Project Management Knowledge Areas
Project Management Knowledge Areas
Project Management Knowledge Areas
Area 4 3 2 1
Minor investment, informal Moderate investment, Significant investment, important Major investment, critical
schedule goals, low organizational definite schedule target, schedule goals, medium schedule goals, substantial
priority and visibility. some organizational priority organizational priority and organizational priority and
and visibility. visibility. visibility, significant technical
and cost risks.
Project Charter Prepare a one page memo of Identify quantifiable Define specific performance Define PM responsibilities and
understanding between the objectives, cost and goals and cost and schedule authority; describe specific
sponsor and the PM outlining schedule targets; outline thresholds; describe PM authority objectives and make express
project objectives, resources, staffing commitments, and organizational commitment. commitments of staffing, funds,
commitments, and constraints. funding, and assets. and assets.
Life Cycle Phases and Define basic phases, milestones, Prepare project plan inputs Include in project plan linkages Define event-based milestones;
Milestones decision points, accomplishments, with discussion of phases, between milestone approval establish milestone exit criteria;
and deliverables. deliverables, objectives and reviews and documents, updated link to deliverables, baseline
success criteria; establish estimates, test results, etc. document updates, test results,
immediate milestones within and management reviews.
project phases.
Project Stakeholders Identify project stakeholders Map stakeholder interests to Prepare stakeholder Prepare and update a
(customers, sponsors, users, etc.) specific initiatives to ensure management plan, and allocate structured stakeholder analysis
and bulletize their interests and satisfaction; develop, staff and budget to periodic supporting a stakeholder
objectives on one page; review the maintain, and post team reassessments and corrective management plan; map to the
project plan to ensure stakeholder success metrics; plan actions; focus specific initiatives quality plan, risk management
satisfaction will be achieved. proactive stakeholder to achieve stakeholder plan, and to project reporting
communications. satisfaction. initiatives.
The Project Plan Summarize project objectives, Employ planning process to Prepare a plan that links the Produce an integrated family of
approach, time constraints, cost build team ownership and requirements, task plans, documents defining all project
estimates, and staffing plan; facilitate peer review; apply timelines, cost estimates, activities and disciplines; plan
ensure these fit together and are systematic methods to staffing, deliverables, and test for mapping and traceability
realistic and achievable; define assess cost and schedule plan; make sure cost, scope, and throughout major documents;
milestones; and link tasks to realism; plan more heavily in time are bounded; define systematically address all
owners and deliverables. risk areas; apply all PM success criteria for milestones. PMBOK areas.
principles in plan.
Project Management Apply sound project management Include outline of proposed Document PM approach, Prepare project management
Methodology principles such as: clearly project management including baseline management, plan describing methodology,
documented requirements, a methodology in project plan reviews, data collection, project reviews, baseline controls, and
realistic plan, project baseline document; identify vital PM metrics, and control organizational roles and
controls, and periodic reviews; systems and procedures. responsibilities; monitor and responsibilities; establish
maintain a PM notebook. report status of PM metrics to track integrity of PM
implementation. disciplines.
2 Scope Management Priority
4 3 2 1
Minor investment, requirements Moderate investment, Significant investment, significant Major investment, extensive
are well understood and requirements not obvious; requirements; probable changes; requirements; volatile environment;
Area reasonably stable; familiar internal potential for significant technical unknowns. substantial visibility and technical
customer. misunderstandings; familiar risks.
Requirements Document the requirements Document business case and Review detailed requirements Conduct a rigorous, extensive
Definition definition; obtain approval from key detailed performance based definition with customer and requirements definition and review
stakeholders; place requirements requirements specifications; sponsor; employ walk-thrus, process; map requirements to design
document under version use modular structure for simulations, prototypes, and test documents; conduct
identification and change control. documenting functions, demonstrations, mock-ups or independent peer reviews and formal
performance and features. draft user documentation. customer approval.
Work Prepare WBS to level 3 to ensure Use WBS to prepare Prepare WBS dictionary to level Use product-oriented WBS to
Breakdown comprehensive indentification of responsibility matrix, cost 3; use WBS structure to organize requirements, schedules,
Structure tasks and outputs; firm-up WBS estimates, and schedules; aggregate cost data. budgets, testing, and deliverables;
structure early. publish WBS as a project map WBS to organizational
baseline document. breakdown structure.
Product Use requirements document to Place requirements document Establish configuration Establish baseline for requirements,
Baseline establish baseline stability; have under formal control; require identification, status accounting, functional and allocated specs, and
Control PM approves major changes; change request approval by control process (with ECNs and product design; evaluate ECP impact
establish version control as PM; report metrics to track CCB chaired by PM), and and require functional approvals
product design matures. scope changes. configuration audits; staff a prior to CCB; manage the pace of
formal CM function. changes.
Project Maintain historical track of cost Identify cost and schedule Establish cost and schedule Establish firm cost and schedule
Baseline and schedule estimate revisions; baselines; report metrics to baselines and maintain baseline between major milestones;
Control report baseline and latest revised show changes against disciplined controls; report all require sponsor signature for
estimates against actuals. milestone estimates. baseline replans or changes; baseline replans; use work package
define tasks in discrete work approval and authorization process.
4 3 2 1
Informal schedule goals, simple Definite schedule goal, Important schedule goal, Critical schedule goal, complex
Area dependencies, low numerous dependencies, some significant dependencies, dependencies, high interest project,
management interest, familiar project visibility, some high project visibility, significant unknowns.
project tasks. unknowns. moderate unknowns.
Project Establish project target date Prepare top-level Gantt Publish schedules and keep Use comprehensive automated scheduling
Schedules with immediate milestones, schedule and sub-team rollups; updates visible; maintain system; document procedures for schedule
prepare project Gantt schedule identify major and intermediate schedule baseline discipline baseline management and data collection;
and circulate to team members; milestones; scrutinize and traceability; document swarm problem areas with micro-schedules
obtain team buy-in on project dependencies; maintain milestone exit criteria; report and daily status meetings.
schedule goals. baseline stability between and track schedule variances
major milestones or formal and performance indexes.
Schedule Estimate schedule durations Document schedule estimates Document schedule Use documented schedule estimating
Estimating based on judgment, staff- based on historical data and assumptions and estimating methodology; apply historical data,
months, and duration analogies estimates of work and staffing; methodology; evaluate and analogies, and expert judgements; obtain
to previous work; identify keep work packages smaller elevate schedule team ownership of schedules; quantify risks
schedule dependencies, than two weeks; assess uncertainties; obtain and apply contingencies.
assess schedule risk areas. schedule risk and apply independent expert
contingencies. assessment of schedule
Critical Identify critical path identified Identify schedule Conduct risk assessment Conduct statistical assessment of schedule
Path informally on Gantt schedule; dependencies and design along the critical path; risks (PERT); examine opportunities for
Analysis keep team members mindful of hand-offs clearly; use a CPM manage the critical path to streamlining, crashing, and concurrencies;
critical path; have PM consider graphic to compute and display tighten and identify watch for near-critical paths and assess
ways to shorten critical path. the critical path; report status workarounds; rethink risks.
periodically, and look for ways dependencies to accelerate
to shorten the path. overall schedule.
Schedule Update project schedules to Collect data for percent Track schedule progress Document procedures for baseline
Tracking show actual progress and completions and planning against formal baseline for all management, schedule data collection and
revisions compared to baseline revisions periodically; report tasks; identify level of effort flow, data analysis and reporting. (see
plan; keep original schedule status against traceable tasks; use repeatable C/SCS in Cost section)
goals visible until formally schedule baseline; document procedures for data
replanned by PM. approaches to assessing gathering, earned value
earned value. assessment, and status
4 Cost Management Priority
4 3 2 1
Minor investment, level Moderate investment, varied Significant investment, costs Major investment, diverse expenditures,
Area of effort tasks, within cost accounts, project from different sources, capital substantial visibility, substantial technical and cost
current budgets, cost budgeted separately, some budget item, significant risks.
risk considered low. cost risk. technical and cost unknowns.
Cost Estimating Apply management Prepare written cost Prepare formal cost estimate, Prepare cost estimates at the work package level;
judgment to estimate estimate; document data with documented use modeling, sensitivity analysis and
and justify costs; base sources and estimating assumptions, using a identification of cost risks; obtain independent cost
cost authorization on assumptions; validate consistent methodology, and assessment; produce auditable backup package.
staffing commitments; estimate by analogy and historical data; require
make general cost using historical data. approval by experienced
target to monitor estimator.
Budgeting Establish ball-park Allocate budgets by groups Budgets allocated by group Rollup or allocate project budgets by WBS
estimates of time- within the project, establish or WBS element; preparation element; cost account managers commit to costs;
phased budget goals; project level spend plan and of multiple spend plans; collect data at the work package level; establish
track staff usage track and report actuals. groups track and report time phased budget baseline at the cost account
against plan to assess spending. level.
project spending.
Cost and Schedule Prepare periodic Maintain traceable planning Establish time-phased Document systems and procedures for cost and
Control System guesstimates of baselines to facilitate cost budgets at WBS level 2; schedule control; compute variances at WBS level
percent accomplished and schedule tracking; maintain traceable baselines 3; apply earned value implementation guide
and percent spent collect earned value and and collect data to report criteria to determine system adequacy.
compared to progress actual spending data to variances and indexes at
and spending plans; calculate variances and level 2; adapt accounting
report cost and indexes at WBS level 1. systems to provide reliable,
schedule variances and timely information.
and performance
indexes at WBS level
Cost Analysis Prepare cost estimates Prepare written cost Apply documented and Prepare documented costs estimates for changes;
informally; justify estimates using available systematic approaches to maintain auditable files of backup assumptions,
project approval on data, judgment and analogy; cost impacts of project data, and methodologies; use a standard WBS to
rough assessment of apply ball-park estimates to decisions; review estimates build historical cost database for future estimates.
cost reasonableness, project changes and and conduct sensitivity
affordability and decision points; identify cost analysis on major
benefits. drivers. assumptions.
4 3 2 1
Quality goals easily Quality goals can be Quality goals are extensive, Quality goals are difficult to define; hard to
understood, achieved, and defined and measured require innovative measure and achieve; significant risk to project
monitored. using existing systems approaches; and may impact acceptance.
and methods; quality risk project success.
Quality Assurance Define quality goals; Document explicit quality Document QA goals, plans, Document QA plan including quantitative goals,
Plan discuss approach and plans goals; define methods and methods, and systems; statement of methods to achieve, quality metrics,
to achieve goals; assess tests to achieve, control, consider ilities in quality controls and verifications; link QA to stakeholder
risks to success; discuss predict and verify success; goals; focus processes on and risk analysis.
adequacy of approach; set focus on customer minimizing correction costs.
high standards. satisfaction.
Quality Management Consider quality Implement integrated Integrate quality Assign quality management oversight in PM
management integral to quality management management tasks into staff; monitor metrics and trends to achieve
project work; ensure project through delegated quality project plan; establish quality quality goals; integrate quality management into
team understands role in goals; plan work methods, goals; delegate goals to work project planning and risk management.
achieving quality goals; technologies, groups; report quality metrics
have PM maintain visibility measurements and and track progress.
of quality issues. controls to achieve goals;
build quality into
processes and products.
Quality Metrics, Conduct subjective Map quality metrics to Establish quality metrics and Implement best practices quality control
Measurements, and (qualitative) or objective quality goals, and report conduct quality audits to organization; document quality methods integral
Controls (quantitative) assessments periodically; apply predict and verify to project plan; provide commitment of staff,
periodically; monitor and standard quality tools to achievement of goals and tools, and methods to support quality effort.
report quality status at measure, predict and identify need for corrective
periodic project reviews. control results. actions; apply quality control
techniques to project effort.
Continuous Quality Communicate continually a Review the project Include CQI tasks in project Incorporate CQI/TQM goals into specifications
Improvement project goal to work smarter approach and design plans and budget; establish and plans; review project methods for
and find better processes; concept for modularity, CQI goals and metrics, and improvement opportunities; institutionalize CQI
plan the project to expandability and growth; report progress periodically. processes and incorporate provisions into
accommodate future consider CQI in product product design.
improvements. life cycle strategy.
6 HUMAN Resource management Priority
4 3 2 1
Small project team; previous Medium sized team; Large, diverse project team; Very large project team; wide
working relationships; divergent organizational potential scarcity of skills and experience requirements; scarce
cohesive team culture; groups; available skills and staffing; unfamiliar and divergent skills; differing organizational goals
experienced in project areas. staffing; familiar with project cultures. and project cultures.
Project Leadership Communicate goals clearly; Establish clear goals and Ensure management Select PM with self-discipline,
manage the project team as a roles; institutionalize commitment and disciplined coaching, communications, political
group; foster ownership of practices of communications approach; emphasize savvy, technical and project
plans and tasks; build and good will; identify and communications, baselines, experience; provide active
relationships through resolve issues and conflicts; metrics, and issue resolution; sponsorship and senior
communication and delegate to workgroups, address need for outside and management oversight.
consideration; set high build ownership and inside PM roles.
standards and lead by establish success metrics.
Staffing Plan Identify resource Consider project tasks and Perform structured analysis of Determine skill levels from work
requirements, assign staff, organization first, then plan skill types and quantities; use package estimates; identify
and get them applied to the staff to fill requirements; build resource-scheduling estimates; experience requirements and gap
project work; decide what staff plan from Gantt plot graph of staffing analysis; use metrics as critical
before who; monitor resource estimates; delegate requirements versus actuals and success factor; plan hiring and
adequacy of staffing and ownership of staffing plan; report status periodically. training to meet deltas.
report status to project involve team in planning
sponsor. process.
Project Organization Identify roles, responsibilities, Publish and maintain Consider matrix organization with Document project roles and
and reporting relationships; organization chart; address strong PM functions and responsibilities; map organizational
discuss plans to cope with conflicting goals and administrative support; document breakdown structure (OBS) to WBS
organizational disjoints; loyalities; promote team plan to surmount structural short- and communications plan; use
encourage informal ownership of integrated comings; use cross-functional projectized or strong matrix
communications. solutions. teams to help concurrencies. structure.
Project Team Take responsibility for leading Conduct team sessions to Identify criteria for successful Articulate a team building vision,
Building the team; develop strategies improve communications and team performance; articulate objectives, and strategy; provide
and plans to build group facilitate issue identification strategy and plan for achieving goals, supportive resources and
cohesion; work with team to and resolution; build team team goals; develop metrics and tools, and meaningful measures of
identify nneded skills and identity; solicit and address monitor status; invest to improve success; develop team ownership of
behaviors to enhance team team concerns. team dynamics and this process.
performance. cohesiveness.
7 Communication Management Priority
4 3 2 1
Small project team; no Medium size project team; some Large project team; diverse Very large project teams,
significant organizational organizational diversity; unfamiliar organizations and cultures; numerous organizations and
boundaries or cultural working contacts; geographical differing contractual interfaces; diverse cultures;
differences; previous working separations. relationships. numerous geographic
relationships. locations.
Communications Identify and exercise channels Identify communications Use stakeholder analysis Document plans for public
Planning for internal and external requirements, technologies, to identify communications relations, change
communications; identify key constraints and assumptions; draw paths; plan for multiple management, working papers
players and plan contacts, communications flow diagram; use communications media; and deliverables, project
messages, and information inclusive team structure to shorten plan to shorten vital advocacy, and internal project
flow; make PM accessible and communications paths. information paths by new team communications.
communicative. relationships, attitudes, or
Information Identify key players and keep Communicate availability of work Establish communications Identify information
Distribution them informed; encourage and results; prepare methods for lists and interest areas; requirements of all parties;
exercise information exchange communications storage and identify multiple media ensure communication
within project team; identify distribution; conduct regular paths; solicit feedback on channels in place; track
information hand-off meetings to identify critical issues. information adequacy; required message delivery;
dependencies in advance. exploit technology to establish distribution lists by
improve communications. subject area.
Program Conduct periodic reviews of Conduct management and design Conduct periodic Schedule periodic cost,
Reviews, Design progress with sponsor and reviews with key stakeholders; management and design schedule, and issues reviews
Reviews, and stakeholders; conduct review plans, progress and reviews; emphasize early (frequently at first); plan for
Reporting requirements reviews and changes; focus on early definition of requirements, periodic reviews of design and
walk-thrus early; communicate identification and management of validation of cost/schedule at design milestones; facilitate
status and design thoughout risks. plans, verification of reviews and working meetings
project. staffing and technology in special interest areas.
Project Produce and package project Use documentation to establish Define requirements for Establish comprehensive
Documentation working papers in project baseline and communications in project library, definition of documentation
and Records notebooks; plan early to the project team; design tasks with deliverables, support requirements; distribute
produce complete customer deliverables in mind; identify documentation, and standard report formats; track
support documentation; design data needed for support historical record; budget data production and
document project lessons documentation; define document and staff a data approvals; establish project
learned. set needed at finish. management function. data library structure.
8 RISK Management Priority
4 3 2 1
Not a significant Moderate Significant investment; Complex project with potentially volatile risk issues
investment; familar project investment; some unfamiliar project tasks; new and exposures; uncertainites inherent in plan and
tasks; low risk unfamiliar tasks and or innovative technologies. technologies.
technologies; low impact technologies;
of project failure. medium risk impacts.
Risk Use management Document risk areas Establish structured Document risk identification, probability, and
Elements judgment to list expected and evaluate low- methodology for identifying, consequences for objectives, specifications, and
Analysis risk areas; compare medium-high risks; quantifying, and assessing stakeholder interests; employ Delphi, multi-attribute
project objectives to risk identify risks with all potential project risks. utility, and PERT analysis.
items and identify significant impact.
manageable risks.
Risk Identify technologies or Assign study teams Develop risk deflection Conduct cost/benefit analysis to select candidates
Avoidance approaches presenting to develop risk strategies for all significant and strategies for risk deflection.
and unattractive risks; plan avoidance and/or project risks; incorporate
Mitigation actions to minimize risk mitigation plans for adaptive actions into project
exposure. excessive risk items. plans.
Risk Structure PM approach Address each Develop action steps and Document plans for risk focused management
Management and work processes significant risk item staffing to reduce attention to respond to all risk areas; apply risk
Plan specifically to address risk and apply a specific uncertainties and control risk templates (or lessons learned) to project life cycle.
areas and exploit PM or technical areas.
opportunities; use approach to
modular and phased minimize, manage,
approaches to and control risk
compartmentalize risk and events.
minimize risk
Risk Metrics Identify issues to monitor Assign all risk areas Develop measurable Develop metrics for risk areas, report status and
using subjective or low-medium-high indicators of risk exposure; trends; track impact of risk control actions on
qualitative risk assessment and report status and trends. lessening risks; focus on areas not responding to
assessments; follow-up update and report corrective actions.
reporting risk issues at status and trends;
periodic reviews; highlight use qualitative or
high risk areas and subjective metrics if
adverse trends. none better
Rule #1- Figure out what business you are in, and then mind your own business. Figure out what business you are in.
Make sure your business is viable. Select projects that are good for your business. Understand the business value in your
project and watch for changes. Be diligent in your chosen business, learning and applying best practices. Define what is
inside and outside your area of responsibility. 50% of project management is simply paying attention.
Rule #2 - Understand the customer’s requirements and put them under version control. Thoroughly understand and
document the customer’s requirements, obtain customer agreement in writing, and put requirements documents under version
identification and change control. Requirements management is the leading success factor for systems development projects.
Rule #3 - Prepare a reasonable plan. Prepare a plan that defines the scope, schedule, cost, and approach for a reasonable
project. Involve task owners in developing plans and estimates, to ensure feasibility and buy-in. If your plan is just barely
possible at the outset, you do not have a reasonable plan. Use a work breakdown structure to provide coherence and
completeness to minimize unplanned work.
Rule #4 - Build a good team with clear ownership. Get good people and trust them. Establish clear ownership of well-
defined tasks; ensure they have tools and training needed; and provide timely feedback. Track against a staffing plan.
Emphasize open communications. Create an environment in which team dynamics can gel. Move misfits out. Lead the team.
Rule #5 - Track project status and give it wide visibility. Track progress and conduct frequent reviews. Provide wide
visibility and communications of team progress, assumptions, and issues. Conduct methodical reviews of management and
technical topics to help manage customer expectations, improve quality, and identify problems before they get out of hand.
Trust your indicators. This is part of paying attention.
Rule #6 - Use Baseline Controls. Establish baselines for the product using configuration management and for the project
using cost and schedule baseline tracking. Manage changes deliberately. Use measurements to baseline problem areas and
then track progress quantitatively towards solutions.
Rule #7 - Write Important Stuff Down, Share it, and Save it. If it hasn’t been written down, it didn’t happen. Document
requirements, plans, procedures, and evolving designs. Documenting thoughts allows them to evolve and improve. Without
documentation it is impossible to have baseline controls, reliable communications, or a repeatable process. Record all
important agreements and decisions, along with supporting rationale, as they may resurface later.
Rule #8 - If it hasn't been tested, it doesn't work. If this isn't absolutely true, it is certainly a good working assumption for
project work. Develop test cases early to help with understanding and verification of the requirements. Use early testing to
verify critical items and reduce technical risks. Testing is a profession; take it seriously.
Rule #9 - Ensure Customer Satisfaction. Keep the customer's real needs and requirements continuously in view.
Undetected changes in customer requirements or not focusing the project on the customer's business needs are sure paths to
project failure. Plan early for adequate customer support products.
Rule #10 - Be relentlessly pro-active. Take initiative and be relentlessly proactive in applying these principles and
identifying and solving problems as they arise. Project problems usually get worse over time. Periodically address project
risks and confront them openly. Attack problems, and leave no stone unturned. Fight any tendency to freeze into day-to-day
tasks, like a deer caught in the headlights.