curve this results in
maximum of Us / √3. This results in
Us Uc ≥
Uc ≥
for the arrester between phase and earth,
for the arrester between transformer neutral and
earth. Us
In every system there exist inductances and ca- Uc ≥
T × √3
pacitances which produce oscillating circuits. If
their resonant frequency is close to that of the for the arrester between transformer neutral and
operating frequency, the voltage between the earth.
phase conductor and earth could basically be-
come higher than that of Us in single-pole earth
faults. The system management should avoid
the occurrence of such resonances. If this is not
possible, then the Uc should be correspondingly
In systems with earth fault compensation the
earth fault factor can reach a value of 1.9 in
unfavorable conditions. This is to be taken into
account by increasing the continuous voltage by
10 %.

ABB High Voltage Products 39


7.1.3 Systems with low ohmic insulated star 7.1.4 Systems with low ohmic neutral
point, or with solidly earthed transformer earthing that
star point (k ≤ 1.4), respectively do not uniformly have k ≤ 1.4
In these types of systems there are so many For arresters in the vicinity of neutral earthed
transformers in low ohmic neutral earthing that transformers, Uc can be chosen according to
during an earth fault the phase voltage in the Section 7.1.3, because k ≤ 1.4 is applicable here.
complete system never exceeds 1.4 p.u. (earth Care is required if the arresters are located just
fault factor k ≤ 1.4). The result is therefore a few kilometers from the transformer. This can
U TOV ≤ 1.4 × Us / √3. It can be assumed that the be the case if, for instance, a cable is connected
clearing time of the earth fault is t = 3 s at the to an overhead line, and the cable bushing is
most. In Figure 19 the described TOV curve for protected with a surge arrester. In case of very
the arrester MWK lists T = 1.28 as a result, so dry soil or rocks (such as in desert regions or
that it may be written mountains) the earthing resistance is very high
and it is possible that at the point of the arrester
k × Us 1.4 × Us 1.1 × Us installation the phase to earth voltage comes
Uc ≥ = = very close to the system voltage Us. In this case
T × √3 1.28 × √3 √3
the procedure described in Section 7.1.2 should
for arresters between phase and earth. be followed:
This simple equation can be generally used as a
rule of thumb for systems with direct earthed Us
neutral. Uc ≥
The voltage of the neutral of the earthed trans-
formers reaches a maximum U TOV = 0.4 × Us. It may also be possible that the fault current in
This results in case of an earth fault is so small that no auto-
matic clearing occurs. In such cases, it is better
0.4 × Us to choose the Uc for the arrester similar to the
Uc ≥ = 0,32 × Us system voltage, which means:

for arresters between transformer neutral and Uc ≥ Us


Figure 26: Overvoltage pro-

tection between phases and a) b)
Uc ^ Us
between phase and earth.
a) 6-arrester arrangement with
Uc ≥ Us for all arresters. T T
L1 L1
b) Neptune design. A1, A2, A3
and A4 are 4 similar arresters, L2 L2
each with Uc ≥ 0.667 × Us.
T is the transformer to be L3 L3
Uc ^ Us A1 A2 A3

A4 U c ^ 0,667 3 U s

40 ABB High Voltage Products

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7.1.5 Systems with low ohmic arresters A1 and A4 are connected parallel. Since
neutral earthing and k > 1.4 the arresters behave in a capacitive manner dur-
This refers to systems that are earthed with im- ing continuous operating voltage, all 4 arresters
pedance so that the fault current may be lim- now form an asymmetrical capacitive system.
ited, for example, to 2 kA. In case of an earth The result of this is that the voltage at the arrest-
fault, the voltage increases in the “healthy” ers A2 and A3 reaches the value 0.667 × Us.
phases up to Us. With pure ohmic neutral earth- Therefore, all 4 arresters are to be dimensioned
ing the voltage can also be 5 % higher than Us. for
Assuming that the automatic fault clearing
time is 10 s maximum, it is possible to choose Uc ≥ 0.667 × Us
T = 1.25. This results in:
The protection level of this arrangement, which
1.05 × Us has always two arresters in series, is therefore
Uc ≥ = 0.84 × Us similar to the one offered by the arrester with
Uc ≥ 1.334 × Us. The residual voltage of this ar-
rester combination is therefore also 33 % higher
7.1.6 Arresters between phases than that of the 6-arrester arrangement. 6-arrester arrangement

In special cases, such as in arc furnace installa- 7.1.7 Operating voltage with
tions, switching overvoltages occur, which are harmonic oscillation
insufficiently limited by arresters between phase Harmonic currents generate harmonic oscilla-
and earth. In such cases, it is necessary to install tions superimposed upon the power frequency
additional arresters between the phases, with voltage. For this reason it is possible that the
peak value of phase-to-phase voltage Us can be
Uc ≥ Us higher than √2 × Us. If this difference is less than
5 %, then a correspondingly higher Uc has to be
for arresters between the conductors. used. On the other hand, if due to the harmon-
The protection consists of a total of six arresters, ics the voltage increase is higher than 5 %, the
three between the phases and the earth and choice of Uc should be discussed with the arrest-
three between the phases (6-arrester arrange- er manufacturer. The same applies for forms of
ment); see Figure 26. voltage that can often be seen in the vicinity of
thyristor converters: voltage steps, ignition Neptune design peaks, and asymmetries in the two half cycles.
A variation of the 6-arrester arrangement is an Commutation overshoots with a high repetition
arrangement called a “Neptune design” because rate, or other voltage spikes, which are common
of its arrangement of the arresters. It consists of for drives and converters, can generally not be
four similar arresters. Two arresters in series are limited by gapless MO arresters. This is not a
fitted between the phases and the earth and also typical application for MO surge arresters. In
between the phases, as shown in Figure 26. This case of commutation overshoots and other su-
arrangement permits an overvoltage protection perimposed voltage spikes, special criteria for
both between the phases and between the the dimensioning of MO arresters have to be
phases and the earth. This kind of arrangement considered. This makes a close cooperation and
however, has a fundamental disadvantage in detailed discussion between the user and manu-
comparison to the 6-arrester arrangement. For facturer necessary.
example, in case of an earth fault at Phase 1, the

ABB High Voltage Products 41


7.2 Selection of nominal discharge current the energy which must be applied with two
and line discharge class long-duration current impulses during the oper-
The nominal discharge current In is used to clas- ating duty test as a proof of thermal stability. In
sify the MO arrester. In IEC 60099-4 there are this case, the applied energy is specified accord-
five different values, each of them assigned to ing to a line discharge class.
different areas of the rated voltage Ur. However, The higher the line discharge class, the higher
the figure alone does not say anything about the the applied energy also is. That makes it clear
operation properties of an arrester. For example, that the MO arresters with In = 10 kA as well as
a 10 kA arrester can discharge without difficulty those with In = 20 kA can have very different
much higher lightning current impulses without operating properties. Therefore, the classifi-
getting any damages. The real meaning of this cation of a MO arrester is not only dependent
classification lies in the fact that depending on on the nominal discharge current In, but partic-
the class there are different demands and test ularly on the combination of In and the line dis-
conditions specified. charge class.
Primarily, there are the 5 kA and 10 kA arresters It is therefore enough to mention the nominal
that are used in medium voltage systems. The discharge current In and the line discharge class
high current impulses Ihc are assigned to the in order to specify a MO arrester. Other addi-
nominal discharge currents In as it can be seen tional requests, such as special energies or cur-
in Table 1. The line discharge class can also be rents, can only lead to over definition or even
found in the table. The operating duty test to be misunderstandings.
performed is now clearly prescribed together
with the nominal discharge current and the line
discharge class.
The energy used as a proof of thermal stability
is applied with a high current impulse of 65 kA,
respectively 100 kA, during the operating duty
test on 5 kA arresters and 10 kA arresters of line
discharge class 1. Therefore, it is a current that
is prescribed and injected and not an energy
that is specified.
The main difference between 10 kA and 20 kA
is the line discharge classes to which they are
assigned. The 10 kA arresters are assigned to
the classes 1 to 3 and the 20 kA arresters are
assigned to the classes 4 and 5. According to the
line discharge class, it is necessary to calculate

Table 6: Correlation of
the degree of pollution and Degree of pollution Shortest recommended Possible reduction of the creepage
creepage distance in mm/kV* distance with silicon insulation
the creepage distance.
* Corresponding to IEC 815, the I LIGHT 16 30 %
shortest nominal creepage distance II MEDIUM 20 20 %
for insulators between phase and
III STRONG 25 No reduction recommended
earth, related to the maximum voltage
for equipment (phase to phase). IV VERY STRONG 31 No reduction

42 ABB High Voltage Products

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7.3 Selection of arrester housing 507 [14] and IEC 815 [15], see Table 6. In fact,
As previously mentioned, silicone, or EPDM is this table can be used only for glass and porce-
almost exclusively used today as housing ma- lain insulators. It is, however, shown here,
terial for medium voltage arresters. Silicone is because the creepage distances are given or
increasingly gaining acceptance due to its excel- demanded in many specifications and there are
lent protection behavior especially in regard to currently no corresponding values for the poly-
pollution. mer insulations.
The choice of the housing for MO arresters in It is possible, however, to specify the reductions
medium voltage systems is not critical. The of the creepage distances for synthetic mate-
flashover distance of the arrester housing and rials, which have a regenerative hydrophobicity
the creepage distance along the surface of the such as silicone, towards ceramic insulations
housing are to be taken in account. [16]. These reductions can also be found in
The minimum flashover distance is determined Table 6.
by the required withstand values of the test volt- The same creepage distances should be used as
ages which have to be applied in the relevant a basis for synthetic materials, which have a
withstand tests, the lightning voltage impulse permanent loss of hydrophobicity, such as
test and the a.c. withstand test with power fre- EPDM, as for ceramic insulators.
quency for 1 min.
The height of the test voltage to be applied is
related to the protection characteristic of the Notice: The creepage distance is often specified in rela-
MO arrester. The test voltage during the test tion to the continuous operating voltage Uc, because
with lightning voltage impulse must be 1.3 pollution problems and flash-overs are always con-
times the residual voltage of the arrester at In. nected to the actual a.c. voltage applied at the arrester.
The housings for 10 kA and 20 kA arresters with Therefore, it is important to carefully consider the volt-
a rated voltage Ur < 200 kV, i.e. all the medium age to which the creepage requirements are related.
voltage arresters, must withstand for one minute
an a.c. voltage test with a peak value of the test-
ing voltage 1.06 times of the protective level for As a rule, the mechanical loads are low with
the switching surges. medium voltage arresters. All ABB medium volt-
The resulting values for the arrester housings age arresters can be installed in regions where
are as a rule lower than the insulation values for earthquakes occur. Horizontal installation is
insulations of devices and installations. This is possible. If the arresters have to bear additional
proper because the voltage at the arrester is mechanical loads besides their own weight and
determined by the voltage-current-characteristic the normal wind and ice loads, which exceed
curve of the active part and the arrester the guarantee data, then the manufacturer
naturally protects its own housing against over- should be contacted.
The real provable withstand values of the hous-
ing are generally higher than the demanded
minimum values corresponding to IEC, espe-
cially with arresters for the lower voltage levels.
The behavior of the external insulation under
pollution and applied operating a.c. voltage is
important and determines the creepage dis-
tance. The pollution classes and the respectively
specific creepage distances are specified in IEC

ABB High Voltage Products 43



The higher its lightning impulse withstand volt- 8.1 Traveling waves
age (LIWV) lies above the residual voltage of Voltage and current impulses having a rise time
the arrester at nominal discharge current In, the shorter than the traveling time of an electromag-
better the equipment is protected against light- netic wave along the line, travel along the line
ning overvoltages. as traveling waves. This means that (disregard-
ing damping) the current and voltage impulse
travels along the line without changing its form.
Note: The acronym “BIL”, which is often used for “basic Therefore, it is in another place at a later time.
lightning impulse insulation level” is exclusively to be Current and voltage are connected to one an-
found in the US standards (IEEE/ANSI Standards). It is other because of the surge impedance of the
similar to the “lightning impulse withstand voltage” line. The surge impedance results from the in-
(LIWV) as used in the IEC definition. ductance and capacitance per unit length of the
line, disregarding the ohmic resistance per unit
length and the cunductance of the insulation.
Modern MO arresters with a residual voltage of
Ures ≤ 3.33 × Uc (VDE recommendation) at I n √L’
maintain a value of Upl ≤ 4 p.u., even in systems Z =
with high-ohmic earthed or insulated trans-
former neutrals. The Upl is the lightning impulse L’ = Inductance per unit length in H/km
C’ = Capacitance per unit length in F/km
protection level of the arrester [1].
Table 7 shows a summary of the typical values.
It should be noted that the specified residual Only the voltage impulses are important when
voltages Ures from the data sheets apply for the analyzing the overvoltages.
terminals of the arrester, which means they are When a voltage traveling wave on a line
valid only for the place where the arrester is in- reaches a point of discontinuity, i.e. a change in
stalled. The voltage at the devices that are to be the surge impedance, part of the voltage is “re-
protected is always higher than the voltage that flected” backward and a part is transmitted for-
is directly at the arrester terminals in view of the ward. This means that voltage decreases and
reflections of the overvoltages at the end of voltage increases appear on the connections of
lines. the overhead lines to the cable, and at the end
Therefore, the overvoltage protection no longer of the line. Especially at the end of the line,
exists if the arrester is placed too far from the such as at open connections or transformers,
device to be protected. The protective distance L there appear reflections, which lead to a dou-
is understood to be the maximum distance be- bling of the voltage. The height of the voltage
tween the arrester and the equipment, at which for each moment and for each place on the line
the latter is still sufficiently protected. is the sum of the respective present values of all

Table 7: Typical values of the Um in kV rms 3.6 7.2 12 17.5 24 36

lightning impulse withstanding
LIWV in kV pv 40 60 75 95 125 170
voltage LIWV according to IEC
[1] and the lightning impulse Upl in kV pv 11.8 23.5 39.2 57.2 78.4 117.6
protection level Upl = 4 p.u. LIWV/Upl 3.39 2.55 1.91 1.66 1.59 1.45

44 ABB High Voltage Products

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voltage waves. The principles of traveling wave reflected when the voltage wave arrives at the
phenomena are briefly explained in the follow- arrester and it is sent towards the transformer.
ing figures. The height and the steepness of the voltage be-
An overvoltage wave travels along the line and tween the arrester and the transformer decline.
is limited to Ures at the arrester. The wave, At the same time, as the arrester starts to limit,
which travels on, is reflected positively at the a negative voltage wave is sent from the arrester
transformer. A voltage with a double steepness in the opposite direction of the incoming over-
occurs at the transformer. This voltage travels voltage.
back towards the arrester. The arrester dis-
charges the lightning current towards the earth,
therefore it can be considered as a short circuit
at this point. Therefore, the voltage is negatively

Figure 27: Traveling waves on an overhead line F with the surge impedance ZL = 450 Ω. A transformer is connected at the end of the line.
In front of the transformer there is a MO arrester.

150 150 150 150

Uv 2×S
120 120 120 120
S S 2×S S
90 90 90 90
U 1v U 1v U T ≈ 72 kV U 1v U T = 2 × U res = 144 kV
60 60 60 60
30 30 30 30
U 1r U 1r
0 0 0 0
Ur U 2v Ur U 2v
-30 -30 -30 -30
Ur Ur
-60 -60 -60 -60
-90 -90 -90 -90
x x x x

F XA Z L = 450 Ω F XA Z L =450 Ω F XA Z L =450 Ω XT F XA Z L =450 Ω XT

i i Z T => ∞ i Z T => ∞ i Z T => ∞

U res = 72 kV U res =72 kV U res =72 kV U res =72 kV

a) An overvoltage U v with the steepness b) If the transient wave U 1v reaches c) The voltage U 1r reached the arrester d) The voltage U 2v arrives at the
S travels along the line with the speed a transformer with Z T = ∞ on the and is negatively reflected there (U 2v) spot X T (transformer) again. Meanwhile,
v = 300 m/µs. spot X T, it is positively reflected. On the and travels again in the direction of the maximum possible voltage
An arrester with U res = 72 kV is installed spot X T a voltage U T with the double the transformer. The voltage is held at U T = 2 × U res = 144 kV was built up
on the spot XA. If the onward traveling steepness S is built up, which reaches U res = 72 kV on the spot XA (arrester) and at the transformer. The voltage U 2v, again
voltage reaches the value Uv = 72 kV, the about 72 kV at the moment described. on the spot X t (transformer) the voltage is positively reflected, should travel back in
MO arrester limits and holds the voltage The reflected voltage U 1r at the trans- still increasing. The voltage U r the direction of the arrester, at the same
constant at this value. Through the former travels backwards in the direction travels backwards against the x-direction time the voltage U T should be reduced
arrester flows the lightning current i, of the arrester. and reduces the incoming voltage U v. respectively. This means that the voltage
which means that the arrester performs The arrester on the spot XA is still con- U T, which appears at the transformer,
an approximate short circuit now. ducting and performs an approximate can be limited by the arrester at the
In this way, the voltage, which continues short circuit, which reflects negatively all earliest after two traveling times between
to travel onwards, is negatively reflected the incoming voltages. the transformer and the arrester.
(U r) on the spot XA. The voltage U 1v The voltage U res = 72 kV is held constant
moves on with the same steepness S on the spot XA (arrester).
along the line in the direction of the
line end.

ABB High Voltage Products 45


Thus, the arrester protects in both directions. To 8.2 Protective distance L

simplify matters, a funnel shaped voltage in- On the overhead line in Figure 29 an overvolt-
crease results from the arrester, as it is to be age U travels as a traveling wave with the speed
seen in Figure 28. v towards the line end E. At point E there is the
equipment to be protected. For the following
analysis it is considered that the equipment to
UT be protected is high-ohmic (transformer, open
circuit breaker). When the traveling wave
reaches E, it is positively reflected and the volt-
age increases to 2 × U . The function of arrester
A is to prevent unacceptable high voltage val-
Ures ues at the equipment to be protected. Under the
F X A1 Z L = 450 Ω X A2 XT
simplified assumption that the front of wave
steepness S of the incoming overvoltage wave is
Z T => ∞ time constant, the following relationship applies
for the maximum value UE:

Figure 28: Assuming the simplified transient wave occurrences,

2 × S × (a + b)
UE = Ures +
as is explained in Figure 27, there appears a funnel shaped volt- v
age increase, which has its lowest value at the installation place
X A. It is possible to immediately check from this that the voltage v = 300 m/µs
is similar to the residual voltage of the arrester only at the place
of the arrester.
A LIWV of 125 kV for the transformer results with an assumed
Um = 24 kV (like in Figure 27). Therefore the voltage U1 at the
transformer is higher than acceptable taking into consideration U v
the given arrangement. This means that the distance between a UE
the arrester (XA1) and the transformer (XT) is too long. E
If the arrester is installed by XA2, the traveling time becomes b
shorter and consequently the voltage at the transformer is
reduced to a value much lower than the withstand value of the A U res
transformer insulation (LIWV).

This representation clearly shows that the closer

an arrester is installed to the equipment to be Figure 29: Assumption for the calculation of the voltage
at the open end of a line and for the determination
protected, in this case a transformer, the better of the protective distance L.
it can protect the device. U: Incoming overvoltage wave
v: Velocity of the traveling wave
S: Front steepness of the overvoltage
A: Arrester
U res:
Residual voltage of the arrester
a,b: Length of the connections
E: End of the line. Connected is, for example, a transformer or an open
circuit breaker.
U E: Voltage at the end of the line

46 ABB High Voltage Products

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A safety factor Ks is recommended between the 8.3 Expected steepness S of lightning

LIWV of the equipment and the maximum light- overvoltages in MV substations
ning overvoltage that occurs [7]. This protection The steepness S of the incoming overvoltage
factor takes into consideration, among other wave must be known in order to determine the
things, the possible ageing of the insulation and protective distance as it is above described.
the statistic uncertainties in defining the light- The repetition rate of the lightning strokes and
ning impulse withstanding voltage of the equip- the overvoltages related to them can only be
ment. taken from statistics. That is why it is not possi-
In [7] Ks = 1.15 is recommended for the internal ble to give any generally applicable information
insulation and Ks = 1.05 for the external insula- about the steepness of the overvoltages that oc-
tion. Ks = 1.2 [8] is specified for the calculation cur. An assumed steepness is always connected
of the protective distance in medium voltage to the probability of an event.
systems. Ks = 1.2 is used in this application Figure 30 shows a lightning stroke on a distribu-
guidelines for all the calculated examples, ex- tion line conductor. The time aspect of the light-
cept where otherwise stated. This results in: ning current is designated by i (t). From the
point in which the lightning strikes the conduc-
LIWV 2×S×L tor, the lightning current i (t)/2 flows out in both
≥ UE = Ures + directions. If Z is the surge impedance of the
Ks v
conductor to earth, then this current generates a
L=a+b lightning overvoltage u (t) with the steepness of
the voltage increase S (t) between the conductor
The required equation for the protective dis- and the earth. As indicated in Figure 30 S (t) is
tance is: not generally constant. In the following the
maximum steepness of the rise of an overvolt-
v LIWV age wave will be indicated by S.
L ≤ ×( − Ures )
2×S Ks

It should be mentioned that the given approxi- S = Z × d 2i /dt

mation for L is valid in the strict sense only for

b = 0, for practice, however, it gives sufficiently U (t) = Z 2(t)

precise values.
i (t) t
It is certainly to be assumed that the arrester
i /2 i/2 U (t)
and the equipment to be protected are connect- Z
ed to the same earthing system. To be observed
as a principal rule, the arrester should be in-
stalled as close as possible to the equipment to Figure 30: Creation of the lightning overvoltage during
be protected. The connections must be exe- a lightning stroke in an overhead line.
F: Overhead line
cuted on the high voltage side and the earth Z: Surge impedance of the overhead line
side short and straight. Especially the connec- t: Time
tion b should be executed as short as possible. i(t): Total lightning current in time function
di/dt: Maximum steepness of the lightning current
In this way it makes sense to lead the overhead
u(t): Lightning overvoltage in time function
line first to the arrester and from there directly S: Maximum steepness of the lightning overvoltage
to the bushing of the transformer, for example.

ABB High Voltage Products 47


In 10 % of all cases of lightning, the maximum The statistics for faults and damages (e.g. [11])
current rise time di/dt is higher than show that in Central Europe about 8 lightning
32 kA/µs. When Z = 450 Ω, every tenth lightning strokes occur per year and 100 km in overhead
stroke will cause a maximum voltage steepness lines of medium voltage systems. However, it
S > 7,200 kV/µs. A steepness of this order is to has to be observed that in regions with unfavor-
be expected in the substation only if the light- able topographical conditions and especially re-
ning strikes nearby, for example, within 25 m of gions with high thunderstorm activity there may
the equipment to be protected. The probability occur up to 100 lightning strokes per year and
of this happening is very small. 100 km overhead lines.
Substantially smaller voltage rates of rise are to Assuming that 8 lightning strokes occur per year
be expected at the station when the lightning and 100 km in overhead lines in outdoor sub-
stroke occurs far from the station. Due to station equipment, it can be expected that the
corona damping, the front of the overvoltage steepness reaches
wave flattens out as it proceeds from the point
of the stroke to the station. If S0 is the steepness S = 1550 kV/µs
at the location of the stroke, the steepness along for overhead lines with wooden poles and
the length d of the line decreases to the value:
S = 800 kV/µs
1 for overhead lines with earthed cross arms
1/S0 + K × d
To be considered here is that overhead lines
The constant K is dependent upon the geome- with wooden poles have a spark over voltage of
try of the overhead line, and it is estimated to 3,000 kV and that overhead lines with earthed
K = 5 × 10–6 µs/kVm for medium voltage over- cross arms have a spark over voltage of 660 kV.
head lines [9]. These values are valid for outdoor line insula-
Supposing that the location of the stroke is tors in a 24 kV medium voltage system which is
135 m distant from the station, a lightning stroke stressed with steep voltage impulses. The
causes an infinitely large voltage rate of rise S0 smaller values S for overhead lines with earthed
at the point of strike. According to the above cross arms are the result of lower spark over
formula a steepness at the substation of voltages, and thereupon lower steepness, of the
S <1,500 kV/µs occurs due to the corona damping. insulators compared to the spark over voltages
These two arbitrarily chosen examples specify along the wooden poles.
the order of the voltage rate of rise and should
show that large voltage rates of rise occur less
often than the small ones.
Of further significance is the fact that the stroke
current rise is concave [10]. That is why the
greatest steepness of the overvoltage occurs in
the range of the voltage maximum, as shown in
Figure 30. In voltage waves resulting from high
stroke current peak value, a flashover from the
line to earth takes place before the peak value
has been reached. The upper part of the voltage
wave is thereby cut off so that the maximum
steepness cannot be reached.

48 ABB High Voltage Products

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8.4 Expected lightning currents 8.5 Influences on the protective distance

in medium voltage systems through electrical equipment,
The lightning parameters are derived from sta- the arresters and the arrangement
tistical analysis of world-wide measurements of the arresters
[13]. The mostly negative cloud-to-ground If the above mentioned values S are put into the
flashes that occur have current peak values be- equation listed above (chapter 8.2) the follow-
tween 14 kA (95 % probability) and 80 kA (5 % ing protective distances result, taking into con-
probability). With a probability of 50 % the fol- sideration the LIWV and the Upl from Table 7:
lowing values are reached or exceeded:
L = 2.3 m for overhead lines
Current peak value: 30 kA with wooden poles
Rise time: 5.5 µs L = 4.5 m for overhead lines
Time to half value: 75 µs with earthed cross arms

Extreme lightning strokes can reach peak values This is valid for systems with system voltage
up to 250 kA, with half-time values of 2,000 µs. from Us = 3.6 kV to Us = 36 kV and the assump-
A peak value of 20 kA with a probability of tion that the transformers have an isolated neu-
80 % is often used in standardization work, and tral or that they are operated with earth fault
for test and co-ordination purposes of surge compensation, which means that the continu-
arresters. ous voltage Uc of the arrester is chosen accord-
In case of a direct lightning stroke to the con- ing to Chapter 7.1.1
ductor of an overhead line, the charge flows in In systems which have transformers with di-
the form of two equal current waves in both di- rectly earthed neutrals the continuous voltage
rections, starting from the point of striking. The Uc can be chosen according to Chapter 7.1.3.
voltage waves are linked with the current waves In this case the protective distances are, using
via the surge impedance of the line. the same assumptions, as given in Table 8.

Us L in m, L in m,
in kV rms wooden pole earthed cross arms
3.6 2.3 4.4
7.2 3.3 6.3
12 3.5 6.7
17.5 3.8 7.3
24 5.0 9.6
36 6.3 12.2

Table 8: Protective distance for MO arresters in systems

with directly earthed transformer star points.

In consideration of the TOV, curve Uc can be re-

duced remarkably. The resulting lower residual
voltage of the arrester leads to a greater protec-
tion distance. It can be stated as a general rule
that arresters with lower residual voltages have
also a greater protective distance.

ABB High Voltage Products 49


For completeness it must be mentioned that all The parabolic increase of the lightning overvolt-
numerical examples in these guidelines are re- age has an opposite influence, due to the fact
lated to a specific ABB MO surge arrester. that a MO arrester without spark gaps limits the
Slightly different figures may occur for other overvoltage according to its voltage-current
surge arresters. characteristic much earlier and not when the
The calculated values are valid for the simplified residual voltage Ures arrives at In.
assumption of Figure 29. All the equipment, Therefore, the MO arrester limits the incoming
such as transformers, voltage transformers and overvoltage at a much lower stage as its peak
cables, have a self-capacitance towards the voltage, so that the maximum steepness of the
earth. The influence of this capacitance on the voltage rise does not affect.
function of the arrester should be taken into For a quick and simple estimation with suf-
account if detailed calculations must be per- ficient accuracy of the protective distance in
formed. The capacitance of the equipment practice calculated values above are to be used.
produces a voltage oscillation, which can lead
to a noticeable increase of the voltage at the
transformer. This would result in a decrease of
the protective distance.

Figure 31: Evaluation of

different connection overhead line
possibilities of a MO arrester
at a transformer. b b a
a b


1 2 3

1: Poor. The arrester and the transformer 2: Good. The arrester and the 3: Very good. The arrester is earthed
do not have the same earthing point. transformer have the same earthing directly at the transformer tank.
The incoming overvoltage reaches first point. The connections a and b are The connection b is almost zero. In this
the transformer bushing. The connection about the same length. way, the incoming overvoltage
b is too long. reaches first the arrester, which limits
the overvoltage without delay.

50 ABB High Voltage Products

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As was previously mentioned above, the arrest-

er should be installed as near as possible to the
equipment to be protected. Especially connec-
tion b should be as short as possible (see Figure
29). The best way is to go first and directly to
the arrester terminal with the high voltage side
connection and from there straight to the bush-
ing of the transformer in the shortest way pos-
sible, as can be seen in Figures 31 and 32. The
earth connection should also be short and direct
from the bottom of the arrester to the tank of
the transformer.

Figure 32: Example of an ideal installation. A MO arrester of

the type POLIM-D 12 with disconnector is installed on an insulated
bracket directly at the tank of a medium voltage transformer.
The flexible earth connection is connected to the transformer tank
as shortly as possible. The high voltage connection goes from
the overhead line directly to the arrester and from there over the
shortest route to the transformer bushing.

ABB High Voltage Products 51



It is sometime insufficient to install only one ar- directly attached to the cable sheath. Longer
rester in the substation, considering the limited cables require arrester protection at both ends.
protective distance of the arresters and the spa- For short cable sections a protection on one
tial distance between the equipments in the sub- side can be sufficient. This is possible because
station. If the various equipment is installed too the protective range of an arrester at one end
far from one another, it is necessary to consider of the cable can still offer sufficient protection
where to find a place for an additional arrester. at the other end. A cable that connects an
Some typical cases are described in the follow- overhead line with the substation is often only
ing paragraphs. endangered by lightning on the side of the
overhead line.
Therefore the arrester has to be installed at the
9.1 Overvoltage protection of cable sections junction between the overhead line and the
The essential difference between the electrical cable. It is not necessary to protect the other
data of the overhead lines and cables is the end of the cable as long as the length of the
surge impedance of their conductors to earth. cable LK does not exceed the values given in
For overhead lines in medium voltage distribu- Table 9. At first glance, it is clear that LK is un-
tion systems it lies between 300 Ω and 450 Ω and limited in 3.6 kV systems. The reason is that the
for cables ranges between 30 Ω and 60 Ω. At first LIWV is relatively high at this system level. Even
this difference causes a marked decrease of the the reflected overvoltage at the end of the cable
lightning overvoltage as soon as the traveling lies under the LIWV, so that the insulation is not
wave reaches the cable entrance. The reduced in danger. This, however, is not valid for the
voltage wave travels through the cable and is equipment inside the substation. The equip-
again positively reflected at the end, so that the ment can be endangered by additional voltage
voltage increases there. Subsequently, the wave reflections, so that arresters should be planned
returns to the cable entrance and is again re- if necessary.
flected, and so on. In this way, the overvoltage Cables in between overhead lines are naturally
is built up gradually in the cable. The steepness endangered by lightning strokes on both sides.
of the overvoltage is in fact lower, but the max- With the cables protected at one end only it is
imum value lies near that of the lightning over- necessary to consider that the overvoltage may
voltage on the line. come from the unprotected end. In this case,
Disruptive breakdowns in cable insulations lead the protection offered by the arrester is strongly
to grave damages and require expensive repairs. diminished at the unprotected end. Therefore,
Flashovers along the cable bushings can damage the admissible length of cables between to
them and lead to the same consequences as the overhead lines should be short, if the arrester
insulation breakdowns. protection on one side is to be sufficient. This
It is well known that repeated overvoltage length is especially short with cables in systems
stresses negatively influence the ageing behavior with wooden pole lines, as it is to be seen in
of the cable insulation, which means that the Table 9. The specified values are valid for cable
service life of the cable is shortened. Cables sections with constant surge impedance. Other-
should therefore be treated like station equip- wise, the voltage reflections produce a shorten-
ment and protected against lightning overvolt- ing of L K . This is the case, for instance, with
age with arresters. cable branches or if two parallel cables are con-
The arresters are to be placed directly next to nected with a single one.
the cable bushings here as well. The junction
lines should be as short as possible. It should be
noted that the earth connection of the arrester is

52 ABB High Voltage Products

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9.2 Cable sheath protection between the sheath and the earth can occur,
The cable sheath of a single-conductor cable in which damage the external insulation of the
high voltage systems is earthed on one side sheath.
only for thermal reasons. This procedure is in- That is why it is necessary to protect the cable
creasingly used in medium voltage cables to sheath against overvoltages on the unearthed
avoid additional losses in the cable sheath [17]. side with an arrester [18]. The voltage induced
If the cable sheath stays open at one side the along the cable sheath in case of a short circuit
sheath can take up to 50 % of an incoming over- is decisive for the continuous operating voltage
voltage on the inner conductor at the non- Uc. The induced voltage is dependent on the
earthed side. The sheath insulation is not able way the cable is installed and can at most
to cope with this overvoltage stress. Flashovers amount to 0.3 kV per kA short circuit current

Table 9: The maximum

admissible length L K of a
LK LK cable if the arrester protection
is only on one side.
The cable is connected with
a lightning endangered line.
The connection length
between the arrester and the
cable should be at most 1 m.
The numerical values are
Type of overhead line Wooden poles Earthed crossarm Wooden poles Earthed crossarm valid for an arrester with
Us ZK LK LK LK LK Upl = 4 p.u. and I n = 10 kA.
kV Ω m m m m
3.6 30 ∞ ∞ 8 19
60 ∞ ∞ 4 13
7.2 30 85 110 11 27
60 75 100 5 17
12 30 45 50 8 22
60 33 39 4 16
17.5 30 35 36 6 19
60 27 30 3 15
24 30 34 36 9 21
60 27 30 4 17
36 30 30 30 7 19
60 24 26 4 17

ABB High Voltage Products 53


and km cable length [19]. The continuous volt- 9.3 Transformers at the end of a cable
age to be chosen for the arrester which protect According to the directions in Figure 33, a cable
the cable sheath results from: of at least 100 m in length is connected on one
end to a lightning endangered overhead line.
Ui At the other end, a bus bar consisting of the
Uc ≥ × IK × LK in kV, with sections a and b connect the cable end with a
transformer. The arrester A1 takes over the
I K: Maximum 50 Hz short circuit current per phase in kA overvoltage protection on the line side. Both
L K: Length of the unearthed cable section in km
the cable end and the transformer must be
U i: Induced voltage occurring along the cable sheath in kV
T: Resistance of the arrester against temporary overvoltages protected with an additional arrester when the
according to TOV curve. connecting distance between the two is very
long. The following example indicates under
With U i = 0.3 kV and T = 1.28 for a maximum what circumstances the arrester A2 offers suffi-
fault clearing time of t = 3 s of the short circuit cient overvoltage protection in addition to the
current, the result is: arrester A1.

Uc ≥ 0.24 × IK × LK in kV

MO arresters, which have at least line discharge

class 2 are recommended for the protection of
cables in medium voltage systems and also for
the protection of the cable sheath. Higher line
discharge classes may be used with high voltage
cables. The arresters should be matched to one
another in terms of specific energy absorption
and voltage-current characteristics. Recom-
mended in [5] is the use of MO arresters with the
same I n both for the protection of the cable
sheath and for the protection of the cable itself.

Table 10: Maximum admissible

MO arrester with U pl = 4 p.u. at I n = 10 kA Overhead line with wooden pole Overhead line with earthed crossarms
distance a between
ZK 30 60 30 60
cable end and transformer
according to Figure 33 with
b = 0. The cable is connected Us a a a a
to a lightning endangered line kV m m m m
and protected at both ends 3.6 100 100 500 500
with MO arresters (with 7.2 45 40 60 55
Uc = Us). The transformer has 12 17 12 22 15
no additional protection.
17.5 15 9 20 13
24 13 9 18 11
36 7 6 18 11

54 ABB High Voltage Products

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9.4 Transformers connected to a lightning

endangered line on one side only
Generally, all transformers that are directly
b a linked to lightning endangered lines have to be
A1 A2
equipped with arresters between phase and
earth. However, if a transformer connects a high
voltage system with a medium voltage system,
and only the line on the high voltage side is
Figure 33: Transformer at the end of a cable
F: Lightning endangered overhead line lightning endangered, it is necessary to install
U: Incoming lightning overvoltage an arrester on the medium voltage side as well.
K: Cable Transient overvoltages can be transmitted up to
A1, A2: MO arrester
a, b: Length of the connection line
40 % capacitive from the primary (high voltage
UK: Maximum voltage at the end of the cable side) to the medium voltage side [7]. That is
U T: Maximum voltage at the transformer why it is also necessary to install an arrester on
the medium voltage side, even though the
medium voltage side is not directly endangered
The overvoltage reflection U at the junction from by lightning.
the line to the cable causes a strong flattening The situation is similar with transformers that
of the voltage steepness in the cable. However, connect a medium voltage system to a low volt-
this has practically no influence on the admissi- age system. The high frequent overvoltages
ble length of the connection b, because with the from the medium voltage side are capacitively
increasing length of b the voltage U K increases transmitted to the low voltage side here as well.
very quickly. Therefore, optimal overvoltage Thus, in principle arresters should also be in-
protection requires that the arrester A2 should stalled on the low voltage side of the medium
be placed as close as possible to the cable end, voltage transformers.
in order to shorten the distance b. Reported in [20] are failures of medium voltage
The line section a is different. In this section U T transformers that had arresters only on the low
increases slower with the increasing length of a. voltage side. The damages were registered on
That is why the transformer is adequately pro- the medium voltage side with all these cases.
tected even at a relatively far distance from the The author’s opinion is that the overvoltages in
arrester. The maximum admissible values for a this case, as long as they are not transient, are
are indicated in Table 10. The capacity of the transmitted inductively with the turn ratio.
transformer is assumed to be 2 nF. Smaller That is why it is always advisable to install
capacitances result in longer distances of a. arresters on both sides of all the transformers,
particularly in regions with high thunderstorm

ABB High Voltage Products 55


The resistive coupling of the overvoltage in endangered, but the bushings on the low volt-
a substation is also to be taken into account. age side and the connected lines can be de-
Depending on the execution of the earthing at stroyed or can spark over.
the medium and the low voltage side, overvolt- Let us consider the possible resistive transmis-
ages can be transmitted from one side to the sion of the overvoltage. The lightning current of
other over the earthing system. In Figure 34 the I = 10 kA peak value flows according to Figure
possible voltage transmissions are depicted in 34 through the arrester and over the earthing
a strongly simplified manner. resistance RE to the earth. If we take a typical
The height of the possible transmitted impulse earthing resistance of RE = 10 Ω, a temporary
voltage can be roughly estimated with a simple potential increasing of the transformer housing
observation. of 100 kV occurs. This potential difference is
In a system having a system voltage of Us = 24 kV also to be found on the low voltage side be-
and an insulated neutral, the MO arrester with tween the conductor and the earthing system.
a continuous operating voltage of Uc = 24 kV is This very simplified examination does not pro-
directly connected at the medium voltage bushing vide an absolute statement about the height of
of the transformer. This arrester has a typical the overvoltages that are transmitted resistively,
lightning impulse protection level of Upl = 78.4 kV. but explains the problem very well.
Therefore, the insulation of the transformer with Therefore, overvoltages on the low voltage side
a lightning impulse withstanding voltage of are to be considered in any case.
LIWV = 125 kV is very well protected on the
medium voltage side. Though according to [7]
up to 40 % of the voltage that occurs at the
bushings is transmitted capacitive to the low
voltage side. Thus, a voltage of 31.36 kV can the-
oretically occur on the low voltage side. The in-
sulation in the transformer is not likely to be

Figure 34: Coupling of

a lightning overvoltage through
a medium voltage transformer.
In addition the coupling in
terms of the capacities in the
transformer, there is also a C
resistive coupling through the
0,4 U res ∆U
earthing system of a part
of the lightning overvoltage on i U res
the respective other side of
the transformer. In the
described example, the voltage
ΔU, which is generated by
a part of the lightning current
and occurs at the earthing
resistance R E, appears also
between the phases and
the neutral conductor at the
low voltage side.

56 ABB High Voltage Products

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9.5 Arresters in metal enclosed With the help of an example the Uc of an arrester
medium voltage substations for the generator protection should be deter-
It is often necessary to install arresters in a metal mined.
enclosed medium voltage substation. If a cable With Us = 24 kV, load rejection factor δL = 1.4
connects the substation with a lightning endan- and t = 10 s results for the type POLIM-H…N:
gered line, an arrester with a nominal current
of I n = 10 kA should be installed at the cable 1.4 × 24 kV
Uc ≥ = 25.6 kV
bushing. 1.31
The conditions are different if the arresters must
limit switching overvoltages instead of lightning In this way, the type POLIM-H 26 N can be cho-
overvoltages. The former could occur during sen for this case.
switching if the inductive current is interrupted Generators have a large capacity between con-
before it reaches its natural zero crossing. In ductor and earth. As a large capacity can lead
addition, vacuum switches can produce high to a shortening of the protection distance, it is
and very steep switching overvoltages. With this especially important to place the arrester close
kind of switching overvoltages the current load to the generator terminals.
of the arrester is low, so that an arrester with a
high current impulse of I hc = 65 kA is sufficient.
9.7 Protection of motors
High voltage motors can be over-stressed by
9.6 Generator connected to multiple restrikes resulting from switching offs
a lightning endangered MV line during the run-up. This is correct when the cut-
If a loaded generator is suddenly disconnected off current is less than 600 A. In order to protect
from the system (load rejection), its terminal these motors, it is necessary to install surge
voltage increases until the voltage regulator arresters directly at the engine terminals or alter-
readjusts the generator voltage after a few sec- natively at the circuit breaker. The dimensioning
onds. The relationship between this temporary of Uc is to be carried out according to the recom-
overvoltage and the normal operating voltage is mendations in Section 7.
called the load rejection factor δL. This factor It is necessary to use an arrester with a residual
can reach a value of up to 1.5. In the worst case, voltage Upl as low as possible because of the in-
the arrester could be charged with a temporary sulation of the motors, which is generally
overvoltage of UTOV = δL × Us, which must be sensitive to overvoltages, especially if it is aged.
taken into account when choosing Uc: That is why arresters should be chosen with an
especially favorable Upl/Uc ratio. Under certain
δ L × Us circumstances it is possible to use the lowest al-
Uc ≥ lowable arrester limit of Uc. However, in no case
is Uc allowed to be lower than Us /√3. Typical ar-
The duration t of U TOV determines T and lies in resters used for the protection of engines are
a range from 3 to 10 seconds. The high opera- MWK, or MWD for indoor applications.
tional safety requirements for generators make
it advisable to use arresters with low residual
voltage Ures and high energy handling capabil-
ity W’. That is why the arresters of the type
POLIM-H…N are recommended for generator

ABB High Voltage Products 57


9.8 Arresters parallel to a capacitor bank If the neutral of the capacitor battery is insu-
Normally, no overvoltage occurs when a capac- lated, the arrester cannot discharge the charged
itor battery is switched off. The circuit breaker capacitor between conductor and earth. This
interrupts the current in the natural zero cross- means that the arrester does not get charged.
ing and the voltage in the capacitors to earth However, it is to be noted that after a re-strike
reaches a maximum of 1.5 p.u. As a result of of the breaker, the neutral of the battery in-
the network voltage varying at the power fre- creases to 2 p.u. A voltage flashover of the
quency, a voltage across the open circuit neutral to earth results in the arrester having to
breaker of 2.5 p.u. is caused. A high frequency discharge the capacitor. Therefore, the arresters
transient effect takes place between the capa- parallel to a battery with an insulated neutral
citor voltage and the operating voltage if the have to, in terms of energy handling capability,
breaker re-strikes. During this process the capac- be adjusted to their reactive power.
itor is charged with a higher voltage [21]. This If the capacitor battery remains disconnected
overvoltage at the capacitor between the conduc- from the system after a shut-down, the arresters
tor and the earth reaches a maximum of 3 p.u.. discharge the voltage to zero, not merely to
If the capacitors are connected in a star, then √2 × Uc. Below √2 × Uc the discharge current
they are discharged by the arrester parallel to through the arrester is very small, so that the
battery between conductor and earth. During remaining discharge takes a long time. During
the discharge up to the voltage of √2 × Uc in this time the arrester can cool down. Therefore,
terms of power, the arresters are loaded with: it was justified by the above calculation of Wc to
take into account only the energy absorbed by
SK the arrester up to the discharge √2 × Uc.
Wc = × [3-(Uc /Us)2 ] If the reactive power of the parallel capacitor
battery for a certain arrester type exceeds the
SK: 3-phase reactive power of the capacitor battery limiting values from Table 11, an arrester with
Wc: The discharge energy taken up by the arrester
higher energy handling capability has to be se-
lected. For systems that are not operated with a
Assuming that the arrester has to carry out this standard voltage, the limiting values for S K are
process three times without any cool down to be found in the column with the lower stan-
phase, it follows with Uc ≥ Us: dard voltage. If the reactive power is very large,
arresters connected parallel are to be chosen. In
Wc 6 × SK this case, the manufacturer has to be informed
≥ in order to take the necessary measures to guar-
Uc ω × Us
antee a sufficient current distribution between
The energy consumption capability W of the the parallel arresters. The manufacturer should
arrester with Uc has to be thus adjusted to the also be consulted when arresters with Uc < Us
reactive power of the battery. The maximum are to be used.
admissible reactive power values of the parallel
capacitor battery for different arrester types can
be found in Table 11.

58 ABB High Voltage Products

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9.9 Line traps (parallel protection) 9.10 Line arresters

Line traps are air-core coils that are installed in Line arresters are arresters that are installed par-
high voltage lines. Their inductivity L is in the allel to insulators on poles along an overhead
range of mH. If no measures are taken, the line. The reason for the use of line arresters is
lightning current in the conductor flows through the necessity to avoid short interruptions or out-
the trap line. Even relatively small current rates ages of the overhead lines due to lightning
of rise of several kA/µs would produce over- overvoltages or the necessity to reduce the
voltages on the line amounting to several frequency of their occurrence. As a rule, the line
1,000 kV and would lead to a flashover. Ar- arresters are installed in connection with an ad-
resters are connected to the line trap to prevent ditional earthed shielding wire.
this. These arresters take over the lightning cur- Line arresters are used in regions with high
rents and limit the overvoltage to its residual thunderstorm activity and a very poor earthing
voltage Ures. situation.
When an earth fault or a short circuit occurs in a The continuous voltage Uc for MO arresters that
high voltage system, the fault current IK flows are used as line arresters is to be determined in
through the conductor. This power frequency exactly the same manner as those used for the
current would overload the arrester. Uc should protection of substations or transformers. Since
therefore be selected so that the short circuit the line arresters should protect especially
current flows through the line trap. It induces a against the effects of lightning strokes, it is neces-
temporary overvoltage which determines Uc at sary to dimension them according to the light-
the line trap: ning parameters of the respective region (prob-
ability, current steepness, charge, a.s.o). As a rule,
UTOV ω × L × IK the line arresters are equipped with disconnec-
Uc ≥ = tors, so that an arrester that is overloaded can
disconnect itself from the system and no earth
I K: Maximum fault current through the line trap fault appears.
L: Inductance of the line trap
A special usage of line arresters is the MO arrest-
ers with an external series gap. These so-called
It may be assumed T = 1.28 for the duration of EGLAs (Externally Gapped Line Arresters) are
short circuit current of t < 3 s (from TOV curve used in some countries; however, they are not
for the MWK). to be found in Central Europe. Figure 35 shows

Table 11: Arrester parallel

to a capacitor bank.
Maximum admissible reactive
W/U c in kJ/kV 3.6 5.2 5.5 9.0 13.3 power S K of the capacitor
U s in kV SK in MVAr SK in MVAr SK in MVAr SK in MVAr SK in MVAr battery for the indicated
3.6 0.67 0.97 1.03 1.69 2.50 arrester type. Three discharges
7.2 1.35 1.95 2.07 3.39 5.01 of the battery are allowed
without a cool down phase
12 2.26 3.27 3.45 5.65 8.35
for the arrester.
17.5 3.29 4.77 5.03 8.24 12.18 W/Uc: The arrester energy
24 4.52 6.58 6.90 11.30 16.70 absorption capability in
36 6.78 9.81 10.36 16.95 25.05 relation to Uc.

ABB High Voltage Products 59


in principle the arrangement of an EGLA. The 9.11 High lightning arresters

problem lies in the coordination of the spark- It is assumed that in high voltage systems the
gap in series with the MO arrester and the arresters are not stressed by direct or nearby
spark-gap parallel to the insulator to be pro- lightning strokes. In medium voltage systems
tected, and also the residual voltage of the used the arresters can be stressed by direct or close
MO arrester. The application guidelines and the strokes under certain circumstances such as on
tests for the line arresters, especially for EGLAs the poles, because these kinds of systems have
are still being discussed in the committees. hardly any earthed shielding wires. In such
cases, they must withstand at least a part of the
lightning current.
Arresters for high lightning current stresses in
the voltage range of 1 kV to 52 kV need to be
tested with a special operating duty test accord-
ing to [4]. The required energy used as a proof
for the thermal stability is to be injected with
switching current impulses instead of long-
duration current impulses. The specific energy
handling capability of a MO arrester for light-
ning current stresses in medium voltage systems
roughly corresponds to that of a MO arrester of
the line discharge class 5 or above it, as it is
recommended for transmission systems with a
voltage system of Us = 765 kV [5].

Figure 35: Possible execution

of line arresters (description earth wire
in principal).

phase wire
insulator with arcing horn insulator with arcing horn

tower tower

R E, M
R E, M

MO arrester parallel to an insulator in MO arrester with an external spark gap

an overhead line. These so-called NGLAs in series parallel to an insulator in
(Non Gapped Line Arresters) are installed an overhead line (EGLA = Externally
as desired with or without disconnector. Gapped Line Arrester).

60 ABB High Voltage Products

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In principle, in d.c. voltage systems there also The d.c. voltage systems are broadly used for
appear overvoltages produced by lightning or traction systems. The nominal voltages in the
switching activities, which may endanger the public d.c. traction systems lie between Un =
equipment and the insulation. In this case, it is 750 V and Un = 3,000 V. It is necessary to ob-
also necessary to use an arrester as a protection serve both the high electrical requirements for
against overvoltages. The MO surge arresters MO arresters in the traction systems as well as
without spark gaps are particularly suitable, the mechanical and safety relevant require-
because they do not conduct any follow current ments. ABB Switzerland Ltd has been certifi-
after the limiting of the overvoltage, except a cated according to International Rail Industry
leakage current of a few ΔA, and therefore it is Standard (IRIS) since November 2007. The
not necessary to extinguish any d.c. current arc. MO arresters produced by ABB Switzerland Ltd
It is to be observed that only MO resistors with also fulfill all requirements of the VDV
long-term stability in case of d.c. voltage stress recommendation 525 [23].
are to be used for MO arresters in d.c. voltage A separate application guideline for MO arrest-
systems (see Chapter 3.4.2). It goes without say- ers used in traction systems was written, taking
ing that all the type tests using continuous volt- into consideration the importance of an optimal
age should be performed with d.c. voltage. overvoltage protection and the special condi-
The typical d.c. voltage stresses are to be found tions in traction systems [24].
in the high voltage d.c. transmission (HVDC). Additional d.c. voltage applications are to be
Comments concerning the choice and the usage found in converter stations, drives and in pho-
are to be found in [22]. There is currently no IEC tovoltaic systems. It is absolutely necessary to
or CENELEC standard for testing MO arresters get into contact with the manufacturer if MO
used in HVDC installations. That is why it is al- arresters are to be used in such installations.
ways necessary to get into contact with the
manufacturer if MO arresters are to be used in
HVDC installations.

ABB High Voltage Products 61



Beside the system frequency of f = 50 Hz and

f = 60 Hz, the “railway frequency” of f = 16.7 Hz
has also technical importance. MO arresters
without spark-gaps can be used without any
problem with these frequencies. It is to be
noted that the continuous current ic will change
with the frequency because the MO arrester
behaves in an almost purely capacitive manner
considering the continuous voltage. Because of

Xc =

Xc = Capacitive impedance
ω = 2 × π × f = angular frequency
C = Capacity of the MO arrester

the capacitive impedance becomes smaller with

increased frequency and consequently the capa-
citive current increases with increasing fre-
quency. Table 12 gives as an example the
power losses Pv and the continuous current ic
for various frequencies.

Frequency f in Hz 60 50 16.7
Power losses Pv in W 1.32 1.2 0.6
Continuous current ic in mA, rms 0.44 0.36 0.12

Table 12: Typical power losses Pv and continuous current i c

frequency dependant for a MO arrester with U c = 20 kV and
line discharge class 2.

The dimensioning and application of MO arrest-

ers for railway systems with f = 50 Hz and
f = 16.7 Hz is precisely described in [24]. The
manufacturer should be contacted if the MO
arresters are to be used for frequencies higher
than 60 Hz.

62 ABB High Voltage Products

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The arresters are considered generally as single α ≈ 30 in the region of switching current
devices, i.e. they fulfill their task in the place in impulses on the voltage-current-characteristic,
which they are installed according to their spec- a difference of 5 % in the residual voltage would
ified data, independent of other nearby devices. lead to a current sharing ratio of 1:4 between
That is why it is possible in principle to install the surge arresters.
different kinds of arresters close to one another Therefore, it is absolutely necessary to perform
on a phase wire in the system. However, it is nec- a current sharing measurement on all MO arrest-
essary to take into consideration that according ers that are to be intended to work in parallel.
to different ways of functioning some arresters The manufacturer has to be informed when the
may become useless while others may become order is made if the user intends to connect MO
overstressed, such as in cases when arresters arresters in parallel. It is also to be noted that
with spark-gaps and without spark-gaps are in- the arresters are to be installed close to one an-
stalled in parallel, or when MO arresters with other and are to be connected together with
different voltage-current-characteristics are used short connections of low inductance. If this is
in parallel. Deliberate parallel connections of not taken into consideration, then there may ap-
MO arresters are made if the energy absorption pear separation effects, which lead to an un-
should be increased, the residual voltage should even current sharing and consequently to an
become a little lower or if the energy absorption overstress of one of the arresters.
and the residual voltage should be deliberately The parallel connection of MO arresters has,
dimensioned in a different way. besides the sharing of the current over more
arresters, the positive effect of a better, i.e. a
lower protection level. This is because the cur-
12.1 Parallel connection to increase rent density per arrester becomes lower in view
the energy handling capability of current sharing and consequently a lower
Two or more MO arresters can be connected in residual voltage occurs. If, for instance, two
parallel in order to increase the energy handling arresters having a total current of 10 kA with a
capability if during an application the energy wave shape of 8/20 µs are installed in parallel,
occurring cannot be handled by a single MO a residual voltage occurs at the parallel connec-
arrester. The requirement for an equal current tion, which corresponds to a current of 5 kA
sharing and consequently an even energy with 8/20 µs for a single arrester.
sharing between the arresters is the fact that the It is to be strongly emphasized that it is always
arresters have to have almost identical voltage- better to use a MO arrester with a larger MO
current-characteristics. In view of the extreme resistor diameter than to connect more MO
non-linearity of the MO resistors, small differ- arresters in parallel with smaller MO resistor
ences in the residual voltage in the area of diameters.
switching current impulses bring big differences
in current. With a nonlinearity coefficient of

ABB High Voltage Products 63


12.2 Coordination of parallel connected MO arresters of different types or of the same

MO arresters type with different characteristics that are
In some cases it is necessary or advantageous to matched to one another are used deliberately if
use two arresters in an installation separated an uneven sharing of the energy absorption is
from one another in space, but electrically intended. This is the case, for example, in sta-
parallel on the same line. This is, for instance, tions in which the transformer is connected
the situation when in view of the distances in a through a cable to the overhead line, see
substation one of the arresters is installed at the Figure 36. An arrester is installed on the pole at
entrance of the station and another arrester is the junction of the overhead line to the cable
placed directly in front of the transformer, at a and this arrester has a higher energy absorption
certain distance. In such a case, two arresters of capability and a lower residual voltage charac-
the same type and with the same continuous teristic than the arrester in the station in front of
voltage may be used. the transformer. The effect of this is that the
In case of an incoming overvoltage both ar- largest part of the energy is absorbed by the
resters will discharge a part of the current to- arrester outside on the pole and at the same
wards the earth and will provide very good time the voltage is limited as much as possible.
overvoltage protection. However, it is not to be Thus, the arrester in the station has to discharge
assumed that the energy occurred will be uni- only a small part of the current and at the same
formly shared. time protects the transformer against overvolt-
ages due to reflections. In practice, this prin-
ciple can be used by choosing two MO arresters

Figure 36: Arrangement of

two MO arresters to protect
earth wire
a station with cable entry.
The MO arrester on the pole
directly at the cable bushing is,
phase wire
for example, a MWK 20 with
a Upl = 61,4 kV, the arrester in cable bushing
the station, for example,
a POLIM-D 20 with Upl = 70 kV. tower tower cable
This coordination of residual
voltage and the energy
handling capability makes it
possible that the larger amount R E, M R E, M
of the current is discharged R E, S
against the earth on the
exterior of the station. In case
of an unfavorable ground
situation or in extreme light-
ning endangered regions
the installation of an earth wire
for some span width in front
of the station is recommended.

64 ABB High Voltage Products

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of the same type, such as MWK with the line 12.3 MO arresters and
discharge class 2; the arrester in the station has arresters with gaps in parallel
a continuous operating voltage Uc of about 10 % There is no technical reason why MO arresters
higher than the arrester outside on the pole. should be intentionally connected in parallel
The same result is reached if two MO arresters with SiC arresters with spark gaps. If older SiC
with the same continuous operating voltage Uc, arresters with spark gaps were installed in a sys-
but of different types are installed, such as a tem and MO arresters are additionally installed
MWK of line discharge class 2 on the pole and in the course of the development of a station or
a POLIM-D of the line discharge class 1 in the for other reasons, the arresters work indepen-
station in front of the transformer. dently from one another. However, it is recom-
Taking into consideration the smaller cross- mended to install in a substation only arresters
section of the MO resistors of the POLIM-D of one type or at least with the same operational
compared to MWK, its residual voltage charac- principle. In case of a parallel connection of SiC
teristic lies automatically higher than the one of arresters with spark gaps and MO arresters,
the MWK. In English speaking countries, the there is no current sharing between the two ar-
arrester on the pole is described as a “riser pole” resters. The MO arrester discharges the current
arrester. This is not a type description for an and limits the voltage before the SiC arrester
arrester, but specifies the installation place, will be activated. Therefore, the MO arrester
which is the place where the cable is rised up protects the SiC arrester and takes over the
on the pole and where it is connected with the entire energy, the SiC arrester is ineffective.
overhead line.

ABB High Voltage Products 65



The coordination of the insulation is the match- An arrester has to fulfill two fundamental tasks:
ing between the dielectrical withstand of the n It has to limit the occurring overvoltage
electrical equipment taking into consideration to a value that is not critical for the electrical
the ambient conditions and the possible over- equipment and
voltages in a system. n It has to guarantee a safe and reliable service

For economic reasons, it is not possible to insu- in the system.

late electrical equipment against all overvolt- The choice of the continuous operating voltage
ages that may occur. That is why surge arresters Uc is described in detail in Section 7. The
are installed to limit the overvoltages up to a following paragraphs briefly deal with the
value that is not critical for the electrical equip- necessary energy handling capability and the
ment. Therefore, a MO arrester ensures that the protection characteristic of MO arresters in
maximum voltage that appears at the electrical medium voltage systems.
equipment always stays below the guaranteed The continuous operating voltage Uc is to be
withstand value of the insulation of an electrical chosen in such a way that the arrester can with-
device. stand all power frequency voltages and also
In [1] and [7] the basic principles and the meth- temporary overvoltages without being over-
ods of the insulation coordination are depicted loaded in any possible situation. This means
in detail; [5] lists general guidelines for the se- that T × Uc has to be always higher than the
lection and application of MO arresters that are maximum possible temporary overvoltages
used to protect different electrical equipment on UTOV in the system.
all voltage levels.
Described in the following paragraphs are the
basic principle of the connections and the most
important criteria for choosing the MO arresters
in medium voltage systems, see also Figure 37.

Figure 37: Comparison of

the possible occurring voltages
in the system, the withstand
voltages of the electrical U 9
p.u. lightning overvoltages
equipment and the parameters unprotected, 8
of the MO arrester. The light- endangered area 7
ning overvoltages are decisive 6
in medium voltage systems. Ks
That is why are shown only the
parameters for the lightning U pl 4
overvoltages. 3

T × Uc 2
1 U L-E

Requirements of equipment, Design parameters of MO arresters System preconditions, related to U s

related to U m
1 p.u. = U s × √2 / √3

66 ABB High Voltage Products

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Comment: Ferromagnetic resonances are the exception. 13.1 Nominal discharge current In
The ferromagnetic resonances can become so high and and line discharge class
exist so long that they may not be taken into consider- As previously mentioned, the lightning current
ation by the dimensioning of the continuous voltage if the parameters are taken from lightning statistics
arrester should still be able to fulfill its protection func- and the line discharge classes result from the
tion in a meaningful way. If ferromagnetic resonances energy that is stored in the loaded transmission
appear, then this generally means that the arrester is lines. As explained above, the line discharge
overloaded. The system user should take the necessary classes have no direct significance in medium
measures to avoid ferromagnetic resonances. voltage systems; however, they are used to
specify the energy handling capability that is re-
quired for an arrester. Therefore, it is necessary
The MO arrester can fulfill its function of pro- to know the possible energy stores in a system,
tection properly if the lightning impulse protec- such as cables, capacitors or capacitors banks
tion level Upl lies clearly below the lightning and inductivities. If the possible stored energy
impulse withstanding voltage (LIWV) of the can be calculated, the value can be assigned to
electrical equipment to be protected, the safety a line discharge class.
factor Ks is also to be taken into consideration.
The point is to set the voltage-current character-
istic of the arrester in a way that both require-
ments are met.

The lightning impulse withstand voltage (with-

stand voltage of the insulation) is relatively high 99,0

compared to the system voltage, as can be seen

in Figure 37, which shows a typical medium 90,0
voltage system with Us = 24 kV. This auto-
matically results in a large distance between the 70,0

maximum admissible voltage at the electrical 50,0

equipment to be protected and the lightning
impulse protection level; see also Table 7. 20,0
As mentioned above, it makes sense to choose 10,0
the continuous voltage Uc a little bit higher than
was calculated (for instance 10 %). As a rule,
there is enough distance between the maximum
admissible voltage at the electrical equipment
and the protection level of the arrester.
0 10,0 100,0 I kA

Figure 38: Statistical evaluation of lightning measurements

all over the world. Described is the probability of occurrence
above the lightning currents’ peak values.

Figure 38 shows a statistic evaluation of all the

measured lightning currents [10] [13]. The curve
of the mean value shows the probability of the

ABB High Voltage Products 67


occurred lightning current peak values. The n with an arc furnace

probability of reaching or exceeding 20 kA is n with big capacitor batteries.
80 %, whereas the lightning currents with peak n with very long cable lengths

values of over 100 kA are very rare. The speci- n with expensive rotating machines

fied lightning currents and the high current It also bears mentioning that particularly with
impulses are derived from these lightning cur- negative cloud-earth lightning 3 to 4 single dis-
rent statistics. Assuming that a lightning current charges per lightning typically occur, each 30 to
diverts in case of a direct stroke and that half 50 ms apart from one another. Research shows
travels along the line in one direction as a travel- that these stresses are not critical for the MO
ing wave, one gets the well-known nominal dis- arrester, but in case of inadequate coating of the
charge current of In = 10 kA. The wave shape of MO resistors or incompletely molded arresters,
approximately 8/20 µs results for the lightning some surface problems can appear, such as flash-
current if a flashover occurred at one of the in- overs along the active part [25]. These so-called
sulators. multi-pulses have no influence over the choice
The nominal discharge current can be chosen of the nominal discharge current or the line dis-
according to the thunderstorm activity in a region charge class. An optional operating duty test
or the expected threat of lightning to a substation. with multi-pulses is described in the Australian
In this way, the requirements for the defined standard [26].
arresters can be clearly specified together with
the line discharge class (see also Chapter 7.2.).
MO arresters with In = 10 kA and line discharge
class 1 or 2 are used in standard applications in
medium voltage systems.
Higher nominal discharge currents (In = 20 kA)
and higher line discharge classes (3 to 5) are
chosen only in special cases in medium voltage
systems, such as:
n in regions with extreme thunderstorm

activities and the danger of direct lightning

strikes (arresters for high lightning current
n with overhead lines at concrete poles

or wooden poles and crossarms that

are not earthed
n with arresters placed at locations where

persons are often to be found (for instance

in railway systems and on the electrical
traction system)
n in lines, which demand exceptional high

safety standards for the working process

n for protection of motors, generators and


68 ABB High Voltage Products

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13.2 Protection level the energy handling capability. In this context,

The switching impulse protective level Ups is the temporary overload capability of the MO
decisive for the coordination of the insulation in arrester with temporary overvoltages should
transmission systems of higher system voltages. also be observed. A high resistance towards
It is less important in the medium voltage sys- temporary overvoltages generally means that
tems discussed here. Of prime importance here the voltage-current characteristic of a MO arrest-
is the lightning impulse protection level Upl and er was set so high that all power frequent over-
if necessary, the protection level at steep current voltages that occur do not fundamentally ex-
impulse, such as when vacuum breakers are in ceed the knee point of the u-i characteristic.
the system. However, this means that the residual voltage of
Generally speaking, the protection level should a MO arrester lies correspondingly high, which
be as low as possible to ensure optimal pro- causes an unfavorably high protection level.
tection. As previously emphasized more than
once, the operational safety of the arrester in
the system is always to be preferred to the
complete exploitation of the protection level.
These opposing requirements are mainly uncrit-
ical in the medium voltage systems, as explain-
ed in Figure 37.
The protection ratio Upl/Uc is fundamentally
important. The smaller the ratio, the lower the
protection level with the same Uc and the better
the protection. If a very low protection level is
technically absolutely necessary in a specific
case, it is possible to choose an arrester with a
better protection ratio. As a rule, this is an
arrester with a higher line discharge class,
because these arresters have MO resistors with
a larger diameter as an active part (see also
Tables 1 and 2). The choice of a MO arrester
with the same Uc, but a higher line discharge
class offers better protection in the system al-
though the operational safety stays the same
and it also provides a higher energy handling
capability. Moreover, a MO arrester with a
lower protection level always provides a larger
protection distance.
Therefore, the choice of an arrester or the com-
parison of different products should also take
into consideration the protection ratio Upl/Uc in
addition to the nominal discharge current and

ABB High Voltage Products 69


13.3 Examples 13.3.1 System with insulated star point

The procedure of the defining of a MO arrester Supplied information
is shown using some typical, but arbitrarily n Overvoltage protection of a substation
chosen examples: in an overhead line system
In [4], Annex G, there are the specifications that n Medium pollution.
are necessary for the definition of an arrester. n Us = 12 kV
The most important and the most necessary n Star point insulated
specifications for the defining of an arrester for
medium voltage systems are: Without other specifications it is assumed
n Highest system voltage Us n Um = 12 kV
n Power frequency n LIWV = 75 kV
n Treatment of the transformer star point n Duration of earth fault > 30 min,
n Maximum duration of the earth fault i.e. continuous operation
n The electrical equipment to be protected n Nominal discharge current In = 10 kA
(transformer, cable, capacitor bank, n Line discharge class 1
generator, etc.) n Short circuit current of the system Is = 20 kA
n Insulation level (lightning impulse n Degree of pollution II (medium)
withstanding voltage) of the electrical
equipment to be protected This results in
n Ambient conditions, if they differ from The choice of the continuous voltage
the normal ambient conditions according to Chapter 7.1.1:
n Nominal discharge current and the line

discharge class Uc ≥ Us
Typical values are assumed for the defining of
an arrester if there are none or only a few spec- With 10 % safety margin for Uc results
ifications given. Uc = 1.1 × Us = 13.2 kV.
Thus it results an arrester with Uc = 14 kV.

The control of the protection level

It must be
Upl ≤ LIWV/Ks

This results in
With Ks = 1.2:
75 kV/1.2 = 62.5 kV as the maximum
admissible voltage at the electrical equipment.
Because In = 10 kA and line discharge
class 1 a MO arrester of the type POLIM-D
with Upl/Uc = 3.5 is chosen.

This results in
Upl = 49 kV
The requirement Upl ≤ LIWV/Ks is clearly ful-
filled in this way. The demand for a short circuit
current of Is = 20 kA is also met by the type

70 ABB High Voltage Products

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20 mm creepage distance per kV system voltage 13.3.2 System with direct star point earthing
is recommended with a pre-determined degree Supplied information
of pollution “medium”. n Overvoltage protection in a cable system
Thus, a minimum creepage distance of n System voltage Us = 24 kV
Us × 20 mm/kV = 12 kV × 20 mm/kV = 240 mm n Directly earthed star point
The creepage distance can be reduced with Without other specifications it is assumed
20 % with a MO arrester having silicon housing, n Um = 24 kV
which results in a necessary minimum creepage n LIWV = 125 kV
distance of 192 mm. n Duration of the earth fault ≤ 3 s,
According to the POLIM-D datasheet, this re- i.e. immediately switching off
sults in a POLIM-D 14-05 arrester. n Nominal discharge voltage In = 10 kA
The arrester housing has a creepage distance of n Line discharge class 2, provides a favorable,
460 mm and is absolutely sufficient. i.e. a low protection level for a cable
with high energy handling capability.
The minimum necessary withstand value of the n Short circuit current of the system Is = 20 kA
empty arrester housing is calculated according n Degree of pollution I (low)
to IEC:
Lightning impulse voltage 1.2/50 µs: This results in
1.3 × Upl = 1.3 × 49 kV = 63.7 kV The choice of the continuous operating
a.c. voltage test 1 min, wet: voltage according to Chapter 7.1.3:
1.06 × Ups = U test, sw = 41.1 kV, sw.
This results in a withstand value of 1,1 × Us
41.1 kV / √2 = 29 kV, rms, 1 min, wet. Uc ≥
The proved withstand values according to
the datasheet are: With 10 % additional safety margin for Uc,
Lightning impulse voltage 1.2/50 µs: 140 kV this results in: Uc = 15.2 kV × 1.1 = 16.8 kV.
a.c. voltage test: Which results in arrester with Uc = 17 kV.
38 kV, rms, 1 min wet.
Therefore, the housing of POLIM-D 14-05 has Control of the protection level
significant higher withstand values as the mini- This must be
mum requirements according to IEC. Upl ≤ LIWV/Ks.
With LIWV = 125 kV and Ks = 1.2 this results in
Upl ≤ 125 kV / 1.2 = 104.2 kV.
A lower protection level is especially important
for the protection of cables (slowing down
of insulation ageing, etc.). That is why a MO
arrester of the type MWK with Uc = 17 kV with
Upl/Uc = 3.07 is chosen.
According to the datasheet, Upl = 52.2 kV results
for the MWK 17.
Therefore, the MWK 17 has an outstanding low
protection level, which is especially important
for the protection of cables.
The MWK meets the demands for a short circuit
current of 20 kA.

ABB High Voltage Products 71


According to the assumption there is only This results in

low pollution to be taken into account, the The choice of the continuous operating voltage
creepage distance is 16 mm/kV. This results in according to Chapter 7.1.2:
a minimum requirement of 384 mm creepage
distance. With a silicon housing and a low Us
pollution (degree of pollution I), the creepage Uc ≥
distance can be reduced by 30 %. This ultimately
results in a creepage distance of 269 mm. The
MWK 17 has a creepage distance of 492 mm The type POLIM-K is chosen with the assump-
according to the datasheet and offers large tion of line discharge class 2 on the basis of
reserves here as well. increased thunderstorm activity. For t = 60 s,
The withstand values of the empty housing this results in a factor of T = 1.225 out of the
required, according to IEC and proved for the TOV curve.
MWK 17, are: The continuous voltage is thus calculated as:
Lightning voltage impulse 1.2/50 µs:
67.9 kV => tested 152 kV 24 kV
Uc ≥ = 19,6 kV
a.c. voltage test 1 min, wet: 1,225
31.4 kV => tested 50 kV
Therefore the MWK 17 meets all the require- With a reserve of 10% this results in:
ments with large safety margins and guarantees Uc to 21.6 kV.
a safe system operation and an outstanding
protection. Therefore, chosen is a
POLIM-K with Uc = 22 kV
13.3.3 System with earth fault clearing
Supplied information Control of the protection level
n Transformer protection in an outdoor station Required is
n Height of installation 3,600 m Upl ≤ LIWV/Ks
n High thunderstorm activity, seasonally With LIWV = 125 kV and Ks = 1.2, the maximum
dependent voltage at the electrical equipment results in
n System voltage Us = 24 kV 104.2 kV.
n Star point high ohmic insulated with earth The POLIM-K 22 has a Upl of 73.3 kV and meets
fault clearing after a maximum of 60 s the demands with a good additional safety
Additional assumptions According to the assumption, there is only low
n Um = 24 kV pollution to be taken into account, therefore the
n LIWV = 125 kV creepage distance is 16 mm/kV. This results in
n Duration of the earth fault t = 60 s a minimum requirement of 384 mm creepage
n Nominal discharge current In = 10 kA distance. With a silicon housing and a low
n Line discharge class 2, because of increased pollution degree, the creepage distance can be
thunderstorm activity reduced by 30 %. This ultimately results in a
n Short circuit current of the system Is = 20 kA creepage distance of 269 mm.
n Degree of pollution I (low) The POLIM-K 22-04 has a creepage distance of
770 mm according to the datasheet and offers
large reserves here as well.

72 ABB High Voltage Products

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The minimum necessary withstand values of the 13.4 Economic considerations

empty arrester housing are calculated according To reach an appropriate overvoltage protection
to IEC as: in medium voltage systems, it is necessary to
Lightning voltage impulse 1.2/50 µs: find the best compromise between the costs
1.3 × Upl = 1.3 × 73.3 kV = 95.3 kV and the benefits of the protection devices to be
a.c. voltage test 1 min., wet: used. An optimized technical-economic balance
1.06 × Ups = U test, sw = 59.7 kV, sw. is to be striven for.
This results in a withstand value of The overvoltage protection, which is accurately
59.7 kV / √2 = 42.2 kV, rms, 1 min, wet. applied, reduces:
The proved withstand values according to the n Outages of lines and substations

datasheet are: n Interruptions of critical manufacturing

Lightning discharge voltage 1.2/50 µs: 200 kV processes, which demand good voltage
a.c. voltage test: stability
54 kV, rms, 1 min wet. n Costs due to interruptions in the energy

Therefore, the housing of POLIM-K 22-04 has supply

higher withstand values than are required n Costs for the replacement and repair

according to IEC. of electrical equipment

Taking into consideration the installation height n Ageing of the insulation (e.g. cables)

of 3,600 m, it must be checked whether an n Maintenance work

extension of the arrester housing is necessary. n Etc.

The housing should be lengthened with 12 % The aim of overvoltage protection is to guaran-
per 1,000 m above an installation height of tee an uninterrupted supply of electrical energy
1,800 m, which means that a corresponding with good voltage stability to the greatest degree
higher withstand voltage must be proved. Thus, possible.
at 3,600 m it must be corrected by 22 %. In [27] and [28] is reported that according to ex-
For the minimum required withstand voltage, tensive studies, breakdowns of medium voltage
this results in: transformers in critical regions could be dras-
Lightning discharge voltage 1.2/50 µs: tically reduced with an optimized use of surge
95.3 kV. An increase of 22 % results in arresters.
116.3 kV. Therefore, the costs for a set of surge arresters
a.c. voltage tests 1 min., wet: are not the most important consideration, but
42.2 kV rms. An increase of 22 % results in the costs that may arise on a long-term basis if
51.5 kV rms. adequate overvoltage protection is not used.
Both calculated values according to the height
correction lie below the proved withstand
values. Therefore, it is not necessary to extend
the housing.
The POLIM-K is tested with a short circuit
current of 40 kA and easily meets the demands
for a short circuit current of 20 kA.
The POLIM-K 22-04 is the right arrester from all
points of view for this application.

ABB High Voltage Products 73



Information about the assembly and installation,

maintenance, transport, storage and disposal of S
MO arresters is to be found in the operating U
v a
instructions (manual) for each surge arrester.
overhead line
There are some points to be especially observed b1

so that a MO arrester can fulfill correctly its

function. UT
U res T
14.1 Connections
The national specifications and the require- U T = U res + U i (b)
ments of the system user are in principle to be b = b1 + b2
observed for the connections. However, the
Figure 39: Typical arrangement of a transformer with a connected
diameter of the connections must be chosen in
arrester. The inductive voltage U i of the entire connection lengths
such a way that at least the short circuit current
is added to the residual voltage U res of the arrester.
for the respective arrester (for the given short
circuit current duration) does not lead to the
melting or the tearing off of the connections.
This applies both to the overvoltage connec- The additional inducted voltage is consequently
tions as well as the connections to the earth. calculated as:
The connections must be installed as short and
straight as possible. This is because inductive Ui = L ×di/dt
voltages appear at each conductor due to
the self inductivity during the flowing of the An approximate inductive voltage of Ui = 1.2 kV
impulse current. These induced voltages are per meter connection line results from an induc-
considerable during high rate of changes di/dt, tivity of L = 1 µH for a straight wire of 1 m length
such as when lightning currents occur. The MO and a lightning current of 10 kA peak value of
material itself reacts almost instantaneously the wave shape 8/20 µs.
even with very steep voltage and current im- A voltage of Ui = 10 kV per meter connection
pulses [29]. In view of the dimensions of the line results from a steep current impulse with
arrester itself and the connections, there are a rise time of 1 µs and 10 kA peak value. This
always inductive voltages and it is necessary to means that the connections and the entire loop
take them into account with a steep current must be executed to the greatest degree possible
impulse [4]. The specified residual voltages, without inductivity. It goes without saying that
which are to be found in the datasheets, are the arrester and the transformer must be con-
always the voltages between the arrester termi- nected at the same earthing point.
nals only; for explanations see also Figure 39.

74 ABB High Voltage Products

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Earth resistances should be as small as possible. 14.3 Onsite measurements

A value of RE ≤ 10 Ω is considered to be suffi- Each MO resistor and each MO arrester are tested
cient. Earth resistances are measured mainly in the factory in the course of routine tests. On-
with d.c. current or 50 Hz a.c. current; however, site measurements of the arresters are not nec-
in case of high frequency (or current impulse essary before they are built into an installation.
with high frequency content) the value may be If due to special reasons, such as after a failure
much higher. That is why specially executed (earth fault or short circuit) in the installation or
earthing installations are used in order to dis- as part of a routine control of all the electrical
charge the current impulse. equipment, the verification of the correct func-
tioning of the arrester is to be performed, then
the arrester is to be disconnected from the
14.2 Maintenance system and brought to a specially equipped lab
The MO arresters with direct sealed silicon where it can be tested by trained specialists. In
housing do not have any parts that are subject this situation, it is necessary to obtain from the
to wear and are free of maintenance. Addition- manufacturer the information about the para-
ally, the pollution of the silicon housing does meters to be proved and the equipment needed.
not have a negative influence on the insulation The best solution is to send the arrester back to
resistance of the housing. The arrester can be the factory and to have the routine tests repeat-
cleaned if the pollution is very strong. For the ed there.
cleaning the use of abrasive cleaning materials On-site measurements with a “megger” or simple
or solvents are not recommended. The best way resistance measurements with an ohmmeter do
to clean silicon surfaces is with clear warm not provide reliable and sufficient information
water and a soft cloth that does not make any about the condition of the arrester.
fluff. This arrester should not be treated with In this context, it is to be noted that when in-
silicon grease or oil after cleaning. sulation measurements are being made in an
As part of a general control of the substation or installation or station, the arrester must be dis-
installation a visual inspection of the arrester is connected from the system. Otherwise, the
sufficient. Included in such an inspection measurement can be incorrect or lead to false
should be: conclusions. In such a situation it is also possible
n the surge counter and the mA-meter, that the arrester may be destroyed.
if installed,
n the housing, to see if it has any cracks

or other damage,
n the connections, including disconnectors,

if any.

ABB High Voltage Products 75



The disconnectors are used for automatically If high voltage fuses are installed in the same
disconnecting a surge arrester that has been current path as the disconnectors, the response
overstressed. The disconnectors are generally characteristics of both protection devices have
placed on the earth side directly under the to be matched to one another. The disconnec-
arrester. In such cases, the arrester is installed tor has to respond in time before the fuse or at
on an insulating bracket; see also the example the same time with it. This concept prevents the
in Figure 32. The earth connection must be flex- switching on of the current when a new fuse is
ible and it is necessary to have sufficient dis- installed as long as a short circuit still exists.
tance beneath the arrester, so that the dis-
connected earth connection can hang freely and
the applied operating voltage that occurs at the
foot of the arrester does not lead to spark-over.
Figure 40 shows an arrester that was over-
stressed and consequently disconnected.
The purpose of disconnectors is to prevent
overstressed arresters from leading to a perma-
nent short circuit resulting in the switching off
of the system. It is thus possible to continue to
supply consumers with electrical energy. This
is surely an advantage in inaccessible areas or
if the overstressed arrester cannot be quickly
replaced. The disadvantage is that there is no
overvoltage protection as long as the arrester
is disconnected. That is why it is important to
replace the arresters that are out of order and
were disconnected from the system as quickly
as possible.

Bild 40: Overstressed MO arrester with disconnected

earth connection.

76 ABB High Voltage Products

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Indicators are devices that clearly indicate an

overstressed arrester, i.e. a short circuited arrest-
er. Such devices are installed either on the over-
voltage side or on the earth side directly at the
arrester. In the event of an overstress, the short
circuit is permanent and the system is switched
off, but the damaged arrester can clearly be de-
tected and in this way can be quickly replaced.
Indicators are used in lines or stations with
arresters that cannot easily be visually con-

ABB High Voltage Products 77



An MO surge arrester behaves like an insulator, In medium voltage systems, on the other hand,
except in the event of very short discharges. the use of such monitoring devices is limited
The leakage current flowing under applied con- to a few special cases. On the one hand, this is
tinuous operating voltage is very low. As it was due to the price of the monitoring devices,
depicted in Chapter 3.4.2 it is indispensable that which can be more expensive than the MO ar-
the voltage-current characteristic does not rester itself for the medium voltage system. On
change under the continuous applied voltage. the other hand, the significance of the measured
Any rise of the leakage current is particularly data tends to be low.
inacceptable and in conjunction with this the The number of discharges of an arrester does
rise of the power losses and the temperature of not provide any details concerning the condi-
the active part. tion or the function ability of the arrester. If the
Different methods of diagnosis and indicators guaranteed energy and current values are not
were discussed and developed [5] for the condi- exceeded, no changes appear at the arrester
tion monitoring of MO surge arresters. The dis- that can be measured. If the guaranteed values
connectors and the indicators mentioned above are clearly exceeded, this leads to the destruc-
indicate the total destruction of an arrester. tion of the arrester. As a rule of thumb, there is
Surge counters can be installed if there is interest no intermediate stage. The disadvantage of
in monitoring the occurrances of the discharges monitoring devices that analyze the harmonics
of an arrester in the system. These surge counters of the leakage current, for example, or which
count all discharges above the threshold value filter and evaluate the 3rd harmonic, is, that the
of the surge counter. Modern surge counters measured values from the system are difficult to
can classify the discharge currents according the interpret in the practice.
reached peak values as well as the moment of The measurement of the entire current is not
the discharge. important, because the leakage current at the
A mA-meter can be installed if the continuously continuous operating voltage is mainly capa-
flowing leakage current of an MO arrester is to citive, which means that possible changes occur
be monitored. Newer devices offer both possi- in the very small ohmic component and there-
bilities in a single device, partially with inter- fore can hardly be registered. The leakage cur-
faces, which enables the reading out of stored rent in the range of the continuous operating
data. voltage is dependent on the temperature; there-
The arrester has to be installed insulated if surge fore, a correction must be made due to the
counters or mA-meters are used. actual temperature to correctly evaluate the
In systems with a system voltage of 72.5 kV measurement results.
and higher, surge counters and mA-meters are The power losses give valuable information
frequently used for monitoring the arresters. concerning the condition of the arrester. But the
measurement of the power losses of the arrester
in the system is not possible due to practical
reasons, because it would be necessary to install
a voltage divider near each arrester. Moreover,
the power losses in the range of the continuous
operating voltage are low and are strongly
dependent on the temperature. It would be far
too expensive to make exact and temperature
compensated measurements.

78 ABB High Voltage Products

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The measurement of the temperature of the active The surge counters that are frequently used for
part of the arrester is very complicated and it is MO arresters in high voltage systems, do not
not used with medium voltage arresters. More- provide much information about the condition
over, it would be necessary to register very of the arrester itself, as previously discussed.
small temperature changes. This means that the However, they do provide valuable information
environmental temperature and the temperature about the activities in the system. Thus, they are
changes due to the normal discharges have to intended more for the monitoring of the sub-
be taken into consideration, i.e. they need to be station or the line and less for the arrester.
compensated. Therefore, an arrester with surge counters can
Some users employ thermo vision cameras to provide important data that can be used for
examine the electrical equipment or parts of the analyses of occurrences in the system.
installation for increased temperature. This is a As a rule, monitoring devices for arresters in
possible way to regularly control even the MO medium voltage systems are not recommended,
arresters as a part of a general control of the in view of the above explanations. An exception
installation. The application is limited to high to this are the disconnectors that should be used
voltage arresters that have a surface large if the supply of electrical power without inter-
enough to be aimed at precisely. ruption is more important than the immediate
If monitoring devices are used, for example, for replacement of an arrester that is out of order.
measuring the continuous current that flows
through an arrester it is important to watch
the current tendency. The momentary values
cannot provide enough information about the
condition of an arrester. For this it is necessary
to make the first measurement directly after the
arrester installation and to record the conditions
during the measurement (voltage, ambient tem-
perature, pollution of the arrester housing, etc.)
Experience in recent decades has shown that
modern MO arresters are very reliable. This is
also shown by the low rate of arrester failures in
the system. To achieve a reliable system opera-
tion without failures, it is enough to use high-
quality and accurate dimensioned MO arresters
in medium voltage systems. Additionally in-
stalled monitoring devices are not necessary in
most of the situations.

ABB High Voltage Products 79



The reliability of modern MO arresters is very As a rule, the MO arrester builds a permanent
high. The probability of the breaking down of earth or short circuit in case of an overstress. An
high voltage arresters is almost zero. With overloaded arrester resulting from a type test in
medium voltage arresters it lies approximately at a test lab is shown in Figure 41.
0.1 % throughout the world; however, there are If an arrester breaks down in the system, it is
considerable differences regionally. possible to determine the cause of the failure
The sealing system was the weak point in some from the failure mode. However, the information
older products with porcelain housings. Humid- received from overstressed arresters is rather
ity was able to enter the housing after years of vague, because it is generally not possible to
operation due to corrosion of the metal parts or differentiate between the cause of the failure
due to deterioration of the sealing rings, which and the secondary effects due to the arc.
eventually led to the breaking down of the If an overload case is to be examined, the follow-
arrester. ing information should be available:
For modern MO arresters direct-sealed with sili- n All the lightning strikes that occurred close

con, there are only a few reasons for an over- to the arrester before the breakdown and
stress. These include: extreme lightning strokes if possible also the height of the lightning
in the line directly at the arrester or unexpected current
high temporary overvoltages because of earth n All the circuit breaker operations before

failures, ferromagnetic resonances or a short cir- the breaking down of the affected line
cuit between two systems with different system n The existing voltage at the arrester

voltages. terminals before the breakdown, if possible

a recording of the voltages
n Possible earth faults at other points in the

affected system
n A line diagram of the line or the installation

with the position of the arrester before the

n Counting data of the surge counter, if any

n Ambient conditions at the time of

the breakdown.

Bild 41: MO arrester POLIM-K 36-08 after a short circuit test

in the lab.

80 ABB High Voltage Products

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If an arrester breaks down in a phase and it is

replaced, the other two arresters in the other
phases should be also replaced, or they should
at least be examined to determine if they have
also been damaged. It is thus recommended
that all three arresters be sent to the manufac-
turer for examination.
It bears mentioning that an MO arrester fulfils its
protection function even in a case of overloading.
The voltage decreases towards zero due to the
fact that an earth or short circuit is produced
and in this way the devices connected in parallel
to the arrester are protected against excessively
high voltages.
The protection that takes place in an overload
case, is deliberately used in some special cases
as the last possibility to protect very important
and expensive electrical equipment. If the aim
is to overstress an MO arrester at a predeter-
mined point – such as the exterior of a building
– this arrester is dimensioned deliberately
weaker, from the voltage point of view, than the
other arresters in the installation. These so-
called “victim” or “scarifying” arresters can be
seen as an electrically predetermined breaking
point in the system.

ABB High Voltage Products 81



Modern MO arresters with direct silicon moulding The actual state of our product portfolio and
are to be found in a large number of varieties, also the variety of typical applications for MO
covering every necessity. In recent decades they arresters are described in these application
have proved to be very reliable as protection guidelines. The latest specification revisions are
elements in the system. They protect electrical taken into account.
equipment that is much more expensive than It is not possible within this brochure to list and
the arresters themselves and thereby guarantee to describe all occurrences, just as it is not pos-
high reliability and a good energy supply. They sible to cover and to deepen all aspects of the
act as insurance against breakdowns in regard basic principles and of special applications. We
to high overvoltages. Integrated solutions are will be happy to provide additional information
being used and corresponding installations, de- if further questions arise. Special new applica-
vices and concepts are being developed for sys- tions tend to require close cooperation between
tems that become more complicated. the manufacturer and the user to find a suitable
At the same time, the available space decreases. solution. If there are any problems connected to
This means that a single device has to perform overvoltage protection, we are ready to discuss
several functions. For example, an arrester possible solutions.
could perform, in addition to the function of
overvoltage protection, the function of a support
insulator as well. Therefore, it is necessary to
continue developing and optimizing the MO
arrester and all the other electrical equipment.
At the same time, it is necessary to revise the
standards and the application guidelines, be-
cause the requirements and the possible tests
are also changing.
In the international committees of standardiza-
tion, IEC and CENELEC, the existing standards
are being contiuously revised and adapted to
meet the latest developments. New standards
are drawn up for new application cases, such as
for renewable energy (e.g. photovoltaic and
wind power).
Questions about lightning and overvoltage pro-
tection are dealt with in different working
groups in Cigré and CIRED, and additional tech-
nical brochures and application guidelines are
drawn up. New discoveries and methods bring
about progress. In the Cigré “Surge Arresters”
working group, there is an ongoing research
program on the topic of “Energy Handling
Capability of MO Resistors”. The results of this
study will bring a better and clearer definition of
the term “energy handling capability” and will
influence the tests and the decisive standards
for these tests.

82 ABB High Voltage Products

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a in m Conductor length Irw in A Rectangular wave (or square wave).

In principle, the same as Ild, used here
α -/- Nonlinearity coefficient
for rectangular waves with time duration
ANSI American National Standards Institute of 2 ms.
b in m Conductor length Is in A Rated short circuit current. The current,
generally given in kA, rms value,
BIL in kV Basic lightning impulse insulation level
with which the overload performance of
(peak value). Similar to the LIWV according
a surge arrester is tested.
to IEC. The term BIL is used exclusively in
US standards. Isw in A Switching current impulse with
a wave shape of at least 30/60 µs
C in F Capacitance (mainly given in nF or µF)
(given in A, peak value)
CENELEC European Committee for Electrotechnical
i(t) -/- Time function of the lightning current

Ck in F Capacitance between phase conductor

IEC International Electrotechnical Commission
and earth IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics
Engineers, Inc.
d in m Section length of an overhead line before
the substation k -/- Earth fault factor, k × Us /√3 is the
maximum voltage between phase and
f in 1/s Frequency, mainly given in Hz.
earth in case of an earth fault.
Typical frequencies in power systems are
f = 16.7 Hz, 50 Hz, 60 Hz. k -/- Proportional factor
i in A Peak value of a lightning current K -/- Corona damping constant
(primarily given in kA)
Ks -/- Safety factor
ic in A Continuous current through the arrester
under applied continuous operating
L in H Inductance
voltage Uc. Sometimes also named leakage L in m Protection distance of an arrester
current (generally given in mA).
LK in m Cable length
ICe in A Capacitive earth fault current, rms
(given in A)
LIWV in V Standard rated lightning impulse withstand
voltage of an equipment or insulation con-
Ihc in A High current impulse with wave shape figuration (generally given in kV, peak value)
4/10 µs peak value (generally given in kA)
MCOV in V Maximum Continuous Operating Voltage
Ik in A Earth fault short circuit current, rms (= Uc, mainly given in kV, rms-value).
(mainly given in A) Defined and used in US standards.
IK in A 50 Hz fault current P, Pv in W Power losses of the arrester in
(mainly given in kA, rms-value) the case of Uc
Ild in A Long duration current impulse, mostly p.u. -/- per unit, 1 p.u. = √2 × Us /√3
in connection with a line discharge class
or test. Generally given in A, peak value
Q in W Heat flow from the active part of an arrester
to the external environment (cooling)
and a time duration, such as 2.4 ms.
In in A Nominal discharge current of an arrester
RE in Ω Earthing resistance
(mainly given in kA, peak value) R E,M in Ω Earthing resistance of a pole or tower
iref in A Reference current of an arrester R E,S in Ω Earthing resistance of a substation
(mainly given in mA, peak value)
S in V/s Maximum steepness of voltage increase
IRest in A Earth fault residual current, in connection (mainly given in kV/µs)
with Petersen coils (given in A, rms value)
SiC -/- Silicon carbide
SK in VAr Three-phase reactive power
of a capacitor battery

84 ABB High Voltage Products

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S0 in V/s Steepness of a lightning overvoltage U r* in V Increased rated voltage (kV, rms)

at the point of the lightning stroke
(generally given in kV/µs) Uref in V Reference voltage (mainly given in kV,
rms, or Upeak / √2)
S(t) in V/s Steepness of a voltage increase
in function of time (mainly given in kV/µs) Ures in V Residual voltage of the arrester (mainly
given in kV, peak value)
t in s Time
Us in V Maximum system voltage phase to
T -/- Resistance against temporary overvoltages, phase (kV, rms)
UTOV = T × Uc
u (t) -/- Time function of a lightning overvoltage
T in °C Temperature
UT in V Overvoltage at the transformer due
T in s Time duration of a long duration current to traveling waves (mainly given in kV,
(rectangular wave or square wave, peak value)
given generally in ms)
UTOV in V Power frequency overvoltage of a limited
Tk in s Time duration of earth fault duration (mainly given in kV, rms)
(given generally in s, min and h)
U1mA in V Voltage at the terminals of a surge arrester
ts in s Time interval when a d.c. current of 1 mA is passing
t 90 % in s Virtual time duration of a long duration through the arrester. Sometimes required
current impulse (rectangular wave or square as reference voltage (generally given in kV).
wave). It is the time duration during which v in m/s Speed of a traveling wave,
the current is equal or higher than 90 % v = 300 m/µs with overhead lines,
of the maximum current (given in ms or µs). v ≈ 150 m/µs in cables
U in V Peak value of the overvoltage of a traveling W in J Energy absorbed by the arrester (mainly
wave (mainly given in kV) given in kJ or kJ/kVUc )
Uc in V Maximum continuous operating voltage W' in J/V Specific energy, generally related to
(mainly given in in kV, rms) continuous operating voltage Uc (mainly
U c* in V Increased continuous operating voltage given in kJ/kVUc )
(in kV, rms) Wc in J Discharged energy absorbed by the
UE in V Maximum overvoltage at the end of an arrester (mainly given in kJ)
open line (mainly given in kV, peak value) W’hc in J/V Energy produced by a high current impulse,
Ui in V Induced voltage (in V or kV, rms value) related to the continuous operating voltage
(given in kJ/kVUc )
UK in V Overvoltage at cable end
(mainly given in kV, peak value) Xc in Ω Capacitive impedance

UL in V Charging voltage Z in Ω Surge impedance of an overhead line,

Z ≈ 300 Ω…450 Ω
ULE in V Voltage between phase and earth
(in kV, rms) ZK in Ω Surge impedance of a cable,
ZK ≈ 20 Ω… 60 Ω
ULL in V Voltage between phases (in kV, rms value)
ZL in Ω Surge impedance of a transmission line
Um in V Maximum voltage for equipment
(mainly given in kV, rms) δL -/- Load rejection factor of a generator

UMp-E in V Voltage between transformer neutral ω in 1/s Angular frequency, ω = 2 × π × f.

and earth (kV, rms) At 50 Hz is ω = 314 s-1

Upl in V Lightning impulse protective level

of a surge arrester (kV, peak value)
Ups in V Switching impulse protective level
of a surge arrester (kV, peak value)
Ur in V Rated voltage (mainly given in kV, rms)

ABB High Voltage Products 85



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[6] IEEE Std C62.11-2005: IEEE Standard for Metal-Oxide Technik, 73 (1983) 5, S. 270–278.
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[8] Protection of Medium Voltage and Low Voltage [23] VDV Recommendation 525, 01/06: Protection of
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[15] IEC 815, first edition 1988: Guide for the selection of [29] W. Schmidt, J. Meppelink, B. Richter, K. Feser,
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22. bis 23. November 2004 in Deidesheim.

86 ABB High Voltage Products

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ABB Switzerland Ltd
High Voltage Products
Surge Arresters
Jurastrasse 45
CH-5430 Wettingen / Switzerland

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