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A Thesis

Submitted as a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for S1 Degree

NPM. 1311040163



A Thesis

Submitted as a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for S1 Degree

NPM. 1311040163

Advisor : Syofnidah Ifrianti, M.Pd

Co-Advisor : Dewi Kurniawati, M.Pd





Vocabulary is one of language elements that should be mastered by the students.
Vocabulary mastery is meant as an ability of speaker or writer to use all the words of
language that they have learn in conducting both oral and written communication.
The students’ vocabulary mastery of SMA N 1 Penengahan is still low. It can be seen
from the students’ vocabulary mastery score in preliminary research. There were
60.36% of the students who got the score under 72 as the criteria of minimum
mastery. To solve the problem, the writer applied Text Twist game. Text Twist game
is one way to help students improve their vocabulary mastery by doing some
procedures in the technique such as rearranging the letters into correct word and then
finding meaning from each word. The objective of this research is to know whether
there is a significant influence of using Text Twist game toward students’ English
Vocabulary Mastery in the Second Semester of the Eleventh Grade at SMA N 1
Penengahan in the Academic Year of 2016/2017.

The research methodology was quasi experimental design. In this research, the
population was the eleventh grade of SMA N 1 Penengahan, South Lampung. The
sample of this research was two classes consisting of 38 students for experimental
class and 38 students for control class. In the experimental class, the writer used Text
Twist game and in the control class the teacher used Translation Technique. The
treatments were held in 3 meetings in which 2 x 45 minutes for each class. In
collecting the data, the writer used instrument in the form of multiple choice
questions which had been tried out before the treatments. The instrument was given
in pre-test and post-test. Before giving the treatment, the writer gave pre-test for both
classes. Then, after conducting the treatments, the instrument was given in post-test.
After giving pre-test and post-test, the writer analyzed the data using SPSS to
compute independent sample t-test.

Based on the data analysis computed by using SPSS, it was obtained that Sig. = 0.000
and α = 0.05. It means Ha is accepted because Sig. < α = 0.000 < 0.05. Therefore,
there is a significant influence of using Text Twist game towards students’
vocabulary mastery in the first semester of the eleventh grade at SMA N 1
Penengahan, South Lampung.

Keywords: Text Twist game, vocabulary mastery, quasi experimental research.


I hereby state that this thesis entitled “The Influence of Using Text Twist Game

towards Students’ English Vocabulary Mastery in the Second Semester of the

Eleventh Grade at SMA N 1 Penengahan in the Academic Year of 2016/2017” is

completely my own work. I am fully aware that I have quoted some statements and

theories from various sources and they are properly acknowledged in this thesis.

Bandar Lampung, June 2017

Declared by,

NPM. 1311040163


‫َﺎت اﻟﻠﱠ ِﻪ‬

ُ ‫َت َﻛﻠِﻤ‬
ْ ‫ْض ﻣِﻦ َﺷ َﺠَﺮةٍ أَﻗ َْﻼ ٌم وَاﻟْﺒَ ْﺤ ُﺮ ﳝَُﱡﺪﻩُ ﻣِﻦ ﺑـَ ْﻌ ِﺪﻩِ َﺳْﺒـ َﻌﺔُ أَﲝُْ ٍﺮ ﻣﱠﺎ ﻧَِﻔﺪ‬
ِ ‫َوﻟ َْﻮ أَﳕﱠَﺎ ِﰲ ْاﻷَر‬

﴾٢٧﴿ ‫إِ ﱠن اﻟﻠﱠﻪَ َﻋﺰِﻳٌﺰ َﺣﻜِﻴ ٌﻢ‬

“And if all the trees in the earth were pens, and the sea, with seven more seas to help

it, (were ink), the words of Allah could not be exhausted. Lo! Allah is Mighty, Wise.”

(Luqman (31): 27) 1

Yayasan Penyelenggara Penerjemah Al-Qur’an, The Noble Qur’an, (Depok: Al-Huda,
2006), p. 850


This thesis is dedicated to everyone who cares and loves me. I would like to dedicate

this thesis to:

1. My beloved parents, Mr. Sunaryo, and Mrs. Miskah, who always pray, support

and guide me to be successful in my study and my life.

2. My beloved brothers, Harun and Sueb also my beloved younger, Andreansyah

who always motivate me to succeed.

3. My beloved Almamater, UIN Raden Intan Lampung.


The name of the writer is Nasrudin. He was born in Tanjung Heran, on January 15th,

1995. He is the third child of Mr. Sunaryo and Mrs. Miskah. He has two brothers

whose names are Harun and Sueb, and one younger brother whose name is


The writer began his study in Elementary School at SD N Tanjung Heran in 2001

and graduated in 2006. He continued his study at Junior High School at MTs 2 Al-

Munawwarah 2, South Lampung and graduated in 2009. After that, he went to SMA

Negeri 1 Penengahan and graduated in 2012. After finishing his study in SMA, he

decided to study in English Educational Program of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training

Faculty of State Islamic University of Raden Intan Lampung. He joined an

association in his faculty, called ESA (English Student Association). Besides ESA, he

also joined organizations such as Asosiasi Mahasiswa Penerima Bidikmisi (AMPIBI),

Komunitas Minat Baca Mahasiswa Lampung (KMBML).


Praise be to Allah, the most gracious and the most merciful, who has given his

blessing and chance for completing this thesis entitled “The influence of using Text

Twist game toward students’ vocabulary mastery in the second semester of the

eleventh grade of SMA N 1 Penengahan in the academic year of 2016/2017”. This

thesis is written as one of requirements of S-1 degree the English Education study

program of UIN Raden Intan Lampung. In finishing this thesis, the writer obtained so

much help, support, love and many valuable things from various sides. Therefore, the

writer would sincerely thank:

1. Dr. H. Chairul Anwar, M.Pd, the Dean of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training

Faculty of UIN Raden Intan Lampung, with his personnel who have given an

opportunity and forbearance to the writer when on going the study until the

accomplishment of this thesis.

2. Meisuri, M.Pd., the Chairperson of English Education Study Program of UIN

Raden Intan Lampung who patiently guided the writer until the completion of

this thesis.

3. Syofnidah Ifrianti, M.Pd., the advisor who has patiently guided and directed

the writer until the completion of this thesis.

4. Dewi Kurniawati, M.Pd., the great co-advisor, who has always patiently

guided and spent countless time given to the writer to finish this thesis.

5. All excellent lecturers of English Education Study Program of UIN Raden

Intan Lampung.

6. Drs. Hariri, the headmaster of SMA N 1 Penengahan, Lampung Selatan, for

allowing him to conduct the research.

7. Ida Sriwahyuni, S.Pd., the English Teacher of SMA N 1 Penengahan who has

helped and given suggestions during the research process and the students of

the eleventh grade of SMA N 1 Penengahan for being cooperative during the


8. The researcher’s parents, Mr. Sunaryo and Mrs. Miskah and also his beloved

brothers for their support, love, and everything that he cannot tell all in words.

9. The writer’s beloved friends, Ari Setiawan, Eli Nurhayati, Ahmad Saifudin,

Fathur Rohman, Abdul Rohman Imanudin, Achmad Alfarezi, Elmizar M.

Nur, Bayak Djaka Surya, all friends in English department 2013, especially

class D, the writer’s partners in Asosiasi Mahasiswa Penerima Bidikmisi

community, thanks for the biggest motivation, help and support.

Finally, the writer is fully aware that there are still a lot of weaknesses in this thesis.

For this, the writer truthfully expects criticism and suggestion from the readers to

enhance the quality of the thesis.

Bandar Lampung, June 2017

The Writer,

NPM. 1311040163



COVER ................................................................................................................. i
ABSTRACT .......................................................................................................... ii
APPROVAL ......................................................................................................... iii
ADMISSION......................................................................................................... iv
DECLARATION.................................................................................................. v
MOTTO ................................................................................................................ vi
DEDICATION...................................................................................................... vii
CURRICULUM VITAE...................................................................................... viii
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT................................................................................... ix
TABLE OF CONTENTS..................................................................................... xi
LIST OF TABLES ............................................................................................... xiv
LIST OF FIGURES ............................................................................................. xv
LIST OF APPENDICES ..................................................................................... xvi

A. Background of the Problem ..................................................................... . 1
B. Identification of the Problem ................................................................... . 8
C. Limitation of the the Problem .................................................................. . 8
D. Formulation of the Problem ..................................................................... . 8
E. Objective of the Problem and the Use of Research.................................. . 8
F. Scope of the Research .............................................................................. . 9


A. Frame of Theories .................................................................................... . 10
1. Teaching English as a Foreign Language ............................................. . 10
2. Concept of Vocabulary ......................................................................... . 12
3. Concept of Vocabulary Mastery ........................................................... . 20
4. Aspect of Vocabulary Mastery.............................................................. . 22
5. Concept of Teaching Vocabulary.......................................................... . 25
6. Concept of Game................................................................................... . 26
7. Games in Teaching Vocabulary ............................................................ . 27
8. Text Twist Game................................................................................... . 28
a) Concept of Text Twist Game .......................................................... . 28
b) Rule of Text Twist Game................................................................ . 31
c) Procedure of Text Twist Game .......................................................... 32
d) Advantages and Disadvantages of Text Twist Game ..................... . 34
9. Translation Technique........................................................................... . 37
a) Concept of Translation Technique .................................................. . 37

b) Procedure of Teaching Vocabulary through Translation
Technique.………………………………………………………... . 39
c) Advantages and Disadvantages of Translation Technique ............. . 40
B. Frame of Thinking .................................................................................... . 41
C. Hypothesis................................................................................................. . 42


A. Research Design.......................................................................................... . 43
B. Variable of the Research ............................................................................. . 45
C. Operational Definition of Variables............................................................ . 46
D. Population, Sampling Technique, and Sample of the Research.................. . 46
1. Population of the Research.................................................................... . 46
2. Sample of the Research......................................................................... . 47
3. Sampling Technique.............................................................................. . 47
E. Data Collecting Technique.......................................................................... . 48
1. Pre-Test ................................................................................................. . 49
2. Post-Test................................................................................................ . 49
F. Research Instrument.................................................................................... . 49
G. Research Procedure..................................................................................... . 56
1. Planning ................................................................................................ . 56
2. Application............................................................................................ . 58
3. Reporting............................................................................................... . 59
H. Scoring Procedure ....................................................................................... . 59
I. Validity and Reliability ............................................................................... . 60
1. Validity of the Test................................................................................ . 60
2. Reliability of the Test............................................................................ . 63
J. Data Analysis .............................................................................................. . 64
1. Fulfillment of the Assumptions ........................................................... . 65
a. Normality Test .............................................................................. . 65
b. Homogenity Test ........................................................................... . 65
2. Hypothetical Test ................................................................................ . 66


A. Situation of SMA N 1 Penengahan ............................................................. 67
B. Research Implementation............................................................................ 69
C. Description of Treatments........................................................................... 70
D. Data Analysis .............................................................................................. 73
1. The Result of Pretest............................................................................... 74
2. The Result of Posttest ............................................................................. 75
3. The Result of Normality Test ................................................................. 77
4. The Result of Homogeneity Test............................................................ 78
5. The Result of Hypothetical Test ............................................................. 79

E. Discussion ................................................................................................... 80


A. Conclusion ................................................................................................. 83
B. Suggestion ................................................................................................. 83

REFERENCES...................................................................................................... 85
APPENDICES ....................................................................................................... 89



Table 1 The Score Data from English Teacher of SMA N 1 Penengahan,

Lampung Selatan in the Academic Years 2015/2016 ............................. 3
Table 2 The Data of Documentation at the Eleventh Grade of SMA N 1
Penengahan .............................................................................................. 47
Table 3 Table Specification of Pre-test Items before Try Out ............................... 50
Table 4 Table Specification of Post-test Items before Try Out ............................. 51
Table 5 Table Specification of Pre-test Items after Try Out .................................. 53
Table 6 Table Specification of Post-test Items after Try Out ................................ 55
Table 7 The Level of Reliability .......................................................................... . 64
Table 8 Data of Teacher and Staffs of SMA N 1 Penengahan (2016/2017) ....... 67
Table 9 The Data Total of the students of SMA N 1 Penengahan (2016/2017) . 68
Table 10 Data of Infrastructural Situation of SMA N 1 Penengahan ................... 69
Table 11 Normality of the Experimental and Control Class ................................. 77
Table 12 The Result of Homogeneity Test ............................................................ 78
Table 13 The Result of Hypothetical test .............................................................. 79



Figure 1 Graphs of the result of the pre-test in experimental class............................. 74

Figure 2 Graphs of the result of the result of pre-test in control class ........................ 75
Figure 3 Graphs of the result of the result of post-test in experimental class............. 76
Figure 4 Graphs of the result of the result of post-test in control class ...................... 76



Appendix 1 The Result of Interview Teacher in the Preliminary Research .......... 90

Appendix 2 Result of Interview with the Student in the Preliminary .................... 93
Appendix 3 Students’ Vocabulary Score ............................................................... 99
Appendix 4 Analysis Result of Test Items using Anates....................................... 105
Appendix 5 Blueprint of Vocabulary Mastery (Pre-test after Try Out) ................ 107
Appendix 6 Vocabulary Test Instrument of Pre-test after Try Out ....................... 108
Appendix 7 Vocabulary Test Answer Sheet (Pre-test after Try Out) .................... 112
Appendix 8 Vocabulary Test Answer Key (Pre-test after Try Out) ...................... 113
Appendix 9 Blueprint of Vocabulary Mastery (Post-test after Try Out) ............... 114
Appendix 10 Vocabulary Test Instrument of Post-test after Try Out.................... 115
Appendix 11 Vocabulary Test Answer Sheet (Post-test after Try Out)................. 120
Appendix 12 Vocabulary Test Answer Key (Post-test after Try Out)................... 121
Appendix 13 Result of the Pre-test in the Experimental Class .............................. 122
Appendix 14 Result of the Pre-test in the Control Class ....................................... 123
Appendix 15 Result of the Post-test in the Experimental Class............................. 124
Appendix 16 Result of the Post-test in the Control Class...................................... 125
Appendix 17 The Score of Students in Experimental Class .................................. 127
Appendix 18 The Score of Students in Control Class ........................................... 128
Appendix 19 The Result of Normality and Homogenity Test ............................... 129
Appendix 20 Documentation ................................................................................. 130
Appendix 21 Students’ Work of Pretest and Posttest for Control Class................ 134
Appendix 22 Students’ Work of Pretest and Posttest for Experimental Class ...... 136
Appendix 23 Syllabus ............................................................................................ 138
Appendix 24 Lesson Plan 1 (Experimental Class)................................................. 139
Appendix 25 Lesson Plan 2 (Experimental Class)................................................. 152
Appendix 26 Lesson Plan 3 (Experimental Class)................................................. 166
Appendix 27 Lesson Plan 1 (Control Class).......................................................... 179
Appendix 28 Lesson Plan 2 (Control Class) .......................................................... 187
Appendix 29 Lesson Plan 3 (Control Class) .......................................................... 196
Appendix 30 Research Administrations ................................................................ 2 204



A. Background of the Problem

English is used by most people throughout world. Although there are some languages

that become international language nowadays, people tend to use English rather than

other languages. As an international language, English can give many advantages to

people who learn it. English is taught in order to absorb science, technology and art.

English also helps people to communicate with other people in other countries.

In Indonesia, English is the first foreign language which is taught at Primary School,

Junior, and Senior High Schools up to the university level. Based on Educational

Level Unit of Curriculum (KTSP), English subject has some skills and elements that

should be mastered by the students. All the students must have the four language

skills (listening, speaking, reading, and writing). 1 All of those skills will be achieved

when the students have mastered vocabulary. Thornbury says without grammar very

little can be conveyed, without vocabulary nothing can be conveyed.2 We can still

understand the language even if we did not know about grammar. But, the language

will tell us nothing, if we do not know anything about vocabulary.

Dinas Pendidikan, Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan, (Jakarta: Kementerian Pendidikan
dan Kebudayaan, 2006)
Scott Thornburry, How to Teach Vocabulary, (Essex: Pearson Educational Limited, 2002), p.


Dealing with the background above, the writer saw that vocabulary plays an

important role in understanding a sentence or a text. When we talk about vocabulary

we are also talking about particular meaning. Students must learn vocabulary of the

language is they want to be able to use the language in communication. Michael

says that vocabulary is the set of words for which writer know the meanings when the

writer speaks or read orally.3

Some students at Senior High School in SMA N 1 Penengahan, South Lampung still

cannot communicate in English. It can be seen from the students’ score in table 1 that

gotten from preliminary research. They can neither speak nor write. The students feel

as if English lesson were very frightening and difficult. Hence, they lose motivation

to learn English. This problem comes about due to the teaching learning always take

place in the same way every classes. In the preliminary research at the Eleventh

Grade Students at the SMA N 1 Penengahan, Kalianda, Lampung Selatan, the writer

interviewed Mrs. Ida Sri Wahyuni as the English teacher about the students’

capability in mastering English, especially about their vocabulary. She said that the

students’ vocabulary mastery is still low, because they feel that the vocabulary given

is still hard to remember.

Elfrida H. Hiebert and Michael L. Kamil, Teaching and Learning Vocabulary, (London:
Rouledge Press, 2005), p. 3

In doing preliminary research, the writer got data of vocabulary score which was

taken from semester test at the eleventh grade of SMA N 1 Penengahan. The

following table 1 is describing the result of students’ score in vocabulary test.

Table 1
English Vocabulary Score of the Eleventh Grade Students at the Eleventh Grade
of SMA N 1 Penengahan in the Academic Year 2015/2016

No Score Total Percentage
1 ≥ 72 22 9 13 44 39.64%
2 < 72 12 29 26 67 60.36%
Total 34 38 39 111 100%
(Source: The Score Data from English Teacher at SMA N 1 Penengahan, Kalianda,
Lampung Selatan in the Academic Years 2015/2016)

According to the criteria of minimal mastery for English subject in SMA N 1

Penengahan, Lampung Selatan, the KKM is seventy two (72). Based on the table

above, it can be seen that 39.64% students got score >72, and 60.36% students got

score <72. It showed many students do not get the target vocabulary score that has

been set by the school. It can be concluded that the students’ vocabulary mastery is

still low and should be increased.

Based on those statements, the writer discussed about the factors that make

vocabulary learning process is look like difficult lesson. Based on the interview with

some students in the preliminary research, it was found most of them confused and

bored with technique given. In the classroom, students simply behave as listeners and

followers. They just implemented what the thing was given by teacher. Whereas the

student needs, interests, and activation are not taken care by the teacher. Hence, the

students are still hard to achieve maximum vocabulary results in English learning. It

means that the factor that make learning vocabulary process is not effective is caused

by the monotonous technique. The technique cannot make learning process more

interest and the student feels annoyed when the learning process’ in the class. The

researcher means that there is no innovative technique and the teacher only asks the

student to open the dictionary and asks them to memorize the difficult vocabulary.

The reach the best goal, the researcher thought teacher must change the way in

teaching English.

Like other languages, in learning English, students have to be able to understand

words. In fact, it happens that students want to express something in English but they

do not know how to express the word appropriately because of the lack of

vocabulary. Tankersley says that “vocabulary is the meaning and pronunciation of

words that we use in communication. It simply the numbers of words that we

understand or can actively use to listen, speak, read, or write”. 4 Students have to be

able to understand words whether in written or audio form. Many kinds of language

games could be applied in class such as bingo families and many others. The teacher

should apply various interesting teaching strategy for vocabulary instruction and then

the teacher can use various type of language games for teaching vocabulary. Thus the

students can enjoy learning English.

Karen Tankersley, Threads of Reading, (Alexandria, Virginia: Ascd Publications, 2003), p. 52

Facing the problem above, the writer suggested creating and implementing a suitable

technique so that teaching and learning process can run effectively and reaching the

teaching objective. From this condition and situation, the use of teaching technique is

necessary, that is why the writer used game to find out whether game can improve the

students’ vocabulary achievement or not. In this study, the writer applied Text Twist

game in learning vocabulary.

Text Twist game is a language game where the way of playing this game is by

arranging some letters which are given by the teacher in order to form as many

English words as possible within a certain period of time. This game is played in

groups. The group which can arrange the most letters into English words, will be the

winner.5 It means that, the text twist game is a kind of language game that played in a

group which emphasized on arranging some letters in task which got from the teacher

and the player or students have to rearrange its letters into correct words as fast as

possible within a certain period of time. Desmanto says that the advantages of this

game are students will be motivated to look words up in dictionary. Also, Text Twist

game makes students become more creative to find out the vocabulary. As the

impact, students got improvement in vocabulary memorizing skill.6 It means that the

Nurul Sofia Aulia, Journal English Language Teaching, The Use of Super Text Twist Game to
Improve Students’ English Vocabulary Mastery, ELT 2 (2) 2013, ISSN 2253-6706, (Universitas Negeri
Semarang, 2013), p. 3
Sukma Nada Desmanto, The Use of Text Twist Game Implemented through Cooperative
Learning to Improve Students’ Noun Vocabulary Power, (Semarang: Walisongo State Islamic
University, 2016), p. 21

game can make the students motivate to check the words that they do not know in

dictionary. Hence, the improvement in vocabulary memorizing will be more develop.

Using technique especially Text Twist game in teaching and learning process is an

interesting topic for many researchers. Therefore, there is a number of studies have

been done in these field. Related to this study, the writer chose some references about

previous studies which are closed to the influence of using Text Twist towards

students’ vocabulary mastery topic.

Based on the previous research, Nurdianita, she conducted the research entitled “The

Use of Text Twist Game for Teaching Vocabulary (A Quasi-Experimenal Study at the

Tenth Grade Students of SMA Islam Ta’allumul Huda Bumiayu in the Academic Year

2014/ 2015)”. 7 In this case, the result of her research showed that Text Twist game

can be used to teach vocabulary. It can be seen in the t-test which showed that the t-

value was higher than t-table. It means that there was a different significant between

two means of control and experimental class. The questionnaire also showed that

there was significant enthusiasm during the learning process going on. It means that

the students were interested in learning vocabulary by using Text Twist game.

Second, Desmanto conducted a research entitled “The Use of Text Twist Game

Implemented through Cooperative Learning to Improve Students’ Noun Vocabulary

Meitia Nurdianita, The Use of Text Twist Game for Teaching Vocabulary, (English Department
Faculty of Languages and Arts Semarang State University, 2015), p. iii

Power”.8 This research is aimed at responding the questions: how is the

implementation of Text Twist game through cooperative learning to improve

students’ mastery of English noun, and how is the improvement of students’ mastery

of English noun after students are taught using Text Twist game. The result of the

study showed that there was improvement of students’ ability in noun vocabulary

after being taught using text-twist game. It could be seen from the result of the test

and observation from the pre cycle to second cycle. The students’ participant in the

whole teaching learning process got improvement in every cycle. Finally, the result of

this study showed that the implementation of Text Twist game through cooperative

learning technique could maximize the students’ noun vocabulary power.

Some researches above discussed about teaching vocabulary. All of researchers

wanted to get the fact either getting the best vocabulary teaching technique or

improving students’ vocabulary mastery. However, in this case, the influence of using

Text Twist game for students’ vocabulary mastery has not been discussed yet. The

writer assumes that it will give influence of using Text Twist game towards students’

vocabulary mastery.

Therefore, in this research, the writer used Text Twist game to know the influence of

using Text Twist game towards students’ vocabulary mastery. Thus, the title of this

research is: “The Influence of Using Text Twist Game Towards Students’ English

Sukma Nada Desmanto, The Use of Text Twist Game Implemented through Cooperative
Learning to Improve Students’ Noun Vocabulary Power (A Classroom Action Research at the Seven
Grade of MTs Negeri Model Babakan Lebaksiu Tegal in Academic Year of 2015/2016), (Semarang:
Walisongo State Islamic University, 2016), p. v

Vocabulary Mastery in the Second Semester at the Eleventh Grade at SMA N 1

Penengahan, South Lampung in Academic Year of 2016/2017”.

B. Identification of the Problem

Based on the background of problem, the writer identified the problems as follows:

1. The students cannot master vocabulary well.

2. The technique used by the teachers make the students bored.

C. Limitation of the Problem

Based on the identification problems, the writer limited the problem about the

influence of using Text Twist game towards students’ vocabulary mastery of noun,

verb, and adjective in humanity song lyrics.

D. Formulation of the Problem

The researcher formulated the problem as follows: is there any significant influence

of using Text Twist game towards students’ vocabulary mastery?

E. The Objective Research and the Use of Research

1. Objective of Research

Based on previous explanation, the objectives of this research was to know

whether there is significant influence of students’ mastery in vocabulary using

TextUse of the
Twist Research

The findings of the research were expected:

a. To motivate and encourage students in learning English and improve

students’ vocabulary.

b. To give information for further research with certain interest.

c. To give information to the English teacher about the influence of Text

Twist game towards students’ vocabulary mastery.

F. Scope of the Research

1. Place of Research

The research was conducted at SMA Negeri 1 Penengahan. It is located on Jl.

Raya Klaten, Penengahan, Lampung Selatan.

2. Subject of Research

The subject of this research was the students at second semester of the

eleventh grade at SMA Negeri 1 Penengahan.

3. Object of Research

The object of research was the students’ vocabulary mastery.

4. Time of Research

The research was conducted at the second semester of the eleventh grade in



A. Frame of Theories

1. Teaching English as a Foreign Language

Teaching is the activities of giving some lesson to the students. Teachers have to

master in using language during learning process. Language is used to

communicate to communicate our thoughts and ideas. 1 And there are some skills

in language. Especially in English language, the teacher always give lesson that

containing at least four skills namely listening skill, speaking skill, reading skills,

and writing skills. As a teacher, the teacher must master all of the skills to use as a

communication of ideas, feeling, believe, opinion, loves, knowledge etc.

There are many languages in the world. One of them is English. English is the

international language. International English is a concept of the English as a

global means of communication in numerous dialects, and also the movement

towards an international standards for the language.2

In Indonesia, English is a foreign language that is taught formally from Junior

High School up to University levels as a compulsory subject. It has also been

taught at elementary school as a local content. Foreign language is the language

which is used by the people from other country or society. For example Russian,

M. F. Patel and Praveen M. Jain, English Language Teaching: Methods, Tools, and Techniques,
(Vaishali, Jaipur: Sunrise, 2008), p. 31
Ibid., p. 6

Chin and other country also use these languages. These are foreign language

because they have different sound pattern, different words, little ode structure and

entirely different meaning.3

In this case, the teacher should create the learning process or situation which

funny and enables the students to learn English well. Thus, in teaching English

the teacher should speak English clearly, simple and as often as possible. Based

on Brown’s statement, teaching means giving instructions. Guiding in study of

something, providing with knowledge, causing to know or understand. 4 It means

the teacher must be able to create a pleasant condition by using of the English. If

teacher often uses English in the classroom, students are accustomed to listening

and imitating so that it makes them easy to understand without having to tell the


By this way, the students will unconsciously remember the meaning of the words

spoken. However, to achieve the goal of teaching English, there should be

skillful, creative and innovative teachers. These teachers surely need media,

technique or other facilities which can support them in achieving the goal.

In other words, teaching techniques play an important role in teaching learning

process. In addition, the teaching techniques are suggested to be interesting and

appropriate for students as well.

Ibid., p. 35
H. Douglas Brown, Principles of Language Learning and Teaching, (San Francisco:
Longman, 2007), p. 8

2. Concept of Vocabulary

When we learn about English, learners will be introduced to divide language into

the four skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing then to add grammar,

vocabulary and phonology to them as components of language. 5 Vocabulary is a

horde of words that showed by individual. It means that each word have meaning

and function depends on their word form. According to Caroline, “vocabulary is

the collection of words that an individual”. 6 Thus, whatever words found it can be

called as vocabulary.

As a reader or a writer, vocabulary is also needed as a basis knowledge to make

their activity going on as well as they can. As a writer, the function of vocabulary

is to know what the ideas that will be write in their blank page. Then, as a reader

the main function of vocabulary is to know what the writer tells about in the

written text.

According to Hiebert and Kamil, vocabulary is the set of words for which writer

know the meanings when the writer speaks or read orally. 7 This statements also

supported by Richards and Renandya, they say that vocabulary is a core

component of language and provides much of the basis for how learners speak,

Lynne Cameron, Teaching Language to Young Learners, (New York: University Press, 2001),
p. 17
Caroline T. Linse, Practical English Language Teaching Young Learners, (New York:
McGraw-Hill, 2005), p. 121
Elfrieda H. Hiebert and Michael L. Kamil, Teaching and Learning Vocabulary, (London:
Rouledge Press, 2005), p. 3

listen, read and write.8 Therefore, we can assume that the four skill which said

before could not be function if learners did not mastering vocabulary.

All of vocabularies are words. Usually learning word is learning about new words

and searching the meaning of them. Knowledge of words also comes in two

forms: receptive and productive. These statements are supported by Michael and

Hiebert, they say generically, vocabulary is the knowledge of meaning of words.

What complicates this definition is the fact that words come in at least two forms:

oral and print. Knowledge of words also comes in two forms: receptive –that

which we can understand or recognize–and productive –the vocabulary we use

when we write or speak. Oral vocabulary is the set of words for which we know

the meanings when we speak or read orally. Print vocabularies consist of those

words for which the meaning is known when we write or read silently. Productive

vocabulary is set of word that an individual can use when writing or speaking.

Receptive vocabulary is that set of words for which an individual can assign the

meaning when listening or reading.9

In the other side, Hatch and Brown, they say that vocabulary refers to a list or set

of words that individual speakers of language might use. They also stat that

vocabulary is the only system involved of alphabetical order. 10 The more

Richards and Renandya, Methodology in Language Teaching, (New York: Cambridge
University Press, 2005), p. 255
Elfrieda H. Hiebert and Michael L. Kamil, Op.Cit., p. 3
Evelyn Hatch and Cheryl Brown, Vocabulary, Semantics, and Language Education,
(Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1995), p. 1

vocabulary the students have, the bigger possibility to have a skill to use the


If the students’ vocabulary is limited, they will find some difficulties in using

English for communication in English. Vocabulary becomes one of the

requirements for people to speak a language, we will find the difficult to express

something without vocabulary. Thornbury says without grammar very little can

be conveyed, without vocabulary nothing can be conveyed. 11 We can still

understand the language even if we did not know about grammar. But, the

language will tell us nothing, if we do not know anything about vocabulary.

From the statement above, we can assume that vocabulary is used to build a

language, it is a basic element in communication. Hence, learning vocabulary

plays an important role in understanding the language whether it is used in written

or spoken. We need vocabulary to communicate. When we want to talk, if we

have limited vocabulary so, we will difficult to convey something. That is why

vocabulary called as important part in language, no language exist without


Concerning the explanations above, one of definition vocabulary is knowledge of

meaning of words. All of knowledge of words is vocabulary. There are many

kinds of vocabulary. It means that when we talk about vocabulary, we also have

Scott Thornburry, How to Teach Vocabulary, (Essex: Pearson Educational Limited, 2002), p.

to talk about word classes. Because getting vocabulary come from knowing

words. Each word have different role in a written or spoken form. Thornburry

says that words play different roles in a text. Therefore, the different roles fall into

one of eight different word classes.12

There are eight main word classes in English, such as preposition, conjunction,

determiners, pronoun, adverbs, verbs, noun, and adjectives.13 In this research, the

study was focused on noun, verb, and adjective in song lyrics. The reason of

choosing them is the words or vocabulary that usually used in song lyric are noun,

verb, and adjective. The writer means that they are more frequently used than the

other word classes.

The theme of song that used in this research is about humanity. The using of song

lyric as a material topic was aimed for getting the appropriate material based on

one of the topic syllabus (Kurikulum 2013) in the second semester of the eleventh

grade at Senior High School (SMA) provided.

a. Verbs

The verb is part of the backbone of any sentence, joining the noun or subject as

one of two absolutely necessary elements of a complete sentence. The verb lives

in what grammarians call the predicate, which contains the verb plus all the

Ibid., p.3
John Easwood, Oxford Guide to English Grammar, (New York: Oxford University Press,
1994), pp. 2-3

words that relate specifically to it. The verb gives the subject its action or

expresses its state of being.14 Sentences are complete only if they contain both a

subject and a verb. Most verbs describe actions, so they called action verb. Action

verbs tell what people or thing are doing. Here common action verbs such as:

drink, eat etc.15 There are three important types of verb to be aware such as:

1. Auxiliary Verbs or Lexical Verb

Two or more words may be joined together into a single verb phrase that

functions as the full verb of the predicate. The first part of the verb is the

auxiliary verb and the second part is the lexical verb (will be arriving).16

2. Main Verbs

Main verb can stand alone (e.g. shouted, arrived). However, where more

than one verb is used, they express the main idea (e.g. she is swimming,

have you seen?).

3. Phrasal Verbs

Phrasal verbs are formed by adding a particle (adverb or preposition –or

an adverb and a preposition) to a verb to create new meanings. Thus ‘set

out’ (‘we set out the following day’ or ‘he set out his agenda for the

meeting’) has a completely different meaning from ‘set’ (e.g. ‘set an

exam’, ‘set the table’).17

Phylis Dutwin, English Grammar Demysfied, (New York: McGraw Hill, 2010), p. 30
Howard Sargeant, Basic English Grammar, (Victoria: Acer Press, 2007), p. 52
Marcela Frank, Modern English, (New Jersey: Prentice Hall, Inc, 1972), p. 80
Jeremy Harmer, Op.Cit., p. 68

b. Noun

According to Frank, noun is one of the most important parts of speech. Its

arrangement with the verb helps to form the sentence core which is essential to

every complete sentence. In addition, it may function as the chief or head word in

many structures of modification.18

There are some main types of nouns, namely common nouns (words for people,

places and things are called common nouns), proper nouns (the names of

particular people, places and things), singular noun, and plural noun.

1) Common nouns

a) Common nouns are words for things

These common nouns are words for things: ruler, chair, hammer, bicycle,

truth, pen, table, saw, ship, calculator, crayons, sofa, axe, truck,

television, pencil, loyalty, drill, ferry, fridge, book, lamp, ladder, train,

cooker, dictionary, carpet, lawnmower, bus, computer, courage,

telephone, spade, laziness printer, etc.

b) Common nouns are words for animals

These common nouns are words for animals: dog, puppy, cat, kitten, cow,

calf, horse, foal, sheep, lamb, goat, kid, frog, tadpole, etc.

Marcella Frank, Op.Cit., p. 7

c) Common nouns are words for places

These common nouns are words for places: bank, airport, hotel gas

station, library, park, museum, farm, mall, zoo, theater, factory, hospital,

nursery, etc.

d) Common nouns are words for people who do certain things

These common nouns are words for people who do certain things: singer,

manager, sailor, gardener, dancer, secretary, pilot, police, officer, etc.

2) Proper noun

As mentioned before the proper noun is word that showed about names of

particular people, places and things. According to Sargeant, there are some

kinds of proper noun such as:

a) The people’s names people’s names are proper nouns. Such as: Robin

Hood, Florence etc.

b) The names of the days of the week and the months of the year are proper


c) The names of special days and celebrations are also proper nouns.

d) The names of famous places, buildings and monuments are proper nouns.

e) The names of people who live in a particular country are also proper


3) Singular noun

When you are talking about just one thing or person, use a singular noun.

For example: a tent, a park, an idea, a taxi, a doctor, an oven, a house, a

lady, an exercise, etc.

4) Plural Nouns

Use a plural noun when you are talking about two or more people, places

or things. Just add s to make most nouns plural. For the example:

computers, chairs, pens, books, mirrors, tables, rooms, etc. 19

c. Adjectives

According to Frank, the adjective is a modifier that has the grammatical property

of comparison. It is often identified by special derivational endings or by special

adverbial modifiers that precede it. Its most usual position is before the noun it

modifies, but it fills other positions as well.20 There are some types of adjectives


1. Determiners

Determiners consist of a small group of structure words without

characteristic form.

a) Articles –the, a, –an

b) Demonstrative adjectives –this, plural these

Howard Sargeant, Op.Cit., p. 7
Ibid., pp. 7-11

c) Possessive adjectives, my, your, one’s, John’s, the girl’s etc.

d) Numeral adjectives, cardinal: four, one hundred etc. Ordinal:

fourth, third, etc.

e) Adjectives or indefinite quality –some, few, all, more, etc.

f) Relative and interrogative adjective –whose, what, which.

All of these determiners except the articles and the possessive adjectives

of the personal pronouns may functions as pronouns when not followed by

nouns. Personal pronouns have separate forms for the possessive used

without a noun –my (adjective) book vs the book is mine (pronoun). 21

2. Descriptive Adjectives

Descriptive adjectives usually indicate an inherent quality (beautiful

intelligent), or a physical state such as age, size, color. Inflectional and

derivational endings can be added only to this type or adjective.22

3. Concept of Vocabulary Mastery

According to Kamil and Hiebert, vocabulary is knowledge of meanings of

words.23 So, all of knowledge of word is vocabulary. It means that vocabulary is

vital part of language, because a language is formed by words. If we are having

good enough of vocabulary, we will be able to communicate to other people and

express our idea clearly and easily.

Marcella Frank, Op.Cit., pp. 109-110
Elfrieda H. Hiebert and Michael L. Kamil, Op.Cit., p. 3

According to Kridaklsana, vocabulary represents: (1) language component

claiming all information about meaning and word usage (2) vocabulary mastery

of the speaker or writer of a language. (3) list of word formed such as a

dictionary, but with brief and practical definition.24 It means that all details about

meaning and word usage should be consisted in language component and it is

produced by vocabulary. Vocabulary mastery is not only mastering in written

form but also in oral form. Overall, vocabulary can be called as list of word that

contains information about meaning and word usage and it looks like a


Mastery means understanding well or simply reaching a certain level of

understanding of particular content, whereas competence represents the ability to

apply what has been mastered. According to Guskey “Mastery is a term that all

educators use and believe they understand well. But when pressed to describe

precisely what it means to master a concept, skill or subject everyone has a

different definition.25 It can be concluded that vocabulary mastery is a complete

skill of the students to understand well and communicate by using words they

have learned.

Harimurti Kridaklasana, Kamus Linguistik, (Jakarta: Gramedia Pustaka, 2008), p. 142
Thomas R Guskey, Educational Leadership. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,
1994), p. 1

From the explanations, the students’ vocabulary mastery have meaning as an

ability of students to use all the words of language that they have learn in

conducting both oral and written communication.

4. Aspect of Vocabulary Mastery

According to Harmer there are some aspects of vocabulary that should be taught or

mastered by the students in learning foreign language, they are word meaning,

word use, word grammar and word combination.26

a. Word Meaning

According to Cameron word meaning in language can relate to each other in a

range ways, called sense relation, also labeled semantic relations or lexical

relations. The types of sense relations that hold between words include: 27

1. Antonymy being opposite in meaning e.g. alive – dead.

2. Synonymy having (nearly) the same meaning e.g. rich – wealthy

3. Hyponymy one is an example or type of another e.g. furniture – chair

4. Meronymy one is part of another e.g. army – soldier.

From the explanation, it can be concluded that the meaning of a word is often

related to other words. For example, we explain the meaning of “full” by

Jeremy Harmer, The Practice of English Language Teaching, (London: Cambridge 1988),
p. 16
Lynne Cameron, Op.Cit., p. 83

saying that it is the opposite of “empty”; we understand that “cheap” is the

opposite of “expensive”.

b. Extending Word Use

Words do not just have different meanings, however, they can also be stretched

and twisted to fit different context and different uses. We say that someone is

in a black mood or someone is yellow, yet we are not actually describing a

color. In such context black and yellow mean something else. It is frequently

stretch throw the set or metaphorical an idiom use. For example: “you are an

apple in my eyes” this idiom expression show that it began to praise someone.

From the explanation. the writer concludes that extending word use is an

aspect of vocabulary mastery that determines how the words can be viewed

based on different context and different use. For the example is the word

“close” in “close the door, please!”, in this sentence, the word close have two

meaning. The first meaning is to be near with something and the other meaning

is to cover the opening of (something).

c. Word Combinations

Word combinations (also known as collocations) is the way in which words

co-occur — combinations which, through custom and practice, have come to

be seen as normal and acceptable. It is immediately apparent that while some

words can live together, others cannot. We say fast asleep, and this is an

acceptable collocation, but *fast awake is not. We can say clenched fist and

even clenched teeth, yet we cannot talk about clenched ears.28 This statement

also supported by Charty, she says that a collocation is a pair or group of

words that are often used together.29 It means that, the word combination can

be called as collocations which have means as a combination or a pair of words

that are often used together to make they be seen as normal and acceptable.

Here are some more examples of collocations:

(1) You must make an effort and study for your exams. (Not the an effort)

(2) Did you watch TV last night? (Not look at TV)

(3) This car has a very powerful engine. It can do 200 km an hour. (Not

strong engine)

(4) There are some ancient monuments nearby. (Not antique


d. Word grammar

The last is about word grammar, which is employed by distinguishing the use

of word based on the use of certain grammatical pattern such as noun, verb,

adjective, adverb, etc. we make a distinction between countable and

uncountable nouns. The former can be both singular and plural. We can say

Jeremy Harmer, Op.Cit., p. 20
Michael McCharthy and Felicity O’Dell, Collocations in Use, (Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press, 1994), p. 3.

one chair or two chairs, etc.31 It means that the word grammar can be called as

the use of word based on grammatical pattern such as noun, adjective, adverb,

etc. We should know the distinction of some words based on the grammatical

pattern allowed.

Based on the explanations, there are four aspects that should be mastered in

vocabulary. There are word meaning, word use, word grammar, and word

combination aspects. In this study, all of those aspects were taught in the class

both in experimental and control class.

5. Concept of Teaching Vocabulary

In teaching vocabulary, it does not only the explanation about meaning, but also

illustrating it, and presents the vocabulary. Teaching is showing or helping

someone to learn how to do something providing with knowledge, causing to

know or to understand.32 Relating to vocabulary teaching, teacher has to be careful

in selecting the vocabulary that she/he will teach. Cameron says that teaching

vocabulary is focused to help learners to build up knowledge of words in ways that

will enable them to use the language differently and successfully. 33 More

vocabularies the learners have, more chances they master the language.

Jeremy Harmer, Op.Cit., pp. 18-21
H. Douglas Brown, Op.Cit., p. 8
Lynne Cameron, Op.Cit., p. 75

Based on the explanations, it can be concluded that the teaching vocabulary should

be emphasized on how the teacher can help and provide the learners with

knowledge of words so that the learners use the words differently and successfully.

6. Concept of Game

When we talk about game, there is available the situation that called conflict.

Conflict represents feel participating between the player and the game situation

and rule. Salen and Zimmerman, call the games as system of conflict. Conflict, a

game as a contest of power, is a core component of our very definition of game.

While conflict outside of games can sometimes be destructive, in games we find

the wonderful paradox of a staged conflict, resulting in meaningful play. 34

Crawford in Salen and Zimmerman also says that conflict arises naturally from the

interaction game. The player is actively pursuing some goal. Obstacles prevent

him from easily achieving this goal. Conflict is an intrinsic element of all games.35

It means that when we talk about game, actually, we also talk about conflict –

conflict in a game. Hence, the players will feel engaged in an artificial conflict and

some rules showed during the game process. This statement also supported by

Wright, he says that game is mean an activity which is entertaining and engaging,

Katie Salen, Eric and Zimmerman, Rules of Play: Game Design Fundamentals. (MIT Press.
2003), p. 1

often challenging, and an activity in which the learners play and usually interact

with others.36

Based on the definitions, the researcher can conclude that a game is structured

playing, usually undertaken for enjoyment and it can make the learners do the

interaction with the other learners in a class.

7. Games in Teaching Vocabulary

In teaching vocabulary, a teacher needs to use proper technique in order to help his

students have good understanding on new words being learned. Learning

vocabulary has been considered a boring subject for a long time. So, there should

be an effective way in helping learners feel comfortable and interested in the

subject of vocabulary.

It is the better when teaching English by using game. Especially in teaching

vocabulary. By applying the game, it will be gotten enjoyable class during learning

process. The students will more relax and interest to follow the learning because

there are so many activities that will be passed either when the learning is started

or when the learning have finished.

In addition, Lee in Asian EFL Journal by Huyen lists several main advantages

when games are used in the classroom, including “a welcome break from the usual

Andrew Wright et al, Game for Language Learning, New Edition, (Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press, 1984), p. 1

routine of the language class”, “motivating and challenging”, “effort of learning”,

and “language practice in the various skills.” 37 It means that the vocabulary

learning will be more effective and attractive when the teacher applied a game in

the classroom. Hence, the students will get motivation to follow all of learning

steps. Summary, games are useful and effective tools that should be applied in

vocabulary classes. The use of vocabulary is a way to make the lessons not only

more interesting, enjoyable, and effective, but also practice it incidentally.

8. Text Twist Games

a. Concept of Text Twist Game

Text Twist game is a language game where the way of playing this game is

by arranging some letters which are given by the teacher in order to form

as many English words as possible within a certain period of time. This

game is played in groups. The group which can arrange the most letters

into English words, will be the winner.38 It means that, the text twist game

is a kind of language game played in a group which emphasizes on

arranging some letters in task gotten from the teacher and the player or

students have to rearrange its letters into correct words as fast as possible

within a certain period of time.

Nguyen T. Huyen, Asian EFL Journal: Learning Vocabulary through Games; The
Effectiveness of Learning Vocabulary through Game, (Asian EFL Journal, 2012), p. 35
Nurul Sofia Aulia, Journal English Language Teaching, The Use of Super Text Twist Game to
Improve Students’ English Vocabulary Mastery, ELT 2 (2) 2013, ISSN 2253-6706, (Universitas Negeri
Semarang, 2013), p. 3

The Text Twist game is barely same with the Scrabble Flash. Lewis says

that the Text Twist game is available at and the inspiration of

Scrabble Flash.39 It means that both Text twist and Scrabble are barely the

same. The Text Twist game is adopted form Scrabble Flash and the word is

meant as the development of something. It can be concluded that the text

twist is the game which is developed from Scrabble Flash.

Koprowski in Desmanto also says that this game is similar to “Scrambled

Letters”. The procedure is teacher writes up the words with their letters

shuffled (e.g. EICSCEN for SCIENCE) on the board. When the teacher

says 'go', the students, individually or in pairs, endeavor to untangle the

words as quickly as they can. He said that phrases, expressions, and idioms

larger than 2 words can also be used in order to make some variations. 40 It

means that the Text Twist game is an individual or pairs game like

“Scrambled Letters” where the player or players should write up the words

from the letters shuffled on the board. Desmanto also says in his study that

Ur and Wright in also have a word game that have similar rules with Text

Twist. This game is called “Words out of...”. 41 It means that the Text Twist

game not only have similar game with Scrabble Flash but also similar with

Ferlazzo Lewis, Twisted Text, Eel4924 – Spring 2011, (University Florida, 2011), p. 3
Sukma Nada Desmanto, The Use of Text Twist Game Implemented through Cooperative
Learning to Improve Students’ Noun Vocabulary Power (A Classroom Action Research at the Seven
Grade of MTs Negeri Model Babakan Lebaksiu Tegal in Academic Year of 2015/2016), (Semarang:
Walisongo State Islamic University, 2016), p. 19

Scrambled Letters and “Words out of...” game. Here, the example of Text

Twist game:

According to the statements above, the writer concluded that Text Twist

game is a language game that have similarity with scrabble and scrambled

game, it contains some letters in each stage and the player has to rearrange

its letters into correct word within timing duration given. Actually, the Text

Twist is adopted from Scrabble Game. Both of Text Twist and Scrabble

task are rearranging some letters given into correct word and so the

scrambled game. The one that make it different is the score of each letter in

Scrabble has definite based on the level of its letter and word. In the Text

Twist game the score is only shown in the word form.


b. Rule of Text Twist Game

According to Aulia, she says that the way of playing this game is by

arranging some letters which are given by the teacher in order to form as

many English words as possible within a certain period of time. 42 It means

that the major rule in this game is rearranging some letters given into an

English word with timing duration given.

Jay in Desmanto also says that if the player gets the word from all letters,

he/she can move on to the next round. 43 It means that there are some

rounds in this game. If the player had arranged the letters into correct one

in it stage, the player may continue the game to next step or round.

From the explanations, it can be concluded that the main point rule of Text

Twist game is rearranging some letter in each stage into English correct

word with timing duration given by teacher. If the students or players have

rearranged correctly in one stage, they may continue the game to the next


Nurul Sofia Aulia, Journal English Language Teaching, The Use of Super Text Twist Game
to Improve Students’ English Vocabulary Mastery, ELT 2 (2) 2013, ISSN 2253-6706, (Universitas
Negeri Semarang, 2013), p. 3
Sukma Nada Desmanto, Op.Cit., p. 18

c. Procedure of Text Twist Game

The procedures of teaching vocabulary through text twist game based on

Game House –Endless Game are as follows:

1) The reader reads aloud the letters on the card for the first round. All

players write the letters for that round in the spaces at the top of their

answer boards.

2) The reader then reads aloud the number of 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7-letter words

that can be created from those letters. (These are indicated on the card

below the letters). All players record this on their answer boards where


3) On the “Go” command, the reader flips the 2-minute sand timer and all

players write down as many words as they can using the letters


4) When the 2-minute timer has elapsed, the reader looks up the card and

challenge number in this Solution Booklet and reads aloud the 3, 4, 5, 6,

and 7-letter word solutions.

5) All players add their scores for round 1 and record on “scoreboard”


6) Wipe off all boards, and begin a new round. Player with the highest

score after 5 Rounds wins the game!


7) In the event of a tie after 5 rounds, all tied players may continue playing

additional challenges until a winner is decided. 44

In this study, the writer modified some procedure points to make it more

effective when applied in the class. The writer’s limitation when applied

the game into manual technique made some points should be modified. It is

aimed to make learning process more effective and practically. The

procedure that have modified can be seen as follows:

1) The reader reads aloud the letters on the card for the first round. All

players write the letters for that round in the spaces.

2) The reader then reads aloud the number of 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7-letter words

that can be created from those letters. All players record this on their

answer boards where indicated.

3) When the 2-minute timer has elapsed, the reader looks up the card and

challenge number which is given by teacher and reads aloud the 3, 4, 5,

6, and 7-letter word solutions.

4) All players add their scores for round 1 and record on “scoreboard”


5) Wipe off all boards, and begin a new round. Player with the highest

score after 5 Rounds wins the game!

Game House, Endless Games, Text Twist based on the Popular Game, Instruction and Solution,
(Freehold, New Jersey: Endless Games, Inc, 2001), p. 2, available at:
content/uploads/instructions/texasTwist_Instructions.pdf, retrieved on December 07th 2016 at 10.35 PM.

6) In the event of a tie after 5 rounds, all tied players may continue playing

additional challenges until a winner is decided.

Concerning the procedure above, it can be concluded that the general tasks

of this game are arranging six letters from cards into some words. The

letters can be formed from the word which contains two letters, three

letters, four letters, five letters, six letters, until seven letters. Each word

have one point score and the player/s who get the highest score is a winner.

d. Advantages and Disadvantages of Text Twist Game

1) The Advantages of Text Twist Game

When someone learns about language, it is needed hard work to get

understanding about what language learned even it is from listening,

speaking, reading or writing. As the writer told before, language learning

may make the learner feel bored and the appropriate technique and media

are needed to make the learning process more fun.

The decision of choose game as a technique is not too bad in learning

process because game have many advantages for language teaching and

learning like Text Twist game. The advantages of using game can be seen

as follows:

a) The game helps and encourages many learners to sustain their interest

and work.

b) The game also helps the teacher to create the context in which the

language is useful and meaningful. The learners want to take put and

in order to do so must understand what other saying or have written,

and they must speak or write in order to express their own point of

view or give the information.

c) The game causes as much density of practice as more conventional

drill exercise.

d) By making the language convey information and opinion, games

provide the key feature of drill with the opportunity to sense the

working of language as living communication. 45

According to Aulia, the advantages of using Text Twist game can be seen

as follows:

1) By doing the Text Twist game, unconsciously the students will recall,

write, and discuss to find out English words.

2) The students will be more familiar with English words.

3) The students will unconsciously be motivated to look words up in


Desmanto also says that the advantages of this game are students will be

motivated to look words up in dictionary. Also, Text Twist game make

Andrew Wright, David Betterdige and Michael Bucbey, Game for Language Learning,
New Edition, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1984), pp. 1-2
Nurul Saofa Aulia, Op.Cit., p. 3

Students become more creative to find out the vocabulary. As the impact,

students got improvement in vocabulary memorizing skill. 47 It means that

the game can make the students motivate to check the words that they do

not know in dictionary. Hence, the improvement in vocabulary memorizing

will more develop.

2) The Disadvantages

Games in teaching and learning is not only as a technique that can make

learning process more fun and attractive but also have some disadvantages

or limitations. The writer assumes that it is difficult to use the game,

because in using game, the teacher have to know the principles of text

twist game and apply the instructions in the class. The class should be

planned so that there is minimum formal drilling and a maximum

activities. According to Aulia, the disadvantages of this game can be seen

as follow: 48

a) The time allocation will be limited more. In this case, the problem

related to time management. Thus, the students did not finish the task

on time.

b) There were many subjects who had to ask to their friends because

there were only several subjects who really understood role of each

activity. Therefore, the class will be noisy.

Sukma Nada Desmanto, Op.Cit., p. 21
Nurul Sofia Aulia, Op.Cit., pp. 8-9

9. Translation Technique

a. Concept of Translation Technique

Based on the technique used by the teacher in SMA N 1 Penengahan, the

teacher used translation technique for teaching vocabulary. In this

research, the writer focused on translation technique as a teaching

technique that was used in control class. Translation technique may be

classified as one of technique that can be used in teaching vocabulary.

Nation in Cameron listed basic techniques by which teachers can explain

the meanings of new words, all of which can be used in the learner

classroom are demonstration or pictures, analytical definition, putting the

new word in a defining context, and translating into another language. 49 It

means that translation can be defined as a technique of teaching English

especially for vocabulary. This statement is also supported by Garcia, he

says that the translation can also be an appropriate technique to introduce

new words or even to explore the obscure nuances between terms. 50

Summary, it can be concluded that the translation can be classified as a

technique in teaching and learning English in the class. Learning new

words or what we called as vocabulary is one of English aspect skill that

can be taught by using translation technique.

Lynne Cameron, Op.Cit., p. 85
Roberto A. Valdeon García, A New Approach to the Use of Translation in the Teaching of
L2, Revista Alicantina de Estudios Ingleses Volume 8, 1995, (Universidad de Oviedo, 1995), p. 241

According to Molina and Albir, translation technique is defined as

procedures to analyze and classify how translation equivalence works. 51 It

means that we need the procedures when translate some words either in

oral or written form that called as the translation technique.

The word translation itself may be defined as the replacement of textual

material in one language (source language) by equivalent material in

another language (target language). Larson says that the translation is

done by going from the form of the first language to the form of a second

language by way of semantic structure. It is meaning which is being

transferred and must be held constant. The form from which the

translation is made will be called the source language and the form into

which it is to be changed will be called receptor language. 52It means that

the translation technique should be emphasized on replacement one

material type into another type by paying the equivalent changed.

Concerning the explanations above, translation technique is one of

teaching technique by making a replacement language in textual material

from one language (source language) into another language (target

Lucia Molina and Amparo Hurtado Albir, Translation Techniques Revisited: A Dynamic
and Functionalist Approach, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Meta, XLVII, 4, 2002, (Barcelona,
Spain: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 2002), p. 509
M. L. Larson, Meaning-based Translation: A Guide to Cross-language Equivalence, (New
York: University Press of America, Inc, 1984), p. 3

language) that emphasizes on equivalent rule. In this case, the researcher

used its technique as a vocabulary teaching technique.

b. Procedure of Teaching Vocabulary through Translation


The procedure of teaching vocabulary by using translation technique can

be seen as follows: 53

1) In class activities were introduced explicitly at the beginning and

included discussion on the definition of translation, and what the

translator needs to translate from one language to another.

2) Translation was integrated into reading activities.

3) Translation was conducted at both sentence (English to Indonesia) and

passage (Indonesia to English) levels.

4) Several short Indonesia text translations (around 400 characters) were

integrated progressively into class activities.

5) Feedback was provided in the following week by 1) correcting

individual translation work and, 2) presenting common mistakes/errors

in class.

Based on procedures, unsatisfying in vocabulary teaching may be gotten

when use translation technique. The learning process also will be more

Sayuki Machida, A Step Forward to Using Translation to Teach a Foreign/Second
Language, Electronic Journal of Foreign Language Teaching, Vol. 5, Suppl. 1, (National University of
Singapore, 2008), p. 144.

bored without any enjoyable and fun class during learning process. The

material will be look unattractive when the material is given. It may be not

interest for the student to use translation technique in vocabulary mastery.

For students, it cannot be motivated in learning mastery and cannot

improve their vocabulary mastery. The other way is needed when teaching

the material such as give a game while teaching process is going on.

c. Advantages and Disadvantages of using Translation Technique in

Teaching English

1) The Advantages of using Translation Technique

According to Howattin Mehta, translation technique is not as terrible as it

appears to be and Duff in Mehta gives reasons for considering translation

very advantageous: 54

(a) Invites speculation and discussion.

(b) Develops qualities that are essential to all language: accuracy, clarity

and flexibility.

(c) The teacher can select material to illustrate particular aspects of

language, and students can see the links between language usage and


(d) Lets students practice a variety of styles and registers.

Dr Naveen K. Mehta, English Language Teaching through the Translation Method (A
Practical Approach to Teaching Mongolian CPAs), Volume 14, No. 1
January 2010, available at:, retrieved on March 11,
2017 at 10.05 PM.

2) The Disadvantages of using Translation Technique

Mehta reveals following limitations of using translation technique: 55

(a) Encourages thinking in one language and transference into another

with interference.

(b) Deprives from learning within only one language.

(c) Gives false credence of word-to-word equivalence.

(d) Does not allow achievement of generally accepted teaching aims:

emphasis on spoken fluency.

(e) Time-consuming activity.

(f) Not desirable, since it uses the mother tongue.

B. Frame of Thinking

English is foreign language in Indonesia. In learning English, students are

expected to be able to use English vocabulary. In teaching vocabulary, an English

teacher should be able to help students to memorize the word. Therefore, the

teacher should have kinds of technique to make the students interested and they

motivated in learning English. The teacher must prepare the material as well,

using suitable technique or media in teaching and learning vocabulary. In this

case, the teacher can help the students by using Text Twist game as a technique in

teaching vocabulary.


The researcher hopes that the students can learn more and more interesting in the

progress by using Text Twist game in teaching vocabulary. The teacher can use

this technique as alternative teaching in learning English.

C. Hypothesis

Hypothesis on the frame of theories and frame of thinking mentioned above, the

researcher formulated the hypothesis as follows:

Ho: There is no influence of using Text Twist game towards students’ vocabulary

mastery in the second semester of the eleventh grade at SMA N 1

Penengahan in the academic year of 2016/2017.

Ha: There is influence of using Text Twist game towards students’ vocabulary

mastery in the second semester of the eleventh grade at SMA N 1

Penengahan in the academic year of 2016/2017.



A. Research Design

In this research, the researcher used experimental research. According to Donald, An

experimental design is the general plan for carrying out a study with an active

independent variable.1 The writer used quasi experimental design. Creswell states that

quasi experimental include assignment, but not random assignment of participant

group. The variety of quasi experimental design can be divided into two main

categories, they are post-test only design and pre-test-posttest design.2

In this research the researcher used quantitative research and in this research, it had

two groups one as a control class and the other class as an experimental class.

Sugiyono says that there are two groups chosen randomly and given pretest to know

whether there is difference situation between in the experiment and control class.3

Based on the explanation above, the researcher used two classes as sample of this

research consisting of an experimental class which was received treated by using Text

Twist game and the other as the control class which was taught by using the

Translation Technique.

Donald Ary, Introduction to Research in Education Eighth Edition, (Canada: Nelson
Education, Ltd, 2010), p. 301
John W. Creswell, Educational Research: Planning, Conducting, and Evaluating
Quantitative and Qualitative Research 4thEd, (Boston: Pearson Education, 2002), pp. 309-310
Sugiyono, Metode Penelitian Kuantitatif Kualitatif dan R&D, (Bandung: Penerbit Alfabeta,
2010), p. 76

Before teaching vocabulary by using Text Twist game to the students, the researcher

gave the students pre-test to know the skill of the students, after using English Text

twist game post-test was given to measure the progress made by the students. The

research design is described as follows:

GI (random) T1 X T2
G2 (random) T1 O T2

G1: The first group (Experiment class).

G2: The second group (Control class).
T1: Pre-Test.
T2: Post-Test.
X: Treatment by using Text twist game
O: Treatment by using Translation Technique.4

G1 or experimental class that was chosen randomly from the population in the school

will get the post test, but before giving the post test, the pretest was holding on in

experimental class (G1) to get the data score of students’ vocabulary master in the

second semester of the eleventh grade at SMA N 1 penengahan. After the data score

was collected the class got treatment by using Text Twist game three times. This

aimed to know whether there was significant influence of using Text Twist game

towards students’ vocabulary mastery or not before and after getting the treatment.

Hence, it will be seen from the students’ vocabulary achievement on pre-test and

post-test. So did in G2 or control class that also was chosen randomly from the

population in the school got the post test, and the control class was taught by using

Translation Technique for three times. The pre-test also was holding on in the control


class before the post test was given. Thus, it was known the influence of both Text

Twist amd Translation Technique towards students’ vocabulary mastery from the


B. Variables of Research

A variable is a characteristic or attribute of an individual or an organization that a

writer can measure or observe and varies among individuals or organization study.

There were two variables in this research namely: independent variable and

dependent variable. An independent variable was variable selected by the writer to

determine their effect on the relationship with the dependent variable. The dependent

variable is observed to determine what effect, if any the other types of variable may

have on it.5

There are two variables in this research, they are:

1. Independent variable

The independent variable in this research was Text Twist game as variable


2. Dependent Variable

The dependent variable in this research was the students’vocabulary mastery

as variable (Y).

Jack R, Fraenkel and Norman R. Wallen, How to Design and Evaluate Research in
Education, (New York, McGraw-Hill,2008), p. 42

C. Operational Definition of Variable

The operational definition of variable was used to describe the characteristics of the

variable investigated of the researcher as follows:

1. Independent Variable (X)

Text Twist is one of technique in language teaching by arranging some letters

which are given by the teacher in order to form as many English words as

possible within a certain period of time.

2. Dependent Variable (Y)

Students’ vocabulary mastery have meaning as an ability of students to use all

the words of language that they have learn in conducting both oral and written

communication. The aspects vocabulary mastery that taught are word

meaning, word use, word grammar and word combination. The vocabulary

learning was focused on noun, verb, and adjective of humanity song lyrics.

D. Population, Sample, and Sampling Technique

1. Population of the Research

According to Daniel, the population is the group of people we want to

generalize to.6 Based on the definition above the researcher concluded that the

population is every subject that will be researched in the research. The

population of this research was the second semester students of the eleventh

Daniel Muijs, Doing Quantitative Research in Education,(London: Sage Publications Ltd,
2004), p. 15

grade of SMA N 1 Penengahan in the academic year 2016/2017. The total

numbers of population were 111 students that calculate from three classes.

Table 2
The Population of Research

No Class Gender Total

Male Female
1 XI IPA 09 25 36
2 XI IPS 1 27 11 38
3 XI IPS 2 24 15 38
Total 60 51 112
(The Documentation Data of the Eleventh Grade at SMA N 1 Penengahan in the
Academic Year of 2016-2017).

2. Sample of the Research

According to Balnaves and Peter, sample is part estimates of population

parameters.7 Based on the definition above, sample is piece of population that

used in this research. The eleventh grade consists three classes that were XI

IPA and XI IPS 1 and XI IPS 2. The writer chose two of the classes, they are

XI IPS 2 as experimental class and XI IPS 1 as control class.

3. Sampling Technique

In taking sample, the writer used cluster random sampling technique. The

selection of groups, or clusters, of subjects rather than individuals is known as

cluster random sampling.8 The writer conducted the research at the eleventh

Mark Balnaves and Peter Caputi, Introduction to Quantitative Research, (London: Sage
Publication, 2001), p. 177
Jack R, Fraenkel and Norman R. Wallen, How to Design and Evaluate Research in
Education, (New York: McGraw-Hill, 2008), p. 95

grade consists of three classes. The steps in determining the experimental

class and control class as follows:

a. The first, the name of each class was written in small pieces of paper.

b. The second, these pieces of paper were rolled and put into the glass

c. Third, the writer shook the glass and took one of a piece of paper for the

experimental class.

d. Next, the writer shook the glass again and took one small piece of rolled

paper. The name of class must be different with the name in the first

shaken. Thus, the second paper was chosen as the control class.

E. Data Collecting Technique

To collect the data, the researcher used test as a technique to collecting the data.

According to Donald a test is a set of stimuli presented to an individual in order to

elicit responses on the basis of which a numerical score can be assigned. 9 Based on

the definition above, the researcher used test to collect the data. The tests were pre-

test and post-test. To know about the students’ vocabulary mastery through Text

Twist games, the researcher used vocabulary test where the students answered the

multiple choices questions given.

Donald Ary, Op.Cit., p. 201

1. Pre-test

Pre-test was conducted before treatment. It was done in control class and

experimental class to find out the students’ quality before treatment. The test was

in term of written form by giving students multiple choices test that consists5

options. There are (A), (B), (C), (D) and (E). The vocabulary pre-test instrument

is available in appendix 5, 6, and 7.

2. Post-test

Post-test was conducted after treatment. The researcher used post-test to know the

influence of the treatment toward students’ vocabulary mastery after being given

treatment. The post test was given to the classes after receiving the treatment. The

vocabulary post-test instrument is available in appendix 9, 10, and 11.

F. Research Instrument

According to Margono, the research instrument is defined as a tool of data collecting

that has to be planned well and designed in various form to get empirical data as it is

in reality. 10 In this research, the instrument was vocabulary test in the form of

multiple choice questions as a tool for testing in order to know students’ vocabulary

mastery. The questions were 50 items with five alternative options.

The researcher gave two instruments, they were pre-test and post-test. The

instruments of pre-test and post-test were all of the test form. It contains questions

test, and answer sheet. The writer prepared the instrument in the form of multiple-

Margono, Metodologi Penelitian Pendidikan, (Jakarta: Rineka Cipta, 2014), p. 155

choice questions. The specification pretest and posttest before validity test can be

seen in table 3 and table 4. While the specification pretest and posttest after validity

test can be seen in table 5 and table 6.

Table 3
Table Specification of Pre-test Items before Try Out

Item Number
No Aspect Subject
Even Odd
1 Word Meaning Noun 4, 24, 28 1, 7
Verb 22, 26 5, 23
Adjective 6, 10 3, 27
2 Word Grammar Noun 46, 48 25, 47
Verb 42, 50 41, 45
Adjective 2, 44 43, 49
3 Word Use Noun 30, 38 31, 39
Verb 32, 34 33, 35
Adjective 40, 36 29, 37
4 Word Combination Noun 14, 16 9, 11
Verb 18, 20 13, 19
Adjective 8, 12 15, 17, 21
Total 25 25
(The specification of pre-test items before try out)

Based on the table, the word meaning of noun consists of five numbers. They were

number 4, 24, and 28 for even numbers and 1, 7, and 25 for odd numbers. The word

meaning of verb consists of four numbers. They were number 8 and 22 for even

numbers and 5 and 23 for odd numbers. The word meaning aspect of adjective

consists of four numbers. They were number 6 and 10 for even numbers and 3 and 27

for odd numbers. The word grammar of noun consists of four numbers. They were

number 46 and 48 for even numbers and 25 and 47 for odd numbers. The word

grammar of verb consists of four numbers. They were number 42 and 50 for even

numbers and 41 and 45 for odd numbers. The word grammar of adjective consists of

four numbers. They were number 2 and 44 for even numbers and 43 and 49 for odd

numbers. In word use of noun consists of four numbers. They are 30 and 38 for odd

numbers and 31 and 39 for even numbers. In word use of verb consists of four

numbers. They were 32 and 34 number for odd numbers and 33 and 35 for even

numbers. In word use of adjective consists of four numbers. They were 40 and 36 for

odd numbers and 29 and 37 for even numbers. In word combination of noun consists

of four numbers. They were 14 and 16 for odd numbers and 19 and 13 for even

numbers. In word combination of verb consists of four numbers. They were 18 and

20 for odd numbers and 9 and 11 for even numbers. While, in word combination of

adjective consists five numbers. They were 8 and 12 for odd number and 15, 17 and

21 for even numbers. Summary, there were 25 number for odd and 25 for even

number. Hence, they were 50 numbers in pre-test before validity test.

Table 4
Table Specification of Post-test Items before Try Out
Item Number
No Aspect Subject
Even Odd
1 Word Meaning Noun 4, 8, 42 1, 23
Verb 2, 26 5, 49
Adjective 6, 22 3, 9
2 Word Grammar Noun 48, 50 21, 41, 43
Verb 24, 44 7, 27
Adjective 28, 46 45, 47,
3 Word Use Noun 30, 38 31, 39
Verb 32, 34 33, 35
Adjective 40, 36 29, 37
4 Word Combination Noun 16, 18 11, 13
Verb 12, 20 19, 25
Adjective 10, 14 15, 17
Total 25 25

Based on the table, the word meaning of noun consists of five numbers. They were

number 4, 8 and 42 for even numbers and 1 and 23 for odd numbers. The word

meaning of verb consists of four numbers. They were number 2 and 26 for even

number and 5 and 49 for odd numbers. The word meaning aspect of adjective

consists of four numbers. They were number 6 and 22 for even numbers and number

3 and 9 for odd numbers. The word grammar of noun consists of five numbers. They

were number 48 and 50 for even numbers and number 21, 41 and 43 for odd

numbers. The word grammar of verb consists of four numbers. They were number 24

and 44 for even numbers and number 7 and 27 for odd numbers. The word grammar

of adjective consists of four numbers. They were number 28 and 46 for even numbers

and 45 and 47 for odd numbers. In word use of noun consists of four numbers. They

were 30 and 38 for odd numbers and 31 and 39 for even numbers. In word use of

verb consists of four numbers. They were 32 and 34 number for odd numbers and 33

and 35 for even numbers. In word use of adjective consists of four numbers. They

were 40 and 36 for odd numbers and 29 and 37 for even numbers. In word

combination of noun consists of four numbers. They were 16 and 18 for odd numbers

and 11 and 13 for even numbers. In word combination of verb consists of four

numbers. They were 12 and 20 for odd numbers and 19 and 25 for even number.

While, in word combination of adjective consists five numbers. They were 10 and 14

for odd number and 15 and 17 for even numbers. Summary, there were 25 number for

odd and 25 for even numbers. Hence, they were 50 numbers in pre-test. Summary,

there were 25 numbers for even and 25 for odd numbers. Hence, the total number of

post-test is 50 before validity test.

Table 5
Table Specification of Pre-test Items after Try-Out

Item Number
No Aspect Subject
Even Odd
1 Word Meaning Noun 4 10
Verb - 9, 21
Adjective - 3
2 Word Grammar Noun - 23
Verb 22 25
Adjective 2, 20, 24 -
3 Word Use Noun 12, 14 13, 19
Verb 16 17
Adjective 18 11, 15
4 Word Combination Noun 8 -
Verb 6 1, 5
Adjective - 7
Total 11 14
(The specification of pre-test items after try out)

Based on the table, the word meaning of noun consists of two numbers. They were

number 4 for even number and 10 for odd number. The word meaning of verb

consists of two numbers. They were number 5 and 23 for odd numbers and there was

no available item for odd number. The word meaning aspect of adjective consists of

one number. There was on number 3 for odd number and there was no available item

for even number. The word grammar of noun consists of one number. There was on

number 23 for odd number and there was no available item for even number. The

word grammar of verb consists of two numbers. They were number 22 for even

number and 25 for odd number. The word grammar of adjective consists of three

numbers. They were number 2, 20, and 24 for even numbers and there was no

available item for odd number. In word use of noun consists of four numbers. They

were number 12 and 14 for odd numbers and 13, 19 for even numbers. In word use of

verb consists of two numbers. They were number 16 for even number and number 17

for odd number. In word use of adjective consists of three numbers. They were 18 for

odd number and number 11 and 15 for even numbers. In word combination of noun

consists of one number. There was on number 8 for even number and there is no

available item for odd number. In word combination of verb consists of three

numbers. They were on number 6 for even number and 1, and 5 for odd numbers.

While, in word combination of adjective consists one number. It is on number 7 for

odd number and there was no available item for even number. Summary, there were

14 number for odd and 11 for even number. Hence, they were 25 numbers in pre-test

after validity test.


Table 6
Table Specification of Post-test Items after Try-Out

Item Number
No Aspect Subject
Even Odd
1 Word Meaning Noun 4, 12, 14 -
Verb 2, 18 17
Adjective 16 9
2 Word Grammar Noun 28, 33 1
Verb 30, 32 -
Adjective - 15, 29, 31
3 Word Use Noun 26 21, 27
Verb 20, 22 23
Adjective 24 19, 25
4 Word Combination Noun 8 3
Verb 6, 9, 10 13
Adjective - 7, 11
Total 18 15
(The specification of post-test items after try out)

Based on the table, the word meaning of noun consists of three numbers. They were

number 4, 12, and 14 for even numbers and there was no available item for even

number. The word meaning of verb consists of three numbers. They were number 2,

and 18 even number and number 17 for odd number. The word meaning aspect of

adjective consists of two numbers. There was on number 16 for even number and

number 9 for odd number. The word grammar of noun consists of two numbers. They

were number 28 and 33 for even numbers and there was no available item for even

number. The word grammar of verb consists of two numbers. They were number 30

and 32 for even numbers and there was no available item for odd number. The word

grammar of adjective consists of three numbers. They were number 15, 29 and 31 for

odd numbers and there was no available item for even number. In word use of noun

consists of three numbers. They were 21 and 27 for odd numbers and 26 for even

number. In word use of verb consists of three numbers. They were number 23 for odd

number and 20 and 22 for even numbers. In word use of adjective consists of three

numbers. They were 19 and 25 for odd numbers and 24 for even number. In word

combination of noun consists of two numbers. They were 3 for odd number and 8 for

even number. In word combination of verb consists of four numbers. They were 13

for odd number and 6, 9, and 10 for even numbers. While, in word combination of

adjective consists two numbers. They were 7 and 11 for odd numbers and there was

no available item for even number. Summary, there were 15 numbers for odd and 18

for even numbers. Hence, they were 33 numbers in post-test after validity test.

G. Research Procedure

There are three steps in conducting this research. They were:

1. Planning

Before the researcher applies the research procedure, the researcher made some

planning to running the application well. There were some steps in this

research. The procedures can be seen as follows:

a) Determining the subject of the research

The subjects of the research were the students at the second semester of the

eleventh grade of SMA N 1 Penengahan in the academic year of


b) Preparing try-out to the students

The researcher prepared a kind of test (called try-out test) that was given to

the students. The researcher prepared the try-out for pre-test and post-test.

The total number of this test is 50 questions. Then, the researcher evaluated

the test items to get the best items that was given in pre-test and post-test.

The try-out was given to XI IPA class.

c) Preparing pre-test

The researcher prepared a kind of test (called pre-test) that was given to the

students. The researcher used the test instruments that were used in try out.

The researcher prepared something was used in pre-test such as instrument

and others. By doing preparation, the researcher hold on the pre-test easily.

d) Determining the material to be taught

The researcher determined the material to be taught to the students. The

material related to familiar vocabulary in humanity song lyrics. The

materials of vocabulary that taught were noun, verb, and adjectives. This

material based on syllabus at the second semester of the eleventh grade.

e) Preparing post-test

The researcher prepared a kind of test (called post-test) that was given to

the students. The post-test was given to know the students’ vocabulary

mastery after being given the treatment. The researcher prepared something

that was used in post-test such as instrument, class and others. Hence, the

post test hold on easily.


2. Application

After making the planning, the researcher tried to apply the research

procedure. There were some steps in doing in this research:

a. In the first meeting, the researcher gave try-out.

This test was multiple choices consist of 50 questions that have answer

options (A), (B), (C), (D), and (E). Try-out test was given in try out

class to evaluate the test items before used to pre-test and post-test

items. The try-out was given to XI IPA class.

b. In the second meeting, the researcher gave the pre-test.

In this case, the writer gave items after being determined by validity

and reliability analysis of try out. It means that only valid and reliable

test items that used in the pre test.

c. After giving the pre-test, the researcher conducted the treatment in the

control class and experimental class.

In the control class, the class teacher conducted the treatment by using

Translation Technique, while in the experimental class, the researcher

gave the treatment by using Text Twist game. Both control class and

experimental class were given three treatments.

d. In the last meeting, the researcher gave post-test.

After the researcher doing the treatment in experimental class, the

researcher gave post-test as a technique to measure whether the


technique can give significance influence or not to the students’

vocabulary mastery. This test gave in control and experimental class.

3. Reporting

The last point in the research procedure was reporting. There were three steps

in reporting. The steps were as follows:

a. Analyzing the data that were already received from try-out test.

b. Analyzing the data that were already received from pre-test and post-


c. Making a report on the findings.

H. Scoring Procedure

Before getting the score, the researcher determined the procedure to be used in

scoring the students’ work. In order to do that, the researcher used Arikunto’s

formula. The scores of pre-test and post-test calculated by using the following


= x 100


S: Score
R: Totally answer right
n: Totally item

Harjanto, Perencanaan Evaluasi Pengajaran, (Jakarta: PT. Rineka Cipta, 2011), p. 282

I. Validity and Reliability of the Test

1. Validity of the Test

Validity is the most important consideration in developing and evaluating

measuring instruments. According to Arikunto, validity is a measurement

which shows the degree of validity of an instrument.12 It means that validity is

to know the result of test is good, the writer will measure test. To measure that

the test has good validity, the writer used content validity, construct validity

and internal validity.

a. Content Validity

Best and Kahn say that content validity refers to the degree to which the

test actually measures or is specifically related to the traits for which it

was design, content, validity is based upon the careful examination of

course textbooks, syllabus, objectives, and the judgments of subject matter

specialists.13 It means that test should appropriate with learning material.

Content validity is the level validity of the instrument that can be taken

from course textbooks, syllabus, objectives, and the judgments of subject

matter specialists. To get the content validity, the test adapts with the

textbook and based on the syllabus for the eleventh grade for Senior High

School. The syllabus could be seen in Appendix 33.

Suharsimi Arikunto Prosedur Penelitian Suatu Pendekatan Praktik, (Jakarta: Rineka Cipta,
2010), p. 211
John W. Best and James V. Kahn, Research in Education (7th Edtion) (New Delhi:
PrenticeHall, 1995), p. 219

b. Construct Validity

To measure construct validity refers to assumption, showing the

measurement used contains correct operational definition, which is based

on the theoretical concept construct validity is related to our theoretical

knowledge of the concept we are wanting to measure. We might

hypothesize that our concept or achievement measure has a number of

different dimensions.14 In the other words, construct validity is just like a

concept, both of them are abstraction and generalization that need to be

defined so clearly that can measured and examined. Therefore construct

validity is focus on kind of the test that used to measure the ability.

The writer consulted the test to the English teacher at SMA N 1

Penengahan named Ida Sri Wahyuni, M.Pd. in consulting the test, the

writer wanted to see whether the specification vocabulary mastery and

items number had been fixed. After the writer consulted the test with the

teacher, she said that the vocabulary test material was suitable for the

student level. It could be seen in Appendix 12.

c. Internal Validity

To know whether both the variables correlate or not, the researcher used

internal validity to find out the relationship between one variable and the

other variable. Frankel defines that the internal validity have means that

Ibid. p. 68

any relationship observed between two or more variable should be

unambiguous as to what it means rather than being due to “something

else.” The “something else” may, as we suggested above, be any one (or

more) of a number of factors, such as the age or ability of the subjects, the

conditions under which the study is conducted, or the type of materials

used. If these factors are not in some way or another controlled or

accounted for, the researcher can never be sure that they are not the reason

for any observed results. Stated differently, internal validity means that

observed differences on the dependent variable are directly related to the

independent variable, and not due to some other unintended variable. 15

According to Creswell, internal validity, which relates to the validity of

inferences drawn about the cause and effect relationship between the

independent and dependent variables. 16 It means that to know score the

best result of each items correlated with the score about the totality of the

test result. This research used ANATES Version 4 program to know

validity of which consist of 50 items multiple choice.

In the first step of pre-test try out, there were 25 items considered invalid.

The invalid items number were 1, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 16, 17, 20, 21,

23, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 34, 39, 41, 42, 45, and 47. While valid items in

Jack R, Fraenkel and Norman R. Wallen, Op.Cit., p. 66
Ibid., p.303

posttest try out were 25 items. They were the items number 2, 3, 4, 13, 14,

15, 18, 19, 22, 24, 30, 31, 32, 33, 35, 36, 37, 38, 40, 43, 44, 46, 48, 49,

and 50. It can be seen in Appendix 13.

In the second step of post-test try out, there were 17 items considered

invalid. The invalid items number were 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 13, 14, 15, 18, 26, 30,

31, 36, 43, 44, 46, and 47. While valid items in post-test try-out were 33

items. The valid items number were 1, 2, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 16, 17, 19, 20,

21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 27, 28, 29, 32, 33, 34, 35, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 45, 48,

49, and 50. It can be seen in Appendix 13.

2. Reliability of Test

Reliability is a measuring instrument. Ary says that reliability of a

measurement is the degree of consistency with which it measures whatever it

is measuring. 17 A good test must have high validity. This can be done by

examining the students’ vocabulary test to know the reliability of the test.

The next step is to compute the reliability of the test.

According to Creswell, Reliability means that scores from an instrument are

stable and consistent.18 Reliability refers to consistency of the test. The writer

used ANATES Version 4 program. ANATES can help analysis of item

Donald Ary, Op.Cit., p. 236
Ibid., 159

quickly, easy and accurately. ANATES is necessary in the research to assess

the good instrument or not. The criteria of reliability test are:19

Table 5
The Level of Reliability

0.00-0.200 Very low reliability

0.200-0.400 Reliability is Low
0.400-0.600 Medium reliability
0.600-0.800 Reliability is high
0.800-1.000 Reliability is very high

From the criteria of reliability above, it can be drawn a conclusion that the

result obtained in the ANATES of reliability that reliability test in vocabulary

mastery for pre test has a high reliability because the result of the reliability is

0.68 and the result of post test was 0.81. The writer concluded that the degree

of the level of reliability of the students was high reliability. It can be seen in

Appendix 13.

J. Data Analysis

After collecting the data, the researcher analyzed the data by using t-test. There were

two assumptions that were done, before the researcher analyzed the data by using t-

test. They are normality test and homogeneity test.

Suhairmi Arikunto, Prosedure Penelitian Suatu Pendidikan Praktik, Jakarta : Rineka Cipta,
2010, p.310

1. Fulfillment of the Assumptions

a. Normality Test

The normality test is used to measure whether the data in the experimental class

and control class are normally distributed or not. In this research, the researcher

used statistical computation by using SPSS (Statistical Package for Social

Science) for normality. The tests of normality employed are Kolmogorov –

Smirnov and Shapiro Wilk. The hypotheses for the normality test were

forrmulated as follows:

Ho : The data were normally distributed.

Ha : The data were not normally distributed.

While the criteria of acceptance or rejection of normality test are as follows:

Ho was accepted if Sig. > α = 0.05

Ha was accepted if Sig. < α = 0.05

b. Homogenity Test

Homogeneity test was used to determine whether the data obtained from the

sample homogeneous or not. In this research, the researcher used statistical

computation by using SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Science) for

homogeneity of test. The test of homogeneity employing Levene statistic test. The

hypotheses for the homogeneity tests were formulated as follows:

Ho = the variances of the data are homogenous

Ha = the variances of the data are not homogenous.


While the criteria of acceptance or rejection of homogeneity test were as follow:

Ho was accepted if Sig. > α = 0.05

Ha was accepted if Sig. < α = 0.05

2. Hypothetical Test

When the fulfillment of the assumptions normally test and homogeneity test were

fulfilled, the researcher used independent sample t-test. In this case, the researcher

use statistical computation by using SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Science)

for hypothetical of test. The purpose of using SPSS in this case is to practicality

and efficiency in the study.

The hypotheses are:

Ha : There was a significant influence of using Text Twist game towards

students’ vocabulary mastery in the second semester of the eleventh

grade at SMA N 1Penengahan in the academic year of 2016/2017.

Ho : There was no significant influence of using Text Twist game towards

students’ vocabulary mastery in the second semester of the eleventh

grade at SMA N 1Penengahan in the academic year of 2016/2017.

While the criteria of acceptance or rejection of hypothesis were:

Ha was accepted if Sig. < α = 0.05

Ho was accepted if Sig. > α = 0.05



A. Situation of SMA N 1 Penengahan

SMA N 1 Penengahan, South Lampung is located on Jl. Raya Kelaten Kecamatan

Penengahan Kabupaten Lampung Selatan. SMA N 1 Penengahan has used its own

building, learning activities are done in the afternoon, for conducting teaching

learning process. SMA N 1 Penengahan was built in May 05th, 1992.

Teaching learning activity in SMA N 1 Penengahan starts at 07.20 a.m until 02.00

p.m except Friday until 11.30. The number teachers and staff in SMA N 1

Penengahan in the academic year of 2016/2017 are 28 divided into 24 teachers

(include headmaster and co-headmaster) and 4 staffs that can be identified as follows:

Table 8
Data of Teacher and Staffs of SMA N 1 Penengahan South Lampung in

No Name Male/Female Position

1 Drs. Hariri Male Head Master
2 Kuslani, Amd, S.Pd Male Vice Teacher of Curriculum
3 Asep Nedyana, S.Pd, M.Pd Male Vice Teacher of Students
4 Al Faizar, S.Hi Male Teacher
5 Dra. ERMI Female Teacher
6 Fia Harvina, S.Pd Female Teacher
7 Agus Susanto Male Adm. Staff
8 Drs. Hasron Majid Male Teacher
9 Ida Sriwahyuni, S.Pd Female Teacher
10 Dra. Kasminah Female Teacher
11 Bambang Rudiansah, A.Md Male Adm. Staff
12 Kuswantoro, S.T Male Teacher
13 Lia Nurmelia, A.Md, S.Pd Female Teacher


14 Lilik Wibowo Male Adm. Staff

15 M. Yusuf Wardana P., S.Pdi Male Teacher
16 Drs. Ngadirun Male Teacher
17 Dra. Non Reni Female Teacher
18 Oktavia Niti Sari, S.Pd Female Teacher
19 Prasetyo Waluyo Sejati, S.Sos Male Teacher
20 Preskila Septiani, A.Md Female Adm. Staff
21 Puji Rahayu, S.Pd Female Teacher
22 Selviana, S.Pd Female Teacher
23 Dra. Sri Yekti Female Teacher
24 Drs. Suharja Male Teacher
25 Supatmi, S.Pdi Female Teacher
26 Drs. Suratijo, M.Pd Male Teacher
27 Sutari, A.Md Female Adm. Staff
28 Yutmiati, A.Md, S.Kom Female Teacher
(Source: SMA Negeri 1 Penengahan, South Lampung)

This school has 9 classes consisted of three classes of students in tenth grade, three

classes of students in eleventh grade, and three classes of students in twelfth grade.

The total number of students are 327 students from tenth grade to the twelfth grade.

Belows is the distribution of the students at SMA N 1 Penengahan:

Table 9
The Data Total of the students of SMA N 1 Penengahan South Lampung in
No Class Total
1 X IPA 36
2 X IPS 1 39
3 X IPS 2 40
4 XI IPA 36
5 XI IPS 1 38
6 XI IPS 2 38
7 XII IPA 34
8 XII IPS 1 32
9 XII IPS 2 34
Total 327
(Source: SMA Negeri 1 Penengahan, South Lampung)

Table 10
Data of Infrastructural Situation of SMA N 1 Penengahan South Lampung in
No Facilities Total
1 Classroom 12
2 IPA Laboratory 1
3 Computer Laboratory 1
4 Library 1
5 Teacher’s Room 1
6 Head Master’s Room 1
7 OSIS’s Room 1
8 Administration Staff’s Room 1
9 Toilet 4
10 Musholla 1
11 Art Gallery 1
(Source: SMA Negeri 1 Penengahan, South Lampung)

B. Research Implementation

The research conducted in May 2017. Before conducting the research, the writer

asked to the headmaster and the English teacher for permission at the school. After

getting the permission, the writer conducted through the following steps:

1. Determining the subject of the research, namely the students at the

eleventh grade of SMA N 1 Penengahan in the academic year of


2. Designing the test which of was the vocabulary mastery that consisted of

50 items for each pre-test and post-test with five options a, b, c, d, and e.

3. Determining the sample of research by using cluster random sampling.

4. Holding the try out test to know reliability of the test and validity of the

test (it was given to the students who were not the research sample).

5. Analyzing the data gotten in try out test.


6. Holding pre-test in order to know the students’ score in vocabulary

mastery before they had treatment.

7. Analyzing the data gotten through pre-test

8. Giving the treatment to the sample of the research by implementing Text

Twist game in teaching and learning vocabulary.

9. Holding post-test in order to know the students’ score in vocabulary

mastery after the treatments.

10. Analyzing the data gotten through post-test

11. Testing the hypothesis and making the conclusion.

12. Reporting the result of the research.

C. Description of Treatments

The research had been conducted since May of 2017. This research had been carried

through six steps. They involved try out test, pre-test, three time treatments, and post

test. To find out the influence of using Text Twist game, the writer identified several

results, they were: the score of students before treatment, the score of students after

treatment, the differences between students’ score in pre-test and post-test and from

the differences of students’ atmosphere between the students who are taught by using

Text Twist game and those taught by Translation Technique in teaching and learning

process, they were in teaching vocabulary, especially in SMA Negeri 1 Penengahan,

South Lampung.

Before the test was used as an instrument to collect the data, it had been tried out to

the students in XI IPA as tryout class. The writer prepared 100 items as the

instrument of the test, 50 items for pre-test and 50 items for post-test. From 100 test

items of tryout, some items were chosen as instrument of the test. The choosing of the

instrument had been done by considering two categories, validity and reliability.

After being tryout the writer used 25 questions for the pre-test and 33 questions for

post-test. The tests were given before and after the students followed the learning

process was provided by the writer. This tests were given for control class and

experimental class. Before the activities were conducted, the writer determined the

materials and lesson plans. The experimental class learnt by using Text Twist game,

while the control class used Translation technique.

1. Description of the first treatment

The first treatment was administrated on May 8th, 2017. The lesson begun by

greeting and introducing himself and the next step is teaching learning process.

The topic in the first treatment is learning vocabulary of noun on song entitled

Everything at Once –Lenka.

The teacher began the lesson by greeting the students and checking their

attendance and noticed that four students were absent. Thus, the teaching and

learning process was attended by 34 students. After opening the class, the teacher

said one thing that available in the classroom. Then, the teacher wrote down the

English word on the blackboard. The teacher pronounced the word, followed by

the students. These steps were done till the entire vocabulary was presented. To

check on how far the students understand about noun in vocabulary, the teacher

asked to the students to listen and fill in the blank provided based on the song

they heard. Then, the teacher with the students checked what the answer of the

blank field in the song is.

As the material fully delivered, the teacher implemented Text Twist game. In this

case, the teacher divided them into four groups. The teacher demonstrated Text

Twist game and explained the rules to the students. Then he gives the answer

sheet named score board. Then the teacher gave some jumbled letters and asked

to the students to rearrange the letters. For the first round, the teacher give them

the jumbled letters that have three letters and the letters should be finished

(rearranged) in 2 minutes. After 2 minutes had elapsed, the letters twisted to make

the students easier when guessing what the letter should be formed as the correct

word. Then, it was continued until the last round in the game. After students

finished the game, the students with the teacher checked how the correct word of

twisted letter is. There 20 words that should be achieved by students. Each word

have 1 score and the group who got the highest score was a winner.

In last activity, the writer together with the students made conclusions of what

they have learned. After that, the writer evaluated the students by asking some

question to some students randomly. Finally, the writer closed the first meeting.

2. Description of the second treatment

The second treatment was administrated on May 9th, 2017. The writer did almost

the same activity to begin the class as what the writer did in the first treatment.

But the learning material in the second meeting was about verb in song lyric

“Hero –Mariah Carey”.

In the second treatment, it was better than the first treatment, because the students

knew the technique and material before the lesson began. The procedure of Text

Twist game was done better than previous treatment, therefore the students more

active and motivate in learning process with the second treatment.

3. Description of the third treatment

The third treatment was administrated on May 12th, 2017. The writer held the

activity as usual from beginning until closing. The activities in third meeting still

same with the first and second meeting. The learning material in the third meeting

was about adjectives in “Adjectives –Mr. T. Experience” song lyric.

D. Data Analysis

This research was aimed to know whether there is significant influence of using

Text Twist game toward students’ vocabulary mastery in the second semester of

the eleventh grade at SMA Negeri 1 Penengahan in the academic year of

2016/2017. The total number of the sample was 76 students, two classes were

chosen as control class and experimental class.


The instrument of this research was test. Pre-test consisted 25 multiple-choice

items and post-test consisted of 33 multiple-choice items with five options.

Pretest was conducted previously on May 5th, 2017 for class XI IPS 1 as a control

class and the pre-test in experimental class was conducted on May 4th, 2017. The

class that was used as the experimental class was XI IPS 2 as the experimental

class. The pre-test was administrated in order to see the students’ score in

vocabulary mastery before getting treatment.

After conducting the three meetings of using Text Twist game the writer gave the

post-test to the sample. The post-test for control class was conducted on May 13rd,

2017 and the post-test for experimental class was conducted on May 16th, 2017.

1. Result of Pre-test

The pre-test was administrated in order to know students’ vocabulary mastery

before the treatments given. It can be seen from the pre-test score of students’

vocabulary mastery in the control class and experimental class.

Figure 1
Graph of the Result of the Pre-test in Experimental Class

(Graph of students’ vocabulary mastery of the post-test in

experimental class)

Based on figure 1, the mean of pre-test in experimental class is 42.70,

standard deviation = 9.846, N = 37, median = 44.00, mode = 36, variance =

96.937, minimum score = 24, maximum= 60. It showed students’ vocabulary

mastery before they got treatments.

Figure 2
Graph of the Result of the Pre-test in Control Class

(Graph of students’ vocabulary mastery of the pre-test in control


Based on figure 1, the mean of pre-test in control class is 42.37, standard

deviation= 7.23, N = 38, median = 40.00, mode = 36, variance = 52.202,

minimum score = 32, maximum= 56. It showed students’ vocabulary mastery

before they got treatments.

2. Result of Post-test

The post-test was administrated in order to know students’ students’

vocabulary mastery before the treatments given. It can be seen from the post-

test score of students’ students’ vocabulary mastery in the control class and

experimental class.

Figure 3
Graph of the Result of the Post-test in Experimental Class

(Graph of students’ vocabulary mastery of the post-test in

experimental class after got treatments)

Based on figure 1, the mean of post-test in experimental class is 73.89,

standard deviation = 6.923, N = 34, median = 73.00, mode = 73, variance =

47.932, minimum score = 55, maximum= 85. It showed students’ vocabulary

mastery after they got treatments.

Figure 4
Graph of the Result of the Post-test in Control Class

(Graph of students’ vocabulary mastery of the post-test in

control class)

Based on figure 1, the mean of post-test in control class is 53.38, standard

deviation =12.525, N = 32, median = 53.00, mode = 39, variance = 156.887,

minimum score = 33, maximum= 85. It showed students’ vocabulary mastery

in control class.

3. Result of Normality Test

The writer tested normality test after got score of the students in vocabulary

mastery pretest and posttest by using SPSS version 16.

a. The hypotheses

The hypotheses are:

H0 : The data have normal distribution.

Ha : The data do not have normal distribution.

b. The test criteria

The test criteria are:

If the value (p) > significant ( α = 0.05 ) it means that, H0 was accepted

If the value (p) < significant ( α = 0.05 ) it means that, Ha was accepted

Table 11
Normality of the Experimental and Control Class
Kolmogorov-Smirnova Shapiro-Wilk

Class Statistic df Sig. Statistic df Sig.

Experimental .151 37 . 032 .946 37 .074

Control .076 32 .200 .965 32 .385

a. Lilliefors Significance Correction


Based on Table 11, it can be seen that Pvalue (Sig.) for experimental class

was 0.32 and Pvalue (Sig.) for control class was 0.200. Because Sig. (Pvalue)

of experimental class > α 0.05. So, Ho is accepted and Sig. (Pvalue) for the

control class > α 0.05. So, Ha is rejected. The conclusion is that the data in the

experimental class and control class had normal distribution.

4. Result of Homogeneity Test

The writer tested Homogeneity Test after he got score of students’ vocabulary

mastery in control class and experimental class (pretest and posttest of

students’ vocabulary mastery by using SPSS).

a. The hypotheses are:

Ha = The variance of the data is not homogeneous

Ho = The variance of the data is homogeneous

b. The criteria of the test are follows:

Ho is accepted if sig > α = 0.05

Ha is accepted if sig < α = 0.05

Table 12
The Result of Homogeneity Test
Levene Statistic df1 df2 Sig.
Score Based on Mean .598 6 22 .729

Based on the results obtained in the test of homogeneity of variances in the

column, it could be seen that Sig. (Pvalue) = 0.729 > α = 0.05. It


demonstrated that Ho was accepted because Sig. (Pvalue) > α = 0.05. It means

that the variance of the data was homogenous.

5. Result of Hypothetical Test

Based on the previous explanation that the normality and homogeneity test

were satisfied. Therefore, the researcher used the hypothetical test using SPSS

(Statistical Program for Social Science), independent sample t-test.

The hypothesis formulas are:

Ha : There is no influence of using Text Twist game towards students’

vocabulary mastery in the second semester of the eleventh grade at

SMA N 1 Penengahan in the academic year of 2016/2017.

Ho : There is influence of using Text Twist game towards students’

vocabulary mastery in the second semester of the eleventh grade at

SMA N 1 Penengahan in the academic year of 2016/2017.

The criteria of acceptance or rejection of the hypothesis for hypothetical test


Ho is accepted if Sig. (Pvalue) > α = 0.05

Ha is accepted if Sig. (Pvalue) < α = 0.05

Table 13
The Result of Hypothetical test
Levene's Test for
t-test for Equality of Means
Equality of Variances
f Sig. t df Sig. (2-tailed)
Gain Equal variances assumed .080 .778 8.8570 67 .000
Equal variances not assumed 5.617 67.587 .000

Based on the results obtained in the independent sample t-test in Table 13,

that the value of significant generated Sig. (Pvalue) = 0.000 < α = 0.05. So, Ha

is accepted and Ho is rejected. Based on the computation, it can be concluded

that there was a significant influence of Text Twist game towards students’

vocabulary mastery in the second semester of the eleventh grade at SMA N 1

Penengahan in the academic year of 2016/2017.

E. Discussion

At the beginning of the research, the writer explained there were some procedures

used to know students’ vocabulary mastery. Some test were conducted to collect

the data such as pre-test and post-test. The pre-test was administered to know

students’ quality in vocabulary mastery before they were given treatments by the

writer. The score of pre-test would be used as the students’ score before


Based on the result of the students’ pre-test score and post-test score, it shows that

the students’ post-test is higher than in pre-test. Besides that, Text Twist game

can improve each aspect of students’ vocabulary mastery including word

meaning, word use, word grammar, and word combination. The result of pre-test

and post-test also showed that the students who taught by using Text Twist game

got better result than the students who taught by using Translation technique.

Based on the analysis of the data and the testing of hypothesis, the result of T-test

null hypothesis (Ho) is refused and alternative hypothesis (Ha) is accepted. It

means that the treatments had influence of using Text Twist game towards

students’ vocabulary mastery, so alternative hypothesis is accepted. It had been

supported by the previous research conducted by Nurdianita, she conducted the

research entitled “The Use of Text Twist Game for Teaching Vocabulary (A

Quasi-Experimenal Study at the Tenth Grade Students of SMA Islam Ta’allumul

Huda Bumiayu in the Academic Year 2014/ 2015)”. 1 In this case, the result of her

research showed that text twist game can be used to teach vocabulary. It can be

seen in the t-test which showed that the t-value was higher than t-table. It means

that there was a different significant between two means of control and

experimental class. The questionnaire also showed that there was significant

enthusiasm during the learning process going on. It means that the students were

interested in learning vocabulary by using Text Twist game. After being taught

through Text Twist game, the writer concluded that there was a significant

increase of students’ vocabulary mastery achievement. By applying Text Twist

game, students will be motivated to look words up in dictionary. Also, Text Twist

game make students become more creative to find out the vocabulary. As the

impact, students got improvement in vocabulary memorizing skill.

Meitia Nurdianita, The Use of Text Twist Game for Teaching Vocabulary, (English Department
Faculty of Languages and Arts Semarang State University, 2015), p. iii

According to Aulia, by doing this game, unconsciously the students will recall,

write, and discuss to find out English words, the students will be more familiar

with English words, and the students will unconsciously be motivated to look

words up in dictionary.2 It means that, Text Twist game have some benefits in

improvement students’ vocabulary mastery. Therefore, it can be concluded that

students’ vocabulary mastery was influenced by the Text Twist game rather than

without using it.

Nurul Saofa Aulia, Journal English Language Teaching: The Use of Super Text Twist Game to
Improve Students’ English Vocabulary Mastery, ELT 2 (2), ISSN 2253-6706, (Universitas Negeri
Semarang: 2013), p. 3


A. Conclusion

At the end of the research, the post-test was given to measure the influence of

Text Twist game towards students’ vocabulary mastery both classes after

treatments done. The mean score of post-test in experimental class was 72.94 and

the mean score of post-test in control class was 69.56. It showed that the students’

post-test score in experimental class was higher than students’ post-test score in

control class. The result can be seen from sig. (2-tailed) of the equal variance

assumed in the independent sample test table where the sig. (2-tailed) is 0.001. It

is lower than α = 0.05 and it means that Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted.

Based on the result of data analysis, the writer concluded that there was

significant influence of Text Twist game towards students’ vocabulary mastery in

the second semester of the eleventh grade at SMA Negeri 1 Penengahan in the

academic year of 2016/2017.

B. Suggestion

Based on the result of this research, the writer proposed suggestions as follows:

1. For the teacher

a. The teacher should try a new method with interesting technique.

Considering the technique, the writer suggests the English teachers will

apply Text Twist game as one of the way in teaching vocabulary because


it can help the students in recalling and memorizing new words easier.

Teaching vocabulary by using Text twist game is also attractive and

variously, hence, it is able to improve student’s interest.

b. To improve the students independency, the writer suggests the teacher will

let the students to work in groups since work group can provide learners

with an opportunity to learn from each other in an active and involved

way. In addition, it takes the control away from the teacher and gives it to

the learners temporarily.

2. For the students

The student should also have high motivation to and practice what they have

learnt from their teacher everywhere and every time. The students are able to

increase their skill in vocabulary mastery indirectly. By applying Text Twist

game in teaching learning activity, hopes it can dig the student’s interest in

English because the method is more fun and enjoyable especially in

vocabulary mastery. Students not only will be more attracted in learning

English vocabulary without under pressure feeling and forced but also will

memorize words or vocabulary easier indirectly.

3. For other researcher

Other researchers are expected to do a similar research with a similar topic by

using a wider scope and larger population. Therefore, the result will be more

applicable in a tertiary level. The researcher hopes there will be some

corrections and critics from the other researcher who read and investigate the
same field to make it more perfect.


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Molina, Lucia and Amparo Hurtado Albir. Translation Techniques Revisited: A

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Salen, Katie and Eric Zimmerman. Rules of Play: Game Design Fundamentals. MIT
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Tankersley, Karen. Threads of Reading. Alexandria, Virginia: ASCD Publications.


Thornburry, Scott. How to Teach Vocabulary. Essex: Pearson Educational Limited.


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January 2010. Available at:

Appendix 1



NO Question Answer Conclusion

Strategy apa yang biasa Untuk sejauh ini saya tidak Guru Tidak Memiliki Strategy
1 Mrs terapkan di dalam menggunakan strategy khusus dalam Khusus yang diterapkan saat
kelas untuk mengajar pengajaran bahasa Inggris di kelas mengajar di kelas XI (Sebelas)
XI (Sebelas) terutama vocabulary, di SMA 1 N Penengahan,
bahasa Inggris terutama
biasanya saya membimbing siswa/I Lampung Selatan.
vocabulary? menerjemakan kata-kata yang belum
mereka ketahui dalam suatu teks.
Bagaimana prosedur Mengenai prosedur, pertama-tama Guru memberi kan teks kepada
2 strategy yang Mrs. biasanya saya memberikan sebuah siswa setelah itu memberikan
terapkan tersebut ? teks atau wacana tentang materi pertanyaan tentang teks yang
terkait (contoh memberikan contoh telah siswa baca.
teks Naratif) kemudian siswa
diminta untuk mencari kata-kata
yang belum mereka fahami lalu
diartikan bersama-sama. Kemudian
dari kata-kata yang mereka temukan
itu saya membimbing mereka untuk
menghafal kata demi kata yang telah
mereka artikan tadi.

Adakah kesulitan Kesulitan yang saya alami ketika Faktor utama dari kesulitan
3 kesulitan yang sering memberikan tugas kepada Siswa/I guru mengajar adalah banyak
Mrs. alami ketika salah satunya adalah kemauan siswa yang malas dan tidak
mengajar vocabulary mereka yang kurang antusias mau berusaha lebih giat lagi.
dengan strategi yang menghafal. Sebagian dari mereka
Mrs. terapkan di dalam ada yang cepat ingat dengan
kelas ? kosakata yang diberikan tapi juga
tidak sedikit yang masih sedikit
sukar mengingat kosakata-kosakata
baru yang saya berikan.

4 Menurut Mrs. apakah Menurut saya Siswa/I yang memang Lebih Banyak siswa yang
strategy yang Mrs. pintar dan antusias sudah pasti memiliki tingkat penguasaan
terapkan Siswa/I yang mereka dengan mudah mengingat kosakata rendah dibandingkan
Mrs. ajarkan penguasaan kosakata yang saya berikan tetapi dengan siswa yang memiliki
kosakata mereka bagi siswa/I yang memang malas, kosakata yang cukup.
meningkat lebih baik? pastilah penguasaan kosakata
mereka masih sangat kurang.

Sejauh ini bagaimana Saya menilai Siswa/I yang memang Nilai vocabulary siswa Masih
5 Penilaian Mrs. tentang aktif dikelas, sudah sedikit lumayan rendah.
penguasaan kosakata pembendaharaan kata mereka tetapi
siswa/I di dalam kelas? lebih banyak dari mereka yang
hanya menguasai kosakata itu-itu
saja, hal ini bisa dianalisis ketika
ketika saya melakukan penilaian
dalam aspek vocabulary (kosakata).

Appendix 2

Class : XI IPA
Interviewer : Nasrudin
Interviewee : Anisa Nismawati
Day/Date : Monday/ November 07th, 2016

No Pertanyaan Jawaban Kesimpulan

1 Apakah anda menyukai Tidak, karena bahasa Inggris itu Menurut Anisa, bahasa
pelajaran bahasa Inggris sulit. Inggris itu sulit untuk
? dipelajari terutama dalam
2 Bagaimanakah cara guru Seperti biasa, dia biasanya mengingat kosakata atau
bahasa Inggris mengajar memberi tugas, latihan, hafalan vocabulary. Guru harus
kosakata/vocabulary di kosakata dan lain-lain. menggunakan media dan
kelas kalian? metode yang menarik
3 Menurut kamu, apakah Sebagian ya gampang diinget tapi agar sisa tertarik untuk
kamu sudah mampu ya sebagian juga agak susah mengikuti pelajaran.
mengingat kosakata yang diinget.
diberikan oleh Mrs. Ida
4 Hal apa yang anda sukai Hal yang saya sukai adalah
dan tidak anda sukai gurunya baik. Yang tidak saya
dalam belajar bahasa sukai ketika banyak tugas. Apalagi
inggris khususnya ketika hafalan vocabulary.
belajar kosakata bahasa
Inggris atau vocabulary?
5 Kesulitan apa yang Kesulitannya vocabulary itu susah
sering ditemukan dalam diingat saja.
belajar bahasa Inggris
khususnya ketika belajar
kosakata bahasa Inggris
atau vocabulary?
6 Sebagai seorang siswa, Seharusnya guru menyampaikan
bagaimana menurut anda pelajaran dengan baik dengan cara
tentang sistem atau cara membuat pelajaran menjadi
guru dalam mengajar menarik sehingga siswa tidak
bahasa Inggris sehingga merasa bosan.
siswa dapat merasa
senang dan dapat
meningkatkan nilai
bahasa Inggris terutama
dalam penilaian kosakata
atau vocabulary?



Class : XI IPA
Interviewer : Nasrudin
Interviewee : Ari Widayati
Day/Date : Monday/ November 07th, 2016

No Pertanyaan Jawaban Kesimpulan

1 Apakah anda menyukai Suka si. Tapi ya tergantung Menurut Wiwid, bahasa
pelajaran bahasa Inggris ? yang dipelajarin apa. Inggris itu sulit untuk
2 Bagaimanakah cara guru Kadang-kadang seru dipelajari terutama dalam
bahasa Inggris mengajar kadang-kadang ngebosenin. mengingat kosakata atau
kosakata/vocabulary di Biasanya sering hafalan vocabulary. Guru harus
kelas kalian? kosakata-kosakata gitu si. membuat suasana menjadi
3 Menurut kamu, apakah Ada sebagian yang bisa lebih seru dan tidak
kamu sudah mampu diingat sampe sekarang. membosankan.
mengingat kosakata yang Tapi banyak lupanya.
diberikan oleh Mrs. Ida
4 Hal apa yang anda sukai Kalau lagi banyak tugas
dan tidak anda sukai dalam terus disuruh hafalan itu
belajar bahasa inggris yang saya gak suka.
khususnya ketika belajar
kosakata bahasa Inggris
atau vocabulary?
5 Kesulitan apa yang sering Susah ngingat vocabulary
ditemukan dalam belajar yang jarang dipake.
bahasa Inggris khususnya
ketika belajar kosakata
bahasa Inggris atau
6 Sebagai seorang siswa, Seharusnya guru membuat
bagaimana menurut anda suasana pelajaran lebih seru
tentang sistem atau cara biar gak bosan di kelas.
guru dalam mengajar
bahasa Inggris sehingga
siswa dapat merasa senang
dan dapat meningkatkan
nilai bahasa Inggris
terutama dalam penilaian
kosakata atau vocabulary?



Class : XI IPS 1
Interviewer : Nasrudin
Interviewee : Anita Andriyani
Day/Date : Monday/ November 07th, 2016

No Pertanyaan Jawaban Kesimpulan

1 Apakah anda menyukai Saya tidak terlalu suka dengan Tidak terlalu suka
pelajaran bahasa Inggris ? pelajaran bahasa Inggris. dengan pelajaran bahasa
2 Bagaimanakah cara guru Menjelaskan sesuai materi yang Inggris.
bahasa Inggris mengajar ada di buku lalu memberi tugas Harus lebih banyak
kosakata/vocabulary di dan hafalan untuk vocabulary. latihan-latihan dengan
kelas kalian? menggunakan vocab-
3 Menurut kamu, apakah Banyak yang masih belum vocabnya yang telah
kamu sudah mampu mampu diingat. dipelajari.
mengingat kosakata yang
diberikan oleh Mrs. Ida
4 Hal apa yang anda sukai Gurunya sabar. Jadi walaupun
dan tidak anda sukai dalam gak terlalu suka sama
belajar bahasa inggris pelajarannya tetep bisa ngikutin
khususnya ketika belajar sampe akhir pelajaran.
kosakata bahasa Inggris
atau vocabulary?
5 Kesulitan apa yang sering Susah mengingat vocabulary
ditemukan dalam belajar baru aja si.
bahasa Inggris khususnya
ketika belajar kosakata
bahasa Inggris atau
6 Sebagai seorang siswa, Harus lebih banyak latihan-
bagaimana menurut anda latihan dengan menggunakan
tentang sistem atau cara vocab-vocabnya itu si. Biar pas
guru dalam mengajar bener-bener ketemu kata-kata itu
bahasa Inggris sehingga ga lupa lagi.
siswa dapat merasa senang
dan dapat meningkatkan
nilai bahasa Inggris
terutama dalam penilaian
kosakata atau vocabulary?



Class : XI IPS 1
Interviewer : Nasrudin
Interviewee : Dianita Qurnia Putri
Day/Date : Monday/ November 07th, 2016

No Pertanyaan Jawaban Kesimpulan

1 Apakah anda menyukai Saya suka pelajaran bahasa Putri menyukai pelajaran
pelajaran bahasa Inggris ? Inggris. bahas Inggris. Tapi perlu
2 Bagaimanakah cara guru Kalau vocabulary biasanya adanya pengembangan proses
bahasa Inggris mengajar guru ngasih hafalan belajar agar lebih menarik.
kosakata/vocabulary di kosakata-kosakata.
kelas kalian?
3 Menurut kamu, apakah Sebagian bisa diingat tapi ya
kamu sudah mampu ada sebagian juga yang
mengingat kosakata yang susah diingat.
diberikan oleh Mrs. Ida
4 Hal apa yang anda sukai Hal yang saya sukai adalah
dan tidak anda sukai dalam saat belajar grammar.
belajar bahasa inggris Menantang aja. Yang tidak
khususnya ketika belajar saya sukai ketika banyak
kosakata bahasa Inggris tugas. Apalagi hafalan
atau vocabulary? vocabulary.
5 Kesulitan apa yang sering Vocabulary yang dikasih itu
ditemukan dalam belajar susah buat diingat.
bahasa Inggris khususnya
ketika belajar kosakata
bahasa Inggris atau
6 Sebagai seorang siswa, Dibuat lebih menarik aja
bagaimana menurut anda pembelajarannya. Biar gak
tentang sistem atau cara boring.
guru dalam mengajar
bahasa Inggris sehingga
siswa dapat merasa senang
dan dapat meningkatkan
nilai bahasa Inggris
terutama dalam penilaian
kosakata atau vocabulary?



Class : XI IPS 2
Interviewer : Nasrudin
Interviewee : Helta Rina
Day/Date : Monday/ November 07th, 2016

No Pertanyaan Jawaban Kesimpulan

1 Apakah anda menyukai Saya kurang suka pelajaran Kurang menyukai pelajaran
pelajaran bahasa Inggris ? bahasa Inggris. bahasa inggris.
2 Bagaimanakah cara guru Guru biasanya menjelaskan Dalam mengajar guru harus
bahasa Inggris mengajar materi dan memberi tugas. mampu membuat suasana
kosakata/vocabulary di Kalau vocabulary biasanya lebih menyenangkan terlebih
kelas kalian? juga guru memberikan saat-saat jam terkhir kelas.
hafalan kosakata.
3 Menurut kamu, apakah Agak susah buat diingat.
kamu sudah mampu
mengingat kosakata yang
diberikan oleh Mrs. Ida
4 Hal apa yang anda sukai Hal yang saya sukai adalah
dan tidak anda sukai dalam gurunya sabar. Yang tidak
belajar bahasa inggris saya sukai ketika banyak
khususnya ketika belajar tugas. Apalagi hafalan
kosakata bahasa Inggris vocabulary.
atau vocabulary?
5 Kesulitan apa yang sering Vocabulary yang dikasih itu
ditemukan dalam belajar terlalu banyak dan susah
bahasa Inggris khususnya buat diingat.
ketika belajar kosakata
bahasa Inggris atau
6 Sebagai seorang siswa, Dalam mengajar guru harus
bagaimana menurut anda mampu membuat suasana
tentang sistem atau cara lebih menyenangkan
guru dalam mengajar terlebih saat-saat jam terkhir
bahasa Inggris sehingga kelas.
siswa dapat merasa senang
dan dapat meningkatkan
nilai bahasa Inggris
terutama dalam penilaian
kosakata atau vocabulary?



Class : XI IPS 2
Interviewer : Nasrudin
Interviewee : Triana
Day/Date : Monday/ November 07th, 2016

No Pertanyaan Jawaban Kesimpulan

1 Apakah anda menyukai Gak terlalu suka sama pelajaran Kurang menyukai
pelajaran bahasa Inggris ? bahasa Inggris. pelajaran bahasa inggris.
2 Bagaimanakah cara guru Kalau vocabulary biasanya guru Dalam mengajar guru
bahasa Inggris mengajar ngasih tugas ngartiin terus harus mampu membuat
kosakata/vocabulary di disuruh dihafalin. proses belajar menjadi
kelas kalian? lebih diminati murid-
3 Menurut kamu, apakah Susah buat diingat. murid.
kamu sudah mampu
mengingat kosakata yang
diberikan oleh Mrs. Ida
4 Hal apa yang anda sukai Hal yang saya sukai adalah
dan tidak anda sukai dalam gurunya baik. Yang tidak saya
belajar bahasa inggris sukai ketika banyak tugas.
khususnya ketika belajar Apalagi hafalan vocabulary.
kosakata bahasa Inggris
atau vocabulary?
5 Kesulitan apa yang sering Arti sama bahasa inngrisnya itu
ditemukan dalam belajar biasanya agak susah buat diingat.
bahasa Inggris khususnya
ketika belajar kosakata
bahasa Inggris atau
6 Sebagai seorang siswa, Intinya kalau belajarnya udah
bagaimana menurut anda nyaman aja pasti bakalan betah
tentang sistem atau cara di pelajaran itu.
guru dalam mengajar
bahasa Inggris sehingga
siswa dapat merasa senang
dan dapat meningkatkan
nilai bahasa Inggris
terutama dalam penilaian
kosakata atau vocabulary?



Class : XI IPS 2
Interviewer : Nasrudin
Interviewee : Rosa Yulinda
Day/Date : Monday/ November 07th, 2016

No Pertanyaan Jawaban Kesimpulan

1 Apakah anda menyukai Saya suka pelajaran bahasa Yuli menyukai pelajaran
pelajaran bahasa Inggris ? Inggris. bahasa inggris.
2 Bagaimanakah cara guru Sama dengan guru biasanya. Kegiatan pembelajaran harus
bahasa Inggris mengajar Kalau vocabulary biasanya terstruktur dan lebih menarik
kosakata/vocabulary di juga guru memberikan biar murid bisa lebih fokus.
kelas kalian? hafalan kosakata.
3 Menurut kamu, apakah Sebagian si bisa diingat.
kamu sudah mampu
mengingat kosakata yang
diberikan oleh Mrs. Ida
4 Hal apa yang anda sukai Hal yang saya sukai adalah
dan tidak anda sukai gurunya baik. Yang tidak
dalam belajar bahasa saya sukai ketika banyak
inggris khususnya ketika tugas. Apalagi hafalan
belajar kosakata bahasa vocabulary.
Inggris atau vocabulary?
5 Kesulitan apa yang sering Sulit aja buat nginget
ditemukan dalam belajar vocabulary yang dikasih.
bahasa Inggris khususnya
ketika belajar kosakata
bahasa Inggris atau
6 Sebagai seorang siswa, Pembelajarannya itu harus
bagaimana menurut anda terstruktur dan lebih menarik
tentang sistem atau cara biar murid bisa lebih fokus.
guru dalam mengajar
bahasa Inggris sehingga
siswa dapat merasa
senang dan dapat
meningkatkan nilai
bahasa Inggris terutama
dalam penilaian kosakata
atau vocabulary?

Appendix 4
Form of Construct Validity for Vocabulary Mastery Test

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas/Semester : XI/II
Penelaah :………………………….

A. Petunjuk pengisisan format pengisian butir soal:

1. Analisislah instrument soal berdasarkan semua kriteria yang tertera di dalam
2. Berilah tanda cek (√) pada kolom “Ya” apabila soal yang di telaah sudah sesuai
dengan kriteria
3. Berilah tanda cex (X) pada kolom “Tidak” apabila soal yang di telaah tidak
sesuai degan kriteria
4. Kemudian tuliskan alasan pada ruang catatan atau pada texts soal dan

B. Form of Construct Validity for Vocabulary Mastery Test (PRE-TEST)

NO Aspek Ya Tidak Catatan

1 Apakah instrument sudah sesuai
dengan kompetensi dasar dan
indicator untuk siswa kelas XI di
semester 2?
2 Apakah isi materi dan topik sesuai
dengan jenjang sekolah atau tingkat
3 Apakah instruksi dapat di pahami
4 Apakah instruksi sudah sesuai
dengan aspek yang akan di ukur?
5 Apakah alokasi waktu sudah cukup?
6 Apakah items number 1, 4, 7, 24,
dan 28 sudah sesuai dengan aspek
nomor 1 (Noun Subject)?
7 Apakah items number 5, 22, 23, dan
26 sudah sesuai dengan aspek nomor
1 (Verb Subject)?
8 Apakah items number 3, 6, 10, dan
27 Sudah sesuai dengan aspek nomor
1 (Adjective Subject)?
9 Apakah items number 25, 46, 47,
dan 48 sudah sesuai dengan aspek
nomor 2 (Noun Subject)?
10 Apakah items number 41, 42, 45, dan

50 sudah sesuai dengan aspek nomor

2 (Verb Subject)?
11 Apakah items number 2, 43, 44 dan
49 sudah sesuai dengan aspek nomor
2 (Adjective Subject)?
12 Apakah items number 30, 31, 38,
dan 39 sudah sesuai dengan aspek
nomor 3 (Noun Subject)?
13 Apakah items number 32, 33, 34, dan
35 sudah sesuai dengan aspek nomor
3 (Verb Subject)?
14 Apakah items number 29, 36, 37,
dan 40 sudah sesuai dengan aspek
nomor 3 (Adjective Subject)?
15 Apakah items number 9, 11, 14, dan
16 sudah sesuai dengan aspek nomor
4 (Noun Subject)?
16 Apakah items number 13, 18, 19, dan
20 sudah sesuai dengan aspek nomor
4 (Verb Subject)?
17 Apakah items number 8, 12, 15, 17,
dan 21 sudah sesuai dengan aspek
nomor 4 (Adjective Subject)?

C. Form of Construct Validity for Vocabulary Mastery Test (POST TEST)

NO Aspek Ya Tidak Catatan

1 Apakah instrument sudah sesuai
dengan kompetensi dasar dan
indicator untuk siswa kelas XI di
semester 2?
2 Apakah isi materi dan topik sesuai
dengan jenjang sekolah atau tingkat
3 Apakah instruksi dapat di pahami
4 Apakah instruksi sudah sesuai
dengan aspek yang akan di ukur?
5 Apakah alokasi waktu sudah cukup?
6 Apakah items number 4, 8, 21, 23,
dan 42 sudah sesuai dengan aspek
nomor 1 (Noun Subject)?
7 Apakah items number 2, 5, 26, dan

49 sudah sesuai dengan aspek nomor

1 (Verb Subject)?
8 Apakah items number 3, 6, 9, dan 22
Sudah sesuai dengan aspek nomor 1
(Adjective Subject)?
9 Apakah items number 1, 41, 43, 48,
dan 50 sudah sesuai dengan aspek
nomor 2 (Noun Subject)?
10 Apakah items number 7, 24, 27, dan
44 sudah sesuai dengan aspek nomor
2 (Verb Subject)?
11 Apakah items number 28, 45, 46,
dan 47 sudah sesuai dengan aspek
nomor 2 (Adjective Subject)?
12 Apakah items number 30, 31, 38,
dan 39 sudah sesuai dengan aspek
nomor 3 (Noun Subject)?
13 Apakah items number 32, 33, 34, dan
35 sudah sesuai dengan aspek nomor
3 (Verb Subject)?
14 Apakah items number 29, 36, 37,
dan 40 sudah sesuai dengan aspek
nomor 3 (Adjective Subject)?
15 Apakah items number 11, 13, 16,
dan 18 sudah sesuai dengan aspek
nomor 4 (Noun Subject)?
16 Apakah items number 12, 19, 20, dan
25 sudah sesuai dengan aspek nomor
4 (Verb Subject)?
17 Apakah items number 10, 14, 15,
dan 17 sudah sesuai dengan aspek
nomor 4 (Adjective Subject)?

Penengahan, ………………...2017


Appendix 4
Analyzing of Pre-test Items (before try out) Using ANATES

Analyzing of Pre-test Items (before try out) Using ANATES


Appendix 5

The Blueprint of Vocabulary Mastery


Item Number
No Aspect Subject
Even Odd
1 Word Meaning Noun 4 10
Verb - 9, 21
Adjective - 3
2 Word Grammar Noun - 23
Verb 22 25
Adjective 2, 20, 24 -
3 Word Use Noun 12, 14 13, 19
Verb 16 17
Adjective 18 11, 15
4 Word Combination Noun 8 -
Verb 6 1, 5
Adjective - 7
Total 11 14

Appendix 6


Study : Bahasa Inggris Time Allocation : 35 Minutes
Class : XI (Eleventh)

No 1 – 8
Direction: Read the words below then find the best meaning of each word by crossing
the option (a), (b), (c), (d), or (e)!

1. Pay attention= . . . 6. Pickup =

a. Mendengarkan a. Menjemput
b. Perhatikan b. Mengantar
c. Melihat c. Meneladani
d. Mencari d. Membuka
e. Merasa e. Mentaati

2. Taller = . . . 7. Rocky road = . . .

a. Tertinggi a. Berbatu
b. Sangat tinggi b. Batu-batuan
c. Tinggi c. Jalan
d. Lebih tinggi d. Jalanan berbatu
e. Kurang tinggi e. Batuan jalan

3. Ugly = . . . 8. Road sign = . . .

a. Jelek a. Petunjuk jalan
b. Bodoh b. Jalan-jalan
c. Hancur c. Tanda tangan
d. Baik d. Surat jalan
e. Cerdas e. Peraturan jalan

4. Fox = . . . 9. Answers >< . . .

a. Kotak The word answer has the opposite meaning with.
b. Rubah a. Follow
c. Lebah b. Agree
d. Semut c. Hope
e. Lem d. Ask
e. Act

5. Make a choice = 10. Night >< . . .

a. Pilihan The word answer has the opposite meaning with.
b. Memilih a. Week
c. Membuat b. Year
d. Sebuah pilihan c. Month
e. Memutuskan d. Day
e. Midnight

No. 11 - 19
Direction: Read the sentences below then answer the question by crossing (a), (b),
(c), (d), or (e) in your worksheet!

11. Andi : Where is your house? 14. John is one of the science pupil. He is
Boby : My house is located on Jl. the eleventh grade now.
Pagar alam II. It is closed The Phrase pupil has best meaning
to post office. with . . .
The word close has best meaning a. Murid
with . . . b. Kornea
a. Menutup c. Guru
b. Dekat d. Teman
c. Membuka e. Member
d. Sekitar
e. Area

12. Michelle assumes that his friend 15. If Budy is angry, do not say anything.
is the head of this problem. You will just be adding the fuel to the
The word head has the best fire.
meaning with . . . The Phrase adding the fuel to the fire
a. Pemimpin has best meaning with . . .
b. Dalang a. Memecahkan masalah
c. Awal b. Memberikan solusi
d. Akhir c. Menambahkan solusi
e. Penyebab d. Bertambah buruk
e. Menambahkan bahan bakar

13. Listen to her. Her sound is so 16. Joe : Do not forget to give me the
amazing. information about the
The word sound has best scholarship Mike!
meaning with . . . Mike : Ok. I will phone you when I get
a. Berbicara the information.
b. Suara The word phone has the best meaning
c. Berusara with . . .
d. Seruan a. Mencari
e. Menyeru b. Memanggil
c. Menjemput
d. Membagi
e. Mencatat

17. Bob : what are you doing Ann? 19. Katie : Where is your room Julie?
Ann : I am waiting for Jacky. Julie : My room is on second
He say that he will pick building.
me up right now. The word building has the best
The Phrase pick me up has best meaning with . . .
meaning with . . . a. Bangunan
a. Memberiku b. Lantai
b. Menjemputku c. Gedung
c. Menemuiku d. Ruangan
d. Melihatku e. Kamar
e. Mengunjungiku

18. He is the only one of man in his

family. His father was passed
away when he was child.
The Phrase passed away has best
meaning with . . .
a. Mendekat
b. Menjauh
c. Meninggal
d. Menjalani
e. Menuju

No. 20-25
Direction: Read the text below, focus on the blank field and choose the best answer
by crossing the options (a), (b), (c), (d) or (e) in work sheet based on the
audio you herad!

So many nights, I’d sit by my window,

Waiting for someone to sing me her sound
So many dreams, I kept 20 inside me,
Alone in the 21, but now you’ve come along.

And you 22 up my life,

You give me hope, to carry on.
You light up my life
And fill my 23 with song.

Could it 24 finally, I’m along for home

Never again to be all thinking.
Rollin’ at sea, a drift on the waters
Finally a chance to 25, “Hey, I Love You”

20. a. Works 23. a. Creates

b. Deeply b. Jumps
c. Working c. Days
d. Deep d. Runs
e. Deeped e. Joins

21. a. Mark 24. a. Is

b. Modified b. Are
c. Dark c. Was
d. Lurf d. Were
e. Lie e. Be

22. a. Lighting 25. a. says

b. Lighten b. said
c. Lights c. sayed
d. Light d. say
e. Lighted e. saying


Appendix 7



Name :
Stu. Number :
Class :

1 A B C D E
2 A B C D E
3 A B C D E
4 A B C D E
5 A B C D E
6 A B C D E
7 A B C D E
8 A B C D E
9 A B C D E
10 A B C D E
11 A B C D E
12 A B C D E
13 A B C D E
14 A B C D E
15 A B C D E
16 A B C D E
17 A B C D E
18 A B C D E
19 A B C D E
20 A B C D E
21 A B C D E
22 A B C D E
23 A B C D E
24 A B C D E
25 A B C D E

Appendix 8



1 B
2 D
3 A
4 B
5 B
6 A
7 D
8 A
9 D
10 D
11 B
12 B
13 B
14 A
15 D
16 B
17 B
18 C
19 B
20 B
21 C
22 D
23 C
24 E
25 D

Appendix 9

The Blueprint of Vocabulary Mastery


Item Number
No Aspect Subject
Even Odd
1 Word Meaning Noun 4, 12, 14 -
Verb 2, 18 17
Adjective 16 9
2 Word Grammar Noun 28, 33 1
Verb 30, 32 -
Adjective - 15, 29, 31
3 Word Use Noun 26 21, 27
Verb 20, 22 23
Adjective 24 19, 25
4 Word Combination Noun 8 3
Verb 6, 9, 10 13
Adjective - 7, 11
Total 18 15

Appendix 10


Study : Bahasa Inggris Time Allocation : 40 Minutes
Class : XI (Eleventh)

No. 1-11
Direction: Read the words below then find the best meaning of each word by crossing
the option (a), (b), (c), (d), or (e)!
1. Pictures = . . . 7. Overage = . . .
a. Kertas a. Sedikit muda
b. Gambar-gambar b. Terlalu muda
c. Gambar c. Muda
d. Kertas-kertas d. Terlalu tua
e. Menggambar e. Tua

2. Search = . . . 8. Inside = . . .
a. Mencari a. Bagian ujung
b. Melihat b. Bagian tengah
c. Mendengar c. Bagian dalam
d. Menulis d. Masuk kedalam
e. Mengetik e. Bagian inti

3. Everyone = . . . 9. Understand = . . .
a. Satu-satunya a. Yakin
b. Setiap orang b. Percaya
c. Satu orang c. Sepakat
d. Semua orang d. Faham
e. Mendapat e. Setuju

4. Bite = . . . 10. Pickup =

a. Kata a. Menjemput
b. Gambar b. Mengantar
c. Gigitan c. Meneladani
d. Teriakan d. Membuka
e. Sedikit e. Mentaati

5. Die = . . . 11. Offside = . . .

a. Tertinggal a. Dimatikan
b. Tinggal b. Bernyawa
c. Meninggal c. Mati
d. Ditinggalkan d. Merasa
e. Meninggalkan e. Di luar garis
6. Have a look = . . .
a. Memiliki
b. Melihat
c. Menuju
d. Memperbaiki
e. Mencari

No. 12-18
Direction: Read the words below then find the best opposite meaning of each word by
crossing the option (a), (b), (c), (d), or (e)!

12. Ice ><. . . 16. Double >< . . .

a. Fire a. Twice
b. Snow b. Multiple
c. Winter c. Bili
d. Freeze d. Single
e. Cold Water e. Couple
13. Download >< . . . 17. Answer >< . . .
a. Down line a. Follow
b. Upload b. Agree
c. Update c. Hope
d. Down up d. Ask
e. Take up e. Act

14. Day >< . . . 18. Come >< . . .

a. Daily a. Go
b. Week b. Back
c. Year c. Turn
d. Night d. Close
e. Month e. Find

15. Upon >< . . .

a. Above
b. Under
c. Below
d. Inside
e. Follow

No. 19– 26
Direction: Read the sentences below then answer the question by crossing (a), (b),
(c), (d), or (e) in your worksheet!

19. My mother is the apple of my 22. Suse : what are you doing?
eyes. . . Ann : I am looking for my wallet.
What does the sentence mean? The phrase looking for has best
a. Ibuku ada lah sebuah di meaning with . . .
mataku a. Membeli
b. Ayahku ada lah sebuah di b. Melihat
mataku c. Mencari
c. Ibuku adalah sesuatu yang d. Mencuci
berharga dimataku e. Menduga
d. Ayahku adalah sesuatu yang
berharga dimataku
e. Temanku adalah sesuatu
yang berharga dimataku

20. Andi : What are you doing Bob? 23. Bob : what are you doing Ann?
Boby : I am finishing my Math Ann : I am checking my paper. I just
task. What is going on? make it sure that the paper is
And : Good. Stick on it! good enough.
According to the dialogue, the The phrase make it sure has best
word stick has best meaning with. meaning with . . .
.. a. Mencetak
a. Menutup b. Menulis
b. Dekat c. Memberi
c. Membuka d. Membuat
d. Tongkat e. Memastikan
e. Lanjutkan

21. I have sent my letter one month 24. Sue is not only tall but also bright. It is
ago but I have not get the answer seen from academic record in school.
yet. The word bright has best meaning
The word answer has best with . . .
meaning with . . . a. Menjawab
a. Menjawab b. Cerdas
b. Suara c. Jawaban
c. Jawaban d. Seruan
d. Seruan e. Bertanya
e. Bertanya

25. Sue : why you look so damn 27. Joe : did not you see my watch Vin?
down Ann? Alvin : watch? Oh, I saw your watch on
Ann : I lost my wallet yesterday the table next to TV.
and I have not find it yet. The word watch has the best meaning
The Phrase damn down has best with . . .
meaning with . . . a. Sedang menonton
a. Bahagia b. Jam tangan
b. Merona c. Menonton
c. Sedih d. Ruangan
d. Menangis e. Kamar
e. Meraung

26. Sanne’s sister is a customer

The word customer has the best
meaning with . . .
a. Pelayan
b. Pelanggan
c. Penasehat
d. Pemilik
e. Penerima

No. 28 – 33
Direction: Read the text below, focus on the blank field and choose the best answer
by crossing the options (a), (b), (c), (d) or (e) in work sheet based on the
audio you heard!
There's a 28 Look inside you and be brave
If you look 29 your heart And you'll finally see the truth
You don't have to be afraid That a hero lies in you
Of what you are
There's an answer It's a long road
If you reach into your soul When you face the world alone
And the sorrow that you know No 31 reach out a hand

Will melt away For you to hold

You can 32 love
And then a hero comes along If 33 search within yourself
With the strength to carry on And the emptiness you felt
And you cast your fears aside Will disappear
And you know you can survive
So when you 30 like hope is gone

28. a. Heroes 31. a. life

b. Some heroes b. quiet
c. the hero c. found
d. many heroes d. find
e. hero e. saw

29. a. inside 32. a. they

b. outside b. he
c. above c. she
d. below d. we
e. upside e. you

30. a. feel 33. a. one

b. feelth b. nothing
c. feelings c. none
d. feeling d. dont
e. fallen e. know

Appendix 11



Name :
Stu. Number :
Class :

1 A B C D E 18 A B C D E
2 A B C D E 19 A B C D E
3 A B C D E 20 A B C D E
4 A B C D E 21 A B C D E
5 A B C D E 22 A B C D E
6 A B C D E 23 A B C D E
7 A B C D E 24 A B C D E
8 A B C D E 25 A B C D E
9 A B C D E 26 A B C D E
10 A B C D E 27 A B C D E
11 A B C D E 28 A B C D E
12 A B C D E 29 A B C D E
13 A B C D E 30 A B C D E
14 A B C D E 31 A B C D E
15 A B C D E 32 A B C D E
16 A B C D E 33 A B C D E
17 A B C D E

Appendix 12



1 B 26 B
2 A 27 B
3 B 28 E
4 C 29 A
5 C 30 A
6 B 31 D
7 D 32 E
8 C 33 A
9 D
10 A
11 E
12 A
13 B
14 D
15 B
16 D
17 D
18 A
19 C
20 E
21 B
22 C
23 E
24 B
25 C

Appendix 13

Result of the Pre-test in the Experimental Class


Histogram KELAS

N Valid 37 37

Missing 0 0

Mean 42.7027 6.9730

Median 44.0000 7.0000

Mode 44.00a 6.00a

Std. Deviation 9.84566 1.99286

Variance 96.937 3.971

Range 36.00 7.00

Minimum 24.00 3.00

Maximum 60.00 10.00

a. Multiple modes exist. The smallest value is shown


Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent

Valid 24 1 2.7 2.7 2.7

28 4 10.8 10.8 13.5

32 4 10.8 10.8 24.3

36 3 8.1 8.1 32.4

40 4 10.8 10.8 43.2

44 6 16.2 16.2 59.5

48 6 16.2 16.2 75.7

52 4 10.8 10.8 86.5

56 3 8.1 8.1 94.6

60 2 5.4 5.4 100.0

Total 37 100.0 100.0


Appendix 14

Result of the Pre-test in the Control Class


N Valid 38 38

Missing 0 0

Mean 42.4737 6.9474

Median 40.0000 6.0000

Mode 36.00 6.00

Std. Deviation 7.22509 1.46946

Variance 52.202 2.159

Range 24.00 5.00

Minimum 32.00 5.00

Maximum 56.00 10.00


Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent

Valid 32 4 10.5 10.5 10.5

34 1 2.6 2.6 13.2

36 8 21.1 21.1 34.2

40 7 18.4 18.4 52.6

44 4 10.5 10.5 63.2

48 7 18.4 18.4 81.6

52 5 13.2 13.2 94.7

56 2 5.3 5.3 100.0

Total 38 100.0 100.0


Appendix 15

Result of the Post-test in the Experimental Class



N Valid 37 37

Missing 0 0

Mean 73.8919 5.1081

Median 73.0000 5.0000

Mode 73.00 5.00a

Std. Deviation 6.92333 1.40996

Variance 47.932 1.988

Range 30.00 6.00

Minimum 55.00 1.00

Maximum 85.00 7.00

a. Multiple modes exist. The smallest value is shown

Post-test Result (Experimental Class)

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent

Valid 55 1 2.7 2.7 2.7

61 2 5.4 5.4 8.1

64 2 5.4 5.4 13.5

67 1 2.7 2.7 16.2

70 5 13.5 13.5 29.7

73 9 24.3 24.3 54.1

76 4 10.8 10.8 64.9

79 7 18.9 18.9 83.8

82 4 10.8 10.8 94.6

85 2 5.4 5.4 100.0

Total 37 100.0 100.0


Appendix 16
Result of the Post-test in the Control Class


N Valid 32 0

Missing 0 32

Mean 53.3750

Median 53.0000

Mode 39.00a

Std. Deviation 12.52546

Variance 156.887

Range 52.00

Minimum 33.00

Maximum 85.00

a. Multiple modes exist. The smallest value is shown


Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent

Valid 33 1 3.1 3.1 3.1

36 2 6.2 6.2 9.4

39 3 9.4 9.4 18.8

40 1 3.1 3.1 21.9

42 1 3.1 3.1 25.0

45 2 6.2 6.2 31.2

48 3 9.4 9.4 40.6

52 3 9.4 9.4 50.0

54 1 3.1 3.1 53.1

55 2 6.2 6.2 59.4

58 3 9.4 9.4 68.8

61 3 9.4 9.4 78.1


64 2 6.2 6.2 84.4

67 3 9.4 9.4 93.8

79 1 3.1 3.1 96.9

85 1 3.1 3.1 100.0

Total 32 100.0 100.0


Appendix 18


Class: XI IPS 1 (Control Class)

Students’ Vocabulary Mastery
NO Name Score Note
Pre-test Post-test
1 Afriza Nurrahman 40 67
2 Aldi Fernandes 32 48
3 Alfa Nury Sholeha 34 36
4 Alif Putra Reforman 48 67
5 Andre Jefriansyah 52 61
6 Angga Aldiansyah 40 54
7 Anita Andriyani 36 58
8 Ari Kriswanto 40 39
9 Arif Supriyandi 44 -
10 Danu Setiawan 52 36
11 Dedi Suryadi 48 52
12 Defhan Roelies P. 40 58
13 Deni Krismono 48 -
14 Dewi Lestari 44 55
15 Diki Wahyudi 48 48
16 Dinanti Qurnia Putri 48 45
17 Eka Yuliana 56 85
18 Genta Cahyo Kusumo 32 -
19 Hamzah 32 -
20 Kasnan 36 33
21 M. Billy Bayu Berlian 52 55
22 M. Zukruf Arafudin 36 45
23 Melinda Oktavia 52 52
24 Mia Laras Wati 56 64
25 M. Fadhil Hafizh 36 -
26 Muhriza Alfian 32 42
27 Nuri Wulandari 40 61
28 Nurma Yunito 44 39
29 Ragil Retasi 44 39
30 Ridho Ferran Oktandi 48 64
31 Sandi Aprizal 40 -
32 Supriyandi 36 67
33 Tomi Setiawan 52 61
34 Triyanto 36 48
35 Vivi Melyani 48 58
36 Wahyu Kusuma 36 40
37 Yogi Saputro 36 52
38 Zubaidah 40 79

Appendix 17


Class: XI IPS 2 (Experimental Class)

Students’ Vocabulary
NO Name Mastery Score Note
Pre-test Post-test
1 Agung Apriansyah 44 85
2 Aji Pangestu 48 76
3 Al Azhar 28 76
4 Alvian Syahdian 24 70
5 Andre Prasetiawan 48 73
6 Andreas Galih Sejati 52 82
7 Alwan Hudari 44 76
8 Andrian Hariandi 48 82
9 Deni Febriandi 28 79
10 Desi Herawati 48 79
11 Faisal Ramadan 28 70
12 Ginanjar Fauzi 48 79
13 Helta Rina 44 79
14 Heriyandi 56 73
15 Joni Setiawan 56 73
16 Jordi Brosnan M. 36 79
17 Kanditia Anra Pagun 56 70
18 Khoiril Anwar 36 76
19 Laila Kurnia 32 70
20 Listy Liana 40 55
21 Miftahul Janah 32 70
22 Muhammad Agus A. 44 73
23 Nurya Anita 48 73
24 Ridwan 40 85
25 Risma Herlinda 44 61
26 Risma Islamiyah 32 79
27 Rista Dwi Jayanti 40 64
28 Rizki Sobari 28 64
29 Rohan Sanjaya 36 73
30 Roni Setiady 40 73
31 Rosa Yulinda 60 73
32 Sita Andria 52 67
33 Siti Aminah 60 82
34 Siti Khotijah 44 79
35 Stevanus Yuswan Danis 52 73
36 Syahrudin 32 61
37 Triana 52 82

Appendix 19
The Result of Normality Test

Tests of Normality

Kolmogorov-Smirnova Shapiro-Wilk

Classes Statistic df Sig. Statistic df Sig.

Score Experimental .151 37 .032 .946 37 .074

Control .076 32 .200* .965 32 .385

a. Lilliefors Significance Correction

*. This is a lower bound of the true significance.

The Result of Homogeneity Test

Test of Homogeneity of Variance

Levene Statistic df1 df2 Sig.

X Based on Mean 7.264 1 58 .009

Based on Median 7.087 1 58 .010

Based on Median and with

7.087 1 44.726 .011
adjusted df

Based on trimmed mean 7.514 1 58 .008


Appendix 20


Pre-test in Experimental Class

Pre-test in Control Class



Post-test in Experimental Class

Post-test in Control Class


Appendix 23

A. Kelas: XI
Alokasi Waktu : 2 jam pelajaran/minggu
Kompetensi Sikap Spiritual dan Sikap Sosial dicapai melalui
pembelajaran tidak langsung (indirect teaching) pada pembelajaran
Kompetensi Pengetahuan dan Kompetensi Keterampilan melalui
keteladanan, pembiasaan, dan budaya sekolah dengan memperhatikan
karaktersitik mata pelajaran serta kebutuhan dan kondisi peserta didik.

Penumbuhan dan pengembangan Kompetensi Sikap dilakukan

sepanjang proses pembelajaran berlangsung dan dapat digunakan
sebagai pertimbangan guru dalam mengembangkan karakter peserta
didik lebih lanjut.

Pembelajaran untuk kompetensi pengetahuan dan kompetensi

keterampilan sebagai berikut ini.

Kompetensi Dasar Materi Pembelajaran Kegiatan Pembelajaran

3.9 Menafsirkan  Fungsi sosial - Membahas hal-hal

fungsi sosial dan Mengembangkan nilai- yang terkait dengan
unsur nilai kehidupan dan tema lagu yang
kebahasaan lirik liriknya akan segera
karakter yang positif
lagu terkait dibaca
kehidupan  Unsur kebahasaan - Membaca dan
remaja - Kosa kata dan tata mencermati isi lirik
SMA/MA/SMK/ bahasa dalam lirik lagu terkait dengan
MAK lagu pembahasan
- Ucapan, tekanan sebelumnya
4.9 Menangkap kata, intonasi, ejaan, - Menyimak, dan
makna secara tanda baca, dan menirukan guru
kontekstual tulisan tangan membaca lirik lagu
terkait fungsi  Topik secara bermakna
sosial dan unsur - Menyebutkan bagian-
Hal-hal yang dapat
kebahasaan lirik bagian yang terkait
lagu terkait keteladanan dan dengan pesan-
kehidupan menumbuhkan pesantertentu
remaja perilaku yang termuat - Membahas pemilihan
SMA/MA/SMK/ di KI kata tertentu terkait
MAK dengan tema lagu
- Melakukan refleksi
tentang proses dan
hasil belajarnya

Appendix 24
Lesson Plan of Experimental Class


Nama Sekolah : SMA N 1 Penengahan

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas/Semester : XI/2

Aspek/Skill : Kosakata/Mendengarkan

Alokasi Waktu : 2 x 45 menit (1 pertemuan)

I. Kompetensi Inti (KI)

3. Memahami, menerapkan, dan menganalisis pengetahuan faktual, konseptual,

prosedural, dan metakognitif berdasarkan rasa ingin tahunya tentang ilmu

pengetahuan, teknologi, seni, budaya, dan humaniora dengan wawasan

kemanusiaan, kebangsaan, kenegaraan, dan peradaban terkait penyebab

fenomena dan kejadian, serta menerapkan pengetahuan prosedural pada bidang

kajian yang spesifik sesuai dengan bakat dan minatnya untuk memecahkan


4. Mengolah, menalar, dan menyaji, dalam ranah konkret dan ranah abstrak terkait

dengan pengembangan dari yang dipelajarinya di sekolah secara mandiri serta

bertindak secara efektif dan kreatif, dan mampu menggunakan metoda sesuai

kaidah keilmuan.

II. Kompetensi Dasar (KD)

3.9 Menafsirkan fungsi sosial dan unsur kebahasaan lirik lagu terkait kehidupan

remaja SMA/MA/SMK/MAK.

4.9 Menangkap makna secara kontekstual terkait fungsi sosial dan unsur

kebahasaan lirik lagu terkait kehidupan remaja SMA/MA/SMK/MAK.

III. Indikator

1. Peserta didik mampu mendengarkan kosakata berupa kata benda (noun)

dalam lagu dengan baik.

2. Peserta didik dapat menulis beberapa kosakata berupa kata benda (noun)

berdasarkan lagu yang mereka dengar.

3. Peserta didik mampu mengingat kosakata baru berupa kata benda (noun) yang


IV. Tujuan Pembelajaran

Diakhir pembelajaran peserta didik diharapkan mampu:

1. Mendengarkan kosakata berupa kata benda (noun) dalam lagu dengan baik

2. Menulis beberapa kosakata berupa kata benda (noun) berdasarkan lagu yang

mereka dengar ditandai kemampuan menyusun ulang huruf-huruf (rearrange

letters) berdasarkan lagu diperdengarkan.


3. Mampu mengingat kosakata baru berupa kata benda (noun) yang diberikan

dengan cara mengisi kosakata fill in the blank berdasarkan lagu


V. Materi Pembelajaran

Everything is Once –Lenka. (Terlampir)

a. Fungsi sosial

Mengembangkan nilai-nilai kehidupan dan karakter yang positif

b. Unsur kebahasaan

- Kosa kata dan tata bahasa dalam lirik lagu

- Ucapan, tekanan kata, intonasi, ejaan, tanda baca, dan tulisan tangan

c. Topik

Hal-hal yang dapat memberikan keteladanan dan menumbuhkan perilaku

yang termuat di KI

VI. Sumber/Media Pembelajaran

Media : White board, marker, audio/mp3, dan kamus.

Sumber :

1) Kementrian Pendidikan Kebudayaan. 2016. Bahasa Inggris SMA Kelas XI

Semester 2. Jakarta: Kementrian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan.

2) Frank, Marcella. Modern English. 1972. A Practical Reference Guide.

Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey.


VII. Metode Pembelajaran

Technique : Text Twist Game

Model pembelajaran : Project Based Learning

VIII. Langkah-langkah Kegiatan Pembelajaran

Kegiatan Pembelajaran
Fase Waktu
Guru Peserta Didik
Pendahuluan  Guru memberi salam.  Peserta didik menjawab salam. 5
 Peserta didik dan guru berdo’a  Peserta didik dan guru berdo’a Menit
bersama. bersama.
 Guru mengecek kehadiran bersama  Peserta didik mendengarkan dengan
didik. baik.
 Guru memberi apersepsi dengan  Peserta didik mendengarkan dengan
mengulas materi pelajaran pada baik dan menjawab semua
pertemuan sebelumnya. pertanyaan-pertanyaan guru.
 Guru menyampaikan kompetensi  Peserta didik mendengarkan dengan
dasar dan tujuan yang akan baik apa yang disampaikan oleh guru.
dicapai.  Peserta didik duduk berkelompok
 Guru mengondisikan peserta didik dengan kondusif.
untuk duduk secara berkelompok.
Kegiatan Observing Observing 10
Inti  Guru membimbing peserta didik  Peserta didik mendengarkan lagu Menit
untuk mendengarkan dengan dengan seksama lagu “Everything is
seksama lagu “Everything is Once Once -Lenka”.
-Lenka”.  Peserta didik mengidentifikasi
 Guru membimbing peserta didik kosakata-kosakata yang mereka
mengidentifikasi kosakata- dengar dari lagu yang diputar
kosakata yang mereka dengar dari “Everything is Once -Lenka”.
lagu yang diputar “Everything is
Once -Lenka”.
Questioning Questioning
 Guru membimbing peserta didik  Peserta didik Menit
mempertanyakan perihal arti perihal perihal arti kosakata yang
kosakata yang mereka dapat dari mereka dapat dari lagu yang diputar

lagu yang diputar atau atau diperdengarkan.

diperdengarkan. 35

Experimenting Experimenting Menit

 Guru membimbing peserta didik  Peserta didik mengingat kosakata
untuk mengingat kosakata yang yang ada di dalam lagu “Everything
ada di dalam lagu “Everything is is Once -Lenka”. yang telah diputar
Once -Lenka” yang telah diputar dengan cara menerapkan permainan
dengan cara menerapkan Text Twist.
permainan Text Twist.  Salah satu kelompok dari peserta
 Guru membagi peserta didik didik bersama guru melakukan demo
menjadi beberapa kelompok. tentang Text Twist Game.
 Guru menjelaskan peraturan dan  Salah satu peserta didik (berasal dari
prosedur permainan Text Twist. group) membaca huruf-huruf yang
 Guru memilih salah satu telah diberikan.
kelompok untuk melakukan demo  Peserta didik memulai permainan
tentang Text Twist Game. ketika mendengar aba-aba “Go” dari
 Guru menunjuk salah satu guru.
kelompok sebagai kelompok yang  Peserta didik menulis jawaban di
mendapat giliran pertama. kertas (scoreboard) yang telah
 Guru memberikan kumpulan disediakan yakni dengan membuat
huruf-huruf dimulai dari kosakata baru dari huruf yang telah
kumpulan 3 huruf. diberikan.
 Guru membimbing salah satu  Peserta didik mencoba meerka dan
peserta didik (berasal dari group) menulis kata-kata yang belum
untuk membaca huruf-huruf yang berhasil mereka tebak setelah huruf-
telah diberikan. hurf tersebut diacak ulang oleh guru.
 Guru membimbing peserta didik  Setelah 2 menit secara berkelompok
unuk memulai permainan dengan peserta didik kemudian melanjutkan
cara diberi aba-aba “Go”. di rounde selanjutnya yaitu 4 huruf
 Guru membimbing peserta didik dan mengulangi prosedur yang sama
untuk menulis jawaban di kertas hingga sampai pada ronde ke 5
(scoreboard) yang telah yakni dengan 7 huruf.
disediakan yakni dengan  Peserta didik memeberikan jawaban
membuat kosakata baru dari huruf setelah semua ronde dilewati kepada
yang telah diberikan. guru.
 Setelah beberapa saat guru  Peserta didik menunjuk salah satu
kemudian mengacak ulang huruf- dari mereka sebagai perwakilan
huruf yang diberikan dengan cara group menuliskan jawaban di papan
menempelkan susunan huruf- tulis.

huruf baru.
 Setelah 2 menit guru kemudian
mengganti huruf-huruf yang
diberikan menjadi 4 huruf dan
mengulangi prosedur yang sama
hingga sampai pada ronde ke 5
yakni dengan 7 huruf.
 Setelah semua ronde dilewati
jawaban dari peserta didik
kemudian diserahkan kepada
 Guru membimbing peserta didik
untuk menunjuk salah satu dari
mereka sebagai perwakilan group
menuliskan jawaban di papan 20
Associating Associating
 Guru membimbing peserta didik  Peserta didik soal berdasarkan lagu
mengerjakan soal berdasarkan yang diperdengarkan “Drug in Me is
lagu yang diperdengarkan “Drug You”.
in Me is You”. 10
Communicating Communicating
 Guru dan peserta didik membahas  Guru dan peserta didik membahas
hasil pekerjaan peserta didik. hasil pekerjaan peserta didik.

Penutup  Guru meminta Peserta didik untuk  Peserta didik menyimpulkan apa 5
menyimpulkan apa yang telah yang telah dipelajari. Menit
dipelajari.  Peserta didik mengungkapkan apa
 Guru bertanya tentang kesulitan- saja kesulitan-kesulitan yang mereka
kesulitan yang dihadapi peserta hadapi dalam memahami Materi
didik dalam pelajaran vocabulary pelajaran vocabulary (Chapter 10:
(Chapter 10: Meaning through Meaning through Music).
Music).  Peserta didik mendengarkan dengan
 Guru dan peserta didik berdo’a baik dan hal-hal yang diperlukan.
sebelum meninggalkan kelas.  Peserta didik berdo’a sebelum
 Guru dan peserta didik meninggalkan kelas
mengucapkan salam perpisahan.  Peserta didik mengucapkan salam

IX. Penilaian

1. Jenis tagihan : Tes tertulis

2. Bentuk instrument : jumble letters and fill in the blank

3. Instrument : (terlampir)

4. Teknis Penilaian : × 100 =

Penengahan, …………….. 2017

Guru Mapel Bhs. Inggris, Mahasiswa Peneliti,

Ida Sri Wahyuni, S. Pd Nasrudin

NIP. 198110131 201101 2 002 NPM. 1311040163

Kepala SMA Negeri 1 Penengahan,

Drs. Hariri
NIP. 19611207 199003 1 001

Lampiran 1
Materi Pembelajaran

Mendengarkkan Lagu

Lampiran 2
Instrumen Permainan Text Twist


A. Soal Permainan
1. Three Letters
Instruction: Read jumble word the and clue below the underline and answer and
find the meaning as fast as possible!

1) Clue : a carnivorous mammal of the dog family with a pointed muzzle and
bushy tail.
Answer :

Meaning :

2) Clue : a period of twenty-four hours as a unit of time

Answer :

Meaning :

3) Clue : the star around which the earth orbits.

Answer :

Meaning :


4) Clue : the expanse of salt water.

Answer :

Meaning :


5) Clue : frozen water, a brittle, transparent crystalline solid.

Answer :

Meaning :

2. Four Letters

Instruction: Read jumble word the and clue below the underline and answer and
find the meaning as fast as possible!


1) Clue : a large, heavy, mammal that walks on the soles of its feet.
Answer :

Meaning :


2) Clue : a single distinct meaningful element of speech or writing.

Answer :

Meaning :


3) Clue : a tailless amphibian with a short stout body and short legs.
Answer :

Meaning :


4) Clue : a wide way leading from one place to another.

Answer :

Meaning :


5) Clue : an act of biting into something in order to eat it.

Answer :

Meaning :

3. Five Letters
Instruction: Read jumble word the and clue below the underline and answer and
find the meaning as fast as possible!


1) Clue : a building for human habitation

Answer :

Meaning :


2) Clue : a small rodent that typically has a pointed snout

Answer :

Meaning :


3) Clue : the period of darkness in each twenty-four hours

Answer :

Meaning :


4) Clue : a very large marine mammal with a streamlined hairless body

Answer :

Meaning :

5) Clue : the female ruler of an independent state

Answer :

Meaning :

4. Six Letters
Instruction: Read jumble word the and clue below the underline and answer and
find the meaning as fast as possible!


1) Clue : a group consisting of parents and children living together in a

Answer :

Meaning :


2) Clue : a light aircraft that is designed to fly for long periods without using
an engine.
Answer :

Meaning :


3) Clue : a sequence of single notes that is musically satisfying.

Answer :

Meaning :

5. Seven Letters
Instruction: Read jumble word the and clue below the underline and answer and
find the meaning as fast as possible!

1) Clue : a piece of equipment or furniture that is fixed in position in a
building or vehicle.
Answer :

Meaning :


2) Clue : a painting or drawing.

Answer :

Meaning :

3) Clue : some light aircraft that is designed to fly for long periods without
using an engine.
Answer :

Meaning :

B. Kunci Jawaban Permainan Text Twist


1 Fox Rubah 12 Mouse Tikus
2 Day Hari 13 Night Malam
3 Sun Matahari 14 Whale Ikan Paus
4 Sea Laut 15 Queen Ratu
5 Ice Es 16 Family Keluarga
6 Bear Beruang 17 Glider Peluncur
7 Word Kata 18 Melody Melodi
8 Toad Katak 19 Fixture Peralatan Tetap
9 Road Jalan 20 Picture Gambar
10 Bite Gigitan 21 Gliders Pesawat-pesawat
11 House Rumah 22

C. Teknis Penilaian Permaninan Text Twist

× 100 = …

Jawaban benar poin =1
Jawaban salah poin =0
Jumlah skor maksimum =2

Appendix 25
Lesson Plan of Experimental Class


Nama Sekolah : SMA N 1 Penengahan

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas/Semester : XI/2

Aspek/Skill : Kosakata/Mendengarkan

Alokasi Waktu : 2 x 45 menit (1 pertemuan)

I. Kompetensi Inti (KI)

3. Memahami, menerapkan, dan menganalisis pengetahuan faktual, konseptual,

prosedural, dan metakognitif berdasarkan rasa ingin tahunya tentang ilmu

pengetahuan, teknologi, seni, budaya, dan humaniora dengan wawasan

kemanusiaan, kebangsaan, kenegaraan, dan peradaban terkait penyebab

fenomena dan kejadian, serta menerapkan pengetahuan prosedural pada bidang

kajian yang spesifik sesuai dengan bakat dan minatnya untuk memecahkan


4. Mengolah, menalar, dan menyaji, dalam ranah konkret dan ranah abstrak terkait

dengan pengembangan dari yang dipelajarinya di sekolah secara mandiri serta

bertindak secara efektif dan kreatif, dan mampu menggunakan metoda sesuai

kaidah keilmuan.

II. Kompetensi Dasar (KD)

3.9 Menafsirkan fungsi sosial dan unsur kebahasaan lirik lagu terkait kehidupan

remaja SMA/MA/SMK/MAK.

4.9 Menangkap makna secara kontekstual terkait fungsi sosial dan unsur

kebahasaan lirik lagu terkait kehidupan remaja SMA/MA/SMK/MAK.

III. Indikator

1. Peserta didik mampu mendengarkan kosakata berupa kata kerja (verb) dalam

lagu dengan baik.

2. Peserta didik dapat menulis beberapa kosakata berupa kata kerja (verb)

berdasarkan lagu yang mereka dengar.

3. Peserta didik mampu mengingat kosakata baru berupa kata kerja (verb) yang


IV. Tujuan Pembelajaran

Diakhir pembelajaran peserta didik diharapkan mampu:

1. Mendengarkan kosakata berupa kata kerja (verb) dalam lagu dengan baik

2. Menulis beberapa kosakata berupa kata kerja (verb) berdasarkan lagu yang

mereka dengar ditandai kemampuan menyusun ulang huruf-huruf (rearrange

letters) berdasarkan lagu diperdengarkan.

3. Mampu mengingat kosakata baru berupa kata kerja (verb) yang diberikan

dengan cara mengisi kosakata fill in the blank berdasarkan lagu


V. Materi Pembelajaran

Hero –Maria Carsey (terlampir)

a. Fungsi sosial

Mengembangkan nilai-nilai kehidupan dan karakter yang positif

b. Unsur kebahasaan

- Kosa kata dan tata bahasa dalam lirik lagu

- Ucapan, tekanan kata, intonasi, ejaan, tanda baca, dan tulisan tangan

c. Topik

Hal-hal yang dapat memberikan keteladanan dan menumbuhkan perilaku

yang termuat di KI

VI. Sumber/Media Pembelajaran

Media : White board, marker, audio/mp3, dan kamus.

Sumber :

1) Kementrian Pendidikan Kebudayaan 2016. Bahasa Inggris SMA Kelas XI

Semester 2. Jakarta: Kementrian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan.

VII. Metode Pembelajaran

Technique : Text Twist Game

Model pembelajaran : Project Based Learning

Pendekatan : Scientific Approach


VIII. Langkah-langkah Kegiatan Pembelajaran

Kegiatan Pembelajaran
Fase Waktu
Guru Peserta Didik
Pendahuluan  Guru memberi salam.  Peserta didik menjawab salam. 5
 Peserta didik dan guru berdo’a  Peserta didik dan guru berdo’a Menit
bersama. bersama.
 Guru mengecek kehadiran bersama  Peserta didik mendengarkan dengan
didik. baik.
 Guru memberi apersepsi dengan  Peserta didik mendengarkan dengan
mengulas materi pelajaran pada baik dan menjawab semua
pertemuan sebelumnya. pertanyaan-pertanyaan guru.
 Guru menyampaikan kompetensi  Peserta didik mendengarkan dengan
dasar dan tujuan yang akan baik apa yang disampaikan oleh guru.
dicapai.  Peserta didik duduk berkelompok
 Guru mengondisikan peserta didik dengan kondusif.
untuk duduk secara berkelompok.
Kegiatan Observing Observing 10
Inti  Guru membimbing peserta didik  Peserta didik mendengarkan lagu Menit
untuk mendengarkan dengan dengan seksama lagu “Hero” by
seksama lagu “Hero” by Mariah Mariah Carey.
Carey.  Peserta didik mengidentifikasi
 Guru membimbing peserta didik kosakata-kosakata yang mereka
mengidentifikasi kosakata- dengar dari lagu yang diputar (Stand
kosakata yang mereka dengar dari By Me” by Ben E King).
lagu yang diputar (“Hero” by
Mariah Carey).
Questioning Questioning
 Guru membimbing peserta didik  Peserta didik Menit
mempertanyakan perihal arti perihal perihal arti kosakata yang
kosakata yang mereka dapat dari mereka dapat dari lagu yang diputar
lagu yang diputar atau atau diperdengarkan.
Experimenting Experimenting Menit
 Guru membimbing peserta didik  Peserta didik mengingat kosakata
untuk mengingat kosakata yang yang ada di dalam lagu “Hero” by
ada di dalam lagu “Hero” by Mariah Carey yang telah diputar
Mariah Carey yang telah diputar dengan cara menerapkan permainan

dengan cara menerapkan Text Twist.

permainan Text Twist.  Salah satu kelompok dari peserta
 Guru membagi peserta didik didik bersama guru melakukan demo
menjadi beberapa kelompok. tentang Text Twist Game.
 Guru menjelaskan peraturan dan  Salah satu peserta didik (berasal dari
prosedur permainan Text Twist. group) membaca huruf-huruf yang
 Guru memilih salah satu telah diberikan.
kelompok untuk melakukan demo  Peserta didik memulai permainan
tentang Text Twist Game. ketika mendengar aba-aba “Go” dari
 Guru menunjuk salah satu guru.
kelompok sebagai kelompok yang  Peserta didik menulis jawaban di
mendapat giliran pertama. kertas (scoreboard) yang telah
 Guru memberikan kumpulan disediakan yakni dengan membuat
huruf-huruf dimulai dari kosakata baru dari huruf yang telah
kumpulan 3 huruf. diberikan.
 Guru membimbing salah satu  Peserta didik mencoba meerka dan
peserta didik (berasal dari group) menulis kata-kata yang belum
untuk membaca huruf-huruf yang berhasil mereka tebak setelah huruf-
telah diberikan. hurf tersebut diacak ulang oleh guru.
 Guru membimbing peserta didik  Setelah 2 menit secara berkelompok
unuk memulai permainan dengan peserta didik kemudian melanjutkan
cara diberi aba-aba “Go”. di rounde selanjutnya yaitu 4 huruf
 Guru membimbing peserta didik dan mengulangi prosedur yang sama
untuk menulis jawaban di kertas hingga sampai pada ronde ke 5
(scoreboard) yang telah yakni dengan 7 huruf.
disediakan yakni dengan  Peserta didik memeberikan jawaban
membuat kosakata baru dari huruf setelah semua ronde dilewati kepada
yang telah diberikan. guru.
 Setelah beberapa saat guru  Peserta didik menunjuk salah satu
kemudian mengacak ulang huruf- dari mereka sebagai perwakilan
huruf yang diberikan dengan cara group menuliskan jawaban di papan
menempelkan susunan huruf- tulis.
huruf baru.
 Setelah 2 menit guru kemudian
mengganti huruf-huruf yang
diberikan menjadi 4 huruf dan
mengulangi prosedur yang sama
hingga sampai pada ronde ke 5
yakni dengan 7 huruf.
 Setelah semua ronde dilewati

jawaban dari peserta didik

kemudian diserahkan kepada
 Guru membimbing peserta didik
untuk menunjuk salah satu dari
mereka sebagai perwakilan group
menuliskan jawaban di papan
Associating Associating Menit
 Guru membimbing peserta didik  Peserta didik menegerjakan soal
mengerjakan soal berdasarkan berdasarkan lagu yang
lagu yang diperdengarkan “Hero” diperdengarkan “Hero” by Mariah
by Mariah Carey. Carey.
 Guru dan peserta didik membahas Communicating
hasil pekerjaan peserta didik.  Guru dan peserta didik membahas
hasil pekerjaan peserta didik.

Penutup  Guru meminta Peserta didik untuk  Peserta didik menyimpulkan apa 5
menyimpulkan apa yang telah yang telah dipelajari. Menit
dipelajari.  Peserta didik mengungkapkan apa
 Guru bertanya tentang kesulitan- saja kesulitan-kesulitan yang mereka
kesulitan yang dihadapi peserta hadapi dalam memahami Materi
didik dalam pelajaran vocabulary pelajaran vocabulary (Chapter 10:
(Chapter 10: Meaning through Meaning through Music).
Music).  Peserta didik mendengarkan dengan
 Guru dan peserta didik berdo’a baik dan hal-hal yang diperlukan.
sebelum meninggalkan kelas.  Peserta didik berdo’a sebelum
 Guru dan peserta didik meninggalkan kelas
mengucapkan salam perpisahan.  Peserta didik mengucapkan salam

IX. Penilaian

1. Jenis tagihan : Tes tertulis

2. Bentuk instrument : jumble letters and fill in the blank

3. Instrument : (terlampir)

4. Teknis Penilaian : × 100 =

Penengahan, …………….. 2017

Guru Mapel Bhs. Inggris, Mahasiswa Peneliti,

Ida Sri Wahyuni, S. Pd Nasrudin

NIP. 198110131 201101 2 002 NPM. 1311040163

Kepala SMA Negeri 1 Penengahan,

Drs. Hariri
NIP. 19611207 199003 1 001

Lampiran 1
Materi Pembelajaran

Lampiran 2
Instrumen Permainan Text Twist


A. Soal Permainan
1. Three Letters
Instruction: Read jumble word the and clue below the underline and answer and
find the meaning as fast as possible!


1) Clue : be able to
Answer :

Meaning :


2) Clue : a payment made to a professional person

Answer :

Meaning :


3) Clue : be in or assume a horizontal or resting position on a supporting

Answer :

Meaning :


4) Clue : perceive with the eyes

Answer :

Meaning :


5) Clue : not prevent or forbid

Answer :

Meaning :

2. Four Letters Twist 1

Instruction: Read jumble word the and clue below the underline and answer and
find the meaning as fast as possible!


1) Clue : direct one's gaze toward someone or something

Answer :

Meaning :


2) Clue : make or become liquefied by heat

Answer :

Meaning :


3) Clue : throw (something) forcefully in a specified direction

Answer :

Meaning :


4) Clue : be aware of (a person or object) through touching or being touched

Answer :

Meaning :


5) Clue : discover or perceive by chance or unexpectedly

Answer :

Meaning :

3. Five Letters
Instruction: Read jumble word the and clue below the underline and answer and
find the meaning as fast as possible!


1) Clue : discover or perceive by chance or unexpectedly

Answer :

Meaning :


2) Clue : move or travel toward or into a place thought of as near or familiar to

the speaker
Answer :

Meaning :


3) Clue : be aware of through observation, inquiry, or information

Answer :

Meaning :


4) Clue : support and move (someone or something) from one place to another
Answer :

Meaning :


5) Clue : have a particular opinion, belief, or idea about someone or something

Answer :

Meaning :

4. Six Letters
Instruction: Read jumble word the and clue below the underline and answer and
find the meaning as fast as possible!


1) Clue : experience dreams during sleep

Answer :

Meaning :


2) Clue : come into sight

Answer :

Meaning :


3) Clue : act in reaction to

Answer :

Meaning :


4) Clue : looking for

Answer :

Meaning :


5) Clue : an emotional state or reaction

Answer :

Meaning :

5. Seven Letters
Instruction: Read jumble word the and clue below the underline and answer and
find the meaning as fast as possible!


1) Clue : arrive at; get as far as

Answer :

Meaning :


2) Clue : continue to live or exist

Answer :

Meaning :


3) Clue : say or write something to deal with or as a reaction to someone or

Answer :

Meaning :


4) Clue : looking for

Answer :

Meaning :


5) Clue : an emotional state or reaction

Answer :

Meaning :

B. Kunci Jawaban Permainan Text Twist

1 Can Dapat
2 Fee Membayar
3 Lie Berbohong
4 See Melihat
5 Let Mempersilakan
6 Look Melihat
7 Melt Melebur
8 Cast Melempar
9 Feel Merasakan
10 Find Menemukan
11 Reach Menggapai
12 Comes Datang
13 Knows Mengetahui
14 Carry Membawa
15 Think Memikirkan
16 Dreams Bermimpi
17 Appear Menghadap
18 Follow Mengikuti
19 Search Mencari
20 Answer Menjawab
21 Reaches Mengapai
22 Survive Menyelamatkan Nyawa
23 Answers Menjawab
24 Looking Mencari
25 Feeling Merasakan

C. Teknis Penilaian Permaninan Text Twist

× 100 = …

Jawaban benar poin =1
Jawaban salah poin =0
Jumlah skor maksimum = 25

Appendix 26
Lesson Plan of Experimental Class


Nama Sekolah : SMA N 1 Penengahan

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas/Semester : XI/2

Aspek/Skill : Kosakata/Mendengarkan

Alokasi Waktu : 2 x 45 menit (1 pertemuan)

I. Kompetensi Inti (KI)

3. Memahami, menerapkan, dan menganalisis pengetahuan faktual, konseptual,

prosedural, dan metakognitif berdasarkan rasa ingin tahunya tentang ilmu

pengetahuan, teknologi, seni, budaya, dan humaniora dengan wawasan

kemanusiaan, kebangsaan, kenegaraan, dan peradaban terkait penyebab

fenomena dan kejadian, serta menerapkan pengetahuan prosedural pada bidang

kajian yang spesifik sesuai dengan bakat dan minatnya untuk memecahkan


4. Mengolah, menalar, dan menyaji, dalam ranah konkret dan ranah abstrak terkait

dengan pengembangan dari yang dipelajarinya di sekolah secara mandiri serta

bertindak secara efektif dan kreatif, dan mampu menggunakan metoda sesuai

kaidah keilmuan.

II. Kompetensi Dasar (KD)

3.9 Menafsirkan fungsi sosial dan unsur kebahasaan lirik lagu terkait kehidupan

remaja SMA/MA/SMK/MAK.

4.9 Menangkap makna secara kontekstual terkait fungsi sosial dan unsur

kebahasaan lirik lagu terkait kehidupan remaja SMA/MA/SMK/MAK.

III. Indikator

1. Peserta didik mampu mendengarkan kosakata berupa kata keterangan

(adjective) dalam lagu dengan baik.

2. Peserta didik dapat menulis beberapa kosakata berupa kata keterangan

(adjective berdasarkan lagu yang mereka dengar.

3. Peserta didik mampu mengingat kosakata baru berupa kata keterangan

(adjective) yang diberikan.

IV. Tujuan Pembelajaran

Diakhir pembelajaran peserta didik diharapkan mampu:

1. Mendengarkan kosakata berupa kata keterangan (adjective) dalam lagu

dengan baik

2. Menulis beberapa kosakata berupa kata keterangan (adjective) berdasarkan

lagu yang mereka dengar ditandai kemampuan menyusun ulang huruf-huruf

(rearrange letters) berdasarkan lagu diperdengarkan.


3. Mampu mengingat kosakata baru berupa kata keterangan (adjective) yang

diberikan dengan cara mengisi kosakata fill in the blank berdasarkan lagu


V. Materi Pembelajaran

"Adjectives –Mr. T. Experience" – kata sifat (adjectives). (Terlampir)

a. Fungsi sosial

Mengembangkan nilai-nilai kehidupan dan karakter yang positif

b. Unsur kebahasaan

- Kosa kata dan tata bahasa dalam lirik lagu

- Ucapan, tekanan kata, intonasi, ejaan, tanda baca, dan tulisan tangan

c. Topik

Hal-hal yang dapat memberikan keteladanan dan menumbuhkan perilaku

yang termuat di KI

VI. Sumber/Media Pembelajaran

Media : White board, marker, audio/mp3, dan kamus.

Sumber :

1) Kementrian Pendidikan Kebudayaan. 2016. Bahasa Inggris SMA Kelas XI

Semester 2. Jakarta: Kementrian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan.

2) Frank, Marcella. Modern English. 1972. A Practical Reference Guide.

Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey.


VII. Metode Pembelajaran

Technique : Text Twist Game

Model pembelajaran : Project Based Learning

VIII. Langkah-langkah Kegiatan Pembelajaran

Kegiatan Pembelajaran
Fase Waktu
Guru Peserta Didik
Pendahuluan  Guru memberi salam.  Peserta didik menjawab salam. 5
 Peserta didik dan guru berdo’a  Peserta didik dan guru berdo’a Menit
bersama. bersama.
 Guru mengecek kehadiran bersama  Peserta didik mendengarkan dengan
didik. baik.
 Guru memberi apersepsi dengan  Peserta didik mendengarkan dengan
mengulas materi pelajaran pada baik dan menjawab semua
pertemuan sebelumnya. pertanyaan-pertanyaan guru.
 Guru menyampaikan kompetensi  Peserta didik mendengarkan dengan
dasar dan tujuan yang akan baik apa yang disampaikan oleh guru.
dicapai.  Peserta didik duduk berkelompok
 Guru mengondisikan peserta didik dengan kondusif.
untuk duduk secara berkelompok.
Kegiatan Observing Observing 10
Inti  Guru membimbing peserta didik  Peserta didik mendengarkan lagu Menit
untuk mendengarkan dengan dengan seksama lagu “Adjectives -
seksama lagu “Adjectives -Mr. T. Mr. T. Experience”.
Experience”.  Peserta didik mengidentifikasi
 Guru membimbing peserta didik kosakata-kosakata yang mereka
mengidentifikasi kosakata- dengar dari lagu yang diputar
kosakata yang mereka dengar dari “Adjectives -Mr. T. Experience”.
lagu yang diputar “Adjectives -Mr.
T. Experience”.
Questioning Questioning
 Guru membimbing peserta didik  Peserta didik Menit
mempertanyakan perihal arti perihal perihal arti kosakata yang
kosakata yang mereka dapat dari mereka dapat dari lagu yang diputar
lagu yang diputar atau atau diperdengarkan.

Experimenting Experimenting
 Guru membimbing peserta didik  Peserta didik mengingat kosakata Menit
untuk mengingat kosakata yang yang ada di dalam lagu “Adjectives -
ada di dalam lagu “Adjectives - Mr. T. Experience”. yang telah
Mr. T. Experience” yang telah diputar dengan cara menerapkan
diputar dengan cara menerapkan permainan Text Twist.
permainan Text Twist.  Salah satu kelompok dari peserta
 Guru membagi peserta didik didik bersama guru melakukan demo
menjadi beberapa kelompok. tentang Text Twist Game.
 Guru menjelaskan peraturan dan  Salah satu peserta didik (berasal dari
prosedur permainan Text Twist. group) membaca huruf-huruf yang
 Guru memilih salah satu telah diberikan.
kelompok untuk melakukan demo  Peserta didik memulai permainan
tentang Text Twist Game. ketika mendengar aba-aba “Go” dari
 Guru menunjuk salah satu guru.
kelompok sebagai kelompok yang  Peserta didik menulis jawaban di
mendapat giliran pertama. kertas (scoreboard) yang telah
 Guru memberikan kumpulan disediakan yakni dengan membuat
huruf-huruf dimulai dari kosakata baru dari huruf yang telah
kumpulan 3 huruf. diberikan.
 Guru membimbing salah satu  Peserta didik mencoba meerka dan
peserta didik (berasal dari group) menulis kata-kata yang belum
untuk membaca huruf-huruf yang berhasil mereka tebak setelah huruf-
telah diberikan. hurf tersebut diacak ulang oleh guru.
 Guru membimbing peserta didik  Setelah 2 menit secara berkelompok
unuk memulai permainan dengan peserta didik kemudian melanjutkan
cara diberi aba-aba “Go”. di rounde selanjutnya yaitu 4 huruf
 Guru membimbing peserta didik dan mengulangi prosedur yang sama
untuk menulis jawaban di kertas hingga sampai pada ronde ke 5
(scoreboard) yang telah yakni dengan 7 huruf.
disediakan yakni dengan  Peserta didik memeberikan jawaban
membuat kosakata baru dari huruf setelah semua ronde dilewati kepada
yang telah diberikan. guru.
 Setelah beberapa saat guru  Peserta didik menunjuk salah satu
kemudian mengacak ulang huruf- dari mereka sebagai perwakilan
huruf yang diberikan dengan cara group menuliskan jawaban di papan
menempelkan susunan huruf- tulis.
huruf baru.

 Setelah 2 menit guru kemudian

mengganti huruf-huruf yang
diberikan menjadi 4 huruf dan
mengulangi prosedur yang sama
hingga sampai pada ronde ke 5
yakni dengan 7 huruf.
 Setelah semua ronde dilewati
jawaban dari peserta didik
kemudian diserahkan kepada
 Guru membimbing peserta didik
untuk menunjuk salah satu dari
mereka sebagai perwakilan group
menuliskan jawaban di papan
tulis. 20

Associating Menit
 Guru membimbing peserta didik  Peserta didik soal berdasarkan lagu
mengerjakan soal berdasarkan yang diperdengarkan The Spirit
lagu yang diperdengarkan The Carries On
Spirit Carries On.
Communicating Communicating Menit
 Guru dan peserta didik membahas  Guru dan peserta didik membahas
hasil pekerjaan peserta didik. hasil pekerjaan peserta didik.

Penutup  Guru meminta Peserta didik untuk  Peserta didik menyimpulkan apa 5
menyimpulkan apa yang telah yang telah dipelajari. Menit
dipelajari.  Peserta didik mengungkapkan apa
 Guru bertanya tentang kesulitan- saja kesulitan-kesulitan yang mereka
kesulitan yang dihadapi peserta hadapi dalam memahami Materi
didik dalam pelajaran vocabulary pelajaran vocabulary (Chapter 10:
(Chapter 10: Meaning through Meaning through Music).
Music).  Peserta didik mendengarkan dengan
 Guru dan peserta didik berdo’a baik dan hal-hal yang diperlukan.
sebelum meninggalkan kelas.  Peserta didik berdo’a sebelum
 Guru dan peserta didik meninggalkan kelas
mengucapkan salam perpisahan.  Peserta didik mengucapkan salam

IX. Penilaian

1. Jenis tagihan : Tes tertulis

2. Bentuk instrumen : jumble letters and fill in the blank

3. Instrumen : (terlampir)

4. Teknis Penilaian : × 100 =

Penengahan, …………….. 2017

Guru Mapel Bhs. Inggris, Mahasiswa Peneliti,

Ida Sri Wahyuni, S. Pd Nasrudin

NIP. 198110131 201101 2 002 NPM. 1311040163

Kepala SMA Negeri 1 Penengahan,

Drs. Hariri
NIP. 19611207 199003 1 001

Lampiran 1
Materi Pembelajaran

"Adjectives –Mr. T. Experience"

Got home from camping last spring, We hiked around without care,
saw people, places, and things. then we ran into a bear.
We barely had arrived, He was a hairy bear, he was a scary bear,
friends asked us to describe we made a hasty retreat from his lair.
the people, places, and every last thing. And described him with adjectives.

So we unpacked our adjectives. Woah boy, that was one big ugly bear.
I unpacked frustrating first, Next time you go on a trip,
reached in and found the word worst. remember this little tip,

Then I picked soggy, next I picked foggy, and The minute you get back, they'll ask you this
then I was ready to tell them my tale. and that,
'Cause I'd unpacked my adjectives. you can describe people, places and things,
Adjectives are words you use to really describe simply unpack your adjectives.
things, handy words to carry around.
You can do it with adjectives.
Days are sunny, or they're rainy. Tell about it with adjectives.
Boys are dumb, or else they're brainy. You can shout it with adjectives.
Adjectives can show you which way. Oh oh oh adjectives.
Adjectives are often used to help us compare Oh oh oh adjectives.
things, say how thin, how fat, how short, how Darn, that's the end.
tall. Retrieved from:
Girls who are tall get taller,
boys who are small get smaller,
'til one is the tallest and one is the smallest of

Lampiran 2
Instrumen Permainan Text Twist


A. Soal Permainan
1. Three Letters
Instruction: Read jumble word the and clue below the underline and answer and
find the meaning as fast as possible!


1) Clue : having a large amount of excess flesh.

Answer :

Meaning :

2) Clue : total of something

Answer :

Meaning :

3) Clue : a single person or thing

Answer :

Meaning :


4) Clue : large size

Answer :

Meaning :

2. Four Letters

Instruction: Read jumble word the and clue below the underline and answer and
find the meaning as fast as possible!


1) Clue : coming after all others in time or order

Answer :

Meaning :


2) Clue : of great or more than average height

Answer :

Meaning :


3) Clue : having opposite surfaces or sides close together

Answer :

Meaning :


4) Clue : temporarily unable or unwilling to speak

Answer :

Meaning :


5) Clue : unpleasant or repulsive

Answer :

Meaning :

3. Five Letters
Instruction: Read jumble word the and clue below the underline and answer and
find the meaning as fast as possible!


1) Clue : wet and soft.

Answer :

Meaning :


2) Clue : full of or accompanied by fog

Answer :

Meaning :


3) Clue : in a suitable state for an activity

Answer :

Meaning :


4) Clue : measuring a small distance from end to end

Answer :

Meaning :

5) Clue : of a size that is less than normal or usual

Answer :

Meaning :

4. Six Letters
Instruction: Read jumble word the and clue below the underline and answer and
find the meaning as fast as possible!


1) Clue : having or showing intelligence.

Answer :

Meaning :


2) Clue : easily understood or done

Answer :

Meaning :


3) Clue : of great or more than average height

Answer :

Meaning :


4) Clue : small in size

Answer :

Meaning :

5. Seven Letters
Instruction: Read jumble word the and clue below the underline and answer and
find the meaning as fast as possible!

1) Clue : of a size that is more less than normal or usual
Answer :

Meaning :


2) Clue : Someone or something that is tall has a greater height than is normal
or average
Answer :

Meaning :

3) Clue : large size
Answer :

Meaning :

B. Kunci Jawaban Permainan Text Twist


1 Fat Gemuk 12 Ready Siap
2 All Seluruh 13 Short Pendek
3 One Satu 14 Small Kecil
4 Big Besar 15 Brainy Cerdas
5 Last Terakhir 16 Simple Sederhana
6 Tall Tinggi 17 Taller Lebih tinggi
7 Thin Tipis 18 Little Sedikit
8 Dumb Bisu 19 Smaller Paling kecil
9 Ugly Jelek 20 Tallest Tertinggi
10 Soggy Basah 21 Biggest Terbesar
11 Foggy Berkabut 22

C. Teknis Penilaian Permaninan Text Twist

ℎ Catatan:
× 100
ℎ Jawaban benar poin =1
= … Jawaban salah poin =0
Jumlah skor maksimum = 23

Appendix 27
Lesson Plan of Control Class


Nama Sekolah : SMA N 1 Penengahan

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas/Semester : XI/2

Aspek/Skill : Kosakata/Mendengarkan

Alokasi Waktu : 2 x 45 menit (1 pertemuan)

I. Kompetensi Inti (KI)

3. Memahami, menerapkan, dan menganalisis pengetahuan faktual, konseptual,

prosedural, dan metakognitif berdasarkan rasa ingin tahunya tentang ilmu

pengetahuan, teknologi, seni, budaya, dan humaniora dengan wawasan

kemanusiaan, kebangsaan, kenegaraan, dan peradaban terkait penyebab

fenomena dan kejadian, serta menerapkan pengetahuan prosedural pada bidang

kajian yang spesifik sesuai dengan bakat dan minatnya untuk memecahkan


4. Mengolah, menalar, dan menyaji, dalam ranah konkret dan ranah abstrak terkait

dengan pengembangan dari yang dipelajarinya di sekolah secara mandiri serta

bertindak secara efektif dan kreatif, dan mampu menggunakan metoda sesuai

kaidah keilmuan.

II. Kompetensi Dasar (KD)

3.9 Menafsirkan fungsi sosial dan unsur kebahasaan lirik lagu terkait kehidupan

remaja SMA/MA/SMK/MAK.

4.9 Menangkap makna secara kontekstual terkait fungsi sosial dan unsur

kebahasaan lirik lagu terkait kehidupan remaja SMA/MA/SMK/MAK.

III. Indikator

1. Peserta didik mampu mendengarkan kosakata berupa kata benda (noun)

dalam lagu dengan baik.

2. Peserta didik dapat menulis beberapa kosakata berupa kata benda (noun)

berdasarkan lagu yang mereka dengar.

3. Peserta didik mampu mengingat kosakata baru berupa kata benda (noun) yang


IV. Tujuan Pembelajaran

Diakhir pembelajaran peserta didik diharapkan mampu:

1. Mendengarkan kosakata berupa kata benda (noun) dalam lagu dengan baik

2. Menulis beberapa kosakata berupa kata benda (noun) berdasarkan lagu yang

mereka dengar ditandai kemampuan menyusun ulang huruf-huruf (rearrange

letters) berdasarkan lagu diperdengarkan.


3. Mampu mengingat kosakata baru berupa kata benda (noun) yang diberikan

dengan cara mengisi kosakata fill in the blank berdasarkan lagu


V. Materi Pembelajaran

Everything is Once –Lenka. (Terlampir)

a. Fungsi sosial

Mengembangkan nilai-nilai kehidupan dan karakter yang positif

b. Unsur kebahasaan

- Kosa kata dan tata bahasa dalam lirik lagu

- Ucapan, tekanan kata, intonasi, ejaan, tanda baca, dan tulisan tangan

c. Topik

Hal-hal yang dapat memberikan keteladanan dan menumbuhkan perilaku

yang termuat di KI.

VI. Sumber/Media Pembelajaran

Media : White board, marker, audio/mp3, dan kamus.

Sumber :

1) Kementrian Pendidikan Kebudayaan. 2016. Bahasa Inggris SMA Kelas XI

Semester 2. Jakarta: Kementrian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan.

2) Frank, Marcella. Modern English. 1972. A Practical Reference Guide.

Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey.


VII. Metode Pembelajaran

Technique : Translation Technique

Model pembelajaran : Project Based Learning

VIII. Langkah-langkah Kegiatan Pembelajaran

Kegiatan Pembelajaran
Fase Waktu
Guru Peserta Didik
Pendahuluan  Guru memberi salam.  Peserta didik menjawab salam. 5
 Peserta didik dan guru berdo’a  Peserta didik dan guru berdo’a Menit
bersama. bersama.
 Guru mengecek kehadiran bersama  Peserta didik mendengarkan dengan
didik. baik.
 Guru memberi apersepsi dengan  Peserta didik mendengarkan dengan
mengulas materi pelajaran pada baik dan menjawab semua
pertemuan sebelumnya. pertanyaan-pertanyaan guru.
 Guru menyampaikan kompetensi  Peserta didik mendengarkan dengan
dasar dan tujuan yang akan baik apa yang disampaikan oleh guru.
dicapai.  Peserta didik duduk berkelompok
 Guru mengondisikan peserta didik dengan kondusif.
untuk duduk secara berkelompok.
Kegiatan Observing Observing 10
Inti  Guru membimbing peserta didik  Peserta didik mendengarkan lagu Menit
untuk mendengarkan dengan dengan seksama lagu Everything is
seksama lagu Everything is Once Once –Lenka.
–Lenka.  Peserta didik mengidentifikasi
 Guru membimbing peserta didik kosakata-kosakata yang mereka
mengidentifikasi kosakata- dengar dari lagu yang diputar
kosakata yang mereka dengar dari Everything is Once –Lenka.
lagu yang diputar Everything is
Once –Lenka.

Questioning Questioning
 Guru membimbing peserta didik  Peserta didik 5
mempertanyakan perihal arti perihal perihal arti kosakata yang Menit
kosakata yang mereka dapat dari mereka dapat dari lagu yang diputar
lagu yang diputar atau atau diperdengarkan.

 Guru memberikan kosakata-
kosakata terkait lirik dari lagu
yang telah diperdengarkan
 Peserta didik menterjemahkan 35
 Guru membimbing peserta didik
kosakata yang belum mereka pahami Menit
untuk menterjemahkan kosakata
yang didapat dari lagu.
yang belum mereka pahami yang
 Peserta didik mengingat kosakata
didapat dari lagu.
terkait lirik lagu “Hero” by Mariah
 Guru membimbing peserta didik
Carey yang telah diperdengarkan.
untuk menghafal kosakata-
kosakata terkait lirik lagu yang
telah mereka terjemahkan.

Associating 20
 Peserta didik mengerjakan soal Menit
 Guru membimbing peserta didik
berdasarkan lagu yang
mengerjakan soal berdasarkan
diperdengarkan “Drug in Me is
lagu yang diperdengarkan “Drug
in Me is You”.

Communicating 10
 Guru dan peserta didik membahas
 Guru dan peserta didik membahas Menit
hasil pekerjaan peserta didik. hasil pekerjaan peserta didik.

Penutup  Guru meminta Peserta didik untuk  Peserta didik menyimpulkan apa 5
menyimpulkan apa yang telah yang telah dipelajari. Menit
dipelajari.  Peserta didik mengungkapkan apa
 Guru bertanya tentang kesulitan- saja kesulitan-kesulitan yang mereka
kesulitan yang dihadapi peserta hadapi dalam memahami Materi
didik dalam pelajaran vocabulary pelajaran vocabulary (Chapter 10:
(Chapter 10: Meaning through Meaning through Music).
Music).  Peserta didik mendengarkan dengan
 Guru dan peserta didik berdo’a baik dan hal-hal yang diperlukan.
sebelum meninggalkan kelas.  Peserta didik berdo’a sebelum
 Guru dan peserta didik meninggalkan kelas
mengucapkan salam perpisahan.  Peserta didik mengucapkan salam

IX. Penilaian

1. Jenis tagihan : Tes tertulis

2. Bentuk instrument : jumble letters and fill in the blank

3. Instrument : (terlampir)

4. Teknis Penilaian : × 100 =

Penengahan, …………….. 2017

Guru Mapel Bhs. Inggris, Mahasiswa Peneliti,

Ida Sri Wahyuni, S. Pd Nasrudin

NIP. 198110131 201101 2 002 NPM. 1311040163

Kepala SMA Negeri 1 Penengahan,

Drs. Hariri
NIP. 19611207 199003 1 001

Lampiran 1
Materi Pembelajaran

Mendengarkkan Lagu

Lampiran 2
Instrumen Penilaian


A. Kosakata Hari Ini B. Kunci Jawaban

1 Fox 1. Fox Rubah
2 Day 2. Day Hari
3 Sun 3. Sun Matahari
4 Sea 4. Sea Laut
5 Ice 5. Ice Es
6 Bear 6. Bear Beruang
7 Word 7. Word Kata
8 Toad 8. Toad Katak
9 Road 9. Road Jalan
10 Bite 10. Bite Gigitan
11 House 11. House Rumah
12 Mouse 12. Mouse Tikus
13 Night 13. Night Malam
14 Whale 14. Whale Ikan Paus
15 Queen 15. Queen Ratu
16 Family 16. Family Keluarga
17 Glider 17. Glider Peluncur
18 Melody 18. Melody Melodi
19 Fixture 19. Fixture Peralatan Tetap
20 Picture 20. Picture Gambar
21 Gliders 21. Gliders Pesawat-pesawat

C. Teknis Penilaian Vocabulary (Translation Technique)

× 100 = …

Jawaban benar poin =1
Jawaban salah poin =0
Jumlah skor maksimum = 23

Appendix 28
Lesson Plan of Control Class


Nama Sekolah : SMA N 1 Penengahan

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas/Semester : XI/2

Aspek/Skill : Kosakata/Mendengarkan

Alokasi Waktu : 2 x 45 menit (1 pertemuan)

I. Kompetensi Inti (KI)

3. Memahami, menerapkan, dan menganalisis pengetahuan faktual, konseptual,

prosedural, dan metakognitif berdasarkan rasa ingin tahunya tentang ilmu

pengetahuan, teknologi, seni, budaya, dan humaniora dengan wawasan

kemanusiaan, kebangsaan, kenegaraan, dan peradaban terkait penyebab

fenomena dan kejadian, serta menerapkan pengetahuan prosedural pada bidang

kajian yang spesifik sesuai dengan bakat dan minatnya untuk memecahkan


4. Mengolah, menalar, dan menyaji, dalam ranah konkret dan ranah abstrak terkait

dengan pengembangan dari yang dipelajarinya di sekolah secara mandiri serta

bertindak secara efektif dan kreatif, dan mampu menggunakan metoda sesuai

kaidah keilmuan.

II. Kompetensi Dasar (KD)

3.9 Menafsirkan fungsi sosial dan unsur kebahasaan lirik lagu terkait kehidupan

remaja SMA/MA/SMK/MAK.

4.9 Menangkap makna secara kontekstual terkait fungsi sosial dan unsur

kebahasaan lirik lagu terkait kehidupan remaja SMA/MA/SMK/MAK.

III. Indikator

1. Peserta didik mampu mendengarkan kosakata berupa kata kerja (verb) dalam

lagu dengan baik.

2. Peserta didik dapat menulis beberapa kosakata berupa kata kerja (verb)

berdasarkan lagu yang mereka dengar.

3. Peserta didik mampu mengingat kosakata baru berupa kata kerja (verb) yang


IV. Tujuan Pembelajaran

Diakhir pembelajaran peserta didik diharapkan mampu:

1. Mendengarkan kosakata berupa kata kerja (verb) dalam lagu dengan baik

2. Menulis beberapa kosakata berupa kata kerja (verb) berdasarkan lagu yang

mereka dengar ditandai kemampuan menyusun ulang huruf-huruf (rearrange

letters) berdasarkan lagu diperdengarkan.


3. Mampu mengingat kosakata baru berupa kata kerja (verb) yang diberikan

dengan cara mengisi kosakata fill in the blank berdasarkan lagu


V. Materi Pembelajaran

Hero –Maria Carsey (terlampir)

a. Fungsi sosial

Mengembangkan nilai-nilai kehidupan dan karakter yang positif

b. Unsur kebahasaan

- Kosa kata dan tata bahasa dalam lirik lagu

- Ucapan, tekanan kata, intonasi, ejaan, tanda baca, dan tulisan tangan

c. Topik

Hal-hal yang dapat memberikan keteladanan dan menumbuhkan perilaku

yang termuat di KI

VI. Sumber/Media Pembelajaran

Media : White board, marker, audio/mp3, dan kamus.

Sumber :

1) Kementrian Pendidikan Kebudayaan 2016. Bahasa Inggris SMA Kelas XI

Semester 2. Jakarta: Kementrian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan.


VII. Metode Pembelajaran

Technique : Translation Technique

Model pembelajaran : Project Based Learning

Pendekatan : Scientific Approach

VIII. Langkah-langkah Kegiatan Pembelajaran

Kegiatan Pembelajaran
Fase Waktu
Guru Peserta Didik
Pendahuluan  Guru memberi salam.  Peserta didik menjawab salam. 5
 Peserta didik dan guru berdo’a  Peserta didik dan guru berdo’a Menit
bersama. bersama.
 Guru mengecek kehadiran bersama  Peserta didik mendengarkan dengan
didik. baik.
 Guru memberi apersepsi dengan  Peserta didik mendengarkan dengan
mengulas materi pelajaran pada baik dan menjawab semua
pertemuan sebelumnya. pertanyaan-pertanyaan guru.
 Guru menyampaikan kompetensi  Peserta didik mendengarkan dengan
dasar dan tujuan yang akan baik apa yang disampaikan oleh guru.
dicapai.  Peserta didik duduk berkelompok
 Guru mengondisikan peserta didik dengan kondusif.
untuk duduk secara berkelompok.
Kegiatan Observing Observing 10
Inti  Guru membimbing peserta didik  Peserta didik mendengarkan lagu Menit
untuk mendengarkan dengan dengan seksama lagu “Hero” by
seksama lagu “Hero” by Mariah Mariah Carey.
Carey.  Peserta didik mengidentifikasi
 Guru membimbing peserta didik kosakata-kosakata yang mereka
mengidentifikasi kosakata- dengar dari lagu yang diputar (Stand
kosakata yang mereka dengar dari By Me” by Ben E King).
lagu yang diputar (“Hero” by
Mariah Carey).

Questioning Questioning
 Guru membimbing peserta didik  Peserta didik 5
mempertanyakan perihal arti perihal perihal arti kosakata yang Menit

kosakata yang mereka dapat dari mereka dapat dari lagu yang diputar
lagu yang diputar atau atau diperdengarkan.
 Guru memberikan kosakata-
kosakata terkait lirik dari lagu
yang telah diperdengarkan
Experimenting 35
 Peserta didik menterjemahkan
 Guru membimbing peserta didik Menit
kosakata yang belum mereka pahami
untuk menterjemahkan kosakata
yang didapat dari lagu.
yang belum mereka pahami yang
 Peserta didik mengingat kosakata
didapat dari lagu.
terkait lirik lagu “Hero” by Mariah
 Guru membimbing peserta didik
Carey yang telah diperdengarkan.
untuk menghafal kosakata-
kosakata terkait lirik lagu yang
telah mereka terjemahkan.
Associating Menit
 Peserta didik mengerjakan soal
 Guru membimbing peserta didik
berdasarkan lagu yang
mengerjakan soal berdasarkan
diperdengarkan “Hero” by Mariah
lagu yang diperdengarkan “Hero”
by Mariah Carey.

Communicating 10
 Guru dan peserta didik membahas Menit
 Guru dan peserta didik membahas
hasil pekerjaan peserta didik. hasil pekerjaan peserta didik.

Penutup  Guru meminta Peserta didik untuk  Peserta didik menyimpulkan apa 5
menyimpulkan apa yang telah yang telah dipelajari. Menit
dipelajari.  Peserta didik mengungkapkan apa
 Guru bertanya tentang kesulitan- saja kesulitan-kesulitan yang mereka
kesulitan yang dihadapi peserta hadapi dalam memahami Materi
didik dalam pelajaran vocabulary pelajaran vocabulary (Chapter 10:
(Chapter 10: Meaning through Meaning through Music).
Music).  Peserta didik mendengarkan dengan
 Guru dan peserta didik berdo’a baik dan hal-hal yang diperlukan.
sebelum meninggalkan kelas.  Peserta didik berdo’a sebelum
 Guru dan peserta didik meninggalkan kelas
mengucapkan salam perpisahan.  Peserta didik mengucapkan salam

IX. Penilaian

1. Jenis tagihan : Tes tertulis

2. Bentuk instrument : jumble letters and fill in the blank

3. Instrument : (terlampir)

4. Teknis Penilaian : × 100 =

Penengahan, …………….. 2017

Guru Mapel Bhs. Inggris, Mahasiswa Peneliti,

Ida Sri Wahyuni, S. Pd Nasrudin

NIP. 198110131 201101 2 002 NPM. 1311040163

Kepala SMA Negeri 1 Penengahan,

Drs. Hariri
NIP. 19611207 199003 1 001
Lampiran 1 193
Materi Pembelajaran

Lampiran 2
Instrumen Penilaian

Instruction: Read the words bellow then fill the right side columns with the meaning
of words.

1 Can
2 Fee
3 Lie
4 See
5 Let
6 Look
7 Melt
8 Cast
9 Feel
10 Find
11 Reach
12 Comes
13 Knows
14 Carry
15 Think
16 Dreams
17 Appear
18 Follow
19 Search
20 Answer
21 Reaches
22 Survive
23 Answers
24 Looking
25 Feeling

B. Kunci Jawaban

1 Can Dapat
2 Fee Membayar
3 Lie Berbohong
4 See Melihat
5 Let Mempersilakan
6 Look Melihat
7 Melt Melebur
8 Cast Melempar

9 Feel Merasakan
10 Find Menemukan
11 Reach Menggapai
12 Comes Datang
13 Knows Mengetahui
14 Carry Membawa
15 Think Memikirkan
16 Dreams Bermimpi
17 Appear Menghadap
18 Follow Mengikuti
19 Search Mencari
20 Answer Menjawab
21 Reaches Mengapai
22 Survive Menyelamatkan Nyawa
23 Answers Menjawab
24 Looking Mencari
25 Feeling Merasakan

C. Teknis Penilaian

× 100 = …

Jawaban benar poin =1
Jawaban salah poin =0
Jumlah skor maksimum = 25

Appendix 29
Lesson Plan of Control Class


Nama Sekolah : SMA N 1 Penengahan

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas/Semester : XI/2

Aspek/Skill : Kosakata/Mendengarkan

Alokasi Waktu : 2 x 45 menit (1 pertemuan)

I. Kompetensi Inti (KI)

3. Memahami, menerapkan, dan menganalisis pengetahuan faktual, konseptual,

prosedural, dan metakognitif berdasarkan rasa ingin tahunya tentang ilmu

pengetahuan, teknologi, seni, budaya, dan humaniora dengan wawasan

kemanusiaan, kebangsaan, kenegaraan, dan peradaban terkait penyebab

fenomena dan kejadian, serta menerapkan pengetahuan prosedural pada bidang

kajian yang spesifik sesuai dengan bakat dan minatnya untuk memecahkan


4. Mengolah, menalar, dan menyaji, dalam ranah konkret dan ranah abstrak terkait

dengan pengembangan dari yang dipelajarinya di sekolah secara mandiri serta

bertindak secara efektif dan kreatif, dan mampu menggunakan metoda sesuai

kaidah keilmuan.

II. Kompetensi Dasar (KD)

3.9 Menafsirkan fungsi sosial dan unsur kebahasaan lirik lagu terkait kehidupan

remaja SMA/MA/SMK/MAK.

4.9 Menangkap makna secara kontekstual terkait fungsi sosial dan unsur

kebahasaan lirik lagu terkait kehidupan remaja SMA/MA/SMK/MAK.

III. Indikator

1. Peserta didik mampu mendengarkan kosakata berupa kata keterangan

(adjective) dalam lagu dengan baik.

2. Peserta didik dapat menulis beberapa kosakata berupa kata keterangan

(adjective berdasarkan lagu yang mereka dengar.

3. Peserta didik mampu mengingat kosakata baru berupa kata keterangan

(adjective) yang diberikan.

IV. Tujuan Pembelajaran

Diakhir pembelajaran peserta didik diharapkan mampu:

1. Mendengarkan kosakata berupa kata keterangan (adjective) dalam lagu

dengan baik

2. Menulis beberapa kosakata berupa kata keterangan (adjective) berdasarkan

lagu yang mereka dengar ditandai kemampuan menyusun ulang huruf-huruf

(rearrange letters) berdasarkan lagu diperdengarkan.


3. Mampu mengingat kosakata baru berupa kata keterangan (adjective) yang

diberikan dengan cara mengisi kosakata fill in the blank berdasarkan lagu


V. Materi Pembelajaran

" Adjectives –Mr. T. Experience" – kata keterangan (adjective). (terlampir)

a. Fungsi sosial

Mengembangkan nilai-nilai kehidupan dan karakter yang positif

b. Unsur kebahasaan

- Kosa kata dan tata bahasa dalam lirik lagu

- Ucapan, tekanan kata, intonasi, ejaan, tanda baca, dan tulisan tangan

c. Topik

Hal-hal yang dapat memberikan keteladanan dan menumbuhkan perilaku

yang termuat di KI

VI. Sumber/Media Pembelajaran

Media : White board, marker, audio/mp3, dan kamus.

Sumber :

1) Kementrian Pendidikan Kebudayaan. 2016. Bahasa Inggris SMA Kelas XI

Semester 2. Jakarta: Kementrian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan.

2) Frank, Marcella. Modern English. 1972. A Practical Reference Guide.

Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey.


VII. Metode Pembelajaran

Technique : Translation Technique

Model pembelajaran : Project Based Learning

Pendekatan : Scientific Approach

VIII. Langkah-langkah Kegiatan Pembelajaran

Kegiatan Pembelajaran
Fase Waktu
Guru Peserta Didik
Pendahuluan  Guru memberi salam.  Peserta didik menjawab salam. 5
 Peserta didik dan guru berdo’a  Peserta didik dan guru berdo’a Menit
bersama. bersama.
 Guru mengecek kehadiran bersama  Peserta didik mendengarkan dengan
didik. baik.
 Guru memberi apersepsi dengan  Peserta didik mendengarkan dengan
mengulas materi pelajaran pada baik dan menjawab semua
pertemuan sebelumnya. pertanyaan-pertanyaan guru.
 Guru menyampaikan kompetensi  Peserta didik mendengarkan dengan
dasar dan tujuan yang akan baik apa yang disampaikan oleh guru.
dicapai.  Peserta didik duduk berkelompok
 Guru mengondisikan peserta didik dengan kondusif.
untuk duduk secara berkelompok.
Kegiatan Observing Observing 10
Inti  Guru membimbing peserta didik  Peserta didik mendengarkan lagu Menit
untuk mendengarkan dengan dengan seksama lagu “Adjectives –
seksama lagu “Adjectives –Mr. T. Mr. T. Experience”.
Experience”.  Peserta didik mengidentifikasi
 Guru membimbing peserta didik kosakata-kosakata yang mereka
mengidentifikasi kosakata- dengar dari lagu yang diputar
kosakata yang mereka dengar dari “Adjectives –Mr. T. Experience”.
lagu yang diputar “Adjectives –
Mr. T. Experience”.

Questioning Questioning
 Guru membimbing peserta didik  Peserta didik 5
mempertanyakan perihal arti perihal perihal arti kosakata yang Menit

kosakata yang mereka dapat dari mereka dapat dari lagu yang diputar
lagu yang diputar atau atau diperdengarkan.
 Guru memberikan kosakata-
kosakata terkait lirik dari lagu
yang telah diperdengarkan
Experimenting Experimenting
 Guru membimbing peserta didik Menit
 Peserta didik menterjemahkan
untuk menterjemahkan kosakata
kosakata yang belum mereka pahami
yang belum mereka pahami yang
yang didapat dari lagu.
didapat dari lagu.
 Peserta didik mengingat kosakata
 Guru membimbing peserta didik
terkait lirik lagu “Hero” by Mariah
untuk menghafal kosakata-
Carey yang telah diperdengarkan.
kosakata terkait lirik lagu yang
telah mereka terjemahkan.
Associating Menit
 Guru membimbing peserta didik
 Peserta didik mengerjakan soal
mengerjakan soal berdasarkan
berdasarkan lagu yang
lagu yang diperdengarkan The
diperdengarkan The Spirit Carries
Spirit Carries On.
Communicating Menit
 Guru dan peserta didik membahas
 Guru dan peserta didik membahas
hasil pekerjaan peserta didik.
hasil pekerjaan peserta didik.

Penutup  Guru meminta Peserta didik untuk  Peserta didik menyimpulkan apa 5
menyimpulkan apa yang telah yang telah dipelajari. Menit
dipelajari.  Peserta didik mengungkapkan apa
 Guru bertanya tentang kesulitan- saja kesulitan-kesulitan yang mereka
kesulitan yang dihadapi peserta hadapi dalam memahami Materi
didik dalam pelajaran vocabulary pelajaran vocabulary (Chapter 10:
(Chapter 10: Meaning through Meaning through Music).
Music).  Peserta didik mendengarkan dengan
 Guru dan peserta didik berdo’a baik dan hal-hal yang diperlukan.
sebelum meninggalkan kelas.  Peserta didik berdo’a sebelum
 Guru dan peserta didik meninggalkan kelas
mengucapkan salam perpisahan.  Peserta didik mengucapkan salam

IX. Penilaian

1. Jenis tagihan : Tes tertulis

2. Bentuk instrument : filling in the blank and finding the meaning

3. Instrument : (terlampir)

4. Teknis Penilaian : × 100 =

Penengahan, …………….. 2017

Guru Mapel Bhs. Inggris, Mahasiswa Peneliti,

Ida Sri Wahyuni, S. Pd Nasrudin

NIP. 198110131 201101 2 002 NPM. 1311040163

Kepala SMA Negeri 1 Penengahan,

Drs. Hariri
NIP. 19611207 199003 1 001

Lampiran 1
Materi Pembelajaran

"Adjectives –Mr. T. Experience"

Got home from camping last spring, We hiked around without care,
saw people, places, and things. then we ran into a bear.
We barely had arrived, He was a hairy bear, he was a scary bear,
friends asked us to describe we made a hasty retreat from his lair.
the people, places, and every last thing. And described him with adjectives.

So we unpacked our adjectives. Woah boy, that was one big ugly bear.
I unpacked frustrating first, Next time you go on a trip,
reached in and found the word worst. remember this little tip,

Then I picked soggy, next I picked foggy, and The minute you get back, they'll ask you this
then I was ready to tell them my tale. and that,
'Cause I'd unpacked my adjectives. you can describe people, places and things,
Adjectives are words you use to really describe simply unpack your adjectives.
things, handy words to carry around.
You can do it with adjectives.
Days are sunny, or they're rainy. Tell about it with adjectives.
Boys are dumb, or else they're brainy. You can shout it with adjectives.
Adjectives can show you which way. Oh oh oh adjectives.
Adjectives are often used to help us compare Oh oh oh adjectives.
things, say how thin, how fat, how short, how Darn, that's the end.
tall. Retrieved from:
Girls who are tall get taller,
boys who are small get smaller,
'til one is the tallest and one is the smallest of
Lampiran 2
Instrumen Penilaian


A. Kosakata Hari Ini B. Kunci Jawaban

1 Fat 1. Fat Gemuk
2 All 2. All Seluruh
3 One 3. One Satu
4 Big 4. Big Besar
5 Last 5. Last Terakhir
6 Tall 6. Tall Tinggi
7 Thin 7. Thin Tipis
8 Dumb 8. Dumb Bisu
9 Ugly 9. Ugly Jelek
10 Soggy 10. Soggy Basah
11 Foggy 11. Foggy Berkabut
12 Ready 12. Ready Siap
13 Short 13. Short Pendek
14 Small 14. Small Kecil
15 Brainy 15. Brainy Cerdas
16 Simple 16. Simple Sederhana
17 Taller 17. Taller Lebih tinggi
18 Little 18. Little Sedikit
19 Smaller 19. Smaller Paling kecil
20 Tallest 20. Tallest Tertinggi
21 Biggest 21. Biggest Terbesar

C. Teknis Penilaian Kosakata (Translation Technique)

× 100 = …

Jawaban benar poin =1
Jawaban salah poin =0
Jumlah skor maksimum = 21

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