Seismic Strengthening of Reinforced Concrete Bridge Pier With FRP Composites

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Chris P PANTELIDES1, Janos GERGELY2, Lawrence D REAVELEY3 And Vladimir A VOLNYY4


In-situ lateral load tests were conducted on Interstate 15 to determine the strength and ductility of
an existing concrete bridge. The bridge was designed and built in 1962 for gravity and wind loads;
as such, it did not possess adequate reinforcing details for seismic resistance. The purpose of the
tests was to examine the improvements that can actually be achieved using a carbon Fiber
Reinforced Polymer (FRP) composite retrofit. Three tests were conducted; the first test was on an
as-built bent (Bent #5); the second test was on an as-built bent (Bent #6) which was retrofitted
with FRP composites for seismic strengthening; and the third test involved repair of Bent #5, FRP
retrofit and testing. The paper presents analysis of the results of the as-is (Bent #5) and retrofitted
(Bent #6) tests. The design of the FRP composite was developed based on rational guidelines for
the columns, cap beam, and cap beam-column joints to provide a specific displacement ductility.
Agreement between analytical and experimental results was observed which included the peak
lateral displacement of the bent, the peak lateral load, and the locations of the plastic hinges. The
FRP composite was able to strengthen the cap beam-column joints effectively for an increase in
shear stresses of 35 percent, while the peak lateral load capacity was increased by 16 percent. The
displacement ductility was improved from 2.8 for the as-is bent (Bent #5) to 6.3 for the retrofitted
bent (Bent #6), which exceeded the retrofit objective of doubling the ductility. The tests
demonstrated that reinforced concrete (RC) bridge bents which were designed without any seismic
detailing can be rehabilitated effectively with FRP composites. The advantages of FRP composite
rehabilitation include cost effectiveness, fast construction, minimum traffic disruption, and
superior strength per unit weight.


Recent earthquakes such as the one in Loma Prieta in 1989, in Northridge in 1994, and in Kobe in 1995, have
repeatedly demonstrated the vulnerabilities of older reinforced concrete bridges to seismic deformation demands.
While experimental validation of retrofit concepts for such bridge columns exists [Priestley et al. 1996, Seible et
al. 1997], full-scale in-situ tests of structural systems, such as retrofitted bridge bents, are rare. A three-span
segment of the standing portion of the Cypress Street viaduct was instrumented and tested for evaluating retrofit
techniques, including addition of external post-tensioning rods to each bent cap, and placement of external shear
reinforcement over the column clear height. It was found that retrofitting had little effect on overall lateral
stiffness but increased strength, and displacement ductilities [Bollo et al., 1990]. Full-scale tests of reinforced
concrete circular columns were performed in St. Louis [Gamble and Hawkins, 1996]. Several columns were
tested in the as-built condition, after being retrofitted with tensioned steel bands, or glass FRP composite jackets.
All of the retrofits functioned properly, and prevented the lap splices from failure at significant force and
deformation levels. Rehabilitation techniques involving steel jacketing, concrete jacketing, and FRP composite
jackets for columns have been developed at the University of California San Diego [Priestley et al., 1996].
Various circular and rectangular columns with carbon FRP composite retrofits were tested in the laboratory
[Seible at al. 1997]. The tests showed that the carbon FRP composite jacket was as effective as a comparable
steel jacket system. Several studies have been carried out regarding the shear and flexural strengthening of RC
beams with FRP composites.
Prof., Dept. of Civ. & Env. Engrg., Univ. of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT 84112, USA, [email protected]
Asst. Prof., Civ. Engrg. Dept., Univ. of North Carolina, Charlotte, NC 28223, USA, [email protected]
Prof. and Chair, Dept. of Civ. & Env. Engrg., Univ. of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT 84112, USA, [email protected]
Engineer, R. Englekirk Consulting Engineers, Los Angeles, CA 90018, USA
Experimental studies [Priestley et al. 1997] have shown that older RC concrete joints do not meet the
confinement and shear reinforcement details specified in the ACI Committee 352R-91 recommendations [ACI
1991]. Methods available for strengthening these weak joints include: (1) jacketing of the joint region [Alcocer
and Jirsa 1993]; (2) joint section increase with special dowels and post-tensioning rods [Lowes and Moehle
1995]; (3) post-tensioning of the beam combined with fiberglass wraps on the beam and column [Sexsmith et al.
1997]; and (4) corrugated steel jacketing of the beam-column connection [Biddah et al. 1997]. Retrofit of RC
joints using FRP composites has not received much attention. In a demonstration project, three columns, the cap
beam, and joints of the Highland Drive Bridge at Interstate 80 in Salt Lake City were wrapped with carbon FRP
composites in September, 1996. The bridge was in service during the retrofit. The details of the field
application were presented in [Pantelides et al. 1997]; the analytical techniques for the retrofit design and
comparison with full-scale experiments of similar joints were presented in [Gergely et al. 1998]. Detailed
procedures for improving the shear capacity of RC T-joints using FRP composites were recently established
[Gergely and Pantelides 1998].

As part of the Interstate 15 reconstruction project, the I-15 bridges along the Wasatch front are currently being
demolished and are being replaced with a new freeway system. This provided an opportunity to test two bents of
the old freeway. The bridge under consideration was designed and built in 1962, before the 1971 San Fernando
earthquake, and was missing the basic reinforcement details necessary to provide adequate lateral load capacity
and ductility. In-situ lateral load tests of three RC bents of the South Temple Bridge were performed, with and
without FRP composites, to demonstrate the ability of composite materials to improve resistance to seismic
loading. Specifically, the FRP composite was designed to double the displacement ductility of the as-is bent.
The objectives of the retrofit and in-situ tests were to: (a) determine the capacity of the bent in the as-built
condition (Bent #5); and (b) determine the improvement in strength and ductility of the bent with the FRP
composite retrofit (Bent #6). Two bents (Bent #5 and #6) and the deck between them, which were part of the
Northbound lanes of the South Temple Bridge at I-15, were made available for testing prior to demolition.


An estimate of the peak lateral load and the maximum horizontal displacement of the bent were determined by
performing a nonlinear static pushover analysis, using the program DRAIN-2DX [Prakash et al. 1992]. The
yielding sequence of the structural members was observed, and member forces were calculated at the ultimate
displacement. This information was necessary for the design of the rehabilitation using FRP composites. To
construct the 2-D model of the structure, the existing conditions had to be evaluated and compared with the
original design plans. The bent general dimensions are shown in Figure 1. The column transverse reinforcement
was inadequate in the lap-splice region, and the anchorage of the longitudinal reinforcement in the pile cap and
in the cap joint was insufficient. There were no transverse hoops in the column cap-beam connection, and in
addition the column bars terminating in the connection were not anchored adequately.

Figure 1. Bent dimensions

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Figure 2. Loading condition

The loading configuration of the bent is shown in Figure 2. The horizontal load was applied at the cap beam
level. To pull on the bent, the load was transferred to the far end of the bent by twenty prestressed tendons. The
tendons were prestressed to take out the sag and the slippage in the anchorage system. The connection details
were such that there was no difference between pulling from the far end and pushing from the near end. Half of
the originally present dead load from the deck was acting on each bent, which was transmitted to the cap beam
by welded plate girders, bearing on eight reinforced concrete pedestals. The specified concrete strength was 21
MPa, and the yield strength of the longitudinal and the transverse reinforcement was 276 MPa. Due to the
loading system configuration, lateral movement was prevented at the level of the pile caps (nodes 1, 2 and 3).


The goal of the seismic retrofit was to improve the displacement ductility of Bent #6 by a factor of two as
compared to the as-is Bent #5. From the pushover analysis, it was concluded that the bent had deficiencies in the
following areas: the confinement of the column lap splice region, the confinement of the plastic hinges, the
column shear, the shear in the joint region, and the anchorage of the column longitudinal reinforcement into the
cap beam. To address these issues, each element was analyzed and the structural retrofit using FRP composites
was specified. A complete description of the design is given elsewhere [Gergely and Pantelides 1998, Pantelides
et al. 1999].

Flexural plastic hinge confinement for columns

The benefits of the composite jacket in the plastic hinge region include providing confinement of the core, and
prevention of the concrete cover from spalling off which provides the longitudinal reinforcement with lateral
stability. The composite layout was designed as a square jacket with twice the FRP composite thickness required
for an equivalent circular jacket, as recommended from tests carried out by Seible et al. [1997]. The thickness of
the FRP composite layers was calculated using the expression derived in [Seible et al. 1997], in which the
thickness was found to be proportional to the column dimensions, and inversely proportional to the product of
the ultimate stress and ultimate strain of the composite. The following parameters were used: (1) the ultimate
concrete strain was taken as 0.0065 based on the required ductility increase [Gergely et al. 1998]; (2) the
compressive strength of confined concrete was taken as 24 MPa; (3) the FRP composite material used in this
application was 48,000 fibers per tow unidirectional carbon fiber. The number of tows per 25.4 mm of sheet
(pitch) was 6.5, and the width of carbon fiber sheets was 457 mm. The ultimate FRP composite strength was
evaluated, using tensile tests according to ASTM D-3039 specifications (ASTM 1996), as 628 MPa and the
ultimate FRP composite strain was found as 0.01; and (4) a flexural capacity reduction factor of 0.9 was used.
Since the columns had a rectangular section, the calculated thickness was doubled.

Lap splice clamping for the columns

The thickness of the FRP composite required for clamping the lap splice region was determined based on an
equivalent circular jacket, and was then doubled. The thickness of the FRP composite required to clamp the lap
splice region was found to be directly proportional to the effective column diameter De, and inversely
proportional to the modulus of elasticity of the composite, Ej [Seible et al. 1997]. The modulus of the composite
jacket was determined experimentally using tensile coupons as 64,730 MPa.

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Shear strengthening of the columns

Each of the shear resisting components were evaluated and then subtracted from the design shear. The design
shear was estimated as 1.5 times the column shear at yielding. The column shear capacity was evaluated using
the approach given in [Priestley et al. 1996]. It was found that shear strengthening was not required outside the
plastic hinge region. The thickness of the composite jacket inside the plastic hinge region is inversely
proportional to the composite’s modulus of elasticity and the column dimension [Seible et al. 1997]. A shear
strength reduction factor of 0.85 was used.

Flexural plastic hinge confinement for the cap beam

The shear capacity of the cap beam was found to be adequate outside the joint region. The design of the FRP
composite for confinement of the plastic hinge followed the procedure presented earlier for the columns.

Shear strengthening of the column-cap beam joint

From analysis, the peak lateral load for the retrofitted Bent #6 was increased compared to the as-built bent,
which resulted in higher joint shear forces. The design of the FRP composite for the joint region was calculated
using the following procedure [Gergely and Pantelides 1998]: (1) the horizontal and vertical shear forces and
stresses at the ultimate displacement were calculated for the middle joint; (2) the principal tension and
compression stresses for the joint were obtained, from which the optimal orientation of the fibers was found as ±
480 with respect to the longitudinal axis of the cap beam; however, an angle of ± 450 was used in the actual test;
(3) the increased demand for the joint principal tensile stress was calculated for the corresponding increase in the
lateral load capacity of the bend; and (4) the number of layers required to satisfy this increase was found by
dividing the increase in principal tensile stress by the stress developed using one layer of carbon fiber sheet; the
latter is proportional to the effective depth of the joint, the thickness of one layer of the carbon fiber sheet, the
elastic modulus of the FRP composite material, Ej, and the average axial strain of the composite at peak lateral
load which was experimentally determined as 0.2% in laboratory experiments, and was later verified in the test
by strain gage measurements on the FRP composite. This strain is limited by the bond failure between the FRP
composite and the concrete; it is important to use this reduced level of strain in shear-critical applications. The
number of layers found by this process was 3.65. Four layers of unidirectional fabric were applied to obtain a
symmetric FRP composite jacket around the joint. These layers were provided in both directions to take into
account the cyclic nature of the applied loads, they were continuous and covered all four faces of the cap beam.

The composite layout for Bent #6 is shown in Figure 3. The number of layers was found by dividing the
required thickness by the thickness of one layer of the carbon fiber sheet, which was 1.32 mm. A 51mm gap was
left at the top and bottom of the columns, as shown in Figure 3, to allow independent movements to occur at the
joints, and to prevent bearing of the advanced FRP composite jacket on the footing or the bottom of the cap
beam. The additional six layers of 152 mm wide composite sheets (tapes) shown in Figure 3 were provided in
order to decrease the level of stresses in the column longitudinal reinforcement extended into the joint.


Modifications were made to the substructure in order to resist the shear from application of the lateral load. The
deck supports were also modified in order to perform the tests safely, without the danger of loosing the deck.

Test of the as-built Bent #5

The horizontal cyclic loading was applied in a quasi-static manner. In the first part of the test, a force-controlled
test was performed with increasing load steps. In each load step, the load was applied for three cycles, and each
cycle had a push and a pull segment. After first yielding, the test was continued by increasing the displacement
as a fraction of the yield displacement. From a bilinear approximation of the load-displacement behavior, the
displacement ductility of the bent at the end of the test was found to be equal to 2.8, as shown in Figure 4. This
is reasonable for bridges of this type built in the 1960’s, which were not designed for earthquakes. The bridge
was designed for lateral wind loads. Significant diagonal tension cracks formed in the cap beam-column joint
region, showing a gradual degradation of the concrete. Flexural cracks developed at the top of the columns that
opened as the bending capacity was reached. These cracks had various widths with the largest being at the
interface of the column and the cap beam which were 2 mm wide. The cracks went all around the column
perimeter in the plastic hinge region. The first layer of the column longitudinal reinforcement extended into the
joint was exposed on the south side, suggesting bar slippage and severe deterioration of reinforcement bond.

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Test of the retrofitted Bent #6

The test setup and the testing procedures were similar to the ones described for Bent #5. The load-displacement
curve for Bent #6 is shown in Figure 5. This is a good example of ductile behavior, where the lateral capacity is
maintained up to 200 mm with no significant damage to the structure. From a bilinear approximation of the
load-displacement behavior, the displacement ductility of the bent at the end of the test was found to be equal to
6.3, as shown in Figure 5. Thus, the goal set out in the FRP composite design of doubling the displacement
ductility was achieved. Large cracks in the concrete were visible at the interface between the column and the
cap beam which reached 6 mm in width. In addition, at both column ends, shallow spalling cracks in the 51 mm

Figure 3. Composite layout for Bent #6

Figure 3. Composite layout for Bent #6 (continued)

gaps were formed. The FRP composite layers delaminated in the column-cap beam joint region, and at the top
and bottom of the columns. This occurred because of the low concrete strength in surface tension. The outside
carbon fiber layers had flexural cracks along the fiber direction. Visible tensile failure of the 152 mm tensile
composite tapes was observed. Strain gages measured the peak value of the strain in the composite at the cap
beam-column joint as 0.22%, which was about a fifth of the ultimate value of 1%. This low strain level in the

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composite justifies the value used to design the composite layout for shear strengthening of the joints.

The failure of the composite and cracking patterns of the columns, i.e. delamination or bulging at the top or base
of the columns due to concrete dilation, are similar to those observed in laboratory experiments [Seible et al.
1994]. The failure mechanism of the FRP composite at the joints, i.e. delamination of the composite due to
failure of the concrete in surface tension, was also observed previously in laboratory experiments [Gergely and
Pantelides 1998]. At a strain of approximately 0.2% the FRP composite sheets debond from the concrete
surface and never reach their tensile strain capacity of 1%. Comparing the performance of the as-built Bent #5
(Figure 4) and the retrofitted Bent #6 (Figure 5), it can be seen that the FRP composite retrofit significantly
increased the ductile capacity of the as-built bent, and allowed the bent to achieve a higher lateral load capacity
while maintaining a significant gravity load.


The in-situ tests conducted at the South Temple Bridge have shown that externally bonded FRP composites can
greatly enhance the displacement ductility of RC bridge bents, which were not designed to any seismic
standards. In addition, the cap beam-column joint shear capacity was enhanced, the overall damage was
controlled, and a residual strength was left to support the dead load. Delamination of the composite from the
concrete surface was the dominant mode of failure of the composite and can occur at about only one fifth of the
composite's tensile capacity. The as-built bent had extensive diagonal cracks in the joint region which extended
into the cap beam at the bottom level of the horizontal reinforcement, and substantial flexural cracks in the upper
region of the columns; however, it maintained a high lateral load capacity up to a displacement ductility of 2.8.
The retrofitted bent reached a displacement ductility of 6.3, while the peak lateral load capacity was also
increased by 16 percent. The FRP composite was able to strengthen the joint which had an increase in shear
stresses of 35 percent.

Figure 4. Load-displacement response of the as-built Bent #5

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Figure 5. Load-displacement response of Bent #6 with composite retrofit


The authors would like to acknowledge the financial support provided by the National Science Foundation under
Grant No. CMS 9712761, the Federal Highway Administration, the Utah Department of Transportation, and the
Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory. In-kind contributions were made by XXsys
Technologies, Inc., and Geopier Foundation, Inc. The authors are grateful to Wasatch Constructors for allowing
them to perform the tests on Interstate 15. The authors acknowledge the assistance of Chris Hofheins and Nicole
Marriott in performing the tests.


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